#//shh pretend shes on the phone in the gif lol
pedriscroquettes · 3 months
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summary. an old friend of yours is in need of cheering up and it’s your job to fix him.
warnings. none! except reader is ferdi kadıoğlu’s younger sister and kenan is v sad in this.
gabri speaks! i’ve been seeing so many videos of the hate kenan is getting and just felt like writing this. oops.
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THE NOISE OF scattered footsteps on your way to your brother’s room was enough to grab your attention. as you turned the corner in hopes of finding out what was causing such commotion you came across half of the team huddled around one of the rooms. your face instantly filled with confusion wondering what they were doing there and who’s room were they gathering around. were they planning some sort of prank?
“guys what are-” you try to ask but you’re shushed before you have the opportunity to finish your sentence.
“shh!” your own brother scolds you as you stand there bewildered. you quickly smack ferdi on the arm before joining the guys. you had nothing better to do anyways.
“wait, your sister!” bariş yells. “she’s a girl.”
you immediately turned towards him with a face of disbelief wondering what the hell was going on. not to mention your brother’s teammate had decided to just state the obvious and you were beginning to get anxious.
“she’s a girl?” your brother repeated mocking him.
“i meant that she understands feelings better than we do maybe she can help. maybe she can get him to catch his flight. it’ll be even worse for him if he gets in trouble with his club too.” and now you’re wondering who the hell he’s talking about.
“okay, ferdi you better tell me what’s happening before i call mom and tell her about that vase of hers you broke trying to impress sera.” you scold him earning a glare from him.
“it’s kenan.” you freeze at the mention of his name. “he hasn’t left his room since we got back and arda noticed he was reading some of the comments on his post. we think he’s upset but he won’t talk to any of us. he has a flight back to italy in six hours but he hasn’t so much as gotten out of bed. maybe you can help? please?”
it takes a lot of pleading and begging from the players but soon enough you’re carefully opening the door to his room. you’re careful to not trip on anything or cause the slightest little noise in an effort to not bother him. although you conclude that as soon as he realizes you’re in his room he might be bothered. your relationship with him wasn’t the best and the last time the two of you had talked he’d made it clear the two of you would never be friends.
you spot him laid down on his bed with a hoodie covering him. he lays still but you’re quick to notice the rhythmic beating of his chest. he’s either asleep or completely zoned out. either way it’s not good. you notice all of his belonging scattered around the room and his suitcase completely empty meaning he was more than ready to miss his flight. you felt bad.
you notice his body tense at the sound of your voice but he doesn’t move. he stays still hoping you think he’s asleep, but you know better, you know him better. you had been friends once and although that was left in the past you remembered things. he was clearly upset and not just about the loss there was something more. you manage to catch a glimpse of his phone. it was replaying the same video over and over again and you noticed the comments open. every single one criticizing him. he’d probably spent the last few hours reading all of them. you quickly shut off his phone placing it on the counter, away from him.
“kenan, you need to get up.” you beg him but again he stays still.
you take matters into your own hands and walk towards his side of the bed. you spot his hazel eyes staring away into oblivion. it’s obvious he hasn’t slept at all but before you can reach out to him he rolls over. in any other situation you probably would’ve laughed and playfully smacked him but you weren’t even his friend anymore.
“you can pretend i’m not here but i’m not leaving this room without you.” you scold him.
he budges at that sitting up straight next to you. it’s oddly comforting the way the two of you sit next to each other. you notice he hasn’t taken his hoodie off and recall some of the comments that scolded him for touching it. you wondered if that was the cause of him having his hair hidden. you knew kenan, you knew he was confident, and this? this wasn’t him. you know it’s risky but you place your hands on his trying to break a barrier to make him comfortable. there was a time you’d hold him close and hopefully you could again today to help him. surprisingly he lets you.
“why are you here?” he whispers remaining still.
“ferdi told me that- they’re all worried- we’re all worried about you.” you struggle to say.
“why? i’m fine.” he scoffs.
“no, you’re not-” you’re once again interrupted by his loud voice.
“how would you know? you don’t know me anymore.” he scolds you.
“maybe we’re not friends anymore kenan, maybe we don’t make fun of ferdi’s messages to sera anymore, but i still know you and i know you’re upset.” you rub your thumb on his palm. “i’m here because i still care.”
there’s a brief silence between the two of you almost like an understanding. he knew you cared but he was scared to be vulnerable in front of you. he didn’t want to be hurt in front of you just in case you left again but he can’t keep his feelings in any longer. he’s leaning into you until his head is resting on your thighs. he seeks your comfort once again like he used to before.
“they all hate me.” he whispers. you begin to rub his back at that trying to soothe him. “it’s all my fault.”
“no, kenan it’s not. they’re just upset about the loss and using you as an outlet because all their girlfriends find you hot.” he laughs a little at the comment but you can still spot a little resentment in his voice.
“they’re right though i should’ve played better, i should’ve created more chances, i should’ve scored.” he ranted. “it hurts more because they’re right.”
“okay. you should’ve played better okay that’s fine but laying here and rotting into your bed isn’t. you want to be better? fine, but moping around isn’t going to get you anywhere. you want to prove yourself? let them know that you’re better than that? you need to get on that plane in six hours and become juventus’ greatest young talent.” you try and motivate him.
“what if i can’t?” he chokes out.
“sit up.” you demand and shockingly he does. “look me straight in the eyes.”
you’re careful with your next moves not wanting to invade his personal space so suddenly but you don’t feel that you have a choice. you grab him by the cheeks making sure he’s looking directly at you, making sure he’s attentive to your words, and making sure that he knows you’re on his side.
“hey! do they know you? do they know the sacrifices you put in day in and day out to be where you are today? do they know the pressure you put yourself through to be better? no, but i do. so i know that you can prove yourself to them. kenan, you are a star and you can’t let some silly comments about your hair take that away. you made mistakes so what? we all make them. there’s always a next time. especially for you. you’re one of a kind.” you look into his eyes hoping he absorbed in all of your words. you let go of his face soon after hoping you weren’t too pushy.
“you should be a motivational speaker.” the two of you laugh and that’s when you realize that he’s going to be okay. maybe not right now but he would be.
the two of you spend the next couple of minutes joking about and chatting. the two of you catch up with your lives mentioning future plans and past events. it feels like you have your best friend back with you. the conversation is flowing and secrets are shared once again between the two of you. and with that so are secret glances. as soon as you turned away he found time to admire your face and when he would turn his face another direction you’d do the same. you hardly noticed but his fingers would touch yours every once in a while practically begging to be enveloped by yours.
it’s not until you’re on the way out the door ready to announce to everyone that kenan would be out soon that she stops you. he’s finally taken his hoodie off and you can see him completely. it was comforting to see him like this, all joyful and less upset.
“be there for me.” he blurts out.
“what?” you stare at him dumbfounded.
“when i doubt myself again, when everyone is saying i only care about my looks, when i move leagues, be there for me. i want you there.” he pours all his emotions out for you.
“if you provide with the tickets yeah.” you joke no understanding the depths of his words.
“no, you don’t get it. i don’t want you there every other match. i want you there every match with my jersey. i don’t want you there as old friends or just best friends. i want you there as my person. i need you there as my person.” he confesses. “i let you go before i won’t do it again.”
“kenan…” you can’t finish your sentence because you’re leaning in. his hands are on your waist and yours are on his cheeks again. his hazel eyes bore into yours pleading to give in. your lips are full of fervor as they move against his. you can’t fully comprehend that you’re kissing kenan after all this time but it feels amazing. he tries to deepen the kiss but you stop him.
“kenan wait. i want this i really do but you’re still upset. i don’t want this to cloud your feelings.” you express.
“yeah, okay. you’re right. thank you.” his cheeks are crimson red as you separate from him. “i’ll text you before i head out so i can say goodbye.”
the guys wait anxiously as you slowly walk out of kenan’s room. you manage to hide your emotions as you head towards their large group. ferdi and bariş are dying of anxiety waiting for your words that will let them know what’s wrong with their friend.
“he’ll be out soon don’t worry. it’s probably best if you reassure him of his abilities in football, yeah?” you ask them and they all nod. how sweet.
“so, what’d you do to make him talk?” semih curiously asks you.
“i made out with him.” you say with a straight face. you receive a couple of gasps, some laughs, and a few screams.
“you what?” ferdi asks but you ignore him and begin walking away from him. the rest of the team watches in amusement as you walk away from your older brother. he is genuinely distraught as he chases after you and it’s quite hilarious. “did you actually make out with him? did his lips touch yours? answer me!”
from that the day forward you exchange weekends from istanbul and turin. one weekend with your person and the other with your protective brother. when you walked into kenan’s room the day you didn’t expect to walk out with a soulmate. unfortunately for you your brother is always there to remind you that the only reason you and kenan are together is because he forced you into that room. it’s a shame he’s right but you’re grateful for it because now you have your person and now you can be as annoying as he is with sera.
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ericshoney · 4 months
Hide and Seek ~ Chris Sturniolo
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You had just arrived at the triplets place, after receiving a message from Chris saying he was bored and lonely, so you made your way over quickly, not keeping your best friend waiting.
"Chris, I'm here." You called as you entered the quiet house.
"Yay! I was slowly dying of boredom!" He exclaimed, rushing to greet you in a tight hug.
"Where are Nick and Matt?" You asked, looking for the other two.
"Went to the store, Matt said the car needed gas too and I didn't wanna leave." He answered.
"So you called me over." You said.
"Yes!" He cheered, making you laugh.
"Not that I'm complaining, my day has been nothing but watching Netfix again." You said with a giggle.
"See! I knew you needed to come over! Keep both of us sane!" He said loudly.
"Alright buddy, what did you wanna do?" You asked, already kicking your shoes off.
"What about hide and seek?" He suggested.
"Fuck yeah!" You cheered.
One thing all three of the guys loved about you was your childish and fun personality. You matched well with Chris, basically being the female version of him, meaning you could take part in his crazy antics and random ideas, giving Nick and Matt a break.
"I'm gonna hide first!" You exclaimed, before Chris could argue.
"Ugh, fine." He whined.
You giggled and pushed him gently towards the stairs to his room, mumbling how he had to count down there, giving you a chance to find a good hiding spot.
Once Chris had started counting, you looked around, wondering where to hide. You knew Matt and Nick's bedrooms were an obvious spot. You then thought to try and trick Chris. You rushed to Matt's room, the door fully shut, but pushed it open slightly, to make it seem like you were hiding in there. You then managed to squeeze down the side of the sofa, making yourself as small as possible and throwing a blanket over you for extra coverage.
What you didn't know was, Nick and Matt had arrived back early, the gas station being empty so they got served quickly. The eldest two entered the house, coming up to the kitchen to drop off the food they bought from the store too. Nick glanced over and noticed your shoes by the stairs.
"Y/n? You here?" He called.
"Shh!" You called from your hiding spot.
"Did that blanket just tell us to shh?" Matt questioned.
Nick came over and pulled the blanket off you, he and Matt giving you a questioning look.
"What are you doing?" Matt asked.
"Hiding!" You exclaimed in a whisper, trying to grab the blanket back.
"From what?" Nick asked.
"Chris! We're playing hide and seek and he's nearly done counting!" You replied.
"Okay, we never saw you then." Matt said, as Nick threw the blanket back over you, just as Chris appeared from the stairs.
"Oh hey guys. Your back quick." Chris mentioned, seeing his brothers.
"Yeah, the gas station wasn't busy so we got in and out quickly, same with the store." Nick said.
"Oh cool. Well Y/n is here and we're playing hide and seek." He said, not knowing you had just told them.
"That explains the shoes." Matt said, playing along.
Chris nodded and ran upstairs to Nick's room, wondering if you were hiding up there.
"So do we just sit here and pretend we haven't seen you?" Nick questioned, sitting on the opposite end of the sofa.
"Yes!" You exclaimed.
Nick shook his head, playing on his phone as Matt giggled. Chris soon came running down and stood in the middle of the room.
"She's not up there, Matt's room next!" He shouted, dashing to the next bedroom.
"My nose is itchy." You mumbled, trying not to move.
"Shut the fuck up. Part of hide and seek is to be quiet." Nick mumbled, his eyes still focused on his phone.
"Not in here!" Chris shouted from Matt's room.
"I honestly don't know how he hasn't checked here yet, it's obvious." Matt mentioned.
A few minutes went by and Chris was still dashing around, checking every part of the house, besides where you were actually hiding. Matt and Nick shared a look as Chris came back.
"Dude..." Matt muttered.
"You serious?" Nick questioned.
"What? Oh wait!" Chris cheered, finally coming over and pulling the blanket off you.
"Found you!" He exclaimed.
"Finally." You mumbled, scratching your nose.
"Our place isn't even that big yet you couldn't find her." Matt said in disbelief.
"Well how about you both join in now." Chris suggested.
"Why not, got nothing better to do." Nick agreed, placing his phone down.
You smiled, knowing your day just got better.
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animemensblog · 1 year
Bad side
Toxic!Toji x reader
Pt.2 pt.3
Summary; Toji has finally found someone he would kill, no, die for. He'd give up everything to have y/n, except she already gave up everything for him. So what does she get in return?
Warnings; angst, very small makeout session, Toji is kinda toxic ngl, cussing, hints at a panic attack, mentions of cheating, alot of arguing, happy-ish ending
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You were thinking about how you and him met when you were interrupted by a text
Unknown number
Is this y/n?
Who is this?
Unknown number
Hi, I just wanted to let you know Toji is asking some of his fan girlies for a fun night out if yk what I mean
How often do you even see these? You wonder to yourself while making your way to the white board, adding another line next to the other 10.
"Hm, 11 now. And I thought I wouldn't make it past double digits" you laugh at yourself, then went to sit back down on your bed, resuming your show waiting for Toji and his friends to arrive. You let out a sigh when you settle against the pillows and fluffy blankets.
You begin to doze off, the singing from the TV wasn't helping but it was too soothing to change channels. Not long goes by before a knock comes to the door, then your doorbell going off. None of which you woke up to; resulting in your door being busted open.
"Y/n?! Where are you?" A worried, yet furious, Toji yells out
"This isn't the warm welcoming we're used to! I'm a princess who needs my princess treatment!" Gojo jokes, earning a chuckle from Geto.
"Shh she could be sleeping, you two need to calm down" Geto says as he walks to the bedroom, hearing your soft snores as he approaches. He peeks around the corner, then Toji joins, and lastly Gojo. All 3 were tilting their heads past the frame just to see you clearly sleeping.
Toji loves watching you do anything, whether being hyper focused on dinner or when you're out like a light, drooling onto his chest. You could trip over cracks on the sidewalks and he'd fall in love all over again. He's that whipped.
Gojo and Geto, however don't find everything you do to be a miracle. So they ran to jump on top of you while Toji moves behind trying to grab them before they land. Unfortunately for you, he's a little too late. You jolt up at impact as Geto let's out an 'oomph' and Gojo, a squeal.
"What the fuck is wrong with you" you spit out as they have their laughing fits, holding their stomachs as steam flows from your ears. Can't forget about Toji, who snuck out the second they landed, knowing you are far from an angel when you awaken from your slumber.
He's out relaxing on the couch, pretending he didn't know what was going on, sipping a beer and scrolling through his phone. Next thing he knows, Geto is jumping over the couch, planting right next to Toji.
Geto was panting like he's been sprinting for miles, you could practically hear his heart. "I see she got you" Toji says with a grin as he points to the victims arm, highlighting the already bruised mark.
"She's got a mean swing dude" Geto says, covering up his wound and pouting
"What about Gojo?"
"He's still.. still in there"
"Awfully quiet don't you think?"
"She was smothering him with a pillow, last time I checked" Geto whispers as he leans back
Toji only let's out a chuckle, then fell silent. Hoping to hear the fight in the other room. Then, Gojo walks out, head hanging low, plopping inbetween Geto and Toji. They both turn to him, ready to hear the story.
"She's scary, Toji" he speaks softly, as if you're still sleeping
"What happened?" Geto asks
"She- she made fun of me.."
Silence is what Gojo receives, it lasted a few seconds as the other two process his words. To Gojo, it felt like hours. They started laughing, while Toji was smacking his back.
"She knows you well, went straight for your core" he said as he shook your latest victim.
You come walking from your room, in clean clothes and your usual bright smile, "Hey guys!" you say with a wave. Heading towards the kitchen for coffee. Toji following suit,
"Hey baby", he wraps his hands around you grasping under your shirt "how'd you sleep?" He places a kiss to your cheek.
"I slept great", you turn to kiss him back.
"Mm tasty as always" he hums while bringing his hands higher, slightly groaning when he stops at under your breasts.
"Mwah MwAh MWAH", you hear Gojo and Geto mocking you two from the couch, 'pretending' to rub their hands on one another. Toji pulls away with a sigh and pats your hip,
"You're fucking perverts" he yells while reluctantly pulling his hands from you, heading back to the couch with you in tow.
As he sits, he yanks you to his lap, taking your coffee and setting it aside. "You can have that later, I wanna nap right now" Toji mumbles against your shoulder. His confidence when he acts and talks like this in front of people.. is astonishing. He's groped and grinded on you in a room full of strangers, with no music. Just rubbing against you like a dog.
"Um no, I need this. I have a busy day ahead, remember?"
"That was a yes or no question, dear" you say as you drink your coffee
Gojo and Geto spin to you, noting how Toji is unbothered by your remark. If anyone else said that, they'd lose their tongue. Naturally, watching Toji act like an obedient boyfriend is entertaining to them.
"Yes, I remember" he says dramatically, dropping his arm over his eyes while fake crying- you, remain unfazed. Only shocking your guests more. He's pouting and you're not bending to his will?
"Alright, knock it off" you pat his thigh and stand up, "I'm making breakfast, would you guys like some?" All of them nod and follow you into the kitchen.
As you cook, the 3 watch you gently flip the eggs, then curse at the bacon when grease splashes you, then go back it being gentle.
They can only think, 'this is some emotional roller-coaster Toji deals with', but when they look at him, he's in awe. He giggles when you cuss at objects and food, he thinks it's adorable.
Then several buzzes come from your phone, you ignore it but Toji picks up. "Hello?"
"Who is this?" The random person asks
"I think I'm supposed to ask who you are, Mr. Unknown number"
"It's miss to you. And I'm looking for y/n."
"She's busy right now, bye"
"Wait- is this Toji?"
"Why?" He grumbles
"Oh. My. God. How are you?! How's the girlfriend?"
"She's great, as always" he watches you slide around the floor with your socks, completely ignoring the words flying from the girls mouth.
"Hey, you remember that one night, Toji?" She finally asks in what sounds to be, a slutty tone? You hear her question and slow down to listen in.
"What do you mean?" He asks
"I mean, the one where you got plastered last weekend.. you came home with me and.. held me like you used to."
Finally, it clicks for him. His ex. It's the only explanation why you seem a little more hesitant with him, somewhat distant. You weren't inviting him over as much, or out on errands and parties.
"Last weekend?" He askes before you spin around to meet his gaze, eyebrows furrowed. Gojo and Geto turn to Toji, whose eyes have gone wide. He's confused as well, because like she said he was black out drunk kind of level. Enough where he missed your birthday party the next day, then somehow the following day when he said he'd make it up to you.
Knowing how he's been treating you so nicely for the last week, you didn't suspect anything. You genuinely believe he got too drunk to move for 2 days. But that nice treatment started almost 2 months ago.. no way he was fucking other women every weekend when he got drunk, right? And then coming over to kiss your ass, to make up for his mistakes?
"Don't you remember, daddy?" The girl asks, and your angry expression fell. When Gojo and Geto heard, they immediately stood up to defend him. Saying he was knocked out at their house the entire day, except not the second day Gojo added.
You left the room, as the two tried to follow you swatted them away, "I need a minute" then shut the door.
"Cmon y/n, open up" Geto speaks, Gojo is long gone trying to stop Toji from interrogating his ex, to focus on you. His woman.
Gojo tosses the phone, but only after a quick prayer it won't break, he'd rather Toji be the only murder victim today. Pushing him to your bedroom, and shoves him against the door.
"Baby? Cmon let me in, please? I swear I didn't see her last weekend or ever" he pleads
"What about the other weekends, huh?" You cry
"What about them?"
"I've gotten 10 texts saying the same thing in the past couple months, that you're out searching for women. 2 of them were even the same person" you scoffed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
Toji remained silent. Was he guilty? Absolutely not. Was he shocked you'd believe some hoes? Yes.
"I don't know what they're talking about baby, I really don't. We go out drinking then I pass out at these asshole's place. I promise." He plants his head against the door.
Geto, being even closer to you then Toji is, decides you acknowledging them isn't enough. "Would you say he's tough enough for an ass kicking?" Geto asks Gojo
"I'd say so, he at least deserves it for worrying her". Geto accepts that answer and bodyslams Toji, using him as a cushion to break the door open (yes, they did that earlier when you didn't answer).
When you turn, Gojo is laughing and Geto is smiling up at you while laying on your boyfriend. "How you feeling?" He asks, legs kicking back and forth, his hands holding up his chin.
"I'm fine, angry with him, but fine otherwise!" Toji feels a chill run down his spine at your words. 'Shit' he thinks. Geto steps all over him to stand, then Gojo walks over him to sit with you. Leaving Toji all alone on the ground.
"Are you sure?" Geto asks, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look in his eyes, trying to provoke your boyfriend. Of course Toji notices, and pulls you to the edge of the bed collapsing on your lap. He was spilling apologies and running circles against your legs.
"I'm not happy with you Toji." You push him off and walked out of the room, once again leaving him all alone on the floor.
"Soooo, did you really fuck other girls?" Geto asks
"I really didn't, but I've turned down alot of girls" he knows he's popular around town for being a slut, but it all stopped for you. Since then he finds himself only craving you, being tempted by you, and all you need to do is breathe the same air as him.
Toji stands with a grunt, turning to his friends. "Give me a minute, would ya?" They nod and he walks away, chasing after you.
"Baby? Where'd ya go?"
"Sweetie?" He approaches your figure sitting by the window
"Love of my life?" You scoff at that, making him physically wince. He's never gotten on your bad side before, ever. You've always forgiven him or come to an understanding before it got worse.
"I know I've said this already, but it's all I can say to defend myself. I promise I haven't been with anyone but you since we've met."
"Can't even keep up with your own lies, huh? Don't you remember? A week or so after meeting, we ran into each other when you were walking home with her."
"That was over a year ago baby, it didn't take long for me to fall for you and only you. You know that"
"Do I.. know that?"
He reaches for your hand, you let him take it just so he'd feel you shake. Feel your anger and sadness radiate off you, he needs to feel how insecure and unstable this relationship makes you feel.
The second he grabs it, he pulls you in and holds you. He takes a deep breath and you hear him shudder, how uneasy this is making him. "I don't know what they've been saying but they're lying, I promise. I swear I'm telling you the truth, y/n."
He wants you to cry or something, just anything but this.
"I just.. don't believe you, Toji"
He could feel the tears building, and he still wishes they were yours. You seem emotionless, like you've been thinking about him cheating for a while, like you're prepared.
"Why don't you?"
"Gojo said Sunday you weren't there, and you didn't respond to me all day. She didn't specify the day. We both know you were drinking both days, because Monday you were severely hungover. Friday's hangover wouldn't carry over that badly, that long."
"You're right about that" he chuckles, making up you sit up and seperate yourself. He's really laughing right now? "I mean, the last part. I was drinking Saturday too which is why I couldn't-"
"You mean, wouldn't."
"Right. Why I wouldn't come over like I said I would on Sunday. Then I drank more Sunday too."
"Regardless, where did you stay after blacking out? On the street? Inbetween your exes thighs? You definitely weren't at Suguru's. But you definitely were cleaned up Monday morning when you came over, so not the street. Hmm" you brought your finger to your chin, mocking him.
He simply couldn't think, he doesn't remember. He couldn't, he drank too much. He was getting frustrated and being made fun of like this is pushing it. "Fine. If you're not going to believe me, just break up with me. I can find someone else." Big mistake.
"Oh I'm sure you can. Can't even go out without asking for pussy, apparently."
"God you're such a child" his voice started raising, "you can't even listen to me! I've said sorry, I don't know how many times. Just accept it!"
"Exactly! That's all you've done. You aren't making an effort to think where you could've gone, you can't even try to prove them wrong. You're just excusing those 'lies' with a sorry! I'm not expecting you to stop the earth from spinning and rewind time, I'm just wanting you to think. At least try to convince me they're wrong, without saying 'I promise'." Toji knows your right, he does, but his tongue won't allow him to say it.
"Easy for you to say, when I thought you were cheating you didn't try either. You left me to solve it! Like I said, you're a child who's too scared to grow up. To take responsibility, to do something with their life. It's fucking ridiculous! I wonder sometimes, why.."
"Why what, Toji?"
"Why I stay with you" he yells.
"You know, it'd be nice if we could talk about your issues without covering it up with mine. Regardless, I did stop my world from spinning and ran with you. I left family, friends, even my fucking dog Toji, because you couldn't stand the idea of sharing a town with my ex fiancé."
"You know he wanted you"
"Yeah, maybe 4 years ago when he asked to marry me, you know he cheated and ran off with her."
"Then explain why he was all over you when we ran into him", why was he still yelling?
"You were there! He felt obligated to flaunt his already pregnant, soon to be wife, I begged you to stop the conversation and leave. You ignored me, Toji."
"You're such a fucking liar, that's not what happened" yes it was, why is he saying this "you can try to twist the narrative all you want but I saw what happened, the way you looked at him, the way you smiled." That's wrong, he knows you weren't happy. He felt it.
"If you think my faces and reactions then was love for him, then maybe this past year and my move was unnecessary. You should know my genuine smile because you see it every day. Besides the fact I've explained this to you and you've reassured me that you understood, we're moving off the current issue. You and-" your voice was still soft enough where his shouting completely blocked it out.
"Have you always been this insecure or is this a new thing? It's so stupid you can brush off your cheating but can't forget mine." An even bigger mistake.
"Oh so, you admit you did see her" your head drops, and a tear falls. Finally he comes to his senses, he feels like he's succeeded all because you're showing an emotion. While he's lost in his ego, you stand there crying. He's content, and you're crying alone. Reminds you of the weekends you spent without him, thinking about which girl will text you on Monday claiming he stayed with them.
Geto realizes Toji's yelling has stopped, but it's too quiet. He makes his way out to find you there silently crying, while Toji is standing a few feet away looking.. happy? He walks behind him and flicks Toji's ear, then goes to you. Using his sleeve to wipe off your tears and you gripped onto his shirt as he hugged you.
The scene in front of him sets Toji off, he knows why Geto is comforting you- it's because of him. Though it doesn't stop his next accusation,
"Seriously? Geto of all people? I'm disappointed in you y/n." You lift your head up and meet his glare, and his heart shatters at seeing you. You looked stressed and like you've been crying for hours when it's been minutes, you're shaking and clearly having problems breathing.
"Baby, I-" he's stopped when your shaky hands tells him to.
"I don't wanna see you, God I wanna throw up just looking at you." You left holding your stomach and shut your bedroom door, with Gojo inside. He immediately engulfed you in his big arms trying to calm you down, as Toji tries to make himself leave you be, but he can't. He goes towards the hall before Geto stops him, "nah you don't get to see her after that huge stunt."
Geto drags him back to the couch and babysits him until you come out. Surprise; you never did. You ended up crying yourself to sleep while Gojo told you the dumbest and longest story you've heard. He was sitting on the floor while you laid on your side with your head slightly off the bed, as he tried to learn how to braid.
Gojo texts Geto telling him you passed out not long after, plus sent him all the pictures of the different braids he successfully did (they ended up going home and Geto had Gojo braid his hair).
"Hey, she fell asleep" he nudged Toji, he doesn't hesitate to come back to you. He walked slowly and sadly into the room, but smiled when he saw your peaceful figure.
"You're a bitch Toji" Gojo said as he braided your hair one final time.
"I know"
"You don't deserve her"
"I know"
"But she wants to believe you"
"Of course she does" Toji sighed, laying across from you but trting to avoid touching you. "I want her to"
"It is the truth, right?" Toji nods before bringing his gaze back to your face.
"Alright then, you better work your ass off when she wakes up" Gojo says as he stands, "we'll head home and we can have dinner movies and games another day, huh? It'd be best if you spent the rest of the day together anyways."
"Sounds good. Sorry I ruined all our days, didn't mean to."
"Wow! Toji Fushigiro apologizing to me without being forced? My luck day" he ends with a loud laugh. "Text me when you wanna come back, if you make it out alive." With that, he waves goodbye and leaves.
After a while, Toji fell asleep still facing you, but not until after he cried. A couple of hours go by and you wake up from a nightmare, opening your eyes to find a wet faced Toji. The blanket underneath him was damp from his tears, and you could tell his nose was stuffy, causing him to breathe through his mouth.
You place your hand on his cheek, wiping it dry. He slowly opened his eyes and faintly smiled upon seeing you.
"Hi baby" he says as he kisses your hand
"Hi", he sighs against your palm. Content you're talking to him, touching him and looking at him. All are a win in his book.
"I'm sorry for saying all those things, I didn't mean a single one" he places a hand over yours, "just so you know I will stop the world from spinning and rewind time if it'll prove myself to you. I should've just said that instead of losing it. I'm truly sorry y/n."
"It's okay babe"
"Do you forgive me?"
"Fuck no, you're gonna have to work for that"
"Understood" he smiles and kisses your palm, "first I can go finish cooking. This time when your ex calls, you pick up the phone" he jokes.
"Not funny" you pull your hand away and roll off the bed.
"Awe too soon? And here I thought you got me" he chuckles
"Not too soon, you're just a bitch and all your jokes have lost their humor, for now." You kiss his forehead and head towards the bathroom.
"So she's gonna forgive me eventually, what'd you know" he says to himself before moving to his stomach, taking in the smell of you on your blankets. He hopes this never gets taken from him, and hes gonna do everything he can to keep you, for starters he's getting you a new phone and number.
A little longer than expected🥴 also debating how I like it haha, hope you enjoyed it though <3
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ashecampos · 7 months
Warnings - smoking, alcohol, drugs, swearing, cheating, mentions of anxiety. janis being adorable.
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to re-blog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies
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[with Damien and the girls]
"so how do we get the two lovers together?" Damien turns to cady who is sat next to him jotting down math problems, she looks up and shrugs at the boy. "hey look its Tess" she says as the other girl comes running over to the two, phone in hand, her arms flailing, she looks like a loony as she plops herself down next to the two. "you will NEVER guess what i just walked in on" she screams dramatically, making the other two friends cringe. Damien catches a glimpse of the photo she has opened on her phone and practically screams. "TESSA GEORGE no you did not" he hits the girl multiple times as the girl holds the phone up to his face, revealing what she indeed did walk in on just moments ago. "this may be easier than we thought then guys" cady interrupts the others screaming. "shh Janis is coming she cant know our secret plan" Damien hushes the girls just in time as Janis reaches the tree and sits down.
"that girl will be the death of me" she sighs but is nudged by Damien "girl shut the hell up, you have been hopelessly in love with her since middle school, and the time when she gives you an ounce of attention you try to back away and pretend to hate her guts." he glares at his best friend while Cady and Tess sit watching in shock
"you should totally tell her , yes Bea has fucked with her for years but i know that you are good for her and she is good for you. i wont let you dismiss your feelings for my best friend." the taller girl nudges her as she gets up, her phone ringing in her hand.
"how would i even tell her?" Janis says looking at Tess, which in turn earns a shit eating grin from the other three teenagers.
Tess laughs while looking at her phone "look I'm going to go grab miss dramatic from the principle's office, i will see you guys later and we will scheme" she smirks while picking up the call and walking away from the trio.
"hey pookieee" i sing into the phone as i walk down the hallways looking for any of my friends and cautiously avoiding Shane or bea, wherever they may be lingering. "girl where are you? did someone leave you all high and dry in the bathrooms?" she asks in a mocking manner which made me laugh, earning a scowl from some random freshmen as i pass by them, i smile awkwardly back to them apologising. "nooo, i got called into Mr Duvall's office, meet me and ill spill the deets" i sigh into the phone, passing Regina who smiles at me. this school year has been so weird and its not even been a week.
turning the corner i see Tess, i hang up the call and she hugs me tightly. she abruptly latches onto my arm and drags us towards the doors to go outside onto the track field. we find a seat near the top of the empty bleachers and sit, taking out our lunch/snacks.
"right spill" she says while plopping a French fry in her mouth. "firstly, how did you get fries? secondly gimmie one then i shall tell you" i grin as she holds out a singular fry for me. i take it between my teeth and eat it before leaning forward ready to tell her my 'punishment' she waves her hands in a circular motion urging me to start talking as she shoves a few more fries into her mouth.
"okay so Shane, Bea and Jason came up to me in gym and Shane went to floor me but Janis pushed me out of the way. she's fine though, she wasn't touched. but because of that i kind of blacked out and went for him." i start explaining what happened but she points at me. "okay cute but I've been told what happened, but Janis tried to save you. Cute. plus that explains the bathroom" she laughs as i throw a piece of lettuce at her "gross, get your grubby veggie food away from me" she screams as it lands near her food, earning a cackle from me. "may i continue" i look at her smugly "yes yes but c'mon get the the point" she slaps my leg.
"so then he was like 'you have two options here, either you agree to this deal or your suspended' and he obviously didn't elaborate on said deal but i had no other choice" i say eating my salad while talking. "so what where your options?" she cuts me off "let me finish, he was like 'either i can suspend you or you must tutor Janis Imi-ike' so now i have to tutor her in gym, Spanish and drama" i say whilst pointing at her letting her know I'm done "so the deal worked out for you basically?" she points her fork at me with a shit eating smirk. "no it really didn't. Tess you don't understand, after you left the bathroom i ran from her." i put my head down, avoiding eye contact.
[in the bathroom after Tess walked in on Janis and y/n]
"i totally just cockblocked yall" Tess shrieks happily before snapping a photo and running out of the bathroom. i look back to Janis being brought back to reality and panicking, i look away before grabbing my phone and bag before quickly turning back to her "i should probably go to see Mr Duvall before he sends out a search team, see you later" i look back at her, she nods and smiles a little as she picks up her own bag, throwing the paper towels in the trash.
"YOU RAN? oh y/n seriously? you've been talking about her since that night you met her. and you fucking ran" Tess brings me back to reality by slapping my knee multiple times to get my attention. shrugging i continue to eat while she stares at me scheming "stop looking at me like that, yes i like her but i don't think she wants me like that" i try to justify my actions but she continues to stare at me, not saying a word. she grabs my hand as soon as we are done eating and drags me to the other end of the school, i see that we are headed in the direction of Janis, Damien and cady, i look at her with pleading eyes. "oh look what the cat dragged in" Damien speaks up first being the only one to click onto the fact that me and Tess came over, Janis looks over at me, her face going red before she looks back down at her cross stitch.
me and Tess sit down, Damien looks at me then back to Tess, smirking. those two will literally be the death of me with their scheming looks. "so little miss Joan jett, what's the news? how long are you suspended for?" the boy asks, making Janis' head shoot up, intrigued by the boys question and what i had to say about being sent to head office. "actually no, i made a deal" i smile proudly at the looks i get from the others, excluding Tess who already knew what happened. i look down at my phone and feel everyone's eyes on me "don't spare any details, what was the deal?" the boy pushes. i look at Janis and shake my head "hey can we talk for a second?" she nods and we stand up and walk over to a different tree "hey about earlier i-" she starts "the deal was that i have to tutor you" i smirk a little as she looks up at me a little baffled. "what do i need tutored in?" she laughs, her shoulders loosening a bit as she settles down, i lean against the tree and hand her the note Mr Duvall gave me to explain what the deal was, she takes a second to read it and scoffs with a hurt tone "drama? why do i need drama tutoring?" she looks up at me as if i should know which i shrug to "i know that's what i thought because you Janis Imi-ike are very dramatic" i point at her and she gasps "rude" she fakes being shot in the chest "heart-breaking even" i reply. she pulls out her phone, "our next class is Spanish right?" she queries, i nod "cool, sit with me?" she more demands than asks but regardless i agree.
we go back to sitting with the rest of our friends for the last ten minutes of lunch before the bell rang.
we both sit down in the back of the classroom, the teacher smiling at us and greeting y/n in Spanish as she hands us some books, they keep a conversation in Spanish, the teacher laughing at whatever y/n is saying to her, the teacher, only say ten years older than us turns to me and smiles. "i assume you have been told about the tutoring programme that you have been placed in, y/n will be tutoring you in this and a few other classes to keep your grades up to ensure you don't fail" she then smiles at both of us and walks to greet other students who are still walking into the classroom. "what was that about?" i ask her while opening my book and looking down at the worksheet inside it. "she's friends with my dad" y/n shrugs "I've known her basically my whole life, don't worry she's really nice" the girl continues while she finishes the work sheet like it was something she's been doing for years "how are you so good at this, i don't get it" i laugh as she puts her pen down and looks over smirking as if it was meant to be obvious "Janis I'm Hispanic of course i know my language" she laughs as if stating an obvious fact, i just sat there staring at her, taking in her features, and her tanned skin. it was apparently obvious that she is Spanish but i just didn't notice or was too distracted to notice this major detail about the girl I've crushed on for like forever. just as the lesson is starting, the teacher is taking names. Tess and Aaron walk into the classroom, Aaron greets the teacher alike to how y/n did, Tess sits down who is followed by Aaron who sits next to her, y/n smiles at her best friend completely oblivious to what had just possibly happened. the teacher writes her name and class number on the board, everyone copies it onto their books, then the board shows a few questions in Spanish, a few words i recognise but the majority of them i don't have a clue on what they mean. i turn to y/n and she is nearly done with the work, she looks up and chuckles mouthing 'what' to me, i whisper "what the fuck does '¿Cómo estás?' mean?" i look at her while she laughs at me a little making me blush a little "how are you?" she asks me, i look at her, thinking she's joking "I'm not good, now tell me what it means" i whisper shout, she shakes her head "no that's literally what it means dumbass" she laughs while i write it down. and that's how the whole lesson went, me being confused and her laughing at me.
when the bell rang we all stood up, the teacher pulling y/n to the side to catch up, leaving me to wait outside of the class as y/n had told me to wait as we where going to our next tutoring session now. it took ten minutes for y/n and the teacher to bid their farewells, the two both walk out of the class and say bye to each other, y/n grabs my hand and turns me to face her with a mischievous smile on her perfect face "how do you feel about track?" she asks full of energy.
"when you said track i genuinely thought you where joking" i said out of breathe as she leads us to the athletics' field. she starts stretching, while i just stare, taking in the view, with it being golden hour, the sun it her skin perfectly and with what she was now wearing, her toned arms and legs flexed as she stretched and started jogging on the spot while looking at me. "if you don't start moving i will literally make you" she said with a hint of sarcasm "make me then" i say with a smirk, she shrugs and picks up her water bottle, taking off the lid and walking over to me. i quickly notice what she was doing and start backing away from her. she laughs as she gets closer to me. just as she gets a few inches away i grab the bottle and splash her with it. the freezing cold water drenching her head to toe. her white t-shirt turning see-through, showing her black Nike sports bra under it. she lets out a shriek while trying to pull the shirt over her head, when she gets it off i cant help but stare, while temporarily distracted she takes this opportunity to throw the rest of the water at me, along with her wet shirt, she laughs and runs off, i chuckle at her behaviour and take my hoodie off then run after her.
we end up on the 100m track part of the field and she is running backwards beside me, slowing down then speeding up when i catch up to her every so often. we do this for a good half an hour, making small talk "so are you doing the art show this year?" she asks, slowing down as we continue to run. "I'm considering it, are you planning on joining track? you would be really good at it" i say, trying my best to catch up to her again as she sped up a little. how she hasn't fallen over yet confuses me, but as I've learned today i don't know a lot about her.
after two hours of Janis' constant complaining about running, we decide to call it quits for today, we sit on the field and she gets a phone call from Cady "Janis what do i do, Regina wants me to sit with her and the plastics at lunch for the rest of the week" to this Janis' face lights up, "oh my god this is amazing, you should definitely do it then report back to us telling us all the stupid shit they say" Janis continues to the girl, i try to keep myself entertained on my own phone as she convinces Cady to take up Regina's offer, my face drops as Cady says that she will do it.
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heyy guys sorry again for the really short chapter,, i have terrible writers block, i will try write some more over the next week but i cant promise anyything as im at work until sunday now,, hope this was a good update,, sorry again lovelies <3
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jj-nhlgirly · 1 year
Summer of Love:- Cramps
Jack Hughes x F!Reader
AN:- I’m sorry this took me a while, I kept changing my mind on some things. Thank you @k1ng0fmyheart for requesting, I hope you like it 🫶🏼I am making my way through the inbox, so if you have requested anything I haven’t forgotten!!
I know in the worlds they don’t have friendlies during the off season but for the sake of this series we’re gonna pretend they do!!
TW:- talks of periods, cramping, tampons, swearing, and I think that’s it
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(Not my gif, credits to who made this)
After sunset Jack and Mackenzie decided to head back to shore. Jack pulled the anchor up, as Mackenzie folded the blankets.
Jack talked about how excited he was for world friendlies but was cut off by Mackenzie groaning, he looked back to see her bent over. “Kenz, you ok?” Jack walked over to her, rubbing the small of her back.
“Mhm” Mackenzie hummed out, Jack sighed, he hated seeing his girl in pain and not being able to do anything.
“Tell me what you need bubs” Jack kissed her head as she stood up straight, leaning back into him. Jack wrapped his arms around her, placing his hands on her lower stomach. Mackenzie moaned quietly as Jack applied slight pressure to her stomach.
“That helping baby?” Jack cooed, applying more pressure and moving his hands around. Mackenzie groaned as Jack hit a particular sore spot, “is there sore bubs?” Jack asked as Mackenzie nodded. “Hmm how about we head back to the house, get changed into comfy clothes and cuddle?” Jack suggested.
Mackenzie nodded, leaning back to kiss him, Jack kissed back before pulling away.
“Come on then beautiful, let’s get you home” Jack kissed her cheek before leading her to the drivers bench. Jack opened his arms inviting Kenzie to sit on his lap as he started driving back to shore.
Mackenzie whined as the waves began to get choppy, Jack soothed her the best he could whilst concentrating on the water in front. “shh it’s ok baby, we’ll be back soon I promise” Jack cooed as he saw the dock appearing in front, frowning when he saw a figure standing in the shadowy part.
Subconsciously Jack wrapped his arms tighter around Mackenzie. Jack asks Kenzie if she could pull out his phone to call Quinn. Mackenzie grabbed his phone, smiling at the background picture. It was a picture of the two taken by Trevor a couple months after they started dating, Mackenzie was cuddled into Jack's side laughing, Jack had his arm around her looking down at her laughing outside a club they’d gone to celebrate Freya's birthday. Neither of them realised Trevor had taken the picture.
Mackenzie unlocked his phone using their anniversary as his passcode. Quinn answers on the second ring, “hey bro, everything alright?” Quinn’s voice came through the speaker.
“Hey Quinny, erm no? There’s someone hanging around by the dock, looks a lil sus” Jack spoke back, turning the boat around. “What? Are you two ok? Who is it?” Trevor spoke, taking over from Quinn.
“Yeah, yeah Kenz and I are fine. I just don’t wanna dock with it being just us two. I don’t know who it is” Jack replied. “What? Trev now’s not the time” Quinn mumbled.
Mackenzie giggled at the two, “aww is big scary Trevy-bear gonna come rescue us?” Kenzie teased. Quinn laughed as he shut the back door, Trevor and Luke following behind. “Hell yeah he is, he's the biggest bravest scariest bear around” Trevor played along.
“Mhm so brave that he screamed and run away from a spider in the bathroom” Luke teased laughing along with Kenzie. “Yeah yeah whatever, look we’re nearly there so turn back” Quinn told Jack, the middle Hughes followed instructions turning back to the dock.
“Are they still there?” Kenzie asked, “yeah, Luke and Trev are going over now” Quinn responded. “WHAT?! You let lukey go?” Jack exclaimed.
Quinn sighed, “Jack baby, he’ll be fine! Trev’s there” Kenzie squeezed his hand. “OH MY GOD” Luke shouted, Jack and Kenzie both looked at each other worried.
“Luke… LUKE are you ok?” Quinn shouted, Jack and Kenzie now coming into view of the dock seeing Luke on the floor. “Quinn, Quinn what’s happening? Is Lukey—” Jack asked before getting cut off by Quinn and Trevor laughing.
“Sky-Skylar you scared me!!” Luke exclaimed, Mackenzie felt Jack physically relax at the sound of Luke’s voice. “What’s Sky doing out here alone?” Mackenzie thought aloud. Jack shrugged before docking, helping Mackenzie out before climbing out himself.
Jack offered Mackenzie his hand which she happily grabbed as they made their way to the others. “Sky? What are you doing out here?” Mackenzie again voiced her thoughts from earlier. Skylar sighed as Mackenzie brought her into a brief hug before examining her for any injuries. “I came looking for you, these last few days have been weird between us and I wanted to talk, apologise” Skylar explained.
Mackenzie hugged her again, “but why are you out here?” Jack asked. “Kaylee told me she saw you and Mackenzie leaving the house, I thought you’d be at the dock but when I saw the boat gone I’d figured I’d wait for you to get back” Skylar explained again as they all made their way back to the house.
Mackenzie stopped walking with Jack, squeezing his hand and groaning again. Everyone turned to look at her as Jack began to massage her stomach again. “What’s up Kenzie?” Quinn asked.
“She’s cramping again” Jack explained, the boys nodded as Skylar looked at her sister in sympathy. “Sky, would it be ok if we talk tomorrow? I’m cramping so much right now” Mackenzie explained. “Yeah, of course! Do you want me to get Sebastian?” Skylar asked.
Jack belly laughed as all the boys frowned looking confused, “Sebastian?” Trevor piped up. “Sebastian the plushy heating pad lobster” Skylar explained. “Rriiigghtttt” Luke nodded as he opened the back door.
“Anyway, glad everyone is ok. I’m gonna head back to the boys” Quinn said, walking away Luke and Trevor following behind him.
“I’ll get Sebastian heated and meet you upstairs” Jack smiled, kissing Kenzie’s head before heading to the kitchen leaving the Havener sisters alone on the back porch. “I’ll leave you to it then, but maybe we can spend the day together tomorrow?” Skylar suggested looking hopeful. “I’d love that Sky” Mackenzie smiled, happy that her sister had extended an olive branch.
Mackenzie gave Skylar a hug, kissing her forehead before heading upstairs, she didn’t get far before someone cleared their throat behind her.
“Erm Kenzie?” Luke's voice spoke through the stairwell. Mackenzie turned around “hey lukey, what’s up” Mackenzie noticed his rosy cheeks, furrowing her eyebrows. “Erm you have a little something” Luke pointed to her butt. Mackenzie frowned, “what?” She asked before it dawned on her. Oh no is all she thought before running up to hers and Jack's shared bathroom.
Mackenzie sat on the toilet, to sort herself out, but realised she needed a change of underwear.
“JACK” Mackenzie shouted out, waiting for a response. Mackenzie sighed, “JACK” Mackenzie shouted louder, hearing footsteps coming down the hallway. “Kenzie?” Quinn’s muffled voice said. “Quinn? Can you get Jack for me please?” Mackenzie pleaded. “Yeah sure, JAck” Quinn’s voice got quieter as he walked away.
Mackenzie waited, sighing. A faint knock was heard at the door, “Kenzie?” Quinn spoke, “Jack’s not here.” “What?! He was here 5 minutes ago” Mackenzie worried, “Luke said he’s gone to the store” Quinn explained, Mackenzie groaned out partly due to her cramps but partly because she was stuck until he came back. “Is Kaylee there?” Mackenzie shouted back. “Erm yeah, KAYLEE COME HERE” Quinn shouted, a minute later Kaylee was bounding into the bedroom, “Kenny-bear where you at?” Kaylee called.
“In the bathroom, can you pass me some underwear and a change of pants?” Kenzie asked, “yeah babe, where are they?” Kaylee began rummaging around.
“In the dresser” Mackenzie called back, soon an arm appeared through the door frame, “here you go babe” Kaylee passed clothes to her. “Thanks gorgeous, is jack back yet?” Mackenzie asked as she changed.
“Erm I think so, I just heard the door go” Kaylee popped her head out into the hallway, seeing Jack carrying a gift bag. Kaylee quirked her brow at him “I see you’ve got Sebastian” she laughed, “ yeah and a care package for Kenz” Jack explained before heading into their room. Kenzie was leaving the bathroom as Jack walked in, “hey babe, I got you some supplies” Jack passed her the bag, and watched eagerly as Kenzie went through it, frowning when he noticed the tears falling down her cheeks.
“What’s wrong baby? You don’t like it?” Jack worried, he’d seen a tik tok of a boyfriend making a care package for his girlfriend during that time and wanted to do the same. “No, no it’s just no one’s ever done anything like that for me before, it’s so thoughtful J I love it” Mackenzie explained, “damn hormones” she muttered.
Jack laughed before pulling her into a hug, kissing her head. “What do you need now bubs?” Jack asked, guiding her to the bed. “Cuddles?” Mackenzie pouted, Jack pulled her into bed with him, Mackenzie snuggling into his side as he placed Sebastian on her back, massaging her front. Loading up Netflix, Jack clicked on unsolved mysteries, opening a bag of m&m’s and feeding Mackenzie a few.
“I wuv you” Mackenzie muffled out, with a mouthful of m&m’s. Jack laughed “i wuv you too” he mocked back, kissing her head again.
For the rest of the evening the couple stayed as they were, Jack occasionally getting out to reheat Sebastian or to make a cup of hot chocolate. Mackenzie occasionally getting up to change her tampon, or the stretch. It wasn’t long into the 7th episode that Mackenzie drifted off, Jack smiled at her, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky.
Nearly 3 years on and Jack could still feel the butterflies in his stomach when she told him she loved him, or when she’d just look at him and smile. Jack would bet on everything he had, that Mackenzie was the one, and he’d be damned if he didn’t treat her as anything but his whole world including getting up at 3 am to reheat her lobster. Ellen and Jim had always lectured the boys on the importance of treating their partners right, respecting women, showing them you love them with little things. Jack liked to think he was doing a pretty good job at that.
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Liked by jackhughes, _quinnhughes, Frey.Lodge and 190,478 others
Kenzie.Havener it will always be pancakes 🥞😩
Tagged:- jackhughes
Photo credit 📸:- Kay.Johnson, trevorzegras
jackhughes yeah I should’ve thought about that 😩😂
Kenzie.Havener I love you 😙❤️
jackhughes I love you more ❤️
trevorzegras awww they’re so cute 🤧🥹
Kay.Johnson the absolute cutest 🤧🥺
User180 couple goals 😩
Angela.Woods So süß! Wann ist die Hochzeit? 👰🏼‍♀️💓So cute! When’s the wedding?
Kenzie.Havener Mama! Es wird nicht so bald eine Hochzeit geben!😂😩
Mama! There won’t be a wedding anytime soon!
Olivia.Autumn where’s my cuddles?😩 @/Chase.Lukas
Chase.Lukas coming now princess ❤️
Mackenzie woke up the next morning feeling worse than yesterday, day 3 was always the worst for her. Mackenzie began patting the space next to her looking for Jack, the door creaking open made her shoot her head up. Watching as Jack came in with a plate of pancakes in one hand, an iced coffee in the other.
“Morning snickerdoodle” Jack placed the drink and plate on the nightstand before leaning down to kiss her. “Mm morning lovebug” Mackenzie hummed back. Jack laughed as he pulled away, “lovebug? That’s a new one” he said as Mackenzie went to brush her teeth and change her tampon, washing her hands before she climbed back into bed.
“You’re one to talk with snickerdoodle” Mackenzie laughed, “how are you feeling?” Jack smirked as he saw her eyeing up the pancakes on the nightstand, “go ahead babe they’re for you” Jack passed her the plate. Mackenzie frowned “did you not get yourself some?”
“I already ate mine, thought I’d treat my girl to breakfast in bed” Jack hummed climbing back in to cuddle her, Kaylee and Trevor joined them soon after breakfast to cuddle and chill. The boys being roped into face masks, awful karaoke and plenty of cuddles.
Both Kaylee and Mackenzie fell asleep cuddling into each other, Jack smiled at the two. “You’re one lucky man Jack Hughes” Trevor hummed out, “that I am trev, that I am” Jack smiled, leaning in to brush the hair out of her face and kiss her scar, smiling wider as she subconsciously scrunched her nose.
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courtenaywrites · 1 year
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It's my birthday, and here I am, sitting by myself in his apartment while he plays happy families with his wife and kids. We've agreed to keep this secret, but the fact that he has chosen to spend time with her on my birthday makes me sick. I've gone through four bottles of red wine, three cans of coke, and an entire cheesecake. So, it's safe to say that I'm officially drowning my sorrows. He told me he would be back at 10 pm, but it's midnight. I assume she has seduced him into bed again. For a while, I thought he would cut me off, but he eventually saw sense.
My phone buzzes in my pocket.
On my way back, I'm so sorry that I'm late. I'll explain when I get in. I love you.
I strip down to the new lingerie that I bought for tonight, red lace bedazzled with cherries. I spritz myself with a bit of perfume and wipe down with a baby wipe. He's going to be so sorry that he missed out on spending my birthday with me. I'm going to make sure that he doesn't do it again. The lock turns, and he walks through the door with a massive sigh of relief.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. The kids were glad to see me. I couldn't break their little hearts."
He rounds the corner and sees me standing there.
"No, of course, you couldn't," I state bluntly.
"Wow! You look fucking amazing. My dick is already hard."
I pull away from his tight grasp.
"Oh no, you don't get me that easily. Especially not when you left me alone on my birthday."
To my surprise, he doesn't try anything. He walks away and goes into the kitchen.
"So, you don't want to have sex then?" I ask.
"Not really. Your childish attitude has kind of killed the mood, you know?"
I grab a glass of wine and smash it against the wall in a moment of irrational anger.
"What the fuck?! That'll stain, you stupid—!"
I start laughing and run across the couch with a second glass, pretending that I'm going to spill some on his bright white sofa. He runs over to me and grabs my arm harder than I anticipated.
"Get off!" I scream.
He shoves me up against the wall.
"Stop it!"
"Shh, the neighbours!"
He slams his fist against the wall next to me, and I sink to the floor.
"I can't do this, Colette."
"You left me on my birthday, Grayson. I didn't ask for much, did I? All I wanted was a quiet night in with the man I love."
"But, the kids," he says gently.
"Yes, I understand about your children. On a different day, I would have put up with it, but this is a special occasion."
I go over to him and start rubbing his back. Sitting on his lap, I start kissing his neck.
"Come on, let's enjoy the rest of the evening."
He turns around and grabs at my bra, frantically undoing the clasps. My tits spring out like two lumps of white dough.
"I've always loved your breasts. They're one of your best qualities."
I make a concerted effort at undoing his belt buckle. His pleasure is as evident as mine, and we fondle each other until we both find our release. He turns to face me.
"Should we order food?"
"Sure, how about a Chinese?"
"Sounds good to me! I'll get the menu I have in the drawer, and you can pick what you want."
I notice a postcard sticking out of the back pocket of his jeans. I am conflicted about whether I should look or not, but I eventually can't stop myself.
Grayson, I have to express my most profound concern about the apparent disappearance of your wife. I recently tried to arrange a follow-up appointment, but she hasn't replied. Now, I do not know her as well as you, of course, but I must say that it seems unlike Georgia to ignore such a pressing matter. If you manage to get in touch with her, please let her know that it is urgent.
All the best,
Dr Keith Jessop, PhD
Georgia isn't missing because Grayson was just with her tonight. Why would a doctor send such a message on a postcard? It's almost unheard of. Grayson returns with the menu but becomes increasingly angry as he sees me holding the postcard.
"What are you doing?"
"Don't bullshit me, Grayson. You were with her tonight, weren't you?"
"Of course I was," he laughs.
"Then what's this? If you weren't really with her tonight, then where were you?"
Grayson snatches the postcard out of my hand with such force that he rips it in the process. He tears it into tiny pieces and runs the tap. Shoving the mushy paper down the drain, he starts muttering to himself.
"Where's Georgia? Where's Georgia?"
"Grayson, sweetheart, you can tell me anything. I promise I will not judge you, no matter what is plaguing you right now."
He takes a few calming breaths, his hands gripping the sink until his knuckles turn white. With a slight tremor in his voice, he says:
"Get your clothes on. We're going somewhere."
I think it's better to leave without asking any questions. It saves time and Grayson's very low patience. I put on a pair of leggings and one of his t-shirts. He drives in complete silence, which makes me anxious for what is to come. What has he been hiding from me? The streets are desolate, dusted with that dirty green colour that only comes after heavy rainfall. We come to a stop in front of a run-down terrace house. Some of the windows have been boarded up, and the wind chime whistles softly.
"Where are we?"
Grayson doesn't say anything. He reaches inside his pocket and pulls out the key that I recognise to be the key to his marital home. Surely this can't be it? Inside is the complete opposite of its dingy exterior. The place is as pristine as a showhome, bar the boarded-up windows. He still hasn't said one word to me since we left his apartment. He leads me to a door which I assume leads to a basement. The butterflies in my stomach turn into a furious swarm of wasps.
"Colette, you must remember that you promised not to judge. I want you to keep that in mind when you see what's down here, ok?"
"Grayson, just open the fucking door."
Once he does, all I can smell is formaldehyde. I am familiar with the smell because I was once an apprentice at a funeral home. The presence of such a chemical is a cause for alarm. There is a large sheet covering three lumps in the corner, one taller than the other two.
"I was with Georgia and the kids tonight, but not how you think."
He rips off the sheet to reveal the preserved bodies of Georgia and her two children. I want to look away, but I can't. I fixate on their shocked expressions, elements of pain in their eyes.
"Remember what you said, no judgment," he cries.
"How long have they been dead?"
He kneels in front of Georgia and caresses her grey face.
"About three weeks. I put some SFX make-up on her because her skin was falling off, exposing her teeth."
I feel overwhelmingly faint, so I sit down in the opposite corner.
"How did they die?"
"She found out about us. One night, she cleaned out the gutters, and she found a bag containing a bracelet. It was meant to be your birthday present. I had it engraved with a Latin phrase meaning forever and a day. She confronted me as soon as I got home from work. I was still wearing the clothes I had been when I spent the night with you before, so she smelt your perfume. We had a massive fight, and it got physical. She pushed me around the house, slapping me as I tried to get away. We ended up down here, and I eventually shoved her against the wall. I forgot that I had a handsaw attached to it. It went through her stomach. I kept her in here while I saw the kids who'd just arrived back from school. If you look closely, you'll see that they are realistic dolls next to Georgia."
I get up to inspect the dead children, and sure enough, they are dolls. So, where are the children?
"I couldn't bear to do anything to the kids, so I drove them out somewhere far away. I tried to explain that they couldn't come back to their mother or me. I gave them enough money to sustain them until someone takes them in. I'm not a complete monster, you know."
"Do you still have the bracelet?"
Grayson looks at me with a look of bewilderment.
"I have just shown you this shit show and told you that I abandoned my kids, and you're asking about a fucking bracelet! Shit, and I thought I was messed up!"
"Grayson, listen to me. It said forever and a day, and I want to commit to that. I promised you no judgement, and I am keeping that promise. There is no going back, now that I know what happened. I want to wear the bracelet, so go and get it if you still have it."
He gets up and runs up the basement stairs. Not even a minute has passed before he is handing me a blood-stained box. I open it up, and the bracelet is a beautiful gold. The Latin phrase is on an oval pendant.
"Forever and a day, Grayson," I say, hugging him.
"Do you mean that?"
I take his hand and place it on my heart.
"Yes, I mean it. I love you."
He collapses into my arms, sobbing into my chest. Inside I am terrified, but I'm a smart girl. I'll figure this out.
"Grayson, you need to pull yourself together. We know nothing about your wife or your children, ok? You need to call her doctor and explain that she has gone missing and taken the children with her. Turn on the waterworks, tell him you miss them so much that your entire being aches."
I look around at Georgia's body, and I hear the sound of the skin sloughing off her face. It hits the ground with a wet sound.
"We need to get rid of her body. This is going to be the hardest part, both physically and mentally. You need to help me because she's too heavy to carry on my own."
"I bought acid to dissolve her. We can carry her up the stairs and take her to the bathtub."
"Ok, let's do it. I'll go backwards."
We lift our respective ends of Georgia's corpse, but as we make our way up the stairs, her right arm drops off, causing me to drop my portion of her.
"Watch it!"
Her arm falls through the gap in the stairs.
"Just give me a minute. This is still a lot to take in, and I'm feeling a little nauseous."
After the wave of nausea passes, I struggle with half of her body as we back into the bathroom. It is so beautifully decorated that it seems wrong to dissolve a body here. We place her down as gently as we can without putting our backs out. We're both sweaty and out of breath.
"We're going to need some gloves and a mask, but if you don't have the latter, we can just use a t-shirt," I explain.
"I've got it all. I'll go and find them."
I am left alone with her in the lavender bathtub. Her hair is the only beautiful thing about her now. I always wondered what made her so special to Grayson. Was she prettier than me? In her current state, I can neither confirm nor deny. He returns with the supplies, and we both don the protective gear. We both have no idea what we're doing, but I pour the entire litre of corrosive acid into the tub.
"We're dressing her like a salad. She's my wife,"
"She isn't a person anymore. She's gone. Her soul has left her body. This is what is left."
I continue to pour the liquid until he stops me.
"Her wedding ring, it's still on her finger."
Grayson leans forward, getting dangerously close to the acid and removes the gold band from her finger. His display of affection is breaking my heart because I still can't compete with her. She has always been superior. He stares at it for a little too long.
"Grayson, step away from the acid. I need to keep pouring."
As soon as I carry on pouring, Grayson lets out a loud wail. The sound is gut-wrenching, but I have to focus on the matter at hand. I take it upon myself to retrieve the arm from the basement and the dolls.
"They should all dissolve in here."
Grayson's wails have now turned to sobs at two-minute intervals.
"We need to leave now. We need to go back to your apartment and scrub ourselves down. I know you're upset, but you need to find whatever strength you have inside of you and use it to survive this."
"You won't leave me, right?"
"I've told you a million times. I am committed."
We promptly leave the terrace and return to Grayson's apartment, where we strip off and scrub ourselves thoroughly. We pack up our clothes securely so we can burn them tomorrow. I make us hot chocolate and turn on a comedy film. It soon gets us roaring with laughter, and I can see that Grayson's mood has improved. As the night draws to a close, Grayson falls asleep. I remove myself from his grasp and place a blanket over him.
As there is no chance of me sleeping, I write down a plan of what needs to happen. We need to remove all traces of this depravity. I keep wondering if this chain of events makes me a terrible person. Grayson didn't intentionally kill Georgia, and I didn't consciously find her body. We happened upon these situations, but does that make us evil? I love Grayson with all my heart, and I can't just abandon him. I know the expected thing would have been to run and turn him over to the police, but I just can't do that.
People underestimate the power of love; it is the most dangerous drug. When I think back to those nights we spent in hotel rooms at the beginning of the affair, it fills me with happiness. We'd stand on the balcony, basking in the moonlight while Grayson smoked a few cigarettes. The city lit up beneath our feet, and the world was ours. I can't give that up, not now.
I take a trip to the bathroom, where I examine myself in the mirror. I look like a panda from the mascara that has collected beneath my eyes. I spent so long on this make-up look before my entire life changed. We cannot dwell on what has happened, and we have to be strong. If he crumbles, our relationship is on the line. Grayson is stirring in the next room; he'll probably wake up thinking he needs to go to work.
"Colette! You have to get out of there. I need to get ready for work. I'm going to be late!"
Right on queue, I think to myself.
"Grayson, it's Saturday. You don't have work today."
He opens the door with a sheepish grin.
"Have you slept at all?"
"Not a wink, but it gave me time to create a plan. It's on the kitchen table if you want to look."
"I'm going to check on her later on tonight. Does anyone live next door?"
"There used to be an old woman who lived there, but she died about six months ago."
"You didn't shove her, did you?"
My joking isn't welcome.
"Ok… no jokes."
Grayson unzips his pants and starts to urinate. As I'm sitting on the edge of the bath, I fall backwards and hit my head off the tap.
Grayson tries to pee faster, and I can't stop crying. The anxiety and fear have finally made their way out of me.
"Hey, baby, don't cry."
"No, no, this is good. I need to get it out so I can be strong," I sniffle.
Grayson lets go of me and leaves the room. He comes back with a fresh set of my clothes.
"We're going to take our mind off this horror and visit that new café that's just opened."
It's probably a bright idea to do something that will put our minds at ease for a few hours. The hardest part is getting rid of the evidence. Once that is done, all we have to worry about are Grayson's kids possibly locating us. I can just picture a hot coffee and a croissant.
"Good idea, you go downstairs, and I'll be down in five."
"Sure, I wasn't going to bother with changing anyway."
After I put my clothes on, I spray my perfume which makes me feel suddenly nauseous. I think my brain is associating last night's perfume with dead bodies. I'll just wear some of Grayson's cologne. Before I lock up, I pick up a piece of paper, a pen and an envelope because he needs to write to Georgia's doctor. Whether we get away with this is a mystery to me, but the longer I can be with Grayson, the saner I will be. I depend on that man. He is my air. I know that women are supposed to be independent, strong and self-sufficient, but that isn't me.
The café is a short walk from Grayson's apartment. We act like colleagues when we are out together, as we need to keep up the pretence that he is married to Georgia. We arrive and see that the sun is relentlessly beating down on the only accessible seats, so we decide to take our drinks away and sit on a bench outside. The fresh air is a welcome respite from the cloying terror I feel.
"What time will you check on Georgia?"
"I was going to head there at about…7 pm."
"I'll come with you. It will be easier to have me drive you there and a lot less suspicious."
"I wish I hadn't pushed her. God, how fucking badly I wish for it," Grayson cries.
Putting my coffee down, I rub his back.
"I know, darling, but you did."
"Grayson! Did you receive my postcard?"
We both look up to see a man who is Georgia's Doctor. My heart is racing, and I'm sure Grayson's is too. Doctor Jessop sticks out his hand, and Grayson promptly shakes it.
"I did receive your postcard, and I intended to reply, but I've had a lot on my mind. Georgia has gone missing, and she's taken the kids with her. It's been a terrible time for me," Grayson says, forcing out a tear.
I stand up and outstretch my hand towards Doctor Jessop.
"Hello, I work with Grayson. My name is Colette."
Doctor Jessop shakes my hand while looking at Grayson with a pitiful expression.
"I'm so sorry to hear of your predicament. If there is anything I can do, do not hesitate to get in touch."
I smile at him as he walks away until he rounds the corner where I can drop the pretence.
"Nicely done, Grayson."
Grayson is cooking his famous pasta dish in the kitchen. Once we've eaten, we're going to visit the secret nightclub we've heard about.
"So, is it underground?" I ask.
"It is. I've been told that the owner is known as Whispie or Lady Whisper. She has permanent aphonia, so she can't speak above a whisper. She supposedly mingles with the guests that turn up, but you don't know it's her."
"How peculiar," I lament.
The smell of the beef is strong, and I can't stop staring at it in the pan. My mind flicks back to the image of Georgia's skin sloughing off her face and that god awful sound when it hit the floor. I start to feel green, so I sit down in front of the television where an announcement appears.
"Authorities have discovered traces of human remains in an abandoned terrace. Forensic detectives were seen entering the house located in Pagoda. We will be updating you as more news comes in."
Fuck. They've found her. I can't tell Grayson. He won't be able to cope.
"Here we go—Spaghetti Bolognese for the pretty lady," he says, placing the plate in front of me.
I switch the channel to our favourite comedy show. Grayson cannot find out.
"Eat up. We've got to visit the club!"
We eat primarily in silence, except for our laughing at the television.
"We'll worry about the dishes later. Let's get ready," Grayson says.
It takes us an hour to get ready. I have chosen a skater dress, and I've gone heavy on the make-up. Grayson is wearing suit pants with a crisp white shirt. This is the hottest he's looked in months. We walk hand in hand as we leave for the club.
"You look just as hot as you did on your birthday."
"Don't mention that night, please?"
He is taken aback by my sudden change in mood.
"What's wrong? It's over now. We're good, right? I love you, and you love me. Forever and a day, remember?"
I instantly look down at my wrist, where the bracelet hangs delicately. We descend the stairs into the nightclub, which are adorned with a triangular pattern. The music is already blaring, and I am immediately transported into a place where death is an unknown. Grayson presses his body close to mine as we dance the night away. Not long after our arrival, I spot a woman who looks to be in her mid-fifties sitting in a pod near the wall.
"Grayson! Is that the owner?"
He looks to see where I'm pointing.
"Yeah! I think that's her!"
"How does she talk to anyone here if all she can do is whisper?"
"I don't know!"
Lady Whisper locks eyes with me and starts to make her way over to us. I try to warn Grayson, but he's too invested in his dance moves to notice me furiously tapping his shoulder. She gestures for us to follow her. I drag Grayson along as we are led to a room at the back of the club. The overpowering stench of nicotine clings to the walls.
"I have brought you here because I have something to tell you."
Grayson looks at me with panic.
"About six months ago, my older sister passed away in her sleep."
I'm starting to understand now, but Grayson isn't catching on.
"She lived next to a couple and their two children. I believe the woman's name was Georgia," she wheezes.
I can feel Grayson start to shake, and I feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead. She knows about what we did.
"I have no idea what you are talking about, and quite frankly, I don't care to know. My wife is standing right beside me, and all we want to do is dance after a long week. Can we go now?"
Grayson tries to leave, but I can't let him go.
"Let's just indulge her, darling."
The woman laughs like a smoker.
"You can drop the act. I saw you both that night. I had come by to collect some of my sister's things when I heard wailing."
I want to be sick.
"I sneaked around to your house because I thought he was hurting you. I was about to leave when I heard you both talking. I'm nosey. It's my nature."
"You're lying. You're just an old witch who hasn't got anything better to do with her time than to make up stories."
"Grayson!" I shout as I look at him in horror.
"That bracelet she's wearing, you got it for her, didn't you?"
"Anyone could make that assumption," he laughs.
"What if I told you that I know your wife found it in the gutter when she found out about the affair."
"Oh god!" I cry, slumping to the floor.
"What do you want from us?"
"Oh, come on! Don't fuck us around. What. Do. You. Want?"
"When you commit such crimes, you must remember that there will always be somebody listening, somebody watching. You won't know they're there, but rest assured, they are."
"I am not playing this game. If you're going to turn us in, do it now and do it quickly."
"No, I'm not going to give you up. I'm far too tired for that, and I would like to keep this club going."
"So, what happens now? Where do we go from here?"
We all stare at each other in uncomfortable silence. I know I won't sleep tonight, god knows what Grayson will do.
"Colette, we're leaving."
Grayson pulls me through the sweaty crowd out into the open air. We don't speak at all on the way home, and I can't say I don't appreciate the silence. My stomach is in knots. When we get back, Grayson goes straight to bed. I sit on the balcony, biting my fingernails. My heart skips a beat every time I hear a police siren. I can't help but wonder how I would survive in prison. You hear all these terrible things about it, but it is terrifying knowing that there is a real chance you might end up there.
When we moved here after we dissolved the remains, we thought we could start again. I had so much hope for our future, but it's all come crashing down. If Grayson hadn't pushed Georgia, none of this would have happened. She would still be alive, and we wouldn't have death hanging over us.
I hear a bang coming from our bedroom. I run in to find Grayson frothing at the mouth, and he appears to be having some sort of seizure.
"Grayson! What's wrong?"
I look down to see him clutching a bottle of mysterious pills.
"What have you taken?!"
With a great effort, he looks at me and manages to get out a few words.
"They know. Police, coming."
"Grayson! No!"
The telephone is at his feet, and I can't stop crying. Grayson continues to shake until he eventually stops. He's gone. I don't have much time to leave, and I don't know what Grayson has told them. Surely they'll come after me too? My stuff is here, and it's only logical that they'll find me.
I grab my bag and run. I need to see Lady Whisper. It's the end of the night when I get there, and all the guests are leaving. I spot Lady Whisper ahead of the drunken crowd.
"Whisper! Whisper, we need to talk!" I cry.
Snot and mascara start to run down my face. She sees me and personally grabs me, and extricates me from the huddle. When we get to the back room, I start screaming and hyperventilating.
"He killed himself! He's told the police! I'm going to be arrested, but he's dead! He's gone, Whispie. He’s gone!"
She lets me cry for a while before breaking the otherwise eerie silence.
"My sister didn't die because of natural causes. She overdosed, and it was my fault. She'd been suffering, so I gave her the morphine she'd been prescribed, but I gave her too much. I didn't know what to do, so I just left her to die."
My head is killing me, and my vision is blurred, but I can just about see a tear falling from her face.
"So, I know how it feels to be thrown into a situation where you're responsible for a death. These situations find us, no matter where we are or who we're with, and they ensure that we pay with our misery. When I told you that I knew your burden tonight, I wasn't blackmailing you. I was trying to relieve you."
Maybe if Grayson knew, he wouldn't have done it. What am I supposed to do now? Not only has the love of my life died, but I still carry this guilt. It weighs on me like a stone. I have to ask myself if I want to carry on. I don't see the point in my existence if Grayson isn't beside me.
"He caused this, but I still love him. Where do I go? What should I do?"
Whispie cups her hand around a royal blue flame.
"What do you want to do? You don't know what Grayson has told the police, do you?"
"No, I don't."
"So, the police could be on their way to find you right now. You could be arrested. If you have no desire to do anything else but wallow, I suggest you find something meaningful to do before it all ends."
Suddenly, the roaring of police sirens fills our ears. The doors fly open, and three police officers stand in front of me.
"How did you find me?"
One of the officers nods towards Whispie.
"You dropped me in it! Why?"
She reaches down to her pants and rolls them up to reveal a tag.
"We aren't bad people, but we do our time. You didn't want to end up here, but you did."
They read me my rights as I'm led out of the building. The words fade into each other as I think about the expression on Grayson's face as he died. He finally looked peaceful after all this time.
I'm in the break room when I hear a blood-curdling scream coming from one of the cells. Everyone runs to the cell of the girl who killed a child.
"You coming, Col?"
I put down my yoghurt pot and jog over to look at what's going on. I squeeze between my cellmates and see the child killer with part of her skin in her hand. Someone has thrown boiling water at her. The piece of flesh falls out of her hand onto the floor in front of us, making everyone jump back.
"Gross! Watch what you're doing, child killer!"
"You got what you deserve. I hope you die, bitch."
As the crowd disperses, I see Georgia again. The smell of formaldehyde is enough to turn my stomach. I run to the bathroom and sit next to the toilet, which is covered in period blood. Rolling up my sleeve, I fiddle with my bracelet and look up at the ceiling.
"Forever and a day, baby, forever and a day."
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mystic-shadows42 · 3 years
Opposites Attract
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A/N: Third person POV. This is a short story but it’s something to make up for my writer’s block.
Word counter: 1,428
Warnings: Language
“Hey, who’s Marshall talking to?” One co-worker asked jutting their chin out to the others as they all looked towards Walter on the phone. “He’s been on the phone since we got here.”
They were all curious to know who he’d been talking to for so long. All they’ve ever experienced with Marshall was brief responses with pointed looks. Anyone who could tolerate talking to him for more than five minutes was truly someone they deemed admirable. 
He was as intimidating as they come.
“We know, Marshall is as secretive as they come and quite frankly he scares me.” One person piped up as they took a sip of their drink. Some even shuddered thinking of their own experiences with the brute of a man.
“He scares us all.” Another concluded while everyone nodded in agreement. They all stood out of his way whenever possible.
“He’s probably talking to his girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” One spoke up astounded. “Marshall having a fuck buddy I can believe but a girlfriend, no, no way. I don’t believe it.”
“Shh shhh, here he comes.”
All of them went silent and drank their drinks or pretended not to look but Walter had noticed them staring earlier. They were obvious in their snooping and their loud chatter was no better. He stopped in front of their table raising his brow.
“What’s the problem?”
They all garbled and fumbled with their words as their conversations overlapped trying to come up with an excuse.
“They were just wondering who you were talking to,” Rachel spoke confidently.
He looked at her then the rest of them. His eyes seemed to have landed on every single person making them feel uncomfortable. He said nothing. He only looked down at his phone once it pinged with a message. He read it then left abruptly causing everyone to breathe a sigh of relief.
All of their heads turned when they saw Marshall opening the door for a woman walking through the corridor. She wore glasses and was dressed in a bright red skirt and a white blouse. They all thought it was odd just seeing you next to Marshall. He was carrying your purse and a box which just looked comical to the others. 
For the first time, they actually saw Walter smile. Not at them but at you. He walked you over and set down the stuff he carried placing his now unoccupied hand on your lower back. He clicked his tongue not quite sure how to start off the introductions so he went right into it.
“This is my girl.” After Walter introduced you everyone’s eyes practically popped out of their sockets. You shyly raised your hand and waved before pushing your glasses back.
“I have to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.” You pecked Walter’s lips then grinned at his co-workers before heading to the bathroom. Walter watched your form retreating away then as soon as the restroom doors closed his stoic expression came back.
“I didn’t want her to come but she did. She baked so take a bag home and be grateful for all the hard work she put into it.” Walter said it monotonously but in a serious manner that no one dared to laugh or ask if he was actually serious. They didn’t want to test him so they all took a nice-looking bag full of goodies and placed it in front of them as they looked through it.
When you came back from the restroom you took a seat beside Walter and cuddled up to his side as if it were the most natural thing you’d do when you two were alone but amongst his co-workers, it was odd and so unlike him. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer.
The scene of you two looked strange in their eyes but nonetheless cute. You seemed to warm his cold heart and it showed.
“So what do you do?” A co-worker asked curiously. They all wanted to know more about you. The mysterious woman looked to be the complete opposite of the man they worked with. Everything about Walter was always secretive and kept private. Besides his name and where he worked they knew nothing else about him. Most were too scared to even strike a conversation with the intimidating man you called yours.
“I’m a kindergarten teacher.” Eyebrows were raised, eyes blinked, and ears were trying to be popped to see if their hearing was right. “I know what you’re all thinking. A kindergarten teacher and a detective don’t mix but Walter is one of a kind. He’s everything I’m not. Brave, confident, and straightforward. He makes the world a safer place for everyone else and I think he has trouble accepting that type of gratitude.”
Your eyes remained on Walter as you spoke never breaking contact. He never liked the attention of others or receiving gratitude but you’d give it anyway.
“It’s my job.” He said back to you.
You raised your hand gently cupping the side of his cheek.
“I know but your passion and dedication to your cases show how good of a man you are.”
Everyone watched as Marshall allowed you to play with his wavy hair then trace your finger over his beard before his attention focused back on the batch of people watching you both. They all cleared their throats and looked away.
“So how’d you two meet?”
“Well,” you spoke with a prominent smile on your face. “It’s quite funny actually. We got into an argument over a parking spot, well my parking to be honest.” While you told the story Walter watched you and brushed your hair back, not caring who was watching. He was smitten for sure. “He waited until I got out of the store just to tell me that I was parked over the line so he couldn’t open his door to get in his truck. Which he could’ve used the other side to get in.” You playfully looked over to Walter to see him roll his eyes and shake his head.
“I wasn’t about to go through the trouble of going in on the passenger side when the driver’s side is there for a reason.”
“Anyways he was ranting and raving and being selfishly rude meanwhile I had been having a bad day. So I cussed him out.”
Walter sat up readjusting his arm around your shoulders. “She tried.”
You swatted at his chest and continued. “I make it a point to not cuss especially since I work with children and hardly care for that type of language so some of it came out....a bit more comical than what I was going for.”
Walter narrowed his brows recalling what exactly you had said that day. Remembering it quite clearly. It was the moment he knew he had to have you in his life.
“She said ‘fuck you, you motherfucker. You rude ass son of a bitch. Wait, that was too rude. I’m not mad at your mother. I’m mad at you. Asshole. Damn you for making me cuss.” Walter cocked his head with wide eyes to prove his point that he was probably more confused than offended when that happened. Walter picked up his beer and took a long drink before he continued. “That’s when I asked her out.”
Eyes now looked to you when Walter gave no indication of continuing the story.
“I said no, of course. Then I kept seeing him at that same store in the same spot at the exact time I was there.”
It was silent for a moment then someone spoke. “You realize Marshall was probably stalking you.”
“I wasn’t.”
“He was.”
You and Walter spoke at the same time. You both looked at each other locking gazes. “I know we’re completely different but I love that about us. He’s daring and bold and I’m sweet and caring. We make up for what the other lacks so I’m hoping our little one will inherit both of our traits.”
You rubbed the small bump of your stomach smiling when Walter looked down and placed his own hand over yours getting those goosebumps on your arms that never ceased since you met him.
“Little one? Wait, you’re pregnant.”
You gave an obvious, “yeah. Did Walter not tell everyone at the office?”
“No, not exactly.”
“Well do you know that we’ve been married for years now?”
From their obvious shock, you gave Walter a look. “Figures. He’s very private about things.” While everyone was basking in shock Walter kissed your lips then gave a smooch on your forehead. He moved closer to your ear and whispered, “I love you so much.”
It made you smile because on the outside looking in people wouldn’t have known how much this man loved you but in private, he was the most caring and loveable man you’ve ever met. He loved his daughter from his first marriage and he was beyond ecstatic and nervous, but happy nonetheless to go through it again only this time with you.
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lizseos · 3 years
Requested by: @gay4loonazone
A/N: hellooo sorry for the long wait i was busy with school but i hope you enjoy! also, this is my very first reaction so please be kind lol ^^
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Yujin would be very, very excited. Like she wouldn’t be able to stay still AT ALL. 
She was shaking your shoulders back and forth when her parents asked her to bring you over for dinner. She thought it would be the time she’d finally introduce you to them (as her girlfriend). You, on the other hand, would be very nervous. Thoughts such as “what if they don’t like me?” or “what if they don’t approve of our relationship?” would start to fill your head, but Yujin would always be there to reassure you that everything’s going to be fine.
And surprisingly, she was right. There wasn’t anything to worry about because her parents immediately loved you, and Yujin was more than happy about that.
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Xiaoting would feel the need to take you back home with her to China. She wouldn’t want you to meet her parents over the phone because, according to her, it would ruin the rush of adrenaline and anxiety (lol). She even went as far as buying plane tickets on the same night she talked to you about it. Rich girl things. You tried bargaining with her saying that you weren’t ready yet or that the plane ticket was too expensive, but she would be quick to shush you and tell you it will be okay.
“There’s nothing to worry about. I promise.”
Xiaoting gave you an I told you so look when you found yourself enjoying her parents’ company.
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Having a long-distance relationship is challenging, but you and Mashiro somehow always managed to push through. You’d both talk to each other through Facetime for HOURS, so here you are now hesitating to pick up the phone because you were meeting her parents tonight. Taking a deep breath, you pressed the green button and were immediately met by a grinning Mashiro. 
Oh gosh, she’s beautiful.
She would be very excited and would ask you if you were ready to meet them, but you would frantically say no. She would laugh at your response and say it’s going to be okay. If ever you started to doubt yourself, she would remind you of how much you mean to her. 
“What if they don’t like me? I might not meet their standards-.”
“Shh, my standards are high and you seem to perfectly meet all of them. I’m sure they’ll love you like I do, silly.”
And they did. :)
(p.s. Mashiro ended the call with an “I love you.”)
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Chaehyun would be more nervous than you, lol. You were surprisingly calm about the whole situation, so it shocked you to see Chaehyun stuttering in front of her parents while she introduced you as her girlfriend. To her relief, Mr. and Mrs. Kim wholeheartedly supported your relationship, and so, she couldn’t hold back her smile anymore. 
She pulled you away from the dining table, and when the both of you reached the empty hallway, she tiptoed to plant a kiss on your cheek.
“Woah, where did the confidence come from? Weren’t you just a stuttering baby a while ago?” 
Chaehyun playfully rolled her eyes at you, pretending to be annoyed, but ended up pulling you in for a hug.
“I was so afraid they wouldn’t accept, you know…us. But thank God they did.” She sighed in relief. 
The both of you stayed in that position for a while before Chaehyun lifted her head to meet your eyes, whispering, “I love you.”
You smiled. “I love you too.”
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Dayeon would be sooo chill about it. She would just treat it like another casual dinner with her parents, except there’s a twist that made you anxious. She would simply laugh it off whenever you’d start getting nervous (because she knew something you didn’t), but of course, she would comfort you right after. It wouldn’t have been bearable for her to see you worrying about such things, so she would hold you close and say, “Hey, there’s nothing to worry about. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” 
And like magic, you’d instantly calm down.
Turns out, Dayeon’s parents already knew about your relationship. No wonder why she was laughing at you for worrying about absolutely nothing! Both of you were relieved when her parents said that they fully support your relationship, but you immediately got shy because, according to them, they would start calling you their daughter-in-law! (help)
“Mom and Dad, stop, please!” Dayeon had her face buried in her hands in an attempt to hide her burning face. (hehe, cute)
After more hours of bonding, the day ended with Dayeon dropping you home with a goodnight peck.
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Hikaru would ask you to go visit Japan for her. You weren’t aware you were meeting her parents the moment you arrived because everything was unplanned. She didn’t expect it either. 
And here you were, frozen like a statue in front of her house’s doorstep because her parents opened the door for you instead of Hikaru. After what felt like hours of you and her parents staring awkwardly at each other, Hikaru finally appeared in front of you. It seemed as if you forgot about everyone else when she rushed to embrace you in a tight hug. After months of separation, she finally got to see you. 
Her parents stood confused in the corner, downing the sight of their daughter clinging to a stranger. It’s because you both kept your relationship a secret since Hikaru wasn’t too sure if her parents allowed these kinds of things or not. 
Afterward, Hikaru would notice her parents slowly warming up to you, and she felt all the weight on her shoulders crumble when she finally introduced you as her girlfriend. Inevitably, it surprised her parents, but they were still very accepting of your relationship. Not to mention, Hikaru would squeal internally at the sight of you enjoying your time with her family.
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Bahiyyih would introduce you to her parents with no warning. Like she would ask if you wanted to come over to her place, and you’d agree without a second thought.
Oh, if only you had thought that through...
Because meeting Bahiyyih’s parents then, getting introduced to them as her girlfriend was never a part of tonight’s plans.
Bahiyyih only laughed upon seeing your face fall into a mortified expression when you found yourself standing in front of her whole family.
She would boldly introduce you as her girlfriend and would start bragging to her siblings about how lucky she was and how single they were. Out of sheer embarrassment, you would attempt to stop her before she gets to open her mouth again, but to no avail.
Her parents, although, were delighted to see how happy their daughter was with you, and they were more than quick to approve of your relationship.
Poor Kai and Lea TT
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If Youngeun wasn’t already hyper and playful enough, you wouldn’t have expected her parents to be as loud and playful as her. Your nervousness washed away the moment you saw her parents because, believe it or not, they were wearing onesies along with Youngeun! (it was a welcoming tradition, she said)
You were anxious about meeting them, but Youngeun kept reassuring you that her parents would so sooo like you.
“If you can keep up with my humor, then my parents would definitely love you.”
Oh boy, and was she right. 
You spent the entire afternoon gasping for air after every dad joke she and her father threw at you. Well, you finally found out where Youngeun got her sense of humor from. 
“Your girlfriend jokes well with us. You should marry her Youngeun.”
And Youngeun would whine and bury her head in your neck to hide how flustered she is, and you’d only coo at her for being so adorable.
Then the four of you spent the rest of the day browsing Youngeun’s baby photos, mostly you teasing her and her getting all pouty and shy.
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Yeseo would be such a cute baby omg. She would get in front of you (to shield you from her parents if ever they try to hurt you, she says, but she knows they never will) with the most serious expression ever. She would try her best to look tough, although she was shorter than everybody else in the room😭. You couldn’t contain yourself from giggling. And that made Yeseo lose character. You’d notice how she tries to keep herself composed but fails each time because she would laugh in between her sentences. Her making eye contact with you wouldn’t help either, because the both of you would just burst out laughing.
Yeseo’s parents would think the both of you are very weird, but they didn’t mind. They accepted your relationship anyway.
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zablife · 2 years
A Simple Life
Summary: Jack Nelson's domestic situation is complicated.
Author's Note: A quick blurb I wrote about Jack's exploits. I don't want to give too much away, but this is an idea I've been thinking about for a long time.
Warning: Mention of cheating
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You smiled as you listened to the dinner conversation between your oldest child and your husband. Patrick was explaining why he should have a paper route and Jack was listening quietly, pretending he had to be persuaded while he secretly enjoyed the idea. Jack loved the fact that Patrick showed ambition at such a young age. He liked to think of Patrick following in his footsteps, continuing the family business one day. 
When they were through discussing the details, Mary spoke up next. “Daddy, my dance recital is…”
“The fourteenth. I know, baby. I wouldn’t forget something that important,” Jack smiled at his youngest child. She had started ballet lessons this year and it was of the utmost importance to have her father attend her end of the year recital. “I’ll be back from my trip the Monday before, hmm?” He said standing up from the table. She nodded eagerly, eyes shining brightly back at her father. It was clear she adored him.
Taking his cue, the twins stood as well, rushing to Jack shouting, “Is it time? Is it time?” 
Jack let out a hearty laugh, “Yeah, it’s time. Help your mother clear the dinner plates and I’ll turn on the radio.” Their favorite program was coming on in fifteen minutes and they were eager to listen. You and Jack would sit on the sofa as the children played on the floor. Patrick would sometimes ask Jack to play chess, but he didn’t this evening. It was a quiet night and you enjoyed snuggling under Jack’s arm after finishing the dishes. He rubbed slow gentle circles into your shoulder and you hummed contentedly along with the music.
Later as you tucked the children into bed, Jack watched you with a proud look. He placed a kiss to the top of your head as you pulled the door closed and you both slipped quietly down the hall to your bedroom.
“I have to pack my bag and get a car tonight. I’m sorry, doll,” he said apologetically. You frowned and he captured you in his arms kissing you passionately. “When I get back we’re gonna have one helluva reunion, though,” he said smirking at you with that charm you loved so much. You nodded, peppering his face with kisses before helping him pack a bag.
You waved him off from the front porch, pulling your cardigan around your body in the chilly night air. For the next two weeks you would only receive sporadic phone calls to ease your loneliness, but Jack always made up for it when he returned.
An hour later, Jack got out of the taxi and paid the driver. Stifling a yawn, he retrieved his suitcase and found his keys. He opened the door to the house and kicked off his shoes as quietly as possible which was hard considering the dog came to greet him as soon as he entered. “Shh, quiet boy,” he scolded softly.
He tiptoed into the master bedroom and undressed quickly, slipping under the covers. He slid behind her and nuzzled his nose into her sweet smelling hair waking her gently. She roused slowly and turned with a smile, “Baby, you’re home!” she said with obvious delight. 
“Yeah, made it back a day early. I told you I would, kitten,” he cooed at her. Rubbing a hand over her stomach he asked, “How’s the baby?” 
“Fine, we’re just fine, daddy,” she said sweetly. 
“And, Andrew, how’s he sleeping these days?” he asked of his two year old son. 
“He’s doing better…God, I’m just so glad you’re home,” she said, turning in his arms to give him a welcome home kiss. “Please don’t be gone so long next time,” she pouted.
“Baby, you know I have to. Work is rough right now and you like living in this house, right?” he said massaging her arms.
“I know, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel guilty. You work so hard for us,” she said. “Let’s go to sleep. I promised Andrew I’d take him to the park tomorrow,” she said with a yawn. "Can you come with us?" she asked hopefully. Jack nodded and she squealed.
Jack tucked her under his arm and felt her drift off to sleep as he wondered how he had gotten himself in so deep when all he ever wanted was a simple life.
Tag list: @retromafia, @shelbydelrey, @daddyjack-nelson, @theshelbyslimited, @kittycatcait219, @peakyrogers, @renderedspeechless, @slytherisstuff, @violaobanion
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Dean’s Day
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Summary: The reader is missing Dean one day. Jensen decides she doesn’t have to miss him at all and allows the reader, and even Dean, the opportunity to have a fun day together...
Pairing: Jensen x reader, Dean x reader
Square: Quote C “Shh, don’t worry, I’ll take very good care of you.”
Word Count: 1,500ish
Warnings: language, nudity
A/N: Written for @supernatural-jackles​​ Tell Me A Story Bingo and all my Dean girls out there...
“Hey,” said Jensen. He leaned over the back of the lounger in the home office, resting his chin on top of your head. “Whatcha reading?”
“Fanfic,” you said, scrolling up on your tablet a smidge.
“Is it that smutty one that you sent me yesterday that has that epic cliffhanger?” he asked. “I’m still waiting for that chick to update.”
“Patience is a virtue. And no, this is a short story,” you said, bookmarking it when you got to the bottom. Jensen plucked it out of your hands before you knew it though and quickly was frowning. 
“This is a finale rewrite,” he said, handing it back to you. “You still pissed over that ending huh.”
“Not as pissed as I was. But I just won’t ever like it. I just...don’t like to think that Dean never really got to live a normal safe life. It wasn’t fair to him.”
“No it wasn’t. I wish he got better,” he said. He smiled and sat down beside you, taking out his phone. He tapped for a moment before showing it to you, a mostly black image on the screen but a few words making your eyes widen. “Back in Black. I thought it was a fitting title for the reboot.”
“They’re remaking the show already?” you said. You scowled and he started to laugh. “It’s been less than a-“
“My reboot. Our reboot. Honey ain’t nobody else gonna do my boy justice,” he said. You took the phone out of his hands and stared at the image longer.
“Is that a devil’s trap in the fading?” you asked. He hummed and took the phone back. “Wait. I-”
“That’s enough spoilers for one day,” he said. He kissed your temple and you stood up, Jensen already heading out of the room. “So glad I didn’t tell you about Dean’s girlfriend.”
“Dean’s getting a girlfriend!” you said, bouncing up and down on your toes. “Like, a real relationship?”
“Maybe,” he said with a big ass smirk. “It’s all in pre-production right now. A select few are brainstorming ideas. But I’m not telling you more. I want you to be spoiler free and enjoy it like everybody else.”
“Spoiler free didn’t work out so well last time,” you said. He shrugged and rocked back on his heels. “Alright, alright. Spoiler free.”
“Awesome. Oh. I gotta duck out for like the rest of the day. I’ll catch you tonight,” he said. 
“Uh,” you said, Jensen already gone. He headed upstairs and you looked around, trying to figure out what prank he was pulling on you today. Nothing seemed off and by the time you were upstairs and getting to your bedroom door, Jensen was stepping out in a different flannel and t shirt. “I mean I don’t mind if you have plans for the day. I-“
“I don’t got any plans sweetheart,” he said.
“You just said-“
“Who just said?” You raised an eyebrow, taking a beat for it all to click. That specific flannel with that specific shirt. That specific slight drop in his voice. 
“Yeah he’s gonna be back later. He said you get me today to do with as you please,” he smirked. 
“Shh, don’t worry, I’ll take very good care of you.” He pressed a finger to your lips and pecked a quick kiss to your cheek. You stared at him and he clasped his hands behind his back, twirling his hips as he stood in place.
“Yes?” he asked. 
“So you’re Dean today,” you said. He hummed and nodded, lifting up onto his tip toes and falling back down. “And I can do whatever I want to you.”
“Yup,” he said, popping his p.
“Alright, Dean. How you still alive after that finale? Something to do with Back in Black I heard?” You grinned and he narrowed his eyes, a sliver of Jensen coming through.
“Oh that’s on a need to know basis sweetheart. Just know I ain’t gone anywhere,” he said. “Alive and kicking. You gonna play it that way today cause our mutual friend gave me permission to do as I please too if you start acting up.”
“Dean, sweetie,” you said. “You’re an even bigger bottom than Jensen. Let’s not pretend you aren’t.”
You patted his ass as you walked past, humming and slipping out of the room. 
“Come on Dean. I have things I want to do with you today.”
“Oh Dean,” you called from where you lounged in your chair beside the pool. Dean waggled a few fingers from where he floated around on a mat in the water, eyes shut behind a pair of sunglasses. “Would you like to order some sandwiches for lunch? It’s supposed to rain soon.”
“Alright,” he said with a stretch.
“Head on up to the bathroom for me. I’ll be there in just a minute,” you said. He hummed and rolled off the float, swimming and dragging along the mat until he took it out and tossed it in the pool toy box tucked against the fence. He headed inside wrapped in his towels while you picked up a few things. You stopped in the kitchen and put in an order for an hour from then, heading on upstairs, the house darker with the clouds rolling in.
You found him in the bathroom, swim shorts and towel in the basket, halfway into the shower. A tsk left your lips and he froze, looking back over his shoulder. 
“No, no,” you said. You went to the tub and turned on the water, getting it to a nice temperature and plugging it. Your bathing suit came off and you gathered up his shampoo and conditioner from the shower along with your body wash. “Dean.”
You held out a hand and he took it, allowing you to pull him into the rising water with you, a smidge of Jensen coming through as he realized what you were about to do, an experience he himself had had more than once when he got too stressed out.
“What’s up sweetheart?” he said, leaning closer as if he didn’t already know the answer.
“Close your eyes,” you said. He shut his and you turned him around, sliding him back against your chest. You wrapped one arm around his waist and he let out a sigh. “When’s the last time you took a bath Dean?”
“No idea. Probably a kid,” he said, resting his head back as you started to scoop water up and over his hair to get it wet. “You gonna wash my hair?”
“Yes I am. I like to wash Jensen’s hair sometimes. He’s not so good about relaxing and letting himself be taken care of every once in a while.” He was quiet, humming softly. “He’s better about it lately though.”
“He appreciates it,” he said. You leaned forward and hit off the water, grabbing his shampoo. You squirted some in your hands and put it on his head, working it into a lather. “Feels nice.”
“Good. A spa day never hurt anyone, especially retired hunters,” you said. 
“You know, in the meantime, until you get a confirmation I mean, I think you should consider me alive and well.”
“Oh really? So what are you up to these days then?” you said, giving his scalp a good scrub that made him hum deeply.
“Been hanging with my boy a lot. Driving around. Golfing. Swimming. Boating. Concerts. He really loves you. He loves me too.”
“He’s pretty great,” you said.
“What about you sweetheart? You love me?”
“Yes I do.” You kissed his cheek and smiled. “What about you? You interested in any-“
“Sh. Back to bath cuddling,” he said. 
“Alright Dean. Whatever you want today.”
“You have some pretty nice cuddles I gotta say,” he said late that night as you lay in bed together. His head was resting on your shoulder, arm over your waist. “Thanks for today. Never really got to have a girl to take care of me before.”
“I’m always here if you ever want that again. Until you can get a girlfriend in the future at least,” you said.
“I’ll take you up on that. I’m always here if you need me too sweetheart,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, kissing his temple. “Tell Jensen thanks for today.”
“I will. I’ll see you around soon. Later sweetheart,” he said, lifting his head and giving you a soft, slow kiss. 
“Later Dean,” you said. You closed your eyes and heard him shift on the bed. “Hi Jensen.”
“Hi honey. How was your day?” he asked.  
“Good,” you said, smushing your face into his chest. “I love you so much.”
“Take care of our boy?” he asked.
“I know you did. I don’t know about you but I’m beat after that day of pampering,” he said.
“Honey. Thanks for that,” you said.
“I did it for him too,” he said. You hugged him and he returned it, snuggling into your side. “Night sweetheart.”
“Night Jens. And Dean.”
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uswntxfootball · 4 years
golden (ona batlle x nedwnt!reader)
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your crush on the spanish defender was blatantly obvious, so what happens when jackie introduces you to her?
word count: 1934 ish
rated: S for soft bros, I for idiocy, and C for chaotic.
you don’t know when your crush on her started.
probably from one of jackie’s story posts.
you’re not entirely sure.
but here you are, double tapping a like on the spanish defender’s new post.
“i’ve never seen someone like something so fast.”
you whip around to see jackie with a teasing smile.
“shut up,” you blush.
“you should let me introduce you to her i-“
“no i’m okay thanks.”
jackie quirks an eyebrow before huffing:
“i don’t understand why you don’t let me introduce you to her. for all you know you could’ve had a girlfriend by now.”
you let out a snort at that.
“yeah right.”
“alright whatever put down your phone and stop staring at her post we’ve got to get to training anyways.”
you shoot a glare at the midfielder, who rolls her eyes upon seeing your response.
and with that, jackie starts walking out of the room.
she makes it halfway down the hall before turning again, only to see you still in the room, staring down at your phone.
“all right all right i’m coming!”
you stiffen on the ground.
the room remains silent.
“you know i can see you right?”
you still don’t speak, opting to shuffle slowly and quietly out of the room instead.
you see jackie mute herself and turn in your general direction.
“come say hi or something instead of sitting there in the dark like a weirdo.”
jackie lets out a sigh in defeat and turns back to her computer at your silence.
“guess i’ll talk to her on my own then.”
the midfielder was on a manchester united zoom call, and you, you totally weren’t sneaking in to catch a glimpse of ona… no definitely not.
you continued backing out slowly, but suddenly you hear a heavy spanish accent and your head snaps up…
promptly hitting the table above you.
you slap your hand over your mouth half a second after your outburst.
jackie turns to you and has to stifle her laughter upon seeing you.
“you’re hopeless, you know that right?”
you let out a pained grunt from under the table, and jackie just shakes her head and laughs at you.
you hear jackie tell her call she’ll be right back and the chair is pulled out from in front of you.
when she ducks down to look at you, you’re rubbing your head and pouting, something that the midfielder finds very amusing.
“come say hi. i’ll introduce you.”
you shake your head vehemently, determined to not do what jackie suggested.
“you’re the most stubborn person i’ve ever met.”
“is that a compliment?”
“not really no.”
“well i’m pretending it is one.”
“well it’s really not.”
“shh go back to your meeting and let me pretend in peace.”
jackie jumps and almost drops her toothbrush in fear.
the panicked look on your face disappears temporarily as you laugh at her response, your action causing her to glare at you through the mirror.
“what do you want?”
the panicked look quickly returns.
“why didn’t you tell me about our next game?”
jackie furrows her eyebrows:
“what do you mean? why would i tell you? its not like you’re not at all our team meetings.”
“you know i don’t pay attention to what sarina’s saying ninety percent of the time!”
jackie shuts off the sink and spins around, flinging water in your face before saying:
“and how is that my problem?”
you grab her arm and jackie almost laughs at the expression on your face.
she finally asks:
“what’s wrong with this upcoming game?”
you groan and say:
“it’s against spain that’s what!”
jackie now does laugh, finding your panic funny and reveling in your frankly very sad pining.
“well now you’ll be able to see her in person rather than through a screen for once.”
you groan again, and jackie only laughs, pulling you into a hug before saying:
“now can i introduce you to her?”
you pout.
“you’re so annoying. why won’t you just let me introduce you to her?”
what you say next just makes jackie laugh out loud.
“cuz i’ll be a gay mess.”
she snorts.
“are you always this pathetic?”
you roll your eyes and shoot a glare at her.
“are you always this annoying?”
jackie scowls.
“watch your mouth. or i’ll talk to ona next game.”
well that sure shut you up.
your heart was beating frantically, to the point where you were surprised your teammates couldn’t hear it.
you were on the bus, on the way to your international friendly between the netherlands and spain.
and you.
you were losing your mind.
you look up when jill calls your name.
“you okay buddy? you look a little sick.”
jill’s concerned tone earned a snicker from jackie beside you, who you promptly kicked in the shin before turning back and smiling at jill, saying:
“yeah just nerves i guess.”
jill’s brows furrowed a little.
“it’s just a friendly dude, you’ll be fine. you’ll nail it.”
jackie adds quietly so only you can hear:
“that’s not the only thing she’ll be nail-ow!”
you elbow her in the ribs before giving jill an apologetic smile, your face sporting a bright red blush.
“thanks jill, appreciate it.”
jill nods slowly and apprehensively before turning back towards viv, the two forwards engaged in conversation once again.
you turn to jackie, who’s doubled over, pouting at you.
you roll your eyes.
“oh stop it you big baby.”
jackie scowls, then grins mischievously.
“i guess i’ll just talk to ona after the match today then…”
your eyes widened in panic.
“no no no i take it back i take it ba-“
“nope i’ve made up my mind.”
“please jackie let me- no- don’t i-“
jackie just sticks her tongue out at you and turns towards the window.
you tried so hard.
so so so hard not to make a fool of yourself on the pitch.
you ended up resorting to not even glancing in the full back’s direction in hopes that that would help.
it didn’t really.
it also didn’t help that the pitch was muddy and therefore slippery.
one can put two and two together.
there was one super embarrassing moment in the first half in which you had the ball and began making your way through the spanish midfield when you saw the number 2 making her way towards you.
you were so nervous in being close to her that she barely touched you and somehow you ended up on the ground.
the ball was put out of play a few seconds after, and the spanish defender stuck her hand out at you to help you up, whispering an “i’m sorry i didn’t mean to push you” which left a bright blush on your cheeks as you managed to get out:
“don’t worry i just slipped.”
but by the end of the game you were getting into your groove, and finally managed to function like a normal and coordinate person around her.
the game ended with a 3-1 win for the netherlands, 2 goals courtesy of viv and 1 from daan.
but all in all, you weren’t all too focused on the game.
you ran to jackie when the whistle blew.
the two of you talked a little bit about the game and slowly the people on the field fell into groups, club teammates saying hi to each other, and old friends finding a topic to talk about again.
you were walking backwards, as you were talking with jackie about the game, something that you did after every game.
you always trusted jackie to tell you if you were going to run into someone.
you should have remembered about that bus conversation.
you saw jackie look past you for a second and before you could turn to see what was ahead you body collided into someone else’s.
one look at jackie’s face and you knew who it was.
luckily for you, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, ona’s reactions were quick and promptly held onto your waist to stabilize you before you fell to the ground.
you face was flushed scarlet at the feeling.
jackie approached the two of you.
“ah perfect, y/n, ona, ona, y/n, the two of you talk, i’ve gotta go do something, bye!”
one of these days you were going to kill jackie.
the heavy spanish accent broke you out of your thoughts.
“hey i’m ona.”
you blushed at the proximity.
if you had thought that the spanish defender was pretty in photos, well jeez.
here up close you could see every freckle on her face, her eyelashes, and in all honesty it was too much for you.
you felt like you were going to pass out.
she still hadn’t let go of your waist and the two of you were inches apart from each other.
she seemed to realize this too and quickly let go.
“um i’m y/n..” you mumble, cursing yourself for your ineptitude to talk to people.
well maybe just really really really fucking pretty people.
one of ona’s brows quirked up as if she was thinking about something, and then she said:
“your voice sounds familiar.. you sound like- are you the one who cursed on that one united call?”
you looked down at the grass and blushed harder.
“yeah that would be me.”
ona let out a laugh that made your heart stop in your chest.
“well since jackie’s so keen for us to talk, why don’t we get a coffee sometime and do just that?”
your heart felt like it had disappeared at this point.
“you want to get coffee with me?!”
you cringed internally at how loud and enthusiastic your reply was.
the corners of ona’s mouth tugged up a little and she said:
“well of course, i don’t waste my time when i see something beautiful.”
so your heart was gone. long long long gone.
“y-i-um” you stuttered all over the place, unable to form a coherent sentence.
ona broke out into a full grin (which of course, just made you even weaker at the knees), and said:
“jackie was right, you are cute.”
you really were going to kill jackie one day.
you didn’t realize how quiet you had been until ona speaks up again.
“so about getting coffee…”
she looks up at you expectantly, and you open your mouth before closing it quickly, instead nodding ferociously, something that made ona laugh.
the two of you turn when ona’s name is called from across the field, to see mapi standing with an amused smirk on her face, yelling something in spanish you didn’t understand.
ona turns to you again.
“well i’ve got to go. i’ll text you about coffee?”
you nod and give her a timid wave.
“and it’s a date!”
you blush a little and nod again, not trusting your mouth to speak normally.
she’s halfway across the field when you shout after her:
“wait you don’t have my number!”
ona turns and gives you a one word response:
you roll your eyes and give her another wave before you turn towards your locker room, where you see jackie standing and watching you.
she mouths an “you’re welcome” in your direction.
you just shake your head.
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avenging-fandoms · 4 years
#7 I’ve missed you” kiss with Jeff 💚
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7: “I’ve missed you” kiss 
“just talk to him.. alright? i’ve never seen him like this. that fight you two had just made you both miserable, just please make up” david encouraged and you rolled your eyes, shrugging. 
“fine. i’ll talk to him. just stop bugging me about it, alright?” you huff and david smiled, hugging you from the side and you groan. “get off me you worm” you mumble and push him off, david laughing and going back to his laptop. you pull out your phone and tap on the conversation with jeff, your thumbs hovering over your phone. david snatched your phone and typed, sending a text. “david julian dobrik!” you gasp and hit his shoulder, taking your phone back. 
yn: we need to talk. come to david’s at 2
“you weren’t gonna do it so i did it for you” he shrugged and you sighed, the text bubbles popping up. 
jeff: Ok
you lock your phone and ran your hand down your face, shaking your head. “i can’t believe you did that, david. i’ll never forgive you for that” 
2 rolled around and a knock sounded on the front door. you fell asleep on david’s leg and the blanket tightly wrapped around you, david standing up and letting you lay on the couch still. you pretending to still be sleeping, david and jeff talking a bit.
“that text was me before. we were talking about you two and i took her phone. but i know she really wants to talk to you, and you wanna talk to her. please don’t yell, alright?” 
“yeah, i know david. she always calls you dave in texts so i knew it wasn’t her” jeff smiled and you hid yours, david leaving the room and jeff sat next to you. you still pretended to be asleep, jeff’s fingers rubbing up and down the side of your face softly. “i don’t know if you’re deep in sleep or just faking, but i’m sorry for how i acted to you the other day. i shouldn’t have snapped on you when you just tried to talk to me. and i had no reason to be mad at you other than i didn’t want to be told that i had been hurting you, and in the process of that hurting you even more. but i am so.. so sorry yn”
you sat up and jeff’s eyes flickered over your face, his hand holding your cheek. you drop the blanket and scoot closer to him, looking at him. “i was pretending. but jeff.. i was already a little hurt from you not acknowledging my existence to you ignoring me completely for almost a week. and i know you’re sorry. but please let me talk to you about things that bother me, and i’ll let you talk to me about things that bother me”
“i’m sorry, yn” he whispered, letting out a sigh. “i really am. i’m disgusted in myself that i-”
“shh.. jeff..” you put your thumb over his lips, jeff looking at you and smiling. “i know. just kiss me” you smile and he leans forward, pressing his lips tightly against yours. your arms wrapped around his neck with his arms around your waist. 
“i’ve missed you so much, yn. i’ve missed all of you. i never want that to happen again” he whispered out of breath, your fingers in his hair. 
“i missed you more, ass” you wink and he chuckles, pushing you to the couch and kissing you harder than before. 
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fangirl-writes · 4 years
Roger Taylor x Reader
Warning(s): Smoking, swearing, references to sex.
Notes: DISCLAIMER - Fake Wife. Fake Child. All things said and implied in this fic are fictional and have nothing to do with real life. No hate towards any of Roger's Previous or Current Relationships.
I imagined 80s!Roger, but you can go for Ben!Rog if it suits your fancy.
(PS This Roger Can Fuck Me Up)
Summary: After Roger's son mistakenly calls you mom, Roger begins to realize some things about you.
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Roger was tired.
The moment he walked into the studio, you could tell.
His sunglasses were covering his eyes, but he was slightly hunched, his hair was a mess, and he only muttered a ‘morning’ instead of his usual boisterous announcement.
The other boys almost didn’t notice his arrival, too focused on tuning their instruments or going over some lyrics. It wasn’t until his son, Alexander, screamed at the sight of you did they look over.
“Hey, the little man is here,” Brian said with a smile as the boy let go of his father’s hand to fling himself into your outstretched arms.
You stood up and propped him on your hip before giving Roger a look. It wasn’t the first time he’d come in like this.
He turned away from you and started to head for the drum set.
“Hey,” you said, grabbing him abruptly by the elbow. “Are you okay?”
He didn’t meet your eyes through the dark sunglasses and was suddenly very interested in the color of the carpet. “Yeah, m’fine.”
“Really, Y/N, m’fine. Just drop it, okay?”
You released him, not satisfied with his answer, but you didn’t want to get him going this early in the morning. It wasn’t worth it.
Alexander pulled at your necklace to get your attention.
You smiled at him, pulling the chain gingerly from his fingers. “Let’s go sit down, and we can watch your daddy and uncles practice, okay?”
Alexander nodded excitedly, and you took a seat on the couch in the control room, so it wasn’t too loud for the little boy’s ears.
Alexander’s mother, Cheryl, wasn’t exactly the perfect wife and mother. She and Roger had been involved in an unhappy marriage for quite some time now. You absolutely loathed the woman.
At first, all the boys thought you were just jealous, but over time they came to see her for what she truly was and never doubted your judge of character ever again.
Cheryl was one of those women who liked the celebrity life more than the celebrity. She liked Roger for his money and his fame, not just because he was Roger. It was despicable. They fought nearly every night, Roger would sometimes drink himself into a stupor, and poor little Alexander would call you on the phone to tell you that “Daddy’s had too much juice.”
He never said anything about Cheryl, but she was never there when you came over.
You’d known Roger wanted her only for a good shag the moment you’d met her and he’d accidentally called her Crystal.
“Really, Rog, it’s never going to last if you can’t even remember the girl’s name. And honestly, she seems like a bitch.”
You and Roger were sat outside Freddie’s place, passing a cigarette between you.
He glared at you. “Oh? And what’s your fuddy-duddy boyfriend’s name again? George? Jacob?”
“Jeremy, actually. But I’ll tell you a secret,” You said, leaning closer to the drummer. “I don’t think it’s going to last either.”
You took a drag from the ciggy.
“Shall we bet on it then?”
You laughed, the smoke exhaling from your mouth. “What?”
“Bet on it. Whichever of us dumps our piece first owes the other. Mm. Twenty?”
“Twenty?” You leaned even closer to him, nose to nose and voice just above a whisper. “Quite low for a Rockstar, don’t you think?”
Roger hummed in agreement, looking at your lips with desire behind his eyes. “Perhaps...”
You ran a finger across his jawline. “Unless, of course, you desire something else from this bet?”
He licked his lips before taking the bottom one between his teeth. “Maybe I do...”
“And what would that be?”
“I think you know very well what that would be.”
“Do I? Maybe I need a reminder.”
“Ah, a reminder...”
He was so close now. You could smell the scotch he’d stolen from Freddie’s cabinet on his breath over the tobacco. It was as intoxicating as the drink.
He was about to inch forward again when-
“ROGIE!” Cheryl called from inside. “Where have you gone?”
You scowled as Roger immediately pulled back from you and took the cigarette from your fingers, taking one last drag before snuffing it out with his shoe.
“Coming, er-”
Of course, you’d lost the bet because Cheryl became pregnant, and you didn’t think you could stand Jeremy for another nine months. Sometimes you thought he married her just to spite you.
You were a different woman then, and he was a different man. You grow up, and you change, and you get over petty feelings for someone you couldn’t have.
“It doesn’t fucking need slowing down! God, it’s fucking creeping at the moment!” Roger shouted.
The boys began bickering back and forth, causing Alexander to stir in your arms.
You laid the boy out on the couch and entered the recording room. “Would you be quiet! Alexander just got to sleep, and you’re arguing over a stupid pacing problem. Pick it up, slow it down, who the hell cares! Just be quiet.”
Brian and Roger shared a look before muttering to themselves and returning to their instruments.
“Thanks, mum,” John called from his chair. 
You stuck your tongue out at him.
Roger pulled off his sunglasses to rub a hand down his face, and you caught a glimpse of the dark circles under his eyes. You frowned. Oh, how you wished you’d been wrong.
He caught your eye, looking guiltily away from you. Confirming all of your suspicions.
“I think we should take a break,” Freddie said, noticing your silent conversation.
All the boys seemed to agree and put their instruments down to follow you into the other room.
You picked up Alexander again and he moved against you.
“Shh, it’s okay, buddy, go back to sleep.”
The boy cooed against you, snuggling into your shoulder. “m’kay, mommy,”
Your mouth dropped open, Brian ran into the control board, John dropped his newspaper, Freddie’s eyes were wide, and Roger looked like he was going into shock.
You cleared your throat and rubbed Alexander’s back, swaying back and forth to put him back to sleep. Too surprised to say anything.
Roger seemed in the same boat because he wouldn’t stop staring at you, even after he’d sat down. It made you slightly nervous.
“Where’s Cheryl today?” Freddie asked, barely hiding the smile on his face behind his coffee cup.
You glared at him. He pretended not to notice.
“She uh-” Roger still wouldn’t stop looking at you. “Went out with some friends...I think. Wasn’t home when I got up.”
You scoffed. Of course, she wasn’t. Was she ever there?
Roger had just come to the same conclusion. It was no wonder his son called you mommy. When was the last time Alexander ever woke up to Cheryl being there? Or when he went to sleep? He couldn’t remember.
But he could remember you being there.
He guiltily remembers all the nights that Cheryl drives him to drink, and Alex has to call you for help. No little boy should have to use the phone, let alone memorize your number.
But you always came.
He started to wonder how many dates you had to cancel, how many friends you had to bail on. Just because Roger couldn’t get ahold of himself.
Had you always been that beautiful? He wondered, watching you stroke Alexander’s head. ‘Course you had. He could remember in the early days when you and him...
“I think I’m gonna divorce her.”
The words were out of his mouth before he had a chance to think about it.
Brian choked on his coffee, John looked up from the newspaper with his eyebrows raised, and Freddie looked positively gleeful.
You were looking at him with wide-eyes.
“Is that so?” Freddie replied, barely hiding his joy. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. You know, I always thought you and Y/-”
Brian elbowed him in the ribs.
The tables had now turned. You were avoiding Roger’s eyes while he stared at you intently.
Suddenly, a memory came flooding back to Roger. One blocked by his drunken brain.
“Roger,” You said, shaking his shoulder. “Come on, Rog, talk to me,”
Instead of replying, he garbled something sort of like words and you sighed.
“Well, at least you’re not dead. Come on,” You threw his arm over your shoulder and hefted him from his seat at the kitchen table.
Roger grumbled. “Alex...where’s-”
“He’s in bed. He called me.” There was bite in your voice, but he was too drunk to really notice.
“Mmmm...good. Always so good, y/n.”
You rolled your eyes. “God, you need a shower. Vodka, really? Picked the fucking worst thing to get wasted on.”
You dragged him into the nearest bathroom and dropped him in the shower before turning on the cold water.
“Bloody hell!” Roger yelled and you smacked your hand over his mouth.
“Keep shouting and you’re gonna wake up your son. Bet he’d be really overjoyed to see his father sitting in a shower fully clothed. Bet he’d ask a lot of questions-”
He smacked your hand away. “Yeah, yeah, I get it.”
“Good. Now undress.”
He seemed to get shy for a moment, surprised by your request.
You rolled your eyes. “Come on, Rog, you can’t do this yourself, and it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before.”
Seeing your logic, he relented and started undressing. Pulling his shirt over his head and handing it to you.
You smiled at him, taking it and setting it on the counter next to the sink.
He fiddled with his belt, grumbling as his fingers wouldn’t remember the action  that they’d done a thousand times before.
You set your hands on his gently. 
He looked up at you. “Let me.”
He dropped his hands and watched dumbly (and a little embarrassedly) as you undid his belt easily and pulled down his trousers.
Normally, he’d make a joke or cheeky remark about you wanting to get into his pants, but something about that night seemed to screw his mouth shut long enough for his eyes to really see you.
When he was finally naked (there was some trouble with the socks, he fell, you laughed, Roger cursed, you told him to shut up), you turned on the water again as he sat on the floor of the shower.
Roger swore under his breath. “Still gotta be fuckin’ freezing?”
“Yes. It’ll help sober you up,”
He pouted as you sat back down with the shampoo, conditioner, and soap, crossing your legs under you.
You placed a hand on his shoulder and gently pushed him back underneath the stream of water to wet his hair. “You really need to stop doing this. One day, I might not be available.”
Roger hummed in response as you guided him back forward, removing your hand to pour the shampoo into it. “I know.”
You rubbed your hands together to make suds before running your fingers into his hair. “Honestly, I don’t know why you don’t just divorce Cheryl. She’s never there for you, and she’s definitely not there for Alexander like I-”
You didn’t continue, blushing mildly, but Roger understood what you were gonna say. ‘Like I am.’
Your fingers lathered the shampoo over his scalp and massaged his head. He felt like he was on cloud nine at the feeling of your hands running through his hair.
He whined when you stopped and you grinned. “Gotta rinse, ya big baby,”
He did as he was told, leaning back into the water without your help.
You smiled before getting up and sitting on the edge of the tub to help him get all of it out as well as washing the suds from your hands.
You repeated the notion with the conditioner.
“Think you can handle washing your body without help?”
Roger smirked. “I don’t know. I might need you to come and shower with me. Only way to really get me all.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, you’re definitely sober now. I’ll get you some new clothes and throw the other ones in the laundry.”
Roger missed you when you left.
He missed the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
It was weird. You two had had sex in the past, but it felt like that was the most intimate thing that you’d done. Roger felt taken care of. He hadn’t felt like that since...well since he was a kid.
Cheryl had never made him feel that way. They hadn’t even ever showered together, their intimacy was only sexual, it wasn’t loving or soft like-
Like you.
"Roger? Hey, Roger!”
He snapped out of his daze as Brian clicked his fingers in front of his face.
“You zoned out on us there, buddy, you okay?”
Roger blinked rapidly for a minute. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. I was just lost in thought, I guess.”
“Please,” You finally spoke up. “You’re tired, Roger. We’ve all noticed.”
But you were the only one who would say anything.
“Y/N I-” He stopped. Unsure of what to say.
You were looking at him expectantly, curiosity filling your pretty (e/c) eyes. Did they always shine like that before?
“I- uh...” Why couldn’t he say anything? Why was it so hard to say what he was feeling? Was it because the guys were right there?
You sighed. “Roger, I really need to pee, so if you could take Alexander while you figure out what it is you need to say to me.”
You handed Alex gently over to Roger’s arms, the little boy’s sleep going uninterrupted. 
You left the room, and once you were out of earshot, all the boys turned to Roger with raised eyebrows.
“Are you okay?” John asked.
“What? Of course, I am, what do you mean?”
“Well, for starters, Alexander called Y/N ‘mommy,’ and then you totally shut down. Like you stared at her for a good fifteen minutes.”
Roger felt the heat rise to his cheeks.
“Then you said you were going to divorce that retched Cheryl, which I hope you were serious about, by the way,” Freddie said.
“Of course, I was serious about it. I think it’s time I got rid of ‘er. Honestly, Y/N’s been telling me for years-”
All the boys started grinning.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything else?”
“What? Do you menaces want me to say I’m in love with Y/N? Because you already fucking know that.”
Brian handed John a few bills.
Freddie clapped his hands together. “Well, finally! Honestly, I’ve been waiting for you two darlings to get together and honestly-”
“Fred!” You scolded, coming back into the room just as Alexander sat up from Roger’s chest.
“Daddy?” The boys said sleepily. “Daddy, where’s mommy?”
You frowned. “Alexander, you’re mommy is-”
“Right here,” Roger said, making you look at him with surprise.
Alexander gestured with his hands for you and you picked him up off of Roger, who was grinning ear to ear.
“You think you’ll ever want to be a mother?” Roger asked, running his fingertips along your arm. The two of you were laying in his bed, cuddled up together, his gray sheets the only thing covering your bodies.
“That’s an odd question, considering,”
He rolled his eyes. “Just answer,”
“Someday, yes, with the right guy,” You replied. “What about you? Any plans on becoming a daddy?”
He smirked at you. “Well, I mean, occasionally-”
You lightly smacked his chest. “You know what I mean.”
He chuckled a moment before looking down at you. “Yeah. Someday. Not soon, though. My life’s too unpredictable right now. I’m hardly in one place.”
You hummed. “You still find time for me.”
He kissed your temple. “I’ll always find time for you.”
“And I’ll always be there for you,”
Looking back on it, Roger had been in love with you even back then. Friends didn’t do what you two did. What a fool he was for not acting on it. Perhaps he’d been afraid of love.
But, now, looking at you, he wasn’t afraid at all. His heart was full.
“Roger, what’re you-”
“Can I talk to you? Outside?”
You nodded, not about to turn him down.
You passed Alexander to John before following Roger out of the studio.
You stopped just out front and watched as he dug into his pocket and pulled out his lighter and package of cigarettes, taking one out before offering the pack to you.
You shook your head. “I don’t do that anymore.”
He smiled, stuffing them back into his trousers and lighting the cig. He breathed in deeply before exhaling, the white smoke falling from his lips. “I shouldn’t.”
“I know. I’ve told you,”
You had a strange sense of Deja Vu as you watched Roger smile, pressing the cigarette to his lips.
You shivered, crossing your arms, goosebumps crawling up them.
“Here,” Roger shrugged off his leather jacket and draped it over your shoulders.
Accepting the offer, you slid your arms in the sleeves and pulled it tight. It was surprisingly warm and smelled like his cologne.
He reached over and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers.
You looked over at him as he took another drag from the cigarette.
Suddenly frustrated, you plucked it from his fingers and extinguished it with the heel of your boot. 
He turned to you, surprised, sunglasses covering his eyes. You reached up and pulled them off, revealing his tired blue eyes to you.
You sighed, reaching up and running your fingers through his soft hair. “What are you doing, Roger?”
“Trying to work up the guts to tell you I love you.”
You were shocked, hand stilling at the back of his neck. “You- you do?”
He smiled. “I think I always have. Just never realized it until now.”
You laughed, tears coming to your eyes. “I don’t know what to say,”
“How about that you love me too?” Roger replied, his own eyes watering.
“I love you. Rog, I’ve loved you for years.”
He pressed his forehead against yours, a soft laugh passing his lips. “Well, that’s a relief. If only that was it. If only we were ten years younger and I was gonna take you back to my hotel room and show you exactly how much I love you.”
You laughed. “Sorry, Rockstar,” - you placed the sunglasses back on his head - “but you’ve got a kid I adore to take care of and a nasty wife to divorce.”
“Ah, well, right now, all I wanna do is kiss you like I’m twenty-five.”
He leaned closer to you, nose bumping with his. His breath smelled like tobacco, but it was the furthest thing from your mind.
“And perhaps I’ll let you,”
This was all he needed before advancing the last few inches and pressing his lips to yours.
It was different than how you had kissed in the past. This was new. It was full of love and longing. It made your heart ache with happiness as you clung to him.
Roger sighed into the kiss, absolutely blissful. You tasted sweet, just like he remembered. His hands slid up your back, the leather of his jacket cold against his fingers.
“Mommy! Daddy!”
It almost pained Roger to pull away from you.
You grinned, turning around to see Alexander running out of the door towards you. John was standing in the doorway, mouthing an apology as Brian and Freddie peaked over his shoulder.
You bent down, brought the little boy into your arms, and stood back up to look at Roger.
He couldn’t help but smile as his two favorite people beamed at him.
Roger ruffled Alexander’s hair, making him giggle.
Freddie grinned from behind John. “What a perfect family.”
Brian shook his head with a small laugh. “It’s not over yet.”
“Far from it,” John added.
Freddie waved their comments off. “Well, right now, I think they look pretty happy. In fact, Brian, would you do the honors?”
Brian brought his camera to his eye and snapped a photo. 
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xgiannax · 4 years
Hey❕ I’ve just felt so terrible for the past few days, I have a head cold😕 which kinda scared me at first because with everything going on with the virus I kinda forgot that it was possible to be ‘regular sick’ if that makes sense? Idk 😭
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🦋The Dare Master🦋
“Hey, Y/N!” Kaminari pulled you in for a side hug and you gasped feigning shock
“Woah dude, what is that?! There’s this really strong force surrounding you. Almost like...The Force” he looked at you as if you were insane which made the girls relaxing in the lounge behind you snicker silently
“The Force? Y/N, what are you on? That stuffs not real-“
“Of course it is, why do you think magnets move toward each other so strongly?” You stumbled 100% sure that you would fail, there’s no way he’s going for this you groaned biting your lips.
“Yeah right, Y/N! Magnets come together because of magnetic force-.....FORCE! HOLY COW” Jirou almost cracked laughing loudly into a pillow on the lounge couch, You ignored her and shushed him quickly pulling him in by his arm
“Shh Shh! Listen, Denki. I don’t know how to say this, but I think you might have The Force” his eyes went wide looking around the room “Here, let’s start small. You see that empty cup in front of Ashido? Knock it over”
The two of us turned toward the group of girls and they quickly acted ‘natural’. He stared intently at the cup, Momo nudged the corner of the coffee table near her sending the cup flying to the ground rather convincingly. He quickly paled, you looked up at him stunned
“What if my power falls into the wrong hands? Does this mean the fate of the world is up to me?! *sigh* I guess today I’ve become a man. I’ve got to go, Y/N. I’ve got some..thinking, to do.” He brooded almost comically and disappeared toward the boys hallway, when he was out of ear shot all the girls erupted into laughter and a few cheers
“There is no damn way you actually just pulled that shit off!” Jirou shouted through laughter, you smirked
“I told y’all, truth or dare master. At this rate, I’m gonna be rich” your smug reply made Ashido squint mischievously, and something told you you weren’t gonna like what came next
“Hold on, hold on before the next person takes their turn... since you’re the ‘dare master’ your turn isn’t over, let’s make it all or nothing? “ you nodded skeptically
“Okay? What’s the dare?” Her grin widened
“Ignore your boyfriend, for the rest of the day” You paled, mouth instantly falling open
“What?! It’s only 3 o’clock now, so for how long?!”
“Until 9pm” all the girls ‘oooo’ed “Yep. She can’t do it”
“I can!” You protested
“Bet money you can’t, if you loose you owe us each 3$” she countered pulling out 3 singles from her pocket and slamming it on the coffee table, all the other girls followed doing the same thing.
“So? What’s it’s gonna be? Better choose quick here comes Kirishima now, you know Bakugou isn’t far behind him”
“Fine!” You hissed at her through clenched teeth
“Mhm. Meet here at 8:30, so that we can prove that you didn’t cheat. If you even make it that long”
“You’re on-“
“Y/N! Hey, how’s our gourgous girlfriend doing!?” You heard a angry growl and a thud shortly after “Ouch, okay okay I was kidding she’s only yours!” When you turned back all of the other girls had vanished accept for Momo, a witness you guessed. You piped up instantly and glanced at the clock
3:22 pm
“Hey, Kiri! What have you been up to?” He sat in front of you while your boyfriend slid comfortably beside you and grabbed your waist, nudging your neck with his nose to greet you. You wanted to melt. Even though the man was aggressive and angry most of the time, when it came to you touch was definitely his love language. Maybe this wouldn’t be so hard, he didn’t seem to be in a talking mood today. Pshh I got this. You thought smugly
7:00 pm
You absolutely and positively do not have ‘this’. This was unbelievably hard and was only getting worse as the day progressed, he sent you meme after meme and it was taking everything in you not to respond to his text messages. You picked your phone up off the table and felt a pang in your heart, 30 missed text messages and 9 missed calls from him. There was a knock on your door and you knew it was him, so you forced yourself not to open it. But of course, he let himself in with the spare key and saw you laid across the bed
“Hey, dumbass. What the hell are you doing that you can’t text me back or answer me?!” He asked in his typical aggressive voice, you didn’t acknowledge him and continued to scroll through you phone. He slammed the door behind him and stormed in
“What is your issue, Y/N seriously” again, nothing. “Did I do something?” He asked gruffly, only slightly lowering his voice in concern. No response, he growled in frustration and stomped over to the bed hovering over you and trapping you with a hand on either side of your head
“If I did something just-just say it dumbass, I mean it!” The genuine concern in his voice almost made you break and hug him so he knew you weren’t actually mad. Instead, you turned your head away from him and bit your tongue
“Tch, fine! Fuck it then! You wanna ignore me? I can ignore you too” you half cheered and half frowned because now he was mad at you, but at least it would make ignoring him easier if he was ignoring you. The door to your room slammed shut and you let out a relieved breath.
8:30 pm
Feeling completely untouchable you sat in the dorm lounge area cross legged on the couch, Jirou was sulking slouched in a chair knowing that she only had 30 minutes. After Katsuki left earlier you left your dorm room so he wouldn’t be able to find you, you hung out with a couple of your classmates. The less you saw him the quicker you won.
“You wanna just give it up now, Jirou? I told you, I’m a legend at truth or dare” she glared at you, then her face suddenly lit up
“No way, don’t get too cocky we still have 30 minutes. Wait here...” she disappeared down the hall and you scoffed sinking comfortably into the cushions. About 15 minutes had gone by before you heard something that sent a chill down your spine
“Y/F/N FUCKING Y/L/N YOU BETTER RUN BECAUSE IM ACTUALLY GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!” Your boyfriend boomed from down the hall, Jirou came running in out of breath. She bent over with her hands on her knees
“Better start gathering the money up, Y/N!” You glared at her
“What did you do-“
“Hey, out of my way!” He stormed in the room and locked eyes with you, to say he was fuming was an understatement “Wanna tell me why you went out with everyone but me?” You snapped your mouth shut and looked at the wall above his head, trying your hardest not to loose when you were so close
“UGH WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NOT TALKING TO ME? ACTUALLY, I DONT CARE YOURE GONNA TALK TO ME WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT-“ he was storming toward you and your eyes fell on the clock. 8:52. You couldn’t hide the grin that covered your face, he stopped his angry persuit and stared at you with hard eyes when he saw your goofy smile. He turned to Jirou, then turned back to look at you.
“What is it that you aren’t telling me, Y/N” he asked with a raised eyebrow stalking toward you, he smiled evily and you knew what was coming next. You grabbed a throw pillow and used it to cover your midsection, he pounced yanking it away from you with an evil laugh and you grabbed his wrists trying to hide your shocked giggles
“Come on, take the easy way out and just confess. Or I can get it out of you the hard way baby, you know I can” He growled, your eyes fell on the clock. 8:56. While you were distracted he pushed you back and dug both of his hands into your exposed armpits
“NAAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA” You screeched thrashing around insanely with your arms clamped to your sides. He was merciless as he drilled his fingers deep into the hollows of your armpits and wiggled them quickly, there was no way you could take much longer of this. You shook your head side to side violently and arched your back trying to throw him off but of course failing. Just as you expect he didn’t let up or budge one bit
“ I don’t even feel bad for killing you like this dumbass, you’ve been ignoring me all day! Had me thinking I did something wrong- nope come here you’re not going anywhere! Move your hands, you deserve this!” Katsuki pulled you back on the couch and forced your hands to the side blowing raspberries all over your stomach and wrecking your armpits at the same time, after about 4 raspberries you lost count and fell into silent laughter. Through your teary eyes you saw the time and you felt more relief than ever. 9:02. Any relief you felt washed away almost instantly when he ruthlessly squeezed and poked at your knees and thighs, by now you had no energy to fight and you just laid weak and completely wrecked screaming your head off. Bakugou would usually tickle and tease you often and could be pretty relentless.
But this time, he completely destroyed you which you no doubt deserved for taking the stupid dare, you tried to scold yourself mentally but couldn’t think about anything other than how incredibly crazy he was driving you kneading into your inner thighs
“STOHOHOP I CANHAHAT TAKE ANYMORE! AHAHA ITWASADARE” he stopped looking down at you with a glare
“What did you just say?”
“It was a dare. I was *hiccup* supposed to ignore you for the dare” You slurred completely out of breath and tingling from his attack. Jirou crossed her arms swearing
“Shit, well I guess you won Y/N. I’ll tell the girls, we’ll bring you the money later” she sulked off and your boyfriend stared down at you pretending like he was mad at you
“You mean to fucking tell me that you ignored me all day for a damn bet?!”
“No! I mean yeah, but not on purpose?” Your nervous talking was a result of the look he was giving you that told you he wasn’t done with you yet or anytime soon.
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rina-writes · 4 years
Calm Waters (Part 3)
Part 2: x
Summary: Now that Grayson knows the truth, all he wants is to set you free.  When you resist, he settles for giving you the teenage life you deserve to experience.  However, Ethan is not sure if that works for him.
Warning:  Mentions of abuse, and captivity, but balanced with a lot of fluff
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Grayson’s eyes widened.  There were so many things to process.  The night before he arrived to confront you about the whole...”mermaid” thing, he wondered what would happen if he was completely wrong.  Your humor was pretty close to his, but even you would find this a little wacko.  He imagined back-tracking his statements and coming up with some lie about it being a prank or a challenge that everyone was doing.  You didn’t have social media, so you couldn’t reasonably doubt him.
Despite it being the outcome where he was actually right Grayson wasn’t mentally prepared for this result.  He supposed in his fantasy, he thought you react throwing your arms around him like he was your knight in shining armor, begging him to save you.  Instead, there you sat, calmly as though he was telling you about his morning coffee before politely telling him to mind his own business.
“What? No!” Grayson argued, his voice getting loud and angry.
“Shh, the dolphins.” You shushed him and Grayson through his hands up in frustration.
“Forget the dolphins, Rory!” Grayson yelled. “This is about YOU! You can’t really want me to just sit by and let this happen to you.”
Grayson pointed at your tank, his face hard and angry as he stared at you.  “This is inhumane, for you and THEM.”  He pointed at the dolphins tank when he said, ‘them’.  “I’m can’t work here knowing they are keeping a teenage girl locked a freaking tank.”
“Then quit.” You said, your voice coming out stronger than you expected.  “You can do that, Grayson.  You can walk away from all of this.”
“It’s not that simple...” Grayson said, shaking his head.  “I...”
“You what?” You challenged him.  “You love me? Don’t make me laugh.  You don’t even know me.”
You rubbed your temple and sighed. “Like I get it.  I saved you from a near death experience and I have pretty skin and look like a mythical creature..., so it seems like the stars aligned or whatever, but you still don’t know me! You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into...”
You were surprised at the bitterness of your own voice.  It didn’t reflect how you really felt.  You were happy that Grayson saw the truth and that he wanted to save you.  You imagined for years that someone would see your broken heart and get you out of this hell.  You realized you were pushing him away because you were scared of what could happen to him.  While his nativity was adorable and charming, it was going to lead him into harm’s way when combined with your situation.  This was probably the exact fear your mother had when she met your father and, not to be a Negative Nancy, but look where that ended up.
You slowly stood up and looked down at him.  This is what you needed to do, push him away.  If he hated you all the better. At least he would be safe.
“Don’t you get it?” You asked him, shaking your head.  “Pete is not just one person. There are thousands and millions of Petes around the world who would not hesitate to put me in a lab, chop me up into pieces, or strap my dead body to their boat.  This is a battle, not the war, Grayson.  At least here, I know my enemies... So, thank you, but no thank you.”
If you were honest, Grayson looked very scary when he was angry.  With his jaw set and his eyes wide, it made you want to take back everything you said.  At the same time, you could tell he was controlling himself.  He wasn’t going to yell and sure as hell wasn’t going to strike you.  Years of being tossed around and beaten has taught you how to spy an evil person from a mile away, and Grayson Dolan was not that person.
“Aurora...” He said, softly. He rested his hands on his knees as he steadied his breathing.  “You’re right, I didn’t get it.  Sure, I maybe the type of guy who falls for the first pretty girl he sees, but I’m also the kind of person who can judge someone’s character.  I really do like you.  I want to get to know and I want you to be apart of my life.  To be honest, even if I didn’t like you,  I would still want you out of here. No one deserves this.”
Grayson stared at the tank. From the roof, you could only see the top, and it looked like the two on either side of it.  It made his blood boil.  He could see Pete’s face, with his thick mustache and large, almost a little too straight teeth.  Grayson thought he was a nice guy, but now he sees that he’s a monster.
Grayson looked up at you.  You will still standing in front of him, your hands balled into fists.
“If busting you out isn’t an option...what else can I do?” Grayson asked.  “Anything that I can do to make a little less hell for you, I want to do it.”
Your eyes softened and slowly crouched back down to meet Grayson’s eyes level.  You glanced down as you thought about a compromise.  You smiled softly and said,
“Well, now that you know my secret...I wouldn’t mind getting vegan food.”
Grayson’s eyes widened.  “Wait....are you saying you want to sneak out?”
“Just for the night!” You said, quickly, not wanting him to misunderstand.  “Someone checks the tank right at closing to make sure I’m in, but no one comes until morning at the earliest.  I would have to come in my uniform soaking wet, but it could work.”
Grayson knew that this compromise wasn’t easy for you.  Although you were smiling at him as you spoke, he saw your hand trembling on top of your knee.  He placed his hand on top of yours.
“Then I’ll make sure you get a vegan burger so good that it makes it all worth it.” Grayson smiled.
You grinned as you stood up, giving him a hand to help him stand as well.  “Come on, my shift is about to start.”
“Alright, let me wake Ethan.” Grayson said, walking over to his twin. “Hey E! Come meet, Aurora!”
Ethan pretended to be asleep as Grayson shook him awake violently.  In reality, Ethan had heard everything. Grayson may be okay with you just escaping for a night, but Ethan knew you needed more.  He wasn’t going to stop at getting you out, he was going to close Pete’s Ocean Land for good.
Grayson was itching to get home all day.  He needed to plan for his date.  If he and Ethan’s research was correct, it had been a long time since you had been outside, let alone, on a proper date.  Unlike most dates where he had to focus on what he was going to wear and what you were going to do, he had to also consider where you could go that wouldn’t make you run into Pete or anyone from work.  Additionally, he couldn’t expect you to go on a date in your soaking wet uniform.  As far as he was concerned, you were human and he knew you had pride in yourself.  Sure, it had been smothered into almost nothing by your sadistic uncle, but Grayson knew it was still there.
He ran into the house and straight up the stairs to his older sister’s room.  They were only two years apart in age, and Grayson was almost as close to her as he was Ethan.  Cameron was home from college for a couple weeks and was connecting with a few friends from high school.  She was always the friend that people came to for advice and so, he knew she was the right person for this job. He knock-opened her door to see his sister Cameron on the phone with one of her friends as she sat on her bed.
Without even as much as a hello, Grayson immediately went into his request. “Cam, I have a date in like two hours and I need to get her an outfit!”
Cameron’s soft, light brown eyes narrowed.  She swiped a dirty blonde strand of hair from her eyes as she muttered into her phone, “Let me call you back.”
She turned to her brother.  “What on Earth? When did you become a sugar daddy?”
Grayson let out a half-chuckle. “I’m not!” He insisted. “She’s just going through a rough time and I know she’s just going to come straight from work.  She doesn’t have a lot of stuff...but I want her to feel special today.”
“Well, if she doesn’t have a lot, then let me at least give her a makeover.” Cameron bit her lip.  Like her brothers, she also had a soft spot for people in need.  “No sense getting her dolled up if she’s all sweaty from work.”
“Cam, you’re the best!!” Grayson insisted.  “Uh do I need to get anything...”
“We’ll get to all of that later,” Cameron patted the spot next to her on the bed. “First, tell me about her.”
Grayson smile as he sat down next to his sister and gushed about the girl who was stealing his heart.
Your head slowly emerged from the water through the little crack.  You hadn’t attempted this since you and Grayson “met.”  Your hands dragged itself across the concrete, the bumpiness scratching your palms.  You pulled yourself until you were out of the water, the task much more difficult when you had a smaller space to maneuver. 
You paused as you looked at the view.  You never realized how clearly you could see the stars from where you stood.  Your heart swelled from being overwhelmed.  It was strange how something you took for granted when you were young could be so moving to you now.  You stood there for a moment, watching the tail lights of the cars as the drove along the highway.  You gazed at the houses, zoning in on the ones with their lights on.  You wondered if anyone else was also preparing for their first date.
Without the sun, you didn’t know the time.  All you knew was that you had to move quickly.  Grayson was going to meet you at the back door of the performance arena.  Apparently, this was how most people snuck in and out during the night.  It didn’t work so well in the morning because of a nosy neighbor who would snitch to Pete about trespassers, so you would need the cover of night to return back to your cell.
You did your best to move quickly, but you also couldn’t really see.  You fumbled, trying to dry yourself as best as you could while slipping on your uniform.  You decided to skip the cap, and just shake your hair out.  You wish you could see yourself, but you reminded yourself that you didn’t look much different than you usually did. Part of you was disappointed that you couldn’t get dolled up.  At the same time, this was your first time out of the park in five years.  You couldn’t get yourself down on the little things.
As you walked past the dolphin tank to sneak down the steps, your chest tightened.  While the other aquatic creatures lulled themselves to sleep, you had the chance to roam freely.  You realized you could never leave Pete’s if it meant also leaving them behind.  You shook the thought from your mind.  You were coming back.  You were allowed to have a little fun. 
You ran to the gate and gripped the black bars tightly.  Your squinted to see, realizing that it was easier “to see” in the dark when you were surrounded by water.  Large warm hands wrapping on yours almost made you yelp, until you saw Grayson’s kind, hazel eyes.
“Hey you...” Grayson whispered, making your heart pound.
His voice was so deep and inviting.  You had to run through the list of reasons in your mind why you weren’t running away with him at this very moment.
“Hey...” You whispered back.  
“Come...” Grayson gestured for you to follow him to a gap in the fence.
You scoffed internally.  The gap in your tank, the gap in the fence, the lax security guards...for someone keeping an illegal creature in his park, Pete sure was poor with his security.  As you were crawling through the space, that’s when it hit you.  Of course.  No one would suspect that dumb Pete that gets the wool pulled over his eyes by a bunch of neighborhood kids could be hiding something.  If anything the only person who could expose Pete was you, but he had beaten the fear into you so deeply that despite having this knowledge, you would never exercise it. It was the ultimate and one of the oldest forms of control.
Feeling Grayson’s arms wrap around you tightly pulled you from your thoughts and to the present.  You took in his scent, which was slightly different today.  He smelled like a dessert baked with brown sugar and vanilla.  You could tell he was wearing a button down shirt and dress slacks from the buttons pressing into your chest and the smoothness of the material brushing against your bare legs.
“Sorry,” You pulled away. “I don’t want to get you all wet.”
“It’s alright,” Grayson beamed, taking your hand and pulling back toward him. “I have a surprise for that.  Come on.”
You and Grayson held hands, ducking low to stay in the shadows of buildings and trees until you got to Grayson’s car two blocks away.  Everything looked so new to you, yet familiar at the same time.  Cars had changed since you last roamed around and there were a lot less satellites on roofs from when you were a kid. However, most things like manicured lawns, the bluish white light from tv screens flashing from windows, and the sounds of dogs barking at pedestrians walking by transported you back to a “before time” that almost felt like a dream.  
As you squeezed Grayson’s hand, you realized this was the dream.  Your fingers interlaced with a handsome boy as you ran down the street. The wind was rustling through your now only semi wet hair, and you felt so free.
“You look beautiful when you smile...” Grayson said, looking back at you.
Your eyebrows went up in surprise as you let out a little giggle. You didn’t even realize you were smiling.
Grayson led you to his car which was a black sedan, that to Grayson clearly looked secondhand, but to you looked like a pretty nice car. He opened the door of the passenger side to escort you in before jogging over to the driver’s door.  He leaned over to put on your seat belt, but you shook your head.
“I remember this much.” You grinned as you pulled the seat belt and buckled yourself in. 
“Sorry,” Grayson murmured embarrassed, as he put on his own seat belt and started the car. “I guess I’m a little protective of you.”
“You don’t have to...” You reminded him.
“I want to.” He retorted with a smile.  “First stop, my place so you can meet my sister.”
At those words, Grayson pulled off.  Your eyes widened and you turned to him in shock.
“How many people did you tell about me, Grayson?” You asked.
“Relax...” Grayson comforted, glancing at you before turning back to the road. “I didn’t tell her anything.  She may think you’re homeless though. So, sorry about that.”
“Surprisingly, that’s actually better than the truth.” You said, slumping your shoulders.  “What sister would want her brother to date someone that doesn’t even have clothes?”
“A sister that judges someone on their character and not their possessions.” Grayson suggested. 
Grayson could see your sad expression from the corner of his eye.  He reached out to tap your hand gently. Grayson hummed for a moment before explaining.
“Our parents have done a lot to make me, Cam and E happy.  But, there were times we knew it was a lot of smoke and mirrors to make us look like the perfect family.  My sister worked hard to get a full ride to college in order to pursue her dreams.  Currently E and I working to get enough money to move to LA.” 
Grayson smiled and squeezed your hand. “We’re not the kind of people to judge someone based on their circumstances, only what they have chosen to do with the resources provided to them.”
“You’re going to LA?” You asked, your mind shifting focus.
“That’s the plan.” Grayson said, with a shrug. “I’d change it for you, but I’d much rather you came with us.”
You frowned. “You can’t change your plans for me.  You don’t even---”
“I know, I know. I don’t even know you” Grayson laughed, lacing his fingers between yours. He imitated you with a high pitch voice before switching to his normal voice to continue. “I don’t know you, but that’s going to change tonight.  I want to learn every little thing about you.”
You smiled softly and squeezed his hand.  Running away with Grayson to LA sounded magical.  You wanted to pretend to entertain the idea, even if it was just for tonight.
The car stopped in front of a quaint, white house with two floors and maybe an attic.  There was a two car garage, with a car parked outside.  The porch had a few chairs and you could tell behind the house was a sizable back yard.  It reminded you a bit of your childhood home.
“Welcome!” Grayson said, turning off the engine.
Grayson got out the car and once again came to the passenger side to help you out.  You had already opened the door, but he insisted on taking your hand to help you stand.  He held your hand to the door where he rang the bell.
You could hear footsteps thundering toward the door before it swung open.  A young woman around your height with long dirty blonde hair, tanned skin and Grayson’s hazel eyes opened the door.  She was wearing a tank top and pajama shorts, and somehow she made it look chic.  You suddenly felt silly in your wrinkled, ill-fitting uniform.
“You must be Aurora.” She said, with a smile. “I’m Cameron.”
“Hi--” Before you could get a word in, she grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you from Grayson.
“Don’t come upstairs!” Cameron warned Grayson, before dragging you to her bedroom on the second floor.
Grayson chuckled softly and sat on the couch.  He pulled out his phone and texted Ethan.
Where are you?
While Grayson spent the afternoon planning for his date with you, Ethan had other plans.  After his shift at the bike shop, Ethan made a detour before going home.  About three miles south of the bike shop was a tiny office for a local television network.. Ethan was going to see a friend of his, one of the network’s producer named Ryan Abe.  Despite being closer to Travis’ age than Ethan’s, Ethan and Ryan had developed a friendship over the years.  They often biked together and Ethan would pitch ideas to Ryan.  Today, Ethan had an idea different from any other idea he had in the past.
“Ryan!” Ethan said, hopping off his bike and walking to the door.  Ryan opened the door with a bright smile.  While Ethan was used to see Ryan in tank tops, today he was wearing a white polo since he was the office. He put on loose fitting khaki pants to complete the look combining his casual style with his business persona. His blonde hair was styled and sleeked to the side, a sure sign that today was a rare day where Ryan was on camera.
“Hey, Ethan, come on in!” Ryan waved him in.  Ethan lifted his bike and pulled it into the office.  While it was setup for all five of the reporters and the two producers of the local television show, Ryan was the only one actually in there the whole time.  Ethan left his bike up front and walked past the empty cubicles to Ryan’s corner office.  He sat down on the chair in front of Ryan’s desk and let the cool air conditioned air chill the sweat on his face.
“What brings you here, man?” Ryan asked, sitting in his office chair, typing away on his computer.  Ryan was a pretty good multitasker and it made Ethan feel better but coming over during Ryan’s working hours.
“I have an idea....but it’s a little crazy.” Ethan said, leaning forward slightly.
Ryan sighed.  “For the last time, I am not going to produce a show on you and Grayson talking about being vegan.” Ryan rolled his eyes.  “No one is going to watch you guys pull pranks on each other, talk about not eating dairy, and brag about working out for hours a day.  It’s not quality content.”
“I disagree,” Ethan said, mildly annoyed that Ryan decided to take the opportunity to roast his last four television show ideas. “But, that’s not what I’m here for.  I want to do an expose piece on Pete’s Ocean Land.”
“Wait, what?” Ryan asked, stuttering out a laugh. “Pete’s Ocean Land is like the Teletubbies...a little weird and creepy when you get older, but still the core of your childhood.  Anyone trying to take down Pete would have to come with some hard evidence.”
“I don’t have anything yet.” Ethan bit his lip softly.
Ethan was lying for your sake.  He couldn’t just offer you up as evidence that Pete was doing something wrong. Firstly, using you, even in the plot to save you, was no better than what Pete probably did to you on a daily basis.  Secondly, based on your conversation with Grayson, you would not be willing to talk to a television station about your treatment as that would just broadcast your story to the entire world.  Thirdly, if this resulted in you getting hurt, Ethan was sure Grayson would never truly forgive him.
“However, Gray has been working there and said he noticed something strange.” Ethan narrowed his eyes a bit for emphasis. “There’s this tank where they closed off the exhibit so you can’t get in it from down below, but you often see Pete himself staring at it from the roof.  Only a handful of employees are allowed on the roof and only at certain times.  The idea is that the tank is empty, but why on Earth would he just stare at it.”
Ryan tapped his chin. “I mean, Pete was a beach bum when he was younger.  Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s taken in too much sun, crashed into too many waves or got hit with one too many coconuts and now just gazes at an empty tank.”
Ethan panicked inwardly.  What details could he provide that would make this all seem interesting enough that Ryan would want to pursue it?
“Sure, okay.” Ethan agreed. “But let’s say my hunch is correct and it’s not an empty tank, but something that Pete shouldn’t have in captivity.  Wouldn’t he show it off at some point?”
Ryan’s eyebrows went up in surprise.  “Like to scientists or other enthusiasts?”
“Yeah...exactly!” Ethan said,a little too thrilled. He dialed back his enthusiasm. “Chances are there has to be someone or some people who know what’s in that tank, and he’s probably always looking for more.”
Ryan spun in his chair as he massaged his chin. “Hm, like some kind of underground show and tell.”  
“Exactly!” Ethan agreed.  “I’m getting pretty good at this research thing, and I’m pretty sure I can connect with people who would know if something fishy is going on.”
“I’m interested.” Ryan admitted.  “Despite that very corny joke. Pull up a chair and sit down.  I’ll give you three hours to make sell me on this.”
Ethan smiled brightly.  This was a long shot, but he was hopeful.
Hanging with Ryan.  Have fun on your date! ;)
Grayson smiled reading the text before continuing to fiddle with his phone.  He was kind of hoping Ethan would get to see Aurora all dolled up.  Hopefully, there were going to be plenty other opportunities to do that.
“You alright up there?” Grayson yelled from the couch.
He heard shuffling, and a murmur of a response, making him laugh.  He was going to take that as a yes.
Meanwhile, upstairs, Cameron was tossing clothes on the bed and talking a mile a minute.
“I wasn’t sure what your size was so I didn’t want Grayson to go out and buy something.” Cameron explained.  “I figure we look to be about the same size in most pieces and half of them are supposed to fit either extra fitted or oversized, so we can make something work.”
“You really don’t have to do this.” You argued for the fifth time. 
You looked at yourself in her dresser mirror and you knew that was a lie.  While water was good for your skin, chlorine wasn’t.  Your skin looked dull, your red hair looked a bit more orange, and your uniform looked dingy.  You couldn’t believe Grayson actually liked you.
“I want to.” Cameron said, making you look at her with surprise.  She sounded just like Grayson.  It seemed the Dolan siblings wanted to do a lot of things, especially things that put them out of their way.
Cameron handed you a pink sleeveless crop top and a pair of dark skinny jeans.  On the bed, she laid out an off-white lace cardigan that would flow down to your ankles.  For shoes, she gave you a choice of brown sandals that would go with your brown belt, or white sandals and the option to ditch the belt.
You turned around to change, and Cameron did the same so you were both back to back.
“You know,” Cameron said, her voice jumping a bit from nervousness.  “I still don’t know much about you.  Grayson, he was saying a whole bunch of stuff about you and I couldn’t catch a single word.  But, he looked so happy.  His eyes were sparkling.  I never seen him like that before.”
You didn’t know what to say. Instead, you hopped up and down to pull on the jeans.  They were obvious filled in to Cameron’s shape which was different to yours, but you were determined to make it work.
“You know...he’s kind of girl crazy.” Cameron laughed. “He had a crush on all of my friends at one point. However, he’s never talked about them the way he talks about you. I know he can be a bit clingy and overbearing, but give him a chance.  He’s my baby brother and I just want him to be with someone that makes him happy.”
“Grayson is the nicest person I’ve ever met.” You blurted out turning around.
Cameron spun around as well.  It was the loudest she heard you speak all night. 
“He’s not only kind, but he’s funny and caring and understanding and the least judgmental person.  He’s loyal and charming and smart in the most obscure and strangely specific things.” 
You kept going and Cameron just stared at you with her eyebrows raised high.  Without that baggy uniform, it was clear you had a gorgeous shape.  Even with your hair frazzled beyond belief, it was clear that you were a beautiful girl that just needed some conditioner and a good skin care routine. But, what stunned Cameron the most was how you blossomed talking about Grayson.  You were practically glowing as you spoke about him, and that made her adore you more.  Now she got why Grayson was so determined to make this date special for you, because you were so different to every other girl he dated. You actually liked him for him.  And as you continued to rattle of your favorite things about Grayson, she realized you were the first girl to not mention he was hot in her list of reasons for liking.
“...He is just the epitome of warmth. His personality, his hugs, his smile...it’s just so warm...” You continued.
Cameron put her hands on your shoulders. “Okay, that’s enough.  Anymore compliments about my brother and I may just vom.” She laughed. “You’re perfect for each other.”
You blushed. “Sorry.” You bit your lip.  “He’s the first person to see the real me.”
Cameron turned you toward her mirror and sat you down on the bed.  Using on hand she started to gather your hair to make an updo.  She smiled softly,
“Let’s help him see the real you on the outside too.” Cameron said.
You stood at the top of the stairs, your heart pounding.  You pushed back on the makeup because you worried you wouldn’t be able to get it off when you went back in your cell. Now, you were reapplying the lipgloss that Cameron gifted you as a compromise. 
“You look great.” Cameron whispered to you. Then in a loud voice she announced, “DUN DUN DUN...all rise for the beautiful, Aurora.”
She ran down the stairs to see Grayson standing up from the couch. She pushed him towards the stairs as you slowly walked down.  You decided on the white sandals without a belt, once again thinking of how you would remove this outfit when you got back to the park.  With your left hand on the banister and your right hand holding your uniform, you actually felt a bit like a princess.
Grayson’s jaw dropped as you walked down.  It was amazing how much an outfit and a scrunchie could bring out the beauty in someone.  When you finally reached the bottom of the stairs, Grayson stammered out his response.
“Pr-Be-St...” He couldn’t decide what he wanted to say. So, he said it all. “Pretty. Beautiful. Stunning. Wow, you look amazing, Rory.”
“You wear them better than I do.” Cameron smiled, folding her arms. “Keep ‘em.”
“No, Cameron...” You shook your head. “I could never.”
She put up a hand to stop me. “Call me Cam, and I insist!” She gave you a hug and you returned it tightly.
“And...” Cameron added. “I leave all the clothes I don’t wear much here in college.  Feel free and ask this dork to bring you over some time to get some stuff. The style suits you.”
You were starting to tear up.  How could one family be so nice to you? You looked at Grayson who was still staring at you in awe.
“Thank you, Cam.” You hugged her again and she laughed.
“Now, go! Go enjoy your date!” Cameron said, shooing you.
Grayson took your hand and led you outside, waving to Cameron.  He glanced back to see both you and Cameron swiping tears from your eyes, both of you politely waiting until the other couldn’t see before showing your emotions.
Once again, Grayson open the door for you and waited until you were comfortable before going to his side.  He started the car and took another look at you. There was nothing inherently different about how you looked.  It was the fact that you looked like a regular girl that could have attended his high school that really wowed him.  It made him angry that you were robbed of the normal life you deserved, but he was happy that he could give this to you, even for one night.
“So, first stop is Bart’s where they have the best...BEST vegan mexican food.” Grayson grinned, “Then, we are going to a special location.”
“Mysterious, huh?” You teased with a soft smile.  “You better not be driving me across the border. I believe that would be kidnapping.”
“Can you kidnap someone who’s already kidnapped?” Grayson teased back.
“I’m pretty sure you can.” You laughed softly.  You never thought you would be able to laugh at the fact that you were being held captive, but here you were chuckling about it.  Grayson sure had a way of making any situation bearable. 
At Bart’s, Grayson was greeted as a regular and he introduced you as his date. After a bit of banter with Bart himself, Grayson ordered a feast of fajita, enchiladas, burritos, nachos, and cake for dessert. With two large brown bags filled with food, you and Grayson packed the car and drove to your secret location.
You rolled down the window to feel the warm breeze on your face, closing your eyes.  You could hear the soft music of Kid Cudi, an artist Grayson was introducing you to, playing the background. Your hand rested on top of Grayson’s and every now and then he would give your hand a little squeeze.
Your eyes shot open with the familiar smell of salt hit your nose.  You could feel the hairs on your skin standing up and you looked at Grayson. He was smiling big and couldn’t stop glancing between you and the road ahead of him.
“No...” You whispered.
“Oh yeah, baby.” Grayson grinned even wider.  “We’re having a picnic on the ocean.” 
Grayson turned his car into the beach parking lot and parked near the entrance. You helped him gather your feast, resisting the desire to bounce on your toes with excitement.  Your eyes were watering with happiness at the salt of the salt in the air and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.  
Grayson didn’t care to contain his enthusiasm.  He started sprinting toward the ocean and you followed suit. You were both panting as you stopped on the sand to stare out at the water.  The onyx-colored ocean was calm and seemed to endless when he met the deep plum colored sky.  You could see the moon, bright and full, with the stars dusted it around it.
“Shall we eat?’ Grayson asked, already sitting down.  
He had laid out a blanket and was using his backside to keep it from fluttering in the wind.  He had also removed his shoes and was wiggling his toes in the sand. You smiled and removed your sandals, sighing at the cool sand sliding between your toes.
You sat down and Grayson scooted closer to you so your legs were touching.  You two started to divide your feast, the sound of sustainable wrapping harmonizing with the ocean waves created a feeling of nostalgia for a new experience. The food in front of you was all food you remembered from your childhood, but it tasted like a dream.  Grayson laughed as he handed you napkin to wipe your hands, even helping you to wipe sauce from your lips.  He led the conversation as you murmured your responses with a full mouth.
“I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t still insane for me.” Grayson admitted, before crunching a nacho dipped in vegan cheese. “I mean, you’re like a mermaid right?”
“Not really....” You said, covering your mouth slightly.  “I’m more like a frog than anything else.”
“A mermaid is definitely sexier.” Grayson said with a laugh.
“A frog is more accurate.” You argued with a grin.  You reached for a chip and glanced at him.  You dipped it in the cheese and then pointed the chip toward him.
“Am I dreaming?” Grayson asked, leaning in.  “Getting fed by a real life mermaid...”
“Frog girl...” You corrected, putting in his between his lips.
“Don’t ruin it,” He said quickly before eating the chip.
You fed each other a few more chips, enjoying the comfortable silence developing between you.  With full stomachs, you both laid back on the blanket and stared at the sky.
“I wish I could stay with you forever.” Grayson said, turning to look at you. 
You didn’t say anything.  Instead you just turned toward him and rubbed his cheek with your hand. You both stared at each other without saying a word.  In one quick motion, Grayson leaned in and pressed his lips to yours.
Your heart was slamming against your chest as you leaned into the kiss. His lips were a little dry, but soft and strong as he massaged them into yours.  You weren’t sure if you were kissing back, but you enjoyed the feeling of the kiss and did everything you could to intensify it. His hand rested at the small of your back, sending a little shock of pleasure up your spine.  You sighed softly and Grayson seized the opportunity to nibble on your lower lip. You did the same with his upper lip and that began your game of follow the leader.
You could have been kissing for seconds or days, it was hard to tell. At some point, you broke apart at the sound of your empty containers getting crushed under your shared weight.
Grayson laughed and gave you a final peck before cleaning up. You helped, your face still red and hot from your makeout.
“That was nice...” Grayson said, not looking up from the trash.
“Very nice...” You said, also not looking at him.
“Yeah?” Grayson asked, and you didn’t need to look at him to know there was a smile on his face.
“Yeah.” You confirmed, smiling at the ground.
Grayson stood up and took he bags of garbage to the nearest trash can.  You stood up as well and started to walk to the ocean.  You craved to feel the water sliding between your toes, so you indulged yourself.  
Tears stung your eyes the moment you felt wet sand.  Found childhood memories of night swims with your mother flooded your mind. You continued walking until your ankles were immersed.  You leaned down to roll up your pants legs, not wanting to get the precious clothes that Cameron gave you wet.
When you stood back up, strong arms wrapped around your waist.  Grayson pressed soft kisses on your shoulder and your neck. You put more of your weight on him as your hands rested on top of his. You looked down to see his feet on either side of yours, the turquoise colored patches on your feet brightening and fading as your skin got wet and then dried over and over again.
“Thank you...” You whispered.
“Anything for you.” Grayson said, in a soft, deep voice.
In his arms, you felt the most safe you had felt in your entire life.  As much as you wanted this to last forever, you knew it was coming to an end very soon.  You just didn’t realize that what was waiting for you tomorrow was another visit from the “scientists” and a round of experiments.
A/N: This part was getting too long, but I think there is a nice balance of drama and fluff. 
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choupichoups · 5 years
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Press F (Instagram/College AU) Ch.10
Lucas swears he’s the absolute master of undetected stalking. Or: Eliott is instagram famous and Lucas is the disaster gay who accidentally likes his post.
"You’re sure you're okay with this?”
Lucas pauses, croissant halfway shoved in his mouth as he regards Eliott with an inquisitive brow. “With what?” 
“Me announcing to… uh… all my followers who I’m dating.”
Lucas resumes eating, rolling his eyes as he brushes the crumbs off his fingers. “I already told you it’s okay,” he says, partly muffled due to the food in his mouth. “What can they do anyway?” 
Eliott chokes on a laugh, “What can they do? Lucas, have you seen the shit people do on social media?” He runs a fork over the leftover avocado on his plate. “You know what, I should probably delete that story, it’s only been half an hour anyway—”
“There’s no point, someone’s already saved that by now. It’ll just be up somewhere else.” He shrugs, feeling not an ounce of worry on this subject. “You posted about me before and if you haven’t noticed, some of your fans already found my account too.” He takes a sip of his coffee, smiling as he nibbles on the straw. “And your face is all over that one.” 
Eliott reaches over the table for Lucas’ hand, entangling their fingers together before bringing their hands up to his lips. He brushes a light kiss over the back of Lucas’ hand before pressing a smile into the same spot. “I just don’t want you feeling bad over any of this.” 
“No stranger on the internet can get to me, Eliott,” Lucas says, rolling his eyes again despite the fact that his voice might sound a tad too fond for eight in the morning. “Here.” He detaches their hands to get to his phone, pulling up that adorable photo he took of his boyfriend before leaving the apartment earlier. Tagging Eliott on the post is barely an afterthought and he cackles over the caption before placing his phone back down. “There, now if your admirers attack me it’s gonna be equally my fault.” 
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Lucas hands Eliott’s phone over, laughing to himself when his boyfriend’s expression morphs into outright affront after seeing the comments. 
He goes back to eating his food, noticing that his own phone is now buzzing with a phone call. He’s been getting calls from an unknown number for the past week but no voicemails are ever left. Lucas makes a point not to answer until an actual human voice leaves a message, convinced that it’s some marketing company trying to sell him their life insurance or some shit. The buzzing stops eventually but it goes straight to into ringing again immediately after. 
Lucas wipes his hands down and turns the phone over, almost choking in his haste to swallow down the food in his mouth when he sees the caller. 
“Hi, I’m looking for Lucas Lallemant?” 
“Yeah, that’s me,” he responds in a rush. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m so sorry for calling in so early, but Mrs. Lallemant has been asking for you all morning and we’re having trouble having her cooperate--”
Lucas doesn't let the nurse finish. “I’ll be there, I’ll be there soon. Can you let her know that?”
“Of course, we will, thank you--”
He’s already digging around his wallet before he ends the call, looking up to his boyfriend’s worried eyes when Lucas leaves money on the table that is very likely much more than what they owe. 
“I need to go,” he says, stumbling out of his chair in his hurry.
“Whoa, hey, slow down, what’s going on?” Eliott follows after him, catching his arm in a strong grip before Lucas can dash out to the streets without him. 
“My mom--” Shit, he doesn’t have the time nor the brain power to give Eliott the entire tragic backstory so he settles for an agitated, “It’s complicated. I have to go see her.” 
“Can I take you there?” Eliott asks carefully, holding Lucas’ face in between his hands so that the latter’s eyes would quit darting around and just focus on him. “I won’t go in with you, I’ll just drop you off. Is that okay?”
And Lucas does focus on him, worry increasing as he thinks of what Eliott’s reaction would be. But explaining to his boyfriend why he can’t accompany Lucas to a task as menial as dropping one’s significant other off to their parent’s house sounds more taxing than simply agreeing, so he nods. If Eliott notices the reluctance in the act, he doesn’t question it. 
But the closer their bus gets to the clinic, the more Lucas is starting to regret that decision. 
He can feel Eliott’s confused glances when Lucas gets off at a stop nowhere near the residential areas. The clinic is a lengthy building that takes up the entire acre beside the road— there are no other buildings beside it and the giant sign by the gated entrance gives it away without Lucas needing to explain where they are. 
Chancing a glance up at his boyfriend, Lucas can’t tell what’s going through his mind. Eliott’s face is blank, the confusion and worry from earlier have disappeared. It makes Lucas nervous.
However, that’s something he’ll have to deal with later. 
“Hey, I’m Lucas Lallemant, I got a call earlier for…”
“Ah, yes. I’ll get the nurse for you right away.” The receptionist busies herself with the phone and Lucas turns to Eliott, fiddling with the sleeves of his shirt. 
“Um, you don’t… have to stay if you don’t want to.”
Eliott’s eyes are trained on something over Lucas’ shoulder. “I’ll wait for you out here.” 
“Lucas?” A frazzled looking nurse addresses him and Lucas follows after her, trying not to think too much about Eliott being present for this. “Thank you so much for coming so quickly, we had notes on her file to call you if something like this happens but with Marie gone, we weren’t quite sure how to proceed.” 
“That’s fine, thanks.” To be fair, his mother hasn’t had any terrible meltdowns since moving into this clinic. 
“She’s in her room, not acknowledging anyone, just keeps saying your name.” 
Lucas thanks her again with a small, apologetic smile. The nurse looks young— she’s probably new, judging from the many emotions flitting across her features for every word she speaks. Lucas hasn’t seen a professional in this field who feels so much. Not even Marie. 
“Mama?” No response, but he’s figured that would happen. “I’m here now,” he continues, sitting by the bed and fixing the sheets around her shoulders. She’s situated to face the window, back towards him. “Did you need me for something?”
Still nothing. He sees the untouched glass of water placed beside her pills and Lucas runs a finger over the condensation forming on the side as he thinks of what to say next. 
She’s told him once before that hearing his voice helps her a lot. Especially on days like this, when she’s unresponsive and away from the reality she doesn’t quite want to face. 
“Do you hear it?”
Or maybe not as unresponsive as he’d thought.
Lucas straightens up, leaning on the edge of the bed to hear her soft voice better. “Hear what?”
“The trumpet.” 
There’s only silence around them. “No, mama, where is it?” 
“It’s been playing since this morning.” She turns on the bed, facing towards the ceiling. Lucas can see the pooling tears in her eyes. “The rapture’s here and I’ve been left behind. It’s because I’m such a bad mother is it? A terrible wife?”
“No—” He shuffles forward to take one of her hands in both of his. 
“Ephesians 5:22; wives, submit to your husbands,” she quotes absently, hand limp inside Lucas’ hold. “Is it because of the fight?”
A frown etches its way onto Lucas’ features. “What fight?” 
Tears escape from their fragile perch in her eyes. “He’s right.” She turns her head, looking at him this time. “Your life would be so much better if I just go.” 
Lucas doesn’t know where all of this is coming from but there’s dread forming in his chest, his mind picking up on everything that goes unsaid. “Where are you going, mama?” He shakes his head, the sight of her delicate tears triggering his own. “That’s not true, I don’t want you to go.” 
“So much better without me,” she whispers, head shifting back to resume gazing out the window. Her hand remains small and slack in his grip. It’s evident that she’s not listening to a word he says. 
Lucas gets up, scrubbing at his face as he closes the door to her room. He needs to tell Eliott to leave without him as he’s probably going to take a while— he doesn’t feel right, leaving his mama right away when she’s in this terrible of a state. 
Eliott’s standing by the walls only a few steps from the room and he gently takes Lucas’ face in his hands, wiping at the tears that stubbornly make their way down his cheeks despite his best efforts to stop fucking crying already. 
“Sorry, sorry I’m— this is so sudden I—” He tries to speak through the hitches in his breath. 
“Shh, don’t apologize,” Eliott says, pulling Lucas closer to place a sweet kiss on his forehead. 
This only serves to make him cry harder for whatever reason and Lucas has to take a deep breath, fists balled at his sides as he tries to reign over his emotions. “I’m gonna stay here for a bit, you should go.” His hands raise to hold onto Eliott’s forearms, thumbs tracing soft lines from back of the palm to wrist. “I don’t know how long I’ll be.” 
Eliott nods but doesn’t make a move to pull away. 
They only do so when a pair of footsteps echo in the hallway and Lucas does a double take when he sees the man walking beside his mama’s temporary nurse. “What the hell are you doing here?” 
Both his father and the nurse pause and Lucas is starting to really feel bad for the poor nurse, getting caught up in their family drama all in less than a day’s worth. 
“Please excuse us,” his dad says to her and she takes the golden opportunity to scramble the hell away from them. Eliott doesn’t take the same cue, moving back to give them space but staying within Lucas’ reach. “Hello, Lucas.”
“Why are you here?” Lucas brushes off the niceties. If there’s one thing he can’t stand it’s his father pretending to be a decent human being in front of others. “Have you been talking to her?”
“Who says you can do that?”
“She’s my wife, I can talk to her.”
“She’s not!” Lucas steps closer, raising his voice as if he’d done the opposite. This man has lost the right to call them his family. “You don’t get to talk to her whenever it’s convenient for you! Did you see what you’ve done? She was doing so fucking well without you!” 
“Mind your language, Lucas,” his father grits out. The sound of crumpling papers makes Lucas look down to where the man’s hands are clenched around a file folder. “I’m still your father and I won’t tolerate—”
“Oh shut the fuck up,” Lucas scoffs, shaking his head at the audacity. “You’re so full of it.” 
Lucas sees the man’s fisted hand move— he sees it, but he does nothing to stop it. Maybe if the hospital cameras catch the bastard acting with violence then Lucas would have a real reason to want to throw him into jail. Or at least to have him stop stirring shit in their lives. Legally. 
But no pain reaches him even as he braces for it and when he tunes back in, it’s to Eliott’s back in front of him, one hand gripping Lucas’ father’s wrist in a firm hold. 
“That’s enough, sir,” Eliott says, mock polite. 
All hands drop back down to their respective sides but the tension remains high up in the air. 
His father’s eyes switch from Eliott to Lucas, face impassive. The thick silence only lasts a for few moments, however, because Lucas’ father is as shameless as one can get. He thrusts the file folder under Lucas’ nose, sidestepping the entire wall that is Eliott standing in between the two of them.
“Sign these and mail them back to me, pronto,” the man says, pocketing his hands once Lucas has taken the papers. “Don’t give me a hard time about this, it’s for your own good.” 
Lucas spares him the coldest glance he can manage as he reads through the file. Insurance claims? Transfer permission? To Marseille? Taking a sharp breath through his nose, Lucas simmers in silent rage. So this sad excuse of a man finds a new job that provides extra allowance to employees caring for disabled family members and suddenly he’s husband of the year? Fuck that, fuck him. 
Fuck everything and his fucked up life. 
“Fuck you,” he says, throwing the papers back at his father. He doesn’t give a shit that they land scattered on the ground— maybe the man would pick up some of his dignity along with those papers that way. 
Lucas turns around before his father gets over the shock of his reaction, gazes at his mama’s door but he can’t. He can’t deal right now, not after this. There’s a chance that he’d actually lose whatever’s left of his sanity if he goes in and is faced with the hopeless look in her eyes. His mother, who’s supposed to take care of him, hasn’t been able to care for herself for years and years. His father, who’s supposed to provide for him, has abandoned him for longer. Now, he’s stuck dealing with their escalating issues again, an unwilling tether to a breakable thread. He doesn’t know why his mother’s holding on so tight to the delusion of a complete family, he doesn’t know why his father’s holding on so tight to the farce of being a good man. 
And Lucas is so tired of this bullshit. 
His phone rings with the same unknown number and Lucas wants to throw it to the fucking floor.
He runs for the back exit, not wanting to run into his father when the man leaves the clinic as well. There’s a dire need inside him to breathe in some air, one that doesn’t linger with antiseptic, that clean, fabricated hospital smell that drives him up the wall. 
Eliott’s there to hold him when his knees threaten to buckle under him. Lucas turns into his arms immediately, clinging onto the hood of his sweater as he takes in unsteady breaths.
“I’m so sorry you had to see that,” he says into Eliott’s shoulder, tears making their unwelcome comeback in his tired eyes. 
“Don’t be sorry,” Eliott assures him, hands running back and forth over Lucas’ back. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” Lucas retorts. “It’s not.”
“Hey.” Eliott tilts his chin up with a thumb and smiles fondly when Lucas sniffs miserably up at him. Eliott brushes a hand through his hair and kisses him on the forehead again. Lucas’ heart melts, settling calmer with the knowledge that even if his world feels like it’s going for another ride in hell, at least Eliott’s here with him this time, the angel that brings light to his life. “Don’t worry, I get it.”
More tears spill over the corners of his eyes. Eliott deserves happiness all the time, not Saturdays with strange clinics and witnessing shouting matches with horrid fathers. 
“I’m so tired,” Lucas whispers, closing his eyes when Eliott’s thumbs come up to brush away his tears. He doesn’t know what he’ll do without them now-- doesn’t ever want to go back to a time without Eliott’s warm, gentle touches. “I just wish that everything’s normal for once.” 
“Normal how?” 
Lucas gestures to the clinic where he and his father held that unpleasant confrontation. The clinic has started to become his mama’s safe space but now that man’s just gone and ruined it. “I’m tired of that bullshit. Why can’t I just have a normal family?” He shakes his head, feels his phone ringing in his pocket for the thousandth fucking time and he doesn’t even want to think about what’s brewing on that front. Telemarketers aren’t that persistent. “Why can’t I just have normal people around me? A normal life? Fuck, I hate this. I don’t wanna deal with any more of this.” 
Eliott’s quiet above him but he holds Lucas tight in his arms, very tight. Lucas buries his face in Eliott’s neck and locks his own arms around Eliott’s torso, deflating after finally getting those thoughts out in the open. 
“You don’t have to.” Eliott whispers into Lucas’ temple, cheek nuzzling into his hair. 
“You won’t have to deal with it.” 
“Let’s get you home, okay?” 
Yann is still there when Eliott drops him off at the apartment. Lucas must look as shitty as he feels because Yann doesn’t tease when he opens the door for them, Lucas being too out of it to bring out his keys. He can feel his best friend and his boyfriend exchange glances above his head and in a better state, he’d probably coo at how they’re able to hold silent conversations already. 
But as it is, Lucas just wants to take a goddamn nap.
Lucas turns to ask if Eliott would like to stay with them but his boyfriend brings him in for a rather abrupt embrace, so quick and inexplicably strong that Lucas loses his breath for a moment. His hands fly up to Eliott’s shoulders, fingers digging into the fabric of his hoodie as he presses his nose to Eliott’s chest. Eliott has his face buried in his neck and Lucas feels him take a deep, lingering inhale before pulling away with a soft touch to Lucas’ hair. 
“Take care of yourself, hm?” 
Lucas nods dumbly, watching Eliott walk away. 
lucallemant thank you for coming with me earlier do you have any plans tomorrow?
srodulv me and idris actually have to start another project so I'm gonna be busy for a while
lucallemant oh ok airplane mode type of busy?
srodulv yeah
lucallemant okay, take care of yourself this time lol don’t forget to eat and sleep  good night eliott ♥️
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