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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
She was as wild as free as her father, yet as strong willed and spirited as her mother. Baela was the best of both of them, she was everything that daemon had dreamed off in an heir - even if in the form of the opposite sex.
Burning lilac embers watched her, dancing under the flames that burned bright beside him, the corner of his lip twitching as a smile threatened to break through on his features. To hear her speaking their mother tongue was a delight, it made pride flow through him and fill his veins " Iā skill istin gūrēñagon hen ao " ( a skill I must learn from you ) daemon admitted, for a daughter to teach her father - just as he would have taught her.
Did it pain him to see her? No. It was much the opposite. To see Baela was to see Laena, despite it bringing forth bittersweet memories - it was a comfort. Did he grieve for his wife? Of course he did. He loved her, despite the rumors, despite marrying so soon after her death - he loved Laena. It was the only time he felt that underlying calmness, when there was no stress of court life, no war to be waged. Exhaling deeply, did her words twinge at those almost non existent heart strings? Yes "Ao already gaomagon, zaldrītsos." ( you already do, little dragon.) He knew Laena would be proud of both girls in how they dealt with their grief and sorrow.
Grief either made a man or broke them into a million pieces. He had saw what grief done, his brother succumbed to his and married a fucking brat of a girl who know caused havoc within the realm. He couldn't be that man, he would never be the man to fall victim to the sharp claws of grief. As Baela came into his arms, he wrapped them around her, holding her close. For a moment he felt a strange sense of familiarity, a sense of happiness and home "You must tell me all that you have done, little dragon. I do hope my dear cousin has taught you well?"
' There had always been fire in his veins , and that same fire had been dripped into his own childrens, little spits of his own fire weaved into their very being . it was -- true his daughters had inherited their mothers strength along with a numerous other virtues as to why he was contented in braavos , yet that fire had burned out in ' laena long ago .
' his eyes remained locked on the fire , perhaps he had found a sort of peace in being here , at dragonstone ? the keep was full of old cunts who worried more - about the colour of their tunics than the more important things in life , they thought themselves their equals - no one was equal to them , they were dragons .
' yet as the door opened , he heard one clear their throat and his eyes rolled over to the figure that stood there , instantly a smile pulled upon his lips . baela , her fire - was burning strong it seemed , how was it she was able to come here undetected it ? it seemed she had inherited much from himself , a thought that sent ' pride swelling through him that was only strengthened to hear their mother tongue slip from her lips freely , head straightening as his hand came to rest upon the - wooden arm of the chair " pōnta gōntan daor urnēptre nyke ao arriving , konir sagon syt sure . " ( they did not show me you arriving , that is for sure )
' laena , she was laena . to look upon baela was to look upon her mother , a thought that brought memories swarming into his head , bittersweet reminisces of - the past " ziry vestragon iksā olvie hae nyke isse se ñuhoso hen issare undetected , yet aōha muña gōntan emagon iā rebellious paktot hen zirȳla tolī. iā ' mixture hen īlva both , zirȳla goodness hae sȳrī . " ( it seems you are much like me in the way of being undetected , yet your mother did have a rebellious side of her - too . a mixture of us both , her goodness as well . )
' finally , he stood . for so long they had been parted and for that he felt a slight guilt , he was her father - he should have been with her through her grief , - he should have comforted her when she needed it . yet he was not one that was overly acquainted with affection , yet he opened his arms , beckoning her to come " ' " eman missed ao , zaldrītsos . " ( i have missed you , little dragon . )
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
I have EVERYTHING drafted, and I will be working on replies both on here and on @rogueprincc
bitch is back
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
' how dreadful this day was , how boring to sit upon council meetings and have to listen to fat fucking cunt lords express their minds so freely , did they truly think. -- they were their equals ? if they did , they were wrong . they had no equals , they were the blood of the dragons && those lords should be reminded of such ― if ' he had his way he would happily show them , he would happily cut their loose -- tongues from their useless mouths .
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' his brother was too docile , to eager for peace , eager enough that he allowed himself to be talked to as if he was a mere hound . such horrible little creatures they -- were , fucking fools . he walked through the streets of flea bottom , a place where he felt he could express his true self , be the rogue he was ever ' destined to be . yet his eye caught a sight && at it , a high pitched short laugh escaped him , was it the time of year where people dressed up ? yet he saw no mask -- upon the man , approaching slowly his eyes took interest in those rather pointed ears " those cannot be real . " perhaps an experiment gone wrong ? a grin pulled - upon his features " you look like something out of the stories my mother used to read to me at night , i am almost tempted to cut them off and keep them in a jar . "
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
' he was often never swayed by others word , mild offences in his mind . yet he did choose more times than often to act upon his own words , it was often the question in his mind ; would he do something heroic or savage ? perhaps savage , he loved chaos - craved it . he would not easily bow down or back away from this , man ? , who stood before him . no , he liked the challenge . a short high pitched left escaped him , it seemed as if this one was rather up to the challenge as well .
" boy ? such an interesting insight given that you, like a craven, back down from a fight . " brow lifting ever so slightly, it seemed that dark sister would indeed be singing this day, how she craved that sweet glide of fresh blood trickling down her silver. as the other showed his teeth, it only pulled amusement from the prince " and now you growl like a dog, will you bark as well ? be a good boy, sit . "
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oh yes, he was without a blade himself. humming slightly, he gave a nod of his head " that would be most dishonourable of me. " feigned concern, amusement glimmering in lilac eyes " yet, the last i checked, i was not praised for my honour - the rogue prince they call me. yet, to be charred? ah yes, if you wish to fight with fire, i would most happily summon my mount, caraxes is not a beast to be trifled with, mine is the blood of the dragon, fire is one thing i do not fear."
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
Sorry guys I’ll get to replies tomorrow or so, just having a really shitty day and my mental health isn’t the best at the minute
Thank youssss
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
Sorry guys I’ll get to replies tomorrow or so, just having a really shitty day and my mental health isn’t the best at the minute
Thank youssss
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
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like this post & I will fire up a starter , or most likely pop up in instant messenger to discuss a plot ! :)
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
' he would always protect her , they were family - it was what they were supposed to do . dragons , they were supposed to stand together , they were supposed to guard their own . since when had it come to this ? to be scattered , family against family . he remembered the time when aemma died , how he saw his brother so wrapped in his own grief he bypassed his daughters , when it was daemons time to stand up , to be the person she needed - to be the shoulder she needed to cry upon . yet viserys was looking the other way again , bypassed by his own wish for peace that he closed his eyes to his daughters suffering once more, and at the hands of that cunt wife of his .
' " peace does not last , i hope it does , but it does not . " nothing lasted forever , peace being one of them . once his brother passed , he knew that there would be a split within the realm , otto would no doubt push for the hightower boys to be seated within the hands of power so he might wield his own . yet for now , dragonstone would be that place of peace , where the poison of the red keep would not penetrate that peace . he had no care for those around them , he wanted his words to be heard , wanted those fucking cunts to hear his words of displeasure - for too long he had been silence , he had been gone for too long and now the power fell freely into their hands .
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' he was always denied , never allowed to have what he truly wanted . denied the position of hand , an insult to him at the highest extent . yet in rhaenyra she saw himself , he saw that fire that burned bright within her , one that mirrored his own - they were two sides of the same coin . brow raising , his gaze turning to her. to be her husband ? in the tradition of their house . would he be her champion ? of course she saw the benefit of having him as her husband , of the protection he would bring and eventually the guide she would need when her time came to ruling the kingdoms " as your husband . " giving a nod of his head , running his tongue along his bottom lip " and to be parted from you would be a sad tale , really . we will be wed , and as you said , in the tradition of our house . "
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
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daemons face when smol vale girl gets angry and threatens him
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
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mr cunt face / heart heart /
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
' There had always been fire in his veins , and that same fire had been dripped into his own childrens, little spits of his own fire weaved into their very being . it was -- true his daughters had inherited their mothers strength along with a numerous other virtues as to why he was contented in braavos , yet that fire had burned out in ' laena long ago .
' his eyes remained locked on the fire , perhaps he had found a sort of peace in being here , at dragonstone ? the keep was full of old cunts who worried more - about the colour of their tunics than the more important things in life , they thought themselves their equals - no one was equal to them , they were dragons .
' yet as the door opened , he heard one clear their throat and his eyes rolled over to the figure that stood there , instantly a smile pulled upon his lips . baela , her fire - was burning strong it seemed , how was it she was able to come here undetected it ? it seemed she had inherited much from himself , a thought that sent ' pride swelling through him that was only strengthened to hear their mother tongue slip from her lips freely , head straightening as his hand came to rest upon the - wooden arm of the chair " pōnta gōntan daor urnēptre nyke ao arriving , konir sagon syt sure . " ( they did not show me you arriving , that is for sure )
' laena , she was laena . to look upon baela was to look upon her mother , a thought that brought memories swarming into his head , bittersweet reminisces of - the past " ziry vestragon iksā olvie hae nyke isse se ñuhoso hen issare undetected , yet aōha muña gōntan emagon iā rebellious paktot hen zirȳla tolī. iā ' mixture hen īlva both , zirȳla goodness hae sȳrī . " ( it seems you are much like me in the way of being undetected , yet your mother did have a rebellious side of her - too . a mixture of us both , her goodness as well . )
' finally , he stood . for so long they had been parted and for that he felt a slight guilt , he was her father - he should have been with her through her grief , - he should have comforted her when she needed it . yet he was not one that was overly acquainted with affection , yet he opened his arms , beckoning her to come " ' " eman missed ao , zaldrītsos . " ( i have missed you , little dragon . )
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
' he almost laughed at her feral display , it seemed caraxes had stiff competition in his wife when it came to displaying ones ferocious side " you are like a rabid dog in -- heat , bark . it might entertain me . " amusement lingering in his words , yet such did not reach his eyes . as his hands lowered , he saw , was that surprise or shock ? ' one could hardly fathom .
' yet as she spoke he sighed heavily , a young hatchling given in marriage before he barely figured out how to swarm down from his own nest . was it the -- marriage in general he detested ? no , it was the knowledge that he had no choice in the matter , and the fact they both acted like raging cunts throughout those ' days that should have been honeymoon bliss , instead it was insults after insults , and he would never deny that it was mostly done in his behalf , he was -- always the one to rile the other - but that was how he came to know someone , how could you truly tell a persons true self without seeing their anger ? their disgust ? ' the words they wished to say but had no voice to do so , oh but his lady wife had a voice , one she used quite often " that is a shame , you would have only got burnt . "
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' a brief roll of his eyes , an irritated sigh , he turned away from her . words he knew , words he often heard whispered about himself , how could words such as hers -- hurt him or even sway him when he owned them ? he knew what he was " i am the very bane of everyones existence , yet you will not see me gone for quite some ' time , i suggest you all get used to it . " going over to the table , picking up the pitcher and goblet , pouring the rich red liquid into the goblet before bringing it to his -- mouth , tasting the bittersweet droplets that would wash away whatever words she threw at him, bringing it away he set the pitcher down .
' whatever songs she thought would be sung about her brave act of defiance , he would pay tenfold for insults to be said instead of praise . he was no mere dog , no -- hound , he was a dragon , he did not bite he breathed fired upon those who opposed him and turned their miserable lives into ashes before their eyes . raising his ' brow , he turned to her , raising his cup towards her , he had no doubt about her strength , for who else would dare come against him in such a way ? no other " -- then i will congratulate you , wife . that through your sorrow filled marriage with me , you have found something all these fucking cunts have been lacking , a ' pair of balls . yours weigh heavy and drop lower than every cunt that sit upon your council . " yet his smile almost faltered , that amused grin almost dropped at -- those words , love . such a fickle emotion " love makes you weak , it makes even the strongest of minds fall under a spell and leaves you open from every angle , ' every position . we were not made for love , you and i . " love was a poison, sent to cripple and to bind , to put invisible chains around ones neck - he had no room for - love .
' and for a moment , he almost felt guilt . after all , he did come into her chambers and practically make her feel so uncomfortable that she had to leave , ' -- a shame really for as soon as that feeling even touched upon his core , it was gone " yes i like the chamber , but fear not . i will not take it . " setting down the ' goblet , he stood straightening his tunic " before it slips my mind , and before i leave , i will be joining the council meeting tomorrow , after all , i am your husband . - it will give my time in exile some...entertainment . "
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
' it was what they were built upon , broken pieces of each other . together they made one whole piece , the dragon was ever more powerful when all its little -- hatchlings crowded together , acted as one . yet now , his brother had caused a divide , this was the very reason he believed that a dragon should never marry ' outside of its own blood , the late queen aemma was daughter of daella targaryen , the blood of the dragon ran through her veins as she was off their blood , -- yet to contaminate their valyrian bloodline and mingle it with those cunts , the filth that was those hightowers was unforgivable .
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' to this his brow raised , where was viserys when his daughter suffered so ? he remembered his brother to be fiercely protective of her , how the old dragon -- roared to protect its young . it seems that old dragon was slumbering " now you will have someone to stand in front of you and shield you from her ways . " ' he would cut out every single last one of their tongues , yet dark sister was made for much nobler tasks than to be contaminated with the blood of such filth , and yet she still had a thirst for blood .
' watching her , he could have sighed - he would have , but what point would it prove ? instead he looked away , he could have and most likely was the blame for -- much more than he would have believed , yet what good would it do to sit and list all your faults in life ? none " Nyke eptan syt aōha ondos isse dīnilūks , ziry ' denied nyke . " ( I asked for your hand in marriage , he denied me. ) as always , he was denied what he wanted and yet when she crossed her arms over her chest , his -- eyes directed towards her , an almost smile pulling upon his lips as he was faced with that look of defiance that was often in the spirited young woman he had left all ' those years ago . yet he knew the answer was not to kill , no . yet would it not come to that in time ? to kill or to be killed " criticise ? my concern is mislabelled , -- misread . i did not come here to insult , we both know if i wished to do that i would have been more clearer in doing so . you and your boys will need someone to ' protect you , your husband is fickle cunt and can barely protect a flagon of ale , he is more a problem than a solution , a hindrance . no , you are no longer alone , i am here . "
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
lmaoooo another busy day, I swear my legs feel like match sticks
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
i was supposed to get replies done on both here and on @rogueprincc
but i have spent my night making homemade jam, peeled tomatoes & chutneys
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
Okay iv such a head ache after experiencing this but please
If you’re oc character or any character you are bringing into the house of the dragon & asoif universe goes against lore and complete canon
Please, just please leave me out of it
I am really not here for having to explain how this completely changed the dynamic of the lore & and the actual characters within it
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rogueprincc · 2 years ago
' oh how she loved to irritate him , how she loved to play upon the inner sense of guilt or even remorse that did not exist within him . did he at least feel in any sense a -- thread of guilt for his actions ? absolutely not . was it his fault he was thrown into a marriage he had no wish for with false hopes of love and a bright future ? ' such fickle fools . for even as that little boy , his scoundrel side reared its ugly head , those little sprouts of wild fire burning through the layers .
' yet in her he had found a strength , even a stubborn nature he had not seen in women in the keep , most were docile , wide eyed fools , always seeking to try and -- tame the dragon that harboured beneath his flesh to only be devoured by the beast once its head had been reared . yet constantly he had found her ' testing that very fine thread of self control that he apparently lacked at most times , always having to be an irritating cunt with an opinion , how pretty she would -- look once her mouth was sewn shut ,yes , only then would she look or even seem appealing .
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' " a wife i did not want , but a wife who still belongs to me even if i like it not . " his property , even if he had no thought or affection towards her , she still belonged -- to him . she knew that once she married into his family that she would be a representation of their house , joined together for all to see .
' yet as her hand reached to his hair , low animalistic growl vibrated from deep within his chest , one that could have challenged the very ones that his own mount -- would produce when deeply angered or distressed . yet with it , a laugh escaped him , not one of amusement , it was low , danger seeping from it " such an honour it ' is for you to be wedded to a dragon , am i not the monster that wet nurses tell children about at me ? tsk tsk , i thought you would have learned by now , wife , i -- bathe in the knowledge of knowing my actions cause you such tribulations . "
' yet with her words , there was almost a shift in him , almost as if the danger that had been pulling him to it , pulling him into the darkness of his minds had -- ceased , his grip loosing around around her neck " you speak of fairytales , we both should know that no such things exist . have you dead ? now that is an ' interesting thought , yet i do believe my brother would not be pleased , exile does not suit me . " was she trying to sppeal to his humane side ? they both know - such a thing was a rarity , almost nonexistent .
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