#//im deep in gem brainrot rn so here!
powderedshards · 1 year
//funny drabble time. she/her pronouns are used for bp here.
Pearl remembers when she first landed on this planet.
She remembers dirt piling onto the window of her ship as it burrowed into the ground. She remembers the smell of smoke and the sensation of jolting forward as she crashed. She remembers each terrified step she took as she walked towards the door. The soft whir and the swoosh as it opened and shades of green colored her vision. She remembers the feeling of stepping onto the ground, something organic, followed by the sounds of crunching underneath her feet. She remembers how utterly awestruck she was. Fear pushed aside for amazement. The smell of the outside world, how this place wasn’t only a specific color but a whole cornucopia of shades and sights and sounds.
But most importantly, she remembers leaving. The events had been replaying in her head ever her ship collided with the planet. The frantic run through grey corridors, looking over her shoulder, even as she managed to open the ship and slide into the pilot’s seat. How quick she had been to activate the ship and get moving because she didn’t know when her Agate would return and as far as she knew, this was her only shot to leave. She remembers the rush that came with it. Of watching as dull grey gives way to the inky blackness of space and the twinkles of white light from the stars and the realization that she was actually doing this. Her hands on the console as she drove the ship and this, this was real.
The thrill of it sent a shiver up her spine.
There was, of course, the fear. The gnawing worry that she’d been seen somehow and that she’d be caught. Even when she had made absolutely sure that the port was empty. No Agates, not a single Quartz. Nothing. It was only natural to feel such a way. No Gem was a stranger to fearing wether or not you’d be punished for doing something you weren’t supposed to do, least of all Pearls. This fear clings to Pearl as she walks, taking in her surroundings. She fully expects a group of Quartzes to spring out from each rock she passes, ready to ambush and capture her only to see nothing on the other side instead. She’s not sure if it’s better or worse. Though, the longer she partakes in her stunned walk to nowhere in particular, a new thought comes to mind, emotions of all kinds clinging to it.
It doesn’t matter anymore.
She stops, the realization freezing her in her tracks. Her mind replaying this instead of the run from the station. With each repeat comes a small push back, then a review of her situation, then acceptance. She smiles at that. And then the smile grows into giggles and excited, wordless noises of glee and twirls and spins upon the dirt, arms outstretched. She doesn’t allow herself much time to celebrate. Turning back to walk forward to the ship…. the ship! She finds herself running to the ship again, though not to escape this time. She’d almost forgotten about the plumes of smoke emanating from it! Pearl scrambles, her panicked mind trying to think of a solution to handle the back of the ship. Her head darting down to a puddle of water nearby. She’s quick to cup her hands and toss a handful of puddle water on the source of the smoke, though not much lands on it. Seemingly without any other options left, Pearl chooses sit by and let it burn itself out.
The wait is long and boring. But Pearl has time. She has nothing but time now. She spends it seated on a rock, chin resting on her fist. Though she’s not letting herself relax, her head occasionally darting around to check for any Quartzes. Just in case. She tells herself.
Just in case. 
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