#/anyway also had to change my entire outfit because 1) i got milkshake on my shorts and then 10 minutes later 2) i got milkshake all over m
keeps-ache · 1 year
making more progress!! and i have my brother working on this with me now so it's goin :3
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prettyboy-parker · 5 years
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good boys, bad boys
chapter 1: roller baby
words: 1.5k
warnings: homophobic language
read on AO3 here 
Peter’s exhausted.
Usually, he loves trying on clothes and doing his own makeshift fashion show, but it’s already been an hour and he hasn’t been making any progress.
“No. I don’t like it. Too...” MJ taps her pen on her chin, “Basic.”
Peter lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Come on MJ, I’m losing my patience. These are Guess jeans, they’re practically the nicest thing I own!” He huffs, turning to step over piles of clothes to head back to his closet.
Okay Peter, think.
He turns to sift through a pile of graphic tees, pulling out a pink MTV shirt. With some newfound inspiration, he grabs black running shorts from the other pile. He quickly shucks off his current outfit, hiding from MJ’s view behind his door.
“Okay, this is the last outfit.” He shouts, emerging from the cramped closet into his messy room.
“Yes! That’s the one!” MJ exclaims, tossing her comic off of her lap and bouncing over to Peter.
“Casual but cute.” She quips, straightening his shirt and then taking his hands in hers.
“You’ve got this.”
“I’ve got this.”
MJ grins.
“That’s the spirit. Now go get ‘em, Tiger.”
Peter drops her hands, turning to pick up his socks by his dresser.
“Besides, it’s not even a date.” He says solemnly, sitting on the ground to slide on his Chucks.
MJ lets out a scoff.
“Sure. And if you take any longer I’m biking home alone.”
The ride to Skateland Roller Rink is peaceful, MJ bidding her goodbyes as they neared her house. He knows the route to the rink like the back of his hand, and soon he’s nearing the ugly neon sign claiming “Free Skate on Tuesdays!”
He parks his bike on the bike rack, when a voice calls out:
Peter turns to see the shining face of Steve Rogers.
Steven Rogers is a junior like Peter, a leading quarterback on the football team and an all-American boy. With light blonde hair and striking blue eyes, the entire female student body fawns over him. His baby blue polo is paired with khaki shorts and Converse matching Peter’s own.
He smiles and waves back, jogging over to where Steve is standing next to the front entrance.
“Hey, Steve!” He chirps, taking the 5 dollar bill out of the waistband of his shorts.
“Glad you showed up.” Steve says with a smile.
God, his teeth are bright.
“You know I’d never leave you hanging.” Peter responds, nudging him with his shoulder lightly, before wrapping his dainty arms around Steve’s large figure, pulling him into a hug.
“No need to worry, I’m here!”
Stephen Strange emerges from the parking lot, waving his wallet in the air.
Stephen is also a junior, one of the brightest in the grade but also one of the richest. With sharp facial features, light blue-green eyes, dark brown hair, and a tall lanky figure, he’s one of the top romantic interests in the school. Being a part of Steve’s entourage helps him up the social hierarchy, though. Not to mention that both his parents are some form of doctors, and they live in the nicest neighborhood in town.
“Stephen!” Peter squeals, the other’s arms already outstretched in anticipation of a hug.
Stephen has told him many times before that he’s not a hug person, but most people can’t resist a hug from Peter Parker.
“Hey Pete. Had to run to get my wallet.”
“No biggie.” Peter tells him, pulling away to survey his outfit.
He’s dressed more casually than usual, a plain navy t-shirt with jeans.
Out of the corner of his eyes, Peter spots the semi-familiar face of Pietro, making it clear that Stark and his guys are here tonight. Peter doesn’t know his last name, but he’s seen him around enough to get a first name and an idea of what he looks like.
“Steven Squared! My favorite Stevens in the school.” Pietro shouts with a bit of bite to his words.
Steve visibly tenses, eyes becoming dark.
“Actually, we wouldn’t be squared, because our names are spelled differently.” Stephen mutters, earning a soft giggle from Peter.
“Shut up, Pietro. What are you doing here?” Steve snaps, moving closer to Peter.
Pietro smirks, left hand resting in the pocket of his leather jacket, while the right raises his cigarette to his mouth. He takes a long drag of it, blowing smoke into their faces.
“Can ask you the same thing. What’s with the hostility? Thought you were the peace love and happiness kid.”
“Maximoff, if you don’t shut the fuck up-“
“You’ll what? Beat me up? I’ll just sit here and take it then, putting all the blame on you.” Pietro sneers, tossing his cigarette on the ground and crushing it under the heel of his Doc Martens.
Peter prays that they don’t get into a fight.
“I’ve got places to be, Rogers.” Pietro huffs, pushing past Steve and stomping up the steps to the skate ring.
“What’s his problem?” Stephen asks, staring at where Pietro went off to.
“Don’t know. He’s just a dick.” Steve grunts.
Peter doesn’t understand, because Pietro wasn’t really provoking them.
If anything, Steve is the one who started the hostility in the first place.
“Come on, Pete. Let’s go skate.” Steve says softly, placing a light touch on his wrist. Peter smiles and follows him inside.
To much protest, Steve pays for all their entrance fees, letting them get their skates and excitedly pulling Peter and Stephen to the rink. They sing along to the music, trying to dance while skating. It’s loud and bright but they all love it, that’s why it’s so crowded. Soon Peter tells the boys that he has to use the bathroom, and they tell him they’re going to get food. He skates off to the carpeted hallway with the bathrooms, blood turning cold as he sees who’s hanging out at the end of the hall.
The skates aren’t quiet, so the boys in leather turn to see the unwelcome visitor.
“Ah. It’s Peter, right?” Asks none other than Tony Stark, taking a quick puff of his cigarette.
Tony is a bit of a legend among the school community. Being the son of Maria and Howard Stark, previous owners of Stark Industries, most people around the world know of him. He’s a senior, so they’ve only talked once or twice. Peter is unlucky enough to have Business 101 with the guy. He can’t stand him, mostly because Steve has some unspoken grudge with Tony. He sits in the back of the class all day with a stupid smirk on his stupid face.
“Yeah.” Peter tries to reply confidently, but it comes out wavering.
None of Tony’s crew look sympathetic. His fear seems to amuse them.
“You wanna come get milkshakes with us, doll?” The boy behind Tony asks, speaking up.
Bucky Barnes. Peter doesn’t know much about him, except that he should really cut his hair and that he probably listens to metal. He vaguely remembers Steve mentioning he moved here from Russia when he was little. (Or was it Romania?)
“No. Absolutely not.” Peter says a little firmer this time, crossing his arms and shifting his stance in the skates.
Tony’s mischievous grin only widens.
“What? You scared? Did your mommy tell you to stay away from those bad boys, like me and Barnes? Or was it Maximoff and Barton?” He taunts, stalking closer to Peter.
Without missing a beat, Peter replies,
“My mom is dead.”
Right then and there, Peter witnesses Tony Stark’s entire facade crack. His face pales, grin wiped off his sneering face.
Peter smirks in triumph.
Much to his disappointment, Tony’s sneering grin returns.
“My mom’s dead, too. Glad to know we have something in common.”
Bucky looks at Tony like he has 3 heads. With some thought, Peter assumes that Tony doesn’t talk about his mom all that much. From hearing gossip, he’s gathered that Tony really did love his mom.
More than his father, anyways.
“Stop harassing him, Stark.”
Peter jumps out of his skin at Steve’s voice, his large hand pressed against Peter’s small shoulder. He looks up at Steve, and will admit that he was trembling slightly.
“Rogers! Always happy to see you. Is Peter your boy? Didn’t know you were a fucking fag.” Tony taunts, demeanor changing from relaxed to defensive.
“You’re in no place to call me a fag when-“
“When what, Rogers?” Tony hisses, stepping closer to both Peter and Steve, “Why don’t you tell us. Sure Coach would love to hear what you have to say.”
“Shut the fuck up Stark, you swore-“
“Please!” Peter cries out, hand on Steve’s chest and the other held out to stop Tony.
All the boys turn to look at him now.
“Cut it out. Please don’t fight.” Peter pleads.
Tony backs away, slipping his cigarette back into his mouth.
“Fine. We’re leaving.”
Tony barges past the both of them, Bucky, Pietro, and who he can assume is Barton following.
As Bucky passes by, he mutters in Peter’s ear:
“Remember darlin’, that milkshake offer is always on the table.”
tag list: @starker-flame @lurafita @sam-christo @337-years-old
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comickergirl · 6 years
Alright. Let’s give this a shot.
I figure the best way to do this is chronological; my prior attempts have not been chronological, which might account for their feeling a little...all over the place and unorganized.
This will also be a good test to see how much of the film I remember.
RIGHT THEN: First and foremost, (and we gleaned this from the trailers, obviously) MEMORY-LOSS PLOT. Which is Classic Carol™. She’s lost her memory like. Four times.
(her poor brain D:)
All of this to say: The premise of the movie, a kind of reverse origin story in which Carol figures out who she is, in a very literal but also figurative sense, was a great way to go, IMO.
Love all the moments from Carol’s past. I was admittedly surprised that we didn’t get more of that? But what was there was effective and given the amount of ground the movie had to cover, I think it was sufficient.
So after the dreams** we get the early morning fight with Yon-Rogg (who I was absolutely certain was Yon-Rogg, in spite of all the back and forth speculation and Marvel attempting to ‘hide’ his identity) and there’s exposition, obviously, and the set up of Carol’s struggle with Yon-Rogg’s forced Kree values clashing with Carol’s humanity but MORE importantly...
Love the way they render the energy pulsing just below the surface of her skin. Looks so cool. 
Then: Chit Chat Time with The Great Intelligence!
I thought for sure it was gonna be Helen Cobb.
BOY WAS I MISTAKEN. (More on that in a sec.)
Favorite Visual #1: The slow pan of Starforce and the excellent shot of Carol’s helmet as they swim to shore on Torfa.
The whole rescue mission sequence/Carol’s kidnapping is...Truly a Highlight, in my opinion.
I mean!
She’s running around the enemy ship! Without her boots! Pummeling the Skrulls with unwieldy metal shackles! And growling in their faces!
Also, comic connection alert: Carol was kidnapped and experimented on by the Brood, which resulted in her stint as Binary.
So, back to the movie:
Talos man.
We’ll get to him later.
Okay what month of 1995 does Captain Marvel take place in? Because I was honestly offended that no one, and I mean NO ONE made a Buzz Lightyear joke re: Carol’s outfit and being a member of STARCOMMANDFORCE who checks her wrist communicator to try and make contact.
(Toy Story came out in November so if this takes place in the summer I GUESS I will let it slide.)
But otherwise dug all of the 90s references.
The little Gameboy sound when she calls Yon-Rogg!
(Also, train chase was great but I’m trying to save time though I do feel inclined to mention Kelly Sue DeConnick! Bringing some quality side eye! Very nice.)
Young Fury + Carol = excellent buddy cop combo, 14/10 would take an entire spinoff of their wacky 90s road trip adventures.
‘You look like someone’s disaffected niece’ might be favorite line in the film.
Let’s pause for a moment and appreciate the score, shall we? Pinar Toprak CRUSHES IT; the Captain Marvel theme feels like something out of The Rocketeer but with about 400% more sci-fi synth and I LOVE IT.
**Love the piece of score played when Carol wakes up. (Appropriately titled “Waking Up” I think, on the soundtrack.)
I also like the songs they picked for the movie? This is probably the complaint I’ve seen most often, that they feel obvious and easy, but. I dunno. I was never expecting something like Guardians of the Galaxy? So I wasn’t mad about it. 
(In related news, I’ve been listening to “Connection” on repeat ever since the special look trailer dropped.) 
(So, yes, breezing past the bar interrogation--though I do like the ghostly images of Carol’s past that crop up--as well as the trip to Pegasus, again in the interest of time.)
(Okay for real. Moving on.)
So then. THEN.
The Rambeaus. And the feelings.
Unpopular(?) opinion: I love that this big budget action movie focuses on female friendships and platonic relationships instead of romance THERE I SAID IT
ALSO LIEUTENANT TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I spelled Lieutenant right on the first try. Just sayin’.
But in all seriousness, I love the time we spend in Louisiana. We get a lot of good stuff. Carol getting answers from Maria, Talos arriving with his soda (milkshake?) The standoff with Goose.
(Oh, and how could I forget Maria bidding farewell to the neighbor, shutting the front door as Carol continues to glower???)
‘What’s happening?’ ‘It’s loading.’ XD
Favorite Visual #2 (Chronologically, but actually the one I like best in the movie) The Pysche-Magnitron Light Speed Engine explosion.
(Thank you, Marvel, for changing it to ‘light speed engine,’ which is much easier to spell than Psyche-Magnitron)
But yeah, that was the visual that sold me, in the earliest trailer. I wish I had some profound reason for that, but the truth is I just love blue-glow-y stuff.
(And, okay, an additional spoiler- warning because this is a big one. Like. Big.)
Seriously, go away if you haven’t seen the movie yet.
LIKE THIS WHOLE TIME. EVERYONE WAS SO FOCUSED ON JUDE LAW. And then there was that blip, right before the release, when Annette Bening revealed she was the Great Intelligence, again after months of secrecy so we were all like, HA we know the TWIST.
Well played, Marvel. Well played.
This was something I was thinking about before the film came out; I just kind of assumed, because of the lack of an apparent ‘Mar-Vell,’ that Carol would be the first and only Captain Marvel in the MCU. And she basically is, b/c we have no indication that Dr. Larson was moonlighting as a superhero, but regardless this is SO COOL. SUCH A GOOD TWIST.
(A quick Google search on how many ‘L’s are in Mar-Vell led to a serendipitous discovery: an article on the gender swap decision, and apparently it came very late in the game. Like. ‘Already looking at guys to play Mar-Vell’ late in the game. *insert themoreyouknow.gif here*) 
Right, okay, back to Feelings:
When Carol’s like: You don’t know who I am! I don’t know who I am!
I was. Emotional.
(Brie Larson is perfectly cast and does a wonderful job.)
Maria’s pep talk? Also caused emotions.
And Maria got to come on the mission! I was pleasantly surprised, and really glad that the visit there wasn’t like. Just a pit stop, you know?
RIP Science Guy, we hardly knew ye.
Again, jumping ahead, but may I just say: It was truly an Experience, watching this movie with folks who had no idea what a ‘Flerken’ was.
Both my friends at the first screening I attended, and then like. Half the theater at the second one. XD
The whole row was like: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT when the tentacles came out.  
So yeah, Talos and the 180 on the REAL villains: Nice. The enduring complaint leveled at the MCU is a lack of compelling villains. (I guess Talos technically doesn’t count as a villain by the end of this, but. We’re going with it.) And Carol’s commitment to helping the Skrull refugees lifts plot elements from my favorite portion of the DeConnick run, so. YEP. LOVED IT.
(I was also trying to determine if Talos’ daughter was perhaps meant to be like. a Tic expy. Did it say ‘Tic’ on the pinball machine? Or ‘Tig’? Or something else entirely?)
Loved the...mind prison? sequence. All of it. “Come as You Are,” the Great Intelligence rockin’ out in the jacket, Carol’s Big Damn Hero moment. Brilliant. Spectacular. Amazing.
“My name is Carol.” 
(Or does she say her full name? I can’t remember.)
And then the subsequent fight scene where Carol’s like. Simultaneously kicking butt but also enjoying all this newfound power/strength? A+++++
Favorite Visual #3: Carol sitting on the railing with the lunchbox.
Sad to see Minn-Erva go, but. Was so cool that Maria gets her own hero moment.
And then this big ol’ fight scene where Carol DESTROYS SPACESHIPS WITH HER BARE HANDS. 
Favorite Visual #4: Carol going Binary in the red, blue, and yellow suit with the helmet FLYING THROUGH SPACE, LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT.
All of the visuals from this portion are so on point it’s like they’re pulled straight from the comics.
Favorite Visual #5: When Carol’s staring down Ronan and she like. Does that thing, where you hit your palm with your fist? (IDK the technical term there) And there’s this awesome energy burst and AGAIN, BLUE GLOW-Y THINGS. I love.
I’m pretty sure there’s an interview where Brie Larson talked about watching Indiana Jones? And wanting to be the female equivalent of that.
WELL, that’s the movie I immediately thought of when Carol blasted Yon-Rogg into a boulder, mid-goading.
(Y’know, like the scene in Raiders where Harrison Ford was too sick/tired to do the fight choreography, so he just. Shot the bad guy.)
ALSO, when she drags his sorry butt across the desert? I was IMMEDIATELY reminded of Kara dragging Astra into the DEO.
Thank you, Marvel, for this beautiful gen fic material.
 WHOOPS I forgot the costume colors bit. (Admittedly confused it with the ending wherein Monica gives Carol her jacket back. Sans ketchup stain.)
So backtracking ever-so-slightly...
Let’s see if I remember this right: We get
Red and gold (Binary send-up, possibly? Or maybe the original Ms. Marvel costume?)
IDK what to call it....Lite-Brite? (♪ makin’ thi-ings with lii-iii-ight ♫) 
Black and Gold (bathing suit costume?)
White and Green (original Mar-Vel/Kree colors) 
That last one’s the only one that’s like. Obvious and deliberate. I’m just guessing with the others.
BACK TO THE ENDING Lt. Trouble gives Carol her jacket and that’s my fav look, out of all the costume variations we see in the movie. I mean. I love the black and green, admittedly, and the helmet looks SO GOOD for being something that should be ridiculous, but my go-to answer for superhero costume design is: add a leather jacket.
Favorite Visual #6: Carol in the suit and flight jacket, floating above Earth, ready to go save the day.
Ooooh, ooooooooh, but we can’t forget the scene. The scene that I’m certain ticked off The Continuity Police. (You know the types.)
See, remember when Marvel was like, ‘Carol’s the first Avenger!’ and haters were like, ‘UH HELLO IT’S STEVE????!????’ 
That was so very, very satisfying to see.
(Also I guess she’s a literal Captain in the air force? If the rank on the jet is legit. Pretty sure she’s a Major in the comics, though. But I assume this change is to help sell the ‘Captain Marvel’ name.)
And then, friends. And then.
I was fully prepared to leave the theater, uncertain of when we’d next see Carol.
EVEN AS THE MID CREDITS SCENE PLAYED. I was like. ‘Well, they’re gonna cut it off before we can see anythINOHMaNTHERESHEIS!!!!!!’
‘Where’s Fury.’
*insert aesthetically pleasing keyboard smash here*
And before we wrap up here, one final note:
The Space Stone, sought after by Trickster Gods and Mad Titans alike, was for a brief time, nothing more than a glorified furball.
(Nope, wait. One little anecdote before we go: of my core group of buddies, I am the Comics Nerd, and thus I am often consulted after we’ve watched a Marvel movie. So I had to explain that YES, Kara Danvers had the last name Danvers first, but she was adopted, and her GIVEN fake name was Linda Lee, so in all fairness, the same-name thing is a little less plagiarize-y, b/c ‘Linda Lee Danvers’ does not necessarily match up as well as ‘Kara Danvers’--which wasn’t even used until really recently--to ‘Carol Danvers’. ...Honestly, I was just really happy they called out the connection MY WORK HAS NOT BEEN IN VAIN XD )
Also, I sometimes get replies on posts like this which is totally fine BUT, I would ask that folks keep really spoiler-y stuff out of ‘em. At least for a little while.
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real-good-now · 6 years
Letters to Juliet: Chapter 3
Chapter 1     Chapter 2
Summary: Betty Cooper dreamed of falling in love. She once thought it would be with the red-headed boy next door until he met the mysterious brunette in the pearl necklace.So, when she begins to receive anonymous love letters, she turns to the only person she knows who is not grossly in lust: her childhood best friend, Jughead Jones.
Chapter begins below the cut
     “So, first things, first. What is the evidence we have collected so far?” Jug asks, getting down to business as soon as I enter the office.
     I set down my bag on my desk and pull out the letter and the gardenia I placed in my textbook to press. “So far It is just these two letters and this beautiful flower.”
“The second one is new. What do you think of it?”
      I begin to respond but then decide to brush off the question. “Doesn’t matter what I think. I can’t even think about my feelings until I find out who this person is.” I pick up my trusty highlighter and purple pen that I use to edit Jug’s articles and start rereading the second letter once again. When I reach the last paragraph, I say, “This guy obviously has to have known me for a long time. That eliminates anyone new to the school…”
     “Great, we can eliminate Veronica. Now we have it narrowed down to the entire male student body!”
     “Look, Jughead,” I snap, “I asked for your help, not your sarcasm! Now, focus. I return my eyes to the letter but I can feel his gaze linger on me. “I didn’t mean to bite your head off. I’m sorry. I just really need to find out who this is, Juggie. Please?”
      “Why does this mean so much to you, Betts? He obviously doesn’t want you to know its him. Can’t you leave it alone?”
     “I don’t know why. I just have to. No one has ever really felt this way about me before. I want… I need to know if it is genuine, that he actually cares and this isn’t just… Veronica trying to cheer me up or a dumb cheer initiation prank masterminded by Cheryl. That’s why you are here. You’re my best friend but you are also one of the most honest people I know. I need you to tell me this isn’t some elaborate scheme, that this seems legitimate.”
     He pulls up a chair next to me and envelopes my hands in his. When he brings them up to his lips and places a gentle kiss on them, I am momentarily stunned to silence and a rush of warmth rushes through my body. He tilts my chin up so our eyes can meet and whispers, “You are amazing, Betty Cooper. You’re like Nancy Drew meets Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. You deserve love. You are too fantastic to be with anyone who treats you less than a princess.”
     I am speechless. What can you say to that? Those are the most beautiful, romantic words that any person has ever said to me. I don’t do it consciously, but gravity seems to pull our faces closer— so close I can feel his breath skate over my face. I see him glance down at my lips. Just a little closer and—
Knock. Knock.
     I spring out of my chair just in time to see the smiling face of Trev Brown round the corner. “Hey, Betty! I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?” He then seems to spot Jughead and, as a second thought, adds, “Oh, hi, Jughead.”
    I take a look down at Jug only to see him staring down at his shoes. He only spares a second to half-heartedly wave at Trev before he storms out of the room.
“Is he okay? Did I interrupt something?”
     I look after Jughead for a moment, still reeling from our… whatever it was, before I respond. “What? Oh, no. No. I think he’ll be fine. Anyway, what did you need?”
     “Well, I was hoping I could ask you on a date, actually. Just you and me, maybe a movie, a round of milkshakes at Pop’s…”
    For the second time in an hour, I feel the wind knocked out of me in shock. He’s asking me out? Me? We have known each other since pre-school and not once have I ever had an suspicion that he liked me as friends, much less romantically. We’ve talked in passing during student council functions, but never more than a few words here or there. I would’ve never guessed…
    However, it seems that my mouth can process the information faster than my head can, because I hear myself say, “Sure.”
“Cool! Yeah!” He answers, his timid smile growing to a full-blown grin.
     I hear him ramble on about times he is free and “I’ll text you later”, yet all I can think about Is what Jughead will think.
     I am at cheer practice hours later when Cheryl announces that we will be here much longer than she originally thought.
     “You bitches are a lot less capable than I gave you credit for. My mistake. Take a five minute break while I call Toni to tell her I have cancel our date because some people don’t understand their front handsprings from their hurkies!”
     I collapse onto the ground, my muscles exhausted from basing far too many stunts than I ever want to. “V, can you pass me my phone in the front packet of my bag? I have to tell my mom I won’t be home in time to make the cupcakes for her book club tonight.”
“Sure, B. Oh you have a—“
     I look up at her pause and see her staring intently at my phone, a look of shock or horror on her face. Which one, I’m not so sure.
      “Elizabeth I-don’t-know-your-middle-name Cooper, what is this text from a Mr. Trev Brown?” She begins to read the message in a voice that is supposed to be male, but sounds more Terminator than Trev. “Hey, Betty! Just wanted to know if next Friday at six is okay for our date? Blushy smiley face! Betty! Why is this gentleman inquiring of your plans on Friday night and sending you flushing emoticons? What are you not telling me!”
      She plops down on the floor next to me. I make to grab my phone but she moves it out of my reach before I can grab it and raises her eye brows at me.
      “Its nothing, I promise. I was in the Blue and Gold office this morning when he came in and asked me out.”
      “Oh my God! B! I didn’t even know you liked him. Good for you! I told you things would look up soon.” She pulls me up by my shoulders and gives me a big hug.
     Cheryl’s commanding voice booms across the gym. “ENOUGH AFFECTION! The only times you ladies are allowed to look happy is when you are smiling through the intense pain and adrenaline coursing through your veins in the midst of the mind-blowing routine. Which is anything but mind-blowing right now! Back to work!”
      Veronica helps me stand up and says, “We are not done talking about this, Ms. Cooper! I am calling Kevin and talking this out before we meet the guys at Pop’s tonight!”
     In my bedroom, I sit at my vanity while Veronica does my makeup and Kevin looks through my closet to find an outfit for my date.
     “Kev, I love and appreciate you for doing this, but my date is still a week away! That is plenty of time!”
      “Oh, my dear, sweet Betty. This is not just any date. This is your first date. Why are you acting so blasé about this?” He kneels in front of me and V halts her war on my eyebrows.
     I take a deep breath before thinking about it. Because he is right. I should probably be more excited about this. But something is keeping me from celebrating this thing that, just a few days ago, I was longing for.
But I don’t answer.
      “Betty, if you aren’t really into him, maybe it’s not the best idea for you to go out on your first date with him? There is still time to back out, no shame,” Veronica hedges.
      “I don’t want to cancel it. I had to have said yes for a reason. Whats the harm in one date, right?”
Then it hits me.
The letters. The flower.
I want him.
     I want the guy who has been sweeping me off my feet. I want the one who writes me the sweet nothings and makes even my extra-curricular hell sound romantic. What if that guy is Trev? What if he has been writing the letters and has changed his mind about his anonymity? And this date is his way of telling me?
This date suddenly just got more interesting.
     I must remain silent for too long because Kevin and Veronica have changed the subject to their own love lives.
“So I bought Archie’s anniversary gift yesterday and, I have to say, it is perfect!”
My curiosity piqued, I ask, “What did you decide to get him?”
     She reaches into her purse and pulls out what looks like a ring box. When she opens the box, I see two small guitar pick-shaped silver pieces, each engraved with an “A”. “I was talking to his dad a couple weeks ago and he was saying that they have a wedding to go to soon, some friend of the family, and I asked if Archie had a pair of cufflinks. He said no, so I called a friend of Daddy’s to have these custom-made! Aren’t they the cutest?”
     “Veronica, he will adore them! They are perfect!” Exclaims Kevin, stealing the box so he can examine them a little more closely.
Wait, his dad? “I thought you asked for Jughead’s help with the gift?”
      “Jughead,” she scoffs “why would I need Jughead’s help? That boy is as inept with gift-giving as he is with his own damn emotions!” Kevin nods along in agreement.
      “But he said that he was talking to you the other day because he needed your help with Archie’s gift?”
     She seems to think for a moment before it dawns on her and she hurries to come up with an answer. “Oh, yeah, that. Right! I needed him to hide the gift somewhere Archie wouldn’t find it, but then I realized I could just put it in my purse.” She turns and nervously digs through her bag.
      Its clear that this is not even close to the truth, but I know better than to try and get a secret out of Veronica Lodge. Its like her mind has a high-security vault that has a code only a select few know.
Instead, we leave for Pop’s.
      When we walk into the diner, I look around and see Archie and Jughead in our signature booth. It is clear they are in mid-conversation, Archie laughing and Jughead…is he blushing? God only knows what that is about. I start to head over, but Pop calls me over to his position behind the register.
    “I’ll meet you guys at the table, just give me a minute. Make sure Juggie doesn’t drink my shake before I get there!”
     Before I can ask, Pop hands me a letter. It is just like the others. A plain white envelope with To my Beloved on the front.
     He seems to read my mind because I can’t even get the question out before he says, “I don’t know who its from. The fella was long gone before I got back from the kitchen. It was just this and a post-it note that told me to give it to you.”
     I rip it open, starving for the next installment in this saga.
To my Juliet,
    You are so much more powerful than any celestial body.
  I like to think I have at least a basic understanding of astronomy. I know how a star is born, and how it dies. I know that the sun will some day consume the Earth in a fiery inferno like no life has ever seen. I know that we all orbit that very sun.

But I have a new theory, something much more profound and ground breaking than Galileo or Newton.
I orbit you.
You have a gravitational pull that is so effortless, yet so strong, that I am powerless to resist it.
I am helpless, and I am not so sure that I want to be helped.
With each passing moment, I feel my body falling out of my own control and taking the path that you have determined for it, whether you are aware of it or not.
I cannot stop loving you, Betty Cooper, and I am not sure that I want to.
Always and forever yours, Your Romeo.
So chapter three is up! I was on vacation the past few days and I literally started writing this chapter on one of those free note pads that the hotels give you. >_<. I hope you guys like it. What could possibly be next for these two? You know what they say, one step forward, two steps back...
Thank you for all of your positivity!I hope this one lives up to the last two. Please, let me know if you like it and what you may want to see next!
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callmetippytumbles · 7 years
Thoughts on THOTS, Chapter 15: BUH BYE DEMON!
So long bitch! Ain’t nobody gonna miss you and your dusty ass green dress! 
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So before I start two things.  One, this chapter review is brought to you by the magic of generic Dayquil/Nyquil.  I took one orange gelcap and one green gelcap and they are warring in my insides for dominance.  This is a great idea. Don't do this, this is a terrible idea. I have been sick with a cold throat thing since Thursday but its been really bad today and it doesn't help that I am rarely sick so I have no idea how to be sick. (Read: I am being a big ass baby about being sick.)
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Two, over the last week I made it to 103 followers. Jesu Christi Oluwa-WHAT?!?! I never thought I would convince more than ten people to want to see my posts let alone 103. Seriously, my mind is blown.  My body is breaking down having to process that thought. So many words to say about that, but the simplest and most important is thanks! From the bottom of my petty, bird-ass heart, thank you for liking my posts, reblogging and stuff.
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Now on to the mess.
I have no idea what the fuck is happening now.  When I first started reading The Royal Romance Book 2, I thought that finding Tariq would be at the earliest chapter 17.  PB was like:
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I also thought that this chapter was going to be Halle, Maxwell, and Bertand looking for Tariq in boutiques and sand. But no, Drake and Hana are coming for this trip and Betrand is going to stay at the hotel and sext Savannah and pull his hair out or whatever.
Well Hana is back, missed her lots I will get back to this but first I need to address something:
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Sure, those sunglasses are as effective as a disguise as two toddlers in a trench coast passing as an adult. Halle may as well be like:
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I can't look into Halle's eyes with those sunglasses, I can see them but I can't "see" them.  It’s like trying to look into a magic eye and trying to see the real picture. I can't.  
The rest of the outfit is cute.
Halle has to get a whole disguise (read: sunglasses) but everyone else is not even going to try to put on a hat or a scarf or a Steve Harvey mustache? Okay. Sure. Whatevs.
Am I surprised that Maxwell asked a man who could be harboring Tariq if he is harboring Tariq? No.  I am just happy that this did not play out like I thought: Maxwell: Maybe Tariq is at the beach. He did say that he likes beaches and he seemed to like it when Halle took us to the beach in NY. *PB gives us the Venice Beach background* Halle: So where is Tariq? Maxwell: I dunno. Oooh! Hot dog! *Maxwell gets a hot dog* Halle and Bertrand: Maxwell! Maxwell: Sowwy. *swallows bite of hotdog* Maxwell: I didn't want to go to LA and not see the beach. You guys could still get a hot dog.
Could have been worse is all I am saying.
@lizzybeth1986​ I told you that that beach background was coming to play and here we are.  We are both right.
We actually found Tariq pretty quickly.  He is chilling in Mark and Cole's apartment in LoveHacks. Tariq likes to spend his money on designer clothes not designer housing.
I like that you get the option to slap Tariq.  You know I took it.  He deserves and he acknowledges that he deserves.  I like that he does not try to make himself some kind of victim.  I am pissed that he ran away and stayed silent while Halle's name was being dragged through the mud tried to frame it like he was doing her a solid by doing that.  Also, if he was so concerned about doing the right thing why did he have to be "convinced" to make a statement. FOH!
We fly back in record time, get Tariq to make a statement, and then we have to fight with Justin on when the message goes public.  My petty ass wanted to have the it go out like Justin advised because that demon can spin shit and turn everything into an alternative fact. Justin had legitimate worries about that. However, I tried to play nice and give Liam and IT prior notice and take the high road and it goes out anyway.  PB straight up was like:
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This is why I like to be trash and go low.  Especially when it involves the demon. Speaking of which:
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First of all you of all people should not be doubting my, I mean Halle's, I mean my integrity with your fake ass chocolate allergy bitch!  You have suspect intentions ALL THE FUCKING TIME.  Just this time Halle did it to you.  It hurts doesn't it Demon?  Just burns your grits.  Good. Second of all, I still tried to warn your wicked ass when I wanted you to get embarrassed because FUCK YOU FOR THE REST.
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Also: Fuck you mean "enjoy this satisfaction while it lasts"? Doesn't matter.
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I hate having to be suspect of Justin.  He is probably the most informed and reliable character of the series.  I mean his insights literally saved Halle from her worst enemy, Halle. The exchange in the hotel room and this exchange says I should not trust him as much I do:
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I know your ass ain’t sorry I should have known not to trust Justin when he kept saying nice things about the Demon.  He could be working with the Demon.  I do not want this guy to be my enemy.  It will ruin my future fics. However if Justin did had some ulterior motives, this better not play out like the Hyde thing in 50 Shades of Grey.
Hana is so freakin cute in this chapter I just can't even.  The hair is everything and I want a textured version for Halle.  Hana is straight up looking like a Flushing girl who just spent her Forever21 gift card.  I am not mad at it. Live your life Hana! 
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Then Hana does this at McDermot’s and I died:
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There is nothing that is more pure than Hana doing a happy dance in her seat while eating a french fry dipped in a milkshake.
Also McDermot’s? This is worse than the McDonald’s of Nigeria Mr. Biggs...in terms of names.  Mr Biggs has jollof rice and meat pie so it wins on food.
Liam wears the casual outfit from last week again and I am like:
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You have money Liam.  While I don't want you to go clothes shopping for yourself but that doesn't mean that I don't ever want you to shop for clothes again period.  I just meant hire someone who is paid to have taste do it for you. Then again...
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Liam can just wear his swim panties (for public decency) and I would be fine.  SHOW MEH DEM THIGH MEATS!
So those fortunes.  Can we talk about my whack ass fortune?
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I know Halle! Why can't we just have our happy ending with our fine ass king who breaks our back every night because his fucking is just that good and have a bunch of cute babies with curly hair in our palace? Why can't we have this? Don't we deserve?
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Anyway the chapter ends with my king, Liam, coming to my room in full kingly garb.  
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All of the medals and sashes. Looking like a carefully wrapped present. Just goodness.  We all know what is coming.  He tells me that he breaks off his engagement to the Demon.
***This Thoughts on THOTS has been interrupted by the Demon is Defeated Dance Party***
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***We will now return to your scheduled programming***
I don't know how Liam broke off this engagement, but in the moment I don't fucking care.  I know what my man is here to do and I have been ready since the end of book 1, logistics be damned. I am ready. Then PB has to pull this bullshit:
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Fuck you mean that I have to wait one whole entire motherfucking week to hear my beloved give me the most romantic speech of my entire life that ends with him asking for my hand in holy matrimony? Why do I have to wait for that, especially when I know that more bullshit is around the corner and that happiness will not last long? Why are you like this? Ugh.
With that said I don't understand how Liam could just break his engagement when the Demon while totally evil and shit did not actually have anything directly to do with the scandal as far as we know.  The whole reason he didn’t break their engagement as soon as my ass came back to court was RULES. Now that Tariq came out and made a statement that did not implicate the Demon, Liam is all like FUCK RULES? Huh? I can see how that could make the Demon angry. However...I do not give a shit. So there’s that.
Good news: So in the next chapter I know that Liam is going to propose with a ring that has the pearl from the grotto.  I know that I am going to have to pay all of the diamonds to fuck him from dawn to dusk to dawn again especially if this is at the beginning of a chapter.  This will take place in my hotel room because we like to keep it spicy and go inside for a change. If Liam is not your LI you can finally crush his heart and start courting the person you want for real, starting with sex.  So really everyone may be fucking in the next chapter. YAY! My Tumblr timeline will be lit if that happens. Can't wait. I want all of you to fuck your beloveds. The Demon would be doubly pissed if you wrecked her queenship and did not even want Liam! Win! Making her mad is fun.
Bad News: The Demon knows something. IT just will not die easy.  Will not be surprised if IT literally shows up at the last chapter like:
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Then murders Liam for dumping her demonic ass.
Also Justin may be up to something.  This hurts. I just don't understand what his motives behind behind sabotaging me could be.  Would not be surprised if it's as simple as "the check didn't clear". It would not be the first time Bertrand wrote a check and it bounced. Just saying.
I am really worried about the calm that PB is trying to lull me into.  I remember this from when I played the first book.  I was like I got this shit in the bag, I am going to be queen and win everything, then PB was like no bitch! PB might pull some shit like that again.
I am going to cure my throat/cold thingy so that I can do all the screaming next week when I get my proposal. Still want a panda at my royal wedding @playchoices.
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