#/ but his nickname for baela is little dragon ok /
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
' There had always been fire in his veins , and that same fire had been dripped into his own childrens, little spits of his own fire weaved into their very being . it was -- true his daughters had inherited their mothers strength along with a numerous other virtues as to why he was contented in braavos , yet that fire had burned out in ' laena long ago .
' his eyes remained locked on the fire , perhaps he had found a sort of peace in being here , at dragonstone ? the keep was full of old cunts who worried more - about the colour of their tunics than the more important things in life , they thought themselves their equals - no one was equal to them , they were dragons .
' yet as the door opened , he heard one clear their throat and his eyes rolled over to the figure that stood there , instantly a smile pulled upon his lips . baela , her fire - was burning strong it seemed , how was it she was able to come here undetected it ? it seemed she had inherited much from himself , a thought that sent ' pride swelling through him that was only strengthened to hear their mother tongue slip from her lips freely , head straightening as his hand came to rest upon the - wooden arm of the chair " pōnta gōntan daor urnēptre nyke ao arriving , konir sagon syt sure . " ( they did not show me you arriving , that is for sure )
' laena , she was laena . to look upon baela was to look upon her mother , a thought that brought memories swarming into his head , bittersweet reminisces of - the past " ziry vestragon iksā olvie hae nyke isse se ñuhoso hen issare undetected , yet aōha muña gōntan emagon iā rebellious paktot hen zirȳla tolī. iā ' mixture hen īlva both , zirȳla goodness hae sȳrī . " ( it seems you are much like me in the way of being undetected , yet your mother did have a rebellious side of her - too . a mixture of us both , her goodness as well . )
' finally , he stood . for so long they had been parted and for that he felt a slight guilt , he was her father - he should have been with her through her grief , - he should have comforted her when she needed it . yet he was not one that was overly acquainted with affection , yet he opened his arms , beckoning her to come " ' " eman missed ao , zaldrītsos . " ( i have missed you , little dragon . )
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princesssszzzz · 9 months ago
Lmfaooo Rhaena and Baela hate is so forced. If you felt bored or indifferent about a character they wouldn’t even cross your mind. Stalking them on asoiaf wiki and looking into their life story to rant about them is the exact opposite of being uninterested in someone. Calling little girls malicious and aggressive is so GOT era misogynistic. People have to get new talking points like come on. First of all they are not the same age as any other characters, they are younger which is why you had to say “basically the same age” as Alicent’s ADULT children on screen. People using “team” discourse as an excuse to attack Baela and Rhaena is played out and boring. Again, forced hate. You have to go out of your way to dislike them, considering they are barely on screen. If they aren’t interested to like how can they draw enough emotion to dislike.
I love how people try to adultify them too. A little girl not spending her mother’s funeral thinking about claiming a dragon is not an insult and I don’t know why people think it is. She didn’t claim Vhagar….ok and? The point? A girl having a demure personality is not an insult. Another reason I know Rhaena hate is forced, apparently her getting married is an issue. She married a Hightower….AND?? Like someone go ahead an explain to me what the attempted shade was😭 Should she be ashamed of being an ALIVE married woman with a happy life?
Someone being VIOLENT in the Game of Thrones universe is also not a slight or insult and I’m not sure why HOTD fans keep attempting to push that. No one cares. Especially not when it’s a Targaryen because that’s their stereotypical behavior, especially for the women. The fact that Baela is written like this and Rhaena is NOT written like this for the narrative is another thing I cackle at. Referring to Rhaena as a coward for not having a dragon and not killing people, yet referring to Baela and aggressive and evil for having a dragon and riding it….
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Unless you have proof of them torturing puppies, children, or committing rape no one cares about kids fighting in a world where sword fights is the norm. The actor playing Aemond HIMSELF literally said his character needs to get over it. As trash as House of the Dragon is, even they succeeded in getting that point across when the tourney is literally just violence for their entertainment. The point of the story is that it’s normal, and people who can’t comprehend that should probably find a new medium to focus on if they can’t keep up.
Another attempted and failed insult towards Baela. Moondancer died. Yes…..and??? Gee I wonder why a dragon would die in a story about the death of dragons, like I really can’t figure out why Baela’s dragon was written to not survive. And I can’t figure out why a character nicknamed “The Brave” takes her dragon to fight a much larger dragon because it’s almost like……
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Yes Baela hangs out with the scrubs of flea bottom and no that’s not wrong or disgusting for a royal to do that. Once again with the misogyny. Comparing Baela to a canon pedophile and insinuating she’s betting on fighting children when even you know she didn’t 🤦‍♀️ Don’t bring up other characters and “they’re apart of Rhaenyra’s team!!” as an excuse to force dislike the girls. Rhaena and Baela haters need to try reaching and get over that they survive and they are INDEED the Darlings of the city that give alms to the poor and they are loved for a reason. Loved by a group of people who very recently HATED Targaryens and their dragons. Rhaena and Baela are angels and yes they are absolutely innocent. The few people who are not pieces of shit like everyone else in George’s universe. At the same time they could be complete villains and I would still stan. Characters having flaws or set ups makes them humanized, not evil. Everyone is not meant to understand everything. Some people need to stick to their surface level understandings of characters if the narrative and symbolic importance of characters like Baela and Rhaena go over your head. Clearly, it wasn’t meant to be understood by everyone 😂😂
Every time Team Black stans talk about Rhaenyra’s bastards and the Dragon Twins as if they’re blessings upon this earth, an angel loses its wings.
Like, okay. They’re children, I’m excusing all of them up to a certain point. But they’re some of the most vicious, aggressive, cowardly, snotty brats we’ve ever seen in this franchise and pretending that they’re not is so foul.
Lucerys is a hypocritical twat that bullied the boy he grew up with because he didn’t have a dragon, but then he’s totally okay hanging out with Rhaena who doesn’t have one either. And then he pulls out a knife and blinds Aemond for no fucking reason, after his gang attacked him first, and faces zero consequences for his actions. He eventually grows up to become an even worse person by literally laughing in his cousin’s face, whom he disabled. And then he tries to boss lord Borros around by telling him that he’s obligated to ally with Rhaenyra even if there isn’t anything in him for it.
Jacaerys is also very two faced for the exact same reasons as Lucerys, with the addition of having anger management issues. Like, remember how he beats the living shit out of his little brother when they’re training at the beach, kicks him to the ground and grabs him by the throat because he is upset their uncles are better warriors than them? That’s the good future king you’re all talking about? He is already obsessed with the idea of becoming king, to the point that his own mother has to remind him that she’s actually alive and well and he would have to wait a good fucking while before his dreams come true. That’s actually so sick on his behalf. Not to mention that he very likely married Sara Snow, betraying his fiancée, in order to gain the Starks’ help, which is very dishonourable. At least Lucerys told Borros he’s betrothed and refused to marry one of his daughters to get his support, I’ll give him that.
Baela is a deranged evil girl who was ready to throw hands on sight, too. And have we forgotten that she becomes a drunkard and whoremonger who spends her money gambling in the rat pits, the places where children fight one another in King’s Landing, once she grows up, or is it wrong only when Aegon II does it?
Rhaena is an aggressive coward who seems more preoccupied with the acquisition of a dragon than her mother’s death. She didn’t have the guts to go and claim Vhagar, but she feels powerful enough to confront Aemond when she has three people backing her up.
Finally, even without taking all of their problematic traits into account, these people are so severely uninteresting and unimpressive. Lucerys does not convince Borros to side with his mother and drops dead like a fly. Joffrey gets shrugged off by Syrax and plummets to his demise. Jacaerys is immediately killed during his embarrassing attempt to fight the Triarchy, not to mention that he was the reason his youngest half siblings were captured and nearly killed because he had the brilliant idea of sending them away. Baela loses the only dragon fight she was ever part of to Aegon II and Sunfyre who were very injured by a previous fight already! And Rhaena is just… there. Doing nothing. Never avenging her husband’s death, eventually marrying a Hightower. Yikes.
Are there much more ill behaved children in ASOIAF? Yeah, for sure, but we actually acknowledge that children like Aegon II and Joffrey Baratheon are pieces of shit. But if we could like, stop glorifying these four mediocre and borderline malicious kids solely because some of you feel the need to ride the dicks of everyone who is part of Rhaenyra’s crew, that would be great. They might be children, but they’re children with shady, putting it mildly, personalities, wielding new-clear weapons of mass destruction who actively participated in a war, especially Jacaerys and Baela. They sure were victims of the world they were raised in, but they were aggressors as well. And like, this is the ASOIAF universe, nearly all of our protagonists are children. We can’t constantly apply modern day morals and coddle them forever because “OMG, they are just babies!”, unless we are ready to apply the same logic on the Targtowers, who were basically the same age as Rhaenyra and Daemon’s children.
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