#// idk this is crap
starstruckodysseys · 1 month
the spectrum of gambling in d20 is really just “learning how to play craps mid episode” <--> “chef’s tools”
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ihatebrainstorm · 3 months
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Rogues Gallery AU Ratchet and Drift details vvv
Drift, formerly going by the name Deadlock, has long since retired her career as the hired assassin Cheshire after ending up at Ratchet's free clinic 10 years ago. The two now live together and have since gotten married at some point, with Drift sometimes helping Ratchet out in the clinic. Otherwise, she trains her athletic skills relentlessly and repaints/maintains her old gear in case anyone decides to cause trouble for either of them. You never know what might happen in Gotham City...
Ratchet runs a free clinic in Gotham, treating anyone or any bat looking for help. Her history with Prowl is long, and she doesn't necessarily approve of Prowl's decision to don the cowl, but she'll still help out regardless. Ratchet's currently been looking to retire alongside Drift some time soon, but has tremendous difficulty staying away from her clinic.
Both can break every bone in ur body if they really wanted to
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sketch I might never finish <3
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crowdeerdire · 1 month
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WAIT WAIT WAIT I DIDN'T THINK THIS WAS REALLY APART OF THE GAME!! I had seen someone post it but I thought it was edited??? AND THEN?? SUDDENLY??? I GET THIS REACTION??? I've played this game so many times (major comfort game) AND I'M STILL FINDING NEW LINES??
AHHHH edit:
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This is the other line I got for the first time in this playthrough? And I got it after Baxter first visited and was flirting with you? And I said I didn't mind and Cove was like... :eyes: So yeah, if you're trying to get that line that's all I can give you for right now! I hope y'all get Cove canonly calling your horny on your playthroughs!
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weedle-testaburger · 8 months
ships in trigger shows are great bc you simultaneously ship them and wish you were one or both of them
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if you tell me you wouldn't want to be one of these two and date the other i don't believe you for a second
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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The one piece reread only makes the hardest moments hit even harder,,,, even when you’re rereading it poorly in portugese
Or AKA, i found out today that HINATA SHOYO reads one piece and I haven’t recovered since
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#one piece#haikyuu#hinata shoyo#roronoa zoro#(kinda)#omfg okay time for my entirely SEPERATE POST IN THE TAGS#i only got into one piece at the end of last year... but ive been in the anime and manga scene for like. my entire life#i cannot understate how WILD it is that I havent noticed how everywhere one piece is....#like once i read it... i started finding it EVERYWHERE#my sister gifted me an issue of shonen jump ages ago cause i liked act age and kimetsu no yaiba chainsaw man promised neverland etc#and it doesnt have like a one piece chapter in it actually (to my disappointment)#but IT DOES HAVE A LIL ADVERTISING SEGMENT AT THE FRONT TALKING ABOUT OKIKU FIGURINES AND OTHER ONE PIECE CRAP#AND IDK IT LITERALLY JUST BLEW MY MIND#ONE PIECE DIDNT EXIST IN MY LIFE BUT.... IT DID????#I HAD ONE PIECE MERCH BEFORE I EVEN BECAME OBSESSED WITH IT??? (hahah if you can consider a tiny segment mentioning okiku op merch XD)#just imagine suddenly being obsessed with a piece of media. and then you look around ur room and U SUDDENLY RECOGNISE A CHARACTER MERCH???#ITS BEEN IN UR ROOM FOR YEARS BUT YOUVE NEVER REALLY EVEN NOTICED IT OR JUST BRUSHED IT OFF WHENEVR U SAW IT#BUT ITS THAT CHARACTER!!!! ITS THAT MEDIA THAT UR MADLY IN LOVE WITH????#also im being 100 percent legit when i say that the sense of comeraderie i feel when someone says theyve ALSO read one piece#is insane#discovering that domics and worthiikids and all these other big youtubers that ive known for years have loved one piece like me?#it makes my heart clench and my eyes water man#ive never felt so connected to the world... one piece really is peak fiction.....#i love one piece's community sm....
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mawofthemagnetar · 1 year
The door to Doc’s lab squeaked open, and Etho shuffled in lazily. The man himself was standing at a lab bench, fiddling with something- on the bench beside him, a machine the size of a filing cabinet was whirring away noisily. Etho paid it no mind.
“Got the last of ‘em for ya.” He said, holding up a jar of blue slime and giving it a shake, “The last artifake.”
“Perfect,” Doc rumbled, peering in at something through a microscope.
“So, uh, do we have an answer? About the Iskallium eye?”
“Hmm? Yeah, we do. That’s definitely Iskall’s eye. Same materials, same composition, same power supply- matches all the diagrams he gave me when asked. Only difference is, all the artifakes are beat to hell. I don’t know what could possibly have caused these dents, man. Does Tango-?”
“Tango is saying the same thing Tango said yesterday, which is, quote, “they came with the dungeon!” Etho rolled his eyes, leaning up against a workbench that was cluttered with his hard-won artifakes, “So, ah, any luck? I’m risking my life in there for this, you know that, right?”
“You’ll respawn,” Doc muttered, holding a hand out and waggling his fingers. Etho dropped the jar of speedy slime into Doc’s metal palm with a clank, and Doc moved whatever he was examining off the microscope and set about preparing another slide.
“So,” Doc said, “There is a commonality, across all items.”
“Oh?” Etho echoed, hopping up on a bench and shoving a well-loved pickaxe out of the way, “And what’s that?”
“A dusty...residue...thing. Tastes and smells like spent gunpowder, like a rocket that’s just been fired,” Doc said, dropping a slipcover on top of the slide, “It’s fine, particulate residue.” Doc shrugged, and slid the sample of slime onto his microscope, peering in for a closer look.
“And it’s...EVERY artifake, you said?”
“And every artifact, I’ll bet. Keralis’ slippers were a goldmine- just choked with the stuff. Seriously. I put them into a bag and shook them and a ton of that dust came out.” Doc twiddled the focus knobs, and sighed.
“There's more of it. Man, and it's even, like, mixed into the slime! I’m gonna have to ask Jevin for a sample when he’s around next so I can compare.” Doc nodded, and Etho smiled behind his mask.
“Soooo... that’s it, then? The mystery of where the heck Tango got all these artifacts from is...magic dust, I guess?”
The machine dinged, like an egg timer, and printed something out on a long strip of paper. Doc extracted it, and started to read over his results.
And as his eyes scanned down the page, he went very, very still.
“Doc? What’s happening?”
“Etho. Composition of this dust...it’s rock.” Doc said slowly.
“...Rock dust? And?”
“Roughed edges. This rock has never seen water.”
“...Which means...?”
“This rock hasn’t been oxidized. Predominantly...reduced. No clay, no mica...which means...”
“Doc!” Etho sighed, “What are you trying to say, here?”
“Every single one of these artifakes is covered in moon dust.” Doc said flatly.
Etho swallowed.
“Wherever the dungeon is getting these artifacts-” Doc started, hands trembling.
“-Is someplace we didn’t get lucky last season.” Etho finished, "Ah. O...kay."
Both men stared at the jar of slime in silence.
“...Cool. Well, anyway, have fun with your crisis. I’ve got three more frozen shards left!” Etho said cheerfully, and he skipped out the door.
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timethehobo · 3 months
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Here’s the main fella, Rook! This pose summarises the vibe they give me tbh. X’D
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moonlightflower-queen · 2 months
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Reunited, after years have passed for the princess but only moments have for the queen.
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cckittycreative · 7 months
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I really love this version of the song and I just really wanted to do a lyric comic to it for Cult of the Lamb. I'm pretty happy that I made it through this entire project as I tend to falter midway through these kinds of things and they never get finished. Apologies for the faint watermark - I attempted to run this through Glaze before posting it and, while I knew there'd be artifacts, I didn't realize just how badly it would affect the transparency and blur of certain panels and it....looked really bad. So I opted to put a faint watermark over each panel as low as I could make it.
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housecow · 1 month
my grandmother lost 150+lbs on the keto diet (also after a gastric bypass or smthn like that) and she’s managed to maintain the same weight over the last decade, give or take ~30lbs… she’s always dieting somehow and i like to take it upon myself to always give her a chocolate or a treat or smthn when i visit. i support her with this but *one* thing will not hurt and it makes her happy!
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junebugdunes · 5 months
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messy ee doodlin
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shevr · 2 years
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stuck lid hack
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u-so-silly · 4 months
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Vengeance Mercy but with big overcoat
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
Do you remember episode 12, season 3 of Xiaolin Showdown when Chase was trapped on that machine thing that was brushing butter or whatever all over his chest? Well, hypothetically speaking if First walked in on that situation, how’d he react?
Ok I cackled unreasonably loud at this ask
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listen i rewatched the episode (for science) and honestly the unexpected fanservice torture dungeon happened much differently than i remembered lol (also how fucked up is that right after Jack straigth up murked older monks?? wild)
but anyway basically what First Ninja saw
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ive been on internet too long not to see all of it now
congrats Jack you managed to traumatize a 800 year old ghost.
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extra doodle
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onibiturtle · 6 months
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i started watching the hellsing ova anime today and tbh ive been missing out integra is my fav character so far
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