#//they're chocolate covered cherries
someheroescarryfloss · 9 months
Chocolate Covered Cherry Cookies
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Eddie's Too Late ... ?
It's about pining Eddie!! And he wants so badly to ask out Steve. Robin even might have given him an encouraging little talk about it. And he finally works up the courage to do so, and comes to family video, and he brings fucking flowers with him cuz he's a goddamn sap.
But he walks in , already smiling at Steve like always, but he's talking to some guy at the counter. Some punk lookin dude. And Eddie freezes in the door, hears the guy flirting and hears Steve laugh, flustered. And then the guy literally asks him out, and writes his number on Steve's hand when he shrugs and nods, and goes bright red.
And Eddie just, god he wants to cry. So he turns, walks back out and leaves, his chest fucking aching. Cuz he was a fucking idiot who waited too goddamn long.
And Steve hears the door clink shut, sees Eddie's back as he's leaving, sees him toss something in the trash outside. And he waits for punk guy, Jake, to leave. He's a regular. He's nice. If a little pushy for Steve's liking.
He told Steve he'd pick him up on friday. Didn't ask. And Steve had been so flustered when the guy grabbed his hand he just sort of... agreed.... maybe hoping he would leave faster.
So he waits for him to leave and then runs outside, digs in the trash and finds the flowers. And they're all yellow flowers, sunflowers mixed with daisies, and Steve even sees a couple dandelions stuck in, his eyes crinkling in a smile cuz he and Eddie had gotten into a huge fight with Robin and Nancy about whether they were weeds or flowers,  Eddie and Steve on the side of flowers, of course.
And his heart flutters cuz Eddie had told him about a month ago, when he handed him this weird little yellow figurine, and Steve had asked why he was always giving him yellow stuff. Eddie had shrugged and said,
"it just reminds me of you I guess." Steve had immediately reconsidered his favorite color choice.
But Steve's heart drops because... Eddie had thrown this away... in the trash... right after he'd seen Steve with Jake. Steve feels like he's gonna puke, but he takes the flowers inside, sits them in the breakroom until its time for him to leave.
He calls Jake right before close. Wanted to wait til he was hopefully at home. Tells him he can't go out with him. Not friday. Or any other day. That he has someone.. hopefully. Jake sounds disappointed but doesn't push, thankfully. Steve grabs the flowers on his way out and drives to Eddie's.
He stops by Melvald's on the way, asks Joyce for help. They have some flowers, but nothing that says "Eddie." Joyce grabs a simple red rose and then a box of chocolate covered cherries. Steve's brow furrows and she just smiles at him and says,
"I've seen that boy buy six boxes of these at once. His sweet tooth is... a little bit alarming... actually. But it'll get the job done." She winks at him and Steve's never felt more greatful that Joyce pays attention to people, and works at the store, and is nosy like he is. He hugs her, grabs the rose and the chocolates, and runs to his car.
Eddie isn't home when he gets there. His van is there. But he's not at the trailer and Steve feels like he's gonna cry, his chest tight as Wayne tells him he left a few hours ago. Steve nods, his brow furrowing and he's about to leave when Wayne's hand on his shoulder stops him.
"Ya know the creek over off McAlpine street?" He asks, Steve nods, confused.
"He was headed that way. Likes to go there to be alone." Wayne gives him this soft encouraging smile, pats him on the back, and watches as Steve runs to his car.
He parks on the side of the road, as close to the creek as he can get. And then he runs.
He finds the creek but no Eddie at first, so he starts walking along the creekside, he rounds a bend and finally sees him.
He's crouched on the creek side, toes of his shoes just barley out of reach of the water. He's holding a stick, Steve squints and sees a small turtle walking across it, toward a big rock in the middle of the water. Eddie's crying. Silently. Tears slowly falling.
He wipes at his face every now and then with his free hand, eyes on the turtle. He smiles softly when the little thing reaches the rock. Steve smiles too. His heart thumping as he watches Eddie help this tiny creature. He takes a few more steps and then clears his throat when Eddie doesn't hear him. Eddie scrambles to his feet, startled, holding the stick out in front of him like a weapon, wiping at his face with the crook of his elbow.
"What are you doing here?" And it makes Steve shiver, so reminiscent of the boat house, when they'd found him terrified. Steve would have held his hands up in surrender, but they were a little full. Eddie’s yellow bundle of flowers on one, the rose and candy in the other.
"I found your flowers." He says, holding them up a bit and then letting them swing back by his side. Eddie doesn't say anything. Just looks away. Moves back to the edge of the creek, crouches back down, hugs his knees to his chest. Steve sighs, moves closer.
"I'm not going out with Jake." Steve says, because he needs Eddie to know. Needs him to stop hurting as soon as possible. Eddie sniffles, doesn't look at him.
"Jake." Is all he says. And Steve laughs at how he says it, he sounds so annoyed. Steve bumps his shoulder, Eddie scowls, bumps him back, harder.
"But you wanted too. You said yes." Eddie picks up another stick, pokes it into the mud.
"I only said yes cuz it took me by suprise, and he grabbed my hand and I got flustered. I didn't- he's not really my type." Steve says, leaning against Eddie as he sits, the ground is cold, and he can feel the damp soaking into his jeans a bit. Eddie glances at him. And s
Steve can see his guard coming down, just a bit.
"Oh yeah. Why not?" Eddie asks, and steve smiles. Crinkles his nose.
"Me? Dating a punk? Come on. Not a chance." Steve teases, bites his lip.
"Especially since there's this metal head that's kinda got me in a choke hold." Steve sighs, looks at Eddie. He finally turns to look at Steve, blinking slowly.
"Really?" Eddie asks, his fingers tugging at the hole in the knee of his jeans. Steve nods.
"Really. Can't seem to get him outta my head." Steve smiles, holds the rose and candy out to Eddie, Eddie just stares again. Steve wiggles the box of chocolates.
"C'mon. I know you like 'em. Joyce gave you up." Steve wiggles the box more aggressively and Eddie snatches it, then gently takes the rose, he sets the chocolates in his lap, whispering a quiet "traitor" that makes Steve smile.
"Thank you for the flowers. I love... them." Steve stumbles over that bit. Swallowing hard when Eddie’s eyes snap to him.
"You're welcome." Eddie shurgs.
"Just thought you might like some flowers. You seem like a flowers type of guy." Steve smiles, rests his head on Eddie's shoulder.
"The dandelions are my favorite." He whispers, moves and presses a kiss to Eddie's shoulder, and hears Eddie's breathing falter.
"I um... I love... my flower, too..... so thanks." He stumbles over the words the way Steve did, but on purpose, leaning away from Steve so he can look at him, a sly little smile on his face. But Steve's face is somber, his hands twitch in his lap.
"It's- I mean you don't have to sa-"
"I love you." Eddie cuts him off. Says it bluntly. And it makes Steve's chest hurt. He shakes his head, brow furrowed.
"I do though. I have for awhile. I'm just an idiot with terrible timing." Eddie bumps their shoulders, leans heavily into Steve. Steve takes a deep, shaky breath.
"I don't want you to say it just because you think I want to hear it." Steve says, his teeth worrying into his lip.
"That's not why I said it."
Steve looks at him.
"No? You didn't say it to me cuz I just like... really obviously almost said it to you?" He looks back into his lap, frowning.
"No. Although that was adorable." Eddie smiles, it makes Steve want to smile too.
"Hey." Eddie voice is soft, he reaches out, cups Steve's cheek and makes him look at him.
"Have you ever known me to say something just cuz it's something someone wants to hear?" He asks, Steve scoffs, shakes his head, looking shy.
"Okay then. I didn't say it because of that. I said it," he takes a deep breath, lets it out, drops his hands back into his lap.
"Because I saw you with that guy today-"
"Jake." Steve interrupts, smirk on his lips. Eddie pauses.
"Don't push it Harrington. I'm trying to be... serious... or something." His brow furrows, Steve reaches out, his face softening.
"Sorry. Go ahead."
Eddie huffs.
"I saw you with Jake, and it hurt. Like a lot. And I thought I lost you, ya know? Just cuz I was too fuckin scared to tell you how I feel. Cuz I love you. Cuz your GOOD. and I thought I lost it. And then you walked up looking all sad and apologetic and you didn't even DO anything." Eddie huffs again, his hands flailing.
"I hurt you." Steve mutters, Eddie makes a sound in his throat.
"Not on purpose! You didn't know! Cuz I didn't say! Jesus. All I do is talk, all of the fucking time, but I couldn't say the most important thing. And then Jake was writing his fucking number on your hand it was too late." Eddie shakes head, sighs deeply, and then turns to Steve with a smile that looks like it's half a grimace of pain. Steve nods.
"But here I am."
Eddie bites his lip, nods back.
"Here you are." Eddie says.
"Not with Jake." Steve says. Eddie rolls his eyes. Steve snorts.
"Can we never say that name again. I already hate it." Eddie grumbles.
"Fine with me. He is a regular though." Steve says, shrugs, pulls some grass out of the ground and drops it on Eddie's thigh. Eddie watches him move it around with his finger, pushing it into a pile on his leg.
"I'll burn his house down." Eddie whispers, still watching Steve. Steve barks a laugh and brushes the grass off Eddie's leg.
"Very dramatic." He says, fondly.
"Too strong? I could just steal his VCR. Don't need to rent movies if you don't have a VCR." Eddie says, his fingers moving to settling on Steve's wrist. Steve chuckles again, shakes his head, then stares at Eddie.
"I honestly can't tell if you're joking, so please don't steal anything from him." Steve moves his hand, turns it and slides it up into Eddie's, their fingers wrapping around each other, Eddie makes a weird little face, holds their hands up into Steve sightline, and then he's smiling.
"Looks like I already did." He shrugs, and Steve is about to laugh again, or roll his eyes, when Eddie presses a kiss to the back of his hand. It sort of takes Steve's breath away.
"I said I love you because that's how I feel. Okay? You believe me?" Eddie asks, his brow furrowed as he stares at Steve. And Steve remembers telling him about what happened with Nancy,  remembers how Eddie had hugged him. Wonders if he loved him them. Or before that? Or after.  But it doesn't really matter, because he loves him now. And Steve watches Eddie's thumb move soothingly over his hand, and knows Eddie means it. Feels that he does. So he nods, drags Eddie's own hand to his lips and kisses it, like Eddie had done.
"I love you too." Steve whispers into his skin. Eddie's free hand is at his chin then, tilting his head just so,
"I know." Breathed against his mouth, and then the softest press of lips before Eddie is leaning away just enough to breathe between them.
"Now look away, cuz I'm about to inhale this entire box of chocolate covered cherries." He whispers, his lips brushing Steve's again as he laughs into Eddie's mouth.
He does actually eat the whole box. Well, almost the whole box. He lets Steve have one, sinks his teeth into it as he holds it in his mouth and dares Steve to take it. And Steve's never been one to turn down a dare. Especially if it's sweet.
And Steve is quickly learning, there's nothing quite as sweet as candy covered Eddie kisses.
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420faggyactivities69 · 10 months
! Brief mentions of past ED, body image issues, depression!
You were always really skinny. Years of self hatred and depression so bad you couldn't even make yourself a meal left you dangerously underweight.
After finally getting on hormones though, that has changed. You were no longer paralyzed by your mental state, you got a will to live back, and you even started liking your body more. Time once spent rotting in bed was now replaced by hanging out with friends.
Of course, when you're having a good time with friends, it's only natural to order a pizza or two and maybe some fries. A popcorn or chips on movie nights, ice cream and sweet drinks on hot summer days, hot chocolate, gingerbread and other Christmas treats during the holidays....
Slowly your body started to transform. First you just played it off as hormones doing their own thing, you've been told that fat will redistribute mainly to your belly, it's no wonder why it's not as flat as it used to be. After all, you're still stick thin, right?
Weeks turn into months and slowly you change more and more. Your voice deepens, beard starts to grow, your body hair thickens... But that body hair isn't the only thing that's getting thicker.
You don't notice it, of course, you're far too deep in denial for that, but your once bony legs slowly start to resemble more of a tree trunk than anything. Your once pronounced ribcage gradually gets covered with a small layer of softness. Your tummy starts pushing over the hem of your underwear a little bit.
One day though, you find an old pair of pants that you used to wear all the time while in the closet. A simple pair of ripped black jeans from the men's section that you convinced your parents to buy. They were slightly oversized and still had chains hooked to them from your emo phase.
It's been so long since you wore them, and you always loved them, so why not wear them again, for old times sake?
You start putting them on, but something is not right.
They're not oversized anymore.
In fact, you're having trouble even getting them over your ass.
You struggle to button them, the softness of your belly getting in the way. You suck in as much as you can and they finally button. You breathe out, relieved that it's finally over, and look in the mirror.
To your surprise, you see a completely different person than you expected. Your mind works overtime as it tries to explain how can this be you, after all, you know what you always looked like in those jeans. It's the first time you REALLY take a good look at yourself in over a year and that's when it finally hits you.
The hem of the pants that were once loose on you is now covered by your muffin top. Your thighs no longer have a gap between them, in fact, they're rubbing together, and spill out of the ripped parts like a dough. You turn around and see your ass. It's so much bigger than you expected, barely contained by the fabric. You lift up your arms and can't believe your eyes when you see them jiggle a bit. And the final cherry on top - you look at your face and for the first time see the small developing double chin underneath your beard.
Taking it all in, your hands start to wonder. You squeeze and grab all the pudgy parts of your body that you were previously unaware of. Your wide hips, thick thighs, soft chest, jiggling arms, and most importantly, your belly.
It's all too much. Your head starts to spin and you feel light headed. You sit down on your bed to prevent falling, but when you do, you feel the pants dig even more into your tummy. You fall forward in slight pain, but when you do, the pain and tightness suddenly disappears. Looking at the ground, you quickly figure out why. A button falls at your feet and you feel your belly ever so slightly resting in your lap
Maybe it's time to update your wardrobe, don't you think?
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dearestro · 5 months
Honeymoon Surprises
Summary: Both you and your husband have something special planned for the trip. Part of the Chase Miniseries.
Disclaimer: Innuendos and crude language.
"Now, keep your eyes closed!" Robert said as he led you to the room. "I made a special arrangement..." You laughed at his excitement. "And...here we are!"
You opened your eyes to be met with a candle lit room that was decorated in red hearts and rose petals. Your bags set in the corner of the room. You lightly gasped as you took everything in before walking to the table that was littered with items.
"I didn't realize you booked the honeymoon suite?" You said as you looked over the complimentary champagne and chocolates as your husband came up behind you. 
"I thought we'd make it special. You know, pull out all the stops?" He smirked as he kissed your neck. You giggled before continuing to rifle through the things.
"Chocolate covered strawberries?" You raised a brow.
"Hotel." He mumbled as he joined you to see what the hotel provided. "Condoms, lube...edible panties!" He held up the box to you so you could see. He grinned at the possibilities.
"Oh no. Better throw those. They're strawberry flavored." You smirked as he quickly looked down at the packaging in confusion.
"They're usually cherry flavored!" He said indignantly before you broke out laughing. "You liar, they are cherry!" 
"I know. I just wanted to see your face when I said we couldn’t use them." He scoffed as you continued to giggle. "Speaking of which, how do you know they're usually cherry flavored?" You raised a brow as he blushed a little.
"Oh! Look! Here's the surprise!" He said as he quickly changed the subject. A teasing 'slut' escaping your lips as he brought you over to the bed. It was red and black and heart shaped. Cheesy but then again that was your husband. He jumped on the bed and looked at you suggestively as it wiggled underneath his weight. "It's a waterbed!" 
"We're gonna have sex on that?" You asked in disbelief. You already cringed at the thought of doing 'it' on a hotel bed (who knows how well they're actually cleaned) but a waterbed?
"What? You've never had sex on a waterbed?" 
"You know I haven't." You rolled your eyes. "Have you?"
"Nope." He said, popping the p. "That's why it'll be perfect for the honeymoon! Something neither of us has done!" You shook your head at his reasoning before sitting next to him. 
"I don't think it'll be easy..."
"You can just lay there. I'll do all the work." He smirked as he rolled on top of you and pressed a kiss to your lips. You rolled your eyes as you carded your hand through his hair.
"Mhmm...." He started to make his way down your neck and shoulder until you stopped him. He pouted up at you at the action. "You're not the only one who made a...special arrangement." You smirked as he started to grin. You hurriedly got up and grabbed a small bag before going into the restroom.
When you came out, his eyes practically bulged out of their sockets...and they weren't the only body part of his body that was bulging. 
"You look..." He took his time as his eyes raked up and down your body. Taking in every lacy inch. He licked his lips at the sight, causing you to blush. 
You slowly walked towards him, and you both fell onto the bed. Hands exploring each other as you mutually decided to leave the luggage for later.
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fox-bright · 7 months
Rage Cheesecake with Oreo Crust, Whipped Chocolate Ganache Frosting, and Home-Grown Tart Cherry Topping
I took recipe-bits from all over and changed them into something that sounded more like what I wanted, so here's what I did today instead of committing a felony!
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Oreo crust part:
* 25 Oreos
* 5 tablespoons of melted butter
* Pan--pie pan or springform, depending on how deep a cheesecake you want. This makes a nice, not-too-deep cheesecake in a nine-inch springform; it would be Too Much Filling in a pie pan, which would mean you have extra, and that's always fun too. An eight-inch springform is probably perfect.
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. You may eat TWO OREOS. Crush the remainder. I have the best time with this when I use a food processor, but if you are *particularly* spirited today, this is a good place to take out some aggression. Just pulverize the things, filling and all, until they are all reduced to the consistency of sand.
3. Add melted butter and mix until it's like *wet* sand.
4. Put buttery chocolate sand into your chosen cooking dish. I use a little jar and push push push pat pat pat until it's all nice and level from the center of the dish to the edge and has no holes.
5. Bake for eight to twelve minutes. You want it to still look a little moist. Do not overcook!
6. Remove from oven and let cool. Don't move the pan around too much before it's cool or you risk fracturing the crust.
Cheesecake part:
* Two packages of cream cheese, room temperature unless you like cream cheese chunks in your cheesecake. No judgment, some people are into that.
* 2/3C white sugar
* 3 eggs
* 3 cups of sour cream (this is a very moist cheesecake!)
* Vanilla to taste
1. Preheat oven to 325F, that's 25 degrees LOWER than for the crust.
2. Cream sugar and cream cheese until smooth.
3. Add eggs, one at a time, mix until just blended.
4. Add all sour cream and vanilla, mix until just homogenous. Don't overmix or you get weird dry pillowy stuff instead of nice dense cheesecake.
5. Cook in prepared crust for approximately 50 minutes, until it's set at the edges but a little jiggly yet in the middle.
Note: Properly you'd do this in a bain marie, but I don't have one, so I wrap the bottom of my springform pan in aluminum foil and set the whole kit and kaboodle into a sturdy cookie sheet, put all that into the preheated oven, and pour water into the cookie sheet once it's safely on the oven rack. If the cheesecake starts to overcook on the top before the center is set, cover it with aluminum foil.
6. Remove from oven; let rest in bain marie/rigged pan for ten minutes before removing springform pan to clean towel. Let rest *there* until it's cool enough to put in the fridge. Cover and chill for two to four hours.
Cherry topping part:
* Sour cherries that have been frozen since last year, or a bag of cherries, or fresh cherries, whichever, approximately 4.5 cups which is too many for just this cheesecake but it's nice to have around anyway
* Granulated sugar to taste
* Corn starch
Or just pick up a can or two of cherry pie filling, in which case you can skip this whole step.
1. Defrost cherries. If you don't do this in a pot, there's a good chance that they will leak precious juice all over your clean counter. Don't be me; thaw that stuff in the pot you'll heat it in.
2. Once they're not a singular ice block but instead a bunch of big ice chunks, turn the temperature on low, maybe around a 2.
3. Once the cherries are separate from each other, add sugar to taste. This changes a lot depending on your cherries' tartness; I eventually used nearly two cups of sugar for around 4.5 cups of cherries. Usually I'd use a good bit less, but they're very tart this time.
4. Cook and cook and cook until the liquid is reduced by about a third.
5. Add corn starch. For those measurements I added about a tablespoon and a half. Remember to make it a slurry before pouring it into the pot; you can either do this with a little water, or you can spoon out some of the cherry syrup (don't burn yourself!), mix that into a little bowl along with the corn starch, and then pour it all into the pot. Bring back to a good bubble for four or five minutes, then remove from heat and allow to come to room temperature.
Whipped chocolate ganache part:
* 1 part heavy cream to 1 part chocolate (I just use Toll House. Everyone says not to do that. It's been fine).
1. Put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl.
2. Warm the cream on the stove until it's juuuust about to start bubbling. Stir frequently so it doesn't get a skin.
3. Remove from heat, pour into heatproof bowl over the chocolate.
4. WALK AWAY. I'm serious. Don't touch it. Don't poke at it. Do not, do NOT, attempt to stir it. Walk away.
5. After five minutes, come back and stir, stir, until it's all one thing. It should be like a very good, very thick chocolate syrup. You *can* just eat this, with a spoon. You can pour it over a cake, or dip strawberries in it. Chilled right as it is, it is a dessert on its own.
6. Let it cool to room temperature.
7. Come back and use your hand mixer or stand mixer to whip it up. This should get to a pipeable consistency; if it doesn't, you may need to incorporate powdered sugar. If you add butter and powdered sugar, you'll get a very stable buttercream.
Finishing part:
1. Remove springform edge from nice cold cheesecake.
2. Pipe or dollop whipped ganache in ring atop the cheesecake.
3. Fill the ring with cooled cherry filling.
4. Garnish further if you'd like. I used decorative Sixlets and some more crushed Oreo.
5. Finished!
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cirrus-ghoulette · 1 year
Thinking about Dew in long term care in the infirmary again.
His element change went wrong, absolutely messed up his body, gave him a few different chronic illnesses that are hard to manage.
So, he's given his own room in the infirmary. It's plain at first, but his pack soon brings him down things from the den to make Dew feel more 'at home'. Band posters, a blanket with their scents over it, his guitars hung up on the wall, his own bedsheets instead of the hospital bedsheets. Aether even manages to source a rocking armchair for Dew when he's having his medication infusions (though a ghoul will normally sleep in it if they're staying with Dew overnight).
It's hard for Dew.
He doesn't have an appetite at all. He has a feeding tube put in. Omega has the scratch scars to prove it.
When his joints ache too much to walk, he has to use a wheelchair to get around, which just feels... Wrong, for him. He used to be such an active ghoul. He feels awful whenever he has to ask for the wheelchair.
Swiss sneaks him out late at night. Takes him down under the cherry tree in the gardens and shares a joint with him to ease some of the pain. Omega and Aether pretend not to notice when Dew goes AWOL for an hour every couple of weeks.
On his birthday, the ghouls decorate his room. Aether takes him for physio and he comes back to a room covered in banners and balloons and a huuuuge chocolate cake on his over-bed table. Omega measures out exactly 25ml of vodka and gives him one cigarette and lets him take them with his supervision.
Dew doesn't like staying in the infirmary, but small things like that help.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
OMG THERES 1K OF YOU!! I cannot believe it! Thank you all so much for all the love and support these last few months :) Literally tearing up at how many people love my works. It all started with a silly little pharmacist fic and look at where we are now!
To celebrate, I will be opening up my inbox for some prompts! For the next week, feel free to send me a character, a prompt below, and any other details (ex. female, male, or g/n character) :)
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aesthetic prompts 💌 - CLOSED NOW! thank you for all the submissions :)
soft and cute - all fluff!
vase of flowers - they return home to your door with a small bouquet of flowers with rudy
loveseat - shopping for furniture for your shared home
linen tablecloths - hosting a dinner party (one that is pinterest worthy)
orange juice - sick days call for the best care
vintage maps - a spontaneous trip with an event filled itinerary
cherry lip balm - what was your first kiss like? with graves
paper rings - “put this on” “why did you make a ring out of the straw wrapper?”
ramekins of soup - you both are not experienced chefs but you try a new recipe in the kitchen
tuberose- looking at old photo albums and reminiscing on old memories
tote bags - “hey can you hold this for me?” “why do you have so many things?” “it’s not my fault these pockets don’t hold anything”
sugar cubes - they surprise you with your favorite dessert/sweet treat with price
music - “i made you a playlist!”
pearls - a fancy dinner out with expensive clothes and dining
folded sheets - "hi, i'm your neighbor across the hall :)"
gold - a small gifted ring as a token of your love with price
unlit cigarette - meeting in the most unexpected of places
hot chocolate - a warm snowed in cabin with nowhere to go
house plant - “for your new apartment!” “you know i’m not here enough to water that”
pastel bonnets and rattles - “we are NOT naming our child that”
perfume - perfume bottles decorate your bureau and you decide to let them choose your scent for the day with gaz
friendship bracelets - friends don't look at friends that way, is there something between us? with ghost
shower of tears - angst
crystal glasses - a fight ends with shattered wine glasses and someone is left to pick up the pieces with gaz
running mascara - "i can't believe you would say that to me" with the 141
hyacinth - they decide to interrupt the wedding just as you're about to say your vows with ghost
cardigans - "please don't go, please don't leave me" with ghost
sea salt - you can't do this anymore and just need to get away from them
stars - "do you think in another universe things would have worked out for us?"
cubic zirconia - you both come to the realization that your relationship is beyond repair
cold sheets - "can you hold me just one more time?" with soap and gaz
hydrangeas - a sudden death leaves one of you without the other for the rest of time
cocktails - "you need to stop drinking too much" "what do you know?"
graveyard - "please i don't want to die" with price
enlisted - military au
empty cartridges - "I want you to run, I'll cover you!"
uniforms - they sure clean up well as you look at them in their dress uniform with price
cigarette smoke - you share a cigarette (and exchange indirect kisses) while on patrol with ghost
confidential files - you're the newest addition to the team and you recognize a familiar face
jacket - you forgot to pack you winter gear and they're helping you avoid the cold
angel - this time you're their knight in shining armor as you save them with soap | with price
manila folders - "I'm being transferred to another unit"
bandages - you are the only one with the med kit and are tasked with patching them up
barbells - "you're doing it wrong, let me show you"
MREs - "can we switch? this food is absolute shit"
hit the showers (18+) - a prank ends with you getting your clothes and towel stolen with soap
wigs - you get sent undercover with them
hot and seductive - smut (18+)
lace (18+) - “wait for me in the bedroom, i have a surprise”with soap
stained lipstick (18+) - rough kisses in the back of an uber with gaz | with ghost
stolen glaces (18+) - "are you going to kiss me or not?"
tanning lotion (18+) - you just wanted help with an even lotion application but now their touch is venturing elsewhere
black and white photos (18+) - you take a few photos so they can remember you (and your body) while on deployment with price: part i and part ii
fruit juice (18+) - "let's test out that theory about drinking pineapple juice"
morning sun (18+) - you have nowhere to go and decide to spend it in bed ;) with ghost | with gaz | with price
silk (18+) - “you look absolutely gorgeous tonight”
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
I wanna pet the milk hybrids(if they're okay with that).
Eggnog pats your head back and from then on that's your new greeting.
Cotton Candy gives you a big hug as thanks, though you might be covered in some face paint and kisses afterwards
Screamsicle pulls out a pair of devil horns from their trunk so they can mimicking stroking your horns like they like their to be.
Ginger and Strawberry either kneel or pick you up. Rootbeer just straight up puts you on their shoulder.
Spice looks about five seconds away from falling asleep. So does Banana, but she's (pretending to be) grumpy about. Mint enjoys a good pat down when blazed and uses you as a body pillow while you do it.
Oat doesn't have horns, but enjoys a good pat. Cherry doesn't like to take her helmet off because she's shy about her broken horn/how small they are, but will do it for you. Vanilla kisses your cheeks. Milk Tea is the one that does that patting. You can pat Chocolate - but only when he's exhausted from a long day
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eva-knits12 · 6 months
Going To Costco with Jake Jensen
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It's that time of the month!
It's time for you and Jake to go to Costco.
You get there early to do the cans and bottles,
Jake grabs the SUV sized cart.
You made the list.
Jake, when left to his own devices, will NEVER make a list.
Which is why he spends more money that he intends to.
You show your membership card to the greeter.
First thing's first.
Jake has to look at every computer, every tablet, every phone, and every TV.
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Then, Jake sees a few old-school arcade games.
Of course, Jake has to look at every one.
It takes longer than you intended because Jake has to touch and look at every electronic and device.
Eventually, you and Jake make your way to the toilet paper.
But you get a two pack of sweatpants and a two pack of T-shirt.
You basically live in sweats when you're home.
Which Jake finds incredibly sexy and cute.
You go to the bakery section, and get muffins, carrot and chocolate cupcakes.
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You and Jake get the toilet paper, the bottled water, and the seltzer water.
You and Jake also get frozen pizza, gluten free chicken nuggets (those are GOOD!), fish sticks, and you even get fruit and veggies.
You get the Cherry Barbecue chips, and you get two bags because they don't last too long between the both of you.
(If you haven't had these, try them. They're good, and they're Michigan made! I'm a Michigander, and I love these things. Cherry barbecue sauce is tasty if you do it right.)
You get granola bars, some chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal bites, even bread, and breakfast bites to have as a mid-morning snack.
You even make sure to get plenty of kibble, wet food, and doggy toys and doggy treats for Mario.
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You also get a huge thing of both plain and peanut M & M's, cheese and caramel popcorn (Chicago or Detroit popcorn, depending on which city you are in-I just call it cheese and caramel corn), and Sander's sea salt caramels (another good thing, trust me a jar doesn't last too long in the house, because we ALL eat it, no matter how hard we resist).
You get coffee and vitamins, with a huge pack of Coke and Pepsi for Jake.
Jake pays for the purchase, and you go to the food court and get you and Jake a slice of pizza and some vanilla soft serve.
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You put the pizza and soft serve in a box.
You and Jake arrive home, and you put the lunch in the kitchen.
You put the soft serve in the freezer.
You and Jake unload the car.
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After you and Jake put everything away, you both change into your sweats, and you even wear one of Jakes really big graphic tees, with on of his hoodies over it.
Jake is in his sweats, graphic tees, and hoodie.
You and Jake have been together for two years, living together for one, so you two dress alike, even though you and Jake both work from home.
Jake literally pretends to be annoyed by it, but he finds this incredibly sexy deep down.
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You both eat your pizza.
You grab two bottles of water, and you put some lemonade mix in it.
You both have lemonade.
You then eat your dessert.
After, you two try to watch a movie, but you both fall asleep on the couch.
Jake grabs a blanket, and he covers you both with a blanket.
You both sleep for the rest of the afternoon, and you order Chinese for dinner.
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Because screw it, you're both WAY too lazy to cook tonight.
You read your book after you're done, and Jake plays a video game for a bit.
Eventually, you two fall asleep in bed later that night, but after you two have some adult fun time activities.
That's to help burn off lunch and dinner.
You and Jake wouldn't trade this for the world.
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swearingcactus · 9 months
thanks for the tag @v-eats-bugs (and @elvenbeard's post that reminded me that I have yet to do this even though I was tagged!) get ready for your local little guy answering some of your q's (this pic was supposed to just be a cover but it does make him look like he's answering these before bed in his jammies, which could fit too)
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🔸Name?🔸 "Contrary to popular belief, it's not a pasta brand, but I would neither confirm or deny any guesses."
There's been wild rumors that he's changed his name to Vitoli or Viagra (Jackie's fault for that one) but nope, his name's still Vincent. His last name's Woodman or some other boring generated name hospitals print out for babies with no parents claiming them, so he never went by it. Great decision on his end, cus "Vincent Woodman-or-similarly-boring-sounding-last-name" sounds more like an accountant than a cool merc.
🔸Nickname?🔸 "Just V."
Before Atlanta, some 'friends' burned him and used him as scapegoat for a gig and he landed in prison because of it. His efforts to erase the records and leave much earlier than his sentence bankrupted him; but he got out and decided to wipe his slate clean. What better way to start a new life than with a new (technically just chopped down) name?
🔸Gender?🔸 "🤨📸"
Cis male. But he thinks it's weird if people gotta ask that.
🔸Star sign?🔸 "Aw fuck, I gotta ask Misty for that, I keep forgetting which one I am. Hang on."
This is totally not a cop-out cus i haven't played phantom liberty and therefore am still unsure when is his canon birthday. Either way he doesn't care about it that much.
🔸Height?🔸 "5'8 which I've heard is 173cm."
173cm is NOT 5'8, he's lying or simply getting it wrong, and frankly for night city denizens, that's more amusing to ponder than his height.
🔸Orientation?🔸 "Oh ;) I'm not picky! ;) heheh wait i mean 🤨📸"
Sometimes his excitement at the prospect of getting laid by hot men and women makes him forget to act cool and nonchalant about being bi.
🔸Nationality/Ethnicity?🔸 "I mean I'm pretty sure I gotta be somewhat white, but never knew the detes. Not gonna pay a corpo for them to tell me about it either, cus what do they know?"
He has a paler complexion, but sometimes his features on the right lighting kinda play tricks on you. With him being from Heywood and no parents to speak of, he has no idea if he could actually be part Hispanic or Asian or any other ethnicity. Obviously, he could pay to get some 2077 "hyper-accurate" version of 23andMe but he thinks that's bull and way too easy to fake. Totally just that and not cus he gave up on the idea of biological families anyways, nope.
🔸Fave fruit?🔸 "I dunno, never really had anything 'ganic 'cept some grapes and they were really sour, so probably not those. Pears are okay, I guess."
🔸Fave season?🔸 "Winter. Atlanta sucked but they had better winters."
Atlanta's winter was colder than Night City's, so the idea of spending the holidays just cold and broke with crippling loneliness sounded too horrible. He attempted to avoid this by treating himself to a 'real' white christmas experience, tried ice skating and making snow bunnies when it did snow and got hot chocolate and even bought himself some overpriced present and all that. Atlanta didn't work out, but he did like winter coming out of it, and he gets nostalgic of it when the holiday season come around.
🔸Fave flower?🔸 "Sunflowers. Oh, but cherry blossoms are really pretty too, even when they're just holos."
He doesn't tell this story much, but when he got out of prison, the field next to the road was riddled with dying sunflowers. Nothing welcomed him out of the gutter but those shriveled plants right next to ones that were done blooming couple weeks ago. If he had been able to get out earlier, he could've seen at least some of them in bloom. It should be a bitter thought and memory, but he found walking next to them very comforting. He has a soft spot in his heart for them ever since.
🔸Coffee, tea, hot chocolate?🔸 "Well not coffee, and not tea, so I guess hot chocolate it is. Actually, you have that iced?"
He used to think he's a coffee guy but dating Kerry made him realize the canned coffee he drinks are just sugar with a hint of caffeine flavor. (he hated the black ganic stuff Kerry drinks but powered through that One Time) In general though, he likes cold drinks more than hot ones.
🔸Average hours of sleep🔸 "I'd like to say 8 but I know that'd be lying. Probably closer to 5 or 6."
Don't get him wrong, he gets on the bed. He just scrolls his phone for hours after and doesn't sleep immediately when he gets on it is the problem. He falls asleep closer to 2-3AM, then wakes up at 8 or 9. This is a real issue if he stays the night over with Panam at camp, since the Aldecaldos are mostly early birds.
🔸Dog or Cat person?🔸 "Oh cat, definitely. Have you seen my cat Nibbles?" *queues up 100+ picture slides of her directly to your holo*
🔸Dream trip?🔸 "Antarctica, maybe? Heard it's kinda peaceful over there, and it'd be even colder than Atlanta so hell yeah, could get all cozy, bundled up and waddle around there for a bit."
🔸Fave Fictional Character🔸
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to reiterate this post , he found a copy of Toy Story 4 and made fun of how Duke Caboom sounded like a chipper, Canadian version of Johnny. Then the whole 'guy who failed a stunt and got thrown in the trash because of it, is actually deeply terrified about the entire experience but still continues to be a happy dude' hit too close to home.
🔸Number of blankets they sleep with🔸 "??? People sleep with multiple blankets??"
Just one. He gets too cold even with it when he gets even sicker from the relic, so he sleeps with fuzzy socks too now. The idea of two blankets for one person never occurred to him.
🔸Random fact🔸 "Okay, I'm only gonna tell you this 'cus I'm back in Night City, and enough time has passed that no way anyone can actually get anything to stick to me... but back in Atlanta, I used to crash weddings. Not even for gigs, was just trying to avoid spending eddies on meals. It's really easy to just sneak in, especially if you wear some black cardigan, or flash a digital lanyard, or just walk really fast and with purpose. They just assume I'm part of the event organizer or one of the catering team, and let me in. Then you just act like you've been invited, grab a plate and mingle with some guests who don't look important. Was better entertainment than BDs too, hearing all the stuff about the bride and groom from different tables. Sometimes I just let slip some gossip I heard from another group to the current one I'm mingling with, and shit would hit the fan real quick, which means I get to delta nice and quiet. I wish I could stay for more of 'em, Atlanta weddings end a lot more in fist-fights than Night City ones, that's for sure."
Yeah so he might not know or realize this detail, but he most definitely was the reason those fist-fights happen and was part of the reason for the spike in divorce rate in Atlanta for a bit.
phew that was a lot of words. no pressure tagging @mail-me-a-snail @glitchinginthegarden and anyone else who'd like to join but haven't been tagged! :)
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baravaggio · 11 months
sophia do u have any vegetarian/vegan holiday recipes 🤲🏼
I'm so glad you asked, of course I do!
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Some of these things are from my cookbooks, so anything with a book emoji will be shown below the read more just to save space
Starting with desserts:
Vegan chocolate pie (Nora Cooks) - my favorite one to make for thanksgiving, my family (all meat eaters) loves it so much that I end up making two every year! It's really important to use the tofu that comes in aseptic packaging (the kind that's shelf stable) because the refrigerated kind WILL taste like tofu and you don't want that lol...works great in an Oreo crust or just as a mousse too!
Chocolate pecan pie (Isa Chandra Moskowitz)
Cranberry Spice Oatmeal Cookies (Isa Chandra Moskowitz) - these have great flavor but I recommend subbing butter for coconut oil so they don't spread super thin
Vegan Coffee Cake (Vegan Richa) - great for breakfasts! You could easily make them into coffee cake muffins too
📚 Pastry Crust (Isa Chandra Moskowitz's The Superfun Times Vegan Holiday Cookbook) - great staple pie crust that gets its flakiness from a mix of olive and coconut oils! I use this for savory stuff like quiches and pot pies too. Highly recommend the cookbook, it covers everything from Valentine's Day to Passover to Halloween!
📚 Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies (Isa Chandra Moskowitz's Isa Does It cookbook)
📚 Chai Spice Snickerdoodles (Isa Chandra Moskowitz's Isa Does It cookbook)
Savory Thanksgiving & Christmas things:
Easy Vegan Gravy (Nora Cooks) - really simple & much better than the store bought stuff
Easy Vegan Quiche (Jessica in the Kitchen) - more for lunch/brunch than anything, but I like to make a couple these around the holidays because they're so easy to customize & put together
Vegan Alfredo Sauce (Purely Kaylie) - you can put this on pasta of course but I like to use this to fold into mashed potatoes or make a gratin with during the holidays!
Green Bean Casserole (Isa Chandra Moskowitz) - made this one year at the request of a family member, it came out great!
📚 Maple-Mustard Brussels Sprouts with Radicchio and Pecans (Isa Chandra Moskowitz's I Can Cook Vegan cookbook)
Creamy Polenta and Mushroom Ragout (Good Food) - just comfort food tbh!
📚 Glazed Tofu Ham (Isa Chandra Moskowitz's The Superfuntimes Vegan Holiday Cookbook) - I swear by this and make several before thanksgiving because I inhale them - imo works better as a filling for sandwiches or on the side for breakfast, but could be used as a main dish as well!
📚 Winter Squash Cups with Wild Rice, Hazelnuts, and Cherries (Isa Chandra Moskowitz's The Superfuntimes Vegan Holiday Cookbook) - made this once and used cranberries instead of cherries!
Some Hanukkah stuff! which I highly recommend trying even if you don't celebrate Hanukkah, my family does a mixed holiday celebration so I keep these in my rotation for those occasions:
Latkes and Vegan Sour Cream (Isa Chandra Moskowitz) - can also dip in applesauce or top with caramelized onions if you prefer sweet!
📚 Raspberry Rugelach (Isa Chandra Moskowitz) - classic, chocolate, and raisin variations from her holiday cookbook
📚 Matzoh Ball Soup (Isa CHandra Moskowitz)
And I have to include a couple heavy hitters, these are for if you're serious about spending a lot of time in the kitchen and maybe want to show off a little lol - well worth the effort, but not for everyone!
Succulent Roast Turky (The Gentle Chef) - I haven't tried a seitan turkey that's come close to being as good as this one. Lots of time & ingredients, but well worth the effort
Anything from Miyoko's Artisan Vegan Cheese cookbook - the best vegan cheese you will ever eat. Requires a couple weeks prep because you have to allow time to ferment the base liquid and culture the cheese - I'm starting mine today! I made a detailed post about my experience trying this out here, and there's images with instructions for making the rejuvelac, cashew base, and a Boursin-style cheese in it as well! Of course if you don't want to do all that you can buy the Miyoko's cheese that's sold in stores, those are great too 😅
Peter Reinhart's Bagels (Smitten Kitchen) - if you suffer from lack of good bagels in your area, this is one way to fix that! Bagels are essential to any holiday celebration in my family so I figured I'd include this lol
Here's the stuff from the cookbooks!
Pastry Crust:
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Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies:
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Chai Spice Snickerdoodles:
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Maple-Mustard Brussels Sprouts with Radicchio and Pecans:
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Glazed Tofu Ham:
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Winter Squash Cups With Wild Rice, Hazelnuts, and Cherries:
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Vegan Sour Cream:
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Rugelach (Classic, Chocolate, and Raisin variations highlighted):
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Matzoh Ball Soup:
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ashiristic · 2 years
Hello! Can you do a flirty hero with an annoyed and flustered Villain (not a tsundere they're trying to keep their dignity) 👀 Hero lowkey knows about villains crush on them so they like to tease and villain tries to not make it so obvious anymore
Sorry if this didn't make sense- English isn't my first language ;u;
The savory scent of the coffee beans permeates the air with the whiff of chocolate and vanilla. The stirring of coffee with the taps of nails on the laptop, and the small chatter and laughter of the people, were the only sounds heard inside the coffee shop. On such a peaceful day, nobody knows that a certain hero and villain are talking at the back of the restaurant. Fighting?
“Isn’t this the so-called respectable hero?” the villain said, rolling their eyes when the hero responded with an annoyingly bright, smug smile on their face. They are outside their work right now, with no suits or masks to cover their faces. Fully exposed to one another.
“Oh yes, it is me. I feel delighted for such a gorgeous villain to recognize me with one glance,” they replied, eyes twinkling in amusement as he brought his hand to his mouth–covering a chuckle. The villain’s brows furrowed and relaxed, then they turned their head away with their arms crossed. A visible pout was on their lips and the hero would be lying if they said that the villain doesn’t look adorable.
An angel would gobble up beauty pills, and it wouldn’t be enough to compare with the villain’s beauty. Their cherry-red lips looked so tempting to kiss, but their eyes remained sharp and cold despite their facial expression. They fluttered their eyes on the hero, a tender glint sparkling behind those eyes eventually faded after they noticed the hero’s stare.
The peaceful coffee shop grew heated, especially in the back, where they are. A civilian glanced at them, curious about the events occurring, but the villain’s icy eyes are enough to make them tremble and look away. How could someone look so innocent with such an indifferent eye? Yet those eyes are gentle in the hero’s gaze.
The hero intimately grabbed the villain’s hand, bringing it up to their lips as they muttered, “You look adorable. How could someone like you be called the devil, Sloth?” They kissed the villain’s ring finger, claiming their treasure. The villain snatched their hand away, clearly embarrassed and excited by the hero’s gestures. But their expression remained indifferent.
The villain looks like a cat with flattened ears, as if disappointed by its owner’s actions. They cannot help but grin wider, not knowing how that smile almost gave the villain a heart attack. “I thought you’d look like an old man with arthritis without your suit,” the hero revealed their thought, resting their head on their hand as they traced the villain’s cheeks–unexpectedly, caressing the villain’s jaw with their finger. “I never expected you to be this adorable. Your suit never deceived me.”
The villain sat rigid in their chair as their lips cannot form any coherent words from the shock. If they were red earlier, they are bloody red right now from blushing like they are having a heart attack at any given moment. The only action they can create is raising their hand and mouthing the word waiter.
“What can I get for the both of you?” the server asked, clearly aware of their ministries or flirting. The hero frowned, glancing at the server with displeasure. “I apologize for destroying your moment. Shall I go away for you both to continue your—”
“No, I’ll have the usual plus a glazed donut,” the villain pushes the hero’s hand, nearing their arms again. The server looked at them both with a weird expression before smiling again.
“I’ll have an Iced Latte.” they glared at the server, wishing for their attempt to scare them off to work. “That is all,” crossed their arms, red flickering in their eyes as if a second was enough to kill the innocent employee. The server left without another word. Leaving the villain with their hero, alone.
“You scared them.” the villain said, trailing their gaze on the sweat dripping down the server’s side. And how the cashier reacted when the server flinched and almost cried, trembling. Oh god, are they that scary? The hero bit their inner cheek, distracting themselves from the truth.
“I never scared him,” they retorted, ignoring the small frown on the villain’s face. They cannot deny that it bothers them. The way the villain reacted to the server’s reaction was unexpected. It bothers them. They are willing to pull the villain’s chin and make them only stare at the hero.
“You are annoying,” the villain rolled their eyes. Though they expected the hero to react harshly, the hero only let out a light laugh, almost giving reasons to live for those who heard it.
“I know,” the hero said, and leaned against their table and caressed the villain’s forehead. “But you love me too much to hate me for that.” they flickered their finger, removing the tracker in the villain’s hair.
“What?” the little tracker evaporated, but before they could say something — the hero pressed their finger against the villain’s lips, silencing them.
“I just removed the possibility of someone watching me kissing you.”
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
🍫 + Ralph please
"Look what I've got!" Ralph says excitedly, placing a large box on the table. "A new sweet shop just opened down the street, and I knew we'd have to try one of everything!"
"One of everything?!" you ask in disbelief, coming to stand next to him. Not that Ralph has a habit of going overboard or anything.
"That's what the shopkeeper said!" Ralph laughs. "But look! When he realized I was serious, he filled this up for us. Told me to memorize what The Missus liked best, because his chocolates can get a husband out of any sort of trouble!"
"What sort of trouble are you planning on getting to, Ralph?" you ask, trying to conceal your smile.
"N-none!" he stutters. "It's just what the man said! I'm not… You know I wouldn't…"
"Ralphie, I'm only teasing." You reach up and give him a peck on the cheek, and he relaxes instantly.
He smiles down at you, then returns his attention to the box. He lifts the lid, and you both lean closer to look at the magnificent assortment of chocolate. You've never seen this much candy outside a store before.
"What shall we try first?" Ralph asks, looking like a child in a candy shop… and for good reason.
"They're all so pretty, I couldn't possibly choose. Just close your eyes and grab one," you suggest.
"Alright," he agrees, covering his eyes dramatically with his left hand and reaching down with his right. He misses the box and hits the table. Stifling a laugh, you guide his hand into the chocolate box, and he extracts a dark square with a white drizzle on it. He uncovers his eyes, and you both admire the craftmanship that went into this tiny and perfect piece of chocolate.
"Ladies first," he offers, holding it to your mouth. You lean forward and nibble off half, seeing a pink filling when you pull away. Ralph inspects the remaining half, then pops it into his mouth. You both chew thoughtfully.
"Some kind of cherry cream?" he asks after he swallows.
"That's what I thought too," you state. "Did you like it?"
"Not particularly."
"Neither did I."
"We should probably sample another. Maybe you'll have better luck."
You smiled and closed your eyes, then pulled out some sort of dark chocolate truffle that you both enjoyed. You decided to repeat this process every night after dinner until you'd sampled everything. Ralph insisted on writing down descriptions of the candies you enjoyed most. Not because he might need them to get himself out of trouble one day. Just because he wanted to remember what to get when he eventually returned to the sweet shop for more.
(Or so he said.)
wheels-of-despair's six-month fic-iversary emoji-bration
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
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the end of march is here, so we've got a new monthly fic rec list!!
just like last month, this is only for fics that i read and were also written this month. if you wanna see more of my fic recs and favs, i have em all organized on my recs blog, here!
and as always, if you have any fic recs of your own, feel free to send em my way here or on my sideblog - i love finding new fics and writers!
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Alex Keller
blood on my hands - @uselsshuman
✧ two of my favorite things: alex keller and emma's fics! alex being a great caretaker and having friends everywhere is amazing. this is the perfect fic to scratch my alex itch!
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Joel Miller
to think i'd forgotten - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ i don't think there will ever come a day when i am not completely blown away by just how good anything jo writes is. doesn't matter the fandom or character, everything is absolutely top tier and this joel fic is no exception.
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John Price
the five times - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ a fic i couldn't put down and even after i finished it, i had to read it a million more times. i already love price, but this fic only made me love him more and the writing???? i literally have no words for how good this is.
a handful of birthdays - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ one of my favorite price fics ever. such a cute and fun way to show a relationship evolving over time and written so beautifully. this is definitely a fic i reread whenever i need a pick-me-up.
in dreams - @yeyinde
✧ the day i don't immediately fall in love with one of lev's fics is the day i die. there should be a museum dedicated to her fics because every single one is a piece of art.
gravity - @soapskneebrace
✧ drunk shenanigans are always a fun time, and price being a gentleman at the end is the perfect cherry on top of this well-written sundae.
afternoon coffee - @lunarvicar
✧ another spectacular addition to the mothiverse! price being a mother hen is too perfect and him demanding moth lick the spoon again even more so. i may be a bit biased, but the mothiverse is one of my fav price series and every addition just makes me love it more and more.
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John "Soap" Mactavish
sweet melodies - @johnnytavish
✧ everything i've ever wanted and more. i'm a sucker for singer!reader and this is so perfect. the teasing from her and the rest of the 141? amazing. the reader being a siren on stage? fantastic. this entire fic? perfection.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
gossamer silk smiles - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ whoever the anon was that requested this is doing the lord's work because i have never read a more perfect gaz fic in my life. perfect doesn't even begin to cover it. i love this fic with every fiber of my being and every piece of my soul.
kiss prompts || kiss 39: last kiss before dying | kiss 3: forehead kiss | kiss 13: morning kiss - @cowboybxtch
✧ do you want to have your heart broken into a million pieces and then put together with the cutest and most wholesome fluff you've ever read? then these kiss prompts are for you! i know i say fics are beautifully written a lot, but there's no other way to describe this little series. they're beautiful. gorgeous. stunning.
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overflow the stars - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ listen, i'm not a könig girlie, but this fic right here? chef's kiss. i swear, there isn't a single character that hal can't make me love. everything she writes, every character she writes for is so well done, her talent floors me.
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Leon Kennedy
in my veins - @uselsshuman
✧ did i create a resident evil section in my fic recs just for this fic? yes, yes i did. and i have absolutely no regerts because i love this fic and i will never be normal about any of the amazing stuff emma writes.
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Multi Characters
141 sleeping headcanons - @maes-chocolate-cookie
✧ this is so cute and i love it. they fit the characters so well, especially price sleeping with a thick blanket no matter the temperature. i feel that on a deep level.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
sassy series || grocery list | cough - @peachesofteal
✧ i saw the words soft dad!simon and was immediately sold. then i read the rest of the fic and felt my heart clench at how goddamn cute this entire series is. "Simon is a good partner and dad I will be taking no questions." you're right, peach, and you should say it.
something tells me, i'm going to love you forever - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ no words, just this:
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your blood on his hands - @vesper-tinus
✧ i had to take a lap around my living room after i read this. this fic killed me. it destroyed me in the best way possible. "Maybe in the next life." how dare you do that to me but also i love it so much.
happiness series || a late night last minute request | four - @lethalchiralium
✧ more for one of my favorite family man simon riley series! the interactions between simon and his kids always get to me, this is such a soft and wholesome series even when it hurts.
pi day - @kioplama
✧ went in for a cute little fic for pi day, came out blushing and tearing up over "Professor Riley". really, really cute and the reaction to simon pulling out a ring made me laugh.
about someone, that isn't you - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ this fic killed me. absolutely wrecked me. completely destroyed me. jo is too good at the angst and making me feel and getting me all caught up in my emotions. i don't know how she manages to create such stunningly painful fics, but it's a skill to be admired. i don't think I'll ever get tired of how good her fics hurt.
you wake up together - @ninetailedfoxmanchi
✧ lazy morning fics are the best. something about the pure domestic bliss and reading about ghost being calm and happy just sends my heart sailing.
untitled - @blackssuunn
✧ a lovely fic with simon being a big softy. as someone who mostly writes and reads fluff, this is top tier, grade a, perfectly written fluff and all i want to do is curl up and reread this fic over and over.
cuddlebug - @saltycurry
✧ self-indulgent tooth-rotting fluff? sign me tf up. i am absolutely here for it and i loved every word of this fic. i know there's a theme of super fluff in these recs, but i won't apologize for it when i get cute fics like this to read all day.
a good man - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ this is gonna be another picture because i can't find the words to explain how much i adore this fic and i feel like my emotions are best described like this:
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brokoala-soup · 1 year
I think my aesthetic might be something along the lines of cottagecore and light academia with a tinge of Studio Ghibli and bits and pieces of chaotic academia. So this includes:
classical music blaring out of cheap speakers, homemade food served in reused takeout containers, half dying houseplants in everything but traditional flower pots, the fragrance of jasmine and mint, mirrors reflecting sunlight on to disorganised bookshelves with the most random collection of books, soups in glassware, gel pen doodles all over my notes, herbal teas in whiskey glasses, locally sourced incense sticks, handmade woolen blankets over commercially sold quilts, baking granola bars on a lazy sunday afternoon, adding chocolate to literally everything, mid day naps when the weather is cloudy yet humid, ribbon ties instead of stapler pins, making my own spice powders, scented oil lamps, being obsessed with cloves, sleeping on a bed full of pillows only to find over half of them on the floor next morning, missing alarms because closing my eyes for two more seconds won't make me fall asleep again, picking flowers and herbs from the garden, sleepy afternoons, careful skincare but with the most day to day products, eucalyptus oil, use and throw inhalers to deal with my anxiety because the smell of menthol calms me down, short nails and neutral manicure, smelling like flowers one day and like the sea the other, getting excited whenever I spot the moon, absolutely in awe and in love with the clouds because they're amazing and so creative, puppies, calligraphy using ball pens, homemade mocha latte using soya milk, my grandma's childhood earrings that I wear all the time, newspapers, organic vegetables sold by retired social workers, tote bags, reusable metal water bottles, hot showers and cold rinses, using my grandmother's favorite brand of soap because I love smelling like her, herbal hair oil, smelling like sandalwood, cooking pasta with the family, reading secondhand books, collecting fused light bulbs, pencil underlines, postcards, 1 am poetry, pop instrumentals and pensive journaling, benzene rings on page margins, berry flavoured cough syrup, baking bread, long walks, loud conversations, thrifting, e-books, chocolate wrappers hidden between dictionary pages, colourful periodic table prints, plushies, honey, fleece blankets, sleeping cats, signet ring, dried rose I'd bought for myself and carried around like a trophy travelling back home with it in the public bus, twinning perfumes coincidentally with my best friend, vintage looking brand new ink pen and expired ink, sticky notes with motivational quotes covering my wall, never buying perfumes and only using the ones I'm gifted, random words that remind me of niche incidents or memories written along the corners of my study material, pearl jewelry set that my dad gifted my mom but it's me who wears it now, combat boots bought at ¼th it's price at a discount clearance sale, all my jackets being bought from different countries by my dad and thus each serving as a token of memory, lipstick shades that match only extremely specific vibes and look off and odd at other times, cherry lip balm stick that I've used only twice, daily calendar sheets reused as a notepad, birthday candles from my 16th birthday sitting on my work table, the lingering smell of multiple beverages in my room because I seldom wash the cups I drank them from and now they're cluttered all over the room, hand me down luxury watches older than me, chipped nailpolish, reminders written down on tissue papers, bus tickets all over my bag, sugar-free chewing gum, deodorant that never washes off my clothes, wearing clothes purchased 5 years ago and getting compliments simply because it's not trendy but is unique, mini origami cranes, rose sprays, lychee scented sanitizer, baking bread at home on weekends, homemade hair masks, turning up late because i was busy enjoying life walking through the eucalyptus grove on the way to class, running to the station yet missing the train, all my everyday ornaments having a deeper meaning to me.
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ahelluvahigh · 8 months
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@demondads asked: your name: Sir Pentious! Romantic or platonic?: Romantic, er, i-if you prefer! A night in or dinner out or an activity?: Hm, well, you seem to be a 'night out on the town' kind of lady. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Ice cream never fails. What's your perfect date?: Perhaps an opportunity to work together on a project? Would you cook for me?: I don't see why not. Would you let me cook for you?: Of course! Can we make-out?: …yes please. Make out in private or in public?: Private, though I suppose it is ultimately up to you. Do you like to cuddle?: Of course, these coils were made for it! Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?: Blankets never hurt. Couch or bed?: The bed certainly has more space. What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?: Inventing, scheming, er… minion herding? Tell me something about you no else knows: I died in a great war back in 1888! Why do you want to be my valentine?: Because I have the utmost respect for your abilities! What makes you a good Valentine?: What better Valentine than your archrival?
Oh. She totally should have seen this coming.
She sorta did... but she also sorta thought he'd weasel out before he actually submitted anything.
Okay. She can give this a read.
Romantic? Yeah, she figured. And she is a night on the town kind of girl. Clearly more than he can handle but... she could go easy on him. There could be ice cream involved. It's been awhile since she robbed an ice cream truck.
A... project?
Well... she had to admit, that death ray of his was kind of cool. She wouldn't mind seeing how he did that. Maybe they could make a... ray gun. Or something. Or an atom bomb! She hasn't figured out how to make one of those yet, but she bets he has.
Oh... yeah, they're definitely gonna have to swipe some food from somewhere. It's not that Cherri can't cook, it's just that... she's not patient. There's a good chance she'll forget she put something in the oven and not realize it until her kitchen's on fire (smoke alarms are for pussies.) If she couldn't microwave it in the time it took to make a Sinstagram post... she was going to find something else to do.
If it was really demanded, like those times when Angie was sick and needed to eat something, she could make herself settle for that, but most of the time? A pot has maybe two minutes to boil before she's doing something else.
Did he really say please to making out?
This fuckin' guy. She's got to throw him a bone. She can... tug him into the back of that ice cream truck once they've robbed it. That's private, right?
Cuddling, though?
Well... they can see where the night goes. Maybe this could end up in bed... if he shows her how to make a weapon of mass destruction.
Holy fuck he's old.
Like. She knew he was old but.
.... She's gotta give the guy credit for staying alive down here for over 100 years.
She whips her phone from her bra and quickly sends one Edgelord Snake a text.
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So, when're we doin' this?
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