#//Actually having a joke that's a joke to both of them? I'm impressed XD!
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therapardalis · 20 days ago
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One of these days, she was going to have to lure Khonshu into Trafalgar Square and wait for him to perch on one of the statues - that would be hilarious! Or perhaps the Tower of London among the ravens, but he might find the torture exhibition a little too interesting.
"Oh yes," She called, a clearly false note of sadness in her tone, "I'm completely heartbroken." Making her way to the door she stepped outside far enough to see him - with a silent hope that no-one else was around to overhear her talking to apparent thin air. She thought about pointing out her lack of interest in kissing the giant bird anyway (except perhaps a peck (pun not intended) of the platonic kind), but not doing so made it funnier.
"What size statue are we talking?" Together with the ongoing question of whether he was keeping an eye on her by proxy, which ... would be kinda sweet, and therefore most likely out of the question. "It might get bored sitting around waiting for me to pucker up."
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Hmph! Not his first time being called a bird species he does not even remotely resemble. He refuses to acknowledge the pigeons he now perches among, that his Avatar(s) love to compare him to. Of course he resents being called a coward for any reason, even if this one was ridiculous.
"Hmm. Your disappointment is noted," he replied, calling the bluff in a way that didn't require him to immediately teleport back down. "Perhaps I shall gift you a statue of mine, in the spirit of the holiday. One that you may offer kisses to whenever your heart desires, not just with greenery present." A statue of a god-- in his pantheon, at the very least-- was nothing but a stand-in for the god in question, so it would achieve the same effect. Not that he was making a serious suggestion.
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mrabubu · 9 months ago
How do you think the turtles from ROTMNT would deal with their feelings if they were in love with someone (be it human, mutant, Yokai, etc.)?
Oh man... Hmmm...
I really hope that wouldn't be a problem if I mostly ramble about Leo (I'M SORRY GUYS THE BLUE TURTLE LIVES IN MY MIND RENT FREE), and maybe a couple of words about the rest. I'll also be talking about both young and adult Leos, so, here we go.
I'll give short opinions on other turtles before Leo:
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Donnie: Would be neglecting his feelings and emotions at first. Even though, in my opinion, he was established as the one prone to romance, I think when he'd actually feel anything towards anyone, he'd be really conflicted, because it's one thing to see this stuff on the TV and all, and another when it's in real life. But once he'll deal with all this mess in his head, he's a real gentleman.
With Raph and Mikey I'm going to refer to @souperwrites words, I hope they don't mind xd
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"Mikey is confident and lovey dovey." And I totally agree with it. I feel like he would be the one who'd have the least problems with his feelings.
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"Raph is shy but very genuine in his affection but also super nervous because of his size and the potential harm he could cause without meaning to." But honestly, I think my friend @daysofmoron could also give their opinion, since they love the red turtle. xd OKAY, NOW MY BOY LEO.
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If start with young Leo, in the show he was always all "EWW!" whenever any sign of romantic love is shown, be it Big Mama and Splinter or Warren and Hypno (at least I remember them being all cuddly, and Leo's was just barfing at them on the background), but I imagine once his own heart goes "doki-doki" for Y/N (let it be Y/N or "you" for now), he's a total mess at first. Remember that episode when they met Jupiter Jim actor, and Leo couldn't even put the syllables together? Yeah, that's him at the start, especially if Y/N doesn't know about his feelings towards them. He'll be trying to impress Y/N but since his emotions are all over the place, he messes up more than usual, maybe even ending up hurting himself (like, he'd try to impress you with his skateboarding skills, but ends up eating concrete because he's too distracted).
And here I'm going to add a bit of my own ideas, because I've been thinking of some scenarios, like, if taking that previous idea with skateboarding, or, more easily, let's take the episode "The Longest Fight" when he fell, I imagine if on the contrary from others you'd actually show any genuine concern about if he's hurt, he'd be like "Oh..." and blushing, because usually his brothers would make fun if him, and here comes in you who doesn't laugh at his failure and worries if he needs help. I think after a moment like this he could begin to feel something.
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And with Future Leo HO OHO I have an entire game reference on how I imagine him handling a romance.
First of all, I think as an adult he would be more confident with his feelings if he ever feels anything towards anyone, because, well, he's an adult now, and because when you at war you kinda already went through a lot to be all this blushing mess over feeling butterflies in your stomach.
So, as a reference, whenever I thought of him in a relationship, I though of a romance with Garrus from Mass Effect. I imagine Leo being kinda awkward, trying to make jokes at first that are much more sloppy than usual. Especially if talking about Garrus, I always think of that scene from Mass Effect 2, when he comes into Shepard's room before the final mission, trying to lighten up the mood, flirt and all, but ends up just being an awkward (but adorable) mess, and saying: "I've seen so many things have gone wrong... I want something to go right. Just once. Just..."
And it's just really easy for me to imagine Leo say that. And instead of touching scars you touch his prosthetic.
And also that dialogue with Liara after "The Lair of the Shadow Broker" DLC, when she asks if you fight for giving Garrus some peace, and you say that he's been hurt and deserves something better.
But once Leo's over all the awkwardness and let himself relax, he's just enjoying this new experience with you, having fun.
This scene with Garrus and Shepard trying the "first date" thing which ends up them dancing tango together. With all the teasing and all, I can easily imagine Leo would do something like that.
Honestly, I think that's it? There are more scenes in Mass Effect with Garrus and Shepard where I could easily imagine Leo would do something like that, but it's a lot. If you know, you know, If don't, well, I hope I was able to gave you an idea.
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idk-i-want-mcl-content · 5 months ago
my candy's profile 💗🦇
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first of all, I want to thank @eldaryasharbinger @queenkamisama and @candysweetposts because they had inspired me to do this with my oc and I completely credit them with the template ideas and everything 💗 I really enjoy reading about your candys!
credit to @cafekitsune for the dividers 💗 (also, I'm going to make a spanish version of this post, but later)
As a warning, this is a REALLY long post, i'm not joking lol I've yapped a lot and there's still a lot of info left xd
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Pronouns: She/her
Age: 24 years old (she's turning 25 the year the game takes place)
Birthday: December 8th
Nationality: Salvadorian.
Languages: Spanish, English and French.
Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual.
Appearance details: She has little dimples that are visible every time she laughs or smiles, has a lot of bruises on her knees and stretch marks on her hips. Most of the time she has eye bags and she straightens her hair, but naturally it has more of a wavy texture. She has body hair.
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Work - Every day - At the beach - Formal/Date
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Relationships dynamics
Devon, main romantic interest: When she first arrived at Devenementiel she was a bit intimidated by Devon, because she wanted to do things right and give a good impression. As time passed, his charisma and kindness made her feel a lot more comfortable and after he helped her in her first solo project, she felt like they were on really good terms. Candy definitely feels attracted to him, but questions if it would be a good idea after what happened last time (she hasn't told anyone on the team about it) - When she had to start looking for apartments and Devon helped her with the interview (he volunteered after seeing how stress she was about it), it was the first time in MONTHS she saw Devon nervous around her. Ironically, he seemed to be enjoying the situation more than her, and the shine in his eyes when he called her "my wife" would be something difficult to forget. ("Didn't you say this would be difficult?" "idk, it was easy to think about you as my wife" "... you said WHAT NOW?") - On Devon's part, there's a lot of qualities of her that he likes, after all he hired her, but he specially likes how passionate and dedicated she is with her work and hobbys, but sometimes she can get way too carried with details and it stresses him lol they're working on it tho.
- Both are ambitious and so, I can see them having constant problems with making time to be together. They sort of mirror each other in the things they value the most and their biggest flaw, so finding a balance it's going to be harder than confessing to each other lol - Candy was quite disappointed with Devon's behavior when Thomas told everyone Roy's habit. She kept herself out of the jokes and everything but when they were deciding whether or not to spy on Roy and she told him how inappropriate it would be (for a THIRD time) for a moment she could tell he was hesitant, but proceded with everyone else except her and Amanda. Days after, when the topic came up again (because Roy did prank them and told them Amanda and Candy warned him): "I should've know you were planning something." "I'll give credit to Roy for the prank, but I was actually concerned for him. " "Candy, we are friends, nothing was going to happen to him" "Devon, believe me, you don't want to go on that hill with me again. I think you know Roy's boundaries, but this is one of mine's" and if bro didn't noticed he was fucking up, it was clear by her tone and glare: It reminded him of her "conversation" with Jason. Roy, coworker and friend: Roy and Candy had good chemistry since the start, mainly because of how easy going Roy is and as time passed they ended up being friends. They like to talk about Roy's swimming competitions and you can BET they were following some Paris 2024 Olympics events.
- They liked talking about TV shows Roy watches and every once in a blue moon when their schedules are free they like to go to the movies with other friends. Wouldn't say their friendship is perfect, because sometimes they but heads when Roy's being way too impulsive but at the end of the day they balance it out. Thomas, coworker: Candy didn't knew how to approach Thomas at first, he and Amanda seemed to her like they were just going to be on co-worker terms, feeling like they didn't have anything in common. Now that she has been working at Devenementiel for some time, she enjoys debating with Thomas A LOT to the point that if Amanda or Elenda see them talking they will literally leave xd.
- They are the type of friends where one ask a seemingly insignificant question and the other answers the most serious way, trying to think logically about it, and the conversation ends up being an hour long lol. In my canon, them and Amanda are like, the moon to Devenementiel's team Sun¿
- Their relationship sometimes can be unpredictable, because they disagree on really important topics and as i've mentioned my Candy heavily dislikes gossips and Thomas isn't as bothered with boundaries as she is, so when in ep 04 Thomas started to talk about Jason's personal life she started to dislike that part of his personality, even arguing with him "How is it that you feel comfortable sharing the personal information of others, but never talk about yourself and when people ask, you ignore them? Isn't it unfair?" And Thomas just gave a half-ass answer. Amanda, coworker: Now, with Amanda it's really funny, because even thought they work in the same department of the company and both have similar work styles she didn't like her from the start.
- She thought Amanda would be the type of person to put others down to lift her own accomplishments, and at the time she didn't really bother talking with her outside of work-related things. After all, she had plenty of coworkers like that in EPMC and even ballet.
- Her perception of Amanda changed with the events of episode 08 and after sitting with her and talking, she found out Amanda thought the same of her, plus she thought Candy didn't took things seriously enough sometimes. But instead of making her angry or offended Candy just laughed because for the longest time they were both concerned about something false, finding it ironic. Amanda was quite puzzled with her reaction but at the end they agreed to try and be friends, which ended up being easier after that first bad impression.
- Candy takes a lot of fashion advice from Amanda and she considers Candy a safe person to talk a little more about her own sexuality, since she mentioned she has dated women before. Since Amanda likes dancing, she's the only one of the team who Candy has show some of her performances (Even thought she has years of experience Candy's really shy of her abilities since she compares herself A LOT with others). All of this trust, of course, has taken them some time to build up but they've become more closed than what people think.
Jason, work rival: Can I just say, that I think this Candy on paper, would have fitted better in Goldreamz rather than Devenementiel? but what's done it's done yk. (in my mind there's an au where she is working at goldreamz but that's a story for another day) - When she first met Jason on ep 02, he didn't necessarily impressed her but she didn't thought he wasn't as bad as Roy mentioned, however, the things she assumed about Amanda ended up becoming true with Jason: His arrogance and constant remarks about him being better than Devenemetiel and Devon in everything annoyed her quickly, and interally she was trying not to take it personally and ignored Jason's attempts to provoke her, something he didn't quite appreciated. "How interesting, Devon, it seems like your new employee is the most professional out of you three." "Better say of the four of us, Jason. Or would you say arrogancy is a desirable quality in a bussiness partner?" "You can interpret it as arrogancy, but I'm prideful of the services my company can offer to our clients" "If you were so confident, at least in my opinion, there wouldn't be such a need to remark it every time you speak. After all, actions are worth more than words, isn't it?" - In general, she doesn't find Jason to be incompetent or anything like that, but she despise that facade of his. If it's canon that Jason searched for Candy's number and contacted her, he would promptly get ignored, not because she doesn't want to answer but knows that's exactly what he wants. - In ep 06 when Goldreamz and Devenementiel's team are arguing, I imagine she wouldn't say anything and just dedicate to analyze and contrast information, retaining a laugh because she finds it so funny when Devon, Thomas and Jason are being sarcastic.
Elenda coworkers, friends: Elenda reminds Candy SO MUCH of her best friend so it's not a surprise they got along pretty quickly, as she did with Roy. She has a soft spot for Elenda tbh, similar to Brune. They are wholesome and Elenda makes her laugh a lot. Even if she has insisted to see at least a video of any of her ballet performances, Candy isn't revealing anything lol. I can 100% imagine them going to a karaoke and BLASTING Crowstorm's songs (picture them not being able to talk the next day at work xddd) either that or pop songs. I imagine they just found each other in a karaoke as a coincidence once, since both were with their own friends, but now they go together.
Brune, coworkers, on good terms: In my headcanons, Brune can speak spanish as her second language so when Candy is burned OUT of speaking french she would exclusively talk spanish to Brune lol They are not as closed as with Elenda, but they do joke around and appreciate the other's sincerity.
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um hello hi and thank u for reading all of this? like wow xd I'm going to continue adding info and as i've mentioned before i'm going to make a spanish version of this post, just for the funsies yk, but that's going to be on another time. Also, I would have been infuriated if I wrote this before episode 08 because my perception of Thomas, who I've had considered my main route, change in an awful way :c Devon too did things I don't like, but for the sake of completing this I chose him (believe me I thought about it a lot of time xddd)
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lord-squiggletits · 4 months ago
Hello! This was for your ‘ask me megop stuff’ post, which I realize I’ve lost track of october so if you’re not looking for those anymore feel free not to answer!! But in case you still want asks!
-How do you think megatron and optimus each react to being sick/who is the worse patient? Or how do they react to each other being sick? (in a scenario where they were in proximity to each other, could be during or post war)
-Do you have any headcanons about hearts of steel megop? Ik there’s not a lot there in canon but still, megatron cannon looks cool XD I have been contemplating if plug n play would work the same way because I’m not sure if a cannon and a train have cables the same way? Or if it’d work the same because they’re alien tech anyways!
-In the spirit of the season, what do you think each of them would wear for halloween if a scenario occurred where they had to dress up, or how do you think they would get out of wearing a halloween costume?
Sickness: I've actually thought about this before and even thought of writing a fluff piece for it in NATP-verse! Idk about who's the better/worse patient, but I think Megatron is actually the best caretaker simply bc Optimus is so active and powerful (their equality is a reason they're attracted to each other after all) that it's rare for Megatron to get the chance to be nurturing and protective towards Optimus. And I think, because IDW Megatron in particular deprived himself of attachments for so long, the act of caring for another person is especially novel to him and so he just loves doing it. Optimus is there all sick and grumpy bc he can't jump off buildings or w/e but meanwhile Megatron couldn't be happier... even the tedious/gross stuff just makes him so happy to have a chance to care for Optimus 😭 I think they're both equally bad patients for the same reason (tough, independent leaders not used to relying on others), but Megatron makes an especially good caretaker/they're both in better moods when OP is sick and M is in charge bc Megatron's latent tenderness simply gets a chance to jump out
Also, this is why it's a really good reason that in Addicted to You, Megatron is the one who overdosed while Optimus is the one who's taking care of him. Bc I think if it was the opposite way around, sore interface array or not Megatron would be doing the hell out of Optimus bc he simply would not be able to resist the combination of needy, desperate, affectionate Optimus PLUS getting the chance to take care of his needs? Actual heaven. (This is basically what happened in Megatron's OP-threesome wet dream anyways so I'm sure that's not a surprise sldkjlsdf)
Hearts of Steel MegOP: None, sadly 😔 I actually haven't read the comic (if there's a full comic? I've seen concept art but that's it). Also yeah, I think that even when they take on Earth vehicle alt modes, they only superficially look like Earth vehicles and their actual composition and interior guts are still Cybertronian. So, cables.
Halloween Costumes:
Joke answer #1: Them showing up to a Halloween party is scary enough as it is, so they just come as themselves
Joke answer #2: They come in dressed as each other (like, paint swap and wearing fake kibble stapled to themselves) and do absolutely uncanny impressions of each other's voices and mannerisms
Joke answer #3: They don't dress as each other but they pretend that they had a personality swap through some unknown technological mishap (or maybe they actually did personality swap) and they fucking prank everyone else bc everyone at the party genuinely can't tell if Megatron and Optimus are telling the truth or lying about the personality swap, or they're like trying to find the hologram devices bc clearly they're actually disguised as each other and there's no way that Megatron could reproduce Optimus' quiet, bleeding-heart self-effacing nature or that Optimus could reproduce Megatron's loud self-righteous declarations, right? lksdflsdk it could honestly go either way as to whether or not they actually swapped or are just pretending
Honestly, I'm not sure I have a NON joke answer for this one akldfjls I hope these answers were satisfying!
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fantomette22 · 7 months ago
Okay but what do you think about each of 'main seven' SoTE NPCs? (Leda, Freyja, Hornsent, Ansbach, Moore, Thiollier and Dane)? Which one is your favourite?
I'm glad you ask! But again I can't have ONE FAVORITE I'm bad at choosing one above all. ALL THE TIME!!!! 😂
Ok anyway I think each of those characters are very well done! Both individually and as a group!
They are all unique and quite interesting and I love their designs! And it is just so rare to have a big group like that of 7 SEVEN WHOLE PEOPLE who clearly have connections and interactions in a fromsoftware title like Hello?!?! (not just implied or in the lore).
Usually we have just a couple of like 2-3 characters per quest who really interact with each others. (and not just acknowledge/know the persons. Like Gideon & co or Sellen/Jerren quest or even Eileen/Henryk/Bloody Crow quest. It's usually a very limited number of npc per quests. Even for Ranni's quest there's not that much characters. As for Oedon Chapel all the characters don't really interact for each other besides Arianna/Adella and it's not positive XD
I found amazing they finally made a group of npcs we can really picture and see for our own eye!
Even if it's just in a cinematic of all of them together once lol or a battle to death. Just look at this...
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I mean, in Bloodborne, many people do agree that, for exemple many important lore characters actually knew each others or even were hunters together at the same time (because it's up to interpretations, simpler and really fun & create cool& crazy stories!) but we can never be fully sure. For exemple did Laurence, Micolash, Rom, Caryll actually went at Byrgenwerth around the same time? If not years/decades apart? Same for old hunters like Maria, Ludwig, Izzy Gratia & co etc did they really hunt side by side and nit years apart?
On the contrary we are sure that Ornstein, Artorias, Ciaran & Gough fought together, same for Gwen & co but we don't really see it in game with our character.
I mean idk how to explain but it feel very impactful and unique to have all this unique characters work together/have links and made us the player, and our characters do quests with all of them! I'm glad Fromsoftaware did that at least!
And can we talk about this masterpiece of a fight and music?!!? they went so hard! omg it was incredible and so emotional! 10/10
Now what do I think of each of them? Oh boy
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Well first they are seven of them. Like the seven guardians of light of kingdom hearts and many other thing. Like the number of runes we got on the main bosses 👀
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This is a joke yes
-Ok let's go with Leda now
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Since that artwork pop out I'm absolutely in love with the aesthetic ❤️ absolutely beautiful! Was very intrigued for sure. A dear a loyal follower of Miquella, what many people wanted to see or be! What an occasion. I appreciated her quickly for helping us!
But the more I advanced in the dlc the more I grew concerned, worried, scarred and even a bit terrified of her! I think no one expected it but she's capable of coldly doing the worst & killed past allies and that's terrifying. We know her sword literally have the blood of the past other needle knights too 😰 Still, I want to give a bit of nuance because it's up to interpretations but perhaps they did killed each others one by one and Leda just didn't kill her old squad all alone scary that things repeat itself... man must have been a big mess I really wonder what went down... probably a big tragedy too.
-Freyja : I really enjoyed her the antic/grec armor! That's so cool. It's so funny but when I met Freyja it went like this :
*Arrived in front of the npc* Hello sir! *talk to the npc*
*Freyja start to speak*
Me : Oh hello Ma'am?! 👀
I think many had assumptions with just the trailer! 😂 Likewise for Thiollier, on first trailer impression I would have assume a woman.
And I'm just so so happy that actually basic trope are swap! It just even more cool I love them so much!! <3
I really like her link with other characters and her quest in the storehouse. Girl is really the strong friend that need help in maths XD also her backstory with Radahn & Miquella is very interesting
-Speaking of Thiollier, I really like the guy too! <3 poor baby just wanted a hug from Trina... same fr I pity him a bit during that but after he calm down I know he's a true homies that will stand with me! I'm very intrigued by his backstory too... fell sad.
-Moore : aww look at this little guy 🥺 who like to collect stuff. So much autistic vibe jckfbh. Anyway he deserved better 😭
-Dane: really mysterious and interesting character for sure. I beat him first or 2nd try I thinK? Not that hard but he don't have weapons and is very strong respect! I like that he leave us message/ stuff around waterfall too
-Hornsent : very intriguing too 🤔 Also I screw up his quest kinda 💀 forgot to help him against Leda before Messmer dcnfnvnjfv also his link with Grandam (scorpion stew etc) and potentially Romina are very interesting! Why Romina? Well when I couldn't beat the final boss I discovered bro invade us just before Romina somehow?! I have no idea how did I missed him ?! So yes he try to block the way to the tower but more directly Romina. And he's a hornsent. So idk maybe there's a connection ?😅
-Ansbach : ah the goat! Of course I like the grandpa with a scythe and a helmet like the cainhurst one! 😂 What can I say I really like this character, he's wise and very kind towards us and looks so cool! He help us a lot. he have crazy ass revelation too O_O the only thing I can reproach him is that he used to work for Mohg and when he was younger probably did some very wild if not awful thing... he really don't feel that now hm? Anyway really like him too!
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years ago
Hey what about the time when I Like You JK realised that mc is more than just a hollow barbie? What bought him to this realisation? Also I'm sooo loving shy kook XD
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When he walks in, he's greeted by.. pink.
A lot of pink.
Your curtains, the counters and and cupboards on the walls of your open kitchenette, the pillows on your little couch, the small heart-shaped carpet in front of it. There's stuffed animals everywhere as well, a folded up mattress and neatly folded blankets in a corner, and he assumes you must pack it up like this after sleeping every day. Your apartment is tiny, after all. There's not much space whatsoever- your living space basically compacted into one big room.
He's not really that surprised. Your apartment, at the first glance, looks exactly like you. Cute, girly, colorful, a little chaotic.
But as he looks closer, things become a bit more.. detailed.
You're off to fetch a towel for his rain-soaked hair, and he's careful not to have his clothes drip all over your floor as he walks around a tiny bit. There's numerous cooking books on a shelf near the kitchen, some in different languages even. Another bookshelf near your TV is absolutely packed with mangas, novels, and many books titled things like 'intelligence of household pets' and others with foreign names.
It's only now that he realizes, he's never actually asked what you did for a living. What your hobbies were. You knew that about him- but he himself knew basically nothing about you.
"There we go!" You chirp, playfully dropping the babypink towel onto his head, making him jump a moment. "I've got a suuper oversized simple shirt here, and a pair of Jimin's sweatpants he forgot ages ago. Just put your clothes in the dryer in the bathroom, I'll turn it on after you're done changing." You tell him, walking towards your couch to grab the TV remote, zapping through the channels.
He's quiet all the way until late, when you're both sitting on that couch, watching the evening news.
"What.. I never asked what your job is." Jungkook wonders, and you look at him at that, a bit surprised it seems.
"I'm an animal behavior consultant." You tell him, and his eyes widen. "I basically.. you know, people give me their cats and dogs and I tell them what the problem is. And how to fix it. If you can fix it." You shrug, reaching out to grab a snack.
"Did you have to study for that?" He wonders, interested now.
"Yep!" You chirp. "Got a masters, wanted to be a vet first but man, I would bawl my eyes out every time I had to put a pet down." You joke. "So I went for a different route, pissed off my parents by studying 'bullshit' as my dad called it, and got a certificate and stuff." You easily tell, not at all with a bragging tone or anything else.
You're pretty.. nonchalant about it.
"That's.. pretty impressive." He says.
"I know!" You laugh. "People think I do onlyfans or something most of the time, but I don't." You giggle to yourself. "Although I did sell feet-pics on discord when I was still studying.." You hum to yourself, making Jungkook himself chuckle. "Hey, a girl gotta pay her bills!" You say, hitting Jungkook next to you on his thigh. "Geez- are you made of only muscle? What the fuck is that?!" You dramatically exclaim, poking his thigh.
"I just.. work out." He mumbles a bit shy, feeling a bit insecure. Do you not like guys like him? Is he intimidating to you? Do you like softer guys more?
And why does he care about that?
"I just work out" You imitate him. "I work out too and my thighs don't feel like that! Though that might also be the three packs of ramyon I shoved into myself last night.." You mumble, poking at your own, way softer flesh.
"You're fine." He reassures softly. "I like your body." He offers- before he turns bright red, realizing what he just blurted out like an idiot.
"Oh damn, Jungkook!" You laugh, playfully shoving your body into his side. "Making moves, my guy!" You say, making him move his head away from you. "I like your body too- well, from what I can tell underneath your baggy clothes." You shrug, and he looks back at you with a mix of wonder and also.. insecurity.
"Yeah well.. I like your.. you know, everything else too." He says.
"Are you confessing to me right now?" You ask, and he shakes his head defensively. "No worries, I was only joking." You tell him, before leaning against him again, watching the TV.
Leaving him mildly disappointed in himself.
Because he kind of wishes he did just confess.
But maybe he just needs a bit more time.
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chacusha · 4 months ago
Visions of Mana review
Non-spoilery thoughts:
I really like this game! I was a bit worried about combat from the demo, but I really like the combat in this game, actually. The different weapons all have their own combos and situationally helpful moves (dishing out a lot of damage, attacking in a wide area, launching enemies, staggering them, etc.), so there is quite a bit of satisfaction in learning different fighting styles for each weapon. It almost feels like a fighting game rather than an action/adventure game, which I like.
I feel like this game successfully captures a lot of recurring elements of the Mana series (multiple weapon systems, finding elemental spirits, familiar monsters and bosses, world in decline, simple environmental puzzle-solving) while also being a fresh story and world with its own rules, which is pretty ideal for me. I also think this game does a better job of merging Legend of Mana worldbuilding elements with non-Legend of Mana elements than any other Mana game, and I find that pretty impressive because the aesthetics kind of clash, in my opinion. But they did a good job of merging them here.
The characters are really fun and I like the party dialogues that happen as you go around the world. I think the game could probably use some sidequests or subplots (rather than fairly simple fetch/hunt quests) to flesh out the world a bit and give the story a bit of nonlinearity (it is *quite* linear, although this is pretty normal for the Mana series (LOM aside)...), but I am not complaining. Even though they were fairly simple, I enjoyed the quests here, and they got pretty elaborate in the end.
The progression and gradual unlock of skills that make your characters stronger is also really satisfying. I'm also a big fan of the way that they incorporated a game mechanic (random corestone drops) into the story, and I felt the corestone ability trading added a bit of depth to the gameplay.
Overall, I rate this game like 9/10. It could be better, but there is a lot here to love and the gameplay is pretty polished (game crashes a lot, though -- be sure to save frequently!).
Spoilery thoughts:
My partner keeps joking that Careena is somehow this world's only Texan. (How come her parents have no accent?!)
Magical girl transformation sequences was SUCH a good idea. I approve. (Is there a way to toggle these back on...?)
The tragedy/tragic backstories in this game are exquisite.
At the same time, I really like the humor and cuteness in this game. It's important to have both in a Mana game, I feel.
I wasn't expecting anti-capitalist propaganda in this game, haha.
I like that there's a bit of a nudge in this game about which elemental vessels to assign to which character. Like, Careena's Wind class has pretty nice passives compared to the others and same with Morley's Moon class -- kind of nudges you to start them off with those classes.
It's interesting having Niccolo in this game be such a nice guy. In most games, he's pretty sketchy and self-interested (although he is a pretty great guy in Trials of Mana too). I like that he's Morley's adoptive dad and Palamena's confidante too.
Val is the himbo we all need.
Hinna 😭 They were so ready to be happy together too. I guess Hinna dying this early means she has a reasonable chance of coming back by the end.
SOMEONE high-up in the development team definitely has a foot fetish. But I like seeing Palamena's stylish footwear so I don't mind.
I'm a big fan of Pikuls for land transport and Vuscav for sea transport. Love that we got Vuscav's theme back for this game.
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Oh snap I'm in The Lion King right now. XD In general, I was a bit meh about the areas featured in the demo (Rime Falls, Fallow Steppe, and Rhata Harbor), but I've been pretty impressed by the other areas. I liked the Charred Passage, Ledgas Bay, Pritta Ridge, Illystana, Dura Gorge (love the music of this one), Deade Cliffs, and quite a lot of the dungeons.
Von Boyage / Professor Bomb is here! Great cameo.
I like how this game strikes a balance between SOM/TOM-style "there is one of each elemental spirit" and LOM/World of Mana-style "there are many spirits for each element" by having one main elemental spirit but a bunch of mini/lesser elemental spirits with a slightly different design (and they're very cute!).
I like how Khoda looks exactly halfway between Sumo/FFA protagonist and Randi. Well done.
Lol, I thought Aesh was going to be evil. I do like how he occasionally goes into "mad scientist" mode, though. The parts of the game where he has bonding time with the party were some of the best. (His initial introduction was sooo good. When you introduce your friend to your other friends and he's the worrrrst, lol. I like how Morley went from jealous of Aesh to Worried Mother Hen lol.)
Overall, I like the boss battles in this game. I like some of them have a gimmick or puzzle-solving aspect to them, and I like that none of them dragged on too long, which is the main thing I hate about modern action RPGs. The Earth Benevodon battle in particular was a favorite -- epic! Some of the other benevodons sadly went down a bit too quickly (I kind of felt sorry for them having to fight my overleveled party XD).
Okay I guess Hinna isn't coming back. I do like the theme here of it being important to accept the death of loved ones. Ephemeral beauty i.e. things are valuable because they don't last forever. (Ever since my partner pointed out this is an extremely common theme in Japanese art, I am unable to unsee it...)
Some of these late game areas are also really beautiful. *o* I really love the floating island, the Entwine Pass boss battle with all the flowers in the background, and the lighting in the corrupted Mana Sanctuary areas.
Being able to see the previous alm contingents (including Lyza's group!) made me emotional. ;_;
Oh snap, I can't believe Passar was the big bad.
I haven't finished all the postgame content, and I'm not sure if I'll have time. I do eventually want to farm all the abilities and play around with different party setups, and I also want to try playing on Expert difficulty and also with Japanese voices, but we'll see.
Overall, I liked the story! You didn't get Hinna back, but you did manage to fix the world, so there is still that bittersweetness that is important for a Mana game.
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karlachismylife · 4 months ago
I think it's easier to live with as time goes on, esp with adhd it's become the background pain of my life lol, flair ups suck though for SURE. What is surprising is how much I can move even though it hurts because of the pressure lol. I used to do ballet stuff so flexibility isn't an issue. And honestly thank you for sympathizing because you have no idea how many people assume that just cause I don't look like I'm constantly uncomfortable and in pain that means I'm not. It's like no dude my feet feel like they're burning and I'm pretty sure my legs are locked to prevent them from shaking but fuck it we ball. I did get prescribed a new medicine though so I don't have to constantly take ibuprofen and it works really well! The pressure is still there but not the pain. Btw you don't have to keep answering these with the hc's if you're low on juice. Just being able to talk about this without feeling like I have to defend my own pain cause I'm younger. It's like if you're under 30 people think you can't possibly have pain XD
(for other comrades - prev post here)
Me and my inner Soap got so stuck on that ballet part, not gonna lie... I smacked him upside his silly puppy head though, don't worry. Jokes aside, though, that's incredibly impressive, wow, you're just a star, aren't you? Cuz I have quite an understanding of how hard it is (mum did ballet and told tales) and I have nothing but respect for anyone who can endure it, honestly, superhuman shit.
Ugh, I already got frustrated with them people on your account. As if they wouldn't give you shit if you demonstrated that you don't feel well. Dumb. I feel like 141 boys wouldn't like that you're kinda masking it, though. They wanna take care of you, for Ghost it's almost the sole driving force of his life, but they all get off acts of service and care, because, well, that's what they are, four big brutal service dogs. So if one of them sniffs out you're hiding how uncomfortable your current seat is or that you got tired of standing, for example, in a checkout queue at the store - there's gonna be so much grumbling, oh boy, and you're getting scooped up immediately to be relocated somewhere you can actually get comfy and relax.
Good thing there's new meds! Already said, Ghost's picking them up and clinking glasses with you to take them together with his drug cocktail, before you get to chase Soap around the house like a dog that doesn't want to take its pills. He would still keep the painkillers always on hand, though, just in case, you know - what if it flares or something happens. And for Price.
Price would SO understand that stupid ass stigma and bias though, because he's actually not an old man and was even younger when he messed up his back, plus he's in the military, so everyone always assumes that he's in his top shape and if he shows he isn't, he just gets dragged by others. Or maybe not dragged, cuz people are rightfully afraid of him, but it's the looks he gets that get under his skin and make him so self-conscious. And the days when you need his help but he can't pick you up properly? He feels like a failure. So all this people talk and internal exhaustion from the constant presense of this shite in your life is very very familiar to him. Letting some steam off while you both just tear apart some ugly ass knob that made a sarcasting note about you when you sat on a free seat in the subway? Sure, Price made that balding bitch almost piss himself for that, but it doesn't mean he won't have some more nice words to say about people like him who decide who gets to sit and who doesn't.
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sizzleissues · 6 months ago
today my bf set me up to fail by telling me i knew someone from a course we did but we'd both "forgotten" each other (which I accepted as I always forget peoples names) but he's his friend so he wants me to re-meet him. So I went ahead and shot the guy a message when i happened to see him in a group chat and it went horribly wrong. 1. Idk how to talk to people and i introduced myself in the most confusing way assuming he'd know who i was eventually. (he was deeply concerned in how i knew that he knew my bf) 2. my bf had mentioned having a gf but didn't tell him my name or much else,
I was just messaging a random guy. Neither of us had ever met. When I confronted my bf about this he SWORE he was in the group chat we'd made for the course I actually went to and i was like "what is his user because i am not in any group chat with his name". Turns out he has a wonky memory and confused his timelines and people.
THEN the guy was like "you text at a lot like 'bf's name'. Wait, are you 'bf's name' "
So now we're joking I'm an ai and he's going to pretend he doesn't know i'm a hologram when we meet in person in three days. my bf is embarrassed. at least now I don't think meeting any of his other friends could go worse than that.
so.... hope i made a good first impression because i think i'll never speak to either of them again XD
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doughguts-art · 6 months ago
Okay okay back with more Bandit questions and observations now!!! Hi!!! First off, what's the model of his gun? Literally just curious, really doesn't mean anything unless I feel like drawing it lmao. Secondly, what's his thoughts on the people in power/the guardians + the queen (I'm lumping the Judge into the guardians)? You said he won't work when he can survive well on his own, but does his dislike stretch out to even wishing harm on the guardians? Actually, does he know if a guardian dies, their Zone dies, too? How knowledgeable is he on the world of OFF's lore and how it functions?? Thirdly, does he have any friends I should know about? You drew him interacting with Project Goldfinch/Just Finch to break up the text in my first ask, what's their relationship? Does Bandit scam him to hell and back, or do they just casually chat every now and then? Fourthly, I VERY BRIEFLY checked out Ask Bandit and here are some observations I made: Uno, how come you ship him with Red from Animal Crossing? Is it cuz they both steal and resell?? If so, that's hilarious and I love your sense of humor. Dos, when drawing him with Elsen 7 I did not know Bandit currently resides in Zone Three, because 7 lives in Zone One. This whole time I was under the impression he travels through Zones for some reason lol? I guess that's my curse of having a handful of ECU Elsen that do that themselves lmao. Last but not least, not something Ask Bandit related, just generally speaking, would you like to see any future doodles I make of Bandit, whether he's interacting with my own OCs or otherwise? If not, I totally get it lol. Sorry if this is too many questions btw!! You're free to infiltrate my inbox with silly questions too if you want, just to make it more fair. Thank you! :]
Apologies in advance, I didn't make any new Bandit art for this post so I'm just linking something I drew in April that I don't think I shared to tumblr XD Answer time!
I modeled Bandit's gun after a Glock?? Kinda?? I didn't really reference a specific model, more like loosely inspired. I probably should create a prop-reference for it, but I haven't yet.
Bandit's dislike for authority does not stretch to wanting to take out the guardians. It would be counter-intuitive to his role as a merchant to kill off his customers by killing off the guardians. Bandit cares too much about profit, and although the guardians are annoying, without them he wouldn't have profit.
Bandit is fully aware on how the world of OFF works, it's inner workings, and other meta things.
Bandit will say anyone is his friend, even if they clearly hate him. Louis would be the only one that would truly think of Bandit as a friend (except maybe my elsen-sona, but they're a mary-sue type oc and should probably not be counted if we're talking in-universe/story lol)
As Finch is the protagonist in my game concept, Bandit will be the merchant selling them items. Finch is distrusting of Bandit, but sees him as a necessity in their mission. I do have an idea where Bandit does steal something from Finch to propel the plot, but who knows if that'll stay in the final lol
Bandit x Redd is a joke ship created by @brandy-elsen (tagging the account it was posted on and not your current account because I do not wanna waste a tag on this I am sorry Brandy AHHSGFG). All the credits to her for the comedic genius. I think you guessed right as to why that ship exists tho. I just drew it for that post because it met the "two pieces of fanart" criteria I set.
Bandit travels the zones, your initial assumption was right. He is only in Zone 3 on the askbandit blog because of the story being told on there. He's gotta refill his stock of sugar manually since sugar happens to be one of the things he cannot magically pull from his pack.
I would love to see future doodles you make of Bandit! I like collecting all the fanart I get and posting it (with credits/links) to his gallery on toyhouse.
I'm terrible with asking questions, but I'll keep your offer in mind if I have any in the future! :D
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a dapper Bandit in a suit
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paper-starz · 2 years ago
/ay itsa me, a idiot that uses Dotty's acc.
/so I was wondering..
/cross over between Seven Sins and Self-aware Swap? Like. What could go wrong? A hand full of self aware puppets, and a handful of literal demons, in which a few have REALLY weird powers.
/Barnaby's ability is so useless that I love it.
YEESSSSSSSSSS!!! I can already see the interactions.....
The Julies
SAS!Julie (smiling through clenched teeth) Thanks.... I did it myself...
(They are both very neutral towards each other. 7S! Julie tries to be friends, but SAS!Julie is a bit defensive...)
The Barnabys
SAS!Barnaby: Oh hey who are- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEGS?????!!!!
7S!Barnaby: Relax man, I'm fi--
(They are both friendly with each other. Both bonding because of their love of jokes... especially the dark ones that SAS!Barnaby tends to make at times.)
The Franks
SAS!Frank: What are you supposed to be...?
7S!Frank: A demon of course! Specifically pride (starts explaining demon hierarchy/ history)
SAS!Frank: (Starts writing EVERYTHING down) Yes! This could be useful for my theories!
7S!Frank: ...Theories?
(They are both friendly with each other. They both share a love of butterflies and they both love infodumping all the research that they have collected. I see 7S!Frank listening to all of SAS!Frank's wacky theories.)
The Eddies
SAS!Eddie: I like your tie
7S!Eddie: Thank you! I like your scar! Makes you look super cool!
SAS!Eddie: Thank you! I got it from Home!
7S!Eddie: W...What?
(They are both VERY friendly with each other. I see both of them loving to chill and hang out with each other. Though, sometimes SAS!Eddie does say something something INCREDIBLY concerning once in a while)
The Poppys
7S!Poppy: Oh my! That smells delicious!
SAS!Poppy: Thank you!
7S!Poppy: We must share recipies!
(They are both friendly towards each other. They like to swap recipes once in a while, maybe even drink tea together. XD. I see them as two old lady friends who gossip.)
The Sallys
SAS!Sally: (Literally just existing)
7S!Sally: Ugh... STOP SHOWING OFF!
(They don't get along well at all. Mostly because 7S!Sally seems to be jealous of her counterparts... well, everything! 7S!Sally does not realize that SAS!Sally needs to be perfect though...)
The Howdys
7S!Howdy: Where the HELL is my counterpart?!
SAS!Howdy: (hiding because he is WAY too scared to even meet the guy).
(They DO NOT get along well. 7S!Howdy thinks his counterpart is pathetic and cowardly, while SAS!Howdy thinks his counterpart is greedy and mean. Also! HE'S. A. DEMON! YOU SHOULD NEVER TRUST THEM!!!!)
The Wallys
7S!Wally: Wanna see a magic trick?
SAS!Wally: Of course!
7S!Wally: WATCH THIS-- (sets a tree on fire)
SAS!Wally: Wow! So pretty! I wanna touch it!
(Both are friendly towards each other! SAS!Wally has lots of things to learn about when he's with his counterpart! 7S!Wally just likes to cause chaos while SAS!Wally tags along.)
The H O M E S
SAS!Home: I LOVE your Wally! He's so cute!
7S!Home: Yes, he is quit-- WHAT IN GOD'S ACTUAL NAME???
SAS!Home: Is... Something wrong?
SAS!Home: Torture... Oh! Hehehe! I guess you could say I run my own special kind of hell over here!
7S!Home (absolutely mortified): And here I thought it was impossible to meet someone as scary as me....
(Both are neutral to each other. SAS!Home is pacified as long as 7S!Home doesn't tell Wally the truth. 7S!Home is both impressed and horrified at Home. Sure, 7S!Home is the literal Lucifer in this AU... but he tortures BAD GUYS! THE ABSOLUTES SCUMS ON THE PLANET. Not... these poor puppets.)
I also see some other interactions like:
7S!Howdy: (talking to SAS!Wally) Pfft! How is my counterpart afraid of you? You're practically harmless!
SAS!Home: (looms over in the back)
7S!Howdy: Anddddd there's the harm.
SAS!Frank: (talking to 7S!Wally) Wow! And what are your special powers?
7S!Wally: Oh! Fire!
SAS!Frank: Oh, do show me!
7S!Wally: I would... but I have nowhere to practice on.
SAS!Frank (points at SAS!Home): There's something you practice on!
(7 Sins Au belongs to @dottyorange!)
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amethystina · 10 months ago
I'm sorry for the sudden ask but if u don't mind me asking, is the one who says this Yohan ? : "Who I entertain is none of your business."
If it's him then ouch 😭
It's Yo Han saying that, yes. Followed by Ga On replying:
"You're right. It's not."
That said, I still haven't decided if I'll actually write this or not x'D At the moment it's just roughly 600 words of dialogue for a possible ficlet set sometime during the later parts of the drama (but before The Breakup), where Ga On gets jealous enough about Yo Han's previous conquests to (accidentally) push things between them to... develop, I guess we could say? xD
But I think the idea needs to percolate a bit first. Since while I find Ga On's apparent penchant for jealousy quite fascinating, I'm also a little wary of the trope itself. It can easily turn into something quite toxic. And while toxic is par for the course with these two, I also want it to make sense for the characters and maybe have a little more substance?
Like, it almost feels a bit cheap to have that whole "I saw these two people do something vaguely suspicious and now I'm grumpy and jealous" cliché?
Then again, Ga On is both emotional and impulsive enough to fall for it x'D Especially if it's coupled with a bit of mild internalised homophobia and guilt over the fact that he "should" be more interested in pursuing Soo Hyun, not feeling jealous over something Yo Han does.
He'd be so annoyed that Yo Han makes him feel all those confusing things and then has the audacity to flirt with someone else.
And I guess the substance would come quite naturally once Ga On reaches the point where he goes: "What if this unspoken thing between us is just another one of his games? Something he does for fun? Because that's just what he's like? I'm just a joke to him, aren't I?"
And also realises that Yo Han doesn't actually owe him anything, so whatever jealousy and attachment Ga On feels is entirely his own fault.
(For someone who doesn't like angst, I sure find ways to include it in many of my fics).
I am tempted to write it, I can admit, especially since it would also include a scene a bit later (as in, a bit after the two phrases above) where Yo Han goes:
"I'm making it your business. If that's what it takes."
Because I like that thought? Or, rather, I'm impressed by Yo Han's creativity when it comes to expressing that "I want you to be the person to entertain me now" but without sounding quite that desperate. He's perfected the skill of never appearing weak or giving other people the upper hand into an art.
So yeah. We'll see. Either way, it's not the project I should be working on right now. So it's not happening anytime soon even if I do decide to write it xD
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stillness138 · 1 year ago
can i ask for two characters: gezras of leyda and thaler? if not you can choose one of them xD
oooh nice, thanks! gonna do both
and cut it because it's gonna get long :D
first impression:
i think i first saw him in gwent actually, and that was when 'silver spies' were still a thing. he was a pretty good card back then. only learned about his character once i watched a witcher 3 playthrough on youtube though. i don't recall it that well, but if i thought anything particular, it was probably "i hope he'll wash his hands at some point soon" because he's literally peeing at the start of the cutscene.
impression now:
he's cool! questionable hygiene aside, i love characters that have like, a thing? as in, a simple but fun premise or at least a surface reading. he's a spy, but very dedicated to the shoemaker cover, and that's how he manages to get by in an occupied land. i like that there's a little throughline with him about appearances often being deceiving. the shoes are one thing, but even further, he seems like a crude, self-serving bum, yet his loyality to Temeria is something so integral it's not even a question. This country really lucked out on devoted spies. Foltest was just that charismatic.
favorite thing about him:
willingness to do anything, no matter how uncomfortable, for the country. i think i like it because it's different from Roche's brand of servitude. again, cdpr is pretty good at writing ocs.
thinking about it now, he reminds me of a few guys i know. rural Temeria is, from an outside view, a cold, wet, kinda bleak bumfuck middle of nowhere, yet Thaler has this air of loving the physical country for what it is - he even mentions that he prefers the travelling more than a different cover like being an innkeep. like it doesn't bother him that it's cold, it seems he finds comfort in it in his own way. i find that kinda sweet.
least favorite thing:
seriously mate wash your hands 😭
i'd also rather cdpr didn't make him a vessel for racist jokes in the first game. (i swear i was looking for the exact clip where he talks about Azar and couldn't find it, i need to play the first game properly...)
favorite line/scene:
[how are you doing?] "A bit like a potato beetle. I keep quiet, stay outta trouble, and live on fucking potatoes."
i saw only a few scenes from witcher 1 and they were dubbed in czech, which adds to the hilarity of it to me, but his voice actor probably had a field day with it. "Nedělej si ze mě kurva srandu, seš zasranej amatér." [Geralt: will you play poker with me? Thaler: Don't fucking bullshit me, you're a goddamn amateur.]
favorite interaction he has with another character:
befriending and handling the three trolls. game Lambert has something to learn from him in that regard.
a character that I wish he would interact with more (or at all):
imagine if he appeared in the second game in any capacity, that would've been fun. in wild hunt, it's the same as with Roche: i wish the entire politics plotline was better. if i had to pick one character, it'd be Letho. there would be a lot of profanities but i actually believe Thaler would have more to say than even Roche at Kaer Morhen.
another character from another fandom that reminds me of him:
again i only know 5 things, and the only method acting spy in elder scrolls is Caius Cosades from Morrowind, whose similarities to Thaler pretty much end at taking a cover story too seriously.
as a side note though, i went to tv tropes to look at character lists in case i forgot about someone i actually do know, and in "sir swears-a-lot" subpage for videogame characters i found Thaler twice; gwent has its own separate mention. legends only.
a headcanon about him:
if Roche likes architecture, i think Thaler really enjoys music. maybe he even plays the lute. i'm also really curious about his youth and how he ended up a spy, but i do think it's quite different than Roche's background. i imagine he had a lot of friends as a kid and a comparably normal home life, but always showed talent for remembering what people say and for getting them to say even more.
a song that reminds me of him:
it's more vibes based than anything, but this czech song, most known from a movie. zmrzlinář means ice cream seller. it's all kinda... reminiscing, nostalgia and trying to find something nice or poetic in ordinary things (and in the case of the movie, in a shitty political regime). short movie version isn't on youtube, so i gotta upload it here.
an unpopular opinion about him:
this is less about the text and more meta, but i genuinely think he has a load of potential for exploring loyality, northern politics, motivation, and tropes or trope subversion (like the appearance thing i mentioned), but people sleep on him because Roche is right there. that's not to say dissecting Roche doesn't have merit - like i said, they're similar, but each has a different approach to what they do and what they believe.
favorite picture:
probably the gwent card. it says what it needs to and is surprisingly fun or even whimsical for a character most known for swearing on every third word. i think that's a neat choice though.
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first impression:
the cat school is, beside manticore, my favourite, so when the witcher expansion dropped i was curious who the leader will be next to Erland or Ivar. i wasn't disappointed. pretty sure i thought he's cute.
impression now:
*gently holds*
where Erland continued performing the trials to create a knightly order, Gezras and the growing cat school did it to protect themselves. it's the witcher dissected towards its core; a cycle of abuse maintained as something deemed necessary despite its harmfulness, out of desperation, out of a sense of belonging, out of losing touch with what's enough and what's too much.
and all that in pursuit of autonomy. Gezras; sold, experimented on, discarded, hunted. the fact the formula used on him was meant to suppress emotion yet ended up doing the opposite is a testament to that - this is about being treated as human. the trials are literally reclaimed, to strengthen other abandoned and thrown-out stray kids. to enact revenge. it's no wonder then that they'd seek refuge with the elves. the cat school was the one that took systemic oppression the most personally.
favorite thing about him:
that he's a unique exploration of the things i just mentioned. i find this very compelling and him relatable on that level, as an abuse survivor myself.
also his gwent card art and the bags under his eyes. that's relatable too.
least favorite thing:
it's meta again because i'm near incapable of judging the character without judging the writer: the little bit there is in gwent leans too much towards the edgy. he does have one voiceline about elven sages which i find especially interesting, but given that his trial ended up enhancing all emotions, if you want to show that somehow, give me rapid mood swings or something like that. gimme nuance!
this is me wanting every minor character to have dimensions.
favorite line/scene:
his flavor text; "Take a contract from Aen Seidhe over a dh'oine any day, as you’re far less likely to receive a knife between the ribs in place of coin."
favorite interaction he has with another character:
i think he actually has no lines or scenes with any named characters apart from the expansion key art where all the founders are together, because unlike the other three, he wasn't in the tabletop rpg books. i do however like his card's interaction with the bronze that happens to have my most favourite card art. there's awesome fanart about it too!
a character that I wish he would interact with more (or at all):
any named elf of his era, naturally, and especially the sages, but i am actually curious how he'd react to all of the other founders. Erland, i think i can imagine, but given both Arnaghad and Ivar ended up opposing Erland, that'd be more interesting. and even Iwan, the founder of manticore school as per the trpg, maybe he'd be the one Gezras would find most common ground with actually. If only for leaving the other three to their squabbles and seeking work and protection in a more equal society.
another character from another fandom that reminds me of him:
this is weird and i'm going to bring it up again, but Gezras reminds me of Allinall's work. weird because these are takes or adaptations of other media - particularly elder scrolls and berserk - but he specifically brings forth similar themes; conflicts of humans and elves, othering and otherness, cyclical abuse, coping mechanisms. the concrete characters i'm thinking of are Allinall's oc from the elder scrolls project and Rosine (and by extension the in-world fairytale character Peekaf) from the berserk project.
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the nameless oc, mostly referred to as "One-Ear", had mixed parents, their human father cut their ear off in an attempt to hide their identity, even though their yellow sclera is undeniably elven. they join (or rather, their vulnerable state of trauma is exploited and they're indoctrinated by) a regime that aims to end material existence. Rosine is also a domestic abuse survivor, a village girl who comes across a promise of power in the form of an evil artifact that turns her into a moth-like elf monster. she starts devolving into bloodthirst and allows for horrible stuff to happen in order to maintain a fantasy of comfort and freedom.
a headcanon about him:
i didn't come up with it, but i love the idea that him and the saber-tooth tiger were buddies.
i think it's safe to assume that he's not actually from Leyda. if he was mutated at Stygga, he more likely was a local kid from Ebbing. I do also think he stayed in Dol Blathanna at some point when the school was wandering around, though.
and maybe that's too shallow, but i like to imagine he did genuinely enjoy being in nature. and if he ever conducted any trials by his own, he might've been notably good at herbology.
a song that reminds me of him:
'To Die' by Allinall (relating to One-Ear), and Peekaf Song (to Rosine).
as for more personal picks, my forever favourite, Nihilist Blues by Bring Me The Horizon (and Grimes); "do you mind if i'm exhumed?"
and Unraveled by Lorn, which is kinda ambient, but i like the harsher noises and associate it with my own search-for-identity oc.
an unpopular opinion about him:
Gezras is more interesting to me personally because of that focus on abuse, autonomy and revenge, and he's already a bit on the side because Erland and Arnaghad's conflict is at the forefront when this era of witchers comes up, but i think Ivar Evil-Eye needs even more love. despite being in the trpg, no one talks about him (he has that in common with Thaler i guess) and that's a disservice to the viper school as a whole, i think it's just as fascinating and has just as much unique and profound stuff to say as the cat school's story.
favorite picture:
his gwent card is in my top 20, but i especially like his reward tree portrait; it's the most detailed likeness we have. the mega tired eyes just draw me in.
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greenelectricsky · 7 months ago
🧵 and 📌 for the ask game!
Hello, Catsie!!!!!!! Thank you for asking!!!!!
🧵Favourite production? Tecklenburg, winning for a hair over our local non replica. Why? Because it's so much more funny there. It's lighter, less serious, but I am under the impression that characters have so much more personality there. Like Gus "falling" from a scene to get more attention from Jennyanydots. Like Munku having fun scaring others when he is Rumpus Cat. Like Misto being an acrobat. Etc, etc, etc. And it has all the numbers, both Peaks and the pollicles, and Growltiger with Billy McCoy song. And it perfectly uses castle ruins!!! It's... I absolutely love it!!!!
And, also because it was a surprise I actually liked it. I thought I would hate it, because of the costumes, but, in the end, I LOVE THEM!!!! (I'm not a fan of "too humanish" costumes in Cats, but well, here, somehow, it worked perfectly!!!)
📌 Oh, I don't have to talk about CGI, good, because I think there is another unnecessary "mistake" (or just something I don't like, as it's my personal opinion XD ). I don't like, unnecessary for me, motivation given to Macavity. I prefer that we don't know, what his agenda is. Maybe it's wanting to be chosen, maybe it's wanting to talk with father, maybe it's a want of power, maybe it's wanting Demeter back, maybe it's something completely different, your choice. Giving him so clear (and boooooooring!!!!!!!!) motivation is... it is destroying my view of Cats, when you can read this show as you like, not how someone tells you should. In my opinion it's one of the most important things in Cats - we don't know. We don't know so many things, and still we all understand a story. It's magical.
Also, please, he doesn't look like a cat who want have another life!!! He is a king of evil, Napoleon of crime, why he would want to leave it all behind? He looks happy, showing off his powers, doing what he wants!
I'm also not a fan of Gumbie cat and Bustopher number (Gumbie is... I just don't know... Not my sense of humor? And Bustopher... I prefer him as a jolly gentleman, not a drunkard and cat eating from bins.) I would completely change Rum Tum Tugger's number, because here he is just... I don't know, not "my" kind of Tugger?
In general I don't like rolling in names not talents. I understand that some of those people are/were great actors, or singers, or dancers, but this is musical, for moons sake, they should take good dancers, singer and actors in one!!! I'm happy you have a great actress/actor, but so what if she/he can't sing? (Yes I'm talking about Gus and Old D.) And so on, and so on. I'm not a fan of that kind of doing and it was absolutely unnecessary.
Don't get me wrong, I like many things in that film (Skimbleshanks' song, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, all those tiny jokes between cats, Victoria's story, Victoria's SONG!!!!!!!!)
Thank you again for asking!!! Lovies!!!!!
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tiredassmage · 9 months ago
For Leo - battery percentage asks - 65%
[battery-percentage themed asks]
65%. How'd they get along with their parents and/or other relatives?
OH, I ACTUALLY HAVE NEW THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS ONE! That I'll also take your thoughts on!
First of all, starting on the semi-more common knowledge of Leo is that Leo didn't get along with either of his parents, lol. Mostly he butted heads with his father, Vorza, but if I'm recalling correctly, his mother was also one of the high-society types we said, and Leo was just never very comfortable in those kind of scenes. There were probably plenty of parties attended where Leo, frankly, couldn't stop messing with the collar of his shirt because it felt scratchy and at least metaphorically suffocating to have to play pleasantries with a bunch of people they only half-knew, at best, or barely knew of at times.
His mother never approved very highly of him either, but Vorza is the one that voiced most of it. Mother's looks were only ever silent, sharply-lined frowns framed by a crooked brow and thick, vibrant lipstick, but Father's disappointment and wrath was always cutting and towering over him. Vorza I think delivered most of his reprimands and... had a bit of a heavy-handed involvement in what expectations Leo grew up with. Be polite, fall in line, behave himself, cut the backtalk, and, eventually, of course, the frustrations that this wasn't hard for his older sister and younger brother to understand, so what made Leo so hardheaded?
So, you can imagine family gatherings and outings were far from Leo's favorite thing. And while I've been chatting with another friend lately, I've also found myself amused Leo and one of my agents, Alucren, must've come out of the same place design-wise for me and I need to stop teasing Tyr about his interest in people with black hair, is kind of the short of it, lol. But long overall story short, I remember bemusement that Leo's the only dark haired kid in the line-up if I recall correctly, so I might've started joking Leo and Alucren might be cousins because ironically they're also exactly the same age. Which has been really amusing to entertain, so I may have found more relations for our kids, if you're down. xD
Because it also implies something really interesting for Alucren and kinda. patches up something I haven't quite worked out for him and that's... that I know, theoretically, Alucren had a positive relationship with his own parents and his three older sisters, but he also refuses to tell me absolutely anything about his parents, so there's nothing particularly conflicting in that potential family-tie. Alucren's family is just heavily involved in domestic projects for the Empire; Alucren's parents were likely either high-profile donors and regular visitors to a number of Kaasi Imperial history and arts museums, or potentially held positions there themselves - and the further back generations and some of the extended family surely did.
Anyway, the capstone of really why this amuses me so much is frankly Leo and Alucren wouldn't get along at face value, lol. Plainly, Leo would think Alucren's an ass (and he'd be at least somewhat correct) and Alucren would share in the majority of Leo's family's disdain for his... [gestures] disorganization? Lack of patriotism for their fine Empire? All I'm saying is that if they are related, they've been dropped at the side of a room by their parents and told to play nice and both of them grimaced deeply about having to put up with one another and Alucren has a by-miles better social poker face than Leo ever did.
And neither of them would be particularly impressed by the other's life trajectory since then. Leo would find him sketchy on principle for being recruited to Imperial Intelligence and Alucren would find some way to make a cutting insult out of course you'd end up a galactic criminal. Family, right? xD
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powerpolyculeshowdown · 2 years ago
The vibes on that Kermit/MsPiggy/Gonzo interview are 👌👌👌 everyone is clearly just having the best time.
Okay, I'm going to info dump about some Muppet stuff for a minute, in case other Muppet fans wish to chime in.
In other Muppet productions, Gonzo isn't always necessarily in this kind of relationship with Kermit and Miss Piggy? He's probably the most like genuine of the other Muppets? The most like... Serious in some ways and able to participate in this kind of vibe? Well rounded! He's more well-rounded than some other characters. (And also I love him because he's a Thing, No one knows what species he's "supposed" to be, and they treat that very much in a non-binary fashion and have leaned hard into that interpretation of it over the last few years and I love it so much.)
But Kermit and Miss Piggy always have this kind of a relationship, there's always some third party that one or both of them are low key into and they are navigating around.
I would say that one could make the argument that over the long haul Kermit and Miss Piggy are in a committed but often somewhat open relationship that they are constantly negotiating and reworking and communicating about (often in exasperated and audience amusing ways, usually to do with the just truly impressive number of boyfriends Miss Piggy has had, and her incourrigeable need to flirt with all guest stars etc), And I think that's probably Canon even though it hasn't ever been that I'm aware of discussed in explicit terms like that?
And sometimes the additional partner is Gonzo, As in this clip.
Actually in Muppet treasure Island, the movie that this was press for (Which, even people involved in other pirate franchises agree is the best most untouchable interpretation of the treasure Island story), Miss Piggy runs into Several old boyfriends (Which may or may not have overlapped with when she was with Kermit), including Tim Curry playing Long John Silver. And it's completely delightful and one of my favorite movies of all time.
Kermit Piggy vibe is my very favorite thing.
Not specifically polycule related, but I really love the episode of The Muppet show where Christopher Reeve was the guest? Original film Superman? And Miss Piggy is so very thirsty over him and he's playing himself but in a himbo/Clark Kent kind of way. One of the jokes being that he was cast of Superman because maybe really and truly he was actually Superman.
And Kermit has some dry comments over the course of the episode, but he really and truly mostly just seems to be like... Yep. That's her. And I love her still.
There's a good clip on YouTube "Miss Piggy in Christopher Reeve's dressing room", short and sweet, If anyone would like. XD
Everything i know about the muppets i learned online so i didnt know there was prescedent to miss piggy and kermit being polyam/open to polyam, im just obsessed w that one interview its so funny they shouldve been nominated to the rgb showdown tbh...
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