#// he eats super fast too so you leave the room and the meal you gave him is gone.
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justimaginescenarios · 2 years ago
Reading that Kensei dating Toshiro's older sister fic, I absolutely love. Could you do a possible sequel where Kensei and S/O tell Toshiro he's gonna be an uncle? Maybe possibly a cute ending when the baby is born and Toshiro falls in love with his niece/nephew? I'm a sucker for Uncle Toshiro ^^
Thank for sending me a request, I’m so appreciate. Please, forgive me to make to wait for too long time of waiting. I hope this will enjoy you(〃′▽`)
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Uncle Toshirou
Rating: Everyone
Character: Hitsugaya Toshirou, Matsumoto Rangiku, Muguruma Kensei
Word count: 763
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The members of 10th Division were astonished by their captain recently. He still wore his super serious face, but the aura was kind of flowers and pink. One day, Rangiku found out he was searching for information on how to take care of a pregnant woman.
“Captain, congrats, you lost your vir-“
“You ask for death.”
The blaze was on her neck and the temperature fell down to minus celsius froze her words. She laughed, it was fun to kid her captain. She was totally clear who got pregnant, and her captain was preparing for his first time to be an uncle.
From the day he acknowledged he would be an uncle in a few next month, his emotions took turns between amazement and nervousness. He was full of happiness when he thought about the baby, but considering his sister he was worried.
For the first few months, his sister was not in the mood, and she could not even eat almost anything. He and her husband - captain Muguruma - always kept eyes on her. After that, the condition got better, and two men gave a sigh of relief.
Rangiku was aware of the situation, therefore she lightened up the tasks for her captain, so he could leave the office before sunset.
Whenever he was back from his office, he stopped by a sweet shop to buy his sister's favorite sweets. Because of that, he and Muguruma always shouted at each other. Muguruma said the sweet was not good, but his sister liked it, so Toshirou was against him all the time.
Him and Muguruma could not always be by her side, when he was on missions. He asked Momo to keep an eye on his sister (he had no belief in Rangiku).
When the baby's gender was announced, he took time to visit the baby store to find the best suits for his niece/nephew. However, the taste of fashion in soul society was plain. He wandered around but could not choose anything.
“Why don’t we go to the Living World, they’ve got tons of styles” - Rangiku suggested.
They took a trip to the Living World. Rangiku brought him to shop by shop. Living Humans had more taste than those who lived for hundreds years.
“The baby is a boy or a girl?” - Rangiku asked.
Option 1: That’s a boy
He eyed those gentlemen suits. He did not forget the kimono. He chose picky which could make his nephew more manly.
Rangiku recommended some animal rompers, he complained that was so childish.
“He’s a baby, cap.”
Therefore he picked two or three.
Option 2: That’s a girl.
He was breathtaking by a kingdom of beautiful dresses. There were plenty of outfits, and he could not make his mind to choose any.
After hours of consideration, he bought dresses he felt they would be pretty on his niece. The last was the kimono, an adorable one for a girl.
They returned to the soul society with big and small bags in their hands.
“You burned your money today, cap.”
On D-Day, the dad and uncle waited outside with cold sweats on their forehead and back, as their beloved one in pain.
The first cry of the baby bursted their happiness out. They dashed to the room to see the mother and baby.
Days after, he took care of his sister carefully. He even learned to cook nutrient soups and meals. When the nurse told he could hold the baby, he was too nervous. His flexible muscles were just stiff as the baby was in his arms. Too small and light.
Days after, his phone was full of the baby. His eyes shone up as the baby wore his chosen clothes.
Month after month, the baby grew up fast and healthy. They could babble, then they could walk. He brought them outside, bought them toys, spoiled them with baby food. He was glad that he bought those animal rompers. Looking at the rabbit/bear running to him, just gave him a heart attack. He almost died again as they called him “uncle” for the first time.
Years passed, the baby grew big, they could learn to use a sword. He, as well as their dad, was more strict in their practice. But there were always rewards after hard working time.
They learned well not to joke with his height, or their sword practice would be in hell.
He could be a nice, but also a strict uncle either. Therefore, the children gave him their full respect, scared and loved him at the same time.
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darkdevasofdestruction · 7 months ago
Chapter 5 - Quizzical Affairs
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Despite the late morning that not only Mammon had, but Kitsune also, they still managed to get to breakfast, one way or the other, and thankfully, Beel had been on cooking duty, so he ordered an exorbitant amount of dishes of all kinds. Still, by the time the reached the table, Asmodeus and Satan were laughing and chatting about something, while Leviathan had the grumpiest, angriest face; Beel was enthusiastic about his cheeseburgers, of course. 
Suddenly, Asmodeus' laugh echoed throughout the dining room, making Satan chuckle, whilst telling him to keep his voice down, in case Mammon hears them making fun of him and gets upset.
"How can you NOT laugh after what's happened? I mean, this is Mammon, and yet a human was able to play him like a fiddle and force him into a pact!" Satan tried, in vain, to stifle a laugh. "Hey, I hear you laughing, Satan! I know you think it's funny too!" Asmo continued speaking. "Anyway, I have to say I'm surprised. I never though a human like Kitsune - Well, whatever she is, really - Would be able to make a pact with Mammon; Not THIS fast, at least. They really did know what they were doing when they picked her for the exchange program, huh?"
"Actually, I did no such horrible thing as to coerce Monnie into forging a pact with me. The truth is, it was his own choice, so I would appreciate it if you would not mock him for his decision." Kitsune walked ahead, casually taking a seat next to Satan and flashing a smile towards Levi. "Good Morning, Leviathan. I pray you had a lovely night."
"I don't want to hear ANYTHING coming from you, you traitorous, manipulating, scummy fox! You're just as bad as he is! Jeez - Can't even enjoy my breakfast - I should have stayed in my room. Nothing good comes out of leaving your room or associating with lying deviants like you!" with one last yell, Leviathan stomped away, not before bumping his shoulder onto Mammon roughly.
"Hey, what's his problem anyway?" he asked, plopping down next to Kitsune.
"Kitsune tells us you CHOSE to make a pact with her, but the rumours say otherwise. What really happened, then? Enlighten us." Satan leaned back in his seat, amused and waiting for the story. "Well, uhh, y'know! Kitsune found my sweet Goldie and gave her to me, despite whatever stupid plan Levi made to blackmail me. So, uh.... Kitsune called Levi a brat throwing a tantrum 'cause he got super pissed off, and he got super angry and tried to attack us." Mammon explained, making Asmo whistle in surprise.
"No wonder the kitchen was a mess." he said. "Still, that's hilarious! Calling Levi a brat? My, Kitsune, you're so brave! You know, the way things are going, the rest of us might find ourselves in a pact with Kitsune as well, if we're not careful." he giggled softly.
"That is silly to say, Asmodeus. I cannot see the appeal of the pacts, let alone the need to forge them. I accepted Mammon's pact because it was his wish. In fact, I have refused a few times before, until I knew he had his mind set." the fox girl explained before starting to eat a light meal, thoroughly inspected by Satan who made sure it wasn't poisoned in any way.
"Oh my, Kitsune, if I knew your tactic was to sweet talk people like that, I wouldn't have gotten angry at you during class! Well, who'd you want to make a pact with next?" the Lust Avatar asked, making the vixen sigh and shake her head in disbelief.
"I just said I do not understand the appeal of pacts, thus, I see no reason to forge them at all." she said, before turning her gaze to Satan. "But I do hope my friendship with Satan is going to bloom further. I find his company incredibly appealing."
"Yes, I am also inclined to believe that. Perhaps I should take you with me next time I go to that cat cafe I mentioned last time. I'm sure you'd like it." Satan smiled back at her.
"That sounds lovely. I am looking forward to it." she was really enjoying this food.
"So, where did you find your credit card? I thought Lucifer hid it away?" Satan asked, curious - The more he knew of Lucifer and his evil mind, the higher the success rate of his pranks would be.
"He LITERALLY froze is - In the freezer! What's up with that?! Was it supposed to be some sorta dad joke?! 'Cause if so, it was awfully lame!" Mammon complained - Kitsune felt a presence approaching, and subtly rose her head, tilting it to the side, and she noticed Lucifer. She forced herself to hide a smirk and looked back towards the food. "Eh, guess maybe I shoulda expected somethin' like that from him. I mean, he may not be a dad, but he's pretty old, isn't he? Guess I shouldn't be surprised he's a fan of dad jokes!" as soon as Mammon started loving, Lucifer, too, laughed darkly in unison.
"Yes, indeed Mammon, Lucifer is old, like fine wine." she couldn't help but comment, though the Greed Avatar didn't seem to hear her.
"Haha, man, I gotta stop laughin' so hard. My stomach is hurtin'! But you gotta agree, Lucifer is pretty old, isn't he?"
"You think?" as soon as Mammon heard Lucifer's ominous voice behind him, he whined in defeat and fright, realising he screwed up and he was gonna get severely punished. As expected, he got hit VERY hard, even by demon standards.
"Owww, hey, what's the big idea?! You didn't have to hit me THAT hard!" he cried out pitifully.
"You know... He's so stupid that it's almost sad..." Asmo sighed in disbelief.
Satan agreed. "I can't believe he's actually out brother. It's almost like we're being punished or something." Satan, too, complained.
Sighing, Kitsune rose from the table, exhausted with all the awful interactions between the brothers. "I would like to ask you to stop insulting each other so heavily whilst in front of me. I shielded him against the third born, and I am not afraid of doing so with his other siblings too." she tapped the Greed demon's shoulder, gesturing him to get up so thy can go to class.
"Before you go, I wanted to say - Well done. It's a real accomplishment, managing to forge a pact in such a short span of time. Your opponent may have been stupid, but even so, you've just arrived. I imagine Diavolo will be pleased as well. We continue to expect big things from you." Lucifer praised the fox lady, and though he enjoyed making fun of Mammon, he appreciated that someone was actually standing up to him for once.
"I do not deserve praise for making a friend, Lucifer." Kitsune curtly cut him. "As for Diavolo... I suppose I will have to pay him a little visit, later today. Thank you for informing me." she turned towards Mammon, offering a small smile. "Let us go to class, Mammon. Lead the way, I still have not managed to learn the way around."
With a yelp, Mammon quickly rushed out, not wanting to deal with any of his brothers anymore, and remained silent until he was well into RAD to speak, hoping that the loud chattering of passer-bies was going to drown his own words out, as he kept complaining about Lucifer and how he's all about Diavolo here, Diavolo there - How he'd do ANYTHING if Diavolo ordered him to. Silly man.
As expected, rumours about Mammon forging a pact with Kitsune were the main focus of every students and it was beginning to get on Kitsune's nerves, not only because of the misinformation that may or may not have been Leviathan's own doing, but also, because they were really upsetting Mammon. When they reached their class, which was Potions, Mammon had to leave for his own subject, leaving Kitsune alone to be shocked to see not only Barbatos, but Diavolo himself, standing there, in the middle of the room, chatting about something with Lucifer. How fast did this man get to the Academy, all the way from home? Well, perhaps he drove. Mammon and Kitsune had a pleasant walk instead.
"Actually, I'd say that all this gossip is a good thing. It means that everyone will be watching Kitsune, which makes it harder for any demon to go after her soul when no on is looking." Diavolo had his ever-charming smile on his face.
"Yes, since Mammon's not doing a very good job as a guardian. I told him to look after Kitsune, but instead, he uses her as a cheating device for gambling and has HER protect him from Leviathan's angry outburst. I figured this would happen though." Lucifer frowned in annoyance.
Just like back during breakfast, Kitsune cleared her throat as she stepped in front of the three demons towering over her. "Though I know rumours are rumours, and they come from half-truths and the malice of the one who spread them, in this case, Leviathan without a doubt - I should mention, for the last time, that it was me who provoked Leviathan in the first place, and I did not force nor coerce Mammon into making a pact with me." Diavolo's smile only widened.
"That is even more impressive! Kitsune, won't you come over tonight for some tea? We have some catching up to do." the Demon Lord offered jovially.
"It would be my pleasure, Little Prince." she smirked softly.
"Kitsune, I have to ask you not to burden my brother's incompetence like that, it would only get to his head." the raven haired sin spoke defeated.
"Well, I've heard that the most thick-headed child is always the cutest." Diavolo teased his friend.
"... Stop it, Diavolo. It's troublesome enough having him as my younger brother - But child? HIM? I don't even want to think about it." Lucifer groaned pitifully.
"Ah, but I notice that you didn't deny the part about him being cute, did you?" Simeon walked into the room, making Kitsune giggle at his comment. "If I might offer my own opinion, out of your, Seven brothers, YOU are, without a doubt, the most troublesome, Lucifer." 
"Is that meant as a compliment, Simeon?" Lucifer narrowed his eyes at the angel.
"Pff, of course not! Duh! That was a put-down! An insult! He's taunting you!" Luke made his way to the group also, looking all fired up and grumpy. Kitsune couldn't help but slap her hand over her mouth and look away, unable to stifle her amusement as she watched the agitated child-angel.
"Ah, I see you've brought your chihuahua along with you." it was too much for the fox girl, and she had to hide her face in Diavolo's arm to hide away her laughter.
"I am NOT a chihuahua! How many times do I have to tell you that, demon?!" the poor child tried to defend himself, only to garner mocking and teasing from all the other ones around.
"Well, what do you expect? I AM a demon, after all. Now then, stop yipping at me. C'mere boy... Shake! Who's a good boy?" Lucifer taunted the little angel enough to fluster him.
"Quit it! Don't you make fun of me! And don't tell me to shake - I'm NOT a dog!" it was too much, Kitsune was unable to hide her chuckles any longer.
"Although I know you have already introduced yourselves to one another, I keep trying to decipher whether you are truly an angel, or a chihuahua." Diavolo too joined in the game, making the fair angel gasp loudly, clearly offended and glaring up at them all.
"Wh....! Diavolo, now YOU'RE getting in on the act, too?! Kitsune -- Why are you laughing?! I am NOT a chihuahua, I'm an angel!" he yelled up at them. "Listen up! As you can probably tell, I'm a low-ranking angel. BUT! I'll have you know that in the Celestial Realm, I report directly to Michael the Archangel, as---" the boy got quickly cut off by his fellow angel.
"Luke, calm down. You need to learn not to make such a huge fuss about everything." the boy tried to complain, only for Lucifer to agree with the angel.
"He's right. That's exactly why people call you a chihuahua, you know." he pointed out, only to receive yet another hilarious comment from the kid.
"Usually the only one who calls me chihuahua is YOU, Lucifer!" but before the interaction could go on further, Barbatos announced that the first bell was supposed to ring, and classes were to start soon.
"I wonder why, Little One." the sole woman, bemused, flustering the angel even more.
"Kitsune, look after Mammon and my other brothers for me, would you?" Lucifer asked the fox lady with a grin, which made her chuckle.
"Yes, by all means, I do like taking care of my friends." she replied casually.
"As I remember it, Mammon and the brothers were supposed to be the ones looking after Kitsune, correct?" Barbatos asked in confusion.
"Yes, that's how I remember it as well. Your point?" 
With Lucifer asking Kitsune to take care of Mammon and Diavolo being overly excited for tonight's tea date with the trickster kami, the three exited the classroom, leaving only the fox with the two angels. Though unable to get over his angry predisposition after getting so ruthlessly teased and laughed at, Luke kept grumbling lowly, sounding as though he was a little puppy growling at a toy. Kitsune looked up at Simeon, musing and gesturing subtly at the little angel who was still trembling like an upset chihuahua; Simeon simply breathed in amusement, patting the little one's head.
"Ne'r tr's mhmhmh...." the two adults looked down with wide eyes, only to laugh.
"Forgive me, Luke, but I do not yet understand dog language. Please, do speak in a language I can comprehend." Kitsune teased the little one, who couldn't help but gasp in disbelief.
"Wh...! Wh-Wh-Wha-WHAT did you just SAY?!" he yelled at her, his cheeks burning in anger. "J-Just this once, I'm g-g-going to do you a favour and pretend I didn't hear that...! But don't you ever say that again! ...Never trust a demon! Especially when that demon is Lucifer! Listen to me. He's a monster and a brute. He's uncivilised, immoral and... And also... A s... s... Sadi..." he tried to say the world, but couldn't get it out.
"I think he's trying to call Lucifer a Sadist." Simeon chuckled, translating for the little one.
"Oh, I see, how hedonistic of him." Kitsune smirked. "Still, Luke, I am surprised you would be so openly speaking of Lucifer indulging in BDSM in such a way."
"Why would he be into Bible Discussion and Study Meetings? He's long past that! He's the most sadistic of sadists! I was against this from the beginning. What are they thinking, bringing humans to the Devildom as exchange students..." the bell rang before he could continue his complaint. "So, you've been warned. You get what I'm saying, right?" and with that, he left to sit at his desk, stomping grumpily.
"He is quite adorable, isn't he?" Simeon let out a soft chuckle. "Oh, look who's here, Solomon finally arrived. We should get seated too, Kitsune, the teacher should be arriving at any moment."
With a nod of agreement from the red haired lady, Kitsune went to sit next to her fellow human sorcerer, and together, they were able to do quite a great potion. Solomon even praised the girl for how easily she was able to adapt to the demon world and all the new things that she had to learn.
During lunch, Kitsune called Mammon so they would meet up; She bought food for the both of them, and went to eat outside, in the beautiful, enchanted gardens of the Academy. For the most time, it was the demon who kept ranting on and on tirelessly about things only he knew, yet at least he had the courtesy of explaining whatever he thought would be too technologically developed and she wouldn't know of, or understand. At some point, however, he mentioned meeting Levi again at school, something he hardly ever does, considering he takes mostly online classes, but Mammon was able to confirm Kitsune's suspicions of Leviathan having spread all the awful rumours about the intricacies regarding their pact forging. 
"I have something to ask you, Mammon, regarding pacts." she began. "Everyone speaks as though it is a great shame, making a pact with a human. Do you feel the same?"
"No, 'course not!" he yelled immediately, in full alarm. "I mean, yeah, sorta! But not with ya, m'kay? I wanted to do the pact!" he vehemently imposed that truth. "Can't say the same for all the others though. Their egos are through the roof. Apart from Asmo who has a pact with Solomon, the others have no pacts. Well - Humans have to give up their souls, if they want a pact with most demons anyway."
"Then, if I were to trick Leviathan into making a pact with me, would he bury himself alive from shame?" Mammon gasped, seeing the devilish smirk of mischief that appeared on her face.
"SAY WHAT?!" he shouted. "No way, ya can't do that! I may not be that smart, but Levi ain't dumb, y'know! Ya can't do it!"
"I was going to ask for you aid, of course, perhaps even Satan's. I do want my revenge on him, not only for myself, but for you also. He dared speak enough insulting words towards the both of us, and I cannot forgive something of that magnitude." Mammon froze with his jaw to the ground, only to look away to hide the blush forming on his cheeks.
"A'ight, listen up, here's the thing - If we wanna throw Levi off his guard, we gotta piss him off somehow, but not enough to make him attack ya again, right? So, we gotta play to his Sin, 'course. He gets all gloomy and depressed super easily, but when it comes to his anime and games, all that turns into frustration and he stops thinking - Remember how he just threw Goldie in the microwave, completely forgetting it would destroy her? Yeah, that's about it." Mammon rounded Levi's personality pretty well.
"And do you reckon TSL is his greatest weakness, then? Or, what was her name... Ruri... Chan?" for some reason, the demon burst into laughter, only to nod at her.
"Yeah, TSL especially, he can go on and on and ON about it. I think he can talk about it for a thousand years at LEAST!" he confirmed.
"So, if he knows everything about TSL, would he not get angry, should a... Normie, was it? Prove she knows more than him? In front of everyone?" the greedy one's eyes widened significantly, only to start grinning like the cheshire cat.
"Are ya sure ya ain't a demon?" he barked a laugh. "That's brilliant! We can corner him and have him accept a TSL trivia quiz organised in the RAD council room - Lord Diavolo can be there too, to make it official." 
"But the question comes - How am I going to suddenly get proficient in a series that I have never watched? I am not quite sure that it is humanly possible to actually beat that obsessed little brat, without somehow rigging the contest." it was Mammon's turn to smirk like the devil he is.
"Kitsune, my precious little human, have ya forgotten our success at gambling?" the silver haired man alluded to their shameless cheating. "Don't worry 'bout that part, I have an idea. But we also need some kind of upper hand - Like, uh... Like some plan B, ya get me?"
"If it is a a back-up aid, then I know where to go to ask for help. Consequently, I am going to see Diavolo tonight and ask for his permission to organise this contest. Sounds fairs?" the man cheered enthusiastically.
"Hell yeah! Finally, that jerk's gonna get what he deserves! Ya're the best, Kitsune!" he shot up to his feet, fist pumping the air in triumph.
"I appreciate the encouraging and the compliments, Monnie." getting up as well, Kitsune pointed out that the bell rang once again, and they had to return to their classes.
During the history class, Kitsune took out her phone and searched for her contacts, to text her friend Satan. Hopefully, he would be able to message her back soon. She needed some counseling aid from him, and she knew he was her best shot. Not only was he charming and sociable, but he was able to understand people really well also.
Kitsune: Hello, Satan. :) Satan: <Sticker> Satan: Oh, Kitsune, hi. I see you've learnt to use the messaging app. Kitsune: Yes, I had to learn how to... Text, once I got lost in Diavolo's castle and required aid to find my way to my bedroom. Satan: Haha, that's quite the unfortunate way to learn. Still, I'm glad you messaged me. Is there anything I can help with? Kitsune: Yes, in fact, I have messaged you in hopes of getting some idea in how to deal with Leviathan. Satan: You want to befriend him? Kitsune: Not necessarily. Not at the moment, at least. Kitsune: I had something a little more... Mischievous and revengeful, to say the least. Satan: <Sticker> Satan: I like what I'm hearing. I'd be glad to help. What did you have in mind? Kitsune: I and Mammon came to the conclusion that the best way to get revenge on Leviathan would be to humiliate him into making a pact with a 'normie'. Kitsune: And to do such a thing, we thought about creating a TSL Trivia contest between myself and him. Kitsune: Certainly, it is going to be rigged, there is no way to beat that brat at something he is obsessed with. Kitsune: Mammon said he knows what to do to have the contest run in my favour, though he did no tell me how. Satan: <Sticker> Satan: You've thought this plan over pretty well, I'm impressed. Satan: I'll gladly help you. In fact, I have just the right tip to give you. Ask Simeon for some spoilers for the next installment of the TSL saga. He is the author of the series. Kitsune: Oh, really? That is fantastic! Thank you so much for your aid. I hope your little contest of wits is going to prove as some kind of entertainment for you. Kitsune: <Sticker> Satan: Trust me, it will be the most fun Devildom has had in quite a long while.
Kitsune did as instructed by the Avatar of Wrath, and was able to collect quite some revolutionary insight from the angel in cause, and she was able to text Mammon about the good news she received. He, also, told her that he was successful in his quest, and that they only needed to get the approval to go forth with the contest, and of course, to provoke Levi into accepting.
After all the classes were over, as promised, Kitsune headed towards the castle, her mind running a thousand miles per hour, thinking her strategy over and over again. What to do, what to say, how to catch Leviathan off guard and have him participate in the contest. Would the normie card work? Perhaps, calling him a craven would be just as great. There was a good reason why the vocabulary had the word 'outfox' with her own kind there, and no other animal - It was because she was witty enough to trick anyone, especially having so much information about their psyche, their personality, their emotions and fears. It was going to be easier than expected, she realised, with each idea she was turning over.
By the time she entered the castle, thankfully, Barbatos was there to greet her and guide her to the Lord's study room; No doubt, Diavolo made sure she wouldn't be losing her path again. She had quite the skill in getting lost in such a maze-like vast castle. Her own castle was much easier to navigate anyway. The same with the large forest and the shrines, they were so facile to remember the layout for. She misses home greatly, perhaps it was soon time to return for a day, feel the warmth of the day and the bright light of the sunlight. As the steward opened the door to the chamber, allowing the fox lady to step inside, Diavolo was there, writing at his; The red coat was discarded neatly on the edge of the couch, and the black shirt he was wearing had its sleeves rolled up, and a few buttons off from the collar down. That striking white tie, also, was hanging loose from his neck. He looked so disheveled, yet still just as princely graceful - How adorable.
"Do you require a pretty courtesy, Little Prince?" Kitsune asked, catching his attention; Diavolo's head snapped up to look at her, and instantly, sparkles of joy started flaming up in his molten gold eyes. 
"Kitsune, you've arrived!" he shot up from his desk, approaching the lady.
"Ah, ah, ah, not like that, how common of you, Little Prince. First, the pleasantries, of course. Just like this, I take my beautifully embroidered silk handkerchief and pinch it between my thumb and forefinger - And a now, a kowtow, to the Prince of Hell. Now, you are supposed to allow me to raise." Diavolo couldn't help but stare in shock at the woman's peculiar yet rather enticing behaviour. In an instant, he knelt besides her and gently held her hands, helping her up.
"I'm not quite sure what kind of silly joke this is, but I hope you don't really feel the need to act so formally with me!" he exclaimed, still unable to take his eyes from her dazzling smile, so wicked, so mischievous, so... Alluring.
"Perhaps I need to find new ways of catching you off guard, though I have to say, I quite enjoy watching that bewildered expression of yours. It makes you look more like an adorable puppy, rather than the supposedly menacing future Demon King." she teased him, raising her hand up, the back of her fingers trailing his finely sculped jaw, her gaze lingering devilishly into his own eyes, before gliding to sit on the couch. "You were busy before I arrived; By all means, do continue with your work, do not let my presence here halt you from your duties."
Diavolo needed a split second to compose himself after the blazing fire that captured not only his heart, but his nether regions, and even his entire being. "I see you're feeling rather playful today! I can only assume today has been a good day, yes?" he sat down on the other side of the coffee table, watching her attentively as Barbatos brought some snacks and tea, before leaving the two of them to their business.
"Yes, in fact, it has, and I was wondering if you wanted to join the fun." Kitsune said, slowly laying down on her side, plopping her upper body gracefully over the arm handle of the couch.
"Considering the amount of work you always have to do, you must be cooped up inside your study for such long amounts of time, that hardly any kind of entertainment comes your way. At the Academy, I found you in your study, and even at home, you are buried under stacks of paper." the way she shifted her thighs only made the Prince's mind linger in forbidden places. He knew she was riling him up on purpose, combining that princess elegance with the sultry temptress predisposition that every inch of her body angled so flawlessly, and unfortunately for his psyche, a human was succeeding in seducing him, without as much as saying a tender word.
"I would love to get involved in your shenanigans!" he exclaimed jovially. "What did you have in mind?"
"If you would allow me, I wanted to borrow the council room from the Academy to host a TSL Trivia Quiz battle between myself and Leviathan." she explained briefly.
Diavolo's mind stopped working at the notion presented - Was she mad? Fighting Leviathan when she was at a clear disadvantage. "I'm perfectly fine with allowing you to host the Quiz in the council room - But what brought this up? You know what you're getting yourself into, don't you?"
"Of course I do." she scoffed, yet not without a smirk. "I have everything under control; I would not be getting myself into a suicide mission, you know? I may not have much longer to live, however, I would much rather not sever even that little time into a littler life span."
For a second there, the prince's brows furrowed and his lips parted slightly. What was she talking about? She might have roamed the human world, but wasn't her kind immortal? She called herself a trickster spirit; though she looked nothing like the translucent spirits that he generally knew - So what was she talking about? Even sorcerers and witches, despite being human subspecies, were able to live young and beautiful for countless of centuries - Just like that insufferable Maddi - So why would Kitsune be losing her life soon? "Are you ill, Kitsune?" he seemed unable to avoid his curiosity.
"Ill? Do I look ill?" the confusion on her face seemed to destroy any idea of a disease. 
"No, not at all, you look beautiful as always!" he cleared his throat. "I was just wondering what you meant by the short life span mention."
"Ah, I see, I suppose there was no way for anyone outside of my country to know. You see, Little Prince, my kin lives up to a thousand years sharp, and from then on, depending on a tiny thing, they can either ascend to the Celestial Skies and rule the kitsune kin as Tenko, the ten-tailed kitsune who is more powerful than any other... Or, like most of us... Continue living until some kind of war happens and you get killed." she explained some details of her race's life.
"You say most of your kin are immortal, save for the Tenko - Do they ascend to the Skies and become like our angels, and govern from another realm?" Kitsune smiled, yet shook her head.
"No, not really. Their shell of flesh dies, like any other mortal, and it decays just the same. Their soul ascend to the skies, and does whatever souls know how to do best. Watch over us, powerless, nostalgic and sorrowful. The only difference is that the Tenko can offer blessings to the people, and they actually work." Diavolo frowned, unable to understand the concept.
"That sounds like such a sad fate. Why would anyone want to become a Tenko?" from the dry smirk on her face, he realised, the reason for her short life span was that she, too, wanted to leave the plains of existence. "Rather - Why do you want to become a Tenko."
"Ahh, the Little Prince catches on pretty fast, colour me impressed." she chuckled emptily. "What is the point of going on, if you have no reason for living?"
"How old are you, Kitsune?" for the first time in a long time, the Lord felt fright creeping up to his heart, and what once was a heating stove of a body, now, it felt freezing cold.
"Nine hundred ninety nine." she smiled at his crestfallen reaction. "Four digits of an age this January, at the very beginning. The third day of January, just a little after the turning of the year. Quite the irony, wouldn't you say?" her sardonic smirk only seemed to confuse the man more.
Diavolo remained silent, his eyes looking down, as if pondering. "You said there is a condition that you must meet, should you wish to continue living. If most of your kin was able to do it, then it can't be something unachievable. You are incredibly powerful - Is your sorrow so great that you would rather live in eternal torment as a soul, rather than find a reason for living?"
Kitsune shifted uncomfortably, feeling as though she was being scolded. Her back straightened up as she got in a sitting position, and her otherwise wicked expression turned melancholic suddenly, and she reached for the tea cup to sip. "You are the second person to scold me like this." she muttered softly. "My reason for living no longer roams the human earth. Though we live so long, there is one thing that we cannot get over, no matter how much time passes. As of right now, I have been unable to find another reason to keep on going, and without it... Well..." surprisingly, however, she started humming in amusement. "From what was supposed to be a lovely and light-hearted meeting, it turned so somber and sour all of a sudden. Honestly, Little Prince, no need to take things so seriously all the time, in fact, I say, you should loosen up a bit."
"Is there anything I can do to help you find a reason to go on?" the man frowned, his otherwise leisurely demeanor being completely serious and sober now.
"In theory, I suppose you could. In practice, well... It is not my mind, but my heart that knows which path it would want to take either way, and for now, it sees no way forward." she didn't look upset at all, at the idea of dying, yet Diavolo could feel the tormenting loneliness and anguish that spiked up painfully by the time he started his inquires. He was bringing her an exorbitant amount of pain, when he simply wanted to help. Was there truly no way of convincing her that there is enough worth to be found by simply living? What of the people that were relying on her, all over the shrines of Japan? What would they be doing without her aid? Was her pain above caring what happens past her demise, or has she already thoroughly prepared in advanced, so that her death would not impact anyone's work further?
"What about the people that are going to miss and mourn for you?" the look of surprise the woman gave him, only to start laughing, confused him dearly.
"Miss me? Mourn me? Diavolo, darling, I am an immortal among mortals, and I have been this way for a whole millennia. I am a pariah wherever I go. The only people who are going to remember my existence are the priestesses and monks of this generation. There is only so much a human can mourn over a friend or a co-worker. Past this generation, nobody is going to know that I even existed - I was not even as much as written down in history records, when I actually did things to influence the power balance and leadership of the shogunate." for immortal demons, time flies by at unrecognisable paces - They lose themselves in centuries and chronology matters little. Things from the past remain in the past, and there is little to mourn when none can die of old age.
Humanity, with their insignificant life spans, know only the torment of grief and all the negative emotions they are forced to feel, whether they want to or not. For them, life and them is far more meaningful, as they are surrounded indefinitely by such concepts. But Kitsune was different. She was an immortal forced to live among mortals, a being with many years to live, and the myriad of emotions that eroded away at her heart and sanity. Perhaps her pain was so great that she wished to end it, thinking that being a wandering soul was going to ease her suffering.
"I would miss you." the Prince's voice was so soft, that it caught Kitsune off guard. Still, she smiled tenderly at him.
"Lovely of you to say, though I know you would not." she spoke, getting to her feet. "One would not miss another that they have known for less than a week, especially considering your age and the amount of people you have to meet. Regardless - It was sweet of you to say." she stepped in front of him, gently holding his chin and tilting it up, to place a tender kiss on his forehead. "You are the future King of Hell, Diavolo. Do not waste time of hopeless beings like myself." though he wished to protest, he wished to wrap his arms around her body, to hold her dearly and tell her not to speak that way about herself and her life; He wanted to just stay there and hold her, and stay that way until she finally agrees not to allow herself to fade away anymore. Instead, he watched as the fox lady walked away, to the door, ready to leave. "I will be awaiting you, at the end of the week, in the council room. I hope you are going to get a good laugh out of it." and with that, Kitsune left, and managed to find her way out of the castle, and took the road through the city center, leaving Diavolo to wonder - What was the point of all that flirting, if she wanted to die so badly? Was it only serving as short-term entertainment? What about taming each other - Was that not available anymore? Will he not be the Little Prince anymore, and she will not be his cute little fox? 
Watching all the happy demons bustling the busy streets and the shops, Kitsune sighed, though she was content seeing others being positive. With a boost of confidence, she took her phone out and called someone. "Hey, Satan, it is Kitsune. If you are free, would you like to share a coffee at the cat cafe you mentioned?" and he agreed.
She needed to have her mind away from conversation she had with Diavolo - Though she didn't want to admit, it hurt, reminding herself she was so lonely. Still, with a bit of socialising, she was sure to forget about it once more, and pretend she doesn't have a feeling heart anymore. Soon, it will all be over, and she won't be experiencing eternal torment anymore. Until then, however, she was going to enjoy her time, chatting around with Satan, trying out new varieties of coffee and tea, and discussing literature and what not. Thankfully, he was well-versed in human world books also, so it was all the better. She truly enjoyed spending her time with him, he was an adorable man with the innocence of a child.
When the two of them got home, Kitsune got kidnapped by Mammon to watch TSL together - A twelve hour binge of the whole series. They had to be prepared. The plot was rather fascinating, especially for someone who never watched a movie before, though Mammon especially seemed to be incredibly into it. He was so shocked about Geldie being dead, and he was so upset, pleading for her to be saved. Poor dear, Kitsune had to hold him as he cried. By the time they got to the fifth season, the poor demon was shrieking at the TV so they would stop blaming the Second Lord, the Lord of Fools, for every little problem that occurred. Kitsune though it was quite interesting and almost peculiar how all the little bits that happened in the movie had real life equivalents of sorts. Geldie being Goldie, frozen to death, and Mammon the Lord of Greed being ostracised every second of his being by the other Lord Brothers. Still, Kitsune didn't appreciate the man blowing his nose in her clothes. By the time season seven was over, Mammon was angry at the Lord Brothers... And many more.
Twelve hours went by too fast, and Kitsune realised it was time to for classes again. What a drag, they even missed breakfast. She was exhausted and wanted to sleep, but the demon didn't let her, with all his wailing and shouting. On their way towards the Academy, Mammon suggested reviewing what they watched, to aid her for the quiz.
"Let's start with season 2. After falling into a trap set by Henry and the Lord of Shadow, the Lord of Fools is forced to flee to the north. When he gets there, he find his former sweetheart's body frozen in ice. What's her name." he asks, but it was obviously so simple since he cried so much over it last night.
"Goldie." Kitsune said, feeling herself falling asleep. "Wait, no, that is your credit card's name. The movie equivalent was Geldie."
"Correct. Hey, don't compare my precious Goldie with a fictional girl!" he pouted. "All right, let's hit DVD Volume 5 next. Hostile forces from another land invade the Lord of Flies' country, surrounding and isolating him so his people will starve. So, the Lord of Fools tries to help his brother. He means well, but his efforts backfire. As a result, the Lord of Flies ends up in an even worse situation. The reason for this has to do with the supply of food that the Lord of Fools sends. Tell me what the problem was." he asks, obviously loving his counterpart.
"The food got spoiled in the process." she replied with great facility.
"Right. The Lord of Fools really did mean well, but a long rainy spell caused the food he sent to spoil. Ugh... Every single time I think about it, it makes me wanna cry..." his voice was ragged for a quick second.
"It is going to be alright, Monnie, fear not." Kitsune patted his back reassuringly.
"All right, time to move on. Next up is DVD Volume 7. The Lord of Corruption imprisons the Lord of Emptiness in the Tower of Shadow, refusing to forgive his brother for leading a rebellion against him. The other lords lament the fate of their youngest brother, but there's nothing they can do to help him. Why is that?" Kitsune rose her eyebrow curiously, trying to associate the Lords with the associated Sin Brothers. The Lord of Lechery was Asmodeus, without a doubt. Mammon was the Lord of Fools, Leviathan was the Lord of Shadows, the Lord of Flies was Beelzebub. There was Corruption, Masks and Emptiness to associate. She wondered if the Lord of Masks was Satan, for Lucifer mentioned his outer polite appearance was nothing of the real Satan... Which would make Lucifer the Lord of Corruption. The seventh brother she never met - Could he be the Lord of Emptiness, then? And, if so... Does that mean Lucifer imprisoned him somewhere for rebelling against him? How very interesting.
"The brothers are afraid of Lucife-- I mean, the Lord of Corruption." she finally answered.
"Great. Looks like you've got this in the bag. I'd say you should be able to convince Levi that ya know your stuff at this point." but speak of the devil himself, Leviathan appeared out of nowhere, grabbing at the pair.
"Hey, you annoying human - I heard what you're up to. Seem that you're trying to suck up to me so that I'll forgive you." he grumbled angrily under his breath.
"Why would I seek your forgiveness, when I have done nothing to need forgiveness?" Kitsune scoffed, far too tired to bother with him. "In fact, I wanted to do quite the opposite. I want to challenge you to a TSL Trivia Quiz." she snapped at him.
"You know, I've heard it said that the time a fool spends thinking is WASTED time. I think that applies here. You're lucky to have so much time on your hands that you can sit around thinking up schemes like this. There's so much anime I need to watch, so many figurines and trading cards I need to organise, so many games I need to play just sitting there, piled up... As much as I wish I could watch a marathon of every TSL DVD, I don't have the time... So why do YOU get to have so much free time?! It's SO not fair!" Leviathan sulked, frowning at them.
"Ah! I was waiting for him to say that. Levi's signature line - It's SO not fair!" Mammon chuckled smugly.
"Shut up, Mammon. You're an idiot." Levi spat at him. "As for that Quiz thing - Where did that come from? Do you SERIOUSLY think you could beat me in a competition involving TSL? Haha, that's hilarious! lololol! As if I'd actually accept a challenge like that. I mean, I already know what the outcome would be."
Kitsune looked with big, confused eyes at Mammon, who shared her gaze. "Did he just say... lol... Aloud?" the man nodded in shock. "Yikes."
"Hey, don't make fun of me, you stupid human normie!" Levi shouted at them.
"Are you so afraid of losing to a human normie, then? Is that why you are so adamant about refusing my challenge?" the red head laughed in his face arrogantly.
"EXCUSE ME? Did you process anything I just said? Where are you getting this idea that I might actually lose to you?" the Envy Avatar was getting annoyed.
"Ah, I see, so you truly are a coward. How silly, for a demon, supposedly the third in the power ranking, to be afraid of a challenge against a human." the girl smirked wickedly at him.
"Excuse me? EXCUSE ME?! Are you processing ANYTHING I'm saying here?!" he kept repeating the same words from previously.
"See, Mammon? There is no need to repay that debt. No matter what, Leviathan is inferior to you - If he is afraid of a human, then there is no way he would even be able to do anything against someone like you!" the fox taunted him. "Leviathan is a coward. Leviathan is afraid to be beaten by a human normie at his own game. How pathetic!"
"Fine! FINE! If that's what you want, I'LL DO IT! I accept your challenge. We'll compete to see which one of us loves TSL more, you or me. Just one thing, though. If you lose, you might never make it back to the human world ALIVE... But you still want to do this, right?" he thought that ominous threat was going to scare her, but knowing she was going to die before the school year ended only made her laugh in amusement.
"That is one end of the deal, yes. I will think what I want, when I win." and though he remained grumpy, the competition was settled.
The rest of the day, Kitsune met up with Satan and Beel who both offered her advice on how to deal with Leviathan and his Jealous Frenzy, but also, Beel let it slip about the forbidden attic for some reason that she couldn't understand. They offered her good luck, and it was up to her and Mammon to review their plan, and all the littlest things that needed to be perfectly in place. When dealing with demons, any mistake could kill her prematurely.
All Kitsune cared about, however, was some lunch and a well-deserved sleep; And that's exactly what she got, at the same time even, as the duo went to eat outside, by the foot of a tree, and Kitsune fell asleep with her head on his shoulder, with the food tray on her lap and the meal half-eaten. Mammon couldn't help but chuckle at how cute she was, and decided it was time to skip classes, instead of waking her up and disturbing her sleep. Humans were so fragile, even those that weren't entirely human, nor mortal.
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gciltyascharged · 5 years ago
I still love the context of: never invite Mitch over because he will probably eat all your food.
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usetheeauthor · 3 years ago
Breakfast In Bed (Fluff)
Stucky x Fem!Reader
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A/N: This is a short fluff with a hint of spiciness in it. My first fluff so let me know what ya’ll think. Enjoy!
Word Count: 650+ words
Summary: After a night or drinking and very suggestive proposals, you wake up in Steve and Bucky’s bed extremely embarrassed.
Warnings: none other than some implied sexy times
Breakfast In Bed
The sunlight stirs me awake. I sit up and checked my surroundings. I wasn’t in my own bedroom. Then my memories flood back to the other night. I was in my neighbors’ bed. I blush.
Last night, the couple invited me over to for dinner as we’d had a very cool, civil relationship with each other. But I was anything but cool and civil. After some drinks, I was being extremely suggestive and forward. Instead of taking me back to my apartment though, they were kind enough to let me stay in their bed. Alongside them.
I was determined to apologize for my behavior. Just as I was about to get out of bed, Bucky comes out of the bathroom only in boxers with a toothbrush in his mouth. I gawked but quickly recovered as he is a married man.
“Sleepyhead! You’re up. I have a shower running for you.” He says, smiling playfully at me.
“Not before she has her breakfast.” Steve says as he enters the room with a breakfast tray table full of food. It looked and smelled delicious.
“Wow, this is all so very sweet.” If I could move, I’d pinch myself. This had to be a dream. Two gorgeous men catering…to ME. Absolutely maddening.
“It’s nothing, doll.” Steve sets the tray in front of me before placing a kiss on top of my head.
“Steve. James,” I address them. “I want to apologize. You’re a lovely couple and I always have such a great time around you guys. I was super inappropriate yesterday when I suggested…ya know,” I cringed. “I don’t want to screw up the little friendship that I have. Moving to New York was such a huge change for me and you’ve been so kind and welcoming to me. Is there anyway we could forget all the weird things I said and start all over?”
The boys blinked at me, before bursting out in a fit of laughter.
I blinked in confusion. “What’s so funny?” I gave a nervous laugh.
“You really don’t remember what happened last night?” Bucky says, shaking his head in disbelief
“Not at all. Other than me acting like a complete idiot and then crashing on your bed.” I say as I looked down at my breakfast, touching my index fingers together.
I feel the bed sinking on either side of me and my head shot up to see the two very muscular, handsome, and barely clothed men seated to my right and left.
Steve puts a hand on mine. “Well, let us jog your memory. After a couple drinks, you were suggesting us all to being a ‘throuple’ I believed you called it.”
“You mentioned us having really great chemistry together. And we agreed.” Bucky continues, his fingers curling at the ends of my hair.
My breathing quickens, looking back and forth between them.
“In fact, we let you know that we’ve felt the same about you. It’s part of why we wanted to invite you to dinner. To propose the idea.” Steve says, sliding closer to you.
They both nod. “So, what’ll it be, doll? Will you be our girl?” Now Bucky was also closer to you.
“Yes.” You answered a little too eager for your liking. They found it to be endearing.
“You’ll fit right in.” Bucky smirks. “Also, I still have that shower running for you. Was hoping we could hop in together.”
“Ah, ah. She still has to finish her breakfast.”
“Okay, you join me then, captain.” He winks before heading back to the bathroom.
Steve smiles at his lovable idiot before turning to me. “Eat up, doll. You’re going to need the energy for what we have planned for you today,” He removes his scantily-clad shirt. “Feel free to join us once you’ve finished your meal.” He smirks, leaving me in bed alone.
And I swear I’ve never eaten french toast so fast.
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nygmcbblepot · 3 years ago
Girlfriends Day <3 
Nick Amaro X FEM! Reader
A/N: Happy Girlfriends day, everyone! Enjoy this oneshot that was written by a single person!
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You were getting ready for your date with your boyfriend, Nick. Since it was August 1st, national girlfriend day, He wanted to take you out and do something special for you. You were getting your shoes on when you heard a knock at your apartment door. You grabbed the door and saw Nick standing there with a bouquet of flowers.
“Hey! These are for you,” he said with a smile. 
He handed you the bouquet. “These are beautiful! Thank you.” You invited him in as you put the flowers into a vase.
“Are you ready to go eat?” 
You walked over to him and kissed his cheek. 
“I’m ready!” 
He took your hand and walked you out to his car. 
“Happy national girlfriend day,” He said opening the car door for you, being a gentleman. 
On the drive to the restaurant, it was pretty silent. You guys had been dating for a  over a year now and had met his daughter, Zara.  When you arrived at the restaurant, there wasn’t any open parking spots. So Nick parked a few blocks away and kept profusely apologizing for making you walk but you kept insisting that it was okay and it wasn’t that far of a walk. When you were about to enter the place,  you could already tell that the wait was going to be over an hour. There were many groups people waiting outside of the restaurant but you went in anyway hoping that the wait wouldn’t be as long. 
“How many,” The hostess asked.
“Two, please.”
“Okay but there is going to be around a 2 and a half hour wait.” The hostess looked up at the both of you before taking your names.
Nick looked at you,”We can just go somewhere else,” you said giving him a smile. 
After going to three more fancier restaurants and not getting less than an hour wait, he just drove around the city trying to find other places to eat.
“I’m sorry it’s my fault. I should’ve made reservations,” he said sounding sorry. He looked at you with puppy eyes.
“No it’s not your fault! I wouldn’t even care if we were to get fast food! I don’t care as long as i’m with you,” You insisted. Nick was driving past McDonalds when you told him to pull into the McDonalds parking lot. “Let’s just eat here. We could grab Zara something too.” You smiled at him and kissed his cheek. 
“I love you.” 
You both got out of the car and went into the McDonalds ordering your food. It was kind of funny seeing two people dressed up nice eating and basically having a date at McDonalds. When you both got your food, you sat at a table. You let out a small, quiet laugh.
Nick looked up at you from eating his burger. “What?” Your laugh made him smile.
“It’s just funny that this is where we ended up. It was probably for the best though. You also hav ketchup on you nose.” You leaned forward and wiped it off with a napkin.
“Thank you,” He said smiling at you and blushing.
When you got back to Nicks, you saw Zara with her babysitter. When she spotted you, she ran over to you and hugged your leg. Nick paid the baby-sitter and she left; Leaving you, Nick, and Zara alone. You gave Zara her McDonalds and she decided that she wanted to have a princess tea party while she ate her McDonalds kids meal. You,Nick, and Zara sat at a kids table in her room. Zara had gave you and Nick tiaras and feather boas which were super itchy but anything for Zara. It started getting passed Zaras bedtime so Nick had you put her to bed as he started getting ready for bed. When you went into Nicks bedroom, you saw candles lit and a few rose peddles on the bed. Nick came up from behind you and tapped your shoulder before getting down on one knee.
“Will you marry me?”
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sugamamacustard · 4 years ago
Come see me
Pairing: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo X Omega! Reader
Genre: Minor Angst, but other than that, fluffy cuddle piles. 
Request: Hi kinda nervous to request this since I'm very shy but..Is it okay to request a scenario where omega reader is feeling very insecure and jealous after idk like some new person comes in the pack and everyone is paying attention to them and reader feels very neglected but keeps quiet, starts spending more time with their friends and avoids the pack and their alpha. And then the pack plus alpha notices and drags reader back, and reassures them, and the entire pack cuddles and hug reader. Kinda like angst to fluff. Could be any team and any alpha. Though I prefer kuroo and nekoma. Sorry if it's too long I've always wanted an imagine like this. You don't have to do it if you don't wanna tho! I was just asking :)Have a good day💜
Summary:  Being a manager for Nekoma was a thankless job, but one you were proud to do. You were surrounded by alphas who wanted what was best for you and in turn, you wanted what was best for them. However, sometimes what’s best for them...may not be best for you or your omega.
Warnings: Jealous omega! reader, reader almost goes into an omega depression, small angst,
Author’s Note: No need to be shy, darling! This is my first request for this blog so I’m super excited to write this and to fulfill my first request.!
Requests: Open!
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Tetsuro Kuroo
➵ Originally, the idea of another manager for the Nekoma team excited you.
➵ You were really pumped to have an extra set of hands on board to help keep scores, or pick up balls, or put up and take down nets. 
➵ To have someone else to joke and laugh with on the sidelines while Yaku was yelling at Lev, or to assist you in prying Kenma’s switch from his hands so he can eat.
➵ Having another manager seemed like such a good idea. A new friend for the pack. 
➵ Until it wasn’t. 
➵ Ichika was a kind and sweet girl in class 2-B (You were in 2-D), and originally you and her got along well.
➵ Your omega didn’t outright hate her, more of an indifference, and your personalities melded well together.
➵ And from what you’ve heard from her friends, she talked about the boys on the volleyball team a lot.
➵ So you figured she would be a good fit. 
➵ However, you weren’t certain on it anymore.
➵ Maybe she was too good of a fit. 
➵ ‘You’re being silly’ You told yourself. 
➵ ‘She’s getting to know the team, that’s all’ You practically chanted in your head like a mantra.
➵ ‘She’s honing in on our pack. Our alpha.’ Your omega sneered, padding in a circle before flopping down, growling lowly.  You tried reminding her that Kuroo was nothing more than a captain. 
➵ An attractive captain who who you found yourself finding every opportunity in the book to talk too. But that was fine print. 
➵ He was not your alpha. He was the commanding alpha of the volleyball team, but not yours. 
➵ And maybe that was what hurt most. Knowing you had Zero claim on anyone in the pack, therefore you had no right to demand the attention.
➵ They gave their attention to who they wanted. 
➵ Even if nowadays, it seemed to be Ichika more and more often then not. 
➵ It hurt, when you both would be sitting on the sidelines and Inuoka would brush right past you to chat with Ichika.
➵ Or when you both would be passing out towels and water bottles and they only thanked her. 
➵ It began hurting to the point you had to bite down whines or whimpers. Your omega was upset, therefore you were even more upset. But they seemed happy,
➵ Who were you to ruin that? 
➵ Just because you saw them as pack, doesn’t mean they saw you in the same light. 
➵ You tried pushing away that god awful thought, but it was planted and nothing was moving it. 
➵ And whether you noticed it or not, you were acting on that thought.
➵ You didn’t stay after practice for anyone, instead cleaning up quickly and efficiently while the boys were in the change room. 
➵ Leaving behind your notes for that day’s practice along with the gym keys right in front of the door. 
➵ You didn’t wait for anyone and took a different way home so no-one would try to walk with you.
➵ You needed to separate from them, even if it hurt. Even if you cried on the way home. Even if you stayed in your nest from the minute you got home to the minute you had to leave for school the next day.
➵ Even if your meals got smaller and smaller. 
➵ You never sat with the team anymore, Ichika taking your spot like she belonged there. 
➵ Instead you sat with a group of friends from your class. They never asked any questions, which you were thankful for. 
➵ You began wearing scent blocking patches to hide your scent, hide the sour note that almost always accompanied it. 
➵ You just...tried to disappear. You still fulfilled your manager duties as you always did, but never more. 
➵ Never gave words of encouragement. No pointers on how to improve. No jokes on Lev’s behalf. No nothing. 
➵ And holy shit, that Irked Kuroo. 
➵ He was always so excited for practices at the end of the day because that was when he would get to show off in front of you. 
➵ Prove he was a strong alpha. 
➵ He would admit, he liked you...A lot. He was even working on a future courting gift (It was a bracelet with intricate beading that looked almost like a cuff) but was having a few difficulties so couldn’t gift it to you yet.
➵ However, you were pulling away. 
➵ Away from him. Away from the pack. Just away. 
➵ You barely even glanced their way anymore.
➵ During practice, you just sat there, completed homework, then took notes. He never saw you after that.
➵ He tried to pack up as fast as he possibly could at the end of practice but was always late. You were always, without fail, gone. No trace of you ever being there except the notes you left in your wake with the keys. 
➵ His alpha kept barking at him to stop you. To come up with any excuse to keep you here long enough for him to walk you home in the very least. But you were always gone.
➵ He tried everything, but you seemed one step ahead of him. 
➵ His alpha blamed Ichika. Ever since she showed up you began pulling away.
➵ Were you jealous? Were you angry with them for trying to keep her away?
➵ They only put up with her because it was obvious you didn’t like her. So they tried keeping her away. 
➵ Was that backfiring on them? 
➵ Kuroo didn’t even know why there was another manager. You were perfect for them. Like a puzzle piece. Their personal cheerleader. 
➵ Maybe school was piling on you?
➵ No. You always went to him for help.
➵ Maybe the duties were too much?
➵ No because you were still doing them all.
➵ Come to think of it, what was Ichika even doing? 
➵ She did nothing except fawn over them and purr over their skills, which was nice for the ego boost at first, but soon just got annoying when she tried scenting them.
➵ It seemed she was fixated on him especially, trying to rub her neck all over him only for him to push her off with a growl. He had only scented two people in his life. 
➵ Kenma, because he needed the practice, and you, which was why he practiced. 
➵ And he planned to keep it that way. 
➵ But you were still staying away. So he scented no one. 
➵ The final straw was a Friday practice. 
➵ You were sitting a ways a way in the corner, doing your work with your jacket wrapped in front of you like a boundary. 
➵ His heart hurt at the thought of you feeling the need to recluse yourself like this.
➵ He made a motion to Kenma, his co-commanding alpha, who nodded before making his way to you. 
➵ As he should’ve predicted, Ichika intercepted him. She tried to hug him, but he dodged, side stepping and trying to get to you, but she persisted.
➵ “Why don’t you give me the same attention you give her, huh? Rumor has it she’s been bordering on dropping for days, nothing but attention seeking in my humble opinion.”
➵   He paused in his efforts, looking down to her once more.
➵ “I’m sorry?” 
➵ Ichika rolled her eyes. “It’s been all over school. Surprised you haven’t heard. She skips lunch more often than not, nowadays. People have even started bets as to when she finally drops. Real shame though. Gonna miss having someone else do all the work.”
➵ You were missing lunches. Lunches were meals he could guarantee you ate, and you suddenly weren’t doing so anymore. He was failing you.
➵ You were dropping right under their noses and as your pack they were watching it happen. 
➵ As your head alpha, and hopefully future alpha, he was watching you drift away and ultimately fade from him.
➵ He was watching this happen?!
➵ What part of this was okay?! None of it. 
➵ He was loosing you. Hell, if he hadn’t lost you already. 
➵ No. You were here, at school, He still had time. He still had a chance. He still had- his jacket and bento. 
➵  Turning tail, the alpha made his way to his bag, digging out the bento (Come to think of it, he hadn’t been eating much since this whole debacle started anyway) and grabbing his jacket before making his way to you once more.
➵ He didn’t pay any mind to Ichika, this time fully shoving past her to get to you. 
➵ You looked up to him skeptically, watching as the alpha, the head alpha, bent to lay on his knees, slowly putting the bento on his jacket and sliding it in front of you. 
➵ Your heart and mind were going a mile a minute as you watched the commanding fucking alpha of the pack, bow to you. Ask for your permission to get close to you. 
➵ What-
➵ “Hi?”
➵ Kuroo said nothing in return, only lowering his chin to the ground, looking up to you. Almost waiting for you to allow him closer. 
➵ When you said nothing he motioned towards the bento with a nod of his head. He was almost like a pup with how minimal his actions were. 
➵ When you slowly took the bento, he raised in time with the box, watching you open it. when you popped a small bit of rice into your mouth. He purred loudly, slowly inching closer. He laid his jacket over yours, adding another layer to your barrier, which you slowly moved to allow him in. 
➵ He crawled into your space, slowly moving your books and bag to nuzzle into your neck. You allowed him to, eating more rice-- which seemed to appease him. 
➵ One by one, more of the teammates came by, offering their jackets to your now makeshift nest, joining in on the cuddle pile. 
➵ All but Ichika, who seemed to angrily stomp about while cleaning up the few stray volleyballs. 
➵ But you didn’t really care about her at this point. 
➵ Your omega was at peace, especially with the alpha you’ve been pinning after purring into your neck, scenting you and pressing small kisses to your neck.
➵ This was your pack. Your home.
➵ And they wouldn’t let you fall behind. 
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ihatebnha · 4 years ago
dawg i am BEGGING YOU to consider doing a pt 2 of Icks with todo, deku , & bakugou. It was literally so fuckin funny man 😭😭😭 i fr have re read it so many times i’ve lost track at this point. It never fails to make me smile or laugh. And everything is so specific too & fits each one of them so perfectly that Horikoshi might as well just come out and say everything u wrote is canon. But i love ur blog wishing u the best <333
(icks pt. i here!)
you know..... just for this message specifically i will write you icks ANYTIME you want them. call me up when im 85 years old and dying and i will give icks. call me at my wedding and you're getting ICKS.
thank you so much for enjoying them tho... and for understanding my vision and being so sweet about it adjadsxfaklsd... i love them you a lot too!!!
hopefully, these compare:
Thinks it's cute to put his arm around your neck
Says stuff like, “you know that’s bad for you, right?”
Thinks he doesn’t need to brush his hair
Thinks it's funny to ignore you, but gets mad when you ignore him
Toenails are uneven
Ruins your outfits by making you bring a jacket everywhere
If you leave anything around that he's interested in (see: candy), he’s “confiscating” it
Calls self care “unnecessary…" and says shit like, “that’s terrible for battle” if you try to show him your nails or soft skin or something
Yells at the TV…
His mouth gets greasy when he eats... and he will try to wipe it off or clean his teeth with the bottom of his shirt
Watches you play phone or video games and gets mad if you make a wrong move
Walks (stomps) super fast for no reason??????
And has heavy ass footsteps that will wake you up in the morning
Mouth breathes
Likes back scratches but won’t scratch yours back (he’s bad at it, anyway)
And will not let you drop an argument for the life of you… political debate vibes except about stuff like how to clean the shower
His phone is super greasy, too... and he has one of those really old and bulky protective cases that doesn't even work
Grumpily says "what?" when he picks up the phone at work or in front of his friends
Sheds like an animal… you run your hands through his hair and at least five strands are getting caught in your fingers every single time
You clean the drain too, and it’s literally all his hair
Always forgets to put the toilet seat back down
Leaves half-full water bottles everywhere
And everybody says this, but… will eat your leftovers. And the last bit of ice cream you were saving for yourself
Stinky because he's always sweating... and literally smells like pure testosterone. You can always tell when he’s been somewhere because the room just always smells like Man
Tbh his shoes probably smell bad, too
“Oh wait, my mom gave me a coupon for this... hold on, let me find it...”
Khakis or dad jeans on his days off
And just look at a picture of this boy and tell me he doesn’t overpluck his eyebrows
Will walk in on you using the bathroom or showering because "he needed something"
And leaves all his shaving stubble in the sink if he's late to work
Thinks his puppy-dog eyes work
If you asked him to choose between you and All Might... he would hesitate
Listens to ASMR made by and for men
"Can't you just use a makeup wipe?"
Except he will (or try to, at least) use your skincare products without asking... and you can always tell when he has
And yeah... you do have an All Might shrine somewhere in your house
“Can we have sex tonight?”
Thinks you can cook + make meals in the toaster oven
Reminds you to do your skincare routine… or some other basic task you probably already knew about
On chore day, he’s hard to get moving and “tires” easily… you find him on the couch 20 minutes into any task just… looking at his phone
Doesn't take you seriously when you're mad at him, either... and thinks you probably don't mean it or that he can fix it, anyway
“Hey, can I have some?” except he never waits for your answer
Also likes sharing silverware with you… which is really cute right up until he’s shoving a spoon he just put in his mouth right in front of your face
Very adamant about… touching you. If you let go of his hand, he’s literally waiting to grab it back. You scoot away from cuddles and he’s going after you… even if you just want some water or to check your phone or something
If you tell a white lie about something, he’s correcting you...
“Oh, sorry Momo... I’m busy Tuesday!”
“No, you’re not?”
Lowkey gets upset when you talk about hanging out with other boys… even if you just work or have class with them
Doesn't know any slang, either... comes home from hanging out with Deku and Bakugo only to ask you stuff like, "what's a chode?" or "what's sloppy toppy?"
“I liked *insert terrible movie here*”
Asks why you didn't finish eating something
Has thee worst taste in Tik Toks and memes... and sends you videos he thinks you'd like that really just aren't funny
Unironically wants to match outfits with you
And thinks you're getting married one week into the relationship... which is sweet, but also kinda freaky...
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years ago
what the brothers and undateables (I think they are not anymore the undateables because now you can have cards for them so...) do the day before their first time with Mc
On it~
Brothers + Undateables’ Day Before Their First Time with MC
He’s pretty chill about it, obviously
He’s not always one to make up a massive plan on how it’s going to go, what he’s going to say, stuff like that. But he will make sure you’re having the best time you’ve ever had
He’ll be extremely flirty the day before, sending you sexual texts hinting to it and getting more touchy when he greets you
Uses pet names the entire day and compliments you so much to the point where it’s kinda obvious he’s planning something
He can’t help it, but he’s blushing more than usual, even at something as simple as a shoulder hug and if you kiss him, he’ll have to cover his cheeks
Takes you out on a date to get a bit of alone time with you before the day finally comes
Super nervous and skittish around you honestly
May even spend that day avoiding you so he can perfectly plan the night out
If you so much as show any type of affection, his cheeks will turn so red and thoughts will run wild in his brain
He tries not to make it too obviously that he plans on tomorrow being the day he finally decides to make a move, but being Mammon, he eventually ends up slipping hints out so you pretty much know what’s coming anyway
Actually really sweet and considerate the day before, like, he’ll be a bit too nice
Buys you little gifts and spams your phone with lowkey personal erotic questions~
Won’t make eye contact with you for the entire day, hands down
This man won’t even text you until his plan is completely figured out and he’s 100% positive on what he wants to do because he is stressing
Obviously, he’s shitting himself for it because he’s been dreading this day, but he genuinely really wants to do it with you because you make him really happy
May leave little gifts outside your door with all these notes hinting to it thinkin he’s bein slick, but you know who’s sending them so the surprise aspect of it is completely ruined
Will text you the entire night though to make up for it. Questions, cute emojis, none stop apologising for ignoring you and then how his day was and how yours was
He’s fine, he’s not foolish enough to give away what he plans on doing with you by acting nervous around you
But on the inside, he’s freaking out whenever you’re around him and it’s genuinely so hard for him to not just do it all now
He ends up having to walk out the room for a bit after you placed a kiss on his cheek and he burned up and almost gave himself away
He didn’t massively make a lot of plans as he believes just letting what happens, happen is the best way to go
He will be quite affectionate towards you on that day, taking you out on a date perhaps to get you away from his brothers so he can have you all to himself
You’d think his first time with you wouldn’t be too much of a big deal to him since he’s the Avatar of Lust, but really, he’s so excited
He’s not a stranger to sex, obviously, but when he thinks of doing it with you, his heart beats so damn fast
This may be one of the only times he’s ever thought up a plan on how he wants to do it
If you touch him throughout that day, his cheeks will glow a light shade of red because he’s imagining how you’ll touch him on that night
He’ll be really excited and extra eccentric the day before, asking you dirty questions and giving you lots of affection
Might do something special for you like offer to cook your food or take you out to go shopping with him
He’s so shy and sensitive the entire day, it’s the sweetest
Asks you if you’d like to get food with him and the entire day is just you two eating from every sweet shop and “take one” plate you come across
If you hold his hand, he’ll smile really wide and his cheeks will just flush pink and he’ll be imagining how happy he’ll be when you two have your first time together
Texts Belphie every other second on new places to go and how he may go about making it the best day for you
He wants this day to be memorable and just gets you whatever you want, literally. You want a hotdog? Candy? A matching keyring? On it
Lots of kisses and hugs too, and the compliments are off the charts. You just know he’s got something in mind
Doesn’t change really
He’ll most likely make you nap with him for longer so he can hug you tighter in his arms as he dreams about his first time with you
He’ll definitely be more flirty and touchy with you the day before; a lot of naps and tickling to make you laugh. It’s just a day dedicated to you really
He’s smiling more, actually. Even the little things you do would set that smile of his off
He doesn’t plan though. He just daydreams about how he wants it to go and how he’ll seduce you and all that lovey stuff~
Well, actually, he sorta plans. He’ll obviously tell Beel that he’ll be sleeping in the attic with you tomorrow so you two can get some alone time ;)
He’s ready to do whatever it takes to make this day memorable
Asks you round for some tea to spend a little bit of alone time with you without the brothers interfering
The day is filled with laughter and compliments and he even brought a few gifts for when you arrived
You could say he’s not exactly himself throughout the day and he’s more nervous and shy, and the simplest of affection and love makes him literally melt
He’s none stop coming up with a plan in his head on what he’ll do and every time he looks at you, he’ll imagine what it’ll be like on the day
Ends up texting Lucifer telling him you weren’t coming home that night just so he can cuddle you all night long
He stays his old regular self, but he’s slightly more on edge whenever you’re around
On his day off, he invited you round for tea and then a nice walk in the nearby park. It had been a while since he’d really spent some time with you away from the castle and the House of Lamentation
While holding his hand, you can so clearly tell how fidgety he is and you could’ve sworn he’s sweating a bit. It’s the sweetest watching him smile it off
You don’t exactly end up going home since he convinced you to stay the night and cuddle
He doesn’t really have a plan until the last moment and he’s staring up at the ceiling with you in his arms and all of a sudden, all the stress of what if and what about is swarming his head, making him hold you closer
He cannot hide the nervous excitement he’s been holding inside, he’s like a little kid in a candy store for the majority of the day
He may offer to spend the day before with you; going out to shops to buy you gifts or meals
While walking, he’ll be planning how it may go and giving your hand a squeeze every few minutes as he imagines something that makes him happy
The whole day is filled with compliments and affection and his cheeks are constantly red, like, it’s so overbearingly obvious that he’s planning something
Subtly asks if you’d want to come over to have some tea with him and then just doesn’t let you leave afterwards because he’s grabbed you into a tight cuddle
He’s disguising his nervousness with jokes and affection
He somehow got you away from the brothers to go on a date and there you two were, walking in the park, hand in hand
He’s prepared to do anything to make the night with you special and he’ll start with making a thorough plan that will eventually not be used
He’s so easily set off and on edge, and even your laughter will make him blush and hide his face from you
The days full of laughter and plain chaos and he’ll most likely try and convince you to sneak away to the human world with him
You spend the rest of the day with him in his room eating cakes that Luke made for the two of you
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down-in-devildom · 4 years ago
MC being Used by Lesser Demons (Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor)
Second part of this prompt: Part 1
CW: Violence, Torture, Manipulation, Murder, Cannibalisms ...general demonic behavior
Asmo is always surrounded by all kinds of demons vying for his attention and he thinks it is absolutely adorable! He is someone that is just so magnetizing and mesmerizing that it is almost unsettling when people can resist him. Enter MC. Someone both equal parts strange, wonderful, and scary; They worth every ounce of love they can get! So he isn’t all that surprised when MC starts to develop their own little entourage of Lesser Demon fans.
Asmo lives for the attention and is happy to share the experience with MC. They go on little shopping sprees together and always have plenty of demons willing to carry their bags or buy them some gifts. The amount of times that Asmo and MC got in trouble with Lucifer for bringing home way too many gifts and taking up all the hallway closet space was starting to get ridiculous. It didn’t phase Asmo though. He is just happy to be able to steal the MC away, even if they are never truly alone.
Now, Asmo was rather observant and was quick to pick up some of his dedicated fans started to join up with the MC’s little group. He wasn’t jealous, per say, but it is odd when these demons that followed him all around the Devildom for centuries were now more interested in a human. He didn’t want these ugly internal thoughts to turn him ugly externally, so Asmo shoved the matter to the side for now.
When a particular Lesser Demon that he used to remember following him around rather faithfully gave the MC a gift, he was more curious about what they gave them than why they were not giving him items anymore. Whatever the Lesser Demon had handed to the MC had them practically gushing about it for most of dinner that day at HoL. Apparently, it was some sort of beautiful silk scarf and it looked absolutely amazing on them. MC had invited this particular Lesser Demon out to grab the newest latte at the DevilPop Shop as a thank you.
MC was so excited for the café date that Asmo didn’t have the heart to tell them that he already tried the newest latte and it does not photograph very well nor was it worth the calories. The day of the venture into town, Asmo sent the MC off with a gorgeous outfit that incorporated the new scarf, and a kiss on the cheek. Asmo had a makeup live stream to host so he wasn’t able to join them.
Asmo was still in the middle of filming when he heard the door to his room open. He could have sworn he told his brothers not to bother him for the next four hours and was kind of miffed. He turned his head briefly away from his camera and lights set up only to see MC dash by and flop themselves onto his bed. They yanked the scarf that they were given off of their neck and buried themselves in his covers. Asmo was quick to excuse himself and apologize for cutting the stream off so quickly before.
When Asmo made his way to the bed, he could hear the MC groaning and see them appear almost restless under the sheets. He gently pulled the covers off and gasped when he saw the MC with swollen, patchy welts all over their face, neck, and the beginning of their chest. He was now starting to become frantic because the irritated areas looked so painful and the MC looked like they were desperately trying to both hide their face and not cry at the same time.
When the MC explained how the date was going so well until their neck started to burn and the Lesser Demon they were with started to showcase such a cruel smile. The scarf must have either been hexed or treated with a fast acting poison that causes the MC to have an adverse reaction. The Lesser Demon had taken pictures of their pain-stricken face and threatened to post it all over Devilgram if they kept getting in the Lesser Demon’s way and taking too much of Asmo’s attention. This kind of behavior isn’t all that unheard of for some of his fans, but Asmo is generally very quick to put any wayward bullies in line. Maybe the Lesser Demon thought they could get away with it because MC was simply a human.
Asmo first treats MC’s welts with some of his skin care and makes sure that most of the pain is gone before having them drink some sleepy time tea to relax. When the MC inevitably goes to sleep after their harrowing ordeal, Asmo sneaks off and tracks that particular Lesser Demon down. It wasn’t hard finding their location after he used his various social media accounts to ask for their whereabouts. When he finally did find the demon, Asmo decided it would only be fair to give the Lesser Demon their own personal facial seeing who they felt so starved for his attention. He then proceeds to scrap the Lesser Demon’s face all across the brick and concrete grounds in the vicinity, painting the sidewalks red and really improving the other demon’s image, what with them not having a face anymore and all. Asmo is as sugary sweet to the MC the next day and continues to coo over them and their injuries. He also is sure to breezily mention that the Lesser Demon decided to disconnect from the media and social trends, whatever that may mean, and wouldn’t be around for quite a while.
Beel was widely admired. He was a strong athlete and super sweet to most demons unless food denial was in play. He was also known for going on rampages when he was hungry and it was a big deterrent for many demons outside of his Fangol team and the Hell’s Kitchen chef. He didn’t really mind though. He has his brothers and now MC. Between him always having to worry about where his next meal would come from and how to keep his family together, Beel already had to take into account his environment and the threats that they held. 
When more and more demons started to watch him during his Fangol practices, he was confused. Typically, only the MC would come to cheer him on or wait for him to finish before heading out to grab some cheeseburgers. It didn’t really matter though. He was still able to give his best on the field and no demon got in his way when he approached the MC to start leaving for the day. It was only when the MC paused in their tracks after talking about their day did Beel turn to look at them with some concern. He asks them what is wrong before they said that one of the Lesser Demons were a really big fan of his and wanted to hang out.
Now, Beel is a very laid back type of guy so he was more than ready to grab a bite to eat with more company. MC waved one of the demons in the distance down and soon enough, the three of them were on their way into town for some snacks to have before dinner. The market was full of all kinds of street vendors so it was the perfect place to try everything at once. The first stop was a crepe stall that was super generous with their fresh cream and strawberries. The Lesser Demon was kind enough to pay for the treat and handed it out to Beel and the MC.
Beel was content for the moment with his twenty-three assorted crepes and was munching away when the Lesser Demon went to hand the MC their crepe. Unfortunately, it looks like the Lesser Demon tripped and smeared the dessert all over the front of the MC’s RAD uniform. The Lesser Demon apologized and was saying how sorry they were that now the MC would have to go home to change, but MC said it wasn’t a problem and they don’t mind still hanging out even though they were wearing their food. The Lesser Demon was adamant that they would need to change but MC waved them off.
Beel was just glad he still had some crepes to work through and offered up one of his to MC. There was a bite out of it but MC accepted it gratefully anyways. Beel noticed that the Lesser Demon had a strange look on their face and was looking at the shared crepe and the MC with a furrowed brow and a frown. Maybe the Lesser Demon wanted another crepe too? Either way, the trio still made their way over to Hell’s Kitchen and talked along the way. Or, rather, the Lesser Demon talked the whole time while Beel and MC just listened. The other demon sure appeared to be passionate about Fangol because that was all they wanted to talk about. That and about Beel being the star player that RAD desperately needed.
When the journey was finally over, they sat together at the bar in Hell’s Kitchen. The Lesser Demon wanted to sit between MC and him but he did not mind that much. Beel was quick to order just about two of everything on the menu. When the food finally arrived, Beel was making quick work of his order while the Lesser Demon continued to fill the space with more of their Fangol play formation theories. The MC was having a good time enjoying the meal and the conversation when they finished their singular portion of food and waved down the wait staff to order something else. 
MC looked so excited about the triple chocolate bat’s milk brownie sundae they ordered, Beel was almost inclined to order another helping of the dessert himself, they made it look so good. But before MC could scoop any into their mouth, their spoon was snatched from their hands. Beel and the MC looked at the Lesser Demon in shock and confusion on why they took away their utensil. The Lesser Demon then goes on to say that the MC already had enough to eat and it would go to better use to go to someone as active as Beel. The Lesser Demon then proceeds to take the plate from in front of the MC and add it to Beel’s dwindling food mountain.
Beel and the MC were frozen in place. Neither of them move but Beel could see past the Lesser Demon’s shoulder when the MC’s head hangs down briefly before they hurry to push away from the bar with an excuse that they have some business to take care of and leave the restaurant. The Lesser Demon looks...happy… that MC left and turns back to Beel and talks more about Fangol as if nothing happened. Beel felt in his gut the uncontrollable hunger that comes when he skips a meal take over him. The Lesser Demon is too busy yapping to see the shift in Beel’s eyes but they sure did stop talking when a growl from deep within Beel’s chest vibrated throughout his body and shook the ground itself.
Beel was famished and the only thing that satisfied his hunger was the demon that dared to deny his MC of something as important as food. Beel’s mouth opened impossibly wide as his jaw seemed to know no bounds and his fangs elongated. Before the Lesser Demon could get away, Beel’s mouth was at the other demon’s throat and the jugular was ripped clean out. The demon’s body fell to the floor in shock and Beel was quick to pounce and shred his meal apart, consuming the flesh and bones and leaving nothing left. Nobody in the restaurant stopped him. When Beel’s hunger subsided, he paid the bill and walked out to go find the MC. He just knows that they would love some macarons from Madam Scream just about now and he wasn’t about to deny them that.
Belphie typically struggled to find the motivation to do much of anything most days. Or rather, it isn’t much of a struggle if he had no intention of doing anything in the first place but the point remains. Today, he was actually able to summon the miniscule amount of energy required to go with the MC to the movies to see a documentary about human space exploration. Granted, he had almost every intent and purpose to just fall asleep the second the lights dimmed anyways, but he could at least be some form of company for MC during the show. 
Belphie was told to meet MC outside of the theater’s entrance about fifteen minutes before the flick. The only reason they were not able to walk from HoL to the theater together was because MC had some resource material they had forgotten to return to RAD and needed to run by there real quick before it was overdue. Bephie didn’t mind though. It meant he could sleep in a bit more before having to head out. When he did arrive at the meet up point, there was a Lesser Demon practically glued to MC’s side and Belpie would just feel his limited energy reserves drain.
When the MC spots him, they are quick to pull him aside and explain that they ran into the Lesser Demon at RAD and asked to hang out with them. When MC went to reject the offer and explain that they already made plans with Belphie, the demon was even more insistent about spending time with them. The Lesser Demon wanted to get to know more demons with an interest in astronomy and was a bit too shy to approach Belphie by themselves. Now that they had gathered the courage, they would not be persuaded to do anything else but tag along. The other demon appeared very keen on not letting MC and Belphie out of their sights and walked over to join the conversation after a moment.
Belphie was not exactly happy about some stranger ruining his movie experience, but figured that it wouldn’t matter too much rather the other demon was there or not. He was still “seeing” a film with MC. When they all walked inside to get their tickets, the Lesser Demon would not shut up about how excited they were to finally get to talk to more astronomy fans. MC did not appear to mind though and was being fairly polite. They would answer as many questions as possible but it was becoming apparent that the Lesser Demon wasn’t exactly listening to the replies and would turn around and ask Belphie the same questions. He ignored the other demon though because they were being annoying.
Once they walked to their seats, the Lesser Demon tried to sit between both Belphie and the MC. He wasn’t in the mood to humor the other demon so Belphie plopped down in one of the seats and pulled MC down into the one next to him. Because of the arrangement of the seats and some random demons seating on Belphie’s other side, the Lesser Demon was made to sit on the other side of the MC. Belphie could tell they did not appear all that happy about the arrangement judging by the deep frown that etches into their face. Well, too bad. This was originally his movie date with MC, not the Lesser Demon.
When the lights finally went out and the curtains pulled back completely from the screen, Belphie got comfortable in his seat and laid his head on MC’s shoulder. He was planning on getting on top of his well deserved nap as soon as possible, but something in his gut was keeping him just on this side of wakefulness. Although his eyes were closed and his breathing was slow, Belphie was on alert. He was naturally a demon with a lot of suspicions about other’s motives, so he was a bit weary of the frown on the Lesser Demon’s face a few moments ago.
Belphie heard the Lesser Demon start to whisper in MC’s other ear and had to focus a bit to hear the conversation over the film’s loud music score. The other demon appeared to be continuing their earlier barrage of questions. The MC whispers to the other demon that they would like to watch the movie and could answer everything later. The questions continue anyway and start becoming more and more morbid and strangely personal. What were human funeral customs like? Could humans sense when their life is in danger like prey can? Do human hearts taste better when they are still beating or shortly after being stilled?
That last question gave both the MC and Belphie pause. The Lesser Demon continues though, slowly moving their hand up the MC’s arm and across the chest until their hand rested lightly against MC’s neck. “I always wondered what it was about you that drove the Seven Avatars to becoming shadows of their former selves. Even Belphegor, with his intense hatred of humans, is over there sleeping on your shoulder like a newborn kit. Maybe the brothers just need a reminder of how weak and helpless humans are in order to snap out of their feeble minded states and become real demons.”
Belphie just lets out a snort of a laugh at the ridiculous monologue the Lesser Demon felt the need to recite before materializing his tail. The other demon seemed to realize their mistake too late and their neck was snapped all too quickly. Beplhie finally opens his eyes to peak up at the MC. They were looking at the Lesser Demon’s body and the way their head was twisted to an unnatural degree. Ah, well, there goes his movie nap. Belphie was about to get up to leave the theater, thinking that MC would probably not be in the mood to watch the film anymore and would prefer to not be next to both him and a corpse, when he was tugged down into the seat instead this time. The MC quirks a brow as if to say the movie wasn’t over and goes back to watching the screen. Good thing too because Belphie was past the point of simple sleepiness and wanted his movie nap, for demon’s sake.
Thank you for reading part 2 of this request. Sorry I didn’t include the original question in the post but I am too lazy. I talk a lot so please excuse the run-on sentences -Leo
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thetoadghoul · 4 years ago
Volunteering: (Ohtani x Reader) <333 (Part - 2)
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part 1!
plot: Wednesday’s game arrives which Ohtani invited you to, some bonding time before the first pitch <3 slowwwburn, long cause idk details are fun lol
Wednesday quickly arrived, made much faster by the crazy amount of work you were required to do for your ‘actual’ job. The last three days had been spent with you running around the LA area, as well as cyberspace, to serve your role as interpreter. It was hell, for more reasons than one. The biggest of all being that even though you were not in Japan at the moment, you were still required to wear a proper suit. That meant a tight navy skirt, stockings, and some blasted heels. Sexist men, long meetings, and endless paperwork aside, you enjoyed your job for the most part - but this aspect really wore on you. However, the pain in your feet wouldn't damper your excitement for tonight’s game. Today you were not actually volunteering at the Angels stadium.
The day before yesterday, when you were actually volunteering, a bashful Ohtani had tapped you on the back while you were picking up baseballs from the batting cages. When you turned around the giant man was holding out a lanyard with an attached document, marked ‘VIP Guest of Player’. It took all you had not to let your hands shake with nerves as you reached out and grabbed it gingerly.
“Uh, see you on Wednesday.” The man looked to the side awkwardly, running a hand through his hair.
“...Yeah.” You responded with a small smile, feeling stupid, but it was all you could think of.
“Well, uh, I better go...” He motioned behind his back with a lazy thumb, staring to jog backward.
You nodded quickly, rushing to go back to picking up balls before you said something super lame, or weird.
It wasn’t till you were on the way home did you take a look at the back of the stadium pass. It read ‘Guest of Shohei Ohtani’. So he had put in the request for you, that was just like him, so kind. It would be an understatement to say you weren’t excited for tomorrow.
Currently, your heart was still racing, but for another reason other than a certain super cute and insanely talented baseball player. It was because it was almost three-thirty in the afternoon and you were running around your company-provided apartment, trying to get ready as fast as you could. Ippei let you know you should get there around four-thirty, by then the team would have been done warming up and starting to enjoy a pregame meal while the away team got the field to themselves. From that point onwards, pretty much everyone was free to relax in the clubhouse till just before the first pitch.
With little time to consider, not even enough time to take a shower after having just got off work, you went with an oversized red T-shirt, baggy jeans, and some cool Jordan’s. This was your go-to, and it was comfortable. You don’t have many clothes anyway, living out of a suitcase.
Right as you were about to run out of the door you remembered to grab your standard Angels cap, it had been provided to you as part of your volunteer uniform a while back, slipping it on over your tight work bun. You would let your hair down later.
All right, everything was in order, Uber scheduled, lanyard secured.
It took about half an hour to arrive at the stadium, and once it came into view, you instructed the driver to let you out in front of the ballpark entrance. It had been a long time since you got to go through the gates as a member of the audience, it actually gave you a wave of nostalgia seeing everyone in their gear, so hyped up for the game, tailing gating outside for what was probably hours.
Once you were through, you started walking through the concession stands and various other stalls, dodging around the fans that were already inside watching the warm-ups, as well as hanging out drinking and eating. There were pictures of Ohtani everywhere, people taking turns snapping pictures of each other in front of the various cutouts of him. The air was buzzing with energy, and it seemed like all for that guy. Honestly, you had worked for a couple different teams over the years, but you had never seen hype like this. It was surreal, seeing a legend in the making.
You smiled, gripping the lanyard around your neck, making your way through the stadium. Shohei was super nice to do this for you, really, you should show him your support. Maybe a quick peek in the team store would do? Plus, you deserved to spend some money on yourself. After all, this was the first time you had really been ‘out’ in the almost three months you had been in California. Your free time was either working, volunteering, video games, or sleep.
You took a couple moments in the Angel's merch shop, quietly perusing the aisles, keeping an eye out for any Ohtani-themed items. Unfortunately, there weren’t really that many, probably sold out by the fans. What was there, was way too small for you.
“Y/n, you here to watch the game?” A young voice sounded.
When you turned to see who addressed you, a familiar girl was standing there grinning.
“Hey Jordan! I didn’t know you were working tonight.” You grinned back.
Jordan worked at the store as a stock manager, she was close in age to you so the two of you often hung out. You had invited her over a couple times, both bonding over your love for crappy reality TV, beer, and of course, baseball.
“Yeah it was last minute, a girl was feeling sick and there wasn’t anyone else cept’ me.” She sighed.
“Bummer, text me if you need help?” You offered, to which she waved you off.
“Nah, you enjoy being here and NOT working.” She chuckled, walking over to organize a messy shelf.
“So, you looking for something in particular?” The girl glanced over her shoulder.
“Uh yeah, you recommend any cool Ohtani stuff? Or is there any at all... seems wiped clean in here.” You said while looking around.
“Ohtani? You here to cheer him on too then. Wanna catch his eye.” She teased.
“Don’t say it like I’m just here for my like, prince charming.” You snapped back playfully, but, maybe a little too fast.
“Aren’t you?” She pressed with an eyebrow.
“Okay, I’m leaving.” You pouted, fake walking away.
“I’m just kidding, actually, stay here for a second I might have something you’ll like.” Jordan yelled as she jogged off to the back room behind the counters.
You did as you were told and when she came back there was a large white Angels jersey in her hands.
“Ta-da!” She grinned, twisting it around to show the player’s name on the back.
“Oh, it’s in Kanji? That’s cool, I didn’t know these existed?” You questioned, running your finger over the ‘tani’ character of Ohtani.
“It’s the last one on the floor, had to grab it off the mannequin. Hope it’s not too big? It’s XL?” She questioned, passing it to you to hold.
“Nah it’s perfect, can’t you tell.” You joked holding the jersey next to you, while you showed off your oversized clothes.
“Figured it'd be fine, wanna get rung up? I’ll give you that ‘good good’ employee discount. But, don’t tell anyone.” She smiled, heading to the register, to which you nodded and jogged after her.
After you finished your purchase and waved bye to Jordan, it was time to head to the clubhouse. It was around five, so you were later than you planned but Shohei usually practiced batting in the cages a little while longer while everyone headed in. Slipping the plastic shopping bag into your purse, and ripping the tags off your new jersey, you slipped it on over your T-shirt, smoothing out the material as best you could. It felt great to finally have some real merch from the team, and part of you sort of wondered what Ohtani would think when he saw you. Hopefully, it wasn’t too much to just show up in his gear after he pretty much randomly invited you, let alone in the stadium-specific one, as you just learned from your colleague.
After you got to an employee-only doorway, you pushed on it hoping it was actually open. Ippei had also let you know via text that it would be unlocked for you. Another kindness of Shohei, not just inviting you, but making sure you had access to all the catering and AC inside the resisted area of the building. You slipped in and locked the door behind you, not wanting to encourage some intoxicated fans to follow. The hallway was empty and cool as you started making your way to the clubhouse.
You were admittedly a bit nervous by the time you got to the doors, feeling a bit awkward about strutting in as anyone other than a volunteer for the first time. Carefully you pushed open the door, making sure not to hit anybody. The room was full of chatter, some players eating, some playing cards, others watching TV on the room's monitors. You looked around for Ohtani, but he wasn’t there yet apparently. No matter, you strolled in and went for the snack area. Truthfully you hadn’t eaten since that morning, and that was just a toasted bagel. Turning your back to the rest of the room, you began filling up your plate with cocktail shrimp and grapes.
“Nice jersey.” Ippei said, coming up next to you, grabbing small sandwiches for his plate.
“Is that sarcastic?” You questioned with a smile, finishing your plate.
“Nah, I’m sure he likes it.” Ippei jerked his head to the left.
He? You leaned back to see around the man, meeting Shohei’s surprised face almost immediately. Had he been standing there the whole time? He had obviously been staring at your back, at his name, bashfully looking up to your face when you moved, blinking a couple times to clear his eyes.
“I uh, got it ten minutes ago.” You grinned awkwardly, pointing your thumb proudly at the jersey, hoping he wouldn’t think you were a weirdo.
The large player didn’t say anything, blinking more slowly this time before opting to just nod gently, with a quick “thanks for your support”, hurriedly leaning forward to start filling his plate with all kinds of foods.
Once everyone had their food the three of you found a place to sit while you ate, it was at the back of the room away from the noise, and where the two usually sat before a game anyways. A small conversation started while the three of you ate calmly.
“Why... do you only have grapes, and shrimp?” Ohtani questioned suddenly, looking at your plate baffled. You looked down at it as well, pausing for a moment trying to find out what was so weird about that.
“Uh, well, it’s because... these things are... super expensive in Tokyo. It’s like a rich person food to me.” You smiled, eating a couple shrimps happily.
“Wow. That’s so sad.” Ippei chuckled before taking a bite of his sandwich.
Shohei on the other hand burst out laughing at your response, making you laugh a bit too at your pitiful confession.
“Seriously, I feel like a mega-rich, and very posh, Ginza lady right now - eating nothing but shrimp and fruit. So fancy right? ” You exclaimed, popping a grape in your mouth.
The Japanese player laughed even harder, tears building up as he wiped his eyes.
“Those people wouldn’t touch that stuff with a three-meter stick.” Ippei stated, letting out a small laugh.
“Just let me have my moment.” You pouted through a smile, shoving more shrimp in your mouth.
The other man calmed down finally and was now sitting there smiling while he ate.
“So, fancy y/n, are you okay to sit in the dugout tonight. Not too unrefined for you?” Ippei questioned with a smirk.
“That’s, allowed?” You asked, surprised.
“Yeah, if you want to. Can’t stay there the whole time, but.” The man responded nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.
“It’s the best place to hear, ‘the surprise’.” Shohei added, food in the process of being shoved in his mouth.
“Well, doesn’t seem like there’s any other option.” You smiled at the player, who nodded in acknowledgment.
“He’s batting first tonight, you won’t have to wait long.” Ippei spoke, starting on the next sandwich.
“Hope me being in there won’t be bad luck.” You joked.
“You believe in that?” Ippei smirked.
“My family ingrained it into me, wasn’t allowed to watch a single super bowl game in the living room till I literally moved out.” You frowned, stabbing a grape.
“Harsh.” The man smirked with a small laugh under his breath.
“You will be good luck, for sure.” Shohei leaned forward in a hunch to take another bite of food, smiling sincerely at you as he looked up from his food.
“Then, I will see to it that will become a very good omen. Please believe in me.” You responded in the highest form of keigo you knew, bowing rigidly from your seat for comedic effect. Since you never studied that level of grammar, it was really freaking bad, causing the two men to laugh again.
“You’re funny.” Ippei chuckled.
“Yeah, and your Japanese is so good though?” Shohei exclaimed, eyebrows raised, eyes wide.
“Nah it’s pretty bad, I fell off the study wagon a long time ago.” You laughed awkwardly, waving a hand in front of your face.
“You’d be there forever if you stayed on.” Ippei chuckled again, while Shohei nodded in sullen agreement.
“Writing would be nice though, having to look up every other kanji at the doctor's office, or like city hall makes me literally sweat, like, a lot. Buckets. But when I look around, I'm the only one.” You giggled.
“You’re so honest.” Shohei chuckled, wiping his mouth with a napkin, still leaning forward in his chair, you grinned back at him. Your eyes locked for a while, you had never noticed, but his eyelashes were sort of long.
At that moment Ippei had to take a call, letting the two of you know he’d be back in a bit, walking off. The two of you looked away and finished eating in silence.
When you looked up from your empty plate, the large player was now staring at you with a soft expression. The warmth in his eyes made you blush, he didn’t even break his gaze once he was caught like he usually did. You responded back to him simply with a shy smile, before being the one to avert your own eyes to the floor again.
Thankfully at that moment, a group of Angels came over, slapping the Japanese man on the back, starting up a conversion. They were going over strategies for the game and overall just getting hyped up. You didn’t have much to input, so you just kind of sat there enjoying the excited chatter. Shohei smiled merrily the whole time, inserting little jokes, completely affected by their excitement. The way he carried himself really reminded you that the essence of baseball was really just about having fun with your teammates and giving it your all. He looked simply happy to be there, and it made you smile too, just watching him goof off. It was charming to see his duality of being a just big kid with endless laugher, versus the super-serious, and seasoned player he was on the mound.
You were really trying hard not to but, you were rapidly developing feelings for Shohei. The last three months of volunteering here, you of course thought he was really cute and kind, classic boyfriend material. A simple crush, like many of the girls working around him, surely had as well. However the possibility of you two actually dating had always been a foreign concept, one which stopped you from even considering it, at all, you just didn’t know if you even could. With you both traveling for work, how would there be time? Plus, what about the media? His family? Yours? All those things seemed unscalable walls, that is, until this moment, when you could feel his gentle eyes on you once again.
Maybe, there was something? Or maybe, he was just a super nice guy, and you were treated no different than anyone else.
When you snapped out of your thoughts, Shohei was starting to stand up, grabbing everyone’s empties plates. He reached his hand towards you, asking for the one in your hand with a tiny nod of his head, to which you thanked him, stood up, and handed it over.
Either way, you were so screwed.
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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0097linersb · 4 years ago
Pink Lemonade
Pairings: Jaemin x Renjun x Haechan x Jeno x Mark x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Humor (I guess), Slow burn af
Summary: The dreamies decide to spend some weeks at an Inn in the middle of the nature to relax and enjoy some outdoor adventures, far away from their crazy idol life. What they didn’t expect was the nice girl running said Inn.
Word count: 3k
You should read the intro first so this story makes sense <3
☼  previous / next  ☼
A/N: Honestly guys this fic will probably be long and detaild af ‘cause I’m using it as a distraction from real life lol guess who just finished their engagement. If u would like it to be more straightforward and go right to the fun parts let me know, I’d really like some opinions! Also, it’s like 2 AM so I’ll proofread it tomorrow 
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As you woke up the next day, you were not shocked to find that the boys were not up yet. Last night you were surprised to come downstairs to an already fully cleaned kitchen and as much as it made you embarrassed, it also made you immensely grateful. You thanked them and told them to stop being so nice and doing your job for you, to which Mark only responded that seven guys could be really messy sometimes.
You had given them the folders that informed all the activities the Inn (well, you) offered and the ones they could book in the city a few minutes away, it made you smile at how excited they got reading the paper and planning their days. Haechan was already asking if they could go stargazing that same night but the rest of them groaned saying they were way too tired to move after the long trip (and you felt bad once again for having them clean the kitchen).
Everyone eventually agreed on a time for breakfast and you were just sure they wouldn’t wake up that early by the dark circles under their eyes and, turns out you were right. They did go to sleep pretty early the other night, showering after the meal you had and just going straight to bed.
You lazily stretched as you left your room with Koda and Kenai tracing after you, to find a very much awake Jaemin sitting on the living room’s couch holding a cup.
“Good morning, did you make coffee?” You yawned at the boy, scolding Koda so he would get off the couch.
“Good morning. Yeah, sorry for taking the liberty, I really needed to wake up,” He smiled at you, petting your disobedient dog with his free hand so he could get distracted from the way your shirt had ridden up. Damn morning horniness.
“It’s ok, smells good. Are the rest of the boys awake?”
“Nop, and probably won’t be for a while. I know we agreed on going to the lake at 8 but everyone’s dead, I can wake them up if-“
“No, it’s ok,” You laughed. “I imagined this would happen, not a fan of waking up early myself.”
“Oh, you can go back to sleep if you want, I can knock when everyone starts waking up.”
“Don’t worry. You just really made me want some coffee.”
“I left it downstairs, I can go get you a cup.”
“Jaemin, we’re playing opposites here, don’t make me feel useless,” You joked, already making your way to the stairs, missing how the man stared at your legs in your little pajama shorts. “Plus, I need to take the boys on a walk before they become too fidgety.”
“Can I come with?”
“Of course.”
Jaemin was quick to stand up and follow you downstairs, where you quickly poured yourself a cup of coffee and opened the door, the dogs running past you excitedly. You silently lead the way out of your property and into the unpaved road, warming your hands with the coffee mug – The days were hot but the nights and early mornings could be quite chilly, especially with all the trees surrounding you and blocking the sunshine from reaching you.
“Do they sleep with you?” Jaemin asked, pointing at the dogs who were sniffing around the bushes on the side of the road, like they didn’t do this same route every day.
“Sometimes, they often prefer to stay outside, lots of animals to chase when I’m not there to scream at them.”
“They don’t wear leashes?”
“No need to, there’s barely people here and they are really well-behaved. I trained them well, Koda just gets a little bold when we have new guests over,” You smiled, remembering not even 5 minutes ago said dog was trying to get on Jaemin’s lap on the couch. “Do you like tangerines?”
The boy looked at you confused but nodded.
“Wait a second,” You asked before leaving him, walking off the road and into the trees. After a minute or so, you were back, throwing one of the orange fruits at Jaemin. “I steal them from the neighbors sometimes.”
“Will we get in trouble?” He asked but was already peeling the tangerine with his hands.
“Nah, they are never here. These would just rot.”
“Seems only fair then.”
You walked for another few minutes in silence, eating happily as you appreciated the sound of your feet crushing the small rocks on the floor.
“Ok, tangerines do not go well with coffee,” You make a face after eating half of your fruit, only now stopping to pay attention to the actual taste in your mouth.
Jaemin laughs at you before putting his last slice into his mouth, “Cute.”
“There’s nothing cute about this flavor.”
“Didn’t bother me,” He shrugged, smiling down at you.
Damn that boy was too attractive for his own good. You meant, all of them were.
It was just unfair, really.
The two of you talked a bit more until you hit the end of the road and then made your way back, it was a light-hearted comfortable conversation and you liked the way it made you feel warm inside. You learnt that Jaemin likes to photograph stuff and you asked him to take lots of pictures during their stay so you could use them on the Inn’s social media, telling him you shared that hobby with him. You then started a discussion about digital vs. film photography, in which you two clearly didn’t agree on, but it kept you entertained for a long time.
“Listen, technology evolved to this point to make life comfortable and easier for a reason!” Jaemin whined as you two were entering your property once again. “Is there something worse than developing your pictures only to find out your film was ruined?”
“That’s the thrill of it!” You exasperated.
“I call that heartbreak.”
“It’s a raw form of art for the strong hearted,” You sigh dramatically, opening the door for the man.
After your half an hour walk, as you got back home, only Renjun was up, pouring himself some coffee and looking super sleepy.
“Good morning, slept well?” You asked as Jaemin made his way to sit down on the table after getting Renjun to pour him some more coffee.
“Yeah, this is the first time I dreamt in months,” He smiled at you but his eyes were still half closed. Like you, Renjun was still in his pajamas, light sweatpants and a wrinkled white t-shirt.
“Do you guys want to eat something before breakfast?” You asked, not knowing how long they would have to wait for the others.
“It’s ok,” Jaemin answered.
“If you change your mind just let me know,” You smiled, wondering on what to do now, since you had already prepared the food for today last night and didn’t have any other chores until everyone was up so you could make their beds.
You figured the boys would drink their coffees and go talk or lay down in the hammocks, maybe even try to nap a bit but you were proven wrong when Renjun pointed at the end of the table suddenly excited, “Are those cards?”
“Can we play?”
“Of course.”
The man was quick to pick up the little box and sit down across the table from Jaemin, who tapped the place next to him before you had the chance to leave. You happily took on the offer, content with finally spending some fun time with people your age. No, scratch that: Attractive men your age.
“Let’s play Rummy!” Renjun suggested, the sleepiness leaving his body at the simple thought.
“I have no idea how to play that,” You informed.
“It’s ok, I’ll teach you. Come closer,” Jaemin smiled at you and you obeyed, heart beating fast at your thighs suddenly touching. What were you? 12?
The game was way too complicated for your morning brain to understand so you basically just watched the boys play, giving your input here and there.
“Jaemin, here!” You excitedly pointed at one of the cards he was holding.
“Oh, I had missed that, smart girl,” He smiled at you, patting your thigh as a thank you or maybe a praise, making your heart almost leave your body through your mouth. 
Freaking pet names dude.
After an hour or so playing, Jeno and Haechan appeared already fully clothed and awake. The second boy gave you and Jaemin a weird look, noticing how the boy’s right hand was just casually resting on your thigh. At some point it just happened and it felt comfortable (if you ignored your blood pumping through your body twice the normal speed, of course), it had been months since you had flirted with someone and you were enjoying the touch fully, thoughts of being professional nowhere to be found.
You greeted the boys and they sat down too, informing Mark and Chenle would be down in a second and Jisung would just skip breakfast to sleep. You decided then to get up and leave them to chat as you went into the pantry to organize the food you had prepared yesterday, into the baskets.
“Dude,” Haechan whispered to Jaemin.
Just by looking at the boy, Jaemin already knew what he wanted to comment on so he just, “Don’t.”
“Game on, bro.”
“What? This is not a game, we were just-“
“I said game on, bro.”
Jaemin sighed and gave up, knowing Haechan was just joking and being annoying as usual.
After all the men (minus Jisung) were downstairs and ready to go, you guided them down to the lake, setting up one of those cliché plaid towels for everyone to sit on. As you and Mark organized the foods around, you smiled at the others running around the grass and taking pictures, impressed at the view. The lake really was pretty and your property had a privileged clearing to sit down and enjoy it.  
“I would love to say they are normally not this energetic,” Mark smiled at you, placing the bowl with the grapes and strawberries down. “But I’d be lying.”
“It’s refreshing, I rarely deal with people my age around here. We didn’t add bingo to the activities’ folder for no reason.”
“There are no clubs or bars around here?”
“The biggest city around has barely 2.000 habitants so I’ll say no to that. Although this region is becoming really famous for the ecotourism these days, they opened a nice pub for the tourists like last month but there’s only ever people during the weekends.”
“Well, if you ever go to Seoul, let me take you out,” Mark offered before realizing what he had said and stiffening, cheeks going red like the watermelon juice in your hands. “I mean, like, to show you the places and-“
“That sounds fun,” You smiled at him, deciding to end his misery right from the start. He was cute. “Boys, the food is ready.”
Jeno excitedly dropped Haechan down (who he was holding for a picture) and ran over, leaving a very whiny boy on the floor. Jaemin took a picture of that and soon enough, everyone was sitting down on the picnic clot.
“Wow, it looks like we’re in a movie,” Renjun awed, looking around.
It really did, that’s why you liked bringing the guests to this spot on their first day. After everything was set, the scenery resembled a Renaissance painting and you loved it. It was a bit hotter than normally since it was a few hours later then the time the guests usually have breakfast, but the gentle breeze of the wind was enough to not make it unbearable.  
The meal was fun, the boys made you feel so comfortable that it felt like you have known each other for a longer time than the actual truth. You all chatted, joked around and posed for pictures with the food. You had brought your analog camera just to tease Jaemin, asking him to take a picture with it for you.
“How do you want it?” The boy groaned, pretending to be annoyed.
“Here, I have an idea,” Haechan shared, excitedly, holding up one of the strawberries from the bowl in front of your face. “Bite it on the side.”
You accepted the advice confused, not understanding where he was trying to go with it but excited, you loved a good old-fashioned improvised picture. Jaemin pointed the camera at you and counted to three, and you smiled around the strawberry when on the count of one, Haechan bit on the other side of the strawberry and looked at you cross-eyed. After you saw the flash of the camera going off, you decided to take a big bite of the strawberry to play around with Haechan but apparently the boy had the same idea and your lips ended up touching, slightly. Since when has your life become a cliché teenage movie? 
You quickly took the stem of the fruit from between your mouths, pulling away from the boy to tease him, “Damn. Didn’t even buy me dinner first.”
The others joined in on teasing Haechan but the man simply winked at you, “Would be my pleasure.”
You didn’t even have time to giggle before the other men pretended to puke and Renjun legit slapped Haechan.
The boys decided to not do any activities that day because Jisung would simply not wake up and after a while waiting, Chenle decided to join him on the hibernation. It made you feel sad for them, that their days were so busy and tiring that at the first sight of some time off, they would sleep for hours and hours to make up for it.
The rest of you decided to play some volleyball in the parking lot (which  was not the best idea considering it was noon). As expected by the almost 40 degrees climate, one by one, every single boy started taking off their shirts, body dripping and glistening with sweat and you just felt in heaven. This could just not be real, you even looked around for cameras, scenes like that just didn’t happen in real life. One hot shirtless guy was the acceptable quota for normality.
But also, you didn’t miss the way they looked at you in your little shorts and top (equal rights after all). It made you feel powerful even though you knew it was just their hormones talking, yours were screaming too after all. If it was already like that on their second day here, you couldn’t imagine how you would survive for the next few weeks, you just wanted to cry every time Jeno (who was on your team) approached you to celebrate when either of you scored, high-fiving you with his huge arms (you would die a happy woman if you were choked by them).
After the game was over, the boys decided to go swim on the lake to cool off and you figured it would be a good time to shower and organize their beds, which you quickly did before starting to make some lunch for everyone. The youngest ones of the group didn’t even wake up to eat so you decided to leave them some food in the microwave in case they got hungry in the afternoon.
Unfortunately the Wi-Fi was being annoying as usual and refused to work, so you couldn’t even google about the boys yet, the curiosity was almost killing you. Maybe it was better like that, right now you were just seeing them as 7 young men living their normal lives and you liked it, it kept you from being nervous at the fact they were probably some big stars that had the world at their feet – They all just seemed so chill sprawled around the living room floor playing the bingo you had joked about earlier, it was hard to believe they probably had hoards of screaming girls around them daily.
They thanked you for cleaning their rooms and told you that you didn’t have to, which technically you did, considering it was literally your job and the whole reason you were there.
You could be wrong, considering you have known them for barely 2 days, but you quickly noticed some little things about them: Like how Jaemin liked to touch you, even if it was just a light brush of his hand on your arm (in his defense, he was touchy with everyone, but when he touched you, it just lingered for a bit longer), or how Haechan liked to playfully flirt with you, that boy just had no shame and you admired him for that. You saw how Renjun often stared at you but when you looked at him, he looked away (which could mean either he was shy or he just didn’t like you very much), but at least he was more subtle about it, as opposite to Mark, who became a blushing mess every time you caught his eyes (and you just wanted to squeeze him). You realized Jeno was a manlier guy, you hadn’t gotten what his deal was yet but you loved the way his eyes disappeared when he smiled and that was enough for you.
It was funny, really, how everyone decided to ignore the tension in the air and go on with the day normally – You did only meet the day before after all.
After getting bored with bingo, the boys told you they planned on going water skiing tomorrow and you agreed happily, telling them you could have a little barbecue party in the camping next to the docks where your parents kept the Inn’s water sports gears, which got them even more excited.
“Can we go camping too?” Jeno asked, receiving a groan from Haechan. Classic city boy.
“Like at night?” You asked and Jeno nodded. “Yeah, actually the stars here are crazy pretty since there’s no light pollution.”
“See?” The boy told Haechan excitedly, who only sighed, accepting his fate.
Barbecue, bonfire, alcohol and a beautiful sky: You were a city girl too but you were also a sucker for a good camping night.
taglist: @eggbutnotyolk @lauraneuuh @geeisaclown @jenotation @riemm @junguwuuu @prettychaeng @satanssugaraddiction @luvlyjaemin @sweetjaemss @oofimdumb @junglekooks @unknown5tar @rosedchae@
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 4 years ago
✾A.J.- Like a Teen Again?☼✶
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Master list
Words: 2968
Warnings: masturbation, overstim, bit o’ begging, smut
Pairing: Amajiki Tamaki x FEM!reader
Summary: Tamaki gets hit with some sort of mood enhancement quirk, and it’s effects are questionable 
You weren't totally caught up on Tamaki's situation, but you did know his predicament revolved around a mood type quirk. You didn't know what to expect when you arrived at the hospital he was in. Apparently he was in great physical condition, which didn't really shock you. It also didn't shock you when Tamaki was leaning his forehead against the hospital wall, and you had to reassure the nurses that this was normal.
He was let out soon after you arrived, and the doctor filled in more of the details.
"This quirk isn't powerful," the doctor explained, "Just enhances Amajiki-kun's emotions; his moods are that of a fifteen year-old boy, basically."
You nodded along, not worrying too much about Tamaki. He would just be a bit more nervous and worrisome than usual; he'd have to take a few days off to recuperate. The doctor prescribed some medication if it got really bad.
"—typical teens have sudden waves of depression, so if he shows any serious symptoms he should take one of these in the morning. You shouldn't need to use them, but it's better to be safe than sorry," the doctor smiled, handing you a small vile of what you assumed to be anti-depressants.
You thanked the doctor, and Tamaki just gave a stiff nod as he followed you out of the building.
"I-I don't feel particularly different..." Tamaki stuttered, curling his pinky with yours.
"You just seem a bit off, is all," you flashed him a smile.
"Uh- hn," he stammered, his face flushing a bright pink. You didn't think much of it when you hopped into the car with Tamaki, but you did have to help him with his seatbelt because his hands were shaking.
"Why are you so shaky, Tami?" You placed your hand on his, and his eyes widened and he seemed to freeze.
"—uh, um. Ghn," Tamaki sputtered, his cheeks becoming impossibly redder. "S-so... so... you're so hot!"
Your jaw hit the floor, and you analyzed his terrified expression. He didn't mean to say that, you realized. Was he.. really like a teenage boy right now?
"I- oh my g-god. I didn't- I, I'm so sorry," Tamaki whimpered quietly, tears forming in his eyes.
"Oh butterfly, don't cry!" You leaned forward and cupped his face in your hands. "It's ok for you to say that, I'm your girlfriend, bub."
You bit your lip trying to think of what Tamaki was like in his first year of UA. How should you comfort him? Has he always been like this?
"O-ok," he gulped, wiping away his tears.
He was silent the rest of the way home, staring out of the window and probably overthinking what he did two minutes ago. His cape surrounded him like a blanket, and his face was hidden in his hood. Damn, was he really like this all the time? You wondered.
Tamaki practically ran out of the car when you finally got to the apartment, hardly waiting for you as he strode up the stairs to your guys' room. You caught up to him a few moments later, and he stood at the door waiting for you to unlock it.
"I would ask 'what has gotten into you?', but I already know," you said as you let him in.
"Y-you do?!" Tamaki sweat dropped, and he looked as though he was going to faint.
"Tami," you deadpanned, hanging up your coat, "not twenty minutes ago did the doctor explain to me your state of mind."
"Oh, r-right," Tamaki whispered, scratching the back of his neck. "I-I'll just be in o-our room."
You watched, flabbergasted, as he disappeared into your room, not quite closing the door behind him. Aaaalrighty then.
After you started prepping dinner, you realized that you probably shouldn't leave Tamaki alone for too long, incase something happened. You quickly finished chopping the carrots, and put down the knife. You hung up your apron and opened the door to your room a crack. Your eyes nearly popped out of your skull; there Tamaki was in all his glory, hero outfit stripped to the floor, sprawled out on the bed with his hand on his cock.
"B-bunny~ p-please, oh you feel so good," he whimpered, eyes scrunched tightly shut.
Oh. Now this was a rare sight. Tamaki was usually very careful to not masturbate with you in the house, fearing that you would be disappointed that he didn't just come to you instead, (Only when you walked in on him and he started crying did you realize how he felt; integrating mutual masturbation into your sex life made him feel better about doing it).
"Oh fuck, y/n," Tamaki stumbled, his toes curling. "S-so good~ your hands— so.. good."
You couldn't help but walk in and close the door behind you. The sound of your arrival startled Tamaki, and his face reddened yet again, "I-I... uh.."
"It's ok Tami," you purred, edging closer to the bed. "Do you want me to... touch you?"
Tamaki could only nod, shock still in his eyes. He gulped as you crawled towards him on the bed, taking off your shirt and reaching out your hand to his cock. His head threw back once you teased a finger along his length, fisting the bedsheets under him, "I-I'm close."
You didn't tease Tamaki, instead you encouraged him, "c'mon, Butterfly. Come for me."
You gripped him loosely, using your other hand to gently rake your nails up and down his chest. His breath quickened, and his eyes hid behind his hair, trying to conceal his desperate state. You flicked your wrist in the way you knew he liked, and he came with a long groan. You licked his cum off your hand and his chest, not breaking eye contact with his awed expression.
"I'm sorry!" Tamaki squeaked, sitting up and pressing his knees to his chest. "I didn't— I just— I c-came super fast, a-and that was r-really weird and e-embarrassing-."
"Tama, baby, it's alright," you comforted, scooting closer to rest a hand on his exposed knee. "I'm always honoured whenever I make you cum. Doesn't matter how quick."
Tamaki peeked up at you through his hair, and gave you a shaky smile, face heating up considerably. You saw his eyes widen, and you knew immediately that he was getting hard again. Tamaki squeezed his legs closer together, attempting to hide his growing erection.
You leaned down to whisper in his ear, "let me finish making dinner, and after we eat I'm all yours for the night."
Tamaki's breath hitched softly, and he gave you a slight nod, gulping down his nerves. You rubbed his knee before standing up and walking towards the bedroom door. He let out a hefty sigh once you closed the door as you left, relaxing his legs and running his fingers through his hair.
He couldn't help but feel guilty. He was the horniest he'd been since high school, and he didn't know how to cope. It was so sudden, and his body was so overwhelmed with feeling. He tried to relax and close his eyes, waiting for you to be done with dinner.
Tamaki padded down the short hallway, now clothed with sweatpants and a T-shirt, to eat with you. He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes, the short nap he had taken made him feel a tad bit better.
"Hey, Butterfly!" You cheered from the sink, a dishcloth on your shoulder, "dinner is just on the table. I'll be there in a sec."
"Thank you, Bunny," Tamaki blushed, pulling out a chair to sit in. "I-It smells really good."
You hung up your cloth and smiled at him brightly, "of course, Tama-chan!"
You steered over to the table, (hair askew, and) some flour on your cheek. Tamaki couldn't help but admire your slightly disheveled appearance; he felt wrong to think of such lewd things at your flushed face. He felt his own cheeks heat up again, and bowed his head down to his meal.
Tamaki listened to you ramble about your day, a small smile adorning his face at your enthusiasm. He couldn't finish his food, too flustered about what was to come later. "let me finish making dinner, and after we eat I'm all yours for the night." He shuttered at your words, sort of restless and impatient.
You giggled at your spot by the sink, watching Tamaki drown in his thoughts as you slowly started to undress. He hadn't even realized that you took his plate from him, chopsticks still in his hand. Once you were completely naked, you tied the apron back on and continued cleaning the dishes.
A clatter from Tamaki's chopsticks sounded a few minutes later, and you assumed that he had finally come back to his senses, "can you pass me your cup and chopsticks please, Tami?"
You could practically feel the heat radiating off of Tamaki from behind you, his utensils being placed beside you on the counter. You took a few more minutes to clean up, enjoying the tension in the air. When you finally turned around to face Tamaki, it was like he'd hardly moved. He was leaning against the table, cheeks completely red, head bowed to the floor, and a raging hard-on in his pants.
"Don't you have room for a little dessert, Tama?" You teased, leaning your forearms behind you on the countertop.
You saw him visibly gulp, and nervously look up to you. His knuckles were white, still gripping the edge of the table. Usually he wouldn't be too scared to step closer and engage in a kiss, but tonight was different. You had to initiate. You slowly walked towards him, reaching out a hand to lay on his shoulder. He was tense under your gaze, and looked to the floor again.
"B-bunny, I-I-," Tamaki shook. "I'm s-so overwhelmed. I'm so- t-turned.. on. I can barely function."
"Just try and relax, Butterfly," you cooed, stroking his cheek. "How about we start off here, by the table, hmm?"
Tamaki's eyes met yours, wide and dilated. He gave a stout nod, and swallowed harshly. You guided your hands to his hips, signalling him to sit on the table. He did as he was told, now around the same hight as you. You grasped his shirt with one hand and leaned in to kiss him, causing Tamaki to let out a muffled sob. A little bit of sanity came back to him and he wrapped his arms around you, eagerly deepening the kiss.
Your hand inched lower, hovering over his sweatpants' strings. Tamaki chirped when you grazed over his cock, bucking his hips up in an attempt to get more friction. You could feel him begin to pull away, prepared to apologize, but your other hand came up and fisted the back of his head, forcing him to stay put. Tamaki whined loudly, his crotch bucking up continuously to make contact with your hand. With another rut of his hips he let out a glut of groans and whimpers, desperately clinging to your figure.
You pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath, and you peered down to examine Tamaki's stained pants.
"Oh Bu-Bunny~" Tamaki said in a daze, head lolling to the side.
"Second time today, huh?" You ribbed, patting the wet spot with the pad of your finger.
"N-no," Tamaki shook his head. "Third time. I-I had a wet dream after you left and I took a n-nap."
You grinned at him, marvelling at the afterglow on his flushed face, "hm, maybe we won't even need to continue~."
"W-wait," Tamaki's eyes widened desperately, "I- I can go a few m-more rounds. Please."
You bit your lip at his puppy-dog eyes, pretending to think about his plea, "well, I don't see why not. You do have tomorrow off..."
"Thank y-you, Bunny," Tamaki cracked a wobbly smile, "I love you..."
"I love you too, my little Butterfly~," you kissed the tip of his nose, "y'think you can come to the bedroom with me?"
Tamaki nodded, hungrily licking his lips. You guided him to your room, hand interlocked with his, and lay him down on the bed. He was already semi-hard again, grasping the sheets beside him. He looked at you longingly as you slowly unraveled your apron, taking care to fold it neatly and setting it on your dresser.
Even though you stood butt naked in front of him, you still felt powerful from his zealous gaze. You took a slow turn, walking towards the dresser and pulling out a tube of lube. You placed it on the bedside table and went back to Tamaki. His chest rose and fell unevenly, elated from his past orgasms. His wide eyes watched as you slowly dragged down his soiled sweatpants, stuttering nonsense when you saw that he wasn't wearing any underwear.
"I-it was just, um. I, uh— well, y'see.." Tamaki rambled.
"S' ok, Butterfly," you soothed, throwing his pants in the laundry basket. "I was wondering why you looked so much more delicious this evening."
Tamaki whined when you gripped his tumescent cock, gleaming with leftover cum, "I-I'm so sensitive. It almost hurts, b-but I want more. So, so b-bad, bunny."
"Hm, how about I fuck you real good? How's that sound?" You asked, picking up the pace of your pumps.
Tamaki nodded eagerly, "yesyesyesyesyess pl-please."
You sat up and positioned yourself above his twitching cock, eager for his gorgeous moans and whines. You slowly dropped your hips, quickly adjusting to his size, and bottomed out.
"F-fuck, bunny," Tamaki cried, throwing his head back against his pillow. "You feel so-ho good!"
Tamaki's indigo halo of hair was spread out; sheening with his sweat. He looked dazed, his body sprawled out on the bed, and his thighs slightly sticky with cum. He sobbed in pleasure as he watched you bounce on his cock, his hands were too weak to even grip the sheets underneath him. He rubbed his hands along your thighs and waist, squeaking out moans and jumbled sentences.
"You look so pretty like this, Butterfly," you lulled, swaying your hips in teasing motions, "you're doing so well, baby. I love you."
"Iloveyoutoo~!" Tamaki griped in reply, hardly able to decipher your words. He felt like he was wrapped in a cocoon of clouds and pleasure. Is that what they mean by 'cloud 9'? He didn't have enough brainpower to think about that; or much of anything, really.
You reached over and grabbed your vibrator, having a feeling that you wouldn't be able to come from the slow pace you were set at for Tamaki. Soft buzzing filled the room as you pressed the button a few times, and you pressed it to your clit.
"Feels so good, Tama," you moaned deeply, trying to egg him on.
He seemed to stir, eyebrows scrunching up, and letting out a small whimper. Tamaki honestly felt like he was dreaming, or maybe even in Heaven. He squinted his eyes open, gazing at your blurry figure riding him. He weakly bucked his hips up, wanting you to bounce harder.
"Please," he whispered, "h-hard— harder."
You did as he wished, laying the vibrator on his stomach so you could get more leverage. Your pussy clenched deliciously around Tamaki's cock whenever your clit made contact with the vibrator, practically forcing groans and whimpers out of Tamaki.
He felt his abs clench once again, alerting him that he was close. Again. His abs were sore as hell, but he still wanted more. He wanted you to absolutely ruin him, ride him into oblivion, and milk him completely dry of his cum. Your pussy felt so good, and he thought he could feel his tongue lull out of his mouth. So... good...
A long keen left your lips as you watched Tamaki's face contort in pleasure. He was so fucked out, babbling pleads and whines. You scrambled for your phone, still riding him, and snapped a few pictures. Your little Butterfly was so hot.
You gripped the vibrator again, pressing it against your delicate clit, desperately chasing the upcoming high. "You're being so good for me, Tama. Come again with me. You can do it."
Even though your voice was muffled, your words urged him on. Tamaki nodded helplessly, not sure whether he was sobbing or moaning, (probably both).
"Please, Bunny," he tried to call. "Cum. Want you to cum on m-my cock."
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, rocking your hips faster. "Oh fuck, Tamaki. So good, so good~"
Tamaki couldn't tell if he was coming once again, or if he was just feeling really good. He heaved out a sharp whine, squirming and bucking up from under you. Yeah, he was coming again.
"Yes!" You hollered, eyes rolling back and legs uncontrollably shaking. "Yesyesyesyesssss~ Ta-ma-kiiiiii."
"Thank you thank you thank you," he pleaded, vision turning white and fuzzy. "I- cum- I came so h-ard."
You switched off the vibrator, and tossed it on the bed. You weakly lifted yourself off of Tamaki's now soft dick, a few glops of cum falling onto his stomach. Tamaki was a trembling mess, whimpering 'thank you''s, and 'let me come one more time'. You sneakily snapped a picture before rushing off to grab a warm soapy cloth.
"How are you feeling, Butterfly?" You soothed the cloth carefully around his pelvic area, cleaning up dried cum and sweat.
"A-again?" He mumbled weakly. "Please?"
"No, not until you rest up. You're over your limit and you're way too out of it to be thinking clearly," you explained, wiping his face clean of drool and sweat, "I'll get you some water and then we can cuddle."
He nodded weakly as you left for the kitchen, and you made a mental note to phone the doctor that you were pretty sure this wasn't any normal mood quirk Tamaki was hit with.
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mxpseudonym · 4 years ago
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Pairing: John Shelby x Fem!Reader
Summary: John takes you being hired to audit his work as an insult. Not to mention, you’re too smug about catching his mistakes. John needs to teach you a lesson. John Shelby mocks you for being fucked stupid for 1500 words straight.  
Length: 1585 words (allegedly)
Warnings: Dangerous for work, dirty talk, belittling 
A/N: Super tempted to call this “head empty.” This is the first time I’ve ever had any motive to write John and I think it’s pretty damn good. Also, gets a bit sweet at the end.  
The pads of John's fingers dipped into the soft crevices of your skin, pulling your hips higher and sliding your dress and slip further up your waist. He marveled at the way he was already shining with your wetness as he slowly moved out of you and the way you seemed to suck him back in. You whimpered, feeling every slight movement as he moved. 
"Heaven and hell, love. You're that far gone already?" John groaned out, still watching the view he could only have with you bent over his desk, chest pressed to the surface. You wanted to bite back at his teasing remark, but it was unfortunately correct.
Tommy Shelby hired you to do a twice-weekly audit of John's books at the betting shop. Your boss swore it was because the derby was coming up, and there needed to be a better system as the business grew. However, John took it as a message: some woman could do his job better than he could. You endured the glares and scoffs from the handsome young Shelby for weeks and gave as good as you got. It just so happened that one night you both stayed late to finish the bookkeeping, and John brought out a bottle of whiskey. 
"We don't need you, you know? Just nice to look at," he slurred while pointing at you. You leaned forward with an arched eyebrow. 
"I catch your mistakes every week, John-boy. But I do agree. I am nice to look at." 
Arrogance met cockiness, and it didn't take long before you were pressed against the wall, paying the price of your smugness. As an unlikely pair, it was surprisingly easy to keep anything between you two a secret. The only problem was, as efficient as call and response, whenever John gave you that look and sent irritated jabs your way, your body reacted with anticipation for what was to come after hours. Today you received "you think you're smarter than me, love" after changing his sums on the chalkboard. 
In conclusion: of course you were already far gone. 
"Oi!" John's hand landed hard against your backside as he picked up the pace. "Where's your head, y/n? Too distracted to use your voice today? Or is that head empty after all?" You looked over your shoulder at him with fierceness. 
"Just thinking about how good this feels after a long day cleaning up after you." 
The words were said with whatever remaining bravery you had lying around and with good reason. John paused mid-stroke, and for a moment, you feared you'd gone too far. No matter the outcome, that sentiment was probably correct. John lifted your leg onto the desk in a quick movement, giving himself more room before leaning over you. 
"If there's one thing I like about you, y/n," John breathed in your ear. "You challenge me. Right now, you've helped me realize that, if that pretty mouth of yours can still speak and that pretty head of yours can still think, I'm probably not doing a good enough job." 
His hips snapped forward, slamming into you with one smooth movement that made you cry out. John was only consistent in that he was entirely inconsistent. His strokes were long and hard or shallow and fast, or some mix of both. No matter the pace, they remained intense enough to send you over the edge quickly when paired with John's fingers abusing your clit.
"John, please, slow," 
"Huh? What was that?" He stopped you between his own pants. John blessed his stamina. Without it, he'd have been finished long ago. Hell, you'd look particularly pretty that day anyway, and it had worked him up, so lasting this long was a miracle in itself. Your snarky little comments just happened to conjure up enough motivation for him to outlast you several times over.  
"John, John," you whimpered with your forehead pressed against the desk. You knew what you meant. You wanted to say that he was going to leave you used for all you were worth if he kept hitting that spot deep in you, but damn if you could even think straight. 
"What the fuck are you even trying to say right now, y/n? You sound, what did you call it? Belligerent?" 
He was only spurred on by those noises you were making. Fuck, you sounded better every time you came. He gripped your arm and pulled you back against his chest.
"Mm, I, ah!" Your eyes snapped closed, and another release came over you. Though not as powerful as your first two, it still made you lean your weight on John. He took your earlobe between his teeth and groped your breasts that he'd been quick to expose after your catalyst of a remark.
"If Tommy heard you right now, he'd wonder why he even hired you. Can't even say a full sentence after a bit of dick, huh?" 
He spat the words like he was disgusted, and the sentiment went straight to your lower belly. Why did you like this? You didn't have an answer. You didn't have anything beyond acceptance of how good you were feeling. You turned your head to look back at the man responsible for this. 
In the dim light of the office, John could still clearly make out a face he'd never forget. Slack-jawed and only able to pant and whine, you looked at John with glossy, pleading, heavily hooded eyes. 
"Fuck," he swore as his cock twitched inside of you. "Poor baby, should I give you more?" The sound you made in response could have meant anything, but John laughed and took it as approval. "Fuckin' hell, you're a mess." 
"Please, please," you pleaded softly, making John smirk. 
"That's right, do what you do best. Beg for this cock, y/n." 
He'd lost track of how long you were at it, and even he was reaching his limit. Still, when he pulled out of you, he sat in his office chair and reached for you again. It was almost too much, sinking onto him yet a new position, but you couldn't help but accept how overtaken by desire you were. 
John paused for a moment and took you in. You bit your lip as he stroked your cheek for a moment. His thumb pulled your bottom lip free before he leaned in and kissed you. 
"I've got a task for you, y/n. Don't worry, I'll make it, so you don't need to know anything." John chuckled when a slight pout came to your face. He gripped your hips and began rocking them, making your eyes roll back. "All you need to do is ride me just like this so I can empty my balls, yeah? Even you can do that." 
"Oh god," you moaned. 
You'd meant to say that you'd make John pay for this later, or even a simple "fuck you." Instead, you fell forward and completed your assignment with John's belittling praise in your ear. John's breathing got more erratic, and he started thrusting into you with no rhyme or reason, just release on the brain. 
"Let me see you," he ordered you. 
You leaned back and looked at him with those eyes again, and you were still making those noises despite yourself. How should he finish? In this state, he could push you on your knees and make you swallow him if he wanted. But something stopped him, maybe that he did intend to walk you home later and he didn't want to humiliate you too much. Not yet, anyway. 
He quickly lifted you off of him, making you sit back on his thighs as he gripped himself. He was too focused on the fast-approaching release that he didn't see you move until your hands were taking over for him, stroking with a firm grip. You'd never handled him that way before, and that surprise, coupled with the warmth of your palms, had him spilling over your fingers with bucking hips and a loud groan. 
John stole a cloth from the kitchen after you caught your breath and helped you clean up enough that you didn't ruin your slip on the walk home. You imagined it was probably a side effect of fatherhood, but John was surprisingly doting. 
"I'm walking you in, no buts about it," John told you as he walked into your flat and began helping you with your coat. 
"You don't have to-" 
"Did you eat?" He stopped you. Now that he mentioned it, you hadn't had anything since noon. 
"I didn't yet." Your voice was already sleepy. 
"Alright, I'll run a bath and then make some tea and something quick. I know about three meals that won't burn the bloody building down," John chuckled. His flushed face was turning slightly bashful. 
"Thank you." 
"Can't have you going weak, can I?" He scratched the back of his head. Despite your insistence, John rolled up his sleeves and helped you into the bath. Before he could leave you to begin searching your cabinets, he paused at the door, turning to you. "I keep telling Katie how smart you are and how she can be like that, too, so don't go taking any of that stuff to heart." 
You blinked after him, then smiled softly to yourself, sliding further into the bath. John Shelby was a dangerous man in more ways than one. 
Bonus script: 
"Can you check this?"
"I thought all I could do was beg?"
"Good grief, don't hold it over my head!" 
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years ago
Casual Intimacy (Mark Lee x you)
a/n : it’s my soft hours I guess? I made this sweet Mark Lee imagine (well for me this is sweet. I want a boy like this... if you’re that kind of man dm me 😜)
fluff, no warning, no suggestive content but kisses, and just Mark being a wonderful man for you. 
Happy Imagining Mark Lee as your s/o! 
People often ask you how you can hold on to your “plain” relationship with your current boyfriend. You seriously do not like them bothering you about your relationship life, but you need to deal with it considering the fact that the man you are dating is the famous Mark Lee of NCT.
He is dorky in camera, and in real life too. You pray day and night to the angels to make sure Mark is not tripping on some random stone or bump a pole. Guess your prayer works, when you see Mark always smiling in front of the camera coping up and working so hard with his endless job.
You yourself work in a famous two Michelin restaurant in Seoul. You’re not going to lie, you met Mark lee on your duty. NCT was holding their debut birthday and you were appointed as the chef to cook for their meal that night. Apparently, Mark Lee was super fascinated by your dish and he requested you to come greet the team when your job in the kitchen is done. Your head cook lets you leave your station once desert is prepared and the plates coming into the washing room is clean.
That was five years ago, Mark Lee got love struck by your simple but attractive persona. His eyes couldn’t leave you as you answer their questions on the dishes and you congratulating them. They’re glad when they learn that you listened to their songs and followed their schedules, just that you don’t have much time to be like the other wonderful fans.
Mark Lee looked so intrigued on you and as you bow to them bidding goodbye, he just returned from the restroom. With his long legs trying to catch his other brothers, Mark happened to slip his number on a piece of tissue paper to your pocket and gave you a genuine smile plus a “thank you”.
You earned a good pay that night and even better, Mark Lee’s number.
Well, he isn’t your bias but come on who doesn’t have Mark Lee in their bias list? Want it or not, conscious or not, Mark Lee is always in the list. So, that night when you finish showering and eating a light midnight snack, you gave the number a shot.
You thought your message will never be replied, maybe Mark will have his phone in silent and only opened up messages from his contact list. You’re lucky when your notification bleeped and from that night both of you learn more about each other.
He kept your number under your name, plain business people say, you also thought maybe he wanted to call you for another dinner party. But the chats he had been sending was far from platonic business. It involves jokes, puns, memories of living in Canada (well you graduated from University of Toronto, but cooking is your passion), and even deeper like late night talks.
The relationship got deeper when Mark Lee called you one night, asking if he can meet you in the restaurant. He said he needed a good meal to write a song he was assigned for. You found no correlation between a good meal and writing a song, but believe it or not, Mark Lee came with one  of the hottest selling song that month. Earning him a title of “King of Lyrics”
Since then, he called you again and again when he didn’t have the idea to write. You finally invited him over to your house when you got closer. Mark got to eat in your small dining table with a simple dish that was made with love and care that Mark said tasted better than any other dishes he ever had.
You laughed saying he is exaggerating, but Mark never exaggerates when he is with you.
“Be my girlfriend will you?” he one night asked after you teach him how to cook a proper egg. Despite him succeeding the challenge back in 2020, he still needs practice. He succeeded cooking eggs after knowing you for more than a year.
“Suddenly Mark? After you can make a perfect runny egg?” you giggle but nevertheless nodded your head.
His smile that night was even brighter than when he received any awards and praises. His eyes spark joys and emotions uncaptured by cameras. The world never knows how Mark’s true happy face looks like, but if his world is you, then the world knows!
For the first two year of dating, both of you are keeping it low. Dates happen in your house (your wage is enough to buy you a house). You always cook him foods, tried new dishes to him, earned a lot of complains on how the food is not “suitable for Korean tongue” which you always shrug off because he himself is a mix.
But thanks to his constant brave inputs, your dishes are perfectly blended and well known. News media and TV shows started to cast you in their weekend shows. You were offered a contract of a cooking show in a known broadcasting company.
Mark told you to go for it. He knew how happy you are about cooking, and his faith told him “if that is what was given for you, go for it.”
He was right. The internet loves you, they love your simple but tasty dishes. Your show was ranked the hottest that month, famous for helping college student eat a more delicious food.
NCT even did a special relay cam for it, each group were doing a challenge on following your recipes.
Mark was caught off guard on that live shooting day. His team consisted of him, Ten and Johnny.
And you may guess, things went wrong but in a chaotic fun way. When the three of them are together, they just speak in English and forgot all of the filters they should have.
Mark spilled his relationship when he accidentally said out loud “Of course I know how to do that, my girl has been teaching me that.” Mark boasted when Ten asked if Mark could make the egg benedict for their dish.
Johnny and Ten froze on screen, well the NCT members knew your relationship with Mark but they kept quiet. Mark realized what he has said was recorded and forever lives in the web. The comment section went wild and the fans are thrilled about the “mysterious girlfriend Mark has”.
He eventually spilled the truth on a press conference. You were there beside him when he faced the board director and when he sit in front of different mics and cameras flashes. No one knows but throughout the time, when your heart is beating faster than when you took your SAT and final tests, Mark Lee held on to your hand whenever you are answering a question directed to you.
The magazines are taking the favor of the rising topic, inviting you and Mark to take a photoshoot. When you were insecure about taking a picture with him (who has did countless shoots), he squeezed your arm when walking past you and gave a small proud smile as he went to change clothes while you start your personal shoot. No one saw that, but his quick reassuring squeeze boosted your confidence that day and the couple shoot was very nice! You could print that as your wedding pictures!
When the internet goes wild when they connect the theories and Instagram posts Mark and you both made (fans are the best in deciphering codes!), you now walk through the streets crowded by fans. All asking how is it like to date Mark, but not few also told you to screw off. One day when you both are going back to Canada for a winter break, the fans are crowding the way. You gulped when you have to walk pass them, but Mark looked so used to it. He just chuckled and landed a small hand on the back of your waist. With the manager hyung and bodyguard pushing to make way, you made it through the crowd with confident steps.
On the Christmas dinner, Mark was invited to your family dinner and vice versa. You had to attend their family lunch and to say you were nervous was an understatement.
“Mark, what if they don’t like me?” you asked on your bus ride to his house from the airport.
Mark laughed, he always laughed as his first respond, “Baby, it’s going to be okay. Trust me.”
You snorted, “You calling me baby is already suspicious, for three years we dated you “dude” me 70% of the time, “baby” was only like 10%”
He did the math, “Then what’s the remaining 20?%”
“You just call me “Bro” for the res of them.” You squeezed his cheek and planted a kiss there.
“I like it though, not too cheesy.”
He grew red. “Gosh I am having the Jaehyun syndrome. Why are my ears burning?!”
He was not 100% wrong, his parents were nice they grew fond of you especially when you helped his mother prepared lunch. Well you both arrived earlier and you decided to give a hand for the busy mom.
Mark sat next to you on dinner and when you were diving into a yummy Christmas pudding, his parents began asking you the “platonic questions asked to your partner”.
You almost chocked on your pudding when they asked “Are you seeing a future with Mark? Can you make our son happy and us too?”
You were not ready, you expected questions like where you work or where you live. They said “We can find all that answers in the internet, but not the answer to our question.”
Mark’s gentle kick from under the table by your side made you looked at him and he gave you that sincere smile only you have the privilege to see. He nodded slightly and shot his eyebrow to his parents side “Answer them… I am also curious of the answer.”
You grew red, it wasn’t the drink or anything, but his parent’s happy and relieved face when you nod your head and said “I am seeing a future with him, if I get both of your blessing.”
They love you and Mark was right. That night, you invited his family to join your dinner instead. The same question was asked from your parents to Mark and Mark was more than ready to marry you.
But your wedding bells did not chime that fast. He has his career and so do you, both of you just keep the stable relationship going on. Together facing the problems and obstacles in your relationship. Fights occur, bickering occur, threads of breaking up also happened once or twice… but both of you used that to build a stronger bond.
You always melt when Mark came home from a long day. After he showered and savored his dinner, he always ended up leaning on your shoulder in the big snuggle sofa both of you never regret buying. His head on your shoulder, his hand scribbling words to a paper and you whispering ideas to him which brought a big smile to his face.
Writing lyrics has been even easier for Mark, he blended your frustration with his, splattered some love words, and voila a masterpiece! People said his lyrics were relatable and both of you always keep it to yourself that “those happened in our life, no wonder it looked real.”
He always kissed you gently on your lips, tasting the faint cherry flavour of your lip balm. Mark’s lips tasted of medical lip balm, but you love it nonetheless.
You blinked and realized the flashing cameras in front of you. Oh right, someone from the hot magazine company is asking you a question.
‘Can you please repeat your question?” you asked politely to the lady holding out a mic.
She quickly nodded, “A lot of fans are wondering If you are still in a relationship with Mark. Mark was busy for the last months with projects and comebacks. And the interaction update from both of you are little to none. Fans suspected you were over with him, considering that Mark looked like he is the “plain” type in a relationship.”
You pressed a smile, hiding your urge to laugh out loud. Weren’t the fans always picturing Mark as their dream boyfriend? Why did they judge him as the plain boring type then?
You clear your throat and while looking through the crowds, you spot Mark Lee seated in the crowd with a mask and a hat, giving you a nod, and you turned your mic on.
“We’re still going strong; well I think love is not the type of grand gestures or explosive displays.” You started off and caught everyone’s attention.
“It’s made up of little things,” you felt your heart clench upon remembering all the small affections Mark always did to you. “It’s the little things Mark Lee did that say he is here, and he cared for me and that my life has intertwined so deeply into his that there was no need to think.” You take a pause to look at the audience.
Everyone looked impressed, but amongst them you catch one pair of gleaming proud eyes, the pair of eyes you’ve been waking up to for the last years, and the one you want to wake up to in the future years.
“It’s Mark’s casual intimacy that made us both stay strong and stronger.”
Applaud was heard through the room, you were holding your press conference because you were retreating from all the cooking shows and rumor has it you are going to marry Mark.
“Please pray for both of us, as we will be tying our bonds soon.” You leave the room after a bow and the man with mask and hat is already waiting for you outside the big crowded function hall.
His hand naturally makes its way to your waist and you never felt more sure to step into life with this man you love, Mark Lee.
“That was wonderful (y/n)~”
You smile, he did not dude you nor bro you nor baby you. “I love you Mark Lee,”
He leaned in for a peck behind the tinted black van window, “I love you most (y/n) Lee,” he winked and you rubbed your cheeks “Guess I have the Jaehyun syndrome now! Also I like it when you call me with that name.”
He quirked his eyebrow and smirked, “Don’t worry, you’ll be hearing that soon for the rest of your life.” He reached for your hand and kissed the knuckles.
“I met you thanks to your amazing handy work in cooking unforgettable dish.”
You rolled your eyes, “You were so amazed on my egg benedict Mark! How is that an unforgettable dish?”
He shrugged his shoulder, “I don’t know, something about you, cooking, and love made me this love struck and awfully amazed by simple things you did.”
the end
thanks for reading, put in comments for I’d love to interact with you on the story plot .. rant to me what you hate or like idc :D i want to talk with my readers! to thank you all for reading and spending some time here
omg i didn’t know if I made the right choice of making Mark Lee as this character, but I want it to be him.. I’ve been writing a lot of Jaehyun and Yuta fic and I guess Mark can be a refresher. Please let me know if someone else suits this better!
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chuckbass-love · 4 years ago
can i request a super smutty one shot of chris evans and hes obsessed with doing anal and it's the filthiest hottest thing ever ??? i love ur work btw :))
Hi lovely anon, thank you so much for the request and i really apologise for the delay. I’ve been working on a couple other things and obviously Christmas time has been hectic too. However, it’s here now and i hope you love it. Also thank you reading my work, your support means a whole lot and i really appreciate you🥰
A/N: Not written smut in a while so please give feedback as i’m anxious and worried that this is shit. Also, part 5 for Only Love Can Hurt Like This will be out soon. So strap yourselves in for that. 
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language, FILTH, anal fingering, anal intercourse, oral (f, receiving), vaginal fingering and daddy kink. 18+
Word Count: 3,054
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @myimaginesworld go check them out❤️
New Obsession
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If you were to tell the truth about how you felt a week ago, then it would be that anal made you nervous. Well, not anymore.
You’ve been with Chris for around a year now, which to many wouldn’t seem like a long time but to the two of you, it feels like a lifetime.
He had a way of automatically putting you at ease with everything. Especially in the bedroom or whenever it came to opening up emotionally and even now, that’s still the case.
He treats you like a queen. 
Last week whilst the pair of you were lounging around his Massachusetts home with Dodger nestled in between your legs as you lay in between Chris’s legs. He randomly asked you some rather explicit questions.
Ones mostly about your ass and what you’d let him do to it. It started off with him asking about eating your ass, playing with it and then eventually he asked if you’d ever have anal sex with him,
The mere thought had your puckered hole clenching and your tight cunt slowly starting to drip with your honey like arousal. Yeah sure, you were terrified but you’d always been curious and wanted to explore new territory with him. 
You love him and you trust him with your life so you agreed to try.
And after a nice romantic meal, a lot of wine on your part, beer on his. You ended up kissing on the couch. It started off very slow until he stood up with you in his arms, carrying you to the master bedroom. The journey there was spent with his large hand splaying across your soft globes, squeezing them aggressively like he just couldn’t wait to have his filthy way with you.
That night was certainly crazy to say the least. You were a little sore after which only led to Chris kissing you on your delicate hole a couple times and running you a bubble bath.
He’s the king of after care with you. Always checking in with you before, during and after to see if you enjoyed it. The last thing he’d ever want is for you to be in pain or danger.
Since that night though, you’ve been doing it whenever you can. It’s like an addiction. The feel of his huge cock pushing into your forbidden and tight hole is something you can never even begin to explain. It just feels incredible. Plus your little cunt gets extremely excited at all of the attention. Chris tends to rub at your bundle of nerves or even dip his fingers into your honey pot, 3 at once. He says he never wants your pussy to be left untouched.
But like you’ve said. It’s like an addiction to you both. In fact, he’s crazy for it. 
The grunts that leave his mouth always have you keening for him to go deeper and deeper inside of you. Every inch of him.
Tonight is no exception.
You had a lovely day at his parent’s house. Lisa cooked a gorgeous lunch and all of Chris’ siblings visited with their kids and partners. 
You and Scott spent the entire day laughing and joking about the many times you scared Chris. It’s like a running joke in this family plus Chris hates being scared. He calls himself the master of scaring people so when the tables are turned he gets this huge need to get them back.
Whenever Chris is horny or desperate for you, he has his ways of letting you know without actually saying the words. 
For example.
You were helping Lisa with some of the last minute prep for lunch by taking stuff out of the oven and placing it onto dishes to then put on the table.
Chris was sat at the kitchen island, sipping on a beer. Well, he was practically gulping it down. You were in the kitchen also.
Lisa asked if you could take the quiche out of the oven and leave it on the cooling rack. Chris’s eyes followed your ass as you bent over. Something you had anticipated to happen since he’s an ass man and your ass in particular drives him insane.
You turned around to place it on the cooling rack and that’s when you saw his flushed cheeks. His eyes full of hunger and lust. Animalistic even.
Before you left to go to his parent’s house, he was begging for you to ride him quickly.
“It’ll only be a quick one, just wanna feel that ass around my cock again”
His whining was more than tempting and now, since you rejected his offer, he was so close to taking you upstairs into his old childhood room to ram into you.
But instead. Lunch was served and he didn’t have the time. 
Hours had passed until eventually it was time to go. Lisa gave you some of the leftover quiche since Chris enjoyed it so much and the two of you got into the car with you in the driving seat this time. 
“You’re such a fuckin tease baby” he slurred
“And why’s that?” you asked, feigning innocence as you started driving. With his house not being far from his parent’s house, the journey was only around 10 minutes, not even that.
He never responded to you, just smirked as he sat back in his seat.
The moment you got home however, he was all over you like a rash. You shut the front door and locked it just before he pushed you into it. 
Your cheek squished against the cold door.
“Chris” you squealed, he didn’t respond though.
You felt his body lower until you were pretty sure he was on his knees, lifting your sundress up and hooking his thick digits into your soaked panties. He yanked them down and tapped your legs for you to step out of them. 
“There they are. God i’ve missed this pretty little asshole and oh my, look at this soaked cunt. All for me, huh baby?” you knew that he was well aware of the kind of effect he had on you and your body but he still liked confirmation from your mouth.
“Yes, daddy. It’s all for you. Please” 
Whenever you’re around Chris and about to have sex, you find yourself turning into this pathetic woman who is literally his whore. You crave his touch. You crave the feel of his cock ploughing into you so hard that you forget your own name and he loves how hungry you get.
He stood up then, his eyes dancing over your body, the only thing wrong with the view was that you had clothes on. He soon changed that, stripping you completely before getting back down onto his knees.
Which is how you got here. 
Your one leg is over his shoulder and your fingers are tangled up in his hair that was once styled. 
“Fuck. Daddy. Yes. Just. Like. That” your breathing is heavy and your heart is beating rapidly. His fingers working wonders inside of you whilst his mouth is sucking on your clit.
You’re on the cusp of yet another mind blowing orgasm from just his fingers and mouth alone. He’s already had you messing all over his fingers once but clearly once wasn’t enough if he’s trying to draw another from you.
He’s always been greedy like that.
“Come on baby, i know you got another one in you, give it to me” his fingers start to curl ever so slightly, pressing at that spot inside a couple more times before you’re falling.
Your cum sliding down his digits beautifully. Just the way he likes.
Before you even have the chance to speak, he’s spinning you back around and spreading your ass cheeks to reveal his new obsession.
Seconds later his tongue is pressed against it, circling too. 
You shiver at the sensation, your back arches and your hands rest either side of the door frame. In hopes that it’ll steady you.
“There she is, my little whore”
You bite down on your bottom lip as your eyes roll to the back of your head. There’s no point in trying to hold back the moans anymore and with one final lick to your eager hole you let out a loud pornographic style moan. 
With Chris, it’s always hard to hold back and he knows that. There’s been so many times when he’s tested you, fucking you in public areas. But the worst one was when you were in his L.A home.
Lisa came to visit at the very beginning of your relationship. You went for some nice lunch and then dinner which was courtesy of your excellent cooking. 
Chris put her up for the weekend and boy did he choose that night to initiate some pretty filthy sex. 
You were lying on your stomach and trying to sleep when you felt his hands wondering. Then all of a sudden he’s spitting on his cock for lube, stroking it a couple times before sliding into your pussy with ease. All thanks to your permanent need for him.
The way he fucked you that night was most certainly sinful to say the least. His room being next door to the guest room where his mother was sleeping. You’re surprised she didn’t say something the next day. Chris had to keep pushing your head into the pillow to muffle your pleasure filled screams.
“So eager for my cock i see but not so fast baby. Gotta get you ready first” the raspiness of his voice makes everything ten times hotter and you can quite literally feel him inside of you without it being a reality.
He stands up and his finger starts to circle before he slowly pushes it in, taking his time to prepare you for another one of his thick digits. 
They glide across the walls inside.
One more is added and another until your ass is stretched out nicely.
He continues to work you over, scissoring his fingers too. Despite doing it a lot already, preparation is key with anal.
“Think you’re ready?”
“Please, i need it” you mewl
He lowers his head so that his mouth is just by your ear and his breath fans your skin “yeah, need it huh? Need daddy’s cock deep inside this tight ass of yours?” 
You nod your head aggressively, you couldn’t look more keen if you tried. 
“How bad you need it baby, tell me. Tell daddy like a good girl” he whispers, his cologne filling your nose and intoxicating you more than ever as his hand reaches in front to rub at your sensitive clit. 
“Please, daddy. I need your cock in my ass. I need it so much” 
Before you got with Chris, dirty talk wasn’t necessarily something you even thought about during sex but he introduced you to that world. And what a world it is. It seemed as though, the more you did it, the dirtier you got. 
Nicknames were thrown around, more kinks were even explored and you became the pinnacle of a mans dream. Woman in the streets, freak in the sheets.
Such a princess to the public. But for Chris. You’re a whore. Only for him though.
“Beg for it baby” he insists, his fingers press down harder as he rubbing pace quickens.
You can feel the tip of his huge size poking at your hole. Just a push and it’ll be forcing it’s way inside of you, stretching you out even more than his fingers did and filling you up in the best way.
“Daddy, give it to me. Stuff my ass full of your cock please. I need it”
“Such a good girl, my good girl. S’fucking tight baby” the pair of you hiss as he begins to push into you, tearing that sweet ass open.
He’s always loved how tight your ass is and if he had it his way, his cock would remain seated inside of you all day every day. Where it belongs. With your peachy ass cheeks adding to the incredible view.
Every time he fucks you from behind, he spoils you with spanking after spanking, not letting up until your ass is sore and it stings to touch. Luckily, you love it, always begging for more.
And tonight is no different.
His hands rest on both globes, rubbing and kneading before eventually lifting off and smacking back down, earning a gasp from your mouth.
With every inch, he gets closer and closer to bottoming out until before you know it, he’s seated deep inside of your ass.
His fingers find your pussy immediately, sliding inside with no time to waste and then it starts. His thrusting. Slow at first of course.
Gradually getting faster and faster.
“Feel me deep in that fuckin ass huh? My little cock whore. Love getting fucked in this ass baby?” the pure filth leaving his mouth has your clit throbbing under his thumb.
“Answer daddy when he speaks to you” he mutters, spanking your ass and gripping your face with one hand and forcing you to turn your head a bit more so that you’re looking at him “sorry daddy” you pout, face flushed just like his was earlier at lunch.
“Feels so good with your cock fucking my ass like that, i need it deeper” you cry out, waiting for his pace to change. His hips snap against your skin as he presses you back into the door with his hand tangled in your hair. 
He pulls on it harshly causing you to wince in pain. It all adds to the earth shattering pleasure though, you love when he gets like this. 
Ever since you first tried anal last week, he’s turned into this animal. He wants to fuck your ass mercilessly whenever he can. Whenever it’s possible and it’s times like these when he’s glad his house is away from others. He can fuck you as hard and as rough as he likes and your moans won’t be heard by anyone. Absolute bliss.
“That’s it baby, take daddy’s cock like the whore you are. Take it deep” he draws the last word out, his breathing hitches and so does yours as you choke on a moan.
“Take. It”
One smack to your ass cheeks.
“My filthy anal loving whore”
Two smacks to your ass cheeks.
“I always secretly knew you’d love this and i was right. Such a dirty little girl for her daddy, aren’t you?” His fingering pace picks up, ramming into you with such vigor as his cock slows down into hard and rough thrusts.
“Let me hear those sweet noises baby, don’t hide them from me. Sing it for daddy, let me know how good i make you feel”
Your back arches and your face lifts off of the door, head falling back to rest on his chest “please, i’m gonna cum, don’t stop i need it” your desperate whimpers are enough to have him ploughing into your ass harder and faster, his grunts, growls and cursing lets you know how close he is to his own earth shattering orgasm.
“Is daddy’s little girl gonna cum too, huh? Gonna cum with daddy, all over my fingers baby as i spill my cum into your ass again. Like last time?”
“Yes daddy, please, i need it. Give me your cum” 
“Such a beg, god you feel so fucking good. Can feel that cunt clenching round my fingers. Cumming baby? Huh, gonna cream all over my fingers like the whore you are?”
All you can muster is a pathetic nod and a whine. You’re so close now.
And just like that, with a couple more thrusts in both holes. You clamp down on his cock and fingers, your clit pulsating again as you cum with a shaky sob of his name.
And of course with your pleasure, his is spurred on. You can feel him twitch and spasm inside as he chokes your name out too. Spilling his hot seed into your ass.
“So fucking good” his heart is beating, you feel it as you lay your head on his chest.
“My good girl, taking it like a pro. I’ll never grow tired of that”
He slowly pulls out, making his way to the bathroom and taking your hand so that you can follow him.
Once there, you get this sudden wave of confidence.
“I already miss your cock inside of me” he runs a wash cloth underneath the hot tap for a couple seconds, before using it to clean himself up. He starts running a bath too but you don’t want one.
You want him.
“I guess we’ll just have to do it again after our bath then won’t we?” he wraps his hand around your wrist, tugging you close so that you’re flush against him.
“What if i don’t want a bath?”
He raises his eyebrows at you in question.
“You want me to fuck your ass again?”
Now that he’s saying it out loud, you feel a tinge of embarrassment.
“Come here and sit on this fucking cock then baby, daddy would hate to disappoint you”
So you do exactly that, he doesn’t have to tell you twice.
“You’re only fuelling the flame baby”
“I don’t know what you mean” your innocence shining through as you turn your head to look at him through your batting eyelashes.
“This ass of yours, you know what it does to me, having my cock buried inside of it. It’s my new obsession” he starts, caressing your cheek before gliding his hand across your body “now. Show daddy how you bounce on his cock”
It would be your pleasure.
I hope this was great and that you all love it!!! Honest feedback pls...💜
I’ve not written smut in a hot minute so if it’s shit i understand.
General Tags: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @adriannajackson @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferouss @bradfordmyworld @thereisa8ella @rockyrogers @yassspose @randomsevans 
Just Chris & His Characters tags: @onetwo3000 @persephonequeenofthedead @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @rynabarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 @thejemersoninferno @denisemarieangelina @janeyboo 
LMK if you want to be added to my tag list!
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romioneficfest · 4 years ago
Tutor Girl
Title: Tutor Girl Prompt/Day: Day 10 - Movie/TV/Book Fusion Tumblr name:  Rating: T Brief summary: Inspired by One Tree Hill Season 1 Episode 3 - Are You True? Any possible triggering/warning tags: None
Ignoring the vicious pounding in her head, Hermione tapped her wand against the giant pile of musty books, giving them the command to sort themselves into their rightful place. She massaged her temple as she waited for them to finish. It had been a long day and she was looking forward to the end of her shift at the library when she could curl up next to the fire in the Ravenclaw common room with her book before bed.
With her tidying completed, she returned to Madam Pince’s desk to collect her things. Knowing the librarian hated any sort of noise, Hermione gave her a curt nod to say goodbye then threw her far-too-heavy bag over her shoulder before finally leaving.
Although the corridors were already dark, she didn’t have to worry about being caught out after-hours, thanks to her Prefect badge. If she came across Filch as she made her way to the Ravenclaw tower, Hermione could just say she was on rounds. He wouldn’t know any different anyway.
She lit her wand then turned the corner, making her way towards the great staircase. Distracted by the thought of reaching her destination, Hermione didn’t notice the shadow stepping out from behind the suit of armour until it was standing directly in front of her.
Hermione jumped a mile, placing her hand over her pounding heart as she struggled to maintain her composure. She lifted her wand, ignoring the tremble of the light as she surveyed her assailant; a tall, redheaded Gryffindor.
Growling in frustration, she dropped her wand to her side again and righted her bag before carrying on her way, trying her best to ignore Ron Weasley as he fell into step with her, easily matching her furious pace with his gangly legs.
“Can I help you?” snapped Hermione.
She had no time for the wizard ever since he’d started making her best friend’s life a living hell for wanting to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team this year. Harry had it hard enough as it is, without the added grief from Ron Weasley.
“Well, I hope so. You’re the lucky witch who gets to be my tutor.”
“Yeah, right. I don’t think so, Ron.”
He carried on walking alongside her, frowning at the piece of parchment in his hand. “But you’re Hermione Granger, right?”
She stopped in her tracks, grumbling in frustration as she snatched the paper out of his hands, lifting her wand so that she could read the writing on it better. “I’m sorry. I’m best friends with Harry Potter.”
“Oh, well. My commiserations then,” Ron quipped in return.
Hermione’s eyes rolled so hard, she thought she might have gotten a glimpse of the back of her head. She waved the note at him. “I’ll take this and speak to Professor McGonagall in the morning and see if I can get you assigned to someone else.”
Folding the parchment up neatly, she stowed it in the front pocket of her bag and continued making her way to the staircase, trying to put as much distance in between her and Ron as possible.
“No, no, wait.” He hurried to catch up with her, grabbing her arm to stop her from running away. Goosebumps covered her flesh as his fingers made contact with her skin, although she did her best to ignore the sensation. “There is nobody else. I’d be fine with that if there was—”
“...if there were,” she interjected, unable to stop herself from correcting him. A blush creeped up her neck as soon as she realised what she’d done.
“See, you’re helping me already!” Ron gave her a lop-sided grin. It lit up his ocean blue eyes, even in the darkness of the corridor.
“Look, I can’t help you, and on top of that, I won’t help you. Got it?” Pulling her arm out of his grip, she pushed past him, deliberately hitting him with her shoulder. She bit her lip as pain radiated from the point of contact. Ron was fitter than he looked, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing her aggression hurt her more than it did him.
“Don’t you worry about me, Hermione Granger,” he called after her. “I reckon I’m going to be just terrific. I mean, that’s what getting a T in Potions means, right?”
A rush of guilt washed over her as she hurried away. Although she wasn’t a Hufflepuff, the desire to help was strong, even for an awful wizard like Ron Weasley. But she couldn’t allow herself to get caught up with him, not with everything else going on.
After a restless night, Hermione sat eating her breakfast alone at the Ravenclaw table. Ron’s words bounced around her head every time she closed her eyes. As a member of the tutor group, it was her job to help students who needed it, and she hated letting someone down. Still, someone like Ernie might still be able to do an okay job with the Gryffindor Keeper, as long as they didn’t clash heads.
To add to Hermione’s anguish, Harry had owled and asked to meet her late last night. The Quidditch team had poured water into his kit bag, drowning all his books and his dry clothes and he was finally at his wits end with them. He wanted to quit, and it took a long time for Hermione to talk him off the ledge.
It was so unfair. He’d done nothing wrong, apart from wanting to join the team all of a sudden. They were short of a seeker anyway, and Harry was good. She just wished there was something she could do to help him.
A flurry of activity at the Gryffindor table caught her eye. The Quidditch team sans Harry were saying goodbye to each other, leaving Ron Weasley, their ringleader, alone to finish his breakfast. The idea hit her like a bludger, and she was up on her feet before she even had the chance to say Blibbering Humdinger.
Slamming the piece of parchment from last night down on the table, Hermione slid into the seat opposite Ron. Her sudden appearance caused him to choke on his toast. Although the thought of him passing away in front of her was very appealing, she wasn’t one for murdering her classmates, however annoying they might be.
Lifting her wand with a sigh, she cast the charm to clear his airway. “Anapneo.”
Ron thumped his chest then took a huge swig of pumpkin juice. When he finally recovered, he flashed her that huge lop-sided grin again. “Thanks for that. What are you doing here anyway, Tutor Girl? This isn’t the Ravenclaw table.”
“Look, I know you’re struggling in Potions, and you might end up getting kicked off the team if you can’t get your grades up. Snape is super strict, I get it. And if you’re genuine about wanting to learn, then I can help you.”
His eyes widened in surprise. “That’s great! I—”
“I have two conditions,” she interrupted. “One: Harry does not find out about this, ever. Okay?” She waited for his nod before continuing, “And number two, you leave him alone. No more pranks or hazing. Just let him play on the team.”
Ron’s eyes burned into her with an intensity Hermione had never experienced before. It was like he could see into her soul. She resisted every instinct that told her to run away, and fast. Instead, she slid her hands under her legs, and gripped hold of the wooden bench she was sitting on.
Finally, he spoke again. “I don’t have much of a choice, do I?”
Breathing out a long sigh of relief, Hermione relaxed. “Okay, good. Tomorrow morning, seven on the bench outside greenhouse three.” She pushed herself off the bench and smoothed out the wrinkles in her starched grey skirt.
“Wait, why can’t we go to the library to study? Rumour has it you live there when you’re not in class.”
“Oh ha ha. It’s greenhouse three or nothing. Take it or leave it.”
“Alright then.” Ron shrugged. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Seemingly done with the conversation, he continued with his breakfast.
No longer hungry, Hermione hurried back to the Ravenclaw table before anyone else saw them. She abandoned her half-eaten meal, scooped up her things then made her way out of the Great Hall, giving one final backwards glance at Ron, who was smiling to himself as he ate, looking very pleased with himself.
A flutter of excitement filled her belly as she passed into the antechamber and made her way to her first class of the morning. Maybe taking a chance on Ron Weasley might not be so bad after all.
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