#// here's the starter! I hope it's okay :)
avastyetwats · 19 days
Vampire AU Starter for @fornassau <3
“What about him, Captain?”
Golden orbs looked in the direction his Quartermaster had gestured, taking a moment to observe the man in question. He stood from the table he’d been sat at with some other men and a couple of whores, and the second he stepped forward, he stumbled. He grabbed onto the table for support and laughed while his men laughed at him, clearly inebriated which had Flint grimacing. “Too intoxicated.” Which he was not in the mood for tonight. He was fucking starving, but not enough to make himself drunk. Or high. Which many of these men currently were. If not incredibly aroused thanks to the whores scattered about. Their minds were filled with nothing but filth and it disgusted the Captain to the point of silencing them.
“That one?” Gates nodded to another that just walked by them and Flint followed his line of sight, watching.
He wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Smells as though he hasn’t had a bath in days. Weeks, even.”
He heard his Quartermaster sigh. “Captain, most of these men, if not all of them, have likely not bathed in several days.” Why did he have to be so damn picky? Oh right, because he was a vampire.
Flint shoots him a glare. “You think me picky, but would you not want to enjoy your meal? Or would you be content with molded bread and meat?”
Gate huffs. “I hate when you do that.”
Flint grins, knowing he was talking about the mind reading. “A habit. Forgive me.” He chuckles and Gate rolls his eyes, but there’s a smirk there now. He was the only man - the only human and, quite honestly, being - that James Flint trusted. They’d been friends for years now, sailing together for just as long, and he was the only one that knew of his Captain’s… condition. He’s kept his secret for this long and was always good at removing any suspicion among the ship that Flint may not be human. He was simply a different Captain from all others. Both highly respected and feared. His name was known far and wide and here in Nassau, especially.
He wasn’t the only Vampire, of course, but he was the only vampire pirate Captain. There was no other like him.
The doors to the tavern open and in walk some more men, more pirates and Flint’s hums, nodding in their direction. “Him.” He mutters, eyes darkening as his hunger grows, following his target - his soon-to-be-meal - as he takes a seat at one of the empty tables with his mates.
Gates groans. “Really, Captain? Him?“ He clearly wasn’t approving of his choice. And for good reason. “Captain Vane has already taken notice of some of his crewmen goin’ missing and because you’re his favorite person,” that was said with heavy sarcasm. “He’s sure you’ve got somethin’ to do with it. Now, if you could please explain to me, as to why you’re so keen on making that worse?”
Flint heard his Quartermaster’s words, grinning the entire time but not bothering to look at him. Especially not when he walked in. Charles fucking Vane. Flint’s grin grew wider, fangs almost bearing. Gates was right. Flint knew that and that’s exactly why he wanted that particular man. Because he enjoyed fucking with Charles Vane. His greatest rival, his biggest threat, and the most powerful of Captains and men, aside from himself, of course. They’d been enemies for a long while now - always trying to one up the other and trying to take the biggest prize. Trying to become the biggest and baddest name in Nassau and on all the seven seas.
But there was more to it than that… more to them. Though neither would ever fucking admit it. But deep down, Flint knew. And the way his cock hardened from the mere sight of him sometimes made that obvious, but only to himself.
Finally, he looked to Gates, his eyes even darker now and his voice a low, hungry growl. “I want him.”
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inkshadow · 4 months
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❝ yes, yes, i'll pick some up on the way - ❞ his words are cut short as chance dealt his fate today, his eyes locking on a girl whose face still haunts him in his dreams in the most beautiful way. couldn't focus on his mother's words that continue to trickle from his phone before he tells her that he needs to go, as if he needed to focus on something while waiting for his coffee order. she was on a date this time... at the very place he introduced her to. despite the pain ebbing in his chest, he supposed that karmic retribution was the only thing that could make this right, and he had no reason to be jealous. not after he'd ghosted her for months on end.
closed starter for @vvhimsicals
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blitzbuckz · 3 months
℧ :: starter with / @pinklocksoflove
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【𐂃】 ❝ Kick ass outfit, tacky heels though. ❞ undertone banter, that's all it was. He didn't meant any of it, simply begrudging the rockstar for having an attire that he wanted for himself.
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chosesun · 1 month
he's snuck off again. he has a tendency to do that when Owen isn't looking - a habit he no doubt needs to break, because it's bound to get him into trouble one of these days. of course, he can't help himself. Luke wants to explore, see more of the world, see what all it has to offer, and the farm just isn't it. he's curious, he's always been curious. it's probably one of his biggest downfalls.
as he sneaks off, he's got a little screwdriver with him, holding it in his hand. he'd been tinkering with a machine moments before he noticed Owen's attention was no longer on him and dashed away before he could be stopped. it's not that Luke dislikes his uncle, because that is in fact not the truth, but sometimes the boy feels smothered - like he doesn't get a chance to breathe and he never gets to do what he wants. it's frustrating.
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he's taken the same path he had when that lady had come for him - he's still not sure why she chased after him because his aunt and uncle won't tell him, but he'd never been more scared than he had that night. perhaps it's because of these thoughts that had him all spooked when he turned around and came face-to-face with a familiar face staring down at him. he yelps in surprise, startled, tightening his grip on his screwdriver before realization dawns on him and he exhales a breath of air. "oh. it's you. your name is Ben, right ? i met you before. did you follow me?"
@fallesto liked for babu Luke (for Obi-Wan)
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@applcyed liked for a starter!)
Just what compelled the blue seraphim to leave the sanctuary of Heaven to blindly teleport down to Hell? Perhaps it was naive curiosity, or the feeling of being coddled and protected too much from the darker truths in the universe. It really did not matter now, for the deed was done and Lucid now found himself in the elegant chamber of an unknown palace. Before him sat a throne, empty at the moment yet still imposing a regal power that both awed and unnerved the young seraphim.
He dared not approach it, instead opting to investigate the tapestry’s and portraits that lined the walls. An imposing figure was in every one of them, and its resemblance to Lucid uncanny. He stopped before one of the single portraits, taking in every detail of the demon. The seraphim had only seen a few portraits and sculptures of the fallen angel in Heaven, hidden away in the private sector of archangel halls. His was always covered up by sheets, as if a block out some ungodly sight that threatened to taint the beauty of the hall. They always made the young seraphim wonder about his predecessor…
A sound alerted Lucid that he was not alone, turning in the direction to face what or whoever it was. The feathers of his wings ruffled, eyes widening. Of Father, he hadn’t just teleported anywhere in Hell…
Lucid had teleported right into Lucifer Morningstar home!
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strayslost · 3 months
In another life, perhaps Ryunosuke would've looked at Kyusaku and seen someone who could understand. After all... if anyone should know the sting of Dazai's rejection, it would be them. As far as Ryunosuke knows, Kyusaku's fate of being shut away from the world and imprisoned was all thanks to Dazai - and even putting Dazai aside... he's sure that, just like Ryunosuke, their life has been full of pain from the very start.
As it is, though, right now - Ryunosuke feels very little. Perhaps it's a sign of his selfishness, his true nature as a heartless beast unable to feel a thing for someone else. All he wants has always been the same thing - to find a reason to live - and Kyusaku can't provide him that. In fact, sometimes seeing them stings, when he thinks of how they've been rejected even in spite of the power they hold... if they don't stand a chance of gaining Dazai's respect, what chance does Ryunosuke stand, as weak as he is now? What awaits him at the end of the road he's dedicated his life to following?
Thoughts like that aren't ones he wants to face, so he pushes them away. But something is strange about his feelings today. Because while that blank, apathetic smog of nothingness he feels should have him turning away and leaving, there's something that stops him... driving him to speak to Kyusaku for reasons even he doesn't understand.
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"And?" he responds to the child's question with an almost-empty gaze, something unidentifiable smoldering underneath. "Tell me... why would you come to me of all people for a reason like that?"
@theircurse ( starter for yumeno! )
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vendettavalor · 7 months
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As Above, So Below
⚔️ For @nemekii 's Hoppy Hopscotch! ⚔️
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The years had been far from kind to the factory and its inhabitants.
Well, its remaining inhabitants.
After the Hour of Joy, things had been so perfect. So peaceful. The sweet blissful freedom they experienced - free from the labs where they were poked and prodded and burned and tortured, the cages where they were scent to sleep in the cold loneliness as punishment for any slight or transgression - was a welcome mercy that they'd long prayed on the Prototype to deliver to them. And when He had, it had all been so perfect. They had their justice, their vengeance. And for a time, they only thing they needed to worry about was how best to occupy their time in their newfound freedom.
But as a wise man once said, nothing good can last.
And very soon, the good times grew dull. With time, all the games in the toy factory had been played. All the toys played with. All the survivors hunted. Many began to grow stir-crazy as they realized that autonomy and freedom from restraint was not enough. Many still had homes and families on the outside that they wanted to see. Playcare's artificial outdoors paled in comparison to cherished memories of real, fresh air. The warm sun. The soft green grasses. Soon enough, those that revered the Prototype for His efforts in freeing them began to rebel against Him, challenge Him. They became heretics, and they were shunned with accordingly.
Then, the lean times began. The bodies disappeared. The food ran out. They began to starve. Tensions rose and in their desperation, it became a deadly game of survival of the fittest. Kill or be killed. The shunned became the hunted, until only the strongest or the most loyal remained. Those truly clever and skilled managed to hide and survive against all odds. But so long as the factory remained closed, they remained trapped.
Catnap was truly blessed. Through it all, he had remained faithful and devoted to the Prototype. He carried out His will without question, killing those He deemed unfit and unworthy, fasting at His command, and accepting the scraps of food He offered in reward. Playcare was his territory and he was its guardian. He handled the heretics wherever they appeared, keeping alive those who followed his god as he did and hunting down those that didn't. And though some part of him did hold an inkling of remorse, the past was behind him and therefore easy to push down and ignore.
The feelings of guilt would have consumed him faster than any hunger - but so long as he kept his distance from any reminders of what he once was before all of this, he could press on.
At least, that was what he had told himself. And he had just about convinced himself it was true. But now... now he wasn't so sure.
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Not when he could swear he was picking up on the familiar scent of peppermint through the overwhelming smog of poppies and lavender.
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venomousjorogumo · 18 days
Harumi had been asleep when she was magically teleported to a foreign continent. She awoke dazed at first, but fear quickly began to set in when she realized she was far from home. The Jorōgumo frantically tried to shift into Spider form, but she felt far too weak to use her abilities. "Are my powers nullified?" Turning around, she spotted someone nearby and instantly recoiled. "You...! Are you the one who brought me here? Where are we?" The terrain was rocky and unfamiliar, not at all like the soft soil in the forest she called home.
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brooklynbred-moved · 3 months
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𝙈𝙄𝙎𝙎𝙄𝙊𝙉 𝙇𝙊𝙂 ... 《 𝘾𝙇𝙊𝙎𝙀𝘿 𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙀𝙍. 》 @ironifiicd.
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the mission had been going great , until suddenly when it was going horribly wrong. that seemed to be the running trend with him. just when he thought things would go fine without incident ... then BOOM! another thing to flip the table on everything. steve had almost gotten used to the dance. almost. they were tracking a HYDRA base , which should have been his first clue to be cautious. he didn't ... and that captain paid for it.
he didn't realize what had happened at the time. he had thought it was just normal stun baton that had been suped up , not realizing that what it had actually been designed to do was attack the enhanced cells in his body. slowly returning them to their original state. what he thought had been muscle aches from the stun , wasn't that at all.
with the mission accomplished in the long run , the team returned back to the compound , and everyone went about the normal post mission traditions , but steve retired early. he'd been feeling off , and hoped some decent sleep would help. he managed to get ready for bed and asleep before any of the noticeable changes would start to happen.
it wouldn't be until the next morning when he got up to go on his morning run , and found a pain he hadn't felt in a long time , that he realized something was wrong.
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steve didn't know what to do. he made it to the bathroom in time to empty the contents of his stomach , ( that wasn't something he missed ) and realized shortly after that he needed some help. and tony was the first one he thought of to help him in this. everything hurt. but he managed to fish his phone out of his sweats , after kicking the door to the bathroom in his room closed , and started texting tony ... while trying to control his breathing.
𝙎𝙈𝙎 - 𝙏𝙊𝙉𝙔 𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙍𝙆 - 𝙎𝙀𝙉𝙏. i need you. in my room. come alone. don't tell anyone. NOW!
he sent the message in haste , before letting his head fall back and gently thud the back of his head against the wall. trying to control his panic until tony could get there. and trying not to look in the floor length mirror where he could see the version of his body he hadn't seen besides in video since the 40's.
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lucidrims · 1 month
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . suho coming thru for @fairygrden !
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            "  you  do  know  alcohol  isn't  going  to  solve  your  problems,  right  ?  just  making  sure  you  know  .  .  .  "
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bcdluckstumblcd · 4 months
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There's a smile under his mask as Toga thanks him for his help with her hair. Jin tells her it's no big deal (followed immediately by his voice in another tone, stating the fact he WILL be charging next time). The girl skips away, and Twice turns his attention to his boss. There's a moment where his gaze rests curiously on their hair.
"Hey boss! Want a new do' before the salon is closed for good." He pats the barstool he's standing in front of.
@newsave ♥'d for a starter
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theha1r · 2 months
@realmyths liked for a starter!
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Steve is quiet as he thinks, the things he's wanted to ask the older, more experienced, vampire weighing on his mind. However, he's hesitant to even ask them, not necessarily because he thinks she won't have the answers - but more so he's not sure if he'll like them. It's the type of things he tries not to think about, but it feels hard to ignore them, in this moment, when he has the chance to hear from someone with the experience. "Does it ever get easy? To outlive nearly everyone you care about? To lose people? To make new connections knowing you'll lose them too someday?" He pauses for a second. "It's only been ten years for me and I've never really made any connections I cared about losing ... until a few years ago." And now he doesn't know how he's supposed to ever live without them.
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crawlingforwardx · 5 months
@retrologists | send  STARTER!    for  a  random  starter ( x )
The brothers had gone all out with the horror house theme, creating an atmosphere that was both immersive and exciting. A deep purple illuminates the entire main room with an array of cob webs, skeletons, jack-o-lanterns, fake blood plastering the walls, giant spiders and bats among other themed props decorating the interior. Off to the side there's a long table with a large black cauldron filled with punch, which Steve had spiked himself, as well as a wide selection of spooky treats and fancy skull cups. The party extended out into the back where they had managed to rig the lighting for the pool to give the water a more crimson tint for some added horror effect. This is where Steve had set up his own kingdom, ironically clad in a pair of red lifeguard shorts with nothing else but a rescue board slung over his shoulder and a pair of sunglasses to complete the costume.
Steve's kingdom: Beer pong.
He had a table set up right by the pool and so far, he was the reigning champ which wasn't surprising considering he almost always dominates at this game. "And another one bites the dust. Better work on that aim, Gallagher. Your basketball career depends on it." Steve jests with a smug grin as he gestures for his opponent to drink up before reaching for the skull cup he kept off to the side with his drink in it. "Alright, who's next? Anyone?" Taking a sip as he scans the outside crowd for any takers, he pauses when his sights land on a pretty blonde in a bright pink and attention grabbing costume. So bright, in fact, that she stuck out from pretty much everyone else in the crowd but that's not what draws his attention to her. It's the costume itself coupled with the girl wearing it.
"I'll be back." He informs one of his buddies before heading over to her with an air of confidence surrounding him. "Let me guess... Playboy bunny? It looks good on you." Steve greets with a charming smile. "I'm Steve by the way. Steve Harrington."
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dreampedia · 2 months
WHERE: single carrot theatre WHEN: 19th june, late afternoon WHO: ziv boo ( @scyboo )
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Mio could have waited until Ziv was home. She could have waited until they had gotten home and settled down for the day, when they might have had ample time to hear her out. But Mio was never much good at waiting, and all the less so when the circumstances were as urgent as they were now. She had hardly been able to think straight since she'd heard the news either. It didn't feel real. Mindy was in jail, implicated in a crime Mio was certain they had not committed. And it had been about a year since the very same thing had happened to Rei! It had to be an unfortunate coincidence but, oh, how cruel it felt! How twisted! Once she did made her way into the theatre, it took her a few too many minutes to even find Ziv. With a thousand frazzled thoughts shooting through her brain, setting her whole nervous system alight, it was surprisingly hard to focus on anything. In fact, it had taken her crashing headfirst into Tomo Katsumura, effectively winding him with her skull, and blurting out 'WHERE'S ZIV?' for her to finally find them. (She'd have to apologise for that one later.)
"Hiii, it's just me," said Mio, waving with both hands as she stepped through the door, chipper as ever despite the knot of anxiety tangling itself in her gut. Any onlooker might be surprised to learn she'd been running up and down the halls of the theatre, as frantic as a headless chicken -- although, if she were unlucky, Ziv might have heard the desperate squeak of her platform sneakers against the theatre's varnished floors and known someone was coming. "I hope this isn't a bad time." She looked around the room, just to be sure that nobody else was around. Something about this felt private. It was nobody else's business and it was only because she wholeheartedly trusted Ziv that she was sharing this with them at all. "'Cause I've got kind of a, uh, serious question," she said, trying to cut a confident figure, her shoulders straight and level. Alas, her struggle to find the right words betrayed her awkwardness. "Do you know anything about...uh, what is it...lawyering up?" Sure, she'd pulled that phrase from some schlocky procedural drama but what mattered was this: Mio had promised Mindy she'd help in any way she could. Mio did not break her promises.
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offleashed · 10 months
@bloodrodeo | set & trent
It had been a long time since she'd seen another thing and didn't want to kill it right away.
Despite her rumbling stomach's protests, Set knew it would be wrong to harm such a majestic, beautiful animal. Especially when it seemed to be free. She stayed back, hidden behind the trunk of a large oak tree, watching the horse from a distance as it fed on some grass. The longer she observed it, the more she found herself smiling. It brought a sort of warmth to her heart that she'd missed; wandering out here in the forest, in the cold, with nothing but a t-shirt and some shorts on reminded her of a mortality she'd long forgotten.
She stuck a foot out, considering, daring to say hello to it. Maybe she'd even find a friend in it.
But footsteps approaching (either toward the animal or toward her, she wasn't sure) made her gasp, hand clasping over her mouth as she turned around fully, placing her back against the bark, closing in on herself. She stayed perfectly still until she felt something cold and wet dripping down her arm. Shit—she'd gashed her arm on a splintered-off piece of the tree. She'd let her guard down and now she was in trouble.
Don't do anything stupid, she begged of the human, feeling like she was seconds away from lunging first and feasting on whichever poor soul was on the other side of the tree.
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chronicparagon · 3 months
Something is amiss!
Harmony can sense it in the air. Tension mounts in the summer night air and the serenity gracing the city park dashes away with the wind.
How strange...There isn't a soul around her. But that quickly changes when that wind brushes past her. However, it wasn't biting cold, but...the supposed wind was hot, like a flame so dangerously close to the flesh just before that blistering burn. That is far from normal.
She freezes in place, her eyes wide when a low growl meets her ears. It crescendos before fading away as though the creature ran after its unfortunate prey. Harmony turns her head over her shoulder, glimpsing a large beast diving into the line of trees embracing the park where the wilderness meets city limits.
"Something's...not right." She mutters under her breath. That didn't look like an ordinary dog and she is certain the creature is on the chase.
There is a sinking feeling in the young woman's heart. She can't brush this off. A slender hand snatches the strap of her messenger bag. She lifts it off the ground and throws the bag on while running after the entity.
She can't wonder who that is or what it's after. A life is in danger and she must act. Now!
Deep within the trees, further from city lights, a large, lupine-like creature is on the hunt after a smaller feline. His two, red eyes pinned on Nekoh. The beast is not an ordinary animal. No, he's far from it.
His name is Lupamon, and he is one of the elusive creatures lurking in two worlds called Cybermon. His fur is as dark as the night save for the scarlet markings around his eyes and the ring of red flames around his neck, just beneath the dark mane. Three tails lash behind him and his maw splits, revealing sharp teeth. A dark chuckle follows as his pace slows to a stop.
Before Lupamon is his target: A Catmon pinned against the tree. She has nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. This small clearing midst of the ring of towering trees offers no comfort for Nekoh as Lupamon stalks closer to her.
"Heh heh heh...Here, kitty, kitty!" He mocks with a low growl. "Why must you run? It's useless! You could have come with me quietly...I wouldn't have sent my embers after you, or bitten you if you didn't fight me! Now, look at you..." Lupamon continues, "You barely got out alive but you can't run from me! So give up!"
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