#//no energy to format things how i usually
sealsdaily · 9 months
Rating Seal Emojis
Somewhat of a tired format but i still enjoy it so i decided to do one myself?
These sweet thangs don't have much history, as the seal emoji was only added in 2021, but there's still enough to go around so let's go.
Apple iOS
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Looks to be evocative of a really grey baby seal. It's quite sweet but i dont like that it has shoulders. 7/10
Google Android
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Actually biased, but this is easily one of the cutest. I can excuse the undefined flippers. 10/10
Samsung 2.5
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Like trying to redraw the Google emoji from memory. The features seem weirdly disconnected from each other. 5/10
Samsung 6.0
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They went back, and decided it needed to be cuter, which they overdid, but who's to say it didn't work? 100% baby thing. Hind flippers are way small though 7/10
Windows 11 2021
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Feels more evocative of a baby harp seal than the other ones. The tail makes what i can only describe as a "Seal Bident" and the front flippers are closest to the sleeves of a wavy blouse, but above all, it's JOYFUL and y'know what, i love the energy 9/10
Windows 11 November Update
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...and then this came in. There's nothing wrong with this one per se but just compare the previous one! They took its joy and made it some kind of undefined mystery species. 5/10
Microsoft 3D Fluent
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It's just the last one, but in 3D. Purple is a pretty novel color to shade a seal with but it doesn't add much, and the definition 3Dness gives it makes it feel weirder. 5/10
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"A seal is just like if you put a dog head on a fish, right?" I can't find a single species of phocid that has this coloration making me think they found an Australian sea lion and went "good enough". Ironically, this one also has the most accurate pose and flipper detail, so it's kind of a net zero. 7/10
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Sea lion! The tail is a hand and while usually that could be fun and interesting this emoji is going for accuracy and it just makes that fall apart a little bit. 8/10
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Standing tall and proud! This emoji, while recognizing how the hind flippers are placed, seems to forget the tail resulting in Smooth Barbie Crotch for seals. Front flippers bend real weird too. 8/10
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pucksandpower · 7 months
Brake Balance
Charles Leclerc x mafiosa!Reader
Summary: something about the brake issues that Charles had to deal with in Bahrain just seems off … so you take matters into your own hands while your boyfriend is none the wiser
Warnings: depictions of violence and minor-character murder
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You make your way through the paddock of the Bahrain International Circuit, weaving between team members and mechanics as they go about their pre-race routines. The energy in the air is electric, everyone buzzing with anticipation for the first race of the season later tonight.
You flash your paddock pass at security and head into the Ferrari garage, eyes scanning the organized chaos for the familiar mop of brown hair.
There he is, sitting in his red race suit that matches the iconic color of the Ferrari he drives, focused intently as his mechanics make some last minute adjustments. You walk up behind Charles and place your hands over his eyes.
“Guess who?” You say playfully.
Charles reaches up and removes your hands, a smile breaking across his face as he turns in his seat. “Ah, mon cœur! My favorite surprise.”
You lean down and kiss him softly. “How are things looking for today?”
“Good, good,” he nods. “The team had to change the left front brake duct exit deflector earlier, just as a precaution. But I’m feeling optimistic, the car has been solid all weekend. I think I might even be able to challenge Max for the win if everything goes to plan.”
His confidence makes you smile. Charles has been working so hard, both physically and mentally, to start this season strong. You know a win today would mean the world to him.
“I’ll be cheering the loudest when I see you on that top step today,” you say.
Charles grins. “We’ll see. Still have a race to get through first.”
You lean in to give him a quick kiss and head to the back of the garage so you’re out of the way. The mechanics are in full focus mode now, choreographing their dance around Charles’ car with practiced precision.
Charles goes through his usual pre-race routine — sips of water, reviewing data on the screens, and loosening up his muscles. He’s the picture of calm, but you know him well enough to see the coiled adrenaline thrumming just under the surface, ready to be unleashed once he settles into the cockpit.
The time comes to head out to the grid. Charles pauses before he puts his helmet on, meeting your gaze. You close the distance between you and cup his face in your hands, kissing his lips sweetly. Then you take the helmet from him and slide it gently into place, brushing your lips over the smooth surface where his would be.
“Be safe out there,” you say softly.
He nods, face disappearing behind the tinted visor, and climbs into the Ferrari. You watch as the car pulls away, weaving between other vehicles making their way to the starting grid. With a deep breath, you head deeper into the garage and take a seat next to Charles’ performance coach, Andrea. He hands you a headset so you can listen to Charles’ radio during the race.
“Let’s hope for a good one today,” Andrea says.
You nod, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you fit the headset over your ears. On the monitors, you see Charles lining up on the grid in P2 after the formation lap, Max Verstappen’s Red Bull beside him on the front row in P1. The lights go out and the cars leap forward, engines roaring to life. Charles gets a good start, but Max keeps the lead through the first few turns.
The pack of cars higher up on the starting grid stays bunched up through the first few turns, but then you notice Charles starting to fall back little by little. His lap time slows as Max opens up a gap in front.
“The car doesn’t feel right, something with the front end,” Charles says. Your brow furrows in concern.
Only a lap later, George Russell in the Mercedes overtakes Charles on turn 4. Then Perez in the other Red Bull breezes past not long after.
“Come on Charles, stay focused,” you murmur under your breath. But things only seem to be getting worse. Carlos battles with Charles and eventually gets by, which frustrates you to no end. Charles fighting his own teammate for position is the last thing you want to see.
“Something felt very wrong with this set, the fronts were locking up like crazy,” Charles reports over the radio. Your heart sinks. Andrea shakes his head, equally perplexed.
The issues continue to persist. “What’s going on with my front left?” Charles asks, audible tension in his voice. “I just cannot get out of front locking. Everywhere ...”
Xavi, his race engineer, replies calmly, “We have temperature imbalance, higher front left.”
“How much is the imbalance?” Charles asks.
“Around 100 degrees.”
You grimace. That kind of discrepancy could make the car undriveable. Sure enough, Charles continues to struggle. It’s clear he’s fighting with the car now rather than racing the drivers around him.
“My car is fully going to the right when I am braking. With this I cannot fight, it’s dangerous,” Charles says, frustration seeping into his tone. You chew your lip anxiously. The rational part of you wishes Charles would just retire the car before he gets himself hurt trying to wrestle with it. But you also know that’s never been in Charles’ nature — he’ll keep fighting until the very last lap, no matter what.
Lap after lap, Charles battles to keep the car under control. “I think we can forget about driving now. It’s pulling everywhere,” he finally concedes. For a brief moment, you wonder if he’ll pull into the pits and call it a day. But no, your boyfriend is never one to simply give up. After the radio, through sheer force of will, Charles somehow overtakes George to reclaim P4. You can only imagine how hard he must be having to fight to keep the car in the track.
In the end, it’s a disappointing P4 for Charles while his teammate makes it on the podium in P3. As Carlos is lead to the cooldown room with Max and Checo, you watch Charles, frustration etched across his face as he tugs off his helmet and balaclava. He doesn’t even glance your way before the mechanics descend on him to start looking over the car.
Clearly the brake issues have cost him any chance at challenging for the win today. Most other drivers would have given up even trying to reclaim P4. But not your Charles. Never your Charles. Your heart aches for him.
Charles gets led away swiftly for the usual post-race weighing and interviews. You know from his body language that he’s utterly deflated by today’s results.
While the reporters pepper him with questions, you pull out your phone and scroll through your contacts. Enough is enough — something is clearly not right with Charles’ car and you want answers.
Your finger hovers over the call button as you contemplate who to reach out to. The last thing you want is for Charles to have to fight against his own machine again. A solution needs to be found immediately, and you know just the person who can help.
With a determined nod, you press call and lift the phone to your ear, ready to get to the bottom of these brake issues once and for all.
The phone only rings once before a gruff voice answers. “Boss?”
“Hello, Gianluca,” you say. “I need you to do something for me.”
You go on to explain in detail the brake issues Charles faced during the race, how the problems started right after they replaced the left front brake duct exit deflector.
“I don’t think it was just bad luck,” you say. “Something seems off about the whole situation. I want you to look into it, see if anyone on Charles’ side of the garage could have tampered with his car.”
Gianluca is quiet for a moment. “Sabotage, you think?”
“Possibly. I just … I can’t shake this feeling that someone meant for this to happen to Charles’ car. He truly thought he could at least try to challenge Max for the win, then suddenly it’s like he’s driving an entirely different machine. Too much of a coincidence for my liking.”
“I’ll look into it boss, don’t you worry,” Gianluca says. “I’ll go through the team with a fine tooth comb, see if anything seems out of the ordinary. If someone did intentionally compromise Charles’ car, I’ll find out who and how.”
You let out a breath. “Thank you, Gianluca. Let me know as soon as you learn anything. Charles can’t afford issues like this again.”
“You got it. I’ll be in touch.”
The call ends and you lean back against the garage wall, gaze fixed unseeingly out across the pit lane. Your mind turns over the events of the race, Charles’ baffled frustration over the radio. He’s worked too hard for too long to have valuable points stolen away by something like this. If there is sabotage afoot within the team, you’ll get to the bottom of it.
A few days later you’re back in your study after flying home from Bahrain. A knock at the door interrupts your work and you call for them to enter. Gianluca steps in, an uncharacteristically grim look on his face.
“Boss,” he greets you. Wordlessly, he steps forward and places a thick manila folder on your desk. You flip it open, eyes scanning over photos, documents, even what looks like stills of CCTV footage. Gianluca remains silent, allowing you to take it all in.
“I went over every inch of security camera video from the Bahrain paddock and garage,” Gianluca finally says. “And I found something.”
He leans over your desk and flips to a page in the folder, tapping a finger on a freeze frame showing one of Charles’ mechanics.
“This is Tomaso, one of the brake technicians,” Gianluca explains. “I noticed him acting strange all race day. Fidgety. Nervous. He was trying to hide it but his body language gave it away.”
Your eyes narrow as you study the photo. There is a shifty, almost guilty look about the man as he glances over his shoulder.
“I watched him like a hawk after that,” Gianluca continues. “When the team went to change the brake duct exit deflector, that’s when I saw it happen.”
He flips to another page, this one showing screen captures of CCTV footage in the Ferrari garage a few hours before the race start. You can make out Tomaso slipping the replacement deflector into his pocket before taking out another piece and installing it in Charles’ car. Your blood turns cold.
“He tampered with the part,” Gianluca confirms grimly. “There’s no doubt in my mind he switched that deflector with a compromised one. Sabotage, just like you suspected.”
You sit back, shaking your head in disgusted disbelief. “Why? Why would he do this?”
Gianluca shrugs. “Hard to say for sure. Could be someone paid him off, wants to see Charles fail. But what I know for certain is that he meant to damage Charles’ car.”
You drum your fingers on your desk, thinking hard. This level of betrayal from someone Charles trusts, it’s unthinkable. An affront you won’t let stand.
“You’ve done excellent work, Gianluca,” you finally say, meeting his gaze. “Thank you for getting to the bottom of this. I’ll handle it from here.”
Gianluca nods. “Of course, boss. Let me know if you need anything else.”
He turns and leaves your study, closing the door quietly behind him. You lean back in your chair, fingers steepled under your chin. Your expression is stone, but internally your thoughts roil with anger. Tomaso will pay for this, you’ll see to that.
Charles has enough challenges to face without sabotage from his own team. Your resolve hardens — you won’t stop until justice is served and he can race with full confidence again. The treachery ends now.
After Gianluca leaves, your mind turns over what to do about Tomaso. The team flew straight from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia to prepare for the next race, so he’s out of your reach for now. Still, you won’t let him slip away that easily. You pick up your phone and call a trusted associate, instructing him to organize a surveillance team to keep constant eyes on Tomaso until you arrive in Jeddah yourself.
The days crawl by painfully slow as you wait to confront the saboteur. You resist the urge to call Fred Vasseur and have Tomaso removed from the team immediately — better to handle this yourself. Finally, it’s time to fly out for the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix. Upon landing, your associate meets you at the airport.
“We have eyes on the target,” he reports. “He’s currently at the hotel bar, quite intoxicated.”
You nod curtly. “Good. Let’s pay him a visit.”
You’re led to the hotel and pointed towards the bar. Sure enough, there’s Tomaso, stumbling drunkenly out the door into the night. Now is your chance. You follow him down the street, waiting until he turns into a shadowy alley to make your move. In a flash you have him by the collar, shoving him against the brick wall.
“What the hell, let me go!” Tomaso slurs, trying to shove you off. But drinking has made him clumsy and weak.
“I don’t think so, Tomaso,” you reply coldly. “We need to have a little chat.”
His eyes widen in fear and confusion. You press on before he can respond.
“Let’s see, Tomaso Barbieri, born May 5th, 1992 in Turin. Moved to Maranello in 2021 to begin work as a mechanic with Scuderia Ferrari. Parents Lucia and Giacomo Barbieri, both schoolteachers. Sister Cecilia studying abroad in London.”
As you rattle off details about his personal life, Tomaso’s eyes grow wider and wider.
“What the hell, how do you know all that?” He stammers. “Who are you? Does Charles know the ugly truth about his girlfriend?”
You fix him with an icy stare. “Who I am doesn’t matter. What matters is that I know exactly who you are, Tomaso. A mechanic for Ferrari … and apparently a master of espionage and sabotage in your spare time.”
Tomaso’s eyes dart wildly, still trying to make sense of the situation in his inebriated state. He attempts an unconvincing laugh.
“What are you talking about man? Sabotage? I think you’ve had too much to drink ...”
Your response is to slam him hard against the wall, causing him to grunt in pain. You lean in close, anger simmering in your eyes.
“Let’s cut the bullshit, Tomaso. I know what you did in Bahrain, switching out the brake duct deflector to sabotage Charles’ car. Did you think you could get away with it? That there wouldn’t be consequences?”
Up close, you can see the color drain from his face, eyes wide with fear. He tries to retain some composure.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he repeats weakly. “I would never sabotage Charles’ car, I want him to win ...”
You slam him against the wall again, cutting off his lies.
“I said, enough bullshit!” you snarl. “We have you on video. We saw everything. We know you pocketed the real deflector and installed a defective one instead.”
He is trembling now, any hint of drunkenness replaced by sobering fear.
“Please,” he whimpers pathetically. “I’ll do anything, just please let me go. I made a mistake ...”
You shake your head in disgust. “A mistake? You betrayed Charles’ trust and tried to ruin his race out of what? Jealousy? Greed?”
Tomaso says nothing, eyes downcast in shame. You take a breath and continue in a low, menacing tone.
“Here are your options. One: you go directly to Vasseur first thing in the morning and resign from Ferrari immediately. You will leave the team and ensure you are never so much as in the same country as Charles again. Two: I deal with you myself, in a much less pleasant manner. The choice is yours, Tomaso. What’s it going to be?”
He meets your steely gaze again, jaw clenched. “I can’t just quit,” he says hoarsely. “My job is my life. You might as well just kill me.”
You purse your lips and shake your head. “I was afraid you’d say that. Very well.”
In one swift motion you draw your gun from its concealed holster and press the barrel firmly under Tomaso’s chin. He recoils in terror, plastered back against the wall.
“Last chance,” you say calmly. “Walk away from Ferrari and never look back, or your days end tonight in this alley.”
Sweat drips down his brow as the gun digs harder into his throat. His eyes are saucers of fear, flitting between your steely gaze and the weapon poised to end his life.
“Well?” You ask after a long silence. “What’s it going to be?”
Tomaso swallows hard, Adam’s apple bobbing against the gun barrel. When he speaks, his voice is a terrified croak.
“I … I won’t quit. I can’t.” He closes his eyes in resignation, awaiting his fate.
You click your tongue in disappointment. “That’s unfortunate. I wish it hadn’t come to this.”
Your finger tightens almost imperceptibly on the trigger …
“Wait, wait!” Tomaso cries out, hands raised in desperation. “I’ll do it, I’ll quit! Just please, don’t hurt me!”
You pause, gun still aimed steadily at his throat. “And why should I believe you now?”
He swallows hard, eyes brimming with tears. “I swear, I’ll resign first thing tomorrow. You’ll never see me near the team again. Just let me go, I’m begging you!”
You consider him coldly for a moment before lowering the gun. Tomaso sags back against the wall in relief. But you’re not done with him yet.
“Who paid you?” You demand. “Who put you up to sabotaging Charles’ car?”
The blood drains from his face again. “I can’t tell you that. They’ll kill me, and my family ...”
In a flash the gun is back at his throat, your grip like iron on his shirt collar.
“I assure you, I can do much worse than they ever could,” you say menacingly. “Now give me a name, or you can say goodbye.”
Tomaso shakes uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face. You can see the internal struggle, debating which is the lesser evil — defying you or those he conspired with. Finally, he slumps in defeat and leans in close, voice barely a whisper.
“It was ...”
He utters a name directly into your ear. Your eyes widen briefly in surprise before narrowing again. You release Tomaso and take a step back, processing this new information.
“I see,” you say slowly. You nod over your shoulder and two of your associates emerge from the shadows.
“Get him out of my sight,” you order. They grab Tomaso roughly by the arms. He sags between them, the fight gone out of him completely. You fix him with an icy stare.
“My men will escort you to the airport,” you inform him. “You will be on the first flight out of this hemisphere. And you are never to go near Ferrari or Charles again — don’t even think about trying to contact the team to explain yourself. As far as they will be concerned, you simply resigned. Am I clear?”
Tomaso nods wordlessly, defeated. The men begin dragging him away towards a waiting black SUV.
“Oh, and Tomaso?” You call after him. He glances back warily. “If I ever see or hear of you so much as setting foot in a paddock again, you won’t get a second chance. You’ll simply disappear. Permanently.”
The color drains from his face one final time. Then he is shoved into the back of the SUV, the door slamming shut behind him. You watch impassively as the vehicle drives off into the night, carrying the saboteur away for good.
Or so he thinks.
Unbeknownst to Tomaso, you have contacts everywhere, including at his destination. The second he steps off the plane, thinking he’s escaped your wrath, your local associates will be waiting. And his life will be ended swiftly and permanently, as promised. You don't make idle threats after all.
Betrayal of this magnitude must be punished, no matter how far Tomaso runs. The message will be clear — cross you, and nowhere on Earth will be safe. You've given the order, and your associates are nothing if not ruthlessly efficient. By the time the sun rises, there will be one less threat to Charles’ success. The sabotage ends here and now. You'll see to that personally, no matter the cost.
For a moment you simply stand alone in the dark alley, processing everything. This is bigger than you initially realized. Tomaso was clearly just a pawn, the sabotage orchestrated by someone higher up the chain — someone with enough power and influence to scare a man into risking his career and life.
Your jaw clenches as you think about Charles being targeted like this, not only being robbed of a deserved finish but also put in danger as collateral. Well, it ends now. The shadowy orchestrator thinks they can get away with playing games in the dark? They’re about to realize just how big of a mistake they’ve made.
Now that you have a name, you can start unraveling the web, tracing every thread back to find where it leads. And when you do find the spider at the center? You’ll make sure they can never endanger Charles again. For good.
Satisfied with this plan, you straighten your dress and exit the alley onto the brighter streets. Time to put your considerable resources to work. Phone records, financials, travel records — you’ll dig through it all, leave no stone unturned.
And you have a feeling the name Tomaso gave you is only the first thread. This goes deeper. But it doesn’t matter. You’ve dealt with far more dangerous criminal elements before. These shadow games don’t scare you. You’ll keep following the threads until you reach the source, uprooting the entire enterprise in the process.
By the time you reach your car, your phone is already buzzing with incoming calls and updates from your associates. They know the drill by now — when you give the word, they mobilize into action immediately, utilizing the full extent of your influence and power.
For you, they’ll tap every resource, call in every favor owed. Because you protect what’s yours at all costs. And Charles? He’s under your protection now, whether he knows it or not. So for his sake, you’re going to find the ones trying to undermine him, and you’re going to tear out the threat root and stem. Permanently.
Let them keep playing their games for now, oblivious to the axe hanging over their heads. They’ll find out soon enough that nobody crosses you and gets away with it. And when that time comes, no mercy will be shown. No loose ends left to unravel.
Time to remind them exactly why your reputation precedes you in certain circles, why your name is uttered only in hushed whispers. They’ll regret the day they dared threaten someone you care about. You’ll see to that personally.
With your jaw set in determination, you climb into the idling car. Time to go hunting.
Two days after dealing with Tomaso, you make your way through the Jeddah Corniche Circuit paddock towards the Ferrari motorhome.
Your stiletto heels click along the pavement and you glance down, frowning slightly at the flecks of blood still staining the pointed toes of your red soles. Such a shame about these Louboutins, you really love this pair. But a bit of blood is a small price to pay for protecting Charles, especially after personally dealing with the orchestrator who had been paying Tomaso off.
You had tracked them down and made sure they could never threaten Charles’ success again. Subtly, you crouch down and wipe at the stains, managing to remove the worst of it.
Satisfied, you straighten and continue on your way. The familiar bright red motorhome comes into view and you sweep inside, immediately spotting Charles standing with some team members. His face lights up when he sees you, excusing himself to rush over.
“Mon amour, you made it!” He exclaims, enveloping you in a tight hug. You melt against him, breathing in his familiar scent.
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss seeing you race for anything,” you reply, pecking his lips sweetly.
Charles takes your hand, leading you to a quiet corner where you can talk. “I missed you so much while you were away,” he says. “But I’m so glad you’re here now.”
You smile and stroke his cheek. “Me too, darling. But I’m here now and I’ll be cheering the loudest for you all race.”
Charles’ grin falters a bit. “It’s been a strange few days actually. Tomaso, one of my mechanics, just up and quit in the middle of the week. No explanation or anything.”
You school your features into a look of surprise. “Really? That’s so odd.”
Charles nods. “Very weird timing to just resign like that. But maybe it’s for the best if his heart wasn’t fully in it anymore.”
“I’m sure you’re right,” you agree. “The team is better off without any negativity.”
Before Charles can reply, Andrea enters the motorhome. “Charles, time for some quick physio before the race.”
Charles sighs but nods, giving you a swift kiss before following Andrea out. You watch him go fondly before making your way trackside to the Ferrari garage. The mechanics are in race mode, voices terse and movements precise as they make final adjustments on Charles’ car.
You stay back, letting them work, thoughts drifting back to everything you did to get to this point. A small price to pay to ensure Charles can race with a fair chance again.
Finally it’s time for Charles to get in the car. You approach as he’s putting on his helmet and balaclava, stealing a tender kiss that he returns happily. Then you lift the helmet and slide it gently into place, brushing your lips softly over the smooth surface where his lips would be. Your ritual.
“Be safe out there,” you murmur. Charles squeezes your hand, then lowers himself into the cockpit. You watch tensely as the car pulls away, the lights of the circuit glittering against the dark night sky.
In the garage you pace anxiously throughout the race, listening to the radio chatter. Again Charles qualified P2, behind Max Verstappen’s Red Bull. But this time, you have no sabotage to worry about. The Ferrari proves fast and consistent all race, not quite keeping pace with the Red Bull but allowing Charles to maintain P2 smoothly.
The SF-24 doesn’t have the speed to challenge Max, but there’s no issues, no sudden grip loss or components failing. Your shoulders finally uncoil with relief as Charles crosses the line to take P2, securing a podium finish.
The garage explodes into cheers and applause as Charles pulls into parc fermé. He’s beaming as he climbs from the car, pulling off his gloves and balaclava. You run over to the barriers and throw your arms around him ecstatically as soon as he nears.
“I’m so proud of you!” You exclaim. Charles hugs you back tightly.
“Thank you, mon cœur,” he says warmly. “It felt good to finally have a clean race again.”
You just smile knowingly, heart bursting with joy at seeing Charles on the podium where he belongs. During the celebrations, he keeps meeting your gaze in the crowd, smiling and pointing down to you in the crowd of red. As he sprays champagne with Max and Checo, he looks utterly elated and at peace. No frustration or disappointment, just the satisfaction of a hard fought race with the result he deserved.
Afterwards, in the privacy of Charles’ room, he takes you into his arms again. “I don’t know what changed or why, but the car just felt right this weekend,” he says. “It makes me so optimistic for the rest of the season.”
You stroke his face gently. “You deserve it. All your hard work is paying off.” Inside, you allow yourself a small, satisfied smile. Charles doesn’t need to know just how much work went on behind the scenes to get here. He only needs to focus on driving his heart out, and securing the championships you know he’s destined for. The rest is simply details.
“Thank you again for being here,” Charles murmurs, pulling you close. “Having your support means everything to me.”
You rest your head on his shoulder contentedly. “Always, my love. I’ll be right by your side.” And you mean that with every fiber of your being. No matter what happens going forward, whoever tries to interfere or stand in Charles’ way, they’ll have to go through you first.
You won’t let anyone toy with Charles’ performance and safety again. The lesson has been sent — Charles is untouchable now. Dare to threaten the success that is his, and you’ll come for what’s theirs.
But Charles doesn’t need to carry that burden. He just needs to keep his head held high and drive his heart out. You’ll handle the rest. It’s the least you can do for the man you love more than life itself.
So as Charles holds you close, you silently promise to always shield him from the ugly underbelly that lurks beneath the glitz and glamour of Formula 1.
He gives so much of himself already in pursuit of greatness. Let others vie for power and influence through dirty tricks and mind games. That’s not Charles’ way, which is why you’ll ensure he remains untainted. For him, you’d walk through fire without a second thought.
So really, what’s a little blood on your Louboutins in the grand scheme of things? A man like Charles Leclerc deserves that and so much more. And you’re going to give it to him, no matter the cost.
Let them keep playing their games in the shadows. Little do they know, you’ve already checkmated them all.
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citrineandrosmarin · 6 months
Intuitive Free Writing
(Decided to make this its own post.)
Free Writing is a method of journaling but can also be used to communicate with entities such as deities. It can also help to develop your clairs. It's pretty simple to do and you can also do it via typing or probably even voice recording if those are more accessible for you. It involves writing your stream of consciousness without worrying about grammar or spelling.
Here is how you can do it:
Grab a notebook or whatever you are going to write/type with. Include a timer if you want to set a time limit.
Set up in a space where you will not be interrupted and have nothing distracting you. It can be quiet or with instrumental music (avoid music with lyrics unless you want to see if certain lyrics pop out to you).
Make an offering (optional) and pray to/invite the deity you want to speak to.You can use a divination tool to confirm their presence if you wish.
Ground and center yourself in the present. You want to get into a receptive, meditative state or as close to it as you are able to have.
Start writing. I usually start with something intentional to get the ball rolling such as "I am listening" or whatever just to get my hands moving.
Write everything that comes to mind or into your awareness - and do not try to control any of it or make judgements about it. You are just receiving right now. Don't worry about spelling or grammar or anything like that. If you smell chocolate then write that down. If you feel dumb doing this then write it down. If your mind is blank then write what you hear or smell or see or just write that your mind is blank.
You may notice in the moment that some things feel different or are definitely not your own thoughts. It may be easy to know what is your deity's message or it may not. If you do notice/feel something then you can write it down or make a little note with a symbol like a * or just be aware of it and continue.
Stop when the timer goes off or when it feels right or when your deity has delivered their message. Thank them.
Read over what you have written. I like to use highlighters here: one color for what was definitely my own thoughts and another for what I am certain is from the deity. You can also have a color for sensory observations, or wherever you're uncertain about where the thought or image comes from, or if you notice something that may be more towards the shadow work side of things or negative thoughts, etc.
Make a note on your experience. How did you feel? Did you sense any energies? Did you feel something different when you were getting down certain words? Reflect a bit on the experience.
If you want you can copy the results into a neater or summarised format then do so! If you have messy handwriting and some words are a mess then go in and make it clearer what the word is. You may look back months later and you don't want to be confused what word that one scribble is supposed to be! I have two journals, one to do this exercise in and one woth the neater notes and summaries.
It may take time to get comfortable doing this and to develop discernment but I've found it very helpful personally!
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activesplooger · 10 days
𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 | 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: (MDNI) hi so im a liar LOL. i said it was gonna be little bullet points but here I am with 3 whole ass stories just formatted with bullet points!!! budwfiwfiowjedfiwe enjoy
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Fluffy scenarios with Alastor: Coming home drunk, Dancing, and Getting Sick.
𝐂𝐖: fluff <3
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𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤:
You had a few too many one night during a friend's birthday party. Beforehand, you told Alastor things may run a little late into the day (as these events tend to usually go), so he expected you to be home later in the night
But what he didn’t expect was for you to come waltzing in at 2 am drunk off your ass.
Fumbling drunkenly with your keys, you manage to unlock the door to your and Alastor's room. The room is dimly lit as you walk in, gripping onto any furniture you can to keep you stable as you move.
As you go inside the room, a bright light emanates from the bedroom area. Curiously, you walk toward it.
"Alllllyyyy?" you call out in a sing-songy tone.
Reaching the bedroom, Alastor is seen sitting under the covers reading a book with a reading lamp clipped onto it.
He looks up at you and promptly closes his book, "Ah, there you are my dear!"
His eyes rake over your disheveled and intoxicated state, an eyebrow quirking up as his eyes meet yours, "I see you had a fun time..."
Honestly, you're too drunk to even pay attention to what he's saying. Your mind was elsewhere as he spoke, a sudden mischievous idea coming to mind.
A big dopey grin spreads across your face with glazed-over eyes.
"What's that look for darli-"
You cut him off and suddenly tackle him on the bed, a small "Oof!" coming from him as you land on him.
He sets his book on the nightstand and wraps his arms around you, pulling you up on him a bit more so you're laying on his chest
You start to doze off as you lay against him, the soft material of his pajamas relaxing you.
Alastor notices you nodding off and speaks, "No, no, let's get you out of these."
He tugs at the material of your shirt, "This is anything but proper sleepwear, is it, my dear?"
You grumble an 'okay' and kick off your heels somewhere off the bed
He helps you undress to your bra and underwear, keeping you laid on top as he does so
Alastor pulls the comforter over the two of you and holds you tighter against him, an almost possessive hold on you
"So," he begins, "your friend's little get-together was fun?"
"Mmmm yeah," you drowsily respond
"Good," Alastor kisses the top of your head, "I'm glad you had fun."
The next morning, you wake up with a throbbing headache. Your head is laid on Alastor's lap. Tilting your head up, you see Alastor sipping some coffee out of a red mug with the words 'Oh Deer' painted on it
"Ah, you're awake!" he says cheerfully, setting his mug down and grabbing a water and aspirin off the nightstand, "Here, take these."
You groan and bury your face back into his lap, you didn't have the energy to move
Sighing, he grabs your chin and gently lifts your head up.
Alastor then feeds you the aspirin in water, guiding you so you didn't accidentally choke
Once swallowed, he cradles your face, "Let me know if you need anything else, alright?"
He kisses your forehead and resumes cuddling you, enjoying the early morning and assisting you on whatever you needed
Tonight, Alastor was going to be taking you out!
He had instructed you to dress nicely since he'd be taking you out to a fancy place, though he didn't reveal exactly where. It was a surprise, how exciting!
You giddily get ready, putting on a new dress and your nicest pair of heels.
Putting the final touches onto your outfit, you head out into the lobby where the two of you agreed to meet
As you walk into the lobby, you see Alastor standing idly, glancing at the time on his pocket watch
The sound of your heels clicking against alerts him of your presence. His gaze meets yours as you walk toward him, quickly stuffing his watch into his pocket.
Alastor's ears perk up as he looks at you, his smile widening, "Mon cher, you look marvelous..."
Stopping in front of him, you do a little spin to show your whole outfit, his eyes raking over every inch of you
"New dress?" he asks
"Mhm, you like it?"
"Like it?" he grasps your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips and placing a kiss on your knuckles "My dear, I love it."
"Soo, do I get to know where you're taking me now?"
"Nope! Nice try, darling."
The two of you grab a taxi and head to the mystery location. Despite your attempts to wear him down until he told you where you were going, Alastor didn't give in one bit.
The taxi eventually stops and Alastor gets out to open the car door for you
Stepping out, you see a large building with the faint sound of jazz music being heard from it.
"Ohh, a jazz club?"
Alastor nods, "That's right, my dear! A very nice one, might I add, the nicest in this ring of hell!"
You smile at his enthusiasm, flattered that he wants to take you somewhere as special as this. "Lead the way, my love," you say as you take his arm.
Alastor happily leads you into the club. The club was loud, bustling with various other demons who were dancing, drinking, and singing.
Alastor leads you to a booth and promptly orders you and himself a drink
The waiter jots down the order and comes back a few minutes later with two drinks
You both sip your drinks, chatting as you do so. As you chat, you notice his eyes occasionally darting off to the side at the dance floor. The first few times, you don't think much of it, but after a while, you start to catch on.
"You wanna dance?" you suggest
"Oh thank heavens, I've been waiting for you to suggest that since we stepped in!" he reveals
He jolts up from his seat and grabs hold of your hand, practically dragging you as he rushes over to the dance floor
Alastor wastes no time with this, quickly leading you into a swing danced that matched the fast pace of the music
You quickly lose your footing as you weren't actually ready for the advanced moves Alastor was pulling
He takes notice of this and chuckles. "Oh dear, you're about as light on your feet as an elephant!" he teases
"Hush!" you say defensively, a bit sheepish that you couldn't dance well
"Now now, no need to get defensive, just follow my lead."
Alastor slows down the pace, guiding you through the movements one at a time
You repeat this until you start to get the hang of it, pace quickening as your confidence grows
"That's it," he encourages with a bright smile, "you're a natural!"
He spins you around a few times as the song comes to an end
As the final note of the song plays, he dips you. His hands grip your waist in a firm hold, your arms around his neck as he holds you tight
The two of you kiss, tender lips meeting yours in a passionate embrace
Pulling back, your forehead rests against his, "Thanks for taking me out, love..."
"Of course! Anything for the woman I love."
"I love you," you say softly
"I love you more."
𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤
The past few days, you've been feeling quite under the weather. However, you brushed it off as a simple cold to not worry Alastor, and still go to work.
Unfortunately, your "cold" had escalated to the point where your poker face couldn't hide how you were feeling. You felt (and looked) awful. Fever, chills, nausea, the whole package.
You wake up with possibly the worst headache you've ever had in your life. But, you relentlessly carry on.
You untangle yourself from Alastor's embrace carefully so you don't wake him up. If he woke up, you know he would immediately be able to tell that you're sick and make sure you wouldn't have to lift a finger.
But alas, you're a workaholic, and there was no way you're letting a "cold" get in the way of your plans! So, you take an Advil and try to push through.
You tip-toe to the bathroom, careful as to make as little noise as possible.
Honestly, you could care less about how you looked right now. You slathered on some makeup haphazardly and threw on whatever outfit that was deemed 'presentable enough' for work.
Hurriedly, you grab your keys and purse, stuffing a few Tylenol in your bag for later.
And just as you're about to make your great escape, you feel large hands gently grip your waist. Ah, shit, you were caught.
Alastor nuzzles your neck, his voice muffled as he speaks, "Leaving so soon?"
"U-Uh yeah," you stammer, trying to hide the nasally sound of your voice, "gotta get to work so- See ya!". You attempt to walk away, but his grip tightens on you and prevents you from leaving
"Ah ah ah, not without a kiss goodbye, my dear. Have you no manners?" he teases, lifting his head from your neck to look at you
Your head jerks away as to not meet his gaze if he saw you your cover would be blown!
His smile twitches, he knows something's up. Alastor's hand releases from your hip and grasps your chin, forcefully turning your head to look at him.
His eyes widen as he looks at you, concern evident on his face, "Something you wanna tell me, darling?".
"No..." you mutter.
Alastor gives you a 'cut the crap' look, and you finally give in, "Okay, okay, I may be a little tiny eensy bit sick...".
He releases you from his grip, exhaling softly, "That's what I thought. Now, go change into something comfortable and get back in bed."
"No buts, darling," he says, walking towards the kitchen.
You huff as you begrudgingly change into some pajamas. Climbing in bed, you snuggle yourself into the comfy blankets and watch Alastor grabbing various items from the other rooms.
He comes back in after a few minutes and sets down some medicine, tea, and makeup wipes beside you on the bed.
Alastor opens the makeup wipes and gently removes the makeup from your face, "I'm just want to ensure you're fully relaxed, dear. Don't think of this as a punishment."
"I know I know... I just don't like being unproductive."
He sighs and discards the makeup wipe, "I understand, but you're in no condition to be out and about."
Alastor grabs a pill bottle before asking, "Did you already take some medicine?"
"I took an Advil" you reply.
Alastor glances at the clock on the wall, "Alright then, I'll give you another in about 5 hours."
You nod as he sets the tea on the nightstand beside you. He moves over to the empty space next to you on the bed and spoons you from behind. His arm wraps around your waist, legs tangling with yours.
"Ally, don't, you're going to get sick-" you protest.
He huffs, almost offended at the notion, "I don't care if I get sick, that's not going to stop me from being close to you
Alastor spends the rest of the day nurturing you, being by your side for whatever you may need or want
ENJOY!!! guys sos i genuinely can't tell the difference between fluff and just like situations ig LOL. im trying to work on my fluffy skills
btw im having a bit of a mental crisis soooo.... i may be posting a lot. i tend to write more and generally be online more (def not shutting down I swear!!) when im not doing too great. so yeah.
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petpenname · 7 months
❣️Red Wine Supernova❣️
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pairing: dealer!ellie williams x introverted(f)reader c.w: weed smoking, insinuated self-pleasure Summary: modern college au, dealer!ellie x introverted!(f)reader, slow burn with some sad elements. Inspired by Red Wine Supernova by Chapel Roan Parts: 1. I Just Want To Get To Know You 2. Mini Skirt and My Go-Go Boots 3. I Don't Care That You're A Stoner + Epilogue: Falling Into Me a/n: new writer so be nice >:3 sry if the format is a lil fucked
Part One:
I Just Want To Get To Know You
Mornings are your happy place. Your room is your sanctuary, and you greet the day in your usual fashion. Floating around your space listening to music, doing your skincare and makeup, and finding the perfect outfit. This morning, however, was anything short of paradise. Today was the last day of finals week and all the studying and stress got the best of you last night as you completely burnt out of all your routines. You push the empty chip bags and energy drinks aside on your nightstand to make some room for your phone, which is dead. How could you forget to plug it in? 
Opting to check the time on your computer you realize you overslept. There's only twenty minutes to don an outfit before you head to your first exam of the day. You curse yourself first then promise to have a full self care evening after finals are finished. Tossing on some leggings and an oversized hoodie equipped with the Jackson College logo. You do a quick wash of our face, minimal skin care, grab your phone, bag and shoes and you are out the door. 
Thankfully, living a block from campus has its pros. You fast walk the block to campus and b-line for the cafe. Popping in and getting into the short line hoping to see someone who knows your order working. You let out a sigh of relief when you see Sasha working the cash register. 
The barista greeted you, “Morning Y/N! Happy end of finals week!” 
“Morning Sasha, I can’t wait for this week to be over. I'm in a rush this morning so I'll just do my coffee, no pastry please.”
“Sure thing babe” she starts writing in your order, “it'll be out in just a minute.”
You pay and wish each other luck finishing exams. Retiring to a stool on the side of the pickup area, you put your headphones in to try and reclaim some peace in your morning. After a full song plays you glance at the time and realize you have been here for a few minutes too long. Behind the barista station, you see a brown-haired girl facing the back counter. She's moving around like she doesn't know what she's doing and Sasha is watching from the side making small comments. You assume it's a new hire so you wait the extra minute for her to finish with your drink -praying that she doesn't fuck it up and ruin another part of your morning. You zone out to your music again and before you know it you hear your order being called out:  “Medium mocha with half chocolate for.. y/n?” 
You look up and almost choke on your breath as your eyes meet pools of emerald green. Light whips of auburn fly around a flushed face, dotted with freckles. You stumble off the stool and brush fingers with the girl as you grab your coffee, not wanting to take your eyes off her. 
“Sorry it took a minute Y/N, Ellie here is training today” Sasha pipes in from behind. The girl smiles sheepishly as your eyes snap away and focus on the coffee in hand. When did you grab this? 
“Oh, yeah, no problem, thank you!.” you say, trying to recollect yourself. “I’ll see you later Sasha!” 
Heading out the door, the cool air whips the interaction out of your mind, as your only focus now is making it through the rest of the finals day.
5pm finally rolls around and you let out a sigh as the fresh air hits you while leaving the lecture building. You pull out your phone to check for messages and play some music on your walk back.
You have (7) unread messages:
*H03 Hoes* Olivia: Anyone up for dinner and a movie? I need to dissociate after  this week o.o Ivy: yes I'm there but only if we can get Red Mill Phoebe: I'll be at Daniels tonight :)  Olivia: we know pheebs lol have fun love birds Sage: if we are getting Red Mill im gettin high Ivy: Y/N!!!? Where are youuu?? Phoebe: :D
Staring at the screen you smile in relief, just what you need after a long day; your roommates out of the house, time for yourself. Your last two exams were harder than you expected and all you want to do is order takeout, put on a show, and take a bath. You gather your thoughts and text a response;
*H03 Hoes* Y/N: staying in girls, i need some TLCOlivia: i don't blame you, this week was fucked Ivy: Want us to bring you back a burger? Y/N: that's okay, i'm ordering Thai :) Sage: oh my god you really do need this night, i'm leaving you a joint Y/N: lol thanks sage Olivia: we'll be back by midnight! Have fun ;)
Your roommates were always understanding, you really couldn't have wished for a better housing placement. House 03 was one of ten houses that were off-campus communal housing. You moved into the house a month into your first semester at school. The rest of the girls had time to bond but welcomed you in like another sister. Your introverted tendencies sometimes made you feel like a shut-in as your roommates always had something to do or somewhere to be. Sage was probably the most understanding, she enjoyed staying in also & always shared her stash with you when she did. On the rare occasion you accepted, you and she got stoned and watched shitty TV and ate takeout. 
Finishing your response to the girls, you put on a playlist that you've been loving recently and put your phone away, looking up just in time to come face to face with another person. Bumping into each other you both stumble back in equal confusion.
“Ah fuck, shit, sorry!” says a honey sweet voice.
Y/N: “Oh fuck no im sorry! I was not paying attention” you take out your earbuds and catch your balance as you look up at who you collided with. Green eyes instantly meet yours. Swirls of auburn hair and freckles dance across her face as she smiles and laughs.
“Oh hey, didn't I make your coffee this morning?”
“My what?” you say in confusion.
“Your coffee! At the cafe, I was training this morning. You got like a mocha or something?” the girl rubs her temple trying to remember.
“oh! Oh yeah! That was you” you chuckle, stealing yourself away from her gaze. Holy shit, you completely forgot about this morning, how could you forget about such a pretty girl?
“That's me!" She says. "I'm Ellie, by the way.” She holds out a hand with a sideways smile.
“Im Y/N” shaking her hand, blushing a little.
Ellie: “So where are you in such a rush to, Y/N?” 
You laugh, “nowhere really, home. I'm so over this week.” 
“Same oh my god, I'm almost done with work I just have a drop off to do. Then I'm free!” 
Her goofy enthusiasm was infectious, you felt oddly comfortable with this girl.
“Oh, cool? I'm going that way” you point across and down the street towards the College neighborhood. 
“Me too! Walk together?” Ellie suggests
You nod and set off together. It was a short walk and for the first few steps, you were quiet. Everything happened so fast, the collision, the conversation, and now you're walking together?! That's no big deal, you're just walking together! You steal a glance at the girl beside you. Holy shit how long has she been staring at you? “I'm not even going to ask how your finals went if they were anything like mine!” Ellie laughs, scratching the back of her head  
You chuckle trying not to trip over your own feet, “yeah they were pretty difficult, i'm just glad they are over for now” 
There's not enough conversation to distract you from the growing ball of nerves in your stomach. You keep stealing small glances at the beautiful girl strolling alongside you with such ease and confidence. Before you know it you get to your house walkway, you turn to Ellie
“This is me, uh it was nice meeting you! And thanks for making my coffee” You are suddenly aware of how awkward you feel, trying not to make eye contact.
“Oh yeah no problem,” Ellie leans slightly to look behind you at the house, “you live here? Do you know Sage? I'm here to meet her.” Ellie says, pointing towards your house She's asking about your roommate? Something clicks when you realize you've seen this girl before, no you’ve heard her voice before. Whenever Sage stayed in she would call her dealer, who never came inside but Sage and her would talk on the porch for a bit during the deal.
“Are you Sage’s dealer?” you ask.
“Have you been smoking my shit?” Ellie laughs
“No I mean, sometimes I partake, but yeah Sage is my roommate, um come on up?” 
“Wicked” Ellie follows you up the path and steps and waits at the door as you call into the house.
“I'm home! Sage! You have a visitor!” 
“HI HOME! I'm Sage!” you hear from upstairs as the blonde girl comes bounding down the stairs. “Oh what's up Ellie, sorry you had to deal with her y/n” 
Ellie scoffs behind you, “yeah whatever, you can find a new dealer”
Sage laughs, “And buy from a dude? No way, I support woman-owned businesses. How much do I owe you?”
You bow out subtly during their conversation. Before the two girls make their exchange you are halfway up the stairs. Letting their conversation get muffled as you enter your bedroom. You don’t know why you seclude yourself so much. Social interactions can be so anxiety inducing for you and you were well past spent on interacting this week. 
Tossing your shoes and bag in the corner you collapse on the floor wrapping a blanket around you. Finally safe in your own space. It wasn't long before you heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Sage was knocking on your door.
“Hey babes, you doing okay?” 
You get up, blanket still wrapped around you and shuffle to the door, opening it slightly before leaning on the door frame, looking like a sad puppy.
“Oh y/n it was a long week huh? Well I'll be out of your hair soon. I just wanted to give you this.” she holds out a joint, which you now know came from Ellie.
“Thanks Sage, I might actually spark this tonight.” You smoked with Sage occasionally but never alone.
“It’ll help, light it in the bath! That's my favorite thing to do” Sage beams and hands over the joint, it was beautifully rolled, you almost didn't want to ruin it. She gives you a small squeeze on the arm and blows you a kiss before wishing you a good night and skipping towards her room to get ready for the evening. 
You shut the door and drop the blanket down, giving into a big stretch before locking into self care mode. This is where you really excel, you know the ins and outs of what creates an environment that lets you rest and recoup to the best of your abilities. And currently your room was in disarray from the late nights spent studying and dissociation. You put your headphones in and go to work. It takes half an album to clean up the mess from the previous week. You are feeling much better and continue on your self love ritual. Peaking your head out into the hallway you listen for any sound of your roommates. 
Silence, perfect, Olivia and Ivy must have come and left with Sage while you were cleaning. You pop your headphone back in and continue your groove downstairs to get something to drink and order your take out. While on the call your phone buzzes from a text, thinking nothing of it, it must be one of your roommates. You complete your order and finish up in the kitchen returning to your room for a much needed bath. All focus on yourself.
It's nearly an hour later, you've drawn your bath and your take out has arrived. A shitty show you’re half paying attention to plays off your laptop, propped up on the laundry basket. You finish your last spring roll feeling a little bored and you grab your phone, figure you’d scroll some socials for a bit. Flicking on your screen you see you have a text from an unknown number. 
Unknown: “Do you always stay in on a friday night? ;)”
Your hear skips a beat. Your heart rate rises, confused and anxious who got your number? How do they know your home alone? Also this was an hour ago! You text back; Y/N: um, who is this?
You wait only a minute before you get a text back,
 “Ellie :)”
Relief sets in, not a creepy guy or stalker, thank god. Your phone buzzes again.
Ellie: “Gosh made you coffee and walked you home, am I that forgettable?”
You text back quickly, “no sorry, hey! I just didn’t know your number. How did you get mine?”
Ellie: “Sage gave it to me, I hope that's okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah that's cool!” you text back.
A little confused why Sage would give out your number without asking but your thoughts are interrupted by another text from Ellie:
“You didn't answer my question silly ;)”
You reread Ellie's first text. You do usually stay in, even on friday nights.
“Pretty much lol” you respond with another text, “I don’t really like parties”
“I feel that, good for business, bad for vibes lol” ellie responds
You stare at the screen, taken aback by how all of a sudden you are talking to this girl you hardly know for the second time today. Suddenly the bath is way too hot and wet, your laptop playing a little too loud. You close your phone, pause your show, and start to drain the tub. Rinsing off and finishing up your shower routine, you are standing at the vanity when your phone lights up catching your eye. It’s Ellie again,
“So would you like some company? I'm nearby actually” A glance at the time tells you it's 9pm, late for you, your only other plans for the night was to curl up in bed and continue your show until you fall asleep. You take a second to think about things as you put some clothes on, a soft pair of pajama bottoms, a tank top and a slouchy oversized sweater. Something in you was intrigued with this girl. It was strange for you to feel like you wanted to hang out with someone let alone someone you just met late at night. 
You pace for a minute thinking, am I really going to do this? Typing out the text and holding your breath before hitting send then chucking your phone on the bed and running to the mirror.
“Okay, why don't you come over?”
You inspect your appearance. Natural beauty, your skin care routine was spot on and truthfully you loved your look the most at night after you cared for yourself. You felt a rush of adrenaline and took a few breaths to calm yourself before sliding on a pair of slippers and grabbing your phone to go downstairs. Before leaving, the joint on your night stand catches your eye and it only seemed right to bring it along, Ellie did roll it.
On the way down the stairs, there's a knock at your door, that was fast. You peek out the window to be safe, Ellie standing with her back to the window facing away from the door. Hand scratching the back of her head, it looks like she's changed since you saw her last. You open the door and catch a whiff of pine and amber as she turns to face you, the same sideways smirk on her face from before. She's wearing all black, dirty Converse, ripped jeans, and a black jacket over a green hoodie.
“Hey, whoa cute fit” Ellie laughs as she looks you up and down, “cozy?”
You move a little at her comment, noticing how underdressed you are. “You caught me at the end of my shower” 
She chuckles again, “well I wasn't trying to take you out, was wondering if you wanted to smoke this with me?” Ellie pulls a joint from behind her ear, and holds it up between her pointer and middle finger.
Your nerves are going crazy but something in the way she looks at you makes you feel at ease in her presence. 
“Yeah sure, I have one of yours already actually” you say as you hold up the joint, it's a little crushed as you realize your hands were clenching. 
Ellie laughs, “you keep that one, we can smoke this one” she gives you that smile again. “Are we gonna stand on the porch all night?”
You snap into reality a bit and stumble over your words and yourself, letting her into the house. “no! Sorry, ya we can smoke in the back, we have some chairs out there.”
“Sweet, I'll follow you cutie” 
You turn away from the comment before Ellie could see your cheeks go up in flames. 
You lead her through the house to the back door and out into the small yard. There's a fire pit in the corner with a few lawn chairs around it. There's a light breeze in the air but it's rather temperate for a spring evening. You sit down in a chair and Ellie flops down next to you. Pulling out a lighter and joint. You watch as she puts the joint between her lips, lightly holding it with one hand and lighting with the other. Your eyes are locked on her while she inhales and the cherry goes red illuminating her soft features. Only when she exhales a cloud of smoke and looks at you do you look away quickly. Darting your gaze away to the joint held out in front of you. 
“Here ya go y/n” Ellie's voice is low and gravely, cutting through the silence of the night. 
You swallow and take the joint, breathing out preparing yourself for the hit. You can feel Ellie's eyes on you as you inhale, hold for a second too long, and exhale out in coughs, covering your face and shoving the joint in Ellies direction. “Shit, hahah, I don't smoke that often.” you get out
“Oh! That's okay, you don’t have to if you don’t want it!” Ellie takes another drag, hesitating to pass it back your way.
“No, no it's okay, the first hit is always the roughest,” you say through your coughing fit. “I usually smoke with Sage.” 
Taking another drag and speaking as smoke billows out past her lips, “Okaaay you can tap out at any time light weight” She chuckles at the end of her sentence but reaches the joint back out to you. You take it, needing another hit to settle the growing nerves in your stomach, she will not stop looking at you.
You and Ellie pass the joint back and forth a few rounds in easy silence. Only a few loud conversations and music from down the block fill the air. Ellie breaks the silence after a moment.
“So I know you said you don’t like parties but there's this one tomorrow night at my friend Jessie’s house, he lives in 09. My roommate Dina and I are going, you might like it?” 
Jessie… You've heard that name before, he was one of Daniel’s, Phoebe's boyfriend's roommates. A group of boys that live in House 09, down the street from you. You've actually been to their house for a party once before. It was fun for an hour until you Irish good-byed to go home and lay in bed. Texting your roommates of course, because girls always need to stay safe. Considering your roommates would be inviting you to this party as well you decide to accept Ellies invitation too.
“Oh yeah, my roommate Phoebe is dating Daniel who lives in 09, i'll probably be there for a little bit.”
Ellies face lights up, and she moves in a way that looks like she's trying to hide her excitement. “You will! Cool, I'll see you there then! Ah this thing is out.” She stubs out the cherry in the joint and tosses it into the fire pit. “Well I should let you get back to your evening princess, I have a few more drop offs to do tonight anyway.” She stands from her seat with a stretch  and holds her hand out for you to grab as you stand. Her jacket got pushed up a bit and you notice a dark image on her forearm, a tattoo? It's hard to tell in the dark. You grab her hand, making a mental note of how strong and soft they are before standing fully and stepping back.
“I'll walk you out then, uh thanks for smoking me out” Your mind is hazy and calm, you barely realize that your nerves are settled, you're comfortable. Ellie follows you back into the house and to the front door, you both pause at the open door, Ellie's eyes on yours, yours on your hands.
“So I'll see you tomorrow night?” Ellie breaks the silence, making you look up,suddenly the nerves are back.  
“Yeah, i'll see you around Ellie” you do your best to not shiver, and give her a smile.
The green eyed girl averts her gaze as she sheepishly scratches the back of her head. “Alrighty, have a good rest of your night!” She turns to leave but turns back, 
“oh yeah, it's a decade's party, so you gotta dress up”
She gives you stupid snap and finger guns and turns away, popping down the steps and into the night. You let the cool air wash over you as you watch her walk down the street. Noticing the flick of a lighter in the night as she goes out of sight. You close the door and nearly collapse against it as your stomach begins to flutter again. Holy shit holy shit holy shit.
You take your phone out as you run up to your room, texting your house group chat immediately.
*H03 Hoes* Y/N: “Sage, why'd you give my number to a stranger?? Also… is there a party tomorrow night at H09?”
It was a little while before you got a response from your roommates, their movie must have ended, it was now 11:30pm. You shoot up from your bed responding to your roommates;
*H03 Hoes* Sage: “Ellies, not a stranger! And she asked for it ;)” Olivia: “The Decades party yeah! We were going to ask you tomorrow if you wanted to go!” Y/N: “Well yeah not anymore, she kinda came by the house and smoked me out.” Ivy: “Yo what?!!! y/n hung out with a girl??” Y/N: Hey, I'm allowed to do stuff! Lol Sage: lolol we’ll be home in a little bit! We can get ready for the party tmrw together :D”
You lock your phone and look around the room, you realize you had been pacing for that whole conversation. Adrenaline going crazy, your mind flashing images of auburn hair and green eyes. You probably had 30 minutes left of alone time in the house so you decide to end your night right, how you usually do. Stealing yourself under your blankets, touching and pleasuring yourself until your breath relaxes you into sleep. However tonight, green eyes stare back at you in your mind.
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📚inch resting bits from the march twst manga updates📚 (octa, savana, & 4koma!)
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***Manga spoilers below the cut (with an emphasis on the Episode of Octavinelle, since that's my favorite dorm!)***
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The 4koma manga has dropped! Again, it centers around the daily lives of the NRC boys and is shown in a 4 panel gag comic format.
In the illustration above, we see the main cast with Grim's beloved tuna cans~
This month has comics about Ace going to a supplementary lesson (to learn how to manipulate brooms to do his chores) and Leona attending his art class. The comic depicts Leona, Idia, and Rook in the same art class though we're not sure if this is true in-game yet. However, the comics do carry over the continuity of Ace and Deuce being in Trein's class so maybe the art class thing is also true of Leona?
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I'm also really fixated on how this mangaka draws her lashes and hair, they're always bangers every time 💗
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Ruggie "bleh" face... Also???? That full page of him using his UM... and the visualization of the wildebeests racing with him like the people in the crowd, very Lion King.
I like that the manga really shows us more emotional and intense moments the game cannot depict due to its limited assets. Here, we see the aftermath of Ruggie using his UM on the crowd. Even with Azul's magic-enhancement potion, Ruggie has taken a great physical toll from spellcasting. Falling to his knees, panting... This will make it hurt more when Leona almost poofs him to sand later 😭
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These panels remind me of like. Scar looking on from up high while the hyenas do his bidding. Ruggie's expression... it's so full of a desperate kind of hope has he gazes up at his "king".
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From the Episode of Octavinelle, we get to see Leona post-OB and recovering in the infirmary. Side note, I really love how the mangaka adds these cute little faces to let us know who is speaking in certain text bubbles. The little faces make some of the cutest expressions; just look at that cheeky chibi Leona head!
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Here, Ruggie is telling everyone about rumors that Azul and the twins purposefully prevent their clients from fulfilling their end of the contract so they can reap the benefits. I like how the scene shown is a boat tipping over (with the twins implied to have flipped it). Nice callback to the boat scene in The Little Mermaid!
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We have another The Little Mermaid reference here, where Floyd shares his UM with the gang?? The hypothetical man here reminds me of Prince Eric, especially in that white shirt and appearing as though he is drowning.
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Guys... Azul's been taking modeling lessons from Vil-- I really like these more quiet and contemplative moments of Azul; plenty of those are featured this month.
asdbhlfdbaifyoaiygoeia I WILL NOW ALWAYS ASSOCIATE AZUL THINKING HARD WITH SITTING IN THAT CHAIR... There's so many shots of him seated here...
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Yuuta continues to be my favorite manga!Yuu so far by diligently tidying up Leona's messy ass room for him... asfvkyadvfialf Grim looks so goofy helping out, that tower of clothes is half his size...
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FLOYD'S FACE IS SO siLLy HERE TOO (this is the scene when Ruggie recalls seeing his eel form during a P.E. class where they swam). The mangaka really decided to summon his gremlin energy here...
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Aaaaah, I love this shot; it sort of parallels Azul and Leona... It also makes me realize the difference between how Leona's hair is in Octavinelle vs Savanaclaw (due to the different mangaka). In Octavinelle, his hair is usually a solid black with white highlights but in Savanaclaw there tends to be a subtle gradient/screen tone on Leona's hair.
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Anyway, twins Twins TWINS
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sweet-evie · 6 months
What Those Eyes See
A/N: Just brainrot birthed from this post about Gojo's Six Eyes. I'm going back to writing Satsuki's 1st birthday now.
✨ masterlist ✨
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A Saturday afternoon spent wandering through Shibuya wasn’t usually on her top list of things to do on the weekend, but when Satoru fervently asked (more like pleaded) for her company on a specific excursion of his, she couldn’t really say ‘no’.
Or more like… It was hard to tell him, ‘No.’
The distant rumble of accelerating engines, the shuffling of countless footsteps on pavement, and the distinct cacophony of the crowded town had not left her ears ever since she and Satoru had left the subway station. This town with its beeps and whistles and chatter held her attention, so much so that she barely heard Satoru’s voice above the symphony of hectic city life.
“More than a handful of pregnant women are out today.” Satoru spoke nonchalantly, walking beside her with one hand in his jeans’ pocket, while the other hand was busy twirling a blue sucker in his mouth.
Part of her didn’t even believe that she heard him right. Why did he say it like he was just talking about the weather?
He peered at her over the rims of his sunnies, blue eyes that mirrored clear skies sparkling under the light of the afternoon sun.
“Mhmm… You heard me. Don't know if I told you this, Sweetheart, but I can see a lot of things.” The grin stretched across his lips was nothing short of attractive and shit-eating. “And to think, you mistook me for a blind man when we met.”
She narrowly side-stepped a couple hurrying down the sidewalk, bags swinging from both of their arms.
“Yeah, you're the extreme opposite of blind.” She shook her head and smirked at him. “You’re telling me you have an ultrasound with those eyes?”
Satoru pursed his lips and made a show of humming out loud thoughtfully.
"That's different.” He popped the sucker out of his mouth. “Ultrasounds use high-frequency sound waves to show you pictures of the fetus, right?” At her shrug and refusal to meet his eyes, he continued explaining as they headed for their destination. “With the Six Eyes however, I see more than just the person’s physical body. There's cursed energy, and then there's the formation of the human soul. The unborn child’s soul resides right next to the mother's. Kind’a hard to miss two of those stuck together and sharing one body." 
The longer he talked, the more her questions multiplied.
The Six Eyes and what it could see had always been a point of intrigue for her. Over the years, Satoru never bothered telling her the intricate details or the true scope of what he could see out of his own volition. If she was curious about aspects of his power, she would always ask and he would give her a direct answer. She had never asked him to explain all of it to her in great detail, and that was because part of her suspected that even if he would indulge that request, she wouldn’t be capable of comprehending it anyway — certainly not in a way Satoru himself understood it.
Besides… where would one even begin?
So the additional piece of information he’d offered out of the blue would have been odd under normal circumstances if she hadn’t been keen on withholding important news of her own for the past few weeks.
“As a matter of fact,” Satoru mused as they paused at another crosswalk, “There are eight pregnant women in this area right  now. Not sure if they know though. It seems like it's pretty early.”
In the end, concealing it had been useless from the beginning.
“You already know huh?”
“Nine pregnant women, if we include you.” The answering grin he flashed her way was an answer all on its own. “I knew from the first week.”
Of course he knew… Of course he found out.
She was pleasantly surprised to find out that there was no trace of panic nor apprehension in her, only resignation. Despite how meticulously she’d disposed of her positive pregnancy test and how carefully she’d planned her first doctor’s appointment after her discovery, the truth etched into her own soul revealed itself anyways.
Of course Satoru and his Six Eyes knew about the existence of their unborn child before she did.
“Why didn't you say anything? You knew before I did. I discovered it in the fifth week.”
“And even after you found out, you obviously didn't want me to know right away. I didn’t want to pressure you or anything.” Or possibly freak her out with the knowledge that he knew before she could even guess about her child’s existence.
“So what changed your mind now?”
“It’s been 17 weeks. I can’t wait anymore. I also just wanted to start shopping for stuff for the nursery with you.”
“Satoru, you're not bothered?”
“Baby, we've been dating for four years. Why would I be bothered?”
It was a stupid question. If she wasn’t so preoccupied with her own discomfort, her nausea, and her silent struggle to keep all the hardships to herself during the first trimester, perhaps she would have noticed all the little things Satoru did every day to help ease her discomfort. In hindsight, she should have noticed the addition of health supplements in the kitchen, the well-stocked fridge and pantry, and Satoru’s insistence on hiring someone who could do household chores for them.
And in hindsight, she shouldn’t have hesitated in telling him.
She should have trusted him more.
“It’s something we never talked about before. You’re… You’re not disappointed?”
“Disappointed in who?” The look on his face was a cross between being offended and a little sad. “You? Just what kind of guy do you think I am?”
“No! No, I didn’t mean it like that… I just— I’ve already decided on keeping the baby, but I don’t know if you—”
He sighed, a hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “You’re right. It’s something we haven’t talked about, and we should talk more about this later… Lay down our plans and stuff for the coming months. But for now, I just want you to know that I’m happy about starting a family with you.”
“You really mean that?” Maybe it was the sentiment or perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones acting up, but the unshed tears that gathered at the edges of her eyelids revealed the relief and the gratitude welling up within her.
“I wouldn’t have asked you out today to shop for baby things with me if it were otherwise.” Satoru’s lopsided smile was assurance at its finest.
“Excuse you, you never mentioned what we were supposed to be doing here today.”
“Right… Well, that’s on me.” He grinned and slipped an arm around her shoulder to pull her closer to his side, “But also, you didn’t think I knew up ‘til now.”
“Satoru, I can’t with you.”
At the very least, it was nice to know her anxieties over the whole thing amounted to nothing after all.
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Dirty Work 25
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: last night I finished my paper... mostly. Need to format and cite.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You stare at your hand, then Mr. Laufeyson’s. In contrast, his seems so big. Emblematic of the hold he has on your life. The power you can’t resist. Even if you want to. You don’t know what you want. You don’t know if you’d ever known. You only ever did what you thought was right.
He lets you slip your hand free and you turn it over, looking down at your palm. You trace a line as you feel him watching you. He wants you to speak but what can you say? You’re confused and scared and so, so tired.
“Pet, was I not clear?” He wonders, the gentle lilt frightens you more than his deep commanding timbre.
You think he was. You think you know what he wants. Just like your father accused you. Well, what else are you worth? Not just to him but anyone.
“Can…” your mouth is dry, your eyes are itchy, your head is pulsing, and your body feels hollow. “Can I think about it?”
“Think?” He echoes, “what– how long?”
“I don’t know, Mr. Laufeyson,” you answer thinly, sinking back into the pillows, “I’m dizzy. I don’t feel very well.”
“Dizzy?” He repeats you again. He hums and clasps his hand around his knee, “when’s the last you’ve eaten?”
You shyly glance up. You slant your lips and shrug. You’re uncertain. Does he really care? It hardly matters. You can’t recall when your dad ever bothered about you being fed or happy. Even if it’s pretend, it’s better than before.
“Yesterday, I think,” you twine your fingers together, “last night…”
“Yes, last night was a bit much, wasn’t it?” He tuts, “what about breakfast?”
“I had some tea,” you offer. “I’m not very hungry, just sleepy.”
“You need to eat then, you can’t think on an empty stomach surely,” he insists as he stands, “I’ll fetch a plate.”
“Mr. Laufeyson, I’m fine,” you try to push yourself to the edge of the bed but he’s quick to stop you, catching your shoulder as he nudges you into the pillows.
“No, no, let me show you,” he squeezes then reluctantly rescinds his touch, “I said I would give you anything, yes? Whatever you wish or need. Let me show you that I can and you may better make your decision.”
“It’s really not–” you try to argue but don’t have the energy. Really, you’re too perplexed to come up with any protest. He’s being strangely… nice.
“I mean it, stay,” he orders as he shows his palms, “I won’t be long.”
You just nod. He spins on his heels and marches out. You scrunch up your lips and glance towards the window. It’s later than you thought. The window is dark and the moon shines down in a sliver.
What would it be like to have someone take care of you? Is that what Mr. Laufeyson means? You’re not that stupid. Inexperienced, yes, but he has been blunt. You know what he wants from you but you’re not sure you can offer it. 
Clothes? Jewellry? Shiny things? All those things mean nothing. He can’t give you what you truly want but no one can. And he’s right about everything else. You have no home and whatever he did can’t have made your dad any less angry than he already was.
You close your eyes and exhale. No isn’t an option. It might knot in your chest and tickle your tongue but you’re not sure you can’t utter it. What is the alternative? You’re at the tipping point. Without a job, you can’t afford that hotel bed. Even with one, you’re not sure you can swing it. And there’s all the other expenses; all the things you need and don’t have.
Your head is ready to split in two. You could never be ready for this. You never saw it coming to this. You in Mr. Laufeyson’s bed, weighing your entire life in your hands.
Your eyes roll open as you hear him. The scent of the food precedes him and your stomach rumbles loudly. His brows rise in response as he enters. He has a plate in one hand and a wooden board under the other. He nears and sets the dish on the night table, unfolding the legs of the lap table.
He places it over your legs and moves the plate on top of it. He’s careful not to lose the cutlery in the process. It’s some of the food Frigga left, but not a dish you helped with. Salmon, rice, and a colourful medley of vegetables.
“Something to drink?” He offers.
“Um…” you look at the plate then furrow your brow at him.
“Don’t look at me like that. What would you like?”
You blink. This is strange. It should be you asking him. It should be you running around. It’s backwards. All of it.
“Water is fine.”
“Hm, yes, water, I shall return,” he declares and once more pivots on his heel.
You focus on the food as he goes. You poke the long grains of rice, then a baby carrot. You push it all around before you dare to take a bite. It’s good, very good. Better than boxed macaroni and canned soups.
Mr. Laufeyson appears again. He has a tall glass, weeping with condensation as a lemon floats on top. He sets it on the night table, sure to slip a marble coaster down first. You taste the food intensely, pushing your tongue around as he backs up. He hovers just before the foot of the bed.
You continue to eat. Tediously so. Little bites as you delay the inevitable. He won’t allow you much longer than it takes to clear the plate to give your answer and you’re filling up fast. You still the fork and swallow. You rest the silver on the ceramic rim and take a sip of water. The cold flow gives a small kick.
“What did you do to him?” You ask, voice trembling even as you fight to control it.
He tilts his head and a line ripples above his brows. He cheek dimples as he grips one hip, “whatever do you think I did to the sickly old brute?”
You frown and he puts his head straight. He drops his hand and flutters his fingers. He huffs and paces around the end of the bed, then back again.
“I only gave him a fright,” he grumbles, almost bashfully, “I am somewhat above assaulting an elderly man.”
You stare, not saying a word.
“What? I am,” he snaps, “I only told him to keep his hands to himself. In more words than that.”
You don’t know if you believe him. You want to only because you wouldn’t want to be the reason your dad gets hurt. Even if he’s the reason you are.
“Promise?” You ask.
He clasps his hands together behind his back, “sure. Yes, I swear that I didn’t touch him, right? Just a bit of ominous implication.”
You run your finger along the edge of the plate.
“Tell me you’re not lying, please?”
He’s quiet. He huffs again and taps his toe.
“Why do you care so much? He doesn’t care for you.”
“Just…” you are wilting, you feel your strength dwindling. “Tell me the truth and I’ll say yes.”
He shifts to sit on the bed, just by your legs. He looks at you in the face. You meet his gaze and he doesn’t flinch, “I did not assault him, though it crossed my mind. He had that tube under his nose and wouldn’t stop coughing. It hardly seemed a fair contest. I merely warned him that the next time, I wouldn’t restrain myself.”
“Next time?” You murmur.
“Which there won’t be,” he assures, “because I told the truth, so that is…”
He waits and points at you. You turn your head away. You believe him.
“Yes,” you mutter. “I accept, Mr. Laufeyson…” You bat away another singe of tears, the voice in your head whispering what you won’t say aloud, ‘you win’.
Mr. Laufeyson clears away the dishes and folds up the small table. He leaves you for a time, stirring on the lower level as you listen cautiously. You feel a little better but your eyes are still puffy from crying and your head still has a dull tick. 
You slowly stand, careful not to cause your head to ring, and move around the bed. You slip into the hallway and into the study. Inside, you near the desk and lift the bag onto the chair. You search within until you find your phone, the mostly neglected flip.
You open it and stare at the keypad. You want to call your dad and make sure he’s okay but you know you shouldn’t. You can’t. He wouldn’t answer either way. You know that. The more you think of what he did, the worse it is. Why hadn’t you realised before? There was no way to ever go back home.
“Pet?” Mr. Laufeyson startles you and you shove away the phone. You face him and lean on the corner of the desk. “I made some tea… it’s much too late for work.”
“I know, I…” you still aren’t used to this. It’s so unusual. Mr. Laufeyson’s isn’t a place of leisure or carelessness, it’s for work. “...was checking the time.”
“Late, yes,” he affirms, “chamomile, my mother left some behind.” He raises the steaming mug, “you should lay down.”
“Mmm, yeah, I…” you look away. It’s not so different as it was, is it? You’re still supposed to obey him. He might be gentler but he isn’t asking.
“Would you like a book to read? You may peruse to your pleasure,” he offers and crosses to you, close as he puts the cup on the desk, “I might have a few you may enjoy. Are you fan of Shelley?”
He takes your wrist before you can react. He leads you to the shelf near the middle of the wall as you blink and peek up at him. This is strange. You’ve never seen him like this. Almost excited, as much as he has ever been.
“Poe, of course, I’ve some Lovecraft but I find him repetitive,” he goes on, “perhaps this isn’t an evening for horror.” He’s thinking aloud, “I might have an Austen or two that you may handle. The first editions, I’m afraid, cannot be touched.” He hums as he lets you go and hovers his fingers over the row, “Mansfield Park… hm?” 
He looks at you and you shake your head. You don’t know. You read the same books you read as a kid. The Secret Garden, The Little Princess, and that illustrated version of The Hobbit, the one your dad used to…
“Maybe tomorrow,” you offer, “my head hurts.”
“Fair,” he agrees, “as I said, you should lay down.”
“I know,” you murmur and back away, “I’m just… restless.”
“So drink your tea.”
“Thanks,” you return to the desk and lift the mug, blowing over it as the steam continues to furl above it, “I will.”
“In bed,” he insists.
“I wouldn’t want to spill it–”
“Well certainly you can’t have it near the books,” he reproaches, “so come.”
That’s a command. His tone hardens and you recognise him again. Oh yes, things aren’t so different after all. He’s still in charge.
You nod and do as he says. You carry the tea into the hallway but hesitate at the threshold. Can’t you just go downstairs? No, you’re tired. You continue to the bedroom and place the mug on the same coaster where he’d put the water earlier.
You fold your hands nervously and back away. You approach the window and look out onto the estate. You remember the night you rushed over here, when he’d triggered that alarm. The way he’d been so undone, how he’d grabbed you and babbled those senseless words.
He moves behind you, shifting open drawers, and shuffling around. He doesn’t say a word as your vision blurs the shadows to a sea of uncertainty. The world is distant as you struggle to believe in it. It still feels like a horrible nightmare.
“Pet,” he slithers as he comes up behind you. You flinch as he rests his hands on your shoulders, standing almost flush to you, “your tea grows cold.”
You nod and sidle away from him. He relents, a hand dragging down your arm as he sighs. He watches as you go to claim the porcelain cup. You sit on the edge of the bed and sip. It’s pleasant, not stale like the old tea bags in your own cupboard. Well, that’s not yours anymore.
You wiggle your nose, ready to cry again. It’s like your morning yourself. The old you is dead yet very much sitting there, just as powerless as ever.
“Thank you,” you say as you cradle the cup against your hand, absorbing the heat until it hurts.
“I’ve found some clothing you can sleep in,” he nears and pulls the folded fabric across the bed. A plain button-up and a pair of cotton shorts. “I’m afraid I’m not furnished for you just yet. Tomorrow we will rectify that.”
You thank him again and drown your nerves in the yellow tea. As much as your eyelids tug and your shoulders slump, as heavy as you feel, you’re not sure you will sleep through the churning in your chest. You twitch as he brushes a finger against your cheek and your sight narrows on him.
You don’t say anything. He doesn’t either. He caresses down to your chin and tilts it up. He considers you. You feel him appraising you, his eyes drifting away from your face. For a moment, his grip on you firms and his hand slides back so the crook of thumb and index frame your throat. You gulp as he bends over you. He presses a kiss on your forehead, lingering as he inhales your scent.
“Patience,” he mutters as he parts, though you don’t know if he girds you or himself.
He draws away and fixes his posting, rolling his shoulders as he turns sharply. He goes back to the dresser and focuses on the contents of the top drawer. He clucks as he snatches out garments.
“I suppose I should dress for bed too,” he drones flatly, “no doubt…” He snaps the drawer shut, “a long night.”
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yenqa · 2 years
how enha would react seeing you at their concert!
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pairing : enhypen x gn!reader
warnings : like two swear words, mentions of cuddling, relationship is public in jungwons 🤞🤞, mentions of jealousy and crying
wc : 0.84k
a/n : hope you enjoy anon! they might seem similar bc i ran out of ideas after jay also new format
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ok so we all know damn well this man is a huge flirt.
so yk he’s doing his flirty things while performing but once he spots you, its over for any engene.
he’s actually kinda shocked that you came because they didn’t tour in your area
he literally only winks in your direction and the engene next to you thinks they’re dying
he keeps looking over at you and when he sings polaroid love, you know he’s singing it to you.
but engenes keep getting suspicious because they’re like why does hee keep interacting with only that engene?????
and the clip of someone recording him singing polaroid love to you goes viral!!
im sorry but realistically he does not spot you.
ok but pretend he does and he’s like :000 inside but he like hides it bc he’s in the middle of a concert!!
he gets like a splurge of confidenceand energy so he performs way better than usual (not like there is much to improve on)
and he starts getting like flirty with engenes (you) and fans are like omg what’s happening to him!!?!,!???
he smiles at you so much throughout the concert
man starts crying during shout out and you lowkey tear up a bit
after the concert you go backstage and he pulls you into the biggest hug and like twirls you around :))
bf jay is keeping me alive rn
ok so we know he’s flirter number 2
idk how but he spots you immediately and his face brightens
he literally starts getting all flustered when you two make eye contact
you throw him a little hat you made/bought and he wears it THE WHOLE concert
like fever? he’s wearing it. drunk dazed? hes wearing it
he doesn’t care that it’s a cutesy hat he’s still wearing it
until his manager makes him take it off
he blows you a kiss whenever he can
and he gives himself a pat on the back whenever he sees you flustered
but he also gives himself a dating rumor because engenes notice everything
opposite of jay, when he spots you in the front row he gets shy
like “omg what if i mess up then y/n never likes me again”
but once he sees you having fun, all his worries are gone and he’s also having fun
he pays more attention to whatever section your in and he like keeps walking to wherever you are.
and when he’s like running through the stadium he completes your heart and your heart only
his smile grows whenever he looks at you smiling and dancing
at the end of the concert he gives a little message to engenes (you) and it’s like
“thank you so much for coming today, you make me happy when i see you dancing and having fun” blah blah blah
but you and him both know that the message is for you and you only
you know he smiles when he spots you
bro goes from ☺️ to 😁 (that looks a little silly)
he keeps trying to not make eye contact with you but he can’t help it :((
he picks up your phone and he films a little video of him blowing a kiss to the camera (mostly to you but engenes dont know that)
at the encore he specifically requests the songs you love that they didnt perform
after the concert you know that you’re getting cuddles
he fr rushes home with you like hes zooming bc hes tired and you cuddle <33
well after he takes a shower
he loves when you play with his hair
so when you do, he falls asleep quickly
ok so your relationship is public
he keeps waving at you and mentioning you
“y/n is here!” “y/n loves this song” “y/n knows the dance to this part of-“
enhypen just wants him to shut up about you
he performs extra hard and sends his failed winks to you
when hes running around the stadium he stops to kiss you hand before running back around
during tfw he points to you multiple times
he can’t stop smiling whenever he looks at you
he keeps eye contact while singing shout out and tears up a little but :((
he literally rushes to you after the concert like he cannot contain his excitement
i need jungwon NOW.
this man gets so cocky
when he sees you filming him and only him, he grins so hard
but secretly he’s so flustered
Y/N? at my concert? filming me?
he acts extra flirty to engenes to make you jealous
when he sees you frowning a little bit, he stops and winks at you
he winks at you a little too much…
when he sees you smiling wide at his parts, he almost forgets all his moves
like how did he get so lucky with you??
if you’re relationship is public you best know he’s talking about you
“my y/n is here at the concert today!”
just be careful of jealous engenes
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archandshri · 3 months
28th June ‘24 - [arch] One Page Limitation??? - My process for Traffic Zine #5
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Hello All!
A couple months ago, I got accepted to @trafficzine, a digital anthology of pieces by a large group of artists and writers based on the most recent season of the Life Series. I made this piece back in April, but thankfully I kept some notes of my process. 
Heads up - this contains spoilers for Secret Life :D
We were able to choose our own prompt from a list! For this project, I wanted to push my comic making - especially how to communicate a lot of information in a small space. I went through and watched a few clips from the series to see which prompt would fit a comic and settled on Scott’s death.
As usual, I began by getting some reference images and going ham on some big paper. This gets me excited about the project and helps generate ideas. I go for whatever interests me in terms of medium and subject matter, but I try to use a process that doesn’t let me control too much (in this case brush and ink)
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initial sketches for fun and vibes :D
During this, I also took the time to transcribe the scene - I wanted to use the dialogue directly, and see how much I could fit into the single page that I was allowed for the zine.
In these early planning stages I make sure to do warm-up sketches to remind myself of the energy I want to communicate. This also keeps things fun and fresh so I'm not ONLY thinking about page composition and making things 'good'. (the expectation for it to be 'good' kills a project prove me wrong)
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Dialogue from the clip + warm up sketches
Next up, I started to plan what panels I have on the page. At this stage, some panels might just be a box with some words, and some may have a sketch if I have a clear composition in mind. This stage is mostly for pacing and plot, so instead of focusing on what the panel and page will look like, I will think about:
what will happen in the panel
it's purpose and
what it will communicate
Sometimes I'll illustrate a string of panels that tell the story and fit them on a page after - but this depends on the project and my confidence with the size of it.
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After messing around with these and coming up with a pretty clear direction, I draw a bunch of boxes to see how the panels could sit nicely together. At this stage I might realise I have too many panels, and need to cut a few or come up with a creative solution. Nothing is set in stone at this point.
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sketching panel layouts
Now begins the fun! I decide on the layout I prefer and I can start putting planned compositions into the boxes. I often do this digitally, or a digital editing process will be involved.
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Once planned, I print these out to do a more refined sketch over. I find that my traditional drawings have a lot more life and character to them than digital ones, so I try to keep the majority of the process traditional, with passes of scanning and digital editing.
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I tried a version with her looking out at the distance - ready to face the oncoming battle. But it still felt off. So I turned to my slides to ask myself some questions!!
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I tried to think of more things that were working - but I really felt like it was lacking a lot. I was going for this slower emotional feeling because that came more naturally to me, but it just wasn't working for this image. The original clip is quite rushed and chaotic - which would be harder to communicate in a comic format but the challenge interested me. Either way, I knew I wasn't happy with this direction so... i decided to start from scratch! Back to the drawing board!!!
In the previous version, I had cut out a lot of the dialogue, but I decided to go back to the original clip and use AS MUCH as possible. Since passing the bow was my favourite part of that first composition, I really wanted to lean into it as the emotional height and final goodbye before Scott's death. It's a moment to slow down and absorb the vibes :D
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I made a list of panels along with their descriptions to refer to when trying to figure out the order of panels. there were SO MANY and it was VERY CONFUSING when they were too small to read.
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These thumbnails were super small and would not have made sense without my list, I swear.
I printed this tiny thumbnail out at A4, so I could sketch over it and get a clearer sense of flow. Then began a loooong process of printing out tiny photocopies and rearranging the panels to be legible. It was a difficult balance of communicating busyness while making sure the hierarchy/reading order made sense.
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After some tweaking, i printed out an A3 copy to draw my panel borders and text.
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Doing this on a separate piece of paper means I don't have to worry so much about messing up the text or borders when drawing the characters. This allows me to be more free and expressive with my illustration.
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Woah! Quick trip back in time!! During the thumbnailing process I drew these warm up sketches! I looooved the way the linework came out. I drew this on an A3 piece of paper - and the shocked Gem would, in theory, be one of the smallest panels. So I decided to do a crazy thing.
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I touched up the sketch digitally, compiling some of my favourite warm up sketches, some traditional sketches made for the panels, and filling the rest in digitally. Then I printed this image out in QUATERS at A3!! This meant the final sketch layer, printed out was A1!! (aka very large, considering the final file would be at A4, about 8x smaller)
I did this so I could get fairly small detailed lines with my pencil while being quite expressive and firm with my mark-making. Slowly, I dlined all of the panels traditionally and scanned them in. Then I assembled the finished linework on Photoshop, along with the text and panel borders and got to colouring :D
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final linework :D
For colouring, I played a little bit with halftone but I found the texture made it feel a bit too busy - the panels are already doing enough. Because of this, I also decided to use a limited colour palette. Here are some images of the colouring process, which I won't go into today.
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I'm really happy with how this came out - I think it captures the chaos of the moment, while taking time to linger on the emotion of it. Keeping that bow moment really made it, I think.
I think the last panel is still quite weak. Earlier in the process there was a low-angle shot of Gem about to kill Scott which may have been more powerful, but I think I was struggling with my actual drawing skill when it comes to perspective. A lot of learning how to draw, and in particular with comics, is about knowing where your skills are at, how to utilise them best and how to test and push them.
I'm glad that I started again, instead of finishing that composition I wasn't happy with. It was a tough project but I learnt sooooo much from it, and it's been essential skill-building for.... the current comic I'm working on (stay tuned!!! :0) Thanks for reading this incredibly long post! Go check out @trafficzine and look at all the other cool art Cool vibes and silly men,
Archie :D
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elysiansparadise · 1 month
Dear Elysian, since your blog is so insightful, I hope you can help me out: What is the best way to deal with moon square moon synastry? I know so many Scorpio moons (I'm a Cancer rising with Scorpio 5th house) but my natal Leo moon almost always squares their moon. Maybe there are some Synastry aspects that can smoothen this energy? I would love to hear your thoughts about this. On the other hand, I‘m really excited for your upcoming posts! Keep up the great work and good luck! 🍀
Sure, I would love to help you dear! 🥰💗
How to deal with Moon-Moon square in synastry?
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First we have to understand what this square usually indicates. When Moon squares Moon in the synastry there may be different emotional needs, lifestyles, ways of feeling and/or expressing feelings, dynamics with the family or different opinions regarding the formation of the home.
As for practical approaches, I can mention the following:
🤍Good communication always helps. Openly express what things make you feel comfortable and what don't. Establish boundaries and make sure you listen to and accept each other's boundaries. Let each other know how you like to be loved to avoid misunderstandings. Talk to each other about how you deal with your emotions, do you like to have your space when you are upset or sad? Do you prefer physical comfort? Do they just want to be heard? Talk about it.
🤍Empathy is the foundation of a relationship and a perfect way to deal with Moon squares. Trying to see things from the other's perspective and developing empathy can help to ease tensions. It’s important to remember that both have valid ways of feeling and reacting, even if they are different.
🤍Find a middle point. Do not wait for the other to change into what the other wants, instead of insisting that the other adapt completely to your own needs, find a middle ground where both feel seen and heard without needing to feel that you cannot be yourselves with each other.
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Now, as far as aspects of astrology are concerned, I have a couple in mind:
🩶Conjunctions, trines or sextiles between Sun-Moon can help a lot, because despite the initial square, these aspects help both of you to have greater empathy with the other and feel that despite your differences, you can be yourself and feel appreciated, loved and supported. The Sun is our identity, so when the Moon aspects positively, there is genuine affection where sympathy, care and appreciation for the other awakens.
🩶Mercury-Moon positive aspects can be an excellent tool, as they will be able to talk more easily about insecurities, emotions and what they need from the relationship. The fluid aspects between these two planets help the other feel heard, favoring that disposition of truly wanting to understand the other and validate what they feel.
🩶When the Moon aspects Jupiter positively, it causes both of them to grow together and learn a lot from each other. These aspects greatly favor a peaceful coexistence in which both look up to the other and are amazed by the other. The theme of teamwork, mutual support, affection and attention to others are of great help to counteract the initial square.
🩶The trine or sextile between Moon-Saturn makes both of them focus on creating the foundation for a lasting relationship. The Moon person shows empathy, understanding and a lot of validation, while the Saturn person is open to knowing how to best meet the other person's needs, be reliable, as well as patient and delicate. Both will support each other and seek to meet the other's needs in their own way.
🩶The positive aspects between Venus-Saturn give a lot of commitment between the natives, they will want to do things well with the other and provide love and understanding to the other. 
🩶Mercury positively aspecting Pluto or Saturn can also be of great help, as both may feel that they can talk about the more serious aspects of the relationship. It greatly favors long-term planning and makes both feel that they can be very honest and clear with the other. They will not be the type of couple that is afraid to address some topics; on the contrary, they may find it very easy to do so due to the foundations of trust and reliability of the relationship.
🩶Planets falling in the 1st house can help you find similarities between the two and can help you feel more empathy between them. Understanding, similar experiences and in general similarities on issues related to the planet that falls into the house. Sun for example makes them have similar personalities and makes them feel admiration and happiness with respect to each other. Mercury can make you both have similar opinions and ways of communicating. With Venus, your perception of love or similar love languages and so on.
🩶Planets falling in the 4th house can create this feeling of comfort with each other. No matter the differences or experiences they have experienced, both can feel understood, protected and cared for by the other. Moon falling here, for example, can talk to us about that feeling of being able to better express your feelings without fear of being judged. Jupiter falling here tells us about this immediate boost of serotonin, the presence of the other makes you feel happier and understood.
🩶Planets falling in the 5th house also help a lot, as both make each other feel happy, loved and very motivated by the other. They feel that they can be lighthearted with each other, that there are no pressures, expectations or stress, being with each other is fun, easy and leaves them with a feeling of warmth in their chest. Moon falling here makes you more easily expressive of each other, romance, authenticity and compatibility.
🩶Planets falling in the 7th house greatly favor compatibility, good coexistence [especially if you plan to be with this person over the long run], and a willingness to understand their differences. Sun, Moon or Rising falling here are a great indicator of compatibility between both of you and the house person can even develop this ease of reading the other like an open book.
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alluralater · 4 months
how to flirt with girls as an inexperienced lesbian? i have no clue how, but i wanna try😭 once i get past the “you’re so pretty!��� and “i like your ___!” i never know where to go from there
hi! i’m gonna go with the exact format you presented because it is very common. i got you <3
“you’re so pretty!”
“i like your ___”
okay so let’s do a little editing here.
“you’re gorgeous” not said in like a yelling extreme cute way but in a purposeful + hot way. there’s nothing wrong with excitement and personally i love it but if you’re trying to give some DEFINITE signals, whip out the thesaurus and speak with intention. magnificent, handsome, beautiful, radiant, attractive, etc. don’t be fake about it, obviously. be sincere and deliberate. choose what feels most right for the person and what they make you feel. ‘pretty’ works just as well if your delivery is good! i usually tend to avoid for a first impression just because it’s a little too broad for the way i flirt.
“i love your top!” and if they say thank you then you ask them if they thrifted it or bought it, maybe make a comment on what specifically you like. basically the goal here is to get out of the compliment area and into the conversation area without too much effort. keep things light and causal and flowing. i find nervous flirting super cute and endearing because i’m a very confident flirt and the ‘opposites attract’ is deliciousss on occasion but i get how that isn’t for everyone.
from either of these options you should begin giving someone a little preview of what you’re like, because that’s what this is, you’re giving someone an interactive little trailer to the movie of you :) so be yourself. being a fake version of yourself just to flirt is lame because it’s not as though that person will just never find out, ya know. if you intend to move things forward in ANY regard, they’ll learn you were posing. it bothers me a LOT when this happens because ofc you cannot and should not attempt to keep that same energy forever if it’s not sincere. i like my cuties genuine as fuck.
okay onto the next thing. is your body language giving flirty?? i have other asks i’ve answered where i’ve talked about green flag body language. i’d suggest reading up on it and understanding your own. flirting like this is as much a physical experience as it is a vocal one. are your arms held super tight to your body/are you covering parts of your body? are you standing stiffly? do you appear comfortable? if you’re comfortable, whoever you’re talking to is likely to gather that and feel similarly (if they’re into it). stand in front of a mirror (if possible) and try to flirt it up with yourself for a few minutes. don’t like analyze every movement- just try to generally observe and see what kind of vibe you might be giving. *if unsure, ask a friend to fake flirt with you like a little test trial. nothing wrong with asking for help if it’s making you nervous/if you can’t tell how you come off :)
at the end of the day it’s not about blind confidence, it’s about comfortability and confidence in yourself. don’t flirt with intention to gain something. it really makes all the difference. i flirt because it’s fun and i like chatting people up that i meet. puts a smile on their face and mine, and that’s more than enough for me. i feel like that guy from ratatouille. anyone can flirt!
trust me when i say it is insanely flattering when someone that nervously flirts comes up to me and does exactly that. like??? they could have easily just not but they DID and im so beyond pleased by that + grateful for their EFFORT. flirting can be very vulnerable. i do it all the time and still find myself flustered pretty much constantly <3 inexperience means nothing aside from building ‘in the field confidence.’ flirt however feels most comfortable for you. as long as you’re not being too invasive physically or asking questions that are truly none of your business, you’ll do great!
ex for clarification) don’t randomly start oversharing about potentially triggering topics, and definitely do not ask anyone about something that is commonly potentially triggering. this may sound like obvious info but i’ve been on the receiving end of this from total strangers and i cannot tell you how quickly my smile left my face while i wondered who else they had done this to. there’s nothing worse than being flirted with by someone that refuses to acknowledge the boundaries of others.
if someone doesn’t seem to be into it, wish them a lovely day and do not press them for more or expect anything. when i give someone a compliment- it is just that, a compliment. i don’t expect conversation or a phone number simply because i turned someone’s head or got their attention for a moment. it grosses me out when someone pushes and pushes when i’m very clearly not interested (saying thank you but not looking at them or specifically looking elsewhere, keeping tight body language, not encouraging conversation or responding, etc. these are particular to me ofc but i make my nos very loud while trying not to hurt someone’s feelings. some people SHOULD be humbled though for their lack of boundaries and i’ll straight out tell them they’re making me uncomfortable if that’s the case bc maybe no one else has done that to them and they need to know. hurt feelings are not more important than feeling safe).
clarification on good nervous flirting: akin to active gay panic. very cute, very jittery, lots of energy, laughing, breathlessness, etc. it’s even super cute when someone is like “i don’t do this a lot but…” “i don’t flirt very much so…” like yes yes yes tell me please and give me more info about yourself because it helps me know what i should be doing and how comfortable you actually are in this situation. communication like that is such a green flag. if i think you seem uncomfortable, i’m very unlikely to want to continue conversation even if you approached me.
on that note, if YOU become uncomfortable because the vibes are awful and continue to get worse, there’s nothing wrong with dipping out. you don’t owe anyone anything, regardless of if you’re the one who initiated.
basically there are a lot of things you can do right and only a few you can do wrong. this is not an exhaustive list of either because i don’t know you so i can only share from my own experiences <3 flirt with purpose and do so comfortably. figure out what you want to say and how you want to say it. think about what feels most natural to you and go from there. respect the boundaries of other people as well as yourself and you’re sure to do lovely <3
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chrisevansonly · 11 months
Oh, what are Matteo Leclerc's greatest fears? And how'd his parents react when he gets a nightmare because he fears that he will disappoint them?
(you can answer this with the format you see most fit 😊 i absolutely adore this series already and cannot wait for more)
this little note at the bottom made me smile thank you love! let me answer this in a little headcannon format 🤍
Matteo being a generally anxious kid has a few fears and one of them is crowds. Yes despite his father being in F1 and the boy being used to the energy and chaos that is the paddock on race weekends, he doesn’t always handle them the best.
Usually he’s in your arms or Charles’s if he can be, and you often spend a lot of time in Ferrari Hospitality or Charles’s motorhome
Matteo is also afraid of the dark, he has two nightlights in his room that give him enough brightness to see which helps with his fear, you and Charles don’t know where that’s from but you make sure to support him through the fear and help him work on it!
Another thing he fears is thunderstorms, Monaco can get pretty bad ones, and as soon as the first crack of thunder hits he’s already in your room and snuggles between you and Charles.
In terms of nightmares if he ever does get one you’ll know because you can hear his little sniffles in the hallway before he opens your door, he’s only ever had one where he’s screamed himself away and you and Charles in a panic rushed to his room
He will come to your side fist as to not bug his father his eyes usually teary and frightened
“maman h-had bad dream c-can i stay here?” he’ll mumble softly
You never say no, allowing your little boy to climb into bed and settle between you and Charles, who usually will wake up and roll over to cuddle Matteo to his chest softly whispering reassurances in his ear
If Matteo is ever scared or has a nightmare he’s really good at being vocal about it so you and Charles always know how he’s feeling and how you can figure out to best support him🏎️
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mrssabinecallas · 1 year
just a pinch.. |H.C|
Pairing: Miguel O’hara / f!ADHD!reader
in which the fearless leader of the spider society has a soft spot for his right hand (wo)man and her silly little habits :,) <3
CW! lowercase intended, headcanon formatting, fluffy fluffy fluff, very VERY broken spanglish (i don’t speak spanish as good as i used to so some phrases will be from google translate </3), some swearing, ADHD reader
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credit to my friend kelley for making that for me :D ^^ let’s pray she doesn’t see this and doesn’t find my tumblr account she would be ashamed of me
miguel has always been nicer to you than everyone else, he doesn’t really know why but he just gravitates towards your energy
your bubbly personality is a very stark contrast to his brooding aura
opposites attract i guess 🤷🏼‍♀️
but when you started to just hang around in his presence more, he picked up on some of the strange things you did…
for one, you literally could not sit still
he thought about webbing you to a chair just to ease his own anxiety by the constant movement
he also noticed you can’t be comfortable in any normal position
you always have to be doing something strange
usually that entails sitting upside down in chairs or with your feet propped up on the wall
constantly fiddling or picking at something
whether it be the necklace around your neck or a loose thread on your suit, something was always being messed with
miguel found all of these.. quirks, for lack of a better word, endearing
it was strange to him
he had been in love before, but he felt he wasn’t capable of love anymore
so when he started falling for you of all people, he was in denial
he just chose to ignore it, but you were like a leach that wouldn’t leave him alone
clingy af fr
one morning he came to get you from your apartment because you weren’t answering calls on your watch
one knock, no answer
second knock, still no answer
he grew increasingly worried about you and just walked right into your quarters
the door was unlocked
*que fight or flight miggy whos prepared to tear apart the house to find you*
only to find you in your bathroom with your headphones on
and taking some sort of medicine
you didn’t even hear miguel come in, so imagine your horror to him just hugging you from behind
“miguel? the fuck?? you scared the shit outta me…”
“¿que estas haciendo mi amor? estaba muy preocupado por ti..” (what are you doing, my love? i was worried sick about you…)
“i’m taking my adderall?”
“what does that do??”
“my adhd meds? keep me from going bonkers,” you couldn’t help but giggle at his face
“you have adhd???” he was completely clueless
“just a pinch” lol
this explained basically all of your strange habits that he came to love
since then, he always made sure to remind you to take your adderall
he could always tell which days you forgot, you become a lot more hyperactive than usual
sorry guys i had no idea how to end this but i haven’t seen any fics with an ADHD reader so i thought i’d contribute 🫶
love you all, if you enjoyed please show some love, and STAY FUCKING HYDRATED OR ELSE
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serejae · 2 months
Heyy, Can you do “bnd comforting their s/o after being bullied” I have a bit of an situation atm so it would help me calm down^^ Love your work btw❤️
hiii i hope youre doing well and hope things do get better for you. thank you for the kind words and i love you !!! im kinda busy today but i wanted to write this for you so its not in my usual format and is very short bur i still hope you enjoy :)
sungho :
-as soon as sungho sees you slumped he observes you from across the room not knowing whether to go up to you or not. he didnt want to bother you if you needed space, but deep down he couldnt let you suffer alone. he went up to you and sat down by you, as a response you put your head on his shoulder and that was his green light. sungho ran his hand through your hair in the dimly light living room and he allowed you to talk it out if you wanted, but if you just needed someone he’s glad to stay silent as long as you feel okay now
riwoo :
-a sweetheart. when he notices your mood he thinks of how to approach you, riwoo peeked into the room and saw you laying there sleeping. not wanting to disturb your peace but at the same time help you, he decided to make a dessert you both really like (you like it, he pretends for you) it took him a while to finish it but you had woken up just in time for him to plate it nicely and clean up the mess he made. riwoo watched you come out of the room and hug him tightly, quickly he reciprocated the hug and listened to you mumble rants about your day while feeding you
jaehyun :
-jaehyun could tell something was wrong with you right away when he saw you come home and go straight to the shower without greeting him. he didnt get mad but more concerned, he felt something was wrong and needed to comfort you immediately. he threw your favorite hoodie of his in the dryer so itll be nice and warm and laid it on the bed for you to see when you came out. after he heard the shower turn off he gave you a bit of time before walking to the room where he saw you wrapped in the hoodie. he smiled and bear hugged you and let you talk, and if you cried he kissed off the tears
taesan :
he was in his studio working when he heard the door open and close. he turned around, not because he wanted to know what was wrong but because he knew you felt off. taesan studied your expression as you sat down on the couch in his office and laid down. he scooted his chair towards you completely forgetting about the song he was working on and caressed your face “do you want me to sing to you?” he asked to which you nodded. he laid on the couch with you letting you rest on his chest listening to his hearbeat as he sang softly
leehan :
leehan and you sat infront of his fish tank. the first thing he wanted to do when he felt your shift in energy was to take your mind off it. he brought you over to his colorful fish tank and let the both of you peacefully watch the fishes swim and interact with one another. he dropped a piece of food into the tank and 2 fishes fought over it. “thats me to the people who mess with you” he said making you laugh. he held you close as you two watched the fishes while mumbling advice and sweet reminders to you against your ear
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thefangirlfever · 9 months
The studious type (a Miguel O'hara fanfic, 18+, MDNI)
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Summary: Boyfriend Miguel helping you relax during your finals week.
Tags: F/M, afab reader, College AU, established relationship, smut, oral sex (F. receiving), Miguel being a munch (because I can), use of condoms, masturbation, thigh riding, PIV penetration, fluff, soft Miguel O’hara, a bit of dirty talk, aftercare
Note: Finals are not the only thing coming… Very self-indulgent. My first time trying this format, hope you like it.
I am too tired and I don’t have much time, so please, accept this blurb instead of a real story ToT
Saying that you are anxious for your upcoming finals is an understatement. You keep on pulling all-nighter after all-nighter, taking micro nap sometimes, eating only instant noodles… Finals are really taking a toll on your physical and mental health. And it shows. You also start to get tired and more susceptible.
This doesn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend, Miguel. Not only does he notice all of this but he also tries to help you as much as he can.
He also has to think about his own finals but that doesn’t stop him from texting you every day, making sure you’re eating enough, taking some naps and just to check on you in general. He is not really prone to public displays of affection or such things but he cares. And his way to show it is by his actions, as small as they may seem.
The two of you also had shared study session. It didn’t matter that you had different classes and majors. You would just keep helping each other, exchanging glances from time to time… And each time Miguel would feel you close to falling asleep, he would either tell you to rest or wake you up with a gentle nudge, depending on the time of the day.
Always brings your favorite snacks to make sure you have eaten at least one thing.
He doesn’t say it but you really amaze him. You’re always motivated, determined to do your best no matter what. One would even call you a perfectionist but that doesn’t bother him. He is really supportive of you in everything you make. You got a presentation? He’ll gladly listen to you as if he was your future audience. You could be talking about something he knows nothing about and he would still be 100% invested in your speech, asking questions afterward… You want to write a phd thesis? He got your back. You want to spend more time than it’s necessary on a paper because the topic matters to you? He will proofread you.
Needless to say, you gladly do the same for him. In fact he likes when you ask questions about what he is working on. And it’s actually endearing to see him geek out about things like dark energy, quantum physics and other things that would usually bore you to death.
After every study session, he walks with you to your bus/ subway station. You usually don’t talk much since you are both tired. Sometimes he would take your hand and slips his fingers between yours without saying anything about it.
Always texts you to make sure you did get back home safely.
You can be sure that the last day of your exam (or a few days after if his finals end later), the two of you will have one of your usual date nights.
Depending on how tired he is, he would either cook something or order take out. If he cooks something, you always make sure to bring something of your own. Even if he tells you that you don’t have to, he always ends up eating what you bring because he is a sweet tooth.
You’re usually too tired after finals to do anything else than just sitting on his couch, watching a movie the two of you probably already watched a hundred of times but that doesn’t matter. There’s something comfortable in what’s predictable.
And every part of this evening is predictable. From you falling asleep while the two of you cuddle to him gently playing with your hair in order to keep you awake. If it’s cold outside, you are wrapped under a warm blanket that covers each of your limbs. His hand that holds your waist slowly drifts to your thigh and draws lazy shape over it. He is not even thinking about it; it has become a habit of his.
Just like the way you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck while wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Was it the most comfortable position? Not. Did you care? Also no.
The night would usually end with Miguel having to carry you to bed since you passed out on the couch.
NSFW content ahead
But sometimes the night would take an unexpected turn. All these days and even weeks spent studying had left the two of you filled with pent-up sexual frustration. And no alone time was the same as the intimacy you guys wanted.
You’re sitting on Miguel’s lap in front of the TV, but none of you are really paying attention to the movie at this point of the night.
He is too distracted by the scent of your hair since your head is so close to his face. His fingers playing with the locks of your hair are not enough for him. He has reached this part of the night where he wants more. He kisses the top of your head in an attempt to test the waters, see if you’re in the same mood.
He would make it look like it’s nothing, or an accident but the two of you know each other too well. After the third kiss, you understand what he has in mind. And you’ve been thinking the same thing all night long, if not longer. These last weeks have been nothing but frustration and you’re more than ready to give in.
You lean further into his embrace, clearly indicating your will to go further. You do this in a nonchalant way, as if it was nothing but he noticed the way your thighs brush against his and how you rest more of your weight near his crotch region.
The hand that was on your lower back supporting you slowly snakes up along your spine until it rests on the back of your neck. His free hand drifts toward your thigh to draw lazy shapes over it. But this time he is deliberately thinking about the moves he makes. His fingertips brush over you as if it was an accident once again, it’s barely a flicker.
The back of his fingers drag along the curve of your thigh, running over your skin until he reaches your knees. He repeats this movement over and over before gripping your thighs more intently. His fingers dig into your flesh, making you feel very aware of his presence behind you. He would usually use his thumb to draw small circles on your inner thigh, eliciting a trail of goosebumps all along.
While the two of you played this little game, you never look at each other. On your side, you still pretend that nothing’s happening, keeping your eyes on the TV but still pushing yourself more against him. He can feel your chest presses against his, your hair brushing his chin and at some point, you’re practically just sitting on his groin.
As the evening goes on, Miguel’s hands get bolder with his actions. He squeezes your thigh from time to time before eventually bringing it under your shirt, avoiding the spot you want him on on purpose. His warm touch on your stomach makes you squirm on top of him. The way your hips shift doesn’t help with his growing erection and his hand on your neck keep you in place, holding you in a careful but firm way.
Without saying a word, his fingertips dance their way over the curve of your belly. He makes sure to trace over the folds of your skin, of every roll on your tummy, to just explore and take in the softness of your belly. He can’t wait for the moment his face will make contact with it. Your skin is too smooth to resist it in his opinion.
You’re a blushing mess at this point and you don’t dare looking at what his hands are doing on you. Your breath gets a little more shallow with every stroke of his on your stomach. He leans closer and brings his face to the crook of your neck, nibbling your skin while making fun of you for not being attentive to the movie playing in the background. When he sees how flustered your are, he decides to act upon it.
“Got something else on your mind?”
You just nod your head and tighten your grip on his shoulder. But he has other plans for you. The hand behind your neck now grabs your waist and makes you sit still over his bulge. Your eyes are on the TV and your mind is on Miguel’s body.
His fingertips brush over your crotch, making you squirm more. Your butt rubs against his crotch and he can’t hide a smile this time. His fingertips barely tap over your crotch before his middle finger rubs over your slit. He then rubs two of his fingers over your groin, pushing his fingers against the fabric of your pants, rubbing his fingers in circle… When he gets too frustrated by the fabric covering you, he asks you if he can just take it off.
“Wanna feel you closer, muñeca...” That’s what he would usually whisper into your ear before kissing your earlobe. You can feel his warm breath, his voice almost shaking with desire as he toys with your zipper. A nod of you and your pants are pulled down your thighs. He doesn’t wait for you to remove them fully or even take off your underwear. His eager finger keeps rubbing you over the fabric of your panties until a damp spot appears in the front.
You lost the count of time as the minutes pass. You’re making a mess of yourself, rubbing yourself on him and when he finally pulls down your underwear and his hand cups your sex, the two of you let out a low moan. His fingers find their way through your bush and he rubs your labia, waiting for you to let him know when you’re ready to take him.
You bite down your lower lip and completely leans back against his body. He wraps his arm around you, holding you tightly and making sure you’re comfortable. Miguel then kisses your cheek. He rubs his nose against your skin, kisses your jawline before nuzzling his face in the crook of your nick, kissing and lapping at your skin.
The movie has already come to an end and in the silence of the room, your moans and Miguel’s heavy breath are the only thing that can be heard. His hooked fingers stimulate your clitoris and when you get comfortable enough, he starts thrusting them in and out of you, almost scissoring you.
He then brings his attention to your clitoris, rubbing it in slow motions. He can feel it throbbing under his fingertips and that makes him moan against the skin of your neck. His warm breath raises all the small hair on your nape and you’re getting hot and bothered. His words aren’t helping either.
“I’ll be damned if I don’t taste you before the end of the night. Been craving this pussy of yours for day now...”
When he catches you trying to relieve yourself of all the tension, he whispers “What are you doing?” There’s no anger in his voice, just pure astonishment. “You know you could just ask…”
The mischief in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed by you. He likes seeing you this needy and you can feel it. Your body writes on top of him and your shoulders slouch down when you whisper his name. You know what he wants to hear and you finally surrender when the teasing gets too overwhelming. “Please, Miguel…”
Your needy voice gets him to smile again. He leaves an affectionate kiss on the back of your neck before pulling his fingers out. He wouldn’t mind having his way with you here and there but he has more self-control than that. He gently kisses your shoulder before lifting your body up.
He usually carries you to the bedroom, helping you lay down the bed while the two of you undress. When your clothes are discarded on the floor and he is busy looking for the box of condoms in his nightstand, you take a good look at him. You watch his figure being drawn by the shadows in the room and your gaze lingers on his back. From his shoulders to the small of his back, your eyes trail down his spine. You smile when you see his back dimples and he catches you staring.
With a cheeky grin on his face, he gets back on the bed. You’re expecting a kiss but his lips land on your stomach. His face rests against your skin while he kisses you all over the smooth surface of your belly. Maybe it’s the scent of your lotion. Maybe it’s the way he can feel your breath catching up. Maybe it’s how close he is to your arousal and can literally smell it… he doesn’t know exactly what makes him love him love this moment but he never gets tired of kissing you there.
Of course he has to taste you after that. Each of his kisses send an electrifying feeling to your body and you can feel yourself growing more aroused. When he starts eating you out, you wrap your legs around his head and this feeling immediately gets stronger.
One of his hand holds your thigh while the other keeps teasing you. His fingers keep thrusting in and out of you while his tongue focuses on your clitoris, sucking and licking. When he feels you close, he keeps his pace steady, focused on only one thing. You. Your thighs quivering around his face, your hands holding his hair, your soft moans… He has waited too long for that and when you finally relax and release all the pressure inside you, he growls against your lips.
He quickly wipes your juice off his chin and gets up. His body towers over you, watching the aftermath of what he did to you. His thumb rubs over your sticky thighs and with his free hand, he brings his cock closer to you. You can see the red and swollen head of his member rubbing against your clit while a few moans escape his throat. He throws his head backward, his shoulders quivering as he feels himself growing more impatient.
He is still careful when he penetrates you, using a tad of lube to make this easier. And the fun part is that he gets to tease you more while rubbing it over your entrance. You wait patiently, at least you try, with your hands gripping the sheets while he gets you prepped up.
Everything feels worth it as soon as you feel him moving inside of you. He keeps his pace gentle, making the moment last as longs as possible. You’ve both been waiting too long for this for it to end too soon. Your limbs are entangled over the sheets and he melds into you. You brush away a few strands of hair from his face and he leans his cheek into your palm. His lips place a few kisses on your hand and even your wrist.
You both make sure to never break eye contact, reading on the other one’s face his emotions. He can see from your red cheeks and parted lips that you enjoy this moment. With one hand on your cheek, he leans closer and kisses the tip of your nose before whispering sweet nothings to you. It could be about how he likes your scent, your eyes, or even how good you feel wrapped around him…
Your hands travel down his back that you were admiring earlier and grabs his butt cheeks firmly when he starts to fasten his pace. You keep guiding him with not only your expressions but also your words. When he gets closer to his release, his shoulders lock tightly and you can feel every muscle on his body flex.
He is not really vocal in this moment and usually a few groans let you know that he reached his climax. However he likes hearing your small whimpers while your body writhes and arch under him. He watches you reaching your orgasm with a content smile before kissing your forehead, telling you how good you were.
The two of you stay in bed a few minutes after this moment. He doesn’t usually pull out immediately after, letting you feel him inside of your walls as his member gets back to its usual size. Even after that, you’re still locked together in a tight hug. He knows he will have to let you go at some point but for now he just wants to keep you inside his arms as long as he can.
The aftercare can vary depending on your mood. If the two of you are in a good mood or still feeling playful, you keep exchanging a few kisses. Miguel’s fingers keep running over the curves of your body, especially your stomach and your thighs. On your side, you like letting your fingers run down his spine until you reach the small of his back. Your fingers then brush against his skin in slow circles. He both loves and hates when you do that. You know he is very sensitive down there and he can’t hold back a few moans.
Some days he would help you get into your pajamas while kissing your shoulders and the back of your neck. You don’t speak that much these days but the silence is not awkward. It’s rather comforting. His fingers run down your hair and he can’t help but take in the scent of your curls. He watches you detangle your hair after a long day of work. This has easily become one of his favorite rituals of yours. When you’re done, his fingers run smoothly down your hair and he watches you in awe braid it, helping you when you ask for it. You can be sure that as soon as your nape is exposed, he will kiss it gently.
It usually doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall asleep after this. His arms are wrapped tightly around you, even though he knows you will probably move too much during your sleep for it to be really useful. But he doesn’t care and you nestle yourself against him.
Note: This was supposed to be really short but I got carried away ToT
Thansk for reading.
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