#// eta: besides
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pricegouge · 1 month ago
at some point I need to ramble about price calling his transmasc!partner mama/mommy/etc cuz I’m projecting and my breeding kink is off the charts rn😮‍💨
look as a card carrying nb/borderline trans masc that almost exclusively writes for femme readers and does definitely need that man to call me mama.......
i hear you babe. very valid.
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moved-to-thanatologie · 4 months ago
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crimeronan · 1 year ago
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did i ever post any pics of my sun protection sleeves btw. they are 1) so fucking baller 2) compatible with my hand braces on bad pain days 3) look SO MUCH like the sleeve tattoos i'd get if i was richer and braver....
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chompe-diem · 2 years ago
y’all at this rate i’ll be caught up to main campaign stuff by maybe mid-april??? huge
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protoindoeuropean · 1 month ago
There are two examples (from my field of Indo-European comparative linguistics) that immediately spring to mind when it comes to the reliability of the comparative method and the method of reconstruction, which show that the methods of historical linguistics can successfully predict what will be found, even if predicting history might at first seem like an oxymoron:
In 1878, Ferdinand de Saussure (yes, that guy) proposed – based strictly on structural grounds [which seems fitting for the founding figure of linguistic structuralism] – that the Indo-European proto-language featured sounds that had an effect on the other sounds around them (notably vowels, but also consonants), but which then disappeared and were not visible as such in any of the actually attested Indo-European languages, no matter how ancient. His interpretation of sonant coefficients (coefficients sonantiques) was developed into what is today known as the laryngeal theory, which is sometimes considered the crowning achievement of Indo-European comparative linguistics. And the reason for that is that starting in 1905, excavations at an archaeological site in Turkey revealed thousands of cuneiform clay tablets, written in a language that was in 1917 accepted as belonging to the Indo-European language family – Hittite. Ten years later, one of the de Saussure's proposed sonant coefficients was identified as corresponding to a sound explicitly attested in Hittite: thus, for example, Proto-Slavic *pa̋sti 'to pasture', Latin pāscō 'I pasture', which with their long root vowels indicate a past presence of a laryngeal (what would be previously reconstructed as Proto-Indo-European *pās- and *pāska-, de Saussure would write *pa₁ᴀs- and *pa₁ᴀska₁- and today we would write *peh₂-s- and *peh₂-sk̑e-, the sequence *a₁ᴀ / *eh₂ producing long PSl. *a̋ and Lat. ā) have a cognate in Hitt. paḫšari '(s)he guards': de Saussure's *ᴀ / modern *h₂ = Hitt. ḫ. What de Saussure only hypothesized was identified in reality – 49 years later.
The other example is the decipherment of Linear B and with it Mycenaean Greek: this earliest stage of Greek displays certain characteristics that the other, younger Greek dialects do not. For example, at the time of its decipherment it had long been recognized that the Indo-European proto-language included labiovelars (*kʷ, *gʷ, *gʷʰ), which however do not appear as such in the attested Greek dialects and furthermore have divergent reflexes (e.g. PIE *kʷetu̯ores > Boeotian Gk. πέτταρες, Attic Gk. τέτταρες, with p- vs. t-, cf. Lat. quattuor 'four'). It was thus suggested that the intermediate stage, Proto-Greek, should still have the (mostly) unmodified labiovelars. And lo and behold, the stage of Greek closest to Proto-Greek still has the labiovelars: the quintessentially Greek βασιλεύς 'king' appears in Mycenaean as qa-si-re-u 'official' (< PGk. *gʷasileus). What was previously only assumed for an earlier stage of Greek was thus then also confirmed.
on reconstruction and historical linguistics
to follow up on today's reblog, i want to comment briefly on the apparent misapprehension that linguistic reconstruction is just guesswork with a fancy name, because that's not accurate!
reconstruction is based on specific, well-attested constraints of linguistic development. we know from centuries of investigation that languages tend to change in predictable ways. we also have a decent understanding of the complexities introduced by phenomena like language contact, which can result in borrowing on multiple structural levels. our methods are well established and borne out by evidence.
comparative reconstruction involves applying these known constraints ("rules") in reverse on a collected body of words in related descendant languages. when possible, we also incorporate historical written evidence, which often provides midpoint references for changes in progress. it is always recognized by historical linguists that reconstruction can be imperfect; we cannot know what information has been lost.
the results of reconstruction can be mixed, but i'll let campbell (2013:144) explain:
How Realistic are Reconstructed Proto-languages? The success of any given reconstruction depends on the material at hand to work with and the ability of the comparative linguist to figure out what happened in the history of the languages being compared. In cases where the daughter languages preserve clear evidence of what the parent language had, a reconstruction can be very successful, matching closely the actual spoken ancestral language from which the compared daughters descend. However, there are many cases in which all the daughters lose or merge formerly contrasting sounds or eliminate earlier alternations through analogy, or lose morphological categories due to changes of various sorts. We cannot recover things about the proto-language via the comparative method if the daughters simply do not preserve evidence of them. In cases where the evidence is severely limited or unclear, we often make mistakes. We make the best inferences we can based on the evidence available and on everything we know about the nature of human languages and linguistic change. We do the best we can with what we have to work with. Often the results are very good; sometimes they are less complete. In general, the longer in the past the proto-language split up, the more linguistic changes will have accumulated and the more difficult it becomes to reconstruct with full success. (emphasis mine)
or, to quote labov's (1982:20) pithier if less optimistic approach:
Historical linguistics may be characterized as the art of making the best use of bad data, in the sense that the fragments of the literary record that remain are the results of historical accidents beyond the control of the investigator.
in sum, historical linguists are very realistic about what we can achieve, but the confidence we do have is genuinely well earned, because linguistics is a scientific field and we treat our investigations with rigor.
Campbell, Lyle. 2013. Historical Linguistics: An Introduction. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Labov, William. 1982. "Building on Empirical Foundations." In Perspectives on Historical Linguistics. Winifred P. Lehmann and Yakov Malkiel, eds. Pp. 17-92. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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luludeluluramblings · 3 months ago
Poor reader though.
She's just waiting for Alfred to pick her up and take her to the hospital when she sees the batfamily in the van.
Reader: .....
Batfamily: :)
Reader: *just starts walking to the hospital*
Alfred the stressful butler: young miss please wait!!!!
Link to the first part...
Bat Family somehow forcing Pregnant!Reader into the minivan
Bruce panik: Who’s the father? Why didn’t you tell me us? How did this happen?
Pregnant!Reader in pain: Do you really want to know the how, jackass?
Bruce: … ETA on the hospital.
Jason in the driver’s seat running red lights and stop signs also panik: 3 minutes.
Pregnant!Reader: Oh shit… Contraction, contraction!
Tim: Now remember to breathe.
Pregnant!Reader: Tim, if you tell me to breath one more goddamn time I’m gonna chop off just the tip of your dick and ship the bits to Ra’s al Ghul for him to keep beside YOUR FUCKING SPLEEN JAR!
Bat Family: …
Barbara: Contractions are at least a minute apart now.
Stephanie: Has your water broken yet?
Pregnant!Reader: Well, either that last contraction did it, or I just pissed myself.
Duke: Oh my god, how do you tell the difference?
Pregnant!Reader: I don’t know, google it!
Dick: Do you want to hold my hand?
Pregnant!Reader: I’d rather punch you in the face… Fuck, here comes another one….
*Bat Family, screaming and panik*
*Minus Alfred, Stephanie, and Cassandra kalm*
A/N: All crack, but I now realize I'm gonna have to plan on writing a delivery scene in the main and in the AU. Back to brainstorming!
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 months ago
Beloved Mine
Fandom: Marvel (Mob Boss AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky x F!Reader
Summary: Sam sends out an SOS that Bucky isn't in the best mood, so you see him to ease his mind.
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Sammy: SOS. he's in a bad mood!
You read over Sam's text and snort. You quickly type out a reply and start to change from your pjs to some appropriate clothing.
On your way to Bucky's, you stopped by his favorite bakery, grabbing his favorite baked goods as well as a wide variety for his people. You also grabbed him a coffee and a drink for you as well.
Sammy: He almost shot the new guy in the foot. Please tell me you're on your way.
You: ETA 10 minutes.
You giggle and continue to drive to Bucky's family mansion. At the gate, the security guard takes one look at you and immediately lets you in. You give him a pastry in gratitude before driving up the long gravel driveway.
You park beside Sam's car and hop out. The man at the door nods at you, opening the door wide for you to step in. You also hand him a pastry with a smile.
You head towards the back of the house where you hear a familiar, loud distant voice.
The closer you get, the louder the voice. You push through some of the men spilling out of the room until you're inside.
All eyes land to you. You give a sheepish wave, "Hi, sorry, is this a bad time?" You know it is but you feign ignorance.
Bucky sighs, running his hand through his brunette locks, "Just finishing up a meeting."
"Oh, I can wait-"
"No, no. It's fine. Think they all had enough of my shouting," he waves his hand, "Leave, you fuckers!" most of the people scurry out in an instant, not wanting to wait and see if Bucky changes his mind. A small group stay behind, Bucky's closest friends and confidants: Sam, Joaquin, Yelena, and Nat.
You approach them, setting yours and Bucky's drinks in front of him. You open the pastry box in your hands and hold it out to the four, "Take your pick!"
"You're Heaven sent!" Sam exclaims as he grabs a donut and shoots you a wink. You give him a smirk and a nod.
Joaquin grabs a danish, practically stuffing the entire thing in his mouth.
"Did you eat today, Joaquin?"
He shakes his head as he continues to chew the danish. You lift the box higher, "Take as much as you want."
He gives you a grin as he grabs two more pastries and follows Sam out the door.
"I'm good," Nat says with a shake of her head in decline.
"Hell yeah, donuts!" Yelena exclaims as she grabs the glazed twists. She hums in delight as she takes a bite, "Thanks, Y/N!"
You chuckle, "You're welcome, Lena."
The two women look to Bucky to see if he needed anything else. Bucky sips his coffee and waves them off and the two file out the door, closing it behind them.
You turn back to Bucky, "Yours are at the bottom," you place the pastry box in front of him.
Bucky's eyes narrow at you, a hint of a smirk on his lips, "Who called you?"
"No one called me."
"So if I check your phone-"
"Technically, Sam texted me. He didn't call me."
Bucky scoffs and shakes his head, "Of course he did."
You walk over to the other side of his desk. He leans back in his chair and you sit on his arm rest, "Bad day?" You begin to run your fingers through his hair and he leans into your touch with a sigh, "Another shipment got intercepted. We lost some guys."
"'M sorry, baby."
"I'm getting real fucking tired of Hydra. And none of my people can find shit out! Anytime they snag one of their guys, they kill themselves before we get any answers. Fucking cowards."
You wrap your arms around Bucky's bulking frame, "You'll figure it out. You always do. Besides, I'm sure Lena and Nat have something cooking, right?"
"Supposedly, but they won't tell me what yet. They're trying to iron out the details."
"Just let them handle it in the meantime. Now, how about a treat?" you grab one of the pastries that you know he loves and he takes a bite. He moans at the taste and his shoulders drop in relief.
He washes it down with his coffee and he looks at you with shining blue eyes, "You really know how to make a guy feel loved, honey."
You giggle, and wipe some crumbs off his chubby cheeks, "Well, duh, I do love you," you peck his lips, "Ease up on everyone, will ya? I know things are tense, but they're all doing the best they can. You can't afford to lose more people."
He slowly nods, "You're right. Fuck, you know, maybe you should step down and take over, hm?"
You throw your head back and laugh, "Oh, please, I'd run your family into the ground! No one would listen to me-"
"Baby, a majority of my people listen to you already."
"...I don't know how to lead people or how the inner workings of all this," you gesture around you, "goes."
Bucky shrugs, "I can teach you. Besides," he takes your left hand, thumb grazing over the diamond ring on your finger, "you should start learning some things anyway."
"Let me just live in ignorant bliss until after the wedding, Barnes," you pat his plump cheeks and he grins at you, eyes soft and full of love.
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marley-manson · 11 months ago
okay well you can but apparently it causes error messages like 75% of the time, at least when i do it
you can evil boop people????
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clazaries · 11 months ago
The Thin Line Between Victory and Survival NSFW!
(Santiago "Pope" Garcia x f!soldier!reader)
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Summary: Having been newly promoted, your first mission with Delta Force goes wrong and you have to deal with the consequences of going against Santiago's orders
w/c: 6.6k
Warnings: NSFW! war environment, slight knife play, masturbation (f!reader), oral (m!receiving), self-edging, orgasm denial, choking, dom!Santi, p in v, slight fluff at the end, think that's everything?
a/n: reader's callsign is 'Midge'. this takes place after the events of triple frontier but where the gang are still active members of Delta Force. I kinda imagined Santiago as Ghost from COD (cos daddy)
“Frankie. Sit rep?”
“ETA 30 seconds. Sit tight.” 
“Rog’.” Santi’s gravelly voice worms its way into your ear in harsh rumbles as you begin to take position at the edge of a sandy cliff, overwatching the vast desert valley ahead of you. His voice shakes the nerves inside you that are already on high alert. You remind yourself to turn down your comms when you can afford the chance. “Midge, how copy?” 
You perk to attention at the sound of your nickname and respond accordingly. “Loud and clear, sir. In position. Eyes on Frankie.” 
Towards the heart of the valley, Frankie’s distant figure calmly approaches the enemy-riddled farm under the cover of darkness and you watch with bated breath through a window of green. Directly ahead of you, even further away on the mirroring side of the valley is your superior Santiago “Pope” Garcia, providing overwatch just as you are. You can’t see him but you know he’s there, like a ghost lurking in the shadows. Even though you are just as concealed as he is, you have this disconcerting feeling that he’s very much capable of plucking you out, watching you.
You readjust yourself nervously.
It’s incredibly dark with nothing but the twinkling stars and Jupiter’s bright sparkle to keep anyone sane. Without the night vision goggles, you are a lost hope. They sit squarely on your nose, grinding the bone and encasing your eyes, and the sweat trickling down your neck is no home comfort either, but now is not the time to be complaining. You have a job to do. 
Having been recently promoted for your sharp shooting and bright mind, you’re no longer an extra in someone else’s play, you’re the real deal now. You’re still taking orders no less, except now word doesn’t have to pass through at least three ranks above you like a game of Chinese Whispers before you receive the order. 
Every mission is different but your response has always been the same: subdued nerves to begin, then before long, you’re in your element and the job gets done. However, this task in particular has your heart beating a little harder and you don’t sense it settling any time soon. The whole mission is unnerving. It’s just you, Frankie and Santiago, sent out into the middle of nowhere to retrieve controls for a weapon that’s been missing from the US government for three years. The very same that is currently being protected and fortified by an armada of Russian extremists. Every minute in between the initial briefing and your current breath has been spent quietly fretting about it.
This mission alone has introduced a lot of firsts for you; first time working with Delta Force rather than for, first time working off the grid, first time working in a squad with fewer than 5 comrades beside you, first time being completely and hopelessly outnumbered…
First time feeling extremely, extremely doubtful. 
“Remember, this is a covert operation and completely off the grid so keep it quiet. Frankie, I want you in and out before they even get a whiff that you were ever there, and Midge--” you gulp, “keep Frankie alive.”
“Yes, sir.” You and Frankie’s voices ring through simultaneously. By now, Frankie has approached the back door of the barren barn, a large building that no doubt houses a number of enemies inside. Through your scope, you witness Frankie infiltrating the barn, his voice verbally confirming it seconds later. “I’m in. Going dark.”
“Copy that.” 
The second you lose sight of him you take a hefty breath, letting it flood your lungs while the waiting game begins. From out here, there’s nothing you can do for him except warn him of any outside movements. As of right now, he’s on his own, doing what he does best. 
“Stay sharp.” 
You keep quiet on your side of comms, too paranoid to risk speaking unnecessarily. Instead, you keep your wits on what’s in front of you. There’s no movement, not even a breath of wind to shake the lonely tree that stands at the far end of the farm and it feels as though time has stood still. If it wasn’t for the mouse scuttling underneath your sniper stand, you would’ve thought so.
The little creature skips and hops over the rocks to your right, stopping every couple of seconds to clean the dust from its ears. Cute. You quirk a smile at the thought of something as simple as a mouse breaking the tension that’s riddling your bones. God knows you need it. Every fibre of your being is buzzing with uncertainty and the heavy nauseating feeling in your stomach is enough of a sign that something about this mission just isn’t right. Some would call it instinct, others would call it a load of rubbish, regardless, the feeling is there and you’re not willing to ignore it. 
In all honesty, you would’ve carried out this mission entirely differently if you had the authority. But that’s the thing. You don’t. Outranked and out-experienced by the two men alongside you, you had no option but to play by their rules. Where you would’ve gone all-in, they chose to keep their cards close to their chests. 
You never agreed with the idea that less is more. Not in the military. 
Ten agonising minutes pass by. Nothing has been said and nothing warrants being said. Everything about you is screaming to point out the obvious; that something clearly isn’t going right. Frankie should’ve been out by now.
“I don’t like this. It’s too quiet. Nothing’s happening.” 
Santiago instantly replies, a slight ring of chagrin evident in his tone. “Good. Means we haven’t been compromised.” 
“Then why isn’t he out?” 
“Patience, Midge. Keep focussed.” 
You’re seconds away from overstepping boundaries and saying something you shouldn’t, but the moment you open your mouth, you spot a black vehicle off in the distance, quickly morphing into view as it speeds across the expanse of the valley with a plume of dust trailing behind it. It’s heading directly towards the farm. 
“Be advised. Vehicle inbound coming in from the north. Pope, you see it?” 
“Affirmative. Six Russians inside and likely armed. Do. Not. Engage. Frankie, get the hell on with it and get those controls.” 
The vehicle approaches and screeches to a stop, the occupants immediately disperse from the vehicle with rifles in hand. Fear shoots through you, wide eyes pinned on the door Frankie entered through, desperate for it to open again and see Frankie escape but alas, no sign of him. “Come on, come on, come on…” 
“Enemies heading towards the front entrance.” 
“I’ve got a shot on two of them.” 
“No. Stand down. Do not engage. They don’t know we’re here, we can’t draw attention to ourselves.” Pope’s voice rages through your earpiece again and you wince, both from his tone and volume. 
“Why the fuck are we here then?” 
“To prevent a ruckus from happening. If we engage, we’ll be the reason for it. Now shut up and keep your eyes peeled. Frankie, for Christ’s sake, you better have those controls.” 
You listen intently for his voice, hoping that he’s succeeded and he’s on his way back, but when you hear a slight crackle, a groan and high-pitched frequency piercing through the comms, you assume the worst. Your heart stops dead in your chest when you hear a shot being fired, its echo carrying the weight of dread right to your position. “Fuck! Santi--” 
“Frankie! Do you copy?” 
Short, resounding booms resonate from the farm and you’re left with no doubt that Frankie’s position has been compromised, leaving his life and the controls to this weapon at stake. You can’t afford to lose both and you’re certain that Pope knows that too, so why isn’t he giving the order for backup? 
“He needs help!” 
“Stay put! I can’t risk losing two of you. This is Pope to Ironhead, how copy?” 
You drown out William’s voice with worries of your own, constantly watching for signs of Frankie’s survival but to no avail, you find none. You knew this mission was never going to succeed. Your instinct was right. And based on that fact alone, what’s to stop you assuming that when your gut instinct is now telling you to go and extract Frankie and the controls yourself, it’s the right decision no matter what your orders are?
“Fuck this.” With haste, you pack up your equipment, whipping it over your shoulder with a new-found surge of adrenaline pumping through you. The hill you’re perched on isn’t tall, but it is steep, so as you run down the slope, your body falls faster than your legs can keep up. The howl of air blows past your ears and the clinking and clanking of your equipment rattles with each step. Even still with the cacophony of sounds, nothing can be louder than your boss’s rage. 
“Midge! What the fuck are you doing? Get back to your position!” 
You don’t bother responding because you’re too out of breath…and mostly because you’re shit scared. When you hear his voice again, you’re at the door Frankie entered through with a shaky hand holding your pistol and the other tightly gripping the handle. 
“Midge, so help me God, if you take another step--” 
“We can’t leave Frankie!”
“We don’t know if he’s still alive.”
“But we know the controls are in there, if we can’t get one, we’ll get the other.”
“NO! You get back here right fucking now!” The scratch of his growl descends down your body, making you curl your toes. Suddenly, a farm full of Russian extremists doesn’t seem to be your biggest threat…
“I’m going in.” 
A grunted sigh crackles through the comms as Pope watches you push through the door into chaos. 
“Just so you know, if you somehow survive this, I will kill you myself.” 
Miraculously, you did exactly that. You survived. Not only did you extract Frankie’s beaten body and save his life, you also retrieved the controls before they got away. You can’t deny that the odds were slim and it did nearly cost both of your lives, but at the expense of breaking a few rules and a few bones, you made it. And you won’t apologise for a single bit of it sitting here in an unused briefing room with Santiago. 
The tale of twists and turns didn’t end when you and Frankie both made it out alive only hours ago, in fact, it continues with Santi; a man with chains around his heart, a shield around his mind and a look of steel donning his face. It is fair to say his reputation precedes him, especially since his comrade Redfly died years ago. Before you met him officially, you had only ever heard of his emotionless gaze, his inhuman self-restraint and deeply enigmatic personality, and you found it strange that no one told you what it was like to be around him. Until Frankie told you that how you felt being in a room with him could not be explained through words, it was something you had to experience for yourself. 
Frankie was right. You had to be there to see that he was stronger, colder, smarter, more intimidating than anyone had let on. His presence wasn’t one to be easily swallowed. It was obvious that strangers couldn’t settle the unease they felt when he walked into the room; cautious eyes, bitten lips, fidgeting muscles. They succumbed to his eerie, silent domination very quickly. Quicker if those dark eyes were locked on you. They were seared into the back of your mind the moment they landed on you for the first time, remembering how you just couldn’t decipher the encrypted messages they hid. Whoever stated that the eyes were windows to the soul had clearly never met Santiago.
But tonight, that restraint is gone. He is positively seething. Outwardly, publicly, irrationally seething. In the dimly lit room, he stands menacingly in the corner where the light doesn’t quite reach, yet still you can see his knuckles tensing and untensing with each breath he takes. You don’t say a word, quietly picking at the forming scab on your knuckle, and in your head, you speak the words you don’t have the conviction to say out loud. 
“Do you have any idea how fucking reckless you are?” 
You slowly peer up to him, his words still processing as you narrow in on him. “Reckless? With all due respect, my actions saved a man’s life and finished the mission. What part of that is reckless?” 
“The part where you didn’t follow my orders! You went rogue. Off plan. Completely out of line. If you don’t follow orders, you don’t know how it will end. I could’ve lost you both unnecessarily.” 
“Could’ve,” you mutter.
He begins to loom closer, taking every word of yours like they’re a sour taste in his mouth. In muted tones, he whispers out to you. “What?” 
“You said you could’ve lost us both. But you didn’t.” The words feel like liberation. It’s the first time you’ve ever behaved like this. It’s so uncharacteristic but you just feel so insulted by his lack of gratitude or appreciation that anger bubbles inside you, spitting out words that you know you shouldn't, turning you into someone you definitely aren’t. You are usually a rule follower, you are usually obedient, and you usually respect authority, but in the blinding light of anger, you just can’t surrender to Santiago’s discipline so easily. 
“And you should’ve listened to me. But you didn’t. Nobody ever fucking listens to me and they end up dead because of it.” 
“Just because Redfly did, doesn’t mean everyone else will too.”
Low blow, Midge. 
Sensing immediate regret, you keep your eyes firmly pinned on your hands on the table in front of you. Like a dark rain cloud, you catch sight of his shadow engulfing your own. His stature and all-encompassing presence emerges behind you but you don’t dare move a single muscle. His hands curl around the back of the chair you’re sitting in, the pathetic plastic creaking under his fists. The brave front you’re putting on begins to yield to his growing temperament and the facade crumbles piece by piece. 
Everyone in the unit had heard of what happened when a certain team of the Delta Force went rogue. The US Army had never let them live it down since.
He leans his head over your stiff shoulder and you can even feel the heat of his anger just glazing over the shell of your ear. 
“Don’t. You. Fucking. Dare.” Santiago spits every word with heavy articulation as if he’s etching the words into your brain. His laboured breathing is a concern, knowing that it’s a warning of the wrath that’s about to ensue. “Redfly didn’t follow my orders to stand down and it inevitably got him killed. And right now, the same might happen to you.”
With a sharp, unexpectant tug of your hair, your head whips back, swinging the chair with you until the overhead light burns into your eyes. Reflexes have your hands gripping the edge of the table until they turn white with tension, stopping yourself from tipping backwards. The sudden blade on your neck stops you moving forward.
“Do you remember what I said to you before you disobeyed me?” 
You remember all too well. If you somehow survive this, I will kill you myself.
“You wouldn’t.” 
Santiago presses the blade harder against your skin, unapologetic. “Wouldn’t I?” 
You really don’t know whether to call his bluff but to stay on the safe side you remain silent. Until anything happens, you are both stuck staring into each other’s eyes, holding a resentment none of you are willing to let go of. Looking up at him, it’s obvious that he is teetering on the edge of breaking a few rules himself, allowing the sharp edge of the knife to roll across the expanse of your neck, bobbing as you swallow, until the sharp point rests precariously atop your pulse. But even he knows himself that he wouldn’t follow through with it, because as much as it pains him to admit it, your courageous actions, although downright stupid, did save Frankie’s life and secured the controls. And he fucking hates it. If there was anything he could do to scare the absolute shit out of you to stop you being so smug and defiant about it, he would do it in a heartbeat.
“Santiago,” you warn, just as the point of the knife starts to break through the thin layer of skin on your neck. You try to move your head but he still has his fist entangled through your roots. 
The instant the little whine of his name broke from your lips, something snapped inside him. The desperation of it, it was too provocative for him to ignore and an electrical feeling pulsed from his chest and shot straight towards his dick. Having you in his tight clutches, essentially at his mercy, exacerbated the feeling and suddenly he could feel himself growing hard. Fuck, what was he doing?
It’s perverse of him to want to hear it again, to see those plump but bitten lips of yours say his name again in a plea for his forgiveness. He becomes so fixated on the idea that he gets carried away, pricking your skin with the knife, watching as your eyes widen and your body writhing beneath him. 
“AHH! Pope--fuck--okay, okay, I’m sorry, alright? I’m sorry, just…please let go of the knife.” There it was again, the slight twitch in his dick, one that makes him grow uncomfortable beneath his boxers. 
It’s one thing for Pope to be angry, but when lust is thrown into the equation, there’s much less he can do to suppress it and with you still whimpering beneath him, it’s something he’s quickly realised. 
He relieves the pressure of the knife just enough to alleviate the pain but not enough that you haven’t completely escaped its threat. He moves out of your sight, his head dropping lower until his lips are gracing across your ear. You hear nothing but his slow breathing, funnelling down your ear and you instantly shiver. You want to pull away from him but for some reason, you’re chemically drawn into him; his close proximity, the smell of him, the hold he has on you, it’s all so…dangerously alluring. Something changes and the air starts to grow hot. 
“Y’know,” he purrs, “I can’t allow you stay on my team if you can’t listen to my orders--” 
“No! No, I-I want to stay.” 
“How do I know you won’t pull something stupid like this again, hm? You’re still a rookie, you’re not an addition to this team, no, what you are is a liability. Your actions today proved to me that you are just not capable.” 
“I am. I was promoted for a reason.” 
“Yeah? Prove it. Prove you’re capable and I might consider keeping you on my team.” 
“It’s simple,” he says, his lips trailing from your ear to skim across your cheek, just teasing with feather light touches. “Follow…my…orders. Do you understand?” 
Your cheeks are burning, your lungs are heaving, everything about this screams ‘this is a risk you shouldn’t take’. But it’s hard to heed those words when Santiago’s grip of your hair loossens to soothing scalp scratches, when the tips of his lips and his nose brush over your burning cheek, inhaling the scent of you, when your gut is telling you to listen to how tempted your body is, how wanting it is for him. 
Your thighs press together beneath the table. 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Better. Stand up.” You swing forward so fast that a violent rush of blood to your head almost makes you lose your balance, but Santiago keeps you up with a firm hold to your arm while he casually throws the knife onto the table. He perches himself in front of you to lean against the edge of the table, touching toe-to-toe and holds your gaze; bold, dark brown eyes that give nothing away about the inner workings of his mind. And it’s those same eyes that can read everything about you.
“Nervous, soldier?” 
“No, sir.” 
“Don’t lie.” 
“A…A little, sir.” 
“Good, you should be. Take off your top.” 
With those words, you know, that whatever happens from this moment on, Santiago will not be following any official protocol but his own. You do as he says, now feeling the heat of the room touching your bare skin. Santiago admires the way your belt hugs around your waist, waiting for the moment his hands can do the same when he’s fucking you from behind. Your bra is standard, nothing sexy. It’s what he expects on a day you had been on a mission, but what his eyes catch is your nipples pebbling through the material, and the slight blood stain discolouring the straps from the shrapnel wound to your shoulder that he didn’t realise you had. 
“At ease,” he commands. You act on instinct, bracing your hands behind your back with your legs standing shoulders-width apart. The instruction has been ingrained in you since the day you started your training. “You got hurt?”
“Minor wounds.” 
“Wounds you wouldn’t have had if you had listened to me.”
Fluttering warmth spreads from your core the moment Santiago cups your breast, your nipple weaving through his fingers and caught in a tight pinch. When you don’t react, he peers up at you to engage in a wordless conversation that both are in tune with. Keep going? Yes. He brings his other hand up to mirror the other and this time he finally elicits a small, but audible sigh from you. 
It’s been so long since you’ve had anyone like this, even longer for Santiago. His failures to locate his old contact Yovanna in Australia broke him and since then, he had sworn off getting close with anyone for fears of time repeating itself. As for you? You had yet to claim anyone as your own. Sure, you’ve had a few romances over the years but no one had ever satisfied you in the sick, slightly twisted way you were searching for. Up until now, you didn’t think there was a man out there who was interested in the same things you were. You didn’t think they existed.
Until you met Santiago. He is a thrill personified. 
It was impossibly cruel that the world had dealt you this hand; to fantasise over the ways his gravelly voice could murmur the dirtiest, filthiest things to you, the ways his experienced hands could ruin with the slightest of touches. However, you always knew that professionalism and the dangers of your line of work would always take priority over your fantasies, and you forced yourself out of your fictional world to come face to face with the harsh reality of war. It was a miracle how you were able to survive this long without going absolutely feral, but now, with Santiago losing his patience too, you’re starting to think that you won’t last much longer. 
“So fucking reckless,” he whispers, a reminder for both you and himself. His brow dips when his frustration rolls back in its tide, keeping that stone-cold expression hard on his face. It’s slightly different though. His parted lips, his vigorous movements, the slight pant to his breath. In your eyes, it all points towards desire more than frustration. “As your superior…” His voice is somehow quieter, but it’s heard all the same, “it’s my responsibility to punish you, to teach you a lesson about discipline. You need to learn that when I tell you to do something, you fucking do it. You understand?” 
A bead of sweat rolls down the back of your neck fluidly, your hands itching to wipe it away but obedience locks them behind your back. Suddenly, he snaps forward, his hand coming to snatch your jaw and force you to look him in the eyes. The precision of his quick movements makes you flinch, trapping a breath in your lungs and he notices, lips curling momentarily. 
“Yes, sir!”
Shivers follow wherever his other hand roams. He moulds out the shape of your waist and hips, squeezing tighter than your belt ever could. He begins to unbuckle your belt with little regard, popping the button of your trousers and bursting the zip to admire the way your trousers hang loosely from your hips. Everything inside you tenses at the sudden exposure.
Santiago begins toying with you, running his knuckles lightly over the edge of your underwear, dipping just the tip of his finger beneath the elastic rim, but retreats just as quickly. He follows the line of your navel, travelling up and up to trace small ghostly circles around your ribcage and it takes everything in you not to shudder. Your body can’t quite figure out how to tune into him, the stark contrast between the harsh grip he has on your jaw and the fluttering touches to your body has your mind going crazy and it’s mildly disorientating. 
His thumb circles around your chin before resting upon your bottom lip, pulling it out into a pout for his eyes to fixate on. He has that expression on his face that you’ve seen before; determined and fully resolute. The features of a man with authority. 
“That mouth…” he pants, “‘s gotten you into trouble today.” He draws you in until the tips of your noses clash and he’s a hair’s breadth away from kissing you. Instead…“I want to fuck it. Get on your knees, soldier.”
Your knees collide the cold surface of the ground almost instantly much to his pleasure. He wastes no time undoing his belt as efficiently as he did yours, and before too long the tip of his lengthy cock replaces where his thumb was just seconds before, wet with little beads of cum. Your hands reach out to guide him into your mouth but he snatches your wrist before you can commit. 
“Nuh-uh, this one’s for you. If you have some semblance of discipline, you’ll cum only when I say.”
You nod, falsely, and promptly take him into your mouth with one hand at the base of his cock while the other slips beneath your underwear and swirls around your clit the way you know best. A strangled groan leaves his throat and you feel the vibrations of it with the way his cock twitches in your mouth. The same pleasure buzzes in you, spreading warmth from your stomach down to your cunt. 
Despite having eventually found a rhythm that you can settle into, bobbing your head and taking as much of him as you can, you can’t find balance. Your multitasking skills have taken a hit because as soon as you feel the tight pinch of pleasure erupting from your clit, you know you can’t succumb to it and just like that, all your focus and effort turns to pleasuring him and the feeling dissipates. It’s torturous having to edge yourself, it’s not something you are particularly well-versed in. 
“So good, so fucking good,” he praises. Santiago’s hands come to scrape through your hair and take control, causing you to move faster and suck him down even harder, so much that you have to plant your other hand against his thigh to regain balance, going against his orders. He notices and chastises you. “Get that fucking hand back where it should be.” 
A moan gargles from your throat, a lack of patience wearing you thin. It doesn’t help that you’re incredibly turned on by the whole situation and you’re hesitant to touch yourself because of it, unsure how much more you can take before yet another one of Santi’s orders is disobeyed. So you take it slow, lazily circling around your bud just enough to keep you satiated while you occupy yourself with Santiago. Your mouth detaches from him with a pop, using those tear-stained eyes of yours to silently beg for his own release in exchange for your own but his head is thrown back and takes no notice, indulging in the way your tongue swirls around his tip. Just the sight of the vein popping from his neck is enough to send a rush of lust to mount up onto the orgasm that’s impatiently waiting. Fuck, you really need to cum. 
What gets his attention is your needy little whine. A whine that warns you both that you’re on the precipice of cumming, that if you pressed any harder on your sensitive clit you would combust. Your thighs are almost rattling beneath you.
“Don’t you dare,” he warns in a low growl, thrusting into your wet mouth and straight to the back of your throat. “Don’t you disobey me.” 
“I can’t hold on,” you splutter. 
“You can and you will. Fuuuck…” 
Decidedly, your hand comes to a halt because after all, this is about discipline, right? It’s all about being able to control yourself, to place your trust in him and listen to what he says hoping that it will all pay off. 
You need to do something that would push him over the edge, do something that would completely shatter his world, never to be forgotten. You offer every trick in the book; swirling around your tongue around the head of his cock, sweeping it across the small slit to collect the small bead of cum, teasing him before taking him down your throat and gagging on him. He’s already so close, and you're already dripping onto your hand, and with one last final trick up your sleeve, you catch his eyes, sink yourself onto him until your nose bashes against skin, and fight through the gag. Teeth baring, you slowly, lightly, graze your teeth up his cock, ghosting over every vein that pulses, leaving behind the soothing aftercare of your soft lips. By your side, his thighs twitch and by the time you reach the head of his cock, an explosion happens. 
Santiago leans forward, grappling onto your head as you drink down everything he gives you. His entire body tenses, trapping you into a headlock and just only for a couple of seconds do you feel yourself losing breath, but it doesn’t matter, because above you he’s panting heavily, enclosing his thighs around your head and holding onto you for dear life. It’s all the signs you need to know that you’ve done what you promised, you proved yourself. 
“Fucking hell,” Santiago pants. His grip loosens around you and you suck down a large breath as he releases you. The instant your lips are free, he forces you to a stand and claims them, humming into them with hunger. He slips his tongue past your lips searching for a taste of himself on you with a delectable moan. It only takes him a couple of seconds of clawing at your waist before his hand slips beneath your underwear to feel the result of your constant edging; a wet cunt that’s pleading for relief. The slightest touch of his fingers has your hips buckling, you’re so close it hurts. 
“So wet. So needy.”
“F-fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you whimper. You want it, you need it, you can’t live without it, for god sake, please!
“Yeah?” You could hear the smirk in his voice. “On whose authority?”
“Santiago, please.” 
“I told you this is about discipline and listening to orders--” his fingers drill into your clit with absolute precision and immediately takes control of your pleasure, luring it to the surface. “Did I say you could cum?” 
“No, but--” 
“Then you can’t. Have the discipline to stop it.” 
“Fuck!” Just seconds away from orgasm, you drop to a crouch, his hand slipping from you in one fluid movement. So close, so fucking close. 
Santiago maniacally chuckles above you. He has little sympathy for you hunched on the ground reeling into yourself, but what he does have though, is just a little pride. Pride that you listened, that you obeyed no matter how desperate you were to go against his word. Because, of course, in Santiago’s eyes, his word overrules everyone else’s. His word is gospel. What he says goes. 
You don’t get to relish the pride he has for you because you are spiralling. Your shaking body can’t allow you to stand knowing that even the slightest friction of anything against your clit would set you off and you’ve done so well to abide by his rules, you wouldn’t want to ruin it.
Santiago’s hand comes to stroke the back of your head in a supportive manner to find that you’re burning up. It’s obvious that you need release and that resides with him. 
“Stand up.”
“I…I don’t think I can.” 
“Come on,” he demands, his tone a little harsher. “Stand up and put your hands on the table.”
Shaky legs raise you to your feet and you brace yourself against the hard wooden table, the cold surface just a slight relief to the fire raging through your body. Santiago teases down your trousers leaving your panties to feel the brush of his hips against your ass, giving you a large hint of what’s to come. Your stomach plummets at the thought of having to hang onto the precipice for any longer. You could cry at the thought, tears ready and waiting behind your eyes. 
“Good girl,” he whispers seductively. “You’re so close, aren’t you? So desperate for release that just one--” he lightly brushes your clit through your underwear, “little--” he does it again and you judder, “touch will set you off.” 
Jesus, you could cry. You could cry and cry and cry, and beg for forgiveness, yield and submit yourself completely to him for the one second of pure bliss you’re starving for. He’s reduced you to nothing but a licentious and needy beggar you don’t recognise. 
“How much longer can you last?” He knows, but it pleases him to ask anyway. 
“I’ll break if you touch me.”
Wicked hands and fast reflexes rip your drenched underwear from you and Santiago mercilessly drills his cock straight into you. The second you feel him fill you up, one hand comes to encircle your neck, closing off your oxygen while his fingers find your clit once again and with just a few devious laps around your clit, you explode. A blinding light flashes behind your eyes and your body becomes engulfed by a white-hot pain that ironically, freezes you to the spot. Santiago growls loudly behind you, feeling how your pussy clenches so tightly around him that he’s barely spared an inch to move, but his fingers don’t face the same challenge and are still effortlessly ruining you to the core. There’s a pathetic attempt from you to remove his hand but his persistence remains far superior. 
Santiago relieves the pressure on your throat to hear you sing for him. You’re thankful the walls are thick enough to contain your cries. 
The thing is, Santiago knew you were close, but what he didn’t anticipate was how close he was too, especially so soon after you sucked him dry. With how intensely your pussy milks him of everything he has, it takes less than a few forceful thrusts before he succumbs to his orgasm and collapses on top of you. It washes over him hard, electrocuting every nerve and filling every pore with sweat. Fuck, he thinks, haven’t felt this good in years. 
Warmth envelopes you both, eyes fluttering to a close with the liberating feeling of release. Santiago, having just a little more sanity than you do, still has enough energy to lazily work his hips back and forth, fucking you so slowly and deeply, you think it might just trigger another explosion. Alas, he spares you the burden and finally comes to rest against you. 
It feels like an eternity has passed by the time the heat dwindles and air returns to your lungs. During the quiet minutes that pass, euphoria eases into your muscles, massaging out the cramp and any discomfort of your desperate attempts to contain your orgasm. The soft, grounding kisses that Santiago leaves at the nape of your neck seem to have a similar effect and you hum contentedly. 
“I mean it, by the way,” Santiago mutters behind you, still brushing his lips against your skin. “You really could’ve gotten yourself killed today.” His fingers trace down your shoulder, gently running across the bandage that covers your shrapnel wounds to reinforce his point. 
You sigh. “I know.” 
You feel him leave you, alleviating his weight and dressing himself. “Look at me.” 
You’re just about able to turn yourself around, and with Santiago’s help, he dresses you too. Once decent, the very hands that ruined you come to clamp against your cheeks, far too delicate for what you had known them to be. “What you did today was out of line��” 
This again. “But Frankie--” 
“Frankie is a different story. His mission to infiltrate the barn and receive the controls meant that the chances of him dying was a lot higher than ours. And even though it’s a fucking bastard of a pill to swallow, it’s just one of those things that we all have to come to terms with. I went into this mission already prepared to accept the possibility of his death should anything go wrong. Yours I wasn’t willing to accept.” 
“But I didn’t die.” 
“You’re not getting it.” His words are spat through gritted teeth and something in you sinks at the disappointment. The only thing that seems to calm him down is the sensation of your forehead against his, proof that you are alive. “Frankie’s death would’ve hurt, yes, but like I said, I would’ve seen it coming. If you expect disappointment, you won’t get disappointed. But when you threw yourself into the firing line like that, you started playing a game of Russian Roulette. Neither of us knew whether you were going to live or die and I panicked. I was so scared, terrified even at the thought of losing you because I knew I would never be able to recover from it. Your death, your untimely, unprecedented death under my watch would’ve haunted me for the rest of my life. That’s the difference between you and Frankie. That’s the lesson you need to learn from this.” 
Your eyebrows crunch together, feeling stupid for not coming to the realisation sooner. You feel embarrassed to admit that you had never thought of it like that. 
A long silence fills the room because you’re not too sure how to put the feeling of heavy regret into words, none of them justifiable enough to convey even a hint of the remorse that you feel inside. The fact that you refuse to look Santiago in the eyes is proof enough to him that you’re aware of the mistake you made, and instead of looking for a response, he settles for your silence and simply brushes his thumb across the highs of your cheek.
“Just promise me you won’t do it again, no matter how immoral it seems, no matter whose life is at stake, please, if at all possible, keep yourself safe.” 
“I promise.” 
He brings his lips to yours, melting them together in a kiss as though it is his last. “Good,” he smiles lightly, sealing the lesson with a kiss to your forehead. “I…I might’ve gotten carried away trying to get that message to sink in.” 
For the first time in a while, you smile. “It’s okay. I’ve definitely learned my lesson not to piss you off.” 
“Hmm, keep your promise and stay alive long enough and you’ll find out what the reward is.” 
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cjlouwho · 4 days ago
Everything that could go wrong, leading up to their wedding day, did. The caterer canceled, the venue flooded, they lost two deposits, the tailor made Tommy’s pants two inches too short, they had a bakery refuse to make their wedding cake, and Buck sprained his ankle at work just four days before he was going to say, “I do.”
Tommy was a nervous wreck, but Buck smiled through every mishap. “It only means our actual wedding day will be perfect,” he explained, giving Tommy a peck on the lips. That helped to ease the wave of nausea Tommy was feeling in his gut.
They spent the night before their wedding apart. Tommy made it to the venue first. Buck would be arriving with Eddie any minute. As he waited, Tommy got a string of texts from Buck that had him grinning like an idiot:
On our way
I’m so excited I never fell asleep
I love you so much
We’re getting MARRIED!!!!!!!
I want cake
Yours lol
Be there in ten. I gotta give Eddie directions. Love you forever
Tommy sighed happily, ignoring the teasing coming from Howie as he texted back:
I love you, Evan. So much. See you soon.
Then he waited. Impatiently.
Ten minutes passed. Then five more. And another five.
He sent Buck another text, asking for a new ETA.
He waited five more minutes before he let himself panic.
“Don’t worry, Tommy,” Howie said. “They’ve gotta take the freeway from Eddie’s place. It’s always a mess and cell service sucks when there’s traffic. They’ll be here soon.”
A deep breath, Tommy nodded, “Yeah,” he agreed. “Yeah, you’re right.”
His stomach had barely settled when he heard the sound of the sirens. They were close. Maybe a street or two away.
And then his phone rang.
Evan’s name lit up the screen.
“Hey, baby, where are you?”
It wasn’t Evan on the other end of the line. Tommy’s heart sank.
“Eddie, what happened? Where’s Evan?”
“The- The other car came out of nowhere, Man,” he explained in a panic. “I- we got t-boned a-”
“Eddie, where’s Evan?” Tommy demanded.
“They just took him in the ambulance. Th- they wouldn’t let me go with him. You gotta get to Presbyterian, Tommy.”
Tommy hung up as he grabbed his keys and hurried out of the building. He didn’t even think to ask Eddie if he was okay. Howie had been beside him, had heard the whole thing, had called Buck’s number and started talking to Eddie before Tommy had left.
The only thing Tommy could think about was the last thing Evan had written him.
Love you forever
He hoped forever didn’t end today.
148 notes · View notes
where-dreamers-go · 1 month ago
"Rescue" Leon Kennedy x Reader
(A/N: And so I finally write down an idea that’s been cinematically in my mind then made it a soulmate au. Leon Scott Kennedy is back in action! What happens when he realizes he’s closer to his soulmate while on assignment?
Warnings: angst, strong language, canon violence and imagery descriptions, hurt/comfort, fluff, and use of (Y/N) for your name.
Word Count: 4,145 words)
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Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. On most days. The hours ahead were hopefully to be positive ones. Your day started incredibly early. On purpose and with intention. Around you, wall were white and decorated with monochromatic modern art. Metal chairs were arranged in a rectangular fashion with an empty coffee table in the center as you sat. No magazines or pamphlets to entertain. Each step taken by others on the tile floor echoed in the lobby. There were no conversations or passing comments to fill the space. The sound of your breathing was louder than whatever the receptionist was busying herself with behind the tall desk. Just about ten minutes, you thought as you checked your watch. Talk steady. If they don’t mention a start date, ask. They definitely need more people for data entry. You got this. On your lap, you nervously spun a metal ring around your left index finger. The circular crystal embedded into the metal was currently light blue. Pretty normal. A sign you were not too far nor too close enough to your soulmate. If it was a mood ring the color would had signaled you were possibly calm. Despite your nerves, you felt good about the day ahead. It was an opportunity for something new.
. . .
Rumbling and the occasional bounce of the vehicle were unfortunately the only normal occurrences in Leon Kennedy’s day. Passing into the edge of a town, the team of agents were in route to a facility. A science center in appearance, there was nothing in advancement happening that late morning. The Umbrella Corporation made sure of that. An alert of bioweapons sightings came in two hours ago. To make matter complicated, not all civilians had evacuated the building. So saving any civilians was added to the to-do list. If Leon could save someone, he’d at least smile. “ETA: Two minutes.” The driver called out, another agent. Leon glanced out the small window. All geared up, his vest held nearly every weapon and tool he would need. Beside his watch on his left wrist sat a personal item, a metal bracelet. Both sturdy and a comfort on dark days. Its small crystal within darkened into a deep blue, almost purple. A little too close, Leon thought and hoped it would lighten by the time they moved in. The man could only hope.
. . .
“Shit.” Leon grimaced as he reloaded his gun. The lobby was trashed and blood-stained. Broken chairs and other bare furniture was scattered across the floor. Added a freshly eliminated infected. “Hate to see the break room.” Based on the intact entrance doors and windows, the bioweapons’ forced entry was not through the front of the building. Chris peered around and stated, “I’ll take the right side and sweep the first floor. You take the left.” “Got it.” Leon headed down a hallway. Its usually closed door was splintered across the tile. He avoided stepping on any debris that would crunch under his boots. There was no telling how many infected were in the building. Not until the other agents checked in. After taking a quick look at his watch, Leon registered the drastic change in color on the crystal bracelet. “Oh, fuck.” Leon sighed and swallowed the growing lump in his throat. “Not here. Why do they have to be here?” Steadily checking the hall, all his senses were alert for danger. His mind, however, was tumbling with the worst questions. What if you worked for Umbrella making bioweapons? What if you were a bioweapon, infected and doomed? Just make it quick, Leon thought somberly.
. . .
Adjusting yourself quietly off of your half-asleep leg, you leaned against the tile wall. Hunched in the back corner of the largest restroom stall was turning into a new, unwanted activity. I should’ve left as soon as the interview was over, you thought for perhaps the twelfth time in the past two and a half hours.
Over your time hiding, screeches could still be heard every so often. Piercing and making your blood run cold. Always when hope of it being gone rose in you, your heard it. Frightening and disheartening. You counted yourself lucky. For your quick thinking and for having your phone on silent, you were still alive. Too bad the cell signal sucked on the third floor. If only your heartbeat was the loudest sound that morning. How is this evening happening? You wondered as you counted the tile again. Feeling distressed would sure to wreck havoc on your system later. Raising your head, you swore you heard a sound. Please be nothing. The sound grew faintly louder. Soles of shoes out in the hallway. You remained silent. Not knowing who or what rampaged through the building after your interview left you at a disadvantage. One you were well aware of. At first, you had suspected an armed attack to the company, however blood-chilling roars proved otherwise. I wanna go home. You thought, still as stone on the floor. You were not about to meet any creature face to face. Bipedal or not. Small thumps shook the main door of the restroom. Is someone trying to come in? How well could that lock above the main door hold for?
You covered your mouth as you nearly jumped out of your skin. “Hello?” A deep voice called out. “Is anyone in here?” Heart beating rapidly, you did not dare to move. Could you trust the stranger? This random man? How long were you intending on hiding in a stall? Bending lower, you observed dark boots slowly making their way into the restroom. A room with five stalls. “Listen, I’m here to help.” Likely, you thought suspiciously. “It’s too dangerous to be in here,” he said three steps closer. “We’re on orders to rescue civilians.” And he totally knows I’m in here. Government or something? “My name’s Leon. I can get you out of here.” Fine. Fine. Okay! “Are those things still out there?” You asked in a broken whisper. Fear and hours of silence effecting you. “Yeah.” “Crap.” “Tell me about it.” Your eyebrows pinched together. Didn’t expect him to say that. Easing yourself up to stand, your body was more than a little relieved to be off of the cold, hard tile. You took a steady breath. As quietly as you could, you unlocked the stall door and peered out. Icy blue eyes regarded you immediately.
“I’m Leon.” Said the man with dirty blond hair. A bulletproof vest covered his torso and overall distracting from his casual clothes. “Are you all right . . . ?” “(Y/N).” You answered, trying really hard not to glance a the gun he held. With all the other ‘tools’ on his person, he seemed pretty legit to you. “Is . . . everyone else hiding too?” Lips pressing together, Leon glanced away for a moment. Oh, no. “We still haven’t done a complete sweep of the building yet, but the team has found others.” He stated. “I’m sure they locked themselves in their offices if they didn’t run out.” “Do you know who’d be in an office now?” “I have no idea.” You said honestly, “I was just here for a job interview.” His eyebrows rose a fraction. “Oh yeah?” His tone was steady. “Guess I’ll keep looking.” You shrugged. “I hope you have better luck next time,” Leon turned back to the open door. “Let’s get going. Stay close.” “Okay.” What choice did you have otherwise but to follow him? You were ill prepared to observe the aftermath of whatever happened. The eerie emptiness and scattered belongings throughout the hall. Maybe this guy was your ticket out, your guarantee of going home. Anything was better than your earlier options.
Leon hadn’t been exaggerating when he said ‘sweep’. With his weapon ready, he checked every open room. Thankfully nothing scary showed itself. “Any chance they gave you a tour?” Leon asked as he glanced up and down a hallway. “No. But they have some pictures on their website.” “Helpful.” “Not really,” you whispered. Glancing over his shoulder, Leon gave you an amused look. Oh. Good sarcasm. You tore your gaze away. An open door down the hall became occupied uncannily fast. So quietly. Someone leaned against the doorframe. Stepping out, their professional attire looked wrong, hanging where it shouldn’t. A gravely, strangled breath carried towards the pair of you. Leon turned with aimed precision. Remaining still, you felt coldness creep up your arms. Something was very wrong. The person hobbled into the hall with unblinking eyes and a strangled screech. Their pace increased as they angled in your direction.
You covered your ears a second too late. What used to be an employee laid in an unmoving heap on the tile floor. Discolored and inhuman. “What happened to them?” You asked with a shaky voice. “They’re infected,” answered Leon as he turned down the other half of the hall. You kept up without missing a beat. “So a zombie?”
Two more infected raced out from the open room behind you. Jaws slacked and fingers clenched forward like claws, they targeted the pair of you. “Crap,” you exclaimed. Before you could move anywhere, Leon had opened fire on the infected. Aim perfect and practiced. The threats were down before your heart rate raised too high. Grumbling under his breath, Leon went forward to inspect the room. “Stay right there.” He advised as you remained by the hall’s intersection. “Sure.” Freaking zombies, you thought. Out of everything -- anything. Zombies. Briefly, you peered around and thankfully nothing moved. Leon’s handling this well. Maybe zombies aren’t new? And real. You cringed at the thought. Witnessing and knowing what had rampaged through the building earlier wasn’t a comfort. A bit of scary closure maybe. “All clear in there,” Leon announced as he joined you. “We’ll see the rest of the floor and meet back up with the team downstairs.” “Cool.” You breathed out a short reply. “Don’t worry,” Leon assured you, “I’ll get you outta here.” “I appreciate it. Really.” He sent you a small smile. It warmed the hope in your heart.
The rest of the hall held knocked over seating areas and ignored art. Beyond it was a closed set of doors. Unlocked and probably designed with fire safety in mind. Leon paused as he reached one of the doors. Does he hear something? You dared not stand too close. Not that standing near your new acquaintance was disagreeable. Simply, you did not want to be in his way.
“Leon!” You jumped back against the wall. On the floor with growling and grunting was a struggle of alarming visuals. Both Leon and an terribly disfigured infected fought for purchase, for an upper-hand. For survival. Frantically watching over Leon with increased anxiety, you didn’t move. You didn’t even scream. Should I kick it? With a frown, Leon hit the infected back to get out one shot. It was enough. Leon scooted back before rising to his feet. “You all right?” He turned to you. “Me? Sure. You?” “I could use some pizza later.” Leon said as he cautiously entered the section of the hallway. “Sounds good,” you added as you followed him and dearly hoped your stomach wouldn’t start vocalizing its agreement. Especially after witnessing that frightful fight.
Glancing around, the plain walls gave a stark contrast to what could be lurking behind every door. Every unexplored corner. “We almost made a full circle,” you announced as you spotted a familiar elevator at the very end of the hall. “Then we’re out of here and --” “What?” Leon’s arm came up to block you from moving forward. A well defined, muscular arm. You didn’t notice anything abnormal. Yet that didn’t make you feel any less hesitant of what lay ahead. So you elected to stand behind Leon. “Show yourself.” Leon called out with his gun raised to a doorway. “If they’re still human.” You whispered.
Steadily with raised hands, two people in business casual attire walked out of an office. They appeared healthy. Definitely unnerved in their situation. But human nonetheless. “We just want safe passage out,” said the taller of the two men. No duh, you thought as you brought yourself to stand beside Leon. “Then stay close.” “Who are you?” Asked the second man wearing glasses. “I’m Leon Kennedy. I’m on orders to --” “Rescue us?” Interrupted the first man. “Let’s not waste time.” “Right.” Leon subtly turned to check on you. Blue eyes giving you a quick once over. You gave a brief, if not tiny, smile of encouragement.
The faster we’re out of here the better. At least those two had each other. You thought as you followed Leon across the echoing tile. “Which department are you from?” You glanced over your shoulder to notice the shorter man directing his question to you. “Oh, I don’t work here,” you answered. Both man shared concerned frowns between themselves. Therefore, you followed up quickly with, “I was here for a job interview. For data entry.” “And you didn’t do it from home?” Asked the taller man. “I . . . didn’t see that option.”
Being as the men asked no more questions, you set your sights straight ahead. Thankfully, stepping around a trashed bulletin board. You kept closer to Leon than your new group members. Definitely not going to work at any place associated with this one, you thought as all of you reached the end of the hall. Stealthily, Leon crept into a stairway and quietly beckoned the three of you onward. “We’re three floors up,” whined the taller man behind you. “I’ve never not taken the elevator.” “Good time to try them out,” commented Leon as he headed down stairs. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Better than ten flights of stairs, you thought to yourself. Even better with Leon leading the way. He probably did the ground floor too. Hope of safety and freedom, you lively took each step. Easily done even with two grumbling men following after you. You’d think they’d be more thankful. They work here! You frowned. Did they call for help? “Uh, Leon?” You inquired. “Yeah?” He paused to look up to you. Patience in his eyes. “Are there any more of those . . . things in the lobby?” “There shouldn’t be.” “That’s not very confident,” sneered the shorter and obnoxious man. You rolled your eyes. “Let’s keep going,” Leon announced and took two steps at a time.
With the door to the lobby in sight, you were anxious to see if the rest of Leon’s team found other survivors. Surely, there were people who weren’t infected. What do we do when we’re out? You wondered. Were other buildings attacked too? You swallowed dryly. Where does Leon go?
Yelping, you peered above as a broad shouldered infected burst through the second floor’s door. “RUN!” At Leon’s order, you rushed passed him to the door. In seconds, you were back in the same lobby and surrounded by broken furniture as your heart pounded in your chest. Electing to head towards the reception desk was your first thought. The front entrance was further off and a little too good to be true. “Hey,” you stumbled as the two men pushed passed you. The men did not utter a word to you nor did they let up their speed. They knew where they were going. They knew where to hide. Both heading towards a far door. But what if they run right to a zombie? Fear rushing through you again, you made your way to the tall desk. After checking inside the space, you entered through the unlocked door. You were safe for the time being. Just wait for Leon. That’s all. You thought as you tried calming your breathing. He’ll be fine. We can go home. I can, you corrected yourself. Everything will be fine. Quietly, you sat on the cushioned chair. You’re safe. Just breathe. Besides your breathing and heartbeat, you did not hear anything else. A relief for sure until you immediately considered your new friend. The brave man you left in a stairwell alone with some monster. Your stomach dropped as you remembered him being tackled earlier.
“(Y/N)?” Called out a familiar voice. “Leon,” you exclaimed happily and jumped out of your seat. In another breath and a few echoing footsteps, Leon was in front of the receptionist desk. A smirk soon curving his lips. “Rethinking a job position?” Leon asked with raised eyebrows. “No.” You hastily exited the tiny room. He didn’t appear injured. “Where are the others?” “I think they took the stairs.” Pointing off in the direction they had gone, you asked. “Are they going back up?” A frown creased Leon’s concerned expression. Their actions troubled him. “They could’ve left, right?” You glanced towards the entrance. “Yeah . . . So why go down to the basement?” “There’s a basement?” Icy blue eyes regarded you. “Not that I’m scared of basements,” you said quickly. “We can check it out. Maybe they’re stealing or something.” “We have to get you out of here.” “Them too. Who knows what they’re doing? They might need help. Not with stealing hopefully.” Expression softening, Leon nodded. “Come on. Stay close.” “Will do.” You whispered with a determined nod of your own. “Not too close to step on your heels though.” “Heh. That’s the least of my worries.” “But everything should be good now, right?” “Let’s hope.”
Together, Leon and yourself made a beeline for the basement door. An easy task even with knocked over display cases of assorted business accomplishments and dead infected in your path.
Despite everything, you thought, at least Leon is easy to get along with. The lady who interviewed me was . . . seemed bothered to talk. Oh well. Coming up to the door, Leon raised his left hand to the handle. It was then that you finally noticed his bracelet as you stood mostly behind him. A crystal so dark a shade, you nearly mistook it as onyx. You took a quick glance at your ring. “Oh.” Heat rose to your neck. “Yeah,” murmured Leon over his shoulder. “Some first meeting, huh?” “Yah think?” Of all other things to happen today. My soulmate is rescuing me from zombies? What the heck is going on? You blinked and asked without another thought, “You knew this whole time?” “There was no one else in the restroom.” “Touché.” Stepping back, you observed Leon peek beyond the door. You weren’t quite sure what to make of the indistinctive sounds coming up. Leon did. Grabbing his walkie talkie, he communicated the news to his team. Something about an umbrella and biological weaponry. The others advised a warning regarding the two employees. What is his job exactly? Efficiently and quickly, Leon checked over his gun and remaining supplies. Set for another round of sweeping. “Stay here,” he ordered firmly as he pushed open the door. “But--” “Here.” You sighed and leaned against the wall. “Fine, but come back in one piece. This place has made me nervous all morning.” “Then we’ll have lunch somewhere else.” In a blink of an eye, Leon was out of your sight. Every minuscule sound afterwards made you jump or hurriedly check your surroundings. Being alone again activated the rest of your fear. It was a wonder how being in good company, very capable company, eased your worries. He’s my freaking soulmate, you thought as you attempted keeping your breathing even. And he’s down there with two strangers or fighting off infected like a regular Thursday for him. You sighed again. Tuesdays suck.
. . .
“Damn it,” Leon leapt out of the way. A basement of a science center should had been much quieter and clear than how Leon found it. Somewhere behind a generator, the two men -- scientists -- were terrified and hardly conscious. In the open area beyond, storage containers stood a large infected. Slender with thick legs, the infected had a new target. It lowered to the floor with a deep growl. Just my luck, thought Leon. Thankfully, the experienced agent was more motivated than usual. With Chris and the rest of the team on the way down, they’d be finished in no time, which left good news in regards to his soulmate. You were alive and well. Leon was determined to keep you safe no matter the danger. “Who’s hunting who, pal?”
. . .
Anxious and heart rate moderately high, you remained close to the basement door. Nothing came in or out of the lobby. All around you had remained silent as chaos erupted beyond the closed door. Half an hour of not knowing what occurred in the basement felt like two hours worth of unnerved twitching. Is the whole basement full of infected? You thought as you fiddled with your ring. What if one comes out? What if Leon doesn’t --? “Ah.” You nearly jumped a foot back as the door opened and a team walked out wearing protective vests. Not one could you recognize. Each armored and live human eyed you before heading to the exit. Even the two men from earlier were dragged out. Weird. You thought, expecting someone to at least converse with you for security reasons. “Uh…” Despite the clear lack of danger, the situation appeared all the more odd. Confusing too. Less odd, thankfully, when a familiar dirty blond haired man stepped out into the lobby. “Leon.” You rushed up to him without a second thought. A little beat-up with red marks, Leon turned in your direction. “How are you not one bruise?” You exclaimed. “Give it time.” Leon smiled. “Are you okay?” You asked. “A little hungry, but fine.” You shook your head. “You’re something else, you know that?” “In a bad way?” “No… Different in a very…unexpectedly impressive way. If that makes sense?” “Heh.” Leon rubbed the back of his neck. He is pretty handsome, you thought off-handedly. “So, if all’s well, what now?” “We get out of here.” He answered simply before adding, “medical checks, debriefs, reports.” “I’ll take that over infected.” “Me too.” Icy blue eyes studied you softly. All seriousness and survival focus faded away. He was Leon Kennedy. A man who probably did not expect to find his soulmate amongst entering chaos. “Leon!” A muscular man called from the entrance. “Let’s go!” Without a word, Leon and yourself headed out of the building. Armored and unmarked vehicles were pulling into the parking lot. An organized sign of clean-up. It was going to be okay. You survived and your soulmate found you when all was terrifying. The rest of the day lay ahead. “So…about lunch?” Leon murmured.
. . .
Music smoothly filled your living room as a movie played with interruption. Something calm and a little nostalgic. Just what you needed. Days had gone by after all the checkups and documenting of the events that had taken place at the science center. You hadn’t even looked at your résumé after that. On a brighter note, the ordeal had placed your soulmate in your life. When each document had been signed and you were free to go, you were able to start getting to know each other in a domestic setting. No infected sightings. No upcoming job interviews. Both of you were completely safe and quite comfortable. Relaxing on the couch, you found solace in being all snuggled into Leon’s side. Cozy and cared for. He had an arm wrapped around you as his other hand played with the soulmate ring on your finger. Together and alive. You counted yourselves lucky. Situations could had been extremely different. Over the past week or so, nightmares plagued your sleep and made days uneasy. So having Leon, your soulmate, who completely understood helped. Life didn’t have to be all scary. Neither of you needed to run from one day to the next. You were able to take things slow or any pace you desired. All would be okay. Leon had promised safety. You had no doubt he meant it.
Nudging your head against Leon, you caught a glimpse of his smile. Like a sunrise. “Leon.” “Hmm?” “We could pretend we met in a grocery store or something.” “Oh, yeah?” He pulled you closer. “Like during a holiday rush. It gets wild…I’ve heard.” “Which aisle?” You snickered, “Toilet paper aisle.” “Nothing says ‘want a date’ like two ply.” “Homemade pizza does.” You kissed his chin and was rewarded another smile from Leon. “You had me at ‘not really’. After I asked if they gave you a tour.” “That’s so random.” “You were just being you. How could I not like you?” You raised an eyebrow. “Is this a soulmate thing?” “As long as we’re together, I don’t care what it’s called.” Gently, Leon leaned in to kiss your forehead. His smile curved against your skin. “I’m just glad I found you.”
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
Leon Scott Kennedy Tags: @bumblebeesfromvenus @c4rl40n4 @d333athw1sh
** Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.
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fluentmoviequoter · 11 months ago
Yelling at Cops
Part 2 of Flirting with Cops
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!rookie!reader
Summary: After you are injured, your fiancé Tim yells at you and treats you like a boot. When Wade and Nyla find out, they tell him what really happened.
Warnings: canon typical danger and action, explosion, r is injured and goes to the hospital, yelling/arguments, fluff, teasing
Word Count: 1.7k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
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“Bradford,” Nyla whispers from the other side of the shop. “Tell me this-“
“Do I have to?” you ask.
“Yes, because I am your TO. I’m, like, a goddess in this shop. I have the power to-“
“Have me fired or make me a rookie forever,” you finish with a chuckle. “I know, ma’am.”
“Tell me this,” Nyla begins again. “Does Bradford call you boot?”
“Never? Not even when he gets upset?”
“He hasn’t gotten super upset with me yet. Raised his voice once because I almost got hurt, but nothing serious. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did at some point, though.”
“7-Adam-19, there’s a reported 215 and 245 at Olympic and Burnside Avenue,” control alerts.
“7-Adam-19, show us responding,” Nyla radios.
“Carjacking and assault with a deadly weapon?”
“Welcome to Los Angeles,” Nyla jokes.
As you approach the intersection, you see a man with a large automatic rifle ducking behind a car. There are civilians on the other side of the road and an injured man on the driver’s side of the car.
“Control, 7-Adam-19 requesting backup. One armed, one injured,” Nyla informs. “Block this lane.”
You pull around with your side of the shop toward the gunman. The car is facing you, so he can’t escape unless it’s on foot. Nyla opens her door and slides out before staying low to go around the back of the shop. You watch the man beside you, and when he turns quickly, you lower your window and pull your gun from your holster. He has a different weapon when he twists toward you, and when he aims it toward the back tire, you know he’s going to hurt Nyla. You don’t think before acting, not like you should, at least.
You throw the door open and begin firing as you move back toward Nyla. She yells at you to get down, but you turn toward her instead.
“Run!” you yell.
As you run behind Nyla, trying to get away from the shop, the man shoots the new weapon, and the shop explodes behind you. You fall to the asphalt, and Nyla stumbles ahead of you. Ignoring the pain in your leg, you push yourself up and rush behind a parked car. Nyla’s eyes widen when she sees you, and she pushes up to look through the windows of the car to locate the man.
“Control, this is Harper. Where’s my backup?” she yells into the radio.
“ETA two minutes,” control responds.
“What do we do?” you ask. “He���ll run.”
“You don’t do anything,” Nyla snaps. “Control, send a R/A to my location.”
“Harper, he’s moving again,” you say.
“Not your concern,” she replies.
You look toward her, and she’s looking between your leg and the car across the street. What’s left of the shop is aflame in the middle of Olympic Boulevard, blocking part of the man’s location from view. When Nyla turns toward you, you finally look at your leg. Your pants are darkened with blood, and when you bend your knee, you hiss in pain.
“Don’t move,” Nyla demands.
You don’t listen and gently push your fingers against the side of your thigh. “It’s just a bunch of glass.”
“Shrapnel in your body is not just anything!”
“Harper, we have to do something or he’s going to hurt the other people.”
Nyla exhales deeply before nodding. “Bradford is going to kill me,” she murmurs.
“He’ll come for me first,” you say with a small smile.
“Alright. You go around the shop and I’ll come up from behind. If you have a shot, take it.”
As you limp around the far side of the intersection, you raise your weapon and look for the shooter. Nyla’s gun fires before you see him, and you rush out to cover her. When the man sees you, he drops the rifle in his hands and raises them.
“Nice work,” Nyla tells you. “Now sit down and wait for your ambulance.”
On cue, the ambulance pulls up and two paramedics rush to your side.
“I’ll alert Sergeant Bradford,” someone says.
“No!” you and Harper yell together.
“This is related to his case,” the officer argues.
Wade slams the door of his car and cuts off the rest of his sentence. “I’ll fill in Bradford,” he states. “You, though,” he says to you, “have a lot more to explain.”
“You’re going to tell him?” you ask him.
“Would you rather he find out over the radio?”
You shake your head, and the paramedics move your gurney into the ambulance.
“I’ll try to calm him down, but… good luck, kid. I’ll be by in a few.”
“Thank you. You too, Harper.”
“You saved my life. Sorry I yelled at you,” she offers.
You’ve just been moved to a private room after a painful hour of having shrapnel removed from your leg when Tim’s voice echoes through the hallways. He yells your name before his footsteps near your room. When he stops at the door, his chest is heaving, and his nostrils are flared.
“Are you out of your mind?” Tim demands loudly. “Harper should have you fired for that little stunt. I would! You are not here to be a hero, boot, and endangering lives – including yours – is not what being a cop is about!”
“Sergeant Bradford,” Wade says from behind Tim. “A word?”
“With me?” Tim asks. “Why don’t you remind the rookie in here about a little thing called procedure!”
“Tim,” Wade interjects. “Hallway. Now.”
Your eyes drop to your hands as they leave. Tim has never yelled at you like this before, and his insults and threats to have you fired do little to calm your nerves. Harper seemed mad when she first noticed your injury, but that was nothing compared to Tim’s reaction. You wait nervously for Tim, or at least Wade, to return from the hallway.
Tim begins to speak, but Wade raises a hand. He takes a deep breath to calm down before explaining everything he knows to Tim.
“I-“ Tim begins.
“No!” Wade says. “You don’t get to make an excuse about not knowing. You have known from the beginning, I told you from the beginning. When you came to me and said you were dating a rookie, I made an exception for you on one condition. I told you that if anything happened to her, it was on you. Not because you’re her superior, but because she is yours. This situation is unique, but you led me to believe you could handle it. Now, I’ll be honest, I did that hoping you’d back out and decide to wait to start a relationship, but once I saw the two of you together, my concerns became about what would happen if the two of you were separated by something or injured. That speech I just heard makes me think you’re just here as a cop. Tell me I’m wrong and I’ll listen.”
“Why us?” Tim asks angrily. “Why are we worth the special treatment and personal attention?”
Somewhere along the way, Wade became like a father figure to you. When he agreed to let Tim continue seeing you without alerting IA, he threatened to demote, fire, or kill him if he did anything to jeopardize your career, life, or relationship.
“Because I care, Bradford. Is that so hard to believe? And right now, I’m wondering if you should go back to patrol or find a new station?”
“You can’t fire me for hurting her delicate little feelings, Wade!”
“And how would your feelings be if you were going to her funeral?” Wade snaps. Tim’s face drops and Wade adds, “Harper just filed her official statement. Their backup was two minutes away, and she would have been dead if your rookie hadn’t stepped in. They would both be dead, and I don’t know about you, but I think some glass shards to the leg is a whole lot better than a funeral.”
Tim’s eyes drop as he nods. “I messed up.”
“You did. Now do something about it.”
You look up immediately when the door opens. Tim walks in first, but Wade is close behind him.
“I’m sorry,” Tim begins. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you or threatened to have you fired, especially when I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. Are you okay?”
You nod, but Wade jumps in before you can say anything.
“I’m sorry, too. I went behind your back to keep Tim in line, or so I thought, from the very beginning. I should have been open with both of you, but I’ll do better now.”
“I forgive you,” you whisper, looking at Tim. You turn toward Wade to add, “And thank you for whatever it is you’ve done already.”
Wade nods and smiles before stepping back toward the door. Tim goes in the opposite direction and stops beside your bed.
“You’re really okay?” he asks as he takes your hand.
“Just sore. And I have to buy new pants.”
Tim sighs and pulls you into a hug, bending over to pull you close. You smile against him and rub his back. He’s tenser than you are, and he wasn’t even blown up.
You know that your relationship with Tim will never be easy, but it will always be worth the time and effort. Plus, your friends understand what you are going through and are there for you every step of the way.
“Visitor,” Wade alerts.
Tim steps back as Nyla walks in with a bag of your favorite snacks. Despite her original tough act, she does like you as a cop and as a friend.
“I heard someone yelled at you,” she says with a quick look toward Tim.
“He apologized. Didn’t bring me snacks though. Thank you!” you reply.
“He better keep apologizing,” Nyla adds, talking directly to Tim.
“I will,” he promises. “Glad you’re both okay.”
“Wait, does this mean I can’t help with the Metro case that I almost died for?” you interject.
“Not for a while,” Tim answers. “Gotta heal, first.”
“What was it you said? ‘Just some glass’, then walk it off,” Nyla says with a shrug.
“I wanted to ride with TO Bradford, the scariest in station history.”
You pout, and Tim shakes his head while Nyla laughs. Wade thinks about you and Tim riding together and wonders if you’d manage to get anything done.
“One cop is more than enough in my relationship,” Wade sighs. “I don’t know how you two do it.”
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bat-mom-writer · 5 months ago
Bat Baby: Part 2
Reader(Mother Pregnant) X bat boys(Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne)
Summery: You go to shopping and your overlyprotective sons go with you and bring walkie talkies. Is this a cute idea or an embarrassing one?
(I do not own any DC charaters)
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
"You're going to be the death of me," She chuckled, her hand resting lightly on her swollen belly, watching as her stepsons hovered over her like hawks.
"R2, this is N1, mother is feeling cranky again. Requesting backup, over." Dick Grayson murmured into his wrist-mounted walkie-talkie, not breaking eye contact with the grocery aisle. He could see his own reflection in the gleaming tins of baby food, his blue eyes filled with mischief.
Jason Todd, responded with a curt, "10-4, N1. ETA two minutes. Over."
Tim Drake, the youngest, took his role as R3 seriously, already scanning the shelves for anything that might catch her fancy. "N1, I've got eyes on a fresh shipment of those ginger snaps she craves. Permission to engage. Over."
"Affirmative, R3," came the response from Dick. "Secure the snacks and meet us at the rendezvous point, aisle six. Over."
"I just wanted to go shopping, did you have to bring the walkie talkies?" she said with a playful smile, swiping a loose strand of hair off her forehead. Her cheeks were flushed from both exertion and the warmth of their collective concern.
"Standard protocol, Mrs. Wayne," Dick replied, his voice serious but his eyes twinkling with amusement. "We can't risk any potential threats to the mission… or your cravings."
Tim emerged from the shadows, a pack of ginger snaps in hand. "Snacks secured," he announced, his usual brooding demeanor replaced with a rare smile. "Let's move out."
"R2, where are you?" Dick's voice crackled through the walkie-talkie. "I ordered for backup, over."
Jason's voice responded, "Still on approach, N1. Had to deal with a suspicious character. Nothing to worry about. Over."
She couldn't help but chuckle at their antics, though she appreciated their vigilance. Being married to Bruce Wayne, she knew all too well the dangers that could lurk in even the most mundane places. These boys were her makeshift Bat-family, her own knights in shining armor, and they were taking their roles very seriously. She felt a wave of love and warmth wash over her, and it had nothing to do with the pregnancy.
She sighs, a gentle sigh of resignation escaping her lips, and immediately the boys' heads whip around. "Mother bird," they chorused in unison, their eyes wide with concern.
"No, no, it's okay," She reassured them, waving a hand to calm the sudden storm of worry. "Just whatever you do, do not freak out-"
But it was too late. The walkie-talkie erupted into a cacophony of static and concerned male voices. "Mother bird has sighed! I repeat, mother bird has sighed! Status update, R2! Over!" Tim's voice was high-pitched and frantic.
"Copy that, R3," Jason's voice responded, sounding much closer now. "I'm on it."
Within moments, he rounded the corner, his eyes scanning the area for threats before finally landing on she . He strode over, his face a mask of concern. "Mother bird, report your status."
She laughed, the sound echoing through the aisles. "I'm fine, really. I just need to sit down for a second."
"N1, mother bird in need of emergency chair, over," Jason said into his walkie-talkie, standing right beside Dick.
Dick's eyes darted around the area before he nodded to Tim. "R3, deploy the foldable chair. Code blue."
Tim, ever the prepared one, reached into his utility belt and pulled out a compact chair. With a flick of his wrist, it unfolded with a satisfying snap, and she gratefully sank into it. The chair was surprisingly sturdy, designed to hold her weight even in her current condition. She watched as the boys exchanged a look of pride, having successfully executed their plan.
The three of them, Dick, Jason, and Tim, stood around her in a semi-circle, their eyes scanning the surrounding area with the intensity of seasoned soldiers. They looked ridiculous in the middle of the baby aisle, but she knew they were just trying to make her feel safe.
"You three are ridiculous," She said, her voice a mix of amusement and affection. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so protected, so cared for. It was a stark contrast to her previous life, one filled with shadows and secrets.
"Three?" The sudden silence that followed was so thick it could be sliced with a knife. Dick's grip tightened on his walkie-talkie as he glanced at the others. Jason and Tim's eyes widened in surprise, both looking at him expectantly.
"R4, do you read me? Over." Dick repeated into the device, his voice tight.
"I'm not doing this," a young, yet firm voice responded through the static.
The boys looked at each other, puzzled expressions on their faces. Her smile grew as she realized it was Damian, their youngest sibling. "R4, come in. Over," Dick said with a hint of exasperation.
"Damian, don't be a party pooper," Tim chided playfully. "We're just trying to keep mom safe."
"R4, this is N1," Dick's voice was firm but had a hint of a smile. "Your presence is requested at the rendezvous point immediately. Over."
"Fine," Damian's voice grumbled through the walkie-talkie. "But only because it's for Mom."
Her heart swelled with affection for her unconventional family. Despite their unique circumstances, they had formed a bond that was as unshakable as it was unorthodox. She watched as Dick and Tim exchanged a knowing look, their eyes filled with the same mix of fondness and exasperation that often accompanied their interactions with the youngest Wayne.
They headed to the check out, the clank of their gear and the squelch of their boots on the linoleum floor drawing curious glances from other shoppers. Dick took the lead, his eyes darting back and forth, ensuring their path was clear. Tim hovered protectively beside the shopping cart, ready to leap into action at the first sign of trouble, while Jason brought up the rear, his gaze sharp and assessing.
As they approached the checkout lanes, they spotted a figure that could only be Damian. He leaned against the candy rack, arms crossed, a look of boredom etched on his face.Upon seeing Avilasa, he rolled his eyes but straightened up, walking towards them with a begrudging gait.
"Mother, why are we using these… devices?" he asked, holding up his own walkie-talkie with a look of distaste.
She couldn't help but laugh. "Because your brothers are overzealous with their protectiveness," she replied, "And because it's fun."
Damian raised an eyebrow. "It is not fun," he said, his tone a clear challenge.
"R4, maintain your cover," Dick whispered into his walkie-talkie, a smirk playing on his lips. "We don't need any unnecessary attention."
She watched as Damian's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing, tucking the device into his pocket with a huff. The checkout line was longer than they'd anticipated, filled with weekend shoppers and families with carts piled high. The boys took turns scanning the crowd, each of them hyper-aware of any potential threats. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride in their diligence, even if it was a bit overkill for a trip to the grocery store.
"Alright, Mother Bird," Dick announced, his voice low and serious, "We're approaching the extraction point."
She couldn't hold back her laughter as the three of them formed a human shield around her, guiding her through the line like she was a VIP at a high-security event. The cashier looked at them with a mix of confusion and amusement as they approached.
"No sudden movements now," Dick whispered dramatically, his eyes darting to the cashier. The woman looked up at him, blinking slowly, and he gave her a tight-lipped smile that was meant to be reassuring but came off more like a warning.
Jason stepped in, playing along. "We're all clear," he murmured, his voice low enough that only the boys could hear. "Proceed with the checkout protocol."
Tim nodded, his eyes still sweeping the area as he began to unload the cart. "Roger that, N1."
The cashier, a young woman with a name tag that read 'Ashley', couldn't help but chuckle at their seriousness. "Looks like you guys are prepared for anything," she said, her voice lilted with humor.
She looked up at her with a wry smile. "You have no idea," she said, her voice filled with a hint of awe at the lengths her stepsons would go to.
"R2, this is N1," Dick spoke into the walkie-talkie, his voice dropping into a dramatic whisper, "We've made contact with a friendly civilian. Proceed with caution. Over."
Jason snickered, shaking his head slightly. "Roger that, N1," he replied, his own voice echoing the playful sarcasm. "We'll keep the situation under control."
The checkout process went smoothly, with the occasional whispered code word and the dramatic scanning of their surroundings. She couldn't help but feel a bit like a celebrity with her entourage of guardians. The customers around them were either bemused or bewildered by the display, but the boys remained steadfast in their roles.
Once outside the store, the tension eased slightly. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the parking lot. The air was filled with the scent of grilling meat and distant laughter from nearby families enjoying the weekend BBQs. she took a deep breath, feeling the tension in her shoulders relax.
"Alright, knights," she said, patting her belly, "time to get this baby home before he decides to make an early appearance."
The trio nodded in unison, Damian follow at a casual distance, and they began their march to the car, each of them carrying bags filled with her precious cargo. The walkie-talkies remained at the ready, though the tension had lightened. She felt the weight of their care and the absurdity of the situation, but she knew that this was their way of showing her love.
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porcupine-girl · 3 months ago
Look, I KNOW he's innocent until proven guilty, and maybe they have the wrong guy, but like. People saying the police planted the evidence to set this guy up?
You're telling me that the police who took three days to find a backpack in Central Park, who had no fucking leads on this guy's identity whatsoever, who didn't even have Luigi on a potential suspect list until they got the call from the McDonald's, who thought the guy had fled to Atlanta, not Pennysylvania... You're telling me that those police, in the five days while they were actively "investigating" the case, in their spare time managed to find the perfect patsy for this - some dude with chronic pain problems who dropped off the grid a few months ago, who is exactly the kind of privileged tech bro who I'm not surprised would get to this point when the system that has served him perfectly for years suddenly fails him spectacularly - and wrote up a manifesto that is quite simple, coherent, and logical and even contains citations?
Sorry, I'm not buying that they're somehow suddenly competent when it comes to setting a Random Rich White Dude up. If the police wrote that thing, it'd be incoherent ramblings so he looks "crazy" and I guarantee you they would have given him some other reasoning besides the health insurance industry being immoral. They couldn't pin in on a black guy because the tapes clearly show he wasn't, but they would have found someone less white than Italian. And they would have made themselves look more competent, by, say, finding someone in the Atlanta area or at least putting his name on their suspect list beforehand.
He's innocent until proven guilty, yes, absolutely. But personally, I think if this guy didn't do it then he was trying very hard to make it look like he did and get caught. He saw how everyone loves the shooter and wanted the notoriety, agreed with the apparent motives, maybe even wanted to take heat off the real shooter.
I do not believe for one second that the cops managed this nice a setup.
ETA: You know what, I hope this guy didn't do it - I hope he noticed he looked like the photos, the motives resonated with him, and he decided the most useful thing he could do is distract the police from whoever the real shooter is for a while, so he set himself up.
And then it turns out that he has an airtight alibi for that day.
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pedrostylez · 11 months ago
I’m Here When You Need Me
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Joel Miller x f!reader One Shot
Warnings: Angst, feelings, longing, cheating on the readers part, Joel just wants you to be happy, high key hating reader’s husband, age gap mentioned (Joel is in his 50’s, no reader age), insecurities, mentions of body and working out, insecurities, nipple and breast play, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected piv sex ( wrap it people), oral f recieving, I think that’s it
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: this has had minimal edits and I’m posting from my phone so don’t be judging me!!!! Heed the warnings. I hope you guys enjoy 😊
He’s at it again, dreaming of you wrapped around him. Soft to the touch, warm and needy, just how he likes you.
The telltale sound of his phone wakes him from the comfort of his dreams, vibrating through the pillow to his ear. When he squints his eyes to see your name on the screen, his heart freezes for a moment. You don’t typically call, so it must be important. “Hello?” He sounds groggy, and he hears your pause before a deep sigh. He knows you feel bad for calling him, even though you knew he would be asleep. “What is it, baby?”
“Don’t call me that.” You hiss, breath coming quickly through the receiver, the sound of your teeth biting at your nail.
“Are you alone?” He asks, now sitting up in bed. He’s used to a rogue text here and there, asking if he’s home so that you can slip out while your husband is asleep, or at work. He’s never texted you first, never been the initiator except for the once when he first spotted you in the bar. But a phone call in the middle of the night? Unheard of.
“Yeah.” You sigh, frustration clear in your voice.
He frowns, rubbing at his chin and shuffling out of bed. “Door’s open, baby.” It slips out, and he winces, figuring you’ll correct him again. He can’t help it.
You don’t say anything about the nickname, just give him a quiet goodbye and an ETA.
He doesn’t bother to remake the bed, doesn’t bother to clean up anything. He used to; used to make sure all the dishes were done and that the floor was swept for you. He was embarrassed, a 50 something year old man still living alone and had somehow gotten your attention. He wanted to leave a good impression.
But after enough times of you storming in, how you would grab around the collar of his shirt and thrust yourself at him to feel something, to distract you from whatever issues you were having with him, he stopped worrying.
A habit he shouldn’t get into, but he knew you would come around again and again.
Joel flicks on the outside light, looking out the curtain briefly before sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. He keeps the sound low, listening for the sound of your truck to pull up next to his. His pants are low, riding just below the elastic band of his underwear, loose and warm under the flannel.
He sighs, switching the channel and scratching at his incoming beard. He doesn’t know what mood you’ll be in, what you’ll want, but trying to wake himself up after a long day on the job is all he can do to prepare for you.
The sound of your door slamming has him turning his head, listening to your sneakers shuffle on his brick pathway. The pause at his door, where he swears he can hear you take a deep breath before twisting the knob and letting yourself in.
Your hair, swept to one side and down, loose, wild, has his mouth upturned out of habit. He loves you wild. “Hey.”
“What’s going on?” He asks quietly, letting you shut his front door and slip your sneakers off. He doesn’t dare move, afraid that he might scare you off by being too concerned. You’re in your own set of pajamas, loose shirt and flannel pants with a sweatshirt zipped in the front.
When you sit beside him, you lean into him with your head on his chest. One, two, three big breaths leave your mouth as he wraps an arm around you. It gives you the courage to say what you came here for. “I don’t think he loves me.”
Joel’s heart sinks, the sound of your voice defeated. His arm squeezes around you, looking down to the crown of your head. “No, baby that’s not true.” It slips out again, and he closes his eyes to try and recenter himself. Stop calling her baby.
“He won’t even look at me anymore.” You say again, tilting your head to look Joel in the eye. You’ve accepted it, eyes not shimmering with sadness. “He says he wants me but…never initiates. It’s like I’m begging just for an ounce of attention.”
Joel holds his face neutral, his blood boiling. He wants you, he would give you the attention you deserve. He knows that’s why you’re here, that’s why you called–
“I don’t think he finds me attractive anymore.” You whisper, an uncommitted shrug before you bury your head back against his chest.
Joel rubs his hand up and down your back, looking up toward the TV for a moment. Reruns of Seinfeld, laugh tracks and a bright screen fill his senses. He keeps quiet, keeping his hand moving to reassure you before he says, “I think the world of you.”
You shake under his arm with a brief chuckle, resting your hand on his stomach and swirling, swirling, swirling your finger around his belly button.
He resists sucking his stomach in, knowing you’ll chastise him like you have before. He wants to hold you, body against body to prove to you how much he wants you. “Do you want to go lay down with me?” He asks quietly, feeling your hair slide away from his arm as you pull away from him.
“Sure.” You reach for the remote, clicking off the screen and unzipping your sweatshirt. You turn to him, smirking as you step in the direction of his bedroom. “Just to sleep?”
“If that’s what you want.” Is his immediate answer. It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve come to his door just wanting to fall asleep on his chest; he wouldn’t mind it in the least, just to have you next to him.
But the way you smile, the way your eyes shimmer with want, he knows that isn’t what will be happening.
No, not when he turns off all the lights and heads to the bedroom and finds you already under the covers. Your quiet voice asking him to turn off the lights is new, but he obliges.
He fumbles to the bed, getting under the covers and hearing your giggle when you reach for his hand and place it on your breast. He laughs as well, swiping his thumb back and forth over your nipple until it is taunt, peaked against the pads of his fingers. He presses his mouth to your jaw, lightly pinching to hear your whimper against his ear.
He sighs happily, groaning when your fingers wrap around his cock through his pajamas. Your hands are warm, pressing heat into him in ways he misses when you’re gone. He lets his fingers drift down your side, counting your ribs quietly to himself. “Let me see you, baby?” He inquires, letting his lips run down the column of your throat, pressing deeply into the curve of your collarbone.
He feels your tension, the way you freeze for only an instant before going back to your loosened and easy going movements. “What? Don’t like surprises?” You question, squeezing your hand around the head of him briefly before pushing down his pants.
He springs free, your fingers lightly dancing down his shaft making him groan. He wants to tell you that it’s not that he doesn’t like surprises, but he wants to watch you. He looks down, blankets haphazardly in the way, only giving him a peek at what your hand is doing around him.
It feels like heaven, your hand with small calluses at the base of each finger. The smoothness of the rest, silky and enticing pumping up and down, your thumb swiping at the weeping hole to spread some of the wetness around.
He moves the sheet out of the way, letting his eyes trail to your chest before looking up at you as his tongue pokes out, circling the same nipple from before. Your mouth opens in awe, eyes fluttering shut and head thrown back. “J-Joel–”
“Let me see you.” He’s muffled against your skin, flicking his tongue against you and letting his fingers drift further and further down. Joel’s fingers brush over the hem of your underwear, and he can’t help the smile that grows on his face as you giggle. He knows it’s ticklish there, just as he dips his fingers into the humid skin beneath.
Your breath hitches, eyes opening more fully as he moves the blankets with his arm. He notices how you watch it, suddenly self conscious as your legs start to spread for him. “I’m cold, Joel.”
He pauses, letting only the knuckle of his first two fingers continue their movement under the strain of your underwear. You’re slick, his fingers easily moving over your clit with a laziness that he knows you like. You don’t want to be rushed-ever; it’s why you go to his place to begin with. “I’ll warm you up.”
“N-no.” You close your eyes, shaking your head as if falling out of this fantasy. “I want the blankets up here.”
Joel’s fingers pause now, head tilting up to you and frowning. He can see you more clearly now, his eyes having adjusted to the street lamps that filter through his curtains. You’re almost naked below him, frowning with your eyes downturned, looking toward his hand instead of his face. He brings his other hand up, tilting your chin to look directly at him. “What’s wrong, baby?”
You attempt at a scoff, but he’s not buying it. “I’m cold, I told you–”
“You know I think you’re beautiful, right?” He gruffs, frown going deeper as he sees you shake your head. “You know I like to see how you react, touch you, look at you. Why do you want to be covered?”
“I’ll just put my shirt back on.” You snarl, teeth coming out to bite as you lean over the side of the bed, reaching for the shirt you had tossed off before he followed you into the bedroom.
His fingers wrap around your wrist, pulling your arm back and holding you to the bed. Unable to roll, you wiggle under him, pulling your hand free to reach again. When he catches you again, you groan unhappily, getting into a pulling and pushing match with him.
He’s stronger than you, the creases in his forehead deepening as he let’s you get away enough times to tire you out, but not letting you escape his question. “Quit fightin’ me, and tell me what is going on.”
Your hands are secured to the pillows below you, breasts bouncing from the intensity of it and your deep breaths. He can’t help how his eyes trail down, wanting to look at you, but seeing you squirm uncomfortably.
You stay silent, glaring at him and then looking to the ceiling as if you’re just going to ignore the question. Joel sighs, annoyance bubbling up in him and trying to tamp it down. It clicks suddenly in his head, that something must have been said to you. “Why do you want to be covered?”
Your eyes trail back to his, your furrowed brow slowly relaxing, the tension in your arms reducing to where Joel releases his grip and lets his fingers trail down to hold your torso. His hands wrap around you, his thumbs stroking at the soft skin under each breast. He’s not sure if your eyes are shimmering with tears, or if it is just a trick in the light when you say, “He…he asked if I had been working out lately.” You swallow, shaking your head. “A-and when I said no, he…he said ‘that’s obvious.’”
Joel’s breath comes quickly, his fingers subconsciously digging into your skin to hold himself steady. He said what? He can’t help but stare at you, waiting for more to come, but you just stare back with a slow buildup of tears in your lash line.
Another moment of silence before you’re sniffling, bringing a hand up to cover your eyes as if embarrassed. Joel releases you as he feels your body shutter, pulling the blankets up around you both and moving his fingers to cradle your head. He lets his dull nails scratch at your scalp, shushing and cooing at you until you’re pressed against him, naked skin on skin in a humid cloud under his blankets.
He lets you cry; it’s the first he’s really ever seen you do so since meeting you. You’ve always been strong, secure and confident in how you present yourself. He found it off putting, in some ways-he had never been with a woman that didn't need him. He was used to being the provider. But you’d always taken care of yourself, came and went as you pleased, and didn’t ask for anything else.
His heart swells with want. “You’re alright baby, I’ve got you.” He husks, moving his fingers to the back of your neck and massaging at the tense muscles there. “He’s a fucking moron, you know that don’t you? You’re beautiful, you’ve got me wrapped around your finger.”
You shake your head, tears having stopped and a small smile making its way across your face. “No I don't, Miller.”
“You do.” He relents, tilting his head down to look at you again. Red eyes and wet lashes, but otherwise okay. His thumb runs under your eyes, absorbing tears from your face almost instantly. “He shouldn’t be speaking to you that way.”
You roll your eyes. “It’s not a big deal. He’s right, it’s probably why our marriage isn’t going great.”
“That’s not true.” He says immediately, letting his thumb drift to your lower lip and pull it down briefly. “You think your marriage isn’t going well because he doesn’t find you attractive?”
“Among other things.” You sigh, now back to your previous demeanor. Your fingers are dancing over his chest, swirling his chest hair around. “Joel, it’s fine.”
“It’s not.” He argues. “You’re someone any decent man would want. How can he just–”
“Please just, let’s move on.” You cut him off, pressing a flat palm firmly into his chest.
He closes his mouth, breathing heavily through his nose to calm himself down from giving a full lecture. He wants you to understand, to hear him fully. You deserve better than what you have.
You both lay there silently for a moment, just breathing together and not moving. He keeps his eyes on yours, watching yours flick down to his mouth and feeling the way you minutely move towards him. He doesn’t dare move, wanting you to be the one that initiates.
Your hand is gentle against his lower stomach, gliding down again to his now softened cock. It stirs, easy to respond to you. Joel stops your hand, wrapping his fingers around your wrist. “Is this what you want?”
“Yes.” You’re breathy, pupils having gone wide as he lets go of your wrist. It doesn’t take him long to get hard again with how you move your hand, his mind both empty and racing with thoughts.
When you roll on to your back, offering a silent invitation for him to get on top, he’s eager to let his legs tangle with yours and settle between your thighs. He presses his mouth to your collarbone, trailing down below the blanket as you wished for before, his tongue peeking out when he gets to your core.
You sigh happily when his tongue meets your clit in slow, agonizing circles. He prefers to watch you when he does this, eyes up on your face as his tongue swoops back and forth, over and over the hood of your clit until you’re squirming and reaching down to fist at his hair. He likes watching your neck shine with a thin layer of sweat, the way your hair begins to stick to your face and your eyes closing tightly to just feel him.
But right now he’s below the covers, holding one leg down and open to better feast on his meal, the other reaching up and intertwining his fingers with yours. The hand not in his must be bracing yourself against his headboard, your moans muffled by the sheets and blankets surrounding him.
He lets his tongue dip into you, squeezed briefly by your walls and the yelp you let out makes him chuckle. You never expect the first intrusion, spreading your legs wider to let his shoulders be flat against you, his laugh vibrating against your skin.
He continues this pattern, dipping into you with his tongue, circling your clit, and back again. He doesn’t know how long it goes on for, over and over to the point that he’s closed his eyes to feel you instead of watching you. His cock is hard between his legs, pressing against the end of his mattress and begging to be touched by your hand.
There’s a gust of cool air as you lift the sheet away from him, tossing it to the cold side of the bed and reaching down to his hair. He groans again, missing the feeling of your hand on any part of him, and he winces at the tug you give.
You’re pulling him up, wanting his lips on yours and for him to cover you. He obliges, pressing his lips to yours and grabbing at your thighs to lift around his middle. It would be embarrassing, how hard he is for you right now, pressed to your center and grinding against the slick that he left there, but he can’t care right now.
You want him, and that’s his priority; keeping you wanting him.
“Taste so sweet, baby. You want a little?” He says gently against your lips, pressing into your again and letting his tongue sweep into your mouth. You moan, a high and breathy sound that he loves. “That’s right, you like that, don’t you?”
He waits for your nod of approval, how you lunge for his mouth again and happily kiss his lips and jaw as he adjusts his hips to better line himself up with your center. “Joel, please, get inside me already.”
“Impatient.” He mumbles, smirking at you and tilting his head to bite at your ear. He knows you’re ticklish there, wanting to hear your laugh another time before he fills you and loses all sense of himself inside you.
He feels you tilt your hips for him, letting your half-lidded eyes meet his. The head of his cock weeps, aching to be inside you. Joel moves himself to let his head rest against your waiting entrance, beginning the slow slide in.
He can’t stop the thoughts in his mind, racing around in circle. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Once fully seated inside, you both groan in unison, his arms strained to pull away just enough to look down to where you both are connected. “Fuck.” He bites out, looking back up to your face and letting one hand rest on your jaw. “You’re so fucking perfect around me.”
“Joel, move honey.” You whine, reaching out to his shoulders and pulling him back to you. Your nails dig into the taunt muscle, the feeling soothing him.
You don’t call him that unless you’re in a different headspace–where you forget the circumstances of why you’re here. It was difficult early on for Joel to get you to relax, even though the act itself made you like putty in his hands. No, he focused on you mentally relaxing, truly forgetting your worries. When you were like this, he could say what he meant. “You’re so perfect baby.” He strains, thrusting into you at a slow and methodical pace. His hips press into the backs of your thighs, his fingers holding around your jaw tighter. “So fucking wet, you wanted this, huh? Wanted me to fuck you like this?”
You nod as he speeds up, the sound of your skin slapping against his now more prominent, the frame of the bed creaking quietly behind it. I love you. I love you. I love you.
He has to stop himself from saying it. The first time he had, he thought it would be the end of whatever the two of you had going. It had slipped out over six months ago, on your way out the door after riding him on the couch.
“I love you.” He had said quietly, watching you redress after climbing off of him.
You turned to him, a half smile on your face. “No, you don’t.” You said simply, waving at him and going on your way. He didn’t expect you to call him after that, and was shocked when just the next night you were on his doorstep waiting for him after work.
And now you’re below him, and just as every time before after that first admission, he wants to say it again. You’re crying out, asking him to come instead of announcing you’re going to, and he speeds up his movements. “You wanna finish around my cock?” He asks, his voice unrecognizable. “I’ll let you, go ahead baby. Let me see it.”
You nod, tears brimming your eyes again for a different reason than before. He feels you tighten in waves around him, sucking him in further as he tries to hold himself back. Joel continues to pump his hips, his lower back tingling with his own release ready.
“J-Joel–” you moan, digging your nails deeper into his shoulder. “Come inside me, pl-please.”
He grunts, forgetting himself and pushing forward with a whine he’s never heard leave his mouth. His eyes close as his come coats your walls, warm and welcoming of it. Joel rests his forehead against yours, sweaty skin pressed to sweaty skin, smiling down at you and breathing heavily. “Fuck baby–”
“Don’t call me that, honey.” You tease, eyes fluttering shut and an award winning smile spreading across your face.
He pulls out, wincing at how tight you are around him still, resting on his side and letting his arm wrap around your middle. “Stay?” He asks quietly, watching you turn your head and opening your eyes to look at him.
You think for a moment. “I need to clean up, and then I’ll decide.”
He grunts in disapproval, letting you slip out of his grasp and step into the ensuite bathroom. The light blinds him briefly, your ass the only thing he can see as you lean over the sink to get a closer look in the mirror. Joel props his head up, watching as you push up on the balls of your feet to get closer, your arms coming out to the door frame and leaning over to look at him. “Do you have wipes?”
He had bought some after the first few times of you being there, asking every time if he had any. He had got you to say what brand they were, and he kept them stocked now. “First drawer on the right.”
You hum happily, pulling out a face wipe and turning back to him, watching him as you scrub at your forehead and cheeks. “Did you want to clean up?”
He shakes his head. “Want to keep you on me, if you don’t mind?”
You smirk, rolling your eyes as if you don’t care. When you finish, you flick the light off and walk toward the bed, Joel blinded briefly from the change in light. “Where’d you go, baby?”
“I’m here.” You whisper, shifting the bed as you climb in and pull the covers from the other side to cover you both. You’re still naked, now cooled skin against him. “I’ll stay, if that’s okay.”
“Of course.” He whispers back, smiling to himself and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, enjoying how you snuggle into his body and neck, fitting perfectly with him. “I’d let you stay as long as you want. You know that.”
You sigh, circling your fingers against his chest hair. “What if…” you trail off, fear taking hold of your voice in a way that makes Joel uncomfortable. He squeezes an arm around you, waiting. “What if I’m too scared to have things change?” You whisper, tensing in his arms.
Joel remains relaxed, his mind swimming with I love you, I love you, let me love you. He sighs, pressing another kiss to your head. “I’m here for when you need me, if you want me.” He says quietly, feeling you relax in his arms again.
Your eyelashes flutter against his skin, your breath slowing down and becoming deeper. As you fall asleep, Joel swallows harshly. He’s here when you need him, and it was never going to change.
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bellaaae · 10 months ago
Newjeans as ship dynamics.A guide [5.4M views]
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Minji X YN [Mother & Daughter]
Ship name:-MinYn [234.5M views]
-Minji acts like Yn’s mom most of the times.
-Very protective of her.
-Looks out of her a lot
— Clip 1✰
<Yn,Minji and Haerin live>
While Minji and Haerin were talking,
Yn was looking at the screen when she suddenly clicked a video making an advert pop up making both Minji and Haerin shocked.
Haerin and Minji slightly screamed.
Minji immensely turned off the advert and faced towards yn.
“Yn-Ah!….i told you not to play it didn’t I?” She asked in a scolding tone.
Yn just looked at her smiling.
Haerin also joined her in smiling.
— Clip 2✰
<When yn was on a diet>
It was late at night around 10:00pm or so.The dorm was as silent as a grave yard,Everyone had gone to sleep.
Tip Toe
Minji tippy toed towards your room.She held the door handle and gently pushed the door back trying her best not to make any noises.
The maknae was peacefully asleep.
Minji looked at the sleeping maknae in awe the way she snored softly and cutely.
She had a peaceful and pouty face whenever she sleeps.
Minji adored the maknae while she sleeps for a few minutes before snapping out of her zone.
She shook yn making her turn around and look at Minji with sleepy eyes.
“Unnie do you need something?” She asked Minji in a sleepy voice.
Minji scared the back of her head nervously.
“Umm no.I just wanted to give you these snacks because you’re on a diet…” Minji said showing yn the big bunch of snacks at the back of her.
Yn’s eyes widened in surprise and excitement.
“Woah! Unnie you got this for me?!” You asked in disbelief.
Minji nodded shyly because of the way you reacted.
You didn’t waste time And hugged Minji really tight.”Thank you so much Unnie!” You mumbled between the hug.
“No problem” Minji said patting your back.
— Clip 3✰
When newjeans were filming for cookie.
It was Yn’s solo,like she was the only one on the screen.
Minji was looking at it through the monitoring board.
“This set really fits yn,so much.She looks extremely cute and beautiful in suit” minji said as she continued to adore yn from the screen.
— Clip 4✰
<ETA film making>
While the others were at the front of the camera laughing and talking with each other,Yn could be seen in the corner just watching them.
Minji noticed that yn was the only member not part of them and she didn’t want her to feel left out.
She went to the corner and sat beside yn.
“Yn-nie what’s wrong?” Minji asked yn concerned.
“Nothing…I’m just cold” Yn responded to minji.
Minji started at her before giving her a big warm hug for a few minutes.
— Clip 5✰
Newjeans were at the fashion week.
While going down the stairs yn almost slipped but she held back her balance.
She almost slipped again but minji was quick to immediately grab her hands and hold it.
Throughout minji held her hands to prevent her from falling.
Yn hugged her back and they stayed in that position for a while.
Hanni X YN [Besties]
Ship name:-HanYn [201.6M views]
-Hanni and yn act like best friends.They mostly do tik toks together,Go out together,Shopping together. And so on
-She tease yn about her height a lot.
-Sometimes hanni gets motherly instincts towards yn.
— Clip 6✰
Caption:whose idea was this? Yn’s
But with sleeping yn instead.
Caption:Ain’t she cute?
Caption:Yn’s sliding was smooth+the glasses on the beat😎-Hanni
— Clip 7✰
“Yn should we go shopping today?” Hanni asked Yn who looked up at her.
“Yeah I’ve been feeling in the mood to go shopping” Yn responded and Hanni grinned.
“Great! We’ll ho together” Hanni stated and yn nodded excitedly.
She loves going shopping with Hanni because most of the times Hanni uses her credit card to pay,and she loves to spoil yn and gets her whatever she wants.
— Clip 8✰
Yn was trying to reach for the pack of ramen which was on top of the cupboard not up to Yn’s height.
Hanni passed yn and yn spoke.
“Unnie could you help me get that pack of ramen?” Yn asked politely.
Hanni looked confused and looked up to see the pack of ramen.
She had an evil smirk on her face.
Yn thought maybe she was gonna help her but she was wrong.
Infact Hanni put the ramen to a higher height and walked away.
Yn scrunched her nose and pouted knowing there was no way she could reach it.
Now she had to wait for someone like minji or hyein to walk by.
— Clip 9✰
“Yn did you eat?” Hanni asked yn who was laying on the floor tired and stressed.
“No” she responded.
“You danced on an empty stomach?!” Hanni asked shocked.Yn nodded pouting.
“Follow me I’m getting you whatever you want” Hanni said grabbing her bag and credit card.
Yn stood up and followed her like a puppy following its mom.
— Clip 10✰
Newjeans were at Australia for a vaccination.
They all went out for dinner and ordered food.
Yn ordered a steak.When she was about to eat it she was told to use the knife and fork.
She didn’t know how to use it so she just held it and watched the other members.
Hanni noticed she wasn’t using it,So she helped her cut it into pieces she could swallow.
Yn smiled at Hanni and thanked her.
Danielle X YN [Close friends]
Ship name:-DanYn/Sunshinz [98.9M views]
-Danielle and yn are both the sunshine and happy pills of the group
-Most of the times Danielle teaches yn English.
— Clip 11✰
Danielle and yn were the ending fairies after performing super shy.
Yn made a heart with her hand for Danielle to complete.
Danielle was confused but did it anyway.Both of them smiling brightly.
After the performance Danielle saw that it was put as the ending fairy.
“Oh we were the ending fairies?” Danielle asked and yn nodded.
“I swear I didn’t know” she chuckled.
— Clip 12✰
Newjeans were doing a live in their car on their way back to the dorm.
Fans kept on asking about yn since she hasn’t said a word nor have they seen her face.
“Yn is sleeping on my shoulder” Danielle said as she was given the phone and she pointed to a sleeping yn who was cuddling with Danielle.
“Cute isn’t she?” Danielle asked.
— Clip 13✰
Danielle and yn were happily playing in the snow.
Yn lied down on the floor and made a snow angel, Danielle also doing hers next to Yn.
“Unnie! Let’s build a snow man?” Yn suggested.
Danielle jumped excitedly and nodded.
“Do you wanna build a snow man-“ the both of them sang at the same time laughing at each other.
After they built the snow man.
“This is Olaf” yn said causing Danielle to laugh really hard.
— Clip 14✰
“Unnie what’s the meaning of you are shorty” Yn asked Danielle coming into her room.
“Yn who told you that?” Danielle asked giggling.
“I saw a comment when I went live” yn responded.
“Well what they said what you’re shorty which mean you are short” Danielle translated and explained for yn.
“I’m not short” Yn mumbled.
“Yes you are” Danielle chuckled.
— Clip 15✰
<Danielle and Yn’s live>
“Do you prefer to use of fork or Spoon to eat your cake?” Danielle read out a comment in English with her Aussie accent.
“Umm I prefer fork” Danielle replied in english. Yn furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
“Fuck?” Yn asked confused.
Danielle gasped and her mouth was wide opened. “No not that word I said Fork” Danielle spoke.
“Yeah that what I said fuck” Yn stated.
“Yn what you’re saying is fuck and I’m saying fork” Danielle spoke in Korean making yn realize.
“Oh shoot I was cursing” Yn said scared that she’s going to get scolded.
Haerin X YN [Sunshine & Sunshine protector]
Ship name:-Kittyz/HaeYn [221.6M views]
-Haerin and yn both have cat eyes making the both of them the cats of the groups
-Share the same Brain cells
-Sunshine and sunshine protector
— Clip 16✰
Haerin and yn both stood up close in front of the camera side by side.
Looking like two cats were placed there. “Meow!” The both of them said at the same time unintentionally.
Causing them to laugh out loud.
“Woah that was totally unplanned!” Haerin spoke.
“Unnie we share the same brain cells” Yn said and haerin laughed harder.
— Clip 17✰
During a live both yn and haerin were focusing their attention on something else.
But as soon as minji started to talk they both raised up their head to turn to her in sync.
“Woah did you see that!” Hyein exclaimed.
“What? What? What?” Hanni asked excitedly.
“Haerin unnie and yn turned their head at the same time in sync” Hyein said showing Hanni.
“That’s so cool you two share the same brain cells” Hanni said.
The both of you then smiled at the same time making the rest of them shocked again.
— Clip 18✰
During newjeans Christmas live haerin turned from the quiet introvert to a lousy one.
She was really Hyperactive and started to play around.
She ran towards yn planning something on her mind.
Haerin tried to kiss yn but yn also tried to kiss her causing the both of them to back away immediately.
They laughed at the same time.
— Clip 19✰
Newjeans arrived at the airport on their way to the Philippines.
Yn was the first to get down.
She smiled and waved brightly to the fans making cat hearts.
At that moment she wore a pink and outfit.
As haerin came down she wore a black outfit and sunglasses as she stood behind yn.
I’m the airport haerin was seen walking around yn even holding hands with her.
Fans found it funny and cute that yn looked like the idol while haerin was like her bodyguard.
— Clip 20✰
They all stood outside for the press to take pictures of them.
Yn jumped happily and made a star by jumping.
Haerin whispered something to Yn’s ear to which she nodded.
“Be careful,so you don’t fall” Haerin whispered into Yn’s ear.
Hyein X YN [Sisters]
Ship name:-Maknaez/HyeYn [255.6M views]
-Hyein and yn are both the maknae (youngest of the group) but Hyein is a year older.
-Hyein always support yn in everything she does.
-Lowkey Yn’s mom.
— Clip 21✰
“Oh shoot minji unnie is gonna scold us because of this” Hyein said panicking because they almost burnt the dorm.
“Ah don’t worry about that we can deceive her with our faces” yn stated smirking.
Hyein was confused. “How? By just staring at her?” Hyein was extremely confused.
“No..Look when she comes and she questions us just follow whatever I do okay?” Yn instructed.
“Okay I guess” Hyein replied.
“Minji unnie we’re sorry” Yn said giving Minji puppy eyes and pouting.
Making her look like an actual baby.
“Yeah well never do it again” Hyein copied yn.
Minji stuttered as she tried to scold them. “God you’re both just so cute,I can’t tell at you” she mumbled.
“Just don’t do it again” she added sighing in defeat.
“We won’t!” They both said them smiling cheekily
— Clip 22✰
At an award show after newjeans had won their award yn was the one singing the encore.
She was singing ditto.
She blessed fans with her live and suiting vocals.
“Woah I got goosebumps as yn is singing” Hyein showed Danielle who laughed.
“Maybe it’s because she’s singing live” haerin giggled.
— Clip 23✰
Yn and Hyein were filming a vlog.
In the video the both of them were in the bathroom.
Dancing their cute dances in front of the mirror.
— Clip 24✰
“Can I marry yn?” Hyein read out the comment and her eyebrows furrowed.
“What kind of question is this….Of course” Hyein said. “NOT” she added smiling.
“Yn is a baby not ready for marriage” she stated.
— Clip 25✰
Hyein was doing a live alone when yn walked in but her body was not in the frame.
“Yn what’s wrong?” Hyein asked confused because of the facial expressions of the maknae.
“You’re hungry?” She asked.
“Wait you didn’t eat dinner right?” Hyein asked yn.
“I’ll order food what do you want?” Hyein asked yn already opening her phone.
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