#//the ghoul is claustrophobic!
stealingyourbones · 3 months
The Ghostwriter had gained a pupil. He was a boy no older than 16 in a tattered superhero costume and called himself The Scribe. He was a smart and studious child, always following around Ghostwriter writing so fast his hand was nearly a blur as his ghostly teacher spoke aloud his next book's story.
And that was that. Whenever you'd venture into the Ghostwriter's library you'd see a sweet yet brash kid always writing something down. That was the new normal now.
Until it wasn't.
Danny was in shock. He had never seen the Ghost Writer leave his library. Ever. And yet here the ghostly author was, hovering over Danny hands gesturing around nervously as he muttered  worries.
"Ghostwriter, what are you doing here? What's going on?" Danny moved closer towards the distraught ghost and put his hand on the ghoul, his eyes darting from the ghosts worried hands to the bespeckled eyes that were brimming with ghostly tears.
"He's gone! My boy is gone! Please, you have to find him."
Danny startled, "Scribe? Woah woah woah. Slow down. Take a deep breath. What happened?"
The ghost was so distraught that he didn't even remark how ghosts couldn't breathe. He did his best attempt at a deep breath and looked back at Danny.
"I don't know. He just was there one moment and gone the next. I thought it was one of his pranks at first but his presence is gone. He was in my Lair and then... vanished."
Jason awoke in a dark claustrophobic coffin with a gasp. It's silly considering the circumstances but as he frantically tried to claw out of his box and find a way to escape, a nagging thought in the back of his mind kept telling him how this would be a great story.
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imagining a situation where for whatever reason you absolutely need to be sat on the ghoul’s lap (like, due to lack of space/seating or something) and he gets the sick idea to bounce his knee once after you’re sat on him for a bit. y’know, trying to make it seem unintentional/like a muscle jerk or something.
but fully knowing exactly what it may do to you, and wanting to see…he’s beyond thrilled when it immediately elicits an involuntary moan😏
Close Quarters
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Female Reader
Word Count: 2,429
Warnings: smut (18+), thigh riding, very sweaty fucking around, mild choking, slight dubcon if you squint.
Notes: Anon, you're just like me (I am also embarrassingly into knee and thigh riding)! Thank you for the excellent submission.
Apologies for the delay in getting this out! I'm so relieved to be back at home, finally, as I wasn't able to be as productive when traveling as I'd hoped. Please enjoy.
You were going to tear Cooper a new one the second the two of you got out of here.
It had been his idea, after all, to veer off the road in your latest trek to nose around this place, which hadn't seemed all that interesting to you. Your business partner had been quite unrelenting, as in all things, despite your inability to see anything of immediate value in the area; some hulking old rusty machinery you couldn't identify, train tracks partially buried in the sand. Boxes of blasting supplies, long emptied. It appeared to be an abandoned mining facility upon first glance, but was difficult to tell, as you had barely had a chance to actually look around before things had suddenly gotten crazy.
It was his fault the two of you were stuck here now.
The old man was absolutely insistent that he'd glimpsed a deathclaw (which you'd read had a special propensity towards mines and quarries, and had told him as much just the night before) just over the nearby hill; you hadn't been looking in the proper direction to confirm when he'd grabbed you by the arm and yanked you into this...storage closet? Frankly, you weren't even sure it was large enough to pass as that, more like a coat closet with a single wooden box on the floor. The two of you were crammed as physically close as possible without touching, mostly due to the great efforts you were taking to balance yourself against the wall as carefully as you could. It was incredibly claustrophobic.
It was also unbearably hot, but apparently only for you; as you cast another unamused glance at him, the third in maybe twice as many minutes, you couldn't help but notice how his only annoyance seemed to be boredom. His eyes lazily scanned back and forth between the small holes in the wall like he was watching out for mole rats. You, on the other hand, were convinced you were about five minutes away from sweating yourself to death, your knees aching worse than they did most nights after miles and miles of walking, the pain setting deep into your bones. It was making you squirmy, your thighs and quadriceps flexing and relaxing as you tried your best to hover above your companion's leg, his body crowded so close behind yours. You'd been traveling together for months now, and he was much more comfortable with you than he ever had been, but you still wanted to respect his space...
...a courtesy which he didn't always afford you.
Something about Cooper Howard that you hadn't been anticipating when you started to grow closer was just how much of a filthy tease the man was. Despite his rather rough exterior, the old cowboy could be very charming, a side of him you saw more and more as your travels went on, and, as a result, you'd developed quite the embarrassing little crush on him. An additional heat crept up the nape of your neck as you thought on it, adding to the untenable swelter around you.
Once you'd propositioned him for sex. Once! How were you supposed to know that people on the surface didn't generally approach their casual hook ups that way? He'd laughed until you thought he'd be sick, your face red as a Nuka Cola sign the entire time.
You thought that had been that, and it was all you'd needed to assume that he simply wasn't attracted to you in that way. It stung some, but whatever, life goes on. So you'd soldiered on, trying to keep your head low the next few days to avoid making him uncomfortable, desperate to not lose his companionship due to an awkward misunderstanding, but that's when the teasing began in earnest. He took very apparent glee in crowding you in, getting into your face or into your ear, murmuring in that soft tone that made you crazy and turned your cheeks pink, only to almost immediately pull away, his demeanor as if nothing had even happened.
Whether he did this because there was any real intent behind it or simply because he enjoyed embarrassing you and making you squirm, you hadn't the faintest idea. You chastised him when he did it, but ultimately you couldn't really conceal the way the attention from him still made your heart race and your panties damp. Heck, the way the ferals seemed to be able to pick up on your scent from a mile out, you wouldn't be shocked to learn he could smell when you were aroused. Just another small humiliation to throw on the pile.
The damn space was already small in total dimension, made even worse by the fact that a shelf up top cut off a lot of the total height, forcing Cooper to stoop and bend awkwardly, the desire to stay silent keeping him hunched over you for several minutes before he slowly, slowly slid down onto the box, eventually reclining somewhat, bending his neck to and fro to peek out the various rust spots and bullet holes in the metallic siding. Your Pip-Boy didn't register any nearby movement, but that didn't always inspire confidence in situations like this.
This whole thing was miserable, but being torn limb from limb by a deathclaw would be worse, so you continued your infinite wall-lean, trying hard to remain silent as you wiped the sweat from your brow for the millionth time. Behind you, he seemed to relax a little further, his knee sliding slightly along the inside of your thigh. A shiver broke up your spine.
Eventually, your trembling, aching legs fully gave out, forcing you to allow your full weight to straddle the knee that was poking out from between your knees, pressing down directly at the apex your thighs. You tried your best to rest towards one foot or the other to keep your weight off of his thigh, but his hands quickly found your hips and stilled your movement.
The pressure from sitting this way had already begun to make your slit swell, increasing in sensitivity as the time continued to pass, but it was ignorable. Then, slowly but surely, and to your absolute horror, Cooper's leg began to jiggle, the slight movement rocking you back and forth ever so slightly until your clit began to ache. Now, you'd never seen him fidget before, but you'd also never seen the man have to cram himself into a shoe box, so you gave him some mild benefit of the doubt.
But the jiggling quickly became a problem, the heat between your legs rapidly equaling the heat in the room, leaving you breathing with noticeable volume. You buried your face into your chest as best as you could to try and hide the sound of your labored huffing, but the man behind you was quick to let you know that you were failing.
"Keep it quiet, kid." he chastised you in a hushed voice, but his hands stayed glued to your hips, balancing you right back onto his thigh, shifting your weight right to where you were trying to avoid placing it. You cleared your throat as another wave of heat swam through your gut, your companion continuing to move his leg up and down as the wind and sand hissed against the walls. Increasingly, you were nervous to look at him, afraid he would call you out for deriving some sort of sick pleasure from his innocent movements, accuse you of endangering both of your lives for some fleeting sexual gratification.
However, that moment never came, only more rocking and more huffing. Eventually, you began to slip further down towards his knee, struggling to fully support your weight any longer. His thigh jerked upwards, bouncing you several inches backwards and pressing hard into your swollen bud, drawing out a high pitched yelp that made you sound like a wounded animal. If you didn't know better, you'd have thought you felt him grin against the sweaty back of your neck.
"Hush." he said, tone thinner this time, but his hands began busily working your body as he slid you up and down. Two fingers worked their way into one of your belt loops, pushing and pulling you fully; the other traced teasingly along the damp, exposed skin of your belly at your belt line, and the feeling made you moan in earnest shock.
The leather of his gloves was shockingly soft against your damp skin as he suddenly let it jump up just above your breasts, the heel of his hand brushing at your cleavage as it slipped higher and higher, firmly clasping at your throat. You were still able to breathe, since he wasn't really choking you, but the grip he maintained below your jaw meant that he basically had full control of your body, pulling you back quickly and easily until you were snug against his chest, his cracked lips brushing the sensitive shell of your ear.
"If you can't keep that mouth shut, I'll find another use for it." he whispered, continuing to tug at your belt loops and your sanity. Your throbbing pussy clenched around nothing at his dirty talk, so much realer than ever before. You knew now that his teasing came from a genuine place, at least; you could very clearly feel the shape of his hardening cock against your ass.
You were tempted to test his claim, to whine out again fully and see what he would slip into your mouth. But instead you clamped your lips between your teeth so hard that you wondered if the chapped flesh would bleed, finally giving in and letting your hips cant ever so slightly against his leg as he continued to bounce his knee, the motion becoming quite exaggerated as the minutes continued to tick by.
The idea of any looming danger outside was quickly becoming lost among the static, the pretense of accidental squirming rapidly melting away; your brain felt runny, loose, and it was difficult to you to keep a logical train of thought for long, but it did occur to you that the two of you were basically fooling around in a closet. If you'd been coherent at all, you'd have wondered how he would react towards you when this whole awful, delicious thing was over, or even how it would end, but coherence was long lost to you as you barreled towards something amazing.
"Please, I...you have to stop..." you whispered desperately, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you felt the incredibly tense muscles in your abdomen start to flutter. If he didn't know what he'd been doing, he knew now, and his leg didn't stop for a single second, not even a falter in his movements as you began unashamedly moving your hips as far back and forth as you could reach, the firm muscle of him stimulating you so perfectly. A frantic little whimper escaped your lips, which your left hand jumped to cover, your teeth sinking into your palm you danced right up to the edge, your empty cunt gripping feverishly at nothing.
"Coop. Please." you begged, but you were unsure if you were begging him to stop or to let you finish.
He granted you the latter, both hands sliding right back down to your hips, pressing your weight hard down into him as you both worked your body back and forth, once, twice, and a final time as your head fell slack against his shoulder, his lips at the side of your throat as you came completely apart in his lap, limbs twitching, teeth pulling a tear in your dry lower lip as you bit down on it hard to hide your moans. Vaguely, you were aware of the feeling of him rocking his erection against your backside, his breathing almost as heavy as yours.
"Good girl." you swore you heard him mumble, but chalked it up to your overstimulated, spinning brain simply making you hear what you wanted to hear.
For maybe a minute, you allowed yourself the indulgence of resting against him, struggling to slow your heaving breaths. Slowly, you leaned forward once more, curling yourself into a half-ball with your head as far between your knees as you could manage until you no longer felt light headed. At some point, your companion regained his composure, his tone not strained or breathy in the slightest when he spoke to you again.
"Well," he said, suddenly back at his regular volume and causing you to jump slightly, "I think we can get out of here."
You twisted back to look at him, but before you could lock eyes, he was already lifting you by your hips to force you to stand on your shaky legs, pulling himself up to a crouch as he tugged the door open. You flinched, stumbling a bit as you attempted to conceal yourself behind the wall, but you peered back out when he confidently strode out past you, bending and turning at the waist as his spine let out a series of loud cracks and pops. Behind him, you struggled to stand fully upright, attempting to fix the fit of your clothing from where it had been tugged on.
"C'mon, let's go." he called over his shoulder, not turning to look at you fully as he trekked forward towards the hill you'd spent what felt like ages fearing as if it were nothing but another pile of dirt to be crossed.
"Shouldn't we try to go the long way around outta here? What if they're still over there, just not close enough to pick up on?" you called, concerned once more now that the flow of blood had generally returned to your brain. Everywhere around you, you felt imaginary danger, ready for anything to jump out from anywhere, as nothing had actually changed the whole time you'd been hidden away.
That got him to stop and turn to look back at you, an incredibly impish look playing across his face.
"I get the feeling it'll be alright." he winked before resuming his climb up the fairly steep incline, sand rolling down in little rivulets behind his retreating feet.
You lagged behind a bit, watching him go through narrowed eyes. Turning your gaze towards the setting sun, you mused to yourself that soon, the two of you would need to stop for the night. The roads through here were too dangerous to travel at night.
He would have some turnabout coming his way, you knew that for certain. Your days of being teased were about to be done.
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v-ternus · 9 months
Mountain headcanon time
Even though he’s the biggest ghoul, he actually prefers the least space.
If he’s gone missing for an afternoon, there’s a high chance of someone finding him shoved into his closet, he likes having his back and sides against a wall or surface.
Those shitty bunks on the bus? He loves them. Everyone thinks he’s insane, but it’s just so cozy to him. The tighter the fit, the more he likes it. Something about being cramped up like that just shuts the constant static in his brain off.
When Omega noticed Mountain’s habit, he built him a nook in the common area— he rarely leaves his spot nowadays.
He’s the opposite of claustrophobic.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
Hi! Can we get little phantom waking up from a nightmare and having to run and wake up swiss for help? 🖤🖤
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These are identical so you both get this one, although I think you’re the same person 👀
Also I wrote this instead of showering and now I’m in trouble so I hope you appreciate it!!!
cw: regressed ghouls, age regression.
Phantom’s summoning was traumatic. It was horrendous even. He was actually meant to be summoned With Sunshine but something went wrong and he ended up stuck in the portal between earth and hell, unable to get to reach earth but unable to get back to hell. He got stuck. For an entire year he lived, survive, in a barren wasteland no creature was meant to survive in.
He had nightmares about it all the time, of being trapped in some kind of purgatory, unable to move forward but unable to go back. He’ll wake up in a panic, with a cry high in his throat as he fights to get the bed covers untangled from his body. 
Which is how he woke up now, with a startled cry and  the claustrophobic feeling of his bedsheets restricting around him as he fights his way free. He’s breathless and panicking, tears streaming down his face as he cries out, for Swiss, but he doesn’t realises who’s name he’s shouting. He managed to untangle him and scuttles out from his room, stripping his clothes off as he goes, leaning a trail down the hallway, the feeling of anything touching his body at the point was too much. He goes to Swiss’ room not even realising he does, and pushes his way into his room.
The multi ghoul is still asleep, snoring lightly as Phantom peers at him from across the dark room. But at least he’s alone, so he feels less guilty about waking him up. 
“S-Swiss?” He hardly whispers onto the room. Swiss stirs a little but doesn’t wake up. 
He feels his bottom lip wobble as his tail wraps anxiously around his middle. “Swiss, p-please.” 
Swiss moves, pulling the covers off his face and squinting into the darkness with a grunt. 
“Phantom? Go back to bed, it’s nowhere near morning yet.” He pulls the covers back over his face turning around to have away from Phantom. 
Phantom let’s out a sob, feeling tears fall down his cheeks.  “D-daddy?” 
That gets Swiss’ attention. He sits up, turning  back to face Phantom. 
“Bug? What is it? What’s wrong?” His eyes run down a phantom’s appearance. “Where are your clothes?” 
Phantom just shakes his head and sobs again. 
“Oh, did you have the nightmare again?” Swiss coos at him. Phantom nods, rubbing at one of his  eyes with a closed fist, rubbing away sone of the tears that had fallen. 
“Oh, babybug, come here.” Swiss open his arms for him and Phantom immediately runs into him. Swiss pull him into his lap and Phantom buries his face into Swiss’ neck  as he sobs, gripping at Swiss’ shoulders. 
“I’ve got you, babybug. I’ve got you.” Swiss rubs his back, rocking them back and forth gently. “You’re safe now, darling. Finally safe with us, where you were always meant to be.” 
Phantom snuffles, squeezing his arms around Swiss’ neck.  “Oh, I know. So scary, huh? But it’s okay, I’ve got you.” 
Phantom whimpers, clinging to Swiss even more and mouthing along his neck. There are still tears streaming down his cheeks but his sobbing had subsided for little sniffles and whimpers. 
“Oh!” Swiss adjusts Phantom on his grasp. “I think I have something that might help you.” He rummages in the bottom draw of his bedside table, pulling out a small fleece blanket and a pacifier. “I think these are Mountain’s but I don’t think he’ll mind if you borrow them for the night.” 
He taps the pacifier against Phantom’s bottom lip and the little ghoul parts them letting Swiss push the rubber into his mouth. He starts sucking immediately, the plastic bobbing in his mouth as Swiss wraps the soft blanket around his shoulders. 
“There. That's much better, hmm?”
Phantom gives him a small nod and moves to settle down properly on Swiss’ arms, resting his head on his chest. Swiss shuffles himself as carefully as he can do he’s sat up against the headboard of his bed and pulls the duvet over the both of them. Phantom gives a little chirp, pulling the duvet around himself a little tighter. Swiss sinks into his bed so he’s lying back fully once again, keeping Phantom on top of him where the little ghoul seems most comfortable. 
He runs his fingers though Phantom’s hair and he looks up at him, blinking owlishly as the pacifier bobs in his mouth. 
“You think you can go back to sleep? Think you’re ready?” 
A look of panic flashes across Phantom’s face and he lets out a distressed squeak shaking his head as more tears well in his eyes. 
“Oh, babybug. You don’t have to go back to your room, you can sleep right here with me.” Swiss gently thumbs away a few stray tears from his cheeks. Phantom gives another distressed squeak. 
“What is it, bug?” Swiss frowns at him, trying to think of anything that would be distressing Phantom anymore. 
Phantom squeaks again, pulling the duvet even tighter around himself and looking anxiously around the pitch black room. 
“Oooh. It’s dark. Is it too dark for you, babybug?” 
Phantom nods in reply. 
Swiss moves to flick the bedside lamp on and the room gets illuminated with a soft glow. 
“That better? Not so scary now?” 
Phantom gives a little happy chuff and snuggles down deeper into Swiss embrace, giving a small yawn around the pacific, his eyes finally slipping closed with a purr.  Swiss yawns himself, cuddling into Phantom as he chuffs again in his sleep, his sleepy purr increasing in volume as Swiss scratches down his back with his claws lightly. It doesn’t take Swiss long before he feels his own eyes slipping closed, a purr of his own rumbling through his chest. 
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belle--ofthebrawl · 4 months
Any Aether/Ifrit thoughts?
One time I shattered a jar thinking about Aethfrit.
I think...Ifrit's an instigator. I think he likes to tease and play and wrestle as a way to bond, very physical with his affection. Grabby. Oohs and aahs over Aether's vessel, compares hand sizes and squeezes his biceps to get a feel for his strength and Aether allows it with a sheepish grin. (He might be peacocking a little bit for the pretty water ghoul watching the antics nearby as he smokes...)
"We're pretty matched!" Ifrit says. "Wanna arm wrestle for top bunk?"
Now Aether's more than happy to just give it to him if he asked but there's a light in Ifrit's eyes that's begging for a challenge, and he's scraping his shoe across the ground like a bull about to charge. Aether doesn't need his quintessence to tell him Ifrit's got way too much energy to sit still on that first long flight and a couple rounds might be just the thing to help him settle down.
Ifrit's palm is fever-hot against his skin, his grin reckless and wild as Mist counts down. Aether can already tell it's going to be close as she signals them to start and they push against each other. Aether can't help but grin right back at Ifrit when he realizes they're not using their full strength. It goes on for what seems like forever; one will lose an inch, the other will take it back. Ifrit's palm grows hotter with exertion, Aether calls on the chill of the void to fight back. Steam erupts where their hands meet, they're locked eye to eye, heedless of the world around them until someone yells and the whole table shatters; burnt black on Ifrit's bench, frozen brittle on Aether's. They look at each other through the rubble and burst out into laughter, helping each other up.
"Looks like we're sharing that bunk." Aether teases, taking Ifrit's now significantly cooler hand in his own warm one. "Not claustrophobic, are you?"
'I don't mind a tight squeeze." Ifrit says with a wink.
Now you know damn well what's under this cut
They run into each other in the abbey hallway later that night on their way to the other's room. Ifrit snickers, not unkindly, and catches Aether's hand again. Swings it as he walks and the casual chatter easily erases any awkwardness as they head back to Aether's room. Aether opens the door for him like a gentleman; Ifrit shoves him through and kicks it shut before tackling him on the bed in a kiss that's more teeth than lips. Biting him everywhere Aether encourages, leaving pretty bruises around his nipples that Aether mirrors on him when he realizes how much Ifrit likes his own pectorals lavished with attention. Maybe Aether wouldn't have found out about his own preferences as fast if Ifrit hadn't mapped out every sensitive point on his body that night.
Ifrit doesn't have the majority of his tattoos I like to think he has, but he's definitely gotten started. Some are mundane, just for visual appeal but there's one in particular he's started just under his belly button. When Aether touches the tip of his tongue to the ink, it tingles and Ifrit's cock flexes where it's pinned under Aether's chest.
"Ticklish?" Aether teases as Ifrit squirms in delight.
"Little more than that." Ifrit huffs, and tries to shove Aether down further, bucking his hips and leaving pre smeared on the soft underside of his chin. So naturally, Aether has to pin those hips down so Ifrit doesn't go buck wild and gag him when Aether sucks his cock. Ifrit squeezes his legs around Aether's torso in revenge, Aether reaches up to tweak a nipple and somehow they're wrestling again. Pushing their cocks together, rutting against strong thighs. Ifrit's devilish fingers poke and prod the rolls of Aether's stomach, get him wheezing as Ifrit whispers, "Now who's ticklish, huh?" as Aether's tip starts to leak steadily. "Big guy like you and it's all undone with a few fingers."
"I'll show you my weak point I'd you promise not to use it against me." Aether breathes and when Ifrit's fingers wiggle their way inside, warm and wet with lube, the fire ghoul kisses him so sweetly they both forget it started out so violently. It's a test of Aether's endurance next as he rides first Ifrit's fingers and then his cock, bouncing slow and gentle, saving his stamina to see how long they both can last.
Knowledge Aether is infinitely grateful for when he finally tumbles into bed with Dewdrop later on.
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
since phantom apparently gets on his knees *a lot*, have you thought about him getting on his knees for mountain? how much smaller he'd look? how mount would be SO pleased with it??
It's not that Aeon is small, exactly.
He's...slight. Lanky like Rain, but narrow like Dew. Doesn't take up much space, visually speaking. Or physically. Not with the way he can bend and contort himself.
He can usually be found in the most awkward positions possible in the common room; scrunched up against the arm of a couch, or curled around himself like a pillbug in one of the armchairs. Not to isolate, it's just how he's comfy.
Mountain doesn't understand it. Has no idea how anyone could be comfortable wrapped up into a ball of their own limbs, not when something as simple as crossing his own legs can make him feel claustrophobic. He does find it endearing in Aeon though, a little quirk that he can bundle up and keep in a water-spotted mason jar in the back of his mind.
Aeon isn't exactly small, but he enjoys making himself look that way.
Between Mountain's legs, he looks the smallest.
It's been a while since Aeon knocked on his door, interrupting his thrilling evening activity of dozing off in front of the fireplace. Most of that time has been spent on his knees, though not in the way Mountain is used to.
The room is quiet, save for the crackle of dying logs and the dull rasp of horsehair on leather. Aeon's hardly spoken the whole time he's been working, now well on his way to getting Mountain's boots to a mirror shine. Mountain's fingers glide through Aeon's soft waves while he watches his shoulder work, blending the shock of brilliant white near his horn into a sea of black for something to do.
Aeon hasn't spoken a word since he cracked open his tin of polish. Hell, he'd barely explained himself in the first place, slotting himself between Mountain's knees and asking where his boots were. Mountain hadn't woken up quite enough yet to do more than gesture towards the closet.
He's awake now, though. Has been since Aeon shoved the awful things onto his feet and laced them tight. Mountain can't stand his uniform boots under normal circumstances; they cut him off from the song of the earth and their slight heels make his ass sore. They're relegated to the depths of the closet between tours, wearing them an inconvenience at best and a nuisance at worst.
And yet he'd let Aeon put them on him. Let the other ghoul brush them, scrub them, apply some sort of cream to them and start the cycle all over again. It's a process Mountain never bothered familiarizing himself with - Rain has always polished his boots for him - but seeing the meticulous way Aeon works is fascinating.
As is the not-small tent in his pants.
It's obvious with the way he's kneeling, legs tucked tight under him with the sole of Mountain's second boot on his thigh, just to the left of that flannel-covered bulge. The first has already been polished glossy, firelight reflected in its gleam. Aeon's posture is tight, strained, but his hands move with the same relaxed precision as they do on his guitar.
"You really like doing this, huh?"
Mountain rubs at the base of one horn and Aeon gasps through his nose. He nods slowly so as not to dislodge the hand on his scalp, but doesn't answer. It's a shame not to hear that shake Mountain knows will be in his voice, but it's graced his ears enough to be easily imagined.
Aeon looks up as he swipes his brush over the toe of the boot, leaves shine in its wake.
Mountain thinks his eyes shine brighter.
They're heavy lidded and blown nearly black, pupils ringed with shimmering violet. His long, dark lashes flutter over flushed cheeks, a light dusting of color painted over the bridge of his nose. Spit-slick lips sit parted, exposing just the tips of his fangs. He looks like he's been ravished despite the fact that Mountain hasn't so much as kissed him yet.
It's lovely.
"Pretty little thing," Mountain coos, dragging gentle knuckles along the hollow of Aeon's cheek. He sighs and leans into it, nuzzles the back of his hand like an affectionate cat. His tail supports that imagery, wrapped around Mountain's forearm and squeezing gently. "You almost done down there, moondrop?"
Aeon nods again, the pink tip of his tongue flicking out between his fangs as he refocuses. It's not that he's rushing the other ghoul to finish, but Mountain wants to hear his voice. Wants to know why, exactly, Aeon shuffled his way here in his pajamas with his leather care caddy and decided to give his boots the royal treatment.
Mountain scratches at his scalp, Aeon shivers, and a sweet little wet spot soaks into his flannels.
Mountain's own cock twitches against his thigh at the sight. He's remained mostly soft for the duration of this, despite the effect it's clearly having on the other ghoul, but the reveal of Aeon's lust-slacked face was enough to have him chubbing up. He rubs at the ridge of the head through his jeans, noting with a smirk the way Aeon's brushing hand stutters.
Mountain massages himself with a lazy hand, rests the other on Aeon's downturned face, caresses his cheek. Drags his thumb along a fang-swollen lip and makes a pleased sound at the way Aeon licks at the tip of it. Mountain stares at the other ghoul's clothed stiffy while he plays, watching it strain against the seam of his pants. He'd like to reach down and give it a good squeeze, but he resists. Wouldn't want to interrupt.
He sticks his thumb into Aeon's mouth instead, and the groan it earns him is well worth the silence he's endured.
The scratch of the brush stops soon enough. Aeon picks up a discarded chamois for one last bit of polish, a few swipes over the calf and along the zipper, finishing his self-imposed task with a pleased sigh. He doesn't move Mountain's foot, leaving it resting heavy on his thigh while he sets his supplies back in their places. Mountain watches him with a smile curling at the corners of his mouth - Aeon sucks at his thumb the whole time, drool slipping out around the invading digit to wet his hand.
"If I take this away," he murmurs, hooking his thumb behind Aeon's lower fangs, "will you tell me what's gotten into you?"
Mountain hooks a finger under his chin and drags Aeon's gaze upwards. He's flushed darker now, sweaty along his hairline, stunning eyes nearly closed. Mountain grips tighter, gives his head a shake, and he swears he can hear Aeon's brain rolling loose in his head.
He gurgles out an uh huh and Mountain chuckles, pulling his hand away. He wipes Aeon's drool off on the other ghoul's shirt and Aeon bites his lip, quivering hands sliding up to rest on Mountain's knees. They'd started shaking the moment he'd finished his work. Mountain watches his throat work as he swallows, still palming his head through rough denim.
At length, sounding drunk on something Mountain is intimately familiar with, Aeon speaks.
"Wanted to...for a while now," he murmurs, idly squeezing at Mountain's legs.
"Wanted to polish my boots?"
Aeon's eyes flick between the place Mountain works his cock and the shine of the leather. He chews his lips and nods again, narrow chest heaving more and more as the minutes pass.
"You don't take very good care of them," he chides, a surprisingly stern tilt to his voice. Mountain raises an eyebrow. "It's a shame," Aeon continues, tilting his head to further admire his work.
"Didn't realize you were such a stickler for uniform maintenance," Mountain teases, tapping Aeon's other leg with his toe. "I hardly wear the things anyway, I don't -"
"You should," Aeon interrupts, eager and a bit breathless. "They suit you." His slim hips move of their own accord, a quick, pointless little hump and Mountain could not possibly mistake for anything else.
"Is that so?"
Aeon nods, lithe fingers drifting from Mountain's knee to ghost over supple leather. He can see the pale reflection of the other ghoul's hand in it - he really did do an incredible job.
"They're hard to play in," Mountain complains, flexing his ankle. It pushes the sole of his boot into Aeon's thigh and the kneeling ghoul sucks air though his teeth. "Not flexible enough."
"Just gotta break 'em in," Aeon offers, and there's that shake Mountain wanted to hear. His smile morphs into something devious when Aeon shifts enough to spread his knees, looking up at him with frank desire. Couldn't be more obvious if he tried.
"And how would you suggest I do that, little star?"
Aeon sighs, grips his ankle, and guides Mountain's foot to rest against his crotch. He hisses, brow furrowing at the first hint of contact, and the ghoul leans forward to rest his cheek on Mountain's knee. He reaches an elegant hand up to fondle Mountain's visible tip, rubs it with two fingers, and with a groan Mountain presses the toe of his boot into Aeon's stiffness.
"Fuck, just like that," Aeon gasps, hips hitching forward immediately. "Don't hold back," he encourages, peering up at Mountain through those thick lashes, "treat me like your kick drum."
Aeon gives him a squeeze, and Mountain does.
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yan-lorkai · 7 months
First time doing this, hopefully everything fine. From the yandere list, could I ask B & C for Alucard, please?
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Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Darling, you know Alucard. He doesn't mind being messy at all, in fact he bask on the blood and the guts. He likes it a little too much. He could slaughter thousands ghouls in your honor and bring each one of them to you as gifts if you wanted. Be flustered or afraid, he doesn't care. But just know that nothing nor anyone could keep you away from him, for his strength it's incomparable.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Surprisingly very well. I mean, it could be better in terms of accomodations because if Alucard ever ended up kidnapping his darling, I feel like he'll bring them back to his room, which is in fact very empty. Like literally, there's only his coffin there. Does he think you're going to sleep 24/07? Are he trying to teach you patience or something? Humans need distractions, Alucard! Books, games, anything! (He does gift you with things when you ask though).
Aside from this and the fact you have to sleep in a coffin, which may be bad already and even worse if you are claustrophobic, he treats you well. He doesn't like to scare without a good reason nor he is too condescending with you. He is as sweet and caring as he can muster.
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Pairings: Rain X Dewdrop
Type: Angst w/ comfort
Summary: Dewdrop feels helpless. He has a new element, a new pack, and a new frontman. Everything has changed, and he can’t cope alone. Thankfully, Rain is there to help.
Warnings: PTSD/implications of PTSD, panic attack, mental break down, physical self harm, blood, self-hatred, non-sexual nudity, implications of suicidal thoughts
Word Count: 2,155
Notes: Read here on ao3. Please read the warnings for this one. There are a lot of descriptions of blood and self-harm, along with the implication of suicidal thoughts. Please make sure that you are taking care of yourselves and reach out to someone you trust if you have to <3
Everyone could smell the angry, smoke-filled scent radiating from Dewdrop’s bunk. They could hear the muffled sobs. His privacy curtain was drawn shut, but they could see his tail sticking out, pointed downward. He didn’t even have the energy to lift it into his bunk. No one wanted to ask what was wrong. They hardly even knew Dewdrop yet. 
The only ghouls who had been with Dewdrop when he got in his head like this were Aether and Mountain. Cirrus, Cumulus, Rain, and Swiss were all new…too uncertain of how to help. Aether and Mountain made their attempts to calm Dewdrop down, but they both were sent away, their tails hanging in defeat.
He stayed in his bunk until it was time to get ready for that night’s show, and even then, he remained isolated from the rest. He got ready, then found an unused room to hide in until it was time to hit the stage.
He kept to himself for the most part, unless someone else prompted an interaction. Even then, he didn’t enjoy them. He snarled at Aether on multiple occasions whenever he felt the quintessence ghoul was too close for too long. Hissing at both Copia and Rain if they got too close.
Even at bows, he tried to push himself to the end, closest to the exit. Begrudgingly, he was sandwiched between Aether and Swiss. He couldn’t help the low, rumbling growl that resided in the back of his throat until he was let go.
As soon as he could, he practically bolted offstage. He changed as quickly as he could, only having a few moments of privacy until the others came in. He pushed through the small crowd and out to the bus, curling back up in his bunk.
Everyone else piled onto the bus, being met with the stench of Dew’s anger and hurt, and even though they hadn’t been here long, they knew better than to continue to test him. They made it to the hotel, and he only stayed around long enough to grab his key before running to his room, claiming the bed closest to the window, and letting his glamour drop.
He was finally alone, knowing the others were going out to a bar tonight. He had a few hours until whoever he was rooming with would be back.
He was fueled by hatred toward himself and his packmates (both past and present). He didn’t want the new ghouls. He wanted his ghouls back. The ones who knew him inside and out as if he were a part of them. Sure, he had Aether and Mountain, but he didn’t have the others, and it wasn’t the same.
He didn’t even have himself to rely on. He wasn’t himself anymore. He was forced into being something completely new. Water to fire. He hated himself for being so naive as to think the Clergy would treat him with any form of respect. He was a fool to think that they would treat him like something other than an animal. But that’s all he was to them: a creature to control on their own whim.
He didn’t want to be touring without the comfort and security of his old pack. Yet here he was, sobbing into a hotel pillow, utterly alone.
He could just cry it out, and not have to listen to anyone pity him. They didn’t know what he was going through, and they wouldn’t. They weren’t forced to change. He was a lost cause.
He writhed on the bed, screaming at nothing as he threw pillows and blankets. He clawed at his clothes. He felt claustrophobic. He could feel the walls closing in, and he wished for nothing more than to fade away and disappear into the bedsheets, never to be seen again.
He smelled a familiar petrichoral scent wafting into the room before the door opened. He shoved his fist in his mouth, hoping to muffle the pained sounds that were leaving his mouth. His fangs, tearing at the skin on his knuckles. He wanted to scream at Rain to get out, but didn’t trust his voice.
He was shaking and sobbing in silence. The water ghoul didn’t even come near him, but Dewdrop could tell that he wanted to. He could smell the longing on him. It made Dewdrop’s heart shatter more.
 “Dew?” Rain called out after setting his bag down. Dewdrop heard his voice as if Rain were floating in the puff of smoke that clouded his mind.
“G-go away,” he whispered. He tried not to let his voice crack, but he couldn’t help it. His voice came out cracked. He sounded fragile…broken…pathetic.
Rain was conflicted. He wanted to listen to Dewdrop and just let him be, but there was something inside him telling him not to. He walked over to where Dewdrop was laying and sat on the edge of the bed.
“I said go away,” he sobbed, trying to appear tough. His legs were drawn up to his chest, and his tail was wrapped around him protectively.
He didn’t want Rain to see him like this. Hurting, naked, vulnerable. He was supposed to be strong and wise, but he felt nothing more than weak.
His body was burning hot as Rain put a cool, gentle hand on his shoulder. Dewdrop flinched, but Rain persisted. “Hey…can you look at me?”
Dewdrop shook his head. He hated Rain and the way he was so damn gentle. He took Dewdrop’s spot, and even though he was summoned after Dewdrop’s change, a part of him felt the need to blame him.
Dew clawed at his skin, desperate to get away from the heat coursing through him. He could smell the tangy metallic liquid pouring from where he dug into his flesh.
Rain immediately pulled Dew’s hands away from his body. 
Dewdrop thrashed about, screaming at the top of his lungs. “GET OFF!! DON’T TOUCH ME!!” He shouted, trying to get out of Rain’s grasp. Rain wrapped his arms around him, holding him tight against his chest, and after a few more seconds of fighting, Dewdrop just…collapses.
He grabbed onto Rain’s shirt, blood and tears staining the gray cotton, which now had holes from it where Dew’s claws managed to attack. Rain held him tight, trying to shush him and whisper comforting words in his ears, dropping his glamour to let Dewdrop feel the comfort radiating from someone similar to him rather than a foreign body.
Dew buried his face into Rain’s neck. Every word Rain spoke was muffled as Dewdrop sobbed.
Rain kept his arms around Dewdrop, bringing one to comb through Dewdrop’s hair, undoing the braid that Dewdrop didn’t have the energy to take out, untangling the knots.
“Breathe for me, Dewdrop…nice and slow…breathe with me if it helps,” Rain whispered, slowing his breathing until Dewdrop could follow the pattern.
The wailing stopped after a few minutes. Tears still fell and whimpers were still heard, yet he couldn’t find the strength in him to scream anymore.
“There…I’m here, Dew…you’re safe.”
Dewdrop shook his head. “N-no,” he managed to stammer out.
Rain’s hand stutters in Dew’s hair, but doesn’t stop. He understands to a point. He understands that Dewdrop still hasn’t left the idea that he’s still a part of his old pack. He hasn’t had the time to process. He doesn’t feel safe with Rain. It’s not how he would feel if Rain were someone else.
Rain puts his cheek against Dew’s head and wraps his tail around Dewdrop’s burning naked body, giving Dew as many points of contact as he needs. “Okay, that’s okay…I know…I’m sorry,” Rain mumbles against his hair.
They sit in almost complete silence. The lack of noise only being interrupted by Dewdrop’s shaky breath and whimpers. It feels like hours before Rain speaks up.
“I’m going to carry you to the shower…is that okay?” He asks gently.
Dewdrop nods, fearing the idea that his voice will be too raw to get any words out.
Without saying anything further, Rain lifts Dewdrop out of the bed, carrying him over to the brightly lit bathroom. He sits Dewdrop on the counter for only a few minutes to turn on the shower and grab Dewdrop clothes.
He comes back to see Dewdrop digging his claws into his chest as if he were trying to scratch his own heart out. Rain drops the clothes and runs toward him.
“No, no, no, please don’t do that.” Rain gently grabs his hand and holds them away from Dew’s body. “Dew, honey, please don’t hurt yourself.”
“B-burns,” Dew croaks out. “I can’t- I can’t do this.”
Rain watches a single tear flow down Dewdrop’s cheek as he says that. “Can’t do what? You can tell me.”
“I-I thought that I could…I could be fire, but…I’m not.”
Rain’s heart shatters. He doesn’t know what to say. The thing that made Dewdrop who he is…was changed by force. The thing that Dewdrop knew would keep him safe now turned against him. “I’m…I’m so sorry, Dewdrop. I wish I could help…I don’t know how, and I am so sorry.”
Dewdrop doesn’t respond. He hangs his head and stares at his crimson stained claws in Rain’s gentle hands.
“I’m going to get you into the shower, okay? We can wash some of this blood and sweat off of you. Get you more comfortable.”
Rain steps into the shower, still fully clothed, holding the frail fire ghoul against him as the water turns red below them. Dewdrop doesn’t look at him, just stares down at the bloody water pooling at his feet and sinking down the drain. Rain frowns, then grabs one of the washcloths to wipe away some of the blood that’s already dried.
“I’m going to wash your hair, alright?”
Dew nods again, and Rain grabs the hotel provided shampoo. He would have gone out and grabbed Dew’s personal shampoo, but he doesn’t trust that Dew won’t hurt himself again.
He won’t admit it, but Dewdrop is mostly grateful that Rain isn’t leaving him alone. There’s a part of him trying to scream at him to push Rain out and claw his face off. He pushes it down as he feels Rain’s hands massaging the cool shampoo into his hair.
His breathing is shaky, but finally becoming steady. Rain is the only thing keeping him upright…keeping him alive…keeping him safe.
“Thank you,” he whispers. It’s barely heard over the water rushing over them, but Rain hears it.
“You don’t need to. I’m here for you. I know…I know I’m not part of your old pack, but I’m here for you.”
Dewdrop hangs his head, feeling guilty for making Rain seem like an outcast. Throughout all of his own pain and his misery, he’s made everyone feel unwelcome.
Rain rinses his hair out, and he can see the gears turning in his brain.  Once all of the suds are washed out, he turns Dew around to look at him. “Don’t listen to your head. It isn’t telling you the truth right now. I am here. I’m not going anywhere unless you absolutely want me to.”
“I know…I just…I feel so helpless right now,” he admits.
“Then lean on me. I can be your support system if you need one,” Rain assures, pulling Dewdrop into a hug, letting the water wash over them.
Once the water runs mostly clear, Rain pulls Dewdrop out of the shower, drying him off and bandaging the scrapes and gashes carved into Dewdrop’s skin. He goes to grab Dewdrop’s clothes next, but Dew pulls him back. “No…”
“No clothes?” Dewdrop nods his head. “Okay,” Rain sighs as he thinks. “What about boxers?”
Rain grabs a pair of boxers for Dewdrop and a pair for himself. He holds them for Dew to step in, and Dew puts his hands on Rain’s shoulders to steady himself. Rain pulls them up so that Dewdrop is somewhat covered, then changes out of his own soaked clothes and into his own pair of boxers.
“Let’s get you to bed, okay?” Dew nods again, giving Rain the okay to carry him to bed. He set’s Dewdrop down on his bed, and pulls the covers over him while Rain strips the other bed. He isn’t sure how he’ll end up explaining to Copia or the hotel staff how the blood ended up on the comforter, but he’ll come up with something later.
He crawls into bed with Dewdrop, and Dew immediately pulls him closer. He’s still shaking, but his scent has changed, and his body temperature is fading back to normal.
He falls asleep like that, wrapped up in Rain’s cool embrace.
This new scent is one Rain hasn’t experienced close up before. It’s like cinnamon and a campfire on a warm night. He presses a small kiss to Dew’s forehead and squeezes Dew a little tighter when he finally recognizes the scent. Finally recognizing that Dewdrop feels safe.
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sealz888 · 7 months
I saw your fallout headcanon post! So i gotta know ur thoughts on Dean Domino! (<- loves that bastard too much)
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Thank you for the asks @porcelain-animatronic and anon! Apologises this took really long. I have two other asks (involving Hancock and Ahzrukahl) which'll hopefully be out soon. I've had a lot going on lately, so I appreciate your patience! A heads-up, I haven't personally played Dead Money, so I hope you can forgive me if it's canon conflicting. My dumbass wrote Christina, instead of Christine.
Dean Domino
I really like the head canon that Dean has beef with pre-war singers, I feel like he’s got major beef with Frank Sinatra.
He was a childhood prodigy. His talent was discovered at a young age by his mother, who made him sign up to a childhood talent TV show. He won and only skyrocketed from there, hence his ego.
At some point when he turned 14, he lost his fame and became, for lack of a better term, “washed out” and he fell into the background. His mother wasn’t too happy about this, so he ran away to Vegas, and he’d get by busking and later performing at mid-end clubs. 
That was until he got into hot water at 17 after he was caught with chems. This actually skyrocketed him to fame again. Everyone was booking him in.
A playboy for sure, he flirted with anyone to get his way. Especially when he met Vera Keys again to lure her into joining his heist. However, he actually didn’t sleep around unless he was in a relationship with them. His spark and skill in flirting died down, but he's trying to get it back.
Really pissed off about his hair loss, but is glad about how he kept his moustache. Once he got out of the Sierra Madre, he left and immediately went to find a wig. 
After which, he immediately went to the Tops to find a job. It was hard at first to get on the strip considering ghouls aren’t allowed in without humans, but assuming Mr House is still alive and recognises him or the NCR allows ghouls onto the strip, he eventually manages. Convincing people he is Dean Domino was the harder part. Tommy eventually relented and let him perform. Now exclusively performs there.
Christine Royce
Perfect childhood friends with Veronica. They’re friends to lovers. Romanced her by bringing her all sorts of junk she could disassemble and reassemble. 
Got along with Elijah, but Christine parents thought that they were just “”really, *really* close gal-pals.” Eventually they couldn’t deny it that their daughter was a lesbian was sort of came to terms of it. 
They did push the two to at least surrogate, at least were the most polite about it.
Christine would watch and listen to Veronica talk and talk about historical texts and engineering for hours and hours on end, falling in love with her more. 
She was always slightly suspicious of Elijah, despite Elijah’s politeness, he was always trying to drive the two apart once everything came out. 
When she was first assigned to track him down, she’d write letters to Veronica, but she never got them, unfortunately. Upon encountering the courier, the courier put two and two together and told her about Veronica. 
Veronica, upon hearing about Christine broke down into tears on the strip, a few steps away into the Lucky 38. Veronica was hysterical and getting comforted by Arcade and Lily. They had a chat that lasted for hours explaining everything. She found about Elijah (I hc to personally have him trapped in the vault.)
Unsure of what to do, Veronica wanted to track her down and get her to become a member of the Followers. At some point, Veronica figured out to radio communicate with her. While Christina had to use Morse code to communicate, she was over the moon. Eventually, with the help of Raul over the radio, she managed to get the Autodoc to her reconstruct her vocal cords. However, she is absolutely terrified of Autodocs still and claustrophobic.
A year later, they decided to get married over the radio, and it was a big event, being broadcasted in a few places in Freeside and throughout the Sierra Madre, even Dean Domino and Dog/God dropped by to send her a message congratulating them. As the courier knew the King, he performed “love me tender” at their wedding and Lily, along with help from Cass and other followers, made them wedding garments. I can see Veronica in a pretty dress while Christina is in a suit, however, she could also wear a dress too.
Veronica also informed the BOS of what happened to Elijah and Christina. Christina's parents were overjoyed that she was alive, but still sent their reluctant congratulations to the newly-weds. Some of their old comrades also sent them well wishes.
I don't have a whole lot, but they're one of my favourite mutants.
Dog often mistakes the courier as the Master due to the look in their eyes, their tone of voice is similar to the master too.
Dog/God managed to become one personality again thanks to the couriers help. While the group leaves, they discuss names, but doesn’t like any of those. The courier encourages the newly reborn mutant to think for himself and choose his own name.
He tries to settle down at various settlements, Novac, Freeside, Westside eventually hearing about Utobitha. After arriving, Neil, recognised him by the scar on his chest and confused that the two personalities became one. After a long convo and explanation, Neil recognised the courier and redirected him to Jacobstown. 
While at Jacobstown, many supermutants and nightkin remembered him, but he did not remember himself. It was a *long* week explaining what happened.  With the help of others, he names himself Alexander. 
Alexander, decided to help Jacobstown by supporting his fellow Nightkin and became a wandering trade. He reached out to other settlements and offered to exchange goods and open up trades
He never really saw or heard from the courier again after stopping by to wish Veronica and Christine well wishes.
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solace-flower · 2 months
me and churchill have been through a lot these past 8 hours of gameplay, including:
walking over a bridge and getting hit by 5 grenades
fighting four ghouls in an underground flooded tunnel before being fucking tsunamed!!
getting lost in a claustrophobic tower and chased by 10’s of mirelurk hatchlings (directly after the ghouls in the tunnel)
spending an hour trying to find the way to the vagabond pub and getting jumped by dudes dressed like the navy from 1784
died in the river thames from 250+ radiation a second
generally having to run away from every enemy and hope you dont run into a worse one.
doing all of this with barely any ammo and a knife
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zoomzooml · 1 year
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Dump of old(er) ghouls doodles✨
Random concept of water ghouls just because I like my ghouls a bit funky and weird.
Naked butt ghoulette. Mountain and a kitty (kitty is in fact a wild cougar. Everyone gave up on trying to stop him from doing shit like this. This man-)
I like to think earth ghouls like weighted blankets and tight places because in "wild" (lmao) they sleep in hella claustrophobic places among others.
Just Mountain and Rain chillin. Rain has found a water lily, and Mountain is keeping an eye on his clothes and keeping them dry.
Also I hc that they should have hairstyles like ones on the masks (dresscode) but idk who and how often actually obey this lol
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fangbangerghoul · 10 months
Snippet Sunday
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Got a little snip, snip of something or other. I've been on a writing break for the most part to prepare for finals!
Thank you @silurisanguine for the tag! I appreciate it very much when yall tag me! <3
Tagging : @toxiclizardwrites , @5oh5 , @booburry , @spookyspecterino and @thatsgoodsquishy0
            Her body stretched into another unfamiliar position just to reach her dagger on the back of her belt. She was starting to feel claustrophobic from being in this box for the universe only knows how many hours. Finally with much effort she managed to grab the holt of her blade and stab it into the corner of the top of the crate, prying apart the sealant they used to close her in there. Ghoul wasn’t really sure why she agreed to such a thing. It would have been just as easy to surround this ship carrying several different museum artifacts and raid them like usual, but no. Delgado wanted discrepancy. As if her popping out of a crate and taking over the ship was stealthy. It was fully possible she wouldn’t reach the cockpit in time to avoid them sending out an S.O.S.
The suffocating box full of paper string and Ghoul finally popped up just a tad and it took restraint to hold herself from kicking the lid off with full force. She could be stealthy; she normally was but the stiffness in her muscles made her itch to leap out and start swinging to whomever was around. Slowly she guided the lid off to the side a smidge so she could peek her yellow eyes in the gap of the small opening to peer around for anyone who might still linger within the cargo hold. A part of her grateful that this wasn’t a cheaper ship and the life support extended to their places of storage or else she would probably be dead, something she had mentioned while arguing against this strategy to obtain the high-end objects to sell.
It was clear from what she could see and slowly she continued to push the lid off quietly. Once it gently hit the metal flooring, she rose from the box doing quick stretches to allow some blood flow within her body. This was going to take some flexibility and quickness to successfully take out however many security guards this ship had on board. She took one step out the box leaning herself forward and as she went to swing her leg around, she accidentally kicked a metal box beside her. The contact of her foot and the metal made a ding that echoed out of the room she was in.              “Did you hear that?” Someone asked from afar and Ghoul immediately crouched down to take cover behind one of the other many storage crates. There was dozens of different boxes and containers from metal, to wood, to what seemed cement made safes. This ship was the only vessel from New Atlantis that was delivering some of Alika’s old artifacts from the war. After some negotiating both sides settled on returning old memorabilia to satisfy the new treaty requirements they had signed. This was a perfect opportunity to not only make a big score but start a vortex of chaos within the Settled Systems. Ghoul loathed both governments and especially their government forces, The UC and the Freestar Rangers.
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ghostinthewires · 1 year
Mushy May Day 1 - Bathtime
wc: 402 words
Omega can’t help but purr. Oh, how he’s missed this.
His Papa has been so busy as of late. Running around trying to get an impossible amount of things done, some things that weren’t even his responsibility. Perfectionism is an ugly thing, and Omega wishes Terzo would be rid of it. He’s already perfect in Omega’s eyes. But now, finally, they have a night together. Undisturbed peace.
Terzo sighs as he leans back against his ghoul in the warmth of the bath. It’s the perfect temperature, hot enough to soothe the ache in his muscles but not enough to scald. There are pink bubbles filling the tub and Terzo can’t remember the last time he felt so at ease.
Omega’s hands are calloused but gentle, sharp claws glamoured away as he gently drags his fingers along Terzo’s scalp, working in lemon-scented shampoo. He chuckles as Terzo makes a satisfied little sound, sinking further down into the water and relaxing completely.
“Don’t drown yourself,” he says, voice low and rumbling through the large room. Terzo’s eyes flutter open as he looks up, crinkling with a smile as he takes in his ghoul. Omega is able to relax fully here too; his claustrophobic human form vanished, fangs and tail and horns allowed to appear. 
“After the week I’ve had, it’s tempting,” Terzo says quietly, shutting his eyes again and letting himself drift slightly in the huge tub. Omega tsks and keeps a gentle hold of Terzo’s shoulders, admiring his beauty as the man floats. It really is a shame he has to hide behind all of that makeup. A shame that Terzo struggles to see that natural beauty for himself.
“I think our bed is a far nicer temptation,” the ghoul rumbles, tilting Terzo’s head back slightly to rinse the shampoo. Terzo only hums as Omega starts to work in the conditioner. He’s always so careful, scared Terzo might shatter under his hands if he’s not gentle. He seems especially close to shattering now. The clergy is running him off his feet, demands increasing by the day. Omega wishes he could take it all away, all the stress and decision-making and pressure. But he can’t. He’s bound by too many rules, and knows the consequences if they’re broken. So he’ll make do with this, these quiet moments he can steal. Purring like a housecat as he washes the hair of the human he loves.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
Hello! Love your fics! <3 I'm saving them all and read when I have my fic reading goblin time and you always deliver.
And I'm sure you've probably done something similar (?) in the past, but my memory ain't that good so I'mma shoot my shot... Maybe tired, angry-by-default Sodo teaching oh-wow-human-body Phantom how does fucking work and he just ends up fucking him himself, maybe weirdly softly (for Sodo)?
I'd love that, but if it's not your vibe, perfectly fine, will look forward to more fics from you!
You sent this weeks ago I’m so sorry it’s so late! I hope you like it 🫶
Trans Dew cunt, clit and pussy used for his anatomy.
Phantom goes flying past Dew, all but throwing his guitar at the poor guitar tech. He’s practically vibrating with excitement, the adrenaline from being on stage making him hyper, jumping around, Babbling away so Loudly he’s basically yelling. 
“Did you see how many people in the audience had paint just like papa? Wait, holy shit, did you see Mountain? He was so sweaty at the end, is he always like that? I can’t Imagine how hot he gets drumming for that long, I’m so glad I’m on guitar…”
Dew tunes him out with a sigh. Normally Phantom’s excitement would be something he shared, the stage adrenaline would be pumping through his veins just the same, but today he was tired. A bad nights sleep, he was still trying to get use to sleeping without Aether, paired with him triggering an old knee injury, had made him irritable. He was desperate to get out of the claustrophobic halls of the venue and into the hotel, into a hot bath and into the no doubt overly   Washed and stiff bedsheets. 
“Did you see Swiss vaping? Do you think we’d be allowed to on stage? Although I don’t think I’d have the time, you know? Hands are always busy.”
Dew rolls his eyes at the excited ghoul, briefly wondering how he was even breathing with how fast he was talking. 
“Oh, did you see that person in the audience crying? I hope they were good tears and not bad tears, I don’t think we were that shit for someone to be crying bad tears though. I hope anyway, it’s kinda hard to hear ourselves on stage, you know? So we might have been shit and not even known it? Do you think-“ 
“Phantom!” Dew snaps, maybe a little more harsh then he was intending. “Satan below, do you ever shut the fuck up?” 
Phantom laughs at him, throwing his head back. 
“Not really. You know, back in the pits my mother use to say-“ 
He gets cut off by Dew pining him up against the wall with a harsh glare. 
“I’m telling you now, shut the fuck up.” 
“B-but I-“ He’s cut off again by Dew pushing him harder onto the wall, pushing two fingers against his lips. 
“No. No more. You don’t get to say another word until I say you can.” 
Dew watches as Phantom’s eyes widen and deep blush creeps up over his cheeks and feels him nod under his hands. 
“Now, are you going to listen to me?” 
Phantom audibly gasps, nodding once again, the blush on his cheeks going down to his neck. 
Dew takes a step back, releasing Phantom from where he had him pinned, raising an eyebrow when Phantom doesn’t move, just says leaning against the wall, panting. 
“I knew you could listen, good boy.” Dew beams proudly at him. 
Phantom's eyes flutter at the praise, his breath hitching. 
Dews smile turns evil, looking at him like he was a mouse under the predatory gaze of a cat. It makes Phantom run hot, heat flushing through his body and swirling in his belly like lava. 
“Now, let’s see if you can listen again.” He brushes a few stay hairs from Phantom’s eyes. “I want you to go to my dressing room, undress, and lay down on the sofa, okay?” 
Phantom looks at him with big doe eyes and nods again, fumbling and tripping over his feet as he tries to get them to move.  Dew gives him a bored look, watching Phantom trip over the air. 
“Well move then. Hurry up!” 
Phantom stumbles down the hall, letting out a small a small squeak. 
“And don’t even think about touching yourself.” Dew calls after him. 
“Yes sir.” Phantom whimpers, so quietly Dew could hardly hear it. 
And yeah, maybe, Dew had said he wasn’t allowed to speak, but the way that ‘yes sir’ had heat pooling in his belly and slick dampening his underwear, maybe he could let him off with it. 
Dew gives it a handful of seconds, just enough time for Phantom to do what he said, before he follows. 
Walking into the dressing room he’s met with the sight of Phantom stretched out on the sofa, fully naked, just like he’d asked, his cock resting hard and proud between his narrow hips. Dew smiles and let’s out a proud chuff noticing Phantoms clothes are neatly folded on the floor next to the sofa. 
He runs a gentle finger up Phantom's, watching as his muscles twitch under the touch.
“Good boy, did everything I asked so well.” He praises. Phantom’s cock jumps at the praise, a sticky stream leaking from the tip and pooling on his belly. He his lip, watching Dew completely ignore his cock, his finger jumping from his thigh to his belly, scratching at the skin.  Phantom whines, belly fluttering at the touch, and he looks at Dew owlishly. He opens his mouth to spew but the look Dew give his has him snapping his jaw shut so loudly the sound of his teeth  clashing together echos around the room.  “Remember what I said, Phantom. Not a word.”  Phantom  nervously plays this his bottom lip with his finger. “But I-“  Dew cuts him off by grabbing his face, squeezing his cheeks just a touch on the painful side. “You can’t fucking listen, can you? I thought you’d be a good boy for me?” 
Phantom squeezes his eyes closed, desperately hoping that Dew doesn’t see the tears welling. 
Dew scoffs and squeezes his cheeks harder. 
“You’re going to cry now? This is your own fault, you just needed to keep your mouth closed, but you couldn’t even do that.” 
Phantom’s feels a lump in his throat rise, feeling his throat constrict as he tries to swallow down a sob. 
Dew watches as Phantom’s bottom lip wobbles and he takes a wobbly breath. 
“Satan, you’re pathetic.” 
“I’m sorry-Dew-sir-I’m trying.”
Dew shakes his head, releasing Phantom’s face from his grasp. 
“And you’re still not fucking listening to me.” He click his tongue. “I should leave you here, leave you naked and hard for someone to find and you’ll have to explain to them that you weren’t good enough for me to fuck.” 
There are tears leaking steadily down Phantom’s cheeks and he lets out a hiccuped breath. The calmness in Dew’s voice sets him on edge, it would be easier if he was yelling and throwing him around the room, but the calm and collected look on his face made it hard to guess his next move.
To his surprise, Dew shimmies out of his jeans and underwear, leaving him completely naked from the waist down. Phantom can’t help licking his lips at the sight of Dew’s bare pussy, folds glistening with slick in the low light. 
Dew straddles his chest, thumb running over Phantom’s saliva wet bottom lip. 
“Open your mouth. It shouldn’t be hard for you seeing as you’ve not shut it since we got off stage.” 
Phantom mouth drops open without him even thinking about it. “If you do a good job and make me cum, maybe I’ll sit somewhere else and let you cum.” 
With that, Dew plants himself on Phantom’s open mouth. He sits, fully sits, no hovering, on his face, like he means nothing to him. Phantom can’t help but moan as the salty, tangy, taste of Dew’s cunt hits his tongue, surrounds his senses, suffocates him. 
Phantom grabs at Dew’s thighs, pulling him further into his face as Dew starts rolling his hip down, riding his face. He moans, unable to help himself, feeling his cock twitching on his belly as Dew uses him. He laps at Dew’s entrance, feeling slick coat his tongue and moans again into Dews cunt at the taste. 
Dew fists at Phantom’s hair, pulling hard, watching as Phantom’s eyes roll back, feeling him moan into his pussy. He can’t help moaning himself, feeling Phantom licking onto him with a strong tongue. It’s wet and mess, Phantoms making slick sucking sounds, he can feel spit soaking his thighs. 
He rolls his hips down harder, his clit bumping against Phantom’s nose and they both moan in unison, the sound vibrating right through Dew, making him moan again, throwing his head back. 
“That’s it, just like that, good boy.” 
Phantom moans onto his cunt again, his eyes fluttering shut and he grabs harder at Dew’s thighs, pulling him onto his face even harder. Dew ride his face not caring if Phantom can breathe, grinding his clit into his nose as Phantom licks into him, moaning each time Dew grinds down into him.  “That it, I’m so close, baby.” Dew pants, his hips rolling down faster, desperately grinding his entire cunt into his face.
“Keep going, just like that, I’m gunna-I’m gunna cum.” Dew moans, high pitched and feminine,and it goes straight to Phantom’s cock, more pre leaking from the tip and pooling on his already messy belly.   He pulls at his hair harder, pulling his face into his pussy and he pants. “Yes, yes, im-oh- I’m cumming-cumming-ah-“ 
He moans, more screams, and he cums, gushing all over Phantom’s face.  Phantom feels him tighten around his tongue and this whole body shakes as his face gets soaks with Dews release. He tries to lick up as much as he can, creating a wet slurping sound. Dew comes down, his moans dying down as his thighs stop shaking and let’s out a laugh, throwing his head back. 
“I need to use your mouth more often.” He pants, climbing off with shaky legs. He pulls his underwear and jeans pack on, looking down at Phantom. 
Phantom looks at him with wide, wet eyes, his whole face soaked with Dew’s release. It drips from his chin and his lips and he lick his lips, moaning a little at the taste. 
“What? Dew-you said I could- after you-after I made you-“
 “Oh sweetheart.” Dew fake pouts down at him. “I said maybe.” 
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ghoulishbuck · 8 months
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🪐Two boys, alone in space. Sworn enemies sent on the same rescue mission.
Ambrose wakes up on the Coordinated Endeavor with no memory of a launch. There’s more that doesn’t add up: evidence indicates strangers have been on board, the ship’s operating system is voiced by his mother, and his handsome, brooding shipmate has barricaded himself away. But nothing will stop Ambrose from making his mission succeed—not when he’s rescuing his own sister.
In order to survive the ship’s secrets, Ambrose and Kodiak will need to work together and learn to trust each other . . . especially once they discover what they are truly up against. Love might be the only way to survive.
🧡This was an absolute shock for me. I expected to like this book but damn that twist. I came into this book with the idea that this was a half romance half sci-fi. But, I would personally describe this as a sci-fi thriller with a queer romance. This is a YA with what I would describe as a blend of hinted at sex scenes and fade to black. This is what I would consider a medium tier sci-fi aka can be somewhat challenging for some people but the world building isn’t a lot.
🔪The romance was good but at the same time the ending part of the romance wasn’t it for me. I needed more than what we received. To be honest even though the romance was good I would of preferred it to not be so physical based. My only other criticism that I can remember is that I wish we had seen a bit more of untrustworthy behaviour or an outburst towards something after we were showed a certain scene that was recorded.
🕸️Space opera
🕸️MLM romance
🦷Forced proximity
🦷Dislike to lovers
My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4 Stars)
Other books I’ve read recently:
Choujin X volumes 1 & 2- I couldn’t get into Tokyo Ghoul but this series got me. 4 Stars for volume 1. 4.5 Stars for volume 2.
Inuyasha VizBig volume 1- I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to start reading the manga. This was the first anime I ever watched and I just adore this series so much. 5 Stars.
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ghoulseason · 1 year
Terzo was pulled off stage. There would be consequences for this...
After Terzo was pulled off of the stage and his band returned to the ministry, Sister Imperator called his ghouls into her office. It was a sizeable room, but six ghouls sitting shoulder to shoulder managed to make the space feel smaller. What was usually clinical became claustrophobic.
She told them plainly that there were two options: Keep playing for the Ghost Project under Papa Nihil’s guidance, or retire to serve the ministry within the abbey. Nearly all of them, loyal creatures, chose to quit.
One of them, that great hulking beast that Terzo was so fond of, stayed seated a second longer than the rest of the ghouls. There was rage behind his mask. Sister almost wished he would speak so that she could punish him for doing so, but instead he rose and walked away. The shelves shook as the door slammed behind him.
Nihil was unwell when he began touring again, his health only got worse as the shows went on.
Terzo received updates as they filtered down through the clergy. Contrary to what he’d expected, he wasn’t banished to some hermitage in the hills of Sicily like some second-rate Corleone brother. Sister had told him it was her and his father’s hope that some time away from the public eye in dedicated service to The Lord would set him straight. She’d wanted him to rejoin the ranks of Cardinals.
He wouldn’t give either them the satisfaction. If they wanted him out of sight, he'd be out of sight. He quietly attended the services before daybreak, collected his breakfast and mail as soon as it came in the morning, and then he locked himself in his room until dinner, which he would take privately with his older brothers. Very few people saw him. Even fewer were invited to.
The deaths of Primo, Secondo, and Terzo hit the abbey like a tidal wave, leaving chaos in its wake. The Siblings of Sin are on high alert and abuzz with gossip and rumors. Maybe Nihil mourns in private, between the urgent meetings he has with Sister Imperator. She rushes from her office to his throughout the day, often pulling Cardinal Copia out of whatever prayer group he'd been attending in order to trail behind her. He's devastated, but within 48 hours he's Papa Emeritus IV.
However bad they'd thought the deaths were, the mutilation of Terzo’s corpse is worse. No one had known until the photos were published. There was no vigil for this, no group of Siblings comforting each other in the courtyard.
When the ghouls find out, Sister places the ministry on lockdown. Everyone shutters up in their private rooms while the ghouls tear through every inch of the abbey. Statues are destroyed, glass is shattered. It's days before the unholy roars and banshee screeches quiet down. The clergy half-expects to find the ghouls' residences completely abandoned, but instead, among the wreckage of their home, they're all accounted for and miserable.
Some more than others.
There would be consequences for this.
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