#// she's most likely ALWAYS be taller since she's at least 6'5"
fcllederage · 1 year
this is a general announcement bc I've been thinking about it a while:
if we're shipping and your muse has an issue with Cin being taller than them, then I'm sorry but they can't be together 😭 her height and her voice are the two things she's most proud of about herself, if she feels rejected because of this or if your muse keeps commenting on it, she's gonna end it faster than me lmao
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Hmm people were not there since the very beginning. The tomdaya fandom was built by Z stans first and foremost, that's a fact. She's the the most famous of the two, and she already has some pattern with her previous rs so her stans knew her yea and knew Tom was her bf and they supported that.
When they split a lot of them, especially on Twitter, stopped talking about Tom even tho the Cherry era fed us a lot of content behind the scenes etc. They took her side.
And overall people love the two but are more Z stans that Tom stans, I don't know who is anon following but it's def not the big Tomdaya blog out here. The large majority of the fandom are women,and it's easier to look up to Z and enjoy her content because she has other business next to acting in fashion, and is more present, so is more enjoyable to follow her than him who is way more quiet nowadays. I have nothing against people who are more Z stan, as look as they're respectful towards Tom too.
But the truth is that people like Z more and that's fine, Im convinced you could make a poll asking them "if you had to give up one person to unfollow from everywhere and not consume any content from them forever, which one would you choose" and I'm convinced most people in the fandom would choose her🤷‍♀️
Hmm..... I'm not sure what your last paragraph meant. 🤔
But anyway, grab a comfy chair, cuz this is gonna be long lol. 😂
Tbh? I'm really kind of feeling that some fans got divided after the breakup actually, coz what I saw during 2019 is that SOME fans took Tom's side, and SOME fans took Zendaya's side.
I almost got the impression with some Tomdaya fans/accounts that they didn't really care too much about Z's career or whereabouts unless it pertained to Tom or possibly them maybe getting back together after the whole Olivia fiasco.... but BEFORE the JE popping up in Greece with Z episode. 👀
I think after Greece, most Tomdaya fans lost hope that Tom and Zendaya were "getting back together" (at least, not THAT year lol 😆), and the focus on Z was less. It got even MORE less when Z and JE were spotted kissing in NYC, and some in the Tomdaya fandom really started to hate Zendaya after that cuz here she was out kissing JE who she had only dated for 6 months, and with Tom she was soooo secretive. (That right there should have been a sign that maybe she was rebounding lol? 😆)
Now that's just what I personally saw, but again, my life is busy, so I don't always see everything. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I do recall a LOT of Zendaya's fans being really cruel towards Tom however when Z and JE started dating. The height jokes were just crazy. They felt JE was a better option. All of it was just optics and how they physically looked together. I mean, the man is like 6'5 lol, so he's gonna be taller than MOST women AND most men put together lol 😆
I think some of her fans turned on Tom coz he was spotted with a blonde white girl while wearing her keyhole neck chain 👀, and that was like the ULTIMATE disrespect in their eyes (woc know what I mean), cuz fans felt he had cheated on Z. So then, all bets were off I guess. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned rofl 🤣 Y'all know we as women can be ruthless if we feel a man has done us wrong lol. You KNOW it's true lol 😏
I think some fans were just angry on Z's account, but Z wasn't putting her business out there. If anything, she was trying to give off signs that she and Tom were cool. It's kinda hard when you denied for years that you two were nothing but friends to do damage control lol 😆
Anyway, I don't really like rehashing the past or talking about this time period honestly. 😔
I'll just say that it kind is seemed to me that BOTH sides of the fandom kind of took sides, and if one side prefers one or the other, then that's okay I guess? 🤷🏾‍♀️
I personally like them BOTH. When they broke up I just felt bad for them and just hoped that they would at least TRY again with each other since I didn't feel like their 1.0 rlshp was really all that conducive to a healthy, long-term rlshp. I didn't hate on either of them though, and I just felt like whatever happened in the rlshp was just their business. I don't like taking sides during a breakup when idk all the facts tbh. It's not my life or my rlshp. And unless someone puts out a tell-all book, idk the facts. And even then, that's only that ONE person's side of the story tbh.🤷🏾‍♀️
I obviously relate more to Z cuz I'm also a woman and a woc, but I really do like both of them, and I've said from the beginning that I don't like comparing them. 🥴
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mmushroomwriter · 3 years
If you don’t mind me ask what’s the RO’s ethnicity/character appearance
I'm currently working on proper introduction posts, so hopefully those'll be up soon, but for now here are some physical descriptions (below the cut). I also have face-claim ideas/references on the Pinterest board!
Osric is Finnish, Welsh, English and Estonian. He's 5'11 and scrawny. He has messy black hair, fairly pale skin (especially because he doesn't go outside during the day. No particular reason for it, he just doesn't like the sun), dark brown eyes that always look a little defeated, and dark under-eyes (naturally, but they're especially accentuated by his lack of sleep). He wears eyeliner that somehow always looks a few days old, only wears t-shirts with indie bands or references to obscure black and white films, and hasn't worn ironed clothing since he was fourteen (he ideologically disagrees with irons).
Lucius is Japanese and Danish. He's 6'1, has curly (2B or 2C depending on the weather) black hair almost down to his shoulders, olive skin, a light dusting of freckles, fairly soft features, but also has a killer jaw-line and cheekbones. He's fairly muscular, as a kid he did competitive gymnastics and although he doesn't do anything competitive anymore, he still enjoys practicing and keeps up his training. Coming from one of the richest families in Ancia (the city where the story starts, and where most of the characters are from), Luci has the most clothes of all the characters, some of which is designer but mostly vintage. He's very into fashion, and experiments with his style fairly often. At the moment, he can usually be found wearing an oversized button-up shirt (often unbuttoned at least half-way down) and corduroy trousers.
Katia is from Paraguay, Cuba and Colombia. She's 5'9, has light brown skin, chin-length curly (3B) dark brown hair, and has braces that she gets taken off in a year. She has a scar on the bridge of her nose, and the bridge of her nose is slightly crooked due to her falling down a flight of stairs at age ten. She has quite a few other scars all over her body, especially on her hands, due to various magical experiments-gone-wrong. Katia likes to try and dress fairly smart, most often she'll wear a turtleneck with either a sweater or blazer, a skirt and tights. Her clothes often have small burns and other damage also due to failed experiments.
Etheline is Jamaican and Irish. She's 5'6, but due to her love of platform sneakers she usually looks around two inches taller. She has curly (3C) brown hair, irises so dark that they're indistinguishable from her pupils, tawny skin, full cheeks and a stud on either side of her nose. Her hair is usually tied up, often wearing colourful bandanas. Other than her signature ski jacket and platform sneakers, she doesn't really have a clothing style, choosing to instead go with the flow and wear whatever she feels like in the moment.
T is French and Portuguese. Tom is 5'10 and Tas is 5'4. They have pale skin, floppy ginger hair that falls down to about half-way down their neck, dark brown eyes and a slightly upturned button nose that's always a little red. Tom's left ear is pierced whereas both of Tas's ears are pierced, and though they both have fairly round faces, Tas's is a little skinnier and Tom's jaw is much more square and defined. They dress quite casually, their style is very 90s inspired and are rarely seen without their denim jacket. Tom's style is more grunge/skater-inspired whereas Tas's is more mainstream/colourful. Tom also wears sunglasses a lot of the time. They also love the cow-boy aesthetic, and whenever they're made to dress up more than usual, they'll wear something cow-boy inspired.
Cass is Indian, Greek, Scottish and Zimbabwean. Cassius is 6'5, Cass is 6'1, and Cassandra is 5'10. They have golden-brown skin, curly (3A) hair that looks either brown or black depending on what light they're in, dark eyes, and prominent eyebrows. They have sharp features with a distinct square jawline, notable cheekbones and fairly hollow cheeks. Cassius's hair goes down to just below the nape of his neck, Cass's goes down to their shoulders and Cassandra's goes about half-way down her back. They really couldn't care less about style, and will dress in whatever is most comfortable and/or the closest on the floor.
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slasherbaby · 3 years
YEEEESSSS!!!! I would love a match up! Slashers I'm most familiar with but literally anybody you think works is fine I'm excited by the concept!
Meg, she/her
I am 5'4" and extremely aggresive yet the sweetest nicest person. Only gets aggresive and intimidating when necessary like to keep creeps away or to protect my friends. But any other time I'm a bit of an airhead. Get distracted by looking at the world a lot. Love cute things and cooking. My fashion changes based on how I feel often cute dresses with a hat with a pokeball pin on it. Vintage or very kawaii. Or a complete dapper suit and ultra elegant sexy dresses. Depends how I feel but it's hot rn so usually cute dresses. Fashion is a huge hobby and I'm usually found in old markets diving through used clothes piles.
Very independent and bright. I like to think I'm a very kind and giving person. I give everything for friends and family often too much tbh at times I struggle with that. Imaginative and resourceful I love making things. Cooking, baking, diy projects. Writing and watching movies constantly. I love to sing and am quite proud of my singing voice I've worked very hard on it.
I'm indigenous, tan skin, very short hair in a pixie cut, large round gold glasses. Usually wearing a flower in some way. Can strut in heels like nobodies business. I'm very well endowed and curvy. Confident and love uplifting others. Not easily hurt or swayed as I worked very hard on my self esteem.
Very cuddly and love affection. Also giving it.
Not sure what else to say this is getting pretty long, so sorry if I made this difficult lol
Yesss I got so excited when I saw this! I love how long it was- the only difficult part was choosing which slasher to pair with you! I was stuck between Lester, Brahms, and Jason! Ultimately, I chose Jason ♡
I’d match you with Jason!
He would love it when you sing, especially if you two are cuddled up, his head in your lap, with you singing to him. Jason’s a tough guy, but he also loves very hard. He’d definitely always bring you wildflowers, and once he warms up, he’ll hand you all but one, and then tuck the last one behind your ear. If you’re sneaky about it, you could probably manage to do the same to him. Either tucked into the strap of his mask or behind his ear. He’d keep it on all day, pretending like he ‘didn’t notice’ he was wearing it, but secretly it would make his heart warm whenever he remembered it, because it would remind him of you.
Jason would be worried about you getting hurt or lost when he’s not around, especially since you get distracted easily. He doesn't see your kindness as a weakness, but he also knows it would do little to help if anyone wanted to hurt you, or if you fell and got hurt while alone in the woods. At first, he’d feel very overprotective of you, especially because you stand at 5’4 and in comparison to his 6'5, you're tiny. He’d be very concerned that you wouldn’t be able to protect yourself- he’s over a foot taller than you, after all. What if something happened while he was gone and he wasn't able to do anything to help you?
He gets over this very quickly, however, after he sees your aggressive side come out. Jason never really had anyone stand up for him when he was being bullied as a child, so seeing how you would do a lot to protect your friends? It would make his water-logged heart melt. Also seeing this would make him realize and respect that you can protect yourself. Honestly he probably falls in love with you right then and there, watching how you turn from the sweet, adorable person he knows to defensive and protective when needed. After that, he wouldn’t have any second thoughts when you two are apart.
While he doesn’t have much variety in his closet, he’d love the way you dress and how your style changes. If you came to his cabin in a fancy outfit (either suit or dress) he’d probably just die from how amazing you look. He may not outwardly show it, but he would definitely take the time to look over you, noting the different ways you express yourself through fashion. Jason wouldn’t want to join you when you go to old markets, he rarely leaves the woods after all. But he’d 100% adore it when you came back with bundles of new clothes, bonus points if you give him a little fashion show.
Jason may not seem like he’s sensitive, but he’d be very wary/not want to take off his mask in front of you for a while. He’d also be apprehensive to show you physical affection at first. You’re gorgeous, first of all. Second of all, he can lift a car off the ground without breaking a sweat. The last thing he wants is to hurt you, or scare you away.
He doesn’t think he has a low self-esteem, but that's mostly because he's been living in the woods almost all his life. He can protect you, keep you safe, get stuff off of the top cabinet for you- hell, the man would build you another cabin if you asked! But the things that don’t require brute strength? Like kissing, holding hands, and cuddling? He doesn’t think it’s possible for him to do them.
With your confidence and uplifting personality, you’d really help him ‘come out of his shell’ so to speak. It might take a long while for him to actually take off his mask, and even when he does, it would only be for a few minutes or when you two go to bed, but he’d definitely get more comfortable with physical affection. Maybe not outright seeking it out (at least not at first), but he would be more than happy when you sought him out for cuddles, or held his hand when you two went for walks. You trusting him would honestly make all the difference in his self-esteem.
You would probably end up introducing Jason to a lot of movies, but just be aware you’d need to bring a projector or movie player of some sort to be able to watch them. He would start off super apprehensive, but eventually cuddling up and watching a new flick with you would become one of his favorite times of the day.
NSFT under the cut!
If you’re into sex, just be wary that he’d treat you like you're made of glass at first. He’s never had sex before, so the main thing he’d be worried about is hurting you by accident, or not being able to fully satisfy you. Remember, he’s self-conscious. Especially about his looks.
I don’t think he’d be into rough stuff, or at least him being rough with you. He cares about you too much to even think about you in pain, let alone get off on it (even if you tell him that you’d enjoy it, it would only make him uncomfortable).
You would have to make the first move, after a while of the two of you dating. His favorite position would be you riding him. He would adore being able to see you fully as the two of you make love, especially so that he could run his hands all over your body. For such a big guy, he’s extremely soft in bed. His touch is never harsh or rough, and he loves worshiping you.
He’d desperately want to hold you close to him afterwards, or vice versa. He’s not opposed to being the little spoon, or being held. In fact, he loves it. You two may have to adjust your positions a bit because of the height difference, but it would make him feel so loved and comforted.
If you aren’t into sex, that’s perfect too! He would never made you feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do. Just having you by his side is more than enough for him.
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