#//(doppels) but not enough to save them? do you think he ever feels the need to purge them in the same way god purged out non believers wit
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drwafton · 8 months ago
Made fanart of you-
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I'm sorry if this version of you I made you a God-
"I have to say this art is well done! I wouldn't exactly call myself a god though. Still I appreciate it."
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neonpaperlanterns · 7 months ago
Thanks for the Not my neighbor story! And hey, if you want. Have another story request for it.
Sunny (heh) has to get the... Meat... From somewhere. So, after giving your story some thought. How about this.
Sunny works as one of the Double Doormans' coworkers. Going out to "clean" the entry rooms at other apartments, sometimes their own apartment. And "cleaning" up apartments that had a doorman whom... Failed to notice a few inconsistences with a neighbor. Any body left in a doubles' feeding rampage has to be ultimately dealt with.
Basically what this story idea is about, is Sunnys' work day. Maybe having a near death situation and later getting chewed out metaphorically by his roommate once they find out they got tricked long enough for a double to do some damage. To his suit or to himself, I'll leave up to you.
Maybe carrying that... Meat... For his roommate drew Doubles after him on his way home.
They both know Sunny can handle himself. But Sunny is, ultimately human. And humans make mistakes.
-Sunny Anon
Ps. If you ever wanna draw one of these "Sunny" characters. Give em sunflower glasses please.
[A/n: Since you gave Sunny male pronouns I shall to. Double Doorman will be dubbed Ayna. Which if Google translate is to be believed means mirror in Turkish. Also this took a different turn that I intended. The story kinda go away from me.]
[Part one]
Teeth in the Dark
Sunny scrunched up his nose as he stared at the amount of blood that splattered from the door to the hallway. This one had been messy, frantic even.
That only really happened if the Doppel knew it didn't have time. Or they were desperate. No more discretion, no more tricks, just near mindless slaughter. Doors hung from their hinges, claw marks on the ground, and a pile of bodies.
Ayna really hated when Sunny took these jobs in particular. They said it would draw more Doppel's. Like moths to a flame they would swarm. The smell of blood too tantalizing to ignore.
Sunny hadn't actually encountered any problems with these clean ups before. A part of him thought that Ayna was just being over protective, that they worried too much. They didn't like the fact that this was his job. But Sunny also didn't like them working as a Doorman so he would call it even.
Grumbling under his breath he slapped the mop down. The smell of vinegar and salt filled the hallway. Logically he should start with the walls or inside the apartment. The cheap carpet they furnished them with was prone to staines that took the will of God to remove. But he really hated kneeling down and getting his suit covered in blood. Made him feel dirty and this wasn't the only floor that needed cleaning, let alone the only building. So to save himself just the smallest discomfort he started with the floors first. Even if the runoff from the walls would require him to clean them again.
As Sunny cleaned he was surprised at the lack of body parts. Besides the initial gruesome scene on the first floor there wasn't really anything left.
He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. It was good in the fact that it meant hopefully less people were murdered but bad for him in the fact that the D.D.D were more likely to notice any pieces missing.
The freezer at home was picked clean and the fridge wasn't looking much better. Ayna didn't need to eat every day like him. Doppel's digested slower than human, like snakes. One good meal could tide them over for awhile but it's been awhile since Ayna had a good meal.
Sunny hoped the next stop had more to offer.
It didn't and neither did the next one. Sunny didn't know how to feel about his rising disappointment and crushing relief.
A heavy sigh left Sunny as he carefully packaged what little meat he could scavenge. It feels wrong that he feels so defeated right now. He should be happy that people are dying less. The D.D.D are getting better at their job, he should be celebrating. Yet all he can think about is the fact that Ayna wont get to eat properly.
And he knows it is affecting them no matter how much they are trying to hide it.
Running a hand down his face he slung his bag over his shoulder. Strolling through the facility he kept his gait easy. Exchanged polite goodbyes with any coworkers he passed. Smiled at the gate keeper as he left. Everything he did before meeting Ayna, he did.
Breathing in the night air he looked down at his watch, it was 8 p.m. He had an hour before curfew, if he was not back home before then the D.D.D had the right to search and "detain" anyone they found suspicious.
Still keeping his pace easy Sunny broke out into a light jog. Home was only 35 minutes away. He's done this countless times by now but the worry was still there. Niggling around in the back of his mind.
One slip up was all it would take. He doesn't know what would happen to him if The D.D.D found out. He knows what would happen to Ayna though and he wouldn't let that happen.
Rounding a corner he glanced down at his watch again.
20 minutes till he was home.
Passing in front of an alley a sudden movement caught his eye. Being to slow to react he felt something wrap around his ankle. Sunny felt himself turn sideways as he was yanked towards the alley. The air getting knocked from his lungs as he made contact with the cold concrete of the sidewalk.
"HeLLo~" A voice sang out. The pitch warbly and mismatched as a hand skittered up his other leg. Nails traced along his knee as a gasp left his assailant. Snapping his gaze towards the mouth of the alley he felt himself freeze.
"i'vE SeEn YOu beFOrE~" Sickly green flesh bloomed along the tan arms that held him. Their veins bulging and writhing against the skin.
"yoU ALwaYs SmElL SO strANgE~" It sounded contemplative. Steet lamps flicked to life and reflected off glassy eyes and extended teeth. It's lips smacked as little clicking sounds escaped the wrong mouth.
"LIke US, buT nOt.~" It dragged him in a little further, it's grip a little tighter.
"SHouLd i sTill EaT YOu~" It nuzzled against his calf.
Sunny stopped breathing.
"OR LEt yOU Go aNd LEarN...UnDeRstanD whaT THEY arE doinG~" It searched his face for a moment.
Sunny didn't know what it was looking for.
And then the hands were retreating.
"IT'S alMOsT 9~"
Standing on legs that didn't feel like they could hold him, he looked at the Doppel for a second.
It smiled at him.
Sunny broke out into a dead sprint.
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hirik0 · 1 year ago
In his shadow part 5
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
Young Price/Nik
CW: torture, description of injury, near death expirince
Nik is in bad shape like tortured and stuff but Price saves him they kiss but nik wont remembers because he's delirious
Sometimes being unconscious is a blessing. Because then you at least don't feel the pain but Artyorm would not let him have this. Would not let him have a moment of piece. Everyday till XX caught him was worse then the last one. Honestly he knew when he agreed to the deal that he won't survive it and he dont think its because Kate don't want to pull him but more that they won't let her. So even when the first people got suspicious of him and he didn't leaked any information as a safety precautions for a while, he still got caught. He dont even know how painless breathing feels like, but still he didn't tell them anything. They still think he works for the Russian government and he just never disagreed with them. "Nik, c'mon just tell me, so I don't have to ruin your pretty face", Artyorm says only getting a stuborn look as answer. A fist is colliding with his cheek makes his head snap to the side and for some reason he still has fight in him left. "So now I'm pretty again huh, but noy pretty enough to not replace me the second you think I won't return", Nik spats out getting his nose broken for it. Artyorm is leaning in forcefully grapping his hair, pulling some hairs out the force he's using making Nik his in pain. And that is what he thinks pisses them of the most not one's did he scream since his personal hell began nearly 10 days ago. "Is that why your a fucking rat because your jealous?", Artyorm wispers in his ear, rage and disgust coating his voice. "Does your ego need a stroke that desperately?", Nik asks back smug, knowing that Artyorm is getting frustrated with him not breaking. "You got me in a lot of trouble your lucky your dead body is not rotting somewhere never to be found." "I'm not lucky just stuborn." Another punsh and his nose makes a horrible crunching sound and then flood is surging from his now doppel broken nose. Somebody else is entering the warehouse they brought him two days ago. For the first time Nikolai is actually afraid, because Sasha entered the room, what ever time Artyorm was give to break him was up. Sasha looks over him displeased over how uninjured he appears, but Artyorm used brutal force, if he wouldn't wear a shirt you could see the gigantic black bruises all over his torso and back. "Treated your boy toy quiet well Artyorm, what makes Artyorm rip the shirt if Nikolai to show of his work. Sasha is pressing a finger against his rips causing Nik to squirm and hiss in pain. "Just tell us the name of your handler", Sasha says in a bored tone, like he has other places to be and better thinks to do, but his eyes are betraying him showing how exited he his to hurt Nik. To get the information out of him with all means deemed necessary.
Nik still haven't screamed in pain yet. And he has a concerning amount of knifes in his body now. "Tough littel rat aren't you", Sasha hisses angry, before leaving the room, probably to get new weapons. He returns with a bucket. Nik frowns then the shirt that Artyorm ripped of him is placed over his face. The chair is bulled back a bit so it only stands on the back legs. "Remember to breath", is all what Sasha says before purring some of the water in the bucket over Nik coverd face. He starts to cough instantly starting to panic because he can't breath probably. "Who is your handler?" If he never has to hear this question ever again it would still be to early. He will not say anything, he stalled a lot of time as well. Time in that Kate and John would try to find him, he has to hope the two trying to find him when they learn his cover blow. Well Kate would annoy Jonathan in to helping her of duty, but well he also would look. The piece of cloth gets removed from his mouth, he desperately takes several deep breaths, before coughing from the water he breath in, in his panic. Sasha makes a tsk sound before his mouth is again covered. Ever time water gets pured over his face is worse then the last one, but then finally the bucket is empty meaning he might gets a break from this. "You could have been a really valuable member for the cause, you know if you weren't so intressted in being Artyorms play thing. Shame that your just a traitor, somebody that can't understand our goals." "Thats because you never tell anyone what the goals are, can't understand things if they don't get explained properly", Nik coughs the sentence out. "We need a new elite, after the Revolution that replaced the weak monarchy fought so that just as week people can take over. But we we are strong, we can lead this country so much better." "For that you need survive the attempt to over throw the government first. Because if you fail you end up in the siberia to never been seen again." Nik paid a painful price for speaking the truth. Some of the knifes getting rearrange, moving from mainly his legs towards his arms and shoulder. He's still coughing up water every time he makes a sound he ends up having a coughing fit.
Nik dont know how long Sasha left him alone bleeding and coughing. The sun is setting when he returns and he looks angry. One of the knifes is brutaly ripped out of his arm to be just as brutal being ramed in his thight. He screams for the first time in 10 days. Sasha makes a pleased sound at this, before pulling all the knives out for now. Then his hands get cut free from the armrest. Bloddy cuts around his wrist. He gets pushed to the ground before his hands are ones again restrained. "It's very easy everytime I cut you you count them or say the names of your handler, if you take to long we restart at the first cut", Sasha explains giddy, clearly enjoying this. "Understood ", Nik says, he can do this, he just needs to count how hard can it be? Was it not for the bruises he would not have noticed he when got cut. The knife going through his skin like butter. "One", Nik says while the cut is keep going. "Smart one", the other mutters more to himself but Nik will slip up they all do eventually. "Twenty", Nik groans and then his blood frezzes when he hears the two slow. No No he didn't slow down, the cut wasn't even finished yet just like the others. The recuting stinks but how many recurs can he handel, the new cuts not just cutting the surface of his skin, going deeper, will go even deeper the next restart. "One." Tears are slowly gathering in Niks eyes, the pain just to much, he's still able to not sob the number. "Sixteen." "Restart." Nik knows that Sasha in the end can just restart when ever he pleases. "ONE", he screams in pain, the cut getting deeper again. The tears start running down after the 5th cut for this round, he's still not sobbing he will not give this psycho the satifcation of that. He trys not to scream to much, he needs his voice for as long as possible. He starts sobs after they restart after 25 cuts, the worst is he really is considering to just tell them. They sent him into his dead, he don't need to be loyal to them anymore. "One", he sobs and hears a satisfied noice from Sasha. "Twoo.. you're getting off on this aren't you?" It's just two cuts if they restart don't matter this much now. The sound of metal hitting the ground are sounding through the empty room. Then it burns it burns so badly while some sort of powder is put on his back. He screams in agony, wants to crawl forward away from what ever is hitting his back. A brutal grip his stopping him from doing this. Then the buring stops and he leans forward while crying it hurts so bad. He feels how his body try to pull him back into unconsciousness, but then a ice cold liquid is pured over him. "No passing out the only way this stops either you talk or you die, Nikolai", Sasha says while using one of the other knives he pulled out of his victim, that is pathetically shaking in front of him, from being in pain and because he's starting to freeze.
"TEN", Nikolai screams and then suddenly hear screams from outside. Sasha steps away and Nik just falls to the site. Ugly crying from the pain he's feeling. He owns Kate nothing and still he can't betray her. Knowing she's just following orders, Kate cares or atleast pretends like she does. Always telling him to be careful and she hopes they can get him out soon. He won't get out, blood starting to form a puddle that run out of the deep cuts if his back. He's starting to feel tired and he's so cold, what a miserable death. He is losing the feeling of how much time passed, but Sasha is gone for a while now. Each breath is taking more energy, his eye lids are so heavy and he dont think he was ever this tired. He dont even registers the sound of gun shots or how cold he his, his body is shutting down one function after the other.
Price kickst the door open of the last warehouse of the location Nikolai gave them and stops breathing for a moment. A bloody body laying in the middel of the room. And he just knows it's Nikolai. He and Bravo-3 are rushing towards the man, the least they can do is recover his body. Bravo-3 is feeling for a pulse frowning stripping his glove to feel again. "He's still alive", Bravo-3 says after feeling a weak pulse. "Bravo-0 we found the informant he's in critical condition we need a exfile ASAP", Bravo-3 talks in the radio while Price trys to get the Russian to open his eyes. Nik groans when he opens his eyes a tiny little bit. His vision is blurry and he only sees a blob in front of him. "Nik... lai..", the voice sounds like its coming out of a shitty radio he opens his eyes a bit more and the blob is becoming human shaped. "Nikolai", the voice is still strange but also oddly familiar, this must be what ever his brain decides to show him in his last moment. "Mom?", he asks the blob his brain slowly focusing his eye sight. "No, Nikolai, keep your eyes open we get you out of here", the voice says and he struggles to understand it because of a British accent. The human shape is slowly turning in to a man. He vaguely remembering he saw him before, but he dont know where, but if his brain decides to hallucinate a guy before is death he won't complain. "Jonathan?", he mutters in his curent state he has no idea where this name even comes from. "Yes." He trys to say something but he dont make a sound so the man is leaning in closer. If he wasn't on the verge of death he would have registered the warm air hitting his face. "Goodbye", Nikolai wispers before giving a short and weak kiss on the other man's mouth. The world is replaced by darkness.
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muffinrecord · 4 years ago
Mitsuki Voice Lines
Mitsuki’s voice lines. She’s the one going around, turning normal people into megucas (and then turning them into witches) because she wants to help Kyubey. Mitsuki, Orihime, and Alta are all in the same story (along with Keiko, but she’s dead before the story starts).
Also, Mitsuki is... well, she has a bit of a victim complex. If some of the things she says sound contradictory, that’s on purpose. 
Orihime Hoshimoto | Alta Hamekawa | Keiko Akari
Self Introduction 1: So many pointless people exist in the world. I want to save the universe, but I want to save the Earth too. I will make a humanity I can be proud of... Self Introduction 2: Hello. My name is Mitsuki Kasasagi. Say, are you doing much with your life? Have you ever wanted to contribute to something greater than yourself...?
Story Chapter End 1: I hate her... I HATE HER! I HATE HER! I HATE HER!  Story Chapter End 2: My sister could have finally become a useful person, but she stayed true as trash. What a waste. Story Chapter End 3: I’m going to get rid of all them... All the garbage, and I’m going to save the universe too. *giggle*
Story Select 1: Why was I even born...? Story Select 2: It would be so much better if they all just disappeared...  Story Select 3: I’m a good person. I have worth.  Story Select 4: Why do they refuse to become witches? Story Select 5: I’m better than my family.  Story Select 6: Alta... I’m going to make her suffer. Why does she have to look like my sister?
Strengthening Complete: Now I can help Kyubey even better... Strengthening Max: No one can look down on me now. 
Episode Level Up: Of course you want to know more about me. *giggle*  Magia Level Up: Will this help me save the world too?
Magical Release 1: A hobby? Um... I like to play phone games sometimes. I’m not pathetic about it though, like some people are. *giggle* Magical Release 2: You have to be careful when you play games though. Sometimes you’ll be playing, then the next thing you know, it’s been hours! Magical Release 3: Once, I was playing this game but it kept giving me bad luck... So I made a girl wish for it to end. It was really fun to see people cry about it on the internet. *giggle*
Awaken 1: Kyubey... You and I are going to save the universe. That’s why I was made, right?  Awaken 2: I can’t forgive this world sometimes... I think it needs to suffer in order to heal. My work is vital. Awaken 3: I’m not... bad... I’m good... right? I’m here because... because the world is bad. It’s toxic and gross and... is it really worth saving? Sometimes I wonder...
First Login: One day you’ll make for a lovely witch. But right now, I think I want your company... I can’t say that for everyone, so be thankful, okay? *giggle* Login (Morning): Only truly pathetic people can’t wake up in the morning. But we’re not like that, are we?  Login (Noon): I hate having to make my own lunches... I’m going to have the next girl wish for me to never worry about making lunches again... No, that’s a complete waste... *sigh* Login (Evening): Have you seen Kyubey? I want to go make witches... Well, I guess I can hunt for regular magical girls without him. But why does he always leave me like this? I don’t understand.  Login (Night): A good child goes to bed on time. You’re not trying to keep me awake, are you? I don’t like that. You better shape up. Login (Other): I'm right now hunting for targets... This is a full-time duty. I need to make sure I choose the right people to become energy, after all. Login (AP Full): Hm? Oh, I don’t hunt witches myself. I like seeing them destroy things... Sometimes it’s a bother when there are too many of them, but then I just change cities.  Login (BP Full): Why fight copies of magical girls? It’s not like they can become a witch. There’s no point. 
Tap 1: Don’t look at me like that... I’m a good person. I just get mad at everyone around me... It’s not my fault that people make me angry.  Tap 2: Girls who make deals with Kyubey are all really pathetic, aren’t they? They don’t know they’re being used by him, and they make stupid wishes. I’m glad I’m not like that. No, Kyubey and I are working together. Tap 3: I would like to have a friend, but no one has been a good friend to me. No one wants to listen to me, no one wants to help me. Everyone ignores me. Tap 4: Sometimes I get the feeling Kyubey doesn’t really like me... But that’s impossible, right? Right? Tap 5: Those two girls... I really hate them both. They’re completely useless to society. It’s not enough for them to become witches. I must crush them. I’ll make them hurt, I will... Tap 6: It didn’t make sense that someone like my sister could be a magical girl... But you don’t need to be good to be a magical girl. In fact, maybe some people are chosen to ascend because that’s the only way to give their worthless lives meaning. Tap 7: I like to make girls wish for me to have grief seeds. But sometimes they make me really mad, and I make them wish for something mean. I just like to see the look on their face. Like what, they didn’t expect that someone would stand up to them for once?  Tap 8: Why does she have to look like my sister? Why is fate always this mean to me? Everyone always hates me... Well, I hate them too! This whole world can go to hell!  Tap 9: You keep coming around, huh. You want to turn into a witch that bad? I can help you with that, I can.
Battle Start: Want to save the universe? Battle Victory 1: Taking out the trash. Battle Victory 2: Worthless.  Battle Victory 3: Your life was meaningless, and now it means something. 
Doppel: I’ll make you remember me!  Dying: But... my witch...
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natsumebookss · 4 years ago
Valka Sparks Voice Lines
Here's my first PN character, Valka! She's a genetically engineered magical girl (called an Actress) from a fictional country called Olympia. I've got a whole novel I'm working on about these girls, so this is kind of a crossover AU, but I've tried to cram as much important lore about her as I can in these lines. I've had her concept since high school, so she is extremely important to me.
Self-Introduction 1: Good to meet you, I'm Valka Sparks. People in my country call me Actress Espoir, the girl genetically engineered to become the worst Witch. I came to Kamihama to avoid that fate, for me and for everyone. I'll help you out with whatever you like, as long as it doesn't involve the other factions. It's best for everyone here if me and the other Actresses just look out for ourselves.
Self-Introduction 2: Call me Valka. I refuse to use the other name that man gave me unless it's on my own terms, and that means using it to make everything blow up in his face. I like to think that's the name I would have had if I wouldn't have been forced into this damned contract...but enough about that. You'd rather know what my crew is doing here, right?
Personal Story
Story Chapter End 1: They're using me to breed the worst possible Witch. That's really all I'll ever be to them?
(NOTE: In the original PN verse, Valka's body contains a dark spirit, created by Star Corporations trying to inject both light and dark magic into her at once. This dark spirit is a Witch in the Magia Record crossover, but is something entirely unique and staggeringly rare in the novel concept. Basically, if Valka were to turn, it would be less like a Witch transformation and more like a possession, where she would still be aware of what was going on without being able to do anything about it.)
Story Chapter End 2: If I'm cast aside by humans and hunted down by Actresses, what even am I?
Story Chapter End 3: I'll give my life to save every Actress who was ever made. That's the only way I can atone for what I am.
Story Select 1: The Firebrands are after my power...it's my fault...
Story Select 2: Is that what hope means to them?
Story Select 3: How can I protect the others if I couldn't even protect Xing?
Story Select 4: I can't let the Manufacturer get to Omega! She has to stay human!
Story Select 5: Aren't humans supposed to dream of loving people who aren't like them?
Story Select 6: I won't fail you again...Omega...
Strengthening Complete: I tend to prefer brains to brawn, but I could get used to this.
Strengthening Max: I should be able to stave off the new moon better now.
Episode Level Up: Get away from me now before the Manufacturer turns you too.
Magia Level Up: Hopefully, this takes me one step closer to freeing all us Actresses.
Magical Release 1: I was genetically altered to become the worst possible Witch, so I guess that makes me little more than a living weapon to them.
Magical Release 2: Protecting all Magical Girls is out of my scope, but I know I can at least protect my own kind.
Magical Release 3: I do believe a stronger magical girl of hope does exist, though. When she comes, it won't just be for Actresses...we'll all be freed.
(NOTE: Since Valka and Madoka both have hope motifs and Madoka is seen as a Messianic figure in the anime, I like the idea of Valka being a similar, but more minor prophet, like John the Baptist was in the Christian mythos PMMM taps into occasionally.)
Awaken 1: The Premiere Nebula was formed in honor of a fallen friend. For her sake, I must protect it.
Home Screen
Login (first login): You should be careful around me. Star Corporations and the Firebrands can both take advantage of you being close to me. Though I guess that's not a problem since I'm not in Olympia anymore?
Login (morning): You think I'm up too early? Well, since I fought as the Manufacturer's soldier for so long and I'm an athlete now, I guess this is just normal for me.
Login (noon): In Star Corporations, our diets were strictly regimented. Can't have your soldiers falling ill, can you? I still have to keep in shape for my job, but that's why I still like to indulge now and then.
Login (evening): My Witch's power is tied to the moon, so the more light the moon gets, the stronger I am. On the new moon, my Soul Gem darkens and she tries to come out.
Login (night): I'm used to doing patrols right about now, but the Kamihama girls seem to have things handled here. Time for me to turn in for the night.
Login (other): Actress Soul Gems are different from yours, so I don't know how going to a Coordinator would affect me. But if you need to go, I can give it a shot.
Login (AP full): Omega's my apprentice, so I'm still committed to training her even in an unfamiliar environment. These Witches should segue right into today's lesson.
Login (BP full): Fighting copies feels wrong when your country has sentient clones. But if they can duplicate Actresses, we have to put them down.
Tap 1: You guys don't have Cielflight around here? I guess you could say it's like air hockey, except you play on this big magnetic field. It clears my mind, even though I'm up in the air like always.
Tap 2: Omega and I are reserves on a Cielflight team. She plays defense and I play offense. Unfortunately, that means she still tries to shield me in battle, even though she's still a newbie...
Tap 3: Io always calls me "Valvi-nee," but I don't mind. Battle has turned us into sisters, and besides...I never really did have a cute nickname like that growing up.
Tap 4: Since my magic ebbs and flows with the moon, strategy's the name of the game for me. If I didn't have my wits, there's no way I'd be able to beat someone like Alarice on an off day.
Tap 5: What would I have wished for? Probably for my dad to be president. He campaigned when I was little, worked hard...but still couldn't beat the Manufacturer's influence.
Tap 6: My last ex abused me for being an Actress, so love isn't really a thing for me. With the way my powers are, I'm even too weird for Actresses...though sometimes I wish that wasn't true.
Tap 7: Yachiyo Nanami interests me. She's a lot like how I used to be, and I've gotta say...sometimes I'm jealous of how much support she gets from everyone here. The Nebula's all I have back home.
Tap 8: The Manufacturer wanted me to be his beacon of hope. But now I want to be that same light for the Actresses. If I can do that, I feel like that would make up for everything I've done.
Tap 9: My dad was single, so he asked the Manufacturer and Star Corporations to create a baby for him. That's where I came from, and why they still think they own me.
Battle Start: Okay, so here's the plan...
Battle Victory 1: I believe that's checkmate.
(Since she loves strategy games, I had to use this one even though it's similar to Oriko's.)
Battle Victory 2: As long as Star Corporations sees me as their chosen one, I have a reputation to keep.
Battle Victory 3: That's how it's done! Remember this for next time, Omega.
Doppel: *strained* I have to...keep it together!
Dying: The Manufacturer will never win now.
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