#//good job anon. you officially scared him. :')
pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 2 months
𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚈𝚘𝚞 | Chan|Minho
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Chan x Gn!Reader, established relationship , (mother used in context of parental structure norms) Minho x Gn!Reader, established relationship
Anon Request: Thanks for the wonderful request sunshine, enjoy <3.
Warnings: Mildly Suggestive, Slight Cursing *Minho*
Word Count: 3.6k
~X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X ~
Agree or not, I see Chan as being the member most likely to take things slow. He tends to look down on himself a lot, finds himself underserving of love, and puts others before himself constantly. But I feel like he has enough emotional maturity to realize this; and realize that having a sense of inherient inferiority can be a hinderance in any romantic pursual or commitment. So if he truly loved someone, he would take things slow- extremely slow. While he is the member who feeds most into the playful side of romance, being flirtatious and having the tendency to indulge in delusions I feel like in a serious situation of romance he would be afraid of navigating those waters due to the majority of his life being spent focusing on his career. So him being his perfectionist self would probably internally feel extremely romantic and lovey-dovey but his rational side would look at the execution love as something that could be handled more logically; and would take practical steps in trying his best to make the relationship last. So in terms of something like kissing- while I feel like he would have the urge to do it early on he'd let his doubts control and wait. But when he finally has the courage to act on that impulse when he feels the relationship is firmly founded he would kick himself for not indulging sooner because my God is he in love with the feel of his s/o's lips on his.
It was a cool evening, and you and Chan were taking a leisurely stroll along the riverbank. It was one of those rare times that Chan had time on his hands. But it was common that when he did have this precious time it would be spent solely with you.
The sun had just set, casting a beautiful array of colors across the sky, and the city lights were beginning to reflect off the water. The oranges yellows and pinks were a masterpiece, and your mind wandered slightly to Hyunjin, thinking he would enjoy the natural masterpiece displayed in above you.
As Chris held the role of the father of the group, you had easily become the supposed "mother" role of the of the group in the sense that Chan disciplined, you nurtured - even Minho quickly falling into the habit of referring to you in the likeness that you heard from Jeongin and Felix. You liked gifting them things as if they really were your children and made a mental note to ask your boyfriend if there was any supplies he figured Hyunjin would appreciate at the moment.
You walked hand in hand, enjoying the serene atmosphere and each other's company in a silence that was in no way awkward. And when you guys did talk, the conversation came easily, filled with laughter and shared stories, in a flow that mirrored that of a couple who had been together decades rather than just over eleven weeks.
Six weeks had felt like an eternity to you. But in a good way.
You and Chan decided to take things slow. And so far...it had been going extremely slow. Going into the relationship you had known the nature of Christopher's job. You knew he was busy and for the first few weeks of you being official it hadn't felt all that different from your friendship other than you went to more places alone, without the guys tagging along.
By the fourth week things had started to progress. You understood that Chan was scared. He admitted that to you upfront. He was assured of his attraction to you. Of his love even- although he didn't pressure you to respond to that immediately- but he had been so career focused the majority of his life that he was afraid to put work before you. He was tentative of what you guys were becoming, while fully being excited and anticipatory for it.
And you understood. You promised him you understood.
To anyone else they'd be surprised that you guys hadn't done anything more than hold hands and hug. With the occasional cuddle- usually when you were his company on the late nights at the studio. Any normal person would look at you and just assume you were very close friends.
But you knew the reasoning behind the way your relationship worked and knew the depths of his affection so you weren't worried. You weren't in a rush; you were content to take things as slowly as possible as long as it made Chris feel comfortable and loved.
As you walked, you couldn't help but steal glances at Chan, taking in his profile illuminated by the soft glow of the streetlights. The light haloed him and brought out an unreal beauty you wished he could see at his lowest moments of insecurity. He was handsome. Beautiful. He looked peaceful, and yet there seemed to be a hint of something deeper in his eyes, as if he was lost in thought. You squeezed his hand gently, bringing him back to the present. He smiled at you, and your heart fluttered.
"Is everything okay?" You asked softly.
"Let's sit for a bit," Chan suggested, leading you to a nearby bench that overlooked the river. You both sat down, still holding hands, and took in the beautiful view. The sound of the water lapping against the shore was calming, and for a moment, you both sat in comfortable silence. Your mind was for the most part still, but you were always worried for Chris. And you hoped he was okay.
Chan turned to you, his eyes reflecting the shimmering lights. "You know, I've really enjoyed tonight," he said softly. "Being with you like this… it means a lot to me. These past three months have been indescribable really." He brought his other hand to the one he was holding and traced yours softly while looking at them.
You felt your cheeks warm at his words. "I've enjoyed it too," you replied, your voice equally soft. "It's been perfect."
"Do you mean it?" He mumbles. "I feel like I'm a coward. And undeserving of you. I feel like I've never been happier yet...I feel like...like you're not getting anything out of this relationship. I feel like I'm...not...like maybe you're...I..." He struggled to look for the right words.
"Love," You murmured pulling your hand away from his and guiding his face to yours. You brought his eyes right to yours.
There was a brief pause as you both looked at each other, the air between you filled with an unspoken understanding.
"I'm happy. Truly. Don't doubt that."
Chan's gaze dropped to your lips for a moment before he quickly looked away, almost shyly. He chewed on his cheek for a minute. He had a slight hunger in his eyes. It was a side of him you hadn't seen before, and it made your heart ache with affection.
"Can I… can I kiss you?" Chan asked, his voice barely above a whisper. His usual confidence was replaced with a hint of vulnerability, and it made the moment even more precious. As if he was scared that you'd say no.
Does this man know who he is? How many people would kill to be sitting in front of him as he stared at their lips asking if they could capture them in his own?
Your heart skipped a beat, and you nodded, unable to find your voice. Chan's face lit up with a small smile and he swallowed, his adams apple moving up and down slowly. He leaned in slowly, giving you plenty of time to back out if you wanted. But you didn't. You wanted this just as much as he did, you eyes closing in anticipation.
As his lips met yours, you felt a spark of electricity shoot through your body. What Chris meant to be a quick peck quickly turned into something much deeper. The kiss was gentle at first, but as the seconds passed, it became more passionate. Chan's hand came up to cup your face, his thumb brushing softly against your cheek. He had told himself just a peck. Take things slow. But the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in that moment; and filling Chris with a fulfillment and satiation that he hadn't know he needed.
You could feel the love and adoration pouring from Chan as he kissed you. It was as if he was trying to convey all his feelings through that single kiss. As if there was some chemical in your lips that seemed to cause a reaction in your body. As if he desperately needed this. The intensity of it took your breath away, and you found yourself leaning into him, wanting more. Just as he did.
Chan's other hand slid to the back of your neck, pulling you even closer. The kiss deepened, and you felt his tongue gently brush against your lips, seeking permission hesitantly. You parted your lips with an urgent willingness, allowing him in, and the kiss became even more intense. It was a dance of passion and tenderness, a perfect blend of everything you felt for each other.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless. Chan rested his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed as he caught his breath. "Wow," he murmured, a smile tugging at his lips. "That was… amazing."
You nodded, unable to find the words to describe how you felt. Instead, you leaned in and gave him another quick peck, savoring the way his lips felt against yours. Chan chuckled softly, his eyes opening to look at you with pure adoration.
You watched his throat work. "I've wanted to do that for a while," he admitted, his voice still a bit breathless. "I was scared. I'm glad I finally did it. Although...I'm kinda pissed." He said with a chuckle. "If I wasn't so scared then I could have been doing that for much longer...damn you past Chris." He teasingly cursed.
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "I'm glad we waited," you said softly. "In a sense I feel like it made our first kiss even more special to me. I know you love me enough to have patience to make sure that this becomes forever." You said holding your hands up. "So again, don't ever doubt us."
Chan pulled you into a hug, holding you close as you both sat there, basking in the aftermath of the kiss. The world around you seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of you and the tension in the air. It was a moment you would cherish forever, a memory that would always bring a smile to your face when you thought of it. And if this is what it felt like to take things slow; then as long as you were with Chris you'd be content with waiting forever.
~X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X ~
The way I see Minho's love is like a perfectly aged whiskey. At first glance, it might seem subtle and reserved, with a smooth and understated presence. It’s not flashy or overtly romantic, but its depth and warmth become apparent the more it ages, and the more you indulge in it. Just like a fine whiskey that reveals complex flavors and a rich character over time, Minho's love is something that gradually unfolds, showing its true depth in moments of quiet intimacy and unspoken understanding. It’s not about grand gestures or constant declarations; it’s about the steady, comforting assurance of his presence, the way he makes his s/o feel cherished in the smallest, most meaningful ways. Whiskey is something that is basic and foundational. Something simple that can be paired with many different things and different pairing bring out different levels of flavor; just how the context of the situations will bring out different levels of his character. Whiskey is something familiar- and something that becomes known deeply just with familiarity- just like Minho. The longer him and his s/o are together, the more his s/o appreciates the nuanced, understated beauty of his love, which, much like the whiskey, grows richer and more profound with time. But whiskey can also be something that brings waves of warmth and intoxication - especially to someone who is new to drinking. And with intoxication comes impulse. If he's the whiskey, his s/o is the compound that brings his inebriation; and in those warm, euphoric flashes he'll be passionate and impulsive- and when he kisses his s/o it's something just as in the moment as drunken mistakes- except he wouldn't akin it to a mistake.
The evening had been planned for a romantic date out, but an unexpected delivery expectance threw a wrench into your plans.
Minho had to dash back to his house to pick up a package that had arrived at the last minute and needed to be signed. It had slipped his parent's mind that it would be coming that day, and they had travelled out of town for the week, and asked Minho to grant them this favor.
It was a minor inconvenience, Minho was slightly irritable about having to move reservations around, but you decided to be optimistic, since you could finally meet his number one pride and joy.
You were rather excited to meet Minho's cats for the first time. You had heard so much from him about them, and while you knew he had wished to introduce you to them when you had become official (the crazy thing is he wanted to introduce you to his cats before his parents) the opportunity hadn't come in the past few weeks you had been a couple due to the nature of his work, and your commute to your own job.
You had become official only a week before Minho left on a PR tour, going to numerous fashion shows, interviews and collaborating with international artists. This was the first official date you guys were going on, although you meshed so well that your relationship was progressing even when you were temporarily long distance.
As you settled into Lee Know’s cozy living room, the cats immediately took an interest in you. Dori was sniffing at you suspiciously. You sat and let each of them come to you, trying your best not to make sudden movements and frighten them.
You weren't expecting any of them to take an immediate liking to you. But Soonie jumped up to where you were sitting and started kneading your thigh. You couldn’t help but giggle as you petted Soonie- Doongie joining next and Dori rubbing up against your foot; feeling completely at ease in the warm, cat-filled environment. Lee Know's house was filled with the comforting smell of home— the one smell that was particular to every house- a smell you couldn't describe, a hint of catnip and fur, bleach, and some lingering air freshener.
You nibbled on a snack you had brought along, savoring the moment of relaxation before Minho returned. As you were enjoying your snack, your boyfriend finally walked through the door, his arms full of packages. He looked a bit irritated, but relieved to be back.
"Sorry for the delay," he said, setting the packages down. "I hope the cats haven’t been too much trouble."
You laughed, shaking your head. "They’ve been great. Actually, they’ve been keeping me very entertained." Minho’s eyes widened slightly then softened as he looked at you, his attention momentarily captured by the sight of you surrounded by his furry friends. He took a deep breath, clearly relieved to be seeing you so comfortable.
It awakened a desire that needed to be dealt within him.
With a playful glint in his eye, he walked over to you, still holding one of the packages. He placed it on a nearby table and then leaned in close, a mischievous smile spreading across his face.
His muscles were flexing in a plain black dress shirt that due to a laundering mistake shrunk slightly, but you like it. His toned arms were noticeable with the fabric taught over them.
"Mind if I join, kitten?" he said, his voice low and teasing; the new pet name rolling off his tongue as if it was something he had called you before. His lips tilted up in a seductive smirk. Before you could respond, Minho leaned in and, without warning, licked your cheek.
His tongue was warm and slightly damp, and he pulled back with shit faced grin.
"Ew, Minho!" you exclaimed, wiping your cheek with a laugh. Your eyes wide in shock. He still caged you to the couch, subtly leaning closer, his muscles straining slightly to keep his body hovering just inches above your own. "What was that for?"
The cheshire like grin on his face widened as he playfully shrugged. "You’re saying 'ew' as if this tongue isn’t ever going to touch your own, kitten." You blinked, a mix of surprise and amusement on your face. A little shocked at his sudden confidence. The sound of your new nickname doing something to your stomach.
His boldness and playful attitude were part of what made him so endearing. But you had only seen it in small doses. He leaned in even closer if possible, his gaze intense and affectionate; hungry.
"Seriously though," he said softly, the teasing tone leaving his voice. "I’ve been thinking about kissing you all day." Without waiting for a response, he leaned in again, his lips meeting yours in a soft yet intense kiss. It was gentle at first, filled with warmth and tenderness. You felt your heart flutter as you responded, wrapping your arms around his neck. The second your fingertips made contact with the hair at the nape of his neck, the kiss quickly grew deeper and more heated, with Minho's hands finding their way to your waist, pulling you closer, nearly straddling you as his tongue found his way to yours.
His cats, curious and a bit envious of the attention you were getting from their favorite person started to crawl over you as Minho straddled you on the couch. Soonie even tried to nudge between you and Lee Know, swatting playfully at him as if to remind him that you they were his favorites not you.
Although times were changing.
Minho’s kisses were filled with a tense heat yet laced in a playful energy, each pull back for breath accompanied by a soft chuckle or a gentle murmur or moan. His kisses were sloppy and fervent. The nature of them giving away the impulsiveness behind to action.
The cats seemed to add a touch of chaos to the moment, their paws occasionally brushing against your legs or curling up beside you. You couldn’t help but laugh as one of the cats tried to join in on the action, its tiny paws batting at Lee Know’s arm.
Despite the interruptions, the kisses remained connected and tender; your tongues moving in a sultry and erotic rhythm, and full of emotion, each touch and caress conveying the depth of Minho’s feelings for you.
Conveying just how much desire was hidden in under his calm demeanor.
Eventually, you both pulled back, breathless and smiling, looking slightly deranged and messy.
Your boyfriend's eyes were fogged with affection and desire and a hint of mischief. Rather than discussing what had just happened, his thumb trailed across your mouth to gently and he changed the directory of any conversation that you could have brought up.
"I guess I’m not the only one who’s crazy about you," he said, glancing at the cats who were now lounging contentedly around you, giving up on their owner. Doongie and Dori looked down their noses as Minho while resting their paws on you; as if they were trying to communicate a sense of betrayal in a petty fashion. You laughed, running your fingers through the fur of the cat who had claimed your lap once Minho had hopped off of it to adjust himself.
"I guess not. But I think I’m okay with that."
Minho smiled leaning in to steal another quick kiss before reaching to grab his car keys.
"Good, because I plan on making you realize just how crazy I am about you everyday from now on. Im sure my babies will do the same." The cats continued to snuggle around you, their purring creating a soothing background to the warmth Minho's presence. It was a perfect, chaotic moment of affection—a first kiss that was uniquely Minho, playful, tender, unexpected and filled with the joyful presence of his feline friends.
"We need to get going, I have a schedule for us, and we're running a bit behind." He said. "I wonder why."
You got up and adjusted yourself, giving a few last pets to the cats, Dori and Doongie releasing soft mews in unison.
You were about to walk out the door when Minho stopped you again.
"You got something on your face, kitten." He said, swiping his thumb once across your cheek, wiping away some saliva with a wink.
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Tags <3
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha @iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric @panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee @shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin @whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun @ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael @skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads @jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld @kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9 @minsungsthirdwheel
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angelismmm · 1 year
🪷 anon here
requesting a bsd Fukuzawa x fem!Reader married hcs🥹🥹
Sfw and Nsfw if it's fine with you🫶🫶
⟢ 𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 ft. fukuzawa
・sypnosis. how did you get together with him? and what's life after marriage?
・notes. gasp emoji a bsd post from me?!?! also hihhihi bro!!! more than willing to make sfw/nsfw hcs!!! honestly it's lowkey hard for me to do sfw hcs by themselves LMFAO, anyways
・warnings. nsfw toward the end, nickname daddy/sir used, breeding kink
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𝐘𝐔𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀, what he is like in marriage?
・oddly peaceful, honestly thinking about his title annd stuff he'd be busy and stuff, and wouldn't be all that available, to your (and my) surprise, he's always there when you need it the most. probably would try his best to keep you away from his job though, it doesn't sound all that pleasing. only few people probably know about you too, like ranpo and just maybee yosano, just maybe.
・this man treats you like absolute royalty, anything, and everything about you is his favorite, most of the time is willing to try out whatever you find interest in, doesn't really like pda btw, much prefers to keep most things romantic in private, just between both of you. would probably adopt a cat with you if you want, but if you don't, that's alright too, anything you're okay with, he is too, most of the time at least. likes to feed stray animals near your shared house honestly, love all of them and probably gives some names based off what breed they are.
・oh but if you do happen to also work at the agency, he won't show much affection, because pda is not really his thing, never has been, prefers those little moments between you and him only, to be only with you and him, why does he have to share lol. plus is scared if any enemies had realized you were his weakness, being his spouse and all, that wouldn't be good at all, so he prefers to keep your relationship on the low, for your sake.
・but he does give affectionate glances, every once in a while, after all you are still his, and he's yours. next question: does he mention anything about kids? no lmao, you probably have to ask about the topic if you want him to think about it, just think. but another reason he would bring it up, is if like some lost kid just happen to be there, right beside the overly crowded place, tear stained face, every now and then glancing to the left or right, and parents probably abandoned the poor child. and you both decide to take the kid in, for a bit, 'till she finds a home, or if he tries to ask at least once about kids, but don't depend on it, even if he's good with the kid, he doesn't really bring it up. but honestly, maybe you both could adopt the little girl instead of bringing her to the adoption center, honestly, it'd be months after taking her in, that was when you both thought when should we be putting her in for adoption, or will we? you've both grown fond of her, even so by giving her a name, that you both decided on, well might as well just become her parents, officially, right?
・overall topnotch cutie as a husband, #keepbeingbbg
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𝐘𝐔𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀, what if he did want a kid tho haha thatd be crazy...... (yes he does)
・daddy kink, like his appearance and demeanor screams it. like he can be all vanilla and stuff, that's his usual stuff, but if you ask him to be rough, bro will go down on you. not into bdsm, he doesn't wanna hurt you at all, but if you want it.... okay....
・breeding kink, too i guess. he likes slow and sensual way more though, seeing you with his seed all up in there he just feels like ":D". that's it, but he just wants to kiss you gently, and praise your beautiful skin and everything, loves everything like that. only goes rough without your kind of request if he's been pretty stressed that though. that's where the breeding kink goes hard, like absolutey, call him sir or daddy and he'll give you as many kids as you want :)
・medium-ish sex drive though, becomes high if stressed, is what i'm thinking, probably pretty big too, girthy asf too probably. can go for ages, and ages, and ages, and ages. probably the time to lick all his cum out your hole, sometimes wants you to masturbate in front of him
・probably while he's fucking you, rough or vanilla he's gonna start asking about what the kid's name should be, also would whisper immaculate amount of praise, like almost too much, but it balances out with how good he treats your body, and the marks upon your neck and collarbone afterwards. honestly doesn't care that much for other stuff during sex, finds the moments between you both alone is more attractive than anything else. loves making you happy more than anything. praise galore btw did i mention that yet, also loves kissing you everywhere
・also likes it when you cockwarm him while he does work, and he whispers into your ear about how he's almost done, the pile of work says otherwise though. super affectionate while watching you lowkey squirm on his cock. probably caresses his hand over your belly bulge from time to time ・super vanilla, or absolute fucking rough, no in between, that's it have a good night
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mistydeyes · 1 year
can you do a 141 boys (maybe + könig if u write for him :3) where they're all watching a horror movie together and expect reader to be scared of it, but instead reader is enjoying it and even laughing at some parts? like reader isnt phased by the horror at all, meanwhile soap is shitting his pants😭 <3
anon I LOVED THIS REQUEST! im a horror movie junkie myself and ill laugh while everyone is screaming :) this was close to home so I hope you enjoy!
horror movie protagonist
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summary: Task Force 141 had an odd tradition of showing horror movies to their newest members and scaring the absolute living shit out of them. However, they're surprised when you start to commentate on the movie as if it was some nature documentary. They're even more surprised when you starting laughing hysterically.
pairing: Task Force 141, König x gn!platonic!Reader (codename: Monsoon)
warnings: SWEARING, fictional movie violence (but GORY IMAGERY SO BE WARNED and also spoilers for Martyrs
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Despite being trained soldiers and experiencing all types of horror on the battlefield, the 141 still acted like American frat boys. Once the guns were all locked away and they changed out of their fatigues, they were the absolute worst. One of their hazing rituals was to make their newest member watch a gruesome or terrifying horror movie. The ritual started when Gaz joined, they made him sit through Hostel and he still fears traveling. Next was Soap and he shared Gaz's sentiments after watching Infinity Pool and experiencing the absolute terror that is Mia Goth. They even roped König into their routine and watched as he held his hands over his eyes and sat through Megan is Missing. Poor boy couldn't even hide behind his mask as he watched the horrifying images of Megan appear on the screen.
After a good training session with the team, they invited you to watch a movie in the common room. It was your first week as an official addition to the 141 and you were happy to participate in some comradery. You headed off to the showers before the film and couldn't see the devious faces of Gaz and Soap. They had a plan for you that night and were excited to continue the tradition. "You don't think it'll be too scary?" Gaz said to Soap as they walked to the showers. "We picked a solid one," he replied but shuttered when he remembered his experience, "still can never look at me in the mirror."
After your shower, you dried your damp hair as you entered the common room. Your team had used their strength from training to move together two couches and a few chairs in front of the television. "Ready for movie night, Monsoon?" Kyle asked as he appeared with some popcorn. You grabbed a handful before you nodded. You took a seat next to Soap and Gaz joined on your other side. Price was lounging on one of the chairs and Ghost sat with König to his left. "We picked a good one, just for you," Soap said with a suspicious smirk but you shrugged as he unpaused the film. "What is it?" you questioned as you looked around to see everyone had a similar expression. "Nothing like you haven't seen before" Price replied and you nodded as you turned to the screen.
The movie opened with a family enjoying dinner and you rolled your eyes at the thought of another heartwarming piece. Before you could speak up, a woman entered and brutally murdered the family one by one with a shotgun. "Fuckin' hell," Ghost muttered as the blood stained the screen and you couldn't help but feel a little skeptical. "The blood is too red, they could've done a better job," you muttered and Soap looked at you as if you were insane. You threw your hands up defensively in response. "I'm just saying," you muttered and the film continued.
The next scene you had commentary on was when Anna was exploring underneath the house and discovered a secret chamber. There, she discovered a woman with a steel blindfold attached to her face. "Holy shit," Gaz whispered as they zoomed in to the metal mixing with his scarlet blood. König was silent but it was clear he was fearing the worst as he tried to look away. "How is she even still alive?" Price uttered and you chimed in. "Exactly! It's an actual death sentence and just unrealistic that they can screw that in and not have her die from blood loss," you exclaimed, pointing at the screen. Yet again, everyone looked at you incredulously. "You can't expect me to watch a movie and not point out the flaws."
You remained relatively silent and kept your opinions to yourself until Anna became the latest subject and experienced brutal beatings and verbal degradations. With every shot, everyone turned away but you just rolled your eyes. You even looked bored at some points, much to the confusion of everyone in the room. Even Ghost was a bit disturbed by the brutality of the movie and put down his plate of leftovers. "I don't get what's so scary," you mumbled and Gaz lightly hit your leg to silence your sarcastic commentary.
Eventually, Anna reached the "final stage." The screen was filled with horrifying imagery and in the middle of it König took a break to walk away and hit the head. You continued watching the spectacle and tried to keep your thoughts to yourself. However, as Ghost and Price looked disgusted as the doctor peeled off her skin in a few fleshy sheets, you couldn't hold it in any longer. You laughed as the attention was on you again. "What now, Sergeant?" Price asked, bewildered. "It's just so anatomically impossible for her to survive, I mean look at her she's practically being skinned alive," you exclaimed and pointed at the screen. König had the unfortunate timing of returning when the camera zoomed in on Anna and you could hear him turn around and walk away. You chuckled as Gaz's covered his eyes to block the sight of Anna sitting in a comatose state with nothing left except for her muscles and veins.
Soap had enough and grabbed the remote to pause the film. "Okay, what the fuck, Monsoon," he interrogated and you could feel the spotlight fall on you. "What do you mean, Soap? I'm just saying the obvious," you replied back and childishly crossed your arms. "No," Gaz continued, "why are you so unfazed?" You laughed suddenly and your sides began to hurt before you recovered. "Stuff like this doesn't scare me at all," you said as you wiped some tears from your eyes. "So you're telling me you watch this for fun?" Price joined in and you nodded in response.
"Oh yeah, I love horror movies!" you explained as they looked at you wide-eyed. Ghost laughed loudly at the reveal. "I've watched all kinds of messed up shit," you continued, "From The Human Centipede to Hostel, I've seen it all." Gaz looked at Soap and you could see the glint of disappointment in their eyes. "Were-were you trying to make me scared?" you questioned and the two nodded. "It's a tradition we have in the 141, watch a gruesome movie and get the shit scared out of you," he replied quietly and you couldn't help but feel a little bad. "We can still continue?" you offered but Ghost shook his head as he got up. "If I don't have to sit through this, I won't," he said and waved off before heading to his quarters. Price followed suit and Gaz began to clean up, leaving only you and Soap on the couch.
"You are fucking crazy," Soap swore and you shot a look at him. "You telling me that was scary to you, Sergeant?" you said skeptically and Gaz laughed in response. As he shook his head in refusal, you knew how you would get back at him. A week later Soap's screams filled the base as you had snuck a picture of the martyred Anna into one of his nudie magazines. "Serves you right, Mactavish," you smiled to yourself before you settled back onto the couch and played the first movie of your Insidious marathon.
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mossyivy · 5 months
Domestic Chris…Because that’s my specialty. 🥹
I see Chris having three kids, two boys, one girl. He’d be the type of dad to push his boys so hard, always expecting the best of the best from them. His daughter as well, but not as harsh. I see them all pretty close in age, maybe 1-2 years apart for each kid.
He’d have his boys do all sorts of sports and activities. Football, baseball, basketball, tennis, track, cross country, you name it, they do it. Chris would also help them practice, especially in football and baseball. His daughter would probably do ballet, tennis, and be in the Girl Scouts with Cecilia, and maybe do drama with Violet as well.
Also, it’s very much cannon that Chris spoils his daughter 10X more than his boys. His little girl wants to go on a Sephora shopping trip? Take his card and go crazy. His boys want to go out with their friends? Here’s $25 for the both of you.
Chris is also such a loving husband. He’d buy you gifts “Just because”. Or if you mention a new designer purse online, it would mysteriously show up on the dining table to greet you when you woke up…With a handwritten note of course. You were very much a spoiled wife, but he didn’t care, you gave him three beautiful kids for god sakes, of course he’d buy you whatever you want.
If there was ever a time any of your boys were disrespectful to you while he was gone, (Because they know better than to mess with their mother while dad’s around.) He’d give them the “You don’t disrespect MY wife.” Talk. Ugh, 😣 give me a chance Chris…☹️
- Anon! 🎀
But I'll scream with you anyday bb!!!
(I'm sorry this is so long I just couldn't help myself 😭)
Okay so I've had the idea that Chris met someone with a child from a previous relationship (Your first born son, Let's name him Oliver and call him Ollie for short! He's like 2 years older than Violet. He struggles a bit in school so they're in the same grade, along with his younger brother, after he was held back in 5th and 8th grade but that's okay! Everyone struggles!)
Ollie was like 2 when they first met. Your ex-husband was a HORRIBLE MAN, absolutely terrible to you and the only good thing he ever did was bless you with Ollie. That's it.
Chris and his wife met through work (let's be honest here, how tf else would he meet a woman? Chris is very much a workaholic.) His wife is basically the lead of the BSAA's dispatch response team (Basically what Hunnigan does at the FOS but the BSAA's version) and she's good at her job. Very strong willed and mouthy as a mf. Isn't scared to go back at anyone over the radio and definitely got into it with Chris once or twice before they officially met.
(catch me posting what happened when they met in person the first chance someone asks)
After y'all start dating it doesn't take long before you introduce Chris to your son and Ollie is just OBSESSED with Chris. Like you've never seen this kid so excited to see another human being until Chris shows up. You two only started dating for a few months and Ollie already calls Chris dad. You try correcting him scared AF that Chris is gonna get freaked out but he's actually super chill with it. He's use to taking care of people, he basically raised Claire after their parents died but this little guy is much younger and a lot more fun and excitable than Claire was.
A few months into the relationship you find out you're pregnant. Chris is excited but also freaking out with how often he's gone. But everything works out and you end up having your second son, Christopher Jr but CJ for short.
You and Chris end up getting married not long after your first anniversary after the babies born. Not making a big deal out of anything just getting papers signed and having a little get together celebrating everything.
2 years go by, Ollie's in Kindergarten and CJ does daycare. You start getting horribly ill out of nowhere. So you go get checked out and oh God you're pregnant again...
(This would be the point in time where Leon starts bugging for another baby with his wife)
9 months of Chris being a nervous wreck fly by and the world meets your daughter, Talulla, Lulu for short.
Chris would be adamant on sticking the kids in after school activities once they're old enough. His boys would do sports and his baby girl in softball and girl scouts so she can hangout with her pseudo cousins. (Her being 2 years younger than Violet and 2 years older than Cecilia) Until her older cousin quits cause girl scouts are for babies (🙄)
Chris and his wife would be UBER COMPETITIVE when it came to cookie selling season. It's all out war between the Redfield's and Kennedy's every year.
I feel like Ollie would also really be musically gifted and play piano for the school choir and musicals. Lulu would Ed up wanting to do drama but be a stage hand or in the costume department. She's actually very shy.
CJ is basically Chris when he was a kid. Always doing stupid shit... Getting in trouble over the dumbest of things but looking out for others. (Definitely beat up that kid who was picking on Violet when they were 7.)
You're getting calls from the school at least once a month because CJ got in trouble for either getting into an argument with a teacher over rules or another kid tried something stupid.
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jovieinramshackle · 5 months
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase more about the dylia (dylla + lilia) ship. It is so crack and yet so satisfying. Please i beg 🙏🙏🙏
Dw anon I'm here to deliver🙏🙏
This got long and it's kinda all over the place SORRY I just REALLY wanted to ramble about them
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So I see them meeting around Deuce's second year I HAVEN'T THOUGHT EXACTLY HOW (so I'm open to ideas) BUT they found themselves attracted to each other rather quickly.
Lilia found Dylla's confident and strong personality intriguing, enjoying how she didn't hesitate to talk or speak her mind.
I imagine Dylla didn't have an interest in dating considering she had to look after Deuce, and depending on what you think the father is like, her want to date can decrease even more.
So imagine her surprise when she found herself giggling at Lilia's antics...she hadn't enjoyed being around someone like that in a WHILE so it was a very odd, yet nice feeling for her
I'm so sure Deuce and Silver noticed this and tried to encourage them to talk more.
They keep in contact!! Phone calling each other daily, they were in the "we're just friends" phase for a while until Lilia FINALLY went ahead and asked her out-- and she accepted!
I think they both would be pretty awkward at the start, but Dylla less- both because of her personality and, well, Lilia hasn't felt this way in over 400 years, with Meleanor and her husband having been the first to make him feel this specific love.
He wants to appear confident and sure about himself, but he just isn't, and Dylla can see that and tries to reassure him as much as she can.
But, of course, she also carries her own doubts, after all, she hasn't been with someone in YEARS, and she's scared of this going badly again. Not to mention, she doesn't want to do something that could potentially make Deuce uncomfortable, since a mom dating again could bring mixed feelings to the child.
Although she doesn't ask for reassurance from her son, obviously, it's not his responsibility, Deuce catches onto her doubts and tries to comfort her even a little bit.
"You said all you wanted from me was to visit once in a while, right? Well, I want you to enjoy your life! No need to worry about me."
These are the words she tries to keep in mind every time she starts feeling unsure, and honestly, they help more than Deuce himself realises.
So what do they do once they're sure they have sealed the deal and are official? They move together!
Instead of running on to some unknown Eastern country to never be seen again, Lilia moves with her to Clock Town. Dylla is one of the many things that made him want to look at the future and not be scared of his family seeing him grow old.
Admittedly, he's nervous, he won't disappear off the face of the earth, but he's still moving far away. And this is where Silver comes in
"If being with Dylla makes you this happy, you should go for it. And knowing you'll be in a good place, and that I will be able to visit you, is enough for me."
Similar words were given to Lilia by both Malleus and Sebek. Knowing that he's still moving away is hard, but at least he's somewhere they know he'll be okay, somewhere they can go and see him again whenever they want to.
So Lilia is a fae but can't exactly...use magic anymore, he's an old man he's way past using magic.
But that doesn't stop him, and with Dylla's help, he's getting a job at White Rabbit Home Delivery!!
He almost crashed the car 3 times but he got the hang of it soon enough.
They live like this for a few years but to a lot of people's surprise (mostly people at work) these two aren't married, despite acting like a married couple.
I feel like, despite being comfortable and sure about their relationship, they wouldn't legally speaking get married, it's not something that for them felt necessary (mentally speaking they said their vows years ago lmao).
What they do instead is a small ceremony with their friends and family. Nothing super fancy, all they wanted was to have fun and enjoy themselves.
They DO call each other husband and wife though, the lack of papers doesn't change the way they feel about each other and the commitment they share, so nothing is stopping them from using those terms.
So yes they are STILL "the bride and her ugly ass grom" 🙏
To finish off this post, Lilia grows his hair again!
I love the idea that he cut it to signal the start of something new when he became a father. I like thinking that when he moved in with Dylla he began growing it again, to show his start with this new chapter of his life.
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HASHDHSSKAJEISD If I get more asks I could go more in-depth with them or their families, I could also maybe include my oc Jess and their relationship with these two hehe
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akutasoda · 1 year
Hii! could I request ranpo with a fem or gn reader (you can choose) who is very similar to yukito ayatsuji, they/she has his smarts and the same ability (I was just very curious about how this would go, how would the agency members react to this relationship?) you can make it headcanons or a drabble either is good, if you don’t feel like writing this then you can just ignore this ask, I really like your works!
great minds think alike
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synopsis - you seemed to be a hot topic among your lovers coworkers but you didn't mind
includes - ranpo ft agency members
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, wc - 888
a/n: hello! i loved this idea sm anon, i put a separate part for a few agency members underneath the divider!
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↪how i had initially thought about this, was that you would be ayatsuji's twin, a rare occurrence where you both had also inhabited the same ability and not just looks and personality. or you were sort of an alternate universe where reader is in place of ayatsuji.
↪anyways- how you had met ranpo was a mystery, sure you two knew you had met but you both had been so integrated into the others life that imagining it without the other seemed impossible. therefore how you had met was forgotten but neither of you cared. but what was memorable was the defining point of your relationship where you two had become an official thing.
↪ranpo had always felt an attachment to you, the first person he had ever met that seemed to not only be on his level but to understand him properly. he felt he could connect with you, and thus he wanted to keep you close. not only as a friend, and eventually something more, but as a sort of rival.
↪and as for your ability, he found it intriguing. he thought it was the perfect balance of dangerous and useful and he knew you would have a great grasp on it, never using it more than necessary.
↪if you still held the job that ayatsuji wold normally work within, ranpo would think it was incredible. maybe he would even try to finish up work earlier to go join you, or asking to join you on your cases.
↪or maybe if you did work at the agency, he would be an extra show off. constantly wanting to work cases with you just to challenge you to see who could finish it faster. clinging to you during work just to emphasise how amazing he thought you were.
↪and to his fellow agency members they wanted to understand why ranpo held you with such high praise.
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atsushi nakajima ★↷
↪if atsushi was to be honest, he thought you were really cool but your ability kind of scared him a bit. while he knew he had no reason to be scared, he wouldn't be affected by it and you wouldn't use it on him but he still found it kind of scary.
↪but otherwise he thought you were really cool. not only were you on the same level as ranpo, someone who he also looked up tp, but you had this charm to you that made him look up to you aswell.
↪he thought that you and ranpo were perfect for each other. he saw how ranpo had also seemed so enamored by you and if he was being honest when he saw you two working a case it did intimidate him a little bit.
osamu dazai ★↷
↪upon dazai first meeting you he was absolutely intrigued. he was so intrested in you for multiple reasons. thought your ability was so cool, a bit scary considering his track record but he just assumed it wouldn't work on him. fun fact, it does work on him and he can't nullify it.
↪because of the fact that ranpo held you in such high regard meant that he toi held you in high regard. he actually did kind of look up to ranpo, so anyone that received such praise from the detective was worthy of his aswell. and it definitely was warranted, he saw why ranpo was so attached to you.
↪and on top of that he thought you and ranpo were perfect for each other. albeot a slightly scary couple, due to both of your intellects and your ability. he pitied the people that had to face you both.
doppo kunikida ★↷
↪when he had first seen/met you, he was indifferent to you. sure there was a bit of intrigue as to why ranpo seemed so attached to you but he thought it was none of his business. your ability was quite scary to him, sure it was useful but in the wrong hands it could be so much worse. but he was thankful you were a responsible person.
↪sometimes it felt like he was staring at two carbon copies. he never imagined someone being so similar to ranpo yet so different, like two faces of the same coin. he did admire you himself eventually, but he was never honest about that.
↪he did also see why you and ranpo were a perfect pair. you seemed to almost balance each other out, to make the perfect pair. but he was never one to stuck his nose in other people's business, so he never really payed much attention to details of your relationship with his co-worker.
akiko yosano ★↷
↪yosano was hesitant with you at first, but after seeing how well you and ranpo had got along her doubt's went away. she thought your ability was pretty neat. other than that she didn't think twice about it.
↪throughout the time she was wary of you, she just simply observed you and ranpo. she swore that if you did anything to hurt him you wouldn't have quite the nice time. however you hadn't. and in fact she started seeing how perfect you were for ranpo. maybe you weren't that bad.
↪eventually she did agree that you and ranpo were truly a great pair. you were someone who could challenge ranpo, in friendly competition, and someone who managed to obtain his intrest.
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guiltiestlove · 29 days
getting freaky w blackquill in his cell when he was a convict would go crazy tbh
(also hiii hiii 👋💕 nice to see another Simon simp, have a nice day ✌️)
Surely going to check up on Prosecutor Blackquill in his cell at night is strictly business for the Chief Prosecutor’s assistant! Just part of the job of course!
Simon Blackquill x gender neutral reader, ~1101 words
N/SFW, mdni!!
cws/tags: smut of course, reader with vagina, fingering, semi-public sex(?), little bit hurt/comfort, honestly nothing too spicy or exciting im getting back into the rhythm of things lol!
notes: thank u soooo much anon, i was so excited to get a request like immediately after making this blog!! i got carried away and wrote even more for this prompt so i may make it into a full one shot fic or even just make a part 2!!
“I did not realize I was such a threat that they would make you come check on me even after hours.”
Simon sits on his bed facing you, head tilting downwards with a slight smirk on his face.
You rest your head against the bars subconsciously wanting to close any distance between the two of you.
You chuckle, “Actually, I’m not here on official orders.” He looks up, expression unchanging, but eyes catching yours. “And no one made me come down here.”
A mix between intrigue and amusement spreads across the man’s face as he stands up. The blush creeping up on your face betrays you slightly, but you steel your nerves for whatever response you might get. You pull out the cell’s key from your pocket. “I, uh, thought you might want to hang out.”
A puzzled, almost scared look was all that was discernible on Simon’s face now. “…Are you trying to break me out, because I assure you, on my honor, I have no intenti—“
“Simon” you sigh, “I’m not trying to get you out, I-I’m trying to get me in!.. You know.. I missed you.” You could have played it smoother considering you had seen him roughly six hours earlier, but he doesn’t even seem to notice.
He relaxes, realizing you weren’t attempting a jailbreak, and the implication of what was happening hits him much harder. “O-oh. Good heavens..” he mumbles under his breath trying to hide from you—his face now a gorgeous shade of pink.
In two large strides he’s at the cell door face to face with you, gripping onto the bars. “Why? There is no reason to risk your career when we can… talk perfectly well in this manner.” He’s searching for something in your face. His words come out angrily but his face says something else entirely. As you wrap your hand around his, he winces slightly. But he doesn’t pull back.
”Simon, you know that won’t work on me. If you want me to, I can leave of course! But I don’t feel ashamed or scared to be here right now.” You trail off at the end, worried you’ve been too presumptuous.
He reaches through to caress your chin, “Perhaps you should be concerned, sweetheart.” A pronounced shiver runs down your spine. “Even if we were simply talking, I do not expect people to take kindly to the idea of Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth’s assistant fraternizing with the cursed death-row convict… alone in his cell.”
Surprised but pleased, you lean into his touch. “You and I both know no one patrols at this time Simon,” you say earnestly. ”…Please…tell me I haven’t been imagining things. Tell me you want this too.”
His eyes seem to be glistening with tears as he turns away completely from the cell door. Several moments pass before he answers. “I do as well…but I can’t let another soul get caught in this whirlwind of destruction.”
You defiantly insert the key into the lock and turn it. *click* And you gently open the heavy oppressive door.
“But that’s my decision, Simon. And some things are worth the risk… ” You step forward slightly and stop—a message that you’ll gladly step back into the hall, if he wishes.
In an instant his large frame has you pinned to the cinderblock wall, one hand supporting your head and one hand on your back. You feel a bit tangled up in his arms and shackles, but mostly you just feel safe. Strands of his hair brush against you as he buries his face into your neck. You feel his breath against your skin, “For myself, I had long given up hope.”
You’re pretty sure you feel a tear on your shoulder, and you prompt him to look at you. “Simon…” Looking directly into his eyes like this; you’re not sure if you’ve ever seen someone so haunted, so conflicted. He softens even more when you grab his face in your hands, caressing his lips with your thumb. “Don’t you know you deserve to be protected too?”
Simon pulls your body in with a sudden force that makes you gasp—in an instant he’s not just kissing you, it feels like he’s going to consume you. “Ah—a—Simon..” is all you can sputter out in between gasping for air.
He wastes no time tilting your head back and peppering firm kisses up and down both sides of your neck. As you drag your hands down his chest and torso, you can’t believe just how muscular he is—and let out a moan at the thought. And just when you think he didn’t notice, you hear, “Go ahead. Unbutton my shirt if that’s what you want so badly.”
You don’t at all want to resist, so you attempt to carefully untie Simon’s tie with shaking fingers before he snatches it and his shirt off. “I’m feeling rather impatient,” he quips.
“Well, if we’re being honest…” You kiss him slowly this time, but still loud and messy. Slowly, you guide his hand down your torso and towards the bottom of your dress. You pause to see his reaction, but he is no longer waiting for your guidance—he’s gathering up the fabric himself. When he realizes you didn’t wear any underwear, you swear you can feel his cock twitch against you.
The tone and rumble of his voice like this are new but so welcome as his lips brush against your ear.
“May I, darling?”
”Simon I swear to god if you don’t touch me right now I—aaannhhggh” Simon chuckles at how easy it is to make you melt and rubs gentle circles around your clit.
He smoothly slides one finger inside of you. “So this is why you were so eager?” Though you’re embarrassed that you can only answer in whimpers, he finds it endearing. And in hopes of eliciting more, he pushes another finger inside, with his thumb still on your clit. Your fingers have made their way into his hair, grabbing fistfuls, and neither of you can form a single coherent thought. The sensations of Simon’s weight against you, his strong fingers inside of you, and whispers of how gorgeous you are all blend together harmoniously.
”Fuck, fuck, Simon, gonna come..” you mutter, and his fingers are dragged out of you agonizingly slowly. Your eyes focus on him for a moment. His face flushed, lips puffy. He raises his fingers to his lips and hungrily licks off every drop. “God, you taste even better than I imagined, sweetheart. Do you even know what you do to me?”
“Show me, show me what I do to you. Please.”
A devilish grin spreads across Simon’s face.
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tojisun · 10 months
Sorry it turned into a depressing rant
Anon who asked about your fav studio ghibli movie here!
I love howls moving castle so much, I love the part when Sophie starts cleaning the house, I love how comforting it is
I love the sass from everyone, I love how kind Sophie is
I love howls line “I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful” as much as it sucks I agree with him. I’m not smart so the only thing I can offer is my looks and personality to people I meet. If I’m not beautiful, then what’s the point? Sorry if it sounds shallow but when you have nothing to offer in this world, the only thing I can work on is how good I look and present myself. I know I shouldn’t think like that, it’s damaging
Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, there will be people who find you attractive and there will be people who won’t. People you find attractive, others won’t, so sometimes I try not to think too much about it since we never know.
All my life I’ve been slow academically. My siblings are all smarter than me so I’m always the dumb one. I’m not skinny but I’m working on it, even tho it’s so hard, but I have to be skinny, my life will definitely turn around when I’m not too self conscious about my body. I know I’ll still have those negative thoughts and even after I’m skinny I won’t be happy but, as of now, I never leave the house, my anxiety about how I look keeps me from taking in person classes. I never want to leave the house unless I look good, because I don’t want anyone seeing me at my worst, I want everyone to see me as the best version of myself. So I never leave, my social skills have tanked since 2020 since that was the last time I took a in person class, and that was in high school 😭😭
I feel so immature and stupid, and people my age (19) are doing better than me. I just give up before I even try, and I’m so behind since I’m in my third year of college and I still don’t have an official major, I’m so behind, and last semester I didn’t take any classes cuz I was so depressed and embarrassed, since I failed two classes. It’s an horrible cycle of pity and dread and I’m scared I’ll never get rid of it. And I’m scared of talking to men, but I’m supposed to get married and have a kid before I’m 30 since you’re more fertile and it’s better to have kids young, and I’d love that but I’m scared my kids will turn out like me, disappointments. And I won’t know how to fix them.
So yeah… we veered off of howls moving castle.. my bad💀
!! this got long im so sorry
first of: pls dont apologize! u are welcome to vent here in my blog, im happy to just be a bouncing wall to u guys (if my usually long responses arent what u guys wanted to see). thank u for trusting me (us) with this and im truly sorry for how late im responding
i do love those parts of howls moving castle! i never understood why howl was lamenting about his looks when i thought he looked beautiful w orange hair. orange used to be my favourite colour ^v^ it isnt one rn but i am still fond of it.
i loved orange even when howl didnt – u are correct that beauty in the eye of the beholder. beauty also goes a long way. it’s a horrible reality but when u grew up fat, u get told so many times about how much better life would be if u could just lose weight. i truly cant tell u when i stopped thinking so little of myself.
honestly love, its just so recent when i felt good enough in my own skin – blemishes n all. i never thought itd get better tbh; i thought itd stay this way but it got better. and im scared to promise to you a range of when it will get better, but i do know that it will.
u feel immature bc u are still young! 19 is so young so pls dont punish urself for feeling young, for thinking young, for not knowing anything past being young yet. as a younger sibling, ik for a fact im still so immature. it took me getting a job (during the weekdays) n going to uni for me to mature up, n i was 20 when that happened. so recent!
i also completed my associates slowly bc i was struggling in college! i once took a sem where i only had one class bc i was so overwhelmed that i had to slowly pace myself so i can keep going. high school babies u n then boom, u get hit w juggling responsibilities in college that kinda makes u wanna quit – but u didnt. u took a break and then bounced back!! my love, if that isnt resilience, then what is?
ive never wanted to settle down. i think its bc i thought id be gone by now that i just dont see myself having a family of my own so i apologize for not knowing how to empathize about the ‘deadline’ but u are just 19. before age 30 is so far away! u have sm to live for in between those years. sm to experience and to meet and to love!
also, not having a major yet is also fine! i declared a minor just this year – and im a fourth year already. pls dont worry. u have time – that is something i wanna keep emphasizing. u have time. it feels like the world is collapsing rn bc of fear and anxiety which, my old therapist told me, is a sign that u (and i) wanna keep going. that u wanna keep living.
and from what i could see, especially coming from me who wanted to just give it all up, that is enough. i know that the reasons behind u working on urself isnt a sustainable mentality, but hopefully one day u will wake up and own ur hard work for urself. not for others.
aaaa this got too long im so sorry, im being emotional on my end but i just want u to know: u are not a disappointment. u arent.
ur alive and ur making connections and ur trying ur best (even though it doesnt feel like that on ur end but u are!!) so how could u be a disappointment? and even if u dont wanna do anything, ur also not a disappointment. not even then.
ur future kids will be so lucky and happy to have u as their mom. and they too will be beautiful; they wont need any fixing bc there isnt anything broken to fix.
i love you. i dont know who u are but i love you. i love all of you.
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mama-qwerty · 5 months
I have officially walked across the stage.
I'm scared for the future
- 🦊 anon
First of all, congratulations Foxy!! 🎉🥳🥳
Finishing school and getting that diploma is a HUGE accomplishment, and you did it while scared and unsure of things. You're braver and stronger than you think to have stuck with it even though the prospect of what came after scared you so much.
I am so, so very proud of you.
Second, the future can be scary. The world in general seems to have no shortage of bad going on, and it sometimes feels like there's no point in even trying when there's so much greed and selfishness and hate. And, more specifically for your situation, when your parents seem to think that not having some iron clad plan for the rest of your life is something to be ashamed of.
It's not.
Take a moment to breathe. Focus on the now. You've gotten your diploma. Celebrate that accomplishment, as not everyone has gotten where you are. Seriously, be proud of yourself for where you are! You deserve some happiness for that!
As for what comes after? Take it one day at a time. Sit down with your boyfriend (if you haven't already) and really talk about what your hopes are, what your dreams are, and what worries and scares you. Be honest. With him and with yourself. Sometimes just giving voice to our fears helps us see them in a way that makes them not so scary. Or they can help those who love us understand us better.
Once you've verbalized what you're feeling, then maybe you can sit down with your parents and have a real, honest-to-goodness adult conversation about your future. Maybe they'll listen, maybe they won't. But your life is yours, and you need to do what makes you most comfortable and happy.
As I said in a previous response, sometimes people get stuck in their own history when it comes to expectations for others. Maybe your parents had a steady job with a good income and got married and a house and a kid at suchandsuch age, but the world is vastly different now than it was just 20 years ago. The economy is so, so different. Job hunting is much harder. Everything is so much harder now. And it's very possible they just won't see or admit that.
I don't have all the answers for you. I don't have an easy response to what you should do if your parents continue holding this need for a 'plan' over your head. It sucks, I know. I'm sorry.
Be gentle with yourself. Break things down into more manageable timeframes--what do you want to do in an hour? Tomorrow? Next week? Every journey starts with a single step, as the proverb goes. Focus on the next few steps, instead of staring at the horizon, worrying about how you'll get there in XX amount of time.
You'll get there. And even if you don't get to a specific point, maybe you'll find a detour along the way you'll enjoy more.
There is more to life than checking off a list of Things To Accomplish To Be A Success.
I don't have any specific over-arching goal I want to accomplish in my life. There's no big Thing that will make my life have meaning or purpose. I don't consider myself terribly special, or smart, or talented by any means. I'm just me, and I'll never be anything more than that.
I simply want to leave the world a little better than I found it. Maybe make someone's day a little brighter, if I can. Either by offering help and support, being the ear they need when they're having a hard day, or making people smile with a joke or silly stories about a cartoon echidna.
And maybe that means when I die my obituary won't be full of impressive achievements and acknowledgements and titles and successes. Maybe the only people who'll really miss me are my family.
But maybe I'm okay with that.
Because living your life following the expectations of others isn't living. Even if those others are your parents, or significant other, or friends, or whomever. If you're making decisions based on what other people think or expect you to, you're making the wrong ones.
Live for YOU, Foxy. Find your path. I believe in you, and I know you can do it.💗🧡💛💚💙💜
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
I'm so glad to be the Mick anon!!!! I love him so much, thank you!!! Your last post killed me!
Thinking about poor baby's face the moment his old Dom orders him to get out of his house. With Mick, you can see the moment his heart breaks through his eyes because they're always so expressive. His eyes start to water and his voice breaks when he says a little "okay" (just like in Abu Dhabi when they asked him to stop doing donuts - he's a good boy, even when they mistreat him he still wants to obey). Right now I picture him outside desperate and trying not to cry after his Dom shuts the door in his face.
He's so nervous when you become his Dom because he's not sure he could deal with a similar situation. You're the exact opposite because you love, respect, and care for him more than he ever expected.
Mick loves everything when it comes to you! Planning a scene together, the scene itself and the aftercare. You metaphorically (and kinda literally) hold his hand during every step.
Aftercare with Mick is a long process sometimes, but it's one of the best parts! The praise never stops, and you stay with him as long as necessary - even if he needs many hours, you'll give your good boy what he needs!
Alright you heard it here first folks, 🌻 anon is officially the Mick anon!!! I'm so glad you liked my added thoughts and all of your thoughts here are so fucking good and I need to expand on all of them because obviously.
Mick truly would be absolutely heartbroken when his old dom orders him to leave. He was so excited to see his dom's reaction to all his hard work, and then he just get criticised and kicked out.
It completely ruins service submission for him, which is awful because that used to be one of his favourite things in the world. He used to use service submission as a way to calm down before the Haas dom ruined it.
And so when he meets you, he's so scared? He wants so badly to have that type of warm happiness he felt when he was servicing his dominant. He just wants that back, but he no longer believes it's possible to have a dom like that in F1.
He actually doesnt even bring it up to you at first? Because he's truly traumatised from that night when the door was slammed in his face after he had worked so hard. So he just doesnt tell you, because he has been criticised for so long and he just couldn't take it anymore.
But then you praise him for everything else? Look after him and hold him and make it clear that you're so proud of him and always respect him and he begins to realise that maybe... maybe he can tell you about his service sub desires. Maybe you wont ruin it for him.
And it goes so well!!!
You stay in the house the entire time he does the chores, checking up on him all the time and giving him kisses and hugs and thanking him the entire time. He loves it so much. And then when he's finished and he shows you everything, he gets even more praise! And then you take him to the bathroom and run him a bath because he's worked so hard and he gets a soapy hand job and all the cuddles his little heart desires.
He starts sobbing at the end of the night from pure relief and joy over the fact that he can finally be a service sub again.
And yes he loves everything about scening with you! He's never been able to be this involved in planning scenes and he adores it so fucking much? Being able to hear your thoughts and contribute his own and know exactly how he can be a good boy before the scene even happens just comforts him in a way he didnt even know was possible.
Of course aftercare is long! Mick deserves ALL the cuddles!!!
He does indeed require a lot of aftercare, because he's just the sweetest little sub and he's been hurt far too much and he just really needs some TLC.
I also think you get Lewis involved in his aftercare? George is welcome to come too, but Mick adores when Lewis joins because then he gets to kneel for you and get his hair played with while he listens to you telling Lewis all about how good he was.
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bri-does-art · 2 years
I’ve been wanting to leave a comment on ao3 for Call of the Abyss for awhile now but I am a huuuuuge coward. So I’ll just say it here instead with the safety of anon :P
But this fic is genuinely amazing. I’ve never really liked reading but your story has me hooked. Things don’t feel rushed at all, everything is properly fleshed out and never dragged on. It’s a wonderful combination of comedy and dread as well! I enjoy the writing style and how detailed it is. I adore the banter MC has with Helpy. I love the funny little moments they have with sun as well. And I really appreciate how you give little tibits of info on crewmates even though we probably will never will get to see some of them. Hearing that Jeremy played American Pie (one of my favorite songs) and cherished their guitar just made him seem all the more real. I’m not sure if what I’m saying is making sense. Moving on now, you had me on the edge of my seat when Sun and MC encountered the sickly bunny looking fish dude. I’m guessing they’re supposed to be the glitchtrap of this au? Apologies if I’m wrong. Ether way I was spooked but couldn’t stop reading, I just had to know if the thing would attack them (thank god it didn’t though lol). And noice moons finally made an appearance >:D Though I am pretty curious to know if the whole ship crashing thing now was just part of some big scheme. Usually most fnaf fics will just sum it up to Fazbears just being a crappy company but you went all out with giving the ship crash more depth. Honestly I can’t wait to see more, you’re the reason why I refresh my email on the daily lmao. Keep up the good work
Oh, lovely nonny, I don't understand why you're so scared! Am I that intimidating? :'DD
But, I appreciate you reaching out in a way that fits your comfort level, or else I would have never gotten your wonderful comment! <3 Gosh, I don't even know where to begin, all of it had me staring at my screen with a big ol' smile and/or wiggling happily.
Don't worry, you've made perfect sense! No matter how minor a character is, I like giving them little things that help make them feel a little more alive you know? (Or, well, that they were once alive in the case of most characters in CotA, haha...) Not just a two dimensional caricature, but someone who you could run into in the street, you feel?
Hey, don't apologize, it's fine! I did leave it a little ambiguous and vague (as I do a lot of things in this fic), so don't feel bad for guessing wrong sometimes, it's part of the fun of writing/reading a mystery ;) I love reading all the guesses and speculations my readers make based on the trail of crumbs I'm peppering in the text, it's honestly one of the best parts of writing this fic. The sickly bunny fish person is actually meant to be a Withered Bonnie! But, to be fair to you, there are so many bunnies in FNAF, lmao. Only outnumbered by all the bears 😂 I used to get them all mixed up. I suppose with the description I used, it could easily work as well as a messed up version of Burntrap! But, in the plans I made, it is officially Withered Bonnie!
Oh, we are only beginning to scratch the surface when it comes to the crash... All I can say is, hold on to your hat, nonny. :))
"you’re the reason why I refresh my email on the daily" Oh. Oh no. Listen, I am flattered, truly! But please don't do this to yourself x'D I'm an adult with a full time job, a very slow writer, and I write massive 10k chapters on average, there is always going to be several weeks in between each updates! You're only setting yourself up for repeated disappointment!
Again, thank you so much for your amazing commentary, it made me smile all day while at work, and I think it'll keep making me smile as I work on the next chapter with renewed motivation :D Please, don't be afraid to leave a comment on AO3, you can only make an author's day better~ If not, then my inbox is always open to you, lovely nonny!
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j0kers-light · 1 year
An idea has been floating around in my head. How would J react to finding a child? Like they’ve either been abandoned or they’re lost or maybe even kidnapped and he happens to stumble across them. Would he do anything, purposefully scare the kid more cuz it’s amusiiiing (SHEESH Joker🤧) or just ignore them, orrrr? I can’t decide his thoughts about kids; at most he’s probably just indifferent, finds them annoying or MAYBE somewhere deep inside find them almost endearing?? Just to the extent of, “they’re easy to entertain and play around with” *Cue Joker acting like a child himself* Apologies Choas, this is a lot, I’m just trying to gather opinions!!
Hey hi anon!!🖤✨
Joker with a child 😀 almost fell out of my office chair when I read this ask earlier! and anon it’s never too much! Don’t apologize! Send everything you have! I got carried away so here’s an unnecessarily long answer!! I hope you enjoy!
If the child is kidnapped:
Guaranteed Joker is involved PURELY BY ACCIDENT!
The poor kid was taking a nap in the getaway van (Kids am I right??? So weird.) How was J supposed to know!?
Now Bats and the GCPD thinks he abducted someone’s demon offspring. He most certainly did NOT!
He resents the title; Child Abductor. Like he’s actually gonna return it 🙄 pfft.
Of course “it” being an adolescent roughly 7-16yr. Does letting the kid become an official gofer count as good parenting? Wait. He’s not considering becoming one!!!
Unrelated: The kid is surprisingly good at driving. J highkey wants to hire them for future jobs 🤣😭 “uh.. yeah you can drive on the uh sidewalk.. have at it.”
Later on Frost explains what GTA is to Joker; they’re hired. 😂
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If the child is lost
Hoooo boy. I’m feral at the thought of a younger kiddo (like 1-6yr) crying for their parents in a panicked crowd (totally not Joker’s fault) and J is like “ew” but the child grabs the back of his jacket.
Now there’s a child hanging from Joker and he could care less.
Goes about his day as normal. I’m taking murdering sprees, at least two other robberies etc.
Eventually he gets annoyed by the excessive amount of giggling, this kid having a ball swinging around! but they’re ruining Joker’s image.
Cue J grabbing the child by their leg, “how do I turn this thing off” pokes their baby rolls (unknowingly makes the kid laugh more; all the goons are horrified).
Y/n fainting when Joker comes home with a child dangling from his shoulder that’s chewing on his Swiss knife. Wayyyy too close to the blade.
The child laughs at you falling down. “You think that’s funny brat? Wait til I hold ya ransom.”
The child is later rescued/found after their parents make an undisclosed payment..
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If the child is abandoned (rip to my ovaries)
Joker sees a bit of himself watching the child cry in the dirty cardboard box, (or whatever they were left in) in the abandoned building everyone was hiding in.
Frost tells him to kill it or something and receives a stab wound for his.. well, frostiness.
There is something about this child that makes Joker feel… sigh, he hates it but the minute the child sees J’s clown face and their eyes connect? IT'S OVER!
Joker cleans Carter’s out and he practically buys Gerber stock with the ridiculous amount of stuff he buys this child.
If Bats can have crime fighting orphans, why can’t J have a criminal one? This tiny human thing is coming with him.
If it’s a boy, Gotham has a new generation to fear and if it’s a girl, that’s even worse. Gotham City is theirs forever!
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You really care for Rodrigue, don't you? It'd be a shame if some... unrest broke out in Fraldarius Territory. Maybe an encore of the Tragedy of Duscar? - The Note is Unsigned. //For the scare-anon!
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I-Is this a threat? Or some sort of sick warning? Who are you?! Show yourself you coward! Wh- What is this?! Oh Goddess... If there's even a possibility this is true...
*His breathing goes of the rails in a matter of seconds. As he recalls the horrible horrible night he'd died. His vision was blurry, and his hands started shaking. Was he having a flashback?*
<No, no, no, no, no, no, no... What am I doing I look so weak. What if Dimitri see's me like this? Or Rodrigue? RODRIGUE! Is he alright... What if this threat is just informing me? What if something has already happened to him. No, no, NO! I can't let him burn to death like his son did! I only just got him back, Goddess don't make me lose him again! Wait.. he has to be somewhere nearby, right? He'd come to visit me. I have to find him.>
*Lambert forwent trying to get his breathing under control and dashed desperately through the halls. Where was Rodrigue? Where was Rodrigue? WHERE WAS RODRIGUE!?*
Rodrigue?! Wh- Where are you?!
*He felt faint. Trying to run through the endless halls of The Monastery whilst having his vision fade in and out of reality and that night. He tried to hide it. He tried so so hard to hide it, but that night had been so traumatizing. He had barely gotten enough sleep to survive since he became corporeal. He- B-But that didn't matter. What mattered was finding Rodrigue.*
*He sounded pathetic. And he probably looked pathetic too, as he desperately fought through whatever the hell was happening to him. One second he was looking at the calm monastery halls, deserted as the children were all in class, and the Knights out on a mission. The next second his ears were overloaded with the sound of flames and screaming. His whole body dripping with blood that he was uncertain of how much of it was his own. Where was Dimitri?! And then he was back in the monastery. Where was Rodrigue?! The lines between his memories and reality started blurring. Which of this was real!? Which of it wasn't? Everything started swimming. He couldn't see, his hearing was completely overwhelmed, his body couldn't decide if it was being decapitated, or whether it was leaning on a cold stone wall. His speech all started slurring together as he was overcome with fear and pain*
Rodrigue!? R-Rodimitri! Dimitri! Glen-odrigue!? Wherethehellam-Rodrigue!? Rodrigue?! Where are- Howamiwheredimit- Where?! I-
*Goddess, why did his chest hurt so much?!*
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
Possibly an unpopular opinion.. but wwx was not a father figure for A-Yuan during their time in the burial mounds. He was more like a cool, but crazy uncle imo 🤣
Everyone be like, wwx did a good job... It was lwj who raised him 🤔 I mean, don't get me wrong.. our boy Wei did saved him twice and is so happy to have him in his life again. But lwj deserve most of the credit ✌️
Anon, I'm afraid I will have to disagree here and say that I don't agree with this take. If you are ascribing parental figures to one of them, then they both should get the credit, it’s not Wei Wuxian’s fault he was killed after only a year. I’m sure if you ask any number of people who have lost a parent young but they remember their parent being a parent while they were alive, that’s still the feeling they have now.
Yeah, Wei Wuxian plays with him a lot and teases him. That's not necessarily behavior that's only relegated to uncles. Not only does that sound pretty similar to Lan-furen playing with little Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji, but it also sounds like my dad, who definitely was a parent, just one that did his guidance through much more play related activities. There is more than one way to be a caring, good parent.
Also that being said, there are plenty of interactions and character moments that feel very parental in nature. Here he is scolding A-Yuan for eating corpse dirt:
Wei WuXian bent down and picked up the child, letting him sit on his arm, “What do you mean get him away? Can’t you talk properly? A-Yuan, why do you hug the leg of everyone you meet? Off you go! Don’t bite your nails right after you play with mud. Do you know what the mud is made of? Move your hand! Don’t touch my face either. Where’s Granny?”Wei WuXian bent down and picked up the child, letting him sit on his arm, “What do you mean get him away? Can’t you talk properly? A-Yuan, why do you hug the leg of everyone you meet? Off you go! Don’t bite your nails right after you play with mud. Do you know what the mud is made of? Move your hand! Don’t touch my face either. Where’s Granny?”
Here they are with some soup, and I double checked, Wei Wuxian is teasing A-Yuan and saying he's being a good son here. Filial piety is specifically the respect from a child to a parent or ancestor.
Wen Yuan couldn’t stop after just a few mouthfuls, yet he still knew to give the bowl to Wei WuXian, speaking as though he was presenting him with a treasure, “… Brother Xian… Xian eat.”
Wei WuXian seemed to like it a lot, “Yes, very good. So you do know what filial piety means.”
As well as A-Yuan seems to think of Wei Wuxian as a father secretly. A-Yuan gets lost in the market and while looking for Wei Wuxian, discovers and gets scared by Lan Wangji.
In the beginning, Wen Yuan was still holding onto his leg. Wei WuXian walked back and forth, picking out potatoes and bargaining. Hanging on his leg, Wen Yuan felt tired just a while later. His short arms were sore, so he let go to rest for a bit. Yet, in just a few moments, the rush of the people on the streets made him reel left and right, losing his sense of direction. His line of sight was quite low. He walked here and there, but couldn’t find Wei WuXian’s long legs and black boots. Everything in front of his eyes were pants so grimey that they were the color of dirt. He grew more and more petrified. As he spun around dizzily, he bumped into someone’s leg.
Hiding in the crowd as he heard the words ‘his dad’, Wei WuXian almost exploded with laughter. Lan WangJi immediately looked up, denying it, “I am not.”
Wen Yuan didn’t know what the people were talking about. When children were scared, they always called out to those they were close to. And so, sobbing, he called, “Dad! Dad…”
A-Yuan has not even officially met Lan Wangji yet. The narrative tells us he's scared and calling for those that they were close to. The only person who could hear him is Wei Wuxian. He calls him "A-die".
Wei Wuxian’s parenting is definitely a lot more unorthodox than most parenting we see, but let’s keep in mind that he is twenty-one at the most at the time. He is a very young man who is putting himself in the position of caring for a child in a hellistic time on earth. His main goal is to make sure that A-Yuan grows up feeling happy and cared for without ever worrying about their situation. He can’t erase all of it, but he can sure as hell make sure that A-Yuan never feels like everyone’s miserable. A-Yuan also seems to be the only child in the camps, who else does he have to play with?
The relationship between the three of them is interesting because there is no singular term that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji use for Sizhui, nor does Sizhui quite define them in one particular relationship. He calls Wei Wuxian “Xian-gege” most of the time, but also “A-Die” once when he’s scared. He describes Lan Wangji as being like a “father and brother” to him. The two men clearly both take pride and interest in his upbringing and even take him out on special trips alone with just the two of them.
If you conclude that Lan Wangji feels more like a parent to Lan Sizhui, keep in mind that they both give Sizhui the same sense of safety. He connects the two with the same emotion.
Wei WuXian turned to him, “SiZhui, you’re the most sensible one here. Guide them a bit, won’t you? Can you do that?”
Lan SiZhui nodded. Wei WuXian added, “Don’t be scared.”
Lan SiZhui, “I am not.”
“Really.” Lan SiZhui smiled, “Senior, you are so much like HanGuang-Jun.”
Wei WuXian was puzzled, “Us? How are we alike?” They were obviously like fire and ice. However, Lan SiZhui only grinned in reply, and led the rest of the group out.
He continued his thought silently, I do not know, either, but they just feel similar. It is as though if either one of the two seniors are present, I will not need to be scared or worry about anything.
And both of Wangxian conclude that they are both responsible for how he turned out, as well as the same soft look in their eyes.
At least, Lan SiZhui couldn’t hold it any longer. With a loud cry, he leaped up. One hand around Wei WuXian and the other around Lan WangJi, he pulled the two into a tight embrace. Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi bumped into each other from the hug. Both of them were surprised.
Lan SiZhui buried his head between their shoulders, “HanGuang-Jun, Senior Wei, I… I…”
Hearing his muffled voice, Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi exchanged a look, only inches apart. They both saw something soft within each other’s eyes.
Wei WuXian fixed his mood and put his hand on Lan SiZhui’s back, patting, “Enough, what are you crying for?”
Lan SiZhui, “Not crying… Just… I suddenly feel so frustrated, but so happy as well… I do not know how to describe it…”
After some silence, Lan WangJi laid his hand onto his back as well and patted. Lan WangJi, “There is no need to describe it then.”
Wei WuXian, “That’s right.”
Lan SiZhui didn’t say anything. He hugged them even tighter.
Soon, Wei WuXian exclaimed, “Hey, hey, hey, why are your arms so strong? Definitely deserving of HanGuang-Jun’s teachings…”
Lan WangJi glanced at him, “You taught him as well.”
Wei WuXian, “No wonder he grew up so nicely.”
There is no single defined relationship, but it is clearly close, affectionate and Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji definitely have a mentor/parental interest in his life and take a close hand in guiding him on the road to adulthood. However the thing that is clear is that Wangxian both share the same feelings and give Sizhui the same emotions. If one is an uncle, both are. If one is a parent, both are. 
Also again, I think it’s super unfair to blame Wei Wuxian for not being involved in A-Yuan’s upbringing while he was dead, especially since every time Wei Wuxian thinks of Sizhui, Sizhui keeps making him proud and thinking of how good a child he is. Lan Wangji also clearly is raising Sizhui to be aware of Wei Wuxian as he was and to when he is ready, know the other family that he lost.
If Wangxian were together and Wei Wuxian still died young, would you say that Lan Wangji still deserves all the credit? It’s not like Wei Wuxian walked out or chose not to be involved. He died. Of course Lan Wangji has put in the more time, but that’s not something either of them ever wanted.
So yeah, it probably is kind of an unpopular opinion. And not one I particularly agree with either. Sorry!
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bifairywife · 2 years
anon i basically imagined a whole fanfic idea from this ask alone and i can't wait for uni to be less hectic so i can plan that fic out ahhhhahsdfja
for context, this type of HCs is made with the thought that huntlow/winter is already official (the typical invite to the house for a family dinner) <33
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gilbert and harvey have my whole heart, they love willow so much (they literally quit their jobs on the fly, just to homeschool her the moment she was expelled like that dedicATION-) and they want the best for their only daughter
of course that internally pressures hunter to no end cause like,,, how would you know if you are enough for someone's only daughter? belos definitely didn't leave much room for hunter to have a love life when he was the golden guard, so meeting the dads?? what do you do??
sure hunter has been exposed to other parents. there's amity's parents, luz's mom, and there's eda. but they're not his girlfriend's parents-
hunter totally took way too much time fixing his hair before the meeting ("is this too neat? ugh this feels like i'm trying too hard. [does a different style] well this just shows like i'm not trying hard enough [groans in frustration]")
of course uncle darius comes to the rescue <33 ("you want a clean but classy look, but not too classy you're not going to a ball you just want to be presentable to the men whose blessing can make or break your relationship." [cue distressed hunter tm whimper])
between gilbert and harvey, girlbert is definitely the friendlier one
"i heard you have teleportation magic of sorts, that's very impressive" [cue in hunter stammering cause we all know this boi ain't used to receiving compliments]
harvey being the more "stern" one is keeping up a good streak of not being easily impressed but he's attentive to the things hunter say and do
"so you were the golden guard" and a "you really left your position just like that, huh?" along with a "so you met my daughter under false pretenses? to recruit her?"
the first one wasn't so bad, and the second kind of put him on the spot cause that's a lot of baggage, but that third question scared hunter to his core but before he could explain himself, harvey just boomed
"and she's the first person you wanted to include in the best coven!" harvey is absolutely beaming with pride. questionable tactics aside, it technically was the most elite coven around at the time. and technically willow wasn't the first person he wanted to recruit but she was the first serious candidate hunter wanted and that's what counts more. plus, willow was in the abomination coven because harvey told her there were "better opportunities in that track" so it fits. harvey wants willow to have the best offers and hunter met her because that's exactly what he's willing to give
thank titan that harvey's loosening up too, because it comes to the best part
"we actually met b-because of flyer derby, sir-"
that's really all it took and harvey is absolutely gushing as he and gilbert reminiscence about the early years of their relationship plus their flyer derby team
"we were the ghouls and gilbert was the absolute best with our defensive tactics! the other team always have a hard time trying to get our flags." harvey praised his husband, "he was the one that chose our team name too."
"you know, dads, hunter was the one that thought of our team name. remember what i mentioned? the emerald entrails!"
a catchy name? a catchy name that's the main color associated with their daughter? yESSSSS-
it went better than hunter could've ever expected. yes he was a walking ball of anxious nerves but his entire journey with willow really spoke for itself about their relationship
plus harvey and gilbert aren't blind, they see how much their daughter loves hunter too. with how mutual that love and admiration is, how can they possibly not approve?
by the end of the meeting, gilbert and harvey gave hunter two things: (1) a blank album for him and willow to fill up themselves and (2) the recipe to willow's favorite comfort food ("if you ever upset her, which i sure hope you won't, this will easily get her back up to a good mood with you")
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kookstempo · 2 years
Hi i see ur request are open, if they r can i request a drabble when tae and tn are bestfriends but they r in love and they hook up, u know like they act like couple but they r not, they kiss, cuddle, have sex.... so one they r cuddling after doing it and they decide to make they relationship official.
If u acept my request let know it.
Thank u 💕have a good day 💕
hello, beautiful anon! i hope you're having a great day. here you go, hope you like itttt and it's not too long lol.
pls let me know what you think!
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“I am not cooking food for you, mister. You need to do things on your own. What will you do the day your wonderful, beautiful best friend is not around?”
Taehyung scoffs at the idea of you not being around, but also at the way you compliment yourself.
“First of all, that’s never going to happen. I don’t think I’d survive not having you around.” He walks up to where you are - cutting fruit for a smoothie - and removes the knife from your grasp, careful not to cut you.
“What about the second one?” You turn to him, gazing down at him quizzically.
“Thought you’d never ask.” The second thought arrives as a shower of kisses - Taehyung cradles your cheeks in his hands and continues pecking every bit of skin he sees, even blowing some raspberries in your neck. 
“Okay, okay! Enough, I’ll cook something for you. Just… stop.” You grab the cloth that’s lying around on the counter, cleaning your face from his kisses, trying to cover your burning cheeks.
“You cannot cut strawberries and not give me some. My two favorite things combined.” Moving the cloth away, he cradles your cheeks again and pecks two spots you know he loves to kiss: your forehead and your nose. He doesn’t let you go, however, his face expressing deep thought. Right when you are going to ask him what’s wrong, he tilts his head and directs his eyes to your lips, leaning forward to kiss your left cheek.
“Thank you, princess.”
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“We don’t have all night, Y/N.” Tae groans in frustration, texting Jimin to tell him to come to your apartment, as you weren’t even halfway ready. Jin and his girlfriend invited the group to celebrate with them because Jin had been promoted at his job - the salary and the opportunities had increased a lot. Taehyung loves driving, therefore he had offered to take both Jimin and you to the club. He knows it won’t be a problem, especially since Jimin lives a few blocks away from you. 
“I have two options, here comes the first one. I’d much rather go out with this one since it’s fresh and classy, but please be honest like you usually are and tell me if I look gross.”
You let your hair down and walk out to the living room, expecting to find your best friend looking at his phone. Jimin’s voice greets you, though, the last thing you were expecting.
“You look good, Y/N.” Jimin whistles the moment you come out of your room, scanning you from head to toe.
“Shit! You scared me. I thought it was just Tae and me, when did you get here?” Hand on your chest, you walk towards Jimin, hugging him. Taehyung is not oblivious like you are, therefore he notices Jimin’s eyes lingering on your chest. 
“A couple of minutes ago, Tae let me in. But you do look good.” You’re about to return the compliment when Taehyung’s hands place themselves on your waist, pulling you back to him, giving you a back hug. 
“We all know she’s beautiful. Stop it.” Jimin raises an eyebrow at his friend’s reaction - still, it’s nothing he hasn’t seen or experienced before. Getting out of the dark-haired man’s hold, you walk back to your room so you can finish getting ready.
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All of you are having a great time. Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok are killing it on the dance floor, Jin is toasting every time alcohol is near him, while Namjoon and his girlfriend are attempting to stop him (Jin always gets the worst hangovers). Yoongi is next to you. He’s also having a great time, but from watching Jin. 
“Hey, I’m going to get a refill. Want something?” You ask Yoongi, getting up and walking to the bar after he replies with a no. The bar is crowded, it seems like everyone has the same idea as you do. You spot an empty corner, so you get out of the crowded area and begin walking to that spot. There’s a couple waiting for their drinks, and a man sitting alone. 
Said man places his hand on your lower back, making you turn around before he can lower it even more.
“Hello, gorgeous. You here alone?” He’s eyeing you like a piece of meat, like he’s been starving for a hundred years and you’re within grasp, ready to be eaten. 
“No, I’m here with my boyfriend and his friends.” Your mom taught you at an early age that lying is bad, you’re sure you’d be excused this time. You can’t let him know you’re single.
“And where is he, hm? I wouldn’t leave a hottie like you alone… sucks to be him.” 
“Please leave me alone.”
“I can take care of you until your drink is finished, babygirl…” 
You tune him out. Why can’t he take a no for an answer? It’s with trembling hands that you reach for your phone that’s on the counter, trying to text someone so they can help you. 
“I’m fucking speaking to you.” The man in front of you growls, snatching your phone out of your hands and moving his stool closer to yours. You take a deep, unsteady breath trying to find the right words to calm both him and yourself down; you don’t want to lead him on, but whatever you say can be used against you if not phrased properly. 
“Hey, babe! We just ordered a new round of shots, figured you’d want to join us?” Kimberly stands next to you, discreetly pulling you away from that creep, while Taehyung steps right in front of him to block you from his view. Kimberly gives your arm a small squeeze, reminding you to reply, so as to not raise any suspicions. 
“Y-yes, let’s go. Tae, you coming?” The sound of your voice makes him turn around - he had gotten a little carried away trying to deal with the man. Being your best friend, he can effortlessly notice the slight quivering in your voice. He pulls away and walks with both of you girls back to the table, pulling you by the waist when he sees your uneasiness. 
“I’ll tell the guys you’re okay. Let Taehyung lead you outside so you can catch some air.” 
You hear Kimberly’s words right in your ear. She gives Taehyung a brief smile before you guys walk towards the exit. You make your way down the wide three steps and sit down on the last one, putting your hands on your face trying your best not to break down right there. 
“You’re okay. It is not your fault, it will never be.” He feels clueless, he can’t stand seeing you like that, nonetheless. He sits down at enough distance to not bother you, trying to remember everything his sister has ever told him to do/say in these cases. He pats your thigh, standing up again and walking to the middle of the street. He takes off his jacket and throws it - carefully - to you, making you frown.
“What are you doing?” 
He tries with all of his strength to ignore your pout, deciding to carry on with the “show” he has planned; he starts dancing goofily, exaggerating specific movements every time you react with giggles or with a smile and a shake of your head. 
“Oh no, no, no. Taehyung, stop that!” The music coming from the club has transitioned from catchy and upbeat to sexy and slow now that it’s almost 1:00 a.m. and the black-haired man is moving his hips suggestively to match it. You run to him, trying to contain your laughter. You place your hands on his hips to get him to stop, but he grabs them and loops your arms around his neck, spinning your bodies around completely ignoring the slow music. 
“Okay, okay. I’m gonna get very dizzy, but I got you to smile and that’s all that matters. Wanna get out of here?” He sets you down, moving your hair to the back so he can see your face without it covering it. You hum in agreement and let him grab your hand, walking towards his car.
With one hand on the steering wheel, the other one on your thigh, Taehyung speeds through the highway to his apartment. His thumb caresses the inner part of your thigh, making you turn to the window so he can’t see you biting your lip.
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“I have some pizza from last night, do you want me to heat it up?” He takes the pizza slices out of the fridge, placing them on a plate ready to microwave them. Taking your heels and Taehyung’s jacket off, you place the items on the couch, moving then to the kitchen to help him with cups and tablecloths. The thing with the shelves in his apartment is that they’re way too high, especially the one with the cups. Being mindful of your dress, you tug it down a bit while standing on your tippy-toes, grunting from the effort of not being able to reach the two cups. You turn your head, looking for Taehyung, to find him staring at your thighs and then at you with a smirk - by now, you know he’s teasing you. 
“Are you going to help me or what?” You roll your eyes at him when he laughs, watching him intensely until he’s behind you, helping you reach the cups. You place them down carefully on the counter, trying to turn around, yet the kisses he places on your cheek and jaw prevent you from doing so, heaving out a tiny sigh. 
“Sorry, little girl. Are you feeling better now? I don’t like seeing you sad over dickheads like that.” He hides his face in the crook of your neck, hands tightening a tad on your hips. You grab his hands and remove them from your waist, turning around in his hold so he can look at you. 
“As long as I have you, I’ll always be okay.” Mimicking his action from earlier, you loop his arms around your neck, staring at him fondly. He murmurs something you can’t quite pick up on before he leans forward to kiss you. The action catches you by surprise, but you’re in no state of mind to stop him, as you’ve always imagined your lips on his, so you return it eagerly. 
Your relationship with him has changed over the past months - sure, he can be possessive and very affectionate - you are too - but kissing is something that has never happened before. The idea has run through your mind more times than you can even count, still, you never thought it’d actually happen. 
The pizza is forgotten as rapidly as the kiss you're sharing escalates. Taehyung hoists you up to place you on the counter, the male's hands on your thighs separating your legs so he can stand between them. The sound of the microwave having heated the pizza slices startles both of you, separating from each other. 
“Are you… uhm, are you still hungry?” He’s panting, holding back from devouring your lips again. His hands never leave your thighs, massaging them with a bit of force. 
“Yes, but not for pizza.” You latch your lips on his neck, sucking and biting here and there, surely leaving some marks. He lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist so you guys can move to his room.
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“You’re special to me, you know that, right?” He caresses your cheek with his index finger, moonlight seeping through the halfway-pulled curtains and reflecting a bit on your face.
“I know… You’re special to me, too.” You turn to give his hand a peck, shuffling a bit so you’re closer to his body.
“This is not the place where I had envisioned it, for starters. But after tonight, I confirmed it.” He starts, sitting up. You look up at him, confused. He chuckles at the obvious confusion and continues speaking.
“You and me… we just fit. You have me, you have my heart. You’re fierce, you’re strong, but you let me baby you and that’s something not everyone gets to see. Knowing I’m the only one who gets to receive your kisses, see you giggle like a fool whenever I try to make you smile?” He stays silent for a while, opening and closing his mouth a couple of times not knowing how to say what he’s thinking. 
“Be mine, Y/N.”
“But I’m already yours, Tae?” You let out a small giggle, sitting up to be at the same level as he is. He groans a bit, grabbing a pillow to hit you with it on the arm. He suddenly gets up and walks out of the room - you’re about to stand up and follow him, thinking he really got mad, when he comes back with a rose in hand. He had gifted you a bouquet for your birthday - a week ago - and they are sitting on a vase on the kitchen table. There’s water dripping on his wrist, you know he grabbed it from that vase.
“You know what I mean, Y/N. I want to be your boyfriend.” 
Your jaw drops. You lean forward to grab the rose and he lets you, kissing your forehead. 
“Would you give me the privilege of being your boyfriend?” 
Your answer comes in the shape of a squeal and a kiss, hugging him tightly.
“Wait, so that’s a yes?” An adorable pout places itself on his lips, making the moment a lot cuter than it already is.
“It’s a yes. It’s a hell, yes.” 
Life throws twists at you. But this?  This is a twist you were never expecting, but you’re grateful for it.
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