#// kinda based on an old drabble i linked
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demonsfate · 2 years ago
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echantedtoon · 11 months ago
Ocean Deep Ch1 Premise
In a world where inhuman and human creatures lives side by side, sometimes it was difficult to navigate where things were. So there was rules EVERY human followed. Don't engage. If you left them alone then they almost always left you alone... Unfortunately it's difficult when a whole pod happens to be under the impression that you belong to them.
This is set in a fantasy world with very little tech. Think Howl's Moving Castle kinda tech world. Also more Bride concept cuz I like it.
This is heavily inspired by @firelillys on Tumblr merfolk au. Please support all artists linked/mentioned here with their own works!  I'll be providing important info for our mer cast and leave links for a better image of what they look like. I wanted to pick pretty fish for them all so some of the original fish ideas were scrapped from the first drabble.
Kyojuro would be a lionfish such as the one drawn by @yuki2sksksk on Tumblr linked below.
Tengen would be a white butterfly koi fish and would look like the linked post below except less eel and more butterfly koi also below.
Merman Tengen (minus the eel like features)
his tail would be more like this instead 
Hinatsura would have a tail that starts out red then fade to pink and would have sorta spotted like patterned semi flowing fins being a Strawberry Peacock mer.
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Makio would have an orange-gold tail with flowing fins being a Golden Dragon Koi mer.
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Suma would have a blue tail with more ruffled fins compared to everyone else being a (all blue) Halfmoon Betta fish mer.
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With this out of the way let's get onto the chapter.
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In a world where inhuman and human creatures lived side by side, sometimes it was difficult to navigate where the danger lied. No where was safe. 
The fae ruled the forests. Fairies and elves. Pixies and gnomes. Pans. Mischief makers. If not careful they'd whisk you away. Never to be seen again.
 The dwarves and dragons claimed the mountains. Proud and strong. If insulted they'd be incredible does to crush you.
The skies were never safe either. Run amok with harpies. The plains ran with herds of centaur. The night plagued with vampires, werewolves, and demons. The day ran with fauns and tieflings and shape shifters. So many dangers and so many things to look out for. Especially when it came to courting a mate. As they say
"Beware the monsters who lurk and live amongst the world. Beware of those who seek courtship from maidens. Do not engage. If you ignore and leave them alone then they'll almost always leave you alone."
You must learn to learn their language and not be tricked by anything. Stay alert. Stay aware. Always stay vigilant.
And never let your unmarried daughters near them alone-
The sky was beautiful today. That's all really you could think to yourself. The fresh scent of flowers filling your sense of smell as dead flower petals was swept away with the dirt and dust. With each step you took the sounds of distant crying was heard. F/c eyes only stared at the floor where bristles met the ground and pushed them all away... Eventually you did spare a look briefly over your shoulder and felt your heart sink. 
The Kocho family stood there. Or..what was left of the family.
The man hugged his wife tightly to his chest as she sobbed uncontrollably into his shirt. It was the most recent travesty really. Two months ago their youngest daughter, Kanao, had gone down to the river just down the old dirt road and through the woods a bit, to gather more herbs which they sold alongside the medicines in their family shop but she hadn't returned for a few hours. Then when their two older daughters went to go look for her, they two never came back. Panicked, a group of men including Mr. Kocho and the girls' grandfathers had gone out on a wide man hunt searching deep into the nearby woods and combing the long beach nearby for any trace of the missing sisters. Nothing ever came up. No footprints or scraps of fabric. It's like they've never even existed! Some say that they were claimed by fairies. Others say a ghost spirited them away. One person whispered that a flock of harpies might've flown them away.
Whatever the case, they were gone and it's unlikely that they were coming back.
The parents had already accepted that their girls were probably not coming back and was here to make flower arrangements for a memorial service the family was hosting in their honor and memory. Your boss was standing in front of them holding a few sample petals for them to choose from. In the middle of their talk, Mrs. Kocho had burst into tears, so the older woman gave the couple a moment to process their own emotions.
This wasn't the first time a young girl disappeared into thin air. 
When you were a little girl, your next door neighbor was a beautiful woman named Rei. Her pretty brown eyes and kind personality made her a favorite person to everyone. She loved going on night walks, but one night she didn't return from her walks. Her father moved his entire business three towns away a little after that. Another case was a girl your age who disappeared last year, Mitsuri. According to her brother, she ran into the woods to be alone after her fiance brutally broke up with her. As he went to find her, he saw her being carried away by a giant black and white naga, the boy had fled as fast as he could back but by then it was too late. Then later that same year, you heard rumors about a girl named Koyuki and her father disappearing from a boat ride near the river but since that didn't happen in your town, you didn't know if that one was true.
It wasn't always young women either. Sometimes it was young men that went missing. A famous case from up the mountains was the disappearance of Kagaya Ubuyashiki. The last anyone had seen of him was he was walking along a patch of birch trees. Witnesses said he was last seen speaking to a white haired woman before he vanished. People say she was a white birch spirit. Another famous case was Tokito. Again not in your town, but he was a lumberjack that often went into the mountains for wood but one day never returned.
Nevertheless it was both scary and tragic. 
Which was why there was a few unspoken rules your parents always taught you before they passed away. Never go anywhere alone. Never trust mysteries strangers. ALWAYS carry protection with you. Never go out late at night. Stay away from deep woods. But above all else-
They were all bad and will try to trick you. Don't trust a single one. Do not engage. Like clockwork you've always taken them to heart. Always looking over your shoulder. Keeping your guard up. Keeping a dagger on you at all times. Never going out at night for any reason. You weren't gonna be carried away by some lovestruck creature! It helped a bit that you loved in the middle of town and rarely went into the woods for any reason. 
"It's an excellent choice. These flowers are very beautiful. I'm sure your service will be beautiful." Your eyes finally turned away from the sight. Your sweeping resuming as your boss politely escorted the couple to the door. "Don't worry about the delivery. It's on the house. ...You both have my up most condolences." She bowed one last time to the retreating couple.
A sigh escaping from your lips. "It happened again..Why does this happen so much?"
"Because there are creatures who have become so fascinated by the easy prey of our kind. A human is seen as a trophy of sorts. A thing to show off what you have but others can't have..." The old woman slowly closed the door. "We must remember that as humans, there are those who will hunt us."...Old black eyes turned to yours. "You're a young, beautiful woman. Possibly the most beautiful woman in town now. I wouldn't forget to be careful during these times."
"Don't worry. I'm not allowing myself to be trapped by anything."
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exols-silver-christmas · 4 months ago
No apolgies needed.
A snake biting it's own tail.....that's a good way of putting it.
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As for this^^ there's been some interest in a more interactive community, as evidenced by those who've commented and replied, so we start there. Sort of a "if you build it they will come" type of deal. We try and spread the word and if it doesn't work at least we tried.
To that end....I..and I'm terrible for just jumping in feet first, but I've already started putting together sort of community focused hub blog to go hand in hand with the Tumblr community I applied for the other day after a couple of people mentioned it.(I have no idea how long they take to be approved which is why I jumpstarted that particular process, but I haven't heard back yet.) I figured there were enough good ideas to be starting with and hey! no time like the present? So uh yes...that's kinda already in motion. Blame the adhd.
So to combine the things people were suggesting: I used your suggestion of a transit blog and event blog combined. A one stop shop for all of exols needs. The blog could track a specific tag and add everything in the tag to the queue...maybe once or twice a week to minimize the amount of work needed. It'd have the directory...which...if it's submission based to be put on it just send a dm or an ask (i also really like the idea you said of blogs having an about me post that could be linked) of ...it shouldnt take too much effort to maintain...adding a few links here and there after the initial rush wouldn't be a big hassle and updating it every six months...would really only involve checking the links and the time stamp on the blogs latest post.
It would have a library masterpost, where we could compile fic or even all fan creation masterlists; again submission based for ease of maintenance and checking the links work once every 6 months or so. The monthly event masterposts could also go in here.
I also thought a resource post would be good. Links to the offical group media accounts and the members personal ones. Maybe some links to make finding thier acting appearances easier, there's a good blog out that that's compiled many of the videos and I have a few google doc links saved for the downloaded lives that got saved. And whatever else a new or old exol might need to find. (Ideas?)
And as for events...I mocked up a calendar....subject to change of course but just something to get an idea of things and a starting point. I figured a poll for things like day and time to run events wouldn't go amiss.
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But the events I tentatively have blocked out are
The monthly prompt, drop it on the 1st of the month and have the deadline set for the last day of the month to be included on the months masterlist. (Wondering if there should be a minimum requirement? Or just so long as it includes the prompt?) [This would help generate new content]
Weekly thematic prompts that are at least tangential to the monthly prompt, for those that want to do shorter drabbles or quicker fanart edit pieces. [Another way to get people back into making things]
Book club! People can submit fics they'd like for participants to read, a poll to decide which one and at the end of the month we could discuss them. Could also include shorter works ....we'd just do a couple of them instead of just one. [Would divide into shipping fics and reader insert/oc] [this would get people talking about our writers and thier work maybe even encourage them to comment more]
Art Gallery Night. Similar to book club but fanart and edit focused people wouldnhave the opportunity to share thier favourite pieces and what they enjoyed about them, what draws them to it etc. [Again something to spark discussion between blogs. Still contemplating logistics]
Workshop Wednesdays. This one heavily depends on how the tumblr community function works, but the idea behind it is to metaphorically gather and share about our ongoing fan creation projects, or ask for advice from other creators or share a life hack that you found that works. That sort of thing. [Would hopefully help to motivate people to continue or even pick up creating.]
Exo watch alongs. What it says on the tin, we'd have a poll on what to watch and every one watches it together and talks about it as it goes on. [Another idea to get people talking to each other.]
Holidays and birthdays. Have a valentines day exchange for example or spooky stories at halloween etc. People can share posts about the member whose birthday it is.
Sleepover Saturdays. This is kinda similar to something....I think it was @prettywordsyouleft used to do. Again logistics would depend on how the tumblr community function works, but the memes and tag games and the questionnaires and mad libs etc that @ffff7777 suggested would go here. Just an hour or so of fun once a week. People could submit stuff like uquizzes they found or made and whatever we don't use could go towards the next week's activities.
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Potentially? Like....a lot of the exo content I see crossing the dash...when I see it...it's all older posts. I have recently developed a habit of checking the original timestamps on things and if you ever look....we have posts still making the rounds that were originally posted from 2017, and that's just the oldest one I've seen lately.
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This isn't a bad idea at all, anything that helps alleviate some of the mental labour is a good thing imo. Another option would be to take submissions for prompts and use those to power the polls.
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Yes! It was during one of their concert ments! One of thier live streamed ones...it kinda became a bit if a meme at the time...but he was teasing exols about thier phones and posting to social media and he specifically mentioned posting to Tumblr. So yeah our precious leader knows about us. As for the analytics....it's a real possibility especially when you consider that back when Tumblr was hosting celebrity ama, side note does Tumblr still do those? I haven't seen a notice for one in a while. Anyway, the websites been used in the past as part of movie or music promotions, Dennys had a Tumblr blog as part of thier marketing strategy until like 2019. TikTok might be the most popular social media atm but that doesn't mean companies are gonna disregard all other sources of data. Truthfully it's probably just a matter of percentages.
Anyway. Like I mentioned above...I've got a jump start in organizing things, as for help it'll be a matter of potentially finding a few admins to help run the events themselves, because there's definitely gonna be days id miss simply because of work, and to get people to help spread the word to the active blogs out there. Honestly it might be a good idea to reach out to some of the popular writers and see if they'd be willing help out and promote the idea once the blogs details are polished.
And I don't know if I've said this yet, but thank you, to you and to everyone else who's thrown in ideas. I'm starting to have hope again for our fandom, I know I definitely feel much more enthused being proactive about things. So thank you for the help and input.
So I can't be the only one who's noticed the decline in fanmade exo content here on Tumblr. We've gone from a fandom who's new posts could be measured in hours to a fandom who's posts have days....to weeks....to months....to even years for some specific tags.
We have had 6 solo album comebacks this year, 3 fancon tours, 2 solo concert tours, a myriad of festival concert appearances, youtube videos, magazine shoots, instalives, etc. Yet if you go to the exo tag it's mainly populated by archive blogs. And the nude bots, which....that's a whole other problem on its own. I digress. My point being, the tags, at least from what I've seen (I admit I haven't looked into the shipping tags) are being filled by the same handful of blogs yet given the high amount of source material, no one seems to be doing anything with it beyond archiving it.
Again this could just be because I didn't delve too deep or too far back, but it does have me wondering if part of the reason participation this year was down was simply because there's hardly anyone left.
There's been instances in the past where others have attempted to inject new life into the fandom so to speak, with....varying...level of success. The exo revival project being the first and most successful that comes to mind. I'm wondering what everyone else's thoughts are on the matter and if holding new fandom events might be a way to involve more people year round because I really do want to continue holding this event next year but if things keep going the way they have been there won't be anyone signing up.
Let me know what you think, ideas you might have, reblog this and tag your mutuals to get them involved in the discussion. I have a few ideas that I've pilfered from other fandoms, watch alongs. Fic bingo. Theres valentines exchanges. Fandom sleepovers. Heck I'd set up a Tumblr based scavenger hunt if I thought people would play. Like....we dont have to be monoliths in a placid sea of we don't want to. Fandom can be fun. It should be fun.
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linkrockeater · 3 years ago
fun-size: link x reader oneshot
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hey hey hey! im finally posting something! but please read this author’s note first!
this story originated from a request by an anon:
“Hello HoneyDoodle! I saw in your bio that Link is short, lol.So, can I please ask for a drabble with {Before calamity BotwLink} (when all the champions were alive). Then a [After calamity Botw Link] (When the champions are all dead and he needs to save Zelda) x tall, devoted, travel companion, fem reader?Please and thank you. ( ^ w ^ )“
of course, i loved this idea, so much so that i took way too many liberties and actually somehow ended up straying from the height-based focus. yes. though i mention the height disparity a few times, it doesn’t actually play as big a role as i wanted it to, like at all, and for that i deeply apologize for essentially not following the prompt!!! to make up for it, i will post a set of headcanons after this goes up that focuses on the prompt better and is much more lighthearted, as this gets kinda angsty??? basically link has a memory of the calamity and yeah. 
anon requested one whole drabble of the reader and link’s relationship both pre and post-calamity, so i tried to blend the two in a way that makes sense.
warnings: VERY LONG POST, mentions of blood/injury, general terror caused by the calamity (buildings falling apart), mention of food/cooking.
again, you have been warned: EXTERMELY LONG POST UP AHEAD!
please let me know if i need to add any more warnings!
fem!reader; 4.4k words. NOT PROOFREAD.
shortly after making his clumsy exit out of the shrine of resurrection, link was able to spot her cautiously wandering on the outskirts of the forest of spirits from his cliffside vantage point. she glanced around timidly, yet the stick she held in her hands was poised up with a somewhat determined fervor; her clothes, from what he knew, were similar to his in make and size and unfit for combat. link made a mental note to try to catch up with her as soon as possible, for she seemed to be just as unfamiliar with her surroundings as he was, and he couldn’t attempt to reach her from the height he was at anyway. not wanting to disturb her, he moved on, turning to his right and eyes immediately settling on a fire in the distance.
as the boy approached, he focused on a figure sitting just beyond the fire, a natural stone awning situated directly above the camp. the old man, as link had determined the figure to be, glanced up at him with no indication of shock, as if anticipating his arrival. he drew in a breath as if he were preparing a mighty speech, then paused.
“well go on, boy,” the man said after a few dull moments. link’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, finally making eye contact with the mysterious hooded figure. the man only chuckled softly. “i can see you eyeing those baked apples as if they were meant to be yours. so go on, take them. perhaps you could use such a succulent treat,” the man commented, idly tossing a few new apples over the flames to replace the ones link timidly grappled for.
link cleared his throat. “who are you?” his own voice shocked him; for what reasons he did not know. he felt ashamed to think he hadn’t a single clue as to where or even who he was, let alone this man that bore no apparent shock to his sudden appearance. keeping his eyes trained on the man, however, he could see that he, too, was taken aback at the sound of his voice. quickly shaking off his own surprise, the old man continued. 
“me? i’ll spare you my life story. i’m just an old fool who has lived here, alone, for quite some time now.” he began to stand, and a low grunt could be heard amidst his brief efforts. the odd cane he held upward in his left hand, which link hadn’t noticed until now, was now aimed at the forest behind link, the one where he had seen the girl wandering. he turned, expecting to see someone following the trail to the small hollow of the mountain, but saw nobody.
“before we continue, i must ask you a favor. i believe i saw someone enter the forest here not too long before your arrival. if you could go fetch her for me, i would be delighted.”
the golden-haired boy glanced behind him, eyes trailing the somewhat steep forest entry. looking back at the old man, he studied his figure.
“i don’t know who you are,” he murmured after a brief silence. as usual, the old man merely chuckled, unfazed by link’s bluntness.
“i am aware, my boy,” he explained, “but i bear no ill-will. you haven’t any reason to fear.” he used his cane to nudge one of the straying apples closer to the fire. “besides, i wouldn’t let your efforts go unpaid.”
link eyed the red fruits, feeling his mouth water as an innate desire washed over him. almost without hesitation, he nodded, making a beeline towards the forest entrance. the old man shook his head, a knowing smile adorning his weathered features.
the forest wasn’t so big when he got to exploring it – mostly to find the girl he was tasked with bringing back to the old man, but he found that he also enjoyed foraging around for mushrooms and plants as he looked. he was nearing a decent-sized pond excitedly, almost forgetting why he was in the forest of spirits in the first place, until he heard animalistic, pig-like snarling emanating from the other side of the water.
he instinctively took cover behind a tree, eyebrows furrowing as he scanned the area ahead. almost instantly he found the girl, quivering as she held her stick up defensively. decent-sized red creatures were approaching her at a rapid rate, much larger, sturdier weapons in hand. one quick glance to the right and he could see one standing on a makeshift lookout post aiming an arrow at her. if he was going to act, he needed to do so immediately.
he stumbled away from his cover, running towards the pond. he reached the edge a skidded to a stop, waterline stopping at his ankles, but that wasn’t the most important thing on his mind; he quickly raised his arms, whistling and using his hands in an effort to make it louder. 
the pig-like creatures whipped their heads around to see what made the noise, and audible sounds of surprise were heard. he and the girl made eye contact – the fear was evident in her expression, though confusion now occupied her gaze – and he gave her a nod, almost as if to say i promise to protect you right now.
he turned his attention back to the swarm of monsters nearing him at a quick pace. realizing that he had nothing to defend himself with, he grabbed a low-hanging branch from the tree he had hid behind, plucking an apple off and letting it hit the ground. it wasn’t the best weapon, but he acted on impulse.
as one creature caught up to him, raising its clunky wooden club as a valiant screech left its mouth, link hopped to the side. he paid no attention to the buzz of familiarity that came over his body, tensely avoiding the swings it made as he took to hitting it with his branch repeatedly. having broken it off a tree, one end was splintered and fairly sharp, and as he slashed at the creature it let out howls of pain.
“hey! you!”
eyebrows furrowing, he spinned around to meet the voice, but found it was only the girl at the other side of the pond. she shouted something else, but it was drowned out as it suddenly dawned on him that the rest of the pack had him surrounded and was ready to attack. having limited time to react (and being admittedly quite intimidated), he grabbed the end of the branch that wasn’t splintered and held it out like a rod. using all his weight he began to spin himself around, hoping the branch was long enough to hit at least a few of the creatures, dropping it as it snapped in half. his tactic worked; 3 of the monsters had been completely knocked down, and he took this opportunity to sprint across the pond before they got back up.
nearing the girl, he grabbed her arm, only now realizing how tall she actually was. he found he was shocked having to look up at her, but her gaze was fixed on something else. “what about the other ones?” she asked nervously.
having a firm grip on her he took off, maneuvering in between the trees (and making sure he wasn’t dragging her like a ragdoll) to the edge of the forest where he met the old man. he found that she was almost running faster than he was due to her height, so he let her go and pointed in the direction he was taking her.
when they both finally exited the forest, the man was sitting at his little camp expectantly. much like before he bore no shock to their expressions, of which they were clearly fazed by the forest encounter, and he merely chuckled before standing. “you’ve both made it. i hope you two didn’t run into any trouble, yes?”
“who are you?” the girl asked, though link stepped up before the man could offer an answer. 
“what did you need her for?” link was slightly skeptical as to why this old man would have any business to do with a girl randomly wandering the forest, especially after hearing that she had no clue who he was, though deep down he had a feeling that this man truly meant what he said about bearing no ill-ill towards them. 
“i was hoping to talk to the both of you, actually,” the old man stated calmly. “i have a favor to ask of you two.”
link came to know the girl as (y/n). both of them had been absolutely floored to hear that the man they were talking to had been, in fact, the spirit of the king of hyrule himself, and that link was the hero chosen by the goddess hylia to defeat the atrocity occupying the castle. (y/n) had a clear expression of shock, but was surprised to find link standing there with a growing determination apparent in his gaze. after they finally got to leave the great plateau, as their new map had called it, they took some time to talk to each other to clear the air of some confusion.
“you know, i may not be THE chosen hero, but i feel pretty lucky to be the chosen hero’s accomplice.”
link raised an eyebrow. it had been about a day since they first met each other, but she seemed to not mind the sudden mission that had been thrust upon them and acted as if they were close friends. “doesn’t it bother you that you have to basically just follow me around while i do my work?” he felt a slight sense of guilt wash over him. knowing that this girl could take off whenever she wanted and pursue a life much better than the one she was just told to live made him almost hurt for her, and he didn’t want this mighty title of his – being the chosen hero of hyrule – make her feel obligated to stay.
“not at all,” she said firmly, shocking him. “i may not know you well, but there is absolutely no way i would allow anyone to do this alone.” she glanced at him, already having realized that she would have to look slightly down at him to meet his gaze. she wasn’t taller by much, but it was enough to make him blush whenever she looked at him, which didn’t go unnoticed by her. “and besides, both of us are here without any memory of this place,” she suggested, referring to the kingdom of hyrule as a whole. “this will be a learning experience for the both of us, so i think it’ll be beneficial if we stuck around to help one another out, being the only people who can understand each other’s situation anyway,” she rambled.
link gave the idea a thought, a pensive sigh escaping his nose. he admired already how she seemed devoted to her cause, more so because she’s doing it by choice and reason. he nodded, looking up at her again, making him wilt a little in embarrassment.
“then i agree,” he stated quietly. goddesses, the height disparity was intimidating him. not only that but she seemed to be incredibly strong-willed too – he was the chosen hero? 
(y/n) noted all the times he seemed flustered by having to look up at her, a smirk forming on her lips as she watched. “oh, but you seem bothered by something. i didn’t say anything wrong, did i?”
“no, you didn’t!” he reassured her, quickly fixing his demeanor so that he didn’t appear as pensive as he actually was. “it’s just…”
“just what?” she failed to hide her amusement, and by the way she was subtly leaning down to match his height, he knew what she was getting at. “we’re going to be spending a lot of time together, you know, so there’s no reason to not tell me about anything that’s bothering you. we are in this. together.”
link huffed. “maybe i’m a little intimidated by how much taller you are than i am.”
the girl smiled, happy to hear her thoughts confirmed. “don’t worry about that, fun-size,” she comforted, though the amusement couldn’t be entirely hidden by her tone of voice and her giggle at the nickname. “there’s a reason you’re the chosen hero and i’m not. there’s nothing i can do that you can’t – in fact, i’m willing to bet there’s much more than me you can do,” she explained, link’s cheeks remaining a flushed color, though they were calming down.
“except, you know, being taller than me.”
his cheeks flushed again.
4 months after the two adventurers met (or reunification, as king hyrule had made clear), they had an expanded arsenal and newfound cooking knowledge. link handled the meals, extraordinarily talented at cooking and whipping up something new, while (y/n) found that she had a superb understanding of elixir brewing. in terms of fighting, link had an extremely innate ability to fight and handle them well, a skill that was probably buried deep in his soul despite losing his memory and physical likeness the 100 years he slept. neither of the two questioned it as they knew he used to be a knight, and he liked to boast about it quite a lot.
once he got past his contemplative state after hearing the news the first week or two, he was much more lighthearted than he came across. neither he nor (y/n) had any recollection of what he was like 100 years prior, though the latter figured he must’ve been pretty popular among not only the order of knights, but to castle staff as well. she, at least, knew that he was her favorite.
standing in the empty and abandoned hateno house, (y/n) gazed at the loft, wondering if they’d be able to fit two beds up there or if one was going to have to go underneath. the prospect of having beds of their own excited both of the travelers, their only sleeping areas having ever been the cold ground or beds at stable inns – not broken in and unfamiliar each time. she could hear link speaking to the construction workers outside, the ones who, thankfully, offered a discounted price on the house as well as a hefty amount of wood to compensate for the damage they’d done destroying the house in the days prior.
after making the exchange, link looked into the house curiously. “hey,” he started. (y/n) smiled him softly.
“how’d it go, fun-size?”
the boy groaned. “i wish you’d stop calling me that.” he placed his hands on his hips, something he did when he was becoming engaged in a conversation. “for all you know, your shrine-of-whatever just gave you extra benefits for some reason and made you taller,” he argued.
“that’s impossible, short stuff,” (y/n) quipped, using one of her other nicknames for the hero. “it would make sense if only i was taller than you or than anyone else for that matter,” she reasoned. “but everyone is taller than you, or is at least your height.”
a soft “hmph” could be heard as link crossed his arms, looking away in a pouting manner. “the village children are not taller than me,” he said quietly.
“they don’t count, bite-size!” the two laughed, though link more playfully defiant than his friend. 
link was in the middle of receiving his first memory. (y/n) stood close, holding him, as she was under the impression that was about to faint. he appeared to have fallen asleep, his eyebrows furrowing from time to time, but he seemed stable otherwise.
link, however, was unaware of the worry he was causing his friend, a new, vivid scene playing before him.
she sat at her pot, mixing slowly as her worried gaze met his. he said nothing, nor did his exterior expression falter; he acted as if he wasn’t involved in such a huge fight.
zelda had come to her frantically, a severely wounded link at her side. “mipha is not responding,” she stated, worry evident in her voice as it shook. hyrule’s princess dealt with a raging storm of thoughts in her mind, one of a completely different caliber than the one that was ripping up the land outside the shop. with mipha’s status unknown, her next best option was at the brewery, where a close friend of hers resided. “(y/n), this hearty elixir needs to be one of your strongest. there’s been another attack – the calamity, waves of horrible monsters, and…” zelda quieted, looking at link. the knight only looked at her as if to say i am okay. he was not.
(y/n) knew the look. this wasn’t the first time she’d seen her friend and appointed knight come in, though other times had been either to stock up or to handle minor injuries. this time her heart sank to her stomach, a deeply unpleasant and nauseating feeling rooting itself in her core. there was a visible gash in his stomach, of which fabric torn from his sleeve failed to cover. the blood had seeped through, staining his tunic and his hands that gripped it. he said nothing. he was dying.
“i promise i’m going to make something that saves him,” (y/n) stated firmly. she had her moments with the blond-haired boy, times where she had simply gone to visit her friend in the castle but had to wait around while she carried out her royal duties or training. if (y/n) was visiting and zelda was both unavailable and separated from her knight (for very rare but important enough reasons), the two found themselves spending time with each other. although it was often silent – link was never ever really talkative, not did he ever show any sign of vulnerability – she felt a very strong sense and sworn duty to keep him close to her heart.
link looked up at (y/n), the girl who stood doing her job in the midst of chaos, the calamity mere miles from her home and shop just outside of hyrule field; the girl who was the first to make him laugh in a garden walk only a few months prior, the girl who remained patient with him as he struggled internally to accept his fate; the girl who demonstrated true love and care for him when he tried his absolute best to be impenetrable. it was as if the goddesses were allowing him one last moment with the people he cared about most – zelda, who’d he’d learned to care about and admire as he protected her through her own struggles, and (y/n), the holder and protector of his own heart, who held him up under the stresses of having to be the one to uphold everyone around him. 
the ground beneath them rumbled, elixir spilling from the pot of goods (y/n) had been frantically but carefully crafting. quickly finishing up the brew, she transferred the liquid into a large glass jar, a size she never sold to customers and only used to keep large batches of liquid in. she grabbed her travel pack and dumped its contents out in a panic, shoving the jar inside.
an echoing screech could be heard from outside, accompanying the second rumble that rolled across the land. the walls of the shop shook, knocking wares and frames off shelves and tables. link groaned, overcome with exhaustion.
zelda grabbed (y/n)’s travel bag, careful in handling it despite her frantic state, as she had often helped her dear friend whenever she could at the castle. (y/n), i’m taking link to the shrine of resurrection,” she stated, link in such a disheveled state that he couldn’t oppose. “i don’t want to leave you here. please come with us.”
“but what would i do?” (y/n) asked. “i… have lived a fulfilling life. i do what i am best at,” she pondered. “there is no reason i should follow you and stunt your route to the shrine.”
“(y/n). i’ve finally unlocked my powers. it happened mere moments before we arrived. i can hold my own now… but i can’t do it without link. we will have to seal him away, while i–”
part of the roof broke and fell in, luckily away from the trio and closer to the entrance, but it scared the girls nonetheless. zelda’s breathing became uneven.
“there’s a shrine of preservation. it’s not complete, but i think it’s functional enough that you can safely spend the time needed for link’s revitalization in there,” she asserted. (y/n) blinked, beginning to make her way out of the building. 
“what are you suggesting?” she picked up link, her height allowing her to do so with ease. without interrupting zelda, knowing that she was entering a highly analytical state, she gestured towards the exit so they could make their escape now.
“if this works and link can be successfully kept alive by the shrine of resurrection, then i want him to have a companion when he wakes up,” she said, the two of them hurriedly evacuating the area. “i will have to hold ganon back at the castle until then. my power allows me to do so.”
the alchemist’s eyebrows furrowed in thought. everything felt so overwhelming, happening all too fast. “are you sure you’ve thought this through?”
“i have been dreading this moment for years, (y/n),” the princess stated firmly. “i’ve worried about every possible outcome to a day like today. it’s one of the reasons i asked purah and robbie to develop sheikah technology advanced enough to preserve someone’s life in the first place.” 
it was quiet for a while while she led the way. they seemed to be heading to the great plateau, link fading in and out of consciousness as he picked up on their conversation.
“you really think i’ll be a worthy enough partner for link?”
“yes,” zelda said, not a single moment of hesitation in her response. “it’s subtle, but i’ve noticed that you two have a close bond too. knowing that you’d be there to protect him puts me at ease.”
“but i’m no special goddess-chosen being like you, zelda… i have no powers that could protect him from injury.”
“you’re the best alchemist in hyrule,” your friend assured, “and i choose you to be the chosen hero’s protector.”
the words surged through (y/n), a deep impact made upon her heart as if zelda’s words carried a hidden prophecy on them. she finally nodded, the two making their way up the slick staircase leading onto the great plateau. 
“i’m going to make sure the shrine of preservation is in a stable state,” zelda explained. “please take link to the shrine of resurrection immediately.” she took off, leaving the travel pack with the elixir with (y/n), showing no trace of hesitancy.
the (e/c)-eyed girl pushed her way up to her destination, the slightest sense of intimidation washing over her. this was all so soon. her friend was dying in her arms.
clumsily using the sheikah slate to open the shrine door, she wasted no time in rushing inside. past the grand entrance of the room, which still contained boxes indicating that the shrine wasn’t yet complete, was a tub of sorts, shadowed by a massive and powerful chandelier. what it did, (y/n) was not sure.
she carefully placed the knight in the tub. upon doing so, the chandelier began slowly secreting drops of blue liquid, of which the girl could only assume was the magic substance that would save link. this cannot be enough, she worried, concerned about the rate at which the liquid was dispelled. taking the large jar of hearty elixir out of its bag, she frantically dumped the lot of it over her friend, careful to prevent any harsh currents from hitting his wounds. the boy coughed.
“link, everything will be okay.” she was reassuring herself more than she was reassuring him, but her thoughts stopped cold in her tracks when his blue eyes met hers.
like before, he said nothing, but his gaze was soft. she placed a hand on one of his own.
“you’re going to be okay, fun-size,” she said, her emotions finally washing over her as she used the goofy nickname she’d given him. the world was ending, but she could’ve sworn she saw the faintest hint of a smile on his face.
“you’re going to be okay.”
link gasped, recovering from his dream-like state and shooting upwards as he stood. he was covered in sweat, hands grappling for his torso, which was not bleeding and was in fact fine. he whipped around to see (y/n), who looked shaken up.
“are you okay?!” she nearly yelled, reaching out to feel his forehead. “goddesses, you work so hard, we need to take more breaks–”
link pulled her close to him, holding her like he was going to lose her, his heart pounding in his chest. he said absolutely nothing, much like how he did in his memory, except now he wasn’t dying, and his dear friend was still with him.
“i remembered,” he started after a while, voice quiet. “i just remembered the day the calamity hit. it came to me like a vision.”
by now (y/n) had returned his embrace, though she was still worried. “you remembered? like you were just reliving a memory?”
link nodded, pulling back to give his friend a small smile. “yeah. and zelda was there, and so were you, and…” he couldn’t feel more grateful for his friends than he did in this moment, though he did feel it was overdue. he almost felt like crying, having just relived such an emotionally intense moment, but he held himself together.
“and…” he began again, looking for the right words to describe the experience. “and you were still taller than me, and you still called me fun-size,” he said, smiling at her more. (y/n) couldn’t help smiling herself. 
“i told you! there were no alterations in those thingy-majigs.”
“yeah… those thingy-majigs…” he looked around at the area surrounding them, then back at his friend, who he had a newfound appreciation for. “hey, can we just take a weeklong break or something? i kind of just want to hang around while the house gets renovated.”
the girl smiled at him, their friendship as strong as ever.
“of course, fun-size.”
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best-ghoul · 2 years ago
Hey Boss, Operator here, and I want to tell a story with you. About robots.
And feelings.
Feelings about robots.
This is a Choose-your-own adventure type game where you (and I) play the fates. We compile a setting, protagonist, and mech through polls, and then I write it, with you guys hedging the circumstances.
I want to make more stuff and I want it to be something you guys wanna hear. Hop in.
Our protagonist is an Incredibly Dense Girl, hired as a GOD-RIDER, a pilot of a giant Anomaly Powered robot.
She was hired in error by the Invoker Institute, a group dedicated to containing and harnessing the power of a Anomalies, most prominently a singular, Anomaly-powered mechanical defender.
They're located on a Botched Colony, which is in orbit around a planet awash with mysteries and unknowns, decay and vigor.
Other named characters include HR, the mysterious Operator, and the idealistic Boss, who's no friend of the system and operates the Institute in the foggy edges of the law.
>Aside: Hot Choccy
//SETTING: >Planet
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>Tech Level?
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>Dystopia Flavor (NEXT)
>ProTAG Skills:
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>Protagonist's Last Job
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>Protagonist's favorite animal.
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>A Giant Robot Is...
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>Power Source
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>How do we understand this power?
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>Signature Weapon (RUNNING)
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>The Top Card
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>Get Ops a drink?
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(if these links look wrong, it's probably an old reblog. This links to the current masterpost)
What's this?: A kinda-sorta choose-your-own-adventure-game I'm running. I present three questions a day to you guys every, you vote for 24 hours, building a setting over 3 weeks, at 3 questions a day, and I have to composite a conclusion from the results when the polls close. Think of me like a GM, but I'm writing fiction.
What's it For?: Funsies. It's not that serious, but I do wanna get better about communicating concise ideas and talk about art via art. I've got a lot of free time on my hands because of health stuff, so I wanna write.
Is it a game?: I mean, technically. If you mean the kind with buttons, I'll see about jamming something simple together like a text adventure at the end if there's a interest for it.
What kinda story is it: Prose, right now. It'll be a 3rd person narrative in plain text.
Is it Scientific? Fuck no. Post your commentary in the tags, rig the polls, whatever. Chaos reigns and the deck's stacked anyway (by me). Massive sweeps may even have critical consequences.
Can I contribute/collaborate? Yes! Yes! Yes! Like, send me an ask, I can drabble.
What's the deal with the color system? My take is it increases readability and accessibility in pure text. Something I'm saying as a GM is probably true, and blue questions ask for the Truth. Green are new facts you guys have voted on, and Orange is for keywords. It's based off of Phoenix Wright and other VNs. Also, yeah yeah, Homestuck.
22 notes · View notes
khrystalsnow · 4 years ago
February and March reads
🦋I've been swamped with school for the past two months, and these fics really saved me from dropping out of uni😭 I'm sorry if there's no reviews because this list is hella long(it’s mostly jungkook okay😭🤚🏼), but just know that I enjoyed each and every one of these fics.❤️
(pls let me know if there's any mistake or links that don’t work!)
❤️New Favourite
friends with snacks by @scriptaed 🥺
-roommates!au; friends to lovers!au; drabble
pretty girls don't get hurt by @ktheist  😏
-heir!doctor!seokjin x heiress!ceo!reader x best friend!heir!taehyung
uptown girl by @moononthejoon  😏🤬🥺
-bodyguard!seokjin + princess!reader + enemies to lovers!au
so I heard you like bad boys by @scriptaed 🥺
-uni!au; friends to lover!au; drabble
I'll Drive You by @min-youngis 🥺
-resident reader x idol yoongi
Buttering Up by @jimlingss 🥺
Fear and Dumplings by @softyoongiionly 🥺🤬😏❤️
-Underground Rapper! Yoongi, facing your fears
Greedy by @xjoonchildx 🤬😏❤️
-mafia AU
erotica by @whatifyoulivelikethat 😏
-non-idol!AU, they caught each other masturbating
baby, what's wrong? by @taeyohonic 🥺
-established relationship, idol au, reader has mild anxiety and a panic attack
until our last breath by @inkofyoongi 🥺
-Friends to lovers!AU, yoongi wants to be your boyfriend
switching my positions by @cupofteaguk  🥺🤬
-solo artist!yoongi, manager!y/n, fake dating au, friends to lovers au
universe by @personasintro  😏
-stalker au
Birthday Spanks by @jjungkookislife  😏
-free spanks!yoongi x free spanks!oc
new year, new us by @vantaenims  🥺🤬
-producer!yoongi x reader, exes au
The Mark of Yun-Ki by @ladyartemesia  😏🤬
-Hybrid/ABO AU, Royalty AU, Fantasy AU, Daechwita AU
baby, you can drive my car by @jungshookz 😂🥺😏🤬❤️
- mechanic!au, spoiltbrat!y/n 
Third Wheeling by @untaemedqueen  😏🥺🤬
-Strangers to Lovers!AU, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, CEO!Yoongi 
desolate by @angelicyoongie​ 🤬😏🥺 NEW!
-cat hybrid
straight shooter by @snackhobi​ 😏🤬🥺❤️ NEW!
-hitman!yoongi, black market dealer/gunsmith!reader
pour some sugar on me by @yoonia 😏 NEW!
-Enemies to Lovers!au, Baker!au
same old mistakes by @xbaepsae 🥺😏🤬
-country club!au, rich boy!hoseok x reader
I Don’t Know What to Call This by @httphopewrld  🥺😏
-friend/lover/bfhoseok! x female reader
suncity by @jamaisjoons  😏🥺🤬
-trip to Barcelona, stranges to lovers au
cry to my room by @kithtaehyung  😏🤬
-friends to lovers, roommates au
play me like a toy by @ktheist  😏🤬
-mafia heiress!reader x ex-mafia!director!hoseok, chaebol-mafia family au. arranged marriage au
Bear and Sparrow by @sahmfanficbts 😏🥺🤬❤️
-immigrant AU, strangers to lovers
Mr. and Mrs. Kim series by @sahmfanficbts 😏🥺
-every chapter is NSFW (married)
Call of Duty by @sahmfanficbts 🥺😏🤬
-Military!Namjoon x female!reader
you’ve got a friend in me by @wwilloww 😏
-best friend and roommate 
A Match Made in Heaven by @sahmfanficbts 😏🥺😂❤️
-Med School Resident!Namjoon x Dental School resident female!Reader, Strangers to Lovers
Laundry day by @snackhobi 😏🥺
-neighbour joon who caught you masturbating
beautiful boy by @jinpanman 🥺🤬❤️
-namjoon x OC, namjoon x reader, single dad!namjoon, baby!jimin
unbroken by @sahmfanficbts  😏🥺🤬
-Idol!Namjoon x Female Bonsai Grower!Reader, from one-night stand to forever
glasses-clad boy by @jeongi  😏🥺
-tutor joon
these hands are calloused. by @ktheist  🥺🤬
-underground fighter!namjoon x florist!reader
Forget Me Not by @joontopia​ 🤬🥺😏NEW!
-exes to lovers, valentine’s day
Perfect Pebble by @jjkthclub 🥺
-they meet at a wedding and they go on dates because oc doesn't believe in love
-teachers AU, the reader falls down the stairs
delivered, I’m yours by @suhdays  😂🥺
-valet jimin x baker reader
driver’s license by @gyukult 🤬
-coming-of-age, one-sided!au, brothersbestfriend!au
plums & melons by @winetae  😏😂🤬
-brother’s best friend!au
tears on a silver platter by @flowerwrites06 🤬❤️NEW!
-Idol!Jimin x OC (Name: Gaia), jimin calls his girlfriend clingy
moonlight by @kooksea 😏🥺 NEW!
-singer!jimin, traveller!jimin, artist!reader
Endymion by @marginalmadness 😏❤️
-Druid!Taehyung x Witch!Reader
welcome to my youtube channel by @tteokggukk 🥺
-idol!taehyung x youtuber!reader
Comeback Home by @another-army-spot 😏🤬🥺❤️
-exs-to-lovers!au, teenparents!au, college!tae, businesswoman!oc
heart strung symphonies by @inkedtae  😏🥺🤬
-opera singer!taehyung x pianist!reader
Saudade by @chateautae  😏🥺🤬
-idol!taehyung x choreographer!reader, established relationship
kinda hot by @kimnjss  😏🥺🤬❤️
-campus flirt!taehyung x sweet girl!reader, sm au, best friends to lovers
definition of love by @taegularities  😏🥺🤬
-college!au, tae takes interest in you, past minor character death, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of unhealthy coping mechanisms
the snow king by @bloomsuga  😏🥺🤬❤️
-princess!reader x ice prince!tae
cursed by @bloomsuga 😂🥺🤬😏 NEW!
-witch!taehyung x cursed!reader, sm au
golden hour by @tteokggukk 😏
-photographer! jungkook x reader
At the stroke of Midnight by @pars-ley 🥺😏🤬
-A Cinderella story au / comedy / popular jock jungkook / best friend Jimin
cry baby by@namgee 😏🥺
-fwb au, rollerskating
Heart of the Storm by @ladyartemesia 🥺😏🤬
-Secret Feelings/Strangers to Lovers
baecation by @1kook 😏
-richboy!jk, vacation
a table turned. and a line crossed. by @underthejoon 😏
-guard jk and oc is a tease
exclamation mark by @whatifyoulivelikethat 😏
-non-idol!AU; tattoo artist, dom!Jungkook x tattooed, sub!reader
Give Me A Try by @jjkthclub 😏
-friendstolovers!au, jungkook is the campus fuckboy
Domestic Fairy by @borathae 🥺😏
-established relationship, domestic!AU
open invitation by @jimidol  😏🥺🤬
-duke!jungkook x duchess!reader
take my whole life too by @ktheist  😏🤬
-chaebol au. arranged marriage au. expecting parents au, house husband!jeongguk
love letter by @whatifyoulivelikethat  😏
-non-idol!BTS, jk gets love letters 
tingle by @hansolmates  😏
-tattoo artist!jungkook x tattooed!reader (f)
come over by @bratkook  😏
-jungkook is a self proclaimed pervert, voyeurism through bedroom windows
i don't mind by @bratkook  😏🥺🤬❤️
-rockstar!Jungkook x reader, jk being chased by security and barges oc’s car
busted in busan by @hansolmates  😏🥺🤬
- snowbound at the airport, christmas detour!au
crush by @jungxk  🥺😂😏🤬
-jk got hit by a car and lost some of his memories
Days to Morning Glory by @sketchguk  🤬😏🥺
-Aspiring Rockstar!Jeongguk x Med. Student!Reader, exes to lovers, roommate AU, high school sweethearts
stranded by @gguksgalaxy  😏🥺🤬
-Enemies to lovers, fuck/badboy!Jungkook, they study for their law exam
concrete king by @bratkook  🥺😏❤️
- skaterboy!jk x reader, sweet summer romance
risky business by @jjkthclub  😏
-enemiestolovers!au, office bathroom sex
ZOOM CALL by @1kook  🥺😏❤️
-comfort fic, quarantine fic
roses, poetry and jeon by @seraphimguks  🥺🤬
-bookstore employee!jungkook x reader
ocean eyes by @jimidol  🥺😏
-firefighter!jungkook x teacher!reader, he surprised you by dying his hair based on your favorite song.
shiver by @hansolmates  😏🤬❤️
- bad boy!jungkook x church girl!reader, childhood friends to lovers
clandestine by @junghelioseok  😏🥺
-brother’s best friend!au, 
One-Step Forward, Two-Steps Back by @oureuphoria  🤬🥺
-tattoo artist jungkook x college student reader, oc falls for her roommate’s fwb
I like U by @pbandjk  😏🥺🤬
-fratboy! Fwb Jungkook Au, oc is a boss lady in the tech industry
A Date With Destiny by @missgeniality  😏🥺😂
-Strangers to Lovers, Idol!AU, 
the art of wanting by @venusiangguk 😏
-dilf!jk x grocery store clerk!oc
brown-eyed baby by @jeonstudios 😏🥺🤬
-exes to friends to lovers, single dad!jk x reader, a lost child at the mall
almost home by @angelguk  🤬
-dad!jungkook & nanny!oc, both jungkook and oc are scarred from their previous relationships
the secret beneath our stars by @subvk  🤬😏
-friends to lovers au, marriage pact with jk
Blue Spring by @adonis-koo​  😏🥺🤬
-Single dad!Jungkook/Reader, Daycare AU, Slice of life
jealousy by @jimidol 🥺🤬😏 NEW!
-tattoo artist!jungkook, parents au
young one by @bts-reveries 🤬🥺❤️ NEW!
-photographer, dad!jungkook x hostess, mom!reader, sm au and written
effortlessly by @gyukult 😏🥺NEW!
-friends to lovers, school!au
selfie by @whatifyoulivelikethat 🥺😏NEW!
-rom-com, slice-of-life, oppa’s bestfriend!Jungkook x SHINee fangirl!reader
too close by @cutechim 🤬NEW!
-wife!reader x boxer!jungkook (ft. ex boyfriend!namjoon)
caked by @gukslut 🥺😏 NEW!
-Established Relationship, very smutty
My Time by @btsracket 😏 NEW!
-rich, dom jungkook spoiling his girl
The Speedo by @gukslut 😏🥺 NEW!
-oc thinks he’s a fuckboy, but he has fallen in love
the ebb and flow (part 8) by @xbaepsae 🤬 NEW!
-demigod!jeongguk x demigod!reader, percy jackson!au
Gangs of Fate by @pars-ley  🥺🤬
-Mafia au / feat. Members of Exo
bon appetite series by @jamaisjoons
-Valentines series
Guarded series by @xjoonchildx 
-mafia AU
515 notes · View notes
virlath · 5 years ago
Hidden Trespasser mosaics
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So I was researching some lore for a theory surrounding the environmental artwork in DAI, and happened to stumble upon this twitter post regarding unused mosaics for Trespasser. 
Coincidentally, I’ve been so deep in statues and elven god symbolism the past few days that I thought I’d chime in with some of my own thoughts.
From left to right in these artworks, I think we’re looking at four different gods involved in Solas’ slave rebellion.
Fen’Harel, Dirthamen/Falon’Din, Andruil, Mythal
If this hidden game file is anything to go by, it seems to confirm one theory I’ve had for a while- that Solas had help from some of the evanuris with his slave rebellion.
Because when you think about it, it’s kinda hard to believe he could have started a slave rebellion at all with his high profile and attachment to Mythal, especially when slaves seems to have been a big economy in ancient Elvhenan.
The gods in these mosaics
From left to right in the image
(Note: I actually posted some hi-res shots of the masks from DAO yesterday if you’re interested in seeing unedited screenshots, but I’ll break down my guesses here anyway.)  
1. Fen’Harel is obviously the wolf.
2. Dirthamen’s mask is easiest to spot because it matches the shape of his statues in DAO. Note that Dirthamen and Falon’Din have very similar statues and masks.
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Falon’Din is the statue with the spear (recognised by Tamlen as “friend of the dead”) while I believe Dirthamen is the statue with four arms (this also strongly implies the envy demon in DAI is his corrupted raven, Deceit)
I believe Falon’Din and Dirthamen are two aspects of the same being, but how that actually works remains to be seen. Some people have suggested Falon’Din walks the fade while Dirthamen walks the physical realm and perhaps that explains their togetherness and separateness. 
Regardless, it does seem like both Falon’Din and Dirthamen were involved in Solas’ uprising due to the fact that both their mosaics are found inside the elven sanctuary before we see Solas’ mural removing vallaslin.
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3. Andruil’s mask seems to fit most similarly to the third mosaic.
The overall curved shape mirrors Andruil’s bow in her mosaic, and the dotted indentation at the top totally looks like an arrow shaft. The eye placement in both the mosaic and the mask hints to me that this is very likely Andruil.
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The big question- why would Andruil be helping Solas?
Perhaps because Mythal turned her to their side after she “sapped Andruil's strength, and stole her knowledge of how to find the Void.”
Or, perhaps Andruil isn’t as “evil” as people think she is.
Sure, she may have brought on the blight (although even this is conjecture, personally I feel like this could very well could be misdirection) and may have hunted “mortal men and beasts”, but who’s to say these beasts and men didn’t deserve what they got? Who’s to say she wasn’t corrupted by the void before she became the “goddess of sacrifice”?
One day Andruil grew tired of hunting mortal men and beasts. She began stalking The Forgotten Ones, wicked things that thrive in the abyss.
This implies to me she could have simply been hunting beings that had given her cause to hunt them. Remember, she was the only god that responded to Ghilan’nain’s cries for help, and at this time Ghilan’nain was one of the People, implying she wasn’t totally evil.
Andruil also has strong links to Falon’Din, because she and Falon’Din share the same symbol of the owl. What if Mythal meted out judgement, Falon’Din brought her judgement to them in the form of the owl (thus fulfilling the role of Andruil’s messenger as well as “friend of the dead”), and Andruil hunted them in turn to render Mythal’s judgement?
“Always keep an eye out for the noble owl. You never know: Andruil might have a message for you.”
It is interesting to see that the owl statue is always carrying what looks like a mirror or even dimension to another world (another prison perhaps?), possibly intended as a way to reflect the viewer’s own self and actions back on to them. 
Anyway, to me there are a number of possibilities why Andruil would work with Solas and co. Perhaps she wasn’t as corrupted as they thought. Perhaps Mythal made her forget so much so she agreed to help them. Or perhaps Andruil was the mole in the rebellion - the person who began the events that led to Mythal’s death.
4. I think the last god represents Mythal, due to the fact the shape is similar to the bronze statues found in the crossroads and deep roads.
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There are in fact two versions of this statue - the sun, in the crossroads, and the moon in the deep roads. (brightened and contrast boosted for clarity)
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The moon statue is strongly implied to represent Mythal, because a note is found near this statue:
These statues are old. Better shape than anything I've seen on the surface. Many of them are for Mythal, though. And Fen'Harel. Not in a spot of honor, but guarding, attending.
Question is, why would the sun also represent Mythal when Elgar’nan is known as the Eldest of the sun? 
Well, not only does the sun statue look very much the yin to the yang of the moon statue in the deep roads, the sun could refer to Mythal being both the sun and moon to the dwarves. 
These statues are notably different to other elven statues we’ve seen- notable for the fact they have a large base of rock, and they are carved in smooth bronze.  As these bronze statues are only found in this particular section of the deep roads where she controlled a lyrium wellspring, perhaps the dwarves carved these as a representation of her.
In the third note you find in the deep roads, a poem reads:
I am empty, filled with nothing(?), Mythal gives you dreams. It fills you, within you(?), Making our leaders proud. My little stones, Never yours the sun. Forever, forever.
It sure seems to me like Mythal was protecting these dwarves from something. Either that, or she was using these dwarves as slaves or minions in her operation and for some reason, they revered her enough to carve their own representations of her.
Morrigan says this of Mythal at the Temple of Mythal:
Let fly your voice to Mythal, deliverer of justice, protector of sun and earth alike.’
Similarly, Solas further says:
She was the mother,  protective and fierce. 
Regardless, I think there’s more evidence indicating Mythal was working with Solas over Elgar’nan. You do need Mythal’s passphrase after all to enter the elven sanctuary safely.
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And if you want to take this one step further, check out the crown “Andraste” is wearing in DAO. Look familiar??? Maybe reminscent of the moon statue we see in the deep roads?
I don’t want to say Mythal was Andraste but...there are many signs that are hard to ignore.
More theory drabble
I realise a lot of the gods’ motives I’ve come up with above are based on conjecture and tbh, the writing for DA4 could go so many ways simply because of the fact that there are so many wide open threads that could be expanded upon.
These unused mosaics does indicate to me at least that the writers have a plan for how Solas’ rebellion actually functioned however, and that to me is exciting in itself.
One thing we can assume with high certainty is that Solas started the slave rebellion before Mythal’s death, because you need her passphrase to enter his sanctuary. Furthermore, even without these unused mosaics there are in-game mosaics of Dirthamen and Falon’Din in the sanctuary before we see the vallaslin mural.
This strongly implies to me that at the very least, even without this hidden game file, that Dirthamen, Falon’Din and Mythal aided and abetted Solas’ slave rebellion.
Further adding to this theory are the the rather compelling links to Dirthamen throughout DAI. For example, the gilded Fen’Harel statues in Dirthamen’s temple’s inner sanctum, Dirthamen’s bleeding statue in the Fade, Dirthamen, Falon’Din, Mythal and Fen’Harel imagery in the Knight’s Tomb, as well as Dirthamen’s statue at Calenhad’s foothold (where it’s implied he had a thing with Ghilan’nain). Not to mention- dual raven standards found underneath Fen’Harel’s sanctuary, as well as archer statues next to the eluvian as you exit (who I believe represent Dirthamen & Falon’Din).
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Something clearly happened that led to Mythal’s death, and I’m leaning towards the fact that there was a leak somewhere within Solas’ trusted circle. Dirthamen seems to have been betrayed by someone close to him before the veil was created, because his statue in the fade is stabbed in the back and his eyes are weeping waterfalls of blood. 
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As Solas says “...an enemy can attack, but only an ally can betray you. Betrayal is always worse.” 
And, when you tell him you trust your friends? He responds “I know that mistake well enough to carve the angles of her face from memory” 
It is assumed he is talking about Mythal’s own betrayal when he says this, but he could also be referring to the person/people who betrayed him and his trust. Personally, I think Falon’Din and Ghilan’nain could be key players in Mythal’s death at this point. We don’t know enough about the other gods to also make assumptions on their motives unfortunately. 
All in all, it seems to me like every one of the false gods were out to get one another, and Solas never even saw Mythal’s death coming because he was too arrogant/preoccupied with his rebellion.
If Solas really was Mythal’s oldest friend and guardian, his pride would have been absolutely crushed when she was betrayed and killed. The veil was likely a knee-jerk reaction due to his pride and “hot-headedness” more than anything- if he could be outplayed and have his own power and role as “guardian” outright questioned, then of course he would retaliate and raise the stakes even higher. It’s his MO- he has a means to an ends “you didn’t invent war” mentality, disregarding the collateral damage as long as he comes out on top.
This does make me wonder what intentions he has for the false gods once they’re freed though. Obviously Mythal wants her vengeance. But what of Solas? These false gods were his kin after all and the only ones who can truly relate to him on a level no mortal can understand. After all these years of stewing and realising his knee-jerk reaction cost him the entire elven empire, it makes sense he would want to restore what he effectively destroyed when his pride was hurt. 
To me it does seem like he truly hates the evanuris...but could he still be in leagues with some of them? Something I may not put past him, considering I don’t think he worked alone during his rebellion. 
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here4theheartbreak · 4 years ago
Spring Fever (MinJoon)
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AO3 Link Here!
✩ Relationships: minjoon (Jimin x Namjoon) ✩ Genre(s): fluff
✩ Rating: General ✩ Tags: fluff, getting together, self confidence issues
✩ Summary: Spring fever is a real thing, and Jimin is really sick of it.
✩ A/N: Written for @chimknj​ for the drabble requests, prompt #14: Vernorexia (romantic mood inspired by spring - lit. spring fever)
✩ Word Count: ~2.6k
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“Did you hear that Hoseok and Yoongi started dating yesterday?” Taehyung asked, tossing the magazine he’d been skimming onto the floor. He flopped onto his back, letting his head hang over the edge of the bed.
Jimin rolled his eyes from his spot on the floor, back against his dresser. “Fucking shocker. They’ve been eye fucking for two months.”
Taehyung scowled. “What crawled up your ass? I thought you’d be happy for them.”
Jimin sighed, closing his eyes. “I am. I’m just… I don’t know.” He shook his head. “I am. They’re a cute couple. Go right along well with you and Jin.”
Taehyung’s scowl shifted to a pout. He crawled off the bed and over to Jimin, sitting next to him. “Are you jealous of Jin, Jiminie? Because you know you don’t have to be. You’re my best friend.”
“’M not jealous of Jin.” He muttered. “Not like that.”
“But you are? Kinda then?”
“And of you. And Hobi, and Yoongi. And every other fucking person suddenly coming up with a lover.” Jimin wrapped his arms around his knees, putting his chin on them. “It’s stupid. I hate this stupid season with the dumb flowers and the long days and the picnics.” He made a small ‘hmph’ noise and sunk his face into his arms.
“Ahh,” Taehyung said with a soft understanding. “Jimin… You don’t have to be lonely.”
“Easy for you to say.” He looked up at Taehyung. “You and Jin have only been dating for a month and it’s pretty fucking clear you’re soulmates. He chose you even though he got teased for liking someone so much younger. He is head over heels for you, and I’m sure Yoongi’s gonna be the same with Hobi. Nobody wants me. I’m just the ugly, angry little person tagging along with the beautiful ones.”
“Hey!” Taehyung snapped, and Jimin startled, looking at him.
“Why are you yelling at me?”
“Because you shouldn’t talk about yourself like that. You’re beautiful Jimin. Your dancing is phenomenal and you’re so clever and caring. You’re a great listener and you defend your friends with your whole heart. You get angry but it’s usually for good reason. Just because you have a temper doesn’t mean you’re unworthy of love. And you aren’t tagging along with us. I resent that. You’re just as much a part of our friend group as everyone else.”
Jimin lowered his gaze again. “I’m normally not bugged by this, you know? It just feels like lately… Even Taemin is talking about that girl he’s into. Everybody is finding their love and I’m still sitting here alone.”
“It’s Spring,” Taehyung shrugged as he spoke, “romance is in the air, that kind of crap… But you aren’t helpless, Jimin. If you want a lover, why not go out and find them? I know you like someone.”
“He doesn’t like me like that, you know it.”
“Have you ever asked?”
“Namjoon is way too good for me,” Jimin argued. This wasn’t a new argument; he’d been in love with their mutual friend for nearly a year now. And every time Taehyung brought up asking him out, the excuses flowed like water from Jimin’s pretty lips.
“Namjoon is an idiot who trips over air and burns water,” Taehyung argued.
“Don’t talk about him like that. He’s smarter than you,” Jimin grumped, and Taehyung smirked.
“You’re so so head over heels for him and you can’t see it. You can’t see him either. I swear, Jimin… They say people can’t see the forest for the trees, but you’re opposite. You’re too busy staring at the whole damn forest and the storm clouds moving in another direction to notice the beauty of the redwood right in front of you.” He sighed. “And it is one… Beautiful specimen. Tall and broad and just….”
“Dude, you have a boyfriend,” Jimin said. Taehyung grinned.
“And even with one of those I can appreciate the aesthetic appeal of a gorgeous young redwood in a forest of box elders.”
“Would you stop comparing Namjoon to a fucking tree?!” Jimin cried, laughing at the absurdity of it.
Taehyung pouted innocently. “Namjoon. Namu. I see no difference. And you don’t see the reality in front of you.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that? The redwood’s gonna fall for the boab tree?”
“Well, considering those two species don’t even exist in the same place, no. But the redwood might appreciate the beautiful foxglove growing around the base of his trunk. Deadly and stunning… But worth admiring, if you’d just give them a chance.” Taehyung reached out and stroked Jimin’s cheek. “You look down on yourself so much, Jimin. But you’re so worth it. If you’d just give yourself a chance… And if you’d give Namjoon a chance.”
Jimin shook his head, opting to stay silent. He knew he’d lose any argument about this with Taehyung; it wasn’t worth fighting it. Taehyung sighed. He elbowed Jimin lightly.
“Wanna play a game?”
“Yeah, I do,” Jimin agreed, relieved he dropped the subject. But even as they sat on the bed and bickered over who was taking the most loot in their video game, the chipper chirping of the birds outside, and the cool breeze wafting in the scent of plum and cherry blossoms left an ache of lonely longing in Jimin’s heart.
‘Do you wanna go hiking with me today?’
Jimin chewed his lip, staring at the text. It was innocuous; not like Namjoon had never invited him places before. They were friends. But it felt so different. Probably something to do with the discussion he and Taehyung had had only a few days before, and the incessant feeling that Jimin was being slapped in the face with others’ happiness. He considered declining, if only to save himself the heartache when the inevitable happy, sappy couple would come by them on the hiking trail. But the opportunity to hang out with Namjoon was – as always – too damn good to pass up. He loved spending time with Namjoon, especially out in nature. Namjoon loved nature, and Jimin loved seeing it.
‘Sure – what time?’ He responded back.
The two texted back and forth for a few minutes, deciding the logistics of their planned outing, before Jimin rose to dress. It was something casual, just between friends. Just a regular old hike. He didn’t need his nice shorts or his cute t-shirt. He didn’t need to wear his good cologne or apply just a little gloss to his pouty lips… He didn’t need to, but he did anyway.
Unfortunately for Jimin, all the nice dressing in the world couldn’t prevent the ache that formed as soon as he met up with Namjoon and began to walk along the quiet trail. Everywhere he looked, it seemed, were lovers, cuddling on park benches or stopped under trees as they shared quiet kisses. Laughter and shouts of joy added to the storm clouds in Jimin’s mind. It only took the constantly thoughtful Namjoon fifteen minutes to pull Jimin off the path.
“What’s the matter?”
“What? Nothing.”
“Yeah, there is. You’ve barely done more than grunt at me.” Namjoon scowled. “If you didn’t want to come, you didn’t have to say yes.”
Panic bubbled up in Jimin’s chest. “No, no,” he said quickly, waving his hands. “I do. I did, I want to be here. I like doing this with you.”
“Then why are you such a grouch?”
Jimin shrugged, lowering his gaze. “It’s stupid. I’ll work on it.” He offered a bright smile, hoping it was convincing. “Look over there, that plum blossom tree. Let me take a picture of you in front of it.” His smile wavered when a young couple holding hands approached the tree he was pointing at, taking a selfie by it.
Namjoon looked over then back at Jimin, his brows losing their knit as his entire expression softened. He looked back to the couple.
“They look happy, huh?”
“Yeah,” Jimin muttered, looking anywhere but at the couple. “Come on, I’m sure there’ll be a nice tree I can get a picture of you with up ahead.”
He started walking, entirely aware that it was now Namjoon being sullen and silent next to him. They turned down another path, filled with a variety of blossoming trees, and Jimin’s eyes welled with unexpected tears. He blinked them away, trying to keep his face from Namjoon. He didn’t exactly know why he was crying. The scent of the trees, the overwhelming urge just to grab Namjoon’s hand, the peace… It was too much.
“Jimin, can I confess something?” Namjoon whispered, his voice just audible over the wind through the branches.
“Of course,” Jimin’s voice was soft as well, trying not to show he’d been struggling against tears.
“I’m lonely.”
Namjoon’s confession fell like a brick in Jimin’s stomach. He looked over at Namjoon, who smiled weakly. “Hoseok and Yoongi got together, you know?”
Jimin nodded. “And Tae and Jin.”
“And Jungkook’s been flirting with Eunwoo… Hobi thinks they’re gonna start dating soon.”
“Yeah.” Jimin looked back down, not sure what to say. They walked in silence a little longer before Namjoon spoke again.
“Do you know why everyone gets together in the spring?”
“It’s a phenomenon they call Vernorexia. Spring fever. Something about the melting of the snow and blooming of the flowers and trees that just puts everyone in a lovey mood. It’s also why some people get so grumpy despite the increase in Vitamin D.”
Jimin chuckled. “I get it.”
“I guess it’s nice. Everyone getting together,” Namjoon said, looking around. He sighed. “Just kinda empty feeling… Being alone during it all.” He looked over at Jimin, smiling sadly. “I’m kind of tired of being alone, Jimin.”
“Me too,” Jimin said. “I heard Ashley is single, she likes you.”
“You know I’m not into girls.”
“I don’t know any single guys you’d want, sorry.”
“I do,” Namjoon said. He grabbed Jimin’s wrist, stopping them on the path. Jimin’s heart leapt into his throat. Namjoon was so close… Before he could really process what was happening, Namjoon went forward, his eyes closing. Jimin’s eyes widened. Not him, it couldn’t be him. Instinctively, he pushed him back, and Namjoon nearly fell, righting himself.
He looked at Jimin with a shocked gaze. “Oh God, did I misunderstand?”
“What?” Jimin asked, his breath coming quickly. Namjoon had almost kissed him.
“I thought…” Namjoon shook his head. “God, I’m a fool. I’m so sorry, I’d never invade your space like that. I thought you liked me, I—Taehyung mentioned it in passing and I—I’ve had a crush on you forever but I never thought it’d work so I…” He scratched the back of his head, his cheeks pinking up adorably. “I’m so sorry, I probably freaked you out trying to kiss you like that. I’m not a creep, I promise.”
Jimin shook his head. He waved his hands, trying to get Namjoon to stop panic rambling. He finally grabbed his upper arms. “You like me?”
Namjoon’s body sagged a little. “Is that so disturbing? I ruined our friendship, didn’t I? I know I’m not much. You’re so talented and beautiful and you’re definitely going to be a star. I’m… I’m just Namjoon.”
Jimin gaped, Namjoon’s words settling like a punch to his stomach, painful and deep. “I’ve been in love with you for a year, Namjoon,” he whispered.
Namjoon looked up. “Then why—Why did you push me away just now?”
“Because you don’t want someone like me. I’m ugly and short and awkward and kinda dumb. I get angry at the stupidest things and I’m not near as slender or muscular as Tae or Jin, even as a dancer Hobi has me beat—”
“You are kind of dumb,” Namjoon agreed. Jimin blinked, surprised.
Namjoon smiled, reaching for Jimin. He stroked his face. “You’re dumb if you think any of those things are true. Or those that are, if you think they matter… You are short and you do have a temper… But they don’t matter to me. For months I’ve dreamed of dating you, holding your hand, kissing you, and… More.” Namjoon smiled weakly. “It’s gotten worse with springtime. I feel like there’s this constant stupid emptiness in my guts and I am so, so angry at all the happy couples. I just want to reach out and grab someone… You and tell you how I feel. That’s what today was about. When Tae mentioned you maybe liking me, I figured now was the time to take my shot, even though I thought I wouldn’t ever be enough for you.”
Jimin’s heart was pounding so loud he worried Namjoon could hear it. He flung himself forward, wrapping his arms around Namjoon’s neck in a painfully tight hug. “You’re more than enough, Namjoon,” Jimin whispered. “You’re my redwood.”
Namjoon laughed, hugging Jimin back. “Your redwood?” He asked, putting his mouth against Jimin’s shoulder. His breath was warm, drawing goosebumps over Jimin’s arms.
“Mhm. Tall and lean and strong… Always someone that will support me when I’m weak. Someone who can last forever. Tae mentioned it and I—He was right.”
“Ah, I see.” Namjoon rubbed his hands lightly over Jimin’s back. “And what did our Taehyung liken my sweet Minie to?”
Jimin’s breath caught when Namjoon called him sweet. He called him sweet. And his.
“Foxglove,” Jimin whispered.
“Bright and beautiful, but deadly if you don’t handle with care,” Namjoon confirmed. Jimin nodded. He felt Namjoon pulling away and squeezed tighter, not wanting to let go. He did though, and Namjoon smiled down at him. “I’ve always found foxglove to be a beautiful flower. Something to be handled delicately and appreciated for its brightness… But respected.” Namjoon curled his fingers under Jimin’s chin, tilting his head up a little. “I want to kiss you, Jimin. Is that okay?”
Jimin nodded. “Yes. If… If you promise me something first.”
“That you won’t go away once the spring rains stop.”
Namjoon smiled wider, shaking his head. “I’ll be around much longer than that, I promise you. As long as you’ll have me, Minie.”
He closed the space between their lips, and this time Jimin didn’t jerk away. He leaned forward, meeting Namjoon’s mouth. As they kissed, he draped his arms over Namjoon’s shoulders, pressing against him. He was kissing Namjoon. Really kissing him. His mouth was soft and tasted faintly of mint. Jimin tried not to grin when the kiss deepened naturally, their tongues brushing together.
When they separated, Jimin brushed his nose against Namjoon’s. “You’re not alone anymore.”
“Neither are you,” Namjoon whispered.
“Do you want to go out tonight? A real date?”
Namjoon nodded. He straightened up, shifting over as another couple passed them. He smirked a little, looking at Jimin.
“Still make you grumpy?”
“Not even a little,” Jimin said, barely glancing at the couple. He couldn’t take his eyes off Namjoon. “I’ve got exactly what I need.”
Namjoon took his hand, twining their fingers as they began to walk again.
The sweet scent of the blossoms no longer twisted Jimin’s stomach into a ball of frustration, and the laughter of other couples was no longer grating to his ears. Now he could see the colors, the breeze was comforting and the scent of the blossoms brightened his mood further. Namjoon’s hand fit his perfectly, and the two walked in a comfortable silence as they looked for a good spot to eat the lunch Namjoon had packed.
Vernorexia, Namjoon had called it. Spring fever. Whatever it was, Jimin had found his cure. It was in the form of his beautiful, smart redwood of a man, and it was the best medicine he’d ever had.
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naturepointstheway · 4 years ago
Frozen - Domestic Assassin (Crack AU) Masterpost
This is a Masterpost of all the fanfiction I’d written (all on Tumblr) based in @ultranos’ Domestic Assassin crack AU which was hilarious for a fairly good-sized group of us! And from what I”ve seen in my notifications, people are still enjoying and finding fics of mine in this AU even to this day, which is great! 
I’ve basically dug into my previous fanfiction pages and pulled them out year by year, so because it’ll be way too much work to try and arrange everything by title, I just went by year. At least Tumblr keeps the links when I copy and paste. 
Since there are so many, you’ll find them under the cut. Enjoy! 
Air Mattress Prompt  
An exhausted Anna returns home from a hot night with Kristoff only to accidentally make her sister fly off the air mattress when she flops down on it for a sleep.
“Am I supposed to be alarmed by the moon tonight?” prompt 
Elsa is so exhausted she gets confused between the sun and moon apparently.
“Can we please stop fighting and talk about the koala in your room?” 
Elsa adopted a koala, much to Anna’s exasperation.
“Can you pull this fake cobweb across the door?” Halloween prompt 
Anna wants to play a prank on Elsa...
Cell Block Sniper (M - violence and strong language)
Yes. Yes. It’s a crossover. A crossover between “Cell Block Tango” song from Chicago and this AU.
“Do you realise what this means?” “That you’re a really bad shot?” 
Elsa is NOT having the best of time trying to instruct a new trainee.
Domestic Assassin AU prompt: Hans’ POV (pre-reveal) 
Hans has a visit from Elsa when he dumps Anna. 
“Don’t touch that!” (Healthcare writing prompt, Snow Sisters) 
Elsa was bound to fall out of a tree at some point and end up in hospital. Anna takes care of her. 
Elsa and Weselton prompt 
Elsa refuses to let Weselton in the door.
Eyes That Glisten 
Anna knows how to persuade Elsa to do whatever she wants. 
“God you’re such a grumpy bags in the morning aren’t you?” 
Elsa is not a happy camper after a long night where everything just goes wrong. “Holy shit. Most realistic Dementor costume ever.” Halloween prompt 
Turns out, Elsa just looks like that most of the time.
“I can’t help being a geek about my vital signs!” prompt (Elsarik) 
A crossover between another AU (Shardsverse) 
“I don’t think I should tell you what we’re dressed as.” (Halloween Prompt) 
Somebody think of the children! 
“I dropped my cookie :’(” 
Elsa cries when she drops her cookie. 
“I feel like a T-Rex” 
Anna is too lazy to just grab the goddamn stepladder and get the jam herself.
“I wish I could drive you out of my life with a sword!” (Hans and Anna, prompt) 
Anna is NOT a fan of Hans...
“Maybe you should go as an assassin. Oh wait, you already are one.” (Halloween prompt) 
Anna is a sarcastic little sister to Elsa.
“No one unfollows like Gaston!” 
Anna overhears Gaston boasting about how he unfollowed someone because of a disability. She is not happy.
Ruined Dinner Party
After an hour of waiting for her sister to come to the party, Anna finally spots her with “ketchup” all over her top. 
Part 2 of “Ruined Dinner Party”
Of course it wasn’t ketchup. Duh. Anna is NOT HAPPY.
Sleepyhead (drabble, Snow Sisters) 
Elsa, going to the kitchen for midnight munchies, spots Anna sprawled on a couch, textbooks all around her. 
“So. Many. Triangles. Help me here!” 
Anna, not being a maths-y person, gets frustrated with geometry, and Elsa offers to help. 
“So you’re going as yourself for Halloween.” Halloween prompt 
Elsa is not keen on dressing up as Halloween.
“Tell our parents my Tumblr URL and I swear I will make your death look like an accident” prompt. 
Elsa practically threatens Anna when the latter demands to explain her Tumblr URL (of course she quickly forgives her little sis.) 
“That mask is all kinds of creepy. I like it.” Halloween prompt 
Elsa practically shits herself when Anna scares her while wearing a terrifying mask. 
Things you said at 4am prompt 
Anna gets a call at 4am on her phone from Elsa, who accidentally sniped the wrong guy..
Those Poor Birds 
Elsa mistakes a pair of birds’ mating antics as fighting, much to Anna’s amusement.
“Wait, you’re yelling at a movie?” (Snow Sisters, writing prompt) 
Elsa is very confused to find that Anna’s yelling from the lounge is at a movie. Not at an invader.
“Was it really necessary to shoot my pumpkin carving?” (Halloween prompt) 
Anna is NOT happy when Elsa decides to use her pumpkin carving for shooting practice.
“What do you mean it’s a sunset…?” prompt 
Elsa wakes up only to find that it’s already after sunset, not sunrise.
“What the hell? You gave out alcoholic chocolate to trick-or-treating kids?!” (Halloween prompt) 
Anna discovers that her German chocolates had been opened by Elsa, who’d handed them out to kids. 
“Where did you leave the spare copy of that book?” (Elsarik DA!verse, prompt) 
Crossing over with another writer’s AU with her OC, Alarik. Elsa can’t find that one specific book she needs, and she’s sure Alarik has it. 
“You once asked me what I’d do if I had only one day left.” prompt 
Anna will most definitely NOT be spending that final day of her life with Hans.
“You did what?!” prompt (Elsa and Kristoff) 
Elsa does not appreciate Kristoff’s concern over her having WAY too many cats for one house.
“You mean a line segment.” prompt 
Elsa is a huge geometry nerd, even waiting in line for takeaways.
“You should go as an assassin. Oh wait. You already are one.” prompt 
Another one where Anna suggests Elsa goes as an assassin for Halloween, only to be all “oh wait, you are one.” 
Accidental shooting
Elsa accidentally shoots someone she did not mean to shoot in a library’s basement. 
Amuse Me
Elsa’s having one of those blah days and Anna’s there with bad puns all ready to go.
“Bittersweet and Strange” (not based on a prompt)
Elsa explains exactly how she likes her coffee to Anna. Turns out Elsa is also a huge fan of marmite. 
“Can’t I at least take this baby koala home?”
Anna, no, you cannot take a koala home from Australia, no matter how cute it is.
Cat Gallery (not based on a prompt)
Kristoff discovers Elsa’s huge photo album of her cats. 
“Did you lose your main point…”
Anna hears something about money and bills and wait what now.
“Do nurses ever fall asleep on the night shift?”
Anna visits Elsa in hospital and inevitably someone has to wonder this. Elsa’s adorbs when she’s pouty and Anna can’t help but annoy her on this count.
Fight Me
One sister challenges another to a fun boxing game. 
“How did you get these bruises?”
A crossover with another writer’s canon OC, Alarik (”Elsarik”) where he asks how she got some bruises while on the job. 
“How many cats are in bed with you?”
Anna marvels that there are nine cats in bed with Elsa. 
“I don’t think you’re supposed to have the whole packet at once.”
Do not eat a whole bag of coffee. Do not.
I Have Found My People (not based on a prompt)
Elsa has discovered that certain Scandinavian countries drink the most coffee in the world and wants to migrate there right now.
“I know you don’t want this but it’s for your own good…”
Kristoff is rightly concerned when he finds that Elsa had thirty cups of coffee in 48 hours. Do not do this at home.
“I, uh, kinda dropped it in the water.”
Elsa calls Anna to tell her there’s an emergency: she dropped her wallet in the sea and all the fish now have her personal information. 
“I want a Venusian day…”
Elsa tries to explain to Anna why she would not want to live on Venus. Anna doesn’t give a fuck. More hours in the day what’s not to love about that?
Of Cat’s Paws and Adopting Stellar Systems (not based on a prompt)
Elsa is enthralled by a photo of the Cat’s Paw Nebula she has found on the laptop. 
Of Monkeying Around and Going Ape (not based on a prompt)
Anna comes home to discover that Elsa has adopted a monkey that had been neglected by its owner. Even Anna is almost (I said, ALMOST) tempted to keep the monkey but her common sense reigns. 
“Oh so you were in my bed this whole time?” (nsfw)
Dontcha hate when you’re in the middle of coitus and your goddamn cat has to interrupt you? (Elsarik, with another Frozen writer’s (@patricia-von-arandel) OC for Elsa)
“Once we start tickling, we can’t stop!” (nsfw)
Another steamy one with an old abandoned OC of mine (Jannike), where they find themselves having a quickie while the boss is away. 
Rubbish Day (not based on a prompt)
Anna is horrified to find a rubbish bag gone and trails of what suspiciously looks like blood leading outside. Turns out some meat thrown in there leaked inside.
“The best way to get rid of your ex…”
Anna didn’t think that Hans Westerguard would ever end up on Elsa’s targets to “take care of”. Until he does.
The One Time Elsa Caught Anna “Studying” (not based on a prompt)
Anna uses the mirror in the bathroom to practice distinguishing teeth for a medical exam. Elsa suggests alternatives. 
“What is this owl doing in our bathroom?”
Of course Elsa would adopt an owl and want to keep it in the bathroom. Of course.
“Who dances in the rain anyway?”
Elsa comes home to discover Anna dancing in the rain. 
“Why is there an otter in our kitchen?”
Anna comes home to find that Elsa has “adopted” an otter from a “client”. As you do.
“Why would you wish to be at a backpackers?”
Elsa and Alarik (Shards AU, Elsarik) decide to stay at a backpackers together for some private time. 
“Yes, yes the cold doesn’t bother you…”
Anna is not impressed with Elsa standing in the snow when she has a major cold.
The Blood of White Men (not based on a prompt)
As Elsa’s favourite song goes, he had it comin’ all along. 
Is the Earth Broken? (not based on a prompt)
Elsa is confused about why the day she thought it was today...actually isn’t. She convinces herself the Earth has somehow broked. 
“It won’t be high tide you said…”
Elsa needs to learn that reading yesterday’s newspaper’s high tide times is not helpful. 
Kittens on Saturn (not based on a prompt)
Elsa hopes there’s actual giant kittens on Saturn after seeing a graphic manipulation on an astronomy news site.
Of Singing Humpback Whales and Rock Trolls
Kristoff visits Elsa in hospital while Anna’s busy with other things. It...does not go as expected. Poor Kristoff. 
“Proboscis Monkeys look ridiculous…”
Anna’s exasperation at Elsa rescuing a Proboscis monkey is still not so great that she can’t help but wonder what would happen if you honked their nose. Anna NO. 
“She’s going to kill you.”
Kristoff knows his days are numbered when he spills carrot juice all over Elsa’s brand new rifle. Uh oh.
“There’s a perfectly good reason for all these kittens.”
Turns out Elsa decided to adopt some kittens left on the side of the road when they’re already over-run with cats.
“This is extreme, even for you.”
Elsa is so addicted to her coffee she’s begun pouring them into wine bottles, as you do.
Elsa brings home a parrot 
Anna discovers that Elsa has “rescued” a very large, very loud parrot from one of her, ahem, “clients”.
Elsa’s Back Up Cat, Mushu 
Anna discovers one of the cats apparently reading a book, and much to her consternation, Elsa explains he’s for back up.
“Oh what a circus!” photo prompt 
Anna takes her still-bewildered-after-five-coffees sister to the circus. This may or may not turn out to be a great idea.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years ago
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BBB Flash Roundup Weeks 2 and 3
We’ve got some AMAZING Bucky content for you, so go give it some love!
Don’t forget, signups for Round Three are open, and you can signup here.
We will be having a Flash Party THIS WEEKEND, on Saturday all over the world!  There will also be a BADGE for those that attend, made by the fantastic @feignedsobriquet​!
Speaking of badges, don’t forget to claim your badge if you finished a flash bingo card.  They will go out the first week of March.
Have you made a bingo fill that you don’t see on this roundup?  That’s because you did not fill out the form.  This is a new BBB requirement to make it easier on the mods’ lives, and it will be a permanent thing.
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Title: End of the Line Collaborator: rebelmeg Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Memories Ship: Bucky & Steve Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard (sorta), angst, not very steve friendly, kinda poem-y Summary: "To the end of the line" was a lot shorter than Bucky expected it to be.
Title: Why Do I Remember Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Card Number: 5 Link: AO3 Squares Filled: Chapter 1 - Angst Chapter 2 - Azzano  Chapter 3 - Flashback Chapter4 - Image of Bucky in Romania Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Angst, flashbacks, Azzano, implied/referenced torture, post-CA:TWS, pre-CA:CW Summary: Left behind in an old Hydra base when the rest of the team go chasing after the Winter Soldier, Tony Stark discovers he isn't the only person there. Although the Soldier doesn't know why he remembers the place. Tony can help with that. Word Count: 3705
Title: Stray on the Doorstep Collaborator: caiti-creative-corner Card Number: 7 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Trauma Ship: James Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Clint Barton Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy Summary: Sam couldn't quite figured out how he ended up in this situation, but he figured he could blame it on the cat. Word Count: 2915
Title: Winter's Lessons -- Chapter 2 Trip Collaborator: shield-agent78 Card Number: 1 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Blue Ship: Bucky x Reader Rating: Mature Major Tags: language, mentions of sex, anguish, fluff, children with disabilities, mentions of autism, a little sass, cocky Bucky, playful teasing, dirty talk, eventually smut, slow burn Summary: You’re a school teacher for students with special needs who is passionate about her job but has neglected taking time out for herself. He is handsome, cocky and an Avenger. What happens when a newfound relationship just might turn out to be exactly what you both need? Word Count: 1241
Title: Can You See My Scars Moodboard Collaborator: shield-agent78 Card Number: 1 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Scars Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: bucky scars, moodboard Summary: Physical and Mental Scars
Title: Dance Dance Collaborator: Samari1 Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Red Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes, swing dancing, team as family Summary: Natasha and Clint sneak out to Swing (dance that is). Bucky is intrigued. Word Count: 2805
Title: Soulmates moodboard Collaborator: shield-agent78 Card Number: 1 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Soulmates Ship: Bucky x Soulmate Rating: gen Major Tags: moodboard, Bucky Barnes and soulmate, fluff Summary: Soulmates to Bucky Barnes
Title: Wakanda Peace Moodboard Collaborator: shield-agent78 Card Number: 1 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Wakanda Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard, Bucky recovering, Wakanda Summary: Bucky’s Life in Wakanda
Title: Red Is... Collaborator: rebelmeg Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Red Ship: Bucky & Natasha Rating: Teen Major Tags: drabble, Bucky angst, memories, mentions of Red Room and Hydra Summary: All the things that red is to Bucky. Word Count: 100
Title: Sergeant Barnes I Presume moodboard Collaborator: shield-agent78 Card Number: 1 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Image - 1940’s Bucky Barnes Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard, 1940’s Bucky Summary: WW2 Bucky Barnes
Title: Mr. & Mrs. Smith - The Marvel Version Collaborator: caiti-creative-corner Card Number: 7 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Metal Arm Ship: BuckyNat Rating: Gen Major Tags: Mood board, no fic Summary: Two assassins get new assignments - they're supposed to kill each other. One catch - they're married to each other.
Title: That One Question We Both Fear Collaborator: IndigoNight Card Number: 5 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Flashback Ship: Bucky Barnes & Howling Commandos (Gen) Rating: Gen Major Tags: PTSD, Angst, Grief/Mourning, References to canon character death Summary: In the past, Bucky Barnes had a team, a group of friends willing to kill for him. In the present, the Winter Soldier sits alone in the dark and tries not to remember. Some other me, how'd we end up here? Word Count: 2591
Title: Black Collaborator: Inktastic1711 Card Number: 4 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Black Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: darkness, inprisonment, minor injury, rescue Summary: Bucky came to in blackness. Word Count: 831
Title: On the Job Collaborator: caiti-creative-corner Card Number: 7 Link: AO3 Square Filled: picture of Winter Soldier with knife Ship: Eventual Bucky/Natasha/Clint/Darcy Rating: Teen Major Tags: Diary/Journal style, Mood board Summary: Darcy's thoughts on the team on the job. Word Count: 478
Title: The Notebooks Collaborator: Samari1 Card Number: 5 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Chapter 1 - Bucharest Chapter 2 - Plums Chapter 3 - image: Bucky in Bucharest Chapter 4 - Wakanda Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: PTSD, Suicidal thoughts (minor mention), insecurity, The Chair Summary: James is recovering and finds that writing things down helps him so very much. Word Count: 16425
Title: Unsteady Collaborator: Samari1 Card Number: 5  Link: AO3 Square Filled: Angst Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: Character death- not Clint or Bucky Summary: News reaches Clint that Natasha has died. He isn't quite sure he believes it. Thankfully, he has someone that understands and is willing to be there for him. Word Count: 2177
Title: Maybe With Steve (Bucharest) Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Bucharest Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Winter Soldier, Memory Loss, Recovery, Bucky Barnes in Bucharest, Captain America: Winter Soldier compliant, canon-compliant descriptions of violence (not graphic) Summary: The Asset doesn’t remember much, but he finds himself in Bucharest and makes a home for himself there. When his childhood friend finds him there, Bucky wonders if he can find a new place where he’s accepted. Word Count: 871
Title: Sunset Realizations Collaborator: caiti-creative-corner Card Number: 7 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Leather Ship: Eventual James Barnes/Natasha Romanoff/Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis Rating: Teen Major Tags: Eventual James Barnes/Natasha Romanoff/Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis Summary: Darcy notices a change in the group dynamics Word Count: 536
Title: All the Strays Collaborator: caiti-creative-corner Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Alpine Ship: Eventual James Barnes/Natasha Romanoff/Clint Barton/Darcy Lews Rating: Teen Major Tags: Diary/Journal style Summary: People are bringing home strays Word Count: 504
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kaisooficrec · 5 years ago
hello sweetest admins :) thank u so much for opening the askbox! and thank u for continued love for kadi ❤️❤️❤️i am one of those readers who loves reading short, but really interesting drabbles. Can u guys recommend drabble series like sengen35’s bodyguard!au, or adorableprince’ bloodykisses!au, or that one vampire!au series by yubat (which i can’t find anymore...) I know, these r kinda old. but i chanced upon them before and they really stuck on my mind.
huhu thank you so much ;; these series were truly iconic, sadly, bloody kisses au by adorableprince is deleted 😭😭😭and yubat’s vampire au is also deleted/not available atm when i checked their lj :( also authors who have drabbles that can be put together as one fic is so rare but i have collections that are great and keep coming back to re-read:
sengen35’s bodyguard au this is pretty much popular drabble collection for those who haven’t read it yet
mine and yours - wolf au drabble by sengen35 also
twitlonger collection - by changdictator! we’re lucky we got these links from her drabbles. they may not be from one au like yubat, sengen35 etc. but these drabbles are truly exquisite! 
Prompt Collections & Soft Hours - from lovely misunkun and these are amazing (as always!!) often times based on real-life moments uwu
 Kaisoo Non AU - umm at1stsoo queen of non au moments??? always cool oneshots based on kd’s irl moments and we live for them!
Infinite Worlds - these are mostly requested / by prompts but they’re really really solid drabbles (basically oneshots) 
Elicit - now listen!! there could be more of these, absolutely (different aus but each is sooo lovely)
#Cookie Jar - this is a collection of short fics, there’s some chanbaek fics too
kaisoo inventory - also a small collection of random oneshots but i like them all (coffee shop au, non au etc.)
eventually (i fall into you): future drabbles/oneshots - i reckon jjokkomi has many collection of drabbles like this one
Fictober 2016 - bookishvice has the cutest halloween au fics :o i read kaisoo drabbles and they are 10/10
Kaisoomas 2017 - there’s also often many christmas collections and tbh they’re amazing! this one was shared by a group of friends who remained anonymous, but the fics are so nice :o
Kaisoo Collection - this is also many unrelated drabbles but they’re so cute and i really like them a lot
Of X’s and O’s - another collection of many great drabbles and they’re fluffy and romantic just perfect uwu
I hope you’ll like these ^^ you can also check these previously recced collections too 🧡
- Admin J
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jiminrings · 5 years ago
PLS 🥺 if you can, can you like write a bullet fic based off the teaser photo and that anon that mentioned fresh prince of Bel air or something? LIKE TOTALLY COOL IF YOU DON'T but that idea just came into my head and wouldn't frikn lEave
it’s the 90s, the boys need a dog-sitter at the frat house, and you jUst happened to be yoongi’s favorite best friend
they did research
they really dID
even read the dog lover section in the newspaper and even went to the library withOut namjoon forcing them to
but there’s just this one variable they haven’t expected
jin charmed the superiors hence them being the only frat house that was allowed to have pets within the premises
jimin bought the dog food and hobi even added in those kinda expensive milk bones
yoongi bought newspaper by bulk so they could pick up little yeontan’s poop
namjoon bought a lil dustpan but yoongi made him realize that it meant he alsO needed to clean that dustpan because it would smell
“but i could use a sPONGE to clean it up!!”
“and have taehyung mistaken it for the dish sponge??”
speaking of taehyung, he’s the one who bought the dog bed because after all, he iS the one who had the primary idea for them to adopt the baby pomeranian
jungkook,,, well,,,,
he bought a new duvet
“how is a queen-sized duvet relevant for a puppy that’s as big as my fOREARM???”
“well we could share the covers, i guess.,.,.”
the big problem is that
well uh
no oNE thought it through that no one would be left with yeontan when they’re in their classes
they all practically have the same schedules
and bringing a tiny pomeranian to class would wreak hAVOC
jin and yoongi are seniors and that meant they have more leeway and their schedules were perhaps more... convenient
atleast one of them could stay behind with yeontan and they’d take their turns in between breaks and off-days
but everyone
just eVERYONE forgot that oh right.,.,.
jin-hyung models for magazines and catalogs in his free time.,.,.,
yoongi-hyung is a basketball player.,.,.,.
wait hold on
“then nO ONE could take care of tannie!!”
jimin suddenly squeals and it takes a collective second for them to groan and wallow
alternatively they could just leave yeontan by himself as if he’s a guard dog
but uHhH a four-month old pomeranian won’t exactly stop the neigborhood fratboy kleptomaniac
and tannie has some problems with him that it’s most recommended to take care of him 24/7
or atleast have an eye on him
he’s also quite the drama queen because yEs he can eat from the bowl but no he won’t <3 feed him straight from ur palm pls <3
“if only someone could take care of tannie for us...”
okay yoongi thINK THINK
let’s be rational you can’t have the other guys from the other frats to take care of yeontan no sir
maybe he can fit yeontan into his duffel bag and take him to practice??
wait no he’s gonna pee on the hardwood floors
a baby-sitter?? no tannie’s a pUPPY
hold up
is that a tHING
who do you know that likes dogs and would be able to provide sufficient care for yeontan while you’re all busy? do you know anyone from childhood that-
lol did he just say that out loud
jimin’s beside him and the younger boy presses the back of his hand to yoongi’s neck and well he dOesn’t have a fever
aHHh your name sounds so familar to namjoon
he does recall yoongi talking about you on multiple occasions!!
oh that’s right!!! you’re THE friend
you’re yoongi’s younger friend that he always felt like protecting growing up because he felt indebted to you on one occasion
everyone’s now remembering the story that yoongi would tell them whenever he passed by a relatively large dog LMAOOO
so you and yoongs were next-door neighbors right
and jackson, you’re oTHER next-door neighbor had this hUGE dog
an absolute unit
but everything seems huge when you’re five years old
and yoongi just wanted to come over to your house because you sAID there would be ice pops
and all he sees by your lawn is a fucking sAINT BERNARD that just looked so gigantic to him
yoongi was a lil scared of dogs but after seeing this dog??? yes he may have peed his pants :D
but lucky for him!!!
you stepped in and reasured him that nOOo he won’t bite you silly!!! look!!! we’re friends!!!
to make an even bolder point that your five-year old ass could do, you even booped saturn the saint bernard’s nOse!! :D
you and yoongi were probably inseperable after then
you dO go to the same college but you’re just in a different department yet the same campus, so it’s just some blocks away!!!
everyone seemed to be game with the idea because why not!! let’s have y/n take care of tannie eVEN if yoongi is the only out of all of us who knows her!!!
no practice runs or anything like that
just full-on straight to the deal
everyone has their schedules and you’re all free!!!
so yoongi made everyone sHOWER and atleast look more than presentable to his esteemed best friend
not gonna lie you r vERY excited to meet yeontan!!
and yoongi you guess ://
lmao ok the bangtan frat in general because of cOurse they’re famous around campus!!!
(( you even heard that one of them models for white-button ups at the catalog ))
it just hasn’t sinked in you that yoongi belongs to the same frat you’ve been curious about for a long time now
you could have asked him but well you’re probably sure he wouldn’t answer you anyway
and taehyung is the first to get to the door because he mUst know who you are and if tannie’s gonna like you
jin came crashing next, and then hoseok, tHEN jungkook and the rest
are you.... real
you look so sTUNNING in your purple and pink windbreaker!!
not to mention the fact that your lil hoop earrings and ur cuban link necklace add sO much!!!! your letter bracelet makes them want to CRUMBLE
“hi, which one of you is yeontan?”
w hat
everyone has a different mixture of emotions on their faces and gOd they even have their jaws dropped
did she just...
did y/n just........
do i....
yoongi snOrts and the first thing he does is crash onto you for a hug
before flicking your forehead <3
okay that hURT
you’re about to fully walk in but it takes everyone a collective second to realize What Just Happened
jimin’s mid-way into popping the lollipop to his mouth
it’s already perched on his lips if you must know but it was delayed because well you asked them wHICH ONE OF THEM WAS YEONTAN
but before he could even think further, you’re wordlessly grabbing the sucker from him, popping it straight to your mouth before winking
“was jus’ kidding!!”
if you just turned around and looked closely
if you jUST spent a second more with them without being whisked away by yoongi, you’d see!!
hobi’s right eye twitching
jimin checking himself for a fever
jin and namjoon flicking each other’s foreheads so they could wAke the fuck up
taehyung with his hand over his mouth
and jungkook earnestly slapping himself
what are we thinking about this lil drabble?? sHOULD it be a fic??? TELL ME UR THOUGHTS PLS
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novantinuum · 5 years ago
Hollowed Moon (Ch. 1-3)
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: T (for sensitive content in later chapters)
Words: 1.5K~
Summary: Stevonnie doesn't crash the Star Skipper onto that jungle moon. Instead, they crash on a craggy fragment of rock suspended thousands of miles away from its associated colony, long forgotten.
On that lonely hunk of rock is a domed garden.
And standing in that garden, just as lifeless seeming as the rest of it, is a pink Gem.
Okaay, so this is the beginning of a little series of drabbles I’ve been posting on AO3 over the last two weeks. It’s an AU that diverges from just after Lars of the Stars. I have seven chapters posted already on AO3. Link to that will be posted in the reblogs, for anyone interested.  
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Ch. 1
The force of the impact nearly vibrates through their bones as the Star Skipper hits the surface, throwing them against the cockpit’s control panel at such speed that they barely have enough time to put up a bubble. Thankfully, ‘enough’ is all the time they need. In but a millisecond the world tints pink. Following momentum, their neck snaps forward, causing their head to smash against the solid barrier. Stevonnie yelps, vision going temporarily woozy. It takes a while for them to fully recover, with the wrecked remains of the ship spinning like a top from their perspective as they slowly lift a quivering hand to their forehead to check for wounds. They groan, nearly every square inch of their body aching something terrible, but there’s nothing. No blood, no easily distinguishable breaks, nada. Lucky them! Score, Stevonnie one, busted, broken spaceship zip.
It must be your healing powers keeping us in one piece, ‘cause that was one really violent crash.
Well, also my bubble is pretty strong!
“Hah, well... we’re lucky even a bubble got me outta this scrape,” they murmur out loud, and let out a shaky breath as they attempt to ground themself. Taking a cursory glance around, they notice that the cockpit’s window has shattered, leaving the ship open to the vacuum of space. At least, they’re assuming it is. Whatever hunk of rock it is they’ve crashed on, it doesn’t appear to have an atmosphere. “Oh boy, guess I gotta keep this thing up for a while,” they say with a nervous laugh. They press their cheek against the bubble’s rim, peering at the cracked display screen. “Now, I wonder if any of this tech is salvageable...”
Stevonnie shifts in the seat. Without any iota of warning the ship’s engines explode, launching their protective bubble hundreds of feet closer to the very stars they’re lost amongst.
Oh, what a day it’s been.
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Ch. 2
This shard of planetoid isn’t particularly large, but it has just enough mass that its gravity pulls Stevonnie’s wildly spinning bubble back to the surface. Their heart pounds as the bubble collides hard upon the craggy surface, bouncing a few times before finally coming to a rest. They gasp for breath, pulling themself to their knees.
“Aughh, my everything hurts.”
Slowly but surely they rise to their feet, their knees still shaking. All around them, the remains of the Star Skipper (may she rest in pieces) are now barely distinguishable, nothing left but melted twists of scrap metal. Even if there was any possibility of fixing up the communication array earlier, it’s a moot point by now. 
Steven, how are we gonna-?!
“Oh, no, no no no no!” they cry out, gripping at their hair. “Oh, this is bad. This is so, so bad. How is Lars gonna be able to find us now?”
They adjust the straps of the backpack around their shoulders and begin pacing as they continue to talk to themself, walking back and forth across the dust and rock within the bubble like a hamster in a ball.
“Okay, Stevonnie, calm down,” they say, hugging their arms around their chest. “We’re fine. I’m fine! Let’s just work this out bit by bit. So. We’re stuck on some weird asteroid, or something. We have no ship. No means of communication. We’re safe in this bubble... for now. But... I honestly don’t know how long I can keep this up. I don’t usually use it longer than a few minutes at a time.”
What about when we first met?
“That’s different, though,” they stress, plopping down to sit crisscrossed. “That time he didn’t summon it voluntarily. And that time, we weren’t stuck in the vacuum of space! Although... Okay. Okay, we were stuck under the ocean, fair point. And I guess there’s that time Steven was marooned with Eyeball. But still. It’s only been a few minutes and I’m already... so... so tired.”
Stevonnie’s breathing grows shallower, each puff of air coming in staccato gasps in their exhaustion. They grit their teeth, hand clenching against the rose quartz gem at their midsection. Over time they’ve come to realize that maintaining any one of Steven’s shields or abilities for a long period of time is super taxing to them, more so than it is for the young half-Gem himself. Makes one wonder if that’s because they’re a 75% human hybrid, because of the nature of being a fusion, or because they simply haven’t trained enough together.
They moan, frustrated at this whole dumb scenario, desperately wondering if there’s anything they could’ve done differently to avoid it all together. Lars and his friends will find them soon once they follow their trail and do a flyby, hopefully, but there’s still so many variables to consider here. They quickly hop back onto their feet inside the bubble.
Stevonnie squints, for a moment thinking they can see dimmed starlight glinting off of a domed surface in the far distance. Perhaps there’s some Gem technology hidden away here that could prove useful. For now, all they can do is explore and wait.
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Ch. 3
The dome encapsulates a gigantic garden. At least, what they can only guess was once a garden. All the plants have long since shriveled up into husks of their former glory, much like the hollowed-out moon hanging high above. There’s a single service doorway on the dome’s exterior, a feature Stevonnie is exceedingly lucky to have found before finally fading to exhaustion with their bubbling ability. Now freely wandering around the dome's interior, they approach a massive platform towards its center. Eyes glittering, they brush their hand against some eroded etchings in the old stone. They’re sure it used to be quite a sight to behold in its heyday, this whole complex. Such a shame time had to carry this place to eternal rest. What used to go on here, they wonder? What kinds of Gems would use this space? Did they all leave when the colony above was... fully drained of its resources?
Their nose crinkles just thinking about it.
Hey, they muse suddenly. Up at the top... I think that’s a warp pad.
Are you sure?
Pretty positive.
“Couldn’t hurt to look,” they mutter softly, climbing up the stairs. Their legs are still burning from the long walk they set upon to reach the dome in the first place.
When they reach the top they kneel in front of the warp, and place a palm flat upon it. They close their eyes, focusing their mind on the tangled web of warp stream signatures old users have left behind, almost like a fossilized travel record. Except it’s energy based. Well, kinda. They’re sure it’s far more complicated than that, but to be fair Steven wasn’t paying full attention to Pearl the day she was teaching him how to do this. His loss, Stevonnie thinks with a snort. They think all this Gem history stuff is pretty fascinating.
The web comes into focus in their mind’s eye, one particularly bright thread stretching further across the stars than any warp pad they’ve ever seen before can.
“Galaxy warp,” they breathe in giddy realization. “This is an actual, working galaxy warp! But- no!” they cry, grinding their hands into fists. “That means we can’t use it, because Earth doesn’t have an operationa—“
“Pink, is that finally you??” a high pitched voice cries in joy from the distance.
They whirl around in a flash, scanning the interior of the (perhaps not so?) extinct garden. The complex is massive, but it’s not long before they locate the origin of this new voice, trapped amongst the browned and hardened brambles.
Standing midway between the raised galaxy warp platform and the stagnant fountain at the center of the dome is a short pink Gem.
From this distance, they’d have to guess she’s maybe half their height, perhaps a little taller. Her gemstone is on her chest, a heart shaped type they don’t recognize. The Gem’s hair is pulled up into messy little buns, twisted to look like hearts themselves. She stands with her arms open wide, baggy eyes alight with anticipation as she waits for their response.
Mouth agape, Stevonnie skitters down the steps of the platform as fast as they can. Who is this Gem? Why is she alone in a withered garden, in the middle of deep space? And why are her feet literally bound by roots?? How long has she been standing here?
“Oh! Oh, hello! I, uh- I don’t think I’m who you’re looking for, sorry,” they say with an apologetic smile. “I’m Stevonnie. If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here all on your own?”
“I’m playing a game,” the small Gem replies simply, clasping her gloved hands together.
“A... game?”
“With my best friend, yes!” she enthuses. “She’ll come back any day now, I can just feel it.”
Her voice sounds chipper enough, but perhaps as a result of Connie’s lonely childhood and the walls a person learns to erect in those situations, Stevonnie can intimately sense the cracks in her facade. They may not yet understand the full scoop, but they can tell she's desperately trying to convince herself of her own cover story.
What on Earth happened to this Gem, here in this forgotten garden?
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wolfie-dragon-rider · 6 years ago
Bursts of Light 1: Holding Hands
Hello everyone, welcome to my Nanowrimo 2018 project! I recently finished Blind Spots, and I'm a little done writing more big stories in this universe, but there were a lot of little tales and headcanons I never could find the room to explore in Blind Spots. So in this we explore those, based on 30 drabbles. I'll post one every day. The prompts are as follows:
01 - Holding hands 02 - Cuddling somewhere 03 - Gaming 04 - On a date 05 – Kissing 06 - Wearing eachothers’ clothes 07 – Cosplaying 08 – Shopping 09 - Hanging out with friends 10 - With animal ears 11 - Wearing kigurumis 12 - Making out 13 - Eating icecream 14 – Genderswapped 15 - In a different clothing style 16 - During their morning ritual(s) 17 – Spooning 18 - Doing something together  19 - In formal wear 20 – Dancing 21 – Cooking/baking 22 - In battle, side-by-side 23 – Arguing 24 - Making up afterwards 25 - Gazing into eachothers’ eyes 26 - Getting married 27 - On one of their birthdays 28 - Doing something ridiculous 29 - Doing something sweet 30 - Doing something hot
You can find the rest of my Blind!Hiccup universe HERE, but I don’t think you’ll have to have read those to enjoy some light Hiccstrid romance here. You just might not get some references. 
Well, I’ve rambled enough, here’s the first drabble, Holding Hands:
"OWWWWW" Hiccup groaned as Gothi rubbed more salve into his burns. The old woman wasn't bothering to be gentle.
"I think she wants to tell you that if you didn't want this pain, you shouldn't have stuck your hand into a pile of hot coals," Gobber said, and Hiccup resisted to urge to curl his other hand into a rude gesture at the man.
"I didn't mean to. I couldn't see them. Why did you move that furnace anyway? It was supposed to be against the wall," Hiccup slowly said, trying to control his frustration. It had been a nice happy day. He was working in the forge, Astrid assisting him, when Gobber had rushed through 'to grab something real quick'. Apparently that involved moving the coal oven Hiccup had been using, so when he tried to grab a hammer, his hand went straight into the burning coal instead.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I thought Astrid would warn ya," Gobber said sheepishly.
"Well, she didn't notice, and then that hammer fell on her hand when she tried to help me," Hiccup said flatly, trying not to worry too much about her. She was strong, she had overcome way worse injuries than this. But still… she and Vali had been in the other room for a long time.
"Okay, it's slightly my fault. How about I make it up to you and not let you work for the next two weeks?" Gobber said. It didn't cool Hiccup's anger.
"Oh, you mean the exact amount of time I can't use my right hand?" he remarked sarcastically as Gothi finished bandaging said hand.
"Uhhhh… okay, a full month then. You can just use the forge for whatever you want, or go out with Astrid, or whatever you want to do," Gobber conceded, and Hiccup was about to accept when the door opened and Astrid walked through.
"Hey love. How bad is it?" Hiccup asked as he jumped up and awkwardly walked in her direction.
"I can't use my left hand for a while. It's not broken exactly, thankfully, but I can't move it for a couple weeks. See, it's in a cast," she said as Hiccup moved to feel it gently. He could hear she was trying to stay strong and fearless, but that she was far from okay.
"Hmm, we match. I can't use my right hand for two weeks. Not quite in a cast, but I'm not allowed to do anything with it either," he said, running his left hand over her cast. "At least we both lost our non-dominant hand."
Astrid chuckled despite her obvious pain. They stood there for a second, just there for each other without having to say a word.
"Well then. Time for you to head on home and rest and forget this ever happened!" Gobber said awkwardly, shattering their moment, and with a sigh they followed him outside.
"Wanna hang out at my house for a bit? Stormfly is acting weird, maybe you can figure out what's wrong," Astrid asked, and he smiled.
"Sure!" he said, and lifted his right hand automatically to search for her left. It was only when bandage met cast that he remembered.
Holding hands had become a completely automatic action for them. Her left hand in his right. It was a way to be close and connected when they couldn't see each other's faces. She could guide him gently as he walked, and they could exchange messages and emotions through their linked hands.
And no one on Berk would think much of it beyond calling them lovebirds.
"Oh, uh… This is kinda weird," Hiccup said, quickly retracting his hand.
"Yeah, it's, uhm… maybe we should switch positions? So we can hold hands that aren't injured?" Astrid said, and they awkwardly moved past each other so his left hand was now next to her right. Hiccup tried to grab her, but it didn't feel as intuitive and right.
They started walking down the many steps of Gothi's house, talking about how Gobber should have been more careful.
Their linked hands were in the back of Hiccup's mind the entire time. It was weird, they fit together, but it still felt wrong. He tried to write a symbol on the back of her hand, but his finger was unsure how.
"I'm sorry, this is just… I don't think this'll work," he said as they reached the bottom of the stairs, releasing her hand.
"Yeah, you're right. It's like everything is the wrong way around. And what if we learn everything this way now, and then when our hands heal the old way will feel wrong!" Astrid said, laughing nervously.
"It's okay. Maybe this is something we can try. See if I can walk with you without you guiding me. If we can… communicate, you know?" he said softly, and she suddenly ran her fingers up his cheek.
"I like that idea. Just let me know if something is wrong, okay?" Astrid said before kissing him gently. Hiccup nodded as she stepped back again, chuckling awkwardly.
"I will. Now let's cheer up Stormfly!" he said, before walking towards where he thought Astrid's house was. She nudged his shoulder a bit and he rotated along, and they walked the rest of the way together yet on their own, talking happily all the while.
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seokmins-thighs · 7 years ago
writing masterlist
includes my writings here on tumblr and ao3. please do tell me if any of the links are not working!
(hoshi)  library!au | (fluff) 1789w; original prompt here. you’re a librarian and soonyoung is a frequent visitor with a weird taste in books.
(dokyeom) maps | there’s a wall in the apartment where seokmin writes down places to visit with you until he’s not writing places anymore.
(wonwoo) awkward meeting!au | (10.X) You were waving at your friend behind me but I got confused and waved back at you and now I’m dying of embarrassment but you think it’s cute
(jeonghan) textbooks | sharing a high school school textbook and leaving each other notes and answers in page corners au
(wonwoo) everyday is yesterday | we went through a really bad break up a month ago, but I already bought you a Christmas gift. it’s too late to return it now and I know you’d really like it so I show up to your house on Christmas Eve and present the new watch I bought to replace your old one that’s nearly falling apart and I swear I see tears in your eyes
(jun) blackout | the blackout in your apartment place offers more light than darkness than you thought
(joshua) ghostprint | there’s a knock at your car, but you don’t let anyone in
(dino) americanos and raindrops | the rain stops most customers from coming in, but you’re glad that one in particular still drops by
(the8) sweet tooth | you don’t know where he’s getting these gift cards from, but you’re glad he does
(joshua) chocolate mornings | after your first class of the morning, there’s a little boy who comes up to you and drops off a bar of chocolate for you, but whenever you ask him who these are from, he runs away.
(all members) hand-holding headcanons + scenarios hip hop unit / performance unit / vocal unit / all units | compilation of the hand-holding headcanons and tiny scenarios about them; i hope this helped with upcoming final exams!
(s.coups) serendipity | Soulmate!au in which people have two timers; one says when you will meet your soulmate, but you never find your second timer.
(s.coups) serendipity bullet scenario |  everyone should have two timers inked into their flesh: when they’ll meet their soulmate and when their soulmate will die. you only have one timer, no matter how many times you’ve asked your friends to look for it
(hoshi) wayfarer | Definition: a traveler, especially on footin which you stay up. in which the usually lonely times of a day, only to find someone wandering at that hour
(s.coups) 01 | THIS POST
(woozi) 02 | your otp has a pet and they try to dress it up as a reindeer
(hoshi) 03 | “our oldest son told our youngest daughter that santa isn’t real (he totally is), so you rush into the closet and throw on the santa suit you have for emergencies and sneak outside in the snow so our daughter can ‘spot santa checking on the good little girls and boys” au
(dokyeom) 04 | “you’re in the hospital for the holidays so i came in while you were sleeping to decorate your room i love you merry christmas”
(mingyu) 05 | pulling you in for a kiss with a scarf
(s.coups) 06 | “i picked your name for secret santa at work but i don’t even know you or know what to get you but since it’s a secret i just bought a cheap #1 dad shirt cause i thought it as funny and you opened it and now are on the floor crying and your laugh is so cute i think i’m in love” au
(seungkwan) 07 | “i thought i was the only one working over time at the office on christmas eve so i was singing jingle bells at the top of my lungs incredibly off key while making hot chocolate in the break room but you surprised me and i dumped it all over your pants. hello nice meeting you for the first time lemme dab your wet pant with this napkin” au
(vernon) 08 ekg tease | your best friends tries to make your heart rate go crazy by naming off people and only one name manages to do that
100 ways to say i love you
(hoshi) 9.16 | “it’s okay. i couldn’t sleep anyway.”
(s.coups) 10.01 | “pull over. let me drive for a while.”
(jun) 11.90 | “you can tell me anything.”
(joshua) 12.62 arm pillow | “it can wait until tomorrow.”
(wonwoo) 13.68 | “you didn’t have to ask.”
(woozi) 14.74 | “we can share.”
(the8) 15.05 | “i’ll walk you home.”
(soonseok) dentist!au | (slice of life?) 1076w; “somehow everytime i have a dentist appointment you do too and you always sit next to me in the waiting room and ask me “what are you in for” as if we are in prison and this has been happening for almost two years who are you”
(soonseok) timestamp | (fluff) Seokmin tends to forget things, so he writes down reminders on his phone. Soonyoung takes Seokmin’s phone often and adds his own reminders.
(wonwoo) monochrome pt. i / ii | no one has an answer when wonwoo asks what colors are
fics on ao3
one of these nights | (shelter!au) 5829w; Soonyoung builds lonely worlds with the tablet in his hands.
across the universe | (high school!au) 7584w; Soonyoung builds a small mailbox for strangers to send in mail.
the brain’s demotion | (angst, robots & androids!au) 6148w; Soonyoung has Seokmin forever as an old life revived. part i of emotion series
the heart’s promotion | (angst, robots & androids!au) 8988w; Seokmin revives Soonyoung through all of these years. part ii of emotion series
a crowded soul’s commotion | (angst) 726w;  Soonyoung turns on the television and it's the same thing he watched many times before, but every single time, he can't bring himself to watch till the end. inspired by Yang Da Il and Dokyeom's collaboration "A Piece of You" (Cinematic Love). part iii of emotion series
l_st | (slices of life, angst, fluff) 6994w; Soonyoung's and Seokmin's lives fill in the word between the letters.
maybe it’s wrong (to love you more each day) | (university!au, fluff, angst, pining pining pining, after university!au) 10412w; A couple of years before Soonyoung graduates university, he meets Seokmin. During the last couple of years before Soonyoung graduates, he learns to fall in love. A couple of years after Soonyoung graduates, he fails to fall out of love.
i taste you in every shot that i take down | (post-break up, angst) 2449w;  Weeks after they broke up, Soonyoung's ringtone is the only one Seokmin thought would never play again from his phone.
please (don’t) take my sunshine away | (post-break up aGAIN, angst, time travel) The morning after Soonyoung and Seokmin break up, Soonyoung is taken back to the 1950s as a radio host, riling up listeners late at night for his quick words about love. Through his short time there, he learns what he could have done. (hidden string of words among the other words)
l_ve | (slices of life, fluff, angst) 2680w; Wonwoo and Mingyu's lives fill in the word between the letters.
Love Stuck | (writer!wonwoo, parents!au, angst, idk kinda slow burn) ongoing, currently 9 chapters with 50636w; Despite never getting married or having been in a relationship, Wonwoo moves to the States and helps people write their wedding vows for a living. With everyone asking him when he will finally date someone, he takes a break and visits friends and family back at home. Out of all of his friends who offered to let him stay at their place, Wonwoo decides to stay with the only father among his friends, Mingyu, who Wonwoo helped write his wedding vows five years before his divorce.  
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everlarkficquestions · 7 years ago
Sunday Stumped Day 21
It’s another Sunday Stumped Day.
Sometimes we straight out get stumped.  So each week on Sunday we’ll post of a list of asks that we need your help on.
If you have an answer to any of these shoot us a message/ask/reply with the Post number and the fic number and we’ll add it and give you a shout out with our thanks. Any links you can provide will also be super helpful.
Post 1 , Post 2 , Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8, Post 9, Post 10, Post 11, Post 12, Post 13, Post 14, Post 15, Post 16,Post 17, Post 18,  Post 19 and Post 20 can be found here - and there are still fics we need your help with.
285. intensely-melodramatic said to everlarkficquestions:  
I have another one, Peeta and katniss have a baby but she keeps the pregnancy from him and the baby Years later. Katniss gets kicked out along with her daughter from her mums home and moves in with peeta who is a teacher. Can you find this one?
Better Life by Pookieh
Thank you @jennagill​!
286.  fangirlingoverquotes said to everlarkficquestions:
Hiii! Do you know any fics where P and K got to know each other through tinder? (Like Madge signed katniss up or something?) Thankyou!
Walking in a Tinder Wonderland by alliswell
Thank you @7ahsmiles-blog​!
287.  silent-movements said to everlarkficquestions:
Video game everlark?
Speed Date by Everlark_Pearl
Thank you @jennagill!
288, grayhouser said to everlarkficquestions:
Do you know of a fic I read set in I think the 1800s where Katniss was taken in by Peeta’s family they are best friends and Peeta in the beginning of the story has traveled the country and Katniss worries about losing her best friend (Peeta) when he gets married, but at the end he says he loves and wants to marry her? I may be a bit off, it’s been awhile since I read it.
Star by HGRomance
Thank you @7ahsmiles-blog​, @sunsetsrmydreams and @jennagill!
289.  abestados said to everlarkficquestions:
I think that is the first fanfic I've ever read, it was a post mj... That peeta and katniss were making out in bed, and the he stopped things and asked her if she was sure, because once he had her he would never stop.
Good Again by titania522
Thank you @sunsetsrmydreams!
290.  lysen5972 said to everlarkficquestions:
Thanks to all who help with this wonderful blog! I am looking for a fic where Mrs Mellark is loosing her sight and can’t manage the stairs so the Mellark parents move out and peeta takes over. There was also a festival were the couples who were to be married or were going to toast would dance at a specific time and celebrate with loved ones after. Any ideas?
I knew this would have happened anyway by abk1973
Thank you @sunsetrmydreams, @lettrsto and @jaccer248!
291.  sunsetsrmydreams said to everlarkficquestions:
I can only remember the end of the story and can't seem to find it. Katniss has to stay in 13 because she's heavily pregnant. Peeta, Gale, Finnick go to the capitol and are captured and tortured. Katniss goes into labor because she was poisoned and almost dies. Snow tells Peeta she's dead. Haymitch is watching the tv in Katniss' room when the march the guys out for execution and K. wakes up and starts screaming but a bomb goes off at the capitol and Peeta, Gale, Finnick are saved and Snow's dead
Rekindling by ShiningCity
Thank you @sunsetsrmydreams & @gabzep!
292.  cocotheblobfish said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi! So every so often I go back to read this one fic but it's been a while and I don't remember the title or author. It's essentially a retelling of the hunger games except the Peeta and Katniss are more friendly with each other and work together from the start. I don't remember a lot of specific but their was one scene when they went into the training area and Cato challenged Peta about who can squat/bench more and Katniss was super impressed with his strength.
Someone To Watch Over Me by arthurscamelot
Thank you @norbertsmom!
293.  emmmmma25-blog said to everlarkficquestions:
i read an one shot about Prim overhearing Katniss and Peeta's phone calls and see them in her bedroom, but i can't find it. Any ideas?
294.  lark1202 said to everlarkficquestions:
Any fics where Katniss and Peeta argue/fight?
A Marriage Made in Panem - MTK4FUN
Bumps - SoThere
Everything Grows - Everlark Pearl
Heart of Gold - MTK4FUN
If You Say So - allhailthehutch
Missing Him - eliapolis
Synesthetic - AuthoressKika
The 10 Steps - jw77
The Good Wife - Silvercistern
Two Wrongs - JLala
Worse Games to Play - belmione
295.  peetathehybrid said to everlarkficquestions:
Hey do you know any fanfictions where Katniss is sexual attracted to Peeta and he flirts with her after he realized it? Maybe a fanfiction similiar to "wanting more" by Sorak and your fanfiction archieve is amazing by the way!
296.  amazinglovers747 said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi do you know if there's an Everlark fic based on the song You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This by Tobey Keith?
Chapter 32 of  Just Friends by HPfanonezillion
Thank you @hpfanonezillion!
297.   ilovethgjoshifer said to everlarkficquestions:
hey i was wondering if you knew any fics where Peeta works in or owns a restaurant
For You To Notice Me by 24tigers
Thank you @sunsetsrmydreams and @jennagill!
298.  mosttoasty said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi. I'm looking for a multi-chapter set in Panem (possibly where there's no reaping or P and K aren't reaped), and they wait until marriage before having sex but are sexually active in other ways. On their wedding night Peeta kinda regrets that because it meant it wasn't the first time they would be seeing each other naked. And I think they frottage to completion first so P would last longer for their the 1st time. Sorry that's all I remember. Thanks for keeping this blog going!
299.  mr-davy-prentiss-jr said to everlarkficquestions:
Hello, I'm looking for a post-mj fic (I think a one shot) in which Katniss and Peeta both go through a period of decreased sex drive after being on anti-depressants or something similar, and then they decide to throw away their pills and they eventually have sex again. Thanks!
Cold Embers by lieselmemingers
Thank you @ally147writes and @mosttoasty!
300.  mfitz12 said to everlarkficquestions:
i was looking for a fic where gale used to abuse katniss and then she met peeta and at one point i think she met gale in a bar and she threw a vase or urn at peeta in her apartment. also i think katniss freaked out before she had sex with peeta and couldn't do it because gale had raped her before and i'm sorry this is so vague
Skinny Love by Meadowlark27
Thank you @craftydiva0828!
301.  princesagitana28 said to everlarkficquestions:
Hello! I look for fic where katniss escapes to the forest with gale and family and peeta stays in the 12
Life After Death by alexabee
Thank you @jennagill!
302.  rialsd said to everlarkficquestions:
Do you know the name of the story where Peeta build a house right outside of district 13 in the Woods where he works but Katniss lives in 12 with their daughter but they come by train to visit... they end up getting back together
303.  starduster said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi there! I have been searching for a one-shot, and after coming up empty-handed, I think I may have imagined this story! I'm looking for a specific story where Peeta's roommate is very loud, and Katniss and Peeta team up to give him a taste of his own medicine. It's friends-to-lovers with mature themes. Thanks for everything you do!
Drabble Series - @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Thank you @katnissdoesnotfollowback and @laurabaptista!
304.  peetakatniss20 said to everlarkficquestions:
Do you have a fanfic where Peeta has a wet dream
We don’t know any fics where he has wet dreams, but you can check out our Smut: Masturbation Masterlist.
305.  thatgirlisahurricane said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi! I’m looking for a story in which Katniss is deeply depressed (I don’t remember why) and Prim helps her get better. They used to go running before her illness. I remember a part in which K goes to the bakery and loses track of time and stares for like hours.. can you help me?
Lover's Eyes by lollercakes
Thank you @ally147writes!
306.  saranyakanchan said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi, is it possible to suggest some fanfics in which Peeta hates Katniss at first? Thanks in advance!
Check out our Trope: Enemies to Lovers Masterlist. This list features many fanfics where Katniss and Peeta hate each other at first. Enjoy!
307.  amazinglovers747 said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi I'm looking for a fic where Katniss and Peeta are having sex and they left the window and they're both being loud and an old man passing by throws a rock at their window and mutters "damn kids" and Peeta tells Katniss to "ignore that old geezer" that's all I can remember unfortunately. Does this ring any bells?
The Years Keep on Turning by katnissdoesnotfollowback (lost_on_cloud_9)
Thank you @katnissdoesnotfollowback!
308.  ishy-fish said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi! You all are wonderful. I checked the tags to see if there were any fics based off of Romeo and Juliet and couldn't find any. Are there any floating out there that I may have overlooked?
Sun's Cold Embrace by optimus_pam
The Star-Crossed Lovers of District 12 by trippy41
Thank you @jennagill!
309.  melaninspecimen said to everlarkficquestions:
im looking for a fic where katniss was trying to make someguy jealous at a party so she kissed peeta it got really heated and then they started something more? also one where like his friends kept having sex so they acted like they were having sex in his room by like knocking the dresser into the wall but the they actually did have sex? these might actually be the same fic IDK LOL
Drabble Series - @katnissdoesnotfollowback​
Thank you @katnissdoesnotfollowback!
310.  neonsnail said to everlarkficquestions:
I'm looking for a fic where peeta is a doctor and he is shift is over but Katniss is brought in and she's in labor and peeta stays with her and they end up together. I think it was in prompts in panem but I can't remember. Thank You
On the Night You Were Born by jlala
Thank you @jlalafics and @sunsetsrmydreams!
311.  hellaeverlark said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi I was wondering if you knew of any fics (preferably canon/canon compliant) that revolve around the scene in Catching Fire when Peeta calls Katniss pure and she gets mad. Thank you so much! Happy Holidays :))
Burn by purple_cube
Thank you @javistg​!
312.  endless-crying said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi! I don't know if I dreamed of this or if I actually read it, though I'm fairly sure is the latter; I'm looking for a fic where Katniss and Peeta have help from some people to escape the District and live in the cabin by the lake. I think (of this I am not so sure) that they are about to have a baby and they want to protect it form the Games, so that's why they decide to leave everything behind. I really hope this fic exists! Thanks!
Hero of the Story by atetheredmind (s_e_irvine)
Thank you @sunsetsrmydreams!
313.  karlientje-xxx said to everlarkficquestions:
hi, not so long ago I read a story on tumbl in which peeta has a you tube channel (i think) were he makes video's as a shirtless baker and he and katniss were in a secret relationship. But now I can't find it anymore and I never got the change to finish it. I was hoping you could help me. Thanks
The Shirtless Chef by Historywriter2007
Thank you @jennagill!
314.  austrailiantraveler said to everlarkficquestions:
Can you show me where I can find docs where P leaves K for some reason but she’s pregnant. And then P comes back a couple years later or something and meets his kid? Thanks 😊
I Don’t Wanna Live Forever…. by chele20035
Thank you @geekymoviemom!
315.  everythingisprettygood said to everlarkficquestions:
Are there any others like “Their Games by ezilo” where Katniss and Gale try to be together while she’s married to Peeta?
316.  melaninspecimen said to everlarkficquestions:
looking for a fic it was like a drabble that got continued where theyre in college katniss is trying to scare of some dude so her and peeta kiss and then they end up doing more in the drabble continuations??
Drabble Series - @katnissdoesnotfollowback​
Thank you @katnissdoesnotfollowback​!
317.  noitsshadesofwrong said to everlarkficquestions:
please suggest me a fic set after Catching fire in which both Peeta and Katniss are rescued.
The Sharp Edge of Memory (formerly known as Persuasion) by titania522
Thank you @sunsetsrmydreams!
318. hungergamescraves said to everlarkficquestions:
Stories that katniss is in high school and being bullied? Also ones with her being bullied and has an abusive parent but peeta helps her
Sever by dandelionsunset
Thank you @sunsetsrmydreams!
319. kenn0306 said to everlarkficquestions:
I’m looking for a story I read a while back! Katniss was pregnant with Twins. All i remember is that she know she was pregnant because she kept throwing up. At the end of the story after the Twins were older, she threw up in the trash can on a sidewalk and then knew she was pregnant again. Thanks for your help!
Christmas Countdown - wildlyglittering
Thank you @7ahsmiles-blog!
Thank you
320.  thankyouthgproject said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic where katniss and peeta are both single parents. They both have a daughter who become best friends. I think they meet when the girls are shopping for bras and katniss helps peetas daughter chose what she needs? Thankyouuuu x
The Family Plan by jlala
Thank you @jlalafics and @alliswell21!
321.  wynkenblynken said to everlarkficquestions:
I have been trying to find a story. It’s a modern AU. Peeta was living with his abusive mother, when he is placed into foster care. His guardian was Cray or Thread, I believe. He escapes his house and asks/demands Katniss to drive him to his brother’s house in a different state. She reluctantly agrees because they aren’t really friends but she feels bad for him, I think. They drive through a gas station where Haymitch is the clerk and Cato and his gang try to accost them. Thank you!
Runaway by Delsicle, but unfortunately it has been deleted.
Thank you @neverstopwhileyoureahead​!
Runaway by orphan_account
Thank you @gabzep​ and @sunsetsrmydreams!
322.  jbsaucy said to everlarkficquestions:
Has the Fake Marriage/Relationship master list been made? I am looking for a fic where Peeta and Gale were friends in high school, Madge cheated with Gale and Peeta is going back to his hometown for the first time since it happened.
Somewhere That's Green by JLaLa
Thank you @bandathebillie and @ishy-fish!
323. hiromiu-chan said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi there's this fic that has kind of similar premise with canary in coalmine with peeta n katniss were forced into marriage n peeta must work in coalmine, gale n madge were married too making him the major n madge is pregnant in this fic... there's an accident in coalmine n peeta almost died so katniss proposes they run away together... can you guys please help me? I need to read it again, if I'm not mistaken its a oneshot and its in ao3 but i might be wrong..
I See Fire by authoresskika
Thank you @eggplant8!
324.  feltnicewhenhewasholdingmyhand said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi! I'm looking for any fics (preferably long) that diverge from Canon at the end of THG and have Katniss and Peeta as mentors - with or without a growing rebellion! Or any where Katniss has to mentor Peeta or vice versa! If it helps, I definitely read one where they both mentor and fight over who to save but I can't find it again. Thanks!
Labrynth by Ronja
Thank you @javistg​!
325. hungergamescrave said to everlarkficquestions:
Am I looking for a everlark fanfic where Peeta meets katniss and something happens to them mid way through and katniss runs away, then she finds out peeta and finnick got into a car crash and finnick goes into a coma
For the Movies by acciograce, but unfortunately it has been deleted.
Thank you @jennagill​!
326.  massachusettsmage said to everlarkficquestions:
hello my friends! i read this everlark fic a while ago and have been trying to find it for AGES. It was long. Like super long. Like chapters in the double digits, i think, like maybe close to 20?? And it starts with Katniss and Peeta not being together but over time they get together (and i think katniss is a virgin until. she's not.) and then he rebuilds the bakery and then THE BAKERY BURNS DOWN and it is a very Significant Thing and like Joanna cameos in a few chapters i think? I am sorry
327.  aloe--verga said to everlarkficquestions:
THANK YOU FOR EXISTING!!! do you know or remember a fic in which Katniss and Peeta had a son but Peeta did not help her to raise his kid bc Katniss distanced from him? Rings any bell? I remembered it started when the kid was like in high school and he told Katniss that Peeta was the coach of the school's wrestling team and Peeta and Kat have a discussion after that. Thank youuuu
Do any of these ring a bell? Please let us know!
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