#//I'm going to do my best to be present on here today but activity will still probably be a little sporadic.
kingspuppet · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BESTEST BOI IN THE ENTIRE WORLD THAT I LOVE A TOTALLY NORMAL AMOUNT!!! Feel free to send in birthday wishes of any sort for him~
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wynnyfryd · 4 months
💖 2024 Steddie Fic Recs 💖
@thefreakandthehair and i were talking about how so many of the fics we can name off the top of our heads are from right after the show came out because we were still actively making rec lists back then, so:
in no particular order i present to you an incomplete list of fics i love that were published or completed within the last two months
short fics (<10k)
Found God In A Tomato by @beetlesandstarss 5.7k | rated M | fluff, text fic
syrupy sweet strangers to first date fic. without spoiling anything, eddie is a flustered cutie and steve is a fuckin' menace who's lucky he's so hot
he tightened he grip by @steddieas-shegoes 1.3k | rated E | crack not treated remotely seriously
Mickala beloved your commitment to the bit makes me wanna commit myself to you 💍
Slide It In by gayhandshake 1.8k | rated E | multimedia crack
another truly impeccable work of crack fic, i laughed so hard at the first image that i made it the icon for my private discord server
what's that sound? (there's a funny man at my door) by @jewishrat420 4.8k | rated M | spicy six text fic
laughed out loud at this fic so many times i really don't know what else to tell you. as a matter of fact, i went to look at my bookmark note to see what else i had to say about it when i read it, and my note just says "fucking hilarious i laughed out loud like 6 times" 💀 did not do not will never know what else to tell you except that the phrase "the goyim of gender" just randomly pops into my brain once every four or so days now
medium fics (10-20k)
In the Kitchen or the Tulips by @teddywesworl 44k | rated E | telepathic soulmate AU
this fic said "watch me flip this trope inside out like a freshly cubed half of an avocado" and then DELIVERED. i finished this fic and then stared at the side of my husband's head for long enough that he looked over and went "wtf are you doing" lmao hush baby i am contemplating the implications
they're going to send us to prison for jerks by @greatunironic 16k | rated E | social media AU
okay firstly the premise of this fic is so specifically and delightfully unhinged; love that i'm not the only one who looks at a random tiktok account and manically whispers to myself "there's a fic in there somewhere." secondly the execution is a 10 outta 10 outta 10 outta TEN
long fics (50k+)
Sneaky Link by @morningberriesao3 152k | rated E | onlyfans au
the sex is HOT the boys are dumb as goddamn ROCKS what more do you need? oh, what's that? you do need more? sick because this fic also has: the tags "cum slut eddie munson" and "everyone is gay (because i say so)", chrissy the homophobe slayer being the cutest little spy, and jason getting his ass whooped, like, spiritually. on a spiritual level. physically unharmed but that boy's soul is missing teeth do u understand what i am saying
it was love, love alone read by @reena-jenkins 21min | rated E
am i technically reccing my own fic on my own fic rec list? you bet your sweet ass i am, i don't even care how tacky that is reena's performance is hilarious and deserves to be listened to at least 40 more times while doing the dishes
relax (lay it back) read by @flintandfuss 1hr 10min | rated E | yogi dom steve x sub eddie
listen if i'm already being gauche then i gotta include my internet wife's belated birthday present to me, like i gotta. morally and lustfully obligated.
Schiava by @teddywesworl read by aheada_lettuce 1hr 30min | rated E | kas!eddie AU
said it once already today and i'll say it again, i cannot believe one of the best reading voices i've ever heard belongs to a person i mentally refer to as fucking lettuce LOL anyway this read is incredible and i have listened to it Times(tm)
and lastly, if you want more recs (like, 348 more specifically), you can browse my full list of public st bookmarks here
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luna-andra · 9 months
StepDad!König Headcanons (SFW & Wholesome) ✨
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Image @cozyhuii (@miss_bozo on Twitter)
Headcanons I thought up of König being a step daddy to reader's kid
A/N: Y'all got my very first König headcanon list to 600+ notes earlier today and I had to pump this one out. I had been in a writing rut for a while (still kind of am? But I'm finding my way back) and this is my way of showing my gratitude. StepDad!König originally was something I did for me (König being step daddy to my kid? YES PLEASE) but I made this gender neutral (& gn kid) like the other ones 🖤
Domesticated!König Series: Part 1 Part 2
I write other stuff too! Masterlist here 🖤
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👑 His reaction was the better outcome you had thought up when König found out you had a kid from a previous relationship. Why would that deter him from continuing to date you? He was a man that didn’t view single parents as “spoiled goods”, and would quite frankly curb stomp someone if they heard them refer to you as such.
👑 He was aware of the possibility of you postponing and rescheduling dates, and unfortunately they did happen. “Sitter canceled? No problem.” “Mom/Dad bailed on their weekend? I get it.” You were so relieved by his patience and empathy for the times plans would fall through.
👑 It was clear to König that you were going to hold off on introducing him to your child. He had great respect for that rule, it meant you were very keen on not having a revolving door of people coming in and out of that kid’s life.
👑 As time went on, he would always show an active interest in your child by asking how they are doing in school? Did they still like [insert movie/TV show here]? He hoped they liked the treats he had bought at the PX on base.
👑 But the one time you seemed extremely defeated and bummed out about another postponed date, he took his chance and threw out the idea of hanging out - the three of you - at your house. You hesitated, but it had been nearly long enough for you to be okay with it. The guilt weighed on you considering it had been a hot minute since the two of you had any time for each other. König was such a sweetheart, reassuring you that this is how he wanted to spend his time, with you and your kiddo.
👑 Almost every date after that became an outing with the three of you. He was referred to as Onkel König by your child, a title that warmed his gigantic heart.
👑 Came to every sports game/martial arts competition/band or orchestra event/etc. Became as active as the bio mom/dad (if they were still around) in their extra-curricular activities. He didn’t want to miss a single thing.
👑 Speaking of bio mom/dad/ex-spouse, he made the conscious effort to be acquainted with them if they were still present in Kiddo’s life. As long as they were cordial, so was König.
👑 Spoiled the hell out of Kiddo for Christmas and birthdays. They wanted for nothing and sometimes you hated it but were also thankful that he has come to love a child that originally wasn’t his.
👑 We all know König is of older age given his rank of Colonel. It’s so funny when he has to ask you about lingo the younger kids use. “What is bussies and why do they want to go there so much?” That was fun explaining it to König as his face grew intensely pink at his ignorance. It’s best if he comes to you every time he hears something new fly out of that kid’s mouth.
👑 He always used German terms of endearment for the both of you, and Kiddo picked up German the more time they spent with König. It forced you to learn too (you were already learning but you were putting in extra hours after bedtime to stay ahead of them).
👑 100% a prankster. And oh god… did it get out of hand quickly. You had to sit both of them down to scold them about putting soy sauce in your coffee when you weren’t looking; that was the final straw. No one messes with the morning coffee. 
👑 Came home with a puppy from the animal shelter because Kiddo got an A on their test (failed to mention to König that it was a test they had already got rewarded for).
👑 The only time you ever saw this man cry was at Kiddo’s graduation. They said to their friends “Can you take a picture of me with my Dad? He showed up in uniform for this.” He held it together for the event, but let the tear loose on the way home.
Likes & reblogs are always appreciated! Asks are opened for requests & ideas for others. Might do some for Ghost in the future ✨
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i-cant-sing · 9 months
My mind is just coming up with amazing ideas today. I guess that's what happens when u don't study for a week... (this is all happening my academic burnout sm)
I present to you- Yandere Dad Hawks x bird kid reader.
Look Dad Keigo was gonna be a doting father for any kid, biological or not, but there's just something about his bio kid who also HAS HIS QUIRK😭😭😭 Like he can't stop awing at the sight of his little baby bird having tiny tiny red wings like papa.
The ever loving, forever doting, always spoiling his baby, that's the kind of dad Keigo is. I mean, putting his own childhood trauma aside, he still wants you to have the best childhood ever. There are very few things he says no to (only coming second to Dad Dabi who only says no to things that will actively put you in danger. Want ice cream for breakfast? Okay. Want to go to 7/11 with grandpa Enji? Hell no.). Child reader wants an Endeavour hero figure? Of course, darling! Here, take one from daddy's collection 🥰🥰🥰 Dont wanna eat your peas? Sorry, doll. You're gonna have to finish your plate, even if you try to look adorably menacing by fluffing up your wings.
Oh and your wings😭 You know how Rei has a weird thing for your hair (and she definitely gives you a flea bath after you hang out with hawks)? Yeah that's how Keigo is with your wings- obsessed. He takes care of them, cleans them out and even has you sit for hours if that's how long it takes him to groom them. "Its no use swatting me, baby. I'm still not letting you move an inch until I'm done. So, just sit back and relax.🥰" keigo would say as he hands his phone to watch some shows.
I headcanon that Keigo's kid will be sassy and quick as him. The two can bicker for hours, and no ones really sure whether you're just that good at arguments or if Keigo just let's you win because he loves you so much.
I can also see Keigo and reader bonding over their mutual love for pro hero Endeavour (but in very different ways💀)
Dad Keigo adores spending time with you, especially now that you're put in a safehouse with only a handful people he let's you meet. A major part of his life is feeding you. Maybe it's the bird brain, maybe it's his childhood trauma, but Keigo has to cook meals for you and he has to watch you eat them. He's not sure, but it makes him be at peace knowing that you sleep with a tummy full and a warm bed.
I think as far as flying goes, Keigo tells you to only to do it under his supervision. You know how sometimes you forget how ti breathe and then making a concious effort to breathe makes it difficult to do so? That's what Keigo thinks happens. He thinks that if you fly alone, you might suddenly forget how flap your wings or maybe you get tired and then you're just crashing down to the ground. Unfortunately for his weak heart, you don't listen to him and fly as high as you can.
Would Keigo let you go to school? Initially, yes. But it only takes one incident, something even as harmless as a stupid prank call threatening his child (Dabi did the call), and that's enough for him to go hay wire and pull you out of school and move to a new safehouse, cut off from anyone and everyone. When he has to leave, he'd either drop you off at Enji's, OR have someone from the Hero Comminsion come and babysit you.
You can pout and cry and scream at him all you want, he's not changing his mind. You're his baby, his only light, only will to live, he can't risk your life.
His life would only become more complicated if either of you get a love interest. For you, the choices are: Katsuki, Tokoyami, Izuku. For him, the choices are: Dabi, your baby mama, Miruko.
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i’m so happy seeing you back here😭😭 and since request are now open, can i maybe request reader going home early just to find boyfriend! jeno and best friend!jaemin jerking of each other but thinking abt you (moaning your name)
Déjà Vu (무대로; 舞代路)
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pairing: lee jeno x na jaemin (x reader? (she/her pronouns))
au/genre: smut, established relationship (between jeno and reader), best friend!jaemin, sub!jeno, dom!jaemin
word count: 1665 words
warnings: god where do it start? mxm content, highkey cheating, bro-talk, alcohol consumption and sexual activities under the influence, sexualization of reader (this is not really respecting women of nomin..), jealousy kink...?, hand jobs, pet names (literally. "puppy".), mentions of: blowjobs, anal, public sex, facials and just reader's body in general, dirty talk, degradation (of reader who is not present), getting caught, this is very unserious. let me know if i missed something.
a/n: you ask and you shall receive. i hope this is kind of what you were looking for? i assumed jaemin is jeno's best friend, i hope that's what you meant <3 um.. yeah. i hope you enjoy? i apologize for any mistakes, this was written in my notes app. also, i'm kind of proud of the title.
You're standing in the doorframe – flabbergasted. Just half an hour prior, you'd been thrilled beyond belief that your ass of a boss offered to let you go home early today (of course only because he knows you know that this way he can guilt-trip you to stay longer another time). On the way home, you kept smiling, sang along to the music blasting from the radio until you pulled into the driveway of Jeno's house. You'd texted your boyfriend earlier about your early release, not receiving a reply but also not expecting one. To be fair, Jeno is a great boyfriend, but once he starts gaming, his mind can't focus on anything else. Knowing his best friend Jaemin was visiting today, you were sure that's what they were doing: Gaming. Well, or so you thought until you saw the sight before you.
"You need to control your woman, Jeno," Jaemin says, sipping at his beer that (at 2 in the afternoon) might not have been the ideal choice of drink considering the time, and the fact that it had already three antecedents with a similar alcoholic strength. Jaemin is by far not a lightweight, and he knows his tolerance and what happens when he drinks, so the inevitable was at least predicted: his mouth gets a little too loose for his own good.
"Care to elaborate?" Jeno furrows his brows purely in confusion, not at all in distress.
"The skirts," Jaemin elaborates, hands gesturing in the air without tenor, "too short."
"Ah," Jeno laughs, chest buzzing deeply as the sounds rumble up his throat, "yeah. Man, that's out of my reach. I can't tell her what to wear, you know? Feminism and stuff."
"Man," is all Jaemin can add. He knows this is kind of a weird thing for him to say. Don't get him wrong, he's not drunk enough for his moral compass to lay face-down passed-out somewhere in the corner of his brain, it's rather the mean alcohol taping its mouth shut with duct tape so all it can do is jump around and wave its arms, but not voice what exactly is wrong with this.
"Is it riling you up?" Jeno interrupts Jaemin's thoughts of trying to figure out what's going wrong right now. Immediately, a dirty grin pulls at the left corner of Jaemin's mouth, eyelids heavy as he gives his best friend a singular nod and a quick raise of his eyebrows to confirm the statement. Jeno mirrors the expression. "I get it, bro. I mean, as long as you respect that she's mine, there's no harm in looking, you get me?"
"Is there harm in... thinking, though?" Jaemin asks, chin tilting down to make him look up at Jeno questioningly before he adds a quick "Bro?"
"Well, no. What were you thinking?" Jeno asks from his place at the other end of the small couch, leaning forward to create a more intimate ambiance for Jaemin to spill his guts about the rearrangements he'd love to do concerning Jeno's girlfriend's guts. Should he be a little more worried about this? Maybe. Is the alcohol in his system calming the tiny jealous part he has in him? Not really. Is the alcohol in his system turning him on which results in him not giving a shit about the specific contents of his conversation as long as it contains sex? Absolutely!
"Look, man, respectfully," Jaemin says, placing his close-to-empty bottle on the table before leaning forward as well, "I'd not say no if things were different."
"Look at this guy," Jeno grins, and Jaemin breaks out an even wider one, "her short skirts, huh? That's what's setting you off? That's what's getting you hard?"
"What can I say," Jaemin shrugs, grin still evident on his features, horny-clouded brain ignoring the way Jeno keeps coming closer, the older's grin fading slowly but surely. Okay, maybe the jealous part is a little bigger than estimated. Jeno keeps coming closer, a finger acting with a mind of its own as it presses into Jaemin's (admittedly beefy) chest to push him back against the back rest.
"Hands off my girlfriend," Jeno almost growls. He's towering over Jaemin, the younger's smile not fading whatsoever, unfazed by the older's attempts to seem intimidating and dangerous.
"Do you remember that night after Chenle's party?" Jaemin has no clue why his mind brought this memory back up, possibly since it includes him and Jeno in a similar position.
"I do," Jeno gulps, eyes switching between Jaemin's.
"You're hot when you're mad, bro," Jaemin confesses before he can even start thinking about stopping himself. Also, he finds, there is no need for his blood to rush downwards only because he thinks about you in a skirt, assuming this is the sole reason for his tightening pants.
"I am?" Jeno's gaze flickers down to Jaemin's lips. His brain has yet to catch up with this rollercoaster of emotions, having gone from his general chill vibe Jeno to horny Jeno to jealous Jeno to am i about to fuck my best friend (again)? Jeno in a span of not many minutes (who's counting?).
"Yeah, and I'd give a nut to see you and her in bed together, both if I get to film it."
"I can't let that happen," Jeno says, opting for his voice to sound stern and sure, but it sounds more like he's about to cum in his pants untouched. Maybe he is.
"What are you gonna do about it, puppy? What if I fucked your girlfriend, huh? What would you do?" Jaemin has no idea where this is coming from, but it's coming from somewhere and it felt really urgent for him to get it out. Admittedly, he does not regret it one bit as judging by the way Jeno's brows knit together, eyes gloss over and lips start to trembe, he's just pushed the right buttons. Experimentally, Jaemin grinds his hips upwards, causing his confined cock to press against Jeno's who is not able to admit that he finds himself in a similarly aroused state. Instinctively, Jaemin's hands find Jeno's waist. The older gasps at the action, not really sure how to think with his brain when his balls tell him to let Jaemin do his thing, whatever that might include.
"This is still about her, right?" Jeno still manages to ask, breath shaking as Jaemin goes to open both of their jeans.
"Sure. This is just like after Chenle's party, pretend this is about football," Jaemin states, mind clouded with thoughts about his best friend and you, and how he would turn your sex life upside down.
"S-seriously, though," Jeno's voice shakes as he gets to enjoy the way Jaemin's hand sneaks into his boxers to finally touch him. "Are you thinking about her?"
"All the time," Jaemin admits truthfully, not breaking the eye contact Jeno's created. He wraps a hand around Jeno's length, his other hand pulling the older's pants down enough too free his throbbing errection that weights hotly in his hand. "I think about her lips and how perfectly they'd stretch around my cock."
"Shit," Jeno moans, eyes rolling back as Jaemin starts stroking him. "Keep going."
"I need to see her gagging, tears rolling down her cheeks." Jaemin moans at the thought, "touch me."
Jeno hastily complies, freeing Jaemin's hardness as well, not ever having realized how much he's missed the girth of it against his palm. At this, Jaemin groans deeply, hips bucking immediately as he sets a steady pace stroking Jeno as well.
"Her legs too, especially in those skirts. Makes me wonder about the kind of ass she hides from me," Jaemin continues and Jeno whines at the his words, jealousy bubbling up inside him to only fuel his need to cum.
"H-her ass is-" Jeno halts with a moan as Jaemin swipes his thumb over Jeno's tip, "tight."
"Fuck." Jaemin throws his head back as Jeno picks up the pace of stroking him. "Tell me about her cunt."
Jeno's thoughts are all over the place, remembering every single time he's had the chance to stuff you full of his cock, burying himself balls deep inside of you, and it honestly makes his head spin even more. "So wet 'n perfect," he babbles, eyes lidded as he presses his forehead against Jaemin's, "she takes me so well every time, like the good slut she is."
"Mhm, that's what I thought. Your little whore, our little whore- fuck, go faster," Jaemin moans as Jeno does exactly what he's told, the older's sounds turning Jaemin on beyond belief, as well as the thoughts about you that make him want to show up at your workplace unannounced and have his way with you in front of all of your colleagues to show them who you belong to. Involuntary though unmistakably, your name slips from Jaemin's lips.
In shock, Jeno's hand stops its movements, but Jaemin is quick to react as he grabs the older's jaw. "Keep going. Fucking look at her and keep going, puppy."
Jeno's wide eyes stay fixated on your shocked face as you analyze the scene unfolding in front of your eyes, though he complies and keeps jerking his best friend off. Jaemin knows you heard him moan your name, though he throws it in two more times to really be sure, knee pushing upwards against Jeno's balls to get him to the edge faster. "Tell her I want her," Jaemin commands, eyes trained on you as well, not missing the way your thighs press together at the sight in front of you.
"W-we want you," Jeno whines, hips stuttering before he releases with a groan, cum splashing out all over Jaemin's shirt almost up to his chin as he guides Jeno through his gut-wrenching high that's quickly followed by syllables of your name. It doesn't take long for Jaemin after that as he sends you a wink before asking: "Do you want it on your face, puppy?"
© 2023 YUTASBELLYBUTTONPIERCING all rights reserved — please DO NOT translate, take, nor repost any of my works.
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swirlymarimo · 4 months
Zoro sits silently at the otherwise empty kitchen table, his head nestled against his palm as he watches their ships cook flit around, preparing breakfast for the crew. It's early. Too damn early if you ask him, the sun is barely just rising over the horizon. Its light is soft and golden, pouring in from the window on the adjacent wall.
He had been sitting alone in the crows nest, finishing up his nights watch when he had heard the familiar squeak of the galley door. After finishing the last of his push-ups he grabbed the towel from the bar on the wall and wiped the sweat from bis brow. "I should probably shower." He spoke into the deafening silence. Sanji would want nothing to do with him if he waltzed into the kitchen in his present state.
With the cook up and about, he decided it's fine to end his watch and move to the bathroom to freshen up. It won't take long, things would be okay with ten or so minutes of loose supervision.
Now here he sits, clean and refreshed watching the love of his life be the most obnoxious type of morning person there was. How someone can be this full of energy before the world was even awake will never makes sense to him. Right now he seems to be humming some old shanty while he tossses ingredients into a large mixing bowl.
He looks beautiful in the early morning light. The golden sunlight is casting a halo that makes him practically glow like treasure. Not to mention how cute and domestic he looks in his stupid pink apron.
"Need some help?"
He just can't shake the pull of soul wanting to be closer to the man at the counter. He was breathtaking. Zoro wants to burn this image into his mind.
Without even turning to spare him a glance, Sanji answers, "No, I'm alright. I don't have much to do."
"You were just saying yesterday I need to help out around the ship more." Zoro knows the comment was merely an excuse to bicker at the time when it was said, but now perhaps it can be his excuse to be closer. He really means to say "I just want to be domestic with you." But he's certain the cook can read between the lines and understand that he just wants to do something simple in each others company.
Sanji humors him this time, turning and placing one hand on his hip. "Do you even know how to do anything in a kitchen?" He asks.
In all honesty, no, he does not. So he makes his best offer, "I can do the dishes you're making. Dry them and put them away too. Or I can help you cut stuff. Kind of my thing isn't it?"
Zoro tried to joke, but Sanji doesn't find it comedic at all.
"Please its not the same kind of cutting at all. Cutting things in the kitchen is far different in technique than weilding a katana." Sanji now turns back to his station and adds the batter he's made to the waiting skillet on the stove. It sizzles for a moment as it hits the hot surface.
"I can't become the greatest swordsman if I can't even master a kitchen knife. Show me. Then I can help." Zoro mentally pats himself on the back for his clever in.
His smirk falls when Sanji laughs loudly. "Are you serious? You'll take my instruction on something?"
Zoro has to brush off the small amount of annoyance he feels at being teased. Remembering his ultimate goal is to participate in some form of bonding activity he keeps at it.
"Yeah. I master a new blade. You get breakfast done a little quicker. It's a win-win."
Sanji turns again to face his lover who seems very intent on helping today. "Is this really because I said you aren't very helpful around the ship? Because I wasn't being that serious, you do plenty." He feels a little bit of guilt creep into his chest.
"No. It's not that." Zoro gives Sanji a soft look, one he reserves only for the blonde. "Look pretty cook I just want to spend some time with you before everyone gets up. That's all." Zoro confesses.
Sanji gives Zoro a look of his own. Soft eyes and a small, genuine smile.
"Okay lover boy, first things first, go wash your hands. You're not touching anything until I know you're not contaminated."
Zoro smirks in victory, a smart remark already on the back of his tongue
"Yes chef."
And Sanji rolls his eyes so hard they may just roll right out of his head, but even so, a light laugh rings into the quiet galley.
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byeuijoo · 8 months
not our wedding 𐀔 park sungho
genre : fluff ⋆ warnings : swearing, slightly suggestive ⋆ word count : 1055
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the elders often say that marriage is the happiest day in a lifetime. and thinking about it, that was probably the case for your best friend. for months she's been telling you about her beautiful princess-like white dress, her big ceremony, her long list of guests, her bridal bouquet.. for over a year, your days were spent preparing for the happy event with her. guide her in her choices, support her in her decisions, reassure her, assuring her that she was going to make the most beautiful of marriages. then one day she asked you, almost to tears, to be her best man as well as her bridesmaid. obviously, you couldn't refuse.
until today.
it's the big day, everything seems to be ready. except you, because of that damn dress and the zipper in the back that you can barely reach. waddling from one foot to the other, trying as hard as you can to reach the zipper, you end up kicking the seat next to you in rage.
« fuck. » you cursed, just as the door opened, instantly attracting your attention. you were more than relieved to come face to face with the questioning face of your best friend's brother, sungho. « oh thanks god, i'm so glad you're here, » you sighed, motioning with your hand for him to close the door behind him and approach you, « help me with that fucking zipper, please. »
turning your back to him as you heard him lock the door, you lifted your hair out of his way and instantly presented him with your bare back, half-covered by your dress. « i was looking for you, » he declared, now close to you, « my sister kept saying she wanted to see you. »
you nodded, even though you seemed suddenly disconnected from reality. sungho's delicate fingers grasped your zipper, pulling it up gently, so that you could feel his fingertips graze your sensitive, shivering skin. you tried so hard to control your breathing, looking for a spot in the void to calm your pounding heart. « i could have reached her much sooner if i hadn't had this zipper problem, uh.. » you declared, less loudly than expected, because that sungho had to lean over your shoulder to hear your words, his breath tickling your skin.
then, when you felt the zipper catch at the top of your back, you let go of your hair, pivoting to face him. your pupils locked onto his, and out of the corner of your eye, you could see a slight smile tugging at his rosy lips. « can you help me with that tie? » blinking at his words, a scoff left your lips as you nodded your head, raising your arms to reach his tie.
« after all these years, you still don't know how to tie a tie? » you asked him, a slight mocking tone in your voice, without knowing that it was simply an excuse for you to do it for him. « nope, » he replied, sliding one of his hands into the small of your back, « i think i'll need you for the rest of my life to do it. »
you froze in place, not daring to look up at him, simply staring at the tie still being unfinished between your fingers. but that was until you felt your body being guided, moving on its own, walking backwards until you reached the wall behind you. and only then did your eyes meet his, plunging into the depth of his pupils, into the sincerity of his gaze, letting you drown slowly, cutting off your breath.
his face came dangerously close to yours, suddenly deviating to your ear, where he placed a light kiss just below, on that sensitive spot capable of driving you crazy. « the bridesmaid is not supposed to be more beautiful than the bride.. » he whispered in your ear, as your hands came to rest against his chest, feeling the palpitations of his heart beneath your fingers. park sungho was a menace, and you always fall into his trap — like every time you find yourself trapped in a room alone.
your kind of love story has lasted since kindergarten, playing cat and mouse has always been your favorite activity. he was always there when you deigned to be interested in something else than him, constantly reminding you of his existence.
to the point of promising to marry you one day.
« oh shut up.. » you say suddenly, before his face drifts back to yours, the tip of his nose brushing your cheek. then his teeth found your skin, biting gently so as not to hurt you, but hard enough to make your belly vibrate.
« make me. » were the last words he spoke, his eyes fixed on yours, before your deft fingers tug at his tie to pin him against you, your lips melting against his. his hands slipped here and there, exploring parts of your body he wanted to know by heart, finally lifting your thighs to sit on the window sill, leaving him a certain hold on you that you didn't want to break. your fingers intertwined with sungho's dark locks, creating a beautiful mess that would certainly not go unnoticed.
the kiss was feverish, demanding, passionate, urgent, as if all the heat in the room had seized your bodies. his hands seemed to boil over your skin, even when one of them cupped your cheek, holding your face against his to kiss you even harder. only your jerky breathing and the occasional moan filled the silence of the room — or at least until someone knocks on the door in a violent way and pushes you both to separate from each other in fourth gear.
in the next second, the panicked face of the future husband was in front of you, dragging you out of the room to join your best friend elsewhere. casting an apologetic glance and a small smile towards sungho, the latter waved at you before completing the correct placement of his tie, raising an eyebrow with a provocative gaze full of innuendo.
perhaps later in the party, after the long festivities, this room would be closed again, leaving only your two feverish souls trapped inside.
reblogs & feedbacks are highly appreciated !
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jennamoran · 5 months
The Rats of the Far Roofs
Today I'm going to talk a little bit more about my forthcoming RPG, the Far Roofs. More specifically, I want to talk about one of its key elements:
The rats.
So it's part of the story of this game that at some point, without that much fuss and bother, a bunch of talking rats sailed to your town and basically moved in. (Possibly by a far roofs waterway, if your home is landlocked.) Rats live fast, so if you're old enough, you might have been there for that first arrival, but they've been here for generations now.
They live mostly on the roofs.
They live, in short, between our mundane world below and the magical Far Roofs beyond, and accordingly they're a little magical, a bit idealized, but mostly just a kind of people.
I like rats, so they're mostly physically just rats. I figured they needed to be a fair bit larger to have practical presence, so they're about twice the normal length. I wanted them to be able to walk upright and use tools and wear clothes and things like that, so their spines and hands and voice boxes are a little different to allow those things. ... I'm not a biologist, though, so I won't do any kind of deep dive into those details.
What are they there for?
They add delight to the game.
They're a good source of exposition and guidance.
... but the most important structural thing they do is setting tone.
So the game is set in a world that's basically our own. It isn't until you get up onto the roofs that that really changes. In fact, going up onto the roofs isn't enough; you have to traverse them a while, you have to go from one roof to another until they begin to bleed together and the world starts to turn magic, before you get to the Far Roofs themselves.
In between, with the mundane world below them and the Far Roofs beyond them, you have the rooftop homes of the rats. For the rats, it's just a normal place, but for the humans, it's liminal. From the human perspective, the rats live pretty much directly between the mundane world and magic.
And that means that the rats are in a position, both physically and conceptually, to set the tone for the world beyond. To mediate the experience of magic and define the presentation of the Far Roofs.
I've said before that the mood of this game is based on those times when you're really changing things up in your life, new jobs, new homes, new people, whatever: times when everything is scary and hopeful and new.
And so the biggest thing the rats do in the game, like, as a game and story element, is take a magical hidden world that could easily drift into being horrific or pedestrian and actively, willfully code it as an adventure.
As a moving-forward in life, and in the world.
They're the ones who believe with a kind of relentless determination that both you, and they themselves, can handle the Far Roofs. That it's a place of wonder more than horror. That things can be okay, even if they're not okay right now.
The best half of the experience of changing your life, going outside your comfort zone, moving forward, whatever, is the people who make that change worthwhile, and that's what the rats are in this game to be. They're the people you're amazed sometimes that you were lucky enough to get to know, because you got involved in all of this. The people who're effortlessly competent in the new domain while you're still flailing and completely lost. The rats are there to be someone to laugh and delight with, amidst all the magic of the roofs.
Of course, they are also ... rats.
They live years, not decades. Their position in our world below is tenuous. They're very small.
It doesn't mean that they're wrong that things'll be okay, or anything. It doesn't mean they aren't fierce and smart and casually adept at facing the dangers of the roofs. Their hearts and courage are bigger than their bodies.
It's just a bit of perspective, is all.
They're rats. They're little, unimportant, and oft maligned. They're the kind of fantasy heroes, in short, who could be living and adventuring basically right next door (or, well, above), constantly struggling against apocalyptic horrors, and still have most people wave it off as exaggerated, or as not even real.
... those are, anyway, some of the things going on with the rats of the Far Roofs RPG, also known (after their first home) as the rats of Fortitude.
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Bloom Birthday Vignette
"Happy Birthday"
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Leona: Sigh, these interviews are a pain… Crazy how they can keep doing this year after year without gettin' bored of it.
Leona: So then, I wonder who's my presenter this year…
???: Ay, I made it. Excuse me!
Cater: Heya, Leona-kun. Happy Birthday!
Leona: Tch, and in walks in one of the loud ones.
Cater: EH, DID YOU JUST CLICK YOUR TONGUE!? C'mon, it's your birthday, you gotta try to have a bit of fun ♪
Cater: Today, I'm planning on asking you every little thing to learn everything about you, Leona-kun, so be prepared~
Leona: Well, aren't you real chipper. Alright, I'm fully expecting you to make this the best birthday ever, then.
Cater: U-Uh, you might be putting a little too much pressure on me there? But okay, let me just restart, and… Let's dive into the first question!
Cater: “If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?”
Cater: And, it doesn't look like you have to worry about the amount of magic you'd have to use.
Leona: So, anywhere I want, huh… Then, I want to go to a full-service hotel and spend my time lounging about.
Cater: Ooh, so you want to just enjoy a resort to the max. That sounds great, and I bet you'd be able to take a ton of awesome pics ♪
Leona: Yeah, I'm not planning on going to any of the noisy places you're probably thinking of.
Leona: Since I'm going to be using flight magic to get there anyway, I'd rather find a remote place that normal people wouldn't really be able to get to.
Cater: But if it's a remote location… Then You can't really enjoy any sightseeing or recreational activities.
Leona: I told you, I wanted to just lounge about. If I were to run around like that, it completely defeats the purpose.
Cater: So, basically…. You're wanting to "do nothing," right?
Leona: Yeah, that's the best way to live in luxury, don't you think?
Leona: Food is prepared when I'm hungry, and the bath is ready for whenever I feel like taking one.
Leona: And there, in that quiet and comfortable environment, I can sleep peacefully without being bothered by anyone else
Cater: Not being bothered and in a quiet place, huh. Yeah, I guess that's not a bad way to go about it.
Leona: Right? As Dorm Leader and as Captain of the Magift team, there's a ton of things I have to constantly worry about, you know.
Leona: Basically, that just means that I also need some time off to rest my mind and body once in a while.
Cater: Ahaha. I bet I know a few people who'd be cross hearing you say that… But hey, I guess I get how you feel, Leona-kun.
Cater: Alllright, now that I got to hear a lot about that, I'll move on to the next question ♪
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Cater: 'Kay, second question!
Cater: "What is your best class?"
Cater: Now here's a super interesting question!
Leona: Huh? How.
Cater: Yeah, because you're real smart. So I def wanna know what class you like best~
Leona: So, you think I'm smart, huh. I guess I'll go ahead and take that as a compliment.
Cater: Well, obviously it's a compliment! I have a hard time getting most of my classes, so I'm a bit jelly. Is there some trick to it?
Leona: I've had private tutors ever since I was a child. Obviously, the curriculum also contained classes that wouldn't be found in this school, too.
Cater: Uh… which means?
Leona: All the stuff that they teach here at this school, I learned way before enrolling.
Leona: Basically, everything I know isn't from just sitting behind a desk and studying like crazy, like your little Dorm Leader.
Cater: I see~ So you're saying that the stuff we learn in class are basically second nature to you, huh.
Cater: Okay, then, let me change the wording up a little bit… What's your favorite class?
Leona: My favorite class, hm… If I had to choose one, that'd be Ancient Incantations. That one is at least not as boring as the other classes.
Cater: Woah, Ancient Incantations, huh~ That's the one where you try to decipher old languages that aren't even used anymore, right?
Cater: And there's still a ton of languages that haven't been deciphered yet, either, right?
Leona: Yeah. And many of those languages were made to conceal magic spells in the first place. So they were already created to be complex.
Leona: That's why even subject matter experts also have a hard time combing through them.
Leona: Even just trying to read the individual letters is a chore. And even if you can figure those out, there's no point unless you can actually understand the words and sentences.
Leona: It has to be carefully analyzed by comparing the new content to old words that have already been translated, or rules that have already been pre-established.
Cater: I already have trouble with just what's in our textbooks, so I can't even imagine trying to figure out even more difficult things like those languages…
Cater: What can someone do to get better at ancient incantations?
Leona: It's just that I already was interested in that type of thing. I guess the thing that dragged me into it was this inscription I found in the Sunset Savanna.
Leona: There was this very long engraving in some old language…
Leona: The first time I looked at it, I had no idea what it was supposed to say, but then I started to translate it in my spare time, and…
Leona: It was just the country's history. On top of that, basically it was stuff already in the textbooks.
Cater: Ehhh, you got my hopes up, and that was it? That was kinda anticlimactic.
Leona: Yeah, it's basically a boring story once you get into it… But it wasn't too terrible learning how to decipher it.
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Cater: Last question! Here we go.
Cater: “What would you like to do in the coming year?”
Leona: Not to repeat a year, that's all.
Cater: Wh…! EH, THAT'S IT!?
Leona: Isn't that important enough?
Cater: I mean, yeah, but~! You gotta have something else you wanna do too.
Cater: Like, surpassing 1,000 followers on Magicam, or winning a Magift tournament…
Leona: Okay, then that.
Cater: Eh, what do you mean by "that"?
Leona: The whole, "winning a Magift tournament" thing.
Leona: I want to draw out the magical shift team's full potential and win at the national championships― That's closer to the answer you were looking for, right?
Cater: Now you're making me feel like I forced you to say that~ …Well, I guess that's better than not getting an answer.
Cater: Okay, then, I got a question for you, since you're captain of the team! Do you ever coach the younger students?
Leona: Yeah, of course. For example…
Leona: There's some guys who'll slack off during games because they don't have enough stamina and they want to conserve energy.
Leona: It'll be detrimental to have people not give their all during important games. So, to help build stamina, during passing practice…
Leona: I would send the disc flying long so they'd have to run from one end of the pitch to the other.
Cater: Woah, that's so tough! If you're that hard on them, won't you have students drop out…?
Leona: That's also part of it.
Cater: Eh, what do you mean?
Leona: We don't need anyone who takes off and runs like a coward just because their pride and confidence is torn down.
Leona: They should get angry when defeated and vow to do anything to get revenge―
Leona: The Magift club doesn't need anyone who lacks that kind of determination.
Leona: Only the guys who are fully prepared to overcome anything can get a starting spot on the team.
Cater: W-Wow… You're really sounding like a team captain, Leona-kun!
Cater: But I guess it's a little surprising to hear that you take care of your teammates like that. Maybe you're actually a softie inside?
Leona: Hah? No way.
Leona: I'm just doing the bare minimum as the leader of the pack.
Leona: I'd rather be spared being held back by someone who's just completely useless.
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Cater: Interview completed~! Next is… Ta-da! Here we are, take this broom and go fly on the Birthday Road.
Leona: Sheesh, that's a fancy lookin' broom.
Cater: Yeah, it's pretty showy, but it's also pretty dignified, so I think it's perfect for you, Leona-kun ♪
Cater: Okay so, go and show them all how it's done. I'll make sure to take pictures of you flying out there!
Leona: I'm only saying this one, but don't do anything I haven't asked you to… I got no intention of being on display for you.
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Leona: Aah, finally, it's quiet. I guess I'll go out and enjoy a leisurely stroll in the sky all by myself, then.
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Requested by @dorito9708.
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mx-julien · 3 months
weird little guy Jay was a little too bright and clever and inventive as a kid, for most people. Ed and Edna loved it, of course, but other kids at his school and other adults he talked to weren't sure what to do with him. from his personality in the pilot, it seems like he's not used to others liking him
it's a common issue for any kid (especially ND kids) with a strong sustained interest in something. using my credentials *gestures to childhood* I will hypothesize what Jay's social life growing up might've looked like:
a curly little mop of auburn hair ran home from the bus stop, waving a messy technical drawing and yelling. Ed lifted up his welding hood, "what's goin' on, Jay?"
"Dad! Dad! I know how to- how to make-" Jay plopped down next to his dad, sending a little puff of dirt into the air, "I know how to make it go smooth! we use ball bearings!"
"kiddo you're exactly right- but first you gotta drop your backpack by the house and tell your Mom about school," Ed went to pull his hood down," and I'm nearly done with this, okay? we can get started right after"
"make sure you look at these," Jay carefully flattened his wide ruled notebook paper with hastily done technical drawings, using some nearby scrap to hold each corner down, "I explained everything here," pointing to a mass of scribbles, "okay?" peering up at his Dad, Jay's curls obstructed more of his vision.
"I promise, kiddo," Ed patted his son's fluffy head, "you worked real hard on them."
beaming, Jay slung his backpack on and ran back to the house bent down partway with both arms extended behind him. kids, Ed shook his head with a smile, always finding ways to do new silly things
excited shouts were a regular occurrence at the Walker home, Jay frequently came back from school with new insights and ideas to tell them. since his latest project was with Ed, Edna got to talk to Jay about everything else. they switched off so that one of them got to spend hours with their son while the other took care of most of the business and cleaning.
speaking of her son, the trailer door rattled before flinging open, "Mom!" Jay ran over to give her a hug at the kitchen sink, where she was doing dishes.
"hi dear, how was school today?"
"good. I drew for me and dad's project and we did some more multiplying and I'm really good at it" he rattled off more activities as he pulled out his lunchbox and homework for that day.
everything he talked about involved teachers and classwork. Jay only mentioned other kids when they commented on his drawings or played with him at recess, which was not as common as they would've liked. when she and Ed last met with his teacher, she remarked on how bright Jay was and that he loved speaking to all of his teachers- even at recess and during lunch.
he had friends, but most of them didn't talk to him as much at school as they did when they came over. she could tell Jay was trying very hard to not take it personally, but he was just a child.
it wasn't malicious, of course, the other kids weren't trying to be cruel- they wanted to have a lot of friends and Jay wasn't joining the other kids at recess; he found sticks and things to make little cars and catapults. no one could keep up with him and he never cared to race the cars or use the catapults to hit things. he just wanted to make them better and better.
he is so similar her and Ed were as children: bit with the invention bug and always pushing towards making everything better than it was before. except Jay didn't have a close friend to share that with. he asked her once, in between sobs, why everyone else had a best friend except him. it broke her heart, knowing that Jay felt that everyone was friendly with him, but not friends with him.
"Mom, can you help me with math tonight? I need to practice my multiplication tables up to 12"
Jay's request pulled her back to the present. taking a beat, she made sure he wouldn't be able to read the sadness she felt, "of course, dear, I'd love to," smiling, she ruffled his curls and glanced at the kitchen table. all his homework was in a neat stack, he'd emptied out what was left in his lunchbox, and set the tupperware onto the countertop. her son was bouncing up and down on his toes, waiting for her permission to run outside.
Edna bent down, taking Jay's head in her hands and placing a light kiss on his forehead, "good job, dear, and thank you for unpacking everything. make sure you take a glass of water out for your father and come in once the sun goes down, okay?"
"okay!" making a mad dash for the door, Jay suddenly diverted to grab the glass, and then started a more careful walk over to Ed, valiantly trying to not spill a drop.
their precious son would find his people, she was sure of it. and in the meantime, she and Ed would be here for him.
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baby-alien11 · 4 months
Variety Nepo Babies on Nepo Babies (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
First of all, I have to give credits to @gabbylovesreading and @nikfigueiredo because they were the first I told this idea and the other one, and they also gave ideas that became reallity, so I have to give them their flowers
taglist (open): @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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a/n: set between the Suzuka and Shangai GP
When Variety came to you to the idea of the first Nepo Babies encounter at the same style of the Actors on Actors you were surprised because you thought they would go with more famous nepo babies, but when they told you that they wanted to go with emerging and not so looked people you liked the idea
And because they wanted to do it a bit different than the Actors on Actors, a small activity of exchanging gifts with the person you're paired was going to be held, so when they told you who you'd be paired with, you went hands on to make a good and homemade present, specially because you were a fan of them
When the day of the interview arrived, you picked your own outfit, which was a mint long sleeve corset top, a black Prada skirt, black heels, with your initial necklace, star earrings, golden rings, your nails painted black, your hair in a high bun, glittery eyeshadow and gloss, and also prepearing your bag with your things for the day and the gift box
"Well, sweet baby Tatum, wish me luck", you sighed looking at your cat, who was no longer a small tiny baby, who was cuddling in your cherry blossom pillow even though her shark bed was next to it, "I can't believe I'm meeting one of my favorite drivers today, I wish I could take you with me"
Taking your things, you went downstairs and to where your car was parked to put everything in the back, before approaching the garage where your dad was working on pieces of furniture for your brother
"Hey dad", you called him at what he stopped what was he doing
"Hey tornado, you look good, love the outfit"
"Thank you, I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving for the interview, and Tatum already had her breakfast, in case she asks for more"
"Her next meal would be until lunch, don't worry", Skeet laughed, "By the way, if it's possible, can you ask for a Logan Sargeant autograph?"
"I'll do my best", you laughed
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Taking advantage of the nice weather of LA, you debated to go without the roof but then you thought that for the sake of your hair the best option was with the roof on
Almost at the middle of the road, your phone that was connected to the car started to ring with a call from Jack, at what you pressed the green button
"Hey babe", you exclaimed, "How's filming?"
"Hey gorgeous, it's going great", Jack responded, "They're asking when you're returning to the set"
"If I don't need to go to Variety tomorrow, then it is"
"Are you going to the interview right now?"
"Yeah, I'm excited and nervous, this is like the second formal-in a set interview that I'm doing, and with one of my favorite drivers"
"You're going to do amazing, you're amazing"
"Stop, you're going to make me cry"
"I'm not saying anything that isn't true"
"I truly, really love you"
"And I truly, really love you even more"
The conversation lasted almost during the entire trip until he had to go back to film; arriving at the offices of Variety, you pulled your ID on the security stand so they let you in
Once they let you in into the property, you drove towards the private parking lot where you spotted a space with your name on it, and after turning off your car, you took your things out of your car to walk to the entrance where an intern was there to help you with your things
"We're so happy that you accepted to join the first edition of this new project", the intern exclaimed, "And I'm a fan of you"
"Really? Thank you so much, I really appreciate it"
"Actually, I volunteer to come to get you when the security anounced you were here"
"Oh, that's nice, and you're also very nice"
Once you reached the floor where the set was ready for the interview, the intern led you to a small lounge area while the interview started, not before leaving the gift box on the small table next where your asigned seat was
A few minutes after you arrived, you heard people saying that your interview partner had arrived, at what you quit your attention of your phone and stand up from the two-seat sofa to properly greet him
"And this is your interview partner", the director said stopping in front of you, "Max this is Y/N Ulrich, Y/N this is Max Verstappen"
"Hi, nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you to, I'm a big fan"
"Okay, we have a few minutes until the interview starts, so we can talk about how is this going to work, please, have a seat", taking the seat you were previously using with Max sitting next to you and the director sitting in front with a tablet in her hands, "First we're doing the interview, there won't be a script but the topics we will like for you to talk are what is like to be childs of famous people, what are you doing in your profesional life, dealing with hate, and then any random topics you want, but we want it to be the most natural and fluent conversation possible, and also the gift exchange we'll like it to be at the start or finish; then we'll have an hour and a half break for lunch, and then we'll return to do some videos and photos for social media and teasers, we hope to get everything ready this day, but if it isn't, we'll do it tomorrow, Max, we hope that it doesn't interrupt your race weekend schedule"
"I don't think so, we have like another week before the next one, so I'm free", Max shrugged
"Perfect, Y/N, how about you?"
"My schedule is also free"
"Perfect, we'll let you know when we start, meanwhile you can get to know each other"
"So, you are a Formula 1 fan?", Max asked you once the director left
"Yes, I've been a fan since a few years ago", you nodded, "You are one of my favorite drivers, actually"
"Oh, really? Who are the others?"
"Top of the list is Checo, and then I have a long list"
"What about teams?"
"Red Bull at the top, along with Ferrari and Mercedes"
"Give me five", Max said at what you laughed doing it
"And I also dragged my boyfriend into this F1 world, his teams are Red Bull, Ferrari and McLaren, even though what happened"
Seeing Max's confused face, you unlocked your phone and went to Instagram dms to search for that chat until you found the un-answered texts and passed him your phone, and noticing he read the whole thing when his eyes went wide and the way he left his Red Bull can in the center table to cover his mouth
"No fucking way he did this", Max almost exclaimed reading it again
"He did, two days after my eighteen birthday"
"This is so embarrassing, I can't believe he actually send this"
"That's why I left him on read, and the funny thing is that I met my boyfriend a few weeks after"
"I would also left him on read, honestly, this is the most embarrasing message I've ever read"
"Dude, every person that I told and shown the message to, ends up laughing and dying of cringe"
"When lunch arrives, can we show this to the others?", Max asked, "Carlos, Lance and Mick are also here, their interviews were a few days ago but they're here"
"Sure, no problem", you nodded, "Hey, have you heard the audio from '2Fast 2Furious'?"
When the director anounced that the filming was about to start, you grabbed a can of Watermelon Red Bull (Max and his team argued it was for the sponsorship) and walked towards your armchair to leave your can at the center table and return to the edge of the set to stand next to Max, while the hair and make up people fixed your look
"Action!", the director screamed
Given the signal, both of you walked towards your respective armchairs to sit
"What's up Suki?", Max said
"What's up bullet?", you responded
Almost when you finished your part, both of you started laughing, what continued for a few seconds until it died
"Hello, I'm Max Verstappen, F1 driver for Oracle Red Bull Racing and three-times World Champion, son of Jos Verstappen, former F1 driver, and Sophie Kumpen, former karting driver"
"Hi, I'm Y/N Ulrich, content creator for social media, VFX make up artist in the making, part-time model, and former high school theatre actress, youngest daughter of Skeet Ulrich, actor best known for being Billy Loomis in Scream, and Georgina Cates, best known for Clay Pigeons and profesional photographer"
"Wow, you really do a lot"
"I mean, I know that VFX make up is what I want to do in my life, but while I continue to preppare for that world, I'm also doing things that I love like fashion and sharing bits of my life with the people, what about you, did you did sidequests before becoming the F1 star that you are today?"
"In total honesty, no, since the moment I could walk my dad put me in the kart, and all was train day and night, and then participating in karting competitions, and win first place in everything"
"What would happen if you got second or under?"
"Well, one time he left me on a gas station in the middle of nowhere", Max responded while laughing
"Hold on, your dad did what?", you exclaimed in shock
"Yeah, we were leaving a race which was bad for me, and I couldn't stop talking even if he told me to, so he stopped, told me to get out, so I did, and then he drove off"
"How long you were there?"
"Not so long, my mom was in another car so she picked me up", Max explained but you were still in shock, "Anyways, how about your relationship with your dad?"
"It is good, I'm the youngest child and I was born in the middle of the divorce, but like, mom and dad ended up good for the sake of me and my siblings, and like everything we wanted to try, they have been a great support for me and my siblings, for example, my sister Naiia is an actress and has had a lot of prepparation for the industry, my brother Jakob is also an actor but is more interested in motorsports, because we have background on it"
"Really? How?"
"Yeah, our grandfather is D.K. Ulrich who is a former NASCAR driver, and our uncle is Ricky Rudd also a NASCAR driver, so Jakob is more focused on that side of the family, and there's me who collected everything"
"And how started your interest for the VFX thing?"
"It all goes back to the reason of this tattoo", you said lifting your left hand, "So, since an early age I had the curiosity of the making of movies and series, like when I saw the Scream saga with dad I was asking a lot of questions about how they did everything, and a few years later in the set of Riverdale, it started with the fake Southside Serpents tattoos, and it became my life goal when at the end of season two, there's a scene where Cole Sprouse's character appears absolutely beaten up, and I helped doing the entire make up with the guide of the make up artists, and that was the beggining"
"So basically everytime you look at your tattoo you remember your starts"
"Exactly, and dad has helped me with my classes, getting in touch with people who've worked in several films, and also getting my first job at Halloween Horror Nights, and I'm not going to deny that he has helped me a lot, I'm not going to deny my privileges"
"Yeah, there's no sense in deny that we have very famous last names and that gave us certain benefits above the others, but that doesn't mean we have to be lazy"
"Yes! You get it! I mean, people often think that we don't have to put any effort, that we're only here because of our parents, but I think we have to prove that we deserve to be here, we have to work hard as the others because life is not easy, and specially as a woman in any industry"
"I agree with that, I mean F1 is including women little by little in the teams and with the F1 Academy, but there's a lot to improve"
"Exactly, queen Susie Wolff has been doing an amazing job with the F1 Academy, but there's need to be the guarantee that women will feel safe working in any type of motorsport, or any industry"
"And what would you suggest for us men to help to create safer space?"
"Deconstruct, learn, hear their experiences, don't invalidate their feelings, and that's only the tip of the iceberg"
"Now that we entered this kind of topics, how do you deal with hate?"
"Oh dude", you sighed taking a sip of your drink, "It depends, the first times I was like 'why they're hating? I haven't done anything wrong' but there was still a part of me affected by that, also another influencers said some mean things, but my breaking point was when after Scream VI I found some tweets questioning my relationship with Jack, acussing us of having a PR relationship because of the movie, calling me fake, that I was doing it for fame, that's how nepo babies are, and my high school mean girl wrote that last one, and I told my dad but he was leaving for a convention that day so he left me at my boyfriend's house, he was filming and his mom was in the town for the weekend, and I also told him when we talked later and he posted an statement that kind of calmed the waters, but until this day there a few comments under my posts, but as Taylor Swift said 'haters gonna hate hate hate hate, and I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake, shake it off"
"Oh, I like that song"
"I know, it's so good, you should listen to her other songs"
"What songs would you recommend?"
"I'm going to take in count that Penelope lives with you and Kelly, I love that little girl, and I'm going to recommend Fearless and Speak Now, I feel like those are the best albums to get introduce to her music because they're the first ones along with debut, and then you can continue with the rest of the albums"
"Thank you so much, I'll definately check it out"
"Sooner than you know, you'll be in the race car singing 'Getaway Car'", you joked, "And I feel like I also have to ask you how you deal with hate"
"Well, we also get a lot of hate we have to deal with everyday, but once you start to win it gets worse like people will criticize everything, and more if you start at seventeen like I did, from the way you drive, your attitudes, who you're dating, the way you interact with your teammate or any of the other drivers, people booing when you are in the podium, you just need to learn to block them and focus on your race, do your best and try to win and have points"
"I only have one thing to criticize you, and that's the skinny jeans"
"What's wrong with them?"
"Every picture of you arriving at the paddock is wearing the same skinny jeans, with the same team shirt, I even bet that your closet is only that", you said before turning to look at the camera, "Kelly, if you're seeing this, please post a picture of his side of the closet, I love you, thank you"
"Listen, I'm trying to use different clothes, but I feel comfortable wearing that to the paddock"
"And there's nothing wrong with that"
"Maybe I'll start wearing some things from the new Red Bull collection"
"Oh yeah, I saw some of the pieces, they're really cool"
"By the way, when we were talking backstage we talked about two things"
"Oh my God", you laughed
"You said that you are a fan and have multiple favorite drivers, who are they?"
"I thought you were going to say about the other thing", you sighed, "Yeah, Checo, you, Lewis, Seb, Michael and Mick, Pierre, Doriane Pin, Abby Pulling, Niki Lauda, Albon, Yuki, queen Susie Wolff, Carlos, Charles and I have extreme admiration for Romain Grosjean for getting out of the car on fire, and continue in the world of motorsport"
"That was a moment for the history books of F1"
"He became a legend in the sport, and I got to admit that I giggled when I saw the photo he posted this year at the Bahrein circuit", you admited, "What about horror movies, which are your favorites?"
"Which is the one you're in?"
"Scream VI"
"That's my favorite"
"You don't like horror movies, don't you?"
Laughing because of that, both of you saw the director with a sign that read '10 minutes left', which meant that the only thing left was the gifts
"Okay guys, unfortunately we have to end this interview, but we have a last thing to do", you said
"Yeah, we have a gift exchange", Max continued
Taking the boxes from next to the armchairs, both of you exchanged the gifts leaving them in the center table, and after three rounds of rock, paper, scissors, Max was the first to open the box
"Let's see what we got here, the packaging is nice, by the way", Max said leaving the top of the box on the table, "First we have a box of cookies"
"I made them myself, the flavors are oat with cranberrys, salted caramel, strawberry cheesecake and chocolate chips"
"You made them?", Max asked at what you nodded, "That's awesome, thank you, there's also bracelets"
"Friendship braceletes, my boyfriend help me to do them, there's five for you, five for Kelly and five for Penelope"
"I feel like you like giving gifts"
"I feel like it's one of the best ways to show people how much you appreciate them, so yeah"
"There's also cats toys, Jimmy and Sassy will appreciate this, and last a Ghostface mask in a crystal box"
"And it's signed, by my dad, Matthew Lilliard, Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Jack Champion, Liana Liberato, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Mason Gooding, Dermot Mulroney and me"
"This is amazing, it's really cool, thank you very much"
"It's nothing", you shrugged, "Well, I guess it's my turn"
Getting closer to the box, you lifted the top of the box to leave it to the side, first getting out a clear bag of waffle style cookies
"Those are stroopwafels, they are typical of Netherlands, they have caramel in the middle"
"I'm not going to share this with anyone in my house", you joked taking the next item of the box which was a Red Bull light blue hoodie and a red one, along with two of the new caps, "I love this"
"One is for you and one for your boyfriend, I did my research", Max pointed, "Kelly also put a small gift"
Finding it, you pulled a box full of N°1 Hairpins from Fiona Franchimon in all the avaliable colors
"These are gorgeous", you said admiring them and grabbing one of the yellow gold ones and putting it in your hairstyle, "Can someone please tell me if I put it correctly?"
Almost running, one of the people of hair and make up aproach to you fixing it a little before returning to behind the cameras
"Thank you", you exclaimed, "Okay, let's see what's next"
Rumaging through the next item, you grabbed a mini helmet which was the one that Max used in Qatar 2023, and it was signed by him, the last item was a black box with the F1 and Red Bull Racing logos, that the moment you opened it, you almost felt like crying
"Is this real?"
"Yeah, very much real"
"This is amazing, thank you so much, I really appreciate it"
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Once the interview ended and the crew took a few photos, both of you went to the guests cafeteria, where the only people in there were the other three drivers occuping a table, so after grabbing lunch from the buffet, both of you went to sit at the table
"Hey guys, this is Y/N, my interview partner", Max greeted while sitting
"Hi everyone, is nice to meet you all", you smiled feeling a bit starstruck, "By the way, Carlos, how are you after the surgery?"
"I'm good, thanks for asking", Carlos responded, "It was bit difficult the recovery, but everything's fine"
"You literally walked into the paddock not even 24 hours after the surgery", Lance pointed
"Says the one who went to race two weeks after a bicycle accident and surgery", Carlos returned, "At least I didn't race, I was helping with strategies, Charles ended up in the podium and Ollie with points"
"Also congratulations on your win on Australia", you added
"Y/N, is your first time talking with F1 drivers?", Mick asked
"Something like that", you sighed getting out your phone to enter Instagram dms, "Two days after my eighteen birthday I got a message from one of the youngest drivers, trigger warning, is cringey"
"I'm intrigued, what does it says?", Lance asked
"Hello beautiful, I saw that your birthday was a few days ago, congratulations, I have a few weeks of break during summer, do you want to go out??", you read seeing their faces full of cringe and holding laughs, "I left him on read, and met my boyfriend a few weeks after this"
"This has to be Lando", Carlos concluded, "He's the only one who could send something like this"
"It was Lando", you confirmed showing them your phonescreen
"Not the smirking face emoji", Mick cringed, "You skipped a bullet, in total honesty"
"I know", you nodded
"Can I took a picture of the screen?", Lance asked, "This will be great to blackmail him"
"I have no problem"
"Or even better, sent this to the group chat", Carlos pointed, "I don't care if George kicks us out"
"And the funniest part of this, is that one of my boyfriend favorite teams is McLaren", you added
"Who's your boyfriend?", Lance asked
"Jack Champion, he's an actor", you responded smiling, "He's part of the Avatar movies, Scream VI, which is where we met, Retribution, and soon, Freaky Tales"
"I think his arm is bigger than my head", Mick commented since Lance searched his insta and were watching the boxing video, "How old is he?"
"Nineteen, we're both nineteen, but he has been working out since twelve years old because of Avatar, he plays Spider"
"Please tell us you are going to a Grand Prix", Carlos said, "We need to see Lando's reaction"
"Actually, in the gift exchange, Max gave me All-Access passes for the Monaco Grand Prix, so Jack and I will be there", you nodded, "Of course after clearing our schedules"
Once the time for lunch ended, you and Max returned to the set, where the small living room was gone and a race simulator was there, along with a small photoshoot station and two director chairs
"Okay guys, we're going to do a small photoshoot for promos, a video for promo and the race simulator", the director informed, "We'll start with the photos"
Going to the photoshoot station, they took some individual photos and in pairs, and since you brought your sparkling pink ghostface mask and Max brougth his helmet, they were also included in the photos
Once the photos were done and the production made sure they looked good, the next thing was the video for the promos sitting in the director chairs, and holding cans of Red Bull
"Hello everyone, this is Y/N Ulrich"
"Hi, I'm Max Verstappen"
"And we are proud to be part of the first season of Variety's Nepo Babies on Nepo Babies"
"We had a very deep and fun chat that you'll be able to see before the Miami Grand Prix"
"That's right, our interview will be avaliable on may 1st, so suscribe to the Youtube channel and turn on notifications"
Finishing the video, both of you did a small toast with the cans before drinking from them
"And cut!", the director exclaimed, "That was perfect"
While they configurating the race sim, the people from hair and make up undid your hair so it would be more comfortable but still kept it away from your face using the hairpin
"This is a race simulator, we often use it to test the cars or to play with the F1 videogames, which is what we are going to do, using the f1 2023 videogame", Max explained once the cameras started rolling, "As we can see it has everything essential like one of our cars, and don't worry I'll be your race engineer during this"
Sitting in the seat, you adjusted it and put your hands on the wheel and your feet in the pedals, realising it would be difficult with high heels
"I'm going to take off my heels", you sentenced standing up, "I'll be right back"
Walking to the space where you left your things, you opened your bag to grab a pair of mint ankle socks and removing your heels to put on the socks and return to the set
"What is that?", Max laughed seeing your socks
"Care bear socks", you responded sitting again, "Wish Bear to be specific, okay, what do I do in this game?"
"First we choose the option 'F1 World'", Max instructed at what you did it, "You can choose a team and adjust the car at your comfort, what team are you choosing?"
"Silly season started on February 1st, so I'm taking your seat", you declared choosing the Red Bull car, at what Max looked at the camera in shock, "What's next?"
"Choose a track"
"I'm going to Monaco, it's a classic, what's next?"
"Start the race"
"Please don't scream at me like Charles and Carlos in that video"
"I won't, I promise"
Once the game started, there wasn't a moment of peace between screams of both of you, Max giving instructions and you screaming in axienty and nerves, but fortunately you managed to finish the race without crashing into the walls
"Is this game avaliable for Nintendo Switch? Because it was fun", you sighed
"Yeah, you almost crashed into a wall, but you finished the race", Max pointed, "But almost everyone has had a crash, so don't worry"
"I'll still stick with VFX make up and fashion"
Once the director anounced the end of the day, the Red Bull team took a few photos of both of you, and the director also gave a few words of thanks before everyone started packing, at what you did the same putting your black crocs and the heels in your bag and organizing all of your things
"Hey, Y/N", Max called you at what you turned to look at him, "In the name of all Red Bull we would like to give you a gift"
Watching the person next to him, you saw seven boxes of twenty-four cans of the energy drink of regular flavor, sugarfree, tropical, blueberry, watermelon, coconut-berry and apricot-strawberry
"Wow, thank you so much, I didn't expect it"
"It's nothing, besides, you and your boyfriend will be guests for Monaco"
"And we really apreciate that, again, thank you very much for inviting us"
After exchanging numbers to coordinate the future travel, you started to took your things to go, but for your surprise, four pairs of arms grabbed the gift box and the Red Bull boxes, at what you turned to see the four drivers standing there
"We'll help you carry all this to your car, don't worry", Mick said
"Um, thank you", you nodded grabbing your bag, "By the way, when did you arrive?"
"Like five minutes ago", Lance shrugged
"Come on, hermanita", Carlos exclaimed, "Let's get all of this to your car"
"Did you just called me 'little sister'?", you asked with surprise
"It's because you irradate little sister energy", Carlos explained, "Wait, do you know spanish?"
"A bit, Melissa Barrera is my half fictional sister, so she teached me some words and phrases, only the basic, and some swear words"
Saying goodbye to the director and the crew, all of you went to the direction of the lobby saying goodbye to the receptionist before stepping into the private parking lot seeing your car and a special person leanning against it
"Babe", you exclaimed running towards him
"Hi, gorgeous", Jack smiled hugging you and lifting you a few centimeters from the floor
"Why you didn't told me you were here?", you asked once the hug ended, "I thought you were filming all day"
"They let us go earlier, so I thought it was a good idea to surprise you", Jack explained, "I talked with someone from Variety and mom dropped me here like ten minutes ago"
Interrupting the moment, both of you turned to look at the four drivers standing a few meters apart with the rest of your things
"Holy shit", Jack murmured seeing them
"I know", you nodded, "Guys, this is Jack, my boyfriend"
"Hi, everyone, I'm a big fan", Jack smiled
Unlocking your car, they left the Red Bull cans in the boot space and the gift box in the backseat along with your bag, and then they greeted Jack with the typical "man hug"
"Guys, he kinda looks like Ollie", Carlos said hugging Jack by his shoulders, "But with more muscle"
"Okay, I see the vision", Max nodded
"And he drives a red car", you mentioned
"Are you sure you're not related to him?", Mick asked him as a joke
"Unfortunately not", Jack responded, "But I feel honored to look like him, he is very talented"
"Maybe you'll meet him in Monaco", Mick said, "Ready for that?"
"Yeah, the moment Y/N send me the audio and the photo of the passes, I told James Cameron, Jon Landau and my mom, and fortunately I don't have to film that week", Jack explained
After talking for a few more minutes, both of you had to left, leaving the drivers still in there
"What if we tell everyone except for Lando that they are going to Monaco?", Lance proposed one your car was out of sight
"That is evil", Max oppined, "And a good idea, let's do it"
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bun-lapin · 6 months
The Gingerbread Gauntlet (part 1)
Summary: The housewardens have a gingerbread house competition
A/N: I meant to have this ready for before Christmas but of course, life had other plans lol The good news though is that I have a whole bunch of new writing ideas and I'm hoping to bust out of my little creative slump once the holiday chaos dies down a bit <3 The overall fic is a bit long so I decided to break it into smaller parts for readability. I'll be posting one part per day and will add links for the other parts after they post <3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4/END - AO3 (whole fic)
Word Count: 1.6k CW: crack, silly, shouting, insults, mild swearing, candy/gingerbread
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Winter at Night Raven College was a time even more magical than usual. Although the cafeteria was mostly empty, the sight of festive winter garlands draped elegantly along the walls, combined with the soft sounds of crackling flames in the grand fireplace, brought a cozy sense of winter cheer to the room. The alluring scents of sugary treats and winter spices wafted through the warm air from the kitchen nearby and from a long, solitary table set up by the doors to the kitchen. Already covered with an assortment of candies and plates of oddly shaped gingerbread cookies, the table was the very picture of a sweet and festive feast. Around the table, seven striking figures were seated an equal distance from each other and, as the snow softly began to fall from the sky outside, they quietly worked with the bounty of sugary confections before them.
“I swear on the Noble Rulebook of the Queen of Hearts, if I find out someone has been hoarding all of the rose-shaped peppermints, it’s off with everyone’s heads!”
Leona drowsily raises an eyebrow at Riddle and smirks, “What’s the matter, housewarden? We just started. You losing your temper already?”
Riddle scoffs and wrinkles his nose at Leona’s slouching posture, “I’m not losing my temper! I’m trying to make sure there is an equitable distribution of candy decorations for everyone present to construct their gingerbread houses!” He picks up a paper that looks like an architectural blueprint and angrily jabs a finger at a particular section of the diagram. “I am building a gingerbread model of the Heartslabyul rose maze–to scale, I might add–and I require exactly 68 rose-shaped peppermints to construct it.”
Leona slowly blinks at the intricately detailed design in Riddle’s hands and then shakes his head with a soft chuckle. Reaching under his seat, he pulls out a large, glass bowl of rose-shaped candies and passes it to the Heartslabyul housewarden. Ignoring the death glare from Riddle, he turns to the other housewardens seated around the table and asks, ”Can someone remind me again why we’re doing this stupid gingerbread house competition? This seriously feels like a waste of my precious free time.”
Vil looks up from his gingerbread construction with an expression of withering scorn on his face, “We just went over everything not even a moment ago. Did you actually forget or were you just not paying attention in the first place?”
Kalim lets out a bright and hearty laugh from his seat at the table, “I think this is going to be a really fun activity!” He holds up a small gingerbread cookie decorated with dark colored icing and licorice in the image of Dire Crowley, “Plus, we have to do this because the headmaster asked us to!”  Waving the Crowley cookie in the air, he speaks in a surprisingly accurate impression of the headmaster, “I’ll be damned if I let those fools at RSA take home the trophy for the Isle of Sage’s gingerbread house competition another year in a row!”
Leona shakes his head with a slightly aggravated sigh, “I’m still failing to see why I, or any of us for that matter, should care about this useless endeavor.”
With a piping bag of white icing in one hand, Azul laughs softly and adjusts his glasses with the other hand, “There’s also the fact that whoever makes the best gingerbread house here today will receive a free PE class credit.”
Leona’s eyebrows rise in mild surprise and then he smirks. “Is that so? Well I suppose that explains why that guy over there is actually here in person for once,” he says as he points down towards the other end of the table.
Idia peers up from his work, the expression on his face equal parts gloomy and irritated, “Listen, I will do anything if it means I can miss any amount of PE.” Turning back to his geometric gingerbread design with a pout, he mutters under his breath, “Although, the main reason I’m actually here is because Ortho literally shot down my gingerbread construction drone.”
With a softly amused smile on his face, Malleus turns in his seat next to the Ignihyde housewarden and says, “Do try to cheer up, Idia. I’ve always felt that festive occasions such as these should be attended in person. A contraption built for the sole purpose of constructing with gingerbread could never replace someone special like you.”
“Oh-! Uh-! Th-thanks Malleus-shi! Th-that’s really nice of you to say,” Idia replies with a nervous grin. While keeping his gaze pinned to his work on the table, he then smoothly reaches into his pocket and rapid-fire taps out a message into his smartphone: AAGGGHH!!! WHYYY IS THE HEIR APPARENT OF BRIAR VALLEY SITTING NEXT TO ME?? SO DISTRACTING  (╥﹏╥)
A message notification chimes out from the phone in Azul’s front jacket pocket. After checking to make sure his hands are clean of icing, he takes out his phone and reads the message. With a playful smirk on his face, he taps out his reply: Honestly, I’m more surprised by the fact that Crowley actually remembered to invite Malleus this time. What a rare event!
Idia’s phone buzzes quietly in his pocket and he looks down to swiftly check the message. He glares over at Azul with a small frown and quickly types: yo speaking of rare events! are you wearing the glasses i made for you?? the ones with the built-in camera and mic?? because i deffo remember you saying that they were useless and not your style (¬、¬)
The sound of the cafeteria door loudly creaking open suddenly cuts off Idia and Azul’s silent conversation. All of the assembled housewardens turn to see two fluffy ears atop a head of messy, sandy-brown hair enter the room. With a mischievous grin and a hissing-kind of chuckle, Ruggie waves to the group, “Heya, everyone! I’m here for the gingerbread house competition.”
Riddle frowns at Ruggie while balancing two pieces of messily frosted gingerbread in his hands, “No, you certainly are not! This competition is for housewardens only!”
Leona lets out a loud yawn as he waves Ruggie over to the table. Turning to the rest of the group he explains, “It’s alright, I’m the one who called him here.” Handing Ruggie a piping bag of icing, Leona adds, “He’s gonna build my gingerbread house for me while I take a nap under the table.” Cries of outrage erupt from around the table and Leona’s ears twitch angrily as he raises his eyebrows at the grumbling housewardens.
While carefully setting down a slanted piece of gingerbread atop his elegantly constructed house, Vil states bluntly, “Ruggie is not allowed to build your house for you, Leona. Crowley explicitly instructed us to build these gingerbread houses without any magic or outside assistance.” Raising one perfectly shaped eyebrow, he smirks and adds, “If you want this free class credit, you’re going to have to put in some amount of work for once in your life.”
Leona directs a questioning look towards Ruggie who, in turn, raises his shoulders and shakes his head in resignation. Leona waves a hand dismissively at Ruggie, effectively shooing him out of the room, and clicks his tongue with annoyance, “Fine, fine. I got it. You don’t have to be such a bitch about it, though.” Grabbing a handful of candies and pieces of gingerbread, he then quickly and expertly begins assembling them together.
Without looking up from his work, Vil smoothly pipes extra icing on the corners of his house and replies in an even tone, “Call me by that word again and I’ll shave off all of your hair to weave into a throw rug for the Pomefiore common room.”
“Hey Vil,” Leona chirps out a soft whistle to catch the Pomefiore housewarden’s attention.
Letting out a short, aggravated sigh, Vil rolls his eyes and then looks over at Leona. “What,” he flatly asks.
With a heavy thud, Leona sets the end result of his hard work for the last few minutes on the table in front of him. Made from rounded pieces of gingerbread and decorated with brightly colored candies, is a large replica of a hand with a raised middle finger. Standing up from his seat, Leona flashes everyone a triumphant little smirk and then saunters out of the room without another word. 
The remaining housewardens silently watch him leave and, as the cafeteria door creaks shut, they return to their work with a softly murmured chorus of disapproval. An uncharacteristic silence settles over the group as everyone focuses on their individual gingerbread designs for the next few minutes.
Kalim finally breaks into the quiet with a bright laugh, “It's too bad Leona decided to leave early! I just finished making his cookie counterpart!” He holds up a Leona-shaped gingerbread cookie decorated with chocolate candies and a tiny feline scowl drawn in icing.
Looking up from his work, Vil studies the little cookie with an irritated glare. Wordlessly, he reaches across the table to pluck the Leona cookie from Kalim’s hand and then snaps the head off of the gingerbread figure. Handing the beheaded cookie back to Kalim, Vil flatly states, “My apologies.”
After carefully laying the broken pieces of Leona on a plate, Kalim holds up two additional gingerbread figures. One is decorated with marshmallow pieces and little wolf ears. The other is decorated with fluffy peanut butter frosting and hyena ears. Waving the wolf-eared cookie through the air, Kalim yells in a low, gruff voice, “Oh no! Housewarden Leona! I'll find out who did this to you and avenge the honor of our dorm!” Wiggling the hyena-eared cookie, Kalim says in a smoother, teasing voice, “Shyeheehee! Does this mean I get the rest of the day off?”
-continued in part 2-
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onlyancunin · 1 month
Little update again for anyone interested, bc I'm overflown with emotions.
Ok, so I did it.
In a single week, found a new place, packed my things (or at least the majority, some stuff is still waiting to be sorted and transported) and moved in to my condo.
I hurt my knee again and walk on crutch, my hands are so sore I barely slept this night and I had approximately 27 nervous breakdowns in the past two days, but I'm here, I'm queer and I'm ready to do some Astarion fan art now that nobody lurks over my shoulder in attempt to be controlling.
And jesus. I woke up today with my body absolutely useless after what I put it through while packing, and yet so... Serene? I literally cried out of exhaustion, relief, gratitude and what not.
And to think just 3 months ago I was deeply suicidal and drinking like crazy to cope. Always either with headphones or with earplugs to soothe my nerves and keep myself together, barely present in my own life and resenting it and myself. But here? I enjoy the silence or even occasional sound of my neighbors being present. I unpacked yesterday for hours without the need to overwhelm my brain with podcasts just to stop it from spiraling out. Because it didn't want to spiral out, I was at peace despite cursing a few times bc I'm a dumbass and forgot idle pc needs some activity to wake it up and I thought it got damaged while transporting 🤠
Thank you @herdarkestnightelegance , who supported me through the whole process and was there for me to pick me up and help me to keep going. The best thing that came out of this entire thing is your friendship. It's so nice to know someone cares enough to be happy for you. This is a gift, you know. I won't forget it.
And thank you everyone for your words of support and care, every single one. After months of being isolated and numb it's nice to see the world still wants me here.
Gosh I think I need to cry some more, a nice little emotional workout before work.
Have a great Monday everyone! 🖤
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toomuchracket · 7 months
someone sent me the loveliest ask about bday party matty following girly around after tour ends that i accidentally deleted because i saved to drafts and couldn't edit on mobile SO i shall discuss it here. yes, you're right, he is without question in groupie mode (well, more so than usual lol) - after some, um, morning bedroom activities, he'll hover over you and kiss your nose like "so, my sweet girl, what's on your agenda today?", and when you tell him you've got an interview or a radio appearance or a signing he's like "that sounds fun. can i tag along, darling? i'll hold your handbag for you" lol bless him. and he's determined that everything is about you; he makes it so clear to the interviewers or presenters that "i'm only here in bf mode! it's my girl's moment! please don't mention me", but he caves a little when you pout and say "but i want to talk about you. half of these essays are about you", gives you a little nose kiss and says "well, alright, if you insist lol", which in turn makes you roll your eyes and say "bloody narcissist. but i love you!" lmao it's all very cute and fun. throughout the interview, he looks at you like you hung the moon, his eyes never leaving your face and his smile never leaving his - an audio clip from your radio interview goes viral because the host says "no wonder you're writing all these wonderful essays about being in love and being loved - the way your other half (matty tears up at this btw lol) looks at you, and has done the whole time we've been talking, i don't think anyone has ever been so loved as you are by him", and you get all blushy and bashful and giggly before you say "well, he has, by me", and the world seems to really love this little insight moment. and when you get home at the end of the day, matty's insistent on being the one to make dinner because "you've been working, darling, relax"; you sit in the kitchen while he cooks, mayhem at your feet and a glass of wine in your hand, and nothing has ever been so domestic and perfect. speaking of domesticity, actually - on your days off, the two of you have been rearranging the house somewhat. partially in prep for christmas decorations, but also partially because even though you moved in ages and ages ago you haven't really had the time to find the right places for all your things. matty had the kinda cute, kinda egotistical (thus, extremely him) idea of putting all your awards and most cherished writing bits in the same room as his music equivalents, so you've had to source appropriately nice bookcases for that to happen; the room looks so cool once it's finished, books interspersed with music scores and brits surrounding the booker nomination, and matty's like "you know, this is really fitting, given that we inspire each other so much. and it's also cool as fuck. like we really are the coolest couple on the planet" lol. he puts a desk in there under the guise of that being the best room to do video interviews from, but really it's so he has something to bend you over; of course thinking about the two of you being so hot and cool and accomplished gets him going, it's matty we're talking about lmfao. but really, at his core, he's a sweetheart completely in love with you - once you both got the christmas tree up and decorated, you tugged him into the kitchen like "ok, it's time. you said we were having chicken for dinner, yeah?", and matty nods in confusion and then gasps when he sees the potatoes and the baking tray and your seasoning mix on the counter like "wait, is this what i think it is? you're-" and you nod like "teaching you the roast potato recipe. this is it, healy, you're stuck with me forever now". and matty - crying, obv - just grabs your face and kisses you deeply, murmuring "can't fucking wait for that. i love you". cute as hell <3
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bts-hyperfixation · 1 year
Outside of the fox
Part 15 of ? 2816 words
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
"So the good news is we won't require surgery to reset the break, but that cast is going to need to stay on for a couple of months." Jin says, gesturing to a barely comprehensible X-ray.
Namjoon nods, taking a close look at the break presented to you all. Jungkook cuddles in close to Jimin's uninjured side and scents him gently.
"So are we okay to go home today?" Yoongi asks. "Don't want to miss out on the holiday if we can help it."
"Yes, absolutely, I've just got a bit more paperwork to follow up on and we need to set a date for a review of the damage but then you folks are free to go back to your holiday merriment, although might I suggest no more tree climbing?" Jin answers.
"Of course Doctor, thank you so much." Namjoon shakes the man's hand. "Right, I don't think we all need to be here for discharge, a couple of us should head back in the first car."
"I'll take Hobi and Taehyung back to the house. Y/N do you want to come with us?" Yoongi suggests.
"With Jimin an arm down I think I'll need to drive won't I? If you're taking Tae?"
Taehyung had driven the second car originally, the main pack in one car, friends and associates in the other."
"Sure, that makes sense. We will meet you back at the hovel." Yoongi grabs his jacket.
He pulls the keys from the pocket and signals for the other two men to follow him out of the room. Obediently they get up and mutter 'See you soon's as they exit. Doctor Jin produces a form for Jimin to sign, which he does, shakily with his non-dominant hand.
"Okay Jimin, I want to see you in two months, is there a better day for you?" Jin asks
"No work is pretty amenable, whatever works best for you." the red panda responds, already gathering his items, eager to leave the hospital.
"Wonderful, in which case we will see you on February 23rd at 2:00 pm." Jin hands over a small appointment slip to Namjoon.
Immediately the bear hands the paper off to Jungkook, a practised manoeuvre knowing he would likely lose such a small item easily.
Each of you says your goodbyes and make your way towards the door but Jungkook lingers fidgeting back and forth on his feet.
"Is everything okay Jungkook?" Jin inquires.
The bunny chews at his lip, clearly nervous. Like he is debating whether he should say what he really wants to.
"Bun?" Namjoon prods.
"Aaaa...re you really going to spend tomorrow... alone?" Jungkook asks.
"That's my plan Jungkook, yes. But don't feel sorry for me. I'm quite used to spending time by myself for holidays." The doctor reassures him.
But the statement seems to only distress Jungkook further. He whines lowly at the thought of the doctor having to be alone. He looks between you, Namjoon, and Jimin trying to hint at the idea forming in his head, however, none of you seems to be on the same wavelength as him today. He waits to see if any of you catch up with him, to no avail. Eventually, he just leans into Namjoon's side and whispers in his ear.
The bear's mouth makes a small 'o' shape as he finally catches on. Jungkook's ears have gone bright red and he turns his face into the crook of Namjoon's shoulder in order to hide from view.
"Doctor, it would seem our youngest packmate would like to invite you to our winter solstice activities tomorrow." Namjoon explains.
"That would be lovely, but I couldn't intrude on your family's day like that."
"That's okay, we have lots of outsiders this year!" Jimin provides.
It's obvious he is trying to be encouraging, but the word outsiders hits you like ice running down your spine. Because no matter how much you like being around the family and how much they claim to like you around, 'outsiders' includes you.
"But it's so short notice, I wouldn't want to take away from what you've already prepared for yourselves." the doctor refuses politely again.
You can hear Jungkook growling a little into Namjoon's collar but it's not clear if Jin can hear it yet.
"We insist doctor, please join us." Namjoon strokes Jungkook's back to calm him.
"I suppose I could drop by if you really do insist."
Namjoon writes down your address on the back of an appointment card along with a rough time for when dinner is planned and finally, you leave the hospital. The drive back to the house is quiet. Jungkook is asleep on one side of Namjoon in the back seat, and Jimin is staring happily out of the window at the scenery from the passenger seat.
It's late when you pull into the driveway. Jungkook runs ahead back to the house as Namjoon helps Jimin to clamber out of the car. They really are so well-entwined with one another. You can tell without looking that Yoongi is waiting at the door with Jungkook wrapped in his arms carefully watching his pack to make sure they are okay.
You turn off the engine and take a deep breath feeling the tiredness in your bones. All you want is to slip into bed and pass out but if you don't get the smell of the hospital out of your hair you'll never be able to settle.
Yoongi waits for you to trail in behind the others before locking the door and checking the latch is secured. He leans over instinctively to scent you as you walk past surprising you a little, it's not something he has ever done before. If he notices you flinch a little he doesn't mention it and neither do you.
You hand the keys on the hook and traipse up the stairs into your room only to be met with a nearly nude Taehyung. Water drips from his hair as the precariously balanced towel around his hips threatens to fall when he moves.
"Sorry, I thought I might have a little more time to get dressed." He supplies.
"That's okay, I'm going for a shower anyway, I'll just grab my clothes and leave you to it."
"Dang, if I knew you were going to shower maybe I would've waited... could've saved some water." He winks
"How eco-friendly of you." You roll your eyes
"Very concerned for the environment me." He flashes you his widest smile.
You quickly grab your pj's and escape from the room that was suddenly stiflingly hot.
The water is not as warm as you would've liked but it still feels good washing the clinical smell down the drain and replacing it with soft florals.
You take your time to dry off, moisturizing correctly for maybe the first time in your life, hoping to come across a fully dressed Taehyung when you return this time.
The panda is tucked up in bed when you return, waiting for you so he can turn the lamp off. You bid each other good night and find sleep easily after the chaos of the day.
Everyone seems to sleep in the next morning Jimin being the last to emerge from his bedroom at 11 with half-brushed hair and lidded eyes. Jungkook had already told you all how difficult the redhead had found it to sleep with the pain and awkwardness of the cast. Yoongi set a full English breakfast in front of him and started fussing with the messy parts of his hair.
"Can we do presents now?" Hobi asks.
The human is as excited as a child about the prospect of starting today's festivities. He has been bouncing off the walls since nine waiting for everyone to wake up so they could start. Evidently his family never really celebrated the holiday.
"Let Jimin eat first Jagiya," Yoongi says affectionately, reaching out to cup Hobi's face.
He pouts but does as he is told, busying himself by taking hold of Yoongi's outstretched and playing with the fingers.
Jimin makes quick work of the food, looking forward to having enough food in his stomach to be able to take his next painkiller. Taehyung swipes up the plate as soon as it's empty and washes it before anyone can protest.
"Alright, who is opening presents first?" The panda asks as he flicks the water off his hands.
You move into the lounge, a tight fit for the seven of you but you make it work. Hobi squishes next to Yoongi on an armchair. Jimin and Namjoon naturally gravitate to either side of Jungkook and Taehyung sits on the floor closest to the presents. You slot yourself in across from Tae to complete the circle and then he hands out presents.
You decide it best to open all of your presents at the same time to save the embarrassment of having everyone watching each other react.
Each present was clearly well thought out and matched personalities well. Obviously, some were a little generic like Taehyung's for example, but they were thoughtful nonetheless. Jimin bought you a book you had been talking about, and Jungkook had made you a painting of his favourite spot in the backyard. Yoongi bought you a gift card to the restaurant you had both visited the other day. And Namjoon bought you a new stationary set that he said reminded him of you, something about the purple colour reminding him of your lavender scent. Hobi bought everyone a matching sweater.
Taehyung's gift surprised you. It was a bottle of your favourite perfume, and expensive bottle that you had decided you couldn't leave behind in your old life. A bottle that was getting dangerously close to empty but there was no way Tae could've known that when he bought the present. You look up to see him already looking at you.
"It's the correct one yeah? If it's not we can return it and purchase the right. It's the one you were wearing the first day we met." He says as if he hadn't just spent £100 on you.
You nod and glance down at the bottle, an inscription that you had missed is etched into the silver ring.
'To my favourite fox."
You don't notice the jealous looks around the room as the boys abandon their openings to look at the ornate bottle in your hands.
"Don't look so sour boys, you haven't opened my presents to you yet." Taehyung gestures to the boxes in front of them.
The men around the room shake off their jealousy long enough to tear the wrapping paper from each gift. Each man is met with a matching bottle a cologne that compliments each other one in the room.
"I hope I guessed right, I was going off descriptions of each of your personalities supplied by Y/N. She talks about you guys a lot you know? It feels like I've known you forever."
"Taehyung this is very sweet but it's too much." Namjoon states, getting ready to wrap the bottle back up.
"Of course it's not too much. Courting gifts should be extravagant and meaningful shouldn't they?" Taehyung says matter of factly as if everyone had missed the very obvious point.
Each established member of the pack looked at one another confused, while you just blinked owlishly at your coworker.
"Typically extravagant isn't a necessary criterion," Yoongi stated, not sure what else to say.
The jackal turned the expensive bottle in his hands, finding the engraving on his own bottle.
'To the fierce protector, I wish to put at ease.' Was inscribed around the top of the bottle.
Each bottle had its own unique phrase.
"Tae, I don't want this to sound... ungrateful... but how did you afford this as a mail room boy?" You ask, setting the bottle gently to the side.
"Wait you think I'm the mail boy?" Taehyung tilts his head confused.
"Well? yeah. The only thing I see you do at work is deliver mail and talk to people." You shrug.
"That hilarious." Taehyung laughs until tears roll down his cheeks as the rest of you wait to be let in on the joke. "Y/N don't you think I would've been fired by now if I were just the mailboy? Like I'm a terrible employee"
"So what do you do then?" Jungkook asks him, sitting on the edge of his seat.
The bunny's fingers rub across his own perfume, tracing the letters absently.
'To the bunny I want to promise the world.'
"I own the company." He states as if it's no big deal. "Well my dad does, I will soon though."
You each glance between the bottles and him and then all the eyes in the room land on you.
"How could you not know that Y/N?" Hobi asks.
You shrug hoping to move the conversation back to the point.
"Did you say these were courting gifts?" You shift attention back to Taehyung.
"The first of many." He confirms
"You realise that's insane right?" Yoongi says. "We literally met you yesterday."
"Not true, we met two days ago." Taehyung points out as if that makes it any more normal.
Typically courting doesn't begin until you've known someone for at least a few weeks, maybe been on a date or two. For Taehyung to decide to court a stranger was beyond odd. To want to court 6 people that weren't already intrinsically linked? That was insanity.
The faces around the room showed a complete range of human emotions. Jimin looked thrilled with the prospect. Namjoon and Yoongi looked concerned, and Jungkook looked a little terrified. Hobi just sat there quiet and confused, barely having been opened up to the concept of courting Yoongi and now facing the potential of another man to court if not an entire pack.
"I'm sorry have I overstepped? We can just call them friendship presents if that puts you more at ease. It's just between the notes and what Y/N says about you, it felt as though I already knew you. And I know for a fact courting Y/N will be easier if I'm also courting the other men vying for her attention."
Taehyung is a very smart man. His decisions always seem to be uncalculated and messy but they always have solid reasoning behind them. Normally it's quite interesting to watch his solution to a majority of problems he encounters. Today however just left you flustered and perplexed.
The subject is dropped when there are three sharp raps on the front door.
"We should talk about this more, maybe after the holiday," Namjoon suggests rising from his seat.
Before the bear can even move for the door, Jungkook raced past him to reveal the stunning Dr. Jin standing on the porch.
The hospital lab coat does him no justice. He is wearing a simple maroon crew neck jumper, on anyone else it might look average, but on him he looked like an idol, golden complexion and broad shoulders only accentuating the look.
"I'm so glad you should make it doctor." Namjoon shakes the man's hand as he joins Jungkook at the door.
The doctor produces a carrier of wine and gives it to Joon.
"Thank you for the gracious invite. Please call me Jin though not Doctor."
"Of course Jin. Please make yourself comfortable, we were just tidying up before dinner."
The bear gives you all a look that has you all springing from your seats to rush to clean up the wrapping paper scattered across the floor. Yoongi leaves the mess with the three of you left in the living room and turns on all of the pots ready to finish making the lunchtime feast.
I'm not going to apologise again for being MIA 😂. I am going to say I'm probably going to go MIA again. It is unintentional and I will always come back usually within two to four weeks. Hope everyone's having a good spring getting ready for a summer. I know I'm excited because it's only 8 more weeks of school and then I can fly to my home country (don't worry, I'm the teacher not the student)
So I've split this chapter in half because I was rambling on and I just wanted to get something out.
Also if you guys want to know the rest of inscriptions let me know and I can put them in the comments. I can't fit them in to the actual fic at the minute and they may never come up again honestly.
Like the only way I can organically think to fit the minute any point is if after this finishes I do either a breakup or a marriage one shot...
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breelandwalker · 1 year
hi Bree! I am currently doing research on modern paganism as a whole, and have come across a few passages about how some practitioners claim to follow an 'old' or 'the old and true' religion. I know Margot Adler mentions this briefly in "Drawing Down The Moon" (page 77) - but I'm wondering if you've seen any other sources on this? I want to learn more about the origins of this 'old and true' religion, but none of my regular resources are turning up anything of substance.
-gasps in Witchstorian- Is it time? I think it's time. Excuse me while I put on my very best hat.
Today, we're going to have a chat about MARGARET FUCKING MURRAY and her thoroughly discredited theories about a Great White Western Witch-Cult. (I have plans to do a wholeass podcast episode on this nonsense in the coming year, so consider this a warm-up. I should also note that debunking claims of an Ancient Unified Religion of Witchcraft is part of how I first earned my stripes as a fledgling Witchstorian. So this be my wheelhouse and I welcome ye to it.)
In her 1921 book, The Witch-Cult in Western Europe, Murray put forth the theory that the ceremonies and rituals detailed in witch trial documents were actually descriptions of practices utilized by a matriarchal pagan fertility cult whose adherents had survived in secret following the Christianization of the British Isles. She pointed to a number of historical personages accused of and/or executed for witchcraft as members of this alleged "Old Religion," presented the idea of "flying on broomsticks" as a ritual activity involving a leaping dance with brooms held between women's thighs (the handles being smeared with a hallucinogenic salve), and claimed that the "Horned God of the witches" was later twisted into modern artistic depictions of Satan as a method of quite literally demonizing these supposed pagan ways. Furthermore, according to Murray, the cult had survived into the present day in the form of a certain secret groups in rural areas of Britain. (It should be noted that while Murray did not invent this theory, she was its' biggest and arguably most legitimizing proponent in her day.)
If any of this is sounding familiar, you get a cookie.
Gerald Gardner was a big fan of these theories and further bolstered the claims when he touted the New Forest coven as a surviving group from the "Old Religion." He incorporated many of Murray's claims into the early framework of his own myth-building. If you read Witchcraft Today (1954), you'll see a lot of Murray's work repeated as a framework for Gardner's own theories on contemporary witchcraft practices, which later became the basis for Wicca.
The issue here is that Murray was working with both a flawed premise and a really terrible use of source material. Repeatedly, she cited superstition, prosecutorial arguments, and confessions from accused witches from 16th-17th century trial records as fact, completely ignoring that none of this had any physical evidence attached to it and that confessions were often made under torture or the threat thereof. She also cited a lack of evidence as alleged evidence of a coverup by the Church and the Crown, or the cult itself covering its' tracks. Even her contemporaries viewed her work as fringe theory and it's largely because she was invited to write the Encyclopedia Britannica article on Witchcraft and the later use of her theories in the creation of Wicca that she's taken seriously by anybody at all.
While Murray's claims are thoroughly discredited, almost literally laughed out of academia during her own lifetime, certain sectors of the modern witchcraft and pagan communities still cling to this idea of a secret surviving pre-Christian goddess cult. I can fully understand why this is tempting, given the romantic notion of clandestine meetings and bonfire dances out in the woods, as well as the need of some modern witches to feel connected to some form of borrowed martyrdom as a mirror for their own feelings of disenfranchisement. No serious scholar of the early modern period or the history of witch trials during that time considers Murray's work credible and modern historians are prone to cringing whenever her name is mentioned.
So yeah, if you see a work on modern paganism or witchcraft referring to "the Old Ways" or "the Old Religion," that's very likely what it's talking about. Margot Adler and Ronald Hutton, both noted and credible authors writing about the modern witchcraft movement, mention Murray's witch-cult hypothesis in their books....but mostly only to say what a crock of shit it was.
For further reading, I recommend Jacqueline Simpson's 1994 article, "Margaret Murray: Who Believed Her And Why?," Ronald Hutton's "Triumph of the Moon," and the Wikipedia article on the witch-cult hypothesis (purely for a condensed version of how the theory came to be and how it has affected modern thought).
I'll leave you with this quote from A New History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics and Pagans (Russell and Brooks), regarding Murray's work:
"That this 'old religion' persisted secretly, without leaving any evidence, is, of course, possible, just as it is possible that below the surface of the moon lie extensive deposits of Stilton cheese. Anything is possible. But it is nonsense to assert the existence of something for which no evidence exists. The Murrayites ask us to swallow a most peculiar sandwich: a large piece of the wrong evidence between two thick slices of no evidence at all."
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