#//i'd tag self depreciation but
strawberry-barista · 2 years
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He tells himself he has to keep going. He has to keep going no matter how badly it hurts. Even when he feels like walls are being shoved down in the way, when he feels like he’s being pushed farther and farther away. He has to keep going. It’ll be alright in the end. He’ll figure this out in the end. Just keep pushing.
If they don’t want him to be close to them, he’ll stop trying to push it. If they want him to reach out to them, while still not being close to him, then he’ll do what he can. He’ll engage again and again and he’ll keep his distance and he’ll change himself over and over again until he’s exactly what they need. And it’ll be worth it. Even if he can’t see his face at the end of it all, it’ll be worth it.
“There’s people in your life who love you and want to be there to support you . . . Not to mention they want to encourage you to be yourself and help you heal as much as they can.”
Why did that feel like such a lie the harder he tried to prove it to be true...? It seemed like... They didn’t want him to be himself so much as they wanted him to just be. As himself, he was just too much. He got too attached. He got too involved. He was meant to be a distant support. Not affectionate. After losing Joshua, not affectionate to anyone.
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criminal-sen · 1 year
Petition for artists to stop calling their art 'sketches' and 'doodles' unless it's actually a sketch (quick, unfinished pencil on paper or the digital equivalent). It probably sounds like I'm kidding but I'm genuinely not; as an artist who used to tag lots of stuff this way, I thought it was a humble way of saying 'eh it's not that great' but then I'd turn around and see some artist whose skill is WAY out of my league saying the same shit about their gorgeous, full color art. And whether or not the intent is self depreciating (which is bad in itself), the takeaway I'd always get is 'this was easy and I didn't spend very much time on it'. Cuz that's what a sketch IS, it's something low effort and unfinished. And not to sound salty but it's a bit of a 'fuck you' to people at lower skill levels who would probably chop off a limb to turn out something that good. It then slowly dawned on me that I must be the 'fuck you'-er to some people, cuz we're all our own worst critics and I know some people really do like my art, regardless of how I might feel about it.
Anyway I highly doubt anyone's intentions are really 'fuck you', I'm sure yr all doing it for similar reasons as mine were, but it's a bit hurtful and disheartening nonetheless. If you put effort into your piece, be proud of it! Otherwise ppl are gonna think 'wow if THIS is just a doodle, what the hell am I even doing?'
Edit: hi hello, idk if anyone's gonna see this edit bc that's not how rbing works on this hellsite but I uh.. don't really agree with this sentiment anymore lol. Like yes, I do find it annoying and I do think artists should take more pride in their work but like. Getting upset everytime you see 'sketch' etc is just a shitty way to live yr life. I've been trying to get over it with mixed results but my point is, don't get mad at artists for tagging their shit a certain way please and thank you😭🙏
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weekend-whip · 10 months
find a word
i got tagged by @lightning-chicken to find the words snap, blue, echo and flicker in my fics/wips! Yessss I love this game ahaha thank u Key!! (I only have two active wips atm tho so don't expect too much variety ahaha)
i'd tag some people but I'm drawing a blank on people who haven't been tagged, soooo if you're a fic writer out there feeling eager here's four words for ya: dance, horror, flood, and opposite!
snap- In the Company of the Stars (ch4, unpublished)
“…he was so genuine, Jay. I know that seems stupid, but, you didn't have the chance to talk to him…I, man, you should’ve seen him! He moved like magic, had such a gentle way with words, was silly, sweet, a little shy, but...still wasn't afraid to tell me and show me just what he thought about me." Jay shakes his head. “Cole—" “I know how it sounds! But I’ve spent years dealing with people proclaiming how much they wanted to be with me—" “Oh no, that’s horrible.” “—and I can see it on their faces every time that they never really meant it!” Jay’s mouth snaps shut as Cole jumps back to his feet. He starts pacing back and forth, working himself up as he rambles. “It was never about me with those people; it was the power, the money, the prestige…!  Or that they felt obligated, or even pity sometimes, because how could I have gotten this far without finding anybody, right?! What kind of failure of a prince am I?!"
blue- In the Company of the Stars (ch4, unpublished)
Giddy with shameless glee, Cole scoops up the blue bouquet as well, inhaling the inviting floral aroma that makes him more ready for the day than any cup of coffee could ever hope to. He falls back upon his bed in a fit of laughter, coddling the bouquet in lieu of who he’d really like to be hugging right now. Even if the other party isn't here right now, Cole's never felt more beloved. Jay, meanwhile, leans in Cole’s doorway as the prince frolics around the room, beginning to sing wildly off-key. The retainer's expression remains absolutely gobsmacked, unsure of whether to be pleased that Cole’s found some sense of joy in this crazy situation…or show some concern for their guests who are wondering just who is "strangling an ostrich from three doors down".
echo- The Legend of the Green Ninja Lives (Ch4, unpublished)
Lloyd wouldn’t really call himself an early riser, so much as an…insomniac. If it’s not general restlessness, it’s nightmares, and if it’s not nightmares then it’s the thousand-and-one things going through his head at once. And with how yesterday went…it’s no wonder his thoughts just wouldn’t shut up. He tries pushing all his thoughts down, giving the world a golden hue as he does…but, that has the opposite effect consisting of total, complete silence in his mind. And an echoing nothing is just as unsettling as constant, self-depreciating thoughts. So, Lloyd wakes up. Even if only in the physical sense.
flicker- The Legend of the Green Ninja Lives (Ch--, unpublished)
"…I just wish life would stop hurting me." Lloyd stills. Gold flickers at the edge of his vision. He inhales, and his voices quivers as he says, "…yeah, me too."
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helfires · 5 months
how  does  your  muse  carry  emotion  ? bold:  always  applies,    italic:  sometimes  applies,   strike:  never  applies.
tagged by no one bc hehe i stole it ♡ tagging no one, but i'd love to see you do it !!
ANGER  :     jaw clenching.  hands balling into fists.   teeth grinding.   yelling.    going nonverbal.    stuttering speech.    rushed speech.    slow, concise speech.    rambling.  quiet.    arms crossing.   shaking head.   tearing up.    animated.    expressionless.   projects.    internalizes.   vents.   withdraws.    passive aggressive.    direct.    physical outbursts.    verbal outbursts.
JOY  :     easy smiles.   fighting back grins.    suppressed laughter.   loud  laughter.   giggles.    chuckling.    smirks.    whole body laughs.   covers mouth when laughing or giggling.   throws head back when laughing.    slaps  leg.    touches people around them when laughing.   looks down when laughing.    looks for eye contact when laughing.    sparkling eyes.     bubbly happiness.     quiet,  subtle happiness.   obnoxious happiness.   wanting to spread joy.    quietly savors joy.
SADNESS  :     crying.   bottling it up.    seeks distractions.    wallows.    meditates and processes.   avoidance.   seeks out comfort.    withdraws.    talks it out.    internalizes it.    sad smiles.    depression naps.    uses alcohol.    uses drugs.    seeks out sources of joy.  fidgets with sentimental items.   sits in silence.    broods.    gets moody.    wants someone to share the misery.   tries to hide negative emotions.     nurtures others to make themselves feel better.
EMBARRASSMENT & SHAME  :     blushing.   looking away.    rubbing at back of head.   covering face.    laughing nervously.    laughing it off.    overthinks.   lets it go.   self depreciating humor.    deflects.   gets irritated.    smiles.   withdraws.   crossing arms over stomach.    crossing arms over chest.    hands in pockets.   shoulders sinking.   shrugs.    falling into silence until comfortable again.  talking a lot to compensate.
GUILT  :       avoiding eye contact.   shoulders sinking low.    head hanging low.   crying.   chest aches.    lashes out.    internalizes.    apologizes.   deflects.   communicates.    withdraws.    grand gestures for forgiveness.    accepts fault easily. punishes themselves.   martyrdom.    victim complex.    over active guilt complex.    healthy conscience.    internalizes even after forgiveness.    seeking redemption.   moves on easily.   denial.    lack of guilt or conscience.   sorry they got caught more than caused harm.    can’t handle knowing they hurt others.
FEAR & ANXIETY  :      trembling. crying.   uses sarcasm or sass to cope.   rambles.   goes silent.  gets angry.    fidgeting.    clenching jaw.   picking at nails.    chewing at lip.   pulling at clothes.    adjusting jewelry or clothing.    swallowing thickly.     eyes widening. overreacts.    under reacts.   calm.   logical.    panic.    irrational.   overthinks.   carefully analyzes.    talks to themselves.    breathing exercises.    fight.    flight.     withdraws.   fawns.
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freedkenna-a · 7 months
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♡ independent. private. highly selective. independent Scottish selkie oc blog.♡
♡ pinterest ♡
♡ affiliated with:
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hello, I'm Wrennly. I'm 25 years old, American, & taken. I go by she/they pronouns as well. I am pagan, practice witchcraft, & own many animals. these are the rules & basic muse bio below.
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♡ there will be no comparisons to deities, whether that's ic or ooc.
♡ relationship depreciation does not apply here, & let me explain. "whether I talk to you in a day, or in a year. I'll see you when I see you; until then, take care."
♡ I am neurodivergent; I have PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety, & Depression. I work full-time as well as have a life outside of tumblr. I'm in a committed relationship, & that takes up a lot of my time.
♡ I also follow a lot of people, so I may forget your alias/pronouns/muses! I always try to reread everything before contacting people, but sometimes I am a forgetful bean! please offer me grace!
♡ I am a shipping whore and prioritize bonds held with other people & their characters. friends receive favoritism over strangers, but I try to play fair! I want to write & ship with people I'm comfortable with & who know me very well!
♡ muses are written at an age-range. meaning, some may be underage in one thread scenario, but of age in another. always look at tags for extra information. most times, consider adult ages as default.
♡ NSFW and other content will appear on the blog, which includes but are not limited to NSFW: smut, mentions of rape, explorations of human psyche, religious mentions, drug usage, sex work, abuse, pregnancy issues, abortion / miscarriage, sexuality, and so many more. do not follow if under 20+.
♡ blog is drama-free, will never post roleplay drama or politics drama. life updates will be periodically given based on how often I'm promising to be online, but cannot for any reason.
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TOXICITY CLAUSE. I used to be a shitty rp partner & friend! I never committed bigoted acts like racism or sexism, but I'd have the tendency to collect ships or participate in drama etc. my past aliases include Sam, Sammi, Stormi, Peaches, & now Wrennly. all problems have been fixed.
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-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬
full name: Mairi Rose Kenna nickname: Mai, Ri gender: CIS female height: 5 foot 9 inches age ( verse dependent ): 17 - 25 zodiac: March 21st; Aries species: selkie
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥
hair color: dark brunette eye color: hazel skin: fair body type: thin, but curvy dominant hand: left scars: on her hands, arms, and thighs most noticeable feature(s): her eyes
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝
place of birth: Scotland siblings: none parents: unknown ( mother - escaped, father - alive )
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
occupation: jobless current residence: homeless close friends: none relationship status: multiship financial status: poor criminal record: nonexistent vices: stealing, but she's not good at it ( but she's never been caught )
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
sexual orientation: biromantic bisexual preferred sexual role: submissive | dominant | switch | top | bottom | vers. libido: medium turn on's: prefers making love turn off's: quick sex relationship tendencies: relationship unsure
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬
theme song: honey and glass - Peyton Cardoza mental illnesses: PTSD, anxiety physical illnesses: athsma phobias: drowning self confidence level: medium vulnerabilities: her fur
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
Mairi is on the shyer part of the spectrum, she means well whenever she's talking to others. Mairi has a unique sense of justice ( where stealing to survive is alright ). she is supportive of the communities she's part of, and identifies as a queer woman. Mairi enjoys cooking.
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲
Mairi's childhood was spent indoors where she wasn't allowed to play. her father was a domineering man who would force Mairi into aligning with his pre-concieved notions of what a daughter should be like. one day, her mother found her fur and escapes, never to be seen again. Mairi mourned the loss of her mother for a long time, and her father equipped a more extensive measure to keep Mairi under his control.
eventually, Mairi found her sealskin and escapes as well, abandoning her father.
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬
species ability: selkie - ability to turn into a seal special ability: Mairi also aligns herself as a witch so she has powers of witchcraft
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mrs-assbutt · 2 years
Hi! I'm iwantescapism13, also known in AO3 as Dark_Lord_of_Anime. :) Let me just say that I absolutely love your writing and it's well-deserving that you're one of the top kudo-ed stories in the Wednesday AO3 tag. I'd say I'm quite new to the whole ABO concept, and to be honest, it's a genre people usually use for the Wenclair pairing (because, well, Enid is a werewolf) so it's not exactly a rare thing... but still! I love the natural flow of their relationship in your story (that they're not IMMEDIATELY love interests when the story started), I love that you used canon plot points (like Xavier trying to impress Wednesday with his lead drawing-to-life spider), and I love... everything, actually. The love that they feel towards each other, that may or may not be forced due to the ABO situation, is so sweet and wholesome.
I wanted this to be more of an appreciation and admiration post for your work but that last sentence actually got me curious about one thing: will you address whether Wednesday and Enid are in a relationship because they're bound by their hormones? Maybe it could be an interesting twist to the canon plot (or an AU, so to speak) by making Tyler question the entirety of their relationship as nothing more than just two horny werewolves(?). I'm just curious whether you'd go this route. Because, with your writing style, I honestly think you can pull it off.
But of course! Whatever the future holds, I'm still gonna like what you have in store for this story and... I just really wanna say some how much I love your work. :)
I'm so sorry for the late reply, I never saw this come in.😩 THANK YOU SO MUCH!😭❤️This was such a sweet, encouraging message. 🥹And to answer your question, most definitely. Enid is, as you see in the fic, very self depreciating. So it will most certainly come up! It will be angsty but not too bad. 🥹
Thank you again for such a lovely message! ❤️
I hope you enjoy future chapters!❤️✨
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freedkenna · 3 months
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♡ independent. private. highly selective. independent Scottish selkie oc blog.♡
♡ pinterest ♡
♡ affiliated with:
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hello, I'm Wrennly. I'm 25 years old, American, & taken. I go by she/they pronouns as well. I am pagan, practice witchcraft, & own many animals. these are the rules & basic muse bio below.
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♡ there will be no comparisons to deities, whether that's ic or ooc.
♡ relationship depreciation does not apply here, & let me explain. "whether I talk to you in a day, or in a year. I'll see you when I see you; until then, take care."
♡ I am neurodivergent; I have PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety, & Depression. I work full-time as well as have a life outside of tumblr. I'm in a committed relationship, & that takes up a lot of my time.
♡ I also follow a lot of people, so I may forget your alias/pronouns/muses! I always try to reread everything before contacting people, but sometimes I am a forgetful bean! please offer me grace!
♡ I am a shipping whore and prioritize bonds held with other people & their characters. friends receive favoritism over strangers, but I try to play fair! I want to write & ship with people I'm comfortable with & who know me very well!
♡ muses are written at an age-range. meaning, some may be underage in one thread scenario, but of age in another. always look at tags for extra information. most times, consider adult ages as default.
♡ NSFW and other content will appear on the blog, which includes but are not limited to NSFW: smut, mentions of rape, explorations of human psyche, religious mentions, drug usage, sex work, abuse, pregnancy issues, abortion / miscarriage, sexuality, and so many more. do not follow if under 20+.
♡ blog is drama-free, will never post roleplay drama or politics drama. life updates will be periodically given based on how often I'm promising to be online, but cannot for any reason.
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TOXICITY CLAUSE. I used to be a shitty rp partner & friend! I never committed bigoted acts like racism or sexism, but I'd have the tendency to collect ships or participate in drama etc. my past aliases include Sam, Sammi, Stormi, Peaches, & now Wrennly. all problems have been fixed.
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-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬
full name: Mairi Rose Kenna nickname: Mai, Ri gender: CIS female height: 5 foot 9 inches age ( verse dependent ): 17 - 25 zodiac: March 21st; Aries species: selkie
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥
hair color: dark brunette eye color: hazel skin: fair body type: thin, but curvy dominant hand: left scars: on her hands, arms, and thighs most noticeable feature(s): her eyes
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝
place of birth: Scotland siblings: none parents: unknown ( mother - escaped, father - alive )
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
occupation: jobless current residence: homeless close friends: none relationship status: multiship financial status: poor criminal record: nonexistent vices: stealing, but she's not good at it ( but she's never been caught )
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
sexual orientation: biromantic bisexual preferred sexual role: submissive | dominant | switch | top | bottom | vers. libido: medium turn on's: prefers making love turn off's: quick sex relationship tendencies: relationship unsure
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬
theme song: honey and glass - Peyton Cardoza mental illnesses: PTSD, anxiety physical illnesses: athsma phobias: drowning self confidence level: medium vulnerabilities: her fur
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
Mairi is on the shyer part of the spectrum, she means well whenever she's talking to others. Mairi has a unique sense of justice ( where stealing to survive is alright ). she is supportive of the communities she's part of, and identifies as a queer woman. Mairi enjoys cooking.
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲
Mairi's childhood was spent indoors where she wasn't allowed to play. her father was a domineering man who would force Mairi into aligning with his pre-concieved notions of what a daughter should be like. one day, her mother found her fur and escapes, never to be seen again. Mairi mourned the loss of her mother for a long time, and her father equipped a more extensive measure to keep Mairi under his control.
eventually, Mairi found her sealskin and escapes as well, abandoning her father.
-- • ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗ 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬
species ability: selkie - ability to turn into a seal special ability: Mairi also aligns herself as a witch so she has powers of witchcraft
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i think if someone beat me i would simply be Healed.
the heat of the hit and then the bruises? the touch? the anger in their eyes?
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etherealbelphie · 2 years
More Than Just A Pretty Face (Ft. Asmodeus and GN!MC)
Warnings: Sick character, dizziness, lack of appetite, self depreciating thoughts, pain killers, romance is sort of implied.
Length: 1.8k words
Genre: Angst, hurt, fluff, comfort
Summary: Asmodeus comes down with something, leaving him less than glamorous. You stick around anyways.
A/N: I know I should probably be working on the 'Selfish' series of oneshots (that aren't really oneshots anymore) but this fic has been sitting unfinished in my drafts for so long, I figured I'd finally get it done and out. This is adding on to the 'When He Knew He Loved You' series, for which I've already written: Mammon's version.
Anyways, this is a sickfic, and I hoped I tagged all the right warnings. If you think I should add some, please let me know! I hope you enjoy!
-Ethereal (✿◡‿◡)
Story below, please don't claim as your own!
Asmodeus hadn’t looked in the mirror today, and he didn’t intend to any time soon.
His head hurt, his nose was running, and his throat was scratchy and dry. He was exhausted, even though he had just woken up, and his whole body ached.
He was pretty sure that if he had looked in a mirror, it would’ve shattered.
There was no way he was making it to RAD that day.
He had spent the morning in bed, whining to no one about how awful he felt, and part afternoon posting photos he’d taken earlier before immediately falling back asleep.  
You hadn’t been that concerned when Asmo missed breakfast that morning. In a household that large, people missing now and then wasn’t that unusual. You also didn’t have any classes with him that day, so you didn’t notice he wasn’t at RAD.
You did, however, notice that he wasn’t there to walk you home like the two of you had originally planned.
Asmodeus woke up to a string of messages from you.
You: Hey, where are you? 3:40pm
You: Did you leave without me? 3:45pm
You: Okay…well, Satan offered to walk me back, so I’m going to go with him. 4:00pm
You: Hope you’re alright. 4:00pm
He woke up the rest of the way pretty quickly and texted you back.
Asmodeus: I’m so sorry sweetie! 5:37pm seen
Asmodeus: I’ve been feeling a little under the weather today, I didn’t even make it to RAD. 5:37pm seen
Asmodeus: I’m so sorry, I should’ve arranged for someone else to walk you home. 5:38pm seen
He waited one, two, five minutes.
No reply.
He turned his phone face down, rolling over. He tugged the sheets over his head.
He already felt physically awful, and now he’d upset you. Even worse, he didn’t have the energy to try and fix it right now. Honestly, in the state he was in, he would probably end up making it worse.
Great. Now he was crying. As if his nose wasn’t stuffed up enough.
Groaning, he sat up. He reached for the tissue box, only to realize he’d already used the last one. He let out a frustrated whine, flopping back against the pillows.
Why was nothing going right today?
This is what I get for leaving them to fend for themselves, he thought.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
“Come in,” he said, wincing at both the pain and the raspiness of his voice.
A second later, the door swung open. It was the last person he’d expected to see: You.
“Hey,” you whispered, balancing a tray as you shut the door behind you. “How’re you feeling?”
He didn’t answer, opting to bury himself further into the sheets instead. He'd upset you enough without making you look at his ugly face.
“T-terrible,” he said, shivering as a chill ran through him.  
“Are you cold?” You asked him.
He nodded, then realized you probably couldn’t see him. “Freezing.”
“Hm.” He heard you come closer, then put something on his bedside table. The tray, most likely. “Do you mind if I check you for a fever?” You asked.
He laughed, regretting it when his throat started to burn. "Honey, you can't see me like this."
"I can't?" You asked genuinely. "I don't think I can catch whatever you have, so that can't be it."
"It's not that. It's that I look horrible right now," he said.
"Well, of course you do. No one looks good when they're sick," you said matter-of-factly. "So, can I check you for a fever?" You repeat.
"You..." he trailed off. You didn't care?
But everyone cared!
Asmodeus was the most beautiful being in the three realms, second to none! They didn't call him the Jewel of the Heavens for nothing.
"Huh?" was the only response he could come up with.
"I want to check you for a fever," you repeated for the third time. "Can you roll over please?"
Still unable to form a proper response, he obliged.
You pressed a hand to his forehead, your brow crinkling slightly. "You're really warm. We should try and get your fever down," you said, mostly to yourself.
"Now, have you eaten anything yet today?" You already knew the answer, but sighed anyways when he shook his head.
"Okay. I brought you some soup, do you want some?" You asked.
He shook his head. "No, I'm not hungry."
"You probably don't feel hungry," you said. "But you should still try and eat something. Can you have a few bites, please?"
"I don't wanna," he said, sounding more like a bratty toddler than one of the most powerful demons in Hell.
"Come on, please?" You asked. You weren't going to force him, but having nutrients in his body would help him fight off whatever he had. "I made it just for you."
He sighed, but he sat up. "A little. But only because you made it," he said.
"Alright, good." You grabbed the bowl off the tray and started to pass it to him.
He stopped you. "My hands are shaking." He held them out to prove his point. "I'm going to spill everywhere."
He paused a second, then a sly smile slid onto his face. "Would you be a dear and feed me?" He asked, batting his eyes.
He didn't really need to ask you twice; you were the one who wanted him to eat in the first place.
You nodded, taking a seat in the space beside him. You stirred the broth a second, holding your hand just over the surface,
"It won't be too hot," he assured you. "Demon, remember?"
"Oh, right." Even so, you stirred it another few seconds before you fed him a bite.
The soup was warm and delicious, and he wound up finishing the whole bowl. Turns out he was more hungry than he thought.
You smiled, placing the empty dish back on the tray. "Good job. I also brought you some painkillers, did you want to take them?"
He nodded quickly, holding his hand out for the two pills you had.
He popped them into his mouth, then glanced to the water glass on the table, then back to you expectantly.
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly, retrieving the glass and bringing it to his lips.
You slowly tilted the glass upwards until he gave you the signal to stop.
"Do you feel a little better?" You asked him.
He nodded, going to lay back down. This was the longest he'd been awake all day, and he was really starting to feel it. He allowed his eyes to flutter shut.
"That's good," you said. "Now, let's see what we can do about that fever, hm?"
You didn't wait for a response, heading into his lavish bathroom. It was easy to find a cloth --how many towels does one demon need, anyway?-- and didn't take long to soak it in cool water.
You wrung it out so it wasn't sopping wet, then headed back to him.
You gently laid it over his forehead. "Hopefully this will help a little...are you tired?"
"Mhm," he hummed.
"Okay, that's alright," you said. "Do you need anything else?"
His eyes flickered open, giving you a hopeful look. "Cuddles?"
You smiled but shook your head. "I'm sorry. Your fever is way too high for that."
He huffed, his lips pursed in a pout. "Fine."
"I'm going to leave you to rest for a while, did you want me to leave? Or stick around for a bit?"
At the mere suggestion of you leaving, he weakly reached to grab your wrist. "Don't go?"
"Okay, I won't." You adjusted to sit more comfortably on the bed. "Go to sleep, alright? I'll be here when you wake up."
He squeezed your hand, making you squeeze back. Then he fell silent, and you assumed he fell asleep.
A few minutes later, you were proved wrong when he said your name.
"Why did you stay?" He asked.
"Why did I...stay?" You repeated, confused. "What do you mean?"
He sniffled. "Here. With me. When I look like this." He vaguely gestured around himself with his free hand.
"Why did I stay with you while you're sick? And you look sick?" You asked, not sure if you were missing something.
He nodded.
"Well, you wanted me to stay, and I wanted to help you."
"Why would you want to help me when I look like this?" he pressed.
"Whether I want to help you has nothing to do with your looks." You sounded offended at the mere suggestion. "I don't care about you because you're pretty. You know that, don't you?" Your tone softened into genuine concern.
Blame his sleepy state, blame his fever, but he responded honestly. "That's usually why people do."
Your silence made him nervous, and your thumb had stopped caressing the back of his hand.
Any second now, you'd start laughing. Of course, being pretty was all he was good for.
"Oh, Asmo." Your heartbroken tone threw those thoughts out the window immediately. "You're so much more than being pretty," you whispered softly.
"I am?"
"Yes!" You exclaimed. He flinched at the sudden increase in volume. You resumed stroking the back of his hand as an apology, though no actions could've compared to what you said next.
"You're gorgeous. There's no denying that. But there's so much more to you than that. You're brilliant when it comes to fashion. You've had what, six of your fashion lines featured at Majolish?"
"Eight," he corrected, and you smiled.
"See? That's incredible! And you're so good with people too. You're great at making them like you, sure, but you're also just...good at being social. You've also got the most emotional intelligence I've ever seen. You always know how to tell when people are down, and you always know how to cheer them up. You've got the most beautiful voice I've ever heard, you give incredible cuddles and massages, and most importantly-!" You paused to take a breath.
"Most importantly, you're always you. Unapologetically yourself, no filter, no matter what anyone else thinks. You're not afraid to speak your mind, you're not afraid to laugh or cry. There's no filtering you, in the best way possible," you stressed, squeezing his hand tightly.
"You're not worth my time because you're pretty. You're worth my time because you're you."
He opened his mouth to speak, to say something, but he couldn't. All that escaped was a choked sob.
You recoiled, releasing his hand. "Did I say something? I-"
He cut you off, sitting up so quickly it made him dizzy, The wet cloth fell into his lap, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
He wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling into your shoulder.
"You said everything," he said, squeezing you as tight as he thought would be safe.
"Thank you."
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Hiiii!, this is an idea I got thanks to a TikTok video that said "Imagine a parallel world where real people are characters from anime, videogames, etc. And your favorite character creates fanfics and fanarts about you." I can't help but imagine Fisher writing on Tumblr about the s/o lol.
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Holy shit Holy Shit HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT-
Sally as a Selfshipper-
[CW: self depreciation, unreality]
>When he first sees S/O, he could swear a chorus of angels had begun to sing and had swept him right off his feet. He couldn't take his eye off of S/O for a few minutes, absolutely and undeniably smitten, before he realized what just happened and felt pretty embarrassed about it. He knows he can't set his standards for a romantic partner very high, but they should at least be real… right?
>Denial about his feelings/ 'I just think (media) is neat' ➡ Bargaining/ 'I'll just look up the wiki pages and articles about the show. Saving a few images won't hurt, right?' ➡ Depression/Anger/ 'God, I'm really in love with some pixels I am such a loser.' ➡ Gradual Acceptance/'Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo anyway this might as well happen' pipeline
>I'd bet he'd be a lurker in the selfship and f/o tags for a long time, liking a bunch of imagine posts and images of S/O but leaving his page pretty bare besides the necessary info to interact with certain blogs. He resisted posting his own content until his feelings for S/O grew too big to keep in, and he knew people in the selfshipping community would understand what he was going through.
>When posting those dreaded first few gushes didn't kill him instantly, he started posting a few times a week, and all of his content is so goddamn romantic! Lots of pining under screenshots he took of S/O, sappy poetry/songs, painstakingly selected playlists, some personally-tailored imagines and a few cute little doodles on lined paper that he did his best on and was feeling brave enough to post (because he was thinking of S/O encouraging him 💘)
>And then he would have a venty (occasionally horny) sideblog that is technically unlinked to his main but he's not good at hiding it and everyone in the community is like 'oh yeah thats his side blog we didnt think it was a secret??' Reblogs lots of angst/comfort fics, quotes about the universe and love that isn't meant to be, "At least my fictional bf/gf thinks I'm cute" posts, etc.
>Might eventually make one or two selfship friends that he DMs, but definitely has some silent mutuals that pop up in his notes.
>Has sent in a few anonymous requests to fic writers that he will not admit to. He doesn't use sign-offs, but you can always guess he requested them because he's the first to like them. His emoji use and the way he types gives him away, too.
>Says he's fine sharing S/O because he doesn't want to be 'that guy,' but he is 'that guy' and quietly blocks the selfship tags of people that also F/O them.
>Nobody IRL can know ever know about his selfshipping or his crush on S/O EVER (but his friends have a feeling. And eyes.)
>Has one (1) self-insert that is just him but without the prosthetic and mental illness and trauma (and maybe a little taller than his IRL self)
>Consumes S/Os media regularly, but prefers to do so alone so he can stare, swoon and longingly sigh in private.
>Chronic (occasionally maladaptive) f/o daydreamer
>"I'm not ''''In looooove~''''' with [media]/[S/O]!" (Said while shoving a mountain of merch into his closet)
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass them on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
I don't know if you've done this already, but as I adore your writing I thought I'd spread my love and pass this on! Feel free to ignore it if you've done it already or you aren't interested!
lol I haven't done this yet. Not that I haven't been tagged or asked, I'm just...procrastinating? Because I don't wanna pick? If they're on my masterlist I love them? *self-depreciating smile?*
Okay. I'm going to make this easier and say that my favorites change daily, but these are the ones I love today and I'm only choosing one-shots because don't make me choose between my series:
Long Fall Into Oblivion (Ezra)
Let Me Cry My Cruel Fate (Javier Peña)
Primroses: A Sign of Early Spring (Pero Tovar)
Beskar: Bestowed (Din Djarin)
Eyes Closed, Comm Open (Din Djarin)
Thank you for asking, love.
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Find the Word Tag
thanks to @talesofsorrowandofruin for teh tag. :D
my words are: blunder, doze, sentence and withdraw.
The metahuman grinned, as they shoved him up against the wall. “Any last words, [blorbo]?”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” [blorbo] muttered under his breath.
The villain hoisted their arm up, causing dozens of nails to float in the air. But it all crashed in a clang when a high‐pitched bark echoed through the hazy atmosphere.
She takes a handful of fries, trying to not be fazed by that sentence.
"Thankfully, I'm not. I don't think I'd handle the attention or pressure if I was that talented."
She makes a self-depreciation laugh as his mouth slacks.
Withdraw (tw: lil’ bit of romance-implied)
"Me neither," he said. "Still, uh, no harm in trying, right?"
"Right," she replied, drawing him closer. "Do you want to switch it up? I can take the lead."
"Okay, sure." He withdrew his hand, settling it on her shoulders. "There? Is that it?"
Tagging, no pressure tho: @diphthongsfordays, @thatprolificauthor, and open tag. your words are: pool, swim, flick, and freeze.^^
also you can interact with this post, if you’d like to be a part of my tag game list.^^      
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sschmendrick · 3 years
good mornin i just woke up way too late and saw the ask game you reblogged so - 1, 3, n 6? :)
Hello Blaze :D
1. what song makes you feel better?
That's a tough question because I usually choose one song and listen to it on repeat for a few days to a few weeks so a lot of songs make me feel better. I'd say a tie between It's Alright by Mother Mother and Tunnel by Fauve.
3. what’s your favorite candle scent?
I don't use many candles, more like incent and the likes, but one scent I'm always looking for is the smell of burnt wood and iodine sea air that you can smell when the night starts falling. I don't know what smell that is but I know that I've always found it in the evening when I live in the countryside or near an ocean.
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
Alright, positivity time I can't be my depreciative self here. I really like how, sometimes, my hair looks like when it's long. I like that, even though it's just a start, I'm getting a little bit better at talking to people I really like. Be it in the tags or messages, maybe even in my life outside of social media, being able to voice my thoughts, express myself a little bit more than before. And finally, I like how I can focus on a subject for research. It's one of the rare moments where I can just go full explorer-in-a-jungle-of-info mode and I like how I can be so stubborn I will find nice and good info because I'll be in full focus not thinking about anything else.
Thank you for the ask Blaze ! Hope the answers make sense :D
ask my something :)
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menzosarres · 7 years
please help make #underdavis real.
Okay. Yes. I’m going to give being Back another shot and I’m 99.999% positive we’ve moved past the point where anyone would have actually read this but for what it’s worth… I dumped the first half on AO3. 
It’s… a mess. I kept writing fragments of thoughts about the two of them because I adore them but I never put any of it together into anything concrete, so we’re going to graciously call what resulted… experimental. 
I’ll make a real post (title, length, summary, blah) in the morning if I remember.  
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conking · 5 years
So hey con, what's this new anime/manga thing I see on your blog that you've been nonstop posting about? Looks actually pretty nice and the kinda thing I'd be into but I want to look a little more into it and find things out, like it's name for example, before I go diving into the cesspool of the internet for it
this is gonna get long so, tldr: ancient chinese gays! comedy! action! mystery! good meta! immortality! gods!
non-tldr: welcome to hell. specifically, mxtx hell, where a bunch of people yell really loudly about three different novels written by the same author (Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù, aka, mxtx). it’s not actually all the same thing, she just has some very specific aesthetics for her main couples dsfkjgsdfghs here’s a good way to differentiate them.
anyway i’ll give you a summary of the novels and if you find one interesting, please do enjoy your gateway drug because i’ve Never seen someone only read one of these once they start.
first up, Mo Dao Zu Shi / Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / Founder of Diabolism (it’s got a lot of names, i’m sticking with mdzs)
question: what is MDZS about?
a goth and a prep mutually pining for each other while fighting zombies and solving murders, accidentally adopting a riot of awkward teenagers along the way. 
an uncomfortable look into the ethics of humanity, struggles with internalised homophobia and self-hatred, our stances both as a whole and individually on the complex issues around vilification, what counts as ‘the greater good’, the difficulty of forgiveness, and how ‘doing what’s right’ doesn’t always mean the same thing for different people.
magic and flying swords and family
answer: all of the above and hot damn is it fun. this is probably the one you meant when you said anime, cuz guess what? it has one and it’s GORGEOUS.
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10/10. be warned, you WILL cry, you WILL want to fight the author, and you WILL love it. it’s incredibly angsty at parts and incredibly funny always and the romance kills me dead every time i think about it. slow toasty burn, with a super good plot that gets deeper and deeper as it goes. if you re-read the novel after you finish it you’ll find so many things you thought were insignificant on the first pass suddenly kicking you in the chest.
warnings for [SPOILERS]: dubious consent kissing, drunken touching, consensual rape kink. also starvation, slavery, genocide, gore, and body horror. mentions of incest and it’s consequences.
read it HERE, watch it HERE, listen to the audio drama HERE, watch the live action HERE
my favourite of the three is Tian Guan Ci Fu, or Heavenly Official’s Blessing.
tgcf is about a sexy demon pirate tagging along with a trash collecting disney princess who is very bad at staying in heaven (where he belongs). they go around systematically digging up every single piece of dirt on everybody ever - including, unfortunately, themselves. //sips tea/ delicious. 
it’s basically an action/detective novel, heavy on the comedy and angst. read this for introspection, self acceptance, growth, forgiveness, endless torture, incredible pain, suffering like you’ve never known, the effects of war and genocide, results of abuse, beautiful imagery, Gundam, endless devotion, unconditional support, and the knowledge that hualian exists and invented romance. to put it another way:
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if you like plot filled slow burn with healthy dynamics and a lot of trust, this is the series for you. 10000/10 i will take this novel to my grave PLEASE read tgcf. did i mention it’s also getting a donghua sometime soon?
warnings for [SPOILERS]: gore, cannibalism (kinda), plus child abuse and lots of body horror. gaslighting and manipulation feature pretty heavily in places (especially books 4 and 5). severe depression, anxiety, suicide, and self-depreciation are all dealt with as well.
read the first 21 chapters HERE, and you can find the rest on @ yummysuika ‘s pinned tweet, including the extras! the manhua is starting in a few days, and the donghua will be out next year!! wOOO
finally, we have the first book mxtx published, Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (i’m not touching the cn phonetics for that, we’re going sv for short).
to quote a tweet i saw one time, sv is about a shitty millennial litcrit who gets sucked into the novel he hates as the main villain, and how he struggles to survive while his overpowered disciple crytypes his way to true love. this is the fun one! [thinks about meta] …….the fun one [thinks about any character other than the mc] f-
it’s got a lot more web novel tropes and is generally an easier read. sv is full of hijinks and shenanigans and the tortured screams of a 21st century man who really just wants to lie around and eat good food, but keeps being dragged into everything against his will. comedic misunderstandings galore up in this bitch, character development and relationship growth gets Much heavier towards the end, and if you’re looking for a fun read to pass the time! this is the one! just don’t think about it. because it’s written from the perspective of an idiot with 2 braincells total, we also get to enjoy the Epitome of unreliable narrator syndrome.
overall 8.5/10, would recommend. it sets up and breaks a Lot of stereotypes, and the satire is *chef’s kiss*. don’t be fooled by the way the mc sees the characters, ya gotta look at it from their pov too. it’s getting a donghua in 2020, and the manhua will be out (again) sometime soon as well! yehaw!
warnings for [SPOILERS]: student-teacher relationship, forced kissing, some kinda dubious-consent touching, and a scene where one character thinks the other is going to rape them (nothing happens). additional warnings for violence, mentions of gore, slavery, bullying, and child abuse. (i haven’t read the last few chapters, but unless something Wild happens, that should cover things.)
read it HERE
one thing all mxtx novels have in common is the awesome side characters. you’ll probably end up loving a couple of them more than the protagonists and that’s just how it be. we’re all crying here. another thing they have in common is good plots. whether you’re interested in characters, plot development, deep conceptualisation, romance - it’s all there. just don’t go in looking for hot gay smex, cause that really ain’t what it’s about.
all of these are easier to get into if you have some knowledge of xianxia/wuxia/xuanhuan tropes, but it’s not a must! the translators provide great footnotes, so just google a phrase or refer back to them if you get stuck. you can read them in whatever order you want, they’re not connected at all, but if you’re new to the whole thing i’d recommend starting with the mdzs donghua or sv. as much as i love it, tgcf isn’t the best choice to start with.
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wormyspacey · 8 years
. . .
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