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coffeebooksrain18 · 3 months ago
And what if i say that the reason why they made Rhaenyra queer was to get more people on TB and show how ''progressive'' they are compared to the ''conservative'' TG? idk maybe i'm overthinking it but it definitely left me with a weird feeling as a queer person myself. especially since they had her kiss mysaria of all people. the whole thing just feels very calculating from the writer's side tbh and i'll even go as far as to say that they're using emma's real life identity as a shield to deflect criticism about Rhaenyra's terrible character
I completely agree. I'm bi myself so seeing Rhaenyra being Queer always felt off to me. And with Millie it wasn't as prominent only a fan theory, but with Emma a open Trans and queer person any criticism of Rhaenyra being queer instantly makes you homophobic which me and you Anon both know we're not.
But they really use Emma as a shield for anything. Criticism on their writing skills and how they ruined the story "well your a homophobe or transphobe". Especially when it comes to the writing of Rhaenyra herself.
I love Emma and think they are a amazing actor, and I think they could have done Rhaenyra justice. But these writers changed her so much in the name of "inclusiveness" but instead it makes her seem bland and one noted.
Tha k you for the ask Anon!
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reco-obsessed · 3 months ago
what's going on fella is like to share my reko bc I always found silly cute
i hc that sometimes reko makes random motorcycle sounds when she's alone because she really likes the way it feels in her mouth
(Sara caught her doing this alone one time, reko doesn't know)
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caught her purring. kitty cat ass
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surly-sara · 2 months ago
I need your opinion on Sylus's Ordinary Traces new card from the New Year event... because I cried SO MUCH reading it! He's such a complex character and I love him so much 🥹♥️
Okay so I loved this card so much, and it also broke my heart. You are so right, he is such a complex character. Here's a person who has seen the absolute worst of humanity, who has suffered at the hands of the worst of humanity and retains every single memory of ever 1600+ years of both his persecution before he was captured and his solitary confinement, his brief flare of happiness with MC that was snuffed out with his self-sacrifice so that she could continue, only to be cursed by her and forced to live again and again with all of his memories, without her---this absolutely traumatized, sweet young dragon, carrying all of that around inside him, goes to the new year's market year, after year, after year, just to experience being around humanity at its best, because all he's ever experienced aside from MC is humanity's worse. And he goes there, alone, every year.
Part of me wonders if he was looking for MC at the market every year, wondering if maybe this will be the year he finds her. But they didn't mention that in the card. Just that the previous year, he had decided that he was done going. What made him give up? Was it too painful seeing all the happy couples, as he stood there alone amidst the crowd, alone as he had been for most of his existence through the long years? it reminds me of the twins' anecdote where he's sitting alone in the theater, waiting for the music to begin, before they try to kill him. Sylus is so alone. Has always been so alone, neither dragon nor human, reviled, feared, hunted. It's heartbreaking. So I can only imagine what he was feeling---a sort of helpless, incredulous emotion as MC is asking for reassurance that he actually wants to be there with her. Of course he wants to be there with her. He's been waiting lifetimes, and in this lifetime, he has waited years to be able to go with her, to hold her hand amidst the sea of happy people and be able to belong, to be a part of it, instead of once again an outsider, an other. but of course he's Sylus, and he can't say all that out loud or he'll combust or some shit. He's gotta just keep playing it cool and reassure MC in the best way he knows how--using the language of hunter and prey, captor and trap-- without saying all the real, soft words without the pretense of him being the dangerous prey and she the hunter who caught him against his will. him trying to be all nonchalant about being able to experience this with MC, pretending he's never been here before, nope, not him, why would a big evil dragon go to the fucking new year's festival? he'll tolerate it because you want it... uh huh. riiight. And i think it's so adorable that he overpays the merchant. like, Sylus, you're so fucking cute, the more things change, the more you stay the same.
tl;dr i loved the card and it also broke my heart.
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thetruthbehindtherose · 24 days ago
Kiss Roulette Ask Meme: 3 - A kiss on the forehead
There really was nothing Lisa enjoyed more than taking full advantage of her moments of downtime whenever she got the chance to do so. The only close second being when she could rope someone else into her silly little agenda of slacking off.
Her current victim, unexpectedly, being the little birdie of Inazuma's Tenryou Commission, one Kujou Sara.
The mage sits across from the dedicated soldier with a self-satisfied smile, a wide array of samples of some of Mondstadt's most famous sweet treats occupying the little table between them. The moment she'd become privy to a bit of gossip concerning the warrior's apparent sweet tooth, Lisa could hardly stop herself from swooping in to spirit the young woman away for a day of leisurely enjoying the delicacies the 'City of Freedom' could offer.
And now, watching the usually diligent soldier happily partake in the hearty helping of sugary delights, she couldn't even begin to stop the warm and fuzzy feeling the sight brewed within her chest.
Unable to resist the rising urge, the librarian rises from her chair to lean over the dessert platter and plant a gentle peck upon the ravenette's forehead.
Perhaps this was the sort of warmth a doting mother would feel while spoiling one of her children?
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immovablewill · 15 days ago
16. Do they dream? What are those dreams like?
⁀➴ 42 character development questions! ( also asked by @iustitians )
Although it doesn't happen often, Sara does dream. And while her dreams can vary widely, she has noticed that they tend to follow one of two recurring patterns.
Unsurprisingly, the first, more common one is the dream where she falls.
It begins with her already dashing through the forest—her heart pounding wildly, her bare feet sinking into the cold, wet mud as she desperately tries to outrun whatever is chasing her, ignoring the stray thin branches and shrubs that would cut at her skin. In the cold darkness, lightning illuminates her way in brief flashes before muffling the horrifying growls behind her with the roll of thunder.
By then, Sara would realize it’s nothing more than a replay of her memory. A haunting reiteration of when her wings had been left tattered and broken, useless by the time she finds herself standing at the edge of a cliff. And it would always end the same way: she would hesitate, once, twice, her chest squeezing tightly as she tries to steel herself while staring into the abyss below her.
With no escape and death closing in, she let herself fall.
The second is… much simpler. And it’s puzzling, really, why such a simple dream would come to her repeatedly.
In it, Sara sits alone on a quiet veranda, watching as seasons shift seamlessly before her very eyes—the cherry blossoms from spring falling as summer’s warmth draws in, the leaves turning orange and gold before the autumn leaves begins to fall, and then comes the snow, painting the ground into pristine white.
There, time stretches endlessly, the world moving while she remains still.
And just as the loneliness that has come to settle in her heart begins to weigh heavy, a figure appears at the edge of her sight. They don’t speak, but their presence always feels familiar. Comforting. And for the first time, the stillness doesn’t feel so empty.
She’s long given up trying to figure out who that figure could be.
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rafent · 4 months ago
hc + first impressions
Rafal is uninterested in making good first impressions. He's snippish and sharp-tongued per norm and he doesn't hold these qualities back for just anyone; the exact opposite of a people pleaser, perfectly content to conduct himself however he likes without any regard for what others think. If anything, he finds it more desirable to be looked at in an unfavorable light because it means the people involved will avoid him as they - in his eyes - should.
On the flip side, he does take notice of the first impressions belonging to those around him. Whether they're strong or weak are among the first qualities he notices. Fighting ability is a major parameter of worth for Fell Dragons, and even more so for Rafal personally, so he doesn't hesitate to either make or verbalize his judgments.
Rafal: You… You are quite the enigma. You fight so fiercely, yet appear so weak.
Eirika: Should I…take that as a compliment?
Rafal: I had heard you are the strongest of all the Emblems. Frankly, I remain unconvinced.
Ike: That’s quite the greeting. I guess I appreciate the honesty.
Rafal is a wholesale product of his native Gradlon environment, seemingly holding different things in priority like power over gentility, and appearance of strength over unseen inner character, but these all pertain to his initial judgments. He has the capacity to value deeper qualities such as kindness and sincerity but his instinct is to rely on strength and weakness based impressions first. It's not much different from noting the color of someone's hair or eyes for him.
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laslow · 11 months ago
[ 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦 ] : sender is helping the receiver through a panic attack / severe anxiety. bro what if we were each others rocks during these troubling times
For you, I would
His hands won't stop shaking.
Inigo stares at them as if in a trance, fixated on the staccato rhythm. Battle aftermath is never easy in the best of scenarios; now, after facing near defeat at the claws of a seemingly endless horde of Risen, reality has settled in his chest like a stone.
How can they fight against creatures made from fell magic? How can they possibly avenge their parents when they can't be sure of surviving the next hour?
A band tightens around his ribcage. He can't get a full breath, can't hear past the blood pounding in his ears--
Movement catches in his peripheral. Inigo starts, hands scrabbling for the sword laying discarded in the dirt next to him. Foolish, stupid idea to disappear into the treeline alone. But he needed the space, needed to panic in peace, where no one else could see Inigo the Invincible crumble.
Fingers curl around the blade's hilt, soil gathering underneath his nails. Rising onto his knees, he whirls, weapon half-leveled at the approaching, blurred figure. He doesn't remember starting to cry, but he blinks his tears away regardless, relaxing only fractionally when his vision settles, revealing not another opponent, but Owain.
Inigo's hand spasms, sword dropping unceremoniously back to earth. "H-hey, Owain." His voice cracks and he curls further in on himself, chin touching his chest, shoulders caved.
Of course it's Owain who finds him at his lowest. There's a joke in there somewhere, one Inigo would make in happier circumstances. But right now he can only tremble, and cry, and nearly buckle under the weight of his own fears.
There's a rustle, followed by a sudden presence at his side. Owain's quiet, for once, perhaps feeling some of the same dread coursing through Inigo's veins. A heartbeat passes, then a new weight settles on his shoulders.
Pink head lifts just enough. No trace of mockery lines the other boy's face; instead, his brows are pinched in concern. It's enough of a reassurance that Inigo can feel the crushing despair lighten, breath by breath.
"Thank you, my friend."
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cotharach · 6 months ago
"that wall’s an illusion ! hiding what, i wonder …" ( hiii miss flayn 😌 )
bg3 starters (accepting!)
"Is it really so?"
Flayn, raised on fables and the dreams borne of a long slumber, is eager to believe whatever mythos might emerge from this age's folk. She enjoys, particularly, the stories they've constructed of the saints—though this tale that Dorothea whispers to her with a grin... this one is also quite good. Of course, Flayn would never admit to believing in such things as wonders hidden within walls (stories are but that: stories!), but... there always was a chance, was there not? Indulging in that chance seems like the natural course of action anyone would take!
Fingers go to trace the walls, pale digits running over brick and grout like a stone skipping across water. Flayn leans closer towards it, feeling for a heartbeat. She turns back to Dorothea, eyes agleam with a small helping of whimsy—that childlike belief that the world is more special than it truly is, or that the walls have secrets they wish to share.
"I must admit, your words have fascinated me. If this is true... then we must break through this illusion and take hold of the truth!"
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jxrmngxndr · 4 months ago
[VINGT-ET-UN] - Let’s go gambling! The best bar in Fleuve Cendre is holding a Black Jack tournament. It’s time to test your luck and see if you can make it big, or lose it all.
off to the side, kaveh watches the game with a quiet interest. it is the people gathered there who draw his attention—the dealer, moving with almost mechanical precision, flipping cards onto the felt with a smoothness that borders on ritual; and the players themselves, each caught in their own small dramas. some tap their fingers nervously, others lean back, their faces unreadable.
objectively, it's such a trivial thing to sit around a table and pass the hours in this way. the renowned scholars and sages of the nation of wisdom would have much to say on the matter—those who would dismiss this as nothing more than a game of chance, critique its lack of substance & value.
but this, too, serves a purpose, he thinks. his mother’s words return to him: the wisdom of connection, how it is through bonds that one alleviates suffering. for all the simplicity of a card game, there is still knowledge to be found—a truth in the shared experience, however brief or inconsequential, that anchors a person to the world, giving them roots where none seemed to grow.
a figure off to the side catches his eye. the man stands tall, imposing, yet there is something about his presence—something familiar—that reminds kaveh of another stoic face he knows well. without a word, the architect draws closer, keeping a respectful distance as mehrak floats silently behind him.
"i've always thought the game is reminiscent of life," he begins, as casually as speaking about the weather. he gestures toward the table. "no matter how much effort or strategy we try to implement, luck will always be the final arbiter. even happiness and virtue are largely matters of luck, as are all things touched by forces beyond our control."
It was not necessarily that the crowd around a game that involved gambling was more interesting in itself - not inherently, for all types could be found in all scenarios, but what was undeniable was that the proportion was greater in favor. There were the fools, of course, merely after the thrill of gaining greater wealth, or of the adrenaline of losing it all, but by and large and at the higher levels, it was an exercise in reading the field.
Mundane. Irrelevant to the greater weave of the cosmos. The game itself was nothing to look at, and, if he were honest, Kevin had always been bad at these types of things.
He was not watching for anything in particular - no recruitment, with that resting firmly in the past along with the rest of his life that had been put to an end, but there was something familiar in the observation, in the measurement to see if the stock was up to par.
Kevin had noticed the other man from across the room, the flourish of a peacock's feathers as he moved, and had noticed, too, when he was being observed in kind.
It was no surprise when the other approached, but it was a surprise that he had begun speaking, so mildly, so without fear.
His eyes narrowed, but did not waver from the table before them, the faces of the remaining players, the scrape of card edge against the table, against fingernail.
There rested a silence between them, for a long minute, and one might have thought that he had not heard, or if he had that he was offended, wouldn't reply.
But, finally, he said, "The game is no more reliant on luck than life is. One may be dealt a better or worse hand, but it is one's responsibility to proceed as though he intends to win the game regardless. You can't control what you are given, but you can control what you give in return."
A flicker of his eyes, weighing the air between them for a moment. "But you knew that."
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swiftlance · 6 months ago
[ 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐄 ] ― sender lights a scented candle for receiver
"believe it or not, this came with a proposal attached." dorothea gestures lazily toward the cream-colored candle encased in rich, purple glass—intricately designed, with foreign flowers etched into its surface. she lights it with a casual flick of her wrist, and watches as the dancing flame brings about the scent of smoked spices, mingled with strange blossoms from a distant land. "a letter and a candle. imagine that. and the real punchline? he didn’t even know my name. it makes you wonder what goes on in the minds of these rich men."
and now she adjusts herself in her seat, nodding encouragingly at nephenee. "well then? have any stories of your own to share? a woman as pretty as you must have her fair share of them."
Five Senses
Nephenee stares at the ornate candle, wonderin' how long all that glass etchin' must have taken. What is it like, bein' able to afford pretty things like that just because?
The wick flares to life. Smoke and spices fill the air. Her attention goes from the candle to Dorothea, who wields magic as easily as birds fly.
Nephenee exhales a surprised laugh. "A proposal without yer name? That's downright insultin.'" Privately, some small part of her is relieved to know rich folk can treat their own kind with the same dismissiveness they treat farmers like Nephenee. It's mean, and cruel ta think such a way, but it makes her feel less like she's the root of the issue. "Not much beyond how to get what they want, that's fer sure."
With another laugh, she waves away the question, then stops once the candle flame gives a dangerous flicker. "Nah. Most'a the boys in my village ain't interested in a girl they've known since childhood. Then there was this fella in the army who tried askin' me out, but he went after every girl he came across."
She pauses, thinkin' back to her trips inta town. Back then, she didn't talk to strangers much, too worried 'bout soundin' way outta her depth. But it's true most men paid her a little more attention when she smiled.
'Course, she wasn't too keen on recievin' all that attention, anyhow. "...I don't have time for that kinda thing."
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boundlesshart · 6 months ago
[ 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] ― sender and receiver see each other again after a period of being apart
As casually as noting the weather outside, she states, "You've changed since I arrived in Fodlan."
It's not said unkindly, but Sara also doesn't show any signs of explaining herself anytime soon. She looks him up and down, confirming some invisible truth that makes sense only to her. Finally, Sara's gaze catches on the gleam of gold fabric draped across one shoulder.
"Do you still see me as family even though we are no longer members of the same house?" She doesn't mind either way, she thinks. Life demands that people go their separate ways sometimes and Sara has no regrets about the decision.
Before he can answer though, her expression takes on a certain playfulness, lips tugged into an unapologetic smile conveying there is no ill-will. In truth, Sara has grown rather comfortable here over the years. Inured to people and places and unforgettable experiences in her time at the academy. It may be as close to family as she will ever know, so she hopes he finds what he is looking for too.
"Nice to see you too, stranger," Claude replies, smiling playfully. As for her question... thankfully, it's one that's easy to answer.
"Family goes their own way, eventually." It's in his nature and in his blood to venture into the unknown to seek what he desires. Even so, it's never easy to break old, familiar routines and take on something new. Perhaps in the past Claude would have taken the departure more personally, as a result of a personal failing. It was difficult to accept his lack of control. "And let's be honest, I'd be a shitty house leader for holding you back!" he laughs. "You were always an incredible mage, but after joining the Eagles you really became a force of nature. You may not be among the Golden Deer anymore, but I'm definitely still proud of you."
A pause. "I do miss you in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, though. It was amazing to see you plow through the competition, but not so fun when you're on the receiving end..."
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coffeebooksrain18 · 3 months ago
funny how tb and those god forsaken hotd writers try to present rhaenyra as a feminist icon when she relies so much on daemon lol. she'd be even more incompetent without him
FR! Like she would be dead already if it wasn't for Daemon and Corlys with their knowledge with war. This girl really has no idea what she is doing and it shows. Also I'm so annoyed when people say "Viserys never prepared Rhaenyra!" Like true but she was his Cup Bearer for YEARS and was apart of the small council until she hid at Dragonstone so it's no one's fault but her own at that point.
But yeah she really needs Daemon and I think her line about how everyone asks for Daemon shows she knows she's nothing without him, that without him she wouldn't even have a chance.
Also I have said that them changing her from a feminine woman into a tomboy shows their sexism. These show runners have no idea how sexist they are as they chant "FEMINIST!"
Thanks for the ask Anon!
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dukemeropide · 10 months ago
30. What is their preferred level of activity and stimulation? How do they cope if they get either too little or too much?
Character Dev Questions | still accepting
This answer, unlike the last ones, is mostly headcanon. By and large, I think Wriothesley prefers mental stimulation over physical, contrary to how he may appear (I think back to all the impressions that came out around the time that his designs were leaked, most of which tended to lean more on Big Tough Guy Who Lets His Fists Do The Talking which, while different from canon, is still valuable in conveying how he might come across at a glance, and what kind of assumptions a stranger might make about him). I pull this idea from the fact that he has multiple lines about picnicking in the sun, or lying in the grass, and that his favorite time of day seems to be when he can have his afternoon tea. All of this portrays a character who enjoys physical leisure.
Where does boxing fit in? Wriothesley says it himself: it's not a hobby. From his character stories, we're told that boxing has always been a means to an end for him, first to gather strength and tools to kill his foster parents, and then later to win the credit coupons needed to survive in the Fortress of Meropide. We're also told that after becoming the prison's administrator, he doesn't fight in the Pankration ring much anymore. He's earned himself a comfortable life at this point, and no longer needs to rely on this to make a living. His line about the imitation Pankration ring for the teapot also has him declining the offer to fight in it.
All that is to say: I think if given the choice, in terms of physical activity, Wriothesley would prefer lazing in the sun all day. Obviously, he's muscular and fit, but like with boxing, this is probably borne from necessity.
Mental stimulation, on the other hand... his office is full of books. He talks about how he'd sought out the long lost history of Remuria and read history texts on it just out of his own curiosity. His character stories say that he has "always seemed to be preparing for something," whether that be learning to build meka to defend himself with, amassing credit coupons to take down the last administrator, or building a flying ship for some vague disaster in the uncertain future. Wriothesley comes across as the kind of person who needs projects, and planning for and building toward those projects is rewarding for him. Likewise, his drive to learn appears to be at least partly driven by the possibility that such information might be useful one day, which also seems to be what drives his interest in listening to other people's stories (i.e. finding people he might be able to hire for projects later on).
Overall, I think he has a high tolerance for both mental and physical stimulation (I imagine you'd need to, to run a prison), but to cope with having too much of either, from these two lines --
(Teapot: Nighttime) Wriothesley: The daytime hours are always full of sound and fury, so I've developed a habit of saving work that requires more considered thinking for the evening. Wriothesley: However… I'll pass on that while I'm here. Allow me to space out for a little longer.
(Good Night voice line) "Good night. I'll be staying up for a little while yet — want to run some numbers while everything's nice and quiet."
-- it sounds like he seeks quiet solitude after the bustle of the day, whether to work or to simply unwind and space out for a bit.
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surly-sara · 2 months ago
apparently in the cn version he tells mc "i was never your brother" 👀👀👀👀
This is the vibe i got from the original chapters with him in the game. That despite the adoption he never looked at her like a brother-the way he wanted to provide for and protect her did not taste like 'brother' to me, and I feel validated that in one version he's saying that openly.
This change in dialogue also presents so many layers of angst from the betrayal angle-she trusted him, thought of him as a brother, and then he turns to EVER (maybe?), and denies any sort of familial ties with her who loved him like family, now they're on opposite sides of a political/organizational struggle, etc instead of standing together morally, and the shared history would make the opposition/betrayal that much more difficult to bear.
Also, I just. Possessive, obsessive brother Caleb can get it, I'm so fucking excited. Sure you never looked at her like a brother, but the papers said you were her brother, your gran said you were, everyone at school said you were, you were in her house, you knew her better than anyone, you saw yourself as someone who was willing to give her anything, everything, to protect her and shelter her, and you also yearned for her---that kind of intense intimacy and friction with societal expectations is a story that is deeply fascinating to me.
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aubins · 11 months ago
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡 ] : sender drapes a coat / cape / etc. around receiver's shoulders. ( can't have you catching a cold yurikins! )
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡 ] : sender drapes a coat / cape / etc. around receiver's shoulders. ╱ for you i would
It’s an exceptionally boring party, as far as ones that Yuri has attended go. Leering gazes and wicked smiles, every conversation overshadowed by the expectation of more. But they are not here to give, merely listen. When secrets are the name of your trade, one becomes quite used to slinking through the shadows. Though keener eyes will of course spot them splayed out on the sofa in the corner, the wine glass dangling from their hand empty.
Keen eyes like Dorothea’s.
“My, my.” Head tips back against their sofa’s headrest, lilacs finding the ladybird’s gaze. A dry smile creases the mockingbird’s lips. “I must be the envy of men and women across Fódlan to have the Dorothea Arnault looking after my well-being.”
As though there had not been a purpose to the sheer clothing, in what parts of their body had been concealed, and what parts had been laid bare. They know that Dorothea understands that more than most. “I grew up in Faerghus, you know,” they drawl, picking at her shawl with two fingers. Faerghus, where even the mildest winters are unkind. “It will take more than some exposed skin to get me sick.”
“Well, come on then, ladybird.” They drag the shawl across their shoulders until there space for another to fit underneath it. There is no suggestion in the offer, no implication of sharing warmth beyond sitting side-by-side with a drink or two and some conversation. “Can’t have you catching a cold either, can we? Now that would just be tragic.”
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immovablewill · 2 months ago
Night falls - but for these few short weeks, a thousand sky lanterns banish the darkness, like stars detached from the sky. Tonight, one of them will be Kokomi's, carrying a wish for peace for Watatsumi, and freedom for herself.
It truly is a beautiful festival, and to see the night lit up like this is truly breathtaking
As she makes her way along the docks, lantern in hand, she spots a familiar face. Once, she and the tengu had been bitter enemies; then, after the war, Sara's commitment to ensuring the peace talks succeeded had given Kokomi the hope that perhaps they could find some common ground after all. "Sara! Happy Lantern Rite!"
⁀➴ LANTERN RITE 2025 !
Sara had briefly considered it—picking a lantern, putting it together into form, and whispering wishes before sending it up in the sky—but she had always preferred to mould everything into reality with her own hands. To rely on mere wishes, as Kujou Takayuki had always taught her, was foolish. It was an excuse for laziness. If she wanted something, she should work for it herself.
The crowd at the docks would likely disapprove of her presence as well. Her wings were too large, and the serenity of the lantern lighting would be easily disrupted if she accidentally bumped into anyone. Yes. These were perfectly sensible reasons to turn around and leave. Still, despite it all, there was a faint reluctance in her steps as she turned to take her leave.
But then she heard the familiar voice, soft yet distinct among the bustling festival atmosphere.
Sara paused, lips briefly pursed into a thin line as she felt a momentary pang of hesitation. She could very well hear the warmth in Kokomi’s greeting—kind and cheerful.
She must have enjoyed the festivities so far. Though the festival may not be one of Inazuma’s, it was still a small comfort. Despite everything that had transpired, Kokomi had remained steadfast in her pursuit of peace, and now, in this time of quiet, it seemed the priestess finally found the time to relax and enjoy herself. She deserved it. Watatsumi’s Divine Priestess and leader often bore the weight of too many responsibilities, shouldering them all for the sake of her people.
“Lady Sangonomiya, Happy Lantern Rite,” Sara greeted, offering a bow of her head. Her voice remained steady, yet there was an underlying sincerity very few might catch, hidden beneath her typically stoic demeanour. “The sky tonight is alight with the hopes and wishes of so many. I trust you’ve found a moment to send your own to the heavens as well?”
It was a question that, in some ways, contradicted the very excuses she'd just made moments ago. But if anyone had the right to make a wish for herself, it should be Kokomi.
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