#//hoping to get some replies and starters done tonight or tomorrow<3
danideadston · 1 year
What does your soul smell like?
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Freshly Baked Bread key words: warm, inviting, kindness. you are the definition of cooking as a loved language and are at your strongest when creating something. others find you soothing to be around and feel at ease due to your genuine warmth and nurturing nature. you can be a mix of gentle and passionate, but it's that intensity that lives at the center of your spirit that draws people to you most. compatible with: candle smoke, coffee, rosewater.
tagged by: @demone-volpe tagging: anyone. Steal it!
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Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection Art Countdown Event!
Hi everyone, I'm back with more! I'm so sorry, I was hoping to get this started a bit earlier, but better late than never.
With the clock ticking down, we are getting ever closer to the release date of the Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection, which launches on April 14th. And to help celebrate that, while enjoying some memories of the series, we are going to have a little art countdown event.
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Read on after the break for the event rundown.
How will this work? 
Well, for starters this is an open signup, welcome to artists of any skill level. The signup will consist of you choosing one single Net Navi, virus, boss or human character from the Battle Network/EXE franchise that you would like to draw. It will be first come, first serve. Once a character has been chosen, nobody else will be able to take them. Cross Fused/Soul Unison/Cross characters will be considered their own unique character to choose from. 
To go along with the character you choose, we will also require a secondary Battle Network-related prompt to include with your character. This could be any battle chip/weapon/attack/Program Advance for a Navi, such as Kawarimi or Hi Cannon. It could be a location, such as MaHa Ichiban or SciLab, that you draw as a background. It can be a reference to an anime episode, such as baseball outfits, Neko virus or swimsuits at the hot springs. Etc., etc. 
Your character and prompt do not have to match something we have seen in the games/anime. So that way, we can have unlimited fun with it! So if you wanted to draw Meijin-san in the Aki idol outfit from the anime, or disco agent outfit Mariko-sensei, that is allowed! Create a Zoano-form for a Navi that never was in Beast or Cross Fuse a pair that never showed up in Stream. This is up to your imagination. I will list a few example prompts, but feel free to come up with your own.
Since I failed and am behind on launching this, I'm not sure if we will be able to post art for a full 30 days before the game's launch on Friday, April 14th. We can still try, if we have some fast artists and enough people join in. But the goal will be to have the first pieces submitted and ready to post 21 days before (March 24th), giving us 3 weeks of content counting down until the game's release date.
Between @tentokki​ and myself, we are going to try to keep a public spreadsheet of what has been taken updated and as current as possible as people sign up. This first day or so might be a little messy as we try to see who called who first and get everything initially set up, so try to have a backup option or two ready. While I am opening this up tonight, I might not be able to get back to everyone to update this list until tomorrow afternoon, as a disclaimer. Appreciate your patience! Please try to watch through the replies to ensure someone hasn't already called out your choice first. Once you have gotten the OK in a reply back and are added to the list, you are on the clock to begin working on your art.
There will not be a hard deadline for everyone to start out, but we will need at least one person done and ready before March 24th. Please choose a realistic deadline for yourself between March 23rd-April 14th, so that we can assign you to post on that specific day.
TLDR; When signing up, we need: 1.) A character 2.) A BN related-prompt included in your art 3.) Your own chosen deadline date between 3/24 - 4/14/2023
(View confirmed sign ups on this spreadsheet)
When you are finished, please send your art to me via DM or email [rock2125(at)hotmail(dot)com], and we will make sure you are set up a day for you to post your art. Then, when we hit that March 24th date, we will begin the countdown by having artists post their pic to their Twitter/tumblr, asking you to use the hashtag #MMBNLCCountdown in your post, along with stating the number of days remaining until the collection's release. 
If we get enough participants, then some days we might have more than 1 piece of art posted. Sky and I will then be reblogging/retweeting your posts each day, so that the focus is on your account and art. We'll continue counting down with new art each day until we reach the game's release.
What's in it for you? 
Well, besides hopefully having fun and reminscing a bit, I will also once again hold a prize/prize money raffle to give away copies of the game (standard version) for those who complete a pic. But once again, like the Valentine's Event, you will only be eligible for this raffle if you sign up, submit your art to me, and complete your art in time.
Already preordered it? Well, I'll instead offer you the cash to cover what you paid, if your name is drawn. As always, please have a valid Paypal account to receive your winnings. Total amount of prize winners not set in stone, but likely at least 6.
How to sign up! Sorry if I was not totally clear when I first posted this yesterday in my haste to get it online, but please either comment on this post, the Twitter post, or send a DM with your choices to sign up. Once again, please check the spreadsheet to see what has been taken already. The spreadsheet linked above is publicly viewable, but you are not editing or signing up on there. That is just for everyone’s reference as I officially confirm each sign up.
We will begin to assign people days to post as we get closer to the March 24th date. If you finish early, before your estimated deadline, still send it in via DM/email to me. The more people are done before March 24th, the easier it will be to organize and set up people to post on specific countdown days between  3/24-4/14.
As always, any questions, feel free to ask! First time trying this format, so we'll see how it works out!
Example Prompts (feel free to use one of these or your own!):
Devil Chip  Idol Outfit  Ghosts!  Pink Squirrel  Neko Virus Summa DIS Whiskey  Astronaut Suit  Hot Springs Disco Outfit  Baseball Uniform Buttferfly Net Car Race Star Potter Red Carpet  Copyroid  Curry Humor Program Zoo animals  Plunger on the head  Froggy trash can  Oven on fire!  Throwing your PET Jack in! Beast out!
Cannon Wide Shot Variable Sword Recovery Kawarimi Guardian Super Vulcan Dream Aura Muramasa Blade PoisonAnubis Z-Saber GunDelSol DarkSound CornShot MiniBomb Boomerang NumberBall PitHockey HyperBurst DreamSword
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Sweet Home Hyogo: Chapter 1 ex-technically-not-ex-husband
Introduction -Chapter 2
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*For context, this is based off of and around the movie Sweet Home Alabama, you do not need to watch it to know what’s happening though*
*Beep Beep* *Beep Beep* *Bee-* Y/n snatched her arms back under the covers after she turned off her obnoxious alarm, unwillingly whining as she knew she had to get up. She slowly went over the events of last night, smiling as she felt the very nice diamond ring that sat on her left ring finger, smiling wider when she thought of her boyfriend-turned-fiancé who had just proposed the previous night. She took a deep breath in and out, readying herself before she rolled over and out of bed, feet landing on the semi cold carpet. She sleepily stumbled over to her dresser before picking out her usual work outfit
Before heading into the bathroom to finish getting ready. After she was dressed and her hair was done she walked over to her vanity, putting on her makeup and getting her accessories when she froze at a single piece of jewelry. Her wedding ring. She groaned as she realized just why she hadn’t rushed to get out of bed this morning. And it had to do with the impromptu visit to Hyogo she was going to have to take. Why you may ask? To make her husband-but-not-really-husband sign the darn divorce papers she had been trying to get him to sign for…what was it? Five years now? 
She rolled her eyes as she shoved the ring to the back of her drawer, trying to clear her head so she could start her day on a…better note. Ah yes, her ex-but-not-really-ex-husband, Shinsuke Kita. He and Y/n had been madly in love since her first year of high school (His second year), and best friends since childhood. In fact, they had been SO madly in love, that they married right out of high school at the ripe old age of 18 & 19. 
Maybe not the best decision, and looking back it definitely caused some problems, but what could they say? They were in love! Her dad loved him, his grandmother loved her, and they loved each other! What more was there to it? Well her mom wasn’t too fond of him but that’s beside the point! Things had been going great, the perfect fairytale really, until they were just shy of four years of marriage when they just…drifted apart? They both became absorbed in their respective careers, and when Y/n had wanted to move out of Hyogo…it really caused some problems. 
At the time Kita’s grandmother had been having health issues, so when Y/n said she was taking a job in Tokyo, both parties flipped out at the other, sharp words were said and Y/n…well Y/n left. She had tried getting him to sign the papers many, many times, but every time he simply sent the unsigned papers right back to her apartment. Which was more of a nuisance than a problem, but now that she was going to get married to someone else…it was kind of a problem. 
Y/n shook her head as she left her bedroom, entering the kitchen and starting the coffee maker before grabbing a muffin and sitting down at the dining room table. Happily munching her blueberry muffin she hummed contentedly before sifting through the mail she had haphazardly thrown on the table. Tossing some bills and other items to the side, her eyes once again landed on the yellow folder she had seen several times within the past five years. She opened it slowly, a little flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe he had come around sat weakly in her heart but was crushed as she saw the empty line where he should have put his signature. 
But, this time there was a little yellow sticky note with a lovely little ‘not happening’ from the husband himself. Y/n groaned for the nth time that morning and frustratingly shoved the paper back into her folder, closing it and shoving it in her purse. Looks like she’s going to Hyogo after all. Great. Don’t get me wrong, its not like she hates her home gosh no! But she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t too keen on going back there. For starters, it wasn’t exactly the big exciting city she had come to know and love, but she knew as soon as she stepped foot into her home town, word would spread quickly. 
She sighed, knowing she’d have to make her rounds if she went home, visiting all of the sweet old ladies and any old friends that were still there. *Ding* She was broken out of her day dream by a notification from her phone. ‘Love     ‘ Y/n smiled as she grabbed her phone and unlocked it, going to text messages to see what her beloved Fiancé had texted her. “Good morning love, I know I won’t be able to see you today, but I just wanted you to know I love you.” Y/n giggled as she typed back a reply, “Good morning love <3! I’m sorry I won’t see you tonight ☹ but I’ll miss you! I love you too~” 
Y/n let out a dreamy sigh as she stood up from the table, grabbed her purse and made her coffee, quickly slipping on her heels and leaving her apartment. She made her way down to her car, got in and drove to her work, or ‘Tokyo Designs’. She parked in the parking garage and made her way inside, signing in at the front desk and making her way to her desk. She sat down and opened her lap top, checking her emails and such before “Y/NNNNNN” She looked up to see her good friend Hitoka running towards her “SHOW IT TO ME! I NEED TO SEE IT!” 
Y/n held a finger up to her lips and nodded her head to the twenty or so other workers in the room, Hitoka quickly hushed herself and apologized, the other workers just quietly laughed and smiled, shaking their heads at the young intern-turned designer they all treated like a little sister. Hitoka turned her attention back to Y/n, a big dorky smile on her face, “Soooo Where is it!” Y/n looked at her with an amused expression and raised eyebrow. “Where is what?” Hitoka rolled her eyes and pointed to her left hand, which was conveniently placed snuggly under her right hand. “Your engagement ring!” Y/n’s face lit up as she slowly removed her hand, bringing it up to show it off. 
Hitoka’s eyes practically had sparkles in them as she examined the ring. “Awww that’s so cute! I remember when Tadashi proposed, I wish you guys all the happiness in the world!” Y/n smiled and gave her friend a quick hug. “Thanks Hitoka, that means a lot really. I know Keiji and I will be very happy.” Oh yes, Keiji Akaashi. The man who had stolen her heart, and gladly given her his. Y/n met Akaashi about 3 years ago, and they started dating not long after that. Y/n and Akaashi were both madly in love with each other and couldn’t wait to get married! Except that…they would have to because…uh…Y/n was still…well married. 
AND I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING ‘WhAt Do YoU mEaN mArRiEd ShOuLd ShE eVeN Be DaTiNg?!?!’ And the answer to that is no. B U T its not like she didn’t try to get divorced! He just…wouldn’t…sign the…papers. But after five years were they even still married? They never spoke beyond ‘Hey, sign the darn paper’ and the ever so persistent ‘no <3’. So when the supposed man of her dreams came along she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be happy, especially when Akaashi treated her like a queen! 
And of course she had told Akaashi about her hus- oh…no..no she hadn’t. So beyond not being able to divorce her ex-but-not-really-ex-husband, she also hadn’t told her FIANCE about EVER being married so…oops? “Did Akaashi finally propose?” The two girls looked back to find their other co-worker and friend, Asahi, walking towards them. “He sure did.” Y/n smiled as she lifted her hand once again, her hand being taken delicately by Asahi and the ring examined. “Woah, he sure spared no expense on the ring, it couldn’t have been cheap. But it probably helps he’s the mayor’s son.” 
Ohhh yes. And to top off all of your other problems, Akaashi’s mother, your oh so lovely mother in law is the mayor of Tokyo. And, lets just say her and her son are N O T H I N G  alike. Like, at all. Akaashi- er Keiji was polite, considerate, and sweet whereas his mother was conniving, selfish and cruel. Hence why Keiji wasn’t very fond of her, and quite frankly neither were you. “Yeah, believe it or not, he actually went with a fairly simple one.” They all looked back down to the silver metal band with a square shaped diamond on top with smaller diamonds lining the band. 
Asahi whistled “You and I have different definitions of ‘simple’ N/n (nickname).” Y/n laughed and nodded her head “Yeah, okay. I’ve seen your dress designs.” Asahi chuckled as he held his hands up in defeat. Hitoka perked up and looked at Y/n. “Oh, hey N/n….what are you gonna do about..well…your husband?” She whispered the last part, and Y/n groaned. “I’m going to Hyogo after work today, Hopefully I’ll be back tonight, at the latest tomorrow morning. And hopefully I’ll be divorced…finally,” Y/n sighed as Hitoka and Asahi nodded their heads. “Yeah I’m sorry that’s taken so long…but…I’m also sorry it didn’t work out.” 
Y/n nodded “Yeah me too….BUT that’s in the past now! I am now happily engaged and I will be happily divorced in no time! Now, we need to finish that line.” The three determinedly nodded their heads and got to work. After many pricked fingers and too many cups of coffee, the three had finished and packed up for the day. After saying goodbye to her friends and off of the phone with her Fiancé she hopped in her car and started for the veerrry long drive to her very own home town. Hyogo.
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Secret in His Eyes
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Spinoff of Sins of the Father
Genre: Mafia Au
Pairing: Luhan x Reader
Summary: A vacation exploring China’s famous city was supposed to be relaxing. When you witness a horrifying murder, you instead find yourself in police custody, unable to run. Trying to stay alive, you meet Luhan, and you believe you can trust him. You never imagined that he might be the one you should be running from.
A/N: Yeah... I was too lazy to keep up with the header so I made a gif instead... 
Part: Prologue I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I Final
Your heart was racing as you followed Detective Zhuang through the trees. Too many times you thought you heard Luhan behind you, shouting for you to stop, but he was never there. It was all in your head – maybe even your heart.
By the time you reached the tree line, you were doubling over trying to catch your breath. Detective Zhuang seemed hardly effected by the run, power walking over to the driver’s side door without hardly looking at you.
“In the car. Hurry.”
You obeyed even though you were still struggling to breathe. As you sat in the leather seat and watched the trees blur by on the back road you never knew was so close, you tried to find the relief you would have expected to feel. But it evaded you. Anxiety stayed in its place. Worry as well. Questions relentlessly bullied you.
Did Luhan yet know that you were gone? How was he taking it if he did? Was he angry? Hurt? Would he hate you? Or think that something bad happened to you? Would he search the ends of the earth or simply let you go and move on with his life?
You hoped that he would let you go. Not an easy feat given how much he begged for you to stay with him. This separation was an inevitability. You just hoped that he would see it.
The relief still didn’t come when you left the country behind and entered the city limits. In fact, if anything, your apprehension heightened. Were you simply used to the security blanket that was Luhan in your life? Separation anxiety was not something you were expecting to be suffering from. Maybe as soon as you were on a plane home – really, truly leaving – then you would be okay.
Confusion came when you passed the airport and Detective Zhuang didn’t slow down even a little bit.
“I thought I was able to go home?” you asked after turning to her.
“There are no planes scheduled to leave the country right now,” she replied. “At least, none that we can seat you on. Tonight, you’ll stay with me, where it’s safest. Hopefully by tomorrow we can get you on your way.”
You nodded, understanding that a giant aircraft couldn’t be catered to your own schedule, but you still wished an exception could be made. Well, staying with Detective Zhuang shouldn’t be too terrible. After all, she made you feel safe and her own residence had to be easier to protect than a random motel.
The tall apartment building that turned out to be her home was nothing like you’d expect from a member of the police force. No, you didn’t think she lived in poverty, but the high-rise that shined in the evening sun seemed to be more fitting for a company director or celebrity than a humble detective. Security was tight in the parking garage underneath the building, needing both a fingerprint scanner and a card reader to open the fortifying gate. Good. That should keep unwanted enemies out.
You stayed quiet as you followed Detective Zhuang through the garage and to the elevator, watching the number climb all the way to the fourteenth floor before going down the short hallway to the last door on the left. She herded you inside and locked up behind her before switching on the lights. Your jaw dropped.
The entire apartment was white and new and glass. Light reflected off of nearly every surface, illuminating the space like the sun at noon. And it was open. Nothing felt cramped or shoved together. There was plenty of room to roam around freely. Everything had a place – from the remote on the sparkling coffee table to the fruit basket and writing supplies on the island counter.
“You live here?” you asked, astonished.
“Yes,” Detective Zhuang laughed. “What did you expect? A dumpy studio in the middle of the slums?”
Now you felt embarrassed. “Well, no. But this just seems… like… a lot. How much-”
“The guest bedroom is the second door on the right. On the bed should be a change of clothes for you. Get comfortable and I’ll make some tea for you.”
You nodded, shutting up. It was only just hitting you how inappropriate the question you were going to ask was. How much she made or how much the apartment was had nothing to do with her protecting you and was none of your business. The only thing you should be focusing on is the fact that no one would be able to find you here. Home was finally in reach.
The guest bedroom was no less as grand as the rest of the apartment, although its theme was a bit darker with its navy blue comforter and gray walls. Waiting for you on the foot of the bed was a cotton t-shirt sporting some band you’d never heard of and a pair of running shorts. You took your time changing and getting comfortable before venturing back out into the living room.
Detective Zhuang was talking fast into her cell phone, but as soon as she saw you, she hung up. “Better?” she asked you.
“Yeah.” It wasn’t too much of a lie. The clothes were certainly more comfortable, but they didn’t easy you into a better state mentally.
Patting the cushion next to her, Detective Zhuang said, “Sit.” As you did so, she pulled out a recorder from her jacket pocket, clicking the starter button and setting it down on the coffee table. “Now. I need you to tell me everything that happened while you were held by Luhan.”
Ice ran down your spine. Everything? You couldn’t. Not the more intimate details, not the feelings that still brewed in the pit of your stomach. Thankfully, Detective Zhuang misinterpreted your fear. She reached out and took your curled up hand that rested in your lap.
“It’s okay,” she reassured you. “He can’t hurt you anymore. You’re safe now. But I need to know what happened so we can put him away for good.”
Little did she know that was the last thing you wanted. But you had to tell her something, so you gave her the broad strokes of your time there. You never mentioned the first time Luhan took you out of the mansion or that he pretended to be Lin at all. During the conversation, Detective Zhuang stood up and went to the kitchen where the kettle whistled that the water was now boiling.
“So, why did he call you to his office?” she asked from the other room.
You shrugged, even though she couldn’t see it. You felt like a fraud. It would be a miracle if you were able to keep all this straight if ever asked about it again. “I don’t know. We never got that far. A bomb went off, knocking us both out.” Part of you expected her to rush over and asked if you were okay or to question the fact that you even brought up a bomb in the first place.
“Did he get hurt?” Detective Zhuang asked. There was no ounce of concern in her voice, just inquisition.
“Yeah,” you replied. “A piece of wood pierced his side. But he survived. Conscious and walking around, at least.”
She came back and handed you a cup of tea. The steam floated slowly from the caramel colored liquid. You were comforted by the heat radiating from the cup to your fingers, the time you’ve felt that this whole afternoon. “He’s lucky,” she said as she went into the kitchen once more. “Most people don’t survive a bomb made by Mr. Eight.”
You paused before the mug could hit your lips. You roamed over the words that you had weaved together to make sure you hadn’t accidentally slipped the unknown bomb maker’s name in. No. Definitely not.
“How do you know it was made by Mr. Eight?” You put the mug down with a shaky hand, rattling the bottom against the glass surface of the table.
Emerging from the kitchen, Detective Zhuang “If anyone would make a bomb to get back at Luhan, it’s Mr. Eight.”
You shook your head, unable to believe the leap in logic. “But Yixing said he hadn’t been heard from in years. And surely there are other people with the means to get back at Luhan that way.”
She ignored your other comment to focus on another piece of information you’d accidentally let slip. “Yixing? As in Lay Zhang? Interesting. I didn’t realize he was back in town as well. Things are working out a little too nicely, aren’t they?”
It was written all over her face. A hidden agenda that had been there all along.
Jumping up to your feet, you put as much distance between the two of you as possible. “Who are you?”
Detective Zhuang scoffed. “You know who I am. I’m the officer that’s been trying to keep you safe this whole time. Now sit back down and finish your tea. It’s considered rude here to let it get cold.”
You shook your head. “Tell me the truth. How did you know about Mr. Eight?”
With a tilt of her head, Detective Zhuang studied your face. “You almost seem… protective right now. Does someone have a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome?”
“No!” you snapped back. “I’m just wanting answers because I’m tired of being jerked around by everyone. No one has been honest with me since that night in the alley.”
Detective Zhuang took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “It’s best if it stays that way.”
You were done with this. She wasn’t who you thought you were and alarms were going off in your head, screaming that you were in danger. Taking a chance, you leapt over the coffee table and ran for the front door. You managed to undo the lock and pull the door open a few centimeters before it was shoved closed once again by Detective Zhuang’s hand.
“You should have just left it alone,” she growled before grabbing a hand full of hair on the back your head and slamming your face against the door, knocking you out cold.
Luhan wasn’t surprised that you were gone when he woke up. He didn’t think you would stay there while he slept to regain some of his strength. You were too restless with the events that had occurred lately. But finding you should be easy enough. There were only so many rooms in this mansion that you could hide in and you tended to stick to the ones you knew.
The wound by his side growled in irritation as he sat up. It took him longer than most days to get completely off the bed, needing to take a minute or two between each step before standing up on his feet. It must be past sunset by now given the lack of light out in the hallway. Luhan had to squint in both directions before venturing down towards your room. Out of respect, he knocked rather than his usual habit of bursting in uninvited. When there was no answer, he knocked again.
Still nothing.
Thinking that maybe you were asleep, he carefully opened the door and peeked inside. But the bed was empty, sheets still made from the maids’ earlier clean up. Luhan frowned as he closed the door once more. Okay, if you weren’t there, then where else could you be?
Maybe you were talking to Yixing? It was a start. Luhan could feel the jealousy already churning in his stomach. You always found it so easy to talk to the doctor. Luhan had to work to get to that level with you. And then he almost lost it. While you trusted him again, he knew it was a fragile existence. Just the slightest prick could shatter his progress.
As he approached Yixing’s room, he heard voices echoing inside. He smiled to himself. Good. He must be on the right track. This time, he didn’t knock, barging in the doctor’s room, too eager to see you to wait patiently for an invitation. But the smile faded as soon as he saw the occupants inside.
It seemed like everyone was there – except you. Tao, Yixing… even Kris and the female doctor, although what she was doing there, Luhan had no idea. Worried looks echoed across their faces even as they tried to hide it from him.
“What’s going on?” Luha demanded.
“You should be resting,” Kris stated, but that wasn’t going to be enough to deter him.
“That’s not an answer.” Turning to the one he could trust not to lie to him, Luhan repeated his question to Yixing. “What’s going on?”
Yixing looked nervously to the other two leaders before sighing. “We can’t find (y/n).”
Tao rolled his eyes. “Great. Way to lead with the bad news.”
“It’s not like there’s any good news,” the female doctor scoffed.
Luhan pointed to her. “You. Shut up. Tao. Explain.”
“I wanted to ask her a question about that night in the alley because our guys found female DNA on the bomb as well.” Sliding his hands into his pockets, Tao leaned up against the bookshelves. He was worried. As much as he tried to be like Kris, tried to be unaffected and unconcerned, he just wasn’t able to do it. And it was evident all over his face. “When she wasn’t in your room, I checked hers. When I still didn’t find her, I went to the security room to check the cameras. The last time she was seen, she walked out the back kitchen and to the woods. She never came out of the trees.”
Luhan looked in disbelief at his friends. His eyes flickered from one person to another, hoping someone – anyone – would tell him that it was all a sick joke. He even glanced behind him in hope that you would pop out laughing. But that moment never came. He look back at the others, shaking his head.
“No. No.” If he kept denying it, then it wouldn’t be true. Right? “She couldn’t- she wouldn’t just leave. Not like this. She promised. As long as there was danger, she would stay. Here. Where I could protect her. She wouldn’t….” Unless you saw a way out. What possible way that could be, Luhan couldn’t even fathom.
“We don’t know if she left on her own accord,” Yixing said. “For all we know, she could still-”
“She could still be out there.” The possibility hit him like a fast moving train.
Spinning on his heels, he ran out of the room and down the stairs, all the way to the kitchen where he burst through the back door. The others were right on his heels, hollering for him to stop or slow down, but there was no way he would listen.
“(y/n)! (y/n)!” He called out for you as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.
There was no moon in the sky, making his search even more difficult. He continued to yell out your name, pausing every once in a while to listen for you to call back. But there was no reply. No response of any kind.
Pain seared in Luhan’s side which stopped him in his tracks. He clutched his side as he fell to his knees in a sad attempt to push away the pain. He needed to keep going, but his wound wouldn’t allow him.
“Luhan!” Yixing was by his side, hands on his shoulders to help steady his friend. “What is it?”
“It’s nothing,” Luhan grunted as he gently pushed the doctor away. He struggled to get to his feet, staggering enough that Yixing had to catch him. Looking at Yixing in desperation, he whispered, “She wouldn’t have just left. Not without a good reason. Someone might have taken her or-”
“If someone did take her, you can’t help her like this,” Yixing scolded, although his sympathy was more than apparent. Hooking an arm around his shoulders, he took on most of Luhan’s weight and headed back towards the house where everyone was waiting. “Rest. We’ll keep looking while you do.”
“I don’t know how you expect me to sleep,” Luhan grumbled.
Yixing sighed, knowing it was a hopeless battle. With his current state of mind, Luhan wouldn’t be able to sleep. That required shutting off and once he was wound up like this, his brain going off in every possible direction and coming up with every possible scenario of what he could do to find you again, that wasn’t an option. Lying in bed just staring up at the ceiling would do more harm than good.
“How about we compromise?” Yixing offered. “We’ll gather in the library and collaborate on what to do next there. But you have to stay in the chair and not work yourself up, okay? And if your body tells you to go to sleep, you at least try. Got it?”
Luhan didn’t want to agree to the conditions, but it was better than being locked in his room – which was an option he didn’t put passed his old friend.
“Fine,” he mumbled with a sigh just as soon as they reached the others.
Tao smirked, having heard a majority of the conversation. “To the library then?”
Luhan nodded and they headed inside.
Unlike most of the mobster movies he’d seen in his life, Luhan did not have that large, over-the-top library with hundreds of books lining the walls around the room. He had no need for so many novels and he wasn’t interested in the aesthetics of such a room. Really, this place was like a second study, a little bigger than his usual meeting room, but no grander or more luxurious.
They spent about an hour in there, bouncing ideas off each other of what could have made you leave or who might have taken you. Kris checked all his leads in the police stations, but no one had any record of you being picked up or held anywhere in the city. Nor were they able to find any mysterious last minute bookings among the busses or planes going out of the city. Luhan didn’t think you would be dumb enough to use your actual name, especially if you were getting help or forced to leave.
Knock, knock, knock.
“Sir?” Xiaofei peeked his head in cautiously.
Narrowing his eyes, Luhan immediately became the mafia boss he always was before you came into his life. “What is it?”
Still half-hiding behind the door, Xiaofei held up a tan office envelope. “This was dropped off at one of the warehouses thirty minutes ago.”
Tao stomped up to the door, snatched the envelope out of the underling’s hand and slammed the door in his face.
Yixing raised an eyebrow after exchanging a look with the female doctor whose name Luhan had still yet to learn. “Was that entirely necessary?”
“For Xiaofei? Yes.” With his finger, Tao tore open the envelope and slid out a single piece of paper. As he took in the contents of the paper, his face fell from its typical snark into one of distress.
“What?” Luhan tried to get up from the chair, but Kris kept him down with one hand. “What is it?”
Without saying anything, Tao turned the glossy paper around to reveal the picture on the other side.
It was of a person, tied to a chair, their hands behind their back and a blindfold over their eyes. Even with part of their face covered, he knew exactly who was behind held hostage and taunted before him.
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julictcapulet · 4 years
( FIX ) for monty & lucille 👀
SEDUCTION STARTERS. written for @rosecolore-d <3 yes i did listen to mirrorball at least six times while writing this :)
( FIX ) Fixing or straightening my mine’s clothes.
Everything about the ball was wonderful except the amount of people whispering about Fred’s absence.
Lucille stood at the edges of the crowd, watching the couples dancing across the floor, pretending like she couldn’t hear the other guests making assumptions and drawing their own conclusions as to why Fred wasn’t present tonight, and more importantly, why Lucille had come without him when everyone knew they were seconds away from a proper engagement.
She hadn’t danced a single dance that night, nor had she done much more than make a circle or two around the room, socializing with the girls she knew were friendly and the few who were genuine enough to ignore the gossip about her. The truth of it was, Lucille wasn’t sure why Fred wasn’t here tonight and the only notice she had been given was a note from him saying that he wouldn’t be in attendance. Had their relationship not been so well-known, Lucille wouldn’t have felt so nervous to attend the ball tonight, but when people saw her, they assumed Fred wouldn’t be far behind, and when he wasn’t, it became strange. Not exactly suspicious, but out of place. There was, of course, a part of her that wondered if Fred would be angry with her when he heard that she’d gone without him, but she quickly brushed it aside and blamed it on her own paranoia from the whispers. He wasn’t mean in the slightest—if anything, he would invite her to tell him all about it on a carriage ride through the country.
The approach of Emmett Montgomery shouldn’t have come as much of a surprise as it did, but Lucille had never quite gotten used to him. “Alone tonight?” he asked in greeting.
Lucille shifted her gaze towards him and offered a smile. “Fred won’t be here tonight, unfortunately. But I wouldn’t miss out on a ball.”
There was a familiarity between them that never faded, nor did Lucille want it to. She didn’t feel uncomfortable standing beside him, nor tense. Only all too aware of his presence next to her. Because that was how it had always been. Monty had always been such a steady fixture in her life since childhood and he had never once inspired a feeling close to discomfort. But she’d never been able to forget that he was there. Not in the same way as Katherine, who would never let you forget she was in the room. Rather, she had always been so attuned to him that it was impossible not to notice.
It didn’t take much time before the two of them moved away from the main ballroom. In one of the smaller rooms, a pretty girl who couldn’t have been much older than Lucille herself was playing the piano, and they settled near the back wall, allowing the music to serve as background noise to their whispered conversation.
It was much like old times, back in the Howard estate where they would invite Monty over for days on end and he would do nothing but make up games on the spot with her sisters and somehow find a spot for each of them. Sophia would often serve as a moderator and make sure no one cheated, while Elizabeth and Katherine fought over which of them would take on the role of leader no matter the game. Lucille would always vouch for Elizabeth, and Anna would sit to the side, spectating with sharp eyes until she felt she grasped the rules well enough to join.
Except now there were no games. There was rarely any laughter like what there used to be, either. Now, it was Lucille and Monty sitting in two mismatched chairs that were placed very close together, and they were miles and countries and continents away from her family, and time was passing by because didn’t it always when she was with him?
It was only when the crowd standing in front of them broke out into applause that they looked up. A different woman had been playing the piano for some time now, but Lucille didn’t recall her coming in. She wondered how much time had passed.
“Don’t you think the other ladies have missed your company?” Monty asked.
Lucille shrugged her shoulders. “Possibly. I should be getting back.”
“You sound very excited about that.”
“Don’t make fun. Not everyone gets to sneak off and gamble and drink without any consequences.”
With that, she stood up and waited for him to do the same. A part of her wondered if the other ladies had in fact missed her company, or if they had continued on like nothing was amiss. The latter seemed more likely, in all honesty, but Lucille didn’t feel any remorse over the fact. She wanted to bring the attention back to their conversation, but she didn’t want to seem like she was desperate for his company. Truthfully, if she couldn’t have his company now, she would rather leave right now. Without anyone to dance with, the night was wasted, and if coming alone was enough to start gossip, dancing with anyone but Fred when he wasn’t around would surely cause a fresh wave of whispering.
Lucille made it to the door of the music room before she turned around to face Monty, standing right behind her. “Are you going back?” she asked. “To the ball?”
“Probably not. It’s not the most interesting night?”
“Going to find something more interesting, then?” Lucille wasn’t even sure what she was insinuating, but she wanted to see Monty shake his head. He gave her no answer at all, and her shoulders tensed. “I think I’ll be going home, then. I’m rather tired.”
It was nothing more than manners for him to offer to walk her back to her carriage, if he was going back to his own as well. Walking through the courtyard was a silent affair, and though it remained comfortable, Lucille wished they hadn’t left that room. She wished they remained inside, where no one would bother them and they could continue passing time like it didn’t matter.
“Miss Howard,” Monty said with an exaggerated air as they approached her carriage, and Lucille rolled her eyes.
“I hate when you call me that,” she told him, curling one hand over the side. “It’s not right.”
“So what is? Lucianna?”
She fell silent, letting the sound of her full name hang in the air between them. It was late and the sky was dark, but she still hoped he couldn’t see her expression. She wanted to hear him say it again. She didn’t dare ask.
He didn’t wait for her to answer. “Lucy?” he continued, raising one eyebrow. “Does that sound right?” he asked.
Yes, she wanted to say, it did. She never wanted him to call her Lucille again, only Lucianna or Lucy, the two names she had claimed for herself and yet never heard from anyone except her family. But she couldn’t find the words.
Monty didn’t seem to notice the war she was having with herself. “Can I pass by the hotel tomorrow? I’d like to say hi to your aunt.”
Lucille gathered herself well enough to roll her eyes. “She doesn’t like you.”
“Of course she does. Come, I’ll help you up.”
She allowed him to take her hand to help her in the carriage, the hem of her gown getting tangled around her feet. Without hesitation, Monty pulled himself up next to her and easily righted the twisted fabric with his free hand. “Don’t trip,” he told her.
She pulled her hand from his as if it burned her and sat down. “Don’t fall,” she replied, pointedly looking away from him.
For a moment, she could have sworn he looked as if he wanted to say something else, but he closed his mouth and hopped back down onto the ground. He didn’t stay, only began walking to his own carriage.
Lucille sat back and brought her hands to her lap, trying to will herself into forgetting about tonight before Monty came to visit tomorrow. “We can go now,” she told the driver, and didn’t speak for the rest of the night.
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titancss-blog · 6 years
Semi -hiatus coming!
Hi guys! For starters thank you so much for showing interest in my blog njknsjkldf I’m so close to 300+ followers so thank you so much c’: I love you all and I’m so thankful for every interaction with people’s muses so just a shoutout to all my new people and people that have been here since day one thank you for letting me be myself , interact with your muses , message you and fangirl on discord and tumblr IM. It’s been such a blast so far .
But I have some big news -- I’m currently en route to travel for a gig with my band c’: yes I sing and I’m very excited about it. So for the next week starting tomorrow from Monday July 16th - Monday July 23rd I will be touring and on the move so I won’t be as active with my replies. I will be off my semi-hiatus when I am back home on Tuesday July 24th and will respond to as many things as I can that I have missed in the meantime then! I’ma try and get all my replies done tonight so my drafts aren’t overflowing too much when I get back. Eeee!!!! :’D
Thank you guys! You rock and I hope you have a wonderful day today cause positive reminder that you are amazing and can do anything you dream up 
June <3
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Birthday Ficlet Part #3
Alternately Titled: Wait For It
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a/n: hi hi hiiiiiiiiiii!! And now we reach the final part of Marshall’s Birthday Fic Trilogy. This one mainly features @nathaniel-schreave , so thank you so much Claire for the RP!! Also, I forgot to thank @victoria-seaberg and @ladyaadamaier in my last post for coming to the party sooooo Thank you guys!!!! Making this a short author’s note so yeeeeeet. (also, you guys probably might notice that I’ve been using lyrics from Hamilton, so kinda would like to mention that they’re nice accompaniments to their respective fics lol) Anyways, Happy New Year’s Eve from my timezone to yours! Hope you enjoy! (3799 words)
“Woah… Ah.. Hi!” I greet, surprised to be seeing Natalie Nate at the door. It was getting late, and I wasn’t really expecting him to make an appearance tonight.
“Hey, happy birthday. I wasn’t sure what to get you so I kinda just guessed and got you this.” Nate greets as he hands me the poorly wrapped box. “Sorry about the wrapping, it’s not my best skill.” he adds.
“Wow!” I try to avoid eye contact for a second, feeling flattered by his gesture. “Thank you so much!”
This felt oddly… different, the whole receiving so many gifts thing- I mean. I try to shrug off the distinct feeling, focusing my attention on inspecting Nate’s wrapping skills. It wasn’t the worst I’ve seen, that honor belonged to my sister.  “The wrapping's not that bad, give yourself a break.”
He flashes me a look that seems to suspect my patronization, “a 5 year old could’ve done better.”
A small chuckle escapes my lips, “You're not used to wrapping gifts?”
“Nope, not a thing I have to do often.”
Of course he didn’t have to wrap gifts often, there were probably people who did that for him… but I’m surprised to know that he did take the time to wrap mine.
“I'm flattered that you took the time to wrap mine though.” I smirk, it was a thoughtful gesture.
“I’m not sure you’ll want to be flattered over that, anyway enough about the wrapping what’s happening in here?” Nate tries to catch a glimpse of the festivities happening inside, and I step aside to give him a better view.
“Truth or Dare, and a number of people that I theorize have had too much alcohol.” I answer with an amused tone, no way was I drinking tonight, but it was pretty funny to see everyone fool around as effect of the alcohol in their systems. 
“That’s what happens at parties.” He laughs and I laugh with him, then shaking my head disapprovingly.
“I wouldn't really know what happens at a party,honestly.” I shrug my shoulders, “But would you... want to come in...? Have some cake?”
“Yeah,” he agrees, stepping inside to get a full view of the party. “wow like all the girls are here.” he comments as everyone greets him and waves.
“I was just surprised as you were when Venus brought me here,” I shrug as we make our way to the cake.
“But everyone was sober and you weren’t walking in in the middle of truth or dare…” Nate jokingly replies with a laugh.
I snap my fingers and point to him, “Good point… so,” I say reaching the table, “Can I interest you with a slice of cake made by the talented Clara Éclair?”
Nate catches up to me, “Oh of course.”
“Here you go.” I say as hand him one of the plates that already had a slice of cake with a fork on it.
“Oh my gosh, just as good as the other one. I seriously don’t know how bakers do it.” Nate comments after taking his first bite.
“Baking is the closest thing we have to wizardry.” I laugh at his reaction, relating to how much I appreciated the cake- it was glorious.
“true, very true” he mumbles as he continues to dig into the slice of cake.
“So…” I start off, trying to make more conversation (I know, that’s a surprise even to me) “…how's your day been?”
I mentally face palm myself for using the worst conversation starter. Well, it’s not the worst to me, it’s actually something I would like to be asked every now and then- but I mentally berate myself for the lack of substance in my question.
“It’s been pretty well, how’s yours?”
“Well, you can guess that the day has been pretty eventful from this party alone.” I gesture to the girls still having a go at truth or dare.
“True.” he agrees looking to the group.
“I bet that you don't typically spend your birthdays like this…”
“Not really, my mom likes birthdays to just be family.”
“Really?” I raise my eyebrows, “So it's just you and your family together?”
Nate nods before giving his explanation, “the whole family together is always... something. Like I had to have a party for all the board members, other royals and important people of society because it was my 20th birthday and right before the selection. But my mom decides the actually birthday to just family, it’s really nice actually.”
“Huh, I remember watching a broadcast of that party- there was waaaay too many people for a party…” I remember watching that Report with the Bullets back in Fort Hamilton, when I was just a second lieutenant and my friends were still based in Illea, when everything was completely different.
I continue after being caught up in my thoughts for a second, “…but I guess that's the way things are for the Schreave's golden boy. It sounds nice that you got to spend your birthday with your family.”
A pang of jealousy strikes me at the thought of how united Nate’s family seemed, how it seemed like everyone really valued each other as member of the family, how stable they all were. I wanted that.
“Oh the golden boy?” he raises his eyebrow questioningly at me.
“You technically are their golden boy. Eldest son... heir to the throne... need I say more of your titles?” I explain to him smirking. Golden boy was just a nickname that naturally came to me, it described him perfectly quite honestly. He was golden.. That would have been a nice call sign if he were a pilot- though I’m pretty sure that the guards used something else when referring to him for security details.
“Oh I’ve heard Illeas Sweetheart from another selected,” he adds in good humor. 
“Ah yes, Illea's Sweetheart- and let's not forget ‘Nate the ideal Mate’.” I respond, remembering a magazine cover I had saw laying on one of the tables on the library, I found that title hilarious- though probably not completely disagreeable.
Nate rolls his eyes, “who could forget that one.”
“Everyone basically loves you- hence... ‘Golden Boy’.” I reason with a laugh, it was like he was a compliment magnet.
“Thanks,” he laughs.
“Don't let it all get to your head though” I smirk, “You'll lose your charm.”
“You do realize this isn’t the first time I’ve heard those names.” Nate claire-ifies with me. ((Love you Claire <3 Don’t kill me for this pun))
“Of course... a guy like you? You probably hear that on a daily basis.” I muse.
“I’d say more weekly. But yes.”
“Weekly basis... how oddly specific!” I raise my eyebrow. Did he actually keep track?
“Interviews…” he explains further.
“Ahhhh... I get it.” I nod in amusement, still adding a teasing tone in my voice.
“What! I have to do them..” Nate exclaims, probably trying to clear his own reputation to me, and I’m trying not to laugh too much.
“Of course, because you're the golden boy.” I tease, enjoying using the new nickname.
“Okay you can stop it with the names now” he declares and I relent my name tirade.
“Okay okay..” I jokingly raise my hands in defeat, “Enough about being the golden boy…” I couldn’t resist using it one last time and it earns me a glare from Nate that makes me snicker a little.
“How are you holding up with the ball?” I ask while making sure to change the topic and avoid the temptation of calling him another nickname.
Nate shrugs, “I’m fine, it’s one of those things where you have to just be there. You can’t prepare yourself for it.”
“Lady Collette's been saying the same thing- doesn't stop her telling us every single bit of etiquette we should practice throughout the entire thing.”
“She takes her job... very seriously” Nate agrees.
“She does... she should consider an alternate career as a drill sergeant though, she'd fit right in.”
“I’ll let her know,” he winks at me jokingly.
“She does a good job though... teaching us stuff. I've definitely improved my ability to ‘glide through the dance floor like a swan on a lake’.” I explain, putting air quotations as I use the same description as Lady Collette often mentioned during practices.
“Oh is that what you’re supposed to do?” Nate exagerates with mock surprise, “I do more of a graceful elephant dancing on ice.” he smirks before chuckling.
“I'm pretty sure that elephants on ice still have a chance to be incredibly graceful.” I counter, though laughing with him. I’d pay good money to see his impression of graceful elephant dancing on ice tomorrow at the ball.
“Yeah okay. Are you all ready for tomorrow night?”
“Ready as I'll ever be,” I nod. “Well, I'm mentally preparing myself for all those... people that are gonna be there.”
It’s not that I hated people, I just felt overwhelmed by big groups of people and trying to not make a fool out of myself in front of all of them. Big groups of people always made it more difficult to observe things.
“It’s really only going to be the girls, guards, royal family and maybe a couple of board members. Nothing too crazy.” Nate reasons out, and I admit that it helps ease me.
“Nothing too crazy- yeah.” I try to shake my head, shaking off the unease. I shouldn’t be scared of some ball.
“Seriously they aren’t that bad. If anything they are boring. Unless all the girls get drunk,” Nate points to the girls, “which it seem like they might.”
I laugh, “I doubt it would be boring tomorrow but ... I wouldn't want to see everyone else get drunk. Some of us need to be the responsible adults.” I kinda felt the need to make sure everyone didn’t drink too much for tonight, it was my party afterall (well, it was hosted by Vee- but as the reason for the party, I felt the responsibility to make sure everyone was okay)
“It’ll happen, I’m betting it now.” Nate amusingly declares.
“And what would you exactly wage that all the girls would get drunk tomorrow?” I raise my eyebrow questioningly at him, surprised in the confidence of his statement.
“First of all I never said all of them. But at least…” Nate looks at the group, “7 of them. If 7 or more girls get drunk you owe me…”
I interrupt him with a scoff, “depends on what you'd be interested in getting from this…”
What he would want from me did intrigue me, honestly.
“Well how about this, if you win I can get you out of one day of lessons.” Nate offers with a raised eyebrow. One day off lessons, I’d love that- a day with no lesson or anything.
Now, I needed to offer my own proposal of what I’d do if I’d lose this bet. I didn’t have anything great to offer in exchange for that one day of freedom from lessons, and I doubt that Nate would be interested in getting flight lessons from me. Every action has its equal opposite reaction, and bets often worked that way too- with that I decide on my punishment in case I lose the bet (decide while mentally kicking myself, of course).
“Fine, if 7 or more girls get drunk… I will…” I roll my eyes at how stupid this was going to sound, “get as drunk as they are.”
“Seriously?” Nate raises his eyebrow in surprise.
“I'm serious,” I reply, looking him straight in the eye to prove it. “Unless you're interested in anything else?”
“Nope, I’m fine with you getting drunk. Deal?” he extends his hand out in front of him. Now or never, Marshall- the bet has been made, no backing out now.
I take his hand and shake it firmly, I’ll be damned if I backed out of a bet. “I can't believe my dignity is riding on everyone else's sobriety tomorrow.”
“No telling the girls about this. That’s unfair.” Nate adds in a serious tone.
“I'll play fair, your highness- don't sweat it.” I smirk. Scout’s Soldier’s honor.
“I’m not losing anything. It’s a win either way for you.” Nate smirks back at me before continuing, “but really you could get out of lessons. I wished for those days as a child.” he shares.
“I wish for them everyday,” I reply laughing earning me Nate’s accompanying laughter. As much as future queen duties were fascinating (well, not fascinating to me, but I’m sure that the other girls were fascinated), I often wondered what it was like for the king, the allocations for military budgets and resources, collaborating with the best generals for the country’s military strategy (a job my father briefly had served under here in Angeles)- a part of me was interested in knowing what it was like to handle those responsibilities, and an idea pops into my head.
“One more condition- If I get out of lessons, I want to spend it seeing what you actually do as a prince.”
I know Nate didn’t have the heavy load of tasks, seeing that he was still a monarch in training, but it was something different and maybe more of my speed and pay grade.
“Um…” he pauses to think for a moment.
“I’d have to ask my dad, but it’s also my dad so he’ll probably say yes, unless we have some big secret plan going on.” he smirks jokingly at me. “But you are mostly just going to be sitting there watching me do paperwork.”
“I'd take paperwork over sitting and getting lectured on the dos and don'ts for princesses-in-training.” It was all getting unnecessarily repetitive, honestly- a change in course topic would be refreshing.
“Okay then. It’s boring.” Nate mutters.
“Ahhh the burden of being royalty…” I say as I take a look at my watch to check the time.
12:07 AM
“Whoa, It's already Christmas morning.”
“Is it?” Nate proceeds to check his watch, “hm... it is. Well Merry Christmas.” he smiles.
“Merry Christmas, Natalie.” I smile back at him, leaning against the wall.
Nate rolls his eyes, “Another nick name from our very own Michelle.”
“Get used to it- Natalie's growing on me,” I laugh, “Or would you prefer Golden Boy?”
“Natalie is just fine.” he replies in exasperation.
Now that I knew it was Christmas day, a part of me wondered if Santa would show up in the palace bringing everyone gifts… gifts.. GIFTS! Speaking of gifts…
“So Natalie, On the topic of Christmas... how about you come with me for a while?” I ask, making my way to Vee’s door.
“Uh... sure…” he replies in a slightly confused tone as he follows me.
I lead him across the hallway, “We're just headed to my room across the hall, don't worry.”
“I wasn’t worried, more confused” he mutters.
“Let me spell it out: I'm getting your Christmas gift- hold on.” I open my door and leave the door open, “You can come in if you want.”
“Okay” he says as he walks right behind me, “what a nice room.” he comments.
“Thanks, I like to keep everything organized.” Well, it was a force of habit after living all those years in military school.
I open my closet and search for the present I had just wrapped a while ago after I picked it up from Shipka, who handled the mail. Ah, there it is. I pull out the small box.
“This just came in the mail today.” I explain as I walk up to him.
“I’m guessing that’s for me…” Nate wonders out loud.
“Indeed it is,” I offer him the present, “Merry Christmas.”
He accepts the box and starts to unwrap it, “You do know you didn’t have to get me something.”
“Nah, I figured that I wanted to get you something.” I shrug, if only he knew the day-long internal debate it took to figure that out.
“I asked Jace what you might want... and he said guitar picks and I know that you're a Potterhead from the others so... yeah I figured these.” I look down, trying to not make much eye contact- I wasn’t sure he was going to like the Harry Potter-themed guitar picks, “would be something you'd like.”
Despite my eyes downturned, I manage to see shock come across his expression before he smiles,“Wow, these are really cool. Oh my, thank you.”
“Yeah, I made sure to get a set.. cause I know that they're pretty easy to lose so yeah..” I laugh, trying to shake off my nerves- honestly, I shouldn’t be nervous, but I am and it building up inside of me. “Hope you like them.”
“I really do, thank you. Can I give you a hug...?” he says, and I’m surprised to hear him asking me that. Did he notice how I wasn’t the most comfortable with physical closeness? I’m astonished to say the least. Nate was beginning to earn more of my trust.
I rub my neck, thinking about it. I wouldn’t mind it… anymore. A hug felt like a nice thing to have right now.
“Yeah, sure.” I agree, opening my arms to him.
In a split second, I feel my nerves ease as he wraps his arms around me. It’s a sudden silence and heat that comforts me, the kind that made my heart leap. Being this close to him makes me realize how warm he was to hold, and I wouldn’t have minded basking in his heat a little longer.
“Thank you,” Nate gives me a one side smile as we break apart, and a part of me instantly misses his warmth. But the two of us resume that comfortable distance away from each other, and I’m thankful that it doesn’t feel awkward.
“I feel like I should be thanking you,” I laugh, pushing my hair behind my ear before I put my hands behind my back.
“You have no idea how worried I was if you'd like the gift or not.” I explain to him.
Nate laughs, “They literally are my two favorite things.”
“Good to know that I didn't mess up.” I smile, I’ve always liked getting people the right gifts, Nate was no different.
“Now I feel like my leggings weren’t good enough.” he shakes his head.
“What? No! I'd probably use them as much as I can.” The leggings Nate gave a while ago was actually really pretty (and they were navy blue too)
“Okay good” Nate lets out a sigh of relief.
I pat his shoulder reassuringly, “ I like them a lot, trust me.”
He flashes another infectious smile, and I’m starting to realize how much time we’ve spent away from the party. I check my watch and confirm my realization.
“We should be headed back to Vee's room... or I should at least be back at my own party.” I tell him, taking a step back from him and towards the door.
“Maybe, you are the guest of honor.” He replies.
“Duty calls,” I laugh. “Thank you for visiting the party, by the way.” I turn to him as we start walking to my door, “Too bad that you missed Taylor Swift.”
“No problem, happy birthday and now merry Christmas.” he says walking with me.
“You too Natalie,” I open the door for the two of us and walk out into the hallway with him.
“Have fun at your party. Tell all the girls bye for me,” Nate waves as I watch him walk away before going back inside Vee’s room and catch some of the girls still having a go at Truth or Dare where we continued to laugh and have fun throughout the entire night and into the morning.
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castawxayaway · 7 years
​thanks to the anon who requested fluff, you ask and I deliver. 
oh and I posted yesterday that after sunday I won’t be writing til July due to exams coming up very soon and lots of deadlines. so if you have a request please ask now rather than wait etc :) 
Life often throws challenges at you, some come in the form of accidents, money, relationships etc. But for me, mine came in the form of my flatmate skipping out on me leaving just about enough rent for the next two months and a letter or to be more accurate a note- 'off with Jamie to New Zealand, hope this'll do, nice knowing ya x'
That was it. After just under two years of being room mates, sure we weren't that close but I thought we had a substantial room mate vibe going on. Jamie's not a bad guy, she could do a lot worse. On the plus side I won't have to listen to them going at it like wired rabbits at 1-3 nearly every morning.
Unsure what to do I collapse down on the sofa and ring the one person who knows what to do in any form of situation: my trusted mum. After half an hour of comments on how she never liked my ex roommate and how I could do better than her (which felt as if I had told her I’d gone through a breakup) I was well advised to put an advert up. The following afternoon having only been awake half an hour, since I had the luxury of not being disturbed all night I embraced the quiet, rather than moans I sat down in front of my laptop and began to write my advert.
Roughly four hours later I received multiple responses, most of which were men asking to film ‘entertainment’ videos online- to which I gladly declined. I continued to search through the responses for a while until I finally found one who actually filled the form out in full, giving serious answers. Smiling at the sight of the description I immediately typed out a reply, asking to meet them tomorrow. Once I had sent it I relaxed into the sofa, only to glance around and see how much of a pigsty the place had become.
The next day the flat was spotless, I had sprayed far too much febreze to maintain consciousness but it didn’t matter, first impressions were what mattered the most. A light knock motioned that he was here, the time to put the face to the description and name. Opening the door I had a prepared smile, but as I saw him it faltered. How can a man have all of these qualities, and handsome? Somehow he managed it, effortlessly.
Tortoise rimmed glasses perched on the end of his nose, distorting those bright blue eyes, the colour I’d think back to as summer growing up with a touch of the unknown. He lowered his head as he pulled out a scrap of paper, muttering my name in a question. We both remained quiet as I welcomed him in, his eyes observing the open space through the doorway separating two ways to the bedrooms and bathroom. 
We sat down, opposite each other separated by my glass table, neatly organised piles of books and marble coasters. The continuous silence between us was unnerving and being the one in charge I spoke up, asking a series of questions to which he answered honestly and with a good sense of humour. It was going well, until I could hear my Mum’s most requested question blurt out of my mouth, “So are you in a relationship?” The confused blind look he wore in his eyes at my question, he didn’t respond, instead just remained flustered. “I like knowing in advance so I can purchase noise cancelling headphones.” 
His response was what sold it, the reason he now lives in the room opposite mine approximately 56 steps away. He leant forward, resting his elbows on his thighs, “If I ever do, I’ll buy you them myself.” 
“Dan?!” Yelling from my room I sit upside down, a pair of heavy feet approach me and I hear an exasperated sigh. 
In front of me he knelt down, raising an eyebrow. “Why am I not even surprised.” He joked and joined me, the two of us sitting upside down in silence. “Everything alright?” Turning my head to look at him I chuckled at the sight of his hair hanging down, just brushing the floor like a mop. 
“I’m not sure what to do about tonight.” Groaning I sit back up, letting the blood rush away from my head. Within a second Dan sits opposite me, clearly comfortable amongst my assortment of cushions. 
Closing his eyes he stayed quiet as the dizziness passed him by. “Well for starters you’re coming out with me and the guys.” He nudged me with a goofy grin, his eyes reflecting joy. 
“But I’m so tired, I didn’t get in until 4 last night.” I exclaim and collapse down into my soft pillows. 
Lying there staring at the artex I feel a change in weight, Dan lies next to me and pokes my nose. “It’ll be a few hours, some drinks.” He tries to convince me. “I mean, what’s the worst that could happen.” 
If I knew what would go down, I’m not entirely sure if I’d thank him for convincing me or punch him or making me join him. Probably both.
“Fine I’ll go.” He punches the air in success and rolls off of the bed, nearing the door. “But just a few drinks, okay?” I yell as he hovers in the doorway, waving me off and leaving me to get ready. 
Walking down to the bar the faint sound of music brought back fond memories. The first time all of our friends met, all of us bonding and getting drunk together. I remember vaguely stroking Kyles beard and wanting to plait it, unfortunately that never happened. “Like old times, isn’t it?” I speak up as I wrap my arms around his, resting my head on his shoulder as we walk. 
“Yeah, it is isn’t it?” He glances down to me and smiles, the same smile he wore when I first met him. The same smile he gives me whenever I wake up and wander into the main space, stagger towards the kitchen.
As the two of us walk inside immediately we hear cheers, turning to our left Kyle stands on a table in a half empty bar clearly pissed before we had a chance to join. “If it isn’t the love birds.” He slurs his words as Woody tries to force him down with little luck. 
Will walks over to us, offering to buy a round which we gladly accept, I mean it’s just one drink right? Wrong, it was several. 
Unable to stand without support me and Kyle continued to laugh at the most stupid things, Dan was in a different booth as he was in a marginally better state than I was. “So you know, like you two.” He raised his eyebrows to me to which I just stared at. 
Taking a swig of my drink I shook it off, “You know we’re just friends, always have been.” I flap my hands about in front of his face. “He is not my lobster.” Doing the same action as best as I can that Phoebe did he just chuckles, lowering my hands on my behalf. 
“But you two are like a couple without admitting or having sex. You’re the emotional stuff without the active stuff.” I shook my head as he tried to convince me otherwise. Looking over to Dan he was facing me, that smile on his face amongst the two day stubble which I secretly prefered. 
As he turned away and his attention went back to a friend the smile disappeared, “Ah.” Kyle muttered in my ear. “Now you see the smile?” Chuckling I began to gather my senses, “And the penny drops?” 
“Has he always done that?” I exclaim louder than intended and he nods in response. “Right then.” Flipping my hair out of my face I go to stand up and walk over, but as I go to stand a sudden realisation hits me as I’m land on my ass. I haven’t stood up in an hour and drank too much. 
As I sat staring up Kyle remained in full laughter whilst I saw a pair of beaten up converse in front of me. “Come on you.” He muttered helping me up. 
Resting my hands on his shoulders his relaxed at my waist. As I stared at him I could see how blue his eyes were under the off lights, how they quickly moved analysing mine. “Are we going home now?” I yawn loudly. 
“I think that’s wise.” He laughs lightly and helps me out. Waving back to Kyle he just points at us, then does the lobster making me smile. 
Walking home the bitter air bites at my exposed skin, shivering I can feel the effects of the booze wear off slightly. The two of us walk in silence as Dan keeps his arm around my waist, hugging me close even though it isn’t necessary. 
Reaching our front door he fiddles with the keys and the door creaks, swinging open. As I stumble in after him I silently dance around, kicking my shoes off and releasing the few clips holding my hair up. Dan watches with a smile on his face as I dance along to the echos of my giggles, holding a hand out I nod whilst he shakes his head. “I’m not taking no for an answer tonight, Smith.” Reaching out I grab his hand but he pulls me close to him. 
The mood instantly changes. I can hear a soft piano playing as I bore into his eyes, the rippling innocence amongst the care. “I’d be lost without you.” He mutters as I blink, then rest my head in the crook of his neck. The faint smell of the aftershave I got him as a Christmas present as his stubble scratches my jawline. 
“I’d be homeless. Or worse, living with my parents again.” I joke resulting in a light laugh to sound, his shoulders rising and falling gently. 
Lifting my head up my eyes lock with his, the two of us pause. The piano begins to fade, the faint melody rising. Glancing between his eyes and lips neither of us stop, my lips meet his as if it were meant to be. 
Groaning I struggle to open my eyes or move, as I try to lift my arm I can feel something stopping it, preventing me from moving. That’s it, game over I thought to myself as I try and recall the events of last night. Everything is too hazy, I remember falling on my arse and sitting with Kyle; besides that, nothing. 
Taking my time I allow my eyes to adjust to the early morning light and gentle breeze scoping through the window. Looking down I can feel my eyes going wide, an arm. An arm which I see everyday, bare. My heart begins to beat faster as I try and remain calm, failing to do so. Turning as gently as I can spooning me is Dan. 
Unsure how to comprehend I lift the covers up, we are clothed thank god. Sighing in relief I can feel how tight he is hugging me, even when he is fast asleep. I take the time to focus on his sleepy face, how everything relaxes including his smile. A slight frown developing. His forehead remains hidden due to his hair hanging down in strands, unable to stop myself I lift them up, brushing them back.  
His eyes flutter open and I freeze. In seconds I fathom every outcome possible, ranging from him storming out to regretting whatever happened. He wraps his arms around me, a sleepy grin evident. “Mornin’” He mutters as a yawn escapes his lips. 
“Dan, what happened last night.” I quietly ask as I relax in his arms, inches away from his face. 
Eyes scanning mine his face drops, “You don’t remember do you?” His arms retract, leaving me feeling cold. 
“Did I make a fool of myself or something?” Concern laces my words yet he shakes his head. “We, did we do anything.” Stumbling over my thoughts and processing them his eyes flash at mine before returning to focus on the grey fabric. 
“We kissed. Then I helped you get into bed. About half an hour later you kept calling me, demanding I keep you company til you fall asleep.” He stated with little emotion and continued to avoid my gaze. 
Blinking I could hear myself, feel myself stumble in here. I vaguely recall dancing to nothing, his gentle lips on mine and then it becoming more heated, the passion rising. “We kissed.” I stated, a smile forming.
“Do, do you, regret it?” He murmurs, fiddling with the sheets to distract himself. 
Moving closer into his arms I lift his chin up, “Not a single bit.” Kissing him lightly warmth radiates through me. Pulling away he half smiles, too tired to put too much effort into it. “Well maybe getting drunk, I feel like crap.” I mutter and curl back up into his arms, wondering if I’ll ever wake up from this dream. 
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3one3 · 8 years
The Sequel - 774
Talking To Girls
André Schürrle, Juan Mata, other Chelsea and BVB players, and random awesome OC’s
(okay they’re less random now but they’re still pretty awesome)
original epic tale
all chapters of The Sequel
“You want more coffee while she’s up?” André asked the very comfortable girl using him as a lounger, who herself was serving as one for a sleeping child. The Schü Family Pile was a result of too much eating, too much cooking, and too much playing, in respect to each level in it. The biggest one put himself on the couch after his turkey dinner and declared himself too stuffed to move. Christina sat between his legs and turned him into a backrest as soon as she was done cleaning up from that dinner and putting away the leftovers, exhausted from making and serving so many dishes to so many people. The littlest one tried to persevere through his impending tryptophan coma to play basketball but eventually walked over to the corner of the couch and asked for a lift. Even the dogs were passed out.
“No thank you,” the rider yawned. I won’t be able to sleep if I have more coffee and then I’ll be tired tomorrow and tomorrow is Boxing Day football! I’m too excited for that to ruin it being cranky, she reasoned. Plus we’re going to Juan’s for dinner and that’s going to take forever, and there will be tons of people there, and Tay Tay’s parents, and I’m going to have like...a whole balancing act to perform between Juan’s parents treating me like the daughter-in-law they want and keeping that from boyfriend, and Taylor, and... You know, this dinner is going to be more complicated than I initially anticipated. Suddenly there was a vignette in her head in which she chatted and laughed with Juan’s mom about old times or something while Taylor and André poured each other drinks and glared with intense indignation and Juan avoided making eye contact with the author’s parents.
“Why are the Die Hard movies considered Christmas movies?” Melanie asked from the middle of the couch. She was on her back with her head on Rafa’s lap, and Christina’s cashmere blanket. “They show them a hundred times during the holidays.”
“They take place at Christmastime,” her dad pointed out. He had the other corner of the couch and looked remarkably similar in posture to André despite not having two other people between his legs. “The bad guys brought their guns into the airport in gift-wrapped boxes, remember?”  
“Pay better attention,” André chirped. His mom handed him a full glass of water from behind the couch, and Christina eyed it suspiciously.
“If you drink that after the giant cup of coffee you’re gonna have to pee in 5 minutes and that means I have to get up and that means Luke has to get up and do you understand how much we don’t want to get up?” she asked, borderline disgruntled. Her body was virtually asleep already except for her mouth and the hand rubbing her son’s head. He was drooling on her. And it wasn’t so much that she was so comfortable and sedate that she couldn’t fathom having to evacuate her spot, but that she’d been waiting for Lukas to give her the time of day since he got up that morning. He was way more into toys and wrapping paper, breakfast, playing, seeking attention from his aunt, uncle, and grandparents, throwing handfuls of mashed potatoes from his highchair onto the floor for the dogs, trying to climb into his wagon so that he could reach the ornaments on the Christmas tree, and attempting to disappear out of sight of whoever was supposed to be watching him because his new thing was that he didn’t want anyone to see when he was pooping in his diaper. He had to hide somewhere, and then he tried to pretend like it didn’t bother him that his diaper was full and he could go back to playing, but it was only a matter of minutes before the mess became deeply upsetting and he presented himself to an adult with an unhappy frown and pleading eyes on the verge of tears. Christina was usually that adult, and she just wanted some time with him besides changing his diaper.
She considered it some kind of miraculous blessing that she could look at him and not just think about what would happen to him if his parents split, or if she never got herself back on track. Those issues and all the ones related to them dominated so much of her headspace that she expected it to infiltrate her mother/son relationship too. In fact, the consequences were what drove so much of her anxiety. Everything was perfect when Lukas came over and wanted to sit with her though. He was like insulation from all the bad things. Finally she noticed the good ones- the Christmas tree was twinkling, the fire was going, she could feel André’s stomach trying to start digesting his enormous dinner, they were all under a lovely knit blanket, she got nice presents, had pretty good sex, her new laptop was pristine and fast and delightful, she totally killed it with the turkeys, and her mind was quiet. The only improvement she could come up with was the elimination of the rest of the people in the house, but that was really nitpicking.
“Chris, are you riding tomorrow?” Rafa inquired during a commercial break, not that anyone was observing any kind of no-talking-during-the-movie rule. The men had to point out every unlikely, unrealistic, and impossible plot point.
“I should, yeah. I’m sort of waiting for an excuse to present itself though. Would you like to help? Do you have clothes with you?”
“I have everything for Mechelen, so yes.” The Italian and his wife were headed for a World Cup qualifier in Belgium on Tuesday.
“I’m sort of supposed to do Stef’s horses too, so you could help with my guys.”
“What’s wrong with Stef that she can’t ride her horses and do yours too?” André interjected. He knew Kyle had off because he worked on Christmas, but he thought the other rider should have been around to lighten the exercising load so that Christina could have another day to rest.
“She’s in Germany, for starters, and she doesn’t work for me.”
“She went home? She told Mario she didn’t have time off.”
“Oooooo,” Melanie chimed in in the manner of a class full of students when one is summoned to the principal’s office.
“I’m sure she just wanted to go see her family. They’re in the opposite end of the country. Didn’t Mario go away anyway?”
“Yes but he invited her.”
“Meh. She’s been posting photos from Munich so it’s probably not a secret,” Christina shrugged. She reached for her phone on the next cushion to show André and to verify that she wasn’t imagining things. She didn’t want to be responsible if Stefanie was trying to keep her location secret from Mario. There were a couple of texts waiting for her. One was Aidan’s return “Merry Christmas” message. There was an “all good” from Kyle about the horses being in for the night. There was also one from Juan.
“Happy Christmas! I hope everything you wanted was under your tree :) Call me tonight if you can. If not I see you tomorrow hopefully with 3 more points and another W for the streak :)”
“How come you had to text him to say you were at the door?” André asked, his voice low. He was reading over her shoulder. The penultimate message on the screen was from the night before.
“Because his cousins slept over and they were all asleep.” His wife double-tapped the Home button and swiped over to Instagram to look for Stefanie’s posts. But then Lukas started to wake up. He made a kind of gurgling sound and moved his arms, which were around Christina’s torso. He’s soooooo cute when he’s sleepy, she thought, ignoring the fact that she had a crucial decision to make, whether to allow him to fully wake up, or to rub his head or his back and hope he went back to sleep. He sat up enough to rub his little blue eyes. He looks more like Daddy every day. He’ll have the eye wrinkles. He’s all Schü. Thank god he got my ears though, she added as a qualifier while rubbing one of his ears and massaging his scalp behind it.
“Ready for bedtime, Mausi? Sleepy?” André asked him with a less delicate and tender head rub. Lukas squirmed until he was sort of on his hands and knees, and crawled up Christina’s body so that he was right at her face.
“Sleepy Mommy,” he replied with a tired sigh, much to the amusement of all the adults.
“She’s sleepy too,” his dad nodded.
“He means he wants to sleep with me, dumbass.” Christina puckered her lips at the 28lb blonde and he supplied an adorable kiss before collapsing on her chest, presumably to go back to sleeping.
“You’re going to have him calling everybody a dumbass.” Dad used two hands to shake her head.
“It would be funny if he just started calling you “dumbass”,” Melanie remarked. “Give me my juice, dumbass! Pass the ball, dumbass!”
“Tuchel has a copyright on that one,” Papa Schü chimed in. Christina cringed at the comment. That’s not nice. Don’t pick on him. One of the footballer’s hands was down at his side and she felt around for it to give it a reassuring squeeze. She didn’t like it when his dad made fun of him in ways that could be “real”. It was funny when everyone ganged up on him and made silly jokes about him missing shots or not playing, when the mood was right. To do it out of nowhere and in a manner that could be interpreted as not a joke wasn’t okay with her. André opened up his fingers so that hers would drop in between, and he held onto them.
“You should go put him down for the night while you can,” he suggested, having ignored the shots fired at him. “He’s already got the pajamas on and he’s out cold again. He won’t notice if you move him.”
“I’ll have to wake him up either way to do his teeth.”
“You could skip brushing for one night.”
“He had all that sugar today though- pancakes, candy canes, hot chocolate, stollen. It’s like a miracle he isn’t bouncing off the walls. And he wants to snuggle with me. Leave us alone. In 15 years he won’t even want to speak to me.”
“That’s nonsense. In 15 years, you’ll be the only female he can talk to,” the player snorted. “He’ll come to me and say, “Papa, I like this girl. How do I talk to her?” and I’ll say, “Fuck if I know. All I did at your age was play football. Ask your mom.” And you’ll make up some insane, complicated, cute thing for him to do for this girl but he’ll mess it up and look like a fool and he’ll come home defeated and you’ll make him a sandwich, spaghetti, and a baby greens salad and tell him the girl is a bitch anyway.”
“That is the most accurate prophecy I’ve ever heard,” the rider giggled. She tilted her head back and pushed her lips out again, and again got a Schü kiss.
“Half an hour and then bedtime for all of us. If you’re going to ride in the morning you better start early, because it’s going to take time to amass enough toys and clothing to keep him preoccupied and appropriately attired for 90 minutes of football out in the cold and then however long we’ll be at Juan’s. He needs a nice sweater or something for dinner, yeah? Or a collared shirt?”
“Yes he needs a wardrobe change between football and dinner. And we have to bring the booster seat. And the presents.” I’ve never brought him to a big dinner to dress up for before, Christina reflected. I hope he’s well behaved and that if Juan’s cousins are holy terrors that he doesn’t get any ideas. I wonder if his little bowtie still fits. I know he’s outgrown his blazer. A button-up with the bowtie and a cardigan would be cute. The big Schü will probably wear something nice to Stamford Bridge instead of jeans. They just can’t match. What am I even going to we-
“Half an hour, pretty girl.”
Mother and child got about 45 minutes before André threatened to cause an earthquake that would unseat them against their wishes. Lukas normally liked teeth brushing time. It was like a game to him. On Christmas is was an annoying chore he wanted no part of. He and his mom made a mess of his bathroom, and the fit he pitched had him so awake and alive again that it was hard to get him to go back to sleep. He was getting too big for her to be able to let him conk out in her lap when she read to him and then just pick him up and set him in the crib. She couldn’t do it smoothly anymore. He woke up, usually. Sometimes he was okay with just being put down in there and then having his story, or simply falling asleep on his own if he were tired enough. All he wanted to do that night was stay in Mommy’s lap, which made her feel quite good but was inconvenient nonetheless. André went looking for her when it seemed to take a long time to put the baby down, thinking perhaps she fell asleep in the chair too. She was just sitting with him and talking with him. Lukas didn’t have enough awareness or vocabulary yet to have a full conversation, but they could still communicate whole thoughts to one another. They were talking about love. Christina was trying to explain that the attachment he felt to his pony Dave, clutched close to his body, was love, and the companionship or friendship type of love, specifically. To illustrate the difference she had to explain her love for him too, and he listened intently, and smiled when she smiled or touched his nose or gave him a kiss. The footballer sat on the floor to listen for a while too, until his son finally gave in to his heavy eyelids and said “sleepy”, which was his way of requesting the crib.
André was obsessed with the mother/son relationship. He marveled at it. They were unbelievably close even though Christina wasn’t one of those moms who spends every minute of every day with her kid. Their communication was enviable. Lukas was smart enough to know that Daddy or “Papa”, as he preferred to be called, was the one he wanted and needed when Mommy wasn’t around, but given the choice between the two, she was who he looked for if he needed something, or he didn’t understand something. André was for fun or for safety if something was terribly frightening, like Grandpa’s sneeze attack. Christina was for everything else. The player was fine with his role. He loved his relationship with Lukas too. He knew it could never be the same as his girl’s. He just found theirs so special, and he loved to watch it in action. Most of all, he loved that she never let anything disturb it. No matter what kind of day she was having, or how busy she was, or tired, she never let it interfere with being Mom. She never even snapped at him when she was out of patience, or cranky. André was actually a little jealous of that, as he was never exempt from random or building fury. He never worried that everything she was struggling with would influence how she looked after their little one. It always made him feel good inside when his belief that she would be the best mother for his child was vindicated in a big way or even a small one. He credited her with all of the boy’s best qualities too- like his manners, his willingness to listen, and his kindness. Christina was the best person he knew, and that didn’t change with her changing fortunes. Seeing her with Lukas just proved it all the time, and made him so proud that she was his.
“Love you,” he told her with a lingering kiss and a heart full of those glowy feelings when he got into bed. The rider beat him under the covers by just seconds and hadn’t even gotten settled yet when he went in looking for her lips. He caught her in transition between sitting and turning on her side to get comfortable, and hovered on his hands and knees above. One lingering kiss became two, and then a longer, more intent liplock took over with tongues changing sides and lips moving about. Christina was taken by surprise by the commitment. It looked like an everyday goodnight kiss on approach. It landed like a special occasion kiss.
“I love you too,” she smiled as if to laugh when André withdrew his mouth from hers and used it to slowly kiss her forehead instead.
“I don’t think you understand how much I love you though, Prinzessin. You’re everything to me, even when I don’t act like it,” he explained with insistence. She straightened herself out so that she was flat on her back on the pillows underneath him, and reached under his arms and over his shoulders to encourage him to come closer and stop hovering. His hips sank down and his knees slid back.
“You’re very sweet out of nowhere. Was the turkey that good?” Christina asked without removing her hands, or letting go of her smile. His upper body has gotten so much stronger, like proportionally to the shrinking of the rest of him. His shoulders feel so much...harder? She tried to figure out what felt different hanging onto him that way, and the player with the improved gym schedule just watched her face.
“Yes, it was, but I love you always.” The BVB man with a much more serious gaze than the rider leaned down to kiss her some more, in that slow way that gives the opportunity for the participants to actually hear the kissing- to hear the seal break when lips had to come apart to reposition, to grab, to pull- that slow way that allows the participants to breathe normally- to keep the kiss steady, calm. But the one predominantly on the receiving end of the kiss was anything but calm on the inside. She experienced a rush of something inexplicable but divine. Whatever was flooding her veins made her heart expand, and her temperature warm up. Whatever that substance was made her feel the way she wanted to earlier, when her partner was more interested in orgasms and her butt than love and romance. He moved down onto his elbows, and then slid his arms between Christina and her pillow to hug her middle and use her chest as a pillow for himself.
It’s different when we’re together. This is why things will get better when she moves, André told himself while she rubbed his back. When I’m with her all the time and I see who is- who I know she is- then I understand better, and there’s...it’s like this big upside I know is there that makes me not care so much when she does things I don’t like. It’s so easy to forget that big upside when I’m not with her much to enjoy it. Chris isn’t innocent in all the fights and problems we’ve had lately, but I am better to her when we’re together. I can admit that. I’m not a good long distance partner, and the best parts of her don’t keep. They don’t last. A leftover filet mignon might taste okay sliced for lunch the day after you cook it. It doesn’t taste good a week later. Chris is the same. Whatever good thing I get from her when she visits just doesn’t keep for weeks and weeks, and it’s not strong enough to get over the phone.
“What’s with you guys tonight? Did you make me put Lulu Schü to bed just so you could take his place?” the rider joked, wrapping her legs around the bigger boy’s lower back. She used her heel to rub where his t-shirt met his Calvin Kleins. Can I tell her that we fight for cuddles with her when she pays attention to us all day or will that start World War 3? André didn’t want to sound as if he was complaining about his girl not giving him and Lukas enough attention regularly. He just wanted to give her a cute answer that might endear her to him more.
“Yes. I was jealous. I want to-“ He stopped short of explaining his agenda for the last few minutes of Christmas and the beginning of Boxing Day because the iPhone plugged in on Christina’s nightstand vibrated to announce a call.
“How much do you wanna bet that’s Juan?”
“Nothing. I’m not throwing my money away,” he winked. It was a gesture meant to conceal the irritation. His pillow reached for the phone and then turned the screen up to show him that it was in fact Juan, who was sporting reading glasses and a “stop trying to take my picture” expression in his contact photo. Christina pushed the top button and set it back down. “You can take it.”
“I’ll text him back. He’s just bored at Chelsea Harbour. What were you saying? You were jealous of your poor son who just wanted to snuggle with his mom?”
“Yes. I need snuggling too.” The player gently bit at the inside of her right breast, and left a wet outline of his mouth on her ultra-soft James Perse t-shirt. She found a model that was too long on her and covered her butt when she walked around the house in just underwear. There was some kind of remarkable temperature difference between covered-butt and partially-exposed-butt, or so she tried to explain to André at the store on Thursday. “He gets more time to snuggle with you than me.”
“I’m so glad everything I was taught as a wee child about guys not being into snuggling turned out to be false. I’m surrounded by snugglers. I even have one trying to get over-the-phone snuggles.”
“He gets more time to snuggle with you than me too,” he remarked flatly. Christina blushed out of his view. I don’t even know what to say back to that. I can’t deny it. It wouldn’t mean anything if I said it doesn’t mean anything. Do I say I prefer to snuggle with him? He’s the superior snuggler? Is that even true? Does it matter if it is or- “What do they say? Cat got your tongue?”
“It’s not like that’s what I do every time I hang out with him...” She fluffed his hair, hesitantly at first and then over-aggressively, betraying her uncertainty and the effort to then commit, like a cover-up.
“I know. Pet nicer,” André sighed. He didn’t want to make a big deal about Juan. He didn’t want to talk about him at all. The line about snuggling was just too perfect to let the moment pass by. He thought the Spaniard was one of the reasons he didn’t get as much of Christina’s “upside” as he needed. It was hard for him to believe all the time she spent in London instead of Dortmund was to ride, and even if it was, then he believed she would have skipped some of it anyway to be with him if there weren’t a consolation prize waiting for her there. Juan made it easier for her to be in London by herself. If there was no Juan around to fill some of her various needs- a dining companion, someone to cook for, a shopping date, someone to lounge on or spoon with at night in front of the TV- then those needs would drive her to Germany more often, even at the expense of her horses. And the BVB midfielder didn’t really care that much if it cost her something in riding terms.
“Sorry.” Christina slowed her fingers messing around in his hair, and regretted that Juan had to interfere in such a good moment. Without even trying, he barged right into the best she’d felt with her partner in ages, and completely ruined it. He left a path of scorched earth behind him when he didn’t even know he was walking. “Better?”
“Yes. Time for bed though.”
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