#/e wave byebye
chocokano · 2 months
it is officially the one year anniversary of hz episode 16, aka THE spinel pokemon episode, therefore!
a redraw of my very first (08/01/23) digital drawing of spinel (*'▽'*)
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plus cool overlay hehe
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i can't believe it's been a whole year since he got his big episode ∑(゚Д゚) i don't think i'll ever be as excited for any episode as i was for 16
here's to another year of this freak !! maybe he'll actually show up soon outside of a 5 second appearance that sets up him being suspicious just for it to be forgotten for months
og under cut! (old art alert)
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 0 1.
↪element is translated to genso in japanese, therefore y/n's nickname/future hero name is "element"
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"wait up you guys..!"
the h/c haired girl yelled out of breath. "you're running too fast!" you stopped and put your hands on your knees steadying your breath. those two boys are so fast..! i cant even keep up!
"genso! hurry up! we have to be first in line for the new all might action figure!" exclaimed the ash blonde boy, katsuki bakugou, otherwise known as kacchan. "im coming!" you exclaimed picking up your pace to be beside him and the other green haired boy, izuku midoriya, otherwise known as deku.
"im so excited to get the new figurine!" deku exclaims happily, you laugh in agreement. the trio slow to a stop as they go inside the shop and find the display. "mommy! lets get it! pleaseee? i wont ask for anything else!" you begged, pointing at the shelf as deku and bakugou walked to the register with their moms following close by, getting ready to purchase the toy.
m/n grabbed the toy, "i dont see why you shouldnt get it" you smiled widely and gave her a hug repeatedly thanking her as she bought the toy. you and the two boys were smiling out of happiness, "hey kiddos lets take a picture!" exclaimed mitsuki holding up her camera. you got in between deku and bakugou and let out a big smile as the two hugged you.
well... more like just bakugou. he wouldnt even let poor deku wrap his hands around you. to him you were all his and no one else could be with you.
whats bakugous, will always be bakugous.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"genso!" you turned and looked at bakugou, "my mom said to invite you and your mom for dinner tonight" you smiled enthusiastically, "really?? i'll tell my mommy!" you ran over to your mom and told her what bakugou told you. she smiled and agreed, so you ran over and told him you would be coming. "well.. we best head home now kacchan so I can shower and come over, i'll see you in a bit. byebye!" you wave and grab on to your moms hand walking away.
bakugou smiled triumphantly, "hey old hag! genso's coming over for dinner with her mom tonight!" he yelled, "KATSUKI BAKUGOU IF YOU DON'T STOP CALLING ME THAT I'LL PERSONALLY GO RETURN THAT FIGURINE" she screamed, unfazed at how he had invited you without her permission.
it wasn't the first time anyway.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you rang the doorbell and waited eagerly for bakugou to open the door. "oh hi there y/n and m/n! please come in!" mitsuki stepped aside and you walked in. you took off your shoes and placed it neatly in the corner, "wheres kacchan?" you ask looking around. "the brat should be around here somewh-" "GENSO!!" bakugou came running up to you and hugged you, taking both you and both parents by suprise.
you blush slightly, " h-hi kacchan..! " you hug him back, he pulls away and grabs your arm dragging you to his room. "lets go watch some all might footage!" you smile as he drags you away.
"looks like my little brat has a crush on your daughter m/n.." mitsuki chuckled, m/n just sighed and added "young love.." which caused both parents to laugh to themselves.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you sat with bakugou on his bed watching the footage and making comments about how awesome all might is. "im gonna grow up and become a no. 1 hero just like him!" bakugou commented while punching his hand up in the air. you giggled at his action, "me too!"
bakugou turns to look at you, "your so lucky you got your quirk early! i can't wait for when i finally get mine!" you grin, "well whatever it is, i'm sure it'll be great!" bakugou jumps out of the bed, "wait here, i have something to give you!" he opens his drawer and pulls out a bracelet he made with the colors from all mights costume. you gasp, "you made that for me?" he nods as he puts it on you.
"theres the letter of your first name, a heart, and a 'k' for my name to show that i made it for you!" he exclaims, you blush and give him a hug. "thank you kacchan!" he blushes and stutters, "y-yeah, yeah.. whatever idiot..!" he pulls away and grabs another bracelet and puts it on himself. "now we can match!" he smiles and you giggle.
soon after a bunch of all might footage, mitsuki and m/n walk into bakugous room to find you laying on bakugou as he hugs you. both your parents look at the adorable sight and take photos to show you two later. "look at their wrists!" pointed m/n, "so thats why the brat was making bracelets!" smirked mitsuki, she prepared to tease him about it whenever he woke up.
m/n gently picked you up and grabbed your shoes. "we'll be going now.. thanks for the food mitsuki.. tell bakugou we both said bye!" mitsuki walked your mom to the door and waved bye as you two walked away.
her brat had a crush on you!
"oh that brat wont ever stop hearing about this!" she chuckled.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
a couple years later.. (12 yrs old)
you stand there shocked holding your acceptance letter from icaru private junior high academy. i actually got in..!
your mom and your dad congratulated you, and started texting all your relatives to tell them the good news. you were happy.. of course you were. you had just gotten into the academy you've wanted to go to for years! but that meant you wouldnt be able to go to school with bakugou and deku anymore. the amount of stress on the academics would also leave you with no time for hang outs with them.
you sighed as you facetimed both of them, mentally readying yourself to deliver the news. "why am i in a call with pathetic deku, genso?" snarled bakugou, you kept your mouth shut. it bothered you how much he had changed just because deku didn't have a quirk. "i need to tell you two something.." you paused.
"i got accepted into that academy i've been ranting about" deku smiled, "thats great y/n! congrats!" you smiled, "thank you izu..!" you looked down sadly, "but that's not what i called about.. you see, i won't be able to go to school with you guys and hang out as much now..."
bakugous eyes widened, "what?! are you kidding me genso!?" you shook your head sadly, "oh no.. y/n.." muttered deku. "i just felt like i should've told you two before i left.." you fiddled with your nails. "my last hang out will probably be this saturday, if you guys arent busy please come, okay..?" you let out a sad smile.
"of course y/n..! anything for you!" you smiled and deku left the call, leaving you with just bakugou. "and you..?" you asked. he had been concerningly quiet during the entire conversation. "i'll come but it'll be after fucking deku leaves." he ends the call, and you sigh out, blinking back your tears.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
deku came by with his mom and gave you a all might plushie to remember him by. he stayed for an hour and left after giving you a hug and wishing you luck at your new school. you sighed out, one friend down... one more to go.
bakugou came by shortly after that with his mom. you opened the door and was immediately brought into a bear hug by mitsuki. "good luck at your new school hun'. i know you'll do just fine, you're a sweet girl, anyone will like you." you smiled and pulled away looking at bakugou.
you waited for mitsuki to walk away and took bakugou up to your room. he sat down on your bed and stared at you. you sat there in quiet until he finally broke it, "do you really have to go..?" he asked quietly. you sat next to him, looking at your hands, " my parents want me to go.. i need to make them happy bakugou.. "
he handed you a printed photo. you grabbed it and your eyes started watering.
it was the photo of younger you and bakugou sleeping on each other with the matching bracelets on your wrists. "i thought you should have somewhat of a reminder of us before you go.." he mumbled.
you turned and hugged him, crying into his shirt. "i don't wanna leave you guys here and be at a new school by myself..!" he just hugged you back, trying not to show how upset he actually was. "i don't want you to go either genso.. but this is what's better for you and that's all i want."
"HEY BRAT WE GOTTA GO!" screamed mitsuki from below. you wiped your tears and stood up. "genso" he called, "promise me you'll get into UA so we can be friends again." you looked at him, "i promise i will" you repeated.
you both walked downstairs and bakugou and mitsuki left, leaving just you and your parents there. "i'm gonna go back to my room.." you mutter, heading upstairs. you sit on your bed and look at the picture of you and bakugou.
right there and then you swore to yourself you would work yourself tirelessly until you got into UA.
and that's exactly what you did.
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previous part(s): pt. 00 next part(s): pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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hospitalterrorizer · 5 months
tuesday - wednesday
we were gonna do errands tomorrow (today) but my gf's mom cancelled.
kind of sad because we need some groceries but it's also not so bad, my gf is gonna reschedule her dentist stuff into the summer so she's got more time to do other stuff. that's good i think. today was also good for my music stuff, finished another page of notes, there's about 10 tracks left to do, and tomorrow i think i'm gonna be home alone a while so that means i can probably do the stuff that's more like, tiny vocal parts for songs, that means about 4-3 things out of the way... whoa... that would be so good for me.
that would be probably (hopefully) just 3 more tracks to do and even if they're a bit more to work on, that's just vocals + takes and stuff, not instrumentals, and maybe not even mixing.
n e wayzz, here's sketches from tonight, just trying to keep in practice, tomorrow i really should try to get the stronger points of construction down for the next larger drawing i guess. and thennn, idk, whenever i get another idea, another thing happens.
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anyway i also wrote something tonight, not part of a big thing, just kind of weird and about work, i really like it though, so i think i'll edit it. it's not regular prose but it's not poetry, i think i'll just accuse it of being an assemblage and a point between fiction and theory of some kind, it is very odd i guess but i am fond of that.
another thing today, is i've been really enjoying the song capers by the birthday party, especially lyrically, it's one of the ones rowland and genevieve wrote together, and nick cave sang on it, it's very interesting how the band really did morph into, in their early period but post-new-wave thing, this kind of violently surreal act, super indebted to artaud et al, very inspiring to me in that way. i know, according to rowland, at a certain point cave and his interests with writing really diverged, and so that left the band going more in the direction cave wanted, these more southern gothic things, rather than visions from the edge of life, horror of that nature, instead he wanted to move towards what i suppose one might accuse of being the regular.
it's not that i dislike cave, at least not anymore, solo-work wise, i mean. his presence in the birthday party is largely good.
anyway i am growing sleepy...
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fraudmasterofdisguise · 9 months
{ hi guys it's me subspace from hit game phighti- i'm just kidding hi it's the mod back with another yearly appearance
i still have no clue if i wanna revive this blog or not since.. i never use tumblr lolz
and if i do, expect a huuuuge artstyle change and even maybe a redesign of fraud lol
anyway i find my art improvement to be absolutely ridiculous so here's some random things i've drawn over the past few months!! yaaaay (including a fraud and stan drawing and phighting + star glitcher ocs and... just fucking doors lol)
byebye to the 3 people who care, if you wanna keep in touch or something add me on discord subspace.tripmine okay byyyyeee */e wave* }
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milqueandsugar · 3 years
🏵 Your Tea Is Ready 🏵
Warnings: pissesive obsessive behaviour , mentions of violence/injury , slight NSFW
Genre: Fluff
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| Possessive!Technoblade PT VIII |
The two of you stared at each other, your hands trembling as you tried to hold the tray still. He didn't remember? Slowly the look of recognition fell on Technoblade as his confused expression morphed into something more akin to horror. "..oh" the sound was barely above a whisper but you caught it. "So.. you do remember" you let out a nervous chuckle. "I do now.. I'm so sorry."
You couldn't tell if it was because of his raspy voice or the genuine apology that caught you way off guard but, the sentence alone broke your heart. Placing the tray down on the night stand you take a seat in front of the man, taking quick notice of how he couldn't even look at you. Taking his face in your hands you gently tilt his face towards you, his eyes finally landing on you and held the same look you'd expect when someone was looking at a gruesome wound. Disgust.
"Tech it wasn't your fault, the voices gained control.. you.. you weren't yourself, and no one got hurt" you reassured, gently running your thumbs across his cheeks. "It wasn't the voices.." Technoblade sighed, leaning his head into the palm of your hand. God he missed the way your skin felt against his, your scent was a mere foggy memory he desperately wanted to remember. "Wha..what do you mean?" You mumble, your brow furrowed. Surely it had to be the voices, there was no way that he would do those things without them to spur him on.. wouldn't he?
' Coward '
'this isn't how this was planned! '
' Dont tell them yet! It's not romantic '
' they smell like honey '
' Don't do it '
' E '
"The voices don't do it, it's always me who gives into them" Technoblade quickly aide stepped the conversation. He couldn't do it. He could slay thousands, he could and has killed a man with nothing but a quarter, he's taken on the whole server. But he can't tell you how he feels. He felt so small in your hands, despite quite literally towering over you, those eyes of yours.. he couldn't bare to see rejection in them. "Oh Tech.." wrapping your hands around the piglins neck you pull him close to you. "No one blames you, okay? Shit happens, especially to good people, and you're a good person Tech" you praise rocking him slightly as you feel strong arms encompassing you.
Your brief heart to heart with the piglin was soon interrupted by a quiet knocking at the door. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything" Philza chimed, for the second time he had walked in on the two of you, hopefully this time it wouldn't end in swords being drawn. Wiping the tears that began to well in your eyes you pulled away from Techno, instead turning your attention to Phil.
Glancing at the piglin you shake you're head, "no no it's fine, what's up?" You assure either a smile, the grip on your hands tightening a bit. "Good, I need to clean Technoblade's wounds, the withering effect can be a real bitch if left untreated" The winged man explain, pulling out the small basket of medical supplies. "I could do it phil" you offer standing up and gesturing to the basket. "Do you know how to treat gangrene?" He hummed twirling the basket in his hand as he walked past you to Technoblades side.
"Yeah maybe you should handle that"
"Thought so, this might take a while, you sure you want to stay?" Phil added, beginning to pull gauze and salves from the baskets confines. "Actually I should finish my chores, I'll be back in an hour or so" you shrug off the pleading look the piglin shot your way and waved the two good bye before slipping out of the room. As much as you'd like to spend more time with Technoblade you knew Phil wouldn't push you out of a room if it weren't for a reason. Swallowing thickly you make your way down to the basement. Might as well actually get your chores done.
"You two have grown rather close" Phil observes, helping Technoblade out of his sleeping shirt and onto his stomach. "We always have been" Technoblade snapped back, resting his head on the firm pillow beneath him. Your scent still lingering on his tongue. "I've been you're friend for a good time Techno, I don't believe I've ever seen you like this ." Phil dipped his fingers into the healing salve and began to work the solution into the blackened rotting skin. Not a hiss or groan left the man under him, instead he took to digging his claws into the already tattered pillows.
"What are you getting at Phil,"
"I'm trying to get you to admit it"
"Admit what"
"That you're in love with Y/N"
"I already have" the piglin snorted flinching as the salve began to eat at the wound he was happy he couldn't see. "I have for a while, you know that" He spoke between clenched teeth, feeling the wet of blood begin to role down his sides in streams. It was a shame, he liked these bedsheets.
"Believe me I know, but do they? You seem to be doing a lot but not saying much." Phil scolded, Technoblade didn't have to be facing him to know that he was shaking his head. The two sat in silence as Phil plastered another healing paste onto his wound and wrapped it up, smacking the back of his thighs to let him know he could sit up Phil's wrist was quickly caught by the piglin.
"How do I tell them"
@exorcisms-with-elmo @froggerspoggers
@hahabitchboy @that-local-cryptid @why-am-i-here-t-t @bulletpr00fyears2398 @kittiespitz @sl33pyt1r3 @bbpiglinboy @whatislifebutlemons @genzpop @obey-me-mammons-world @0slothful-milksake0 @boobery @wittyrosebush @theunknowinglys @gothdogge @clover-fox @kutozume @the-flowerghost @matronofthevoid @driverpicksthe-music @tails-and-scales @mediocrity-atitsfinest @bi-narystars @soda-pip @sylum @vrinty @fantsyland @owulu @byebyes-world @imasimpfortechno
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
| URL Song Game |
Thank youuu @larrysballetslippers @laurelier and @longhairlouis-mybeloved for the tag!
Rules: Spell your URL using songs.
So I spent ~way way way too long~ on creating an actual playlist and it really is something. This is some fuck the system also we gay also we're just gonna very aggressively dance powerhouse playlist aasdsdkasdj. I was gonna stay far away from 1D and all its boys for this one and still this thing is just yelling larrylarrylarry because it's coming from my brain so. Hmm. And I wanna explain why. Because I think these songs are awesome (or at least some of them) and worth a listen if you're a larrie which is I assume is most people seeing this are so I put a bit of an explanation of what I see in these songs at the end here. Anyway:
tagging @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @appreciateeverythingblueinlife @theworldisblueandgreenforareason
@youaretheoceanyouarethesky @sleepingonmyproblems @delightswithviolentends did i just tag people with really long usernames maybe ohhhh that's evil. Feel free to ignore lol <3
Also @laurelier I already did the picrew thing but I love the pic I made so:
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Putting the playlist explanation under a cut because blablablalblabla:
1) introduces you to Woodkid, the epitome of what the actual fuck?how the fuck is this wholeass album this much of a larry like what is this? our fandom's soundtrack??? what the hell, I've rambled on about this before but really I urge everyone to just listen and have a readthrough of Woodkid's The Golden Age (yes the whole album). It's also amazing when you don't relate it to anything not saying it's only good because you can, it's just an added bonus.
2) Laurel Wreath (thank you Louis for that one asdkljafkla yep the laurel anthem AGAIN)
3) Muse for some fuck the system (also U's are hard to find)
4-6) some buzzgaycocks with their gay lil songs and I thought why not put a song going 369 WHAT DOES IT MEAN in between. If you're frustrated with the what the fuck is this 369 shit louis this is the soundtrack to that istg the whole song is literally going wtf does 369 mean it's just a number right? Like somebody help me please what is that number? What does 369 mean?? why is 369 there all the time???? wedged between 2 "shit I'm british and gay" songs for your lil larry ears namnamnam that's a ten (again just good music, it's only an added bonus)
7) more nautical gay shit from Woodkid
8) more fuck the system im gonna live in the middle of nowhere
9) some walk boy walk through fire protect you stuff (also just a really really good song and I honestly don't know if this music is well known or some niche western european stuff I really have no clue)
10) some more fighting for peace and love and waves can't try to break em all that
11) this is the gay struggle anthem
12) this is kinda where the wow really have a listen to these songs because if you're a larrie you might like em stops and my personal just aggressive vibing continues. Back to let's go fuck the system fuck the waves trying to break us some more but let's also just dance lol (but my way because the only way I know how to really let loose is heavy ass wubwubdubdub borderline industrial metal yelling the louder the better yep bye)
13) it's no problem for me but it's a problem for you just still on that wubbalubbadubdub don't tell me what to do shit's wrong with you and the COAC system not me byebye i go dancey dance
14) another 369 joke couldn't drop it THREE SIX NINE DAMN YOU A FINE LINE
15) seriously was at a loss for another E, sia already took me too long, wanted to continue the trend of music I can dance to, and then I saw it. iT wAs AcTuAlLy CaScAdAhhhh yeah no that really does fit here.
16) just end on another anthem screaming powerhouse to close it all off lol.
Am I ok? Nobody knoooows. This was fun tho.
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jinderellas-castle · 3 years
𝐏𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬...(𝐉. 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤) 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝟓 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐎𝐥𝐝
Another fic based off of a song that happens to be Jungkook's cover of paper hearts(original by tori kelly) it's so good I could listen to it for hours on end <3
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"Could you watch Y/n for a couple days? I'm sorry this is so sudden-"
Y/n wasn't paying attention to the stressed tone in her mom's voice. Instead, she was trying to peer behind the other ladies legs. There was a little boy somewhere in the house and she knew it. She wanted to walk into the house but her mom's grip on her hand kept her outside.
"Hey, don't worry about it. Of course she can stay. Jungkook's around her same age so she'll make a new friend." Y/n looked up at the woman standing inside the door frame and then looked back into the house where she saw the little boy again, and this time he was standing right beside his mom. "Jungkook say hi."
The little boy waved at Y/n before escaping back into the house. Y/n's mom talked to the other woman for a little bit longer until she found herself being kissed goodbye by her mother and the other lady holding on to her backpack.
"C'mon in Y/n." Y/n nodded and followed the woman into her house. When she heard the door close behind her she seemed to finally understand what just happened and began to tear up. But she whipped them away almost as quickly as they came when she saw the little boy staring at her from the couch where he sat with a teddy bear watching Disney Junior on the small tv across from him.
"Are you kids hungry?" "Mhm!" Jungkook hopped off the couch before making his way to the dining room table. When he saw that Y/n was still standing by the doorway he waved her over. Y/n was shocked at first but followed after a little while. The two little kids sat down next to each other at the table while Jungkook's mom made lunch. At first both kids were silent, just watching his mom make sandwiches. But, eventually Jungkook made a comment.
"You smell weird," Jungkook whispered, his bunny-like grin plastered on his face. At that moment both Y/n and Jungkook became comfortable with each other. Y/n stuck her tongue out at him and they both giggled as they were served their lunch.
"I see you two are getting along well."
The two kids nodded at Jungkook's mom and continued eating and playing. It was the start of a new friendship that may last for many many years.
It had been a couple of days since Y/n started staying over their house. The two of them had become very close since the day they met. The pair was inseparable, always doing everything together. It was an adorable friendship, a friendship that Jungkook's mom watched grow as the time went on.
There were times then Y/n missed her family and wondered when her mom was going to come back for her, and Jungkook was always there to cheer her up. They enjoyed each other's company and hardly ever argued with each other. Jungkook and Y/n had a one of a kind friendship that they both loved and enjoyed, even at the young age of five.
This tis a short chapter o o f but it's a c h a p t e r so its fine anywho byebye
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monochromeprince-x · 7 years
Hungry Night
Hello! Another translation (Transliteration?) from Shoutans new album Ø (Zero)! This time it’s ‘Hungry Night’. Also I just want to say that I was screaming over the rhyme in this song. He said “ UK Rock ni J-Pop” and I was dying just over that. Also again, please tell me any mistakes you come across. Japanese: いつでもどこでも寂しくて 何だかちょっぴり切なくて 高速Jetでパラダイス? 1等Get? くだらない 会えるかな 会えるよね 涙を拭いて Oh Baby いつだって胸にAngel 愛情たっぷりこもったYell 頭の中で回る グルグルグルグル回る 甘い甘い君の声
上昇気流に乗っけて バイバイ飛んでけ(グッバイサラバ) 昨日までの悲しみは ほら月の向こう側(もう見えない) もう一歩(Yeah!)もう半歩(Yeah!) 踏み出して良いんじゃない(まだ足りない) 照れたりしないでこっちにおいでよ(Let's go!!)
いつでもHungry Night 今夜もHungry Night 遠く離れてたって 君を照らすから ドキドキHungry Night ウキウキHungry Night あふれる想いをどこまでも 嗚呼 僕の街と君の街 夜空光ったね流れ星
静まり返った散歩道 耳元で響くR&B UK RockにJ-Pop Funky Jazzからアニソン 会えるかな 会えるよね 涙を拭いて Oh Baby いつだって胸にMySoul 愛情たっぷりこもったWave 頭の中で回る グルグルグルグル回る 甘い甘い君の声
上々気分に乗っけて バイバイ飛んでけ(グッバイサラバ) 素敵なこの瞬間を 今、空へ解き放そう(3.2.1) 更に一歩(Yeah!)更に半歩(Yeah!) 踏み出して良いんじゃない(まだ足りない) 照れたりしないでこっちにおいでよ(Let's go!!)
いつでもHungry Night 今夜もHungry Night 優しい風となって 君をつつむから ドキドキHungry Night ウキウキHungry Night あふれる想いをいつまでも
しじまに奏でるLove Songは夜を潤し(Get Up!) やがて闇に消え胸の中で勇気へと変わる(Stand Up!) もう少し(Yeah!)もう少し(Yeah!) すぐに届くから(Oh Yes!) 照れたりしないでこっちにおいでよ(Let's go!!)
いつでもHungry Night 今夜もHungry Night 遠く離れてたって 君を照らすから ドキドキHungry Night ウキウキHungry Night あふれる想いをどこまでも 嗚呼 僕の街と君の街 夜空光ったね流れ星 明日もきっと素晴らしい日 Romaji: Itsu demo doko demo sabishikute nandaka choppiri setsunakute kōsoku Jet de paradaisu? 1 Hitoshi getto? Kudaranai aeru ka na aeru yo ne namidawofuite Oh baby itsu datte mune ni angel aijō tappuri komotta Yell atama no naka de mawaru guruguruguruguru mawaru umaiumai kiminokoe jōshō kiryū ni nokkete byebye tondeke (gubbaisaraba) kinō made no kanashimi wa hora tsuki no muk��-gawa (mō mienai) mōippo (Yay!) Mō hanpo (Yay!) Fumidashite yoi n janai (mada tarinai) tere tari shinaide kotchi ni oideyo (Let’s go! !) Itsu demo Hungry Night kon'ya mo Hungry Night tōkuhanarete tatte kimi o terasukara dokidoki Hungry Night ukiuki Hungry Night afureru omoi o doko made mo aa boku no machi to kimi no machi yozora hikatta ne nagareboshi shizumarikaetta sanpomichi mimimoto de hibiku R&B** UK Rock ni J-Pop Funky Jazz kara anison aeru ka na aeru yo ne namidawofuite Oh baby itsu datte mune ni My Soul aijō tappuri komotta wave atama no naka de mawaru guruguruguruguru mawaru umaiumai kiminokoe jōjō kibun ni nokkete baibai tondeke (gubbaisaraba) sutekina kono shunkan o ima, sora e tokihanasou (3 . 2. 1) Sarani ippo (Yay!) Sarani hanpo (Yay!) Fumidashite yoi n janai (mada tarinai) tere tari shinaide kotchi ni oideyo (Let’s go! !) Itsu demo Hungry Night kon'ya mo Hungry Night yasashī kaze to natte kimi o tsutsumukara dokidoki Hungry Night ukiuki Hungry Night afureru omoi o itsu made mo shijima ni kanaderu rabu Song wa yoru o uruoshi (getto Up! ) Yagate yami ni kie mune no naka de yūki e to kawaru (sutandoappu! ) Mōsukoshi (Yay! ) Mōsukoshi (Yay! ) Sugu ni todokukara (Oh Yes!) Tere tari shinaide kotchi ni oideyo (Let’s go! ! ) Itsu demo Hungry Night kon'ya mo Hungry Night tōkuhanarete tatte kimi o terasukara dokidoki Hungry Night ukiuki Hungry Night afureru omoi o doko made mo aa boku no machi to kimi no machi yozora hikatta ne nagareboshi ashita mo kitto subarashī hi
** The R&B part is pronounced as “are ando bee”
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sirenldn · 6 years
We kick off 2019 with our first mix of the year: a collaborative mix from UNITI co-founder Englesia & the mysterious DJ Pussiephuss.
Englesia is a DJ - vocalist - producer - artist - curator. They began their journey as a teen spending weekends dancing to experimental music in underground Shanghai, and from there was inspired to follow the footsteps of those who soundtracked those experiences by moving to London, and cofounding UNITI, a platform for womxn, nb & lgbtq+ artists, prioritising POC thru events, releases, and radio. Their DJ sound is not-pulling-punches-slutty, hardcore heavy duty drum heavy experimental alternative club, with no fear behind the decks, flying between BPMs, mixing vocals, drops, kicks, bass-lines, body fluid, & emotion - they've played sets from Milan to Detroit to Shanghai. DJ Pussiephuss is a latex-masked, London-based DJ who plays take-no-prisoner sets filled with pounding kicks & high energy trax, focusing more on 4x4 rumbles of the 140-170BPM kind, she's a DJ who will have you lying in a puddle of communal rave sweat by the end of the night.
About the mix: E: I aimed with this mix to represent the boldest parts of my existing, emotions of growing inner strength & projecting power, and I try with every mix to curate a narrative that offers a clear reflection of who I am as a person, artist, and raver. I enlisted DJ Pussiephuss to add her signature furious & unforgiving sound, as I wanted to mix hard, destructive dance sounds with sculptured noise - soundscaping has been an integral part of my djing since the beginning, warping bpms & noises to create surprising, otherwordly, enveloping environments, rattling the listener's skull in the best way possible alongside beautiful dance music too. I picked mostly songs by artists I know personally who deserve to be on the top of all the lists & charts, particularly queer/trans/nonbinary artists and artists of colour. Estoc is one of my favourite artists of all time, and in my opinion one of the most important producers of right now - her brain is a web of never-ending beautiful conceptions. Mun Sing is an incredible, multi-talented DJ & producer creating experimental dance in an incredibly impressively intricate way, who has released on the iconic SVBKVLT label alongside Hyph11e, a fantastic, ingenious artist who is part of the Shanghai scene that my DJ self was birthed from. Relating to my biological heritage as a Toba Batak Indonesian, I included a contemporary experimental tribal track made using traditional Indonesian folk instruments (inspired by the artists' rock/hardcore roots), which I discovered after deep-diving digital labels in Indonesia specialising in experimental electronic & homegrown punk music. The listener will find clear influences of brash & beautiful in this mix. Please, please enjoy, with much care & love, Englesia & DJ Pussiephuss.
Tracklist: 1. Englesia - Byebye Cantik Baby  [Ernest D Tapes] 2. Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - The Way He Looks At Me  [Gone Girl Soundtrack] 3. Rully Shabara & Wukir Suryadi - Warna  [YES NO WAVE MUSIC] 4. FFFREAK - Love Tender  [unreleased] 5. Estoc - TRAUMA, CRISIS, LOVE, SPRAWL  [unreleased] 6. Mun Sing - Fantasy OD  [SVBKVLT] 7. Ariel Zetina - Cyst  [Boukan Records] 8. FKOFF1963 - Planeta Terror  [unreleased] 9. Hyph11e - Black Pepper 炎 (Tzusing Remix)  [SVBKVLT] 10. Jasper Jarvis - Sleek  [self-released] 11. / 12. Erica Mar - Saint Dissociation  [self-released] 13. / 14. Mab - Pussy Riot  [HARDVISION004] 15. Baby Blue - Madonna Edit  [self-released] 16. True North - Ruust  [unreleased] 17. / 18. / 19. / 20. Englesia - Scream if it hurts I’ll always protect You  [unreleased]
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sidlyrics · 7 years
Letra / Lyrics: Mao Música / Music: Shinji
ドラマティックさに欠けてる 別れも良しとして バイバイ 濡れたショーウィンドウに映る 痩せた 笑顔 一つ
さよならの理由は 幾らもあるのに 咲いた傘の花の数だけ ついた溜息 黄昏 久留米駅から 傾れ込む人の 波 波 寄せては帰らず 街 鼓動 前夜
最後に約束してた 中華に連れて行ってちょうだい 言いそびれた そうじゃない 染まった女の弱み 空気を読めよ 得意の台詞 典型的なBね 次の恋の相手も それを選ぶでしょう
流行らない 気だるい UKと彼のボトル あのお店で待たされた 夜に気付けばよかった 受話器の向こう 影一つ アリバイ作り入念 Closeで放り出された 街角は聖夜
待ち合わせには決まって 遅れて到着の彼が なのに 先に待ってるの 最後まで冷たい人 処方箋代にくれた 煙草 消した後で効くの? 一番街は終電へ 続く波に乗る
夜が明けた空 塗り潰すように キスをしたね 最低な人と見た 最低じゃない夢を
「仕方なく愛した人」と 忘れることは容易い 引き止めてくれるのを 期待したのも事実で 全部がわからなくなる 嘘みたいに 晴れた空 一つだけわかるのは もうすぐ 泣くでしょう
ドラマティックさに欠けてる 別れも良しとして バイバイ 濡れたショーウィンドウに映る ��れた 笑顔 一つ
DRAMATIC sa ni kaketeru wakare mo yoshi to shite BYE BYE nureta SHOW WINDOW ni utsuru yaseta egao hitotsu
sayonara no riyuu wa ikura mo aru no ni saita kasa no hana no kazu dake tsuita tameiki tasogare kurume eki kara nadarekomu hito no nami nami yosete wa kaerazu machi kodou zenya
saigo ni yakusoku shiteta chuuka ni tsurete itte choudai ii sobireta sou ja nai somatta onna no yowami kuuki wo yomeyo tokui no serifu tenkeiteki na B ne tsugi no koi no aite mo sore wo erabu deshou
hayaranai kedarui UK to kare no BOTTLE ano omise de matasareta yoru ni kizukeba yokatta juwaki no mukou kage hitotsu ALIBI tsukuri nyuunen Close de houri dasareta machikado wa seiya
machiawase ni wa kimatte okurete touchaku no kare ga na no ni saki ni matteru no saigo made tsumetai hito shohousen kawari ni kureta tabako keshita ato de kiku no? ichibangai wa shuuden e tsuzuku nami ni noru
yoru ga aketa sora nuritsubusu you ni KISS wo shita ne saitei na hito to mita saitei ja nai yume wo
"shikata naku ai shita hito" to wasureru koto wa tayasui hikitomete kureru no wo kitai shita no mo jijitsu de zenbu ga wakaranaku naru uso mitai ni hareta sora hitotsu dake wakaru no wa mou sugu naku deshou
DRAMATIC sa ni kaketeru wakare mo yoshi to shite BYE BYE nureta SHOW WINDOW ni utsuru nureta egao hitotsu
Even an undramatic break-up  Is fine  BYEBYE The drenched SHOW WINDOW reflects  One  Thinned  Smile
The reasons for breaking up  Were so numerous Just like the number of umbrellas blooming like flowers  I heaved a sigh Evening  From Kurume Station  The crowd surged like A wave  A wave  That I lean into, away from home to  The town  Its pulse  The previous night
In the end we made a promise  I'll have you take her out for Chinese food Which I missed the chance to say  No, that's not it  This is the weakness of a stained woman "Consider the situation"  A line you're so good at  You really are a typical blood type B Guess that's what I'll choose again  For the partner of my next romance
Unfashionable  Lethargic  [A bar named] UK and his bottle You stood me up at that bar  If only I'd realised it's night On the other side of the telephone's receiver  A single shadow  Is carefully coming up with an ALIBI Thrown out at closing time  Christmas is on the street corners
He always arrives late  When we meet up But  He's waiting there before me  Until the end, he's a cold-hearted person Cigarettes  Given in place of a prescription  Will they still be effective after they burn out? Ichibangai heads for the last train  Ride that continuous wave
We once kissed  To paint out  The sky, on which day had broken Together with a horrible person, I saw  A dream that wasn't so bad
"Someone I loved helplessly"  Is something easily forgotten Yet it was also true that  I hoped you would make me stay There's nothing I understand anymore  The sky cleared up  Like a lie The only thing I know is that  I'll probably cry  Very soon
Even an undramatic break-up  Is fine  BYEBYE The drenched SHOW WINDOW reflects  One  Drenched  Smile
Incluso una ruptura poco dramática está bien, adiós. El escaparate húmedo refleja una pequeña sonrisa.
Los motivos para romper eran muy numerosos. Tantos como el número de paraguas que brotan como flores. Solté un suspiro. Atardecer en la estación de Kurume, donde la noche anterior la multitud apareció como una ola, una ola por la que me dejo arrastrar lejos de casa hacia la ciudad, hacia su ritmo.
Al final hicimos una promesa. Dejaré que te la lleves a cenar comida china, aunque perdí la oportunidad de decirlo. No, no fue así. Esta es la debilidad de una mujer malvada. "Ten en cuenta la situación", una frase que se te da muy bien decir. Sí que eres la típica persona del grupo sanguíneo B. Supongo que eso es lo que volveré a elegir para mi pareja en mi próximo romance.
[El bar] UK pasado de moda y apático y su botella. Me dejaste plantada en ese local. Ojalá me hubiese dado cuenta de que era de noche. Al otro lado del teléfono una única sombra está inventándose una elaborada coartada. Cuando me echaron a la hora de cerrar, la Navidad estaba presente en las esquinas.
Siempre llega tarde cuando quedamos, pero [hoy] ha llegado antes que yo. Tiene un corazón de piedra hasta el final. Cigarrillos, en lugar de una receta médica, ¿seguirán siendo efectivos tras haberse consumido? [La gente de] Ichibangai se dirige a por el último tren. Sigo esa oleada continua.
Una vez nos besamos para pintar el cielo, en el que ya se asomaba el día. Tuve un sueño que no estaba tan mal, junto a una persona horrible.
"Alguien a quien amaba sin remedio" es algo que se olvida fácilmente. Aun así, también es verdad que esperaba que me hubieses hecho quedarme. Ya no entiendo nada. El cielo se despejó como una mentira. Lo único que sé es que posiblemente lloraré muy pronto.
Incluso una ruptura poco dramática está bien, adiós. El escaparate húmedo refleja una húmeda sonrisa.
The narrator is a woman who is dating a man that is not treating her well (in the 4th paragraph, he stood her up on Christmas' Eve, which is a day for couples in Japan. It is also hinted that he may be cheating on her). Even though she should have left him, he is the one who breaks the relationship (she reflects on how mean he is because he was always late except the day he wants to break up with her, when "he's waiting there before me"). She acknowledges that this break up is actually for the best, but she can't help feeling sad nonetheless // La narradora es una mujer que sale con un hombre que no la trata bien (en el cuarto párrafo, la ha dejado planteada por Nochebuena, que es un día para las parejas en Japón. También se deja entender que él podría estar poniéndole los cuernos). Aunque debería haberle dejado, es él quien rompe la relación (ella reflexiona acerca de lo malo que es porque siempre llegaba tarde a sus citas excepto el día que quiere romper con ella, cuando "ha llegado antes que yo"). La chica reconoce que la ruptura en realidad es lo mejor para ella, pero no puede evitar sentirse triste de todas formas.
Kanji, English: Gurakko Romaji, español: Reila
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