#// like despite him being a generally positive person he just... he doesn't really laugh a lot. not openly. he will express his amusement
hellguarded-moved · 2 years
// Ig has such a funky laugh. By which I mean it takes a lot of effort to actually make him laugh. He chuckles, and those chuckles are short and succinct, quiet. Sometimes a little breathy. Which brings me to the fact that when he does laugh, it's first an airy wheeze, a specific kind of dad laugh™️. Sometimes when something really shocks him to the point of laughing he can let out a sharp bark of a laughter which is surprisingly pure, but it almost makes him embarrassed. Because he already nearly never raises his voice, so even laughing out loud feels a little out of place for him. He will quickly silence himself and clear his throat, glancing away, trying to pretend none of that just happened.
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ghostinthegallery · 6 months
How good is each necron at actually playing Warhammer 40k?
Trazyn- collects all the minis, perfectly painted. Watches the model reveals and preorders everything the second it comes out. Games Workshop's dream customer. However he has forgotten there's actually a game so he's average at best.
Orikan- cheats and everyone knows it. His game is figuring out how to keep cheating without anyone being able to prove what he did. Plays aeldar because it pisses everyone off.
Imotekh- master. Wins tournaments. List building king, plays whatever he thinks he can optimize, but hates the dice. The randomness drives him nuts. Will kill any ork player that yells "WAAAAAGH"
Szarekh- enjoys the hobby more than the game. Distracts him from The Horrors. When he plays he's chill, plays necrons because he feels obligated but secretly likes Tau.
Zahndrekh- plays Ad Mech and wins. Cheers for his opponent when they do well. Laughs at the wacky dice rolls. Best opponent, all around delight.
Obyron- quiet, serious, not actually that good. Zahndrekh tries desperately not to backseat general even though he's about three seconds away from a stroke every time Obyron moves his units out of position. Plays Imperial Guard
Anrakyr- Hasn't really committed to an army because he refuses to play anything "organic" but doesn't vibe with crons play style. He would love Knights if he'd get over himself a little.
Oltyx- absolutely plays space marines. Dry brushes everything. Wins games early in the edition when nobody else has their codex and loses most games after that. Constantly rolls 1's.
Yenekh- plays whatever the other faction is in the launch box Oltyx got. Pretends he doesn't care about winning. Absolutely cares about winning. Rolls more 6's than is reasonable for a single person despite never actually cheating. He's just lucky
Zultanekh- plays orks and loves it. Does yell "WAAAAAGH!" As Gork and Mork intended
Lysikor- everyone expects him to cheat so he specifically doesn't. Plays Genestealers. Stole most of his models from Trazyn. Somehow has avoided consequences for this.
Szeras- Plays Drukhari. One would think he's a sore loser, but he enjoys watching the elves suffer even in tiny plastic form so he's fine either way. His opponents do occasionally vanish after games, but there is no proof he is involved.
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there's a gag that essentially 1. shows both Ranma and Akane's flaws for laughs (but not to judge) 2. relies on assumptions and misunderstandings so it can do "raunchy" comedy without really compromising how fateful Ranma is to Akane
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There's plenty of perverts in rumic world (their harassment is the setup & beating their asses the punchline) but despite his assholery, Ranma is sorta chivalrous, and he's faithful to Akane (everything else is a challenge/battle).
That's the joke: what if an innocent guy is seen as a pervert
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He's often in those types of situations because of naivete and impulsivity – he doesn't think until he's already in trouble (or what he thinks is naive or dumb). It's also plot (or someone's plot). No way "gotta touch a tiddie (pressure point) to defeat her" won't look bad. Any person with a brain would realize that, but that's also the joke:
1. the situation is impossible not to misunderstand
2. Ranma genuinely doesn't realize until it's Too Late. So Ranma is dumb but always innocent, and for that, the formula is as follows:
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The setup: the reader ALWAYS gets all the context BEFORE he's put in a compromising position. The other character is generally someone Ranma "shouldn't struggle to deal with." The punchline is that we know he's innocent, but he looks guilty to the character discovering him.
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I can see not loving this gag as sometimes Ranma is harassed/invaded. I think the logic behind this happening to him (and not to the girls for example) is that "he's not vulnerable" "wouldn't happen if he grew a spine or used his brain" or something (also, fanservice) it is what it is. (imo some shit definitely doesn't land, but the manga has the ability to make wrong and/or extremely out-of-pocket shit funny just by the strength of its pacing, composition, and characters' expressions)
Part of the humor is also that for Ranma, it's important that Akane doesn't misunderstand (he ALWAYS wants to explain himself to her)... so of course she will lol but it's not just Akane! ANYONE who catches ranma misunderstands.
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Here's the thing:
Akane is insecure (remember we learn that she felt like she needed to change herself to get love in the first volume – growing out her hair like Kasumi – experienced an unrequited crush for years, and other fiancées show up just as she's discovering her feelings for Ranma). She's quick to anger, impulsive (Ranma is too) she will hit first and listen later...
But even if Ranma is innocent, Akane's reaction still makes sense as an emotional response. She never gets the context we do before she catches him in a compromising situation, and you'll be hard-pressed to find a single motherfucker on this planet who would be chill seeing their significant other in the situations she finds him.
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Akane is very jealous, but it's not like she's beating his ass because another girl breathes in his direction. The comedy always pushes both in extreme situations. Even if logically Akane knows Ranma, insecurities and emotions aren't logical.
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(here's the context behind this panel btw)
Akane needs a lot of reassurance, but the comedy often pushes her BEYOND her limits, so she reacts badly. Even if there's always an explanation, finding your significant other in compromising situations regularly would piss any bitch off. At some point you just want it to stop.
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Assuming the worst is a consequence of insecurity and being used to having unrequited feelings. But Ranma also does stupid shit like sneaking into a woman's apartment. Getting overwhelmed with anger and struggling to listen makes sense as an emotional response to that.
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Sometimes is more about Akane not feeling like she's desirable enough for Ranma, who's surrounded by cute girls, so even if he's faithful she still believes he's interested in someone else. Sometimes she's perceptive, but still frustrated by having to find him in those situations (or stuff like... sure, she doubs Ranma is trying to actually date their teacher, but he's never ~romantically giving her his coat~ to protect her from the cold now is he).
If it keeps happening, Ranma's innocence by itself is not enough to suppress a bad gut reaction. That it is happening at all is also the problem, especially if it's happening because Ranma jumps into situations without thinking.
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Something to also keep in mind is that they're both teens sharing a single braincell. Being FULLY aware of the situation doesn't suppress the emotional response. Because... emotions aren't logical!! (and that too is part of the joke)
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captain-mj · 2 years
I really love your Selkie!Soap au. Maybe Ghost could discover a bit more about Selkie culture, and the generational trauma that Soap might have?
YES!! Love this! Direct continuation of the previous post
Ghost brought Soap a deer. Soap stared at it for a minute before laughing. "What do we do now?"
Ghost hummed. "I'll clean it and cook it for you." And you'll fall in love with me.
"I see." Soap smiled. "Need any help?"
"No, I got it. It's bloody work but if you want sit with me..."
So they sat together in the little shed, both mostly quiet but the radio was playing. Soap watched him work and Ghost tried not to glance at him too often. He wore a surgical mask but that was more for cleanliness than anything else.
They ate well, both of them sitting next to each other as the sun set.
Soap ended up stealing some of Ghost's off his plate despite there being plenty of food still in the kitchen but it was fine. He glared at Soap who only smiled at him.
A ringtone sounded and Soap froze. It sounded like a personal one.
Ghost didn't move for a moment, waiting for Soap to pick it up. Soap just stared for a minute, picking at the food for a second before remembering himself and answering.
"Hey, dad."
Ghost perked up immediately. He had heard next to nothing about Soap's dad. He wondered if he was a selkie too. Or something else.
"Yes, sir. I am on leave, but my..." There was a pause before Soap swallowed. "My coat holder commanded I come with him."
Ghost frowned a little, but he stayed quiet.
"Yes. It's new. I haven't had... Yes, sir." Soap was visibly wilting. "I am... He's commanding me back. Sorry, sir." He hung up after a second and quietly put his phone down.
"I take it your dad is not... good?"
"No. I hope you two never have to talk, but its best he doesn't know we're close." Soap rubbed his arm, looking tiny and cold. Ghost scooted closer.
"Are you alright?"
"It's how he always is. He was excited someone has my coat again. That I'm at your mercy. He's a fucking prick." Soap looked down. "My mom can't leave him or else I'd never talk to him again."
"He... has her coat?"
"Yeah. I tried to find it. Took a couple slaps for it. But I never could. Swear I tore that place apart looking."
Ghost pulled Soap closer. "I see."
"He's such a bawbag."
"Is she the only selkie you know?"
"No. I know a few. All of them are like her. Trapped in their positions. Either as a spouse or caretaker or worker or..." Soap sighed. "No choice. No control. Stuck until either the coatholder dies or we get lucky."
Ghost was quiet for a while before reaching over and pulling him closer. "You... want this, right?"
"I do. Don't worry. You gave it back. You're a good man." He leaned into him. "My sister got lucky. She's just human. My other sister is a selkie but dad... protects her a little more. I think it's because she's the baby."
"Coatholder. Is that what you guys call them?"
"Not the most creative name, but yeah. Gets the message across. For a while Master was used but... yeah, it felt just a little too degrading." Soap hummed and shoved the plate towards him. "He'll want to meet you. I can try to lie and keep you from him. I don't... I don't want him to know it's my choice. If he knows..." Soap started to breath heavier, holding on to Ghost.
"Johnny, you're okay. He can't do anything to you."
"It's not me I'm worried about." Soap said softly. "If he gets upset he takes it on her and..."
Ghost winced. This entire situation reminding him just a little too much of his own time growing up. "If your mom had left your dad, would you have grown up a seal?"
"No. She likely would've abandoned me." Soap answered honestly. "It sucks but that's reality. I would've been left with him and my sisters. Can't blame her. She didn't choose to have me."
Ghost frowned and gently touched his chin, making him look at him. He smiled awkwardly. "You know when I came back from the military, the first thing I did was wait in my mom's kitchen."
"For my dad to hit her. He did eventually. He always did. It was all the excuse I need. I dragged him outside and beat him to hell for it."
Soap looked surprised. "Damn."
"Mom kicked me out for it. But she didn't let him back in the house either and that's all that mattered to me." Ghost took a deep breath. "I should meet your dad."
"Simon. You can't beat up my dad."
"I could, but I just think I should meet him. I want to meet your mom too."
Soap didn't look convinced but he nodded. "Alright, Si. Alright." He kissed his hand gently, looking tired. "Mind if we go to bed?"
Ghost hummed. "Course not. I'll see you in the morning."
"I'll be in the spare room, of course." Soap smiled at him, a hint of teasing there.
Ghost followed him like a shadow until he got to his door and then went to his own room.
Once he was in bed, he stared up at the ceiling quietly. He thought of Soap's mom, the gentle voice on the phone and how Soap shrank back.
It must be hard. Trusting Ghost of all people with so much. Even now, the thought occurred to him that it wouldn't be very hard for him to take the coat back. Or even just hurt him. They were alone in the middle of the woods.
And Soap still trusted him.
If it was anyone else, he'd call them an idiot for trusting the Ghost, but he knew as well as Johnny did that Ghost was harmless to him.
Did those other selkies think their human was harmless? Was their first meeting them taking the coat? Demanding so much from them?
Someone had done this before. Soap had mentioned someone had taken it before. On purpose. Had they hurt him? Forced him to do anything?
The idea of a younger Soap being controlled the way Ghost had read about in those stories made him feel sick.
He got up at some point and like the needle on a compass, he pointed towards his north star.
Soap was probably asleep. He also used the spare for a reason. Ghost shouldn't bother him. There were boundaries for a reason.
Soap's sad eyes popped back into his head. The distant look when he talked about the past or the others he knew.
He didn't knock in case he was asleep.
Soap jerked up immediately. "Jesus, Ghost you scared me. Something wrong?"
"Scoot over."
"Scoot over." Ghost repeated, staring at him. Both their eyes reflected the light, both finding each other easily.
Once Soap did move over, Ghost climbed in with him. He pulled him safely to his chest and held him.
"No one is ever going to touch you again." Ghost mumbled into his hair. "I'm never going to let something like that happen to you again."
"You don't even know what they did." Soap knew exactly what Ghost was talking about, like always.
"Doesn't matter." Ghost squeezed him. "Never again."
Soap let Ghost hold him, putting his head on Ghost's shoulder. "Get some sleep, Simon. I know you must be tired."
Ghost slept better knowing Soap was safe with him.
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mr-payjay · 7 months
feel free to complain to me about the ii finale <3 i'm all ears
thank you ellie :)
fair warning for ii neg, especially on the latest episode.
prefacing this with saying: I LOVE INANIMATE INSANITY!!!!!! inanimate insanity is my favourite show in the world and every episode leaves me full of joy and excitement. i adore criticizing it not out of hatred but out of genuine love. i enjoy every single episode i watch.
however, i find that iii19 has been the worst episode so far. it has gotten me the least hyped out of any episode in the series, which is saying a lot because i bounce off the walls at every episode no matter how much i end up criticizing it later. there are. so many problems i have with it. im gonna try and organize them the best i can, though i'll probably(?) edit this post later to insert anything i missed or forgot to say.
starting off positively: oj!!!! personally i am so glad he didn't talk in this episode. i was terrified of the idea of him having a new va. the spin was adorable, i loved his signature thumbs ups, and every time i saw him i squealed with delight. him voting for balloon also made me really happy! despite the grudge he's had against him for so long, he still sticks with him on this part. even after laughing at his death the episode before that
in general all the seasonwunners voted for balloon!! which makes me happy!!! paintbrush, nickel, balloon, and oj have all been there for the very beginning of season 1, three of them being there for every season. i love the inherent connection the contestants from season 1 have with each other. they've been together since inanimate insanity began and they're there for the end of season 3 too. very sweet.
onto more negative stuff! I CANNOT FUCKING BELIEVE WHAT THEY DID WITH SILVER SPOON AND CANDLEEE they set up something crazy in the last episode and then did NOTHING with it!!! they had silver spoon beat candle unconscious the second she said something that wasn't coddling him like the manchild he is and she STILL voted for him. where even was she for half of the episode?? they just left her lifeless corpse on the ground in iii18 and then she eventually got up in this episode and just. went back to the competition??? dogshit writing
okay now i wanna talk about cabby. I Don't Like Cabby Anymore. so from the very beginning i have loved cabby. she was extremely similar to me in fact! i have really bad memory issues and i tend to keep files on people and on things that i might forget about, as well as just to organize my thoughts and ideas. i loved her confidence, obsession with knowledge, and analytical personality at the start. i was pretty upset when the characters (mostly test tube lmao) started relentlessly bullying her, and i HATE the whole thing in spring on the breakfast where they try to demonize her files. it was kind of annoying when they tried to remedy it really quickly after that because it was clearly because of the backlash, but i was glad they at least tried to fix it. however, over the course of the series, she just felt like she was... becoming sadder? pitiful, honestly? she went from an awesome smart character who loved taking notes on people's behaviour and using that information to get better at the game into some kind of Sad Little Bullied Victim. she doesn't even feel like a character anymore to me, just a mouthpiece for the creators to write dramatic "cathartic" speeches through to prove they're Definitely Not Ableist. also what was the deal with her parents lmao they never brought that up again
aaaand this episode was generally written really badly. super fucking corny for one. they literally had a little dance party at the end like people make jokes about for stereotypical Kids' Shows. but my issue is more with like... the weird super fast character development? and the way they wrapped everything up as quickly as possible? something that bothered me was the tonal whiplash between zuwie voicing springy super hysterically and dramatically and then springy being fully redeemed within like the next 5 minutes and dying for mephone. Why did they even die for mephone. like as a character why would he of all people die for mephone. thats so fucking stupid. the rest of the voice acting felt completely different from springy's as well so it just made the effect worse. everyone's lines were really corny and felt so manufactured, like they would pull characters to mephone's side (losing my mind over all the contestants rooting for mephone like cmon man that guy sucks i just know oj at least would want him dead) with a short Cathartic Speech and everything would be fixed and lovely and peachy keen. its just painful to watch. everything feels really weirdly disjointed and badly put together, the flow is awful, the "danger" doesn't feel like there's any suspense to it at all, and every character gets fully redeemed for no good reason. even walkie talkie chats casually with mephone at the end as if they're good friends after they were HYSTERICALLY INSISTING ON MURDERING HIM? AND MAKING HIM WATCH HIS OWN DEATH?? idk if this will get explained in s2 but we still don't know who walkie talkie is, what their motive is, WHY they got redeemed, etc. we know nothing about them. and even if it will be explained later, i think it's shitty writing that NOTHING was explained in this season.
some extra stuff
- the "you can do this" thing at the end was fucking stupid man that was so corny (btw corny isn't always bad but jesus christ... this episode was just awful with it)
- could not feel any emotion towards the Emotional Parts but laughter and secondhand embarrassment
- speaking of, why isn't oj back at the hotel. doesn't he have to manage it. wasn't paper having a ton of trouble managing it. why are all of them still on that fuckass island. did the library take like 5 minutes to build what the fuck
- ALSO!!! Why did they build a library in the middle of a deserted island
- i liked the short nickloon scene because im a nicklooner
- glad yinyang and candle got to talk
- test tube saying nearly nothing at all the entire episode except for sitting on the ground in a really stupid pose and apologizing to cabby made me laugh
- weirded out by tt and fan not talking to each other at all? not as a ship thing but like they're best friends aren't they
- really fucking annoyed by the fantube family picture at the end i hate fantube family leave that grown ass adult (bot) alone
- glad they didn't canonize any ships i was so scared about silvercandle and fantube
- 4s scene and s1 flashback was cool i love s1 so i got excited
- aaaaand i think my misogyny thread is relevant again. i should update it sometime because ii has only gotten worse about it lmao
- didn't like them making clover stupid for some reason like "is he talking about me?" come on
- oj not talking in these last two episodes is so glaringly unusual because he's never been able to shut his fucking mouth for even a minute
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sacredwrath · 2 months
P5. A good man
Reluctant caretaking, past torture
Guilt and anger war within Logan. After his talk with Jesse, part of him doesn't want to see Morgan again. What if this is wrong? He should've just killed him when he found him in the road, or left him hanging last night. Take care of the problem once and for all.
But he didn't kill him. Now, like it or not, Morgan is his responsibility. He has to take care of him.
Guilt pushes him down the stairs to Morgan's cell with a bag of medical supplies he's taken from Misha. It gnaws at him as he unlocks the cell.
It stabs him in the side when he sees the man sprawled across the floor in a smeared mess of mud and blood.
Adrian struggles to rise, stiffly pushing himself into a sitting position.
"What'll it be today?" He croaks.
He looks awful. Both eyes are darky bruised and almost swollen shut. His lips cracked and bloody. It doesn't look like he bothered to try and get clean, dried blood still covers his face from his broken nose.
"Come on. Got to get you cleaned up." Logan grabs his bicep and pulls him to unsteady feet. He won't help this man any more than necessary so he let's go, allowing him to walk on his own, shepherding him out of the cell and through the next door.
"Go on." The bathroom is small with a toilet, sink and standing shower. The shower has no door and there's no mirror above the sink, no glass or easily detachable fixtures that might be weaponized.
Logan isn't comfortable watching the man shower so he turns his back, pulling out his phone and flicking aimlessly through the apps. He hears a soft groan behind him and glances over to see Adrian drinking water from the sink
"Don't drink that! I was going to give you water. You know water from the pipes isn't safe to drink!”
Adrian shuts off the taps, shrugging.
"Thought you wanted me dead? Why do you care?"
He shucks off his pants and Logan turns away again, listening to the shower run. Steam billows from the open door and he hears a contented sigh
"This is great, you sure are generous to your prisoners. If mine earn a bath I just hose em down. That reminds me, how'd Jesse do in the the shower when you got them back?"
Logan's fists clench, remembering Jesse's terror as they tried to get them clean.
"Shut up. Or we won't be doing this again."
"My bad," He chuckles, "sensitive subject, I get it, just be glad you didn't try a bath." He says with a laugh
Logan compresses his lips into a hard line, not wanting to give this monster any more ammunition. They did try a bath.
Once the shower turns off he tosses the man a towel.
"Put that on then come out here." He orders. "Have to keep you from bleeding all over your new clothes."
"Wow, a shower and medical attention. You feeling guilty or something?"
Adrian looks different clean. For the first time since finding him in the road, Logan can really see Intelligence Specialist Adrian Morgan. Before, it was almost jarring to think of the sickly, bedraggled man as being the same person to put Jesse through such hell. Now, though, despite his injuries, Logan can see it.
Making the man sit on the floor, he examines his wounds. They're all bad, but the ones on his back are by far the worst. Infection spreads through most of them, seemingly concentrated in the places where the wounds won't close. He has no idea if they need new stitches. Some definitely look broken, probably most of them after his beating. The thought makes him wince.
Looking closer, Logan can see that it's not just the obvious injuries on his back. These fresh wounds are layered over a dense network of scars, running from his shoulders to where the towel sits around his waist.
"Seriously, where the fuck did all these scars come from?" He asks
"Can't be that hard to guess. I'm on the wrong side of every hero in the city, not to mention working for a brutal, dictatorial regime who's violently ousted the democratically elected governments all over the country. I know it's surprising, given my roguish good looks and charming personality, but some people really don't like me. This isn't the first time I've been… detained by you so called heros."
“Heros did this?" Logan is surprised other heroes would stoop so low. Most of them have impeccable reputations, even after the Collapse.
Just like you do. A small voice reminds him.
"What do you think happened to us in your prisons? You'd catch us, turn us over, then what?" He holds out his wrists so Logan can see three sets of numbers tattooed there. Two of the numbers are crossed off. All three have numerous thick scars running through them.
"That's definitely not true. The prisons were run by the real government. AQUA is the one who tortures people." Even if other heroes took revenge, the idea of the authorities doing it is absurd. They existed specifically to combat behavior like this.
Morgan laughs “You can't be this naive. Seriously, how old are you? Your precious government and AQUA were at war for decades! You really think your side never got their hands dirty? Torture’s a great way to keep unruly villains in line." He pauses. "Didn't work, obviously. Now the prisons are gone, and we're still here, thriving."
"You don't look like you're thriving."
He makes a non committal sound
Disinfecting the wounds will take the longest and be the most painful. He expects Adrian to resist, but he doesn't flinch when the alcohol touches him. He spreads antibiotic cream on the wounds that look infected, then covers the open ones with bandages. He doesn't know proper medicine, but he's watched Misha enough for this.
When he's done, he gives him a pair of old sweatpants, turning around again while he changes.
"You know what I think." Adrian says from behind him. "I think you are that naive. I think you've been living a cute little fantasy where you're the good guys fighting against evil AQUA. That's how you justify all the people you've had thrown in prison.”
“Come on. Even you called AQUA a brutal dictatorial regime. How the hell could you support something like that if you aren't a villain?”
“Like the last governement was any better, and you still call yourself a hero.”
“They were better. And we are better.”
“Of course you are." He chuckles. "Takes a real good guy to come down here and take care of someone you hate so much. Almost makes up for the torture."
Logan faces him, watching as he slinks to the back of the cell and gingerly lowers himself to the ground. He moans and complains theatrically touching his bruised face.
"Does it bother you to know you'd hurt someone injured and defenseless?" He continues with a dramatic pout.
"Fuck off. You've done way worse." Logan snaps, annoyed at his performance
"Obviously. We've already established what I am." He pauses for a long moment. "You on the other hand. I think you're feeling sorry for me. Just a bit. Enough to make you hesitate. Enought to make you think you can walk that line. Good person? Monster?" He weighs the options in his hands, balancing them. "But I'll tell you what, hesitation, that consiounce of yours, if anything will fuck you up down here it'll be that. You need to know why you're doing this. Hold on to that reason. Remember why I'm here."
Despite himself, Logan considers the words as he fishes two waterbottles and three nutrition bars from his bag, tossing them at Adrian's feet.
"I know why I'm here." He pauses, watching Adrian's raised eyebrow.
"Before you, they would hum. All the time -" Tears well in his eyes, and he doesn't bother to blink them back. "You took them and made them silent."
He slams the cell door behind him, and crumples to the floor, dissolving in tears for the first time since Jesses been back.
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Tag list: @whumpacabra @turn-the-tables-on-them @kiichu
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hwnglx · 1 year
Can you do the members of BTS as a person?
bts as a person based on tarot, take it with a grain of salt
jin sagittarius sun aries moon
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pagofwrx&8ofprx, world, 2ofw, hieroph&8ofc, magic
+ jin is a very outgoing, active and fun soul who lives life to the fullest. he's a true rebel in his nature and doesn't like sticking to the rulebook. someone who lives by his own strong principles and has secure beliefs. his positive and bubbly energy is very contagious, which makes him a born to be entertainer who will always have the people around him laughing. not only is he very eager to constantly seek for new experiences, but he also is someone who has knowledge and philosophy in his blood. someone wise and intelligent you can discuss life with for hours.
- jin can easily get too restless. his moon in aries also gives him an ego in a way where he can sometimes get too ahead of himself and forget he still has a lot to learn in life. both his sun and his moon being in fire just gives him a huge amount of energy and bluntness, that can easily get too overwhelming for more sensitive and softer people. though he's a naturally friendly person, he has a temper and an ego as well. so once you manage to anger this man, it'll scare you how explosive he can get.
yoongi pisces sun virgo moon
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10ofw, 5ofp, 8ofp, hangm, pagofw, kingofw, 2ofsw, pagofc
+ yoongi is an incredibly sensitive, warm and passionate person who experiences the world in a very deep manner. he's someone intuitive with a great amount of empathy for those around him and a sincerely kind heart. his attention to detail and very perfectionistic plus humble nature makes him an extremely hard worker, who won't stop putting in continuous effort until he achieves his goals. creativity runs through his blood and makes him very artistic. he's someone born for this job, who's very comfortable and feels relieved by expressing his deep inner world through art.
- it's just way too easy for yoongi to be hard on himself. the perfectionistic nature i just mentioned can make him so overly self-critical, that he can quickly overburden himself with work and take on way more than he can handle, just to satisfy himself. like i can really just feel his struggle in this regard while reading. he's very strict on himself. his deep sensitivity and dislike of conflict can also lead to him being more of an escapist, someone who avoids external negativity and bad influences at all costs in order to protect himself and his more idealistic outlook on the world.
hobi aquarius sun taurus moon
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tower+6ofsw, 5ofsw, queofp, 9ofp, devil+aceofprx
+ hobi is a freedom-loving, independent and individualistic character with a gentle and loyal nature and kind heart. he has this natural ability to see the good in people and understand their perspective, which gives him a very pleasant and agreeable aura. someone most people would be incapable of disliking. he's very stable, practical and grounded. a person who doesn't enjoy conflict and is good at solving problems that might seem hopeless to others, with his diplomatic and generous nature. he really has one of the best energies in bts, imo. very warm-hearted and fun-loving, but also capable of being rational and serious when he needs to be.
- he is the type of person who's very fixed in his ways and can often struggle changing some possibly toxic habits of his. aquarius are very "my way" kinda people who just love doing things differently than others, while taurus people are one of the most stubborn signs existent. that combo makes hobi a guy who will be overly individualistic in a way where he just won't hear your opinion and do things the way he thinks it's right. also, despite coming across as a tough person, he can be quite sensitive on the inside and sometimes get easily overwhelmed or stressed with certain tasks or situations.
namjoon virgo sun sagittarius moon
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highpr, kingofc&3ofp, 7ofw+queofp. kingofp+char
+ namjoon is an extremely smart and wise person, with a huge amount of inner knowledge and maturity. like, this is definitely the most impressed i've been till now from a personality spread. this man was absolutely made for the leader role, with the way he's an incredibly emotionally intelligent and stable person, especially in regards to his group. he seems extremely protective of the career they've been able to build for themselves and is a very driven and ambitious guy who basically has being a business-man in his blood. it's like he doesn't know anything else, really. very career-oriented, dependable and reliable, but also compassionate and loyal to his bandmates. someone who has a good understanding of the industry and is a great teacher with a lot of valuable advice to give.
- he definitely seems like he can be a bit too uptight sometimes and have his standards and principles set too high. especially with his perfectionistic and idealistic virgo sun, he has the tendency to always expect nothing but perfection. although his lighter sagittarius moon can balance that side out, i do see him just getting too strict, not only with others, but also himself. all he has in mind is business, it seems. so, although he is a very understanding guy, there might be a tendency in him to invalidate moodier people's emotions once they get in the way of work.
jimin libra sun gemini moon
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devil&2ofp, 4ofc, 9ofw+char, 4ofw, knofw, lovers
+ jimin is a natural people-pleaser who knows how to flirt and charm people out of their minds. his combo of a libra sun and gemini moon makes him an incredibly smooth and eloquent talker who really knows his way with words. like, he'll probably be able to somehow convince you the earth is flat. he's someone passionate who has love for thrills and knows how to have a good time when the situation calls for it. he really enjoys being around people who make him feel good in his skin, and is the type of person who can easily light up a room with his presence only. someone whose excitable aura really makes the environment comfortable for anybody he's with.
- oh, he can definitely have a scary duality, in a way where he'll probably only be this sweet and ever-smiling prince charming if he thinks that you can serve him in some kind. there is this big avoidance of emotions on his part, where he can prefer staying superficial in his connections and therefore easily switch to a more detached and colder attitude. if he feels you aren't doing it for him, which can happen pretty easily, he'll just act indifferent towards you. despite this tendency, he himself can actually get hurt pretty easily by other people's words. he likes being flattered more than anything else, so once someone critizes him, it affects him a lot.
taehyung capricorn sun aries moon
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3ofp, queofsw, aceofw, emper&8ofsw
+ taehyung is a person who carries a colder and more detached exterior, but is always burning with incredible ambition, passion and desire on the inside. though his capricorn sun gives him a structured, reserved, responsible and dependable character, his fiery aries moon also makes him very competitive and driven. he's the type of person who knows how to work with other people in order to achieve what he so desperately wants. since there's pretty much no end to his desire, he's an extremely determined person who finds fulfillment in achievement and is always seeking ways to succeed more and more. he approaches his tasks with a serious and clear mindset, and can be a great rolemodel for the people around him. someone very inspiring to watch.
- his intense greed to succeed and constant need for structure can stand in his own way sometimes and limit him in many ways. taehyung can easily become too self-centered and sometimes even ungrateful when he gets too stressed out. despite him seeming so calm at all times, he definitely can have his issues with anger once he's fired up as well. maybe getting even scarier due to his usually composed vibe, he can quickly lose control over his temper if things don't go as smoothly or efficiently as he'd like. there's an incredibly unpredictable quality to him that can get overwhelming for people of softer nature.
jungkook virgo sun leo moon
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5ofsw&judg, 10ofc, kingofsw, fool
+ jungkook is a huge perfectionist, in many ways. he has a strong sense of duty and a naturally righteous character with well-established values and principles. his leo moon also makes him very compassionate and incredibly charming and gives him a very strong presence that easily turns heads wherever he goes. this combination of just being a polite and tactful guy who knows what's right and what's wrong, but also having a very warm, supportive and loving side to him, attracts people to jungkook a lot. he also can have a surprisingly innocent-seeming and almost childlike side to him, which gives him a sweet and likable quality. although he can come off very confident at times, his perfectionistic and overly self-critical nature always makes him willing to work hard on himself.
- this man is sooo critical of himself, it's insane. it's extremely easy for him to be dissatisfied with not only with himself, but also with his life in general. he's continuously striving for perfection, which basically sets him up for disappointment all the time. it's not easy for him to really feel fulfilled due to that nature. i also get this ever-lasting naivety in him. in a way where i feel like he might always see the positive in people, only to deeply feel the betrayal after finding out they weren't as good as they seemed. jungkook is very mature and strong on the one hand, but can also have his sensitive and softer sides, that come out especially much when he's feeling stressed or defeated. mostly out of not having been able to meet his own standards, in whatever life matter it might be - work or romance.
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Idia Info Compilation part 1: Riddle and Being a Housewarden
A running theme with Idia is his fear that people are mocking him behind his back. His main paranoia in the Wish Upon a Star event is being “targeted” by people who will laugh at him; he says outright that he “can’t parade around without worrying what other people think of me”.
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At various points he also expresses concern about becoming a “global laughingstock”, making “a huge fool of myself in front of the entire school” and that Jamil will “blab about (him) to everybody, and soon the whole school will be talking about me behind my back”.
Idia says, “I just want a life where I blend in quietly and nobody notices me” and “working with other people kind builds my aggro”.
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Idia doesn't seem to have friends, and Rook explains that “We all sparkly in different ways. The Roi de sa Chambre shines when conversing with his own heart. He is not one for forming friendships with scads of people.” Riddle summarizes this with “in other words, he’s a shut-in”.
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In most interactions we have seen between Idia and the other students, they do not really get along: he misinterprets Malleus’ enjoyment of a quiet evening with an enjoyment of the opening ceremonies.
Idia mocks Malleus, saying, “‘Oooh, look at me, I’m the high and mighty Prince Malleus and I’m sooo different from everyone else”. When Malleus asks why the day is importance enough to warrant ceremonial robes (having not been invited to the ceremony) Malleus says “I simply cannot understand the meaningless things humans do at times. Though I suppose that’s what makes them so interesting.”
Idia takes offense, announcing that he knows that he is “not fit to stand in front of people in fancy places wearing fancy clothes”, that he is “locked into the evil route with every bad ending ever and there’s nothing I can do about it” and runs away—later reflecting, “I wasn’t born with worth and talent like other people, like Mr. Malleus. How’d I forget that?”
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An interaction between Idia Riddle spans two different vignettes and gets referenced in an event: Riddle calls Idia “the most irritating person I’ve had the misfortune of meeting”, to which Idia responds, “Here it comes! Unsupported generalizations to promote the true agenda! Everyone must assimilate! Individuality must be stamped out!”.
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Riddle calls him out on being too scared to speak to others face-to-face (an accurate assessment, with Idia himself saying that nothing scares him when he’s in a mask), but bold enough to insult them through doors and accuses Idia of foisting his duties upon Ortho. Riddle calls him incompetent and unreliable, venting to both Vil and Trey about it afterward.
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Idia gets his revenge in Book 5 by designing a text-to-voice system for a presentation he had to give in order to “wipe that smug look right off of (Riddle’s) face”.
When Ortho cautions him for picking on an underclassman, we learn that Riddle has been a house warden longer than Idia himself, implying that Idia did not become housewarden of Ignihyde until his third year.
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Despite Ignihyde’s reputation for “being home to introverts who dislike having any sort of attention called to themselves” and students who excel “not just in magic, but in engineering as well”—which seems to suit Idia perfectly—Idia says he never wanted to become housewarden, likening the position to being “a glorified errand boy for his underclassmen”.
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petitelepus · 4 months
So, I've been seeing these kny match ups and naturally in curious about mine cough um4. So I guess, I just put up the type of paring I want and go from there.
Here's all about spife for a yandere/romantic match up (my gender preference for a partner is men):
I'm a rather positive person, who has no time to spare for those who wish to put me down. Although, at first it may seem like I'm revealing too much (which I sometimes do) I have my fair share of secrets and allow myself to be vulnerable with only those I trust– I tend to shrink back into my little shy hole if I think I'm too much. I like complimenting people, like to remind them to not put themselves down and be kind to themselves even if they make mistakes. I also like helping people because it makes me happy to see people happy (especially those who need to vent, I'm willing to listen and be the shoulder to cry on, even if I'm a complete stranger). However, I am also very emotionally sensitive (I get the urge to cry if someone I really like yells at me or lectures me about something I find funny even if they're trying to help as they make me realise I'm embarrassing or have embarrassed myself). I am assertive when I need to be, although in a calm and composed manner (I lose my temper when I'm frustrated though I think I do well under some pressure). I possess a strong sense of justice and FIRMLY believe in fairness for all and (usually) when I engage in deep conversations with my friends, I tend to pity those who suffer of the cruelty in the world and criticise those in power who choose to do nothing aka corruption. I am a FIRM believer that strength must be used to protect and help others and that people must have an open ear for the broken and hurt (I cry when people cry or for those who are misfortune and end up praying for them at times though very rarely). I am also quite lighthearted, though. I can laugh at myself if I make a mistake and will bring up the memory for fun times. And useless fact, I am a sweet tooth. In general, I'm a sensitive, introverted ray of sunshine who also will uphold their beliefs no matter what anyone says and despite the fact that I tend to be too lenient, I will almost always end up confronting someone. In general, I have been taught by my mother to always be kind to others because you don't know what they could be going though.
That was long. I'm curious to see who I get! Have a nice day (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
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Hantengu is Yandere for you!
Hantengu was scared of you when you first met, but despite being a Demon, you showed him the benefit of the doubt because of how frail and pathetic he was to even look at.
He could deduce that you didn't see him as a threat, not yet anyway, no, you seemed to pity him. The moment Hantengu realized this, he knew he could manipulate you as much as he desired.
He makes you believe that nothing is his fault, that it wasn't his fault he was a Demon, or that he had to kill and eat people to live… And you believe him, because of what your mother said about not knowing what others have gone through.
Oh, you're such a Saint, surely you would pity poor innocent Hantengu! He hasn't done anything wrong, he swears, but people still bully and torment him!
Hearing him wail and cry and seeing him tremble so hard his teeth are clattering, they make you cry for his sake and they activate that protective nature of yours and that is exactly what the Demon aims for.
But Hantengu didn't expect to grow so fond of you. Normally he would eat anyone in your position, but you are strong, not some normal human, and he could use another bodyguard.
…But he falls for you and your chivalrousness, only when Hantengu falls for someone, he will become obsessed with them.
He has to know where you are and what you are doing every single second of the day. If you are gone too long or he doesn't know where you are, he starts to cry so hard and call out for you.
You think you must protect him when it might just be you who actually needs protection.
You're so sweet, he fears that other people might take advantage of that kindness of yours. Just like he does, but he is different! He loves you! What's their excuse!?
You're stunned when you first time meet his clones, and you can tell they are strong. That's when you start to realize that maybe there was more to Hantengu than you thought yet you still stay because they won't let you leave.
Sekido has to be careful around you because he has a tendency to snap at things, but he is obsessed with you just like Hantengu, and doesn't want to scare you off. He will tell you that you trust too easily, but when you ask what he means by that, he goes silent.
Karaku loves seeing and spending time with you. He is the most laid-back clone, but he loves having a good time and highly enjoys teasing you. You're just so cute when you get flustered, he could eat you up!
Aizetsu is probably the only one who feels awful about tricking you into becoming their own personal human, but he doesn't do anything to fix or make things better for you. In the end, he loves you also and doesn't want to let you go.
Urogi thinks it's hilarious how you actually believe Hantengu's innocence, but even Hantengu believes so also; so in the end you are both way too gullible. That works for him though.
The point is, Hantengu won't let you go and if it's a fight someone may want, his clones are there to protect him and his special bond with you.
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I match you with Gyomei Himejima!
The Stone Hashira could sense you before he could "see" you. You radiated this brilliant, genuine, kind, and courageous aura, it nearly left him speechless.
He is happy to meet you and is crying in a matter of seconds, stating that he can "see" your "strength", whatever he meant by that. The two of you hit it off immediately and grow a strong bond of kindness and respect for each other.
You take an immediate liking to Gyomei, and you may feel like you need to take care of or help him because of his blindness, but he assures you that he can "see" fine on his own and how things had been that way since his childhood.
That doesn't help and it makes you cry, knowing how hard life must have been for him. The Hashira chooses not to tell you about the actual sadness and hardships he had to endure because he doesn't want you to cry anymore. If you cry, he might start crying too. This does happen daily.
You don't hold secrets from Gyomei and he feels honored that you trust him so much that you are willing to share so much about yourself with him. He makes small mental notes here and there to remember later, like your favorite book or what sweets you like most so he knows to get you some while he is out there hunting Demons.
Gyomei admires your strong sense of justice and how you want to see the best in everyone and everything... But this can make you gullible and he warns you about it.
You may get a little upset by his remark, but he just wants you to look out for yourself also and think of yourself sometimes first. You are still a human and not a Demon so you can get hurt badly or die even and he wouldn't know what to do if something like that happened to you. He doubts that he could ever heal from that.
He wants you to stay safe, but you want to protect people like he does and he knows he can't change your mind about it... So he makes a humble request to Master to let him accompany you on your missions when he doesn't have any.
This means Gyomei doesn't have much free time, but every moment spent with you is even better than those moments alone in his manor. He loves to hear how you describe things to him and how you laugh at the silliest things.
A day doesn't pass when Gyomei doesn't thank God for lowering you on Earth. He loves you that much and wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
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darkstarofchaos · 7 months
For the ask thingy... I have a feeling I might know some of the answer to this, but here's a two-fer. Take your pick (or answer both if you're in the mood): - OpStar -OpFire
OpStar: Don't ship it.
Why don’t you ship it?
Well, for starters, there's Optimus laughing at the idea of Megatron doing horrible things to Starscream. Bit off-putting, that.
More generally, Optimus has a... morality thing. Specifically, his own view on morality, which he pushes onto anyone in his vicinity. Which, y'know. Starscream is a villain, you kinda have to redeem him if the ship is actually going to work, right? Or file off his rough edges and make him Secretly A Good Person Actually, or a generally good person/helpless victim who just needs to See The Light.
Two problems with this: first, I prefer corruption arcs. Let Starscream bring people to the Dark Side, darn it. And second, Optimus does not practice what he preaches. One might even call him a hypocrite. Case in point, mind control is Evil when the Bad Guys do it, but he was perfectly happy to try controlling the Constructicons - and through them, Devastator - in The Core. And if mind control is an acceptable approach to turning people to your side, what does that mean for the ex-Decepticon you're looking to bed? I wouldn't trust any canon Optimus to treat Starscream with legitimate kindness, save for Armada Optimus. Because he actually did that. And maybe EarthSpark, but we only have a couple lines of dialogue to go on so far, so I'll reserve judgement there.
(Note of clarification, most of my Optimus Problems apply to G1 versions of the character. I actually kind of like other Optimii. Still don't ship him with Starscream, though).
As for Starscream, he's not going to do a 180 and suddenly be a loyal and obedient follower just because he gets some praise once in a while (if he does, that's incredibly unhealthy and he shouldn't be in a relationship with someone who could very easily take advantage of him). Starscream has opinions and ideas. And when he sees someone doing something stupid, he's going to call them on it. But Optimus does what Optimus thinks best, and if Starscream thinks differently, they are going to fight. And Optimus isn't going to listen to him, because he doesn't listen. Doubly so if Starscream's opinion can be construed as immoral.
Tl;dr: they would be horrible together.
2. What would have made you like it?
I think TFP is the only place where they would have had a chance with me, so... Maybe if Optimus had tried to reach out to Starscream after Arcee chased him off? But the irony is, if Optimus was the kind of person who could be trusted with Starscream's well-being, he would also recognize that his status as a powerful authority figure makes him someone Starscream shouldn't be in a relationship with. So it still wouldn't work.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
It's fun when they argue. Which has nothing to do with them as a pairing, I just enjoy when their dynamic is ruthlessly antagonistic.
OpFire (just gonna lump Jetfire in with Skyfire): Don't ship it.
Why don’t you ship it?
I ship Skyfire with one (1) person. Irrationally uncomfortable seeing him with someone else. OTP in the purest sense of the term.
Optimus is not that one person.
2. What would have made you like it?
Might need to rewire my brain, tbh. First, I'd need to be comfortable shipping Skyfire with someone else. Second, I would need to like Optimus enough to ship him with anyone. Third, they would need to have enough in common that I could ship them specifically.
Impossible task, I would say.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I had a roommate a few years ago who really liked anime, so I decided Armada would be a good way to introduce them to Transformers. They came away with a few ships, including Optimus/Jetfire. And they decided the ship name was Flying Fish, because of how the pair's combined form looks.
So that's a fun little story.
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cherryxblossxms · 2 years
Hmm I'm really intrigued by Faust and Vlad so dealers choice for D and V (or both of them if you want~)
Ugh Faust my beloved 💙 Vlad is very interesting to me but he's still strange to consider as a suitor for some reason?? But I'll give him a try, thank you!
(Writing this as I'm like midway in Faust's route, so if some stuff is dead wrong, we'll pretend it isn't~)
D for Dirty (How do they dirty talk? What do they say?)
He has this horribly sexy combination of praise and degradation that he uses on you in bed, and it feels practically sinful how good it hears out of his lips. He makes sure you know how naughty you're being, whether it's pointing out the noises you're making (and then doing something to purposefully draw them out), commenting on your expressions, or describing your body's reactions to his loving attention.
But no matter how dirty he makes you out to be, he also makes you feel like you're the perfect being to him because of it. Calling you his dirty little angel, telling you how lovely you look so debauched and positively sinful you seem. He makes a lot of threats promises about the things he'll do to you, and you can bet that he definitely follows through... To be clear, despite how dirty he might make you feel, he ensures you feel cherished too and that he's right down in that dirtiness with you.
V for Voyeur (What do they like to watch their partner do?)
I think he'd be into mirror sex, so he'd enjoy watching your reflection in the mirror as you try riding him. In general, he likes seeing you work for your pleasure, if he's feeling particularly sadistic.
Going off that same sadistic personality he tends to have, he likes to see you try to take charge in the bedroom. Not that he doesn't mind being in charge normally, he just likes to see you fluster as you try to turn the tables on him and rile him up. Don't get it wrong, anything you do does work on him, he's susceptible to your loving no matter how clumsy or inexperienced it may be, and it's your willingness to try that means the most to him. But he may laugh a little at your expense, unfortunately.
D for Dirty (How do they dirty talk? What do they say?)
He's a bit of a tease in bed, but for the most part, he will be very sweet with his words. Calling you gorgeous, handsome, beautiful, treasure, the light of his life — he is the cheesy lover that almost makes you feel embarrassed lol.
He's also possessive, and that comes out in his words in bed. He'll be sure that you understand that you are his, that no one else can have you now, he simply won't allow it. Your noises belong to him, your expressions, the softness of your skin, your sweet lifeblood... Relating to the descriptors above, most of it will be preluded with "my", like "my lovely", "my light", etc. He will give you all the pleasure you could ask for so that you never want to leave, and he's also your protector; and given how long your romance was in the making, he'll fight the Devil himself before he ever gives you up.
V for Voyeur (What do they like to watch their partner do?)
He loves to see you in the throes of passion, eyebrows furrowed and eyes burning with lust and pleasure. He gets a little addicted to your facial expressions when you cum for him, and it may lead to him overstimulating you just to see you make the same expressions again. You can bet if he had a camera, he'd take photos of you during sex or immediately after, when you're still trying to catch your breath, body twitching as you come down from your high. He also likes taking photos of his cum on/in you, too, proof of his loving on your skin, along with all the little markings he leaves on you.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Can I ask for a Jimmy Valmer concept?
At first I thought "How do I do this? Can he be yandere?"
After some thinking... maybe. Maybe he can. Aged up as usual. This has a few triggering themes but for some reason "comedian with a darling who's struggling" dynamic worked for this???
Yandere! Jimmy Valmer Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Mentions of disabilities and Mental health, Violence, Implied depression on darling's end but it is vague, Implied Darling didn't like growing up in South Park, Manipulation, Obsession, Jealousy, Blood mention, Attempted murder, Dubious partnership.
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I feel if Jimmy was a yandere he wouldn't be too intense.
He's optimistic and just likes making his darling happy?
He's so happy he's managed to have someone like you so close to him, as friends or lovers doesn't matter too much to him.
He's popular and successful, has been all his life despite his handicap.
Many know him for his comedy.
When he became an adult that's what he pursued.
He likes to make others laugh.
He is competitive, too.
He's well-liked and moral... although he does have a foul-mouth like a lot of people in South Park.
Jimmy met you at a comedy gig.
You're surprised he grew up in South Park.
He asks you why, you say it's because you grew up in South Park.
You admitted you never liked chatting with others in the town when you were younger and moved away when you could.
You were just happy Jimmy managed to find success.
How you two become friends is actually through the two of you sharing your experiences of South Park.
Jimmy assumes you never noticed each other as your experiences are so similar yet different.
That or you had a different class...
Either way, you seemed to be having a tough time in life and that's what brought you to him.
It was almost perfect... maybe you just needed a comedian friend to help you through troubling times?
It's strange... your experiences at South Park weren't remembered fondly, while his has its ups and downs but were positive.
South Park had such differing effects on the both of you.
Jimmy is Manipulative, Slightly jealous/competitive, Obsessive, Caring, yet has his violent tendencies.
Jimmy actually couldn't blame you... and his determination to improve your mood drove you to become friends.
People like Cartman along with other people in town could've been a bad experience for you.
He's very capable of functioning on his own.
He never judges your vents about South Park and you never judge him in general.
You two get along.
Jimmy invites you to all of his comedy shows.
Even if he doesn't have one he visits you to tell jokes anyways.
There's nothing wrong with the bond between you for the longest time.
Above all else, Jimmy is dedicated to the happiness of his darling.
Seeing you smile makes him smile....
Jimmy tries not to do anything that'd taint your happiness.
He compliments you, he jokes with you, he has an adoration for you that could be either platonic or romantic.
Jimmy's manipulation is unintentional at first.
He doesn't realize that he's become a metaphorical crutch for you to lean on emotionally.
He... doesn't mind it, either.
He actually likes it when you rely on him to make you happy as unhealthy as it becomes.
Jimmy actually likes the idea of being your reliable comedic partner so much he gets jealous when you make new friends at his shows.
He does show it, too.
He pouts and mutters under his breath while glaring at the person you're with.
He should be happy you're doing better.
For some reason he isn't....
A selfish thought... yet he still finds himself giving in and picking a fight with them after his show.
He's actually really good at fighting.
He can make people bleed... maybe even break a few bones.
Jimmy is only violent when provoked by jealousy.
It's never towards you.
Jimmy cares for you.
He only wants your smile regardless of how you feel about him.
He likes praise... yet the first time you hug him he is over the moon.
Jimmy would never kidnap.
Murder would be accidental but he is capable of it
Jimmy generally wants feelings to bloom between you naturally.
He's fine with just being friends, he's also fine with dating.
Jimmy actually hides his violence well.
Although the moment you catch him in the act of attacking someone... he hopes he can play victim well.
Jimmy wants to do anything to make your life a little bit easier.
Everything he does is to make you happy... so give him a smile, even if he's covered in blood.
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brynnterpretations · 2 months
hi! I saw you were doing ship requests for The Boys and just couldn’t help myself.
I am a mid-twenties bisexual woman. I have a degree in psychology and worked in therapy (specifically for PTSD in veterans and medical staff/first responder types) for a few years before transitioning to a marine mammal rehab and research non-profit. I have an avid love for reading, pop culture, and specifically movies. I am a huge fan of both well told stories and well made art, and I enjoy watching all sorts of movies to see both. Especially shitty action movies tbh. I also love to have a drink with friends and play games, as I am wildly competitive. Other likes include Dad Rock, dogs, and nature. Plus I love to bake.
Personality wise I would say I’m mildly stubborn, overtly loyal, and tend to be the extroverted glue that brings different friends together. I tend to be optimistic, despite having gone through Some Serious Shit™️ in my life. In fact, I would say the aforementioned shit has made me a kinder, empathetic person, but given I have lost a lot of people, I hold the people I have close, even when my gut tells me to push people away. I strive to be a good friend. I’m a hard worker, and as I consistently say to my friends, I can’t half-ass anything. If I’m gonna do something, im gonna do it all the way, which leans into the fact that I have a pretty dramatic flare.
This all feels wildly self indulgent and it’s so weird to describe yourself in a few paragraphs right? But I really appreciate you!!! Thank ya 💕💗
You sound like such an amazing person and, not to be dramatic, but the world is so lucky to have you. Thank you so much for the ship request and keep being awesome!
I ship you with...
Hughie Campbell ♡
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GIF Source: @yocalio ★ (link)
You and Hughie meet in a small local record store in Washington Park. Even in the age of iPhones and streaming, Hughie is a huge CD guy, and always makes sure to stop by vinyl and music stores to stock up on some of his favorites (and stare wistfully at the guitars, but that's another story).
When he spots you over by the section of your favorite band, Hughie is thrilled; he, too, is a huge dad rock connoisseur, and it's not often he finds someone as cute as you in the CD store. Usually it's just very strange old guys who give me mean looks. So, as Hughie does, he walks over to you and very, very awkwardly starts a conversation with you ("oh, you like [band name]? That's a great pick!" queue nervous laugh).
Surprisingly, his nervousness works on you, and you two end up exchanging numbers at the end of your exchange. Hughie's a painfully earnest guy and has not mastered the art of subtlety, so it doesn't really start with any smoothness. Instead, expect a lot of cat GIFs, smiley emoticons, and general millennialness (but make it cute, and make it Hughie).
After texting you and learning about the work you do, Hughie is smitten, and invites you out on a date to volunteer at an animal shelter, because who doesn't love puppies and conversation?
Would routinely invite you to more and more dates, and as he gets to know you even more and learns small bits and pieces of your past, he falls for you hard. We all know Hughie’s been through a lot, so he greatly admires people who have, too, yet don’t let it stop them from moving forward and making a positive impact on the world.
Isn't really someone who feels the need to move slow, but is very anxious, so would ask to be formally girlfriend-boyfriend by coming to your apartment or house with flowers and a lot of tripping over his words, because oh shit, what if you say no, he'd fine with still being friends but that would be super awkward—
However... the guy won you over, and when you say yes, expect the sweetest hug.
Hughie will always send you good morning and night texts, as well as random things throughout the day that makes him think of you, like a daschund puppy he saw on the street or a t-shirt with your favorite band's logo imprinted on it.
Expect a ton of cute dates, and expect them often. He's not a very sporadic person and values your time (he knows damn well you're busy), so he'll always schedule with you in advance.
And, while he loves his cute, casual dates, also loves to treat you — you deserve it — and tries to do a big one once a month. He's definitely a roses-and-candles sort of guy, and he won't let you forget it.
Hughie and you have a similar taste in movies, so he loves marathoning with you. You two always dominate any trivia nights at the bar close to you, and have become an infamous pair there.
He always sends you songs throughout the day, especially ones that remind him of you ("Rosanna" by Toto, "You're My Home" by Billy Joel, "Head Over Heels" by Tears for Fears", etc.) and you two have a joint Spotify playlist!
Loves being the little spoon with you, and loves cuddling in general. He's not a huge PDA person — he's pretty shy, and would kiss you or hold you in front of others at most — but once you two are alone together, will be all over you (in a cute way).
Hughie is endlessly in awe of you, from your work ethic to your personality, and when he senses you're having a tough day, is not shy about reminding you of it.
Also, he's definitely the type of guy to adopt a dog with his significant other, so once that anniversary comes (and it will)... expect a puppy.
Hughie would try to hide his work with The Boys from you, and when push comes to shove, would try to dissuade you from getting involved. However, he knows you're smart, capable, and doesn't want you to think that he's hiding anything from you, so he would (albeitly reluctantly) introduce you to the boys while still trying to keep them at a healthy distance from you for your own safety.
The Boys ☻
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GIF Source: @peach-coke ★ (link)
Annie is your number one fan, and your best friend in the group, due to your personality and work ethic. It's extremely hard to come by someone like you in "The Boys" universe — someone who does so much good for the world, and in spite of how the world treats them, does their best to keep giving back to it positively — and would make a point to become friends with you ASAP.
She tends to rewatch the same movies, listen to the same songs, etc. — she's a creature of habit — so she loves asking for song recommendations and going out to movies with you. She also is a big Facetime person, and would call you every other night to catch up, whether she's taking off her makeup or coming off of a crappy patrol.
Additionally, once she starts the Starlight Foundation, she would immediately try recruiting you to work hands-on due to your experience.
M.M. adores you as well. While mostly a fan of oldschool hip hop and rap, he can get down to some dad rock (the guy could probably recite Led Zep's entire discography on the spot if you asked him), and whenever you wear any band tees, you get a nod of approval from him. He's a pretty busy, but would always take time to talk to you whenever you stop by.
Frenchie and Kimiko love you — they both think you're an absolute badass. Interactions with them would be pretty limited due to Hughie not wanting you to be put in any unnecessary danger, but they always hang out with you when you stop by, and Kimiko definitely invites you over to movie nights.
Those movie nights are very fun, and cute, by the way. She makes popcorn and sets up the hideout to be as comfy as possible. The girl loves ya.
Butcher has a lot of unresolved romantic feelings for you which he pushes down because A) our boy is not a homewrecker, and B) it's always hard for him to grapple with those sorts of close, intimate emotions. He likes you for the same reasons Annie does, and your caring, hardworking nature are the best qualities he's felt he can find in a person.
But, because of this... Butcher avoids you, to the point it seems borderline rude. The guy usually will at least throw one snarky remark at any newcomers, but he won't really give anything to you but a nod of acknowledgment.
To end things on a positive note, though: you and Hughie are the happiest, sweetest couple there is in NYC, and you've got some very, very good friends on your side.
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vizziefizzie · 2 years
Ethan Headcanons!!!
AKA: watch me dissect and yell about this 11-year-old in a needlessly long and unprofessional post because I'm deranged. (Yes, i do this to my favorite characters in my free time).
General stuff:
He/him pronouns (they/them is fine with friends... especially since he's still figuring out what sounds good to him)
Demipanromantic who feels strong aesthetic and physical attractions
(Fuck the mbti (unreliable and generalizing) so im using the big 5 (slay)) Sxx|A|i (highly social, average emotional stability and organization, HIGH agreeableness, mildly inquisitive.) (Also, side note, i usually hate categorizing people into specific personalities so please don't treat this like some holy text!!)
He does suffer from anxiety and stress over people, relationships, and everyone's wellbeing. He just wants everything and everyone to be okay!
He has ADHD
His dad died when he was young, but he doesn't know the details of his death
He has an older brother! But he's gone for college. Whenever he comes home, Ethan wants all the details!
His mom taught him how to make simple meals, so he knows how to cook and bake... but don't ask him what equipment he's using and don't ask for a grand meal (he will burn the house down)
He also has an uncle!!! Remember Ralph?? (I'm 99.9% sure that they're related based on the calls on the Pokégear.) He learned everything about fishing from him. Also, Ralph comes from his dad's side of the family.
Adventure and a love for the outdoors RUNS in that side of the family. And while Ethan's mom doesn't go out much, she very much enjoys hikes, and she met his dad on one!
Kris was there with him in his early childhood, but she and her family moved to goldenrod. The two were close despite Kris' quiet nature.
He trusts Lyra and Kris with his life!
He has a penpal! (Spoiler, it's Dawn!)
His friends always bring out his hyper side!! He's perfectly comfortable being himself around them.
Silver.... he just wishes he could see him more without feeling... out of place? (He can tell that Silver doesn't exactly want him around, especially while he's training)
Every day, he scrolls through his contacts and gives everyone a call just to say hi!
Lyra moved in shortly after Kris left, and she quickly became Ethan's friend. The two act like hyperactive twins if anything else, and they often get the "Are you two related?" question.
Their parents get along too!! They bond over missing their old partners... though, Lyra's father just divorced.
Which, Lyra and Ethan cope together too! However, Ethan isn't as open about it.
Mental health things:
Speaking of!!! Ethan really does NOT know how to communicate his problems or insecurities to people. He's either silent and internal about it or screaming at the top of his lungs and having an emotional meltdown.
He has too much oxytocin.... people who know about stress hormones know exactly what I'm talking about (in short, it's craving support and physical contact to help relieve stress responses).
He's DEFINITELY an extrovert (not bc he's loud. No. People genuinely motivate him and he loves to just talk)... but some of his "cheerfulness" and giggling comes from a well of anxiety. He will laugh at anything, not bc he genuinely finds it funny (if he's genuinely laughing, it's non-stop wheezing and snorting between outbursts).
He has a "everything is okay!" attitude... especially around strangers. Sometimes it's good! Other times.... yeah, it's toxic positivity!!
He doesn't want people to stress about what he's stressed about! (So, he's anxious about his anxiety)
But on a side note, his mental health is usually great! But there are times when he's just not.
He often turns to exploring, helping others, and comfort foods whenever he's stressed... this happened a lot at the end of his journey and when he was champion (which was NOT a great time. But i want to make smth for that later.)
This kid suffers compassion fatigue from time to time!!! Especially when he's helping multiple strangers!! His friends are usually good about not asking for a bunch of stuff from him
Remember the ADHD thing? Yeah, he stims.
Arm flaps, snapping (he has something good that he wants to say), wiggling, shifting (anxiously waiting (either positive or negative)), nail biting (he's concentrating), etc
He also has vocal ones like squeaking or speaking in a high (and quiet) voice like "woo!" or anything like that! He also loves to hum (not as much as Lyra though)
Also, he can't sit still in a chair... it's a short person with ADHD thing (im projecting SHHHH!!!) (Also we are the same height I HATE IT HERE (<- 7 years older than him))
[Patrick star voice] TOUCH
He uses tactile toys because he can't keep his hands to himself and he loves them!!
He loves to hug!!! Hugs!!!
Sometimes he can't shut up while other times he's uncharacteristically quiet.... it's usually because he's just observing other people or his head is in the clouds.
Maladaptive daydreaming goes BRRRRR!!!!
Side things:
He has a VERY messy room despite how prepared and organized he usually is for everything else. (Sometimes, his room is so cluttered, he needs Silver or Kris (the only organized people he knows) to help him get out and make it less of a hazard).
He loves sour and spicy things (sweet too.... but he needs that tart flavor with it)
He loves flowery scents but fruity ones overstimulate him
He hates grainy and stringy foods. He HATES oranges (but not the juice)
He is not a gamer. He SUCKS at them!! But, he's great with casual games like Animal Crossing (stress free!!)
On quiet days, he's usually sitting outside enjoying the breeze
He has suffered humiliation due to how gullible he is! But that was earlier on his journey, he's smarter now!
A lot of his team provides emotional support!!! More on that in a future post!
He can play the guitar!! Camp songs!! And calloused hands...
He sucks at reading!!! And he often needs to read aloud.
[UUhh I might add more!!!]
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jackienautism · 1 year
Now I’m really curious about your thoughts on the other counselors. I don’t really have any strong opinions on them much tbh idk why. Maybe it’s the whole “horny teenager” trope or something
(finally getting around to this. sorry for taking so long dfkldg)
yeaaaah fair enough dfgjndg thats exactly why i get pissed off playing the game tbh. it just becomes so convoluted with this romantic whatever bullshit that it gets SUPER TIRING...... but that's ok though bc silas kaylee and caleb need someone to love them unconditionally right?
anywho! i appreciate you wanting to see my other unfiltered opinions on the characters kdfgdfjg bc gosh do i have a lot. especcially for TQ bitches. as i just ssaid,
i AM going to get unfiltered and potentially brutal so if anyone is your ultimate bestie i recommend not reading (abi and laura are safe though of course<3) (mainly because nothing about either of them necessarily irritated me LOL and im easy to irritate)
im going to reference my thoughts on the characters from a note i wrote after playing through like ? chapter 4 for the first time. but honestly not miuch has changed. and just to preface this a good portion of my negative opinions come from the campfire scene in chapter 2 LOL like. when i first played the game i began disliking like more than half the characters here alone
dylan: talked about him here (its not positive)
nick: i just think hes a prick who doesn't deserve abi 🤷 of course he was given the short end of the stick in terms of screentime, but its kind of funny bc kaitlyn has a similar amount of Actual walk around time and she's there like. the entire game LMAO so yeah that pisses me off. nick has 3 moments where you play as him, and kaitlyn has 5/6, depending on how you separate her section in chapter 10. they both have the same amount of Get To Explore And Walk Around time though, which is a whopping total of one thanks guys. anywho. even before he began acting like a creep i didnt like him lol... and no surprise but it all stems from chapter 2...
long story short, i dont doubt that nick actually cares for abi and likes her but i think in the grand scheme of things it mostly has to do w/ him wanting tits and ass... sort of similar to mike's whole deal... and i believe this based on the bullshit he pulls w/ emma. yeah he says that "tHiS mIgHt NoT bE a GoOd IdEa" and yet he still plays along despite dylan saying that 2 people can kiss AS LONG AS everyone consents. he could've gotten out of the situation. and yet he fucking didnt. i dont care if he didnt realize the consequences of his actions, if he TRULY liked abi he wouldnt have done this shit in the first place. "ive had my moments, im not proud of some of the stuff ive done" DOG YOU JUST HAD A MOMENT AND YOURE NOT EVEN FUCKING APOLOGIZING TO THE PERSON YOU HURT!!!!!! idc if it technically wasnt totally his fault. he still was involved in humiliating and upsetting abi. all he blames it on is playing alonog with emma's plan to make jacob jealous and aside from that just being such a shitty anf fucked up excuse in general, its not even ???? true?????????? GOD. IM SORRY. THE WHOLE SITUATION MAKES ME SO UPSET
jacob: as said in my previous TQ / UD rankings... i really flip flop w/ him alot. however im def leaning towards neutral to dislike NGL. i HAAATED his whole thing w/ emma like incredibly so. however. i did feell real bad for him during chapter 1, despite already knowing that he was the one to bust the truck up and keep everyone there another night. i felt bad despite already having a reason TO dislike him. kaitlyn was being mean for no reason. nick and dylan were being mean for no reason. it's just... it's almost like he was being used as the group's laughing stock. but as time went on i just continually became less and less willing to sympathize . hell, he's just a INFINITELY less sympathetic josh... of course seeing him crying and upset in ch 3 was sad, but at this point i don't really know what he expected im sorry. he really dragged all these other people into his bullshit with emma. and it's more than clear how emma feels about their relationship, of course emma wasn't great either with him, but jacob isn't an angel ... EITHER in this situation. of COURSE he couldn’t have known that the night would go the way it does, but it doesn’t negate the fact that fucking up the truck was a shitty move regardless LMAO as said previously, i HAAATe how fucking possessive he is of her. like when nick tells jacob that he could see what emma wantss? and jacob just laughs it off? it's so fucking stupid dog. character wise though, he of course has a lot going for him and i can see why people find appeal in him. especially seeing hwo many stereotypes theyre subverting, in terms of jacob showing emotions and shit. but for me personally, it's a no
ryan: my man🤝 even after all this time.... i find him very respectable and i very much appreciate him. similar to my deal w/ abi, even his more "asshole-ish" moments / dialogue choices (aside from a few off the top of my head LOL) are like. justified... and in character... like. him being so pissed off at and wary of laura? like????? laura is my beloved but this random girl just popped out of nowhere, killed one of his closest friends, and now wants to kill what he has of a father figure? like yeah id be acting like ryan too if i were put into his situation LMAO yeah you can be annoyed w/ his actions and behavior, but in context? the way he's acting is understandable and justified. it doesnt DESERVE criticism, because there's nothing to criticize! he's acting as any normal person would! of COURSE it's annoying how he doesn't BELIEVE laura, that's a whole other can of worms, but overall he's allowed to be a pissed off little bitch. and him potentially going against the whole party idea? that line of dialogue is just more in character for him i will not accept any other answer. it makes no sense that he'd suddenly go against chris' word. and it PISSES ME OOOOFF seeing how the game still like ? has ryan show up to the party despite being adamant against it.
ANYWAY.... ppl don't appreciate his autistic swag like i do. "he has no character" "he's boring" TO YOU. y'all rly see a character mainly speak in a monotone voice and rarely smile / show expression and go. yeah he's boring . do you not see the like . connotations of that. like be for real. he’s like. one of the only few genuinely good ppl here lmao and seeing how chris says that ryan is one of his fave counselors and how he TRUSTS him enough to hold all this responsibility + have all these in depth talks w him it’s just. you see what kind of person ryan is just from that. and how so far ryan is the only character (while you’re in control) who’s able to interject whatever bullshit is being said at the moment it just. i’m sorry. he’s just a good guy. i respect how he’s willing to go against the bulk of the group during the whole party or lodge thing. i also respect that he’s willing to put a fucking end to dylan’s invasive fucked up truth question. i KNOW that it all depends on the Player to choose these specific options BUT. they just fit ryan’s character more so🤷 what can i say. fuck everyone else
max: my bf (real)
laura: my gf (real)
abi: me (irl)
emma: in my original note i said that i was leaning torwards neutral to dislike lmao....... oh have the turns havbe tabled. anywho. i think shes such a stupid dumbass bitch. she's so funny for no goddamn reason. i am shoving her down a flight of stairs. i love her character sooo much. i hate how she acted with jacob (despite most of it being her people pleaser side Showing but, that's a whole different conversation i am willing to have). she's suuuuch a beloved but gooooooood god i draw the line at being such a shitty friend to abi. that's my biggest complaint when it comes to emma and her actions. i understand that she has a moment where she's like "you're my best friend, i need you" and i fucking eat that shit up but almost everything else that happens and happens prior..... just goddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
to get started. most of this is gonna be nitpicky and personal shit, so if you think it's small and shouldn't be addressed, then you're probably right LOL im just ultra sensitive to this sort of stuff due to past personal experiences. ANYWAY!!!!!! you know the little teasy comment emma makes towards abi after you avoid hitting the squirrel? how she's like, "this is her first time asking a guy out like EVER"? it makes me wanna beat her up fr kldfggnfg bc it's like... it's not a thing to joke about... i see sooo much of myself in abi meaning i see her as autistic and that's just. you know how much being autistic hinders those sort of abilities? i obviously can't say for sure but, seeing how abi later talks about people wantingher to interact w/ others better? hence why she went to summer camp in the first place? i'd say that probably isn't too outrageous to think...
and sort of continuing off that same topic, when abi is having trouble choosing someone for truth or dare, how emma is just like. "ding ding ding, my turn!" LIKE. AS HER FRIEND. WHO PROBABLY KNOWS ABOUT HOW MUCH ABI STRUGGLES SOCIALLY. DON'T YOU THINK SHE'D BE LIKE? "OHH ABI JUST PICKK ME" INSTEAD OF HUMILIATING HER? LIKE. BC THERES SOOO MANY DIFF WAYS OF MOVING ON AND HELPING ABI OUT....... GOING ABOUT IT THW WAY EMMA DID ISN'T THE WAY TO GO......... ESPECIALLY KNNOWING HOW SOCIALLY ANXIOUS ABI IS.... anyway. while we're on the campfire scene, it's so fucked why she chooses to kiss nick lmao like ok yeah it may work in the end (potentially) but its still ?????????????? girl you know how much abi likes nick (SUPPOSEDLY) why go about this shit in the most destructive way possible? and what makes me even MORe mad is that. they dont even ever address this scene ever again???? despite it being such a huge and humiliating and probably traumatizing moment for abi??????????? YES they're able to have a more in depth andf heart to heart conversation about their relationship. but its not fucking enough! bc that fucking stupid ass dare and its outcome was the catalyst for the rest of the night's events lmao! imagine beign brushed aside and seen as a social fucking experiment for your entire life. which is something im SURE abi has felt and experienced. and emma, her best friend, LITERALLY CONTRIBUTES TO THAT!!!!!! ITS SO FUCKED AND IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY. i could probably go on about this topic but ill leabe it for a separate post i guess anyway if i were abi id be fucking pissed off and upset
her character means so very much to be like her whole people pleaser and "curate myself to each individual person ive ever met to keep them fromn leaving me" resonates so so much with me and i love it so much. ive talked about this b4 in a previous post but i can only imagine how lonely she feels, acting the way she acts. no one will ever truly know who she is. shes in a constant state of performance. every single person she's ever met has a different perception of her in their head. and, in one way or another, it's all wrong!!!! i love you emma mountebank i love you abigail blyg
kaitlyn: i wont even lie i instantly fell in love w her after hearing the INSANE shit she says fnsjfjsnf esp felt it after the “jacob go upstairs. jacob get bag. kaitlyn moves on with her goddamn life” fell in love fr. and her whole stupid monologue after jacob was like "yeah i mean, what did i expect would happen?" SHES LITERALLY INSANE. but. like. i was not and still Am not happy w how she treated abi during the campfire scene though. due to 1. her telling abi to basically hurry the fuck up despite seeing how much she was GENUINELY struggling, and also potentially knowing about her social struggles prior. bc they're friends. right? and 2. just coming up wiht the dare in general lol it was such a fucked up thing to do and as ive said w/ emma, the fact theyre unable to actually jhave a convo abt it later is suuuuper dumb and shitty imo. esp seeing just how upset abi got, and the most fucked up thing is, neither kaitlyn NOR emma seem to show any remorse for it!!!!! that's just so fucked up
anywho. hate how both of their asian girls (emily in until dawn) are characterized as bossy and very. my way or the highway. it’s actually real fucked up in that light. fuck you supermassive. y’all are lucky that these 2 characters are their respective games’ baddest bitches . i SUPPOSE it isn’t THAT as big of a deal in this game bc. there are like. objectively more unlikable characters (in the guys AND girls) so kaitlyn doesn’t stand out as much (as emily did. she was practically written to be hated. bc NO ONE ELSE was as strong personality wise as her. i suppose jess comes close but 1. i think ppl shit on her for other stupid shit anyway SO and 2. she effs off for more than half the game) but it still doesn’t make it ok lmao. bc it’s a trend that is very :/ mmmmmmm. even if it’s not that much of a cliche stereotype for asian women, seeing them write both of their asian girls ALMOST THE EXACT SAME WAY is a bit sussy goddamn baka. went off a bit there lmao. anyway. i’m a weak pussy bitch and after she softened after abi returned freaked out i 😭 i love you. more positive (and NON GUY related) interactions between the girlies please. i literally love her relationship w/ abi so much it's so interesting to me.
and just... to talk about her character real quick, i mmentioned in my tier list that her character frustrates me. and you wanna know why? ive talked abt this b4 but her character is basically a watered down emily davis. and i say this bc. they both overall are the same archetype. except. in kaitlyn's case. there's really no reason for me to like ???? feel bad for her? djjfggkj LIKE. THERE'S LITTLE TO NO SUBSTANCE TO HER CHARACTER.... AND THERE CERTAINLY ISNT MUCH TO FEEL SYMPATHETIC FOR..... i say this bc. almost all the other TQ characters have this moment of ): aw, here's why i should care about and feel bad for you. BUT KAITLYN????? NEVER REALLY OUTRIGHT HAS THAT MOMENT,..... it's almsot like they threw her in there and threw in her characteristics last second.... nothing's really established w/ her. you just. you just keeo finding new stuff about her as the game goes on. like. oh. shes a good shot. oh. she cares about abi. and shit like that. im probably explaining this so terribly rn but hopefully some sense can be made from this scramble. it's just.... thye toook away the interesting aspect(s) of emily'scharacter (her anxiety, her fear of death, her complex to be protected while being fully capable of protecting herslef in times of danger etc etc) and thus gave us kaitlyn. to me she just. she isnt that interesting character wise! there isnt much there for me to grow attached to! people only like her bc shes associated w/ dylan! like shes one of those characters where you sort of HAVE to mold and shape into something that's familiar and Good
re reading htis it really sounds like i don't like her fdjkdg BUT I DO I PROMISE.... i gotta stick w/ my asian girls
abi but for real: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 do i even need to say anything? its like supermassive made a character purposely JessCore or something like that. i like. haven’t gone In Depth abt why i got so fucked up over what everyone else did to her during the camp fire scene but. know that it hit a little toooooo fucking close to home. like. I Could See Me Sitting There In Abi’s Spot and it HUUUUUUURT!!!!!!!!!!!! like ): seeing her avert her gaze and how she was fumbling over her words i ))): LIKE. AUGHH. esp after being asked THAT question? since not sleeping w/ anyone by this age is seen as “abnormal”? i could feel that so bad man ): no one deserves to be singled out like that. esp not a VERY much autistic girl who is pretty clear to be on the “outside” of the group. bc she’s not “normal” or not “like everyone else here” and it’s just. fuck you all fr choke. enough of that. i just. she’s so fucking cute too? like girl i love you so MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her lil like. expressive noises and shit are so awesome and make me happy fnsjfjsf you only see them like twice BUT. you don’t really see that from the other characters. so basically: stims. autism. yeah. they rly made abi a little TOO realistic nd relatable fnsjfnnsf but ohhhh man do i love her oh so much. after the camp fire scene i was just. she’s my friend now fuck all of you
laura but for real: I MISSED HER AND MAX SOOOOO BAD WHILE PLAYING THROUGH CHAPTERS 1 - 6 SKLDDFJDF i was literally so upset and sad seeing that they werent at camp after the prologue. du eto like literallty all of the characters getting on my nerves I WANTED THEM TO COME HOME SOOOO BAD.... AFTER THE CAMP FIRE SCENE EVERYTHING WENT DOWNHILL AND I MIIISSSEED THEM SOO MUCH i needed them back for real. other than that though, i dont have much to say about laura. i mean of course she's my BELOVED i mean look at my user but. yeah! i think about her often and project some anger shit onto her<3 specifically towards travis for specific and personal reasons<3 even if it's not like character stuff or w/e i think about, i often just rotate herin my mind. i love her so much. plus she's literally a combo of emily and sam aka my 2 fave UD characters how could i not love her?
max but for real: i honestly dont have much to say abt him? and i suppose he and laura arent /technically/ a part of the other counselors since they never, yk, showed up. but w/e fdfjgndg i think he's neat. i honestly thought he was like one of the only Good Guys of the game when first playing through,. and that still holds true! i still see ryan as a great guy too though. max just seems like such a good partner and guy in general and i love him. don't necessarily think about him much but as i said before, he's my bf (real)
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benicebefunny · 2 years
I'm just...Roy yelled at the top of his lungs at a bunch of children, and it's treated as a cute quirk. Yes, of course the context is different with Nate drawing attention to a specific player rather than general yelling and getting super personal, and I obviously do not support yelling at employees, but something about the way people laugh at Roy shouting and breaking things for no reason, Isaac throwing stuff, all the players making life difficult for hotel employees and apparently stealing stuff despite being loaded athletes, Sassy harassing a waiter, Roy discouraging Phoebe from cursing but being proud of her elbowing a girl in the neck as if that's somehow better, etc. while jumping on every negative action by Nate - notably not white, rich, or "traditionally masculine" - as a sign of him being fundamentally bad leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. Nate stands out so much as the only non-rich, non-white character that gets to show real depth and interesting flaws. He's so much fun to watch! But the way people are all "I never liked him", or "I feel vindicated", or wishing violence on him makes it seem like they were looking for an excuse not to like him, and feels so much like the old "people are bullied for a reason, if they're weird, they have it coming".
Like you, I have so much fun watching and (as everyone is painfully aware of by now) talking about Nathan, because he has real depth and interesting flaws. For me, I really enjoy connecting how his actions, feelings, and beliefs connect (or conflict) with the show's broader context. Also, he's funny, quirky, and delightful.
So, yeah, it's frustrating when people flatten him into a Ticking Timebomb of Evil, or the Antithesis of Ted's (presumed) Goodness, or AFC Richmond's Designated Patient.
But it's also kind of sad when people flatten other characters into harmless, lovable comedic caricatures. That's what happens when Nathan's misdeeds are taken seriously, and those of other characters are brushed off as just a joke or an inevitable facet of the football industry. Why would people do that to their faves? Can't they see all the fun I'm having picking apart Nathan's storyline? (*touches earpiece* What's that? My intensity and occasional glibness can come off as barely suppressed rage? Not again!)
There can be some pretty gross subtext to why and how characters are excused from accountability. For example, Colin and Isaac's harassment of Nathan is sometimes excused because it happened Before Coach Lasso (BC, for short). While Nathan's verbal abuse of Will and Colin is framed as worse than literal daily physical assault because it occurred After Arrival of Dad Figure Ted (AD, for short). Ted is positioned as a White Savior who brings enlightenment to the masses, forgiving past sins for all who Believe. And Colin and Isaac are positioned as spiritually immature, ignorant children rather than adults savvy enough to exploit the fucked-up power dynamics of their industry. (You know, like Nathan in S2, but with regular beatings.)
(To be fair to fandom, the White Savior Ted and his Infantilized Himbos trope didn't burst fully formed from our collective fannish head. Canonically, Ted does encourage this kind of thinking. He refers to the players (grown adult men, a significant number of whom are Black) as "boys." He uses the father figure thing a lot. And he did convince them to burn a cherished possession in order to appease spirits he doesn't entirely believe in. A little bit of cult leader behavior there. More things to add to the This Would be Taken Seriously if It Were Nathan pile.)
My point is: it's a double-edged sword. As someone who enjoys the non-Nathan characters, I don't like it when their actions are stripped of their ethical, social, and financial weight. I read it as an insult, a diminishing of the characters.
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