#//I'm sorry that this is kinda short bc welp
if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 year
Hhhhhh why does it always have to take me six hours to transition into doing anything it's so frustrating I just wanna write that fanfic NOW or take the shower NOW or get out of bed NOW I don't want to spend half the day hyping myself up for it >:|
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shaibonbon · 3 months
Hey do you take requests
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Short answer not rlly.
Complicated answer: As of right now, don't expect me to draw someone else oc, your oc or even mine without taking a few days. I got some free time but I'm only done with my exams day 8th.
I don't wanna sound rude by saying no 😞, bc i can think of scenarios where I do draw it. if it's an interesting/funny idea or request about smth I care about, ig why not ..?
I did it in the past with Tom requests, I care about his characters enough to try draw them (and they simple enough for my skill level), even tho it took me weeks to do it (sorry tom, pretty sure he doesn't ask me anymore bc of that- or the fact they kind look worse than bon drawings... :(( ).
If it's a character or a scene I don't think I can draw well, I won't do it 💀... Like furry I can kinda do them, but make it fluffy (like Snoep) and I have no idea how to do it without looking super weird
So yeah, Tdlr I'm still an amateur artist, who mainly just wants to draw what I want XD and it's usually bonbon (I will keep drawing bonbon till the end of days!! You can't stop me) . I know my limits in skill and I will refuse requests for characters I don't like (sorry sonic ocs, I'm Mario fan). If you still wanna ask, welp, if it's an oc you got or someone else oc, introduce me to their lore or personality, try to make me interested in them before asking me to draw them. I don't think that's asking much...? I try to be open minded..
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irritablepoe · 28 days
Idk what your original post was all about but once again reminding you this is your space and you aren't responsible for other ppl if you are complaining in your own space/to the air and everyone else can respectfully suck it 💜🙏
Also ppl take things too personally imo I think it is important for other ppl to remember if someone is complaining about something that upset them it isn't always about you in fact most of the time it isn't about you unless you literally did the exact thing the person is complaining about. And even then arguing against someone's feelings when they are actively upset doesn't yield any sort of positive results or undo the hurt, you are just throwing your own emotions unprompted at someone who is already down.
Anyways sry to get on a soapbox but yeah, ily I'm sorry you are dealing with bullshit and I hope you can be gentle with yourself today even if other ppl aren't. I won't join Meli in the killing since they def can handle that on their own but I do agree that you are absolutely allowed to be selfish and I have a shovel in my trunk for any occasion don't worry about it 💀🙏
(I know I went on a bit of rant but pls don't feel obligated to answer publicly btw if you don't want to have it on your blog or something literally does not bother me at all)
hi hello thank you so much for this ask lue, you're too sweet😭😭🙏🙏
it's literally so exhausting but also, i was mostly upset that they were directly projecting it onto other authors and that they felt discouraged leaving comments now bc of this. i never even said short comments are bad, just that this particular comment was a bit disappointing (i said in my og post that i was not being serious about this). but not commenting on authors works because of me saying that is just. what.
idk i'll try to sleep the day away maybe, i thought today would be better but well..
ILY TOO AND I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! <33 and omg i got knives and shovels on my side lmao, no need for it though dw dw <3 i'm sure even though they hurt me they weren't ill-intentioned. "selfish" just triggers me a lot and it kinda set off my already aggressive mood. i'm sharing my writing for free, i don't know how any of this could be selfish, i don't. fucking. get it. i really don't. like if they'd been a small author like "at least you get comments" i would have been like "eh yeah true" but as a reader idk... to pout and say "well would NO comments be better then?". bruh. i just want a bit of appreciation for the efforts, what a sin apparently
anyways. i'm very overly dramatic about this and now i've lost a mutual i think. welp. ruining my reputation as a sweetie, wtv
thank you again for everything!💜 i hope you're having a good start into your free time :3
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zwei-rhunen · 1 year
>be me, it's like 10pm, i'm on BLU, i saw a party in PF earlier doing a spell run, I've never done that before. I've only used PF like twice lol. I wonder if it's still up?
>it's not still up, ah well. but i still see a listing for Sephirot EX that i saw like 30 min ago - a someone requesting help to clear for their friend and there's like 4-5 roles filled already
>well. i like sephirot hard. i dont remember sephirot extreme. i probably cleared it once with @lucia-dartancours a long ass time ago, maybe. sounds like fun tho i'd like to help out. i'll probably remember some of it during the middle of the fight or smth.
>join, be upfront that i'm "not experienced with this one" and i'll drop if needed. im told its all good and we'll figure it out, cool!
>duty begins, and i get.... the cutscene???? huh??????
>oh. suddenly, a shadow of the past echoes in my ear. flashbacks flit across my mind's eye as i recall asking @lucia-dartancours to do sephirot EX with me, but we cannot, bc alas, it is one of the few that is difficult to solo and may require a party.
>ohfuck.jpeg i am about to act very clueless in front of strangers
>"i'M nOt VeRy ExPeRieNcEd-" hi sorry guys, by that i mean it as in i havent seen this AT ALL EVER IN MY LIFE LMFAO OOPS
>okay i've seen exactly ONE video and that was when @ was soloing it on WAR, and i probably had just finished HW, and knew fuck-all about trials. except that it was cool and flashy and looked fun and maybe someday i'd do it, when i got past all this dang MSQ.
>welp i guess it's "someday".
>get full party, do fight, our first ever attempt goes REALLY well. we managed to clear the first phase and wiped at maybe the second towers/right after the first towers? something like that.
>i have no idea what i'm doing and ngl i'm surviving off of sheer beginner's luck up until the very end of this first attempt lmao. idk how i managed to survive that long.
>... and i did not manage to recreate that again, up until the tail-end of that two hour time-frame.
>we try again a few more times, then the markers get broken out to divide the group up into 2 parties
>LMAO'ing because me and the other first-timer get the kindergarten shapes... xDDD
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> the mentors/experienced people lay out the plan
>i understand half of what theyre saying, but i keep the mantra "green=hug, orange=spread out"
>idk what colors mean when they refer to that but i'll figure it out/i think it's similar to zurvan with the hot/ice debuff mechanic (i later figure out this is exactly what that is)
>tbh, at first that "color" meant the tether color. but now i think you get that tether if you stand close to Sephirot, regardless of your debuff color. And im MNK, so at first i thought i was always orange b/c the tether color is orange, and i was always getting that tether b/c i'm always up close as MNK. but color refers to debuffs, i figured it out.
>not me sounding like a lunatic everytime we get to the debuff phase, muttering "okokokokok, orange is run, orange is run"
we keep wiping in the first phase, but slowly learn and adapt and improvise and overcome our way to the second phase before the duty timer runs out.
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>it is 11pm. someone mentions they can stay on until the next duty runout, i'm like same (bc it's 11pm lol). one of the healers switches to SMN for shields, tank offers to do a discord call to do calls, no one takes the offer, so we continue on-wards
>about midway into the second duty attempt, i finally understand what people mean when they say "stack in front of green bubble for the flash to bait the (whatever you call it), and then spread out", bc i started noticing the flash, and at one point i had died early and was able to kinda notice what ppl were doing, plus short snippets from @'s video from 500 years ago are coming back to me and i'm starting to remember this part of the video)
>so i finally stop dying at that part (i always kept getting wiped out by his flash attack bc i kept forgetting that it takes up the entire side of the arena T_T)
>i keep dying at the 2nd phase, when he does the flash and then the first middle knockback fist, and im like how tf does everyone else keep surviving. oh, is it arm's length? and someone replies about positioning and i'm looking at the screen like "okay 1-130, i'll just stare hard at everyone else and follow them" b/c up until that point i was focusing hard about the debuffs and trying to make sure i was in the correct zone lmao
>AT SOME POINT, i dont die + the stars align for everything else + we have just enough people constantly alive and suddenly we survive phase two and we're blowing past the fist slidey part and now we're killing the air add and there's a flurry of pings going off in chat from the tank and now we're in the stack and the fist is going across the floor and THANK GOD the third phase is mostly a repeat of the second phase and LB3 gets hit and we trim off the last few HP on his bar and ITS OVER WE'RE DONE OH MY GOD.
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15 minutes left to spare T-T we got out at 12:15am lol but shoutout to the person who stayed up till 1am to see this through
a few things:
> green debuffers are supposed to "pass the tether" to the orange debuffers. i still have no clue how to do that. I thought it'd be like, we run to them. but the green bubbles are always in the way, and i never saw people touch each other. so i have no clue how we pass on the tethers lmao
>tanks also take both towers in the second tower phase. but also, people with orange debuff must take towers? i am still confused on that part. I'll probably watch a video later.
that was really fun!
but also
i think i'm going to stay far the fuck away from PF extremes for a bit lmfao
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Yes I know I'm very behind since usually I'm done with catching up by 20 minutes but I was really invested and also I've been zoning out some XD and doing a few other short things
AYY Owen :DD he's okay :))
I mean I figured he would be but yk
AYY hey girl :DDD!! She's okay too :DD!!
That's great 🥰🥰
Lol fair but xD nah I don't think he cares
Okay chill Owen lol
Nahh there's gotta be other people in the room lol
Hey guys xDD 🥰🥰🥰
My babeys :))
LOL okay but mood Owen xDD
SLFKGJDHKGS naur not it being super straight forward xDD but also mood still lol
And it's funny so that way's better if anything XDD
Okay okay yeah
Ah lol
Wait before that? One we don't know about? Ohh or the car :O
AHA yup the car!! xD
So was he trying to sabotage it somehow then?
Ohhh yup :O Ahh I see :))
Lol yeah and then one killing makes two more likely yk xD
Also yeah he wouldn't try and then just be like welp anyway :)) xD
Their faces as Owen gets it lol
Ahh ooohhkay lol
Well dang then xD
It is kinda crazy but it's not that complicated Owen lol
But you did just wakeup so whatever xD
Ayy hey Gabriel!
LOL just a drink first that's all xD
Aww yayy :)) they're making up 🥰
Which means PHEW so that won't carry over to the wedding 😅 XD
LOL "that sounds more like you" xD
Better question TK how do you not know yet lol
I just figure it would've come up already xD
But I mean I guess it's kinda like the parents so eh yk
Idk anyway xD
Lol I love them <33
All of them that is xD
These idiots :)) <33
Aww Tommy :'((
I'm sorry Grace :((
And I'm sorry Tommy <33
This choir is slaying though :D
Yes slay y'all 😌😌
Ah okay this lady lol
Oope Tommy 👀
Girl is SLAYING!!!
Girl go off :DDD!!
Kill and maim 🥰🥰 XD
YES girl lol
Aight go off 😌😌 go up and speak :))
Ay so she's just gonna read whatever she wants lol 👀
I bet they're verses about gossip xD
YES she ain't down yet >:))
Go off honey <33
YESS she does 😌😌 (that but instead of smiling like firm mhm lol)
She's gonna say it shouldn't be that way inside there isn't she :D
YEP :O :D!!
But YESSS girl she's gonna fight anyway :D
YES bestie oh SLAY SO HARD you will not be pushed out girl 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️😌
WHOOO Yes Tommy >:DDD
LOL yeah he can have it back now xD I say that just bc she really was in charge of it there lol
L O L everyone's faces XDD
LOL yeah who cares at that point xD
aY okay y'all XD more lol
YES that is your friend 😌😌😌🥰 >;)
>;) just like smug lol
YESSS 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Slay so good for her :DD
And for both of them obviously lol 🥰🥰
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immerglxck-blog · 7 years
Jumin always wanted kisses from Rika :$ [i hope you dont mind]
[ FIRST THREE IN MY INBOX GET KISSES || (1/3) || @interimplexa ]
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It might have been a stupid idea, it might not, but she would probably do it anyways. What had she to lose? Sure it might make things a bit awkward for them afterwards, but that was something she would think about later. Then again, it was nothing bad that Rika wanted to do.   “Jumin!” she called out, walking over to the male, a soft smile on her lips. He seemed to be currently busy with something on his phone, so she took the chance and pressed a kiss to his cheek, chuckling lightly, before moving away. Rika really hoped that he didn’t mind it. 
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cj-and-cjs-ocs · 6 years
For Petteri: B:3, 4; C:4; D:4; E:2, 5; G: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; H:3; I:3 (i'm sorry if you find this uncomfortable or hard to answer, you don't have to if you don't want, but i've been curious ab this and y'know, as a gender-queer it really interests me `=D ) J:3; N:3; O:1, 4; P:4, 5; Q:1, 4, 5; V:2; W:2; X:2, 3; Z:1, 2, 3
Alright!  About time I actually work on these heheh…(sosorry these took so long, I got caught up in school stuff…)
3. how tall are they?
Welp, I’d say in the first story he’s about 4ft, or just under.  In the second storyhe’s around 5’5.  
4. how old are they?
In the first shortstory, he’s either 9 or 10 years old, and in the second one I’d say about 19 or20.
4. what is their majorcomfort food? why?
Hash-browncasserole.  He really REALLY likeshash-brown casserole.  It was the firstfood he ate outside of the hospital, and that was the first time he felt safe.
4.whattype of clothes and accessories do they wear?
Lotsof knit sweaters and sweatpants.  When hegoes out he’ll usually wear a vest with a button up shirt and some jeans orkhakis.
1.    do they do things that conform to the norm?
Imean, he tries.  Petteri knows he’s notnormal and tries to imitate what he sees other people doing, which cansometimes lead to embarrassing situations. Although Roger tells him that it’s ok to be unique, he still wants tofit in with everybody else.
5. do they portraytheir personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own?
         Petteri always keeps his personalityhidden, he never does a lot to reveal himself and leaves it up to his friend tofigure out just what is going on.
1.    what is their most attractive external feature?
I’dprobably say his eyes.  They’re a deep,intricate purple colour with lots of detail and shades.  Not much else to say there haha
2. what is the most attractive part of theirpersonality?
Hmm,probably his resilience, he can take a lot and come out somewhat ok.  (this was kinda tricky bc I don’t really knowwhat attractive parts of personalities may be eheh..)
3. what benefits come with being their friend?
He isextremely loyal and will jump in front of ghosts to save you. Yeh.
4. what parts of them do they like and dislike?
Petteriis fine with himself most of the time, he likes being quiet and flying underthe radar, of course, he has to hate the fact he can communicate with the deadand become possessed.  
5. what parts of others do they envy?
Petterienvies the normality of others, the way they can just go about their normal liveswithout any worry or fear, and that they have family and friends who have beenwith them their entire lives, and that they haven’t been stuck in a hospitalfor half of their childhood…
3.do they like the snow?
Only alittle.  He doesn’t like the cold, but helikes the sparkles.
3.havethey ever questioned their gender?
(yo it’sfine my dude…)
I mean,probably…when he realized he likes Roger that confused him a lot…
3.arethere any songs that bring them joy?
Well, anysong that Roger listens too (pretty much Beatles stuff), what makes R happymakes him happy!
2.   is there anything they absolutely can’t believepeople do?
(ahem,the story is set when experiments on human beings was legal, but this can alsorefer to lab animals…)
1.   are they optimistic or pessimistic?
I’d say somewhere in between, but trending moreto the pessimistic side…
3.   is there anyone in their life that throwsoptimism on them?
4.what oftheir personality do others envy?
Hisability to hold onto the little sanity he has left and resilience througheverything that he has been through.  Causethat’s pretty impressive.
5.  dothey hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
He doesn’thate much about his own personality, he does wish he could be more outgoing andfriendly but he just doesn’t know how. Petteri hates human curiosity and greed.
1.   do they ask for help?
Nope. only in really really badsituations.  His anxiety prevents himfrom communicating like a normal human being.
4. do they ask weird questions?
Every now and again Petteri will ask Rogerabout normal things like “Why do we use refrigerators?” or “There’s doctorsthat help people?!
5. are they curious?
Yes.  Sometimesit gets him into trouble bc he doesn’t know how social norms and manners work…
2.   do they get lots of stomach aches?
Yes, either from eating too much bc he doesn’tknow how portions work, or from more…supernatural means…
2,. have they learned to swim?
Nope. Water scares him too much…
2.   do they have a favorite song?
Jailhouse Rock, by Elvis Presley
3.   do they have a favorite band/artist/singer?
ELVIS!  Hereally likes them 50s jams.
1.   what’s their favorite animal?
The Jackalope! (pls don’t tell him it’s notreal…)
2.   do they like animals?
Yes!  Animalsare much nicer than people…
3.   cats or dogs?
Cats bc cats are chill and there’s less of achance they will knock you over.
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