#/ anon wank cw.
allgremlinart · 3 months
(to your azula post) it’s so real bc the moment u even mention someone’s wrongs (can’t think of another word rn) people will say you’re sexist or ableist bc azula was obviously mentally ill or something😭
Mmn. But it's trickier than that because there ARE incredibly sexist and ableist Azula takes (usually in the Greater Casual Fandom) where she gets called a "psycho bitch" and is not afforded any empathetic readings of her character whatsoever. And she IS obviously mentally and emotionally compromised. And abused by Ozai a la emotional manipulation and implicit physical threat. And it's frustrating to see people act like that's not there.
BUT then you will ALSO see people go "what do you MEAN this textbook example of a scapegoat dynamic is abuse 🙄😂 haha you guys are SO stupid, it's not like Azula was all but explicitly encouraged by their father to emotionally and physically abuse him. What do you MEAN Ozai and Ursa represent the most basic example of Conflicted Co-Parenting ever put to screen, and after she left it was VERY clear that Ozai, and therefore Azula, who clearly mirrors her father's behavior, now had no one dissuading them from continuing abuse... you guys are just making this up cus you hate Azula" I'LL GO INSANE I WILL... I REALLY WILL...
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suncaptor · 10 months
someone needs to be a meaner Sam stan than me because I am too sensitive to fill this niche but it has to be filled for balance in the universe in the face of the giant and overpowering Big Deangirl.
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lfcrobbo · 1 year
another george hate truther!! hi bestie
SOOOOO TRUE, HI BESTIE!!!! i often say he's got the most punchable face in f1 🙏
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
This made me laugh. It's so cute that people think you ever have to look at anoncomms on DWRP. I got chased out of DWRP by insane, obsessive people who think I'm secretly someone from 10 years ago returning to DWRP. The DMs, the constant angry responses my characters would get, the links to the anoncomms people would send me - I went in not knowing those wank communities even existed, but because I had a "suspicious" first name, I was unable to escape it. I never had to look for them. They bring this shit to your inbox.
A lot of DWRPers get defensive and say "oh, just avoid the anoncomms", even as it's getting DM'd to you or their character is being OOC and hostile and openly hating your character on sight. But the reality is, if you pelt people with shit, "just don't get hit" is bad advice.
If you don't have the time or patience for "your first name means you're secretly someone I hate from a decade ago under the same name returning" or "my character, a sweet loving heroine, spits on yours, because I assume you're a wanker", eventually you end up with almost no one to play with.
And if you're thinking, "Well, just go through all of DWRP history, pick a name no one can freak out about, close your DMs and avoid the drama" - nope. If you don't have Discord and Plurk and DMs open, people will talk amongst themselves, decide you're either a shitty person, a nonserious player, or both, and never interact with your characters.
There's a reason why games have to have such lenient activity checks, why games are closing that had previously lasted a decade, and why you see so many posts with zero replies.
Yeah, dumbass, most of us DO avoid petty shit - that's why we left.
If anything the original anon undersold just how toxic DWRP is. They didn't mention the endless freakouts about headcanons not matching canon, the people who come up with excuses not to play for months but lose their shit if your character does things without theirs, the panic about someone using a CW or TW meaning the antis have invaded while also viewing people who play or watch too much animation as sus, the "heads up" DMs letting you know so and so is upset about this thing you did but then when you check with so and so they aren't, the scathing remarks about anyone who tags "too much" with a character from one medium to characters from another, the people who ostracize someone for tagging them because "he should have known I ONLY play with MCUs! I didn't say everyone could tag me! he doesn't respect my boundaries!", the refusal to tag with or even acknowledge nonbinary characters and players, the people who'll slide into your DMs to tell you your writing style is suspiciously similar to that of someone who they saw playing some lolicon and they're not saying you're them they're just saying you should know and if you play any girls you're sus, the people who tell you not to play with anyone who has a female live action OC because the only reason someone has one of those is if it's a self-insert...
"You're telling on yourself! Just magically avoid all DMs, comments replying to yours telling you shit, people behaving in dumbass ways, and anon comms!"
Tell me you've never been in a toxic fandom without telling me. This is like saying, "Just avoid every alligator and mosquito in the swamp. It's your fault for not enjoying the swamp. Just go to the parts without the alligators and mosquitos who are actively following you."
If you're a DWRPer salty your hobby is dying: it deserves to die if it's this dysfunctional.
If you're not: Go play there if you think it's so easy to avoid the toxicity. Have fun! You'll enjoy yourself and make lots of stable, well-adjusted friends, I'm sure.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
can you rec your favorite dirtiest kink fics? can be drarry or rare pairs…no me importa
Sure thing, anon! This list might be shorter than expected because imho not every kinky fic is intentionally written to be dirty/“wank bank” material. Sometimes hot smut is not kinky at all, and some kinky fics can get so angsty and introspective they feel more like a character study if that makes sense? Then again, kinky smut addressing trauma might be even hotter because it’s emotional (see also: Ruinsplume’s works, my jam!). Long story short I think it all becomes very subjective so I hope this very personal rec list makes sense to other people!
I’m happy that you’re open to rare pairs bc I rarely rely on Drarry for pure filth lol maybe because I’m emotionally attached to them? Who knows, not me 🤣 in any case I’ve done multiple smut reclists for Drarry in the past (including kinky fics), you can find them all here. Lastly, if you’re into Newt/Percival (from Fantastic Beasts) then I strongly recommend checking Miss_LV, especially Ravishing. Enjoy!
A Case of You by ruinsplume (Scorbus + Albus/James)
A Lesser Magic by @lqtraintracks (Draco/Albus)
Belonging series by slashpervert (Scorbus + Harry/Scorpius)
Beg and A Working Night, anon (Harry/Teddy/Draco, Teddy/others)
Charlie Weasley's Fuck Autobiography by @lqtraintracks (Charlie/Teddy/Harry/Draco, Charlie/Bill)
Daddy’s Little Girl by tryslora (Draco/Lily Luna/Neville)
Dirty series by slashpervert (Harry/Fred/George, Harry/others)
Euphoria by birdsofshore (Scorbus + Dralbus)
Is This It by MillicentMakepeace (Draco/Ron)
It Started in the Shower by chickenlivesinpumpkin (Drarry) - cw: dub/non-con
it's brutal out here by @dracoladon and @lazywonderlvnd (Draco/Charlie, Draco/Others)
Just One More Secret by marguerite_26 (Harry/Sirius)
Keep your hands on me by @tenthousandyearsx (Drarry + Draco/Others)
Pretty Baby Universe by literaryspell (Drarry)
Sweet and Crafty, Soft and Sly by tamlane (Charlie/nieces)
There's love if you want it by RedHorse (Harry, Sirius + Harry/Others)
To the Vagaries of the Young by secretsalex (Draco/Albus)
Utter Cockslut (A Worthy Cause) by Lokifan (Drarry + Draco/Others)
Bonus: Must read Kinkuary collections
Kinktober 2020 by M0stlyVoid
Kinkuary 2023 by @wolfpants
Kinkuary 2023 by iota_after_dark
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theodore-lasso · 1 year
All this current talk about fic and pseudonyms and the Ted Lasso fandom has really brought up something that happened to me last year and I feel like it might be useful to talk about it openly. (Heads up this is long so start scrolling if you don't care abt this fandom wank)
CW discussion of sexual assault and rape in fic
I wrote a fic last year that just based on the pairing being Nate/Keeley, I knew would be controversial. Here is that fic. I didn’t want any drama that came along with it associated with me or my writing and I wanted to feel more free and less confined by (what I’ve found to be in this fandom) very strict rules about how you portray sex, kink, and consent in fic, so I made a new AO3 account to post it. By the way it is tagged as Nate/Keeley (I would assume you wouldn’t read a pairing you weren’t interested in), and it’s Explicit which means you have to consent to view it.
The first couple of replies I got were pretty disheartening but not unexpected, you can still read them on the original fic, but even when I clarified that as the author I didn’t intend for this to be sexual assault, and therefore why I didn’t tag it as such, I got this comment (I’m keeping everything anon in this post)
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And tbh this comment was pretty devastating to get and at this point I already didn’t want to bother writing any more rarepairs or “controversial” pairings, and I didn’t want to write anything that might stir the pot at all. I wanted to hide behind the pseudonym. Also - I don’t really think it’s about the content of my fic but that this is considered an appropriate response at all. But y’know what we’d agreed to disagree (even though it sucked) and I was moving on with my life and logging out of that account.
But then, like the next day, I woke up to find this. Which I’m not going to link because it’s not mine
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But yeah look getting a response fic posted and having it be a post-rape comfort fic written on anon so there was no way for me to discuss this with the author, it was maybe the worst fandom experience I’ve ever had. You ask why people don’t write kinkier or darker or more challenging fics and why people stick to light genre-appropriate tones. This is what happens when people step out of line. If the fandom would actually learn “hey this isn’t for me, I will leave it alone” maybe we would have more expansive types of fic, but until we learn that I think we’re unfortunately going to stick with the fic we have. The comments alone? They sucked, I personally thought they were a little out of line, but I was happy to just get over it because people who did understand my intent read it and commented too. But having a whole fic written on a pretty harmful misinterpretation of my fic? That’s new
I know this was a long post, but I just think that this is a good example of why people Don’t write certain things, and what actually is happening when they do, because I know a lot of people don’t see what’s happening. If I *had* been a completely new author to the fandom like everyone thought when I was posting on a brand new account, there's no fucking way I would've come back.
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eisforeidolon · 9 months
What do you think of j2 not even seemingly signing on for cons together anymore
Are you really gonna keep beating this dead horse into dust until it rises again as a bloodthirsty zombie equine of doom? Like, okay, sure I get it, trolls gonna troll, but man, I'm bored. This is the last time I'm going to bother:
J2 aren't booking ALL cons together. To reiterate, as I pointed out the first time, this is not the same thing as booking NO cons together [X]. (Current count between now and end of 2023 is 24 events: 11 with a solo J, 8 with both Js, 5 with no Js announced.) As one of my anons pointed out [X], joint M&G events have been relatively recently added as a regular thing at the cons they do have booked together. And as I and another anon pointed out [X], it would have been very easy for them to ask for at least one of the regular panels to be split to solos when Creation changed the branding/format post-SPN.
Yes, there have been multiple recent Creation cons where Jensen has announced before or without Jared also doing so now in addition to the overseas ones where cost is a major factor. But those 8 cons that they do have booked together aren't some holdover from years ago before this fallout supposedly happened, they were announced relatively recently. So I guess Jared can put up with Jensen (right up directly in person in all those joint panels, ops, and M&Gs) if it's Hawaii. Or Jibcon. Or Chicago. Or. But not the other ones just recently booked in this last wave of announcements, those are different, because ... ??? Get back to me when they literally stop doing cons together instead of people on the internet pretending only the ones they do apart count as significant because reasons.
So why is Jared not booking all the same Creation cons Jensen is specifically in this last set of announcements? Short of him saying something about it, we don't know. There could be event(s) or circumstances he's trying to plan around. Including some reason why committing to additional specific weekends just isn't being done right now - the change is a matter of recent announcements rather than being tied to the chronology of the cons themselves. He could want to just do fewer Creation cons while Jensen doesn't (they are, after all, *gasp* separate people). He's obviously wanting to do more overseas cons and he could be trying to book more of those first or instead. He could be wanting to spend more of his promotional/con time on events that promote him as a solo entity/the star of Walker as a calculated imaging/business move (especially considering what the new CW is like). There could be all kinds of other potentially overlapping reasons we're not privy to that have sweet fuckall to do with Jensen and make that much more sense because of it.
This fandom froths itself into a tizzy over its own damn shadow on any given Thursday. So it's very easy for somebody to pop on anon, stir the pot, and then skulk off until the next anthill they can try to turn into a mountain. The beauty of doing it anon is there's never any accountability whatsoever when the facts of one of these extended conspiracy speculation wank sessions eventually do come to light and it turns out fandom was just being fandom again.
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theleakypen · 2 years
So you're a fetishist who views queer relationships as toys, and you think shipping a character (Stede) with his constant tormentor and would-be murderer (who has also abused his crew and Edward) is FINE because it would be HOT. Because to you, queer men exist as playthings and you like to see them suffer.
You're not an ally. You're not a fan. You're a piece of fucking vomit-encrusted shit. You're a homophobe.
Come off anon and say that to my face, darling. We could be excellent kismeses ;)
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suncaptor · 3 years
Unpopular opinion but the unwavering faith and determination to see Cas as not working with Crowley in TMWWBK was actually not a sign of a healthy, trusting, or loving relationship whatsoever, or a sign Dean cared about Cas more than say Sam, but rather a result of idealisation that then snapped into devaluation where Dean threatened to kill Cas when he realised he had lied to him despite the fact he did have many reasons, most of which revolved around saving the world and protecting Dean, all of which Dean in a logical state of mind could work with and reason with, but instead led to an deep escalation of the situation that Dean couldn’t see Cas as himself until Cas wasn’t really himself anymore.
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come-chaos · 2 years
So the 'shoving down the throat,' that sounds very familiar. I've heard a lot of homophobic people say that about gay or LGBTQ stuff that's simply put on the internet or in the media. It's not to anger anyone. It's not to out right harass anyone. It's to just... Put it out there. Because of this, people have said time and time again that it's media or on screen existence is being shoved down their throats because they don't like it and they don't like that people are showing it exists or people have nothing against it.
Same energy, right? Or no? I just want your opinion on that. It just sounded the same to me: different concepts, but same energy.
Absolutely. I thought of the exact same thing when I read the previous anon's message. Thank you for putting it into words.
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orionsangel86 · 3 years
honestly dean’s finale speech wasn’t inherently problematic. we have heard these bibro speeches before. and no there’s nothing incestuous about i love you so much my baby brother. it’s singers directing that made me cringe and the weird romantic music editing that made me look away in disgust. perhaps i’d feel differently if i didn’t know this was pandering to creeps but *shrugs*. and after castiels confession in which dean and cas had to stand five feet away this just felt weird
Oh agreed 100%. The reason I put a lot of blame on Singer for a lot of the fuckery is the way he chose to film those scenes. The CLEAR pandering to incest fetishizers just made me gag.
The actual scripted words weren’t bad at all. Just yet another brother moment around the sun like the hundreds that came before it. Nothing new or interesting, the same thing they’ve been doing since season 2. *snore*.
But yeah, the direction, editing, music... eww. like seriously. eww.
Bob Singer can go to Hell. I mean that. Dudes a creep.
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riosnecktattoo · 3 years
i 100% feel the same way about seeing other people with halves of my ship - like what is the point i'm here for 2 ppl being in love not this bs with some other rando coming in to ruin it. love triangles suck ass !!!!!!
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equalseleventhirds · 3 years
I haven’t seen much of the show anymore mostly because I’m not really interested in TMA anymore and because the show’s writing in the whole trauma areas is really triggering to me as someone who is mentally ill and has trauma. Can we talk more about this shows’ abuse apologism? I hate how the show constantly blames characters like Jon, Anges or Micheal for being monsters as if it was their choice when they were 1/4
Obviously being manipulated against their will or had no other choice but to lose their humanity for the sake of their own survival. I hate how the writing in S5 is making Jon turn into this manipulative abusive asshole simply because “he’s a monster now” by taking people’ humanities away and guilt tripping them or going as far as to attack someone simply because they were in a panic about their own child only to then insult them. He’s even compared to his own abusers Elias and Jude. 2/4
3/4 Elias who gaslighted, groomed, and manipulated Jon into causing the fucking apocalypse and ended up giving Jon a serious mental fucking break down is being compared to Jon who is a trauma survivor or would be, if arguably, the show was written better. Does no one remember the end of season four including the show’s own writer??? 3/4
How did no one look over this writing and see how potentially dangerous it was to actual trauma survivors when there’s already a stigma surrounding them about all trauma survivors being likely to become abusers themselves? Comparing trauma survivors, yes even a horror setting, to their own abusers is fucking dangerous. Also, to anyone defending Jon in S5 simply because he was “traumatized”, just because you’re traumatized doesn’t give you an excuse to be an abusive dickhead to other people. 4/4 
hey anon, this was kiiiiiind of a lot to sort of throw at me? i sort of wish you had made your own post, because this is 0% related to the things i have talked about, but i’m gonna. try to address it.
because i think you’re wrong.
i don’t think the writing of tma blames jon, agnes, OR michael for what happened to them. i think it is very, very explicitly clear that none of them are to blame. some characters blame them, but the actual narrative takes a hard fucking line that they are not to blame for their abusers’ actions, and this is reiterated multiple times.
also i’m... not sure when you think jon was compared to elias and jude? like, jude did this whole pleading ‘you’re just like me pls don’t kill me’ thing but that was absolute villainous bullshit, and aside from it being stated a bunch that jon is NOT jonah, ppl don’t....... talk abt them???
i also don’t think jon in s5 is abusive? i’m not really sure where you get that idea. jon in s5 is dealing with a lot and occasionally snaps at people or makes bad choices, but he isn’t abusive. as someone who survived a fuckton of mental & emotional abuse, hearing jon called abusive is. hm. not great.
the two instances you are (i think?) bringing up are what he did to jordan kennedy and that time he yelled at one of helen’s victims? with jordan, jon was trying to help him. he did not ‘take away his humanity’; jordan did not become inhuman, any more than jon or martin would now be ‘inhuman’. he gave him some power and awareness he did not have before, because he wanted to help jordan stop suffering, and once jordan realized what this meant, jon offered to undo what he had done if jordan wanted it. he gave him a choice, a tough choice, but literally the entire world is in a tough situation. my abusers certainly did not attempt to give me agency or power.
with helen’s victim, jon was in an even tougher situation; he had just been pulled out of a statement which we know is jarring for him, he’d just (temporarily, but still) lost martin, his only friend in this hellscape, and helen was there next to him, needling him and making things worse. helen’s victim reached out to physically touch him, and jon panicked and snapped at her not to touch him. other than that he spent that scene with her offering to help and apologizing for the situation she was in. that is not abuse! him yelling at someone when his personal boundaries are encroached upon by a stranger, and then immediately trying to help her is not abuse! what the actual absolute fuck, anon.
i know you said you haven’t been listening to the show, so i really really hope that both of those incidents you didn’t actually listen to, only got through hearsay, bcos jon being an abusive
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suncaptor · 3 years
If Sam can't be exactly what Dean wants him to be, he gets beaten physically and forcibly shaped into it. This includes if what Dean needs Sam to be is a punching bag. If Sam, for any reason, is incapable of shaping himself into it, he is faced with extreme force, even when everything he's asking for from Dean is help.
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elcorhamletlive · 5 years
do you think tony regrets his actions in civil war (and aou with ultron)? based on my watching of endgame it doesn't seem so, although i could just be embittered by his stans being like tONy wAS rIGHT. him giving back the shield seemed kind of hollow with his whole refrain of "i told you time travel would be dANGerOUS" (sorry this is probably obnoxious to read)
I think he does. I think we are clearly shown this in both movies. In Ultron, he regrets his actions so much he leaves the team entirely, and the guilt he feels over Ultron’s destruction carries over to CW, being, imo, one of the reasons he welcomes the Accords with open arms. I know there’s no actual conversation about it, but I think this is a problem in the movie’s script, which, imo, doesn’t handle Tony’s arc very well (the conversation he has with Fury in the barn should have been had with the other Avengers, who never actually learn what motivated Tony to make Ultron in the first place). When we look at Tony’s actions, though, I see clear regret.
Then in Civil War, when he goes to Siberia to help Steve, ignoring Ross’ orders, and then ignores Ross’ phone call to let team Cap escape, that to me shows that, even if he still might think the Accords are a good idea/a necessary evil, he does regret signing them as immediately as he did. I also think he explicitly regrets not listening to Steve about Bucky’s innocence wrt the bombing and the supersoldier threat, and I think this is made clear in his conversation with Sam.
Wrt the fight in Siberia, I don’t think Tony regrets blowing up with Steve, even if that ultimately almost cost them Zemo, because I think he feels very hurt by his actions and feels justified in attacking him for it. I also think the fight in itself should be seen in the context of it being a superhero movie - i.e., both Steve and Tony fight people for a living, so a fight betweem them is not as big of a thing as it would be betweem normal human beings (I say this mainly because I’ve seen the “omg violence!!” argument used against both of them in discourse about this moment, and I always find it a dumb point to raise in an action franchise).
I also think Tony regrets trying to kill Bucky, and is ultimately a little relieved Steve stopped him from actually doing it. This is mostly headcanon, as the Tony x Bucky conflict is never truly addressed or resolved in the MCU, but I think it makes sense because the reason it’s never addressed is because the true conflict was between Tony and Steve. Even if Tony does target Bucky (and he clearly does, I don’t think there’s an argument to be made against that), I think his emotions are highly affected at the moment because of the hurt he feels over Steve. I know the Russos have said they believe Tony would have attempted to kill Bucky regardless of how he heard it, but I think even if this happened, it wouldn’t be with as much determination as it did in Siberia.
This point is getting a little long, but, basically, I think Tony did regret trying to murder Bucky, in the years between CW and IW. Tony is a good person, so I don’t see any reason to think he wouldn’t regret that.
About the time travel comment: I don’t see that as going against the symbolic action of giving back the shield. I think it’s mostly bantering - of course my Stony eyes get in my way, but even without them, I think Tony is clearly nervous in this scene, and something Tony does a lot when he’s nervous is to attempt to rile up people with unrelated comments. I think this is kind of what he tries to do to Steve at a few points in the conversation - not to piss him off or anything, but to place some distance in between them when what he’s actually doing is lowering many, many barriers betweem both of them. 
I would also point out, about this scene, that giving the shield back is really not something Tony needed to do in order to help the team with the time heist - it’s not something anyone asks of him. It’s literally just something he decides to do to reach out and make peace between him and Steve. He could just show up, go straight inside and not take the shield with him at all - based on Steve’s reluctance in accepting it, I think it’s safe to say he wouldn’t have asked for it - but he decides to give it back to Steve anyway, and to contradict his own words at the bunker (”you don’t deserve that shield, my father made that shield” vs “he made it for you”). I think the scene is the opposite of hollow, and it’s more than an olive branch - it’s a proof of trust.
Anyway, I’m SORRY for this huge response, anon, I just wanted to touch in every point you raised and explain my feelings about it. I do my best to avoid the Tony fandom precisely because the discourse that prevails in this space is so distant from my vision of Tony that, if I engage with it, I end up becoming embittered towards him too, which is not something I want. I think this subfandom has a highly distorted view of Tony and of the MCU canon as a whole, and staying away from it is the best policy - for me, at least.
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sulkybbarnes · 5 years
The dont hurt me comment really upset me when i first read. I once read an explanation but i cant remember much... i think it was implied that gansey knows adam is strong but ronan might not be or something like that. But it was still a weird thing to say to youe friend who just told you he kissed one of your other friends.
Hey anon! Yes that quote really upset me too, and I hate that the fandom has turned into a cutesy, funny moment thing because it isn’t. It’s a harmful and rather disappointing scene tbh, it’s condescending to Ronan and terrible to Adam.
I mean I’m sorry but “gansey knows adam is strong but ronan might not be” is bullshit. Ronan isn’t a child, despite Gansey loving to treat him that way and to pretend that Ronan is incapable of taking care of himself or doing anything on his own. Ronan is more than capable of looking out for himself, and he’s older than Gansey and has gone through so much development by the end of the books. If Gansey thinks that Ronan is “breakable” then that’s on Gansey’s perception of him, not who Ronan actually is or how Ronan behaves. And as for Adam is strong… yeah he is strong, but that doesn’t mean that the abused kid who vocalises how he thinks love is a privilege, and who has never had anyone to love him, needs to hear “don’t hurt him” as the first response when he’s asking his friend about being in love. It’s inconsiderate at best and cruel at worst to immediately imply in that scenario that Adam is so readily capable of hurting someone important to him. Gansey’s implication here isn’t that Adam is strong, it’s that Adam is cold and scientific, that he can “hurt people” without noticing -all of which are things that Gansey has used to describe Adam in one of his many pity party chapters, tho I’m not sure which one, just flip through the books.. there’s one every other page so you won’t have trouble finding them. 
The reader is given the luxury of seeing the scenes through the character’s pov and hearing their narrative. You then take said narrative and analyse it within the context of the book to understand the point behind what a character does or says. Gansey’s actions throughout all four books lead me to the conclusion that in this particular scene, Gansey’s first assumption is (once again) that Adam is so cold and calculating that he’s constantly capable of hurting his friends or loved ones, despite Adam’s every action in the books pointing to the contrary.
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