#//Do with that piece of information what you want uwu
alastors-radioshow · 11 months
“i love that big ole creepy smile you’re rockin’. makes me wonder what that mouth a’ yers could really do. don’t, uh, kill me fer that.”
Tell my muse one thing that you like about them!
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"Goodness gracious! Why, I appreciate that you like my smile, my dear. One is never fully dressed without one, as you know~ As for what I can do.."
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"I can take a man's head off in one, swift bite~"
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inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
I’m so sorry if this question is ignorant or stupid I really just want to understand so I can become educated. When someone is asexual would they still gain something from reading explicit fic scenes? Again sorry if I’m ignorant
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
SO SORRY it took so long to reply to this one... Kind of started and then it got forgotten, and I am sorry for that. No better time than Ace Awareness Week to help you understand!!
So, short answer to your question, is YES, SOME aces do, whether to facilitate in self-pleasure, or because seeing their faves happy, or as placeholders because some aces take pleasure-by-proxy, or a variety of other reasons, it just simply makes some of us happy. You'd be surprised how many of those smutty authors are actually ace themselves. It's one of those funny misconceptions that aces are all woobie-uwu-innocent-pure-thoughts-only magical creatures, and I'm here to shatter that illusion... Aces are some of the smuttiest-minded people you will ever meet. Why, I have no idea, maybe it's because we don't fantasize about sex the same way allos do that we can come up with increasingly hornier ideas? LOL No idea.
The thing about asexuality is that it's a HUGE spectrum, and no one ace is exactly the same. A sex-negative ace might get something out of reading smut because it's not involving them. Or they might not at all. Same with sex-positive/neutral aces. It's ALL a matter of what makes us tick.
BUT here's where I go into my LONG answer, and get you REALLY into the Ace Lore™.
I want to introduce you to the microlabel of Aegosexuality (formerly autochorisexuality), which is a term that loosely translates to "sexuality with oneself". The expanded definition, from the Sexuality Wiki, bolding is mine:
It is [...] a disconnect between oneself and a sexual target/object of arousal; may involve sexual fantasies or arousal in response to erotica or pornography, but lacks desire to be an actual participant in the sexual activities therein.
Aegosexuals are known to:
Become aroused by sexual content (at times) without wanting to personally engage in sexual activities.
Masturbate, but feel neutral or repulsed by the idea of having sex with another person.
Fantasize about sex (with varying frequency), but envision people other than themselves, and/or view it in third person, as if watching it on TV, instead of imagining it in the first person, through their own eyes.
Predominantly—or exclusively—fantasize about fictional characters or celebrities in place of people they know personally.
Identify as asexual, feeling little-to-no sexual attraction to people though enjoy masturbating (with varying frequency), are aroused by sexually explicit content, and/or fantasizing of such.
[/end quote]
Basically, smut turns them on, but some aces don't want to engage in the smut for-reals. This microlabel makes it ESPECIALLY confusing for newly-figured-out-aces because there hasn't been a lot of information about asexuality's huge spectrum until recently. Aegosexuals can initially believe that they AREN'T ace, BECAUSE they get turned on by porn or smutty stories, but then they're SUPER confused because the idea of having sex themselves is appalling or undesirable. It's a bizarre contradiction, understandably, to outsiders, but it makes COMPLETE sense once an ace figures this out, I promise you.
This is the microlabel I myself fall under. It's not from any trauma or past problems or medical issues. It's just me. That's it. And because of the confusion that this sexuality can bring, it often takes us a LOT longer to have ourselves figured out. For me, it was an accidental stumbling upon the "autochorisexual" label (before it became Aegosexual) and reading up on it that EVERYTHING fell into place. Before that, I thought I was maybe demisexual. After learning about it, I felt okay FINALLY calling myself ace, that I finally found the "right fit" for me. It was the piece of the puzzle that I was missing. I felt really liberated of my self-doubt after that.
And, of course, aros have their version as well called Aegoromantic, which is exactly the same but in a romantic sense.
Here are some more resources for Aegosexuality, if you'd like to learn more about this lesser-known branch on the spectrum:
What Does It Mean to Be Aegosexual? (Cosmopolitan US || November 24, 2022)
History of Aegosexuality (The Michigan Gayly || February 1, 2021)
VIDEO: 5 Signs You Might Be Aegosexual (Lynn Saga, YouTube || August 6, 2022 || 6m20s)
VIDEO: What is Aegosexuality? | Aspec 101 (Slice Of Ace, YouTube || July 15, 2022 || 3m54s)
VIDEO: Asexual Identities: Aegosexuality (Ace Dad Advice, YouTube || May 22, 2022 || 12m27s)
AGAIN, I'm SO sorry I put this ask off for SO long, but I'm glad that I did, so that I could educate you guys on my brand of Asexuality during Ace Awareness Week!
And, finally, no offence taken at ALL! I LOVE educating y'all about stuff I learned through my journey, and you were very respectful in your ask :)
Hope you are well, Nonny, and hope you're still here to see this 🖤💜
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falling-star-cygnus · 1 month
This isn't really angst but I want to share this idea with you anyways, Nicole and Anby get sick, like really sick, so Billy and Nekomata take care of them, Nekomata goes out to get medicine for Anby and Nicole so Billy does some nice things for them while waiting for Nekomata to come back, like putting a cold towel on their heads and making chicken noodle soup for them, and when doing this he gets to hear some muttered apologies from Anby and Nicole about the way they treat him
AHHH THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA -> i'm on it o^o7
posts might slow down for a little bit, but I'll definitely try and knock out what's already been sent in as speedily as possible while ensuring [hopefully] good quality :D
the other format i tried out didn't necessarily do bad, but i think i'll stick to this one after all. since i created the Master List at long last uWu
"Hey, Manager," Billy says into Nicole's phone, trying to keep his voice as unassuming as possible, "Boss won't be able to make it to your hangout today."
"Oh no!" Belle immediately frets on the other end, "What's going on? Is she okay?"
Well. The goal was not to make her worry. Damnit.
Objective failed.
"She's okay. Her and Anby just came down with a... pretty brutal fever, if I'm being honest. They should be fine in a few days, though at max!"
Hopefully. Billy had heard stories about humans with sickly immune systems that... didn't always survive a fever. The stories had never scared him before but...
"Kitty's out getting some medicine for them right now," the android forces himself to continue, lest he dwell on that too long, "And I'm staying here to make sure their temperatures don't get too high."
That's what you were supposed to do when humans got sick, right? He was kind of just basing everything off Nekomata's experience and one episode of the Starlight Knights where two characters- who should be love interests but weren't- got stranded together on a desert planet and one of them had to take care of the other. But the other wasn't really human or anything- so it was kind of an unreliable source of information.
So he also did a quick google search.
"That's great, Billy," Belle's gentle voice brings him back to the present conversation, "Sounds like they're in very capable hands then. My mind is put at ease."
That was nice to hear. That she believed in him.
"Do- do you have any suggestions?" the android ventures, figuring it couldn't really hurt, "I mean- I can totally take care of them on my own, but- surely the legendary, all-knowing Phaethon might have some advice for a plain piece of scrap metal like me...?"
Perfect save.
In the end, Belle doesn't really tell him anything that he didn't already get from Nekomata or from the computer the Hares' all shared. Cold towels, warm soup that's easy on the throat, and lots of rest.
The two Demara's were laid up in one room to prevent contaminating Nekomata. Or him, too, but the only way the android could get sick was via computer virus.
Which- they all learned the hard way. That was not a pleasant experience, nor one he was eager to repeat... but he would if it meant Nicole and Anby could recover faster.
With no time to sit on his thoughts, Billy replaces the cloths on their heads with all the gentleness he can muster. He must- at least- be doing something right, because the two already look more peaceful than they had before the call with the Proxy.
"Mm.. m'sorry.." he thinks he hears Nicole mutter.
Bad dream? He ponders, hastily striding over to fix the towel across her forehead. Maybe she was dreaming of the time Eous shut off in the Hollow and they had thought about turning them in.
Or- Billy had suggested turning them in.
Twasn't his proudest moment. He sincerely hoped Phaethon never found out about that-
"...m'sorry," she mutters again, turning onto her side with a furrowed brow, "..sorry.. Billy.. for yelng' all th'time. You're a good android. Good fr'nd. 'n I... dn't say it... nuff."
If he had been built for crying, Billy was sure he'd be making a mess of his faceplate right now.
The things his family team does to him... he was going soft.
As the android fixes both the Demara's towels, as he helps prop them up and spoon feed the delirious duo medicine and soup, and as he tucks them back in for a nice long nap, privately he thinks...
Maybe that's not such a bad thing.
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earlgraytay · 5 months
If you're going to make a post about not buying cheap random binders maybe give some cheap alternatives instead of "uwu I only CARE about you and don't want you TO GET HORRIBLY HURT," holier than thou, hyberbolic garbage. Give some alternatives other than "buy expensive stuff uwu" lmao
Wow. What an incredibly rude and hostile way to talk to someone you don't know. Anyway. I'm the wrong person to answer this question, for three reasons.
I haven't had anything to bind since 2017, and wasn't able to bind for a good few years prior, on account of, you know, fucking up my ribs with a crappy Amazon binder. It's been nearly a decade since I've been on the market for a binder. I do not know what the scene looks like right now. Miku Hatsune could have descended from heaven, dropped a binder that's so good it blows your tits off, and I wouldn't know, because I haven't had to buy a binder since 2014.
The notes on my original post are a fucking gold mine of information that I wouldn't have been able to give you- both up-to-date information on which companies are most reputable, and information on what to do if you're too low-income to get a full price binder, including folks from the Global South talking about where to get binders if you don't live in the US or UK. If you actually want information on where to get a reasonably priced binder, look there.
..... I'm going to reiterate what I have been saying this entire time.
A binder is a piece of medical equipment. It is not a fashion statement, it is not just a form of gender expression, and it is not something you can afford to take lightly.
There are things in this world you can cheap out on. You can buy store-brand cheerios, or dollar store dish soap, or gently used jeans, and you will be okay.
Medical equipment is not something you can cheap out on. If you cheap out on medical equipment, you can seriously injure yourself. You should be just as careful about buying a binder as you should be about buying a CPAP machine, a mobility aid, or a wrist brace.
The alternatives are not "buy expensive stuff", "buy cheap stuff", or "go without."
The alternatives are "buy high-quality stuff- which is expensive because it was designed by skilled medical professionals and/or sewists to work with your body's needs instead of against them", "buy low-quality stuff that could seriously injure or even kill you", "go without", or "get assistance from one of the organizations that exists specifically to help transmascs/NB people with this kind of thing".
Yes. I'm going to be self-righteous about this. The sheer number of trans guys who are putting themselves at risk of rib damage, pneumonia, and other permanent injuries because they're buying cheap, dangerous crap that's getting pushed at them... how can you see that and not want to warn them?
FFS, dude.
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brownsplodge · 7 months
They Howl at Night (10/?)
(I hope my writing has improved lmfao but I'm doing this for funsies so I guess it doesn't matter)
Alcor sat cross legged in the small room and picked at a very sticky sticker that had made its way into the collar of his shirt and attached itself to his neck. 
He had to find the source of these evil stickers and eliminate them, there was no way they were not demonic in some way.
He was drawing a portrait of one of his nightmare sheep on the floor with a piece of chalk he’d found in his sock.
He felt a little bored, and he didn’t have the usual flow of random information to keep him occupied for some reason. Not that he wasn’t grateful to finally have some peace and quiet, but he was always a little on edge when his powers weren’t torturing him as they usually did, and they were being strangely nice to him lately. 
He heard something in the hall, and looked up to see that girl from the supermarket with her face pressed against the clear plastic wall of the room where it led into the corridors.
Alcor froze, not sure what to do. Why did he not know she worked here? Shouldn’t he have received that information? He didn’t want to scare the Mizar or immediately break Lucy-Ann’s trust by going full brother mode. 
What did humans do to greet each other again? 
Alcor slowly raised a hand, and slowly bent each finger crunchily to prove he had joints and gain her trust. 
The girl looked at him with a mild look of disgust, but not the scared kind, just the ‘nobody waves like that’ kind of way. Nailed it.
The girl bent down to one of the air holes that were drilled into the plastic wall in case the vents stopped working. 
“Hello! Um… Mister…” She removed her mouth from the air hole to check the sign next to his room. 
“Pines. We literally have the same surname, how did I forget it?” She mumbled to herself, before clamping her mouth against the air hole to make sure he could hear her (there was an anti soundproof sigil on the plastic, and it was completely unnecessary).
“Hello mister Pines! Do you happen to know about the guy who was in this room before you?” 
Alcor stared at her for a second, instinctively waiting for the answer to pop into his head (he had not bothered to read the more boring documents, and had been relying on just knowing important information if asked). 
But the answer never came, and the second he stared at her became half a minute of eye contact. 
His powers were fucking him over all along after all. 
He looked slightly to the side, the amount of eye contact feeling uncomfortable even to an immortal being above human awkwardness(lies), and tried to ‘dig out’ the answer. 
He wasn’t sure what went on in a normal human brain anymore, not having had one for several hundred, maybe over a thousand years, (He wasn’t sure. He wasn’t counting the seconds of his life like he usually did, and he hadn’t even noticed until that moment,) but he was sure if it was possible for him to get one again, he was probably close. He couldn’t find anything in his mind that he didn't already know, and he even couldn’t find all the stuff he knew already.
“I don’t know.” (This was a sentence he hadn’t said completely honestly in years.)
He kept picking at the sticker on his neck.
“No, it’s alright! I just thought all that eye contact might’ve meant something.”
Alcor shook his head. 
He finally manages to stick one of his long and very nicely painted fingernails under the sticker and peeled it off. Now his fingers were sticky. Great. 
“And you’re sure you don’t know anything about him? His name is Xander? Xander McKindley?”
Alcor finally heard something quietly answering the question in his head, and he automatically started reciting it.
“Xander McKindley. 61. 3 living relatives, excluding people whose last shared ancestors with him were more than two hundred years ago. Until last week he went missing. Instead of it getting reported, someone working within the official werewolf safety program deleted all his files, and most people who had known Xander were told he moved.”
He was quite proud of himself.
The girl staring at him looked at him with her mouth wide open.
“What? Who? How come you didn’t know who I was talking about earlier?”
This time, the answer didn't come to him again. Alcor looked down and tried to remove the sticker's melting glue from his hands.
“I don’t know.”
He earned a frustrated groan in response, and the girl turned back to where she’d walked into the hall from and walked away rapidly.
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dia-souls · 2 years
the little sister headcanons was so sweet uwu. I do sort of think that the diaboys would benefit from having a gentle and loving sister in their lives.
(TW: Bullying) If it's not too much trouble may I please have your headcanons on how the S&M boys would react if their younger sister was being severely bullied at school? Let's assume she'd done her best to keep it a secret for as long as possible because she didn't want to upset her brothers, but one way or another they eventually found out.
TW : Bullying, Death, Blood mentioned, threatening
💮 S + M brothers' sister being bullied 💮
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🎶 Shu sakamaki 🎶
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"I really don't understand what made you hide such an important issue from me. Maybe I told you before not to tell me unimportant things, but this is more important than anything else.Well, I think we should go to school. You have to show me that person."
The only person Shu cares about among his siblings is his younger sister.
He may be lazy but when it comes to his sister he is very serious.
Shu is very sad to see that his sister has hidden such an important matter from him.
This makes him think that his sister does not trust him because she did not tell him about such an important issue.
Shu gets very angry about this but tries to hide it from his sister.
He goes to school with his sister to find the person who bullied his sister.
Shu beats the person to death to such an extent that blood spreads all over their face.
If Shu cannot control his anger, he may kill that person.
He warns everyone that if someone else bothers his sister, this disaster will happen to them.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
☕️ Reiji Sakamaki ☕️
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"This is unforgivable. No one has the right to hurt Karlheinz's daughter. Get ready . We have to go to school right now."
Reiji is very shocked of this matter.
He cannot bear this humiliation for his family.
His sister is the daughter of the great king of vampires and no one is allowed to hurt his sister.
After finding that person, Reiji threatens him for bullying the vampire king's daughter.
Reiji will use his father's influence to get that person fired.
Reiji blames his sister for hiding such an important matter.
He advises his sister to inform her if such an incident happens again.
Reiji can't bear to see his sister upset.
So he will not let anyone hurt his sister.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🏀 Ayato Sakamaki 🏀
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"What the hell is with you? Are you stupid or something? Yes, no doubt you are stupid. Why did you hide such an important issue from me? When I find that guy, I will tear him to pieces."
Ayato gets very angry after hearing this.
He is ready to beat anyone he sees.
Who dares to beat Ore-sama's younger sister ? They pay for their work.
Ayato rushes to school to find the person who bullied his sister.
After finding him, Ayato starts a big fight and beats that person.
Ayato is reprimanded by the school for fighting with a person younger than him.
Ayato blames his sister for being so stupid that she didn't tell him about such an important issue.
From now on, Ayato will never let his sister leave him to protect her.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🧸 Kanato Sakamaki 🧸
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"Don't be so annoying and don't bother me with ridiculous topics. I don't care what happened to you at school. You are bothering Teddy and me."
Kamato doesn't care if others bully his sister.
He is not an ideal brother and does not pay attention to his sister at all.
But Kanato gets very angry about his sister's secrecy and starts yelling at his sister.
He is very angry that his sister has hidden this issue from him.
Kanato doesn't like to face such troubles, so he will punish her and doesn't let her leave the house.
Kanato thinks that if his sister stays at home, no one can bully her and she won't cause any more trouble.
However, if Kanato cares a lot, he might find the person who bullied his sister and kill him.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🎩 Laito Sakamaki 🎩
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"Heeeee . Why really why didn't you tell me about this? Maybe you don't trust your older brother. Well, now I am angry. I have to find this person."
Laito is very upset with his sister.
He is more upset about why his sister did not tell him anything about this issue.
Laito always thought that his sister trusted him and told him all her secrets.
Laito does not tolerate anyone bullying his sister.
He goes to school immediately. After finding that person, Laito will not face him with a smiling face.
Laito will force that person to pay compensation for his work.
Laito tries to punish his sister a little for being secretive.
He does not want his sister to hide anything from him.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🥀 Subaru Sakamaki 🥀
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"What the hell is with those people? I will find them and I will punch them until they break down like a wall and all their bones will break."
Subaru gets very angry.
He becomes so angry that he can destroy everything.
Subaru angrily goes to school to find the person who bullied his sister.
After finding that person, he punches him to death.
That person is admitted to the hospital because of being beaten by Subaru and faces death.
Subaru doesn't care if he kills someone because of his sister.
His sister is the only one who doesn't see him as a monster and the only one Subaru cares about.
Subaru will not allow anyone to hurt his sister.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
📓 Ruki Mukami 📓
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"I can't believe that you hid such an important matter from me. We are a family and you should have told me everything. Maybe it's my fault that you didn't trust me. I'm sorry if keeping this secret made you upset."
Ruki is very sad that her sister did not trust her.
He blames himself that his sister did not feel comfortable with him.
At first, Ruki tries to calm her sister so that she is not upset anymore.
Since Ruki doesn't want to see his sister upset, he goes to school to find that person.
After finding that person, Ruki first tries to ask him the reason for this bad behavior.
If Ruki gets too angry, he may beat that person.
From now on, he pays more attention to his sister to make sure that she does not hide anything from him.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🎤 Kou Mukami 🎤
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"Oh, how cruel. My fangirls bullied you again. My little cat is upset. I make sure they pay for their work."
Kou gets very upset about this.
This is not the first time that his fangirls are bullying his sister.
He finds his fangirls and threatens them that if they bully his sister again, Kou will no longer pay attention to them.
Kou tries to make his sister happy.
He buys a gift for his sister to see her smile.
If his sister is still upset, Kou tickles her to make her laugh.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🍅 Yuma Mukami 🍅
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"What the hell is with you? Why didn't you tell me such an important thing? You are stupid You are very stupid . You have to take me to school right now. I will find those people who bullied you and beat them to death."
Yuma gets very angry after hearing this.
He is more nervous than his sister who has hidden this issue.
Yuma forces her to take him to school and show him the bullies.
After Yuma finds the person who bullied his sister, he beats them.
Yuma is reprimanded by both the school and Ruki for his brutal behavior.
But Yuma blames his sister.
So he forces his sister to work in the garden next to him for a long time to punish her.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🗡 Azusa Mukami 🗡
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"Ahhhhhhhhh. Why ? Why did my dear sister hide this from me? you do not trust me ? Aren't we a family? So why didn't you tell me anything? Please don't hide anything from me anymore. I will not let anyone hurt my little sister."
Azusa's heart breaks because of this.
Since his sister spends a lot of time with him, Azusa imagined that his sister would tell him everything.
Azusa is more upset by his sister's secrecy.
Azusa may not be as strong as his brothers, but he doesn't allow anyone to bully his sister.
Azusa finds that person and blames him for his bad behavior.
That person might beat up Azusa for being a nuisance.
Azusa will never leave his sister alone again.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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iceiclehorned · 9 days
Where only seconds ago March 6th had held a dramatic monologue with her back turned, a fight between Stellaron Hunter and the Nameless being an inevitable part of the script (she thinks, she nevr got too proper instructions compared to the others)…but it was interrupted when she turned around and spotted March 7th.
"Wait a second! Timeout!" She looked in awe at the other, blinking once or twice before letting out a dramatic gasp "Are you like my lost sister???"
She moved over more closely, this was amazing! It was perfect even! A bright smile formed on her lips as she clapped her hands together. "I can't believe it! We've so much to catch up on once I've done my part of the script here! We should maybe get some ice cream! There is this nice place I wanted to check out later..."
It was so nice to have a younger sister finally! She assumed at least she was the older one, she always wanted to be the older one…
(for context march 6th is my stellaron hunter!verse march uwu)
The intensity of the situation had March 7th body straining to its maximum, utilising every acquired skill to fend off the oncoming enemies. There had been a split (as per usual, and she couldn't understand why they bothered to split up sometimes), with her appearance becoming slightly lagged. A flood of destruction in the path of the Trailblazers, only to lead to somebody that looked ominously familiar. It hadn't been until she heard her own voice echoing out did she take the time to peer upward, to see a devious counterpart of herself. At first, she wondered if this had been some sort of prank, but the other's initial response to her existence quickly flipped the script on the matter.
"W--wait, but that can't be right! There's another version of me that's a Stellaron Hunter?"
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Welt and Himeko always took the time to teach the Nameless about remaining cautious in any face of danger. However, could a carbon-copy of her truly count as such? It was like a reflection of absolute cuteness, and despite the uncertainty enveloping her heart, there was some part of her being that wondered if this was a case of cloning. Surely, if that had been the case, a being to mirror her absolute moral-codes and natural disposition of life, the path she chose wouldn't stray from it so absolutely, right?
What if their circumstances to life mirrored, with two different factions taking them in?
"If you are my sister, wouldn't it have been written in Elio's scripts?"
Why would Elio not inform one of his own about something so intricate? Kafka had once mentioned under interrogation that the entirety of a situation is not always knowledge they are privy to, pertaining to the logistics of how his scripts worked. If knowing the right thing at the wrong time could trigger a collapse in THEIR overall plan, then why not inform a person as unpredictable as March's sister (??) about something that could distract her from that overarching mission? Clearly, something was not lining up, but what was she to do when the glaring possibility was in her face?
"Either way... ice cream doesn't sound so bad."
Winning her over was a piece of cake, even if she did not want to admit it. Something sweet to lighten a confusing moment in time was more than enough to have her elevating with joy. Even when the mischievous Trailblazer would spoil her, the lengths somebody as cute as her potential sibling would understand her wavelength would be on a different scale! The idea itself was having her mind swirl around with images of different delights she could indulge in, a stomach giving a rumble in response. Many theories about the workings of this situation surfaced, but the one thing she was terrified of? If the Stellaron Hunters had such big bounties, and March's sister is apart of that circle, would that not mean there's a big number above her head, too?
"W--wait a minute! You can't hurt my friends!"
Reality would catch up with her eventually, disapproval laced in with her tone, but there was also a burning determination not to let anything happen to them. This situation was easily sticky, but there would be no allowance in sight for it to become anything too soppy. Newly developing circumstances blossom at all over the world simultaneously, aiding those in need, as well as those that appeared to already possess a great prowess for utilising situations to their advantage, outside of their karmic region. There would be no way something of this caliber would suddenly distract her from the fierce desire to protect her family.
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death-threats · 1 year
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Hello everyone! I wanted to do a little something for those who have supported me as I came back to the world of fanfiction! I was so nervous about getting my work back out there but the love and support I've gotten has made my little old heart swell.
This is a SAFE FOR WORK event, but I will only be answering requests sent OFF ANON with AGE PRESENT (18+) somewhere in your bio or pinned post! I WILL NOT match up with minors! Please respect that or receive a swift kick in the pants by yours truly. <3
Send me your info here and I'll work my magic! Please read the event rules below the cut before submitting.
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Matchup requirements:
Choose between One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen (sticking to what I know best as to not get overwhelmed uwu)
Include some information about your favorite things! Hobbies, music, animals, etc.! The more detail, the easier it is for me to play matchmaker.
Please include the preferred gender of your matchup, if you have one!
Be sure to include some sort of physical description of yourself! Hair color/height/whatever you’re comfy with!
Please keep in mind that I may not immediately answer your request. I'm only human, after all. Every matchup will be answered, but all I ask in return is your patience. Thank you!
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
You know, i've long wondered whether or not Fodlan being left in a miserable state after CF was intentional on IS's part or not; the fact that shit like “Edelgard ordered a historical play to be shut down just because she didn't like how it portrayed her” is pretty clearly meant to be seen as a “cute girl getting embarassed lol” moment instead of the blatant and horrific abuse of power that it is, along with the information that Edelgard installed a secret police and orders her henchmen to spy on her citizens only being revealed in a throwaway line in a random paired ending, with no acknowledgement of how fucked all that is, leads me to think this might have been unintentional.
Ehhh, I wouldn't say it's unintentional - there's a good bit more in 3H to show off how deliberately villainous Edelgard is. Off the top my head and not including what I already said regarding the endings, there's the facts that Edelgard:
is the only person to be readily okay with sacrificing her own citizens (with the only other people who do the same being TWS and a crazed Rhea who is visibly not mentally stable - a state which neither Edelgard nor TWS are ever in when they sacrifice innocents)
has her path be constantly riddled with direct links to the "need" for mass death ("the pool of blood at my feet," "the scarlet path" Hubert prepared for her to walk, "no matter how much blood flows at her feet" - yes, that is a completely different reference from the first link - etc.)
shares much of her motivation (destroying the Church and eradicating the Nabateans) with TWS
has her route be the only one where the story cuts to the other side so that you the player can see the effect your actions have placed onto the antagonists when you kill their close ones (Claude, Rhea, Dimitri)
is the only protagonist to be explicitly and violently racist
initiates extreme and mass violence for the explicit purpose of imperialism
Along with a myriad of other things, one being that she's, uh, literally called a villain by her creators lmao. And imo, 3H would have done a good job of writing her as such... if it weren't for what this other nonnie points out:
Man if you get rid of the uwu cutesy moments, Edelgard really is a sinister villain. The racism, the victim blaming, her desire for genocide, what you mentioned before about taking out anyone who opposes her and spying on her citizens, taking over a religion and remaking it your way i.e cultural erasure, getting rid of two countries' autonomy over revanchist nationalism. Like holy crap, how does anyone not see this and say "yeah that's definitely villainous". Oh right because she wanted to walk with you, isn't it sad ;_;? Seriously though, Intsys kinda dropped the ball here. Like we could've had a sinister villain and in bits and pieces we get that, but a lot of it is obscured by "I wanted to walk with you sensei~", and "I drew a sketch of you. Don't see it uwu." It's like having a cake with a great batter but you put all your effort on the hard frosting instead.
Her villainous behavior, methods, ideologies, etc. are all obfuscated by the ever-present need for her to still be a waifu that's marketable. Yeah, sure, she's realistically speaking a massive piece of shit to put it lightly, but she wants to walk with you :( and draw you :( isn't it cute when she screams at rats :) and she opens up to you that she's scared of rats actually she trusts you so much :) and she asks you if you're sure you wanna fight with her on CF she cares so much about giving you a choice ignore how choosing to NOT fight for her means getting murdered by her instead :) and look at how sad everyone is to fight her :( Doesn't that endear you, the player spending money on this game and its DLC and its gacha spinoff, to her, the cute waifu who's the main face of the game's marketing and who just cares about you the player oh so much?
It's not that her villainy is unintentional, it's that her marketability takes precedence over her character
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edwinspaynes · 4 months
tell me an unpopular take you have about each of your favorite characters.
Alright, let's do this! They're in no particular order, just the order I thought of them.
Thomas -> Thomas was not only 100% justified in being angry with Alastair in Chain of Iron, but 100% correct to be. Alastair's involvement in the rumors was new information to him, and this is someone that he implicitly trusted despite his better judgment. He has spent years defending Alastair, and this was a massive betrayal of that trust. If someone had talked shit about my family and I had trusted them, I would be pissed, too. Another thing, though I don't think it's actually unpopular: I hate the fandom portrayal of him as someone who can't clean or cook or independently exist. He's a grown ass man who can care for himself.
Alastair -> Unlike a lot of the fandom, I do not want to erase Alastair's past misdeeds from his character. His mistakes don't define him, and he is far more than his mistakes - but those mistakes make him a complex, three-dimensional character who feels compellingly human. I don't like when people interpret him as an uwu poor little woobie or take the headcanon-hammer to make him one. That's not Alastair.
Tessa -> While Tessa is one of my favorite characters in TSC when you consider the historical canon, I find her so hard to stomach in the modern canon. That cardboard cutout is not a natural extension of the character that I loved in TID, and seeing her in the present day makes me so fucking sad that I have to skim or outright skip her scenes. Seeing modern Tessa makes me lowkey glad that my other faves aren't around in the modern canon because they'd probably just get ruined too.
James -> James Herondale is a literal sexual abuse survivor and his "failure to communicate" in Chain of Thorns is a pretty fucked up thing to criticise him for. He's acting in a very realistic way for someone who has just undergone years of sexual abuse, not wanting to be pitied and genuinely feeling sick when he talks about it. Lowkey I get really upset when people are like wHy iS hE sO bAd aT cOmMuNiCaTiNg because that is a hyperrealistic trauma response for someone in his situation.
Matthew -> Matthew is an extremely flawed character. This is why I like him. This is why he is so relatable to me. But my #hot take for Matthew is that I do not think he should in any way be held responsible for what happened with Charlotte in CLS and that the faerie woman should be the one to answer for it. My other unpopular take with Matthew is that I a) liked the J/C/M plotline a lot and b) am actively happy that he did not get a love interest in TLH proper. He needed to work on himself, and he did that, and he was his own love interest and it was perfect.
Cordelia -> Cordelia never led Matthew on, and I get lowkey pissed when I see this take. She's not obligated to love him back, and she's not his therapist. Cordelia was in a really tough spot in Chain of Iron where her dad just died and, from her point of view, James was "cheating" on her with Grace (who, as Matthew said, cannot hold a candle to Daisy). Of course she ran off with her very good friend who had been a steady constant in her life. It's totally understandable and she doesn't deserve the slander she's gotten for it.
Will -> Will is not an asshole in any regard. Will is one of the kindest characters in TSC. His "cruelty" during Curse Era was literally self-sacrificial kindness, and he continued pushing people away to save them despite losing a piece of himself every day. Also, TLH-era Will is the best iteration of Will.
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captainadwen · 2 years
finally hit the scaramouche cutscene in sumeru. it might have been more impactful if i hadn’t seen it before on youtube, thinking it was just another instance of genshin putting relevant character information not in the main storyline, instead of an actual cutscene from the main storyline
anyway jokes aside, my favorite parts of sumeru are 100% when the fatui show up. everything else varies from yikes to boring, - even the dream loop got tiresome after a few repetitions, especially since i had worked out it was nilou’s dream (unspoiled!!!) like 3 whole attempts before the traveler did.
nahida and the traveler come off as SUCH hypocrites when discussing dottore’s mind altering. like, oh she’s so indignant and protective of her people, but it’s fine when she and the traveler torment someone for ‘the greater good’? the discussions about racism and dubiousness of this have already been done so im not gonna comment on it more, but i got kinda pissed off
that said, hypasia getting duped by scaramouche as a god was... good? because what’s stopping him from turning himself into a god, really? not much. he wants to be an archon-type god which is something else, but like... i think it would be interesting to see a god-cult form in real time in genshin, bc it would be a nice contrast from the prior themes of “the time of gods is fading” (ignoring inazuma bc i did not play it all and everyone just conveniently deciding they were okay with their archon again was such a boring take)
ngl, a direction i think this would be really interesting to take would be him doing the god-mind-jump-thingy that nahida does as well and then uh, getting stuck in the body of someone else. rip them but i just think it would be interesting to force scaramouche to co-exist with humans again, in a little human body. (nahida too, but ...)
on that note, as nahida becomes an increasingly one-sided character whose personality is uwu baby my interest in her continues to decrease... they could have taken her character in SO many different angles and they chose the most boring one.
ffs, make this a discussion about the power of gods and the legitimacy of them!!! make it about self-forming gods and what that means in a world where, canonically, the gods are just really powerful being who duked out for chess pieces a couple thousand years ago!!! make it about whether nahida should even be considered a god, since she doesn’t have her gnosis and no one really wants her in any way except “we kinda need an archon to be on the world stage so she fits i guess”...
like, i guess it’s already about those things??? but it also isn’t because genshin’s overarching plot was never examining the dichotomy between gods and humans in a world where divinity is sometimes akin to a political figurehead but can also be the result of cult-like devotion, and to be an archon one does not need to be a god but also just because you’re not an archon doesn’t mean you /can’t/ be a god or revered like one, and the era of archons is actively being pushed away by several of the archons themselves...
anyway nahida should have been selfishly keeping up the timeloop for traveler interactions and she should have accidentally killed dunyazard in the process and that could have served as a catalyst to have her examine her position; not “oh no she is so good :c look at how much she cares for her people :c but they do not love her except for these waifus we also want you to pull U.U”
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mewmewchann · 2 years
you guys want a Memento Rosa song playlist
too bad you’re getting one
(commentary for specific songs under the cut!)
As always if you want to talk about Memento Rosa to me please do!!!
so before anyone asks why some of them are covers: 1) some of them (specifically the ones by Dongdang) are because voiceclaim 2) they sound nice ^v^
fun fact: I actually headcanoned Gira Gira as their Untitled for the longest time. It’s not anymore, but it’s still a perfect song for them
Full unit Cantarella with Kaito was one of the first thoughts I had for this unit. It is a good thought
Ngl, it feels like a crime if I didn’t have Soundless Voice as a song for them. Whole unit, but specifically for Kiyoshi. ... Do with that information what you will.
Le Mal Sorcier is a fun one. Because it’s a mixed unit song! With four people. Two pairs. Oh gee. I sure do wonder who those two pairs are. HMMMMMMMMMMM (...it’s Ennokiyo and Akitoya) also I headcanon it as the theme for the first event story after the main story because it fits way too well
An Unwarare Drunkard is Ennosuke and Kiyoshi’s kamawanaide moment (because both of their voiceclaims have covered it uwu)
Kiss the Villain is Miyata and Matsuoka’s kamawanaide moment
Just imagine Paradichlorobenzene x Antichlorobenzene for a second. Kiyoshi and Matsuoka would get the Para lyrics and Ennosuke and Miyata would get the Anti lyrics. I m a g i n e
“I need to stop giving Ennosuke and Kiyoshi so many songs” “...But Cendrillion with Kiyoshi getting Miku’s part and Ennosuke getting Kaito’s part” “FUCK YOU’RE RIGHT”
What’s this? A hint to a possible VS newcomer specifically for this unit just because I can? Hmmmmmm.
Look I know Genealogy of Red White and Black will never happen because it’s way too dark bUT THEY WOULD ABSOLUTELY SLAY
A lot of this playlist is me just simping for either Hitoshizuku-P or Ado huh ...Whatever they deserve the love
Readymade is 100% an Ennosuke and Matsuoka song. It fits them far too well
As for more character centric songs, Killer Spider is Kiyoshi, Hiasobi is Miyata and Flamma is Matsuoka
...Look I know Fleeting Lullaby and Tot Musica will never happen because they’re already in One Piece Red BUT THEY WOULD ABSOLUTELY S L A Y
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angeltism · 7 months
I may have gotten a little heated . Long ass rant under the cut seriously I think I blacked out and wrote all of this . tw for general mentions of discrimination and slavery
HII THERE have you thought about how fucked up it is I had never even heard about the people part of my FAMILY belongs to outside of slurs and stereotypes ? Do you know how fucked up it is that a character who outright makes fun of the slavery that said people went through and the discrimination they face to this fucking DAY be fucking kyutesified into some "uwu chaotic problematic fave 🥺" ? It makes me want to go feral I swear to god
People barely know about our culture . or , at least , the culture of my granddad . the culture of my great aunt . the culture I would have known about and maybe be more connected to today if people actually gave a fuck about ro.ma , ESPECIALLY people in North America . You barely even hear that they exist . Or you just . Don't . So many people don't even know about the wonderful , colorful culture and only know horrendous , harmful stereotypes . I won't pretend I'm some expert , I'm embarrassingly disconnected from that part of my family and it pains me every day , but I try .
I've heard the word gypsy so fucking much throughout my life without knowing a single thing about the actual culture and that was how my life was for years . I had to specifically ask to know about a piece of me that so many other people just get to Know from the moment they are able to conceptualize what belonging to a culture is . And for my own safety , in a sense , I cannot mention this part of me to some of my own family because of the stereotypes . So much fashion and art is stolen from the traditional clothes and culture of rom.ani people , while they are discriminated against , denied jobs , denied education and killed . There have been so many influential , important ro.ma throughout the ages that are overlooked and ignored . I have never once been taught an ounce about ro.ma in school . I shouldn't need to explain why that's terrible , right ?
Anyone seeing this , if you've taken the time to read all of this , thank you . Please , do me a favor and wonder to yourself how much you truly know about what most call "gypsies" . Spread true information . In fact , I myself would adore finding any credible information about rom.ani culture and history , if any of you stumble upon it . I'm always looking to learn more <3
Um . Yeah this was fueled by rage about people ignoring an entire culture . So so so so so much like seriously wtf . Ha . Ranting over . If you're seeing this , or skipped to the end , I should at least put something of value here . Link to your daily click . Much love ♡♡
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So… while I’m awake at the moment, I’d like to share some of my old stuff from the Happy Tree Friends Amino. I did call it a hellhole in a previous post but ultimately I do think it helped me just to have a platform for my stuff. Legit just kind of want to walk down Memory Lane for a bit. Here’s a couple things I did, some digital, some physical.
At one time I had an ask blog on the Amino for my ship of my redeemed Fliqpy and Lammy, didn’t go as far as I had hoped, but it gave me new things to draw and they turned out super cute! Not posting the questions because I don’t want to show who asked them, but here’s two featuring them having spaghetti and them talking about their relationship.
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Speaking of things involving Fliq and Lammy and them being super heckin’ cute (UwU), “Strong Friendship��. This was a bad joke that I wanted to turn into art for a while, and I think it turned out adorable. Hell, even THAT user I vaguely mentioned told me it was cute when I showed it to them so… yeah, do with that information what you will. This is also where I’ve learned I can’t draw a character sitting down to save my life.
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Ok, now for something that wasn’t just fluff, something I didn’t say about “Away with the Mangled” was that it was actually a remake of an earlier story I made for the Amino. So here’s the title card for that (somehow with an even WORSE title), which helped me explore lighting and hidden details, as well as being the sole gorey drawing in this master post.
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Ok, now for the sketches, and while I’m on a kick with this, here’s the sketch that ultimately led to “Away with the Mangled”. It was originally just supposed to be a one-off spooky sketch, but, well, you know where THAT ended up. Also, sorry for the quality, now y’all know why I do digital art.
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So here’s something I did as a kind of personal life update, this was during the #biceptember trend of 2020, and I wanted to celebrate the progress I did make in working out at the time (I was lucky enough to have a gym nearby at my college). It’s probably the worst one out of the sketches, but I still want to share it since, again, it was tied to personal growth (quite literally). This was also one of the first drawings of my OC Sleepy I made, y’know, before I took him to the gym.
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Finally, same month, previous year. This is the colorized version of this sketch, and I legit think it still holds up. If I am not mistaken, this is the first piece of muscle art I ever did, and for a first attempt, I think it looks pretty good! Because of the trend I only focused on buffing up his arms, and the forearms are off, for sure, but the biceps and triceps, for the time and experience I had, *chef’s kiss*. Ultimately I think this is probably the most important of the images I’m showing because it got me started down the road I’m on now.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c1x3 (technically 1x2? 1x4?) hell hath no fury
Coffee is just like that. He's present during paperwork for once. She's so pretty & looks so good in red & totally deserves to have that short hair. She looked so much better in the earlier seasons & now she's just some lady.
RC: No. Hiding would be building a fortress out of my comforter and then downing a fifth of Scotch, but apparently that's considered unhealthy.
Was THAT espt's voice? Woah. Lol two gay bois moving in together already huh.
KR: Dead guy in a rug. Naturally, we thought of you. JE: Ye Both: : ) uwu
Already jinxing <3
Castle just taking photos
Ok so ik I talk abt the outfits a lot but I love castle's scarf & beckett's coat & rysposito have swapped clothing
Hey, I'm a wise-ass, not a jackass.
Martha <3
I don't care about what people think... much.
Oh yeah even where I live we do roadkill furniture & gear.
[06:00, EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAY] Esposito and Ryan in a dumpster digging through the garbage. They are wearing coveralls to protect their clothing.
ESPOSITO I don't care if it was free. Even if you pay me, I'm still not gonna take that rug.
RYAN You tell me you've lived in New York your whole life, and you never scored a piece of road kill?
ESPOSITO "Road kill?"
RYAN It's an accepted practice, bro. You're done with your old stuff, you leave it on the street for those less fortunate. (waving a (still yellow) banana peel back & forth.) Artists, students, former hedge fund managers. It's trickle-down economics at its finest.
ESPOSITO Yeah, well, I prefer not to be trickled on.
RYAN :D You know that red couch I have? The one you like so much?
ESPOSITO 0n0 Don't you say it, bro.
RYAN 54th and Lex.
ESPOSITO That's gross. Gross. (Ryan laughing.) We are never playing Madden at your place again. (& I was wondering where the fanfictions learned this tidbit. Now I know.)
Btw you DO need to be careful. Dumpster diving is great but u don't want to end up with silverfish. (Happened at my church youth group.) (source: https://scriptline.livejournal.com/18193.html)
Bro never SAID he didn't, never said ANYTHING implying he didn't. He just said that the information wasn't a guarantee that he DID.
RC: Promise not to hate me. KB: I already hate you. RC: Fair enough.
Well, not exactly a friend. She's my interior decorator. But then we slept together, so I don't really know what she is now. WHAT Castle is the one who's kind of slutty, not nikki heat
Creason: *gagging on the coffee, shaking his head wildly* RC: I feel you, man.
KB: Hey, Esposito! JE: Ya? KB: See what you can find on that rug. If one went missing, what room it's from, and maybe who had access. JE: Yeh. KB: Thanks JE, to Ryan who is standing there on his phone: Road trip. RC: You're very good at bossing men around. KB: RC: I've noticed
RC, Through The Glass: You are so lame! You're Lamey McLamester! You're so la-la-la-la-lame!
JB: Mr. Bollinger's my father. Call me Jason. Me: Penis minivan lesbian was my father. Please, call me dick van dyke.
Lol councilman horny
lmao ryan in the background trying to give a gal his number & then he sends poor ryan after the drunk folks peeing in the flower pot & he goes to give the fellow his number even tho she already said she had a bf (well she said it to ryan).
Idk whether to laugh or get offended bc I'm no swerf:
Esposito, Ryan, Castle, and a couple other guys look over the prostitutes' website.
JE Damn! Those are some seriously fine five-star class-B misdemeanors. (XD)
KR: Dude, between you and me, you ever pay for it?
RC: Are you counting my marriages? (XD) KR: *one huff of laughter*
[Ryan clicks to a new page]
RC: Wait, stop! That's the girl in the photos. (See? Police work.)
KR: *sigh* Look at her. If I had your money...
[Beckett approaches and the other two guys takes off] KB: This isn't phone sex, Ryan. You don't just pay for the two minutes that you used.
JE: *Laughs*
Or you could just do it the easy way. (I love the way ryan is just looking back & forth between them & Espt just kinda looks up at beckett before awkwardly watching castle eyebrows HIGH, then beckett goes to hit him w her files; & then rysposito just turn to watch all smiley as she chases him down) No, no, no , no, no. You're the police. I'm just a lonely upscale gentleman looking for a date. Bet I find her first.
We all thought the pro was already there.
Beckett staring at him mad, Espt staring at him (eyebrows down but) interested, & Ryan staring at the box confused. RC: Yeah, just put it right over there. Perfect. Lift with your knees, man. Stay here for one second, would you? Because you guys have been so wonderfully hospitable to me, I just want to return the favor. And because your coffee is basically crap, I got you an espresso machine! How cool is that? Ryan looks at the coffee cup (which he is holding weird, point for the adhd ryan hc), espt is smilin & becks is just unimpressed
Goggles don't help like that but thanks.
Alexis <3 Martha <3
Firefly moments DX
I love Lanie & Kate. LP: Damn girl, you scared me. KB: Lanie, you're surrounded by corpses. LP: Yeah, I don't expect the living after seven o'clock. (So hearing someone talking is a shock.) KB: Funny. Neither do I. LP: I'm an M.E. What's your excuse? KB: Oh, don't be mean. LP: You deserve it. Getting a drink with me after work instead of getting your freak on with writer-boy? KB: Yeah, well, he is annoying, self-centered, egotistical, and completely-- LP: Fun? KB: LP: And take it from me, girlfriend, you need some fun. (Beckett's phone rings) LP: I mean, how bad can he be? KB, on the phone: Beckett. RC: Guess who's got a date with a prostitute! KB: *arms out in defeat*
He is a gentleman. Heck yeah, treat your escort with respect or whatever. True, big thing. Sex is a way to feel connected & men* typically feel more emotionally comfy if they are having sex with that person. Women* typically need the emotional connection to feel comfy enough for sex. Supposedly that's why marriages fail. Men* aren't getting the sex to feel emotionally safe & women* aren't getting the emotional connection to have sex. (*generalizations, probably cishet, etc)
Ryan looks almost normal rn, wearing that shirt & tie. Castle with his sweater today instead of his typical attire. Them all talking about the coffee.
RM: My three-year-old son could come up with a better story than that. Follow the money. Kirby: Hey! Hey! Can I go home now?
"Detective, with all due respect, there's no way in hell I'm helping you start a witch hunt against our top supporters. Now, you want to go through our campaign contributors? Fine. That's a matter of public record. But anything else and you're on your own." I mean he's right
RC: Hey. Finished your homework? AC: Yeah. RC: You want to finish mine? AC: Well, that depends. How much you offering to pay me? RC: Oh, I taught you well.
Kate just doesn't want to be seen appreciating castle's presence as a point of principal.
I figured it out. I knew it was the hair but I finally see where it is changed. I recently saw the 3xk sequel in s4 & Ryan with his "hello fellow kids" look. His hair is too far down. It is not brushed up away from his face, it is slightly curly & falling a little bit down. Plus, the lighting or makeup design has his lips lookin like mine did in japan. (The kids there had an app with filters but I was white so it made my lips way too bright.)
She has a right to see the warrant my dudes. U can't just waltz in there.
Ryan, flipping open his badge all prettylike: Stop running, bro. Campaign's over.
RM: Nice work. Very impressive. *Walking away* Oh, and uh, you, too, Beckett. KB: Sir??? RM: Just yanking your chain, Detective. Just yanking your chain.
Castle does readings like this, they could record it for esposito. (A point for an adhd esposito headcanon except u'r not allowed to be in the military if u have adhd, lucky for me.) (I remember in the pilot he asked for tapes. & then throughout the rest of s1 we can see ryan starting to get into castle's books.)
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bakujho · 2 years
Another rant about another eel
It’s been a while since my last eels rant, but here I am again to rant about good ol’ Jade Leech and how the fandom seems to uhhh… gloss over the canon information we’re given and give him whatever personality they feel like. As always, if you don’t care about canon lore, or the blatant information we’ve been given and prefer house husband uwu soft Jade, carry on and do what you will. I’ll put the rest of this under a cut because it’s likely to get long because I am salty and so so so so so sick of takes that completely ignore his canon characteristics to replace it with uwu baby he’s so soooofft instead. At this point I am BEGGING the EN twst fandom to read more than bad youtube translations of the main story only, and read the card stories and events since the characters get their own spotlight and time to actually dig into their personalities because the uwuification of Jade is the *worst*
So, one of the VERY FIRST THINGS we learn about Jade, is that he enjoys playing with people, and using them to best suit whatever plans he’s aiming to achieve. For example, the conversation in Jade’s robes story spells out REALLY QUICKLY what kind of person he is
Jade: Frightening students so quickly after they entered school….. 
Jade: Don’t you think there’ll be plenty of chances to do that later?
Floyd: Eeh~. If you want to tell people something, isn’t it best to say it straight away? That’s way faster! 
Jade: Of course, that’s one way to do it….. But it’s not preferable. 
Jade: The thing I desire the most is not fear, but chess pieces that can be moved for the sake of Octavinelle 
Jade: And in order to get that, one of the most important things is “public confidence”. And to obtain that, first impressions are crucial
Jade: In addition to the country of origin, hobbies, preferences, the food they dislike and subjects they are bad at…
Jade: I also listed all their MagiCam accounts. I just happened to come to know about those too.
Azul: Oh….. And the ID’s listed under “private”?
Azul: Incredible, could it be that you managed to obtain everyone’s private accounts despite their attempts to hide them? 
Jade: Ah, oopsie. It was so incredibly easy to find, I may have accidentally gone and written all of those down too.
Azul: Oh, how terrible. If this list were leaked, everybody would be oh so troubled. 
Jade: In that case, you should make sure to properly manage the list so that it does not get leaked. 
This isn’t some misunderstanding, or fear of Azul to act, or some other misplaced garbage softboy bullshit the fandom sometimes spouts, he knows exactly what he’s doing, and it’s something that he ENJOYS. It's why he and Floyd work so well together cause Jade will happily fuck with their head before Floyd breaks their bones (standby for the ‘stop uwufying Floyd’ rant cause you know I have one of those too). And Azul knows and takes advantage of that exact fact. None of them are soft uwu babies, they all know what they’re doing, and are exceptionally good at it. 
I’m not sure if this is at large just a “we didn’t read that card or the translation was bad (like the Floyd fish nicknames for affection when it just says nicknames) or read at surface level or inability to understand what’s NOT being said” etc, but I see it a lot. A lot of things about Jade aren’t said outright, because that’s EXACTLY the game he plays to fly under the radar. He’s Monsieur Mastermind for a reason, Rook knows that every single one of his actions and mannerisms is thought out and pre-planned so I don’t understand why some folks out here are refusing to see it, especially when even in universe the characters regularly comment on this exact thing. There’s MULTIPLE instances of Jade using people and being facetious to keep up the facade of Azul’s lackey without much else going for him at all. His magic is understated, he fades into the background and lets Azul/Floyd be the standout Octa students, but he always seems to know *exactly* what is going on and where, and how to manipulate the situation to suit what it is he’s after. 
In his own dorm card he pretends to leave Octavinelle in order to manipulate Vil into doing some free promo work for the lounge, and no one is sure of his intentions the entire time he’s there. Rook and Vil know that he’s using them but can’t quite put their finger on what he’s up to, BUT because he’s so good at his job they let their inhibitions go and let him get on with whatever he’s up to. Jade knows how to act and what to do to get people to trust him, and part of his charm is that he keeps to himself so that there isn’t any negative correlations with him like there are Floyd. It seems everyone is afraid of Floyd’s mood swings, but no one suspects Jade of having any ulterior motive because he’s always so well behaved and kind to people. Even when Kalim is making him tea and he’s thinking to himself that his teeth are going to rot out of his mouth, he keeps up the kind demeanor and drinks the tea, because Kalim could always be a powerful pawn (which he then becomes in ep 4). During beans day 2 Azul mentions that between the twins, Jade is the more dangerous of the two, and who better than the one that knows them best to make the observation. I think it’s pretty obvious that Jade’s favourite type of game is playing chess with those he’s around (he even mentions he likes terrariums because he controls everything inside of them), but I think the focus on mushrooms and mountains sometimes detracts from that. Even sociopaths have hobbies, friends!
And that I think is where it gets confusing for some people, there’s the sociopathic tendencies, but he has friends and likes mushrooms and mountain climbing and smiles genuinely sometimes, so he can’t be all that bad! Except, having things you enjoy isn’t reserved for good people. Plus,  look at the people he’s closest to. Floyd is what I would personally call a psychopath (I know there’s a lot of takes on this, but that’s an essay for another day), and Azul is a few screws loose of being normal himself. They’re all brilliant, but that doesn’t mean they’re good people. Some of the examples I’ve seen for how Jade is ‘misunderstood’ as ‘evil’ are easily debunked by canon, because he almost always says something facetious and creepy afterwards to undermine the ‘sweetness’ of it. Not to mention that good and bad isn’t black and white. You can do good things while still being a bad person and vice versa, and doing good things while being a bad person is Jade’s bread and butter. Twisted wonderland in general is very much about morally grey characters where none are implicitly good or evil, and I think we’ve yet to see anyone *actually* evil, BUT the Octavinelle trio are the closest to classic disney villain bad guy we’ve gotten to see so far. 
To go off topic here a bit, I do wonder if the uwu-fication of the Octavinelle trio as a whole is due to the whole weird purity push that makes it so you can’t enjoy morally grey characters unless you can find the redeeming and good qualities in them. Hmmm. I understand wanting to find the good in people and so on and so forth, but the whole redemption of the villain to be able to like them without getting cancelled or whatever it is is really stupid. Let the shitty characters be shitty, because that’s what makes them interesting. It’s like with Crowley, he’s not a good role model but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad character because he’s a teacher and should be a good role model (or whatever mental gymnastics are there). The point of having a colourful cast is that not everyone is static or good and the characters grow, though sometimes that growth isn’t in a positive way, and that’s okay because it’s fiction. 
Okay back on topic, and back to Jade. 
So if we’re operating on the assumption that not every character needs to be a good person to be a good character, Jade is an EXCELLENT example. He is very multifaceted and if you look at him just on the surface he seems like a really decent dude. He IS very helpful, and he CAN be very kind, and he DOES enjoy wholesome things wholeheartedly, BUT i think boiling it down to those points and ignoring the sea of red flags is the entire point of his character. He wants to fly under the radar and not stand out as a bad-guy. That’s how he gets things done. Even in canon it’s commented on by Trey and Riddle, with Trey being taken in by the good guy act and Riddle mentioning he needs to look beyond the surface because Jade never does anything without reason. I think one of the best examples of how Jade thinks is in Silvers FG card. He immediately changes his tactic when dealing with Silver when the latter balks at Jade mentioning “forcing” the fairies to do anything for them. He immediately sees the change in atmosphere and as such changes the way he interacts with him and takes control of the situation with the fairy to get the results he desires. Silver, being the goodest of boys, doesn’t seem to see the point of Jades plan and words to manipulate both of them into doing the work he needs done. Afterwards, Jade seems amused by Silver’s words that he ‘spoke from the heart’ as if it’s something he himself had never tried. 
Jade: I didn't expect you to flatter them to receive it. You are quite the negotiator, aren't you?
Silver: Negotiator…? I only spoke from the heart.
Silver: If you speak with sincerity, it does not matter if they are human or fae, they will understand.
Jade: From the heart… I see. Well now, that is a wonderful vision.
“Sounds fake but okay” - Jade Leech, probably. This point in the story could be where we see more character development in that Jade learns that maybe shady and underhanded isn’t the best way to go about things, BUUUUUUUT, since the event is an “IF” version of a side event, I wouldn’t count on it happening anytime soon (if at all). Jade is definitely one of the most nuanced characters in TWST (imo) so I think it is easy to miss all of the hints and things that have been scattered between the main story, character stories, voice lines, and events, but once you put everything together I think it it paints a very clear picture what kind of person he is, and unfortunately it’s not the uwu soft boy house husband pushover that most of the EN fandom stuff I see seems to take him for. Again, if that’s your personal preference you do you, but I find it very hard to ignore the information that is SUCH a big part of his character. (Speaking of, I did see a complaint that most of the fandom is with me on the ‘Jade is a sociopath’ front, so like… can someone tell me where to find it cause I always find the opposite) To throw it all out the window to focus on the much smaller parts of his personality I think are doing him and his character a huge disservice by just … missing the point. Jade is a good character BECAUSE he’s a bad person, and because he doesn’t seem to want to be a good person at all. He (and Floyd) enjoy causing problems, and watching chaos unfold, and ignoring it for the less often seen softer points is lame. 
Moving onto how he cares for people. Of course he’s able to genuinely interact and appreciate those that he cares about. His relationship with Floyd and Azul of course is different in nature than it is with anyone else at the school. He’s known Floyd since birth and been friends with Azul since middle school, that being said… that doesn’t mean that there’s no tension there at all. During beans day, Jade mentions he’s glad to be on the opposite side as Azul so that he can challenge him, and can’t wait to see the look on Azul’s face when he loses (rip tho lol). He does provoke Floyd occasionally as well when he’s in a shitty mood, so it’s not as if he’s all sunshine and rainbows with them either. He does after all, fully agree with Azul to wringing the eel slime out of Floyd despite knowing that it’ll be really painful for him, laugh at him when he gets blasted by Riddle at their entrance ceremony and tease Azul after his overblot. In regards to the overblot, of course he’s worried afterwards. Azul is his friend, whereas the same can’t be said for most other people in the cast. Azul is more than a pawn, and though he would likely not hesitate to use Azul if necessary, Azul knows him well enough to help with his schemes openly knowing about any shady reasoning behind it so there would be no reason to. I think as far as friendship goes for him, the only ones he truly opens up to are people like himself (like Azul and Floyd) not because he’s worried that he’d frighten them, but because he wants people that will help him and enjoy the same things as him. His hobbies are his own personal interests so Azul and Floyd not sharing them with him is fine, but when he has the more malicious intentions, as is shown SO many times, he wants to have friends that will increase the chaos rather than trying to diffuse it. Even in his official profile it says that he dislikes being bored. 
One of the other arguments that I had seen about Jade was that he was “canonically shy” and doesn’t like showing his teeth because he’s embarrassed. I think it’s important in these situations to consider the context in which the information is presented. Jade has already said in several places that he doesn’t like when people watch him, and that he doesn’t like when people watch him eat (because he’s got such a big appetite) so taking a conversation such as this:
Ruggie: So in this school, doesn’t that mean Jade-kun and Floyd-kun would have a big advantage?
Ruggie: Cause they’ve got big bodies. And their teeth are sharp.
Jade: Fufufu, I wonder. I would be embarrassed to open my mouth so wide while everyone watches…
Jade: Contrary to everyone’s expectations, I may dawdle too long and be unable to grab an apple.
As facts he’s embarrassed needs to be looked into deeper. There absolutely could be a hint of embarrassment for someone that’s put on such a refined persona to open his mouth that widely since the row (or rows if you’re a pharyngeal jaw believer) of serrated teeth is a frightening view that could completely ruin the image he’s worked so hard to maintain. He does mention in his voice lines that he doesn’t like when people look at him too closely, and I think instead of that being shy/embarrassed or whatever else, it’s more that he prefers watching to being watched. This I think becomes especially clear in his PE story where he feels Rook watching him and seems to be uncomfortable about how much Rook may have learned from watching, though remarks that he probably had gotten nothing from it at all. He spends the rest of the card fufufu-ing with Rook because they’re the same sort of people. They both have their secrets, and they’re both hunters, though of a different type. (Also, Rook is great, Rook haters u suck). The idea that Jade is insecure etc about himself at this far in the game is absolutely absurd. He knows his strengths and weaknesses (are there really any?) and knows exactly how to progress and overcome any obstacle. In fact, when he confronts the Heartslabuyl team/yuu/grim in episode 2 with Floyd, he demands to know why they were spying and challenges them to a fight (then of course proceeds to chase them down with Floyd afterwards) These aren’t the movements of someone that isn’t sure of themselves, and is quite the opposite. 
I think I’ve rambled enough here at this point (we’re at over 2500 words weeeew), but I do think a lot of people overlook the shady and instead focus on the very clear parts of Jade that are present but DON’T make up the core of his character, because again, when characters are nuanced they’re not just one trait. Jade isn’t just a mushroom lover. Not just a mountains lover. Not just a poisoning his classmates for fun enjoyer. Not just a blackmailing his fellow students just because kinda guy. Not the knocking his classmate off his feet with a pie throw guy. Not just a making his close friends dance for his amusement while under his control guy.  Not just a shady mf that has LITERALLY SAID he would tie someone up and drag them to the bottom of the ocean never to be found again if they double crossed him. He’s all of those, and I think putting more weight on the “positive” and “good” traits is doing him a great disservice since those are just the cherries on top of his entire fucked up personality, because lets be real, the shady GREATLY outweighs the cute or soft things he does. And if anyone has read this far and for some reason still thinks he’s soft uwu boy (unironically), I’ll leave you with one of my favourite Jade quotes proving that he’s much shittier than he is soft, which is exactly what makes him such a good character. I could probably talk more about this, but this I guess covers the majority of what I’m salty about.
Indeed. If I were ever to be betrayed like that…I would drive them into a corner, destroy them emotionally, and then tie them up and drown them deep into the sea…Seeing you blame yourself and acting like such a martyr is, pardon my words, truly disgusting- main story ep 4
But no, tell me more about how he’s soft and sweet and misunderstood.
(Translations taken from a combo of the inactive @/twstarchives @/mysteryshoptls and kanadesmusingsblog)
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