#//And now people have material to draw them as a blushy mess
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Yoooo, when I got tagged, I knew it had to be colored in all it’s glory! Was Tagged by: @trafalgar-law-ask​ and template for the Blush Meter Meme is Here. I will be tagging: WHOEVER WANTS TO DO THIS! : ‘DDDD
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Ok but like, what if MC's fandom starts to make ships with MC and the guys. Just think about the ship wars, the fancams, the fanarts, the absolute CHAOS when the brothers find out. It would be even worse if they start shipping MC with the undatables, one day everything is normal and the next day there are ship wars fighting over MC x Barbatos vs MC x Solomon (who are both very smug about it)
The MC's Fanclub are… Shippers?!
Perhaps… The italics blurb has been fulfilling its greater purpose all along…? Perhaps in its state of existential angst, it has in fact developed a plot of its own… An arc of introspection and self-discovery in which its own longing for purpose has forged a meaningful identity… It now has… a story…
As if they couldn't get any MORE frustrating…
He's not an otaku. He's not a part of ship culture. He's not even sure why anyone would care about who dates who around this school, but apparently it's a big deal to some people...
He only became aware of their interest in him and the MC's relationship through some very… subtle clues…
Like the groups that would follow them around in the hallways with their phones out.
Or the multitude of fan rumors about their relationship that Satan spams him with from time to time just to irritate him.
"MC refused hug from Luci in halls today!! Are they bout breakup??? 🥺"
"Tots got pic of kiss today!! Relationship upgrade??"
It only got worse after he found out the MC gets shipped out a loooooot….
If he had to pick his least favorite ship, it'd be MC x Mammon. He can kind of see it with any of his other brothers (admittedly, Levi is also a little mystifying) but the idea of them ending up with Mammon makes his skin crawl...
He once found a drawing of the MC and Mammon in an… explicit position in one of the classrooms and he was so disgusted that he wouldn’t even touch it. He just set fire to the paper outright. Disgusting...
Shipping, eh…? More money making opportunities!
Has some passing idea of what shipping is from Levi and, from what he knows of it, shippers eat cutesy couples stuff right up!! If all he's got to do to make bank is to look all couple-y around the MC then sounds like a win-win to him!
He'll happily pose for a photo or two (paid in advance) of him throwing his arm around the MC or something. Want him to hold their hand? Sure thing!
But since this is still Mammon we're talking about, the second MC actually starts getting into any of it he'll still turn into a blushy, stuttery mess...
For WEEKS the headline picture on so many of their fans' blogs was an image of him turning beet red while the MC kissed him on the cheek. (A fan really got their money's worth there... 😏)
Though he doesn’t exactly like the MC getting shipped with other people, he'll still totally sell pictures of any of them together. He almost paid off an entire credit card with the money he got from the t-shirt sales of the MC and Satan!
If he had to point to one ship he doesn't like it's either MC x Asmo or MC x Levi. His opinion, but Asmo won't treat them right and they could do waaay better than a shut-in. Like him. Ship the MC with just the Great Mammon, got it?
… Lowkey super active in the MC shipping community but is a self-shipper to the extreme.
Like, he never uses his real name on anything (and would probably die from embarrassment if anyone ever found out) but a lot of their fans probably know a couple of his aliases.
He does everything from mod forums, runs a couple blogs, even anonymously posts his own work of him and MC that are totally not his secret fantasy dates or AU versions of themselves, shaddup.
It’s a lot easier for him to keep his involvement secret because he’s hardly at RAD, but the few times he does show up he tries to keep an eye out for anybody prowling for pictures so he can get in a good pose and save the image later.
Mind you, his version of a “good pose” rarely gets more spicy than linking pinkies, but even then he’s still lit up a Christmas Tree throughout.
Naturally, he’s also not a big fan of any ships that aren’t just him and MC and he can find a reason to be jealous at almost anything. But he keeps a special corner of hate for MC x Mammon and MC x Diavolo. Like, the first one doesn’t even need an explanation but MC x Diavolo?? Really??? Do those two even talk?? (please, please, please make sure they never actually talk because a guy like him versus literal royalty? He’d lose MC for sure….!! 😫)
He hates to actually agree with Lucifer on something, but their fans are starting to get out of hand...
Knows what shipping is in concept, he may have done it once or twice to characters in his books, but he was kind of surprised how it could evolve into such a… group activity?
He was pretty quick to pick up that the MC’s fans had a bit more interest in them together than they did when they both were apart…
I mean, those hideous shirts that Mammon was pedaling were kind of a dead giveaway…
Considering he finds their fanclub all rather annoying, even without their bizarre interest in his love life, when they started actively meddling with him and the MC he was ready to smash some heads.
No. He will not stop for pictures. No. What things they do together is none of your business. No. He has zero interest in seeing your explicit fanart and if you don’t start running that will be the last question you ever ask.
He DOES, however, appreciate the cringy “annoy Lucifer” ammo. They could keep that up for a lifetime... 😏
He doesn’t have a least favorite ship because he doesn’t care about any of this, leave him alone. (That’s a lie, it’s MC x Lucifer. He pokes fun at Lucifer, but he can’t stand it either. Big shock, I know 🙄).
Oh he is shamelessly a part of the community, are you kidding?? 
He could practically call “Shipping the MC” one of his favorite pastimes. He’ll openly gossip with their fanclub about who they’ve been with, who they’re seeing, who’s got a chance, etc… He lives for this shit!
He’s the only person who knows that Levi is also in the community and what his aliases are (not because he told him, but because Levi’s not as subtle as he thinks he is… Who else would call themselves “SupremeRuri666” and speak mostly in outdated chat lingo?) but he doesn’t out him because he thinks his very obvious crush is kind of cute. 
Plus, Levi needs the outlet waaaay more than him…
Doesn’t stop him from constantly trolling him and getting into arguments over who the MC would be better with though (the two are “virtual nemeses” as far as Levi is concerned).
Appreciates all forms of expression that comes out of the community (especially the saucy kind 😏) and will happily feed into his own shippers without a care in the world.
Truthfully, Asmo will say that there isn’t a ship he doesn’t like but if someone mentions one that he thinks is kind of “eh,” he’ll just add himself into the mix. “Oh, you like MC x Barbatos? Well how about Asmo x MC x Barbatos? That sounds loads more interesting doesn’t it??”
Oh, Beel… Sweet, sweet Beel… Beel doesn’t even know what their club is doing…
Because Beel has a reputation of being pretty protective of MC - and against the fanclub in general - the club keeps a healthy distance… but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to sneak in some picture or make a SHITLOAD of fanwork about them.
Between classes and practice Beel is a busy guy, so sometimes he just doesn’t notice that there’s people hiding behind trees when he’s out with MC. 
Honestly, his complete ignorance of it all makes it even cuter because when he acts sweet, it’s not just for the camera. That’s the real deal.
Mammon was the one who eventually let it slip that there was even shipping happening and Beel was… kind of creeped out because isn’t this stalking? But also kind of weirdly happy(?) that MC x Beel was so popular… Very conflicted boy here.
He never actually acknowledges the community, though, and just keeps on being Beel (which still gave the fans more than enough material so all’s well that ends well?)
Beel genuinely doesn’t have a least favorite ship (because he believes the best ship is whoever makes the MC happy) but his second favorite under himself is probably MC x Belphie. They look very cute together...  😊
Ride or die, Beel x MC x Belphie. 
Just kidding (kind of), Belphie isn’t into the shipping but if asked he’d be pretty okay with that one.
His campaign against the MC’s fanclub and their attention stealing ways means that he found out about their shipping thing only slightly ahead of Beel when Mammon was trying to get pictures of them napping together…
Honestly, he couldn’t care less if a bunch of weirdos were weirdly invested in their relationship, but he’s not about to let Mammon just make a quick Grimm off of it. Belphie makes sure that he gives him NOTHING to work with. 
Since Mammon is the main dealer, the shippers in both the MC fanclub and Belphie fanclub aren’t nearly as well fed and pretty desperate for anything... You best believe he plays that to his advantage (because it’s okay if he does. He’s not Mammon).
Really helps that MC x Belphie is legitimately a very cute looking couple, carried by Belphie’s cuteness alone if nothing else. Add an adorable MC and you reach levels so cute it could actually melt people into puddles of goo... They could be a registered weapon.
Least favorite MC ships are any that don’t involve him or Beel. Any others may as well just not exist, he won’t even acknowledge them. MC x Who? Yeah, that’s what he thought.
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honey-subs · 4 years
Hi baby! I have a request for Minho from SKZ Basically is about corruption kink😳 he’s shy, insecure and super subby, so his experience in sex is non existent(as mine lol) but there is this girl that is the opposite who didn’t lost the chance to fuck him, please include fingering, rimming and a little bit of degradation, also make him wear glasses, i have a thing for that🥵thank u so much, i love your blog🥺❤️ you are amazing
study - lee minho
a/n — sub!minho, dom!reader, this is out of character for minho, corruption kink, handjobs, degrading, etc.
a/n — left out a few things because i thought they were a bit much for first times, i hope you still enjoy it, though!!
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minho didn’t know what to think when the teacher paired him up with you for a project. you weren’t exactly known to be incredibly nice, quite the opposite.
you were more so known for your player ways, along with breaking people’s hearts. people always did their best to stay away from you, but something about you always drew them in.
minho was chewing his lip the whole time you were talking to him. “we could do the project at my place. here’s the address and my number.” you muttered, quickly scribbling the numbers on a small piece of paper and leaving him with his own thoughts.
you’re on his mind for the rest of the day, durning classes, lunch, and even as he’s getting his things from his locker to go home. he’d always wondered why people were always attracted to even when they knew of your reputation, but now, he was sure he understood. there was something about you that just instantly draws him in.
‘coming over in 30 min, that okay?’ he texted you as he got into his car, pushing his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose. ‘that’s fine, i have the materials here.’ you texted back in less than two minutes. he hummed to himself as he started his car, and began the drive to your house.
it was a fairly long drive, and he found himself wondering why you’d drive half an hour just to go to the school downtown when another was closer. maybe it was something he could ask you soon.
soon enough the drive the drive was over and he had made it to your house. he didn’t know what he expected, but it hadn’t been this.
your house was extremely grand, secure, and decorated. he was sure his jaw had dropped once he saw it, and he became a bit self concious of his nerdy attire in such a grand setting, but did his best to brush it off anyway.
he eyed his bag of books that sat in the vacant passengers seat. he grabbed them quickly before he began to overthink his current situation and back out.
he stepped out of his car, and entered the gate that he assumed to be left open because you knew he was coming. he knocked on the door a few times and waiting obediently and patiently for someone to open the door.
it wasn’t any surprise you him that you were the one to open the door. you both exchanged a small and very awkward ‘hello’ at the doorway before you step aside and let him in.
“would you like something to drink or eat before we start the project?” you asked, attempting to break the ice. “uh, water is fine, please.” he says, and it’s barely above a whisper but you catch it. you nod your head once and go to fix him a glass of water.
you hand it to him and he takes it and thanks you in the soft voice he used before. “so, for the project, i was thinking maybe we could rip bits of old news paper to create almost a nostalgic feel to it? maybe even add the decorative words on the front, but maybe we could even use some of our combined research from the last project on the inside....? if all of that it okay with you, of course.” he rushes at the end, pushing his glasses up on his nose.
“of course, baby. i’ll go get the newspaper.” you murmur, patting his thigh as he tried to fight the blush on his cheeks. you didn’t mean to flirt with him, but once you did, it was fun to see him get flustered. you smirked to yourself once he couldn’t see you anymore, already formulating a plan to see how long you could keep him flustered and blushy.
he’s still red when you come back with the newspaper, legs bouncing quickly. “t-thank you...” he murmurs when you hand it to him. he slides off of your porcelain couch and into his knees, you had to keep from staring at him. the sight was seemingly innocent, but much more in your eyes. there he was, in his knees, looking up through his round glasses at the newspaper.
you grinned to yourself and shook your head to get rid of the sinful thoughts. the project ends up going fast, and throughout, you realize minho i has a lot more personality than you originally thought. he had a great sense of humor, when he wasn’t speaking in nerd-talk, that is. both you had him had a lot in common, which was surprising considering you’re on the opposite ends of the school spectrum.
it was unheard of for your to even think this, but you were kind of ready for the project to move faster so you could have extra time to spend talking to minho. “minho, i thought you were at the top of the class. what is this?” you voice, possibly a bit too harsh. and you think about apologizing, but your thoughts change drastically when you take one look at minho an see how hard he’s blushing. “s-sorry.” he whispers, crossing his legs over one another.
your frown of dismay was replaced with one of sin as you looked at him, and his innocent eyes looked back, seemingly not-so-innocent. “minho, uncross your legs.” you tell him, setting the project town to turn towards him. his eyes widened and he adverted his gaze, cheeks brightening even more. “minho i said, spread your legs.” the dominance that practice dripped from your voice was enough to have a shiver run up his spine.
slowly, he does what you say and uncrosses his legs. spreading them a bit so you could see what he was trying to hide. there was a clear bulge in his khakis, and he seemingly got even shyer under your prying eyes.
it’s like he’s under your spell, because soon enough he’s following your every command. “come here.” you muttered, not taking your eyes off the boy. he slides from his spot over to you, now sitting beside you and still looking down at his hands.
you could practically hear his heart beating in his chest when you use the delicate tips of your fingers to tilt his face up towards your own, and planting a small kiss on his lips. you pull away quickly afterwards, and he practically has stars in his eyes. his lips chase your when you pull away too, wanting eagerly to press his lips against yours again.
he whimpers into your mouth as you continue. you grab his thigh, and pull him into your lap so that his back was against your chest. “wha-“ his words were cut off with a whimper when your lips attached to his neck.
your hands roamed down his white button up and to his khakis, palming him over the tan-colored material. “mm, the schools golden boy.” you murmured as you undid his belt.
he lifted his hips a bit so that you could slide his pants down and off, and you were able to see how much your actions effected him.
“i wonder what they’d think if they saw you like this in my arms, hm? a mess and i haven’t even touched you properly yet.” you mumble softly. “if they saw you being such a little slut for my touch in my arms.” you finish, watching as he closes his eyes and his mouth opens.
“you like that don’t you? being called a little slut for my touch?” you ask, and he doesn’t give an answer right away. “i asked you a question and i expect an answer.” you mutter, gripping his clothed cock in your hard. “y-yes! yes! i-i love it.” he whimpered.
you’re satisfied with his answer and smirk, using one of your hands to trail beneath his now messy shirt, caressing the soft and plush skin of his tummy.
his cheeks redden when you do that, yet he still melts when you do it. his hips raise from your lap a bit so you can slide his boxers off.
you underestimated how much you effected him because his cock was already pretty and red, and steadily dripping precum.
“i-i’ve never....” he lets his words trial off. “touched myself....” he’s obviously embarrassed as he says it, though. “ you really are innocent.” you mutter, taking his cock into your hands.
he whimpered at the touch. he’s surprised by how good it feels when your hand moves up and down around him, starting at a steady pace.
he already feels like he’s on cloud nine with the way you’re sucking and nibbling on his neck. “p-please...” he whimpers. he pushed his glasses up on his nose as he tilted his head back.
“how does it feel, baby? letting me touch you like this. you let me so easily too, an innocent whore for me to use.” you murmured softly, speeding up your hand.
“a-ah! oh my gosh- s-so good-“ he moans, eyes rolling back as he feels the warmth of an orgasm pool into his stomach.
“f-feels funny-“ he whispers softly, thighs clenching together to try and stop your hands, but you use your legs to spread them apart farther.
his back arches from your chest as he squirms. “it’s okay, baby, just let go.” you whisper, and he does what you say when you suck on the sweet spot right below his ear.
he’s practically shaking when he cums, the mere force of his first ever orgasm makes him shiver in pure pleasure. his cum spills over your fist and drips slightly below and onto the wooden floor.
you help him through it and carefully remove your hand and grab some tissues to clean up the mess. you helped him fix his now rinkled clothing, and he was incredibly bashful afterwards.
“t-thank you...” he whispers. “you’re welcome, cutie. you might want to cover those up, though.” you tell him, nodding at the litter of hickies that covered his neck. his cheeks flush as he looks at them.
“let’s take a break from the project since we’re almost done. i want to get to know you more.” you mutter, pushing the project to the side. “o-okay...” he whispers, taking your hand when it’s offered to pull him up and lead him to your room.
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ladytesla · 5 years
Apprentice Madness (1/?) Hobbies
[idfk where this came from.  I just wanted to do a series with the LI’s (and my bae Valerius) and how they act or support an Apprentice with a hobby or odd pastime.  To apologize for weird ideas, I’m using other people’s apprentices (and Selene because I’m selfish).  I may do another Apprentice series one of these days.]
Asra (featuring Sahara courtesy of @atouchofpan )
Hari loves to quilt, it’s a shame she’s horrible at it.
Of course, Asra would never tell her that.  He loves her too damn much.
He takes her to the fabric store way too often so they can look at all the pretty patterns.  They can’t always afford to get everything they see, but sometimes...
Yeah, they keep boxes of scraps everywhere.
On rainy days Asra dumps them all out on the floor and plops down on the couch to watch Hari plan her next project.  He offers his opinions, although they’re not always good ones.
“You should use this fabric.  It has pink on it.”
“Asra, this quilt is going to be blue.”
“That’s why you need this one, to break up all the blue!  Faust agrees!”
When she’s finished a quilt, the stitches are messy and the blocks may not all be lined up, but Asra can’t stop talking about it.  
It immediately finds a place, whether they take it to Nopal to pile on the little bed there, or use it on the couch in the shop...
He may steal a few scraps to make a new sweater for Faust.
Julian (featuring Selene courtesy of me)
A couple of bookworms.  What could go wrong?
They know where every bookstore in Vesuvia is, and its hours.  And the owners.  And whether or not the owner has a dog.  What I mean to say is that they’re ALWAYS looking for something new.
They spend many an evening sitting together at his house in the South End with a pile of books between them.  He has his medical journals, maybe the odd adventure epic or classic mystery, but Selene...
Selene finds the romance novels that are so smutty they would make AO3 blush.
She doesn’t want her smartypants of a boyfriend to find out her reading habits, so she hides them inside bookjackets of really smart-sounding books like ‘Warrior Priests of Hjall’ or ‘Rise of the Satrinava Dynasty, Part 1′.  
Julian knows, though.  He flipped through one of her books once.
No book about ‘Socioeconomic Effects Along the Milovan Spice Road’ would make her turn THAT red.  He quickly found out what was really going on.
He lets her think she has a secret, and fights back a grin as he wonders what sort of unholy shenanigans she’s reading about.
Nadia (featuring July courtesy of @dethwesh )
Nadia is the ultimate sugar mama.  Everyone knows this.
So when she realizes July likes to collect jewelry, she doesn’t hold back.
“Darling, I know I saw you staring at this necklace in the market today, so I decided to surprise you with it.”
She also has elaborate jewelry cabinets commissioned to display his collections.  Hell, even a ROOM if his collection is big enough.
Does he want a servant to help organize them?  Hell, he can have a TEAM of servants to keep everything nice and shiny.
She quickly catches on about what stones and materials he likes best, so obviously that’s what she gives him whenever she feels like it.
He may have to work for it, though  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He may wake up to find her already gone to a meeting, but some of his jewelry on her pillow as a request for him to wear that day.
Imagine them getting wine-drunk and just draping each other with as much jewelry as they can, then laughing and drinking some more and being a gaudy, glittery mess.  #sopure.
Portia (featuring Datura courtesy of @wingcinna ​)
When she first saw him bring out his yarn and needles one snowy evening, she thought it was a joke.  Nope.  The boy can knit, and knit WELL.
Of course, she’s proud as can be.  He’s tall, he’s gorgeous, he’s smart, he has amazing hair, AND he’s crafty.  He’s perfect.  Not that she ever doubted.
In true Portia fashion, she plops right down beside him and demands to be given Knitting 101.  Unfortunately, and despite Datura’s best efforts and loving patience, even though she’s amazing at her job and a kickass gardener... knitting isn’t her forte.  
“Oops, I dropped a stitch...” *throws knitting across the room* “Oops, I dropped all my stitches...”
Despite failing at her attempt, she watches him work with a soft smile on her face, cuddling Pepi so she doesn’t tangle up the yarn.
Speaking of Pepi... Datura made a cat-sized sweater once.  Unfortunately, Pepi.exe stopped functioning and fell over as soon as it was put on her, so it’s only brought out when it’s super cold outside.  Or when one of them has a bad day and needs a laugh.  Or when company’s over.  Or on Tuesdays.
Portia will proudly wear anything he knits for her.  Be jealous, peasants.  Oh, your man bought you a scarf?  How cute.  Mine MADE one.
Lucio (featuring Adelaide courtesy of @julians-chest-hair )
This woman is going to be the death of him.
He’s trying to find her in the gardens (where a servant had told him she was last time she had seen her), and is about to give up when he hears laughter from high up on the lemonstone wall.
Sure enough, there’s Adelaide, grinning down at him.  He knows she likes to climb trees and things, but this may be going a bit too far.  He knows those walls may crumble.  And how the devil did she get up there anyway?
He knows what would happen if he told her he didn’t want her climbing around anymore... so maybe he can create some kind of controlled environment to make sure she stays safe while indulging in her odd little hobby.
And that’s how the castle got its own climbing wall.
If she gets bored of that, he’ll send out inquiries to various places to find some good areas for rock climbing, and buy the best equipment on the market to make sure his favorite girl stays safe.
He’ll make an attempt on the climbing wall when no one’s around to see it, but if he can’t beat Adelaide’s time, he won’t climb with her in public.  He hates losing.  Plus, even though that metal arm of his is strong, it’s not as dextrous as he’d like it to be.
He’ll stay on the ground instead and crow to everyone around about how Adelaide is the best climber around.  Anyone who disagrees is WRONG.
Muriel (featuring Grace courtesy of @apprentice-grace ​)
He was done the minute he saw her sketchbook.  She’s cute, she’s quirky, she likes HIM of all people, and she’s drawing Inanna right now?  Muri.exe has stopped working.
Much like Portia, he’s super duper proud of his bae.  But unlike Portia, he’s quiet about it.  
He loves spending quiet evenings in with her, listening to her pencil scratch on the paper.  
He also makes a point to take walks with her by particularly picturesque places in the forest, just in case she’s looking for inspiration.
If she “accidentally” leaves a drawing or two behind, it will be pinned to the wall “I guess because it has nowhere else to go”.  Pretty soon the walls of Muriel’s hut will look like your grandma’s refrigerator.  
Most of the drawings Muriel likes best are of things Grace sees around her: trees, animals, the stray cat she keeps trying to adopt against its will...  and Inanna, of course.  The ones of Inanna are his favorites.
And Heaven forbid she ever draw him.  He’d be a huge blushy mess if she asked him to pose for her, and it’d be really hard to get him to stop fidgeting.  
“That can’t be me,” he mumbles as he sees the finished drawing.  “I’m uglier than that.”  
And of course Grace is right there to reassure him that she only draws what she sees... which makes him blush even more.
Valerius (Featuring Theodosia courtesy of @disneyprincesswednesdayaddams )
Horseback riding is something the Consul can definitely get behind.
It’s civilized and graceful, and Theo doesn’t look half bad in riding pants.  
Thankfully he took lessons as a child, so he knows how to not look like an idiot in the saddle.
He joins her when he can, and the two often ride through the vineyard together.  
If her favorite horse is one belonging to Nadia, Valerius will bite the bullet and do what he can to buy it from her.
He’ll make sure she has the best saddle and tack for her horse, too.  For safety.  No, he’s not spoiling her.  He doesn’t know what you’re talking about.
He loves to race her.  She’s got a competitive streak a mile wide... and so does he.  But he’s a gracious loser.  
Packing a picnic lunch while riding out to the foothills?  Yes please.
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