#//not the best crops for some of these but still pretty okay
mechahero · 2 years
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oughghgh thinking about future lambda again
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headspace-hotel · 1 month
data about where carbon emissions are coming from is so frustrating cause there's all kinds of huge, sprawling, just fucking vast breakdowns of What Causes The Most Carbon Emissions Out Of All Everything In The Entire World, but those are aggregations of numerous smaller but still vast aggregations of data, which are processed and polished from various aggregations of crunched numbers, which are patched and pieced together from various studies, estimates and calculations, which are sieved out of numbers crunched from various measurements, estimates and records, which have been collected, estimated or otherwise conceived through an unspeakably huge variety of methodologies with unspeakably huge variety in limitations, reliability and margins of error.
Even if some of the data was very fine-grained at the beginning, it was filtered through some very coarse number-crunching techniques for the sake of the coarse data, so the results are only as good as the wrongest thing you did in any part of this process, but the plans of action are getting thought up from the top down, which makes the whole thing a hot fucking mess.
For example. And I just made this example up. Say you want to know whether apples or potatoes have a worse impact on climate change. So you look at one of these huge ass infographic things. And it says that potatoes are bad, whereas apples are REALLY good, the BEST crop actually. So it's better to eat apples than potatoes, you think to yourself. Actually we should find a way to replace potatoes with apples! We should fund genetic engineering of apples so they have more starch and can replace potatoes. Great idea. Time to get some investors to put $5 billion towards it.
But actually. Where'd they get that conclusion about apples? Well there's this review right here of the carbon footprint of all different fruits, seems legit. Where'd that data come from? Well it's citing this study right here saying that tree-grown crops are better because they sequester carbon, and this study right here about the distance that different fruits get transported, and this study right here where different fertilization systems are compared in terms of their carbon footprint, and this study over here that sampled 300 apple, peach, and orange farmers comparing their irrigation practices and rates of tree mortality, and this study...wow, okay, seems really reliable...
...what's the first study citing? oh, okay, here's a study about mycorrhizal networks in orchards in Oregon, saying that there's a super high density of fungal mycelium in the 16 orchards that they sampled. And here's a study about leaf litter decay rates in Switzerland under different pesticide regimes, and...okay...relationship of tree spacing to below ground vs. aboveground biomass...a review of above and below-ground biomass in semi-intensively managed orchard plots...
...That one cites "Relationship between biomass and CO2 requirements...carbon immobilization in soil of various tree species...mycorrhizal fungi impact on carbon storage...
...wait a second, none of these are talking about apples, they're about boreal forests...and orange trees...and peanut farms! They're just speculating on roughly applying the non-apple data to apples. You have to go backwards...
Yes! "A review of belowground carbon storage in orchard cropping systems!" Seems like overall the studies find potentially high carbon storage in orchard environments! Walnuts...pears...oranges... intercropping walnuts and wheat... intercropping apples and wheat... wait a second, what about orchards with only apples?
Time for you to go back again...
"New method of mulching in apple orchards can lower irrigation and pesticide needs..." okay but if it's new, most farmers aren't doing it. "Orchards with high density interplanted with annual crops show way more mycorrhizal fungus activity..." "Mycorrhizal associations with trees in the genus Malus..."
...And pretty soon you've spent Five Fucking Hours investigating apples and you've got yourself in this tangled web of citations that demonstrate that some orchard crops (not necessarily apples) store a lot of long-lasting biomass in their trunks and roots really well—and some apple orchards (not necessarily typical ones) have high amounts of mycorrhizal fungi—and some techniques of mulching in orchards (not necessarily the ones apple farmers use) experience less erosion—and some apple trees (not necessarily productive agricultural apples) have really deep root systems—
—and some environments with trees, compared with some conventional agricultural fields, store more carbon and experience less erosion, but not apple orchards because that data wasn't collected in apple orchards.
And you figure out eventually that there is no direct evidence anywhere in the inputs that singles out apples as The Best Crop For Fighting Climate Change, or suggests that conventional apple farming has a much smaller carbon footprint than anything else.
The data just spit out "apples" after an unholy writhing mass of Processes that involved 1) observing some tree-grown crops and deciding it applies closely enough to all tree grown crops 2) observing some apple orchards and deciding its applicable enough to all apple orchards 3) observing some tree-including environments and deciding its close enough to all tree-including environments 4) observing some farming methods and deciding it applies closely enough to all farming methods
And any one of these steps individually would be fine and totally unavoidable, but when strung together repeatedly they distort the original data into A Puddle of Goo.
And it wouldn't be that bad even to string them together, if trees didn't vary that much, and farming didn't vary that much, and soil didn't vary that much, and mycorrhizal networks didn't vary that much, and regions that grow apples didn't vary that much, and pre-conversion-to-apple-orchard states of apple orchards didn't vary that much, and economic incentives controlling apple farming didn't vary that much, but all of these things DO vary, a Fuck Ton, and if the full range of variation were taken into account—nay, intentionally optimized—the distinction between apples and potatoes might turn out to be be MEANINGLESS GOO.
anyway big size piles of data about Farming, In General, make me so bitchy
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httpsryu · 5 months
the cc; campus crush
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pairing: kim minjeong x fem! reader
summary: kim minjeong feels her heart rush at the sight of the cold-hearted rich girl
category: enemies-to-lovers(in minjeong's head)
genre: very very slight angst, fluff at the end
warnings: y/n is kind of mean (ITS IN HER BLOOD)
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Hong Y/N, the youngest daughter of one of the richest conglomerate family, a real life nepo baby whose life has been granted since the day of her birth.
Much like her old sister; Hong Haein, Y/N is known for her cold-stoned face and cold-hearted soul. No one dares to even step in front of the pretty female.
Kim Minjeong on the other hand, oh how she wishes she was able to run into the raven-haired student that roams the campus.
"Isn't it crazy how I only saw her walk by once and I never saw her ever again?" Minjeong rants to her best friends while reading a news article about Y/N and the recent collaboration with YSL.
Jimin looks up from the medicine book, pushing her glasses up. "Well, you two may have different schedules."
"Or, she's only here once in a while?" Aeri assumes. "Like look at her family, college is probably like a hobby to her."
How could college be a hobby when the love of her life is sitting right here in the library.
"Her shoe game always kill." Yizhou scrolls through Y/N's Instagram and looking at the high heels in each post with envy. "You better get on that before some other man does."
Aeri laughs at Yizhou's words and for her friend to have so much hope in the latter. "That's if you ever see her again gracing these college floors."
Minjeong could only grumble under her breath, throwing a rolled up straw wrapper at Aeri. "At least have faith in me, yeah?"
"I have faith in you." Jimin says, raising her hand in support of her friend which earns a smile from the puppy-like female.
Minjeong stretches her arms, letting out a noise in content of how the stretch felt before throwing all her books and notebooks in her bag.
"Going home already?" Yizhou pouts, not wanting the other to leave. "But who will I bother now?"
The short haired rolls her eyes at her friend before pointing at the Japanese and getting out of the chair she's been in for 4 hours. "You can bother her, she's not even doing anything besides watching that dumb rom-com."
"Will we see you in tomorrow's morning lecture or you're skipping again?" Jimin asks, eyes still focusing on the materials written down in the medicine book. "Just wondering if I'll need to bring four or three cups of coffee."
Minjeong contemplates for a second. "I'll show up."
"Okay! See you tomorrow."
For some strange reason, Minjeong will score high on exams yet her overall class grade drops because of lame professors counting attendance, the short-haired has no choice but to start showing up again.
With a hum in response, Minjeong slings her bag around her shoulders as she turns towards the door of the library. She looks down on her phone, checking for any important emails from any professors.
"OW!" A voice gets the short-haired's attention off her phone. "Could you at least watch where you're going?"
Hong Y/N, the girl of Minjeong's dreams.
You pat off your clothes, afraid of dust flying onto your cropped blazer that you JUST got yesterday while shopping with your sister and brother-in-law.
The short-haired is caught in a trance at how beautiful your voice sounds. With a pretty face of yours and a music-like tone of a voice, she doesn't mind dealing with that cold-heart of yours.
"You're not going to apologize or anything?" You ask, glaring at the female in front of you.
"My bad, I got distracted." Minjeong nervously giggles, not that she's afraid of you but because you're standing in front of her. "I'm sorry for not watching my direction. If you want, I can pay for your clothes if anything is wrong with them."
If Yizhou was here, she would laugh in Minjeong's face at how much of a simp she already was for a girl who BARELY pays attention to anyone.
You look at the puppy-like female, no expression on your face. "No, you don't have to do that. It'll just be a waste of my time."
"Let me treat you out to coffee then!" The other spits out those words in a flash, her eyes full of determination of some sort. "It'll at least ease my mind."
You actually have no time for anything.
"It doesn't have to be today! Or tomorrow or the day after that." Minjeong exclaims, her eyes are puppy-like as she stares down at you. "Just, when you want cofffe, let me know."
And before your mouth forms a response to say, the red haired girl is already off on her heels and walking.
"I don't even know her...?" You speak to yourself, hold on your handbag tightens as you proceed to walk into the library with the same face you had on the entire time.
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Being the youngest daughter of the Hong family isn't the easiest. Sure, others may argue that you got everything handed to you since the second you were born. You admit that they're correct, you were born in a family full of money.
Being born into one of the wealthiest family in South Korea already had a career already chosen for you.
But, it's not something you'd want to do for the rest of your life.
It's different for your sister and brother. While Haein is good at her job and takes charge while also being confident about it, Soocheol was adamant about extending his resort business. And you; you hated being in the business industry. Whether it'd be retail or resort, you'd be homeless instead.
"Y/N, keep your head in the game." Your father's voice brings you out of your thoughts, bringing you back to your senses. "You're going to be working alongside your sister after college so you need to make sure you're paying attention."
You let out a nod, apologizing under your breath as you pay attention back to the board where your brother-in-law is talking about the results of kicking out designer stores that aren't reaching their sales. Whatever that was.
"If we let that happen, we'll be required to pay a penalty fee if they found out due to the branding." Hyunwoo explains to your father.
You let out a bored sigh, looking across the table at your brother who's cluelessly flipping through the papers then at your older sister who is sat beside you, at ease listening to everything being said.
"Stop sighing." Haein warns you, worried that you'll get a scolding from your father at home during dinner. "Just endure it."
You pout your bottom lip out in response, picking up a pen and doodling on the papers that were handed out to you earlier before the meeting. Oh, how you wish you could be anywhere else but here.
"On the topic of counterfeit products, it may affect how the overall sales in a whole range." Hyun-woo points at the estimated percentages.
Fighting to urge to let out another sigh, you rest your chin in the palm of your hand trying to pay attention to whatever your brother-in-law babbling about now.
While trying to look interested in the contents of the screen, you can't help but to think back on what happened earlier on campus and the encounter with the puppy-resembling female.
How come you've never seen her before?
How were you even going to get coffee with her if you don't know the girl? Not saying you would but maybe; if it ever comes down to it; then it will.
"We will take a look and come up with appropriate measures." Your father said, giving a look to your brother to write that down. "Meeting done."
The way everyone in that room can see how your eyes lit up at those last two words from your father. Everyone exits the meeting room, besides your family. Rolling your eyes at what this may mean.
Another lecture on being professional as a Hong family member
Possibly a really good vacation trip out of nowhere
"Hong Y/N, just why do you think you can behave the way you do?" Your father clicks his tongue in a scolding manner, pressing the button on the remote which rolls down the blinds of the meeting room so other employees would not be able to see.
You look down at your hands, not wanting to make eye contact with the angry man.
"I understand you're the youngest but Y/N, you need to realize that you've been off the hook since birth." He continues, letting out a deep sigh after. "You need to start taking things seriously, you are not a kid anymore."
Without letting you say a word, you hear the footsteps of him leave the room with the door clicking shut behind him.
There it is again; the stupid burden falling and feeling heavy on your shoulders. Your body starts trembling and your tears can't stop falling from your dagger-like eyes.
"Y/Nnnie?" Your brother softly calls out, walking over to where you sat. "Are you crying?"
Your brother-in-law's hands you a tissue.
"That's why I told you to endure it." Haein warns you.
Soocheol pats your back. "You know how father is like. He's serious when it comes to business."
"Don't comfort her." Your sister takes Soocheol's hand off your back. "She needs to learn and grow from this."
Hyunwoo calms his wife down. "Honey, let's not stress her out."
"That's right! She's already startled by father's words from earlier." Your brother defends you.
The older female shakes her head, disapproving the two males. "Once you're all settled down, come to my office for a talk, Y/N."
Soocheol gasps, placing his hand over his mouth in a way to not frighten you (it didn't work). While your brother-in-law could only give you a 'good luck' look as he goes back to his office. Soocheol shortly leaving afterwards after getting a phone call from the chairman (your grandfather).
Clicking on the button of the remote to draw the blinds back up, you stare through the windows and across into where your older sister's office is at. She's furrowing her brows upon reading some critical conditions and you know she's unhappy with something.
With a sigh to calm down your nerves, you quietly exit the meeting room and walk across to knock on the CEO's door. Seeing her through the clear glass door, she brings her hand up which prompts you to walk in. Each step you take, nerves are taking over as you walk towards her desk.
"I'm not being tough on you because I want to." She looks up, crossing her arm. "But because you're a smart woman, Y/N. We just want to push that towards the business that's been in the family."
Business this! Business that! Why does no one ever want to hear what you want to do?
"Do you get what I'm trying to say?" Her brow is raised, looking stern yet she means no harm. "Push through for a few more years, alright?"
You want to laugh-out of absurd. Everyone always tells you that as long as you listen to father and grandfather, you should be set. After all, we were born and raised into a conglomerate family. One of the wealthiest at that.
Yet, why does it bother you when you know you're set for life?
"Are you listening, Y/N?" Haein says, waiting for your response.
With a hum in satisfaction, Haein leans back in her chair. "Okay, meeting done."
With a small bow, you can only walk out of your older sister's office feeling disappointed in yourself.
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Minjeong sighs while taking a seat in the back of the lecture room waiting for the class to start and for her friends to get here. She can only get her materials out and prepare for class in the meantime.
While opening her tote bag, she hears the lecture room's doors open again, indicating that another person also decided to come early. Looking up, still tired and out of her mind, to see who the other person is; Minjeong suddenly sits up and instantly widens awake.
What are you doing here? You were in this class? How come the others never told her about you?
You stand up straight, bag clutched in your hands while looking effortlessly beautiful in a vintage Chanel long sleeved blazer which hugs your waist perfectly along with a white turtleneck and a matching vintage Chanel skirt. And rarely; a backpack is hugging your back.
Minjeong has to give it you; she does admit that your shoe game will always do the outfit even more attention. Valentino heels seems to be one of your favorites.
Oh; how down bad Minjeong is for this classy lady in front of her.
You and her make eye contact. You look at her, realizing that it's the same puppy-eyed girl from yesterday. With a small quiet sigh, you walk up the lecture room's stairs.
The short-haired feels her breath hitch at the sight of you walking, omg the universe is blessing her with all of these Y/N moments.
"Is anyone sitting here?" You ask, the same cold sounding voice like yesterday but oh does Minjeong love the way your voice sounds. (she can never be your hater like the others are)
The ginger shakes her head immediately. "Please sit!"
'Strange.' You talk to yourself in your own thoughts at how eager that girl sounded.
Nonetheless, you sit in the seat next to her. Taking your backpack off and placing it aside before staring at the side view of the red haired. How strange yet intriguing she is.
Minjeong can see from her peripheral vision, her ears starts heating up and she can't help but to awkwardly turn to you. Expecting you to look away, you continue staring. Same unfazed cold expression that you're known for.
"W-why are you staring at me?" She asks, unsure of what to do or say.
Getting a shrug in response from you, you sigh before turning your full attention to the front of the room.
"What time does this class end?" You look down at the watch sitting on your wrist, ready to bolt out of here before getting yet another scolding from your sister.
With another sigh escaping your mouth, you sit up straight while continuing to stare at the whiteboard against the wall.
Minjeong wonders how long you've been in this class for. Perhaps; it's your first day.
The door opens again, this time with two loud voices and one voice shushing them constantly. A specific ginger short-haired hides her face from them, on purpose (and to also not mess up her love life).
"Oh! Minjeong is here today!" Aeri looks up, ready to wave at the named girl before trailing her eyes over to the figure next to her and her mouth instantly hangs low.
You nod to yourself at the recent information. Her name is Minjeong? Somehow; that name matches the puppy-like student.
"Let's not bother her." Jimin pushes both Aeri and Yizhou to rows a couple behind the first before sending a look over to her best friend.
The Japanese fights the urge to look back, whispering to Yizhou. "I thought Hong Y/N dropped this class?"
"She probably had other things to attend to." Yizhou whispers back.
Clearing your throat, you turn towards the female besides you.
Minjeong fidgets with her hands before she too turns to face you.
"About that coffee-" "-Would you like to get coffee today?"
The both of you stare at each other, until she lets out a laugh which caught your attention. Suddenly, you're staring a bit harder at her, focusing on her features a bit longer than you normally would focus on other people. And you cannot help but to wonder why once again, you've never seen her before until now.
"Would you like to get coffee with me today after class?" Minjeong asks, a smile on her pretty lips as she patiently waits for your answer with nervousness rushing through her at the expression of yours.
You clear your throat again, pulling away from the eye contact as you stare back at the front while ignoring the way your cheeks suddenly feels warm. "Okay, then."
Your answer simply means yes.
To Minjeong, that answer sounded indecisive almost.
"Your treat, correct?" You ask, still ignoring the weird heating effect on your cheeks.
The puppy-like female is doing summersaults in her head, jumping up and down mentally like an overly excited puppy who's ready to tackle down their human.
"Yeah! Of course, it is!"
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next part: may 8, 2024; publishing date
i LOVED qot SO MUCH so of course i had a bit of inspo for this small short, characters from queen of tears are NOT mines (all rights go to the writers) leaning to writing another part to this (maybe?)
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99k4manii · 3 months
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The 4th of July !
⚠️ warning !: fluff, smut, sex in a car, unprotected. Oral (fem receiving ) !definitely not proof read!
It was late a night around 12:35. Fireworks and gunshots where going on outside celebrating the 4th day of July. you was laying down chilling till felt ony get out the bed. “where you goin’?” you asked while still laying down eyes closed. “I’m gonna go shoot some fireworks!” You sighed and didn’t say nothing after that. “You not mad is you?” He asked before taking his gun out the drawer. “Nahh. But you best not be out there being crazy ya’ hear me?” You lifted up turnt back point you’re finger at him like you were scolding him. “Mama I promise I won’t!” “Okay ony..” you said slunching back into bed.
About half an hour later ony was shooting hella fireworks and shot his gun Atleast twice. There was a bunch of fireworks popping outside from many different yards, it was beautiful, they were pushing it, it was barely even the 4th it was still 12 something. You decided to get out of bed and go on the bedroom balcony wearing nothing but a sports bra and a pair of ony’s psd boxers. and your blonde lace in a clawclip style, watching him blow some small fireworks moving on to the bigger ones till he noticed you. “Mama? you not cold wearing them little ass clothes?” “Tuh.. baby I’ll be ohk” “nah mama I’m just saying you wearing that lil shi outside so..” “boy worry bout them damn fireworks.” He laughed “okay okay..” “mhm. Just make sure we still got some for the actual day.” You said rolling you eyes with arms leaning on the bars of the balcony looking down at him “alright I gotchu ima just blow a few more,” y’all stayed in silence a bit watching as the fireworks popped and crackled. “Baby I can’t wait to see you in your little outfit tomorrow.” He said bluntly but you could hear the smile through his words. “Baby who says I’m going anyways?” “Oh come on baby you been talking bout showing off that little outfit since you got it.” “Baby, it’s just that it’s most of your friends not mine.” He chuckled and took his hold on the fireworks and turned around to face you. “Baby…” ony looked at her with a sad look “onyankopon. You not bouta quilt trip me with that look…”
The next day your at the pool party. Yes he did “convince” you. You were wearing you cute little pink swimsuit with a pink skirt as a cover up. “He was talking to his friends all day basically ignoring you. But you wasn’t Gon let the slide so you made a couple friends, but the dj started playing TGIF by Glorilla.
Which happens to be one of your favorites but since ony was always around you always had to listen in silence, but since he wasn’t here…
“It’s 7pm Friday it 95 degrees I ain’t got no nigga and ain’t no nigga ain’t got me! I’m bouta show my-” you felt somebody familiar behind you. It was no other than ony in his black swim trunks “what the fuck don’t you got? And what you finna show?” “Hi baby!” You said with a nervous smile “nuh uh don’t “hi baby” me. I should fuck yo lil ass up.” “Well baby you can’t really be mad! You left me by myself and-“
“F-fuckkk onyyy” he held your hands be behind your back while your face down ass up in the back seat of his sexccc ass, matte black Camaro he groaned with his head down watching your ass recoil…
A hour and a half went by and y’all came back to the party and chilled, this time you stayed by his side whole time. so you don’t do no more stupid shit.
After the party everyone was sent to a huge field and a whole bunch of fireworks starting going off, including ony’s. They’re where so pretty and bright, you sat on your knees a couple feet behind ony. He lit a fire work then backed up watching all the little flames burst into colors. after a couple rounds of fireworks everyone was down and went home..
You took a shower changed in to a loose crop top and shorts with no underwear / bra and got into bed putting your phone on charge and grabbing your iPad waiting for ony to come to bed. He walked in wearing some shorts and slide his body onto the bed, he kissed you cheek and went down to your neck and gave a couple kisses there, then he held your waist and you gave him a couple kisses. Then y’all feel asleep cuddled up together and your show still playing on your iPad..
So y’all wanna know how he convinced y’all to go..?
“Fuck onyyyy~~!” You said tugging on his hair while he goes down on your pussy “cmon baby I know you love it..” he mumble against your folds and looking up at you innocently like he wasn’t eating the soul out of you. “Onyyyy puhleaseee” you said throwing you head back almost falling of the edge of the bed. He slid a finger in your gaping hole, then 2.. then 3.. “baby are you gonna go..?” He said licking faster and pushing his fingers in and out of you faster and hard. “I’ll goo..! I’m goingtothepartyYYy~!” You said moving on his fingers with clit grazing his nose. “Good job mama..” He said with a smile lifting his mouth from you then slowly sliding his long monster machine inside…
Hiii babes! Look I finally posted! Yauppp I did my big one! I posted !! (I’m too proud..).. anyways I hoped y’all liked this! 💗 I’ll be posting more soon!
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poisonedprose · 1 year
can you write leon taking readers virginity? <33
₊˚✧ say yes to heaven — in which leon takes your virginity
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leon kennedy x afab!reader
warnings: 1.5k words, smut, established relationship, pet names (baby, pretty girl, bunny), curse words, virgin sex, body worship, unprotected sex, p in v, praise, breeding kink if you squint, borderline obsession, mentions of porn, a little bit of self consciousness
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Leon's hands ran all over your body, fingers grasping at the loose clothing you wore. You were sitting on his lap, your legs on each side of him. His lips were on your neck, leaving harsh redish, purple spots that you were definitely going to have to cover later, but you didn't mind. Your hands tracked through his hair, small, occasional gasps of pleasure falling from your swollen lips. 
"Oh, baby." He whispered, his voice so breathy. "Need you so bad." His desperation took you by surprise. Leon was never forward with this sort of thing, knowing you would tell him when you were ready. He was so nervous to fuck something up with you and he never wanted to push you into something you didn't want, but he was far past a hunger for you that was able to be tamed.
"We don't have to do anything, just need something off. Please." He looked up at you, pupils blown wide as he spoke, his voice whiny and desperate. His hands slipped under your shirt, waiting for you to tell him if he could take it off. "Okay." You nodded and before he slipped the shirt off you, he kissed your lips quickly as a thank you. 
Once he lifted the shirt over your head he knew he was fucked. "God, look at you." He admired while his hands sat on your hips, just above the waistband of your shorts, his thumb rubbing soothing circles. His eyes roamed all over you, your chest, your stomach, and even your thighs, which he could see just a bit more now that your oversized shirt was discarded. 
Blush arose on your face, confidence but also self consciousness flowing through you as Leon's eyes continue to dart over every single part of your body. He's seen you in low cut shirts before, crop tops, tank tops, really he's seen it all but seeing it all while you were sat so prettily atop his lap was clouding his mind.
His gawking continued, leaving bites and bruises on your exposed skin. It was all too much for you, your cunt aching to be touched. "Leon.." You whispered, your voice coming out whinier than you would have liked. 
He looked up at you, his pupils still blown wide. He was scared that he'd made you uncomfortable but when he saw the look on your face, he knew what you needed. "Are you sure?" His hands slid around to rest on your back, gently rubbing it as some sort of comfort for whatever reason.
You nod before speaking. "Please." It was all the confirmation Leon needed. He lifted you off him gently, laying you on your back. He reattached his lips to yours. One of his hands pulling down your shorts, rather aggressively at that. 
He wanted to be gentle for you, but need was coursing through his veins. Every part of you was invading Leon's mind. Your scent, your warmth, your voice. Every single part. You were driving him past the point of crazy. He needed you so bad and he was finally going to have you tonight. 
"You don't know how much I need you, pretty girl." He had called you that special pet name on countless occasions, but this time it sounded better, dirtier coming out of his mouth. His fingertips graze your skin as he hovers over you, his lips inches away from yours, tempting you with a kiss.
You didn't really know what to do next. Your ideologies of sex only being based on porn, which you knew would serve you no help. You decided it would be best to just let Leon take the lead, which he was doing just fine at, with his lips now on your neck. 
You knew Leon was experienced. It didn't threaten your relationship or anything extreme but there was always just the thought floating in the back of your head but now that you actually decided to have sex with Leon, the thought was slowly pushing its way forward.
You were drawn out of your thoughts as Leon lifted himself off you and pulled his t-shirt over his head. You could never get sick of looking at his abs. A small smirk forms on his face as he watches you look over his torso, taking in the sight of him that you love oh so much. 
He doesn't say anything as he goes back to his previous position of hovering over you, a smile on his face as he kisses you. "I love it when you look at me like you wanna eat me up." You could feel your face heat up as Leon laughed lowly, obviously enjoying the look of surprise on your face from being caught.
"Adorable." He mumbled before going back to attacking your neck with kisses, his fingers dangerously close to your cunt. His hand rested on your stomach, his fingers gradually getting lower. It was almost like Leon was doing it on purpose, teasing you for his enjoyment.
You gasped when Leon's fingers finally slid over your clothed cunt, applying the right amount of pressure on your clit. You rolled your hips into his hand gently. "Feels good, bunny?" His voice was soft and breathy, a smile on his face as he looked at you. You nod and continue to roll your hips to create friction. He almost wants to let you do this all night, letting you work for your orgasm, but he decides he wants to be nice. 
He slips your panties down, basking in the glory of finally seeing your perfect pussy. He lets out a groan at the mere sight of your soaked cunt. “Oh, fuck, baby.” He praises as he slides his thumb through your folds and landing at your clit, sloppily rubbing circles over it. You gasped at the feeling, Leon’s fingers feeling better than yours ever could.  
Leon’s hips stuttered into the mattress, it was clear he was enjoying this just as much as you, if not more. “Shit, I need you so bad, bunny.” He whined. You’d never seen Leon so desperate for you. “Can I please fuck you?” He asked sweetly in contrast to the request.
“Yes, please, Leon. I want- I need you in me.” His hands quickly retracted themselves from your body, almost reluctantly, immediately pulling down his pants and boxers. You watched intently as pumped himself a few times. Watching even more intently when precum dripped from his delicious cock. 
He coated his cock with his precum, trying to lubricate himself as much as possible to avoid hurting you too much. Your cunt clenched around nothing as the thought of Leon fucking into you crossed your mind. You’ve fingered yourself before among other things but you knew nothing would compare to Leon’s cock pumping in and out of you.
He resumed his position of hovering over you, one arm beside your head for support, with his hand resting on your head. His other hand held the underside of your thigh as he lined himself up with your entrance. "Tell me if it hurts too much, or if you want me to stop, okay? Can you do that for me, bunny?" His voice was soft, still desperate and whiny, of course. "Yeah, I can do that." You whispered, anticipation making your hips buck to feel his cock between your folds.  
He groans under his breath before laughing at the sight of you so desperate for him. He gently pushes inside of you, going slowly, watching your face for any signs of discomfort. You whine gently and Leon's hand is quick to land on your side, rubbing soothing circles before he's completely bottomed out. You let out a shaky breath, your eyes closed as you adjust to the feeling of Leon's cock. 
You can feel Leon's hand move away from your head and instead grip the pillow you were laying on before choking out a broken whimper. He lowers his head to your neck. "You're so- so fucking good. Fuck, I- does it hurt? Can I move now?" He rambles, tickling your neck as his lips brush your skin with every word. You nod, too far gone already to trust your voice. "Use your words, pretty girl." He mumbles as he begins kissing your neck. "P-please move, Leon." 
He doesn't waste another second. He starts off gentle, pulling out and pushing back into you just hard enough to make the both of you feel good. His hands roam all of your body, admiring every single part of it and if you were in a cartoon, hearts would replace his eyes. It was your turn to rest your face in Leon's neck, your arms wrapped around his shoulders. Your nails dug into his back ever so slightly but he didn't mind.
"Taking it so well f'r me, baby." His thrusts got rougher by the second, but he was still careful not to hurt you. Your whines and incoherent mumblings fueled him, made him want to pump you full of his cum for hours until you were too sore to move. "You're doin' such a good job, bunny." You clenched around him, making his hip stutter as he let out a guttural groan. You wondered why you waited so long to do this, waited so long to feel Leon's cock stuff your pussy whole.
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luvacookie · 7 months
ur such a smart girl.
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armin helps one of his best friends with her physics lectures.
❥ warnings : mildly nerdy ! armin, shitty physics terminology, not proof read, oral (f & m receiving), face fucking, slight degrading, praise, softdom ! armin, sub ! reader, blk fem coded.
❥ cookie for ur thoughts ? : i needed to write smthing for minnie, it woulda been so criminal if i didn't omg
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“armin, are you coming?”
he shook his head, eyes not leaving his computer screen. “can’t. promised y/n i’d help her with her studying.”
eren groaned, staring at his bestfriend. “arminnn. can’t you cancel? you’re always with that sophomore.”
“dude, i promised. i’m not going.”
eren sighed. he left his room, closing the door behind him. armin closed his computer screen, rubbing his tired eyes.
his phone began buzzing beside him and he picked it up, smiling at the contact photo of you and him.
“arminnnn! are you still coming over?”
“of course i am princess, in about fifteen minutes. why? are you okay?” he responded, his eyes still closed.
“yes yes, i just wanted to know if you would be down for pizza after? my treat.”
he smiled. “sure, anything you want.”
you grinned, kicking your feet on your bed. “mkayyy, see you soon.”
you hung up, dropping your phone besides you.
“you’re so in love it’s sickening,” annie commented from her desk, picking at her chipped nail polish.
you scoffed. “i am not in love. armin is my best friend is all.”
she rolled her eyes, picking up her bag. “whatever you say. i’m going to reiner’s now, don’t fuck on my bed.”
you ignored her, scrolling through your phone. once you heard the door click shut you jumped out of bed, picking out an outfit.
you settled on some checkered pyjama bottoms and a pink lacy crop top, just in time for armin to knock on your front door.
“hiii,” you greeted him, pulling him in for a hug.
he hugged you back tightly, his arms wrapping around your waist. “you okay?”
you nodded enthusiastically, letting him go and dragging him into your dorm.
“make yourself comfy, i’m gonna go grab my stuff,” you told him, leaving him to re-familiarise himself with your accommodation.
he wandered aimlessly, picking up little trinkets he hadn't noticed before that you and annie had placed around the living room. he had been taking a photo of baby you and your family when you walked back in the room, books in arm.
"mkay, i'm ready, where do you wanna start?" you asked, making yourself comfy at your small dining room table.
he sat beside you, flipping through your pretty physics notes. "how about here?" he pointed to the notes you made last lecture.
you nodded enthusiastically, pulling out your laptop. you typed in your password and armin's heart could have burst at seeing you and him on your home screen.
"i remember this day," he said, smiling at the photo of the two of you.
you pulled your screen towards you, hiding it from him. “aha, yeah…”
armin watched you shuffle in your seat, typing in your needed web page before turning the screen the right way.
you settled, flipping to a clean page in your notebook. “mkay, so i don’t get these points…”
hours passed as you tried to force physics into your head, desperate to drag your average up.
armin watched as you became became frustrated, sighing and pouting how you do when your annoyed.
“ ‘min i just can’t remember, i don’t wanna waste your time. accept that i’m just bad,” you sighed, burying your head on the countless flash cards on your desk.
“i don’t think your bad, in fact i think you’re quite smart, just distracted,” he hummed, tapping his fingers on the desk.
“no. i’m just bad,” you giggled sadly, rubbing your eyes.
“do you trust me?” he asked, disregarding your statement.
“yeah, of course,” you responded instantly. you did trust him, with your life practically.
he stood up from the table, grabbing you by the hand.
“where are we going?” you asked, letting him lead you to wherever.
he pushed your bedroom door open, locking it behind you. your heart jumped slightly in your throat, wondering what it was that armin had in mind.
"still trust me?" he asked, his eyes trailing over your body.
you nodded meekly, moving back to sit on your soft bed covers.
"i'm gonna help you focus, my way," he mumbled, stalking towards you.
a slight shiver erupted over your body, the way his blue eyes stared at you did criminal things to your state of mind.
"what is your way?"
he sank down in front of you, settling on his knees. your heart was seriously on the verge of spitting itself up, the view of armin on his knees in front of you felt religious.
his hands played with the waist band of your pyjamas, tugging them down agonizingly slow, leaving you in your plain white thong.
his hands rested on your knees gently, slowly prying them apart, which you let happen with no resistance, something that pleased him.
he slowly kissed his way up your plush thighs, nipping every so often, making you release little whimpers. music to his ears.
just as he reached the damp spot on your panties he looked up at you, his eyes inspecting your face. you whined, squeezing your thighs together lightly to get him to keep going.
"what's the equation to hooke's law?" he asked innocently, scraping his blunt nails up and down your inner thigh.
you blinked, confused. he hummed and placed a light kiss to your clit through your panties, making you whine out for him.
"tell me then."
you fumbled over your words, you knew the answer to this but it was hard to think of much when a god-sent angel was on the verge of making you cum.
"s-spring constant times the stretch," you whined, reaching your hand out to comb through his hair.
he placed a kiss on your thigh and then your clit, moving his hands to your ass to pull you in closer. he moved his hands to your panties, pulling them down to leave your pussy bare for him.
you whined at the feeling of his breath tickling you, a contrast to your normally cold room. he rubbed slow circles on your clit, making you moan lowly.
"equation for resistance," he mumbled, looking at your face.
"f-fuck armin i-" you whined out.
he pulled away from you, making you pout and breathe heavily.
"don't give me that face princess. the more you get right the quicker you get to cum," he mocks, tracing light shapes on your inner thigh.
you sighed, annoyed. "i don't know armin! please! i promise i'll be a good girl for you—"
he shook his head, giving you a small smirk. "goddamn it. i can't say no to you when you beg like that."
he doesn't give you a chance to respond as he continues his assault on your clit, switching between sucking and licking. he enters his middle finger gently, fucking you with it softly, the contradiction making your brain hurt.
you lie down on the bed, the stimulation throwing you off guard. "fuck min- i'm gonna-"
he shushes you, his mouth unwavering, the vibrations making the coil in your belly unwind faster. he moves his finger inside you quicker, feeling you squeeze him tighter.
"mm- shit- cumming-!" you moan, the pleasure washing over you.
that didn't stop armin from devouring you, he wasn't done with you just yet.
he only began to let up when your thighs threatened to crush his head, not that he would have complained if they did. he left small, wet kisses as he trailed along back to your mouth, kissing you feverishly.
you could taste yourself on his tongue, enjoying the freak nature that armin was displaying with you. he pulled away from you slowly, a clear string of spit following him as he studied you with low eyes.
“gonna be a good girl f’me ? like you promised baby ?” he asked, reaching for your hand. he carefully moved you to the floor, placing you on your knees in front of him.
you nodded eagerly, willing to go to the edge of the earth for this man to give you another orgasm. “i will, min.”
he smirked at you, moving your hand towards the tent that had grown in his sweats. you started working as if you were on autopilot, palming him roughly and drawing out low groans from the back of his throat.
“can i pull these down please ?” you said, breaking armin’s momentary bliss.
“of course you can baby,” he responded, watching your perfectly polished acrylic nails break past the waist band of his sweats and boxers in one go.
you pulled them down slowly, letting his dick snap up and slap against the lower part of his stomach. you had been staring for too long as armin tapped your pink lips with his tip.
“open up baby,” he mumbled, watching your jaw widen to fit him in comfortably.
you let the saliva build in your mouth before you started bobbing up and down slowly, swirling your tongue over the tip. armin let out low whimpers, grabbing your hair and turning it into a makeshift ponytail.
you began to pick up the pace, balancing by placing one of your hands his thighs and using the other to rub the length that couldn’t fit inside your mouth.
“fuuuuck baby girl… just like that, use that tongue of yours hm,” he encouraged, lightly pushing your head further down his length.
the intrusion of his dick grazed the back of your throat, making it constrict and you gag and causing him to let out a particularly loud moan. spit began pooling out of your mouth and travelling down him and your face. you eventually tapped out, coming up for the air your lungs were lacking.
you inhaled deeply, your head resting on his thigh. “couldn’t breathe—”
armin pet your head softly, “did such a good job baby girl. can you finish it for me ?”
your breathing became less erratic so you nodded, desperate to do well for him. you took his length in your hand and moved up and down, squeezing as you reached the tip.
more strings of whimpers and moans escaped armin’s lips, his hand having a strong grip on the side of your hair as a way to relieve the pressure building up inside of him.
you kitten licked the tip and placed light kisses on it, causing his dick to twitch. when your breathing finally relaxed, you allowed his length to hit the back of your throat, causing armin to loose his mind.
he grabbed the back of your head and began abusing your mouth, using you however he liked.
“such a pretty fucking mouth huh? shame it belongs to such a slut, letting me fuck your face like this?” his voice came out hoarse, his hips beginning to stutter and slow.
you moaned at the roughness of his movements, the vibration and constriction being his final straw. without warning, his cum shot down your throat, forcing you to swallow it all.
“s-shit— are you okay baby ?” his normally soft demeanour returned, pulling his cock out your mouth and pulling you off the floor.
you nodded and opened your mouth to show armin that is cum was gone.
“swallowed all of it!” your voice came out rougher than usual.
he kissed your mouth gently, stroking the back of your head as he did.
“well done baby, i’m so proud of you,” he mumbled, pulling you in for a hug.
you welcomed his embrace, sinking into his body.
“get you all cleaned up then order that pizza ? we can be done with physics for today,” he said into the top of your head, the sound reverberating through your body.
“yes please,” you responded softly.
armin chuckled at you in a teasing manner. he was stuck with you for a very long time.
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melon-fodder · 2 months
What Friends Are For • T. Hiragi
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Summary: Hiragi was annoyed when you bailed on the plans you had with him, but when finds you curled up with your heating pad, alone in your apartment he understands what happened, and now he wants to help.
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: period sex, female-bodied reader, best friends to lovers, blood (obviously), cramps and other period symptoms, fingering, p in v, mentions of oral but it doesn’t happen (maybe next time)
Notes: this has been in my head for months now. It’s time to get it out. Special shout out to my nexplanon! Thanks for making me bleed for a solid month 😔✌🏻
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Hiragi is annoyed.
Which isn’t uncommon for him, honestly, but it’s pretty rare that he’s annoyed with you.
You’d had these plans for a couple weeks now, a local band you both enjoy playing at a small venue downtown. You were excited. You had sent Hiragi all your different outfit options, and he’d given his honest opinions until you’d settled on the crop top, shorts, fishnets, and docs. He’d had to talk you out of the skirt you’d recently gotten— “I don’t wanna have to worry about creeps thinkin’ they can just slip their hands up there.”
“You don’t have to worry about me like that, Ragi,” you’d told him over the phone, “it’s not like I’m your girlfriend. You don’t have to defend my honor.”
A reminder that stings a little every time. You’re not his girlfriend, and he’s not your boyfriend, despite what everyone thinks and says. Despite everything that he feels.
None of that matters currently, though, because he’s pissed at you. Which is why he’s knocking on your apartment door to see what the fuck is wrong with you. Surely, there has to be something. It’s not like you to flake.
There’s some brief shuffling from inside before the door opens a crack, revealing a sliver of your face that looks… different.
“Ragi?” He just taps his foot until you open the door and let him in. “What’re you doing? I told you I can’t go out.”
The first thing he notices is that your eyes are a little puffy. Then, when he glances around your small living room, Hiragi sees that the TV is on, playing one of your favorite medical dramas—the one that’s just sex, surgery, and crying. You’re in a ratty old t-shirt (one of his, he’s pretty sure) and a pair of boy shorts that hug your hips and thighs too well.
“So what, you’re gonna skip out on this show so you can just sit here and watch TV?” His irritation has spiked again, familiar acid rising in his throat.
“What?” You peer at him like you’re confused then look back to the show and the little nest you’ve made yourself on your couch.
“It’s not… I wanna go. I just don’t think I’d have a good time.” Your face twists, both hands moving to your hips as you bend as if to stretch your back.
You’re acting weird.
“How do you know you’re not gonna have a good time?”
“Hiragi…” you say his name like a warning, and something new clicks into place.
You don’t feel well. The puffy eyes, the comfy clothes— “are ya sick or somethin’?”
You grimace, still bending and stretching while digging your thumbs into your lower back.
“No, I just— fuck, I need to lay back down.”
He watches as you walk to the couch and pull something out from under the mass of blankets, click a remote a couple times, then settle it against your back.
“I wanna go to the show, Ragi. And I’m not sick.” He can see the muscles of your jaw flex when you clench your teeth. “My fucking period is just kicking my ass tonight, okay?”
Oh. Oh. Okay.
“That… makes more sense, I guess,” Hiragi mutters, feeling much less irritated and much more foolish. “Can I get you anything?”
“A hysterectomy?” you joke, though it sounds more like begging.
“If I was qualified, you know I would.”
He can’t find it in himself to look at you. It’s not like Hiragi isn't familiar with periods. He’s had girlfriends and friends who are girls and, ya know, a mother.
He’s just—it’s just—you never bring it up around him. You’ve never mentioned cramping or bleeding or cravings related to it. He doesn’t even think he’s ever seen a tampon in your purse or your bathroom (not that he’s looked, it’s just something he’s noticed).
You must be able to see the confusion written all over his face. Or maybe you just know him too fucking well because with a heavy sigh, you explain, “I switched birth controls a couple months back. I didn’t have periods at all on my old one, but this one… anyway, I’m not used to the pain and everything else.”
This is a problem. You have a problem, Hiragi thinks, one that he can fix or, at the very least, help you with. Hiragi is good at fixing things. He’s good at finding solutions. So if he can just shove all of his awkwardness and discomfort to the side, he can focus on what’s important: making you feel better.
“You have pain killers?”
You shake your head.
“Menstrual products?”
You snort. “What?”
“Pads, tampons—”
“I know what they are, dummy,” you laugh, “just sounds weird when you say it like that. Menstrual products,” you imitate, and Hiragi rolls his eyes.
“Do you have any?”
You shrug, “not enough, but I use a disk anyway.”
Now is not the time for questions.
“Alright. I’ll be right back then,” he tells you before turning around to walk out.
“Wait! Where are you… nevermind,” he hears you mumble before the door shuts. If you know him as well as he thinks you do, you should have a pretty good idea of where he’s headed.
The little drug store at the corner doesn’t exactly offer luxury, but it’s stocked with what Hiragi needs. The girl behind the counter gives him a knowing look as she rings everything up and asks if he’d like to buy one of the mini flower bouquets that are displayed next to the register.
But it’s not like that.
“Nah, just this,” he says as he pulls out his wallet, the one you tease him about so much (“what is this, 2000? Get rid of the chain, old man!”).
It isn’t long before he’s walking back into your apartment like he lives there. Sometimes it feels like he does. Hiragi drops the bags on your coffee table and starts taking things out.
Medicine, the kind with added caffeine to help with headaches and energy. A box of tampons, regular and super. A box of pads just in case. Your favorite chocolates. A pint of ice cream he needs to put in the freezer ASAP, and…
“Is that a—”
“It’s not some dumb little plushie,” Hiragi immediately grabs what definitely looks like a dumb little plushie. “It’s got a rice pack in it, see? So you can heat it up and—”
“Cuddle with it?” You grin. “Is there a reason it’s an alligator? I feel like that’s not very period friendly.”
“It was an alligator or a crab,” he calls out, walking to the kitchen. “You want crabs?”
“No, I do not want crabs,” you shout. “But, I’m just sayin’. It’s a little suspicious you coming back with a plushie—”
“Not a plushie!”
“—that sort of resembles you that you want me to cuddle with.”
Hiragi leans to the side so that you can see him. “You associating me with every animal that has sharp teeth is your problem, not mine.”
The microwave timer goes off, prompting him to take out the rice pack and stick it back in the soft alligator. There’s a nice little weight to it, and it’s pleasantly warm by the time he hands it to you, still pouting about your teasing.
He moves your legs so that he can sit on the couch then resituates them on top of his own thighs, getting comfortable and trying not to smile when you press the plushie (yeah, that’s what it is) to your stomach and sigh.
“That’s nice.”
“Just lemme know when it needs to be reheated.”
“So, you’re just gonna sit here all night watching shitty medical dramas and reheating my hiragator?”
“Yeah, I—wait, what?”
“You heard exactly what I said,” you glare in that playful way you do, squeezing the heated toy tighter to you.
“You cannot name it Hiragator.”
“That sounds like a fuckin’ cancer.”
“So, Hiragator it is. Now that that’s settled, you can go to the show.”
Hiragi leans back on the couch and rubs his hands down his face before dropping them back to your calves.
“S’not gonna be fun without you,” he grumbles.
“Bullshit. You’ll be able to get into the pit without worrying about me.”
“I’m not eighteen anymore,” he chuckles. “There ain’t a single bone in my body that wants to get into a mosh pit.”
Your pretty smile disappears as your fingers dig into plush green fur, and Hiragi watches in concern as you curl further in on yourself. Trying not to disturb you too much, he reaches for the bottle of medicine and pours 2 out, glad that your water bottle is next to you on the floor.
“Here,” he urges, holding the pills out to you. You prop yourself up on your elbow to take them before collapsing back on the cushions.
“Seriously, you don’t have to stay with me. I’ll be fine.”
“Not like I have anything better to do,” he shrugs and changes the subject, “what episode are we on?”
“I started over so it’s the one where she’s dating Derek and the vet at the same time, and she’s getting stressed out about it.”
“Oh, when she has to get her appendix taken out?”
“Look at you remembering the details,” you giggle.
“I’ve probably seen it five damn times now, how could I forget?”
For the next hour, Hiragi sits with you, occasionally unwrapping a chocolate and handing it to you, sometimes rubbing your legs when you get that pained expression, trying not to think about how soft you feel and how he could get used to having you curled up next to him.
When he realizes the medicine either hasn’t kicked in or isn’t doing it’s fucking job, Hiragi finally braves the question, “did anything help before? I’m guessin’ you had periods before your old birth control, so what’d you do back then?”
“I don’t remember them being this bad, honestly, but sometimes when I’d have bad cramps…” you shake your head. “Never mind. Too much information.”
“Nothing. You’d probably think it’s gross.”
Well, now his interest is definitely piqued.
“Just tell me.”
He gives your calf a tiny pinch that makes you squeal, “fine,” while kicking his thigh. “When I was, like, sixteen, one of my friends told me that orgasms helped her when she was in a lot of pain, so I tried it.”
Hiragi’s mouth is suddenly very, very dry, but he still manages to ask, “and did it help?”
“Yeah, quite a bit, actually.”
He feels warm, like he’s touching your heating pad. Is he sweating? His face is probably beet red. Thinking about you like that, trying to relieve the tension in your body, fingers between your legs—
Stop. Stop thinking about it. He can already feel his dick stirring to life, and that is the last thing you should have to put up with right now.
“I told you you’d think it was gross.”
Hiragi sets his jaw and shakes his head.
“You’ve got a natural painkiller. Why not use it?” It’s a miracle his voice is coming out as smoothly as it is.
“Cause it’s… it’s weird doing it when you’re not in the mood, I guess. And, like, it can get a little messy.”
Fucking Christ.
“It’s hard to masturbate when you don’t feel sexy, and it’s hard to feel sexy when you’re cramping and bloated and weepy.”
“Makes sense,” Hiragi nods to himself, tracing little patterns on your leg, brain completely empty aside from the thought, I could do it for you.
Ah, shit. He’s usually so good at thinking through things before saying them out loud, but apparently the pathway from Hiragi’s brain to his mouth chose this one fucking time to malfunction.
No taking that one back.
“I said I could do it for you,” he repeats.
“I’m sorry, just so we’re on the same page, you’re talking about…”
“Giving you an orgasm. Making you cum. However you wanna put it.”
He shifts your legs a little further away from the growing bulge in his pants.
Your eyes are wide, mouth hanging open, and he feels the need to defend, “just cause you said it helped before! If you don’t want to, that’s fine. I just figured I’d offer.”
“I… honestly, I don’t know what to say. It’s been a while since anyone… and, I mean, it’d be weird, right? You and me? Plus, the blood, like… it’d be weird.”
“Whatever you say,” Hiragi hums. “I’m not scared of a little blood, though, just so we’re clear.”
“I never said you were. I know you’re very familiar with it, tough guy.”
“Pretty familiar with the female orgasm too, so you know.”
You make an undignified sound, something between a squawk and a shout that makes him laugh. “Telling me about your conquests isn’t gonna encourage me to let you stick your fingers up there!”
“I’m not gonna just stick ‘em up there, fuck, who have you been with that did that?”
“No one! I’m just saying!”
“Okay, Jesus, just watch your show.”
Hiragi makes a show of taking his hands off your legs and folds them behind his head. You somehow nestle deeper into the couch, hugging the alligator closer as you clench your teeth again.
How obvious would it be if he ran to the bathroom to rub one out? Would you be able to tell? He shouldn’t even need to. You barely talked about it.
But, the seed has been planted. The image of you on your bed with your knees open, your hand or maybe a toy rubbing over your sex.
Hiragi grabs a pillow and shoves it under your legs and therefore over his lap with the excuse that, “your heels are diggin’ into me.” That should take care of that for now.
About half an episode passes without the two of you saying anything, and when you do finally speak, it’s to quietly ask if he’ll reheat Hiragator for you.
“Only if you stop calling it that,” he says as he takes it from you.
He tosses it back into the microwave, of course, arms braced on the kitchen counter as he waits for the timer to go off. When he gets back, you have your eyes squeezed shut so tightly, it looks painful. There are tears right at the corners, and you’re taking slow, shaky breaths.
“Hey, hey, here,” he puts the plushie against your stomach and smooths a hand down your back, all the while wondering how the fuck you and every other uterus-having human puts up with this bullshit every month. It looks like hell.
“Ragi?” your voice cracks around his name.
He tilts his head, noticing your falling tears, and reaches over to wipe them away. “Hm?”
“You’re serious about helping me?”
He blinks at you. “You ever know me to be anything but serious?”
“I have seen very unserious sides of you. Sides that no one else sees.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don’t go thinkin’ you’re special or somethin’.”
“Special enough for you to make a very bold offer,” you shoot back with watery eyes and a raised brow.
“You ready to take me up on that?” He hopes he doesn’t sound too excited.
You nod emphatically, biting your lip while clutching that damn alligator like it’s your only lifeline.
“Alright, go get comfortable in bed. I’ll grab a towel.”
He helps you up, laughing through his nose when he hears you mutter something along the lines of, “can’t believe we’re doing this.”
You disappear into your bedroom, leaving Hiragi to wash his hands and grab the towel. He sheds his jacket in your room, hanging it on the doorknob, and even though he’s still fully clothed, he feels naked without the extra layer, not to mention his boots that are next to your front door.
You’re sitting up by your pillows, knees to your chest, voice too fucking meek for Hiragi’s liking when you ask, “do you want me to go put a disc in real quick? I don’t… these are just special underwear to, like, absorb. I don’t—I don’t have anything in right now, so…”
Hiragi stares at you while unfolding the towel, laying it out before motioning to it.
“Like I said before, ain’t gonna bother me. Now get comfortable and take those off.”
“So demanding, geez.”
You sound light-hearted, like you’re joking, but Hiragi sees the way your hands are shaking. You’re nervous. He doesn’t like that.
“Hey,” he stops you once you’ve pulled your underwear down to your thighs, “look at me.”
“If you tell me to call you sir or master or some shit, I’m kicking you out.”
“Shut up for just a second, please, I’m bein’ serious.”
“So am I! Don’t try to get all kinky—”
He grabs your face, pushing your cheeks together so that you’ll stop fucking talking.
“Listen to me.”
“I lish’nen,” you try, and it actually makes him smile.
“If you don’t wanna do this. If you’re not comfortable or if you’re scared or whatever, we don’t have to. I really am just tryin’ to help.” You nod under his hand, and he lets go. “I’m not gonna get grossed out. I’m not gonna judge you for anything, understand?”
“Yes, sir,” you answer with a smirk, and god dammit, it actually makes his cock twitch a little.
“You’re fuckin’ impossible to deal with, ya know that?”
“And yet, here you are doing just that.”
You shimmy out of your underwear and drop them over the side of the bed. It leaves you in nothing but that old T-shirt—Hiragi’s old T-shirt—so thin he can see the peaks of your nipples when you lie back.
He sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for you to relax, to let your knees fall open, to bare yourself to him. That's not something he’s ever rushed a woman on, and he’s definitely not gonna rush you. You close your eyes, bite your lip, then slowly spread your legs.
Hiragi has to focus on breathing, in and out, in and out, as his gaze land on your pussy. Puffy lips decorated with sticky blood and slick. He’s glad your eyes are closed because he licks his lips at the view. Hiragi could stare all day, but that’s not what he’s here for.
“You ready?” he asks, voice lower than usual.
“Yeah, you can… you can touch me.”
He feels his dick throb at those words, growing even harder when he grazes his fingers over your mound. You gasp, body tensing before relaxing again, like you had to remind yourself that you’re safe here with him.
He slides a finger up your slit, through the wetness, glancing down to note the mixture of blood and arousal before he spreads your folds.
There are so many things he could say at the sight of your twitching hole, so many ways he could praise the pretty pink leaking dark red like some kind of sordid Valentine’s candy that Hiragi wants to devour.
His eyes fall on the little bud at the crest of your lips, cute and begging for attention, and when he circles it with a wet finger, you stifle a moan with your fist.
“You can be loud, it’s your place,” Hiragi tells you, watching your face as he gently rubs over your clit, “plus, I’ll know it feels good if ya keep makin’ noises like that.”
He gives it a little flick that makes your hips buck, and you swear at him.
It doesn’t take long for Hiragi to learn what you like and what you don’t. You like the circles he rubs on your clit. You like when he just barely dips a finger between your folds.
And, you really like it when he slowly slides his middle finger deep into your pussy.
Using the thumb on his other hand, Hiragi starts teasing your clit again, pride swelling inside him at the way your eyes roll into the back of your head. Looking down, he watches his finger as it glides in and out of your body, fresh blood coating the digits. A thick string of it stretches from your hole to the towel beneath you, viscous as it mixes with your slick, and Hiragi can’t help but watch until it snaps.
“Fuck, that feels… that feels good.”
“Yeah?” He crooks his finger a bit, searching for that extra-swollen bundle, and when you cry out, he knows he’s found it.
The way you’re moaning and shifting your hips has him worked up, his cock straining against the zipper of his pants, and he wants to relieve some of the pressure so fucking bad, but he definitely doesn’t wannna give you the wrong idea.
“Can you—can you add another finger? I just need—more p-pressure… wanna be full.”
Hiragi groans. He can’t keep it in. And he knows he sounds wounded because it feels like you just shot him. You wanna be full.
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” he forces out, lining up his index with his middle finger and pushing them both inside you.
You suck them in greedily, needy as you start to chase your climax. Hiragi wets his thumb again, massaging your clit, eyes flicking from your cunt to your face, all your pretty expressions while he stuffs your pussy.
You’re making a mess of yourself and the towel. He can smell iron, which is strange because usually when he smells it, he can feel it in a busted lip or bitten tongue. Usually, when he smells it, he can taste it.
He's gonna cum in his pants if he keeps thinking about that, about shoving his face between your legs and feasting. He’s fantasized about eating you out countless times before, but never like this. Never so desperately. He’s never felt this fucking deranged over it.
“Fuck, please, please, please,” you cry, meeting his fingers on every thrust, trying to take more than he can give with them.
“What? What can I do?”
Hiragi raises to his knees, keeping pace with his fingers and planting his other hand by your head so he can lean over you.
So gorgeous like this—face splotchy, eyelashes wet with unshed tears, lips dark and swollen from the way you’ve been biting them. He has to fight not to kiss you, especially when you’re gazing up at him like this. Wanton. Hungry.
“What do you want?” he breathes. He’s too close to you, face just barely hovering over yours, and he’s sure you can see the lusty fog in his eyes, but you’ve got it too.
You whisper something, and he can feel the ghost of his own name against his lips, but not as clearly as he feels the words “fuck me” that fall from your mouth before you kiss him.
It’s harsh and desperate, teeth and tongues and heavy breathing before he breaks away to unbuckle his belt and free his aching cock.
“Don’t have a condom,” he says before reattaching himself to you, sucking on your bottom lip as he rubs himself over your messy pussy.
“Birth control, remember?” you pant. “S’why we’re here to begin wi—”
Hiragi pushes inside of you with a deep groan, one smooth thrust until he’s bottomed out and you’re clawing at his shirt. Your eyes are rolled back again, mouth barely moving against his like you’re in a daze.
“Feel full now, baby?”
You nod, and Hiragi gives you one more gentle kiss before he starts an even rhythm, his thick cock gliding in and out of you with ease. When his thumb finds your clit again, you moan his name like a plea, over and over again as your body starts to tighten up.
“Ragi, fuck, oh my god…”
Looking down, Hiragi watches your cunt swallow him, coating him in shiny red as a ring of thick white forms at the base of his cock. You’re a fucking mess, creaming all over him as he pushes blood and squirt out of your pussy.
“You gonna cum for me?” he grunts, feeling his balls tighten as his own orgasm builds. “Come on, baby, lemme see how good you feel.”
“So good,” you gasp, “s-so—oh, fuck…”
Your back arches off the bed just before you clamp down around Hiragi. Even if he didn’t want to cum, he wouldn’t be able to stop it, not with the way you milk it out of him—walls so soft and wet as they squeeze him, suck him even deeper as he empties his balls and paints your insides with hot cum.
All he wants to do is collapse on top of you, but he has enough sense to pull out first, causing both of you to hiss, then lets himself fall to the side.
It’s silent for a while, heavy breathing and voices from the TV filtering into your bedroom. Hiragi has the horrifying thought that nothing will ever be the same between the two of you after that.
That was as raw as it fucking gets. That was blood and guts and cum. So much cum.
Then, he feels you grab his hand and squeeze.
“Feel any better?” he asks, voice nothing but gravel.
“I feel a lotta things,” you hum. “Better is one of them.”
“That’s good, yeah?”
“Yeah… but I’m also sad,” you admit with a pout, and Hiragi rolls onto his side to look at you.
“There’s nothin’ to be sad about. You know we’re still good, right? We’re still—”
“It’s not that,” you sigh.
“Then what is it?”
You roll to face him, eyes still a little hazy from your orgasm but all big and shimmering when you look at him.
“Hiragator’s gonna get so lonely now that I have you to fuck the cramps outta me.”
“Oh my fucking god!”
You dissolve into a fit of giggles, hiding your face in your hands as Hiragi throws a leg over you and pulls you into his chest.
You are the worst—the absolute worst, and he loves everything about you, from the mess between your legs to the curve of your smile against his collarbone. Hiragi loves it all.
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melobin · 5 days
hello melo!! omg this is my first ask i've been following you for the longest time and i love all your work so much! ❤️ i hope you are doing wel ❤️ saw that you are asking for some full group headcanon inspo! how about some nipple play with riize where they are obsessed with their partner's pierced nipples! (nipple piercings are so hot especially when u can see through tight fitting clothes 🥵) i can totally see eunseok and anton going crazy just from seeing their pierced nipples! partner with no bra and in a cute cropped baby tee 🫠
hi cutie <3 i appreciate that !! i hope you’re doing well too !!
nipple play with riize ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
shotaro is a nipple sucker, he loves sucking on them during foreplay. he likes how relaxed you get when he does it, the way your fingers run through his hair and how your back arches up into his touch. could spend hours there if he didn’t end up painfully hard because of it. he’s quite fond of burying his head between them when he gets close to cumming, it’s either in your neck or between your tits and he often picks the latter because of the comfort it brings. he likes laying on them when he’s falling asleep too.
eunseok loves to squeeze your nipples. he does it mainly to watch you wince and squirm, he thinks you’re cute when you’re whining for him. he loves having his hands on your tits, loves bringing his fingers down to flick over your nipple between holding it between his fingers and rubbing it, pinching it just to hear you whimper and feel you buck your hips against his. he really wants to make you cum just by nipple stimulation but he’s still working out what gets you going the most. a nipple piercing would also ruin eunseok, especially if he could see it through your shirt. he’d end up hard on the spot and he’d just want the image engrained in his mind forever.
sungchan loved watching your tits as he fucks you. he loves the way your nipples harden and your tits bounce with each sharp thrust into you, he’s always reaching forward to take one in his hand, sometimes even slapping it before hand just to hear you moan a little louder. if you had a nipple piercing it would literally be the end of sungchan. he’s find it the hottest thing and he’d do all he can to have you in positions that have him the best access to your tits. he’s obsessed with having you ride him just so he can take your nipple into his mouth and flick his tongue over the piercing.
wonbin is one of the biggest titty lovers in riize, he’s obsessed with them and he’s equally obsessed with nipple play. one of the first things you learned about staying with wonbin was that wearing a bra around him was pointless due to the fact it would always end up off and would be placed by his hands, his fingers seem to always find their way to your tits, your nipples being pinched and sucked on each time the two of you cuddle. wonbin would lose his mind if you had a nipple piercing too, he’d be itching to get his hands on you the moment he finds out you have one and the wait for it to heal would be complete agony for him, but once it’s healed and okay he wouldn’t let go of it. he’d love the feel of the metal against his tongue when he takes your nipple into his mouth and he’d be obsessed with how much more sensitive you are because of it. it’s something he uses to his advantage too, when he’s feeling a little meaner there has been times he’s slapped your tits just to watch you wince and cry out as he fucks deep into. the concept of it being too painful for you worried him at first but once he realised you were arching your back and pressing your chest up to him he knew you loved the pain that it brought.
seunghan loves when you sit on his lap without your shirt on, especially if you’re in a cute little skirt too. will sit there and tell you how pretty you are whilst squeezing your breast in his hand, running his thumb over your nipple and squeezing it a little just so you sigh into his mouth. he wants to bring you as much pleasure as possible so his mouth always ends up around your nipple whilst his fingers are pressing against your clit over your underwear, wants to make you as wet as possible and he knows sucking on your nipples and playing with them will do that. he’d find a nipple piercing so hot, i can’t help but think he’d love to get matching ones with you ..
sohee is mesmerised by your tits most of the time, his eyes are always creeping down to them no matter what. he just thinks they’re so pretty and kissable and he needs to have his mouth on them whenever he can. cuddling with sohee always ends with his hand under your shirt and his fingers messing with your nipples, might end up making them sore with how much he plays with them but always kisses them better afterwards. he’d be even worse if you had a nipple piercing, there’d be no point in ever wearing a shirt around him when you’re alone together.
anton is the other titty lover of riize and he would lose every bit of sanity he has if he found out you had a nipple piercing. there’s just something so hot about you having such a secret piercing, in a place only he gets to see. he’d love running his tongue over the metal and hearing you sigh, wants to suck on your tits until you’re grinding up against him and pulling at his hair. he’d always unintentionally focus more on the one that’s pierced, if you have both pierced then he’d be in agony trying to figure out which to go for first. in general he’d just be obsessed with your tits, he has reoccurring dreams of slipping his cock between them and fucking you until he’s making a mess all over you but he has had the guts to ask you for it yet.
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glennrheesworld · 8 months
hello ml!! i was wondering if you could do a carl grimes x reader (she’s maggie and glenn’s adopted daughter) where they reunite at terminus after being separated at the prison (reader got out with maggie) tysm 💗
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𝐈 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮~
genre: fluff pairing: Carl Grimes x f!reader summary: Carl and reader reunite after separating at the prison warning: none
a/n: hi anon! i hope this is to your liking 😊 also tysm for 100 followers!
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You were no longer living at the prison with the rest of the group. After what the Governor had done to your home, you were alone and lost. It felt as if living in a nightmare, losing everyone you knew and loved. This wasn’t the first time you’ve lost those you cared for.
Thankfully, Maggie was there for you, like she had always been since the start, after losing your parents.
Out in the endless roads you both walked, day and night, with Sasha and Bob. You were missing Glenn and the others a lot, only hoping they were all okay and alive.
But you missed one person the most of them all.
Carl Grimes.
Both Carl and you had grown pretty close while at the prison. Always hanging out, telling each other secrets, stealing glances, and holding hands…
Maybe you two got a bit too close.
It wasn’t long before you found Glenn with Tara in that tunnel. Seeing Glenn after countless days of wandering around made you burst into tears. You had thought you would never see him alive again.
You were grateful to have them both by your side, to have them alive and safe.
However, you couldn’t help but think about Carl. Was he okay? You really hoped so.
— — —
You groan, sitting on the floor of the train car you and the rest of the group were locked in. Having arrived at Terminus, you thought it was a safe place to call home. Seeing the crops they had been growing and the kind people of Terminus made you feel ecstatic.
That was until they took all your belongings, threaten you, and then locked you all up in here. It was just perfect, wasn’t it?
It was eerily quiet outside before the sudden sound of shots firing all over the place erupts it. Clearly wanting to know what was going on, you get up and look at Maggie, sharing a look in the dark container.
“What is it?” You whisper to her, watching her try to peek out of the little opening of the car’s door.
“Can’t see.”
She says back, shaking her head while squinting through the crack.
But as quickly as the sounds came, it left. The silence consumed the outside for some time before the big door of the train car slides open. Instinctively you all take a step back, frighten but still ready to fight if needed.
That’s before a figure walks in, followed by another, and another. And then another. You can hear your heart racing inside your chest and your palms become sweaty.
“Rick?” Glenn’s voice breaks the silence as he steps forward. You stand behind Glenn, eyes darting from a dark figure to another dark figure. “You’re here.”
Glenn’s voice is filled with relief and surprise, and when you see Rick’s face through the dimly light coming from outside, you smile. Carl has to be here.
And you were right because not a few seconds later your eyes would catch his face.
When Carl’s eyes meet yours in the darkness of the car, you couldn’t hold back anymore before lunging at him and throwing your arms around his torso. He’s taken aback, letting out a small yelp as he stumbles back.
The warmth from you body and the familiar feeling of your presence quickly makes Carl realize it's you, immediately hugging you back.
You bury you face into his neck, inhaling the familiar scent of the boy you love. You forget about everyone and your surroundings, letting the way he held onto you engrave into your mind.
“Oh my god, Carl.”
You say into his skin, tightening your hug more as you sniff, trying your best to hold back tears. “It’s really you.”
He laughs, pressing his check on top of your head with his arms around you. “I can’t believe you’re here. I thought I lost you.” He sniffs too. You smile with eyes glossy, lifting your head to see him, even if it was too dark.
A sense of relief washes over you two. You both still managed to find each other after having lost everything.
With quivering lips, you whisper to him, “I missed you so much.” Your words hit him; his eyes glossy up too. You couldn’t see it, but you were sure he was tearing up by the way he squeezes your waist.
“I missed you too.” He says back to you, pulling you back into a hug before pressing a kiss on top of your hair. The feeling of his love and care makes your whole body warm up with content.
You felt safe in his arms after so long. You thought you had lost your home forever, but Carl was home.
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munsonsmixtapes · 4 months
Ok but imagine like older Eddie he's like 50 and he's still in corroded coffin but they only got big around Hawkins and surrounding areas but like you meet him ajd you're 23 and he's selling merch and you donf think he's in the band and you're in town for the headliners band which is a bigger more well known band bur yiu and Eddie start flirting and you're wearing your usual concert outfit a tight cropped tank top and short shorts and you guys takk and you wnd up buying merch for the band you think he's just selling for jusf bc you needed a reason to talj to him and then you go to your seats and the opening band is Eddie's bandand yiu see him and your jaw drops and you're in shock and he's so so giddy and flirty wven while he's playinf but only ti you and he feels like a teenager again and his hormones are racing and after the set you don't even stay to watch the headliner you go and talj eith him more and one thing leads to another and yiu guys ya know get filthy 🥵🥵🙈🙈🙈
This is such a great request! I did change the age gap because it’s a little too large for my liking so I hope that’s okay!
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) fingering, grinding, age gap (reader is 25 and Eddie is 40)
You entered the crowded venue and smoothed out your skirt before heading over to the merch stand of the band you were most excited to see. You had worn your best outfit, hoping to get some action from the lead guitarist, even though he was definitely old enough to be your father. What could you say? You had a thing for older men and didn’t think there was anything wrong with that.
You pulled your shirt down just enough to show your cleavage, even though your bra was very visible through the tight material and made your way over to the merch table where you knew the band hung out before their set.
You looked around at the other tables as you went and stopped when you saw the hottest man you had ever seen at the stall right next to the one you had your eye on. He was staring directly at you, his eyes looking directly at your tits that were practically spilling over your tank top.
He had a beard that you were definitely into and his hair was pulled back into a loose bun which you assumed was to keep his hair off his neck in the hot venue and he was wearing a denim vest which showcased his tattoos very nicely. He had some on his torso and both of his arms were covered in full sleeves.
As you stepped closer, you could see all of his face piercing which included a hoop through both his lip and nose and a piercing through his eyebrow. He was so hot that you could have sworn you were getting wet just from looking at him.
“Hi,” you greeted, putting on your signature flirty smile and he mimicked it, his far better than yours.
“Hi,” he replied, pressing his hands on the counter and leaning forward, just close enough for you to get a whiff of him. He smelled like the perfect mixture of tobacco and whatever cologne he was wearing and it was intoxicating.
“Corroded Coffin?” You asked, looking down at the shirts that were displayed both behind him and on the table he was leaning on. You knew practically every band in the genre so you weren’t entirely sure why you had never heard of them.
“They’re newer,” he responded, his voice sounding raspy and low, making your cunt even more damp. “It’s their first big show outside of Indiana.”
“That’s really cool,” you smiled. You always loved supporting smaller bands and eyed the CD that was next to him, displaying what you had assumed was their album.
“You should check them out,” he said, handing you one of the CDs and a shirt that he assumed was your size. You reached for your purse, but he just shook his head.
“No need, sugar,” he winked. “It’s on the house.”
“Well thank you-” you paused, realizing you didn’t know his name.
“Eddie,” he responded and got thought the name suited him.
“Eddie,” you repeated and he loved the way it fell from your pretty glossed lips.
“And you are?” He asked, leaning even closer and his scent entered your nose again, making you want to smell it forever.
“I guess you’ll have to find out when you find me later,” you gave him a wink of your own and grabbed a sharpie from your purse that you had brought for autographs and grabbed his hand before scribbling your number on it. With that, you turned on your heel to head to to head into the seating area, making a beeline for a spot right in front of the barricade, the whole reason why you originally showed up in the first place as your mind wandered to Eddie.
Not long after, you received a text from Eddie which had been an eggplant emoji and immediately saved his number before sending him the water droplets back.
After about an hour of making conversation with the people around you, the lights went down and the first band came on. You watched as fog moved across the stage as the curtain slowly rose to reveal the band, a gasp escaping your lips as you realized that the front man was Eddie.
“How we doing San Francisco?” He asked as he adjusted his mic. His eyes locked on yours and you smiled, giving him a flirty wave. Everyone erupted in cheers and you joined them, clapping your hands together and cheering as loud as you could.
“Good to hear it. May I say that I am doing fantastic. I think I’m gonna start off with a fan favorite. Is that alright?” Everyone cheered again and you were curious to see which song they were going to perform.
The song started off slow, but you didn’t miss the absolutely filthy lyrics that were spilling from Eddie’s mouth. He was watching the entire time, almost as if he was dedicating the song to you. He then stepped away from his mic, you reached your hand out to him and he took it, pressing a kiss to the skin, looking directly into your eyes as he sang about wanting to fuck you like an animal.
As you watching Eddie perform, you let your mind think about all of the things you’d let him do to you. The way you’d grind against him while he sat in the passenger seat of your car as he took what he wanted from you as he kissed you until you were both breathless. He’d then stick his hands underneath your skirt and finger you, stretching you out so you’d be ready for his giant cock and he’d fuck you until you both orgasmed, the windows fogging up from your moans mixing together in the air.
You honestly hadn’t been paying attention their entire set after the first song. All you could think about was how badly you wanted to see Eddie naked and just how much you wanting to run your tongue along his lip ring while he pounded into you, making you moan like you never had before.
You sent Eddie your location as you got to your car and he met you there pretty quickly, still in his outfit from before, his torso glistening with sweat that you found yourself wanting to lick up.
“So, you gonna tell me your name now?” He asked as he took a drag of the cigarette he was holding.
“I’m y/n.”
“Oh, I’m gonna love moaning that,” he responded then his eyes widened. “That is why you asked me here, right?”
“What did you think the emoji meant?”
“I just wanted to be sure, sugar,” he took another drag from the cigarette and blew it through his lips. “Just wanted to make sure the feeling was mutual before I did anything. And I also wanted to make sure that you were of age before we did anything. You’d be surprised how many minors try to get with me.”
You pulled your ID from your wallet and handed it to him. You had been younger than he thought and a couple years younger than the half your age plus seven rule but since it was only two, he supposed he could make an exception. You were just so hot to not take the opportunity.
He gave you your ID back and without hesitation, his lips were on yours in a filthy kiss as he set you on the hood of your car, spreading your legs so he could step between them to get closer to you. He licked into your mouth and laid you down onto the hood, neither of you caring who was around. You were just so desperate for each other that you couldn’t waste any time getting into the car.
His tongue roughly scraped against yours and you let out a moan at the feeling which made his dick harden which you felt against you, making you even more wet. Eddie’s hand slowly moved down to your skirt and moved up it. His fingers were rough and his rings were cool against your thigh as he slowly moved his hand up it. His cock hardened even more once he realized you hadn’t been wearing any underwear.
He shoved two of his fingers up your pussy as his lips moved against yours and you moaned into his mouth at both the sensation and his cold rings brushing the sensitive skin.
“Oh,” you moaned and he pulled away, wanting to see you come undone at his touches. Your eyes closed as he got both fingers fully inside and then he pulled out, pumping in and out and you moaned louder as he moved harder and faster, your legs giving out at the pure delight that was coursing through you.
“Look so pretty around my fingers, sugar. Bet you look even prettier around my cock,” he said as he pulled his fingers out of you as soon as you reached your orgasm. He licked the slick clean off his fingers and looked down at you with a grin as you gasped at the action. “And look at that, you taste even better.”
Your legs were feeling like jello as you were sliding down the hood of the car. Eddie caught you and helped you to the passenger seat. He got in first and you climbed on top of him. He slammed the door and as soon as you were in the privacy of the tinted windows, your lips were on his, the kiss rough and hot as you leaned the seat back as far as it would go. Once it was situated, you moved your hands to Eddie’s vest, pulling it down his shoulders. He leaned up so you had more ease removing it and eventually, it ended up in the backseat as he pulled the bottom of your shirt out from your skirt. He could see the red bra underneath it pretty clearly, but he wanted to see it without the shirt being in the way.
You lifted your arms and he removed your shirt in one quick motion, tossing it into the back seat before taking a moment to get a look at you. You looked so fucking hot on top of him with your kiss bitten lips and your tits that were practically spilling out of your bra. He didn’t know what he had done to be able to be there with you in that moment, but he was definitely going to consider himself fucking lucky.
Eddie’s fingers ran along the lace that was attached to the tops of the cups and you felt your nipples harden as his fingers touched your bare chest as his fingers moved. He kissed you again and stuck his hand down one of the cups to squeeze your tit. He licked into your mouth and you began grinding against him, the slick of your sopping wet cunt seeping through his jeans, making the fabric wet as well.
You felt his hard dick against your entrance as you continued to grind on him and he groaned into your mouth at the feeling. Eventually, his hands moved to the back of your bra and he unclasped it with ease before tossing it to the back to join your other discarded clothing.
“God, fuck, you’re so hot,” he practically whimpered as he caught sight of your tits.
“Oh, you like them?” You asked, moving to the left and right, causing them to move with you. Eddie swore he was going to cream his pants right there.
“Wanna see them bounce while you ride me,” his voice was even lower and raspy than before and you swore that you weren’t going to survive if he was going to keep talking like that. “Wanna ride me, sugar?” That nickname was doing things to you that you couldn’t even explain.
“Wanna ride you so bad, fuck,” you whined. Oh, he could get used to that. You moved so he could remove his pants while you reached for a condom in your purse. Once you had it and his pants and underwear were down to his ankles. His cock was even larger than you had expected and you were not glad he had fingered you so you were more stretched out.
“You’re so big,” you told him and he smiled.
“Think you can take it?”
“Oh, I know I can.” You rolled the condom onto his dick then situated yourself onto it, the two of you letting out moans as he entered you. You grabbed onto his shoulders while his hands went to your waist. Your hips bucked as you began to ride him. Eddie watched your tits bounce as you moved and he was mesmerized by the moment, very sure that no one had ever looked that hot in that situation.
You continued to ride him as you leaned down and pressed your lips to his, your tongue moving his lip ring back and forth as your bare tits pressed to his chest. It was overstimulating, but he didn’t even care.
“Fuck, driving me crazy,” he moaned. “Can’t be doing all these things at once, sugar. My poor cock can’t take it.”
“Oh, you can take it,” you responded, your movements becoming even faster and harder, causing his back to arch, his own hips bucking against yours. His vision went hazy as he reached his peak, letting out his loudest moan yet, but neither of you were ready to stop.
You pulled him in for another filthy kiss and loved the way his facial hair scraped against your face. It was touch and coarse and you didn’t even care if it irritated your skin so long as he kept kissing you like that, his tongue swirling around and scraping against yours.
You scratched down his chest and you continued to ride him, the feeling of his hips bucking against yours causing you to come undone. His fingers were digging into your hips so hard that you swore that he was going to leave bruises, but you didn’t care. In fact, you kind of wanted him to so you could have physical proof of this moment.
Your pace slowed down as both of you orgasmed, wanting to take things slow for a bit since you had gotten there so quickly. Now you just wanted to enjoy the way he felt inside you a little longer. He felt so good and you were stalling at that point because you knew that this was just going to be a one time thing. It always was with rockstars. They were always the hit it and quite it types.
You eventually got off of Eddie and the two of you cleaned up and he pulled his pants back up which you helped him button. You then settled yourself back on his lap and leaned your head against his chest, tracing the tattoo that was right by your face.
“So, same time tomorrow?” He asked, letting his fingers gently run up and down your back and you pulled back to look at him.
“You want to?” You asked, your face lighting up at his suggestion. He pulled you into a short kiss before smiling as well.
“Sugar, if you fuck me like that again, I’d be happy to do it every night.” You pulled him in for another kiss the laid your head back on his chest to hide the grin on your face.
“It’s a date,” he responded, a grin making its way upon his face as he thought that maybe he’d wine and dine you first. That was what you deserved for making him feel that good, after all.
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a-killer-obsession · 3 months
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Pretty Boy [Killer x Reader]
You get more than you bargained for when Killer is dared to let you take photos of him in some special jewellery. Inspired by this post.
CW: sub!killer, afab reader, smut, use of horse crop, light bdsm, praise kink, oral sex (giving and receiving), p in v sex, creampie, face sitting
WC: ~3.5k
Masterlist || A03
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“Okay Kil!” Quincy slurred, wobbling in place in a drunken haze, “Your turn! Truth or dare?”
“I never agreed to this game,” he grumbled, taking a long sip of his drink with the straw that threaded through a hole in his mask.
“What, you a fuckin’ coward Kil?” Kid laughed. Killer made a small growl-like sound under his mask and relented, nobody was calling him a coward.
“Fine, dare,” he replied. Quincy squealed in delight.
“You gotta let [y/n] dress you up and take photos!” She clapped, chuffed with herself.
“Quincy!” You snapped back at her, almost choking on your drink in surprise.
“Ah, ah,” she tutted, waggling a very drunk finger, “remember that jewellery you found last raid?”
Fucking Quincy, she was right, Killer would look so fucking good in it, but she was absolutely also doing this because she knew you had hots for the first mate.
“Hang on now, what are we talking?” Killer asked nervously.
“Don't worry baby, I won't make you take the mask off,” you replied, trying to feign confidence but at the same time really fucking anxious about this whole thing, “but you gotta take your shirt off, to show off the jewellery of course”
Killer grumbled as he thought about it. It was clear to anyone with eyes that under his usual selection of probably too small t-shirts that he was sculpted like an Adonis, but he wasn't as confident with his body as the other commanders. The others would happily walk around naked if given the chance, while you could only get a glimpse of his bare chest on the rare occasion he went swimming. For you though, maybe he could let himself go. He'd long since accepted his attraction to you, not that he'd ever admit it to anyone. Fuck, maybe he was a coward. “Only [y/n] sees the photos?” he asked, though it was more of a plea.
“Fineeeee,” Quincy whined, giving you a look that absolutely translated to ‘you fucking owe me’.
“Okay,” Killer relented with a heavy sigh.
“Atta boy,” Kid smacked him on the shoulder, “look at you, so brave”
“Shut the fuck up Kid,” Killer grumbled.
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“So uh… what am I wearing?” Killer asked, sitting nervously on the edge of his bed. The two of you were still a little tipsy, but anxiety had certainly sobered both of you a great deal. Both of you thought maybe you could avoid this altogether if you waited long enough for Quincy to forget, but she was having none of that, grabbing the jewellery from the girl's bunkroom herself and shoving you both towards Killer's room, fuck she was strong when she's drunk. You lifted the piece of jewellery from it's box, long interconnecting strings of fake diamonds that formed a sort of harness. He looked at it with a hitched breath, that thing was gonna barely cover anything.
“Shirt off, Massacre Soldier,” you ordered with faux confidence, fiddling with the harness to figure out the best way to get it on him, “I'll have to help you get it on”
“Oh… okay,” he took a deep breath and pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it towards his hamper. Fuck, he really was well built, with a thin blond happy trail and smooth, very lickable chest. You shook the distraction from your head and approached him with the harness. The crystals glinted in the light as you walked, Killer taking deep calming breaths to keep himself steady.
The easiest connection was the neck, so you attached that first, Killer having to hold his great mane of hair out of the way as he sat sideways on the bed and you knelt on the mattress behind him. Next was his back, your fingers smoothing over his chest and leaving goosebumps as you searched for the clasp, finding it with a small ‘ah huh!’ and pulling it around to clasp it in the middle of his back. The last clasp was at his hips, and his breath hitched as your hands followed the single line of crystals that ran down his front to where the remainder of the harness sat pooled in his lap. Clasps successfully located, you brought them around to fix them at the small of his back, swathes of crystals falling over his hips.
You stood to admire the finished product, which fit Killer like a glove just as Quincy had predicted. There was a line around his neck, which connected to one long line that ran all the way down to his happy trail. Over his chest the lines cupped under his pecs, connecting at the back and fastened to the neck at the sides of his pecs, with two additional lines that ran from the center to the top outer edges, framing his nipples. At his hips another line ran around him, and from it on either side were multiple draped lines of crystals that sat loosely over his side, though right now they awkwardly caught on his jeans.
“I gotta lower your jeans a little,” you hummed, and Killer's chest started to go red. You smirked, how could someone so attractive be so shy about his body? It was adorable, really, and gave you a boost of confidence knowing how flustered you were making him.
You pulled him to stand, and looked into the icy blue eyes you could see through the holes of his mask as you removed his sash and unzipped his jeans, hooking your fingers into the waistband of the pants and his briefs underneath and lowering them till they sat just above his cock, the deep v of his muscles and the well trimmed blond mass of pubes now exposed, pale against his tanned flesh. His breath was haggard as you stepped back and admired him, satisfied now that the crystals were able to hang against his bare skin. Now how to pose him?
“On your knees, soldier, arms behind your back,” you commanded. Normally he would have replied with a growl, only Kid had the authority to order him around, but he found himself dropping to his knees before his brain could protest the action, the drapes of stones on his hips making a flurried clicking sound as he moved. The sudden obedience surprised but pleased you, you were sure you'd gone too far with that request, but seeing Killer on his knees, his cock millimetres from exposure, his arms positioned as though he was bound, sent electricity straight to your core.
Before he could change his mind you grabbed the photo den-den and started snapping pictures. It was a polaroid style, only one copy could be made of each photo, no digital copies, as per the agreement you'd come to with Killer a little later. Something black under the corner of the bed caught your eye as you snapped photos, and his mask followed you nervously as you bent down beside him and retrieved it.
“Wow Kil, you're a lot kinkier than I took you for,” you smirked, examining the riding crop in your hand. Funny, there were no horses on board. You heard him swallow hard, saw the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he did so, mask fixed on the item in your hand. Caught red handed, curse the rocking of the ship for knocking it out of place, he should have done a better job of checking his room before allowing you in. “Now is this for use on others, or for use on you?” you asked as you whipped the tool, making a whistling sound as it sliced through the air next to him.
“M-me,” he finally answered. The answer surprised and aroused you, you'd never had guessed in a million years that Killer was a submissive, but it was becoming painfully obvious, slick pooling between you legs the more you thought about it.
“May I?” You purred, and he nodded slowly. You pushed the tip of it against his chin, forcing it up and exposing his thick neck. You snapped a few more pictures of him like that before setting the snail aside, far more interested in this new entertainment now as a clear tent formed in his jeans, the very base of his thick cock now visible as the fabric shifted. You bit your bottom lip noticing the thin trip of hardening flesh, running the crop down his front, following the line of crystals. “Such a pretty thing,” you hummed.
His hand grabbed the end of the crop, moving it till the leather loop at the end pressed against his nipple, a small, barely audible, whimper escaping him from under the mask. “You want me to hit you there?” You asked with a raised brow. His mask moved as he nodded and let go of the crop, hand returning to behind his back as he braced himself. Hesitantly you pulled back, before smacking him lightly with the crop.
“Harder,” he pleaded. You pulled back again, hitting him much harder, leaving a fresh red mark over his nipple as you pulled it away. He let out a small pleased groan, his hips bucking a little, exposing more of his length. “More”
You happily obliged, alternating between his two nipples and laying hard smacks against them with the delicate tool, making him groan and buck more. His jeans finally gave way with one last buck, his fully erect and leaking cock now exposed and at attention. You swore under your breath at the sight of it, thick and long and swollen with need, a drop of precum beading at the tip. You ran the crop down his front, pausing above his cock hesitantly, expecting him to stop you, but he remained still, his hands back behind his back obediently, his mask fixed on you. You bit your lip and ran the crop over the top of his length, rubbing the leather loop against the leaking tip, smearing his precum. You pressed it to the base of the underside where his shaft met his balls, running it up the length, his cock twitching against the leather. “So fucking pretty,” you breathed.
“All- all for you,” he mewled, rutting against the crop. You couldn't take it anymore, you were practically dripping with arousal just looking at him, the harness sparkling under the bedroom lights as he tried desperately to get friction against the small leather tip.
You dropped the crop and rushed at him, pushing him to the floor and attacking his neck with your mouth. You made shallow bites, leaving welts along his throat and shoulder, the usually stoic first mate whining and writhing under you as your nails dragged down his front. You pinched his reddened nipples as you moved down, pulling needy sounds from him, biting and licking and kissing your way down his front, running your tongue under the line of jewellery. Finally you reached his weeping cock, repurposing one hand to wrap around his base while your tongue ran up the underside and lapped at the precum, rubbing over the sensitive tip with your wet muscle before taking him in your mouth with a pleased hum. He swore under his breath as you bobbed your head, using your hand to service what you couldn't fit. One of his hands wound into your hair and guided your speed while the other clawed at the rug underneath him, his back arching off the floor as you took more of him, till his tip hit the back of your throat and your gagging vibrated the sensitive flesh.
A thin string of saliva connected your mouth to the head of his cock as you pulled off for air, looking at him with a half lidded, lust-addled gaze. “So pretty,” you purred, running your tongue up the underside of his twitching cock, “so fucking pretty”
“Shit, [y/n],” Killer gasped as you swallowed him again, his hips moving on their own accord and making swallow thrusts into your mouth, “I'm gonna- fuck- I'm gonna cum- hnng”
The hand that wasn't pumping the base of his cock travelled back up his body, playing with the jewellery for a moment before pinching and pulling at his nipple again. He let out a string of curses and whines as his hand pulled tight on your hair, holding you in place as he thrust up into you and released thick ropes of cum down your throat, leaving a trail over your tongue as he pulled out. He collapsed flat against the floor, his limbs limp around him, his hair fanned out over the rug like a cape, the jewellery and sweat on his body shimmering with every heaving breath he took. You licked the dripping remnants of his cum from his cock, eagerly swallowing his load and licking your lips, the lewdness of it making him whine.
You stood and grabbed the snail, and Killer made no attempt to move as you took more photos of him in his euphoric state, his cock already half hard again at the open shamelessness of you taking photos of him after absolutely sucking any remnant of a coherent thought right out of him via his dick.
Not wanting to test the limits of the precarious situation, you gathered your few things and made for the door, but not before Killer could scramble to you, wrapping himself around your thighs, bare under the miniskirt of the dress you wore. You let out a surprised gasp as his hands travelled up your legs, groping at your plush flesh, his mask pressing between them as he looked up at you.
“Please don't go,” he begged, “let me make you feel good, please, I wanna make you feel good. I'll be so good for you, so good”
You put down your things and stepped back towards him, your feet either side of his legs as he knelt on the floor. He reached up to his mask and you held your breath as he removed it, looking up at you with those deep blue eyes, darkened and almost black with lust, and purple tinted lips that immediately went to work kissing and licking your thighs. You pulled your dress up and over your head, leaving you in only your bra and panties, and he hooked his fingers under the panties to slide them down, stepping out of them so he could remove them entirely. His mouth travelled up the inside of your thighs, moving up and up till he was nosing at your folds, his eyes still locked with yours till he closed his to delve between your legs. You moaned as his tongue ran between your folds, letting him support your weight with his hands on your ass so you could crouch a little to give him better access.
He grunted into your folds, unsatisfied with what he could reach, and he started laying back flat, pulling you down with him till you were straddling his face. You were powerless to his motions as he held you tight against him and ate you out like a man starved, his moans vibrating against your cunt and making you shudder. “Killlll~” you whined, one hand fisting his thick hair as he encouraged you to roll against him, grinding your clit against his strong tongue. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, so good, so fucking good”
He gave your clit a harsh suck, snapping your coil, your orgasm rocking through you as he supported your weight and kept you flush to his mouth. He let you go limp against his chest as your high passed, both of you panting heavy, Killer pressing kisses to whatever he could reach of your thighs, his dick back to full mast beside your face. You could smell his arousal, and you turned your head to make kitten licks against his cock.
“I wanna fuck you,” he panted against the soft skin of your inner thigh, groping at the flesh on the outer side, “need to feel you cum on my cock, please”
All you could reply with was a needy whine, doing your best to sit back up so you could shuffle your ass back down his body, the jewellery catching against your skin and tugging as you moved. You rubbed your slick pussy weakly against his erection, your legs jelly from your orgasm. In one swift movement he grabbed your hips and the back of your head, flipping you so you lay underneath him, protecting your head from hitting the floor while also winding his fingers through your hair. His mouth latched on to your throat, marking your skin as his hands travelled down your body, the draping sections of the jewellery over his hips hanging down and brushing over yours. They clinked and jingled as he rutt his cock against you, rubbing it against your clit, before his moving hands reached where your legs were spread for him and he took himself in his palm, lining himself up and plunging into you, sheathing himself to the base with one deeo thrust and needy groan. Your back arched as he knelt between your legs, holding both of your hips in a bruising hold as he started a desperate, brutal pace, making you cry out in pleasure and claw at the rug. Your hand ran up his front, playing with the harness, admiring the way it sparkled as he fucked you, you eyes travelling upwards to his unmasked face. His head was thrown back, blond hair falling around his shoulders like a curtain of gold, brows furrowed in concentration. His purple lipstick was smeared, no doubt coating the skin on your thighs and neck and between your legs, a glistening of your silk still coating his chin.
“So pretty Kil, such a good boy,” you purred, your thumb running over his lower lip. He looked at you with wide, hungry eyes, his tongue poking out and running up your thumb before taking the digit in his mouth and sucking on it, letting out a whine as his thrusts increased in speed and depth and his fingers left deep purple bruises on your hips. His hands only left them to pull down your bra, the last piece of clothing you still had on, taking fists full of your breasts till his hands moved back to your hips, watching your tits bounce with every hard thrust as he fucked you like an animal in heat on his bedroom floor.
White hot pleasure was running through your body as your orgasm ran dangerously close, and you removed your thumb from his mouth to claw at his forearms, long deep moans pulled from you as he felt you start to flutter around him.
“Cum for me, please,” he whined, “‘m so close, so close, cum on my cock please”
“You've been such a good boy Kil,” you panted, “gonna cum for you- gonna- fuck, fuck, I'm cumming”
Your back arched of the floor and you saw sparkles in your vision as you came hard, clamping down around him and forcing him to cum with you, already teetering so close to the edge before your walls started milking every last drop he had. He painted your insides white with his seed, his hips stuttering before they stilled, collapsing to hover over you, focusing the last of his energy into keeping his weight from crushing you till he had no choice but to pull out and roll to lay beside you on the floor.
You rolled to your side to curl up against him, his skin scalding to the touch from the heavy physical activity, sweat rolling down his skin and catching on the gemstones of his harness. You played with the threads of glass stones, running your hands under them against Killer's skin, enjoying the luxurious and rare view.
“Fuck, I've wanted to do that for so long,” he puffed finally.
“Yeah? Me too,” you hummed.
“Then why the jewellery? Why not just come out with it?” He panted, his head turning to meet your eyes with his. You hand travelled up his chest and neck until you could cup his sharp cheek, running your thumb over it, drinking in his unmasked face.
“Pretty things for a pretty boy,” you replied, and you could see just the hint of the corner of his mouth curling upwards. Before he could accidentally show you the smile he was so self conscious about, he rolled over entirely and captured your mouth with his, his tongue hot and dominating against yours as he pulled you to press flush against him.
“Your pretty boy,” he mumbled against your neck as he moved to attack it.
“All mine,” you smiled.
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madamechrissy · 2 months
Dirty Little Secret
ꕥ Pairings: Toji Fushiguro x Fem Reader
ꕥ Warnings-MDNI-explicit sexual content, dirty talk, Toji calls reader 'doll, ma, slut (Toji and Doll just work lol) Age gap- reader is 21, Toji is 39. - This chapter- Rough sex, slapping, dollification, objectification, choking, biting, angry sex, cunnilingus, overstimulation. It's TOJI so yeah lol
ꕥ Word Count- 7,560
ꕥ Summary- Toji Fushiguro is your dad Shiu's best friend for years. You've known him most your life. You come home for spring break to relax, and who pops up at the fucking doorstep? Toji. He's nasty, annoying, perverted and... Sexy. Hot. Built. And makes you think, maybe your first time shouldn't be with some college boy? But with this buff dude who can tie a cherry stem with his tongue and a scar on his damn lip. You just gotta hope your dad doesn't find out.
AN- Somehow my silly smut is turning deep and maybe gonna be angsty lol!? But mostly smut- Lmk if you wanna be tagged in any updates!
Chapter 4 - Masterlist
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Chapter 5
The next morning, you wake up to the sound of your dad and Toji’s laughter, mixing with music, and you bury your face into your pillow, moaning into it. The sunlight is streaming far too brightly through your window, and you’re aching in places you’ve never even felt. Your pussy throbs, an odd ache to it, making you shift your thighs just a bit to see if it will ease.
It only gets worse, you’re so sore you realize, as you sit up and stretch your arms, standing up to look in the mirror. Your hair is a fucking mess, you slept in some mascara that’s faded down your eyes to make you look racoon like, but your cheeks? They’re bright red. Your eyes? You’ve never seen them like this, glittering, so pretty almost.
You did look different.
You always wondered, was that true? It’s feeling a weird mix of emotions. It’s like a secret thrill has nestled into your chest, you can still feel Toji’s weight on your body, and the scent of his cologne and even his sweat lingers in the air of your little room. You see the marks from him on your breasts, see the faint red line on your neck. You gingerly touch it, flushing.
The memory was so vivid  your inner walls clench in desire, and a delicious ache echoes through your body, pulsing through your veins like fire. You bite your lower lip, peeking down your body, and you’re drenched against your panties, and you know that’s all you because Toji had not cum in you.
You want him to!?
“The fuck is wrong with me…” You mutter, then sigh, heading out in just your crop and panties to go to the bathroom, needing a shower so bad. You feel so wrong but so good and it’s really confusing.
You snatch up a towel out of the towel closet next to the bathroom then bump right against a hard body. His hands grip your waist, so tight, and you peek up at him nervously, tilting your head back, to meet that handsome face, see his tongue licking that scar, licking his full lower lip, before his eyes get dark.
You both just breathe, you clutching the towel to your chest, unable to move, unable to function, all you want to do is have him sling you against that wall and enter your throbbing little pussy. You want him so bad it takes everything not to snatch him up for a kiss, not to grab that cock that’s currently pressed against your tummy, not to kiss that scar on his face and drink his moans.
But you just stand there, a pathetic little breathy cry escaping your throat, and your eyes lock then, so much tension in the little hallway you could cut it with a knife. His breaths mingle with yours, and you watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he gulps, one of his hand coming to cup your face, so gently, with his big, rough hand, and you nuzzle it before you think better.
“Are you feeling okay, doll?” He murmurs, surprising you and making you blink a bit, before nodding shyly.
“I’m just… sore.” You look away, and he laughs a bit, dark but soft, tilting your chin up then.
“Good sore?” You nod, and he exhales as if he had been holding his breath, bending low and kissing your forehead then. It feels too sweet, too good, his care, his lips on you… what was this? It makes you panic almost, your heart racing.
“Good sore.” You look back at him again, and ease back a bit, to get some semblance of composure, to catch a breath. The feeling of him is overwhelming your every sense you have.
“You’re beautiful as fuck even when you just wake up.” His words are husky, and you shake your head, making him glare.
“Toji I look like a racoon. I’m gonna take a shower.” The thought of you in the shower seems to torture him, he moans a bit, snatching you against him, and his lips are right against yours now. “Toji… we can’t right here-”
The door to your dad’s room opens and shuts, and you jump back and hurriedly run to the bathroom, leaning back and resting your head on the wall, feeling your eyes prick with tears at how badly you want him. You hurriedly rid yourself of your panties and tank, running the shower then, distantly hearing Toji and Shiu talking, laughing so casually.
You like him, don’t you? You really like him.
And how would that ever work, seventeen year age gap aside, how would it work with your dad, with Toji? With a whole kid, Megumi, who he wasn’t even around for much of his life. How would any of it work, it was stupid, stupid… and surely he just wanted to fuck you. Because what, it’s naughty, because it’s some kind of challenge or fun to him?
But the way he just looked at you…
Stupid. You’re stupid.
Later on after you’re all washed up you open the door, and pad over to your room, just to see him coming up the stairs, his eyes trailing down your body, covered only in a small little white towel. Your thigh press together while your hand is on the door knob, and Toji inches closer, until he’s right behind you, his nose and lips rubbing up the side of your damn neck.
“T-Toji… don’t.” You manage, and he exhales, breath tickling you, and your cunt is already dripping just from that.
“Ya regret it?” He asks huskily, and you turn to look up at him, shaking your head, gently touching the arm around your waist.
“Not at all. Not one bit. I’m just scared.” He exhales, and you feel his tense body ease some. Had he been worried?
“Hey Toji!” Your dad’s voice came then, and he kisses your lips, furiously, pressing hard for an intense moment, making you melt, before leaving you to go inside your room. Your breath is erratic, chest so tight it hurts, you can’t explain just what it is that you feel.
You can feel it like a brand on your skin.
“That sounds like a date, Dad.” You say later on, as you and Shiu have lunch together, Toji is already washing his dishes.
“Yeah but I’m not just gonna go on a date the one week you’re home.”
“Dad it’s fine. I come home once a month already.”
“Like for two days…”
“I liked seeing you happy. Don’t worry.”
“You’re too good a kid.” He kisses your head, and you catch Toji’s gaze then, that stupidly sexy smirk, making you shiver.
“Nah, not really.”
“You’re the best daughter a dad could ask for.”
Now you feel… like shit.
Who are you and what are you doing!?
“You sure you don’t wanna go though? She wouldn’t mind at all. She asked me to invite you two.”
“I mean…”
“Why don’t ya go out with her today and then we come for dinner? I’ll bring kiddo on the bike she’ll love it.” You glare at him then, but your dad seems happy.
“That would be perfect, give us some time and time for all of us. But… What if she kills you Toji?”
“You’ll help her hide my body.” They both laugh, shoving each other and joking around, and soon your dad is off to go meet with Mei, and you all are going to join them later for dinner.
“You’re such a schemer.” You mutter, and he wipes his hand on the dish towel, walking up to you then, slowly, you watch as the thin white shirt he wears showcases all his muscles, watch that line in his grey shorts.
“C’mere, Doll.” You eagerly do what he asks, and when he’s picked you up like you’re nothing, your lips slam in a kiss, furious and hungry, his teeth biting at your lips, tongue messy.
“Toji… please.” You whine out, and he groans then, looking at you and setting you down to stand.
“Want me to fuck this little pussy, doll?” You nod, no shame anymore, and then he’s shoving off everything on the dining room table, sitting you on it, you eagerly grind against the thigh that’s between your legs, crying out. “So fuckin desperate?”
“Fuck you, Old man.” He smacks you then, making you grin, and you reach up for his shirt, yanking his big body down to yours.
“Say it, fuckin brat. You’re soaked from nothing.” You just whimper, crying out when he pulls you by your hips, sliding down your shorts, the cool air of the kitchen against your glistening pussy.
“Am not.” He laughs then, grinning, so handsome and even charming… and you brush his inky black hair back, exhaling.
“I’ll have to talk to her and find out, you’re too full of it. She loves me.” He kisses down your thighs, grabbing the fat of your ass then, and you moan, this time even louder, as his long finger slides in you. “Oh fuck… you’re that wet?”
“Do something about it.” He raises a brow, smirking, and you giggle.
“You tellin me what to do, fuckin brat?”
“Mmhmm. Toji, fuck!” He’s lapping at you with that hot tongue, circling your clit before sucking it in his mouth. “Ohmygod- ngh!”
He’s got you so close in seconds it’s stupid, as his moan vibrates your clit, as his fingers slide in your slick entrance, and you’re pulling his face against you, brazenly, grinding your hips up and down. You start gushing wetness, as your head slams back against the hard table, and he’s licking you through your orgasm, as his fingers scissor into you.
“Please fuck me, please. Daddy.” At that he snaps, popping up, his face covered in your arousal, and he’s picking you up in his arms again. “No, just fuck me here. Now, please, can’t wait.”
He exhales, setting you down, turning you, and bending you over, making you shiver, as his big hand grabs your wrists and pulls them behind you. “Demanding lil slut for me, huh?”
“Shut up and fuck me. Ah!” He’s slid all the way in you then, thrusting so hard and deep it’s hard to take, your tiny body struggling to fit him inside.
“Shut that mouth up, huh? Fuckin brat.” You can’t manage a word, you’re just throbbing around the invasion, struggling to breathe, as he groans, yanking you by those trapped wrists, your body arching. “Got something to say, doll?”
Your answer is a choked out whine, and he lets you adjust to his size, just staying there for a moment, until he pulls nearly fully out, and you hear the squashing of your soaking wet cunt as she sucks him back in. He’s so deep you can’t even stand it, you just scream out, as he strokes again, again, again.
“Nothing to say, doll?” He taunts you, fucking into you now, hard and deep in your tight entrance, slamming your cervix now, and you’re blinded, while he massages that spot with the thick tip of his cock, over and over.
“M-m-more!” Is all you manage to get out, and he groans then, releasing your wrists and pulling you up by your ass, smacking it.
“Want Daddy to wreck this little pussy?” You nod, whining, and then he’s smacking your ass again. “Say it, doll.”
“F-fuck my pussy, wreck it. Please.”
Toji groans, guttural and deep, then he’s slamming into you, and you cling to the table desperately, as each thrust has your entire body shaking with the force, as his big hands are bruising your hip bones. He’s fucking you so hard you can’t think, slamming against you, the sounds of his strong thighs smacking against your plush ones echoing in the kitchen.
“F-fuck… pussy made f’me, ain’t it? Made for my cock.” You just whine nonsensically, as he is rhythmically pounding into you, it hurts but it’s such a good, delicious pain, so intense you don’t know how you’re even taking it.
“M-made for y-you… Daddy.” He’s grunting now, and a hand wraps in your hair, pulling it, making your back arch as he leans lower, fucking up into you now.
“Ya feel so fucking good, doll. Cum on Daddy’s cock. Now.” You do as he orders, how can you not, when his thick cock is wrecking your tight little cunt, when your walls are already tightening against him. “Fuck yeah, doll, like that.”
You’re screaming so loud god help you if anyone were around, as he’s shoving his cock in so deep, against your bruised cervix, making you cum so hard you see stars, your pussy clamping down, your body jolting and spasming. You struggle to hang on to any reality, imagining he’d slow down. But no.
He’s not stopping though, oh no, he’s just started it seems, as he’s fucking you through it, making you cum again. “Feel so fucking tight after… fuck, you’re such a good girl f’me.”
“Good for you… good for… cumming mmnh!” Your thighs are shaking as he pushes in so hard, at this angle so deep it was insane, and he leans forward, finding your clit then. “No, t’much…”
“Nah, be a good girl for me. Are you my good little girl?” You weakly nod, letting him roll his hips, in your cervix it feels like, fucking you up. You can’t even think or function as he rolls his fingers on your clit, and you’re soaking his hand, his cock, pulsing around him. 
“Fucking-perfect-s’fucking…” You hear his breath, rushing out in pants, and he’s groaning, one arm wrapping around you now, dragging you down his length.
“Your good girl.”
“Mine?” You nod, mindlessly, as he keeps fucking you, fucking any sense, fuck you’d say anything as he makes you cum over and over, until you’re a whimpering mess, your thighs shaking, your knees threatening to give out.
“Please, no more, please, Daddy, I can’t-” He’s relentless, smacking your ass again, making you scream. “Aa-”
“You tappin' out doll? Not yet.” You just whine, and then he’s picking you up, turning you to him, your cunt is throbbing and pulsing, as he smirks down at you. “A whole fuckin mess.”
“F-fuck… off…”
“A gorgeous fuckin mess.” His eyes glitter as he talks, and you whimper, struggling to raise a hand to brush his hair, as he picks you up and carries you to the couch, laying you down. “Can’t even stand, huh?”
You just shake your head, there’s no sense lying. He has your thighs spread now, pushing them up, as you sink into the soft cushions of the couch, and he slides back into your aching cunt. You hiss as you’re stretched out again, skin burning, as your body forms to his length.
“Mm… s’good… s’much though I-ah!” He’s so deep in you, fucking you so hard, your legs feel like jelly even on your back, and he’s not letting up, not even a little bit, his hand is a vice grip on your hair, the other holding your leg up, and your orgasms are blending into one never ending wave of pleasure and pain.
“Say it, doll, say you’re a greedy slut. Just f’me.” You exhale, your vision blurring, everything around you fading. “I said, say it.”
He’s choking you now, big hand around your throat, and your hands cling to his hand, as you feel him bringing you wave after wave of pleasure and pain, as you lose your breath. He’s looking down at you, his dark eyes dilated, his hair falling over his forehead, drenched in sweat now, sweat that’s dripping onto your body.
“Slut… for… you. Daddy.” You breathe out the words, and his head falls back, raising your leg even higher and pushing in, you feel him thickening impossibly, feel his hand squeezing so hard.
“Gonna ruin this cunt for anyone else. It’s mine, doll. Yeah?” You just nod, weakly, feeling your ears ring as he chokes all the oxygen out of your body, and you feel like you’re high. “That’s my good girl, Daddy’s slut.”
He’s stroking in a bit slower, dragging his cock out, before slamming it back in, you screaming out every time he hits that spot, cumming again with the lack of oxygen, nearly fainting from it, and then finally, he’s letting go of your throat. You gasp for air as he leans low, caressing your face, soaked with tears.
“Ya look so fuckin pretty crying, doll.” His voice is dark, as he’s wrecking anything you’ve ever known, as his cock splits you apart. You just weakly cry, wrapping your arms around his neck then.
“Kiss me… please, Daddy.” You manage to whisper, voice hoarse, and he pauses then, moaning, kissing you deeply, slowing the previously vicious movements of his cock to gently rock into you now.
“Beautiful.” He murmurs, and you feel yourself crying more, he drinks all your sounds, now pressing your leg so far up it hurts, rolling up so his tip was grinding on your cervix, his pelvis against your clit now. “Cum again, doll. Please.”
His tone has shifted, and you nod, eagerly, pulling him down for another kiss, and his mouth makes love to yours as his cock shoves in, and you convulse around him, making him curse. He grips you tight, biting on your lower lip harshly, his hot breath against you, hands so tight you can’t think.
“Wanna cum in this sweet pussy, doll. So fuckin bad. You want me… oh fuck… ah-to pull out?” You tense, and then your eyes look up to his, as well fucked and blown out as yours. You grip him then.
“Cum in me… please. Please.” You whisper, and he loses it then, going feral over you, his eyes insane, his teeth bared.
“Cum in your little pussy, doll? Ya want all Daddy’s cum?” You nod, eagerly, whimpering as he picks up his pace again.
“Please… cum in me, Daddy.” At that he loses his rhythm, clinging to you, thrusts erratic, until he stills inside you, and you feel his cock pulse, feel his hot cum flood your insides. You wonder at the sensation, as heat pours in, and you’re so full. “Oh my god! Oh my…”
“Fuck… so fucking-ah-baby…” He nearly whines that last word out, as he clings to you tightly, pushing his cum even deeper, as your eyes lock onto each other.
You’re cumming around it, and he’s gripping you so tight, slamming his lips on yours again. Fuck, you feel so stretched, so used, and all you can do is hold onto him, feeling his warmth spread inside you, feeling his hot breaths against your mouth, his chest heaving with exertion.
“So fuckin’ good, doll. So fuckin’ perfect.” He’s whispering into your ear, kissing you again, and you feel emotion in your throat, overwhelmed. “Ah fuck… too much for you?”
“No. No. So good, Toji.” You swipe at your tears, but he swats your hands away then, using his own hands to wipe gently.
“Never felt something that good.” He murmurs, and you’re flushed then, so nervous, burying your head.
“You don’t have to say that, I know… you used to be in love. And there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Doll, I don’t say shit I don’t mean.” Your eyes go back up to his, and the intensity overwhelms your already weak mind.
“I’m scared.” You whisper again. He frowns.
“Of what, getting caught?”
“Having feelings.” You curse inwardly then, looking away, but he holds your face still, lowering his face down, to where your foreheads are touching.
“Wanna tell me what feelings?” He asks, and for once you hear it, the vulnerability in his request. Your hands trail down his thick, muscular arms, as you take a shaky breath.
“Feelings for you.” He groans then, kissing you deeply, and you fall into it, before you pull back just a bit, shaking your head. “They’re stupid.”
“Nah, doll. I-” The doorbell rings then, and your eyebrows shoot up, as reality crashes over you, where you are, who you’re with. You freak out, but he shushes you, holding your shoulders. “Calm down, not your dad, he wouldn’t ring a bell. I’ll go get it… go clean up.”
You nod then, and he opens his mouth, as you wonder what he was going to say, then he just sighs, easing out of you, and his cum pours from your little hole, all swollen and red from how much he’d beat it up. He groans then, staring at it hungrily, leaning between your thighs again.
The bell rings.
“I’ll fuckin kill em.” You giggle, at the ridiculousness, and then let him help you up into a sitting position. He tosses you your shorts, and you run up the stairs, adrenaline pouring through you, as Toji’s cum leaks from your little pussy. What the actual fuck were you doing!?
“Just a package.” You hear, as he’s opening the door to your room then, eyeing you hungrily.
“Yeah.” You just nod, brushing your hair in your mirror, trying to put yourself together. “Wanna tell me what you were trying to say?”
“No. I don’t.” You put the brush down, and then he’s on you, behind you, slinging your leg up, in that position he’d shown you. Your breath catches, as you feel his cum and your arousal trickle out.
“I’ll fuck the intel out of ya, doll.” He’s got your shorts pulled to the side, shoving two thick digits in your entrance, you grip the dresser, looking at him behind you, brows drawn low as one of his hands comes around to grip you under your chin.
“Why do you wanna know? It’s stupid… mmm…” Your head falls back when you feel yourself pouring out all over his fingers, and he’s groaning, yanking up your top and revealing your breasts, staring at them in the mirror hungrily.
“Toji-again!?” You tense when you feel his hard length against you now, and he just smirks at you in the mirror.
“Again, doll. And again. Till all you think of is me.” His words hit you hard, and you gulp at it, not able to even think when his tip rubs against your sensitive clit, up and down between your folds.
“The things you say… fuck you for that.” You whisper, tears starting to hit your field of vision, as his dark green eyes study you, serious then.
“Fuck me, huh?” You nod, hating what he does, and how much you want it. You pull away a bit, putting your leg down, and he has you spun then, bending low with his hands on either side of your dresser. You tremble under his gaze. “I say what I wanna say, doll. Got a problem?”
“Yeah I sure do. You’re just confusing the hell out of me. If you’re gonna fuck me, do it, I clearly like it. But don’t say shit like that. Look at me like that.”
“Look at you like what, brat?” He cups your face then, and you take a shaky breath, as the energy in the room is too much to bear.
“Like… I don’t know, like that!”
“Like you’re fuckin gorgeous? Like I want ya so bad I can’t fuckin stand it?” You hate it, you hate how he’s cupping your face, how his eyes are boring into yours. You bite your lip so hard it’ll bleed.
“Yeah, like that. I hate it.” He scowls, yanking you by your hair and tilting your head back, forcing you to look at him.
“How ya want me to look at ya then?”
“Like you wanna fuck me, not… whatver that look is.”
He’s just breathing heavy then, and so are you, as your heart races and his cum is dripping out of you. “And what is this look you hate so much?”
“It’s as if you… really like me? I don’t know.”
“Ya think I don’t!?”
“You shouldn’t. You said just sex-”
“Nah, doll. You did.” You blink then, scowling up at him, as his lips are just a breath from yours. “You said last night ‘is it just sex’.”
“You said yes!”
“Because I- Y’know, fuck this. I’m over talkin’ now.” He smashes his firm lips against yours in a furious kiss, tongue sliding inside your mouth, taking it over entirely, as his hands are firm on your hips, a thigh sliding between yours. You moan, greedy hands grabbing at his shirt, until you’re yanking it off. He smirks. “Need me naked, huh? Slutty fuckin brat.”
“Shut up, old man.” You start pushing him then, and he clearly lets you (because how could you push Toji) until he’s sitting at the edge of your bed, and you’re yanking your top off over your head, looking down to see his hungry gaze, his big hands gripping bare breasts.
“So eager for me, huh doll?” He’s muttering the words, because he’s got your breasts in his face, sucking and lavishing the peaks, moaning. “These perfect tits, oh my… fuck.”
You straddle him then, thighs on either side, and he’s grabbing your ass while he’s sucking on your tits, rubbing his stubble between your breasts, and you’re whining out, grinding on his hard cock. He yanks his shorts down again, looking up at you with parted lips and dark eyes.
“You gonna fuck me, doll?” He teases you, making you glare, pushing him down on his back.
“Why don’t you shut up and let me fuck you, huh?” At that he scowls, flipping you under him, pinning your wrists. You scowl back now.
“Ya got a nasty mouth for such a pretty girl. Let me shut it up.” He’s shoving two fingers in your mouth deep, so deep you nearly choke, your nails digging into his wrist now as he doesn’t let you go.
“Mnh!” You try to yell out around his fingers but he’s already shoved his cock in you so deep you’re blinded, deep in your cunt, and she sucks him right in.
“You’re even prettier like this, with that mouth shut.” You bite his fingers then, smirking with glee when he yanks them back, laughing when he’s furious. “You’re such a fuckin psycho brat.”
“You like it, don’t you?” He smirks then, lifting your leg and sliding deeper, fucking into your cervix now. “Ah-fuck!”
“Yeah, I like it.” He murmurs, kissing you again, messy and rough, his now bitten fingers back in your hair. You’re screaming as he’s railing you, the bed creaking with his weight, grunting over you. “I do like you, by the way, slutty little girl.”
“Why-why… say that? Fuck you.” You’re whining out, and he’s got a death grip on your thighs, pressing them up high and hitting so deep you can’t function, so much pressure.
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you!”
“I am fucking you, lil slut.” You laugh at that, breathless, but then he fucks the laugh right out of you, fucks your thoughts out of you. “That’s what I thought.”
“Let me fuck you-mnh-on top. Lemme do it. Please.” He grins down at you, as he’s slamming into your cunt so rough you ache, strokes sloppy inside you.
“Now you’re speaking right t’me.” He flips you so quick you lose your breath, and you rest your hands on his chest, crying out when he’s fucking into you now.
“Lemme… lemme do it! Fucking… stop moving, Toji, stop moving!” He grips your hips tight, shoving you on his cock, grinding inside you until you’re shattered, cumming all over him, arousal gushing and drooling out your cunt onto his thighs, his balls, his cock.
“F-fuck, you feel so good on me doll.” He’s moaning, and you see it, that moment where he relinquishes control, the moment you start rocking your hips, crying out and throwing your head back at how good it feels.
“T-Toji! Ngh!” Tears hit your eyes as his thick tip is massaging your cervix, and you tentatively slide up then down, as he watches his cock disappear, and his jaw tenses, his face in awe of you.
“Holy-Motherfucking-shit!” He’s gripping you so tight you can’t move, and you whine out, wiggling. “How are you so good at that!?”
“Shut up and lemme fuck you, just lay there.” He gulps, laying his head back, and you are dominating Toji Fushiguro, he’s nearly whimpering as you press your thighs, squeezing your cunt tight around him. “Good boy.”
You’re snickering, and then you realize you made a mistake, when he yanks you against his chest, glaring. You gasp. “Hang on, pretty little slut.” You manage to cling to him, excitement and fright in equal measures, and he’s lifted your hips up, pinning you against him. “Gonna fuck that attitude out of ya. Use ya like my little toy.”
“T-Toji I was just-ah, kidding!” He slams into you, so hard you nearly buck off his big hard body, and then he grabs your cheeks with his hand, squishing them.
“Aw, poor baby, got something to say?” You open your mouth and he’s slamming up into you again, your entire body feeling his thick cock, like he’s in your damn throat, it makes you choke up.
“I… I… please…”
“Toys don’t talk.” You wiggle a bit and he smacks your ass, making it sting, you cry out at it. “Toys don’t move. You’re gonna take all this cum like a good toy. Only good to fuck, to cum inside, that’s it. Got it?”
You down at him, as your pussy is gushing. “I thought I can’t talk, so how can I answer you dick!?”
He’s got you flipped again, putting you in a wicked mating press, folding you up so much it’s uncomfortable, and you watch that vein in his throat pulse as he hiffs over you. He’s fucking furious. And you’re thrilled at the reactions you elicit, grinning, until he’s shoved back in you, bottoming out so hard it hurts, you see stars, then your mouth is wide open in an O shape, tongue lolling.
“Watch me fuck ya, watch me fuck that cunt like I own it.” He groans out the words, as he’s slamming into you, so hard you’re crying out, his hands pressing your thighs down, making your eyes roll back in your head. “Got anything-ha- smart to fuckin say, toy?”
You can’t manage words, they get stuck in your throat, and you’re just shaking, crying out, because oh god it’s too much, it’s so much, his cock bullying inside your walls and wrecking you. All while he’s looking down at you, his chiseled jaw clenched tight, those veins in his neck bulging, every single muscle taut as he just holds you down.
“Cum all over my cock, be a good toy f’me.” You should hate that, yeah? But no. you’re cumming again, so hard this time, your orgasm spilling over and mixing with his cum that’s coating your insides.
“Mnh… ah-ngh…” You’re just whimpering out like it’s nothing, you can’t even function anymore, you’re cumming so hard still you’re just twitching under him, jerking under him.
“Ya like being used by me, don’t ya doll?” You manage a nod, with your sore neck, and he moans, bending down and cupping your face while he slowly rolls inside you, stretching your walls out, feeling so fucking good you can’t take it.
“D-d…D-” You don’t know if you can speak, so your watery eyes hit him, and he grins then with sharp white teeth, kissing you, softly, as if he wasn’t wrecking you with his thick cock, as if he wasn’t telling you you’re a toy. No, that kiss?
“You can say it, doll. I’ll allow one word.” He pushes in and rolls his hips, massaging that damn spot in there, and you scream out.
“Daddy!” He moans then, right against your mouth.
“Want Daddy to use his toy? Cum inside it?” You just nod, eagerly, cheeks red as he pounds inside your cunt, the sounds of the slapping of skin and how wet you are obscene.
He pins you down with an arm around your thighs, pressing even harder, and he’s thickening inside you now, and you’re helpless, just being used by him, being stretched by his thick length. You start to lose consciousness nearly, the feeling so good you can’t handle it anymore, it’s like every stroke you’re losing any sense, until there’s nothing left but him.
“Good. Fucking. Toy. S’good f’me. Take it, take all of me, hm?” He’s whispering it, that gruff deep fucking voice, and you nod, feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm, as his own cock starts to spurt, so much you feel it pulsing.
“Mmph!” You’re grunting with each thrust now, as he’s filling you up, his big cock shooting his hot cum, endless streams of it, deep in your pussy, filling you so hot and full. “Mnh… T-Toji…”
“Fuckin perfect. Fuck.” He’s out of breath now, as he eases your aching thighs down, rubbing them gently, massaging the sore muscles. You feel tears in your eyes, the emotion and overwhelming exhaustion making your throat dry. He’s leaning up, kissing your cheeks, the tears hot and sticky running down them. “Hey doll… look at me.”
Your eyes meet his, and you take a shaky breath, when he’s easing out of your sore cunt, throbbing from him still, drooling cum out of the little hole he’d been stretching out. You just look at him, wordless, struggling to catch a breath, but it keeps coming out in tears, mumbling incoherently while he strokes your hair, pulling you against his chest, his arms wrapping around you tight.
“Hey, Doll, you okay? Too much?” You shake your head, but you can’t form a word, he’s fucked your brain so stupid. “Talk to me, baby.”
“Just… a lot. A lot.” You whisper, and he’s running a hand down your spine, up and down in little strokes.
“Did I hurt ya or anything?”
“No. No. I loved it.” You sniffle and look up to see his concerned expression, studying your face intently.
“You’re crying though.” His voice almost sounds like he is pained. You take a shaky breath, snuggling up to his big body then.
“Overwhelmed. Brain not working.” He laughs a bit, and you enjoy that rare sound so much it’s scary to admit it.
“I know, baby, I know. S’okay. I got you.” You lean up and kiss him again, your hair draping softly over his broad chest, palm right over where his heart thumps wildly in his chest. He moans softly, cupping your face gently with those strong hands, exhaling as you brush your lips on his. “Gonna spit out your secret, now hmm?”
“You can’t fuck intel out of me, psycho.” He snorts at that, looking at you, as you try to match your breaths to his, slowing them down. “Why do you wanna know so badly anyway?”
“I’d like to know how you feel.” He sounds nearly choked as he speaks, and your eyes widen, lips parted then.
Fuck you’re gorgeous, every bit of your body, your face is so pretty Toji can’t imagine not looking at it ever again. And he’s terrified that’s what is going to happen, because why would you of all people be with him? Young and beautiful, ambitious, got your shit straight. Pussy so perfect he wanted to live with his cock buried deep inside of it, wanted to lick every inch of you every day of his life.
What started off as impulse was getting to be too much, because when he came inside you, your tight little cunt gripping him as he watched those pretty eyes roll back in your head? He was wrecked, further than he already was the first time he just kissed you. Kiss those reddened lips, bruised by him now, he runs a thumb down your full lower lip, cock twitching in response.
Toji had great stamina but this was ridiculous, he wasn’t a twenty something anymore, but fuck if he couldn’t stop getting hard just looking at you. Fuck, when you’d opened the door in those hello kitty pajamas, he’d been so hard he’s shocked you didn’t notice. Watching those lush tits bounce, looking at those perky nipples through your thin little top.
He’d wanted you then.
He’d wanted you for a long time, and hated himself for it, hated how many times he’d rubbed himself raw to your pictures, in your sexy little outfits with your friends, when you outshine them all. All shy and cute like you weren’t built to be fucked by him, like you didn’t have some goddess level body. Fuck he loved every inch, too.
He’d never had it like this, and he knows he’s an idiot. Coming here and knowing damn well you’d be here. Then when he’d tasted your sweet pussy, drank all your honeyed arousal, he could not get that taste out of his mind. He couldn’t get those blown out eyes out of his brain. He doesn’t even know how he’ll be able to be with anyone again.
Ruined him in four days.
You’re the worst.
“Toji I just… I am worried I really feel stuff. Is it a virgin thing? Will I like, get over this? It’s so stupid.” You look down, your long lashes casting shadows on delicate cheeks, all reddened from your exertions, trails of glistening tears glittering from the sunlight streaming in the room.
Since when does Toji Fushiguro notice shit like that!?
“Why is it stupid, because it’s me?” He asks, gruffly, and he watches your eyes shoot up to his, your mouth opening in a small O.
“What, no. I mean stupid because it’s just sex. Is this some clingy virgin shit I don’t know about?” He laughs, mirthlessly, and your brows draw together.
“Is this your way of saying you like me, doll?” You nod a bit, and his heart hurts, like someone is squeezing the fuck out of it, right where your little hand sat.
“I know this is some game-”
“You don’t know shit.” You blink a bit, pouting then, at his snappy tone, and he hates himself then. Fuck he’s stupid. It’s not like he’d be worth your time, aside from fucking you senseless, he knows he’s good at that. “Think I don’t like you?”
“I don’t know. Do you?”
“Why would I do this if I didn’t?”
“Because you think I’m hot?” He shakes his head.
“You’re beautiful, but no. It’s… more than…”
He gulps, he doesn’t know what to say. You lean in, cupping his face with your hands, as your breasts rest against his chest. His hands slide down your little waist, to the jut of your hips, moaning as he explores your curves. You straddle him once more, and fuck if he doesn’t wanna let you have the power.
Only you.
“More than what, Toji? Is this something more?” He manages a nod, unable to say shit, because he’s an idiot, an idiot for you. And you would just get burned. “It can’t be more though, can it?”
“It’s a shit idea. But I’m selfish as fuck.” You cry out softly, then, as he hardens against you. But he sees her, so reddened, swollen, puffy, he’d gone too rough with you, even if you liked it. “Lemme take care of ya.”
“Hmm?” Your eyes flutter shut, like you’re exhausted, as he helps you up then, sitting you on his lap for a moment. “What, is Daddy taking care of me?”
He’s hurting at that, at how fucking good the word Daddy sounds out of your pretty little mouth, as you look at him with cock drunk eyes. “Let’s shower, doll, I’ll wash your hair.”
“I had a shower this morning.”
“Another one. I’ll wash it better than you did.” You giggle, nodding, and letting him pick you up in his arms, you’re so tiny in them, resting your head on his chest.
“This is nice.” He hums to himself at that, starting to run the hot water, as you lean against the sink. He kisses down your neck, seeing the little marks he had left. You all would have to cover them he realizes, then things hit him a bit, just what he’s doing here with you. With his friend’s kid.
But fuck, when you look at him like that? Toji would do anything to have one more second of it.
He craves being with you so bad it’s taking over everything. He looks over at you, holding his hands out, and you shyly take them, so sweet and pretty one moment, then the other you’re telling him to shut up and fuck you. Damnit he…
He’s stupid over you, not just your body either. All of you.
Toji pulls you under the hot spray of the shower, just holding you against him, and it feels so fucking good. So good in his arms, as he treats you so carefully, after having fucked you so hard, the duality of him drove you insane. Now he’s carefully washing your hair with fragrant shampoo, the scent filling the little bathroom, and fuck does it feel good, his strong fingers massaging your scalp.
He rinses your hair and then runs conditioner in your hair too, turning you then and pressing you against the wall. You find yourself gazing up at him, and terrified for when and how this ends, but fuck if you’re not blissful right now. As he’s kissing you, down your neck, lips pressing on delicate flesh, his big hands rubbing your breasts, thumbs pressing over the peaks.
“Toji…” He hums, his hands roaming lower, down your waist, down your hips, grabbing your ass and making you cry out softly. “You’re being… sweet?”
He frowns a bit as he looks down at you, broad body taking most of the pounding hot water, water dripping down his handsome face, down his long dark lashes. “I’m not gonna fuck you like that and not take care of you after.”
You feel your face heat up, your body reacting to his words, to his touch, as he’s lifting you up, pressing you against the warmed tiles. Your hands grip his slippery shoulders, your manicured nails digging in just slightly, making him sigh in pleasure as he studies you.
“This is stupid. And dangerous. And it’ll hurt me.” He blinks then, shaking his head and kissing you again.
“I won’t let it hurt you. My little doll.” You melt, fuck you’re melting for him!? The man who just smacked you, choked you out, came in you twice. The one who fucked you so hard you hurt, in your childhood bed, and you want more, even more. “You won’t fuck anyone else ever, ya know that right?”
“That’s insane talk. You know that right?” You’re whimpering though as he’s easing you down, as he starts kissing down your body slowly.
“What, not ruined enough yet, doll? Gotta do more?” You just nod, and you’re a whole liar, as he smirks, on his knees right in front of you, throwing one of your thighs over his shoulder and kissing your clit sloppy. “Demanding little slut. Needy little cunt, too, huh?”
“Tell her you only want me.” He whispers into your cunt, and you giggle a bit, before he’s devouring you, his tongue swirling your little clitoris, and it’s so sensitive you fall apart quickly. “So fuckin easy, can’t even wait? Cummin all over m’face.”
“You’re t’good… at it… Daddy!” He’s moaning at that then, shaking his head back and forth as he runs his tongue along your clit, side to side, up and down, and drinking everything that pours out of you.
“Good girl, cum all Daddy’s face.” He’s urging you, pushing you beyond your limits, and you’re just falling apart, your heart thrumming as the hot water pounds your overheated skin.
He’s lavishing every inch of your cunt, licking every part of your little cunt, sliding in your hole to drink more, and you can barely stand, clinging to him tightly. His lips trail down your thighs now, kissing and nipping every bit of you he could find, until he’s back up there, his face against yours.
“I don’t want it to end.” You murmur, delirious, drunk off him. He exhales, holding you again in his arms.
“Mine. Say it.”
“It’s stupid.” You’re nearly asleep in the shower, so spent, so weak, that he has to hold you up, kissing you sloppy, messy, the water pouring down his face.
“Say it, doll. Need to hear it.” You pause, as he’s unexpectedly vulnerable all over again, and you let him take over.
“What’s yours? My pussy?” You tease him then, but he shakes his head, kissing you again, kissing every thought you had left.
“All of you.”
“My body?” Your whisper is faint against the pounding of the water on your bodies, but he shakes his head, gripping you.
“All of you.” Your head is fuzzy, your mind blank, it’s all you can do to just let him hold you, as you weakly nod, and he’s kissing you again, taking everything that you were. You couldn’t think about anything, school, your dad, your life, there was nothing but how good it feels.
You’re so fucked.
Chapter 6
@queendessi24 @iheartsuya @farawayfromallthecrazylies
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Summary: Anon request - "virgin!reader x Sam"
Warnings: soft SMUT18+, some strong language, mentions of wine, fingering, protected first time sex, hair pulling, sensual smut, fully smut
Word count: 4.2k | not edited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
"You don't have any plans tonight, do you?" Sam asks as he slips his big sweater over his head. You purse your lips as you think for a second before shaking your head, "Not unless they're with you."
You smile as he smiles and he walks back over to you, "Good. I made us dinner reservations, I'll be back at six to get you."
"Fancy or casual?" You turn around to rest your arms on the back of the couch, eyes watching him as he comes over and leans down, "Slightly fancy."
He peck your lips, "That okay?"
You nod, "more than okay, baby."
He brushes hair from your face, "Okay." He presses his lips to your forehead, "See you later."
You hold your hand up, watching as he walks towards the door, "Bye." As soon as the door closes, you pull your phone out, texting your best friend to call you.
A few minutes later, your phone rings and you answer, "Sam has a dinner planned tonight." You blurt out, "I think.. I think he wants to, you know."
"Have sex?" She asks with a slight laugh, "There's nothing wrong about that word, y/n."
"I know.." you say resting your cheek in your palm, "I just.. we've been dating for almost- we'll, it'll be three months tomorrow and I.." you let out a sigh, "I haven't told him yet."
"Told him wh- wait." She pauses for a moment, "You haven't told him that you've never had sex before?"
You loved your best friend because you can talk to her about anything, no shame at all.
She was your safe place.
No judgment at all.
"I haven't.. I just didn't know when, not like there's a right or wrong time or anything but mainly because I'm scared to tell him."
"Why are you scared, y/n?" She asks, pausing so you can answer, "What if he thinks I'm weird?"
She laughs, loudly, "I highly, and I mean high-ly doubt that he'll think you're weird. Someone who has never had sex before is hard to come by."
"I just.. I don't want to embarrass myself with him, you know, like I really want to with him, I just let my mind get the best of me, I guess."
"I want you to listen to me, y/n." She sighs, "The way Sam looks at you, is the way someone who knows they have a forever in their hands looks at someone, and that's even more rare than someone who still has their virginity."
You smile, "I know it's probably way too soon, but I honestly do think I love him."
"I wouldn't doubt it. You guys are tooth rottenly perfect for each other." She laughs slightly, "I'm sure he feels the same way about you."
You take a deep breath, "I'm going to tell him tonight, I mean it it all goes wrong and he does find me weird-"
She cuts you off, "He's not going to find you weird." She laughs, "I'm sure that will turn him on even more."
"Oh gosh, no. Stop it." You close your eyes, shaking your head, "I'm already nervous as is."
"Sorry, but no. I think it'll be okay." She pauses, "Just remember, that good things take time, and I'm sure that you being such a pure little angel will make it even better."
You smile, laughing slightly as you nod to yourself, "I'm sure you're right and I'm just overreacting."
"Isn't that what usually happens?" She laughs and you your eyes, "Mhm."
"Alright, well let me know how it goes. If you need, my door is always open for you."
You smile, "Thank you. I'll call you tomorrow or something."
"Sounds good. Now go pick out a pretty dress."
"I'll send you pictures. Thank you." You stand up and she sighs, "You got this. He isn't going to go anywhere."
"Okay." You nod, "Talk later."
"Talk later."
You hang up, letting out a long sigh as you make your way into your room to rummage through your closet.
After a while of holding up dresses to your body, you settle on a white knit dress with a cropped sweater attached to it.
You lay it on the bed, walking over to find a pair of shoes that go with it nicely. You pull out each pair of heel you have, nervous that nothing will go with it.
You set a pair of tan ankle boots next to it and tilt your head as you take a picture to send to your friend.
You smile at her reply, That is the cutest dress ever and the light tan color of those boots go so well. You'll look great, y/n!
You text her back and look at the time, it's almost four, which means you have two hours until Sam is back to pick you up.
You head for the shower, hoping to wash some of the anxiety you have, away.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You set the curling iron down after curling the last strand of your hair. You look into the mirror of your vanity and let out a sigh, "You got this."
Your phone vibrates and you pick it up, smiling when you see a text from Sam, On my way, sweetheart.
You text back, See you soon, baby.
You set your phone down, applying any last minute touches to your makeup before you stand up to smooth out your dress.
You grab your purse, hooking it onto your shoulder before snapping a picture to send to your friend.
She replies back as you walk out of your room, telling you that you look pretty and what not. She was your biggest support, besides Sam.
Sam has been there for you through everything that's happened these last two, almost three months. You guys clicked instantly and just like your friend said, you felt like you had forever in your hands when you looked at him, too.
There's a knock on your door and you stand up, walking over to open it. An instantly smile on your face when your eyes meet Sam's.
"Wow, you look gorgeous." He smiles as his eyes move down your body, "These are for you."
Your lips slightly part as your eyes move down to the bouquet of red roses in his hand, "Sam." You whisper looking back up at him as you take them, "They're so beautiful."
You open your arm, wrapping it around his neck. His hand lays on your hip and he turns his head to kiss your cheek, "Beautiful flowers, for a beautiful girl. You ready?”
You smile, "Yeah, let me just set these on the counter." You turn, walking back into your apartment to set them down on the counter, "Okay. Ready."
You walk over to him and link your arm with his. You pull your door shut before he leads you down to his car. He opens the passenger door for you, giving you a smile before he closes it.
He walks around, getting into the drivers seat, "That dress looks beautiful on you."
You run your hand over the fabric and look up at him, "Thank you. I got it a few weeks ago, figured now was the perfect time to wear it."
"Any time would have been the perfect time, babe." Sam smiles as he lays his hand on yours, interlocking your fingers together.
You bring your other hand over, tracing gentle circles on top of his hand. Your mind starts racing, but you quickly shut it down by reminding yourself of what your friend said.
You rest your head back, staring out the window at the lights of the city. Sam squeezes your hand, "You okay?"
You look over at him, "What, babe?"
"I asked if you're okay." He glances over at you, "You're quiet."
"Oh, I'm fine. Just enjoying the lights." You nod towards the window and he tilts his head, "You sure?"
You nod at him, "Yes, baby. I'm good." You smile, giving his hand a squeeze back. He smiles and pulls up to the doors.
You look over at him, "Valet?"
He smiles and nods, "Uh huh. Now wait here." He gets out, walking around to your side. He talks to the attendant before opening your door, "This way, sweetheart."
He holds his hand out and you take it as you exit the car, "Sam. This place is fancy."
He wraps an arm around your waist as you walk in, "You deserve it."
You smile as you walk with him to your table. He pulls your chair out for you and you sit down. He helps move your chair in before moving to sit beside you.
Your eyes scan down over the menu, "Everything sounds so good."
He nods, "I came here with Colby a few months ago, it was very good."
You set your menu down, looking from it to Sam, "I have to tell you something."
You can see it in his face that he doesn't like the sound of that but you quickly reassure, "Don't worry, it's nothing bad."
He lets out a sigh, "Oh god. Okay." He laughs slightly, "What's up, babe?"
Just as you're about to say it, the waiter comes over, "Good evening, my name is Frankie, I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you started with something to drink?"
"Hello Frankie." Sam gives him a smile, "Actually, yes." He looks over at you, "How does a bottle of Sangria sound?"
You smile and nod, "Please."
Sam looks back at Frankie, "Well do a bottle of Sangria, red." He nods at Sam and smiles, "I'll be right back with that."
"Thank you." You and Sam say as he walks away. Sam looks at you, taking your hand, "So you were saying?"
You laugh nervously, "Oh, yeah. That." You brush a curl from your face and sigh, "There's something I've been meaning to tell you, and I think you need to know before anything happens-"
He cuts you off, "Anything, sweetheart. You can tell me anything." You catch the hint of worry in his voice so you lean in, "I'm.." you pause, laughing slightly as you build up the courage.
You look up at him, "I'm a.. virgin."
He lets out the breath he was holding, "I thought you were going to say you can't see me anymore or something."
You lay your other hand on top of the one that's in your hand, "No, baby." You shake your head, "I just thought I should tell you, I'm not trying to rush anything by saying that, I just.." you raise your brows, "I just don't have any personal experience and I figured that that would be embarrassing on my end."
He reaches his hand up, thumb brushing your cheek, "There's nothing embarrassing about that, sweetheart." He smiles, "I think.. that's kind of sexy."
Your friend was right, you think as you bite your bottom lip, "Really?"
"There's a first time for everything, darling.." Sam smiles, "And if you are willing, I'd be honored to show you the ropes." He winks, causing a slight blush to take to your cheeks.
"Considering we're celebrating our three month anniversary tonight.." you rest your elbows on the table and lean forward, "I think tonight would be the perfect night for you to do that."
He tilts his head, "It's been three months already?"
You laugh, "I know. Time flies when you're having a good time." He laughs, sighing as he looks up at Frankie, "Thank you."
He nods, "Are we ready to order yet?"
"I am." Sam nods and looks over at you, "You know whatcha want?"
You motion to him, "You go first." You look back down over menu as Sam orders. You look up, ordering what you want before Frankie walks away.
You feel Sam slip his hand under yours and you look over at him as you sit your wine. He stares at you for a few seconds, "Why were you nervous to tell me?"
You shrug, "I didn't want you to think I was weird."
He laughs slightly, "Oh baby, why would I think you're weird? I think that's a good thing, you know?"
"Well.." you sigh with a smile, "That's certainly a relief."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·
As you leave the restaurant, your arm linked with Sam's, you can but feel a rush up nervous excitement.
You were more than ready to give yourself to Sam.
You wanted him to be the one to have you for the first time.
The more you thought about it, the more it felt like it was meant to happen this way.
You watch as the valet attendant brings his car around. Sam leads you down, opening the passenger door for you.
"Thank you, baby." You give him a kiss on the cheek before getting in. He smiles, "More than welcome, my love."
He shuts your door, waving to the attendant and yelling a quick 'thank you' before getting in, "Alright. So where to now?"
"We can go back to my place." You bite your lip as you look over at him. He smirks, "say no more." He starts to drive, his hand finding yours like it always does.
You can tell he wants to ask something, but chooses not to.
"You can ask me, babe." You laugh slightly, "I'll answer any question you have."
He glances over at you, "I don't want to make you uncomfortable by asking anything."
You shake your head, "You won't."
"Why haven't you.." he pauses, "i don't know how to word it." He laughs nervously and you rest your head back, "Why haven't I ever had sex with anyone before?"
He nods and you shrug, "I just.. I don't know, really. It just never felt right with anyone. I was thinking about it, after I told you, and I honestly feel like it was meant to be this way."
He smiles as he comes to a stop, looking over at you, "Really?"
You nod, "I haven't felt this way with anyone. I actually told my friend earlier today that-" you stop once you realize what you're about to say.
You look over at him and he nods, "Keep going."
You take a calming breath, "I was just telling her today that I think.." you smile slightly, "I'm falling in love with you."
A smile takes over his face and he shakes his head, "I actually had sorta the same conversation with Colby the other day."
"You did?" You can feel your cheeks heating and he nods. He brings your hand up to his lips, pressing them against the back of it, "I love you, y/n."
Your heart skips a beat and you nod, "I love you, Sam."
He presses a few kisses onto the back of your hand as he comes to a stop at a red light. He lets go of your hand and reaches up to pull you over as he leans over, and that's right when you knew that you definitely have the kissing at red lights kind of love.
"When we get back to my place.." you whisper as you lean back, "I want you to take me into my room and show me just how much you love me."
You were shocked that those words came from your lips.
But you weren't arguing about it.
"Anything for you, baby." Sam takes his hand back into yours as he continues driving.
Your stomach fills with, what feels like a thousand butterflies and he pulls into the parking space in front of your building.
He looks over at you, reaching up to cup your cheek with his hand, "I've never felt this much love for someone."
You lay your hand on his, "Me too, Sam."
He pulls you in, pressing his lips to yours before whispering a small, "Come on, sweetheart." He gets out, and like usual, comes and opens your door.
You cling to his arm, smiling as you walk up to your door. You unlock it, immediately pulling him in. He kicks the door shut as your hands go to the sides of his neck, lips meeting his.
His hands go to your waist, backing you up a few steps before he pulls your body into his.
"Are you sure?" He whispers, leaning his head back a little to look at you.
"I've never been more sure of anything before, Sam."
He smiles, brushing hair from your face, "Okay." He leans down, gripping the back of your thighs so he can lift you up.
Your legs circle his waist, arms wrapping around his neck as he walks you into your bedroom.
The most you’ve done with Sam is an old fashioned high school make out. Nothing more. He never pressured you into more, with him, it just feels so right.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, pressing little kisses onto your cheek as he lays you down on the bed. Your legs fall to his sides and he leans up to shrug off his jacket.
You watch was his hands move to undo each button on his white shirt as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth.
Your eyes move up to meet his as he slides it down his shoulders and drops it to the floor. He leans back down, body over yours as he presses his lips to yours again.
He grinds against you, earning a low moan from your lips, “That’s it, baby.” He kisses down your neck and back up, “If it feels good, tell me.”
You nod, tilting your head back as he attaches his lips to the skin of your neck, sucking to leave a mark.
You moan out quietly as your nails dig into his shoulders. His hand moves down to pull your dress up, letting it lay high on your thighs.
His hand dips in between them, gently dragging lines up and down your clothed, but soaked center.
“Please.” You whimper as you move your hips, “Please, touch me.”
He nods once, tilting his head slightly as he watches your face. He slips his fingers into the crutch of your panties, pushing them over before gently gliding a finger up and down, “This what you wanted, baby?”
You nod quickly, moving your hips up and down, “Y-yes.”
You thought him just grazing the outside of your pussy felt good, but it quickly heightened when he slowly plunged his finger into you.
You arched your back, letting out a whine as you squeezed around his finger.
“Feel good?” Sam asks rubbing your thigh with his free hand. You look up at him, lips parted as you moan to him slowly moving his finger out and back in, “Fuck, yes.”
Sam bites his lip, watching your body move from the pleasure he’s giving you.
He was in awe that you were his.
He slid his hand over, palming himself through his suit pants because the image of you was making him ache.
“Fuck, I know I keep saying it, but you look so beautiful.” He leans down, hand still between your legs, “So pretty.”
He gently presses his lips to yours and your hands move to his neck, sliding one hand up to tangle in his hair.
He lets out a groan as you tug, “So mine.”
You smile against his lips, arching your back as he curls his finger, “Fuck.” You slide your hands down his chest, “Please, Sam. I need you.”
He nods, “Alright.” He slowly pulls his finger out, “Take this off for me.” He tugs the hem of your dress before getting up to take off his pants.
His eyes are glued on you as you sit up to reveal your body to him. You let the dress drop to the floor before reaching behind you to unhook your bra.
He slips his fingers into the band of his boxers, pausing to just take a good look at you.
“What?” You ask, a shy tone consuming your words.
He shakes his head, “Nothing, I-“ he sighs and smiles, “You’re just.. ravishing.”
You give him a smile and look down, “Oh, thank you.” He strips away from his boxers, “Do you have a condom, by chance?”
“Actually.. I do.” You laugh, “my friend gave it to me a few weeks ago, long story but it pertains to you.”
He chuckles, “Oh jeeze, okay.” He walks over to the stand you pointed to, pulling out and putting it on before walking over to crawl up between your legs again, “You okay?”
You look up at him, laughing nervously, “Just.. kinda nervous.”
He brushes your cheek with his hand, “I got you, sweetheart.” He leans in, pressing his lips to your forehead, “If it hurts or gets to be too much, I’ll stop.”
You nod, lying back as he moves up to hover over you, “Tell me when.”
You take a deep breath, giving him a nod, “I’m ready.”
Sam gathers some spit onto his fingertips and reaches down to coat the tip of his cock, “Just try and relax, baby.”
You spread your legs, laying your hands on his biceps as he positions himself at the entrance. You close your eyes, the rollercoaster of emotions hitting you at once.
But, you were ready for him.
You close your eyes, squeezing his biceps as he slowly slides into you, “Fuck.” He breathes out, “You okay?”
You nod quickly, eyes still shut tight, “Yeah.”
He pauses for a moment, reaching up to tilt your head up, “You sure?” You give him a smile, “Yes.” You lay your hand on his cheek, “K-keep going.”
He brushes hair from your face before reaching for your hand, interlocking your fingers with his. He continues to push in, earning small moans from you.
You wrap your leg over his waist, squeezing his hand tight.
“Sam.” You moan out quietly, “That feels so good.”
He leans down, peppering your face with kisses, “That’s good, baby.” He pushes all the way in, resting for a moment, “You feel so good.”
You lay your free hand on his cheek, wiggling your hips ever so slightly, “Okay.”
He tilts his head, “Ready?”
You nod and gasp as he pulls out, gently thrusting back in, “Fuck, y/n. You feel incredible.”
His words send the anxiety and nervousness away. You feel so much closer to him already. You now know that this was the way it was supposed to be.
“I love you.” You whisper out, “I love you.”
Sam rests his forehead against yours, “I love you so much.” He lifts his head to plant a kiss, “So fucking much.”
You snake your arm under his, laying your hand in the center of his back as you moan out, louder than they’ve been.
“You sound so pretty.” Sam whispers in your ear before kissing down your neck. He groans lowly, “I want to get you off before I do, okay?”
“Okay.” You breathe out, “Fuck.”
He thrust a little bit faster, still holding your hand in his. He reaches down with his other hand, pulling your arm away from his and holding your other hand.
He pins it by your head, forehead on yours, “I can’t get over you.” He whispers lowly, a moan following his words.
You smile slightly, brows furrowing as you feel an intense pleasure building up in your stomach, “I-I think I’m close.”
He nods, “Whenever you want, sweetheart.” Sam kisses your lips and you moan into his mouth, “Shit. Shit.”
You tighten your leg around his waist, bringing the other one up to lock around him. Your eyes roll shut as your back lifts off the bed and you squeeze his cock.
You drag your moan out, “Fuuuck.”
“That’s it baby. Cum for me.” Sam encourages, “That’s my girl.” He lets go of your one hand to brush hair from your face, “So fucking beautiful.”
Your chest rises and falls quickly as you come down, Sam not too far behind you.
His throws slow down, almost to a completely stop and you feel him twitch inside of you. He presses kisses over your face, “You okay?”
You nod, laying your hands on his cheeks, “I’m wonderful, baby.”
He smiles, “Alright, I’m gonna..” he nods down and you brace yourself before he slowly pulls out. He gets up, walking over to your bathroom to discard the condom and to grab a towel for you to clean up with.
You toss the towel down and turn back slightly to move the covers of the bed down. You move up and slide your legs under them, “Are you staying the night?”
You look up at him with a smile and he smiles, “You know it.”
He walks over to you, sliding in beside you and pulling the blankets up around you both. You snuggle into his chest, letting out a content sigh, “I definitely believe now, that this is the way it was to happen for me.”
Sam rubs your back as he smiles, “You think?” He looks down at you and you look up at him, “I know.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
I hope you enjoyed! I think this is one of my favorite Sam one shots that’s I’ve written so far.
As usual, let me know what you thought and thanks for reading! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 🖤
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chaos-and-sparkles · 1 year
In Which I Ramble About Pavitr's Character Design and the Indian Cultural Stuff Related to It
DISCLAIMER: I'm an Indian, and these are all my thoughts and analyses, but I'm also just one person and by no means am I speaking for everyone. I am not all knowing, and I am not immune to being wrong sometimes. These points are all my own thoughts and stuff that I know through my lived cultural experiences and some history and book knowledge, but I've not particularly researched any of these. I'm just out here giving my take from what I know. This is mostly just going to be me rambling, okay? Okay. Let's go!
Anyway okay so I just wanna go from the top down:
No. 1:
First of all his hair
His fucking hair
This is one aspect that i k n o w I'm overthinking and probably wasn't as significantly thought out in the design but it just Spoke to me and by all accounts I'm not the only one
But I'm so glad we have him with his thick gorgeous fricking hair, especially them being like curly/wavy and slightly long instead of straight and cropped or whatever
Like. Indians usually have very thick and luscious hair, not everyone ofc but generally it's a thing, and it's considered a point of pride to have long dark thick hair.
And the thing is for the longest time the beauty standard in India was to have very straight and shiny hair, all the actresses and heroes were doing it, even though that's literally not the realistic case for a lot lot LOT of Indians. There's a pretty big variety of hair texture in India; some of it is regionally concentrated too, eg. in South India you get a lot of frizzy, tightly coiled hair that's rough textured, whereas curly hair is usually silkier and looser curled as you go Northwards,, Bengalis tend to have very wavy thick hair,, etc. By no means a rule or anything, it's just a thing that there's a lot of curl variety and a lot of it was for the longest time considered ugly and unkempt (there are some classist/regionalist elements to this stereotype also unsurprisingly) still is by some people,,, bc the standard was Shiny Straight Hair. It's a standard that's slowly shifting. It's currently leaning more on the wavy and voluminous side. But it's def a thing still.
All that to say, it makes me so so happy to see Pav with his curly-ish lush hair that he wears with such pride and style,, that are a symbol of his own pride and self care too!!!
Also the line about "coconut oil, prayers and good genetics" - I LOVE THAT REFERENCE AHAHABSSK, using coconut oil for the hair is a very common thing here, it's so so good for the hair and the scalp alike and it's relaxing to massage it in too.
I've seen people try to write Pavitr in fics as "quickly brushing some coconut oil through his hair" as part of his morning routine and. Um. That's not how it's done askaskjas, I don't mean to be rude to the writers at all, everyone does the best with what they know and no one knows everything, but also practically speaking that would be greasy and awful.
There are multiple ways to apply coconut oil, ofc. Coconut oil is often massaged into the scalp and rubbed into the hair like an hour before washing, sometimes with lemon juice mixed in, and then washed off when bathing. Some people, especially those with drier and finer hair, apply it as a regular after-hair-wash thing, too, but even so it needs to be rubbed in.
A really beloved thing we have is coconut oil champis, too! This is basically when you sit down cross legged in front of youe mother/grandmother, and she massages the coconut oil into your scalp and hair in a way that literally cures all tension and headaches and leaves your head reeling and is so so good for hair and stress and everything. It's a family bonding thing more than just a hair routine. It's not always done by the mom/grandmother ofc, it's just how most of us first experience it, and they have a technique that none of us can ever quite replicate to the same effect later. As we grow up, we often do it for ourselves and for others. It's a weekly or monthly or even just occasional thing depending on who you ask. But yeah that reference was great I love it dearly!
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Also about the hair length
So in the current modern "civilized" standard (Indian schools and society in general tend to do a lot of shit trying to assimilate us into western culture and stamp out our own,, for example all my life I've been in schools where speaking Hindi and Telugu and stuff in class or in the hallways was Wrong and Forbidden and We Must Speak Only In English Bc We Are Educated And Cultured. This is so fucking hypocritical bc they would also have Hindi and Telugu classes and then criticize us for not getting it right or whatever), boys are meant to have short hair. Teachers literally single boys out in class for leaving their hair longer, not the exact length they set as the limit. This was my entire school experience; thankfully it doesn't seem to be the case in college, but that may just be bc I'm in an artsy college. In the workplace it's less stringent but it's still a thing.
HOWEVER, historically and culturally, long hair was considered good and even Important for both men and women. There's huge regional variations in this ofc; Maratha peshwas and higher classes and stuff for example wore a "pilaka" (idk what else it's called), which is the head shaven clean except a tuft in the middle that's sometimes braided. Brahmins still do it too.
But my point being, long hair was considered good for the most part, at most it would be worn in a bun for fighting and working,,, braids are a pretty big deal too. Having to cut your hair short=a symbol of dishonour and/or exile, or reserved for menial workers and so called "low classes".
(This is not stuff you even get explicitly told btw. This is stuff I've mostly inferred and studied from history and mythology and stuff , so there's no guarantee I'm 100% right)
Also, in Sikkhism (I'm not Sikh myself so correct me if I'm wrong, this is just what I know) having long hair is super fucking important for men. The hair is wrapped up in the turban, and the turban is a symbol of honour and pride and literally considered life. The long hair is considered sacred.
Removing the turban is basically a symbol of literally losing your honour pride and sense of self,, not just in Sikkhism, just generally at this point. Cutting your hair? Insult on injury.
Pavitr doesn't have particularly long hair ofc
But having grown up with such rigidly enforced things abt boys having very short cropped hair, it makes me so happy to see an Indian character who defies that.
Also!! Quick tangent about braids and their significance,, they're considered very beautiful and another symbol of pride, intricate buns and what not too! Just wanna drop this to give you an idea of what i mean:
In the Hindu myth of the Mahabharata, Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas (she's a very interesting and important and beloved character, regionally also considered a goddess, she was a princess born of fire married to five princes and the vengeance for her honour literally fuelled the war for righteousness etc etc) vows never to braid her hair again until she has washed it in the blood of Dushasana, a man who forcefully tried to disrobe her in court (it's a whole myth of its own). At the apex of the war, Bheem, her husband, brings her his blood. She washes her hair in it and then for the first time in thirteen years, she braids it.
Braids are not as significant now but it was basically a Pretty Big Deal and I just wanted to talk abt it.
In Hinduism too the gods are portrayed with long hair, it's a Thing.
No. 2:
Okay so moving more downwards,, I have a bunch of Thoughts abt Pavs mask design!
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Okay so obv we have the spiderweb-pattern that's a given.
But. The interesting parts are these:
The bindi-like design on his forehead.
Bc my point is
Sure that looks like a bindi. And that's beautiful in itself but I HAVE ANOTHER TAKE
Bindis are traditionally worn by women as a symbol of beauty, prosperity, and again, pride. But while nice, that's not quite a symbolism that fits imo
You know what else is ver similar where my mind immediately goes? A tilak.
The shape is kind of off for a tilak actually, a tilak is more of a U or a V with a dot or a flame-like stroke in the middle. So in that case it looks more like a bindi
But i really like thinking that it's inspired by a tilak too, bc
While a bindi is a decorative mark stuck or painted on a woman's forehead as a symbol of beauty and prosperity
A tilak is basically a mark that's finger-painted on the forehead of , usually a man but there's a softer smaller version for women too and ofc there are women warriors who got tilaks, for auspicious and blessing reasons. So in a Puja or ceremony, a tilak is put as a blessing and an auspicious thing, also meant to impart strength. The head of the household usually gets the most striking or biggest one.
Pandits usually wear tilaks for blessing purposes too, although their design is different and more elaborate than the ones given to others
Gods and goddesses had their own tilaks, some of them very distinctive like Shiva's
The part that applies to Pav is the warrior tilak
Basically before a king or warrior went to battle, it was customary to do a small sending off ritual and for the wife or mother to put the tilak for them and say "Vijay bhava" (may you be victorious)
It's still done for big undertakings and challenges like exams and new jobs and stuff.
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It's basically for strength, bravery and victory
The main difference in a bindi and tilak is the intent:
Bindi is for beauty
Tilak is for valour
Which. For a HERO. Just. Chef's kiss.
2. the markings around his eyes!!
I'm sure this has been said before, but it's very very reminiscent of kathakali makeup.
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Regionally there's a lot of eye makeup stuff also btw. There are some absolutely beautiful tribal designs and regional designs with a lot of colours but I cant remember specifics rn
Also!! The very distinctive black lines around Pav's eyes?? I love them sm bc they feel so so based in kohl and kajal. Another huge beauty and often pride related thing.
There's even a whole thing where a mother or older sister will often rub a bit of her kohl off on her fingertip and press it behind their loved one's ear so that "buri nazar na lage" (no one's bad gaze catches you). It's called a kaala teeka
The idea being that you're so beautiful and/or cute and bright and lovable and nothing should jinx that and nothing bad should happen to you. It's very rare now and I've never experienced it myself but it's so so precious <33
3. the white markings on his cheeks!
I've seen that explanation of how it's reminiscent of Ganesha, the elephant headed god who is kind of a symbol of new beginnings, intelligence, prosperity, and a ton of stuff I don't even know how to explain honestly, but he's very cool and beloved and has a lot of Good Vibes™ and i love him basically.
I personally am reminded more of kathakali makeup again!! But that explanation is very cool too and i like it!! I don't know if I agree bc i think it m i g h t be a blasphemy to have that imagery on your face, afaik no one here does it for any reasons and we have literal festivals and pujas dedicated to Ganesha
But then again I am a human with limited knowledge and i don't know everything
I personally think the tusk like designs are very cool. However, I also think it would be a bit of a No No for religious reasons. I also think it reminds me more of classical dance face makeup and stuff.
I also think if they meant to make it a Ganesha reference, then he should only have a tusk on one side, bc there's a huge deal about Ganesha being "ekdanta" (transl: one toothed) bc he has a well known myth of breaking off one of his tusks to write a mythologically and culturally significant epic.
There are also a lot of actual cultural face painting things in India that are way cooler than the Ganesha thing in my opinion. So while that theory is cool, I don't personally agree with it. I could be wrong, again, idk what the design intent was exactly.
No. 3:
Next thing: this is a very very small thing and i only have a sentence on it, but i really appreciate Pav's neckline in his suit.
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The neckline here? That's the kind of cut that's most typical of kurtas. Especially more ceremonial, kingly, wedding sherwani, or generally festive attire; a regular kurti might have a v-neck or something, but this curved collar? Very Indian and classy in a way I can't fully explain.
No. 4:
This next thing I'm going to go completely ballistic about, everyone hold on to your seats!!!
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Idc if I'm delusional, i DARE you to look at that blue design and tell me it doesn't look like a peacock feather
There is no human way for me to be normal about this i need a minute
Okay for context:
Krishna is a very important and beloved god in Hinduism. I cannot overstate the love I have for him, even being mostly non religious myself.
There is SO MUCH about him he is such a big deal and thanks to him being made a character in popular Indian cartoons and so many animated and live action movies being made about him, he is literally woven in the fabric of our collective consciousness and love for our culture
He's a mischevious and fun and chaotic and lowkey antiestablishment kid deity. He contains the literal universe. He has a deep abiding love for his people and his family and loved ones and the world he serves. He is a dancer, flute player, sweetheart, lover of life. He has a thousand wives, yet one Radha who he never married but is his literal immortalized soulmate. He guides heroes to duty. He is full of wisdom but also silly hijinks. He is so so beloved.
The peacock feather is his symbol! You could see the peacock feather anywhere and it's immediately OH KRISHNA! He wears a peacock feather, famously. In all his iterations, from childhood to adulthood. Peacock feather is his emblem.
Krishna is depicted through the peacock feather. It's become a very common motif in arts like mehendi and various textile arts to have peacock feather and peacock patterns; I'm sure that existed before Krishna too in several cultural circles but he is definitely a huge part of it since. There is a chikankari motif that is very recognisable that's reminiscent of peacock feather but I'm mostly unsourced on that, going off my own interpretation
But there's a definite link between peacock feather=Krishna=inextricable part of culture and art.
At least in North India. He's less of a big deal the further south you go. Still very widespread and overall loved tho.
So anyway seeing that peacock feather type motif on Pav?? Mixed with his Spiderman identity??? Is so amazing to me.
Krishna coded Pavitr real ✨
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(Also yeah people have already pointed out that Pav's hand designs are based on mehendi so I don't need to go into that askjasjkas)
No. 5:
Also. Huge fan of his arm cuffs. It's just another Indian warrior thing; often in ye olde times and in mythology, the cuff would be a lot simpler, often just a thread with an amulet to grant you protection. But it steadily became fancier, and now it can be decorative or a valour thing or both
Very often just decorative now actually. Often seen in weddings and ceremonies too
No. 6:
Okay about his bangles now:
I absolutely LOVE THEM I love them so much I am so obsessed with them actually!!
So. First of all
I remember there being a confusion in like earlier fics especially on whether they were bracelets or damrus or bangles or what
And i have Thoughts
So first of all
They are not damrus/damarus.
Damarus are a musical instrument made of wood and with two beaded ropes to beat on the small drum-like ends. They're also symbols of lord Shiva who uses a damaru.
They are very different from what Pav wears and i remember my fucking whiplash when earlier fics called his bangles damarus. I think i choked on my maggi.
I don't mean to be rude to the writers ofc, they were doing the best with what they knew. But it's just very jarring to me to hear that
I think an explanation I heard was that Pav's web shooter design was inspired by damarus? Which yeah I get that and I actually wanna talk about it bc I very much see it. But they are very much NOT damarus themselves
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First of all i personally have never seen nor heard of the kind of bangles Pav wears which appear to have a strip of cloth in the middle? While being gold cuffs on both ends? Which is new and interesting actually and opens up aspects abt his character that i find really interesting
Bc first of all: that implies he made them himself from stuff he already had inspired by things he saw. It seems, at least to me, like he used bangles/kadas he had to make the shooters he uses, which are designed the way they are for easier slinging and his cool tricks with them which would be harder if they were solid gold, and also the shape when he does the cool yoyo-y trick and hits The Spot with it and everything is very damaru shape. Which is also pretty cool if it's meant as a reference to Shiva and his damaru (he's a very fierce god with the damaru) or a reference to the street performers who use it nowadays.
Either way - and also additionally the fact that PAV LITERALLY DOUBLED HIS BANGLES AS WEB SHOOTERS WHICH IS SO CREATIVE AND SMART - and developed his own whole signature skillset with it?? And made his own bangle/shooters as I said before????
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My boy is PEAK jugaadu
He is the embodiment of jugaad
Never has anything been so true to the Indian spirit than jugaad
Okay so for context, the jugaad that I keep talking about:
It basically means makeshifting and/or inventing stuff you need from the limited stuff you have. That's a very simple way of explaining it. Just imagine that, but up the silliness level x100.
For example, a guy jugaaded a showerhead by poking holes in a sprite bottle and putting a hose in it and routing it to the tap.
Jugaad can be both very smart, and very funny and silly
And it usually involves combining useless stuff/trash/just stuff you had lying around to make smth that you didn't wanna waste money buying, and often ends up having more functions than the stuff it was meant to replace. This but it's also very crackheaded. Like idk how to explain. It's basically makeshifting, but it's just developed into such an Indian Spirit Thing™ that we have a word for it
So i love that Pavitr's bangles do all of that. He is a true Indian boy to his core!
No. 7:
Okay I have thoughts on his dhoti too!
I know why they used blue for his dhoti, what with the spiderman colours, the need to complement his bright red with smth softer, and everything. I get it and i love it so so much. What I'm about to say next is not a complaint against this at all, it's very good design imo
Everytime I look at him in his fucking blue dhoti
I just remember all the times my grandmother has apprehended me and made me go and change for trying to wear blue or black at a Puja
Bc they're apparently unholy colours ;_;
Basically yellow, saffron, red are the appropriate holy colours. Now that i think about it, I've never seen a god or mythological king depicted in a blue dhoti or generally blue clothing either - farthest they go from the three i described is pink or green
I never really thought about it until my Nani pointed it out. I'm still not sure if anyone except her even knew or cared about it.
But that is the memory that bonks me on the head every time i Perceive the blue dhoti
Bro upgraded from funeral colour (white, which is his dhoti in the comics and absolutely infuriates me on a visceral level) to unholy colour askaskjjska it's so funny to me
Purple was still a luxurious colour, but generally warmer and/or lighter colours are The Done Thing. It's an old notion and the cultural connotations are now very diluted by Western influence and also none of us Caring about a lot of it anymore (not necessarily a good or bad thing particularly)
Indigo also has. Loaded connotations.
Because Britain did a Colonialism and a lot of Indians suffered for it. It's a whole history lesson.
I would rather not get into the whole details but basically Indigo (the plant from which the dye was made) was a valuable commodity and Britishers essentially forced farmers to grow only that, ignoring their need to grow food or sustenance or care for the land in general, especially in the Bihar-UP regions. There were eventually a lot of revolts where many people, esp farmers, died.
Basically a double whammy of starvation and death as a direct result of colonialism. It was a major part, historically, that sparked rage for the freedom movement
If you wanna learn more abt it you can search up Champaran farmer revolts!
Also about the drape of Pav's dhoti:
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I've seen a couple of memes and reels abt how Pav, in an emergency, suiting up for Spiderman duty, would be taking an hour to drape the dhoti and stuff
And those are hilarious and i love them
But also
That's literally not even a proper dhoti -
So the thing pav wears is basically more of dhoti-pants with a cummerbund.
So okay I need to explain this better hold on
A dhoti is basically a sheet of fabric that is draped around the waist and down. The elaborateness of the cloth can vary vastly from intricately patterned silk and brocade, to plain white cotton with a thin gold border optional
The drape of the dhoti varies even more depending on region, occasion, occupation, and status. You can have everything from the casual simple towel like drape and tuck that some men wear to relax on a daily basis, to an intricate thing with many folds and pleats and tucks and the middle part that hangs (I forget the name for that) that would actually legitimately take hours and is often adorned with jewellery . To a thing that's flexible to move in and also looks very pretty and is genderneutral some dance forms call for.
Basically. The drape varies vastly. And it's all one cloth, maybe a second one for a separate cummerbund sometimes, I'm not that well versed abt dhotis tbh.
But the thing Pav wears?? It doesn't seem to me to be folded the way I've ever seen any dhoti
The way it's folded and shaped is not how those style of dhotis work. There would be a lot more pleats and folds, for one. But it's not shaped the way to match the less-folded dhotis either.
Now, I'm no dhoti expert, but that leads me to believe that's not a full on dhoti. What it's more likely to be is dhoti-pants
Dhoti pants are this fusion thing. It's in the name. I haven't seen it much but I know/think/am pretty sure its a thing, bc most Indian guys now don't know how to drape a dhoti either and it's a good solution. Worn like a pant, looks like a dhoti. Simple. A cummerbund for the middle drape, and you're set!
Also side note: the fold with the distinct two legs and the middle drape that Pav has? Is the most commonly depicted warrior and king drape,, at least in North and Middle India, I'm not as well versed about the South but I think it's the case there too. The gods are depicted in that drape too
I have fewer comments on his leg design, I like that it's reminiscent of mehendi even on his feet bc yeah that's also done on the feet, although rarer now and also a bridal thing
No. 7:
He has gold cuffs on his ankles that I really like!
Okay so here's the interesting thing:
I could be wrong, but
But that kind of thick ankle cuff is not actually an Indian thing?? At least not in the warrior hero context that a lot of his design seems based on. At least not of that shape and width.
What we do have though are very simple metal ankle cuffs put on (I think) one ankle of young kids for protection,, again a tradition I'm not very familiar with, it's more localised
The other thing we have that's more interesting tho:
We have payals and ghungroos!!! Which opens up so many exciting prospects to me because those are both dancer things
Like. The payals are ornamental. They are beauty things as well. All women would wear them, their elaborateness and style depending on status, money, and region ofc
They double as dance and performance things too ofc
But ghungroos are specifically dance things
Very very sacred and honoured to the dancers, too. Quite personal
(These are all little bells on the ghungroos btw!! Hundreds of them. They ring out when the dancers dance)
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This is what Pav's ankle cuffs most remind me of. It's not the same thing ofc, and idk if the designers were even thinking of this.
But it would be really cool if he was inspired by ghungroos to have cuffs of similar thickness and placement on his legs. Perhaps even familiar to him hmmm?
This is me theorizing HARD to support my headcanon, but combined with Pav's classical dance-n-martial-arts-y moves, i present to you: Pav learning classical dance when he was younger (a thing that a lot of Indian kids do and only a few seriously continue for their lives) is real.
I rest my case
Like yeah it's known at this point that Pav's moves are based a lot off the martial art of kalaripayattu. Which is SO AMAZING AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! But I also think this would be a cool influence alongside that, bc it really feels visible too.
No. 8:
The fact that Pavitr is barefoot is so so important and dear to me!!!
In Indian culture, you're supposed to take your shoes off as a mark of respect, before entering the ranabhoomi (literal transl: battleground, but not in an actual war with swords and shit ofc)
Being barefoot for pujas and in temples and on sacred ground in general is very important
As is being barefoot when you're walking onto a kabaddi or wrestling ground,, basically any fight that's supposed to be important and/or with honour. It's a respect thing for the opponent and for the earth you fight on.
There are a lot of contexts where being barefoot is important or a given
There's the prayer ground bc it's sacred and holy and you can't be dragging your dirty ass shoes there it's super disrespectful. You gotta enter with clean feet specifically, dirty feet are considered disrespectful too. that's also why there wil often be feet washing areas outside of temples here
Then there's the ranabhoomi that I just said, which is more of respect for your opponent and the earth. Respect to the earth especially is very important in the combat forms and sports I know of at least
Then there's the basic respect and tbh the hygiene thing too, of always taking off your footwear before entering another persons house. That one is more flexible, sometimes you can take it off inside, but the done thing is to take them off outside generally. Especially if you're a guest who's not particularly close. You'd be considered really rude if you didn't take them off at all. But again that still varies by person,, the older generations are way stricter abt it
Then the bride thing,,, it's actually a whole small ritual. The bride and groom will enter the groom's house for the first time,, which is considered the bride's new home bc misogynistic tradition so yeah. But basically it's supposed to be an auspicious beginning to a new home and life. (Btw being barefoot during the wedding ceremony is also generally required)
Usually, at least in North Indian tradition, a small vessel of rice is kept at the threshold that the bride must tip over with her foot when entering. It's for prosperity. Then she steps directly into a plate of a red liquid I forget the word for, but it's basically a sindoor paste type of thing. Her first steps into the house must be taken leaving those red footprints behind. That's for auspicious beginning
So Pavitr being barefoot is so so cool from a cultural and a character building standpoint
He takes his job seriously, he does it with respect and honour!!! He seems so chill and happy go lucky, but he's deliberate and respectful abt it!! And he's super connected to his culture too, bc you could just Not and no one would care, but it's so important that he does!!
So yeah!
That has been my full ramble askjasjkas. If you made it this far, have a cookie! Thank you and I hope this was interesting <33
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sturniolosiphone · 4 months
Mrs. Officer
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I made this for my best friend and had nowhere else to post this so sorry if it's shitty the last time I wrote fan fiction was in 2012 about One Direction (I also don't know how to add the cool pics yall do)
**Hardly proof read**
“I make her wear nothing but handcuffs & heels and I beat it like a cop”
y/n’s POV
It’s been five months since Nate ended things with me and by this point I thought I would be healed from everything he put me through but I still find myself missing parts of him. I miss the status it gave me, I miss the chaos, I miss the holidays back in Boston and being surrounded by his family and friends. Well, except Chris, I do not miss Chris. Chris has been in Nate’s life since they were small and was always around throughout our two year relationship - I tried so hard to gain a connection with my ex's best friend but no matter what Chris was standoffish and cold. We all go to the same small university in Pennsylvania and my sorority and their fraternity always have events together so keeping away from them has been challenging. Lately I have been mostly keeping to myself and trying to stay away from any mixers or events because I can not face them and honestly it’s not even Nate who gets under my skin the most it’s Chris. When he sees me around campus he acts like he has never met me or rolls his eyes at me or makes some snide comment about what I am wearing. I am sure Nate has told him that I do not care for him but he is the one who was a dick to me first and at this point he needs to grow up. Tonight is Halloween and I have decided I am finally going out tonight. I am known as the party girl in my sorority and my absence has not gone unnoticed and I can not give Chris Sturniolo the satisfaction of thinking he is controlling me and I will make sure to wear a costume that will really piss Chris off.
Chris’ POV
“Do you think y/n is coming tonight?” I asked while mindlessly scrolling on my phone. 
“For the tenth time Chris I have no fucking clue if she is coming tonight. Why do you keep asking me? If you care so much, text her” Nate rants. 
“Assuming I care about that bitch is really bold kid” I mutter, still not looking up from my phone.
 “I mean you were the one who was interested first until I slid in and stole her from you” Nate teases. 
“That was almost two years ago” I roll my eyes. ”I am just happy you are the one who got stuck with her” I smirk at Nate.
I can't grasp what exactly makes me tick about y/n. Was it the fact Nate purposefully went after her once I showed interest? Was it the slutty outfits she paraded around on campus? Her smart mouth? I can’t figure it out but all I knew was she drove me crazy and made my dick twitch.
“Let’s get ready for the party, people will probably start getting here soon” Nate says, startling me out of my train of thought.
“Yeah, okay” I nod, getting up from the couch. 
y/n’s POV
“Are you sure this looks okay?” I say while staring at the full length mirror looking at myself in every angle possible. It’s not that I’m not confident I just want my comeback to be memorable. I decided on being a sexy cop wearing a crop top, a badge, short shorts, a hat and functional handcuffs. 
“Yes y/n you are slaying! Nate is going to be so pissed.” Madi beams back at me in the mirror. I shake my head and stifle a smile. As much as I don’t want to see him it would be fun to remind him of what he had. 
“I don’t want this night to be about him” I say, turning to Madi, looking into her eyes. Madi is dressed as the corpse bride. “I am honestly going to do my best to steer clear from him and his douchebag of a friend.” 
“No no I agree, you just look really good” she squeezes my hand. " I wish Chris wasn’t such a douche, I mean he is pretty hot.” Madi giggles.
“I would never.”
As we start nearing the Fraternity house my nerves start getting the best of me and my stomach starts to turn. I slow down walking, trying to catch my breath and Madi notices. 
“Y/n I love you but I am not letting you talk your way out of this one. You can not let them control your life. After a couple of drinks I am sure that you will relax and this house will be packed. You might not even see them.” Madi assured me. I nod my head, run my hands over my face and let out a deep breath.
“Okay..fuck..okay let’s go” I say while grabbing her hand and we take off towards the house. 
Chris’ POV
The music is so loud and my head is swimming..I think I may have pre gamed too hard. My nerves are shot at the thought I may see y/n tonight after what feels like months without properly seeing her. She hasn’t been around much and I would know because I scope out every event looking for her but I know Halloween is her favorite. She would always make Nate carve pumpkins and bring her to haunted houses. He complained to me the whole time but I would have done anything to be in position. To watch how scared she would get and hold her and make her feel safe. No matter how hard I tried I was always a dick to her while she dated my best friend..I was just so fucking jealous and couldn’t stand the way he treated her and she just let him. Fuck, I need to get some fresh air. I start making my way out the house when some girl I am pretty sure I hooked up with last semester stops me.
“Oh my god are you supposed to be Steve Harrington from Stranger Things?” she slurs.
“Yeah and I am guessing you’re supposed to be Eleven?” I ask flatly. 
“How did you know?! Yes! Can we please take a picture together?” she smiles.
“Yeah whatever” I put my sunglasses up on my head and bring my bat up.
“Thaaaannkk you Chrisss” she says hardly being able to stand. I just nod and try to find the nearest exit of the house. I step out onto the porch and close my eyes. Maybe y/n won’t come tonight. 
“Madi please stop walking so fast these shoes are not meant to do fucking track and field” I hear y/n yell and my eyes fly open. 
“Sooorrry y/n” I hear Madi sing while skipping.  
Before I can retreat back into the house, y/n spots me. Madi grabs her hand and they start making their way up the stairs to the front door.
“Chrisropher” Madi snaps.
“Madi” I snap back. 
Y/n walks past me without looking in my direction. Of course she would be wearing some slutty costume. I absent-mindedly adjust myself before saying “Come y/n it’s been so long, haven’t you missed me? No hello?” I smirk.
“Fuck you Chris” y/n spits. 
y/n’s POV
“Okay I hate to laugh but the fact that Chris was the first person we saw is kind of crazy” Madi laughs once we enter the packed living room. I laugh and roll my eyes.
“I definitely need a drink after that, do you want one Madi?”
“Yes please”
 I walk towards the keg and wait in line. I’m actually not as shaken up as I thought I would be after seeing Chris. I will just never understand his issue with me but I am not letting myself ruminate on it. I fill Madi and I’s cups up and as I turn around I can feel the liquid spill down the front of me. 
“Oh shit sorry…wait y/n! A little birdy told me you were here I guess I didn’t believe them” Nate says.
“Hello Nate. Yeah I’m here and now my costume is ruined thanks to you.” I grumble as I grab napkins to wipe myself off. 
“How are you?” Nate slurs. “I am sorry for all the like shit I put you through y/n really I am” he pouts while putting his hand over his heart.
“All the shit? Do you mean cheating on me for two years with multiple girls? You mean humiliating me in front of everyone? Is that the ‘shit’ you are referring to?” I snarl.
“You know Chris always told me that you were just some dumb girl and I really should have listened to him. You can't even take a sincere apology from the man who made you who you are.” Nate boasts.
“Made me who I am?” I laugh. “Nate you are a president of a Fraternity get the fuck over yourself my god.” I yell. I make my way back to Madi with two half filled cups.
“Umm..what happened to you?” Madi asks, scanning my face while grabbing her cup.
“I don’t even know it’s so packed in here. I just kept getting bumped into! I am going to go to the bathroom and clean myself up!.” I can’t let Madi know what happened between Nate and I. I don’t want to ruin her night but I just need to have a little bit of alone time.
“I can come with you if you want! Maybe help you with your costume?” Madi offers.
“I’m okay, thank you” I offer her a smile.
“Keep your phone with you y/n, I mean it” she says sternly. I salute her and she rolls her eyes. 
Chris’ POV
“Wait you spilled a drink on y/n? Purposefully?” I ask Nate while standing in the kitchen.
“Not purposefully but whatever she deserved it” Nate states. “You should’ve seen the look on her face once she realized it was me.” Nate laughs.
“You do realize that you are the one that cheated on her and made her life a living hell?” I ask, feeling my face get hot.
“What? Now you suddenly care about y/n’s feelings? Didn’t seem like you cared too much when you were trying to convince me to break up with her for two years” Nate responds while putting his hand to his chin while pretending to think hard. “But you know I could always tell you wanted her” he wags his finger at me.  “You wanted to feel her mouth around you didn’t you? You wanted to hear her moaning your name, right?” Nate taunts.
“You better fucking watch it kid” I say while shoving Nate. 
“Okay enough let’s break it up” some random guy yells while getting in between Nate and I. I decided to head to the bathroom to try to cool off. I don’t know why I have been such a prick to y/n when Nate is obviously the issue. Great, no line to the bathroom. I try the door and it's locked. Of course. I knock loudly on the door.
“Yo, is anyone there?” No response. “Hello? Come on bro I have to go” I yell over the loud music. I put my ear to the door and I can hear the water running and sniffing. 
y/n’s POV
I feel like such an idiot while I stand in front of the mirror trying to desperately get this sticky beer off of me and fix my makeup. Why am I even crying? This is such a pathetic state to be in at a party.
“Yo, is anyone there?” someone yells. “Hello? Come on bro I have to go.” 
I freeze. It’s Chris. Of course it’s Chris, why wouldn’t it be Chris? Please god get me out of here. The excessive knocking is making my head hurt.
“WHAT?” I yell throwing the door open to be met with a startled Chris.
“Were you crying in there? Chris asked with his eyebrow slightly raised.
“Nothing gets past you huh?” I say while trying to get past him.
“Oh no you are going nowhere” he says while pushing me back in the bathroom and locking the door behind him.
“What is your fucking issue with me Chris?” I snap.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about y/n '' he starts.
“Spare me the bullshit you haven’t liked me since the day we met and I haven’t done anything to you!”
“Haven’t liked you that's rich” Chris mocks. “Haven’t liked you y/n? You have been all I thought about for two fucking years but you chose Nate.”
“What? What are you talking about?” I ask wondering if I heard him right. Chris sits on the side of the bathtub and puts his face in his hands. Chris sighs.
“I don’t know what I am saying” he mumbles through his hands.
“I mean you can start off with a sorry perhaps” I say while prying his hands away from his face. He looks up at me and smiles and rolls his eyes. 
“I am sorry y/n I really am. I don’t know why I have treated you the way I have for so long. I think I may have been jealous of you know like your relationship or whatever” Chris confesses.
“What? Did you think I was trying to get in between you and Nate? I never wanted that” I say while putting my hands up defensively. Chris giggles.
“You really are dense, aren’t you?” he stands up towering over me. “I wanted you y/n..just you” he stares down at me. I feel like I am being pranked, is there a camera in this bathroom? Is Nate outside listening? 
“Don’t fuck with me Chris” I whisper and shove his chest. “This isn’t funny at all. You act like you don’t even know me anymore. It’s been five months and this is the first time we’ve held a conversation and you want me to trust you? I can’t.” I say holding back tears. I have felt so alone after the breakup and I can’t handle being taunted.
“No I get that” he says while tucking a hair behind my ear “I have been really shitty towards you and I guess if I was you I wouldn’t trust me either but I am serious “ he tips my chin up forcing me to look into his eyes “I have wanted you for so long, Ma” he licks his lips. I involuntarily squeeze my thighs together looking for any type of friction.
“Chris” I whisper.
“And that fucking outfit jesus christ y/n” he smirks down at me. “Turn around for me baby..bend down in front of the sink” he whispers in my ear. I’m fucked. I turn around slowly and see my flushed face in the mirror and bend down. Chris tuts.
“No, don’t get all shy on me y/n. I have heard you in Nate’s dorm. Look in the mirror.” Chris demands. 
Chris’ POV
I look in the mirror and see y/n’s flushed face. I can tell she’s breathing heavily with the way her breath is fogging up the mirror. I press my clothed hard on against her and she bucks her hips back. “You’re such a needy girl aren’t you? I have been waiting for this for so long Ma you have no idea. We are going to take our time. Can you be a good girl for daddy?” Y/n nods her head. “Words baby”
“I’m going to be a good girl Chris” Y/n says breathlessly. I back away from her and she whimpers. My hand meets her ass with a loud crack which makes her jolt. “Who are you going to be a good girl for?” I tease. 
“A good girl for you daddy..always a good girl for you” she whimpers. I can tell she’s embarrassed with the way she keeps trying to hide her face. 
“And I want you to watch y/n I want you to watch yourself while I touch you okay? I want you to see all the pretty faces you make” I lean over and whisper in her ear. She nods again. “Words y/n. I’m not going to tell you again.”
“Yes daddy,” she moans. 
“Pull your shorts down.” I watch as she pulls her shorts down as I palm myself through my jeans. No underwear. I lock eyes with her in the mirror. “No underwear y/n? You’re such a slut huh? Look at you clenching around nothing” I tut. “I bet you wanted me to find you like this with your shorts off bent over the sink with your pussy soaked” I laugh. 
“Please” she whines. 
“Please what baby?” I taunt. 
“Please daddy please touch me I need you so bad”
y/n’s POV
I never would have thought I would be begging Chris Sturniolo to touch me but here I am bent over a sink with my pussy on full display for him. I have never experienced anything like this before. Sure Nate and I had sex but never like this and I’m almost scared I won’t be able to take it. Chris gets on his knees and starts kissing up the back of the thighs and I can feel myself dripping down my legs. 
“God look at you Ma, you look so pretty” Chris says and while wiping up my slick and putting his fingers in his mouth letting out a satisfied moan. I clench begging for something, anything at this point. “And look at how you respond to me, you're such a good girl.” Chris spreads my legs and buries his face in my pussy and focuses on my clit. 
“Fuuck Chr…Daddy.” I moan out. He swirls his tongue around my entrance before plunging it fully in making my buck my hips against his face. “S-Sorry Daddy I didn’t mean to move.” I plead. 
“No baby it’s okay I want you to fuck my face like the little slut you are” Chris says while grabbing my ass. I start fucking myself against his tongue and I can feel my legs start to shake. 
“I’m close..I’m so close” I pant and Chris snakes his arm through my legs and starts drawing lazy circles around my clit. “Yes please just like that…nghhh..fuck fuck I am going to cum” I scream out and I see stars while I ride out my orgasm all over Chris’ face. 
Chris’ POV 
Y/n turns her head to face me and giggles. 
“What?” I smirk. 
“You still have all of your clothes on” she laughs. I stand up and she turns to face me and grabs the back of my neck. Our lips smash together and I let out and moan as she bites my lip and runs her hands through my hair. She grabs my sunglasses off of the top of my head and places them on her eyes, breaking the kiss. 
“Against the wall Daddy” she barks at me trying not to laugh. 
“Oh are you giving orders now?” I smirk. I can feel a wet spot sticking to the tip of my cock. 
“Well I am the cop you know? So..against the wall” she stands on her toes and whispers in my ear. I back up against the wall and watch her unbuckle my belt. 
“Shirt off” I whisper while taking her police hat off her head and running my hands through her hair. She surprisingly listens, taking her shirt off. “Bra too” I say. I watch in awe as her tits bounce. “Fuck y/n. You are stunning.” She pulls my boxers down and my cock springs out hitting her face. I hiss at the cool air. 
“You’re so big daddy” she looks up at me through my sunglasses. I just nod and lick my lips. I don’t know how long I am going to last if she keeps looking at me like that. She kitten licks the tip of my cock and I can’t help but buck my hips forward burying my cock in her throat. She hums around my cock making me throw my head back. 
“You’re taking me so well fuck. I want you to get yourself ready for me okay baby? Stretch yourself out for daddy” I instruct her while I watch her finger her pussy. I grab her hair fucking her throat and watch her gag and spit on my cock. She grabs my balls and gives them a firm a squeeze. “Fuck yeah Ma, just like that. You going to swallow all of me y/n?” I moan out. She nods and looks up at me through her wet eyelashes. My hips stutter as I squeeze my eyes shut and cum down her throat. 
y/n’s POV
I make sure to lap any cum with my tongue as Chris winces at the sensitivity. 
“You are fucking unreal y/n” Chris laughs. 
“Oh I know” I wink back at him. 
“Are those handcuffs real?” Chris nods at the handcuffs left on the top of the toilet already getting hard again. 
“Yeah” I smile shyly back at chris. “They’re real” 
“Stand up, turn around and hands behind your back” Chris demands and I do as I’m told. I know he had me stretch myself out but I can’t help being a little nervous considering he is way larger than Nate. Chris walks over, grabs the handcuffs and cuffs my hands behind my back. 
I bend over the sink and glance up at Chris who is just staring at me. 
“What?” I ask nervously looking at his reflection in the mirror. 
“You just look so good I can’t even believe my eyes bro” Chris says dumbfounded. 
“Calling me bro right now is crazy” I say rolling my eyes.
“Right..sorry officer” Chris winks at me and lines up with my entrance and grabbing my hips. He slids into me slowly without breaking eye contact. He is so fucking huge. 
“Jesus y/n your pussy was fucking made for me” Chris moans and bottoms out. I can feel him in my stomach. “You tell me when to move baby…you’re taking me so well, such a good girl for me” he soothes me while rubbing my back. 
“S..slow please move slow.” I whine out. Chris starts moving slowly and I rock my hips back starting fuck myself back on his cock.
“Yeah baby, you're doing so good. You look so pretty fucking yourself on my cock for me. Can I go faster?” Chris breathes out. 
“Please daddy” I moan. Chris wastes no time and starts to pound into my pussy. 
“Deep breaths baby you can take me, fuck you’re so wet” Chris mumbles and lifts my leg up until my knee is on the sink. “Fucking look at you Ma so fucking good for me” he pants. I just nod my head. “Have I fucked you dumb baby? Too tired to talk to your daddy?” Chris laughs.
“Gonna cum” I mumble out, hardly able to talk.
“Go ahead baby cum all over my cock make a mess all over me y/n” Chris grunts. I scream out cumming all over him while babbling. Chris continues to pound into me.
“Dad..dy too sensitive” I whimper.
“I know baby I’m almost there, so good for me” Chris huffs out. “Can I cum in you baby?” he questions.
“Please daddy please come in me” I beg.
“Yeah want me to fuck my baby into you? Want everyone to know you’re mine you dirty slut” Chris’ hips stutter filling me with his hot cum. We both hiss while he pulls out of me. 
“Here let me get those cuffs off of you, do your arms hurt?” he says, looking concerned.
“Just a little but I’m okay though” I smile at him. Chris helps me clean myself up and presses a kiss to my forehead.
“I really hope this isn’t it. I’d really like to hang out more, you know? I have a lot to make up to you” Chris says.
“I don’t think this will be the last time Chris but I really have to go find Madi” I laugh. 
“She’s going to kill you” he says while shaking his head.
“I know I have 40 missed calls”
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lesbiankimdahyun · 4 months
Desperately need the next part for summer session I WANT TO KNOW IF IM NOT A CHICKEN FOR MISS SANA PLSANDJSJS
here it is!!
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2.9K words 
CW: scissoring, face sitting, other gay activity using toys ;)
AN: this is most likely the last installment!
[Sana x F!Reader] 
Requested: Yes
“You’re gonna run out of clothes, bestie,” Chaeyoung said, “And time.” 
“Ugh,” you replied, readjusting your phone to give the tiny version of your friend on FaceTime a better view. “I know I know, just tell me what you think.” You stepped back into the frame of your full length mirror so Chaeyoung could get a glimpse of your outfit. She leaned in toward the screen, trying to get a better look. 
Clothes that didn’t feel right littered your floor, bed, and hung haphazardly on hangers in your wide open closet. This was your fourth outfit change and you were about to start sweating. “Well?” 
Chaeyoung took in your outfit– a simple white tank with a cropped, textured, short sleeve lilac button up over it, and dark denim shorts. 
“You look…” she paused. “Well, gay. Okay great! Now hurry up and add a watch or some jewelry so you can go!” 
You rolled your eyes a little, picking up your phone and reaching for the jewelry stand on your dresser. “Just gay? Oh whatever, as long as I don’t look stupid.”
The blonde-haired girl beamed at you from her New York City studio apartment. “She’ll like it,” she said, then smirked. “But you didn’t need any help from me for this, really. Not when those clothes are gonna end up coming off anyway!” 
Her burst of laughter cut off your chances of getting a smart reply in. Chae waved at you. “My job here’s done. I gotta go meet a few friends now but good luuuuuck!” Her sing-songy voice cut off as the call ended. 
You thought about sending her a snarky reply via text, but when you put on your watch and saw how close to seven it was, you decided to forgo it. Instead, you opened the chat you had going with Sana as you locked the door behind you, told her you’d be there soon, then headed for the train station. 
Sana’s apartment was modern and clean, but still very personalized to her style. As she showed you around her kitchen and living space, a few things caught your eye. 
“Is that like… vintage Betty Boop?” you asked. 
Sana smiled at you. “Yeah,” she said, glancing up at the framed image hanging on her wall. “One of two hundred original, signed, limited edition lithographs.” She blushed a little. “I uh, I really like Betty Boop. She’s just so cute! Yet sexy...”
Her bookshelf caught your eye, too. But not for the books. In fact, only the bottom shelf had books. The rest held other personal belongings of hers. The top shelves were dedicated to perfume bottles– some new, some that must have been a few decades old. The middle shelves were full of small photos and knickknacks. 
You pointed at a photo of Sana with a couple other girls on either side of her. “Who are they?” you asked, suddenly noticing just how many photos she had with the two other dark haired girls. One of them had a cute, shy gummy smile and distinct beauty marks. The other girl had a long, shoulder length wolf cut with bangs that lay perfectly across her forehead. She was intimidatingly pretty, just like the other girl. 
“My best friends from home,” Sana replied, picking up the framed photo. “That’s Mina,” she said, pointing to the girl with the beauty marks. She pointed to the girl with the wolf cut. “And that’s Momo!” 
“Wow,” you said. “How long have you known each other?” 
Sana paused to think. “It’s been…gosh, maybe ten years? It feels like I’ve known them forever, though. I’m trying to convince them to visit next summer.” 
You smiled as she set the framed photo back in its place on her shelf. “I hope they do,” you said. “They seem cool.” 
When you were done admiring Sana’s space, the two of you ordered food. As you waited for it to arrive, you hung out on Sana’s couch while she introduced you to her favorite kr&b duo, UJB. While you acquainted yourself with the duo’s two idols, Jihyo and Jeongyeon, Sana made mixed drinks for the both of you. 
“Their music is so good,” you said when she sat back down and handed you a glass. “Okay be real– do you have a favorite out of the two?”
Sana laughed, a sound you liked the more you heard it. “I love them both a lot,” she said, pausing to take a sip of her drink. “Obviously. But if I had to choose…” she nodded toward the shorter, raven-haired woman on the screen. “It’d be Jihyo.” 
When your food finally arrived, you arranged it carefully on Sana’s coffee table while she refreshed drinks for the both of you and grabbed plates and cutlery. The mouthwatering scent of bulgogi, spicy pork, steamed mixed veggies, rice and summer salad filled the room. Sana came back with not only drinks, but two tiny shot glasses and a fresh bottle of soju. 
“What’s all this?” you asked, eyeing the shot glasses as you reached for a napkin and plate. 
“I hope you don’t mind,” Sana said, reaching for the remote. “But I’ve always wanted to try…” she pulled up Jennifer’s Body, ready to stream. “...the drinking game to this.” 
“Oh, sure,” you said, filling your plate while Sana filled hers. “I love this movie.” 
At first, you thought you wouldn’t be drinking that much considering there were only eight rules to follow for the drinking game, but Sana insisted on alternating between the pure soju and your mixed drinks. Soon you were feeling much less self conscious and a little braver with some alcohol in your system. Before long, both of your plates sat unattended with only a few bites left on each as you got more into the movie’s plot and the drinking game. 
Your nerves about why Sana had invited you over in the first place were almost gone, until the scene in Needy’s bedroom was suddenly on screen and you felt a bit of heat rise to your face. You couldn’t bear to look at Sana as you watched Jennifer kneel on Needy’s bed, tucking her hair behind her ears and adjusting her glasses on top of her head. Their lips met shortly after, and you glanced away. Sana, on the other hand, sat engrossed, leaning in slightly as Needy climbed on top of Jennifer on screen and leaned down to kiss her. 
“When’s the last time you kissed someone like that?” Sana asked suddenly, making you jump a little. 
“Wh-what?” you forced yourself to only look at the screen, watching for a moment. “Oh, uh… it’s been a while,” you said. Without really thinking, you then said, “You?” 
Sana chuckled. “Hmm. A while for me, too,” she replied. You nodded a little, suddenly very aware of how much distance had closed between you and Sana since the movie started. You had been sitting more toward the corner, facing her with one arm lazily draped over the top of the couch, and now Sana was nearly resting against your arm. You kept your eyes on the screen, swallowing hard. 
Sana reached for the remote, turning down the volume of the movie. “Would you kiss me like that?” 
You blushed. You nodded before your voice finally caught up with you. “Y-yes,” you said meekly, finally daring to look in Sana’s direction. She was already looking at you. 
“Okay,” she said, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. You turned to face her, and as you did, you could practically feel the energy of the room shift. The attraction between the two of you was almost palpable now, and it gave you a much-needed bit of courage. 
You sat up a bit, resting your hand on her knee as you moved. You leaned in a little and so did she. You were about to tilt your head when she spoke suddenly, softly. 
“I…” Sana hesitated. “I just want you to know I really do think you’re attractive, I’m not just doing this because we’ve been drinking and—” 
She trailed off, eyes fixated on your mouth. Noticing this, you moved forward then, finding your confidence finally as your lips met with hers. Sana let out a muffled noise of surprise, then quickly kissed you again, giving you permission to continue. 
Her lips were soft and her touches even softer. She opened her mouth a bit, inviting you in to taste her. Her hands gently pulled on your wrists, and it was all you needed to be able to lead from there. As your fingertips focused on lightly trailing over her forearms and waist, you continued to kiss her, a little deeper, then deeper still until she finally broke away to come up for air. 
Sana’s cheeks were a deep, flushed pink and her eyes slightly hooded as she looked at you. 
“Do you— um…” Sana struggled to find her words and bit her lip to keep a goofy smile off her face. You waited patiently, amused by this new side of hers. It was like finally, your roles had traded. You felt much more bold, while Sana seemed to only get shyer. “My room’s this way,” she said finally, getting up and taking your hand. 
You barely had time to look around Sana’s room before she was pulling you down onto her bed with her. Your lips met hers again and you laid back on her bed, pulling her on top of you. Her hands pulled your short sleeve button up away from your sides as she kissed you, then moved toward your white tank tucked into your shorts. Meanwhile, you worked on Sana’s shirt, a dark off-the-shoulder long sleeve. Before you knew it, both of your clothes had been abandoned on her bedroom floor. You could see out of the corner of your eye through Sana’s window that the sun was setting, but one of her lamps turned on automatically a few moments later, filling your corner of the bedroom with an incredibly soft, yellow glow while everything else fell away to shadows. 
Sana was kissing her way down your neck fervently, one hand working its way between your legs. At first you thought she was going to touch you, but then she started pulling you closer. You were confused for a moment until you figured out what she was trying to do. You took your hands away for a moment to adjust your legs and the distribution of your weight, and then Sana’s; one of her legs over yours, and one of your legs over hers. 
“Better?” you asked softly, pulling Sana closer to you. In all of your experience, scissoring had never been able to make you get even remotely close to coming, but if it was what she wanted and needed to get off, you were more than willing to do it. 
Sana nodded eagerly, looking down to watch as your body met with hers. You closed your eyes, stifling a moan when you felt her wetness on yours. You tried not to think about all of the other things you’d rather be doing to her, focusing instead on trying to help her grind into you. It was nearly impossible to get a good rhythm going, but your own lust skyrocketed and you found yourself grinding back against her, trying to get your aching core any sort of satisfaction and relief. 
The more the two of you worked at it, the more labored both of your breathing became. 
“Is…this comfortable for you?” you asked after a few minutes, panting lightly. 
“Kinda,” Sana replied. Her eyes roamed everywhere over your body. She grabbed at your thighs, squeezing lightly, then set her gaze back on your mouth. She paused for a moment. “Actually…” she said, “I think I know what I’d like even better.”
She reached for you to kiss you, gently untangling her body from yours as her tongue explored your mouth. You found yourself lying down on her bed with Sana climbing on top of you. Her long, brown hair tickled your face as she kissed you, and then she stopped. 
“I… want to feel you,” she said, her brown eyes looking down at you for approval. “Put that mouth to work for me?” You nodded eagerly, sliding down more so Sana had room to hover above your face. You held onto her thighs as she lowered herself down, her breath hitching when she felt your tongue on her. 
You started slowly, taking your time to lick the length of Sana’s wet cunt. She held onto the headboard of her bed, eyes closed. Your tongue teased her entrance, making her gasp, and then moved toward her clit. She tried to be quiet at first, but you gave the back of her thighs a playful squeeze. “I like being able to hear you,” you murmured. “Don’t be shy.” 
Sana half laughed, half moaned as you lapped at her clit. “Y-you’re one to ta– oh, there, right there,” she said. She sank lower onto your face, her thighs warm and snug against the sides of your face. “F-fuck,” she breathed, starting to roll her hips. Your own noises of delight were muffled under her pussy, but Sana appreciated them just the same. 
Your chin, nose and lips became soaked in her juices as you continued to eat her out. You could tell it felt much better for Sana than scissoring had because her breathing slowly became more shallow and her once quiet moans were getting louder. 
“Oh, god…” Sana’s body involuntarily shuddered a little. “That feels so…” she trailed off, grinding against your mouth a little faster. “Yes…” 
But then, just as you were working yourself back into a rhythm that seemed to really please her, she stopped again. She lifted herself off of you, giving you both a few moments to catch your breath. 
“Are you okay?” you asked, slightly worried. “Did I hurt you?” 
Sana smiled, still panting lightly. “No, no, not at all,” she said. “I was actually…” she tucked some of her hair behind her ears. “I could’ve come like that. Well, I mean, I wanted to, but I… I think I’m too shy to come in your mouth,” she finally admitted. “But,” she added quickly, “I do want to come.” 
You nodded, sitting up a bit and wiping part of your face with the back of your hand. “How would you like to?” 
“Hmm.” Sana climbed toward the edge of her bed for a moment, letting the top half of her body disappear momentarily as she leaned over the side to grab a small box under her bed. You quickly looked away from checking out her hips and ass when she sat back up. When she turned to face you, she held a light purple, seven inch toy in her hand. She blushed, but you grinned. 
“I can work with this,” you said. “Lie back,” you instructed, taking the toy from her. You kissed your way down her body, lightly twisting one of her nipples as you moved. You settled in between her legs, kissing and licking your way to her wet pussy. 
“Do you want me to touch you too, or do you want to?” you asked softly. In response, Sana snaked one hand down between her legs, rubbing her clit lightly. Your own cunt clenched involuntarily around nothing as you positioned the head of the toy at her entrance. You rubbed it along her folds a bit, soaking it with her own juices before finally slipping the head in. 
Sana threw her head back, opening her legs a little wider. “M-more,” she said. “Please.” 
You prayed your own wetness would drip down your thighs instead of onto her bedding, talking to Sana softly as you worked more of the length of the toy inside her. “You look so pretty like this,” you told her. Sana rubbed her clit as you fucked her, eyes locked on you as the toy slid in and out of her dripping pussy with ease. 
“God, you make that feel good,” she said, her entire body flush from pleasure. 
“And you,” you said, listening to the lewd sounds of her receptive, wet pussy, “make it sound even better.” You leaned down to kiss her, letting Sana lick your lips and tongue. Her hips bucked as you fucked her, her body trying to get more of the toy inside as her fingers rubbed away at her clit desperately. 
“R-right there,” Sana said after a while. Her body had been growing more and more tense the closer she got, and you could tell she was extremely close now. 
“Nngh- f-fuck, there,” she reached down and put her other hand over yours, helping you fuck her deeper and faster. Her breathing was ragged. You wondered how she was getting any air at all when suddenly she let out a cry, hitting her peak. Her body collapsed completely as she came, letting out light, breathy moans. It was one of the prettiest sounds you’d ever heard. You supported her body as she relaxed into post-orgasm bliss, and gently worked the toy out of her. The moan she let out when you finally slid it all the way out nearly made you feral as you set it aside on her nightstand. 
“Thank you,” Sana said breathlessly. “Wow.” She rolled over, eyeing you for a moment curiously. “To be honest, I’m more of a pillow princess,” she said, glancing at your neglected, soaked cunt. “But I’d love to watch you touch yourself.” Then she smiled mischievously. “You uh, don’t happen to own a harness for a strap, do you?”
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