#//getcha pride on
spellwing777 · 1 year
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Random prompt generator has a sense of humor I see.
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dorky-stars · 1 year
If you wanna get some pride cats here, click away! All hand drawn by me! And don't worry, I have more cats in the making!
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biographydivider · 1 year
Urgent Brother Business
A little gift for @somerandomdudelmao in return for their delightful Future AU, and for blessing us with Tiny Tello. I couldn’t get the image of him bossing gigantic, adult Leo around out of my head!
“So the Krang dogs were last spotted here,” April was saying, tapping at a map she’d laid out across the War Room table. “If we come around the perimeter this way, we should be able to use these ruins as cover to...”
She looked up from the carefully plotted attack plans at the ten recruits she’d assembled to go over strategy; none of which were even looking at the map. “Seriously, guys?” April huffed. “I don’t even have to turn around to see what y’all are gawking at...”
Behind her in the hallway, the Leader of the Resistance, The Greatest Ninja of All Time and the turtle who was meant to be leading this damn meeting was crawling across the  floor, barely holding in a laugh as a tiny, furious green pancake led him about by the tails of his mask.
“Well,” April deadpanned, arms folded, “I’ve turned around, and I see. Master Leonardo, you wanna get involved, here?”
“Can’t, April,” Leo said, pointing down at the turtle tot, who was scowling through his custom, handmade glasses at the world around him. “I’m double-booked. Take it up with Donnie.”
Donnie - the recent victim of a severe bout of anti-aging that seemed to be going around the base of late - growled reedily and tugged on Leo’s mask tails.
“Oop, we’re off again. See you next time, Commander. Recruits.”
“The sooner Mikey works out how to change him back,” April sighed, turning back to her map, “the better. Okay, can we at least try to focus, please?”
Leo had been basically useless to the resistance since Donnie got babified; following him around and basically doing whatever his little brother (emphasis on little) wanted him to do. That or picking Donnie up and gently squeezing him around the middle, just to hear him squeak. It was so darn cute!
“Where are we going, bud?” Leo asked, as Donnie led him through the base, his face a mask of adorable determination. “You wanna go bath? S’at it? You wanna swim? Oh, we’re going to the kitchen? I can getcha a cookie, just don’t tell Raph...oh.”
They’d stopped just in front of the counter that held the battered, dinged but somehow miraculously still functional coffee machine. It was Donnie’s pride and joy - he’d rescued it from a decimated Starbucks a month or two back, painted a Genius Brand logo on it and had made it work on salvaged coffee beans, evaporated milk and a dream.
Tiny Donnie looked up at it expectantly.
“Uh, bud?” Leo said, getting to his feet and rubbing the back of his neck guiltily. “I don’t think I can get you a coffee right now. You’re just a little guy, and I don’t know what all that caffeine will do to your sensitive lil’ tum-tum.”
Donnie looked from the machine to Leo and, assuming he simply hadn’t made himself understood, jabbed a tiny finger in the direction of the machine.
“D. Coffee’s not a good idea right now.”
Donnie grumbled and pointed all the harder.
“Nuh-uh. No way.”
The turtle tot’s eyes widened in scandalised betrayal - then narrowed as he hissed out something that was obviously a very bad word in Baby-ese.
“Woah, woah, you watch your mouth, mister.” Leo bent down to scoop up his brother. “You need a time out, buddy. Away from all this --”
An entire arsenal of purple nimpo weaponry materialised around Donnie.
“...temptation,” Leo finished weakly. “Eeuough boy.”
“Okay,” April was saying back in the War Room, having finally - finally! - wrangled back the recruits’ attention. “So this next part’s important. Escape plan; this back alley is vital, everyone memorise the co-ordinates --”
As one, the recruits snapped their attention to the doorway, just as Leo sprinted past, shrieking in terrified laughter as Donnie - somewhere in the haze of purple light and firepower that surrounded him - followed in hot pursuit.
“Donnie no, Donnie stop it I’m sorry, Donatello stand down I’m still your commanding officer--AAAAAGH!!!”
A soft, resonant boom, followed by a cloud of purple smoke. April deflated, finally admitting defeat and rolling up her map.
“Doesn’t matter. Just...don’t worry about it, guys.”
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pagesupinflames · 4 months
fuck you hoes BAM male with a penis baabe . did i getcha there ? BOOM transmasc autistic sweetheart . oh you want more ? is that all you got ??? WHAM nonbinary intersex freelancer . suck my dick and balls and lick my chocolate starfish you stupid fucks
happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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deancasbigbang · 4 days
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Title: Searching for a Rainbow
Author: thefastestqueeralive
Artist: morla
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy, Claire Novak/Kaia Niaves, Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum
Length: 20000
Warnings: No warnings applicable
Tags: Bar AU, Bartender Dean, Depressed Castiel, Dad Castiel, Hurt/comfort, Office sex
Posting Date: October 23, 2024
Summary: Dean Winchester runs a cosy pub in Lebanon, Kansas that welcomes any and every sort of patron. He’s good at his job, he knows he is, and Dean prides himself on how he’s built this bar from the ground up, turning it into the successful business it is. One that can support not only himself but enables him to send money back home to his father to aide in paying the bills. Castiel Novak, looking for a new place to drown his recent sorrows, stumbles in one night and catches the eye of the handsome and charming bartender. When the blonde barkeep won’t take no for an answer, Cass has no choice but to accept the offer of a shoulder to cry on, an audience of one to listen to his pity party. Dean discovers he never needed to fear how his family would react to news that could alter one’s perception of his character. He is presented with opportunities to grow and occasions to celebrate, but before he can fully enjoy himself, he has to accept his truth. He leans on friends before family while he struggles to come to terms with who he truly is, but after he succeeds, Dean is rewarded richly with happy days on the horizon. Castiel learns how to grieve, how to accept loss, how to open himself up to new possibilities and learn to share his life and his love. He is thrust into a life changing situation, one where he is suddenly a parental figure with no prior experience in the field, and worst of all he has to deal with teenage mood swings right off the bat—no cute gurgling and baby babble to soften the coming blows. Set in the perspective of the homely tavern, Rocky’s Bar, witness two grown men and their vast (and complicated) families support one another through good and bad, thick and thin.
Excerpt: “Got this great IPA from Austin—Cosmic Cowboy. You’re gonna love it.” Castiel hears the bartender say when he steps inside. The man listens to the conversation between barkeep and patron as he drips his way over to the bar, footsteps heavy. When he sits himself on the endmost red stained leather stool, the sodden length of his trench coat slaps wetly against the wooden legs of the seating. Castiel grimaces at the noise, heard only by himself beneath the hum of chatter in the public house. The bartender, who’d introduced himself as Dean a few nights back, focuses his attention on Castiel now. “Hey again! What can I getcha?” The man’s chirpy demeanour grates somewhat on Castiel, who silently nods toward the tap in front of him. He’s been coming to this same bar for the past week straight now, ordering the same on tap lager; coincidentally the very one Dean was just selling to his previous patron. Alcohol isn’t a healthy coping mechanism, Castiel knows. It’s just… He’s having a hard time as of late, and this seemed the least destructive way to deal with his problems—at least in the short run. It’s merely something he’s using to help him through some recent issues and then he’ll go back to being a very casual drinker. In his defence, it’s not like he’s getting completely and utterly shitfaced every night—just enough to feel lighter, to feel the weight leave his shoulders and allow him a deep enough sleep that he won’t have nightmares. Castiel doesn’t know how to deal with loss, how to cope with the newly gaping hole in his chest. A few beers a night seemed the easiest and cheapest solution to forgetting his sadness; he worries if Social Services found out he was attending therapy or counselling that they wouldn’t see him fit for the role of parental figure/guardian. A glass slides its way in front of the rain soaked man, snapping him from his musings. “Penny for your thoughts?” comes Dean’s perky voice once more.
DCBB 2024 Posting Schedule
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wendigonamecaller · 5 months
Can't Forget To Love You.
Desc: Azure, Alastor’s darling wife, died tragically and suddenly one night from tuberculosis. Ever since then, Alastor had become ruthless in his killings. Finally, he meets his end and hopes the pain from losing his bird would end, only for it to hurt tenfold when he wakes up in Hell with Azure nowhere to be found. Almost a century later, his thoughts are once again captivated by her essence just as an Angel falls and decides to help Charlie out with her dream.
TW: cannon type violence, death, angst, Azure is a fallen angel, Azure is secretly unhinged, emotional Alastor, Alastor in denial, Azure doesn’t realize Alastor was her Alastor at first, Azure falls because she defends her husband against Adam and Sera. Eventual smut, cursing, both Alastor and Azure try to beat around the bush, Alastor tries to protect her by pushing her away.
Chapter TW: Drinking, self esteem issues if you squint, Mimzy is a little shit, Mimzy knows exactly who Azure is, Mimzy is actually kinda nice.
TAGLIST: @redfoxwritesstuff
Chapter 2: She Only Smiles Like That When She's Drinkin'.
Azure wasn’t sure how she ended up in this dilemma, one moment she was arguing with two of the highest angels in Heaven, the next she was being thrown into the pits of Hell. She tried to use her wings to break her fall, only for them to somehow no longer be able to sustain her weight.
She landed gracelessly in front of a pub, or what she thought was one at least. The ex-angel looked up to see the sign on the establishment, a wave of nostalgia slapping her right across the face. ‘Mimzy’s’ was plastered on the sign, and the smell of Azure’s favorite whiskey was thick in the air as she opened the door.
She walked through the threshold and came face to face with something extremely new to her; demons in every corner, crowding the bar, taking up booths and tables, jazz playing loudly through speakers that added extra bass that Azure could feel vibrating her entire being, some on the dancefloor, and a few making out in a few corners.
A wolfish sinner passed her with what looked to be an imp of sorts, money poking out of his pockets. She quickly swiped it as she brushed past the sinner, only receiving a growl and glare from the sinner before he disappeared into the crowd. Azure brushed her darkening hair out of her face as she approached the bar, settling on a stool away from the rowdy group of demons that seemed to be having a drinking contest and her eyes brushed along the different bottles of alcohol lining the shelves. 
A short demoness wearing a pink flapper dress and bright blonde hair approached, giving Azure a welcoming, prideful grin.
“Ain’t ever seen ya ‘round here before, ya must be new. What can I getcha sweetie?” She asked, pulling out a glass.
“How much for a peach whiskey?” The ex-angel asked, folding her now useless wings behind her to keep them out of the way of other sinners.
“How much ya got sweetness?” The blond asked, pulling out a bottle of Azure’s favorite drink.
The now black haired female pulled out the money she’d swiped, showcasing at least $300. The ears on top of her head furrowed, knowing things would likely be a lot more expensive in Hell than in Heaven.
The blonde noticed this, and though that was more than enough money she decided to cut the poor sinner a break. “Tell ya what, tell me about yourself and you can have the whole damn bottle if ya want.” She offered, and Azure’s eyes lit up.
“Wait- really?” She asked, and the woman nodded. 
As the blonde poured some peach whiskey into the glass with some ice, Azure dived right in, happy to be lucky enough to find some hospitality. “Well, for starters my name is Azure, but I go by Azi.” She couldn’t remember when she started going by Azi, all she really remembered was her husband was insistent on calling her by the blasted nickname and eventually she just embraced it.
The woman smiled. “Sounds like someone I used to know, I’m Mimzy doll.” She introduced and Azure gave her a smile.
“Sounds like someone I used to know as well.” 
“How come you’re in this slopfest?” Mimzy asked, picking up a dirty glass to clean it. 
“Honestly I’m not sure. I’ve been dead since 1926.” Azure answered.
“And you’re just now wakin’ up in Hell? Dollface there’s a gap there.” Mimzy chuckled.
“Well, I know what got me here, I’m just not sure why.” Azure’s brows furrowed, and her right ear twitched. 
“Elaborate?” Mimzy asked, pausing and leaning against the counter as she paid attention to the hind. 
“I was in Heaven.” Azure whispered, not wanting any strangers to pick up on their conversation. Mimzy’s eyes widened.
“What did ya do to get the boot?” She asked as Azure finished off her first glass of whiskey.
“Argued with two of the higher angels.” She said sheepishly. 
She went to grab the glass of her second whiskey, only to notice her hand was nearly pitch black and had bright red claws that were long and sharp, extending from her second knuckle until an inch or two past her natural nail-bed. 
“Holy shit, you’re a firecracker aren’t ya?” Mimzy laughed and Azure smiled sheepishly.
“I guess that’s what my husband loved about me when we were alive.”
Azure stared into the mirror in the apartment Mimzy had graciously offered for her to stay in as long as she worked to earn her keep. Her features had changed a lot since her initial fall only hours earlier. Her wings were now a blood red and some of her down feathers were a darker red, the tips of her longer feathers turning a dark purple. Her skin was a pale gray color, fading to black on her hands and legs near her ankles and her hooves had turned to a brownish black color.
Her hair was gray by the roots, and faded to black the closer it got to the ends. Her ears had done the same, white at the base but fading to black at the tips, and cute white antlers poked out of her hair. She growled, a prey in life and death. 
Her now white eyes turned black for a second before her ears and antlers were hidden, a simple spell she used in Heaven to hide her animal traits that now included a wolf’s tail. Mimzy had said she’d find someone to help with her amnesia while she slept tonight, so Azure tried to put her racing thoughts to rest as she changed into a flimsy white nightgown that Mimzy had provided and sank under the covers of the bed in the bedroom of the apartment.
The next morning she awoke to Mimzy knocking on the apartment door, and quickly threw the door open. “G’morning doll, time to get you ready we’re leavin’ in a few minutes.” Mimzy threw the curtains open and turned on a few lights before setting an outfit on Azure’s bed.
“Where are we going?” The hind asked, tossing her nightgown off and folding it on the bed. 
Mimzy turned away respectfully while Azure changed, picking at her claws. “A friend of a friend has a place centered around redemption, thought maybe you’d be more suited to work there.” Azure tilted her head in confusion.
“Sinners can be redeemed?” She asked, and the blonde shrugged.
“Hell if I know, I just figured maybe some of the activities would help with that noggin of yours dollface.” Mimzy says as she goes behind the hind and ties the back of the shirt she wore together.
That brought both of the females to a hill near the outskirts of the Morningstar district, staring up at a large hotel. “Wow.” Azure commented, brushing her fringe out of her face.
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet dollface.” Mimzy chuckled, and then led the black-haired hind up to the doors.
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 4: 𝓦𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓽
Ah, the stinkies 😍
Loving these writings so far :3
Sorry I’m late y’all! A bitch needs some beddy time every now and again.
Tags: @rachi-roo (THANK YOU FOR THE HELP!!!) @chrimsss @giggly-squiggily
—this do have tickles below the cut ngl—
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Out of all of the fighting that Magna and Luck did, it was a bit shocking when the hyperactive blonde had suggested a day off from battles between the two. Instantly, Magna was on his case like a detective.
“Who are you, and what have you done with my friend?” The mohawked mage asked with a cocked eyebrow.
“Still me! Still Luck, just Luck with an ouchie.” The boy replied, holding his shoulder and turning his arm. The grimace on his face couldn’t be ignored, and Magna frowned.
“An ‘ouchie’, eh? What’d you do?” Magna stepped toward the blonde, only to have him jump back with an angry look. “What?”
“No! You’re gonna be mean to me!” The lightning mage replied with a pout.
“I’m not gonna-“
“No! You’re gonna come twist my arm and call me a baby, so just go away! It’s not that bad, we can fight again tomorrow,” Luck whined.
Magna laid a gentle hand on the boy’s shoulder and applied a quarter ounce of pressure. Luck instantly opened his mouth with hitched breath as his hand shot up to grab the latter’s.
“Hey, ow!” The boy hissed.
“Not that bad, my ass,” the flame mage sneered, placing a hand on Luck’s back. “Come on, let’s go get you some of Charmy’s food, and get you resting up.”
The cheery berserker followed in defeat, not knowing how to handle being out of commission.
After listening to his teammate and taking a nap, and eating a dish made by Charmy, he was feeling a lot better. The boy woke up with bright eyes and a big smile as he heard a knock on his door.
“How you holdin’ up, bud?” Magna entered with a patent grin, sitting down next to him on the bed.
“Much better! My shoulder must’ve just been in a weird place when I slept or something. Go ahead and test me, I’m cured!”
A brilliant idea of vengeanceto check on his friend’s shoulder brought a smile to the mohawked boy’s lips. “Healed, eh? You want me to test it? Here, lay down flat.”
A prideful grin tugged on Luck’s face as he flopped into his bed, face down. “Give me your worst, I can take it!”
“Oh I’m planning to…” Magna muttered menacingly as he cracked his knuckles. “Let’s see how much you can handle, big shot.” He sat atop of Luck’s bottom, just shy of the boy’s lower back.
“Wait! That’s not what I-” The blonde whined as he tried to kick his way upward. “Hey! Come on- EEP! Mahahahagnahaha! Nohohoho!”
“Oh? I thought you wanted me to do my worst! I’m just checking on your shoulder, that’s all.” Magna cooed as he pinched a “massage” over Luck’s shoulders.
The lightning mage whined as he buried his head into his comforter, trying hard to ignore the ticklish shockwaves being sent through his shoulderblades. “Cohohohome ohohohon! Nahahat fahahahair!”
“Are you sure your shoulder’s better? What about the rest of you?” The flame mage teased, grabbing one of Luck’s arms and holding it over his head. “You think that’s not fair? Try this.”
Blue eyes widened when the lightning mage felt a sudden, unbearable feeling in his lower ribs. “WAITWAITWAIT MAHAHAHAGNAHAHAHA! HYEHEHEHAHAHA!”
“Ohhhh! Magna found a good spot, huh? Gonna getcha, Lucky!” Magna sing-songed as he tweaked his teammate’s ribs. “Now I know a way to put you in your place when you piss me off!”
The flame mage stopped in shocked awe. “Dude! Did you just snort?!”
Luck whined as he buried his head further into the blanket. “L-Leheheave mehehe alohohohohoooooone. Dohohohont behehehe mehehehean.”
“Mean? Oh Luck…” in a quick move, Magna had stood up and flipped the boy onto his back, capturing both wrists in one hand and holding them above his head. “I’m your worst nightmare.”
Little pops of lightning flickered through the room, accentuating the young mage’s frantic giggles as his teammate went in for the kill.
With face flushed and eyes squeezed shut, Luck threw his head back and snorted like a madman as Magna blew raspberry after raspberry all over his torso, infatuated by the adorable sound.
But if you asked him, Luck didn’t seem to mind at all.
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wolfsclothing6 · 2 years
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The Bear’s Den
Well hello there. Welcome to the Bear’s Den. What can I getcha?
Well well, aren't you a cutie. I’d recommend ordering the Ursa Beer. We got a special tonight, one bucket o’ six for $20. Sounds good? Excellent, coming right up.
Let me give you some time to enjoy the first one (Then start feeding them to you faster and faster)
Rubbing your belly after that first belch? Yeah, there’s a lot of head in the beer. No need to gulp it down son, just enjoy it. It will start to be very relaxing. All the stress starting to fade away. Just getting more and more carefree, enjoying your beer in my bar. Don’t think about work, or grad school, or any of your troubles. Just drink and relax.
So what if your shirt starts riding up on your new belly? It feels good. If your pants feel a little tight, just loosen your belt or and do the top button. No worries.
Is your face a little scratchy? Must be your heavy stubble. It's quite think and very striking. It looks good on you.
It's not just your face that's getting itchy. Your chest, legs, back are probably all starting to prickle. It's a little itchy at first, but just drink another beer. Don't focus on it too much.
Damn, you pounded beer number two down pretty quickly. You say it had a bit of a musky taste compared to the first? Don’t worry about it, must have been because you drank it too fast. Or your taste buds are changing a bit, giving you new preferences and likes.
Ursa Beer has a rich and complicated taste. But it definitely gets better the more you have. Looks like your shirt doesn't fit at all now. Just go ahead and take it off man, I can keep it behind the bar.
Damn! I said take your shirt off, but it looks like you had a sweater on underneath! That's a pretty hairy body. I like a man who lets his pelt grow out, it looks very manly.
Plus I bet that crotch is getting a little tight as well. That sack of yours is probably nice and fuzzy, and your balls must be getting big. How did I know? I saw you when you went to piss after beer number three. You weren’t exactly shy in the urinals bud.
By the way, I love your ink. A bear paw with the bear pride background is pretty sweet. Looks good on your meaty bicep. And the tribal tat on your left pec is quite nifty as well, even if all that chest fur makes it hard to see.
And now you are done with beer number four. Why don't you take your jeans off too? I can see your discomfort, even with the belt off and the jeans unzipped. I can toss ‘em behind the bar too. Might as well toss over your flip flops too.
Damn you're thick now! Look at how big those feet are too. Good thing you kicked off your flip flops, those things must be side 14 or bigger now! When did you switch from briefs to a jockstrap? Not that I'm complaining, it looks good on you. I see you finishing beer number five, and dripping a few suds onto your hairy pecs and big beer belly. Feels pretty firm! Guess you must work out or something, huh bud? Body like that, nice and big, wouldn’t look that firm if you weren’t hitting the gym several times a week.
You OK son? You’re looking flushed and sweaty. Raise those arms up, let me get a whiff of that musk. Fuck that's strong. You got a sexy musk bud. Have some more beer and cool down.
Whoops. Looks like you're a leaker. That big bear cock of yours must be drooling a ton of pre. Your jock is getting soaked with it now.
Looks like you're almost done there bud. Hmmm, so you say you’re a bit of a homebody, huh? With a body like that, I kind of doubt it. It looks like your jockstrap says "Property of the Stags" on it.
You know the Stags? The local rugby team? I bet you’re one of their best players. You may be laid back, never a problem here, but I bet you have a competitive edge to you. Plus, with musk like that, I bet you're quite the horndog. That rugger stink coming off you will drive all the boys wild.
Yeah man, I bet you make your teammates all worship my fuckin’ nuts in the locker room after every game, dontcha? A big bear like you, coming here in just his jock, no way you aren’t on the prowl for some ass.
What’s that? Yeah, you do look so fuckin’ sexy. Usually I have to prevent our other patrons from mobbing you, since your musk turns them all on and bones ‘em up. But that bear in the corner, the construction worker daddy bear-type, he looks pretty beefy too. I bet he’d go home with you.
Sure man, come back for your clothes tomorrow. I’ll hold on to them for you. I know how you love to walk home in just your jock when you are bringing back a hot piece of bear ass for the night. Your “Sex strut” as I have heard you call it. Just settle up your tab, and you’ll be good to go.
Wow, thanks for the big tip. Guess it pays to be friendly to my best customer, huh? See you around big guy.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
One Of A Kind | König x m!reader
@corpsefry asked: i love your writing sm no one gets it ur my #1 writer forever and always🤞could i request könig x male reader with prompts "we could run away together" and "Here, have half my cigarette, it'll calm you down"
summary: König is always there to greet you after a flight, always.
tws: smoking
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
The pride of the RAF, a pilot with great tactics, both feared and celebrated, you were no stranger to danger and no stranger to being quite well known; the pride of the RAF, you could hardly ever get a few moments to yourself when you were on the air fields, always mobbed by pilots and recruits alike begging for your advice, your input. You wondered if rockstars felt as nervous and off-put as you did when you were surrounded by dozens of questions and requests. But at least there was one good thing about being back.
König. Always waiting next to Cohen, towering over the Air Chief Marshal with ease, yet completely and utterly immersed in their little conversations. Cohen didn't mind, always making casual conversation with your boyfriend as if he didn't have to crane his neck to look up at him, always walking away with a dull ache at the base of his neck.
Seeing König stood just off of the runway, arms folded and only wearing a surgical mask, was always what saved you; what kept you from being as venomous towards your own as you were towards the Americans next door who kept trying to encroach and trespass on RAF territory.
You and Perveen were always getting pulled aside by Cohen for that; reprimanded for scaring Americans, yet the two of you treated it like a sport... and if he was around, König was never one to say no to joining in. König liked the RAF for that, for including him in their games, for treating him like little else than one of their own; he appreciated it, not a lot of people did, and even if it was only because his boyfriend was one of their own, he was still grateful for the inclusion.
The laughs he let out when Perveen accused him of cheating due to his height were always hearty and full of giddiness, often coming closer to loud giggles than anything else. He never missed the way you smiled at him when he laughed like that; a look that always made him blush when he saw it.
So fond and so awestruck, like you were seeing the original 'Art Of War' texts by Sun Tzu, like you were gazing upon a masterpiece by Van Gogh. Like he was absolutely precious and priceless. One of a kind.
Today was no different, as you made your way towards the little smoking area near the runway, knowing that König and Cohen would be there; but to your surprise, Cohen was nowhere to be seen, although when you reached König, he immediately noticed your concern, and shrugged, his surgical mask hanging off of one ear.
"Here, have half my cigarette, it'll calm you down, mein Mann," he said, giving it to you and letting you take a few drags. "Cohen is doing Schlacht reports."
"Ah," you nodded. "Natürlich he is... du gut?"
"Ja," he smiled. "Und du?"
"Ja," you nodded back. "Glad there's no Soldaten on my tail for once... don't think I could handle signing another Autogramm."
From the office behind you, which you knew was Cohen's, you could hear 'God Ain't Gonna Getcha For That' by Shania Twain, and you grinned as you offered König your hand.
"Nein," he laughed softly, shaking his head. "Not to Shania Twain."
You scoffed, doing your best not to roll your eyes as you watched him finish off the cigarette before he sat on the bench behind him, tapping his foot to the beat. You raised your brow.
"You danced with me to Cradle Of Filth the other day..." you grumbled playfully. "And you're tapping your foot."
"Nein ist nein," König shook his head again, a fond smile on his lips. "Nicht Shania Twain."
"Suit yourself," you chuckled, sitting down beside him and letting a soft hum escape your throat. "Did you play with Perveen?"
"Oh, ja," he nodded. "We chased off sieben Amerikaner today."
"Seven?" You pursed your lips, more than impressed. "Fair enough! Most me and Perveen got was fünf."
König laughed softly, such a sound making you look at him so fondly; like he was one of a kind, an absolute masterpiece and anything you could ever wish for. Like he meant everything to you.
"I'm going out for drinks with Horangi," he cleared his throat, looking at you with puppy dog eyes. "Would you like to join?"
"He's your friend," you pointed out. "You don't always want your boyfriend there with you... I'm good."
"Really?" He furrowed his brows a little.
"Yeah," you reassured, putting your hand on his thigh. "König, our ketubah is in a month. I'll be your husband after we've signed it and been under the chuppah... trust me, I'll be fine if you go out for a few drinks with your mate."
"Natürlich," König hummed, making himself comfortable on the bench as he sighed softly. "Aber... what if you get hounded by recruits?"
"I can deal with it," you shrugged. "Or did you forget that I've got Perveen and Bashar on base with me?"
"My bad," he murmured, still smiling. "Mein Kampfflieger."
"Immer," you agreed softly. "Mein Scharfschütze."
"Und, the flight," he looked at you with those big old puppy dog eyes that you could never say no to. "Es war gut?"
You cleared your throat, shifting in your seat to try and get more comfortable, hoping that you wouldn't get splinters in your ass through your uniform. "Sehr. We were only messing around with the Red Arrows, so... nothing groß. Thankfully."
"After our ketubah, and after we've stood under the chuppah," he started, "we could run away together. Settle somewhere."
"Nein, mein geliebter," you said softly. "Maybe one day, aber... not now."
"Alright," König agreed. "Ten years?"
"If we're both still alive," you took his hand in yours and gave it a gentle squeeze. "If we're both still alive in ten years, we'll run off together... how does Tschanigraben sound?"
"Oh, sehr gut!" He beamed. "Tschanigraben it is!"
"Y'know, König," you reached over to press a kiss to his temple. "You really are one of a kind."
He couldn't keep the grin from his face.
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
Good Day for It Thugs x Reader || Excerpts
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Plot: Lyle gets stolen from, again, and he's taking his anger out on his men. You know you should stay quiet, you know you need to stay quiet, but when he goes for Him- you cant.
Includes: Dale Acton, Norman Tyrus and Wayne Jackson.
Warnings: Lyle being violent and RUDE.
Tagging: @marinerainbow and @slxsherwriter .
Dale Acton:
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You could see it coming, the way Lyle was walking around with that 'everything belongs to me' air about him. When he started to wander too close to Dale for your tastes, you kept your eye on him from you spot sitting very very still on the couch. You wonder- would he d a r e? Would he d a r e hurt Dale in your house? Under your roof??
He's really mad, you think. He very well might. And a morbid part of yourself wishes he would try; see what happens.
You kept your eyes on him, but were too slow.
Dale had a cut across his cheek bone from the metal ring Lyle wore after he hit him, and you saw red.
After checking on Dale, brushing your knuckles against his cheek and asking are you okay?... quietly; getting a huffy nod from him, because his pride smarts at getting hit like that by an old guy and not being able to do shit about it, you nod and promptly turn around. You take two steps, one past Norman and one past Wayne, and then lunge.
-Norman catches you and drags your ass back to Dale kicking and wriggling and cursing at Lyle, but you're not afraid of Lyle fucking Tyrus. Or you just love Dale that much. Either way- now he knows it; staring at you being held back by Dale with his arms around you, in breathless disbelief.
"Baby, c'mon- you gotta calm down, please. You cant hurt him, he'll getcha back. He'll fucken kill you. Calm down, please, c'mon. Please please, baby, please. Listen to me. Listen- t's not worth it, its just a scratch. C'mon- I need you- I need you to-- fucking calm down- "
Norman Tyrus:
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"- Excuse me?" Lyle asks, turning to look at you over his shoulder. You said something you shouldn't have, but you're too pissed right now to take it back.
"You heard me- " Norman tries to stop you, put his hands on your shoulders and make you calm down right now- remember who you're talking to- but you're perfectly well aware of who you're fucking talking to and you shrug him off of you. "Norman does everything around here. And what grunt work he doesn't do, Dale or Wayne do. You don't do shit except talk big. You're just the weird guy who just has to take his clothes off when he kills someone but they let you do it anyway cuz it makes you happy- and thats how you deal with delusional people. You placate them."
"... watch your bitch." Lyle tells his brother, not even addressing you directly, and your anger fire gets even hotter.
"You watch me. And- and how dare you try to hit him?? How does you decrepit, senile ass assume you have any right? How dare you."
After a moment of silence inside the dank barn; you glaring hard at Lyle and him looking pissed off and disbelieving back at you, finally, and Norman just standing there waiting to see what Lyle (Or you, apparently) will do next... Lyle shifts his gaze heavily off you and to his brother again. You get ready to open your mouth and yell at him again, but this time he beats you to it. "Get them outta here. Or I'll kill them."
"No- " Before you can even finish the single-syllable word, Norman's forcing you out of the room. Actually forcing you, you think your arm's gonna bruise! When you're out and the door closes though he immediately lets you go. "... what?" You spit defensively when you notice him looking at you with that same monotonous second-in-command look he was giving inside.
... after a long, impregnable moment, Norman bursts out into an amused smirk, chuckling. "Jesus christ, Y/N."
Wayne Jackson:
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You were shocked stick-still and wide eyed to see Lyle hit his own brother, giving him a blood nose, but when his evil gaze fell on Wayne your eyes narrowed.
You didn't even realise you'd moved until you were face-to-face with Lyle and his terrifying soulless eyes; You'd stuck yourself directly in front of Wayne. Put yourself immediately in Lyle's path.
And you're not at all scared; settling Wayne's even worse cousin with a terrible glower of your own. The look on your face reads 'try me'.
"... get out of my way."
You reach back and pinch the cuff of Wayne's jacket between your fingers, almost as if to demonstrate ownership. "Back, the fuck, off." Why are you suddenly so protective of Wayne?? You're not entirely sure he needs it and he certainly doesn't deserve it, but the thought of this man attacking him - making him bleed, making him hurt, - , fills you up with a hot, frustrated, pissed-off feeling something like anger but worse. Meaner. When Lyle doesn't back up at all, and instead his eye twitches out of irritation, you raise your chin up and show him how determined you are.
Wayne's behind you and you can feel his presence as loudly as if he spoke, which he doesn't. He doesn't utter a damn word, uncharacteristically, but when Lyle's gaze shifts to something behind you you imagine the scary stony look on his face backing you up (again, uncharacteristically).
When Lyle's gaze shifts back to yours Wayne squeezes your arm and you give Lyle one last silencing look, daring him to say anything, before taking Wayne's hand in yours and guiding him away.
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someone1348 · 2 years
Okay so I haven’t watched rottmnt at all or any tmnt for that matter but I can feel in my soul that Mikey is an adorable lee. So, can we see some lee!Mikey and ler!turtles? Thanks!
I definitely recommend giving it a watch it's so great but I can absolutely do this for you my friend! I hope you enjoy! :]
People in this: Lee!Mikey, Ler!Leo, Ler!Donnie, Ler!Raph
Tw: group tickles, Adhd acting up, honestly none other than that it's so cute!
I am just going based off of my own experience I have not been diagnosed yet and I am not a professional, I do not wish to take away from anyone else's experience this is just me, so if I did anything wrong in this fic please tell me and I will take it down immediately /gen /pos
With all of that being said Enjoyy! :]
Don't you dare say it!
It's been happening all day. Normally, the bouncing just starts and stops with Mikeys legs, but now it's reached his hands, too. He sat at his desk trying to work when his legs bounced up and down like usual with his fingers that would have otherwise been holding a pen tapped gently at his desk as they joined the party. He couldn't stop moving, his brain told him that if he stopped moving, something was going to happen. He didn't know what, but he just couldn't stop. His mind was blank other than that as he just bounced and tapped away.
His brothers, who had witnessed this behavior all day and were rightfully concerned about their youngest sibling, walked into his room as they saw that it still hadn't stopped yet. "Mikey? You okay, big man?" Raph was the first one to speak up.
Mikey nodded as he faced them in his swivel chair, his legs still bouncing "Yeah im good! I just don't know why I can't stop"
"A bad Adhd day, I suppose," Donnie spoke up as he examined him with his mystic goggles as the three decided to put on funny personas for their brother to make him less stressed out about the bouncing.
"I do say gentlemen this calls for the big guns don't you agree" Leo spoke in a fake british accent as Mikey giggled. They all three shared the same smirk as the slowly turned their heads to face the youngest turtle.
"Oh no,,,guys! Don't you dare say it!" He giggled nervously as his tapping came to a stop and the bouncing decreased justtt a bit. "Don't you dare say the T-word!" He smiled brightly at them as they shared a giggle
"TICKLESSSS!" They all shouted in unison as Donnies robot arms gently held Mikeys hands above his head, Leo crouched down in front of him, Raph sat to the side of him and Donnie stood behind the chair, all with massive smug grins on their faces and wiggling fingers
"You need a visit from the tickle monsters!" Raph said with a smirk before Donnie chimed in
"Mhm, he is correct. The doctors ordered you one dose of tickling and a whole bunch of laughter"
Leo giggled as he nodded. "Lucky for you, Mikester! Your favorite big brothers are here to help you out, GET HIM BOYS!" their leader commanded as he scribbled gently across mikeys' sides as Raph pinched his knees and Donnie scribbled under his arms.
"Wait wait wAHaHaIT GUHhuUYS! HAHA!" Mikey giggled and gently squirmed in his chair out of instinct
"Awwww who's my ticklwish wittle browtherrrr I'm gonna getcha'! Tickletickletickletickle~" Leo was the first to tease, being the king of teases it was clear that he should start the fun train! Mikey was on a one way ticket to tease ville population him.
"LEHEHeheHEO!" His face got a little pink from embarrassment before he squealed when Donnie moved to his neck. "DEEheHEHe!"
"Awww, I'm sorry. Did that tickle? I hadn't noticed~" he spoke in his regular monotoned voice with a smirk as he continued
Mikey closed his eyes to take in the moment as all his mind could think about now was the feeling 'It tickles, it tickles' the words circled hid brain with joy before Raph scribbled under his knee
"Woahah! You hit the jackpot Raph! Good one!" Leo smiled as he looked back at the oldest with pride
"I could have told you that," Donnie commented as they continued
"Sorry right, not the time" he giggled as he smirked at raph
"Are you having fun wittle Mikeyyy~" Raph giggled in his baby voice as he continued
"IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES! RAHAHAPH! IHIHIT REHEHEALLY TIHIHICKLES!" His face turned a crimson red as they all smiled at him in awe.
"One more thing!" Raph blew a big raspberry under his knees as he watched Mikey throw his head back laughing with a loud chirp
"Okahay okay" they rubbed away the ghost tickles to let him breathe
"How are you feeling, Angelo?" Donnie asked with a smile as he patted his head gently
"Behetter thahanks to you guys." Mikey smiled at them, rubbing the back of his neck after Donnie released him.
"We've got your back anytime Mikey!" They all hugged him tightly with bright, genuine, smiles on their faces
"How did you know that would work?" He asked, genuinely curious.
"Very simple actually, for two reasons, one we know you love it and two your brain needed something else to focus on, so as a result we concluded that a group tickle attack would be best suited for you today"
"You guys are the best!"
"We love you Mikey"
"And I love you!!!"
This was so much fun to write! I hope you all enjoyedd! More coming as soon as I can! I promise! :]
You are loved, Valid, and incredible always and I could not be more proud of you! /p /gen /pos
-K <3
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
The brightest colors make the deadliest poisons
When the Batman first took to the streets of Gotham, the city didn’t really notice. He was a legend, a myth, a story whispered from criminal to criminal in the dark in warning. Given how tightly he managed his presence, one would think he preferred it that way.
However, it was hard to hide when Robin hit the scene a few years later. For many reasons.
“Take that!” Robin shouted, gleefully taking down a band of thugs. They fired shot after shot at the bird but didn’t come close to hitting them. “Too slow!” Was exclaimed mid-somersault before the last man was taken down. The child preened, small, booted foot resting proudly atop a thoroughly beaten man’s head.
“Tell all your friends, Robin the Girl Wonder shouldn’t be messed with,” the young girl grinned. She shook her head causing her ponytail and bright green ribbon holding it up to dance with the motion.
“Lil bitch,” one of the men grunted on the floor near her. Robin’s grin faltered a bit. “Getcha next time, cut you up for scraps.” Across the room, Batman looked up and narrowed his eyes at the man threatening his partner. He’d been looking through some of the documents left behind but some things were more important. He’d just need to be faster next time.
“Like I said,” Robin said, walking over to fallen man and stomping her petite but steel lined boots onto his fingers. The man yelped and tried to pull away but she held them firm. “Tell your friends,” she grinned and it was sharp. “Robins aren’t to be messed with.”
People thought it would pass. The bright colors, the sidekick, the girl. It was a publicity stunt or some deranged part of his neurosis. Politicians railed against Robin, about protecting the children, the little girls, from such violence. The police brushed her off whenever Batman and his ditsy little sidekick were brought up. The criminals laughed and made crude remarks in dark places. But all of those complaints and jibes were made far away from the girl.
It was hard to laugh to her face when she was busy punching yours in.
Soon it became clear to Gotham that Robin was here to stay and she was not going to be quiet about it. She made friends with street vendors and passed along candy to kids in the street and walked home anyone feeling vulnerable. Robin was a beautiful flower, blossoming under the moonlight into a young woman. But while the flower was pretty her thorns were poison.
Criminals stopped laughing after a while, after another raid, another sentence served, another bone broken and another flimsy pride humiliated. Soon people were scattering at the sight of a yellow cape and red tunic just as much as the fearsome cowl. Her punches were weighted, her acrobatics terrifying and her sharp wit left Gotham’s underworld scrambling while the city’s young daughter stood tall and proud. Crime fighting wasn’t a boy’s or even an adult’s club anymore, Robin saw to that. Her very existence was a revelation and a revolution wrapped into one.
But then, one day, she was gone. Off to New York with a new team and a new costume leaving Gotham with a void. But voids have a way of being filled.
Just a few years later, there was another girl running alongside Batman in a bright cheery costume. She was younger than Nightwing, uniform tailored a bit different with shorter, cropped hair. Her accent, however, was distinctly from the Alley. There wasn’t much laughing at this one, she was just as formidable as the last. She loved the chili dogs on 8th and Finger, she quoted books at the thugs she fought and was so vocal and forceful about cleaning up the worst of the city.  Boys and girls alike listened with rapt attention to the promises and demands this new Robin with her thick accent and bright colors had for Gotham.
Batman was a hero, one who’d pulled their city back from the brink. Robin was helping to lift it up. There’d been a marked increase in young girls attending martial arts classes and gymnastics when the first Robin first appeared. Once the second Robin appeared, more girls started joining debate clubs and running for political positions. One can assume the young lady would have been proud of her influence, had she lived long enough to appreciate it.
When news of Robin’s death hit the streets, the magical air that seemed to trail around Batman’s bright sidekick faded. ‘Of course it was bound to happen,’ people would mumble. ‘A young girl like that? Fighting criminals? It’s just not right.’ Boys on the playground started mocking the girls clinging to their homemade Robin costumes. Batman took to the streets without a partner, darker and meaner than ever before. For the first time in years, Gotham was without it’s light.
Until it came back. And once more people laughed. The previous Robin had been small but stocky with a mean right hook. This new one was smaller, slighter with a pretty, delicate face. She wouldn’t last long, people huffed to themselves. She’d better turn in the cape before she hurt herself. And then Robin number three took down the Joker all alone without the Batman in sight. And once more the laughing stopped. This Robin was smaller than the others but she was just as vicious and hit just as hard.
It wasn’t unusual to see this Robin running patrols on her own, facing criminals without backup. She had a team outside of Gotham and her own rogues gallery separate from her mentor. People, especially the citizens of Crime Alley, still lit candles for the second bird but this new one wasn’t bad. Nightwing started returning to Gotham more, now a woman in her own right. Hers was the only laughter that rang out the nights she took to the streets with Batman and Robin. Her kicks were deadly and her barbs sharp enough to gut a man as she reminded Robin III just whose footsteps she was following.
This Robin lasted years, saved many lives and averted countless disasters. She went away for a short while, replaced temporarily by a young man in the iconic suit which confused everyone before returning. Then one day, like the two before her, she was gone and another stepped into her place. Along with their Batman. When Batman showed up to the rooftop of the GCPD with a woman’s build and familiar voice, there was no illusion over who had taken the icon’s place. Her new Robin, though, was a mystery.
This Robin was young, as young as Nightwing when she first started. She did not smile or laugh or joke like those before her. This Robin had a sword at her side and was looking for any excuse to use it. She moved like death, her attacks swift and cruel that had the new Batman being forced to reel her back. Criminals didn’t hesitate to run from this Robin who seemed quite eager to build a body count in Gotham. But time tempers even the sharpest of stones and soon the young lady settled into her role, not just as fighter, a warrior but also a beacon in the Gotham gloom. She was brusque with civilians and rude to just about every one she spoke to but Gotham embraced this bird none the less. And when Batman returned through some miracle means, the new Robin took to the skies with him.
Many other joined Batman’s fight for Gotham. The three Batboys, the mysterious Oracle, the Spoiler even the daytime hero Signal with her vivacious personality outmatched only by her yellow suit. But the Robins remain something special to Gotham, a symbol that can be beaten and buried but never killed. Some say that second Robin rose again and even now stalked the streets of Gotham, searching for the justice she was denied. The birds will chitter together on patrol, a proud but exhausted father watching them. They were his joy and his light which he had graciously shared with the city he loved. And the city loved them in return.
Girl power meant something different to Gotham.
A girl is not just a pretty face or a coy smile. She is the shock of feet hitting the rough pavement before a jump. She is smiles and tingling laughter and playful dancing with Batman’s cape beneath the moonlight. She is the smell of leather and grease, blood and sweat with a hint of scented body lotion beneath it all. She is brightly colored lipsticks and color stained hair and ribbons to keep wayward strands at bay. She is justice and vengeance and mercy and hope and joy. She is a father’s love, his grief, his pride, his legacy. She is poison to the evils of the world and a bright light to those who need it.
What is a girl, a vigilante but a pile of beautiful, incongruous things? What is a Robin but a harbinger of good will wrapped in sharp wings and tearing talons?
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twilightmalachite · 10 months
2×2 - Grown-Up Situation 9
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Hinata, Nagisa, Shinobu
Translator: Mika Enstars
"You need to be especially careful, Yuuta-kun. You’ve had a real bad mouth lately thanks to a certain somebody’s influence."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Back Alley in Downtown
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First day of 2×2 episode 5, beginning filming of “Experience Living On The Streets”…
Nagisa: …Alright, then, what should we do?
…This is my first appearance on 2×2, a program that has 2wink as the leads, so I’ll try to keep out of the way and adapt to your style.
Yuuta: Ah, by the way, beginning now, be conscious of the cameras and act accordingly.
We have ES’ prided unnecessarily-skilled hidden cameramen secretly filming us.
Hinata: Yup! It won’t be entertaining for our viewers if we’re too conscious of the camera, but if we get too careless and say something without thinking, it won’t be broadcastable.
You need to be especially careful, Yuuta-kun. You’ve had a real bad mouth lately thanks to a certain somebody’s influence.
Yuuta: And who is this somebody? I think you might be misunderstanding something, Aniki, if you think this is about that gambler who laughs with a “gyahaha”.
Hinata: You don’t have to deny it so readily.
Shinobu: Umm. Then, from now on, “sessha” is prohibited de goza…. prohibited.
Nagisa: …I have to become a god, too.
Yuuta: Shinobu-kun aside, wouldn’t it be alright for you to stay in your natural state, Ran-senpai?
Nagisa: …Yeah. That’s how my policy is these days, but I’m still worried if my true self will be accepted by my fans and such.
…So maybe I shouldn’t be me, but instead act as the domineering, masculine me that one naturally associates with my appearance.
…I suppose that is what Ibara had envisioned when he named us “Adam”.
…When I think about that, I feel compelled to play the “God Mode” that I’m so used to.
Hinata: I getcha~, I’m also worried about if fans will accept 2wink’s, or rather, my little brother’s recent changes.
I find myself thinking, “wouldn’t it be better just to keep the same two-as-one 2wink as before?”
Yuuta: Fortunately, while I dunno if it’s well-received, we’ve been getting more attention than ever! It’s just conjecture, but isn’t that what also got us our namesake program 2×2?
Hinata: I suppose that’s true… Wait, is it alright for us to be chatting?
Filming for our “experience” has already begun. We’ve gotta get it together.
According to Anzu-san’s instructions through HoldHands, we’ll start our living experience in different locations as pairs.
After that, we might join together or we might not; or maybe we will team up to antagonize and crush one another. How we live our lives is up to us.
And whoever has the better life by the end of the last day is who wins.
Yuuta: Those victory conditions are rather vague. Even going by “better life”… Maybe like The Game of Life[1], with whoever has the most money wins?
Hinata: Well in any case, we’ll have to head over to our respective starting points.
Farewell for a while, Yuuta-kun, Onii-chan will miss you—
Wh- whaa?
Ran-senpai? Why are you picking me up?
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Nagisa: Let’s move then, Hinataaaaaa!
Hinata: Huuuuh!?
Ran-senpai’s character suddenly changed!? Ah, oh right, is this what his “God Mode” is like?
Shinobu: It’s been a while for Ran-senpai, so I guess his calibration is a bit off…
Hinata: I feel so boggled because this is the complete opposite of Ran-senpai’s usual self… T-the regular, normal Ran-senpai I can do just fine with!
Nagisa: Quiet, it’s fine so let’s go! Just shut up and come with me!
Hinata: Wow, he’s carrying me to the location bus in his arms~… His speech and words are rough, but since his personality is the same kind Ran-senpai as always, there’s an extra big gap~…
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Yuuta: S-See ya~!
Shinobu: Umm. So is this a good place for you and I (sessha), I mean, I (boku), to start?
Yuuta: Yup. Though, in order to be fair, we’ve been instructed not to move until Team Aniki is in place.
Shinobu: Team Aniki, huh. Guess there’s no other way to describe it.
Yuuta: But well, it should be fine to hold a strategy meeting. Actually, what should we do?
Shinobu: I don’t even know what to do… I really have no experience living on the street, I’m just a normal kid from a normal family.
So basically, I feel like you, who are used to this thing, should set up the plan.
Yuuta: Hmm… But now that I think about it, when we had run away from home, I was basically carried around by Aniki.
It was Aniki who made sure we had food and a place to sleep, so I might not know how to do that.
Shinobu: Huhh? S-Suddenly I feel anxious about this…
Yuuta: W-Well, better than Shinobu-kun, who has no experience, right? You can count on me, who has plenty of experience! ♪
Shinobu: Uu, I’m anxious because it’s feeling more plausible you’re just saying that…
But it’s true that it’s still better than myself, who has no experience at all.
I’ll count on you, and I’ll cooperate with anything you do, as long as you lead the way.
Yuuta: Hmmm… I’ve been feeling the same about the previous episodes too, but I have no experience leading a team at all…
When I’m told to take on a role of leadership, I become completely stumped.
[ ☆ ]
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He's referring to the board game here; you might just know of it as “Life”!
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Stardust Crusaders Tickle Headcanons
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Heyo everyone! So recently I’ve been really into Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure; so much so I’ve been thinking about making headcanons for the squad. This show was a blast, and I absolutely loved the characters!
Here we go! :D
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Jotaro Kujo
-Stoic grumpy man: he’s the second most ticklish person in the crusaders.
- I think he’s a switch? Leans more towards the lee side, but that’s only because he doesn’t engage in tickle fights unless he’s either challenged or annoyed (so basically- if he get’s annoyed with Kakyoin and Polnareff’s antics). He’s pretty indifferent to tickling but will not like it if he’s in a bad mood.
- He’s got a really bad tickle spot on the middle of his rib cage that without fail will absolutely break any resistance he has. His neck and shoulders are also pretty sensitive- especially around the star birthmark.
- He’s got a gruff, shaky laugh that gradually grows into deep rich laughter. He’s one of those people who will absolutely curse you out- might even use Star Platinum to move you out of the way (if your Kakyoin or Ponlareff- prepare to fly. If your his S/O- it’s more a gentle lift and plop into a nearby chair/bed)
- That said if you have a stand and tickle Star Platinum with it (who loves being tickled- I’m calling it like it is) Jotaro’s doomed. Try to have some mercy on the guy.
- As a ler? Pure evil. No joke, this man is the devil if pushed. Completely merciless, he’ll happily use Star Platinum to hold down his targets while he destroys them with tickles. You know Star’s “Ora Ora” attack? He’ll do that but instead of punches it’s relentless tickles and mayhem. He’ll stop- eventually.
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Joseph Jostar
- Canonically ticklish.
- This man is a Ler leaning switch; he just RADIATES tickle monster energy! It doesn’t matter if it’s his daughter, grandson- the other Crusaders, his S/O; he’s gonna getcha!
- He’s sensitive pretty much everywhere, but especially his back and sides. His laugh is a mix of “OH MY GOD!”s and wheezy grandpa snorts and giggles that make him seem younger. He tends to yell a lot while laughing but rest assure he’s not dying- just really ticklish.
- Unlike Jotaro, he won’t use his Stand in tickle fights- Hermit Purple is great in theory but also spiny, so he doesn’t want to risk hurting anyone with it. (Eventually he realizes the Stand won’t actually cut anyone- when this happens he has a new weapon of disposal but won’t use it unless his target is comfortable with it) Also it’s a pride thing: He’s a firm believer in “I can get you pinned and tickled within a matter of minutes!” So far he’s yet to be proven wrong.
- The goofiest ler ever- he’s a big talker and teaser, using every technique in the book (and within your comfort level) to bring out the cutest giggles and laughs! While he won’t bring his stand to the fight, he’ll gladly bring Avdol or Polnareff with him (”The more muscle the better”) One time he even brought Iggy- this backfired tremendously when said dog stole his prosthetic hand.
- He’ll reminisces a lot while tickling someone; be it about a memory from years back or something that happened literally five minutes ago. He’s fully aware of what he’s doing and often pulls the “Hey remember this thing from literally seconds ago” just to drive people nuts. “Oi, Jotaro! Weren’t you ticklish along here when you were a kid?” “Oh, I think I just remembered- you can’t stand having your hips tickled, huh Avdol?” “What? I’m not that old, Kakyoin! I just remembered something the other day- come here!” No one is safe!
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Muhammad Avdol
- You know those people who can turn on and off their ticklishness? Avdol is one of those people. If he knows the tickles are coming he can go full Gargoyle and block it out- much to the annoyance of the others. So far the only person this hasn’t worked on is Joseph- the man is just too good at finding tickle spots!
- Speaking of; Avdol’s neck and shoulders are pretty ticklish! Gentle traces there when he’s not prepared will leave him twitching and giggling like a child. If you really want to get him, go for his hips. This man will plead in Arabic for mercy and it’s the cutest thing in the world.
- I’d say Advol is a fairly strong ler. With his gargoyle-like resistance and experience with Joseph’s shenanigans, he’s proven to be a fearsome foe in tickle wars. He doesn’t even need to do anything fancy- he just reaches out and starts tickling whomever dared to face him. Usually it’s either Polnareff or Kakyoin, but occasionally he’ll tickle Jotaro if the younger man seems particularly moody.
-He doesn’t use his stand during tickle fights (not that he really needs to). Magician’s Red is pretty hot, and the last thing he wants to do is accidentally burn someone. He prefers to keep it traditional with his own tickle endeavors.
- Not much of a tease- prefers to just have general conversation with his targets while tickling them. “Mr. Joestar, it’s important we- Kakyoin hush I’m speaking- take our time resting when we can. You never know when- have you always been ticklish here?- the next stand user is going to strike.” Just continuing on his chat while bringing his targets to their tickly demise.
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Noriaki Kakyoin 
- Most ticklish Crusader hands down. This man is WEAK to just about anything tickle related. The type that just crumbles to ghost tickles.
- Despite this he’s a true switch and the primary catalyst for most tickle fights. He’s got no shame and will happily attack the others (especially Jotaro) even if it means certain death. 
- Worst spots are his legs (credit to the wonderful @/ticklishfanart) Anything from the tip of his toes to the tops of his thighs are incredibly sensitive. Squeezes, scribbles, prods- it will all work wonders on wrecking our cherry loving dork! He’s also ticklish on his ribs and stomach, but his legs really are the best place to go if you want to break him down.
- Crazy laugh (I’m so sorry) Just like the anime. It’s ridiculously contagious and borderline alarming when you first hear it. If you point it out while tickling him he’ll laugh harder, and it get’s even more crazy sounding. It’s one of the few things that will get Jotaro and Polnareff laughing without fail. At some point he even made a dolphin like shriek that nearly killed the other’s right then and there with how funny it sounded.
- The OG of using his Stand for tickle fights. He will break out Hierophant green for just about anything- be it to hold down his targets or throw them off completely. This backfires immensely if the others decide to gang up on him (Which they do) but if it’s a one on one fight, Kakyoin will cheat and break out his stand.
- Him and Polnareff are Team Tickle Monster, but the French man is the only person Kakyoin can never get the advantage over. Polnareff is simply too powerful- he knows all of the redhead’s tricks!
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Jean Pierre Polnareff
- The muscle of Team Tickle Monster- this man is a menace when paired off with others. Polnareff loves making people laugh, and in turn loves to laugh; so tickle fights are as natural as breathing for him.
- He’s ticklish along his chest, armpits and waist. Maybe even his ears? I can see him having really sensitive ears :D. He’s someone that you’d think would be incredibly weak to hard tickles with all those muscle, but if anything he prefers the lighter ones. Running your hands along his chest, poking his sides: all these things will make him utterly weak in the knees.
- Squeals in French, squeals in French, SQUEALS IN FRENCH! It’s usually a sign he’s close to his limit if he’s squeaking out his native tongue while getting wrecked. He has a really squeaky laugh that’s borderline mouse-like! While not as contagious as Kakyoin’s dolphin fits, it’s still really funny and endearing to listen to!
- Using Stands in tickle fights? You already know it! He’s not above breaking out Silver Chariot to cause mischief- blunting the tip of the sword to randomly poke and prod whomever he’s tickling (Think Tom and Jerry ala this scene) He’s mainly due it to Kakyoin and Joseph- the few times he did it to Jotaro he nearly lost his head. If he’s not using his Stand he’ll happily grab whomever’s in reach and bring them to their tickly doom!
- Such a tease, oh my god! He’ll do the whole “Coochie coo” thing and baby talk, but if your not comfortable with that he’ll adjust to whatever teasing style you prefer (if any at all- if teasing isn’t your thing he’ll just compliment you until your red in the face). He’ll sing praises about your laugh and how he could listen to it all day. He’s also not above tickling to get silly information out of someone (This is how he found out about Jotakak), so be ready if you choose to hide something from him!
Thanks for reading! :D
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egg-emperor · 1 year
feel free to ignore this if it's too weird or overly fluffy; but do you have any tickling headcanons for eggman? like how would he would act as the one instigating, or how he would react to someone trying to do it to him?
i apologize if this ask is strange or uncomfy. hope you're having a good day either way, your blog is great 💖
Thank you, I appreciate the consideration. Fortunately this is one of the cute type of concepts that I do enjoy! 😊💜
When Eggman is the one instigating the tickling, I imagine it would be when he gets into one of his cheeky and playful moods. He'll be grinning slyly while creeping up behind his unsuspecting victims, or if they turn around and notice him, he'll struggle to hide his smile and it will look like he's trying to hold back laughter and when it gives away that he's up to something but they still don't know exactly what, he'll reveal it by immediately striking hehe
He'll often pounce and pin down his victim and his large hands will easily target all their sensitive areas and have full freedom to run them all over their body when he keeps them held down with his soft heavy tummy alone, or has them straddled with his legs too. When they instinctively kick and squirm when he reaches for certain spots, he'll pull them back in place and say "I'm gonna getcha" and playfully growls like he's a big tickle monster bear XD
He likes it when they're trapped and at his mercy, it's another way that he can have power over someone but in a more lighthearted funny silly way, which he desires just as much as the serious and threatening ways for some simple fun in life, especially when he's feeling playful. He has that youthful cheekiness to him that's cute to see but his usual desire for dominance and control shows in it at the same time with his enjoyment and pride and the smirk on his face.
He also enjoys when they're reduced into a weakened giggly mess and he can say he's won over them despite their attempts to resist and that they have submitted to him, which he's proud of because it's exactly along the lines for the rules of the Eggman Empire and he'll like to roleplay that in a silly way during it too hehe. And his big fluffy stache and soft lips can also tickle, so he may nuzzle into and nip at and press kisses against their most sensitive areas too 🥰
As for the flip side, Eggman will swear down that he isn't ticklish himself and he has the strength to fight off those who try, so people often don't get to test that and see if it's true. But if he's targeted when he doesn't expect it and doesn't have the chance to react or resist in time, then he'll struggle to hold back his amusement as he squirms involuntarily when they reach the right spots, then he snorts and laughter starts to escape him.
He'll quickly be embarrassed and blush hard when it reveals the secret he's pretty shy about because he doesn't want everyone to know his weaknesses of any kind! His most sensitive and ticklish areas are certain spots on the sides of his tummy when running hands along in a rubbing motion, his rarely exposed underarms, and his famously large feet with the wide span of his soft soles, as seen when he finally frees them for swimming lol
He'll giggle cutely and get louder while betting for them to stop but the big smile on his face the whole time says he enjoys it. And the biggest secret is that raspberries blown on the softest part of his tummy in the middle are his ultimate weakness and limit, he completely loses control and is at their mercy if they find it. And when it's really intense and overwhelming then he can't hold back and bursts into his full blown adorable "hoho" laughter!
Then he becomes much too weak to fight back despite his strength, he tries to squirm and kick his legs but it's futile, he can't put all his strength into it as he's weakened and reduced into smiles, giggles and tears as he's overwhelmed by the sensation. Everyone else will hear too for miles but he can't hold back anymore and while keeps trying to tell them to stop between his giggling fit, he might finally accidentally blurt out that he actually loves it instead!
Overall he will enjoy it a lot despite how he's also a little flustered to be seen in such a vulnerable and weakened state before them. And after that he'll beg for them to not tell anyone about how ticklish he secretly is for his reputation's sake as he doesn't want them to know that he has such a cute weakness and adorable reaction like that. It's a very precious and intimate secret to keep about the fierce diabolical future emperor of the world! XD 💖
Hope you like it and that you're having a good day too! I am, it was a beautiful day and I enjoyed it outside. And I'm really happy you enjoy my blog, thank you so much 💕
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rosetintedgunman · 2 years
Mark has yet to visit the Roller, and truthfully, he hadn't expected to arrive with a bunch of Valentine's Day chocolates. In the midst of bad blood that's feeling rather one sided, paying forward Wilford's visit is... a matter of pride, he can tell himself.
"I have some leftover props to share." He holds out an appropriately pink box. "How do you feel about assorted?" (stageplayhero)
The great thing about the Roller was that it was impossible to miss once you decided you wanted to visit. As a place that existed in the space between the pages of a story, the asterisk separating one scene from another, it was everywhere and nowhere. There was a physical address that you could use, or you could put out the intention to search for Wilford and let a door take you there.
Sometimes, one might wonder what exactly Wilford was in the cacophony of tales. In truth, he was just a man who saw the fake reality for what it was and only used it to his advantage for very specific situations. He could wield far more power than anyone else and yet... He didn't. He was content to spend his time making sure none of the arcade machines were broken, then return to the bar to tidy up for the night - at least, until someone entered.
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"O-oh, hey." A visitor was not unexpected, but Mark was. Wilford was not the smartest box in the toolshed, but even he knew that he wasn't particularly liked by the actor (not that Wilford knew why. He was a great guy! And behaving too! Extra bonus there!). So then... Why was Mark here?
"New props?" He waved Mark toward one of the freshly wiped tables so the pink box (excellent choice) could be put down for both to examine. Sure enough, there was a selection of chocolates ready for the taking. "Ya know me too well. There's no way I'd miss out on a chance like this." A piece of milk chocolate was lifted and casually tossed into his mouth. It had a hint of orange in it. Very nice!
"Hey, uh... Wanna stay here for a bit before ya head off ta th' next adventure? I could getcha a drink of some sort. Maybe it'll help ya fer th' trip home?"
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