#//i mean theres gotta be some fear that he too will be lost at sea right?
wonderingprince · 7 days
"if you’re ever gonna leave this place, don’t wait, it’s time to go." (Athena! Probably disguised as Mentor) // @makrothumia
Telemakhos stands on the shore, sand soft underfoot, the moonlight making the rocky cliffs around them almost glow. He's looking back to what he knows are the lights of the palace, high on the hill. It's the opposite direction to where he normally looks; he's stood on this beach hundreds of times, gaze turned out to sea, sharp eyes tracking every sail on the horizon, watching and waiting and hoping.
He's never left the island before. Two days ago he wouldn't have dared. But two days ago a goddess took pity on him. Now, nowhere across the vast ocean feels out of reach.
Still, he hesitates.
Because even with Athena by his side, how can he be certain that he'll ever make it home again? The sea has not been kind to his family. And maybe leaving Ithaka isn't the big step. The point, the point is he's never left his mother before.
But Athena's words ring in his ears, even as they are spoken by Mentor's gruff voice. The ship is ready; the men are ready and waiting. The sacrifices have been made. He has no reason to delay and every reason to go, now, before they are discovered.
Telemakhos tears his eyes away from the lights flickering in the darkness. Looks to his goddess and nods, solemn and determined. "Thank you," he says, as he steps with her onto the wooden deck, "for everything."
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