#//sorry this took forever DX
congregaticn · 2 years
@eternitae​​ continued from ( x ). |
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  “ Lemonade,” Alice finished for him as he took a sip. “Though, lemonade is certainly not for everyone. It’s too bitter when made with lemons and water alone. Much sugar must be added to make it taste—”
   And then she was interrupted. Perhaps it was a good thing, as she really didn’t know how exactly to make lemonade ( only its contents ), and the last thing she wanted to do was make a fool of herself. So she simply nodded. “I’d like a cup of tea, yes, thank you.” A smile crossed her face before she looked at him with great scrutiny. “It’s... normal tea, yes?”
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honorhearted · 2 years
Lydia & Astrid for the th.reeway thingy rip Ben
Tell me who you think my character should have a t.hreesome with. They’ll vote “yay” or “nay” on it.
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Ben winced, a disquieted sheen settling within his eyes. “Miss Barnett is someone I hold very dear, while the latter is...well...” He trailed off then, uncertainty darkening his face. Astrid was cruel -- arguably e.vil -- yet he couldn’t help imagining that he could appeal to the humanity within. If she was capable of pretending to be good, then that had to mean there was goodness somewhere deep inside... 
Didn’t it?
Exhaling, Ben finally replied, “No, absolutely not. Lydia is a good woman -- someone I love -- and I would never e.xpose her to that kind of . . . treatment.”
Because with Astrid at the helm, it assuredly would be an experience of the rawest nature. She’d proven herself ruthless and smug and domineering, none of which Lydia would appreciate in her kinder nature.
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desultory-novice · 10 months
Clearing out the backlog~ with another lightning round~  [REALLY OLD ASKS EDITION!]
-Which planet did Magolor really want? -Nightmare and Hyness and portal magic -Marx's Wings and Mistelteinn -Music: The Last Strike Comparison
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Correct! In Japanese, he goes from suggesting he wanted to rule Halcandra to declaring himself overlord of the entire universe! In English, he does seem to state that Popstar will be first!
(Of course, in the Japanese, he ALSO states that he'll go ahead and rule Popstar first. So it all ends in the same place. I do wonder if this was a case of the translators having to translate the games cutscenes with no context. If they didn't realize this scene took place on Halcandra and not Popstar, it would have been perfectly logical to assume "this planet" was referring to Kirby and the gang's planet. Not that rare of a mistake in the world of video game translation!)
But there is that indication that his original (?) goal was Halcandra. Of course, post DX, we know he himself isn't Halcandran, but he seemed to have staked a lot of his hopes and dreams on discovering something there, so it's not too farfetched that he would have been mainly interested in acquiring the cradle of Ancient civilization.
...Or was that the crown already manipulating his mind?
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I meant to answer this one ages ago and I am so sad I didn't...
Anon, if you're still around, I'm sorry I got it wrong but yes, you are ALSO so very right! And wow, I did not realize the exact same portal is used by both (Parallel) Nightmare and Hyness!
...And in both cases, it's to summon Galacta Knight! It really makes you think they were definitely connected. To use the same kind of magic like that? (To even KNOW that magic!) There's just got to be something up with these three. I'm sure of it...
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The portal Parallel Nightmare uses to summon D-Mind is still a bit unusual, looking like a twisted dimension rift though
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Of course, even a year after this ask, I'm still trying to puzzle out the mystery that is King D-Mind and the Mirror World and if it has any relationship to the Parallel Worlds. My current hypothesis is that Dark Mind may not just be a Nightmare/Dark Matter fusion but something...even more powerful?! Stay tuned for more!
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And yeah, Marx's is not the SAME but close. Of course, it wouldn't be that weird for this to be the case since I'm also almost 100% that the majority of his powers including the wings and the goop and the splitting in half came from Nova ie: the Ancients.
(The question is, as you bring up, is this Elfilis magic or something the "magic-using Ancients brought to the table on their own?)
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It took me forever to answer this but welcome to the era where Dess refuses to shut up about Marx's wings being a creation of the ancients!
I've already made my post about the wings going haywire (like...the...master crown...) but they're just like the Master Crown! Marx's wings are just like the Master Crown!! The question is... how? How was Galactic Nova able to grant Marx something that was just like the Master Crown? (Albeit, flawed. Or are they flawed... since he's able to maintain more control over them than Magolor was?)
Since the Master Crown brought forth Magolor Soul, this also helps explain that curious flash during Marx's moment of empowerment when we seem to see a vision of Marx Soul.
Seriously these two are SO alike in every other way. Why would this be the place in which they're different? I'm going to become obsessed with this now, I swear...
I have only fanon-heavy theories on why Marx has not been taken over fully by the....hmm, the Master Wings(?) while Magolor was. Mostly relating to the difference of Marx being a "magician" (a creature naturally in tune with magic) versus Magolor being a "wizard" (someone who learns to manipulate magic.)
Or heck, if we go full Dess fanon mode, you could assume that Marx's nature as a Noddy and Noddys being tied to the Fountain of Dreams (another Ancient artifact) is why he's not been consumed by them? ...Yet. But as I've been thinking about this, I can also see the Master Wings as another reason why Marx Soul might still be a lingering part of Marx while Magolor Soul was defeated...
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I have discovered something since joining this fandom...
I'm TERRIBLE at recognizing musical motifs and references!! I can barely tell when one song is a remix of another (; _ ; ) and I tried to listen to these two in order to hear it but in the end, my brain got too caught up in the flashy colors and effects... 
However, I think this is neat and most definitely intentional! (After all, even if I can't make all the work that does into the songs, we all know that the HAL sound team puts a lot of work into it, Kumazaki too with the detailed naming and such.)
The more we discuss things, the more plants and hearts and more become key symbology throughout the series, and the fact that the Dreamstalk is like Jack and the Beanstalk meets the Yggdrasil and Mistilteinn is well.. Mistilteinn I wouldn't be surprised if the connections continue to, ahaha, grow! (And I know we're both going to be there pouring over them! So excited that the new HAL recruitment notice means we'll be seeing another Kirby game!! ...Even if it'll be a 2~ish year wait!)
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god i’m sorry it’s that DID anon but i have a very similar experience, the alter that caused me the MOST problems also took the form of a demon saying she wanted to take over my body, permanently. not kill me but essentially do so by suppressing my existence forever, as a way to extend her “eternal life” because she was reincarnated. AND i was the same age! that’s uncanny and i’ve gotten a lot of question in DID communities about this experience, even if it caused a slew of confusion diagnostically. and ironically it’s often self-dxed people questioning it which is like… really? really really? are you the person who wants to be doing the “i don’t know if some people’s DID is valid…” discourse and with someone professionally diagnosed? (that’s not meant as invalidation of self-dx but a critique how between me and them, they’re going to suffer worse from that line of thinking.)
i guess maybe that’s why i didn’t respond so negatively to edogenic systems, i’ve literally never fit into these communities. but now i officially have to leave irl but some solidarity for that experience
What a coincidence! I arrived as a direct result of Kats schizophrenia/psychosis, not DID, but it's definitely interesting that someone with DID relates so much to my story. Truly shows that these experiences often aren't black and white and easily categorizable
- Erin
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
Cars And Cupcakes
Steve Randle x GN!Reader
By- Sandy
Warning: A bit of language
Word Count- 492
Note- First time writing Steve, hope y'all like it!
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-You and Steve are very different from eachother, he doesn’t mind getting messy and is disorganized you however are a very clean and neat individual, he isn’t very bright and you are a very clever person. I could go on forever but if there is something you guys can bond over it is cars and sweet treats. You love baking and aren’t to shabby at it, Steve loves your cupcakes.
“Okay…”You said softly as you carried a big brown box into DX
“Steve?!” You called as you set down the box carefully on the counter
“Y/N?” A familiar voice called in confusion
“Yes…”You replied as you saw Sodapop walking out of the garage. “Hey, Soda” You said with a smile, you going it was Steve but you obviously don’t say that
“You looking for Steve?” He asked with a smile
“Yeah” You replied with a soft smile “He’s back here working on car, come in” He said waving his hand towards to garage.
“Okay then” You said picking up the box and following Sodapop.
“Steve, Y/N’s here” Sodapop informs as he steps into the garage
You have only been back in the garage once, to fix up your car, or more so Steve fixing your car and you handing him the tools.
“Oh, hey babe!” Steve called joyful from under a car
“I have cupcakes!” You said with a cheery smile. You heard a bang from under the car “Shit!” You heard your boyfriend scream
“You good, Steve?” Sodapop asked with a painful face
“Yeah just hit my head on the engine.” Steve groaned as he wheeled out from under the car
He walked over after putting his tools back in the toolbox, he had a big red mark on his forehead.
“Oh god, I am so sorry” You sighed.
“Hey. You brought cupcakes, don’t be sorry about anything.” He said opening the box to show chocolate cupcakes with deep chocolate icing.
“My favorite!” Steve gleamed fist bumping Sodpop
You chuckled, you loved baking sweet treats for your boyfriend and surprising him with them. He always had the cutest face when he saw what kind they were, typically chocolate. “Thanks Y/N!” Sodapop cheered taking one
“Mhm, no problem Soda” You said glad Steve wasn’t going to be the only one eating them, if he did he would bouncing off the walls. “Hey! These are my cupcakes!” Steve said angrily
“Technically there Y/N’s cupcakes” Sodapop said laughing as he walked away eating the cupcake
“Thank you, Y/N! I love you!” He cheered as he took a cupcake or two and kissed you on the cheek
Your face got a little pink “You're welcome, where do you want me to place them, down?” You asked with a smile
“Over there, thanks babe.” He said sitting down a random stool.
“Your welcome.” You said placing the box down and heading over to Steve and placing a kiss on his cheek.
He kissed you on the lips “I love you.” is what he said after y’all’s lips parted.
“I love you too.” You said softly
“Wanna help me with the car?” He asked excitedly stuffing the cupcake in his mouth.
“Oh god, Steve. Yes I will help you with the car.” You laughed at your boyfriend childish ways.
Steve wheeled under the car agian and asked politely “Wrench, please” holding out his hand
“What’s that?” You asked confused
“Oh glory…” He chuckled
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rainingskyguy · 7 months
★ (The Cage of the Dog), ✄ and ✦
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in [fic]? what was the hardest scene to write?
The scene I've wanted to write the most is 1. Hatsuharu 2. Any of the Big Reveals 3. Ichigo's past coming back to say hi :> altho that one is veeeery much towards the end of the fic
The hardest uhhhh, Ichigo talking about his issues, my god it's like pulling teeth sometimes
✄ what’s your editing process?
a grosso modo it is:
First draft: Write down everything as fast as possible with no regards to typos or lack of descriptions. I have entire scenes that are just dialogues. I also make use of the [insert description/transition/scene i dont want to write rn but is necessary]
Let it rest: I like to give it at least a week, to see it with fresh eyes. I go look at other fics or other segments if it's a multichap
Second Draft: Flesh out scenes, check for fluidity, write missing scenes, make sure dialogues are engaging and connected
Cry Third draft: Editing: check for mistakes, a bit like second draft but more detailed on SPG
And I guess that's it? It's not a hard rule, sometimes my first draft straight up doesn't have an ending scene, and that is added later, I very often do more editing passes than I am willing to admit lmao
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
HMMM Some fics write themselves, but since I enjoy writing all of them, I can't pinpoint one that was "easier" than others? Hardest, I was gonna say any of the wips I never posted, but honestly? Cherry Cat Café. I love it. It was fun. But wow am I not a descriptive writing writer.
I'm sorry it took me for forever to reply DX
Thanks for asking! And thanks for reading whoever made it this far lmao
Ask Game
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the-enzyme · 7 months
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Got a few more toys from Amazn, recently. The mermaids (hrr06) took forever to be shipped; I'm guessing they are a lot more popular than I had anticipated. I waited for what seemed like an eternity and beyond, for them to have them available for purchase. After stalking the sales page for years, then another eternity for them to finally send me a shipping notification, after finally ordering them! I thought they would pull an S.H.Figuarts Sasuke Uchiha on me; a few years ago, they kept asking me if I still wanted the first version of that tiny figure I had pre-ordered on day one! Then told me after months of waiting patiently and keeping my order, "sorry, we are no longer carrying that figure." I wasted so much time and patience on that one figure from them, that I was fed up with Amzn. I even stopped getting other things from them for a long time, just out of frustation more than anything.
Long story longer, I got my mermaids! I got two so I can unbox one, but I wouldn't mind an army of this doll, she's stunning! I fell in love with these the instant I saw a glimpse of them last year, if I recall correctly. I haven't been fortunate to get the opened mouth (HRR05) one yet, but I hope I'll snag at least one of those as well. I'll probably get a MTM body for her, but I don't mind her on the mermaid one for a while. I might even try her on an action figure body some day! I also got myself more Nanana Surprise Minis Series 2 dolls, hoping to get Paula, but no dice! I got two repeats!! Holey freaking h3ll hole, I'm starting to lose hope! I might try once more though...not because I am a hoarder, I just really want Paula but not at eBy prices! DX
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hey there...its me again....
hello, remember when i said i was going to get onto replies and start being productive? 
im so sorry i didn’t deliver that after like a week of saying that. 
ive been trying to reply to them, but once i get to starting i get all insecure and overwhelmed and its all stupid because i know everyone has been so patient and kind to me so its alright but the ants crawling under my skin wont stop DX 
i took a long hard look rather i wanted to take a hiatus, stop completely, or keep rp in my life. 
i have decided i still want to rp, i still love all of you and i want to interact. im not ready to give it up yet or if i ever will be able to give it up. 
so this is what i have decided to do, i want to start over. 
i am going to tag every single one of you that i have a thread with and im going to treat this like a starter call. 
cause i wanna clear all of my threads out and start from scratch. 
the only ones that will take an exception of this clean wipe is those i have only replied once or twice to. such threads belong to: 
@thuganomxcs, @the-rovarians, @chiisaikintsukuroi, and  @hortussecretum
to those i tagged above i need you to give me a like and/or comment to see if you want to continue the thread we have going or start over as well. 
to the rest of the rp partners i tag: 
@occupationallyhazardous, @little-yugi-muto-rp, @systemadministratorclu, @toranoya, @arrowablaze, @miss-pieck-finger, @multifandoms27-blog, @redeyesblackjou, and @verratensduo
i need you to like and/or comment on this post to let me know that you are willing to drop the current thread we have and start a new one from scratch.
to those who like and/or comment on this post i will personally come to you via ask box or IM to discuss how you want to go about the new thread and anything you want to discuss with me. 
if you do not like and/or comment on this post i will assume after a week that you do not want to continue a thread with me. if this is the case i will completely understand and i will hold no ill will. i just want to give you the option given im clean slating everything. just know i enjoyed it while it lasted and i appreciated you giving me a chance and being so gracious with me during this hard time ive been having. 
everyone here has been so nice and caring and i just want you guys to know that i means the WORLD to me that you guys are so awesome ^^ 
i still have a busy life however, so even though im doing this i may still be slow at responding to them. but i feel in this way, maybe i need to just start over and see if that helps me ^^ but if you decide to continue with me then i will tell you i will give it my best to work with you and give it another try ^^ 
thank you to all who read to the end and i hope you have a great day ^^ 
Forever grateful, Garnet  
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kaaras-adaar · 3 years
@nehraa-asaaranda​​ || continued 
Looking down, the ground was what Asaaranda would describe as questionable at best. The old stones of what was left of steps had cracked and loosened, sometimes shifting as you walked over them. The ruins themselves had been difficult to reach, they just finished climbing where the road that once led to them had washed away ages ago. Likely what helped keep them so well intact apart from the expected environmental wear and the lush overgrowth. At least it appeared that way from the outside but there was no telling how stable it truly was.
Hearing the Inquisitor’s words she looked back over her shoulder to the steep mountainside, “Ah thanks, I wasn’t thinking of that till just now.” She remarked dryly and hastened her approach to the entryway.
One of the stones shifted under her feet as she approached causing her to let out a startled yelp. She quickly caught herself and let the nervously giggled “See? Now you’ve jinxed it. And I thought this was going to be a nice scenic trip to some old ruins. Relaxing even~” She said as she adjusted the maul she carried on her back. Of course, she knew it was likely not going to stay that way but it was always good to have dreams.
“Oh do try to contain your excitement. I know it’s not every day we get a job that isn’t ‘Go kill those people over there’ ”  She matched his pace as they entered what appeared to be an overgrown courtyard. She looked to her left meeting his eyes, searching to find what he truly thought about the change of pace. He was always being pulled in every direction, she worried his burden might have been too heavy recently. Hopefully being able to get out and do some work that wasn’t just war or politics would be good for him.
Kaaras was not made for this. He didn’t know who was! But he was the last person that should be tiptoeing across ancient steps that were hardly there anymore. He was no rogue spy, and he definitely wasn’t light. He was probably the heaviest one in this group, and he was suddenly very thankful that The Iron Bull wasn’t with them. Two qunari? Kaaras might not be tall, but he had plenty of weight to him.
Long ears flicked at every crumble of debris, everything that sounded like shifting rock beneath their feet. Even the wind, he was worried that a big gust may toss them over and they’d all fall down. Maker’s breath, he could hear himself simply repeating over and over again not to slip, not to fall. He wasn’t afraid of heights, in fact, Kaaras had no trouble with heights at all! But falling down slippery mountainsides to his death? Well, who wouldn’t be afraid of that?
It was like his entire insides went to jump out of his neck when she slipped, and he went to grab her, which caused himself to almost slip. He grabbed onto the ledge when he saw she was alright. 
“Ah... who’s bright idea was it to bring two qunari out here?” he muttered. “Oh, right... it was mine.” He smacked himself lightly on the forehead before he shook his head, thankful to find sturdy ground. He moved away from the ledge and praised the grass and stone beneath them. Old, but definitely not as dangerous.
Finally, when he looked up at the ruins, any fear that had been tightening his muscles loosened as he took a deep breath in. “It’s beautiful...” he murmured, eyes moving over the structure. He turned to see where they had come from, and the view was quite something. 
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“Worth every life threatening moment, if I do say so,” he laughed. 
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txrmentedbydxrkness · 4 years
A Bond Through Captivity //Closed RP!//
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How long had it been now? How long had he been in this dark and horrible place? Rowan couldn’t remember at this point, grey eyes staring blankly ahead, the chains around his legs clanking softly as he shifted to sit more comfortably in the cage he was being held in. 
As he remained quietly there, his captors dragged a young man into the room, opening the cage door and tossing the newcomer in, chaining him the same way before locking the cage once more and laughing as they walked away. 
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“Hey....Are you okay...?” The redhead asked softly, reaching a hand out to carefully touch the male’s shoulder, turning his head to look at him with soft, worried eyes as he spoke. “Are you hurt?” 
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konjouki-archive · 4 years
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@scrcrow​ said:
‘ i lost my camera. ‘ / from your ghost quartet ask meme !!
‘Ghost Quartet’ Starters || accepting
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❝   Oh shit for real?   ❞ Rin asked as he stopped suddenly when he heard the words the stranger said. The demon never had a camera before because they were expensive and to hear that someone lost theirs made him want to help find it. Since some of them can be more than 70000 yen, which sounds ridiculously expensive to Rin. ❝   Where’s the last place you had it?   ❞ Rin asked as he took a step towards the stranger in hopes of showing he was willing to help. After all, he was just wandering around the city waiting for the next day when he had a mission. 
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memoryorus · 5 years
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Thank you, and hello to the people who just recently followed me. I’m sorry I’m so crappy at staying active on here. I really do try to even out my time with all my muses. But..that doesn’t always work. That aside!! I look forward to rping and chatting with you excellent folks! <33 
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bxckpills · 6 years
“ did you see who did it?” -Tony maybe? (HIIIIIII ♥)
@moonbeammuses (hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! ♥)
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“I didn’t see anything,” he said, running a hand through his hair. Of course his penthouse gets broken into while he’s out drinking; of course there’s a creepyass calling card attached and of course that creepyass calling card has manifested itself in blood-or-something-like-it all over his bed. 
Ward’s anxious and kind of drunk and so scared–which is why he went above Danny’s head and called Tony over in the first place. “I just came home and it was like this, you’re the first person I called after I tossed my cookies.”
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bowbel · 2 years
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Aw thank you!!
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Like Fire and Gas ((Closed RP with balsamina))
It was almost kind of rare for Amy to get a day off, and spend it working on something almost completely unrelated to Team Skull. Usually, she’d be organizing things for the next rave, or making the tracks for them, or something to that extent. But occasionally, she spent her time training up her main team, such as she was now. With her new Gengar by her side, she had to make sure that it was on par with the rest of the team...or so she hoped. It seemed Gengar was not exactly pleased with its new trainer. As much as Amy tried to work with it, Gengar completely refused to listen. So there she stood, in the middle of Tapu Village, trying to get her new Gengar to cooperate at eight-o-clock at night. 
“Gengar, use Night Shade!” Gengar turned away. “C’mon, yo! I know you can kick this Pelipper’s ass, so just do it already!” The wild Pelipper used brine, hitting Gengar. “C’mon, don’t you wanna pummel this guy? Ya just gonna let him hit you?” She tried, trying to motivate it, but all it seemed to do was anger Gengar, as Gengar faced her completely now, and attempted to use Sucker Punch on Amy, but it failed. Not that it made a difference to Amy. “Hey! I don’t care who or what you are, but you will not attack me! You got that?! I will not tolerate it! Do you understand?!” Gengar growled. “Do you understand?!”
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Draco breathed in a deep as his golden eye stared fixed on the hero in front of him. Thin slit pueple quivered as he tried to convince himself that this was okay. This was just another job. Not any different than he had done in the past...
Except in the past he wasn't raising a kid that idolized these heros on the streets...
Especally the one he was targeting.
"Fuck...stop...hold still..." he growled to himself as his hands trembled with the sniper gun in his hands. It didnt matter what he thought. What he felt. If he didnt take this Hero out...
Lilly's life would be crushed.
Taking in another long breath he stuck out his forked tongue to smell the air and to test the air around. He had to do this...
He aimed, and fired.
Some part of him wished it would miss...
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