#// Zoro put your shirt on D:
splickedylit · 1 month
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Anonymous asked: Hello!! For art requests, perhaps some zolu? (Zoro and Luffy)
b0yskylark asked: Splickedy!! Maybe you can draw your favorite One Piece ship?? Personally I think if Zoro and Sanji kissed a lil they'd calm tf down lol
I do find Zosan pretty delightful--LOVE a rivals-to-rival/lovers pairing--and for that matter, Franky/Robin is GREAT and whips ass and both pairings were on the candidate list. But lbr I'm a huge sucker for that captain/first mate intense loyalty "til death do us part and you're not allowed to die" shit. plus Luffy being all but canonically ace means I can bring my no-holds-barred-all-romance-no-sex moirail agenda to yet another pairing which is GREAT for me emotionally. eue
What I'm saying is yo ho yo ho a pirates little late afternoon nap holding hands like otters so I don't drift away for me yar har
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mused-like-roses · 1 year
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"Sorry, I just got out of the shower... did I miss anything?"
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halfvalid · 1 year
pretty in that
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rating: general audiences
characters: live action!roronoa zoro | fem!reader | live action!monkey d. luffy | live action!nami
pairing: live action!roronoa zoro x fem!reader
word count: 4.2k
description: you have a hard time picking a dress for dinner whilst in kaya's mansion. zoro (sort of) helps!
tags: strawhat!reader, female reader, fluff, kissing, confessions, no use of "y/n", special straw hat appearances (nami & luffy), soft zoro
author's note: i'm a sucker for dress-up scenes so i KNEW i was gonna write smth like this once that ep3 scene started playing. reader chooses a dress at the end; dress is non-described so you can imagine your ideal dress!
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You were on Nami and Zoro’s side when it came to whatever was going on in Syrup Village. Kaya’s mansion made you feel vaguely unsettled, and stepping into the building made your heart pound quicker than you would like to admit. But if there was one thing that piqued your interest, it was the order of changing clothes for dinner. You’d been stuck in the same few outfits for weeks now, and the promise of something new—and formal—was nearly exciting, although you’d never admit it in front of Nami and her disapproving gaze. 
Kaya’s kindness combined with the private guest room and bath you were treated to helped soothe your nerves. Soon you found yourself being led to the giant closet the rest of the Straw Hats were already in—Nami was trying on various different pieces, and Zoro seemed to have something in hand too. 
“Ah, there you are!” Luffy said, swiveling on his heel and giving you a big grin as you entered the room. You stared in disbelief at all of the racks around you. Hell, there were even clothes hanging from the ceiling. 
“Well, we certainly have a lot of options,” you said, skimming a hand over a nearby rack. There were a variety of different fabrics, but they all felt expensive: silk and velvet, damasks and brocades. “I don’t even know where to start.” 
“I’m just trying on anything,” Nami called from where she was, before stepping out from the room divider she’d been changing behind. She wore an emerald dress with a plunging neckline, the patterned silk clinging to her curves, and did a little spin. “What do you think?” 
Luffy shrugged. Zoro wrinkled his nose, barely glancing up from the armchair he was lounging on. “I think it looks nice,” you offered, but Nami still seemed dissuaded. 
“Ugh, these two are impossible. What are you going to wear?” 
“Uh, I’m getting there,” you said with a little laugh. “It’s a bit overwhelming; I’d rather help you guys pick first. Luffy, have you found something yet?” You turned towards the man in the center of the room, who nodded enthusiastically. 
“Yeah, I found this!” He raised up a black waistcoat. You frowned at it. 
“Um, Luffy, waistcoats are supposed to be worn with a suit,” you said, then paused, seeing his blank look. “...Never mind.” 
“And I’m wearing black,” Zoro added, despite the piece of clothing slung along his lap definitely not being black. You exchanged a glance with Nami, who just rolled her eyes. They’re stupid, she mouthed, then returned to the rack she was glancing through. She worked quickly, pulling out various numbers that she scrutinized before either setting on the couch beside her or putting back. 
“Okay,” you said slowly. “Need me to find you some pants with that, Cap?” Nami and Zoro let out identical groans as you spoke the pet name, both turning to give you exasperated looks. You suppressed your laugh. 
“Stop calling him that,” Zoro said with a tired sigh. “You’re encouraging him.” 
“Kind of the point, yeah,” you said cheerfully. While Zoro and Nami were both still largely unconvinced about the whole pirate crew thing, you’d joined the bandwagon rather quickly. Zoro rolled his eyes, and you turned towards the racks to find Luffy some slacks. “Assumedly you need something other than that shirt too?” 
“I’ll look later,” Zoro said passively. You watched him out of your peripheral vision. He was outfitted in a patterned kimono, his three swords slung along his lap. He didn’t seem too interested in his surroundings, though what he was doing, you weren’t sure. You let him be, turning to page through the racks of clothes again. Finally you found a pair of slacks that seemed like they’d fit Luffy. 
“Here,” you said, passing them over to him. “And find some shoes while you’re at it.” 
“Why does she even have clothes that don’t fit her?” Zoro murmured, sounding as baffled as he could get. “What, she just casually has clothes in all four of our sizes hanging around?” 
“Rich people own things just to own them,” Nami called. She’d changed again; this dress had a halter neckline and was blush pink. Zoro motioned with a hand at it, and Nami frowned, glancing down at the dress. “You don’t like it?” 
“Eh,” Zoro said. Nami made a face. 
“At this point I think you’re hating just to hate.” She pulled up a few more options, narrowing her eyes as she surveyed them. Luffy was seemingly satisfied with what you’d given him, because he took the pieces off of their hangers and slung them over his shoulder. 
“I’m off,” he announced. “Gonna go change in my room and do some exploring before dinner. Have fun!” With that, he left, and Nami sighed, turning towards you. She held up her final two options—a red cheongsam with delicate gold embroidery and a pastel blue dress with an a-line skirt. You gnawed on your bottom lip as you studied the two.
“I think the blue one might wash you out a bit,” you said eventually; it’d clash with her hair no doubt, and make her skin look even paler. The shade wasn’t a right match with her eyes, either. “I like the cheongsam; I think you should go with that one. It contrasts nicely with your hair.” 
Nami raised up the dress again, inspecting it. “You’re right,” she said, ducking back behind the room divider to change. You started pursuing the racks again; Nami stepped out a few moments later, successfully outfitted in her new dress. “Okay, I’m going to go do my hair in my guest room. Good luck.” 
“Bye,” you called, watching as she left the room. You clicked your tongue, almost alone now and with absolutely zero options of clothing. As much as you liked the idea of new clothes, the abundance of options was starting to seem a little daunting. “Okay, now that Nami’s done, it’s my turn to play dress-up.” 
Zoro laughed from where he sat, and you startled, almost having forgotten he was there. He was watching you attentively, his attention having diverted from whatever it was he’d been thinking about earlier. “You like this kind of thing?” 
“Well, I mean.” You shrugged, peering at a few of the pieces on the rack in front of you. You pulled out a deep green dress, eyeing the lace by the neckline before setting it back. “It’s kind of fun, isn’t it?” 
“Not really what I’m into.” 
“You wear jewelry, so clearly you have some fashionable instinct,” you pointed out, bending over to glance at the clothes hiding by your knees. These were all skirts or unreasonably short dresses, with so little fabric you were uncertain they would cover anything at all. “Unless the earrings are for another reason…?”
“Three swords, three earrings.” 
“Makes sense. What are you wearing with your shirt?” You glanced back to see Zoro’s answer, but he merely shrugged. “Do you want me to find you some trousers? A suit?” 
“You don’t need to find clothes for me. I can do that myself.” Still, Zoro made absolutely no move to do so. You rolled your eyes, but turned your attention back on what you’d be wearing for the dinner. Vaguely you wondered how Zoro would look wearing a suit. You flushed almost as soon as the thought popped into your head, shoving it into the very back of your skull and banishing it from seeing the light of day. 
“If you say so,” you said instead, mostly to distract yourself from the beyond inappropriate thoughts starting to run through your head. Honestly, you barely knew your crew mates—the four of you were close to tearing each other’s throats out before you ran into Buggy, after all. And the fact that Zoro was, well, conventionally attractive—and you tried to keep your thoughts on that and that alone, anything emotional was strictly out of the question—shouldn’t be something your mind lingered on. 
You picked out the first dress that looked to be your size. It was dark purple, backless with a tight trumpet skirt. Ducking behind the room divider Nami had used, you stripped off your clothes, donning the dress. There was a mirror along the other side of the divider, and you turned, trying to appraise the dress on your figure. The color didn’t look entirely right, and you were uneasy about the lack of mobility the skirt might have—Kaya’s staff were still extremely suspicious, after all, and you’d rather be safe than sorry. 
“Let me see,” Zoro called from outside. You tugged at the dress, suddenly nervous, but stepped out after you couldn’t find a good enough excuse not to. Zoro’s eyes ran up and down your figure, and you did a slow circle, showing off the dress. The bare skin of your back prickled. 
“You’re not going to be able to move in it,” he eventually said. 
You huffed out a breath, the nervous energy that had accumulated in your chest leaving with the action. Something in your belly stirred; disappointment, maybe, that Zoro had only commented on the practicality of the dress, not how you looked in it. But you pushed those thoughts away with an angry shove. Not the time, and definitely not the person to be thinking those sorts of things about. “Yeah, that’s what I was worried about. Let me find something else.” 
Zoro’s gaze didn’t flicker from your body as you started across the room, ducking between more racks to find something. “You dead-set on a dress?” 
“I haven’t worn a dress in a while,” you answered, picking out a red one before remembering Nami’s choice and setting it back. “Might as well take the opportunity.” The next one you pulled was blue, all shiny and soft. The material looked like some kind of tender silk. You set it aside to try on. “Why?” 
“Haven’t seen either you or Nami in a dress before.” 
“Actually, you have. I’m wearing one right now and Nami tried like five on earlier,” you said, glancing over your shoulder to shoot Zoro an unimpressed look. He scoffed, though there was a smile at the edges of his mouth as he turned his head away. Your next choice was soft pink, and made of tulle that vaguely resembled a puff pastry. You pulled it up. “Think I should try it?” 
“I mean, pick whatever,” Zoro said, though he seemed mildly disgusted by the amount of fabric the skirt had, all bunched up with layers like something a ballerina might wear. “What are you trying to achieve with the dress?” 
“What am I—I’m trying to look nice, Zoro,” you said, stifling your laughter. You set the pink dress back, replacing it with a sage green number instead. “Not everything has ulterior motives.” 
“You always look nice.” 
You froze, a soft chill curling around the back of your neck. Carefully, you straightened up from where’d you been bent over yet another rack of clothes, turning to look Zoro in the eye. His eyes hadn’t moved. “Oh,” you managed out, throat all dry and tongue like sandpaper in your mouth. “Well, thank you.” 
Zoro cleared his throat, a dull noise he made in the hollow of his throat without even parting his lips. His gaze flickered away. “Yeah. Go try those on.” 
Wordlessly, you stepped back behind the room divider and slipped on the blue dress. It had a texture like water—it was some kind of high-end silk, flexible enough that it was near liquid in movement. The dress itself fell to your ankles, and had a simple square neckline. You stepped outside, doing another slow twirl. “Better,” Zoro said. 
“Better how?” 
“You can probably run in it.” 
You twisted your lips, trying to suppress the urge to turn them down into a frown. “Okay. It’s not doing it for me.” You ducked back behind the divider to change yet again; the sage green one was satin, with long sleeves and a neckline you hadn’t anticipated would be that deep. 
Still, upon exiting the divider and turning for Zoro again, he didn’t have any worthwhile feedback. “It’s kind of plain,” he said eventually, not meeting your eyes. 
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest; you had to almost resist stomping over to the racks to find something more, and spent another few minutes gathering dresses and trying them on. 
To your immense disappointment, each one garnered little to no reaction from Zoro. You even shoved on one of the tiny, too-little fabric dresses you’d disapproved of earlier, but all Zoro did was scan you from head to toe and say, rather flatly, “you’d get stabbed pretty easily in that.” 
Frustration bled into your nerves as you hid behind the divider again. You glared at yourself in the mirror—your skin had started flushing with how annoyed you were getting, which might’ve been funny had you not been so ticked off. Men, you thought, irritated. Was it really so hard to tell you that you looked pretty? 
He’s a bounty hunter, you had to remind yourself. He doesn’t care about this kind of thing. Besides, he was the last person you should be setting your sights on anyway. You tugged at the short dress, the hem just barely grazing the tops of your thighs. 
You heard footsteps approaching from outside the divider, suddenly too close as you snapped yourself out of the reverie of thoughts you’d been lost in. Zoro turned the corner, arm propped up against the divider edge as he peered in, brows furrowed. “You stopped coming out,” he said. He was still in his kimono, swords tossed over one shoulder. The shirt he had was, assumedly, left on the couch he’d finally stood up from. 
“I’m frustrated,” you told him blandly. His frown deepened. 
“Because of… clothing?” 
You suppressed the sigh that threatened to escape your lungs. “Never mind. I’m fresh out of ideas.” You pushed past Zoro, opting to stand in the center of the room as if analyzing it from a different view would magically give you more options. Zoro turned to stare, still looking perplexed. “With so many options, it’s hard to make up my mind, that’s all.” 
“Uh huh.” Zoro was still studying you. “Did I do something?” 
“What? No,” you said hastily. Too hastily. The words had ripped out of your throat like a hiccup, and you seriously needed to learn how to lie a bit better because now Zoro’s expression was even more confused. “No. Why would I be mad at you?” 
“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking.” 
“It’s nothing,” you insisted, turning away from Zoro to stare at some of the clothes hanging on the wall above his head. These were too high up to properly look at, and as you stepped back, you glanced through the dresses hanging off the arch of the ceiling. You perused them without too much interest, eyes glancing over the various colors and fabrics until— 
Zoro stepped next to you. “Hey,” he said, and you jolted, head snapping down to look at him. You let out a noise of irritation, then turned your focus back on the ceiling. 
Your gaze flickered through the racks until finally falling on one particular dress hanging by the mouth of the room. It was somewhat hidden, tucked in a little corner beside a few other pieces, but from your vantage point it seemed about your size. 
You took a step closer to it, surveying it with your neck craned. The material looked soft and comfortable but it still retained shape, and the color—even in the dim lighting of the closet—was one of your favorites. The undertone would suit your skin perfectly. And, well, you didn’t want to put all your bets on one dress you hadn’t even touched, but it was certainly promising. 
Zoro stepped past you, barely exerting any effort to reach up and bring the dress down from where it hung up high. “This one, right?” he asked, and you swallowed, some of the annoyances you had towards him dissolving as he extended the dress hanger towards you. You nodded wordlessly, taking it. You stood there for a second before Zoro gestured with his head towards the divider. “Go try it on.” 
You did so, retreating safely behind your wall and stepping out of the little dress. You surveyed the one Zoro had grabbed for you again, heart lodged in your throat. It really was beautiful, and exactly your style; now that you saw it up close, you could safely affirm it was your size too, but nervousness still pulsed through your veins at it. 
Carefully, you slipped it on, adjusting the fabric around your hips and fixing up the neckline to rest evenly on your skin.
Zoro spoke out from the rest of the room. “So why are you mad at me?” 
“I’m not—” you sighed, dropping your arms before returning to fiddle with the dress. “I’m not mad at you.” 
“Is it because I wasn’t being helpful with the clothes? Because I already said that’s not exactly my area of expertise—” 
“It’s not because of the clothes, Zoro,” you said sharply, cutting him off. Zoro clicked his tongue, the sound reverberating around the room and thudding in time with your heartbeat. You turned your attention back onto your reflection. “It’s just me being silly. Don’t worry about it.” 
‘I’m worrying about it,” Zoro deadpanned. You sighed, adjusting the dress one final time before arranging your hair and staring at yourself in the mirror. It fit you perfectly, emphasizing all the right places and hiding all the parts of your body you were more insecure about. “Changed yet?” 
“Yeah,” you said, voice limp. 
“Let me see.” 
You bit your lip, suddenly nervous about how he’d react. Knowing him, it’d be something like it’s okay or the color’s fine; perhaps can you even walk in that? or weird shape if he was feeling a little more critical. Still, you stepped out anyway, not meeting Zoro’s eyes as you spun for him, letting him look at the dress from all angles. When you’d finished posing you glanced up, eyes meeting him tentatively. 
“It’s…” Zoro cleared his throat, ripping his gaze away from the dress on your figure to flicker up to your face. His gaze dropped again nearly as fast, like he couldn’t bear to keep eye contact. “Uh.” 
“It’s what?” you prompted, turning to face the nearest mirror. Your lips twisted into a worried frown, turning to glance at the dress again. Was it really not as perfect as you’d thought originally? “Do you like it? It’s my favorite so far, I think, but if you don’t like it—” 
“You look pretty in that,” Zoro blurted, cutting your rambles off with the strident, too-loud sentence. You froze, eyes flickering to meet him in the mirror. Carefully, he glanced up at you, and you could see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. 
Zoro coughed, averting his gaze as you slowly turned around to face him. You couldn’t see properly with the less-than-ideal lighting of the room, but his face seemed to have taken on a ruddier complexion. “I like it,” he said, words softer than they’d been before. “It’s the one.” 
There was a little rush of something through your veins, and you felt vaguely lightheaded. “Okay,” you barely managed to squeak out. “Thanks.” You stumbled back behind the divider, sucking in a deep breath and trying to regulate your breathing. God, this was actually shameful at this point. 
You composed yourself quickly, gathering all the dresses you’d tried on and abandoned to return to their proper places. Zoro was still watching you attentively, and you glanced over your shoulder at him. Sparks prickled along your skin as your eyes met. “What?” you asked. 
“You’re acting weird.” 
“Am not.” 
Zoro stood up, rolling back his shoulders and stretching his head from side to side. He glanced through the racks and, without even a minute’s hesitation, plucked a suit jacket and matching pants out from beside him. “Yeah, you are. What’s up?”
“You’re just grabbing those without thinking about it?” you demanded, eager to change the subject. Zoro rolled his eyes.
“I picked them like fifteen minutes ago,” he said. “Just didn’t grab them until you were done your whole… thing. Now spill it. You’re all red again.” 
You swiveled towards the closest mirror, unable to suppress your gape as you saw that your skin had indeed turned a distinctive shade of scarlet, flushed undertones creeping their way up your skin. It was entirely recognizable even in the terrible lighting. Even your skin was treacherous, now. “Nothing,” you muttered, unable to meet Zoro’s eyes as you spit it out. “I was annoyed because you weren’t telling me what you thought of the dresses.” 
“I… did, though?” Zoro said, perplexed. You let out a grating sigh, cheeks flaring even hotter now that he was forcing you to confess the entire extent of your sins. 
“Yeah, like, practically,” you said, wrapping your arms defensively over your chest. “You’ll get stabbed in that so easily. You won’t be able to walk. I just wanted you to tell me that—” you cut yourself off with another groan. “Don’t make me say it.”
Zoro blinked. “I have no idea what you’re edging towards, so you’re going to have to say it.”
“I just wanted you to tell me I looked nice!” you finally burst out, turning so you wouldn’t have to look at Zoro’s face. God, you were going to have to quit the Straw Hats after this. It was so entirely stupid. 
“But—” There was a laugh in Zoro’s voice, and you glared down at the floor, all of your dignity having left you by this point. You had no shame left to feel anymore. “I said ��you always look nice’. Doesn’t that insinuate—” 
“That’s not the point,” you said hotly, tone almost argumentative now. “I wanted you to think I looked pretty in a dress, Zoro.” 
Zoro didn’t respond for a moment, brows creasing and face taking on a baffled expression. “But why—” Zoro cut himself off, and you turned even redder, holding your breath as he finally connected the dots. A single word fell from his lips, like a soft breath of air as he spoke. “Oh.” 
“Oh,” you muttered under your breath, unable to stop the almost whining tone your voice took on. Zoro stepped closer to you, a hand wrapping around your wrist and forcing you to look up at him. 
“I said you looked pretty in this one.” 
“I know,” you insisted, still all red, “which is why I’m not totally mad at you, but—” 
“You looked pretty in all of them,” Zoro said. He didn’t look bashful, per se—you didn’t think Zoro could get shy—but his voice was low, all hoarse in a more tentative way rather than one of his grating remarks this time. “For the record.” 
Your breath caught. 
“This one’s my favorite, though,” Zoro muttered. And then he was leaning down to kiss you, the ghost of his lips just on the corner of your mouth. You gaped up at him in shock as he averted his gaze, staring at some spot about your head. “Was that—” he started, before clearing his throat and trying again with a little more of his dignity this time. “Was that okay?” 
“Yes,” you blurted fervently, and before you could fix up the moment with something more, well, suitable, your big mouth ruined it for you. “But I think we’re holding up dinner. You should get changed, and I still need to find shoes.” 
You bit your tongue immediately after the words had been said, but it was too late—Zoro coughed, turning away from you. You panicked, and now it was your turn to grab his arm and tug you towards him. “Wait!” 
Zoro glanced down at you, perplexed, and then you leaned up to kiss him square on the mouth. He stumbled back, surprised, but adjusted quickly, hand going to cradle the back of your neck and pressing you right to him before you finally broke apart. 
“You should steal it,” he started. You stared up at him in question. “The dress, I mean. You should steal it.” 
“When am I ever going to need to wear this again?” you asked, perplexed. Zoro shrugged, fingers tugging at the edge of the dress's neckline. 
“Dunno. Just take it. She probably won’t even notice.” 
“You’re adorable,” you teased; Zoro wrinkled his nose but didn’t complain, opting instead to move away and pick up the clothes he still hadn’t changed into. “Go change. See you at dinner.” 
“Yeah,” Zoro said, his eyes not straying from your figure as you ducked out of the room. Before you could fully leave, though, Zoro grabbed your wrist, spinning you around towards him.
You didn’t have enough time to ask what he was doing when he leaned around to kiss you one final time, his hands cradling your face as your lips moved against each other. It was only a moment later that he stepped away, looking rather sheepish but not very apologetic as he finally let you go. 
“You look more than pretty,” he murmured, eyes sinking into yours, and your throat dried, any words you might’ve formed dying away within seconds. “You always look more than pretty. You look gorgeous.” 
“Thank you,” you whispered, and then he ducked back inside the closet to change. 
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© halfvalid 2023
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Your Weird Relationship Milestones
Weird couple things that no one talks about that is a major milestone
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Buggy, Mihawk x GNReader
Support on Ko-Fi ☕️
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You and Luffy had known each other since you were children and had also been dating since you joined his crew as the Ship Barber.
Truthfully it had been a fun journey and everyday you two got closer and closer- Just in your guys own unique way.
Today was no excpetion- After doing some basic training till noon you had skipped breakfast and was starving to rushed to the kitchen.
Walking over you saw lunch had already been made and almost the whole crew was there eating, looking over Luffy's massive plate in question to see what it on the menu- Seeing Cutlet sandwiches served with shredded cabbage.. you didn't like the recent cabbage that much.
"You didn't like the cabbage right?" Luffy questioned as if reading your mind- Nodding as he held up one of his plates to you to taste the cabbage to see if you wanted it The crew staring at you two in now total shock as you munched on a strand of cabbage and took a small bite of his sandwich.
"Ehh- Sandeich is good- But no cabbage" You hummed and Luffy nodded as he went back to inhaling his own food. Everyone watching as you went to get a plate- excluding the cabbage.
It wasn't till way later when you were half asleep cuddled against Luffy that the thought came to you- Did Monkey D Luffy just share his plate with you?
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It had been a normal morning- you waking up first to roll out of bed and start your morning routine, of course it starting in the bathroom.
Too zoned out to care since you and him shared a living space with a bathroom so you knew it could only be Zoro- As you brush your teeth you hear the sound of water and realize he was taking a piss, with you right there?
"What island are we going to today?" Zoro questioned, you trying to rack through your brain
"Errr- S'mi S'mi i'land I 'hink-" {Sumi Sumi Island I think} You say with the toothbrush still in your mouth- Zoro finishing and stepping to the sink.
You step to the side so he can wash his hands and he grabs the deodorant- like with all your products he seemed to use prefer yours so he puts yours on instead. You handing him his hair cream which he thanks quickly and smooth through his mossy locks-
"Want a cup or coffee? Normal fixings?" Zoro called out as he walked out of the bathroom.
"Mhm!" You hum out earning a grunt of approval and spit into the sink finally. Yawning again as you were now starting to wake up.
The realization of everything hitting you. Were you two that comforble with each other now!? It felt like some marry couple morning- your face heating up as you simmered on it..
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Being on a ship was nice, but it did have some downfalls- One being the bath situation. For some reason there was only one bathtub in the whole ship- So you had to travel from a hot bath across the entire ship to get to the room you shared with Sanji- Freezing your ass off the entire way and wrapped in the thinnest towel.
Finally in the room you shed the napkin like towel and look for something warm to wear- already starting to shiver.
"Sanji! did we do laundry?" You called, looking to see you were out of all pants and underwear- Tsking as it was a bit too cold tonight to go full natural in bed.
"Uhh No we didnt- why?" He asked as he stepped back into the room and saw you still naked as day looking through clothes- staring for a bit before Grinning.
"I think what you're wearing now is a perfect outfit" He chimed, you rolling your eyes looking back at your gawking boyfriend.
"Yeah well this outfit I can catch a cold- Remember we are getting close to the north and it's going to be freezing tonight!" You reminded and Sanji nodded in understanding before a thought crossed his mind.
Sanji sighed at this as he went to your guys shared closet- Returning with sweats and shirt in hand.
"These are my favorite pair- BE good to them" He said calmly as he held out the very nice sleep sweats you'd seem him wear multiple times- fairly sure these were the ones Zeff shipped out. Smiling as you gently took it from his hands and kissed his cheek- knowing these were going to be the best sleeping pajamas ever.
"I promise I will"
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Show business was never easy- It was a constant swirl of chaos. Especially on Buggy's ship. So it was nice to have some moments were you and Buggy could just relax, especially after a hectic day or shows and making money.
So here you both are, Showered, out of makeup and lounging on the couch in Bugs office.
You laid there with your legs across Buggy's lap as you two chatted, there were random times that you and Buggy would absolutely say nothing in terms of conversation but just wanted to hear the others voice. Buggys hands stroking your legs as he kept his eyes half closed.
"Your legs feel different?.." Buggy questioned, still running his hands over the exposed skin-
"I didn't shave them" He seemed to nod at this and finally look at your legs to indeed see they were indeed hairy still touching them-
"Eh still not as good as mine- It's like a damn blue carpet" He grumbled flexing his leg as if giving and example. However he noticed you hadn't replied and glanced- noticing your intense stare at him.
Rolling up you sit on his lap facing him and look over his face, he looked at you confused as you did this- Watching how your eyes focused in something.
"Stay still.." You mumbled before touching his nose, he felt a soft pinch and then you pull back looking at your finger.
"You had a blackhead on your nose-" He say calmly and show it to him. He scrunched his face in disgust.
"Ew Thats fucking gross... See any others?" He questioned and you began to excavate his face and back of any blemishes still talking about nothing. Buggy's mind however running over the fact that for the first time in his life- he hadn't felt worried about his nose with someone..
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Mihawk is a cautious person- so he is always on his guard and prepared for the worse case scenarios. That I clues you in the first few years of your guys relationship- While he trust you there is always some wall built up to protect himself.. You understand and let him take his time-
You didn't even really notice since how living he was towards you, however as time went on he did relax around you more. Got more comforble with you around and It wasn't till one night after a relaxing date and time together that you both tucked in. Mihawk had always claimed to be a light sleeper, laying on his back perfectly posed like a vampire ready to rise at any moment- the slightest movement waking him so you learned to be still when he tried to sleep. Reading a book quietly since you weren't quite ready for bed, dozing off for a good 30 minutes before you felt a slight shift from Mihawk assuming he was still awake till-
Zzzz!!! SNORT Zzzzz!!
Loud deep Snores suddently rattling the bed like a damn earthquake!
Startling you, turning to see the man laying in the bed next to you as you see his face unattractivly shoved into the side of a pillow, his hair a fluffed mess and him on his side in a deep sleep. You'd never seen him like this before, you didn't know it was even possible as you heard another thunderous snore leave the man. It taking everything in your body to not giggle as you closed your book and dimmed the light on your side of the bed. Cuddling down next to him as another wash of snores left him.
Smiling as you realize this ment he finally felt comforble enough around you to deeply sleep- in a true REM sleep for the first time in probably years. It made your heart flutter and you giggled softly- Defiently a milestone you were proud of.
Even if it ment the snores.
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loguetowns · 1 year
matching pairs
sanji, nami, law, zoro, ace
the matching items that you two share
0.4k words
a/n: just cute little relationship headcanons, short and sweet!!!
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you and black-leg sanji have matching rings. you bought them for each other at a flea market – a happy accident because you both wanted to surprise the other. really, what are the chances that you two found the same silver band at two different stalls? now, one finds its home on your finger while the other hangs on a chain around sanji's neck, a reminder that you two are destined to always find each other.
you and nami have matching headbands. you insisted on the ultra-fluffy ones and nami was adamant about getting the ones with the animal ears. part of your nighttime routine now includes the two of you making faces at each other in the mirror, faces slathered in cleanser and creams. your favourite part is when you catch her eye in the mirror and she blows you a kiss, because what's the point of being in love if you aren't having fun?
you and trafalgar law have matching tattoos. his eleventh tattoo might've started as a way to coax you into getting your first, but it's now one of his favourites. it's the fact that you're the one who inked him, marking him with a little heart that matches the one on your hip – the one that he kisses every time he's stripped you down, when you're most intimate and vulnerable. only he knows where to find this everlasting declaration of love, and what a wonderful thing that is.
you and roronoa zoro have matching t-shirts. he hated them at first, which is exactly the reason why you bought the tacky shirts in the first place. cackling at his disapproval, you laughed so hard that you didn't even notice how his gaze went soft at your happy smile. he still moans and groans every time you wear it to bed, but he'll always put his on without asking – though he'd much prefer if the shirts were off and you weren't wearing anything at all.
you and portgas d. ace have matching photos. he dragged you into the photobooth at the carnival and before you knew it, you were making kissy faces and couple poses into the dirty lens. the pictures came out blurry and the colour is faded, but the absolute joy captured in those tiny frames makes it your favourite possession. it stays tucked into your mirror, a lasting memory that outlives the vivre card that you kept with it.
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buckysxgal · 9 months
One Piece Fanfiction Recs
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** if an author has multiple fics on here i only mentioned them once **
Eustass "Captain" Kid
Eustass & Pipsqueak [18+] by @honeysworld-offanfiction
Payback [18+] by @icy-spicy
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by @sofixxoxo
Sex and Violence [18+] by @zoros-sheath
Magnet Crush by @muenbear
KIDD; soft and loving kidd [18+] by @matchadobo
Just a Name One | Two by @escenariosinfumables
KIDD; calm to his storm by matchadobo
KIDD; fvck me like you love me [18+] by matchadobo
Botherin' Me [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
KIDD; 3 times he almost said i love you and the 1 time he actually did by matchadobo
Flowers Are Stupid by @sheerxfiction
An Eye for an Eye by icy-spicy
Safe Haven by @sofixxoxo
You're lost, unsure if they can find you by @eustasssimp
Making the reader cry (good) by eustasssimp
Language! [18+] by @sanjis-all-blue
Furtive by @myonepiece
Massacre Soldier Killer
Close Encounters by @heyitsdoe
Shooting Stars by @motherofflies
It's Okay to be Difference [18+] by @anemptypuddingcup
Killer's Baby Girl [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
You Don't Need It, You Want It [18+] by sheerxfiction
Killer's Darlin [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
Killer's Straw Hat Crush by myonepiece
Wearing His Shirt by eustasssimp
Kitchen Mischief by sheerxfiction
Roronoa Zoro
Rip My Ribcage Open [18+] by @yourtamaki
Late Night at the Office [18+] by @zorosimpclub
Against the Mirror [18+] by zorosimpclub
How to Disappear by @zorobff
I Bet On Losing Dogs by zorobff
In All My Dreams by @bby-deerling
Flowers by @fanaticsnail
Comfort Drabble by @anime-cupid
Portgas D. Ace
Fill You Up [18+] by @maddddstuff
Tension [18+] by @sharks31
Black Leg Sanji
Jealous, Jealous Boy by @bleachification
Too Much (Take Me Home) by @secretwritingspot
Home is Where the Heart Is (That Heart Just Won't Stop Racing) by secretwritingspot
Pros and Cons by @toriswritings
I Can See You by @holymusicalmothman
Put My Name at the Top of Your List by @ladadiida
Mouse in the Kitchen by @honeydjarin
3, 2, 1 [Masterlist - includes NSFW] by fanaticsnail
That's What Friends Are For (Platonic) by bby-deerling
Just For Me by @blondeewhorre
Type by @yayakoishii
Charlotte Katakuri
Katakuri & Little One [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
Buggy the Clown
Roger and Jessica Rabbit Effect by @writingoddess1125
Didn't Mean to Make Your Heart Blue by @wood-white-writer
Vice Admiral Smoker
More to Grab [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
Playing Dangerous [18+] by @ninascloset
Donquixote Doflamingo
Doffy's Messy Girl [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
Monkey D. Luffy
You Drive Me Crazy by @soulofapatrick
Run Away With Me by fanaticsnail
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Three Times You and Law Almost Confessed and The One Time That You Did by @nina-ya
Three Times Law Said "I Love You" by nina-ya
Untitled by @grandlinedreams
Trades of Goods and Services by bby-deerling
Benn Beckman
Untitled [18+] by @nekassvariigs
Jell-O Shots [18+] (feat. Kid, Luffy, Zoro, Law and Sanji (Separate) x afab!reader) by @bokutosbiceps
Convenience (Mishanks x Reader) by @stillxnunpxidintern
"Wrap me like a Christmas gift" (feat. Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Law (separate) x afab!reader) [18+] by @raggedyflowers
KIDD & KILLER; Gifts (KidKiller x Reader) by matchadobo
Helping Killer and Kid after escaping Udon Prison - HCs by heyitsdoe
Good Mouse (Smoker x Reader x Law) [18+] by @leakyweep
Telling Them "I'll be a disgusting whore for you." Headcannons (feat. Shanks, Zoro & Ace (separate) x reader) [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
Cowboys You Say? (feat. Zoro, Kid, Sabo, Marco & Ace (separate) x reader) [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
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fixndfics · 3 months
since requests are open, may I request f!reader who’s a seamstress and loves to embroider different patterns on clothes of their lovers? preferably Ace, Law, Luffy, Nami, Brook, but anyone’s okay!i don’t mind if it’s headcanons or a fic. thank you! :3 - 🎏 anon
monkey d. luffy headcanons
luffy x f!seamstress reader: regular au a/n: this was such a cute idea, thank you for requesting!
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at first he thought it was too girly. how could the future king of the pirates ever attain respect if he had such cute design on his shirt? well, that would be something for him to figure out when he was actually the pirate king. long story short; luffy ended up loving the adorable little daisies, in fact he constantly was showing them off to the crew. showing off how his own girlfriend made it for him.
resting his head on your shoulder the raven-haired boy ask with his signature smile “oi, [name], can ya’ put some more of those cool stickers on my clothes?”
“stickers? ohh-! you want me to sew on some more patches for you?” you’d hum “alright, i’ll see what i can do!”
”really?! thanks, [name], you’re the best!!!” he’d chuckle, hugging you tightly.
luffy often brags to zoro and sanji about how much of an amazing seamstress you are (despite them already knowing it) and how cool he looks wearing the things you sew him.
“we get it luffy, [name] is very talented.” zoro would reassure, irritated by luffy’s constant rambling.
“oi, moss-head, show more appreciation for [name]! she’s amazing!” sanji would demand, snarling at zoro
“yeah zoro, be more thankful! without her i wouldn’t have awesome clothes!” luffy chimed in.
©2024 fixndfics do not repost, copy, translate, or modify
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anystalker707 · 1 year
i could be your puppet
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x [gender neutral] Reader Kinktober prompt: Objectifying/Using Tags: Oral / semi-public / Cums easily, poor boy !!!
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          Zoro wasn’t aware of it when it started, only flustered and thinking he was imagining things whenever you did something, his face burnt hot as he looked away. When it clicked, things started taking a different turn, however. All the touches that he presumed to be innocent actually carried more behind them, and he didn’t really know how to act. It took over Zoro’s thoughts at night, taking away his sleep, as he bit on the collar of his shirt and tried his best to keep quiet while fisting his cock.
The two of you had hooked up a few times before, shared a bed during drunk party nights or when the crew had to stay at inns on the islands, so there was a closeness, but he thought that closeness was resumed to closed rooms and special occasions.
Zoro swallowed audibly, throat dry as you sat next to him at the dining table. Everyone was playing cards—he’d been invited to join, bribed by the sake, so he didn’t make the minimal effort against being the first one to lose just so that he could sit there enjoying the sake. That’d been until you sat there, of course. He didn’t think he could even sip the sake now.
“Usopp, you do not have an ace of cups, you fat ass liar!” You said to Usopp, making him gasp from across the table.
“How dare you doubt the great Captain Go D. Usopp?” And he started rambling immediately, saying he was the master at playing cards, with over 20 years of experience in each game. Yeah, the usual bullshit.
The table started to get more agitated once you placed your cards over the table. Zoro didn’t know what the cards were, aside from the fact the ace of cups was in fact with you. Honestly, he couldn’t think about anything while your hand held onto his thigh under the table like that. You gave it a squeeze while your voice grew a little louder at the attempt to talk over Luffy and Usopp altogether.
All that talk was just nonsense in the back of his mind, given the way your hand rested so close to his crotch like that. Your fingers soothed over the area, rubbing it and sometimes slipping towards his inner thigh. Meanwhile, you talked with everyone else as if nothing was happening. He wished he could curse you, standing up and leave, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted that to stop.
Zoro wouldn’t admit it openly—at least not so easily—, but he enjoyed that. He liked being yours to use whenever you felt like it, barely putting affection in your affections because you just wanted his body, eyeing him as if he were a large hunk of meat. It was pathetic, to be true, but maybe that’s what made it all even better.
“Guys!” Nami said as she walked back into the kitchen. “I fixed everything already. I even got someone to watch the ship, so no one needs to stay back. So, here are your lists and your share of money…” She handed off strips of paper along with some berries bills; yours just had some utility stuff for the ship, and peeking over, you could see that Zoro had some things in the same genre. “We are staying for the night, and the port is near the city, so we don’t have to worry about inns or anything.”
“What about me?” Luffy asked with a grin, eyeing from the list and money to Nami in an encouraging manner.
She narrowed her eyes. “You go with Usopp. Also, who’s—”
“I’ll babysit Zoro,” you said immediately. “We can’t afford to lose another day looking all over the island for him again.”
Zoro clicked his tongue immediately as the others muttered in agreement—he just cursed under his breath as he pretended to pay attention to the last orientations between the crew before you guys got ready to leave.
          Zoro was carrying all the stuff, of course. You just had a bag in hand, but it contained some different food you’d seen in a bakery earlier, so it didn’t count for anything other than making up the excuse you were helping Zoro. He just walked behind you, guaranteeing he was following you—he didn’t want to get lost and be away from you, not in one of the few alone moments he had with you.
“You know what we could use?” You cut through his thoughts, looking over your shoulder, making his gaze immediately shift from your ass to your face. “I mean, what I could use. I saw some clothing stores around here, and since we finished everything early, we should go there. I’m not leaving you alone nor going back just to leave you at the ship.”
“No, it’s okay,” Zoro said, trying not to sound too interested, looking away for a second.
You looked at Zoro for a moment, then smiled a little bit. Something about it made Zoro imagine you calling him a good boy; he quickly averted his gaze again, just following you to a clothing store.
The store was practically empty; a few workers were helping some other customers, but it wasn’t anything that crowded the place, leaving many areas monotonous and boring. A sales clerk had offered to help you around, only to be quickly dismissed.
You were gone for a while, leaving Zoro to sit near the changing rooms area with the bags by his feet and arms crossed over his chest. He knew you’d tried on a lot of clothes, but you’d only asked his opinion on a couple of ones—he tried not to stare when the clothes hugged your frame a little too perfectly, stretching the fabric across it in ways that left little room for imagination. On the other hand, he also saw you slip some pieces of clothing in the bags you guys already had. Did Nami give you some tips or something? Damn it.
After disappearing for a while, you came back with some shirts and pants. Zoro raised an eyebrow when you stood beside him instead of disappearing inside the changing room again.
“Try these on,” you said, and it didn’t sound like you were asking or suggesting something. “You basically only have a change of clothes, aside from the few others we got at Kaya’s. You need something new.”
Zoro wanted to argue, but you were his weak spot, shamefully. He sighed as he looked at the clothes. “Do we have money for that?”
“That’s between Nami and I,” you said simply, shoving the clothes into his arms. “Oh, and don’t forget to let me see how you look in those. I have a feeling you don’t even know how to shop for clothes.”
With a nod, Zoro finally brought himself up to his feet and walked into the changing room. He wasn’t used to it, so it felt very off. He made a face when seeing himself in the mirror and turned away from it while undressing and putting on the clothes you’d handed him, trying on the shirt and pants that’d attracted his attention the most.
When he tried adjusting the clothes on himself, his breath hitched in his throat. Was this on purpose? Were you doing that with him again? He couldn’t believe it… but he wasn’t all against it either. He had to take a couple of deep breaths before he finally left the dressing you.
You sat there, arm folded on the back of the seat, while your temple rested against your hand. Little interest was in your eyes when you looked him up and down—he gulped, not knowing whether he should look right back at you or avoid your gaze.
Zoro knew exactly where your eyes lingered. The shirt and the pants were probably a size down, so it made the buttons hold on for their dear life while the shirt hugged around his pecs, giving out their shape perfectly. The pants, on the other hand, made Zoro put some extra effort into not getting too excited.
“Try on the light jeans,” you told him, waving a hand in dismissal, and of course, he did as told.
The new pair of pants had you making a hand motion for Zoro to turn around. He did so slowly, letting you gaze at his ass as much as you wanted until he turned to the front again. Your eyes were on the bulge on his crotch and then on his thighs, taking in how thick they looked in those pants. The pants' waistline was also low, showing his happy trail and the v lines. Soon, you were eyeing his chest again. He kept taking mental notes of your favorite spots, though he already knew many of them.
You kept eyeing Zoro as if he were some eye candy, some juicy hunk of meat, and you were starving; you kept making him try on different clothes, none of which he’d take home, just for your own pleasure. He wished it’d bother him, but it was too good to argue with.
“Black shirt,” you’d suggested next.
Once Zoro slipped it in, however, he found a problem. He cleared his throat as he opened the changing room’s door just enough to peek outside. “...It won’t close.”
“Won’t close?” You raised an eyebrow. “It’s the same size as the others, it does close!”
“You see—” He cut himself off with a sigh once he saw you stand up and step closer. You got in the tight changing room with him, closing the door behind the two of you. The shirt was buttoned until halfway up his abdomen, and the buttons were already strained. “You see…” Zoro’s body was hot just from that, but he tried to keep himself calm.
You raised your eyebrows, eyes right on his chest. His pecs were a little pressed by the shirt in a way they stood out a little, and he wished the tension wouldn’t make his nipples hard like that. “That sucks,” you said, trying to tug the shirt closed, unsuccessfully. It made his pecs jiggle a little, at least. “This was one of my favorites.”
Maybe it still was. Your breath was hot on Zoro’s skin as you pressed a kiss right between his pecs. He gasped, stepping back until he met the wall as he felt you squeeze his pecs around your face and then give one of them a bite. If the pants were uncomfortable, they were turning insufferable by now.
“I woke up today looking forward to this, y’know?” You whispered, eyes meeting his. “It’s been a while since I last had some fun with you, and I thought being on an island like this would be the perfect opportunity.” You didn’t even want an answer, just mouthing at his chest again while pulling him closer by hooking your fingers around the belt loops of the pants.
Zoro gasped, whimpering as he kept his upper back pressed to the wall.
“I think I’ll actually get you one pair of pants like this,” you whispered, breath hot over his skin. You lowered yourself to your knees, unbuttoning the pants. “Just so you can wear them for me, y’know? Let me see how pathetic you struggle to fit in them. It’d also be nice to see you cum in those…” Your words trailed off while you lowered the pants a bit with some struggle, having them just enough down his thighs.
You mouthed Zoro through his boxers at first, helping him grow completely hard so that you could finally lower his piece of clothing—the way you let the waistband run against his cock agonizingly slow had him hissing, pressing back against the wall again. His knees became weak for you shamefully easily.
There weren’t any words while you wrapped your hand around his thick and hot cock, giving it a few pumps, but he didn’t think that you needed to talk with a toy, anyway. A gasp came from Zoro when he finally felt your tongue against his cock. It gave his tip kitten licks, wiping away the pre-cum before you were finally taking him in your mouth.
You had no mercy, of course, hollowing your cheeks around Zoro right after moving your head a couple of times. The pause you took from it was for yourself, to prevent your cheeks and jaw from hurting, and not because it was bringing Zoro close way too fast. Whenever you touched a sensitive spot of his, it was by coincidence due to the motion you did, not because you wanted to exploit his weak spots. You were cruel, fuck.
He had to bite his fist to prevent any sound from escaping his lips. His cock was being held up by your hand as the free one gripped on his thigh; you licked along the underside of his cock, from the balls to the head, tracing the veins. It felt heavenly. His breath was all uneven, all broken and permeated by whimpers, with the way he had to keep his sounds to himself. Why did you have to do it to him right there?
Your hands fondled Zoro’s balls, also giving him attention as you sucked on his fat, flushed tip. He couldn’t handle it, no, no, no. His cock was back in your mouth, your cheeks hollowed around it, and Zoro could barely think before he was cumming already. He was fucking ashamed—such a big, tough guy cumming so easily to a sloppy in a changing room, but at this point, he was just your toy, right? He couldn’t argue against that.
You kept sucking even though he’d already come, not changing the intensity in the smallest bit, just milking him until you were satisfied.
“Yeah,” you breathed, licking your lips as you pulled away. “I’m taking those pants and also the shirt.”
There weren’t a lot of words shared before you were up on your feet again, eyeing Zoro up and down, and you left the changing room.
You’d been the one to pay for everything, for your clothes and also his—surprisingly, you’d gotten some clothes that actually fit him. Zoro felt all flustered, unable to talk for a long while after he left the changing room in the clothes he’d been wearing in the first place. His legs felt so weak as he trailed after you.
“What do you want to eat, hm? Want to go to any bar?” You looked at Zoro as the two of you walked. “I’m paying you something for being such a good boy for me.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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charlottesuzee · 2 years
Flashing Him Your Chest During An Argument (Monster Trio x Black!GN!Reader)
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(Reader is gender neutral cuz Bara exists too)
Monkey D Luffy
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- You were arguing about something childish, like how he shouldn't be wearing sandles and shorts when it's -10 degrees outside.
- He tells you that he's fine and doesn't even feel the cold that much and that you should stop worrying.
- It then turned into an argument about how you worry too much about him and how he worries too little about himself.
- Getting increasingly fustrated, you decided to just lift up your shirt and bare your chest at him, to get him to stop talking.
- It didn't work. Instead, it backfired on your end.
- "What the hell ?!? You just told me that I had to cover up more and now you're taking off your clothes ?!? That's so not fair !"
Conclusion: Does not work. He's too dumb.
Roronoa Zoro
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- You were arguing about how he's been training too much lately and how he he's been ignoring you.
- He tells you to lay off of him, he can't become the strongest swordsman if he doesn't train.
- You snap that you're not asking him to drop training, you are just asking him to spend a little time with you.
- It's hard to get it through his thick skull and he'll mostly just start responding with "whatever" or "will you cut it out already ?" while not looking at you
- So, to get him to see your side, you bare your chest at him and it succeeds in getting him to shut up and look at you. He stares for a moment as you start to pull your shirt down.
- "Hey wait a sec, I was enjoying the show-"
- "Only boyfriends who spend time with me get to see my chest for long periods of time."
- This results in him actually making an effort to fix his training schedule so that he can make time for you.
- Conclusion: It works because he likes your chest more than he likes training
Black-Leg Sanji
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- Sanji doesn't like to argue with you and tries to avoid it. Except when you commit food crimes.
- The chef in him can't stand it when he sees you doing something horrific, like putting ketchup on a hot dog. He'll make you the most gourmet version of a hotdog, sprinkled with salt, pickle slices, peppers and tomatoes decorating the sides, on a poppyseed bun, with mustard and relish, the only valid hotdog condiments.
- And you have the nerve to ruin it with ketchup.
- He'll go on about how you're disgracing the dish by drowning it in ketchup and how you don't appreciate him or his culinary skills, because you dare like ketchup on your hotdog.
- You're just rolling his eyes as he goes off on you about your personal choice in condiments and asks what did he do to deserve such blatant disrespect to his dish, when you decide to flash your chest at him because you know it will easily distract him.
- He immediately stops his tirade, his cigarette dropping out of his mouth. Suddenly he's all heart eyes and fawning.
- "You put whatever condiments you want on your food darling 😍😍😍~"
- Conclusion: It works way too well.
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
One Piece Characters Being Clingy
For @silvers-d-me thank you for supporting me! and I hope you enjoy!
GN Reader - SFW Tw: non sexual nudity Tw: booze /drunk Includes: Shanks, Zoro, Ace and Mrco.
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Shanks is a very independent man but when he wants attention he’ll make it more than known. 
Your standing in the kitchen, eyes on the cooking book, stirring the big pot, and adding various things for cooking for you and your partner but said partner has other ideas.
He creeps up behind you, a big grin splitting his face as he wraps an arm around you and buries his face against your neck, taking a breath and enjoying the smell of your hair.
“Shanks!” You hiss and almost drop the spoon you were using. “I’m cooking!” You warn him but he still doesn’t budge, not even a little just smirking against your neck and starting to make you sway in place.
“Yeah I know, it smells amazing,” He hums and lets his hand go up your shirt a little, letting his rough hand feel your soft skin.
“I need space,” You mumble but also don’t really fight him, enjoying the way he holds you, the way he kisses your neck. You try and keep your eyes open, fighting against the urge to close your eyes and lean against him.
You sigh letting your head lul to the side giving him room to carry on planting kisses across your skin.
“Stop,” You said, no real conviction in your voice as you move to go and grab something from the fridge, he still had no intention of letting you go though. His grip just as firm as he shuffles behind you, hindering your movements as you reach to grab something.
“Shanks,” You try again but he doesn’t move, just happy to hold you tightly. 
When Shanks wants attention he gets attention. You put down the food and turn in his arm and quirk an eyebrow at him.
He leaned down and kissed your forehead, then your nose and each cheek before you lean up and bridge the gap, his lips on yours.
“That’s what I wanted…” He said with a smile, gazing at you with adoration in his eyes.
“Does that mean I can get back to cooking now?” You asked and he shook his head, kissing you again.
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Regular sober Zoro isn’t really clingy, he’s happy to just sit near you or in the same room and consider it spending time with you.
Drunk and tired Zoro, however, is another creature entirely.
Maybe on the whiny side, as he flops against you, arms draped over you as he fights to keep his eyes open.
Doesn’t matter if you're trying to do something, he wants all of your attention.
“You okay?” You asked and looked down at him as he rests his head on your lap, eyes closed and just feeling the drunkenness take over, getting comfy on your lap.
“Yeah,” Was all he replied as he nuzzled against you, you sighed and went to get comfy and he huffed at you, turning so he faced your stomach and wrapped arms around your middle.
“Zoro what if I need to get something?” “Like what?” He countered and you sighed, reaching down and stroking his hair, seeing his arm stretched above him and his hand grabbing for the bottle of booze he’d set down next to you. You rolled your eyes and wiggled your leg to stop him.
He turned to face you, giving you a half-assed glare as he reached for the bottle again, which you denied him, again.
But then Zoro felt your hand carding through his hair, and he mumbled, letting his arm go limp, giving up on the pursuit of more alcohol so he could just enjoy the touches you were giving him.
You felt him take in a deep breath, letting it out and gripping you, he managed to move your shirt up and placed sloppy kisses on your stomach.
Sometimes needy clingy Zoro was welcome.
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Ace was a clingy partner, everyone could see that, a big fan of PDA. He loved to hold your hand to the point you couldn’t eat at the dinner table.
His hand always finds its way to yours, or in your pocket, his arm around your waist and leaning into you.
You would be standing there talking to someone and Ace would come up behind you, strong arms wrapping around you and resting his chin on your shoulder. “Hey babe,” He greeted you and kissed your cheek, nuzzling his nose against your neck, kissing every inch of skin he could.
During chores, he would find an excuse to be close to you, and always enjoyed being around you.
Walking side by side he would reach over, taking your hand in his, when you glanced up at him you’d see his bright smile, rounded freckled cheeks, and the wink he’d give you as he linked his pinky with yours, swaying your hands together.
Even at night when you were getting ready for bed Ace would be there with you, brushing your teeth side by side, changing for bed.
That was when he was his most clingy when you were led in bed together and he scooped you into his arms, he loved to roll you both over so you were led on top of him. He would smile, looking happy and content as he reached up and stroked your hair behind your ear as you leaned down and kissed him.
You didn’t mind he was clingy though, you adored him.
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Marco isn’t the clingy sort of person either, he likes to be independent and enjoys it when his partners can be.
Saying that he enjoys PDA and getting to show how much he loves his partner, getting to fluster them.
However, when he gets certain zoan urges he becomes very clingy. Wanting to be as close to his partner [mate] as possible.
It took you a while to get used to that, how he would change from a cool and calm person to a rather clingy one every so often.
So when you were in the shower after a long day of duties, you didn’t expect Marco to jump in with you, normally he would still be working in his office, forgetting what time of night it was.
Not that you minded him being here, it was nice, he just made you jump.
He took the bottle of shampoo from your hand, pouring the contents into his, the lopsided smirk on his face as he started to wash your hair, lathering it up and letting out a chuckle.
“I wasn’t expecting you,” You mumbled, leaning into his touches, loving his talented fingers rubbing your head, giving your scalp a message as he helped wash your hair.
“I just missed you tonight, wanted to spend more time with you yoi.” You nodded, smiling and keeping your eyes closed.
That meant he was feeling a certain way, his birdbrain wanting you close.
Marco also had a unique way of being clingy.
Turning into his full phoenix form and curling around you, his big soft feathery wings, cool to the touch wrapped around you as he made an assortment of trills.
Not to mention he’d made your bed into a nest of blankets and pillows, just wanting to keep you cozy and close.
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head-empty-just-ace · 27 days
Yes, I know the Ace, Sanji, and Zoro fics have their own NSFW scenarios...but for the life of me— I cannot do that to Luffy. I have tried but no. Just no. Also, the first chunk of it is how the crew would react to him. I think it'd be a cute addition.
Monkey D. Luffy x GN!Reader
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CW: Hinted sensory overload. Mainly just fluff.
Word Count: 500+
Fluff w/ Strawhats
Just. Pure. Chaotic. Energy.
Usually, Luffy's already pretty hyperactive. Messing around with the others and just a fun goofy guy. But now it's even worse because of his canine-tendencies.
Sanji has the fridge just chained down and placed multiple locks because Luffy kept eating all the food inside of it. Sometimes, he has to stand guard at night just to make sure they'll still have food for breakfast.
Usopp and Chopper are just messing around with Luffy. They're throwing him balls and frisbees to help him burn off all that energy. Even taught him tricks.
Robin uses her devil fruit to just tickle and indulge Luffy every now and then when the mood strikes. He adores it. It makes him laugh so hard.
Nami would play along for a bit when Luffy wants to mess around. But if she doesn't, she'll lie that Usopp is hiding a delicious portion of meat in his workshop.
Brook does notice whenever Luffy gets overwhelmed a bit by the noise, scent, and sceneries. So, he'll distract Luffy by playing a tune. It works so effectively on the captain.
Zoro's the one to reign him in. If Luffy's about to go overboard because he was chasing after some bird or a ball Chopper and Usopp threw? He's the one to either grab him the shirt or dive into the sea to save the guy.
Jimbei and his blessed patience always puts up with Luffy whenever he starts getting chatty— if Chopper and Usopp aren't around to play with him. He and Luffy would just share stories with each other excitedly.
Franky would just be very chill with Luffy. Telling him all sorts of inventions. Maybe even tricking Luffy into think they're playing a game but its just Franky getting Luffy to fetch tools for him while he works.
Fluff w/ you
You would either join in on the fun or be the one to scold him whenever he made a mess on the deck. At some point, you didn't know whether to laugh or lecture Usopp and Chopper for teaching him tricks as if he really were a dog.
Whenever it was mealtime, he'd rest his chin against the table while gazing up at you with the best pair of puppy eyes he could muster. He already cleaned out his plate and Sanji wouldn't give him any more food.
He's be even more clingy than usual. Using his devil fruit to wrap his arms around you like some snake to keep you close.
He'll even ask you to pet and scratch his head. Ofc, you indulge the guy. He'd sulk and pout otherwise.
If Brook isn't around and he gets overwhelmed, he'll come up to you and complain that its too noisy. You'll hug him against your chest and place your hands gently over his ears and hum a song— he usually falls asleep in your arms.
Similar to Ace, he doesn't like it when his hat bothers his ears. It just doesn't sit comfortably. So, he'll give you his precious hat bc he knows you'll take care of it for him.
He does get protective over you. If you're talking with anyone on the ship and you start laughing, he'll walk up to you and just hug you from behind. There's a small sulk on his face.
If you do lean back into his touch and scratch his ear— he'll melt back into a smile and join in with your conversation with the others. Still hugging you tho.
In the case that you guys get in a fight, his ears are flat on his head. His tail dull and slack behind him. A pout visible on his face.
Woke everyone up by howling at the moon loudly (it unfortunately happened multiple times and it doesn't help that he does it even when he's asleep).
If you liked this and wanna read more, here's my masterlist!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
That was amazing! This will be my last request around Eri!Reader until you reopen your requests so I’m not spamming you! (Thank you so much for writing these, I get so excited whenever you post since your so amazing and talented!! 💞✨)
Part 14 After returning to Water 7 to heal from their battle (And happy to learn Franky is going to make them a Ship and join them) Garp the Fist comes in, and reveals to be Luffy’s Grandfather, but before he could continue beating the snot out of Luffy, Reader stops him (Garp is happy to finally meet his one and only Granddaughter Reader!)
However Garp ends up pissed when Luffy told him Spadam hit her, and wants to get his hands on him! (No one puts their hands on his Granddaughter!! NO ONE!!)
Though Reader calms Luffy and Garp down from wanting to go back/to Enies Lobby to beat Spadam up (Garp’s cackling after learing that his sweet Granddaughter hit Spadam in his ‘Royal Jewels’, as he’s very proud of her for doing that) and leaves the Straw Hats alone after telling Luffy about his dad Dragon (Not before promising to spend time with Reader and gives her one of his Rice Crackers)
For the next 3 days the Straw Hats and all of Water 7 had a huge party, with Reader playing around with Chimney and Gonbei in her bathing suit Franky gave her (Including little Arm Floats that look like Starfish/Kitties)
And with Nami’s help, Reader calls Ace to talk with him, and Ace was holding in his rage after hearing what his little sister went through (As she told him it was scary) and the fact she got slapped, but he started laughing when Luffy told him what Reader did to Spadam’s ‘Jewels’ (Whitebeard and his sons were doing the same thing as Ace, angry and furious, but proceeded to laugh hysterically after learning what Reader did to someone’s ‘Jewels’)
I love Whitebeard so much (He’s so protective and caring about those apart of his family) he’s just a giant softie
They all see not only Zoro, Luffy, Robin and Reader’s Bounties upgraded, but everyone get a Bounty themselves (And everyone screamed when Reader’s bounty Skyrocketed again at 320-350 Million)
Reader also comforts her Brother Sanji about his Wanted Poster by giving him one of her own drawings of him (It’s a kid drawing, but compared to Luffy, it’s 100x better than his art skills and she drew it out of love)
I’ll wait until next time to ask you for a Garp and Eri!Reader Special (They’re going to spend a whole day together!) it’s just pure. unadulterated. Fluff.
-It had been two days since you and your family arrived back from Enies Lobby, as many of you were severely injured, you were luckily, being the least injured, but after overworking your quirk, you were just as tired as the rest of them.
-You were so happy that Franky was a part of the crew and that Usopp was back, as you felt protective of your family, you never wanted any of them to leave- you never wanted to be apart from them.
-Franky was super nice to you as the others were slowly waking up, both him and Iceburg treating you to breakfast as you were the first to wake up.
-You were in awe, seeing Luffy still sleeping but also eating, unable to look away until Sanji and Nami yelled at him to wake up while Robin and Usopp were laughing lightly at the sight.
-A knock then came from the door before it burst open and Franky dropped his shoulder, wrapping his arms around you, shielding you from the debris.
-A large man then entered, a marine which made you clutch at Franky’s Hawaiian shirt, scared as everyone was quickly able to recognize this man, Monkey D. Garp!
-Luffy’s jaw was dropped, “Grandpa?!” everyone quickly turned in shock, hearing this, yelling in shock while your little hands came to your face in shock.
-Garp then made you gasp as he punched Luffy, sending him flying into a wall. Zoro and Sanji were stunned, ready for a fight, seeing that he was able to hurt Luffy.
-You pushed on Franky’s chest and you managed to slip out of his arms and you ran over as Garp stalked towards Luffy, cracking his knuckles, ready to discipline him before you ran in front of your brother.
-Your arms were spread and you had big fat tears in your eyes, “Please don’t hurt my big brother!” everything froze, seeing you protecting Luffy and Garp stammered, trying to tell you that he wasn’t going to hurt Luffy, just discipline him.
-The tears fell from your eyes and Garp instantly fell to his knees, hugging you close, “Grandpa’s so sorry little Y/N! I didn’t mean to make you cry!”
-You sniffled loudly as Luffy struggled to his feet, a bit dizzy, before you spoke, “You’re my grandpa?” Garp glared at Luffy, his eyes turning red, “You didn’t tell her about your one and only grandpa?!”
-You tugged on Garp’s shirt gently, not seeing him as someone so scary now, “I have two grandpas- you’re my second one!”
-Garp turned to stone in shock before crumbling into a sobbing pile while Robin picked you up, holding you up on her hip, he cried, lamenting that he wasn’t your first grandpa.
-He then shot up, looking completely fine, looking fired up, “So who was your first grandpa?!” he wanted to find out to take that title from whoever got to you first, no matter who it was.
-You beamed brightly, your arms lifting to the sky happily, “I’ve never seen him but I’ve talked to him with Big Brother Ace- he said his name is Whitebeard!”
-The flames around Garp seemed to increase, growing hotter as his eyes turned red, furious that his adorable granddaughter had been adopted by Whitebeard of all people and that you saw him as your first grandpa, while Garp was in second place!
-He could only imagine you (in cartoon form), in Whitebeard’s arms, laughing with him as he stood on the 1st place spot of a podium while Garp was on his knees in second place.
-Garp wasn’t going to deal with your crew at the moment, instead joining you all for a meal, you sitting on his knee as you held a cup of juice.
-Garp noticed the bandage on your head, “What caused this?” you lifted your hand to your head and Nami was the one to answer, “It was that marine, Spandam- he hit Y/N for trying to protect Robin.”
-Garp froze, turning white, hearing that a grown adult- a grown man, put his hands on a child, injuring you as he was quick to get fired up, “Where is the bas-basket case!” he caught himself, not wanting to swear in front of you.
-You didn’t know why he was calling Spandam a basket, before his face appeared in your head, and his mask did look a bit like a basket.
-Your family was also still furious at Spandam, glaring and voicing their own anger while you were eating a cookie Garp gave to you.
-Nami pointed at him, scolding him, “Oi! Don’t be giving her cookies for breakfast!” you flinched as Garp just beamed brightly, “It’s fine- it’s fine!” Sanji grabbed you, “It is not fine! She needs healthy food in the morning.” Garp pouted, wanting to spoil you.
-He then spoke again, “So where is Spandam?” a few grins appeared as Franky ruffled your hair gently, “Y/N here took care of him, with a well-placed headbutt to the family jewels!”
-Garp laughed loudly, finding it hysterical, before he ruffled your head, praising you before he stood, telling Luffy about Dragon, his dad and you had question marks floating around your head, as you didn’t know any dragons.
-Luffy told you that he would tell you all about his dad and Garp gave you a bag of cookies, “I have to leave now my little Y/N~ I’ll come back to spend some time with you.”
-You smiled up at him, holding your hand up to him, extending your pinkie finger, “Pinkie promise?” Usopp was the one to teach you about pinkie promises, and Garp as well as several others around, Usopp, Luffy, Franky, Iceberg, and Sanji, all collapsed to the ground, clutching at their chests at your cuteness.
-After Garp left and all the damage caused by Aqua Laguna was fixed, everyone celebrated! There was a huge party with drinking, eating lots of barbeque, and you got to run around with Chimney in the water, being a normal kid for one, wearing your starfish shaped water wings that Franky gave you over your wet suit.
-Franky was confused why you were wearing a wet suit as he was your lifeguard, letting you sit on his leg, asking you and you pulled your arms in close, looking down at your hands, “There’s…” you couldn’t speak, instead pulling your sleeve up, showing him the scars, at least some of them, on your arms.
-His eyes were wide, seeing his as he held your hand gently, before a hand on his head pulled him out of his shock, and you both saw Luffy there who kneeled down, seeing you showing Franky your scars, “Someone hurt Y/N- badly. We don’t know much, but all we know is that he will never touch her again.”
-You gave Luffy a small nod before you all decided to head to the ship for a private party, having a bath with Robin and Nami while the boys started up a barbeque.
-You ran out to Luffy, grabbing his hand, pulling him away from the fire, looking excited as Nami grinned, walking out with Ace’s DenDen Mushi, “Nami and I are gonna call Ace and grandpa!”
-You sat on Luffy’s lap while he continued to eat, not bothering you heard it ringing before you heard Ace, “Is this my most favorite little sister~?” you giggled warmly, “Hi Ace!”
-Aboard the Moby Dick, their own drinking party, because it was Wednesday, everything went quiet as most everyone huddled around Ace, hearing the voice of their adorable little sister and granddaughter.
-You and Ace talked about your most recent adventures, including where Robin was kidnapped and then you were taken too. Ace was furious, flames surrounding him as they all heard that Spandam hurt you- and Whitebeard was ready to call for an attack before Nami had to tell Ace that you took care of Spandam yourself, taking out his family jewels.
-It was silent on the other side, all their anger instantly leaving before you flinched back into Luffy’s arms, hearing the roar of laughter from the other side.
-Once Ace was able to breathe again, he spoke, “What else happened?” you beamed brightly, “I met another grandpa- his name is Garp!”
-Ace shivered deeply, recalling his own memories of Garp before he managed to force a smile, “Oh? And how was he?” you thought for a moment, “Kinda loud- and he cried when I told him that Whitebeard is my first grandpa, while he was my second.”
-Whitebeard beamed warmly, hearing that he was your first, but he couldn’t help but imagine Garp lamenting over the fact that he was the second.
-The following day, you woke up to loud shouting and you wandered out of your room, a little delirous as you wandered over, rubbing your eyes as you grabbed Zoro’s pants, “Why is everyone yelling?”
-He kneeled down, putting his hand on your head and your eyes went wide as everyone showed you their new bounties, your eyes immediately sparkling brightly.
-Robin then smiled, “Here Y/N- this one is yours.” You looked exited, taking it while Luffy was pouting lightly, seeing your 400,000,000 beri bounty while you were gawking, “So many zeros!”
-You quickly ran to put it up on your wall, showing the other bounties as well and you beamed, feeling proud of yourself.
-You then noticed Sanji looked sad when you came back out and you quickly found out why, because the marines didn’t have a good photo, so they used a crudely drawn one by Luffy instead and Sanji was upset because it didn’t look a thing like him!
-You quickly ran back to your room, coming out with your drawing materials Usopp had given you and you got to work, making a new bounty poster to make your big brother happy!
-It took you over an hour to draw, everyone who had seen you saw the focus on your face before you ran to Sanji, “I made it better!”
-You drew your own bounty poster, including ‘bounty’ being spelled wrong, and a children’s drawing in the middle, showing Sanji making food with hearts surrounding him.
-Sanji fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face as he held it up to the sky, overwhelmed with happiness before he cried into his elbow, thanking you warmly, making you beam before your smile grew as he put it on the fridge, “So I can see it every day!”
-You celebrated with your crew, having a big feast to celebrate the new bounties, unaware of the, literal, darkness on the horizon.
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layla4567 · 10 months
Me gustas tú
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Inspired by this song
Summary: The straw hats take a well-deserved day of rest. While they are on the ship, you and Luffy will go ashore and spend a day on the beach.
Word count: 1.476
Pairing: Luffy x GN!reader
Warnings: slightly canon divergence, sfw, Y/N use, Luffy confessing his feelings, beta read, If I forgot something, let me know.
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The Going Merry disembarked and docked at a dock near a lonely beach on a desert island, ideal for a break from aimless sailing. The first to jump onto the sand was Luffy, running like a lynx and climbing like a monkey, he jumped from the deck and landed with a somersault, spreading the sand in the form of a cloud that made the others cough. The captain's shouts of joy were contagious and you suddenly found yourself laughing at his antics. Nami and you went down like civilized people admiring the saline and clear sea water of a turquoise color like quartz. Zoro and Ussop followed behind you while Sanji stayed in the kitchen for a while finishing washing the dishes.
Luffy ran and jumped waving his arms along the seashore smiling widely, he looked like a child who had just seen the beach for the first time. Nami next to you elbowed you laughing
"I can't imagine what he'll be like when he sees the tundra."
"Or the jungle"-You followed the joke
Then each one went to their own side to do different activities. Nami sat on the ground resting on a towel in the sun, Ussop stayed practicing with his slingshot near some palm trees and Zoro stayed with one shoulder leaning on the wood of the boat, in the shade. You took advantage of the fact that you had your swimsuit under your clothes and you took off your shirt and pants, revealing your navy blue swimsuit and you ran to jump in the waves.
Luffy, seeing you, ran towards you and copied your movements, going deeper into the sea and jumping high every time he saw a small wave coming, causing the foam to splash and hit you in the face.
"Luffy stop! You're soaking me!"-You said laughing as you put your hands forward to avoid the water.
He turned around smiling, lowering his hat until it fell on his back still held by the cord around his neck "But isn't that what the sea and the beach are for? Of course you will get wet!"
"But not like that Luff- Oh!"
Luffy hugged you around the waist and lifted you into the air to put you against his shoulder and go deeper into the water. You screamed in surprise while the other straw hats laughed at your situation. The captain was happy as a clam and ignored your fists against his bare back demanding that he put you down.
"Uhhh (y/n) said his full name, the boy is in trouble."-Zoro mocked from afar.
"Okay, okay, but don't be angry!"-Luffy said
Luffy laughingly let you go and you fell on your butt into the water just as a large wave crashed into your back and pushed you forward, getting your head wet. When you was able to regain your balance you was spitting out salt water in disgust. You gave a murderous look at Luffy who quickly dropped his usual wide and confident smile.
"And now is when he will start running, in 3..2…-" -Nami said
The brown boy ran like hell, stumbling on the sand in fear while you ran after him waving your fist in the air.
Ussop and Zoro had approached Nami and sat on the sand ready to watch the show.
“I bet (y/n) gets to him first.”-she said
"And I bet that Luffy is wins, he is more agile and faster"
Nami looked at him with a slightly offended raised eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Ok, what do we bet?"
"Wait are you really going to bet on (y/n) and our captain?"-Ussop asked confused but amused.
"5,000 berries" -Zoro said ignoring the boy.
The two sealed the pact while Ussop shook his head laughing. After a while watching the two crew members run as if they were playing hide and seek, Nami, smiling proudly, saw how you knocked Luffy to the ground with a tackle.
"You owe me those berries…" -Nami smiled mischievously at an angry Zoro.
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Later the only ones left on the beach were you and Luffy, the others decided that they had had enough of the sun and took refuge on the deck of the ship with their elbows resting on the railing looking at the two of you. You and your captain were sitting together, one on each side, on the white sand with your legs stretched out and your hands behind you, admiring how the burning sun fell on the horizon, turning the sky a bright red. You sighed, closing your eyes and reveling in the salty breeze and the song of the seagulls soaring through the clouds. Luffy next to you couldn't focus on anything but your beauty. He looked at your face instead of concentrating on the nature that surrounded him because being next to you, who cared about everything else? Even the most beautiful flower or the warmest sun did not compare to everything you were to him.
You threw your head back, smiling even with your eyes closed, and the captain came closer to your side, bumping his shoulder into yours. At that touch you opened your eyes in surprise and when you turned your head to see him you found his brown eyes staring into his and a sweet smile on his lips. Being close to him always meant that the environment would be charged with electricity and Luffy is a very hyperactive and energetic being like a puppy. It wasn't the same as sitting near Nami or Sanji whose energy was calmer, no. Luffy emanated sparks and joy throughout his body and even though he was sitting it was as if his anxious molecules could not be still, as if behind that mischievous smile and those mischievous eyes there were hidden intentions to keep moving and jump from here to there. Luffy was always on the move
"Is something the matter?"-You asked because of his insistent, somewhat goofy look.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I just got lost in your gaze."
You laughed shaking your shoulders and he laughed with you without stopping to look at you, and thinking that the flirt was Sanji. You slapped his arm with the back of your hand.
"Don't talk nonsense Luffy, the only one who can flirt here is the cook"
Suddenly, smiling, the boy in the straw hat stood in front of you, very close to your face, with his arms at your sides, caging your torso.
"Of! Luffy what are you-?"-you said startled
"Listen, I want to tell you something important."
Luffy swallowed and seemed more anxious than usual, besides he never spoke so seriously, you didn't know whether to worry or not.
"Ok yeah sure, I'm listening"
He sighed and his breath hit your face "I've been meaning to tell you this for a while… I like you."
"Aw Luffy I like you too"
He shook his head making his dark curls move. "No no, you misunderstood me. I really like you."
You went blank having understood what the pirate boy had meant. You moved your eyes from right to left, looking into his, feeling that your words were dying on your tongue, unable to pass through your lips.
"(y/n) I love you! Phew I finally said it.."
Luffy seemed happy and relieved to be able to let those three words come out of his mouth, regardless of your answer he already had a smile on his face. You let out a small airy laugh and swallowed hard.
"I think I like you too, I mean, I love you too."
The boy rested his cheek against your belly, tickling you and letting the air escape from your lungs. His grip was strong as if he wanted to squeeze a lemon. You fell back laughing as your hands rubbed his back. Now you understood why he always seemed so clingy to you, close to you like chewing gum. And all those jokes he played on you and the way he always seemed to tease you so you would get angry. Feeling playful, you wrapped your legs around his hips and forcefully turned him over so you could now be on top of him. Luffy fell heavily in the sand and you rested your chin near the junction of his collarbones.
Luffy stroked your damp hair "So you're not angry anymore for throwing you into the sea?"
You rolled your eyes with a lopsided smile. “Oh shut up and come here.”
With both of your hands you grabbed Luffy's chubby cheeks and planted a kiss on his lips. At first he opened his eyes in surprise but then he closed them smiling between your lips. From a distance on the ship you could hear the cheerful whistles and cheers of the crew.
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leahsflwer · 9 months
What it’s like to date Monkey D. Luffy <3
Warnings: Fluff, smut, adult content, romance, details of dating someone, affection, blah blah
Summary: How dating adult Luffy would be, how he treats his partner, what he does for them.
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✎ Food. This man loves his food so you two will be eating lots of meals and snacks together. But it would be great if you never finish your meals because he would never decline finishing it for you, smiling as he licks lips and thanks you. + If you like cooking!
✎Luffy would put his hat on you all the time, when he's bored, when you're sad or angry. He feels that his hat is going to be safe with you which he is right about. You always love peaking at him with his straw hat on your head, making him giggle at how cute you look.
✎You better be prepared to listen to him rant to you about the great red haired pirate Shanks. That pirate is his idol and everything so you better grow to love his father figure just as much as he does.
✎Luffy would do anything to protect you and the straw hats, forcing his bodies to withstand any environment, fighting any enemy he has too just to see you all alive and healthy
✎If you ever get sick or injured, he would blame himself as the captain and be confused with it all needing the others to explain what's happening to him, wanting to do anything for you to get better
✎Would treasure you laying on his stomach, chest, shoulder anywhere he can keep you close.
✎Oddly gets aroused when you run your fingers along his skin, especially on his chest where he has his scar and under his eye with his little scar then.
✎Being honest this guy would lick food off of your mouth if you left it there when eating. Especially whip cream and chocolate because he wanted to "Test" if your food tasted any different
✎He would kiss you any chance he gets, lips, cheeks, forehead, neck, arm, stomach, anywhere. He's just obsessed with being close to you.
✎The only arguments with him would be you telling him to not do something so crazy and dangerous, even though it always ends up with his flashing his iconic smile and running off to do it anyway.
✎Now hear him out when he suggests you wear a summer outfit like him. So you can either wear a red summer dress to match his shirt, flip flops to match his or shorts and a summer shirt like him, He would find it so cool and want to show you both off to Zoro.
✎Monkey D. Garp would lowkey love you being with his grandson, seeing how much you make him smile and see his wife and him in you two, feeling soft inside his tough exterior.
✎More private time with Luffy would be very playful and sloppy, probably filled with random chuckles and smiles. Most likely in his room on the ship or up high on the ship where the crew wouldn't notice you both.
Dating Roronoa Zoro would be like || One piece master list || master list || Anime master list
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dragon-queen21 · 4 months
-Yeah i so agree with you on the pet regressin chopper hc ! i honestly like that hc more OH MY GOSH, when hes petregressin, i forgot what point it is but he stays in his reindeer form, hes standing on shaky legs like a fawn, ITS OVER FOR ME
- i was thinmin about this last night: luffy and the crew meeting ace in alabasta, luffy regresses of course, hes happy to see his brother, and just ace trying to embarrassing him in front of the crew (in a loving way of course)
like giving him really silly nicknames (personal fan on lulu for this senario) or cooing and doting over him in spanish
- i have a ace+luffy hc that ace can dance really well and luffy cant dance for shit. enter little luffy, and hes more uncoordinated then before. imagie ace trying to teach him how yo dance, or doin that father daughter thing where luffys on aces feet yk?
- or when luffy is in babyspace and way to little to do anythin, ace will carry him around and do that thing were ace will say something and then ask luffy who will do nothing but look at ace back and make baby noises
“I cant believe this! Can you believe this lu?”
“Exactly what I said!”
-I dont remember if it was you who orginally said it but i really likedthe hc, i definitely see luffy and usopp regressing together unknowingly, before they knew they were regressors (first time it happened the crew was confused. the kids were on the floor playin, and usopp took to clumsily carryin luffy around. why was that?)
- smoker findin luffy little and just, hes not gonna capture luffy like this. smoker holding luffy by the back of his shirt like a baby cat and dropping him off at the sunny and staying with him until the crew returns
smoker is canonically good with kids NO WAY IN HELL hes gonna hurt luffy when hes regressed. hes not doin that to someone whos to out of it to protect himself
okay thats all i can write rughr now i have absolutely DEMONIC cramps i cant think anymore
but yes olease make sure to take care of yourself, your health is always more important than anythin
i hope your havin a good day 🤍🤍
Hello again! :D
~I like to think that the nicknames just get sillier and sillier over time. Especially if Luffy says that he’s embarrassed. Clearly that’s what an older brother is for >:3
~Oh my gosh I have such a soft spot for anything with just, second languages. Little know fact I’m actually half Hispanic. My Spanish is VERY rusty mind you, but still. Solidly agreeing with you. This headcanon makes me very happy :3
~I feel like Luffy’s Spanish would be very broken so half of the things his brother is telling him just goes over his head. Especially if he’s super small to try and put together the words, but in a way it just makes him smaller.
~With Ace and Luffy dancing, it’s mostly just Ace spinning him around in a circle because Luffy refuses to do anything but stand on his feet giggling “again again!”
~Awwww cute cute cute cute cute!!!! Ace could probably fool others into thinking that he actually understands what Luffy is trying to tell him
~I don’t believe that was my headcanon but it sounds adorable! Actually I vaguely recall seeing that somewhere. That’s going to drive me crazy until I figure out where.
~Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh gosh. Captain Smoker, let’s talk about him for a moment. I love him- so much 👏 I also have such a love for anything regressed protagonist being taken care of by an antagonist.
~And he is good with kids, kinda rough around the edges. And wouldn’t it be really funny if he finds Luffy out gettin ice cream and there are just- too many similarities to a small child and Luffy seems so out of it. Smoker mentions something along the lines of “where’s your crew” half because he wants to know if he needs to call reinforcement’s, half because he genuinely is curious. And Luffy doesn’t know, Zoro wandered off at some point and it’s scary being all alone. And yeah no something is definitely wrong, he looks like he’s about to start crying. If anyone asks Smoker used this as an opportunity to locate the straw hats ship. Why didn’t he call in his report? Because he was kept under very close surveillance (aka a mentally four year old who wouldn’t leave him alone)
Not sure if this all makes sense but I think you get the idea <3
Take care of yourself as well, make sure to take it easy and get lots of rest. <3<3<3
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freckle-face-ace · 4 months
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Portgas D Ace X Trafalgar Law
There are two chapters of this. It was meant to be a one shot, but my brain summons the ship sometimes.
Law leaned over the counter bored as he watched Luffy round the corner happily chatting away to whomever was a few steps behind. The younger raven flailed his arms emphasizing whatever dramatic part of his story he happened to be telling. That's when his companion came into view.
He ran his hand through his jet-black jaw length waves as a large grin spread across his freckled face. Law let his eyes wander to the stranger's exposed chest. Though fall was settling in he wore a pale orange short sleeved shirt lazily buttoned halfway and a pair of long black shorts.
"Zoro ended up kicking his ass!" Luffy laughed shoving the glass door open causing the bell the jingle wildly.
Law straightened himself out averting his gaze to the muted television on the back wall.
"That isn't surprising." Chuckled the unfamiliar male.
His voice was deep but soft. It hit Law's ear with a velvetiness he hadn't experienced before.
"Ace this is Traffy. Traffy this is my brother Ace." Luffy grinned.
"Law." He corrected evenly, reaching for Ace's already extended hand.
Ribbons of warmth tingled around Law's fingers spreading over his hand as Ace gave his palm a friendly squeeze. Was he running fever? How could a person possibly be this warm without sweating?
"Your hand is freezing." Ace chuckled, "Sorta like a doctor."
"Traffy is in medical school!" Luffy chimed rounding the counter to grab an apron.
"Ooh~ you must be popular with the ladies." Ace wiggled his brows.
"Yeah." Law grunted.
Not that he minded being popular with women. He'd had a girlfriend or two even a couple of heated one stands. But he wasn't particularly interested either which made it hard for him to put any effort and time into a relationship. He already had a demanding school schedule on top of a full-time job to pay for said schooling, there was no time for romantic endeavors.
"Anyway, Luffy you're late the lunch rush will be here soon. Go get more lids and cup sleeves from the back." Law crossed his arms over his chest.
The small coffee shop was located near the college and the clinic which made things convenient for Law. He'd become the shift supervisor within only a few months.
Luffy bounced around the shop cleaning and refilling things while Law made sure he had enough supplies for the most common orders placed.
Ace sat quietly at the counter his garnet eyes occasionally darting up from his phone at the aloof raven behind the bar. He'd noticed Law's unusual sunny eye color almost immediately.
He must be popular.
His rolled-up sleeves revealed thick black tattoos that traveled further up his arms. His slender tattooed fingers worked quickly with a practiced rhythm as he made Ace's order.
The freckled male chuckled admittedly a little impressed - surely this was a skill Luffy could never accomplish, which explained why the older raven kept him busy with simple but tedious tasks. Luffy didn't have the attention span or patience for this.
Ace actually found himself wondering why Luffy even worked here.
"Med school sounds interesting." He chirped getting Law's attention.
"It has its moments." He replied coolly, "What do you do Ace-ya? You're the only brother I've never met."
Ace chuckled, "What an interesting colloquial; the 'ya' I mean. Do you do that to everyone?"
Law almost immediately regretted speaking. He couldn't control his unique vernacular and was suddenly very conscious of it.
"Dunno." He shrugged expression as distant as ever.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to-" Ace stopped himself from pointing out the other male's embarrassment though it had only been a flicker. Instead he circled back to Law's initial question.
"I'm a musician so I travel a lot." He flashed a brilliant smile.
"Anything I've heard?" Law questioned still shuffling around behind the counter.
"Honestly probably not." Ace let out an airy laugh, "I just open up for small acts but it's a living, right?"
Law hummed back looking over Ace's shoulder at the line of people beginning to trickle in.
"Luffy-ya! Register!" He called setting cups out or easy access.
Ace continued to watch his brother and his friend work fairly harmoniously through the lunch rush. The crowd of people kept them busy enough for Ace to admire the fluidity of Law's motions while he filled orders with a small crooked smile that only faltered when he tried reading Luffy's chicken scratch.
"Trafalgar." A sultry female voice floated up to the counter beside Ace.
His eyes rose from his phone immediately recognizing the dark-haired woman. Her emerald eyes flickered to him as a small enigmatic smile graced her lips.
"I'll have your order in a moment Robin." Law murmured.
"Thank you. Watch out for the blond girls at the end of the line." She warned turning back to Law, "They're certain they'll get your number this time."
Law rolled his golden eyes with a sigh. A reaction Ace for some reason appreciated.
"Back from your tour?" Robin turned back to Ace.
"Yeah I'll be home for a little less than a month." His response didn't go unnoticed by the barista.
If Ace was going to be in town for a while surely Luffy would be dragging him along to functions and work. Law certainly didn't mind his presence, he was calmer than expected, sense he was the only brother who looked to be blood related to the hyper active raven.
"We're having a big party on Saturday you should come....Traffy can come right?" Luffy looked to Ace while Law locked the front door of the shop.
"Of course." Ace smiled.
Law turned slowly, he usually turned down invites to the Newgate's parties. Even when their father was there things tended to get out of hand. Besides he hardly had free time to waste drinking with a bunch of delinquents.
"Sure." The response tumbled from his lips before he'd even had a chance to mull it over.
The brothers grinned.
"See ya tomorrow Traffy~" Ace winked over his shoulder strolling away.
"You two get along." Sabo took Law's place next to his brother.
"He's Luffy's friend. Why wouldn't we?" Ace questioned eyes still on Law as he stalked into the kitchen.
"Luffy likes almost everyone." The blond rolled his eyes, "He just isn't really a people person."
"I hadn't noticed." It wasn't a lie, he really hadn't.
All of his interactions with Law had been pleasant, refreshing even. He'd spent the last three days following Luffy to work so he could talk more with the phlegmatic barista.
A tennis ball came sailing across the room landing in Ace's lap quickly followed by their enormous chocolate Labrador. Ace yelped spilling his drink down the front of his shirt while the dog crushed his manhood.
"Chopper!" Luffy shouted as the room erupted in laughter.
"You little shit." Ace coughed pushing Chopper off him.
"He didn't know any better." Sabo murmured.
"Not the dog." Ace stood pulling his shirt off revealing his large back tattoo, "Luffy, ya got three seconds!"
The younger raven leapt over an arm chair and bolted for the sliding patio door laughing wildly with Ace on his heels.
"You've been doing that a lot the last few days." Robin pointed to her lips as she stepped up to Law in the kitchen.
He let the corners of his mouth droop in protest.
"It suits you." She added, "You don't have to brood all the time."
Law snorted.
"You seem to enjoy his company."
"Maybe." He shrugged a small smirk ghosting his lips.
She smiled nudging his shoulder before joining the group in the living room.
Law stationed himself in the kitchen silently waiting for Ace or Luffy to return so he could thank them and take his leave. It was getting late and he had rounds in the morning.
The kitchen door that lead out to the front porch swung open sending a crisp breeze through the room. Ace stepped inside panting, still shirtless with a stream of blood trickling from his left brow.
"Little bastard socked me in the face." He chuckled smearing the blood over his eye.
"First aid kit?" Law asked tearing a paper towel from the roll above the sink and handing it to Ace.
"Upstairs bathroom." Ace nodded toward the small stairwell across from the kitchen door.
He led the way skipping every other step.
"Aren't you cold running around like that?" Law watched the muscles under his tattoo shift and contract with each extended step.
"I don't get cold." The raven chuckled reaching the top of the stairs, "Bathroom is third door on the left." He instructed stepping into what Law assumed was his room.
After collecting the kit Law crossed back into the room Ace had disappeared into. It was a pigsty. The back wall was lined with guitars, a few missing strings and collecting dust while others were in cases cluttered with stickers and patches. Law's eyes fell to the freckled male sprawled out on the unmade bed. He cleared his throat getting Ace's attention.
"Sorry I was dozing off there." His ruby eyes flitted over Law's slender form as he sat up still holding the paper towel over his brow, "Think I'll need stitches?"
Law took a seat in front of him on the bed slipping a glove over his right hand as Ace removed the bloodied paper.
"Hmm it's not so deep. A couple of butterfly band aids will be fine. It probably won't even scar." He rummaged through the small white box and began cleaning the small cut.
"Your hands are cold." He shivered under Law's touch.
"You're just too warm Ace-ya." Law smirked.
Ace's face only got warmer. Law had been avoiding addressing people by name in front of him for the last few days. He hadn't intended to embarrass him - he'd actually thought it was sort of endearing. He watched Law focus on stopping the bleeding, wincing as he applied more pressure.
"Maybe that's why you're bleeding so much. Your circulation is too good." Law chuckled.
That did it. Why was this guy allowed to just walk around being this cute? Why didn't anyone else see it?
Law gently placed the second band aid on his brow and removed his glove glancing over Ace's now flustered face.
"What's wrong does it still hurt?" He asked now searching for other injuries.
Ace shook his head slowly throwing caution to the wind and leaning into Law's personal space smiling when Law didn't move away. He took it as permission inching closer. Both of their hearts sped up intensifying the moment. The air around them pulsed with electricity almost making it hard to breathe normally. Eyes remained locked as their noses brushed against each other. Law parted his lips slightly anticipating contact letting his eye lids drop when Ace's warm breath fanned over his -
A sharp bang on the door jolted them back retracting from each other.
"Everything ok in there yoi?"
Fucking Marco.
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