Hey Luke! Would you rather have unlimited bacon and no games, or games, unlimited games, but no more games?
Hello there! I'm happy to receive your letter...
...Though I'm not quite sure I understand it. The first option in your hypothetical promises unlimited bacon and no games, while the second option promises unlimited games and then instantly revokes that promise. In other words, if I chose the first option, I would get unlimited bacon, while if I chose the second, I would get nothing, or worse: for choosing the second would grant me the hope for unlimited games, only to dash that hope on the rocks! Blast!
Clearly there is no way to get any games in this thought experiment, unlimited or otherwise, and thus it's purely a choice between unlimited bacon or no bacon: which, for most people, should be an obvious decision. Why even pose the question? And why phrase it like this? Frankly, I'm perplexed!
Though I am also quite amused... I can almost see the cheeky grin on your face as you wrote this! I'm tempted now to ask this same question of the Professor, just so see how he'd react. And then I'll have some bacon! Not unlimited bacon, mind you, but even I couldn't eat that much!
Thank you, I suppose? I'm not quite sure what to say! You have given me an odd gift of this question!
Sincerely, Luke
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Howdy Luke! Hope you've been well since yesterday's letter, and hope you got a good burger! (If you had the chance to have one ^ ^) Not sure what time it is for you, but here is nighttime! Gotta head to bed soon, but I did wanna ask before I do, if mythical creatures were real would there be any in particular that you'd love to talk to?
-Sincerely E
Mmm, yes... I had a delightful burger... Thinking about it now, it's almost like I'm tasting it again... Sorry, haha! Happy to hear from you again, E! It's the evening for me right now, so it isn't too long until I have to tuck in myself.
I just LOVE supernatural creatures! Some of my favorite books growing up were those about mythical beings and cryptids and other such things. I have a particular fondness for fire-breathing, winged dragons, and have always wanted to befriend one. It would be exhilarating riding a dragon up in the sky! It'd be scary, but I'd know my dragon friend would keep me safe... Something about that is so appealing to me! A creature as kind as it is powerful.
And of course, to get back to your question, I'm sure a dragon would have so many incredible stories to tell! Of battles and adventures and lots of precious treasure... Though that does sound an awful lot like the things I get up to with the Professor, doesn't it? Perhaps I should ask him if he's secretly a dragon... Maybe there are pair of dragon horns hiding under his hat...
Oh E, you've got my imagination going again! First burgers, and now dragons... Well, I hope you have a good night, E! Sweet dreams!
Sincerely, Luke
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Hello Luke! It’s a pleasure to meet you! Hope you doing great! I was wondering…If you had a favorite game you would be in, what would it be? For me, it would be Rhythm thief!
Hi, Lacey! The pleasure is all mine, I assure you! I hope you're doing great as well.
My favorite game to be in... I haven't heard of this "Rhythm Thief" you speak of, but the title intrigues me! Anyway, one of my favorite games is Clue! Though, considering the number of mysteries I've investigated with the Professor, that shouldn't be surprising. To that end, part of me would love to be in that game! But then, there would also be the chance that I'm the killer...
I also enjoy card games quite a bit, but I'm not really sure what it would mean to be "in" such a game. Tarot then comes to mind, but that isn't exactly a game, is it? Either way, I've often seen myself in the Judgement card... (And in case you were curious, the Professor is definitely the Magician!)
Thank you for the question! I should really play Clue with the Professor again!
Sincerely, Luke
[OOC: i'm not quite sure what time period the layton games are set in, but to be safe i'm assuming luke wouldn't know what a video game is... also sorry, i forgot to put in a reaction picture at first!]
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Dear Luke,
How was your time in Monte D’or? And how do you feel about the Masked Gentleman being Professor Layton’s very own friend?
Monte D'or was a beautiful and fun-filled city, no doubt, even if it was also a tad overwhelming! The Masked Gentleman and his crazy miracles certainly contributed to that feeling, but Monte D'or is also just so grand... it's quite easy to get lost there (like that little girl we met often did)!
Though the mystery was just so sad! I mean, everyone in my hometown thought my dearest friend was a witch putting curses on people, and I was just certain it wasn't true... and I was right! But the Professor's friend truly was the Masked Gentleman, even if nobody wanted to believe it. I'm sure the Professor didn't want to believe it... It all made me quite sad, and I'm sure the Professor was way sadder than I was (about everything going on), but he's never talked about it since... Perhaps he's just happy everything's okay? I hope so. The Professor isn't one to linger on such matters. I suppose it's easier to keep moving forward if you leave the past in the past! That's what a gentleman does, after all... right?
(Perhaps sometime I'll ask the Professor if we can visit Monte D'or again. I'll say it's so I can see the circus, but really I just want to get him to see his friend! Even if it's a tad ungentlemanly, surely the Professor still misses him!)
Thank you for the letter!
Sincerely, Luke
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Hiya Luke! It's always a joy to read about the latest mystery you and the Professor have solved!
Speaking of the Professor, do you have any funny stories about Professor Layton you can tell? Something we wouldn't expect from a calm and collected man like him!
Hi there! I'm glad to know our investigations are of interest to people... They're certainly of interest to me! And it's nice that they practically always have a happy ending, isn't it?
Anyway, I have a great story for you! So you know those disguises Descole and Don Paolo always managed to get their hands on, with those weirdly-realistic rubber masks? Those villains have always left them lying around once they were done with them... Well, Don Paolo had disguised himself as Flora during our investigation of the Elysian box, and we'd managed to get ahold of the disguise, so Flora came up with a prank to play on the Professor, which I helped her with: one day I left the Professor's office a few minutes before he was to leave to give a lecture (I said I had to run an errand), running into the lecture hall and putting on the disguise. The Professor then left his office, with Flora in it, to find her apparently teleported into the front row of his lecture! At the time some of his real students had already filed in, and the Professor gave such a start - eyes wide and everything - that they all laughed... and so did he! He admitted it should have been easy to logic out what was happening, but that his mind was elsewhere at the moment. Even the Professor can be surprised! Though I'm sure now it'll be harder to trick him, now that he expects it...
Thanks for the question! It can be hard to remember that the Professor's a real, human person too, considering how incredible he is... and telling stories like this reminds me!
Sincerely, Luke
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Hi Luke!
I know you’re a huge animal fan, and you’ve met a lot of animals on your journeys with the Professor, but which animal would you say is your favourite? -M
Hello, M! I just told someone else that I love bears the most, so I suppose that answers your question. (Though I'm sure I have a different favorite animal every day!)
But of the animals I've personally been acquainted with... Oh, that little bunny rabbit from Monte D'or! It was nice training to perform in the circus... He was such a sweetie, and I was happy to help him out! We got to play together a lot, too, which was tons of fun! I hope to see him again someday.
Thank you for the question!
Sincerely, Luke
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hello luke!
super excited to send you fanmail. ive been such an avid fan of you and the professor since forever! seeing you both crack a mystery together is always so exciting to read about in the papers!! seeing all those pictures, i just wish i could be there myself!!! T_T but you both are much cleverer than me, so maybe its for the best...
.. haha.
quick question though... are you sure the university is okay with the professors campus mailbox being used like this...? eh, regardless, hope to hear back from you!
- cinna
(PS: you like animals, right? heres a photograph of my cat!)

Hello, Cinna! Nice to meet you! I'm sure you're plenty clever yourself. And however clever I am, it can be hard for me to keep up with the Professor myself sometimes! I'm always learning more by helping him out with puzzles and investigations!
I'm sure Dean Delmona is fine with my using the Professor's mailbox like this... He has great respect for the Professor, after all! (But then, who doesn't?) I suppose I should ask him to make certain, though.
And oh, what a pretty cat you have! Very nice to pet, I'm sure... Lucky you! And lucky me, for getting to see your delightful kitty! Thank you for the letter and photograph!
Sincerely, Luke
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Hi Luke! I know you're very much an lover of all animals and probably don't really have a preference, but I'm kind of curious, if you HAD to pick a favorite, which animal would you pick? + (what animal is your least favorite if you want)
Hi there!
Yes, it is hard to choose a favorite animal... I love them all so much... It seems everyone is trying to make me pick between things! Curses!
Anyway, if I really think about it, I suppose I have a particular fondness for bears! Not quite sure why... I mean, I do have a number of teddy bears, so I suppose that shouldn't be too surprising! Though of course, real bears aren't the same as teddies (they have teeth, for one thing).
Oh, it's even harder to pick a least favorite! I don't know if I can... I'd have to think about it more...
Thank you for the questions! Even if they're hard to answer, haha.
Sincerely, Luke
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👋 hello, luke!! i hope you're having a wonderful day :D
i wanted to ask: out of all the locations you traveled to on the bostonius, which one was your favorite and why?
Hi there! I'm doing great, thanks!
We did go to a ton of fascinating places on the Bostonius! I'd say Hoogland is the prettiest place, with such lovely fields and houses and sheep! But the people there were kind of... how do I say this... unpleasant?
Oh, but San Grio! The atmosphere is so beautiful, and the people are so friendly and inviting! And the whole popoño tradition makes me smile... Ah, I'd love to visit San Grio again! Maybe the Professor and I can go swimming? (I wonder if he'd keep his hat on in the water!)
Thank you for the question!
Sincerely, Luke
[OOC: my apologies, i keep forgetting to type these with proper capitalization! i'm gonna fix that...]
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Hiya Luke!! Always a joy to see ya! Hope you're doing well today! Oh also, wanted to ask real quick... would you rather choose between a tasty burger or a sweet strawberry shortcake? (You can only pick one! Hehehe)
Hello there! I'm doing quite well today, thank you! I hope you're having a nice day yourself!
But oh, how devious you are, forcing me to choose between a burger and a strawberry shortcake! Arrgh, what a tough decision... Why can't I have both? I don't want one to feel left out if I pick the other... Ohh... and both are so scrumptious...
...Ah! I seem to have forgotten this is a hypothetical question. You didn't actually deliver a burger and cake with your letter, did you? So why am I fretting so much? Still a hard decision, though... I suppose at the moment I'd prefer a burger, if I had to choose. Now I'm feeling hungry for a real burger! And you don't even have one!
Thank you, E, for the letter! Even though you've made me crave a burger...
Sincerely, Luke
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Fave boi mention
(How does he have access to the Internet? XD)
"Fave boi"? Does that mean... favorite boy? How do you pick one boy as your favorite? Aren't there a lot of them? ...Sorry for asking so many questions; I suppose you're trying to compliment me! It's an honor to be your favorite boy, if that is indeed what you're trying to say! Hehe!
Also, I'm not sure what you mean by the "internet". I don't think I've ever heard of that before... is it a place? Or some sort of object? Maybe I should ask the Professor... (I'm not sure what "XD" means either... it looks almost like a face if I look at it sideways, though...)
Anyway, thank you for the letter!
Sincerely, Luke
[OOC: to luke, you're just sending him physical letters in the professor's mailbox, and he's sending you letters back! so, even though this blog is technically run through the internet, he isn't going to regard it as such! sorry for any confusion.]
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Hi there! My name is Luke Triton, and I'm the #1 apprentice of the famous Professor Layton! So very nice to meet you!
I've helped the Professor investigate a number of mysterious cases the past few years, which I'm sure you've heard about in the newspapers... but I also help the Professor back at Gressenheller University! The other day I brought him the letters in his office mailbox, like usual, and was just about to tend to other matters when he called my name: there was a letter for me!
Once I was finished writing a response to my "fan" (surprised that I should even have one), the Professor suggested that I use his office mailbox to receive more letters: he was sure that more people would love to ask me questions, if they knew they could...
...Well, I trust the Professor's judgement! Thus I am advertising: if you have any questions about me, the Professor, or the adventures I've been on, I'd be more than happy to answer them for you! Just write a letter and address it to Luke Triton at Gressenheller University!
Thank you kindly! I look forward to your letters!

[OOC details/notes below!]

this is an rp/askblog run by @smile-files!
apologies in advance if your letter is replied to late... luke is a busy boy, after all (and so am i)!
it should go without saying, but please no nsfw letters!
i will try my best to be canon-compliant and in-character! apologies for any mistakes i make!
just for reference, this blog takes place before unwound future (as in, luke is still living in london and helping the professor as his apprentice)! if you mention anything that happens later, luke won't know what you're talking about...
remember, this is just for fun! enjoy <3
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