#/LIGHTHEARTED btw i hope it came across
mihai-florescu · 1 year
why does it sound like a cat is the vocalist in this song
That's just how we communicate in romania🙄 Insensitive americans smh
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celestialecho · 2 months
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on childhood best friends.
via ill give you the sun by jandy nelson // via the art of ponyo by hayao miyazaki // jack johnson, we're going to be friends // a message from my childhood best friend // mitski, i guess // via a little life by hanya yanagihara // adventure time, island song (come along with me) // via unknown // abba, chiquitita
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icycoldninja · 11 days
Can u write the DMC boys in a scenario where they were turned into little kittens because a particularly smart devil managed to cast a magic spell on them to escape?
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When they woke up, they’re very confused as to why their clothes are suddenly much bigger than they are and so do their weapons. Only when they look at their reflection in the nearby puddle do they realize they become a little kitten
Now they’re cursing in distress, which, sound more like distressed meows from a sulking kitty
And that caught the reader’s attention as she was searching up and down for them, not knowing what happened to her bf before she stumbled across a cute little cat near the pile of fallen rocks
Reader: What are you doing here little fella? Where’s your mom? Did you happen to come across my boyfriend? Can I bring you home with me?
The boys: ‘HONEY!! IT’S ME’ *distressed meowing being inserted*
Now the reader takes care of the little kitten she brought home, not knowing it’s her bf meanwhile she’s just praying for their well-being and hope that they get home soon (erm…about that) She usually plays with them, buys things for them for enrichment, etc and not only that, she usually rants to the little kitten that even though she do love the boys, she can’t help but feel that there’s a rift between their relationship because of how much time they spend with their job, which makes her feel neglected in a way but she can’t blame them. Meanwhile, the kitten, that happens to be her bf, is actually paying close attention to her words, their heart aches because they unknowingly neglect her by overworking themselves, which leads to little to no time for their relationship
After a few days, they return back to normal. Reader is glad they’re back home but is confused about what happened to her favorite little kitty. That’s when the boys explain that the kitten is them…which leads to a very awkward conversation afterwards, ranging from ‘Are you okay?’s; ‘What happened/?’ to the boys explaining that they heard her confession and both the reader and them promising to work out their relationship
P/S: No joke V looks like an Oriental Short hair cat like…no explanation needed
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and Nero looks similar to an Ocicat
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For Vergil and Dante. It’s rather complicated but they’re either Russian Blues or Turkish Angoras
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Here’s a little illustration of cat V I made…I’m rather proud of it
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yeap that's accurate. Cool drawing, btw.
Sparda boys + V x Reader kitten situation headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Somehow, a particularly powerful demon managed to cast a spell on Dante and turned him into a cat.
-Dante was super angry about this and started screeching at thin air, convinced he was speaking English words.
-While returning home from work, you came across this very kitten, sitting and meowing in distress. Naturally, you decided to help him.
-Dante was happy to be with you, but he couldn't understand why you didn't understand what he was saying. It took some time, but he eventually concluded that he must have been speaking cat.
-You cared for the cat-Dante for a little while, growing super attached to him in the process. Oh how you loved this fuzzy little ball of fun. You also vented to it, shamelessly dilvuging all your fears and issues with your relationship due to how much time Dante spent away from you. All this information went into the cat's wars, and registered in Dante's brain.
-When the spell eventually wore off, you were very sad, but hey, at least you had your boyfriend back!
-After asking about his strange absence, Dante was reluctant to admit that he was the cat you'd taken care of all along and that he remembers every moment; every word.
-He then apologized and promised to make more time for you, much to your delight. Thankfully, Dante is lighthearted and doesn't judge much or you'd be in for one hell of a lecture.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil couldn't believe something like this had happened to him. How could he have been foolish enough to get turned into a cat?!
-He was very angry, and naturally began grumbling to himself while trying to head home.
-This was where you found him, meowing sadly like the poor little kitty he was.
-Of course, you brought him home, and began treating him like your adopted child, unaware that this was actually your boyfriend.
-You poured out your soul to this harmless kitten, venting about everything that upset you, including how Vergil's continuous absence saddened you.
-When Vergil returned to normal (which took a few days), he decided not to say anything about it. He simply couldn't bear to tell you he, the MOTIVATED one, had been changed into a cat. Instead, he took more time off for you, surprising you with his sudden change of schedule.
□ Nero □
-Nero didn't really understand how this happened, but hey, it's not all bad!
-While laughing about it to himself, he saw you crossing the street, and decided to meow to get your attention.
-Your attention he got indeed; the next thing he knew, he was being given a bath at home, and then a lot of pets and scratches behind the ears.
-He also got to listen to you talk about your day, in far more detail than you ever told him. It made him kind of jealous. A cat was getting to know more about you than your own boyfriend did.
-When you started talking about how your boyfriend (him) was hardly ever around, it all clicked into place. You felt neglected! Aw shit, Nero really fucked up this time.
-Once he turned back to normal, he set out to change things, even promising out of the blue that he'd put more time into your relationship. When you asked him why, he ended up inadvertently revealing he had been that kitten you so adored all this time.
● V ●
-V was just a few seconds too slow to avoid this demon's beam of magic, and ended up getting turned into a cat.
-Oh, this was so distressing. Griffon and Shadow were no longer around, so V was all alone. When cats are frightened and alone, what do they do? Meow.
-You happened to hear this meowing as you were out and about looking for him, and being the kind soul you are, rushed to help the terrified kitty.
-V was then given a glimpse of how royalty lives. He was pampered, doted on, petted almost every 2 seconds, and waited on hand and foot.
-He also got to hear a lot of your secrets, including how you felt lonely without him around. You missed him much more than he realized, V realized, and made a mental promise to fix that once he was human again.
-You were dismayed to lose your kitten, when that eventually happened, but overjoyed to have your boyfriend back. It was then when you were informed that he never left. V was the cat all along, and from that moment onward, he would make more time for you.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 3 months
i did the whole 'oh i;ll only watch a couple episodes of this sh- oh oops i've seen the whole thing' with we are lady parts series 2 and i wanna give my thoughtssss
will be spoilers below btw
ok so overall i did love it!!!
as i said in my other post, this series was definitely less funny than the first but that made sense since this one felt a lot more serious, and the emotional moments were by far the strongest imo!!!
the music was great OBVIOUSLY! 'villain era' is an instant classic, and i WILL be listening to the whole soundtrack on repeat lol!
i also really adored so many of the character moments in this series! bisma trying to find her identity as a black muslim woman (and the whole 'don't let me be misunderstood' scene made me bawl! genuinely one of the best bits of tv i've seen in ages!), ayesha's struggle with her relationship to the idea of coming out (which i'm SO happy they went the direction they did! it also really did make me cry too lol... also laura was hot as fuck) and saira's whole censorship thing was SO fucking powerful! (the other characters had great moments too btw, but those definitely stood out to me!)
also ALSO i loveddd how so many scenes had this unique surreal feel to them! like we definitely saw this in the first series, but i love how they really played around with it in this one (the whole pausing people thing, saira being physically censored, etc)
also ALSO ALSO loved that we got some more momtaz scenes! it genuinely broke my heart when they decided to ditch her for the contract tbh and i was so SO happy where they went with her arc!
but ok so despite all that, i did have some Problems...
overall the first half of the series was definitely weaker than the latter half, and like i get that a part of that is cos they ofc needed to set up plots for the latter part to make sense, but it also meant that the first few eps kinda dragged a lil :///
connected to this, i really didn't get why the whole 'second wife' bit was there lol other than to create some 'lady parts are millennial and don't understand gen z' but it all just came across kinda cringey to me soz... (also the fanfiction plot could have been interesting but they handled it in a kinda weird way ??? idk lol...)
my biggest complaint, though, was with what they did with amina.
look, i ADORE her as a character and anjana is an absolute QUEEN. buuuuuuut.... they really couldn't have had something more interesting for her character other than a (kinda boring) romantic storyline?! idk... just with everything else happening with the other characters, it was the part that felt least developed imo...
and it's not like i have anything against ahsan and her being together, i really like their chemistry and def rooted for them in the first series, but the whole white guy thing (i cant be bothered to go look up that guy's name lol) & ahsan's jealousy was just a lil tedious to me idk...
even her scenes with noor and her mum, which i did like, just felt kinda disjointed from everything else... i guess they wanted to include it so the series still felt lighthearted with all the slightly more heavy subject matters this series went into, but it just didn't work for me...
and especially with her saying she's in her 'villain era' i was really hoping for some interesting and dynamic moments with her character but we got like... literally nothing that wasn't already in the first series lol??? also, and this is a small complaint, but i feel like her relationship with saira was a large part of the first series and yet we hardly saw them interact in the second series??? (and i'm not even saying this from a shipping context, even though i do like the idea of them being together lol... it was just odd that their dynamic was so important for the first series but completely ignored for the 2nd ??? idk idk)
and like, look, i know that a part of my minuscule disappointment with this series is that the first series had SUCH a big impact on me and so my expectations after literally 3 years of waiting were very high, so there was no way that it would ever be able to live up to all that anyway so ... idk
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rosesformark · 5 years
when two ends meet - bbh
requested! by @byunfirstlady: Can I request a baekhyun scenario when him and the reader are childhood friends and after taking different paths at the end of their graduation, they meet up when baekhyun's parents invite y/n and her parents to eat ? Can it be angst and fluff ? I hope it's not too much detailed ><
genre: angst, fluff
pairing: baekhyun x reader
word count: 2k
A/N: Sorry if it seems a bit rushed at the end but I hope you enjoy my take on childhood friends and meeting each other again and stufff like thatt hehe. Thank you for requesting! More requested fics will be posted soon:) btw, the baekhyun i had in mind when posting this was the recent LA baekhyun where he wore the silk shirts at prive launch but the hair was when he landed in LA and it was all permy and bunchy on top :’)
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The hustling of waiters made you quickly swerve from left to right as you made your way towards the table in the back. The dim lighting in the restaurant caused frequent squinting of the eyes, your mother’s head slowly coming into view as you curved the final corner towards the table.
Walking up to the table, you made eye contact with your father and let out a sheepish laugh as you side-eyed your watch stating that it was 7:38pm. Granted, Seoul traffic never looked pretty but you knew that being forty minutes late was not excusable in your parents eyes. “Sorry I’m late, you know how traffic is these days.”
Your father gave you a tight-lipped smile as he gestured for you to take a seat next to him. You silently let out a breath of relief and slid into the booth, turning towards the guests across from you. In your haste of getting here, it was only now that you noticed who was sitting in the booth with your parents. Your eyes widened as they met a pair of familiar, droopy brown eyes, a face that made you double-take as it brought back years of childhood memories and unsettled feelings.
“It’s nice to see you again y/n.”
Your heart stuttered as you heard your name slip from his mouth, it’s been, what? Three, four years? Normally, the reason for not talking to another person would be because you both ended on bad terms. However, with him, it was neither good nor bad. It just… ended. You couldn’t ignore the speck of saltiness taking over your emotions as you saw him smiling brightly as you, droopy eyes and without a care in the world.
Your parents noticed your silence and gave you an even sharper look, you quickly cleared your throat and looked away, cheeks burning. “Likewise, Baekhyun.”
Baekhyun continued smiling at your flustered state, seemingly oblivious to the whirl of emotions you were feeling right now. The piles of unnecessary plates in front of you at this obnoxiously high end restaurant suddenly became your target of interest for the moment. It was only until you heard the voice of a woman you considered a second mom during your childhood that you finally looked up.
“Oh y/n dear! It’s been so long, how’s the university in America?” Baekhyun’s mother said as she smiled widely at you. A gush of genuineness washed over you as her soothing voice calmed you down considerably.
“It’s been amazing! I’m almost done with school and I’ll be moving back here soon. The food’s there was great but nothing beats Korea’s noodles.” A chorus of chuckles circled around the table as your lighthearted comment broke the tension built up ever since you came. Yours and Baekhyun’s parents began making small talk, leaving you no choice but to turn towards Baekhyun, giving him the chance to finally talk to you.
You noticed that he grew his hair out a lot longer than the last time you’ve seen him. It now slightly permed and nearly covered his eyes, giving him a ruggish, boyish look but his clothes stated otherwise. Pieces of his recent clothing launch adorned his body, consisting of a white and blue silk shirt, pulling off the mature yet sexy bad boy look. The contrast from his old loose t-shirts and khakis to now definitely showed, he even had a different aura coming out of him now. This seemingly confident, borderline arrogant air resonated from him as he looked at you almost cockily, smirking slightly as he waited for you to speak.
“Are you done staring now?”
“I wasn’t staring, I was merely observing.”
“Wouldn’t you say that’s the same thing?”
“I was observing how you changed over the past few years seeing as you didn’t have the time or effort to update me as so.”
Your blunt words took him aback as Baekhyun looked slightly hurt. What? You were telling the truth. To put it simply, after graduation and promises of sticking together, Baekhyun hardly tried contacting you and blamed it on his rising career as a model. You see now that he’s finally achieved his goals but it was at the expense of his best friend, you.
He looked uncomfortable as he shifted in his seat, eyes darting around and not knowing what to say. Even though he knew he was in the wrong, you felt an inkling of guilt hit you as you stared at him. Maybe you were too harsh on him, but if you were being honest, you didn’t expect your resentment mixed with unreciprocated feelings to make themselves known during this surprise dinner. If anything, you could blame it on your parents for not giving you a heads up that Baekhyun and his parents would be joining you tonight.
“I’m sorry for not contacting you as much, as a model, I–”
“How’s the model industry?”
Both of you spoke at the same time, causing a blush to appear on both of your cheeks. He cleared his throat and met your eyes. You gave him a knowing head nod as he sent a shy smile your way before answering your question.
“Honestly, it’s all I’ve ever dreamed of. I finally started up my own brand and the feedback has been great. Tiring at some points, but I love it.” He finished his short description with a smile that warmed your heart. Even with all the saltiness you felt now, you couldn’t deny the happiness you felt hearing him talk about his passion.
The rest of the dinner continued on with somewhat awkward small-talk but you could tell he was trying. It was almost like you were back to being childhood friends that made you click easily, his aura both captivating and gave you a sense of nostalgia with each laugh that you shared.
Before you knew it, the food came and went as all of you were getting ready to leave the restaurant. “Y/n, why don’t you take Baekhyun out for some dessert and catching up?” your mother piped in. You were a bit hesitant at first but your choice was already made as Baekhyun wordlessly gripped your hand, sending final goodbyes to both your parents before leading you out the door.
It was silent between the two of you as he walked the familiar path to your favorite ice-cream shop. You tried slipping your hand out of his but that only made him hold on tighter. Your heart started racing as you glanced up at his face, but his eyes remained forward.
Why were you just letting him hold your hand? Why wasn’t he letting go? Why weren’t you letting him go? All these questions swirled inside your head that you didn’t even notice you had arrived at the ice-cream shop. The ring of the bell alerted the cashier to look up as Baekhyun led you down the aisle and towards the spot both of you always occupied during your times here.
He pulled you down to sit in the booth and slowly let go of your hand, not breaking eye contact the whole time while doing so. Your heart beat heavily with every lingering touch as he gave you a small smile and proceeded to go up to the cashier and ordered a banana split with only strawberry ice cream on top. Coming back with said dessert, he placed it on the table, scooped a spoonful of ice cream, and held it to your lips.
“Say ah.” He drawled out the ahh as he teasingly held the spoon in front of you. Your face crinkled at his flirtatious actions as you pushed his arm away from your face. He pouted and shoved the spoon childishly in his mouth before handing you a second spoon, smiling delightfully at the ice cream that melted in his mouth.
You giggled at such an adorable scene, your smile quickly morphing into a sad one as you stared at the boy across from you. Your silence made him look up and furrow his eyebrows.
“What’s wrong, you don’t want any?”
You didn’t speak for a moment and slowly shook your head. Maybe it's the fact that you haven’t seen your best friend in so long, or that your negative feelings immediately dissipated the moment you saw his eye smiles. But the whole atmosphere and being at your childhood ice-cream shop and clicking so right the second the both of you spoke gave you feelings that you couldn’t explain and ultimately lead up to a few unwanted tears forming.
Baekhyun sprang out of his seat and immediately kneeled down next to you. In a flurry of “Are you okay?”s to “Oh my God, I knew your tastes have changed”, he proceeded to swipe your tears with the pads of his thumbs and had an adorably worrisome face while doing so.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” you blubbered out, gently lowering his hands and rubbing circles on his wrists. His worried face never ceased as he rested his hands in your lap, glancing from your soft hands up to your tear-filled eyes.
“Why are you crying?” he softly asked.
You let out a sad chuckle, licking your dry lips together as you tried to find the right words to speak. You weren’t even sure of how you feel, how could you try to convey the right message without offending him?
Moments passed as he gave you your time to speak, absentmindedly intertwining your hands with his and rubbing his thumbs soothingly across your knuckles.
“I don’t know, I just–, it’s complicated–, I– I don't even know how to explain it.” You couldn’t get the words out but his patient face motivated you to continue. “It’s just, after all these years of feeling mad that you never contacted me, I thought that I wouldn’t want to talk to you.”
You checked to see if he was still listening, his silence gave you the go to speak up.
“But, after the dinner and coming to the shop, I realized that I missed you so much over these past few years and that my feelings never changed. I hate that I couldn’t have just put my pride to the side and contacted you. Seeing you right now made me realize how childish I was being when all I did was miss you so much. I just want to be like how we were before graduation. ” Your voice quivered near the end as Baekhyun pulled you into a tight hug. You rested your chin on his shoulder as he rubbed warm circles onto your back. After all these years, you felt secure and stable in his arms.
His breath tickled your ear as he spoke up, “It’s my fault that we ended up like this. I didn’t realize that as my modeling career grew, I was losing the one person who supported me through it all. So please don’t apologize, you never deserved the treatment I gave you and I want to change that.”
He pulled away to meet your eyes and continued speaking, “I’ve never once stopped missing you throughout the years and I want to show you how much I still love you. Please, will you give me that chance?” His eyes were staring deeply into yours as he spoke, hands clenching tightly onto yours.
You were scared, no doubt. But the determination set in his eyes as he looked at you, the love that was showcased in them caused you to nod your head with no hesitation. The yearning in your heart increasing tenfold as the idea of a relationship with him bloomed into your mind.
“Of course, baek.” His toothy smile immediately spread across his face as it mimicked yours. You saw his whole body sag in relief as he quickly stood up and pressed a firm kiss to your forehead. You giggled into his chest as he kept pressing mini kisses all around your face and pulled you up into a tight hug yet again.
You wrapped your arms around his waist as his was around your shoulders, cradling your head to his chest. He pressed his cheek onto the side of your head to whisper lovingly into your ear.
“I won’t mess this up, I promise.”
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earthboundpenguin · 6 years
Children of the Wheat
@jlaireweek - Day 5 - Flour
(read it on ao3 here)
Jim rolled over onto his stomach and groaned as he reached for his phone, groggy with sleep. It was too early for this.
Swiping up to see the notification, he took note of the time: 4pm. Which meant, back in Arcadia, it was… 2pm? 1pm? He wasn’t quite sure if they’d crossed over into the Eastern Time Zone yet. Either way, it was a perfectly normal time for humans with perfectly normal schedules to be texting their best friend.
Unfortunately, Jim no longer had a perfectly normal schedule.
But that didn't mean he couldn't take time out of his definitely-not-normal schedule to talk to Toby.
Jim peered at the screen to see what his friend had sent him:
[Jimbo. ur not gonna believe what coach lawrence is making us do in health class. again.]
A moment later, Jim’s phone buzzed as he received an image. He opened it, seeing that it was a bag of flour with a face drawn on it. He texted back:
[lol, seriously?]
[yeah, since *almost* the whole class failed the first time. apparently we need it to graduate. luckily, darcy and i don’t have to sweat since we already passed ;P]
[yeah. u and claire really dodged a bullet. how’s the trip btw]
[we’re somewhere in the midwest now… maybe indiana? or ohio? not sure. i always sucked at geography]
[dude, u can just read the signs. that's what they're there for]
[yeah… they're kind of hard to read in the dark]
[oh. right. ...shoot u were probs sleeping, huh? my bad. i’ll let u get back to that]
[lol thanks. talk to you later, tobes]
With a sigh, Jim looked up from his phone. Claire was lying a few feet away, and from the look of it was wide awake. When he made eye contact, she quickly scooted across the floor to sidle up next to him. “Was that Toby?” she asked, leaning her cheek against his shoulder. His armor had finally come off a week ago, and now it seemed like she was on a personal mission to touch him as much as possible so they could both get used to his new skin. He still felt uncomfortable in it, and ridiculously insecure, but they were making progress. Slowly.
“Yeah,” he replied. He showed her the picture of the flour bag.
She immediately started giggling. “Oh man, they have to do that assignment again? That sure was nuts the first time,” she looked up at him, her brown eyes shining in the dim light of the cave. “Remember how you blew up our child?”
Our child. His stomach sank. “Hey, I was kinda busy fighting a Gruesome, in case you forgot!” he tried to keep his tone lighthearted, but notes of melancholy still managed to weave their way in.
And Claire noticed. “Jim, what’s wrong?”
He tried to remain silent, but a distressed sound rumbled low in his chest. He kept forgetting that was a thing his body did now.
“Jim, please talk to me.”
With a huff, he folded his arms in front of him on the floor and hid his face inside the little barrier he’d created. “Nothing,” he growled. “It’s stupid.”
“Try me,” she whispered, her breath close enough to tickle his ear. He felt her lightly kiss the tip of his ear, and he had to fight to keep the corners of his mouth from twitching upward - he really liked it when she did that.
And she knew it.
He begrudgingly unburied his face. “It’s just,” he began with a sigh, “I also remember thinking how it would be nice to be a dad someday. I was kinda looking forward to it, actually,” he admitted sheepishly.
“And?” she raised an eyebrow at him.
“I mean, that’s pretty much out of the picture now.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Um, I’m pretty sure I do. I’m half-troll now, remember?”
“It’s sort of hard to forget,” she said with a sly smile, planting a firm kiss on his cheek. “Doesn’t mean you still can’t be a father, though.”
“Claire,” he frowned. “I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure the whole ‘half-troll’ thing doesn’t really work with… well, you know.”
“Again, you don't know that. Not until we.. uh...”
He looked at her with a mix of shock and embarrassment. “Wait, are you suggesting…?”
“Ohmigod, Jim! Not right now!” Even in the low lighting, he could see the pink flush blooming on her face. “But, you know. Maybe in the future. Someday.”
He breathed a sigh of relief. But a little spark of hope flickered somewhere deep inside his chest. As well as a small rush of excitement.
“And, well,” she continued, “if that doesn't work, then adoption is always an option.”
“Oh yeah, because I'm sure an adoption agency would love to hand a kid over to a monster,” he deadpanned.
“Not monster. Half-troll, half-human,” she scowled at him, pointedly running a hand through his mane of hair. “Stop being so pessimistic - when the time comes, we'll figure something out. Who knows? Maybe we'll end up adopting a troll!”
And just like that, the lopsided grin he'd held at bay earlier came back in full force. “We?”
“Well, duh. I mean, you're pretty much stuck with me at this point,” Claire teased, her blush taking on a more rosy hue. “I can't exactly go back to dating regular guys after someone as exciting as you, now, can I?”
“God, I love you,” he murmured. He leaned over and, as gently as he could, kissed her cheek. A soft rumbling started up in his chest.
“Jim, are you… purring?”
“That's adorable.” She smiled mischievously and sat up on her knees, mussing his hair lovingly before standing up.
“Hey, where are you going?” he whined, rolling onto his back.
“Don't worry, I won't be gone long.” She winked before walking to the other side of the cave, to the place where they were keeping their food supplies. It was mostly there for Claire's sake, though occasionally there were days when Jim found he could eat with her. But usually that was only when meat was on the menu. And his portion was served raw.
After a minute she came back over, carrying something behind her back.
“Whatcha got there?” he asked playfully, knowing full well that she was up to something.
“Training,” she smirked. In one swift motion, she dropped a five-pound bag of flour square onto his chest, something that would have knocked the wind out of him had he still been only human.
“Don't blow this one up, I need it for breakfast tomorrow.”
He gasped in mock horror, “You cannibal!”
She giggled as she laid down on the floor next to him, burrowing in between his arm and his side. He rubbed her shoulder with one hand while he lifted up the impromptu flour-child with the other.
“I'm gonna call this one Jimmy Lake Junior Jr. the Second.”
“You’re officially never allowed to name anything ever again.”
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gloopyteazsblog · 4 years
Btw, I absolutely HATE Trump with all of my being, and I feel the same way about Putin. But after that very long post I made about Mari, I needed to watch some more lighthearted stuff today. So I just took some time out of my day to just hang out in the basement and watch some animation memes (Because yes, I do really like animation of all kinds). And of course, in my travels throughout the internet, I came across quite a few memes and that's how I found Wide Putin and Wide Trump. Idk, I just really want to turn Wide Trump into an entire character, just so that it doesn't feel weird for me to make fanart of Wide Trump. 👉👈 That's basically it, and I hope that I'll be able to start posting about some actual happy stuff tomorrow.
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RANDOM RECORD WORKOUT SEASON 5 Battle 15 Single Bullet Theory: S/T (Side 1) Vs. The Alarm: Strength (Side 2) Single Bullet Theory: S/T (Side 1) I literally know nothing about this band, other than this: When I came across this album, I was immediately drawn in. I saw a colorful, attention grabbing cover filled with squirt guns, and on the flip side were five regular looking dudes with one exception. They looked (respectively) like the children of Ric Ocasik, Dee Dee Ramone, and Bun E. Love. Now mind you, in my eyes, those are NOT bad things. Also, I took note that this was released on Nempor records (home of power pops like The Romantics) so I figured it was a least worth the 99 cent admission price. In short, another of my cut out bin gambles. So this is literally my first spin of this record. My initial impression: I was not wrong to pick this up. Elements of all three aforementioned fathers are present (Cars, Ramones, Cheap Trick) and some Romantics and even a little of The Kings and things! A little research reveals that the band came up with the cover concept that I was drawn to all by themselves! It is actually common practice for a label to appoint someone for art design, so that is fairly rare. It really is pretty neat though. Single Bullet Theory are legit power pop dudes from Richmond, Virginia. The band was originally founded in 1976 under the name X-Breed. SBT adopted the new moniker after the addition of a guitarist and bassist to the original three-person lineup. They self-released an EP in 1977 and by 1979 were opening for Patti Smith. After landing a song on the Asylum Sharp Cuts compilation album, they signed with Mike Curb Productions, but left the label before releasing any material. In 1982 they signed to CBS Records subsidiary Nemperor and released a full-length album. The single "Keep it Tight" appeared on MTV and is effectively song one, side one. The video (see below) is hilarious BTW. Basically the EP and this album are their full dscog. "Keep it Tight" - Right off the bat, you are hit with sweet power pop bliss. A short and tight (they were not joking!) tune. "Slide Away" was probably slated as a single if I were guessing. Slick keyboard presence with nice rhythms and power chords. A Pretty layered dip here. Nice and with a little harder edge. "Hang on to Your Heart" is complete, 100% 80's night tracks, baby. If there isn't a video somewhere for this I would be surprised. "A Blink of an Eye" is probably the biggest highlight here for me. Holy $#!7!! A great, floating melody surrounded by hooks, lines, and sink my battleship! This one is SURELY a radio jam. If not, I hope someone at the label lost a job for not making it so. The final number is "Das Madchen" (translation: the Lady). It's umlaut core Essets!! Ironically, no Deutsch is spoken(???) Power chord peppered pieces of pop corn. I smell Phil Spector...no??? At any rate, it was a fine find, and a great specimen of the power pop genre. The Alarm: Strength (Side 2) The Alarm are generally billed as a Clash style knock off. Or maybe what The Clash would have evolved into if they hadn't self destructed. Personally, I even hear some Stray Cats. Stand outs are certainly the drums and vocals. The Alarm are a Welsh alternative rock/new wave band that formed in Rhyl, Wales, in 1981. Initially formed as a punk band, "The Toilets" in 1977, under lead vocalist Mike Peters, the band soon embraced rock, displaying marked influences from Welsh language and culture. By opening for acts such as U2 and Bob Dylan, they became a popular alternative rock band of the 1980s. Strength is their second studio offering, and experienced some delay in the recording process. The band had a producer lined up, that agreed to come overseas to record. However, they never showed and some crucial dates for a summer tour were about to take place. The band adapted though, and did the dates, then found a new producer and in October of 1985, Strength his the shelves. "Deeside" starts off poppy, nice and choppy. I totally hear the Clash thing. Even a bit of The Lords of the New Church. The energy level never lets up. "Father to Son" is more of a Reggae-ish tune, sounds more funky than anything. Maybe Men without Hats if they did just straight up punk. "Only The Thunder" is something I can only describe as a kind of punk-country version of U2. I am starting to become confused and disoriented. "The Day The Ravens Left The Tower" is next on the set list. While I love the evil sounding title, the fitting somber tone of the guitar licks that follow are the real impressive quality. Then...it gets serious. Fly Away!!!! "Absolute Reality" brings back the blitzy fitz and frantic vocals that reel you in. I can't really find an accurate descriptor, but it seems to be a lighthearted, almost folk and acoustic version of the Clash. I don't mean B. A. D. Either (#seewhatididthere). "Walk Forever By My Side" just ruins the whole credibility of anything up to this point, though. Complete rubbish and piano ballad. Honey bunches of NOPE! And Really, not even needed if you ask me. Single Bullet Theory didn't call in a second shooter (#seewhatididthere) but they did call in one heck of a performance. They blitzed through 5 songs in 18 minutes and burned 140 calories in the process. That is 28 calories per song and 7.78 calories per minute. The Alarm used their "Strength" to overcome production woes and to sound the Alarm. They burned 168 calories over 24 minutes and 6 songs. That is 28 calories per song and 7 calories flat per minute. Impressive, but not enough to avoid the Single Bullet, shot straight to number 1! Single Bullet Theory wins!! Listen for yourself! Check out the links: Single Bullet Theory: "Keep It Tight" (I'm pretty sure this video features Gary Busey as, "guy in the shower") https://youtu.be/e6GlwoUR1e8 The Alarm: "Deeside" https://youtu.be/WCFv4XL2E6g #RANDOMRECORDWORKOUTSEASON5 #RANDOMRECORDWORKOUT
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sassysweetstories · 7 years
Request: “Can you write a fluffy Bellamy Blake imagine? Where it's a relaxing day, which never happens, and you guys are just laying around. All of a sudden he starts telling you all the reasons why he loves you and you do the same to him. And just fluff. Please? Love your blog btw💕💕🌻❣️”
Ship: Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF OH MY GOD SO MUCH CUTENESS, swearing, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners. 
Third P.O.V
Down on earth, it was never like this. Calm and quiet. When the one-hundred came here to this planet, some knew, or had at least suspected dangers from the second they got here they were always moving. Always paranoid. Never really truly sleeping well at night. You really couldn't on earth. With the grounders lurking at every corner, not one person slept with an easy mind or an easy conscious. But today, today was the day everything would be absolutely calm, tranquil. 
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With the grounders united with Skikru, things had settled down greatly. Everything had been very quiet that morning. The usual birds sang their sweet lighthearted tune but there was no ruckus no fighting loud remarks. No jostling or screams. No tension. Everyone that morning, including Bellamy Blake and his gorgeous girlfriend, (Y/n) (Y/L/N). The couple slept soundly for the first time in a long time. Their arms, legs and other limbs tangled within one another. 
Bellamy was the first of the two to wake. And when he did, he wasn’t surprised to see his beautiful girlfriend sleeping soundly below him. Bellamy had never taken the time to really truly look at her. If he thought she was beautiful before, he was in pure awe now. He loved the way her hair fell onto her face. For once, her body was in ease, something that was very rare on earth. With his long calloused hand, he ran his thumb across her cheeks, smiling to himself. How’d he get so god damn lucky to have her? 
That morning, he just sat there. Not entirely sure how long, but that didn’t matter to him. It could have been minutes or hours but he felt free, alive with her wrapped in his arms. The second she woke from her slumber, her gorgeous eyes met her lovers, Bellamy’s. They smiled at one another, both sleepy from having just awoken. When he speaks, his voice is hoarse and ruff. “Good-morning, sweetheart.” (Y/n) sighs happily, taking in the scene laid before her. “Good-morning, babe. How’d you sleep?” 
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They continue casual conversation, something they weren’t able to really do before. With everything around them, they were never stopping, never taking any time to really talk, let alone see the amazing necessities that were right in front of them. This had to have been the longest conversation the two of them had ever had. For the first time, everything around them was calm and quiet. Nobody bothered their tent, nobody died, nobody attack. It was perfect. (Y/n) got up to slip on one of Bellamy’s sweatshirts before plopping back down on the bed, he was transfixed on her smile. 
In that moment, he wanted her to really know how much she’d meant to him. His mouth and mind working together in perfect harmony. “I love you so much, ya know that. I love that smile of yours. The amount of times I’ve walked into my tent, or anything room for that matter, whatever mood I was in, your smile and your presence made me feel whole. You made me feel wanted. You’ve always accepted me as who I was. No matter how much I might have been a righteous pain in the ass, you never cease to see the good in me when I don’t see it. 
You have always taken care of me, and I love you so much for that. What bothers me though, is that you don’t even see how perfect you really are to me. The way your eyes light up when you talk about something you love or enjoy. The way your hair falls and shapes your gorgeous face. Let’s not even mention the body. Your body is built like a goddess, even Aphrodite would be jealous. Sometimes I can’t even sit still when I look at you. Knowing that my girlfriend looks that good all the time, and is mine, makes me so fucking happy. God, and your sense of humor. Even when I’m in the shittiest of moods, you always have a way of making me smile. 
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The jokes you make are so corny and stupid sometimes but they are absolutely hilarious to me. You are so kind to everybody, no matter what their past was. You are so sassy and sarcastic, I feel like I have to be vigilant all the time. Like I’m always on my toes, prepared for whatever comes out of your mouth. And your lips.. I could kiss them all day and never ever get tired of the way you look. With or without makeup, you look like a queen. I have never been so in love like this. I am willing to cross mountains for you, willing to climb any tower. I would sacrifice anything for you. Because I love you.” 
When he finishes, (Y/n) doesn’t say anything for a second. Totally shocked by his romantic outburst. Now perched on her legs, she grins down at the pillow in front of her before saying softly. “I love your eyes and your hair. Many people think that brown eyes aren’t beautiful. But I think they’re wrong. Each pair of eyes tells a story. And yours, Bellamy Blake, is one I’m very happy to be apart of. When you first looked at me with those big chocolate brown eyes, I swore I was going to faint. And your hair, though it is always messy, I love running my fingers through it. 
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I love how strong you are. I love that you can take more shit than anyone would have predicted. And though you like to cover up your emotions, I am so glad you’ve opened up to me. I want to cherish and love you forever. I love your sarcastic humor and constant sass. You’re hilarious to talk to. I love your loyalty. The mere fact that, when you assign yourself a cause, you stick to it. You always protect the ones you loved, even if there’s the potential of being in danger. I love that you take risks, which can be sloppy. But that makes you you. I know you think that from a young age, nobody would love you and cherish you. 
But I do. I love your body and your soul. I tell you everyday that you were built like a god. You are so handsome and kindhearted. You’re built and chizzled to complete perfection in my eyes. Every time I look at you, I have to take a breath of fresh air. Sometimes I think, ‘there is no way, this gorgeous looking man, is real.’ But here you are, standing right in front of me. And though girls eye you like a piece of meat, you aren’t. You are an amazing man, I am willing to do anything for. I trust you with my heart and would never lie to you. I want to be with you until we grow old and cherish the ground you walk on. I adore you.” 
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When she finishes, Bellamy launches himself onto her. Kissing her face and neck, she giggles loudly. A small action that Bellamy adored. “I love you, so much.” He whispers against her ear. Grinning, she kisses him slowly before muttering. “I love you too.” 
(I hope you liked it!!) 
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