#/ also excited for loki next week
vbecker10 · 17 days
The Night Nurse (Part 2)
Part 1 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (in progress)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You are the newly appointed night nurse for SHIELD and you couldn't be less excited about it. You have been given the side task of finding out who is stealing supplies from the infirmary. Soon after you start, you learn Loki is the one who has been slipping in at night to patch up his wounds and you confront him about why he can't heal as quickly as Thor. He reveals a dangerous secret he is keeping from the team and you worry increasingly for his safety as the two of you become closer over the next few weeks.
Warning: You asked for angst so I shall give you angst lol but also... some mentions of blood, minor injuries needing stitches, Loki generally feeling alone and isolated, arguing between you and Loki, very brief mentions of Loki's torture, Loki being an ass in the beginning, swearing, a pretty major injury towards the end but no one dies... a romantic ending was requested so of course there will be fluff and cuteness and whatnot
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"There is something wrong with my magic," he tells you and your heart sinks. "It has been fading since I was taken by the Mind Stone."
"Wait... I thought they severed ties between you and the Mind Stone," you say in disbelief. "That was almost six months ago."
"They released me from the hold it had over me, yes," he says. He shifts uncomfortably on the exam table and you roll the stool you are sitting on closer to him.
You take his hand and he looks at you, "But its still affecting you?"
"I'm unsure how to describe it," he admits and you sit quietly, waiting for him to gather his thoughts. "Sometimes it feels as if the stone took a part of me when they removed it. Sometimes it feels like there may be a small piece of it that they somehow left behind," he pauses noticing the concered look on your face. "The majority of the time, thankfully, I feel completely myself."
You squeeze his hand, "I'm sorry Loki, this must be a horrible thing to deal with alone." He shrugs but you can almost see the weight on his shoulders. "You should to talk to someone. You can't keep all of this to yourself, it's too much."
"Can I talk to you?" he asks hopefully.
You smile, "Of course."
"And you cannot discuss what I tell you?" he checks again.
"Anything we talk about will stay between us," you promise him. "That's what friends do, right?" Wait, are we friends now? you think.
"Thank you," he nods with a smile then adds, "Would it be okay if we didn't talk about this any more tonight though?"
"Sure," you answer, afraid to push him further. You get up and roll the stool back to where it belongs. I'm glad he finally started talking to me, he really is dealing with so much, you think. He's going to get hurt if he keeps doing this, though. He needs to tell Thor or-
"I have told you, I cannot talk to Thor about this," he says suddenly as he gets up from the table.
"I didn't say-" you pause and turn to face him. "Did you seriously read my mind again?"
"Your thoughts are very loud," he replies as if that's an excuse.
"I don't even know what that means, but you can't keep doing that. It makes me feel like I can't trust you," you tell him crossing your arms. "And you should talk to someone, you could-"
"I had hoped to continue talking to you," he cuts you off, "But clearly that was a mistake."
"No, it wasn't a mistake," you follow him out of the room. "Loki, stop," you try to get his attention but he keeps walking away from you. "Listen to me, I'm worried about you getting hurt or worse. You can't keep going out into the field or even training with Thor if we don't find-"
"There is no 'we'!" he turns to face you quickly and you come to an abrupt stop. "It is my magic that is breaking, that is fading away and I need to figure it out on my own."
"Why?" you ask, becoming angry with him for his dramatic attitude shift. "Why can't I even try to help?"
"You are not even a full healer," he says in a harsh tone and you know he is referring to you being a nurse instead of a doctor. "You know nothing of my magic or of me. How could you possibly think you would be able to help?" he asks but he leaves you no space to respond. "And you do not need to concern yourself with my safety any longer."
"Wait, please," you reach for his arm but he vanishes before you are able to touch him.
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The next night you sit cross legged on the floor trying to count packets of cotton balls as you take them from one box and put them in another. You pause, suddenly feeling as if someone is in the room with you.
"Y/N," Loki says in a quiet voice and you knock over one of the almost full boxes. You turn quickly to see Loki standing behind you.
You sigh and begin reaching for the packets, "If you need medical attention I will be with you in a minute. If you are here to yell at me again or tell me I'm useless, I'm busy. I don't have the energy to fight with you today."
"What if I am here to apologize?" he asks.
You look up at him and he tries to smile but you shake your head. "You can't keep being a dick and then acting like you're sorry. Maybe that's how it works on Asgard cause you're a prince but you don't get to treat me like crap and expect me to forgive you."
"I know," he says. He sits on the floor next to you, much to your surprise and begins to hand you the packages you can't reach. "I am truly sorry for last night, you did not deserve that. I know I can be a... a dick, was it?," he asks, trying to hold eye contact with you.
You nod and try not to let how upset he looks affect you.
"Hmm, I think that's the first time I've ever been called that," he says as if he is honestly thinking about it.
"To your face maybe," you shrug and he chuckles.
"That is probably accurate," he agrees but you don't respond. He nods, looking down at the floor as he becomes more serious. "Y/N, I shouldn't have lost my temper with you, I promise I will not do it again. I know you are only trying to help me and I greatly appreciate your concern although I am aware that I do not deserve it, especially not now."
You look down as well, fidgeting with the cotton ball packet in your hand. I want to forgive him but how can I be sure this isn't just his pattern? Is he going to continue to snap at me for no reason then apologize after? I want to help him and I'm so worried about him but I can't deal with that, you think.
"I understand if you don't wish to speak with me any longer," he says and you aren't sure if he read your mind or not. "But you were right. I do need someone and to be honest, I think I could benefit greatly from someone who tells me when I'm being a dick." He pauses then smile a bit, "That is such a dull insult don't you think?"
You can't help but laugh, "I wasn't really worried about being creative. It was more about getting my point across."
"It was a point well made," he agrees.
"If it helps," you say and he looks up at you hopefully. "I promise to call you something way harsher if you ever yell me again."
"I swear," he takes your hand, "I will not do that again." You nod at his words, allowing yourself to believe him.
He shakes his head, "It was not you I was upset with yesterday, I am upset with myself. Truthfully, I'm worried that I am not smart enough to figure any of this out and no one here understands magic. I'm afraid my magic will continue to fade or become more unstable over time and then I will be... I don't know who I will be without it."
"You'll still be annoying," you say without thinking and immediately regret it. He sighs and moves to get up from the floor but you reach for his arm, pulling him gently back down. "I'm sorry, my mouth is faster then my brain sometimes," you apologize. "I didn't mean that."
"You did," he says. "And it is okay. You are not the first person to find me difficult to deal with."
"You're not completely awful," you tell him with a smile. "And that's as much of a compliment as you're gonna get today."
"Well thank you," he laughs. "I'll take it."
"Good," you respond then stand up and he stands with you, "Cause I've got a lot of work to do and feeding your ego isn't on the list." You pick up your tablet and quickly log in the count on the cotton ball packets before you can forget how many there are.
"Are you really counting everything in here?" he asks looking into the open supply cabinet.
"Yep," you turn to him and put your hands on your hips. "Because someone was stealing supplies, remember?"
"Ah, right," he nods and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "I am sorry about that."
"It's okay," you shrug. "At least I'll get to read when I'm done... so long as you don't hurt yourself in the meantime."
"I think I can manage that," Loki says. After a moment of watching you slowly gather all of the gauze onto a nearby table he asks, "Would you like some help?"
You look at him shocked, "Really? It's pretty boring."
"It's the least I could do seeing as how this is my fault," he reminds you and you decide to take him up on his offer.
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The following night, you set your coffee on your desk and begin your paperwork. About twenty minutes later, you are almost finished and Loki knocks on your office door.
"Hello Y/N," he says with a smile and you can't help but feel excited to see him. "Before you ask, I am pleased to report I am all in one piece."
You laugh, "That's good to hear Loki. So what brings you to my super exciting corner of the Tower?"
"These," he conjures a small bouquet of flowers and your mouth falls open in shock.
"They are beautiful," you tell him as you get up slowly and he walks towards you.
"I hoped you would like them," he smiles nervously.
"I love them," you take them from him, smelling the brightly colored petals.
This is why he asked me what my favorite flowers are? This is insane, the first man who has ever surprised me flowers is a literal prince, you think. A really hot prince. Oh my god stop thinking that he's hot, he's literally right here, he can probably hear you, you look up from the flowers to Loki and he chuckles.
"Did you read my mind again?" you ask him, your smile fading quickly at the invasion of your privacy.
"I'm sorry," his smile drops and he takes a step backwards. "I honestly do not mean to. I've told you, you think loudly."
"You keep saying that but I have no idea what that means," you say, the confusion evident in your tone. "Its not like I'm screaming my thoughts."
"That's not what I mean... I typically need to focus to hear what someone is thinking and even then it is not always coherent or a complete thought. Since the Mind Stone, however, I have had less control over my telekinesis much like my other magic. It comes suddenly, a person's thoughts will simply appear fully formed in my mind, as clearly as you are speaking now," he says. "This happens more often with you than anyone else in the Tower for some reason. Sometimes, I don't even realize you didn't say it out loud until you are upset with me."
"Oh..." you pause, having not expected him to be doing it by accident. "I guess just... try to stop doing it or I'll have to think of some more really annoying songs."
"Please don't," he chuckles. "It took me three days to get the chewing gum song out my head."
You laugh, "That's what you get for being in my brain."
"It is a very strange place," he jokes.
"You have no idea, so stay out," you smile and open one of the storage closets try to find a vase for the flowers.
"I will do my best," he promises as he conjures a crystal vase on your desk. You set the flowers in the vase and add a bit of water then Loki asks, "Would you like help with inventory tonight?"
"I need to finish this paperwork first but that would be really great actually," you answer and pull out your chair again. He sits down across from you with a smile. "Last night was a lot of fun," you tell him. "I was really hoping you were going to come back tonight so we could talk more."
"I can come every night if to would like," he offers.
"I would love that," you answer then look down at your tablet quickly, hoping he didn't see you blush at his charming smile. I hate when he's cute, you think.
"No you don't," Loki says with a smirk.
"It has been ten seconds," you roll your eyes at him.
"Sorry," he mumbles and you shake your head then begin to hum. "Norns, the gum song again, really?"
"I told you this would happen," you laugh then continue to hum until you finish your paperwork.
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Where is he? you think as you pace nervously back and forth in the infirmary. Loki had come every night this week, as promised but he is later than usual tonight. What is really concerning you is not so much his timing, it's the fact that he went on a mission today.
You had heard from the nurses who were ending their shift when you arrived that there had been a large explosion at the Hydra base Loki and the others were sent to. You need him to come so he can tell you he is okay and that you are worried for no reason but every second that passes makes you more and more anxious.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-asgard @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv @glitterylokislut @biodegradable-glitter-fest @wolfsmom1 @msdjsg7 @simone818283 @hopefuldreamers-world
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 10 months
Loki x Introvert Virgin Reader
The First Time
Nsfw Headcanons
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Warning ⚠️🚨 long Ass Post 🙊🥰😍
My Au
Nsfw not for Minors 🚫🔞👎❌
You'd rather stay at home than go out Partying and meeting new People
Spending time with the few friends you have or your Family is very important to you
You never had a Boyfriend before because you feel like most Boys/ Men aren't searching for something serious, they just want casual Sex , they aren't loyal and most shouldn't be trusted
You are almost 25 and never had Sex before - so what ? You didn't meet the right one..yet ...One Day there will come someone gentle, mature, patient and understanding into your life - who will make sure to make your first Time Unforgettable - your Best Friend tried to cheer you up
One Day your Best Friend begged you to come with her to another of her Friends Party - you weren't too motivated but she annoyed you so long till you gave in
At this Party you felt like a total Loser - an Outsider like all your life - there are soo many People here - why did you have to come too ?and why did your Best Friend left you alone - you said to yourself
I need a drink ,now - you thought annoyed - without watching where you were going you bumped into someone - a Man - a very Handsome Man
I'm not invisible! You can see me ,right ? - he said with a smirk
I .... yes ... I am sorry, you mumbled coy
Don't look so frightened, Darling, join me for a Drink - he requested
You looked hesitant at him
I won't bite , I swear
After two drinks you loosened up a bit, talked more and started flirting back shyly
An hour later your Best Friend came to collect you - she didn't feel well and wanted to leave the Party
Before you left the Man gave you a Note
On the way home She bombarded you with Questions - Who was this ? About what were you talking about? What the hell happened ?
Omg where should I start ? First you left me alone? I was mad at you bumped in this Handsome, Tall ,Black Haired , Charmant Stranger - well ... actually not a Stranger he introduced himself - his Name is Loki and he gave me his Number - you said excited
You should call him or send him a Text - she said - thrilled
No ... never I can't .. and I don't want to discuss this with you
Hmm.. come on why can't you for once try something,risk something,do something - maybe he could make you happy
I ... I don't know ...
A week went by - you didn't text him or call him but you couldn't get him out of your Head
ok it's Time to be brave - risk something - do something - you tried to cheer yourself up before texting Loki - ok let's do this
Hi ,it's me " Y/N " I don't know if you still remember me? We met last week at a Party and you gave me your Number? How are you ? - omg that was nerve wracking you thought
Good morning, Darling, how could I forget you?but to be honest I already lost all hope,I thought you would never text or call me ! I am alright but my Day is starting to get better now ;)
Well ...to be honest too - I didn't want to text you because I was too nervous and scared but I also couldn't get you out of my Head
I am honored - but I already told you - you don't have to be scared, I won't bite you,little Mouse
From this moment on you were texting with Loki regularly
Two weeks later he invited you to a Date - it was very romantic - a Candle light Dinner at a nice Restaurant - afterwards he walked you home - if you expected something now , you should know I am not that kind of Girl ,I am not interested in Casual Fun - I only want something serious- you informed him
Darling, you offend me, I already figured that out a long time ago - actually i already knew it the first time I met you - I want you... serious - he confessed
Taking his Hand in yours, you looked happily at him
Outside of your Apartment - before saying Goodbye - you kissed him on his Cheek you were surprised by the softness - Loki kissed your Forehead and whispered Good Night, my Love,till next time
The next few dates were a Pic Nic in a Park, at a Coffeeshop , watching the Sunset - and you also enjoy holding Hands and kissing his Cheeks - telling each other I love you
A few weeks later you invited Loki to your Apartment to watch a Movie together - he let you decide which Film - You chose a Romance - after seeing the couple in the movie kiss all the time , you wanted to do it too - first you innocently kissed his Cheek and then kissed your way closer to his Lips - suddenly Loki grabbed the back of your Neck and pulled you closer to his Mouth - kissing you deeply - passionate - a moan escaped you- embarrassed you broke off the kiss and apologized - My Love,there's no need to express regret, it just meant you enjoyed it and I am looking forward to earn more of your delicious moans - Loki answered
Your cheeks reddened - you both spend the rest of the night cuddling
Since then you both kissed every time you met each other - one day the kiss was so heated Loki reached under your Shirt - nervous and scared of what will follow you you pushed his Hand away and took a step back - worried Loki looked at you apologetic - Darling,I am sorry,I didn't mean to scare you, I don't want to rush you
I know,I love you- you said softly hugging him - I love you too
A month passed - meanwhile you tried to prepare yourself mentally for your first time , you researched online about Sex and asked your Best Friend about it - you also tried to get over your Shyness and talked honestly with Loki about it - he suggested trying to make you get used to his touch - in your Comfort Zone - till you feel ready
you liked this Idea -so you took his Hand and guided him to your Bedroom
he kissed you and you kissed him back passionately - a moment later you took off your Shirt , Bra and Pants - only leaving your Panties on - and laying down on your Bed - he joined you shortly after - you looked at him lovingly and said - touch me , please -As you wish ,my Love - he gave you a quick kiss and touched your check , letting his Hand travel down your Neck ,to your curves and Belly - always looking into your Eyes and always watching your Reaction
Next he went up to your Breasts - caressing - carefully massaging - you started to breath heavy and moan
After that he let his hand slowly glide down to your belly, thighs - inner thighs - making you moan heavily
You started to feel nervous, excited,got Butterflies in your Belly and a tingly feeling in your Vagina - but you know you are ready because it's Loki and you trust him
Loki , I am ready for you, please touch me more ,I want you- you begged
He took your pantie off and cupped your Pussy - Loki whispered in your Ear - You are so beautiful,my Darling
He started to slide his finger up and down your labia, teasing you, running his finger around your clit - gliding his finger to your entrance - So wet already for me ,my Love - he teased
You breathed in and out harshly, moaning Loki -as he put a Finger in carefully sliding up and down - in and out - adding another finger and using his thumb to stimulate your clit
You are doing so well,he praised
After making you come and feeling an amazing sensation you never felt before you begged him for more
Loki , please I want you,all of you
A moment later he was nude before you - you looked at his big cock nervously , he tried to calm you - I will be gentle, relax for me
He kissed you deeply,lining his Cock to your Entrance and gently pushed in - you gasped in pain for a Moment before pleasure take over - you wrapped your legs around his Waist - he started to thrust in a steady rythm - you moaned out of breath - running your fingers through his Hair - caressing his Back
After a time you both orgasmed Loki pulled out and kissed his way down your Neck ,Breast , Belly to your Pussy - to clean you up with his Tongue - as he started licking -you moaned exhausted started to whining- Please,Loki stop it's too much , I am too sensitive, I can't take anymore
He stopped immediately - hugged you - holding you close - praised you
My Masterlist
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mviswidow · 1 year
all's well that ends well
Maria Hill x Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: A couple of months after being rejected by Maria, R gets hurt during the Battle of Sokovia and it brings them back together. Pretty angsty with some fluff at the end and plenty of best friend Nat.
Based on this request from a while back but I decided to finish it up. I would love to write for Maria more so if you have any ideas please send them my way <3
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“I’m so sorry.”
Maria’s words repeated in your head every day since you bore your heart out to her.
The worst part was probably that she had never told you if she reciprocated your feelings. She’d just insisted it wouldn’t work out; it wasn’t worthwhile. You couldn’t believe what you saw between the two of you was imagined. It couldn’t have been. 
You saw her through the glass door of one of many conference rooms, sitting outside, waiting to speak to Fury while you were in your meeting with him.
You should have been happy. You had just been promoted and were going to be an Avenger, yet all you could think about was a girl who didn’t care about you enough to be honest with you.
You did your best to block Maria out of your mind for the remainder of the meeting, attempting to soak up the moment. This was the kind of thing you’d been working towards since you started at SHIELD Academy. 
You needed this. You needed a win. Having such a huge distraction would be great for you, and the opportunity to learn from a legend such as Natasha Romanoff was incredible.
You moved your belongings into the Avengers Tower during the following week. Your bedroom was right next to Natasha’s.
Per Fury’s request, Natasha trained you multiple times a week and reported back to him on your progress.
The more time you spent training with her, the better you got to know her.
Before you knew it, Natasha had become your closest friend. After feeling crushed about Maria, she was exactly what you needed in your life - someone unwavering.
Natasha knew what it was like to be alone. You did too. Maybe that was why the two of you clicked so well.
She was also very excited to have another woman in the tower. Before you it was her and the rest of the boys.
You spent most of your free time with her. She helped you heal your heart.
With some time, you no longer felt your stomach churn every time you saw Maria at work.
You were starting to feel okay.
You knew Natasha and Maria were friends, but it wasn’t something you really ever thought about.
You were reminded of the fact when they hugged to greet each other at Tony’s party a couple nights after you helped the Avengers obtain Loki’s scepter from Strucker. 
You stood awkwardly behind Natasha until the redhead moved on to greet another one of your colleagues and Maria’s eyes landed on you.
Anxiety bubbled up in your chest as you gave her a polite smile and a loose hug.
“Maria,” you nodded.
“Hi,” she smiled, though it didn’t nearly reach her eyes the way it used to when she spoke to you. “I haven’t really gotten a chance to congratulate you since you got promoted.”
You didn’t expect a conversation.
“You’re looking good out there.”
You could feel your cheeks turning red, “Thank you.” 
There was so much you wanted to say to her. You held your tongue, though, you would only hurt yourself.
Before either of you had a chance to say anything more, Natasha returned and began to speak to the brunette. You tuned out their conversation quickly as the only thing you could think about was how terribly you missed everything about Maria. 
After a minute, you excused yourself to the bar, promptly ordering two shots and throwing them back.
You were soon joined by Tony and Thor who you ordered drinks with to celebrate your victory. When Steve joined the three of you, you took another shot with him. It was not long before you became a little too tipsy for a work party faster than you’d realized what you’d done.
Upon noticing you hadn’t seen Natasha since you arrived at the party together, you scanned the room for red hair.
You found her sitting on a chair, listening to a conversation between a couple of people, and clumsily sat yourself on her lap, eliciting a laugh from her.
“Someone’s been busy,” she said with a smirk that turned into a smile.
“Oh yeah, I can’t say no to an open bar.”
“Obviously,” she teased and you saw a glint in her eye that made your heart pick up. “You seeing anyone lately?”
You rolled your eyes with a knowing smile, “Prying while I’m drunk, Nat? I didn’t think that was your style.”
“That’s not a no,” she pressed on.
“You’re very nosy. But no, I haven’t even thought of that since… since I joined.” You thought back to what Maria told you. “Besides, I don’t need a distraction or anything.”
“I dunno,” Natasha shrugged. “doesn’t hurt to have some fun- and seeing someone doesn’t mean you have a distraction in your life. There’s a person behind the big, strong, Avenger everyone sees. Being human doesn’t make you weak.”
Your eyes flitted to Maria who was across the room, engaged in a conversation with Steve, and you rolled your eyes in annoyance, “You should tell that to her.”
Natasha’s face crinkled in confusion and she followed your line of sight, her eyes widening as she turned back to face you, “What is that supposed to mean?”
You groaned and had to stop yourself from facepalming, drinking made you loose lipped, “I’ll tell you about it sober, we’re not getting into this now.”
The last thing you thought you would have to do that night was fight sentient fucking robots while intoxicated. You thought you had been holding your own well enough but got knocked to the floor when a bogie hit you in the head.
Your ears rang loudly and you’d been sure the stupid piece of metal was about to kill you as you held your head in agony until you heard gunshots and it never came.
You had Maria to thank for that.
The next time you found yourself being thrown to the ground by a bogie was in Sokovia. You weren’t so lucky this time, you landed on a sharp piece of metal that lodged itself in your abdomen as your chin slammed into the concrete ground.
You cried out in pain as you tried to get your bearings, knowing that if you didn’t act quickly you would die. 
Searing pain coursed through your entire body as you reached to unstrap your gun from your thigh. Hot tears ran down your cheeks and mixed with dirt and the fresh blood on your chin. 
You shot the hunk of metal until it collapsed on the floor. You were grateful the lifeboats were taking people from the floating island to the helicarrier every couple of minutes and hobbled over as quickly as your body could go in this state. 
Every breath and step you took was excruciating. The only thing you could think about was how badly you wanted to survive. 
The moment Steve laid his eyes on you, he gestured to Natasha and ran over, picking you off your feet and carrying you the rest of the distance. You let out a sob of relief when you no longer had to rely on your feet carrying you the rest of the way, not knowing how much further you would have been able to make it.
You heard him speaking over comms and vaguely caught Natasha’s response, telling him to take you onto the helicarrier for medical attention while she continued to direct people onto lifeboats.
“You’re going to be alright, okay?” Steve murmured, and you couldn’t tell if he even believed himself. 
Nonetheless, you nodded into his neck and let your eyes close.
You woke up in a bed with an IV attached to you. You were grateful that the lights were mostly turned off, besides a lamp in the room, keeping your eyes from hurting too much. 
Your whole body ached, your stomach especially, and you groaned restlessly.
Natasha was sitting in a chair to your right reading a book and Maria was beside her, her eyes closed. When Natasha heard you, her head snapped up from her book and she let out a sigh of relief, taking your hand. “Hey, you’re okay.”
She offered you some water and gave you medication that was left for you in case you woke up, “This should make you feel better, you’ll probably be a little drowsy soon but the pain should go away.”
“Thank you, ‘Tasha,” you smiled gratefully as best you could.
“You scared me, you know - all of us, really,” She said, her voice a little shaky. “I’m glad you’re alright.”
“Me too,” you chuckled.
Natasha smiled softly and cleared her throat, “I’ll come check on you again soon but I know Maria wants to talk to you.” 
She nudged the brunette awake gently, nodding in your direction, “Hey, she just woke up a couple minutes ago.”
Maria muttered a ‘thank you’ to Natasha for waking her up and moved to her previously occupied seat when she left.
“You feel okay?” she asked when the two of you alone, and you figured she was avoiding whatever it was she actually wanted to say.
“No, I was impaled, I feel like shit… Why are you here?”
Maria’s eyebrows raised for a second, caught off guard by how blunt you were being, and took a breath, “I wanted to apologize.”
“When I rejected you. I -”
“That’s not necessary, Maria, I really don’t want to rehash this.”
She shook her head and clenched her jaw, “Please. I - I was wrong.”
You quirked a brow. That was new. It wasn’t every day Maria Hill was wrong about something. And it definitely wasn’t every day Maria Hill looked like she was about to cry.
Maria took your silence as permission to continue, “I’m in love with you. And I’m sorry you had to almost die for me to admit it. I was so afraid to let myself love you because I was terrified knowing that something like this could happen to you. But when I got the call I realized that I could die never knowing what it’s like to kiss you.” Her voice broke as she finished her sentence. She let out a breath to steady herself as a tear streaked down her face.
You reached out your hand to the edge of the bed, palm up. Maria put her hand on top of yours and you squeezed lightly.
Her breath hitched and tears welled in your eyes while you watched her lips turn downwards as she tried not to cry. “I’m so sorry,” Those words sounded different this time.
Your heart ached for her. You nodded, understanding. “I know… it’s okay.”
She swallowed and wiped her tears, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, a soft smile playing on your lips, “Why don’t you find out what it’s like to kiss me already, hm?”
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insanityclause · 2 months
EXCLUSIVE: Oscar-winning producers See-Saw Films (The King’s Speech) are gearing up on Tenzing, about the inspirational life of Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and his summit of Mount Everest in 1953 alongside fellow outsider New Zealander Edmund Hillary.
A search is currently underway to cast the lead role of Tenzing Norgay who will star alongside BAFTA-nominated Tom Hiddleston (Loki) as Sir Edmund Hillary, and Oscar winner Willem Dafoe (Poor Things) as the English expedition leader, Colonel John Hunt.
Tenzing comes from filmmaker Jennifer Peedom who has the exclusive rights to tell Tenzing’s story via his family and has a close relationship with the Sherpa community after making acclaimed documentary Sherpa.
Script comes from Oscar-nominated Luke Davies (Lion) and producers are Liz Watts, Emile Sherman and Iain Canning for See-Saw Films, alongside Jennifer Peedom and Luke Davies. Executive producers are Simon Gillis, David Michôd and Norbu Tenzing.
Tibetan born Tenzing Norgay, alongside New Zealand mountaineer Edmund Hillary, both outsiders on a British Expedition, defied insurmountable odds to achieve what was once thought impossible, reaching the summit of the world’s tallest mountain, Mount Everest. After six previous attempts, Tenzing risked everything for one final venture. He had to navigate treacherous politics and perilous weather as he embarked on the most significant climb of his life. Through it all, he did so with humor, warmth, and generosity towards his fellow climbers, but also deep reverence and respect for the sacred Mother Goddess of his Mountain, Chomolungma.
This will be one of the hot projects at next week’s Cannes market where Rocket Science will be handling international sales in partnership with Cross City Films, See-Saw’s in-house sales arm. UTA Independent Film Group and Cross City Films are co-repping the U.S. sale. We understand filming is being lined up for spring 2025.
Peedom, known for her intimate portraits against epic landscapes, including documentaries Solo, Sherpa and Mountain, said: “I could not be more thrilled to be bringing Tenzing Norgay’s story to the screen. I’ve been working towards this film my whole career, and I’m incredibly grateful to Tenzing’s family for entrusting me with it. I am excited to work with See-Saw Films and our amazing cast to bring this story to life. Tom Hiddleston and Willem Dafoe are two of the most generous and talented actors in the business, so pairing them with our brilliant Himalayan cast is going to be electric. I have no doubt this film will resonate widely. We all have our own mountains to climb, and this film shows us what human beings are truly capable of.”
Producers Emile Sherman and Iain Canning added: “We are so excited to embark on this exhilarating ascent led by one of the most inspirational directors we’ve encountered, Jennifer Peedom. Her award-winning experience in the world of high-altitude filmmaking, alongside her unique relationship with the Sherpa community and her masterful storytelling skills make her the perfect director for this film.”
Norbu Tenzing, son of Tenzing Norgay, commented: “Jen is somebody who has earned the respect of our people, understands the community, and is deeply immersed in our culture. She’s a great human being and someone that we trust, and she has had a lifelong interest in the story of my father Tenzing Norgay. I am delighted that she has taken on this project and can’t wait for the world to see who my father was.”
Hiddleston is represented by UTA, Hamilton Hodell, and Johnson Shapiro Slewett & Kole. Willem Dafoe is represented by WME, The Artist Partnership, and Circle of Confusion.
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simplyholl · 9 months
Out of My System Pt 7
Summary: Loki doesn't understand Thor's attraction to Midgardians. Until he meets you.
Pairing: Avenger Loki x F. Reader
Warnings: Angst. Pregnancy.
W/C: 846
A/N: Sorry this is so short! I’ve been crazy busy with the Whore-O-Ween stuff.
Out of My System Masterlist
You were shaking with excitement. Odin had agreed to let you visit Asgard on Loki and Thor’s next trip. You didn’t know what you were most excited about, meeting his mother or seeing the place where he grew up.
There was also another reason you were excited. You were hiding a pretty big secret. You had found out earlier in the week that you’re pregnant. You weren’t exactly keeping the news from Loki, you just wanted to find the right time to tell him. You thought that the opportunity would present itself on your trip.
Frigga was everything you imagined and so much more. She welcomed you with open arms. You loved her already. As soon as she saw you, she gave you a knowing smile. A mother always knows. Loki left the two of you alone to talk, and she asked if he knew the second he walked out.
She was almost more excited than you. The next day, she gifted you with Asgardian baby gowns in Loki’s colors. You hid them in your bag so Loki wouldn’t find them. You walked around the palace after you ate looking for Loki.
You stumble upon Sif and another lady. “Have you seen Loki?” “He was seen in the garden with Rose earlier.” She smirked and you thanked her, making your way to the garden. “Poor dear, Loki brought her all the way from Midgard and he’s already seeing someone behind her back. He and Rose used to be an item centuries ago. You know what they say, old flames die hard.”
You couldn’t believe what she was saying. You were only a few steps away, surely they meant for you to hear it. But you knew Loki, and he wouldn’t cheat on you. You hurried outside, spotting Loki sitting on a bench with Rose. You could hear her obnoxious giggle as she climbed into his lap.
Shocked, you got on your hands and knees crawling to a nearby bush. You hid behind it so you could spy on them. There had to be a logical explanation for why she was in his lap. Maybe she got hurt and he was helping her.
“A Midgardian, Loki? I thought even you had standards. She’s not even that pretty. You could have your choice of any Asgardian woman. Why don’t we go back to my cottage? It will be just like old times. I’ll do that thing you like.” She purred.
You shake with anger. How dare she? You peak through the bush waiting for Loki’s response. This should be good. He wouldn’t let anyone say anything bad about you. Loki takes her loose curl between his fingers placing it behind her ear. “That’s quite a tempting offer-“
Rage consumes you. You stand, giving away your hiding spot. You stomp over to them, not caring how crazy you looked. If looks could kill, they would both be dead. “Darling, what are you -“ You don’t give Loki the chance to finish. “Get your ass up!” You shout at her. She looks from you to Loki. This must be how Bruce feels when he turns into the Hulk. Damn these pregnancy hormones. You grab Rose’s arm and sling her to the ground.
“Oh!” She shouts as her body lands hard with a thud. “Loki, please help me, she’s assaulted me!” She whines. Loki takes one step toward her, but stops when he sees how angry you are. “You’re lucky that’s all I did!” She gets up with a huff, running in the opposite direction.
“Darling, I can explain. It’s not what it looked like.” Your hand meets his cheek before you can think. He brings his hand to it, shocked. “What’s the matter with you?” He questions. “Me? What about you? I heard her trashing me and you didn’t defend me once! She propositioned you, Loki. An offer I heard you accept.” He places his hand on yours, and you jerk away from his touch.
“I was so foolish to think this could work, that I’d ever be enough for you. You didn’t even like Earth women, Loki. I don’t know why I thought I was any different.” You fight back tears, refusing to let him see you cry. “You better go after her.”
You sob the entire way back to Loki’s chamber. Hand on your non-existent baby bump, you think of all that could’ve been, all that he had ruined. “It’s just you and me from now on. I’m sorry your dad’s such an asshole. I’ve always had horrible taste in men. I just thought he was different.” You cried harder remembering that you slapped him. “I’m going to give birth in Asgardian jail because I assaulted Prince Jackass!” You wailed.
Loki gave you some time to calm down. He knew he couldn’t talk to you when you were so angry. He was about to refuse Rose’s advances and defend you when you popped out of the bushes like a mad woman.
“Mother, have you seen her? I’ve been looking everywhere.” Frigga frowned at him. “She went back to Midgard, Loki. Thor accompanied her per my request.” Loki runs a hand through his hair looking frustrated. “Why would you send Thor? Why wouldn’t you send for me?” He shouted. Frigga placed a dainty hand on her son’s shoulder. “You’ve done enough today. What were you thinking? You should have known what it would look like.”
When he reached his chambers, he noticed you left your bag. He missed you and he wasn’t sure if he could fix this. You were so angry with him, and you had every right to be. He decided to go through your bag, hoping to find something that smelled like you.
He picked out a hoodie, bringing it to his nose for comfort. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his colors. He knew you didn’t have anything like that, so his curiosity got the best of him. He lifted the small items out of your bag. Realizing what they were, he was shocked.
He thought back, remembering how you had gotten sick smelling your favorite food. You were sick quite often lately, but you told him it was a stomach flu. Why hadn’t you told him? Perhaps you didn’t want a child with him. You hadn’t been dating for very long. A child would change your relationship. One thing was for certain, he had to get back to you.
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loki-cees-all · 6 months
Ch. 3 - Against Better Judgement {Against All Odds - TVA!Loki x Female Reader Longfic}
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Previous Chapter / AO3 Link / Against All Odds Masterlist / Next Chapter
Pairing : TVA!Loki x Female Reader
Summary : You take Loki home, hoping that spending time together will make it harder for him to disappear again. Unbeknownst to you, Loki is also trying to get to know you better - but for different reasons entirely.
W/c : 3.7k words
Content / Warnings : A smidgeon of angst, a whole lot of smut (oral - fem. receiving).
Wait, that's backwards - it's a smidgeon of smut (oral - fem. receiving), and a whole lot of angst 😇
18+ Only - Minors DNI
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⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ──  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
Date : June 25th, 1977 [Sacred Timeline]
“So…would you like a tour?”
You weren’t sure why you said that; Loki’s lips hadn’t left your neck since stepping out of the taxi downstairs, and it was obvious Loki hadn’t agreed to come home with you because he was curious about the decorations in your flat.
But you were concerned that he was only here for another shag, and that little voice in the back of your mind wouldn’t stop nagging you about it. That you were nothing special, that he didn’t want anything serious. That it really was a coincidence that he’d shown up at the club earlier. That he’d forgotten all about you until he saw you again.
Loki’s hands gripped your ass, pulling you tightly against him as you kicked off your heels. “There’s only one thing I want to see here…and to feel…” he murmured as he picked you up and pressed you against the living room wall.
Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, the same way they had the night you met, and you curled your fingers in his hair to pull his face to yours. Loki groaned as your lips met, devouring your mouth like it was going to be the last time he ever kissed you.
Every single kiss with him was like that, burning and desperate and bittersweet in both taste and sensation. As hot as it was, you didn’t understand why it had to be like that - and you were determined to learn more about him tonight.
Maybe that might make it harder for him to go, or maybe so it would be easier to find him later on. That probably wasn’t the best path forward in a healthy relationship, but what else did you have to go on? After all, you didn’t even know what he did for a living…
He pressed his hips against yours, his excitement digging into your inner thigh, and you knew you had him desperate for it - and right where you wanted him. “Against the wall again? Funny, wouldn’t have pegged you as a one trick pony…” you murmured playfully against his lips.
Loki pulled his lips away from yours with a cockeyed grin on his face and amusement blazing in his eyes. “Ohhh. You’re quite cheeky, aren’t you?”
“Depends. Do you like me being cheeky?”
His grip loosened, and so did your legs as he lowered you back down to standing. “I do, yes. So maybe you ought to give me that tour after all?”
Loki brought a hand up to caress your jaw, tilting your gaze up as he pressed another, more gentle, kiss to your lips. “And then perhaps we can find someplace more…suitable…and to your liking, hmm?”
You laughed, and he chuckled along with you. His smile was so loving and intoxicating, and you desperately wanted to be able to see it again the next morning; saving your bedroom for the last stop of the tour would hopefully make that dream a reality.
Sliding your arm along the wall behind you, your fingers finally made contact with the square, brass box housing the light switch. The silver sconces overhead flicked on, illuminating the living area and kitchen in pale, amber light.
Even though he probably didn’t care, you did have a tremendous amount of pride in the way you’d decorated the flat, meticulously picking everything from the shade of paint on the walls to the knickknacks placed carefully on the glass shelves. You’d spent weeks searching for the rug for the dining room, until you found the perfect shade of forest green to pop just right against the golden legs of the dining table and chairs.
But as the lights came on, Loki’s expression changed, shifting from a lustful intention to one that was much more inquisitive and fascinated. His face lit up as he looked around the room, over the colorful paintings that hung upon the cool gray walls, the unassuming carpeted steps that led to the lowered sitting area and its stark white couches.
The dark green tile floor in the kitchen sparkled perfectly, and the city lights of London blazed brilliantly through the glass doors that led to the balcony. Everything was perfect, and exactly where it needed to be - even Loki, who devastatingly re-buttoned his jacket as he started to wander around the space.
“Do you like it? I did most of this myself,” you smiled proudly as he pulled away from your embrace, moving closer to admire the painting above the table. Pleased that he’d noticed that one, you trailed along behind him, arms folded behind your back as you waited for him to speak.
His emerald eyes sparkled as they took in every splash of color in the abstract painting, its shades of blacks and greens crescendoing into blues and purples like a protective canopy of the heavens. You watched his eyes carefully as they widened and narrowed across the canvas, and you wondered if perhaps he owned an art gallery or worked in a museum.
“Did you paint this?” he murmured softly as he traced a finger along the thin, woven branches that served as the painting’s frame.
“I did, yes,” you nodded, smiling wistfully. “It’s silly, but there was this crepe myrtle tree in the backyard where I grew up, and I used to spend hours under that thing. Just reading ,drawing, dreaming…it was my favorite place to be. And this painting is based on that tree.”
“It’s gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous,” he sighed thoughtfully. “You’ve perfectly encapsulated that tree’s essence. I can feel its love - its protection - from here…”
Your eyes filled with tears as you watched him, studying his serene expression just as he studied your art so thoroughly. “My dad actually took thin cuttings off of its branches, and wove them together to construct the frame for me, so I’d always have a part of it wherever I lived.”
“Your father made the frame for you?” Loki glanced over at you, his smile beaming, before turning back to the painting. “That’s incredible. He clearly adores you…”
You tugged on Loki’s arm, eager to show him the rest of the flat - and to tease him a little. “Mhmm. So try not to break my heart, or he’ll come after you…”
“Oh, I’ll be on my best behavior, I promise.” Loki chuckled as he followed you down the hallway to your bedroom, his thumb brushing softly along your palm. “So I take it you and your father are close?”
You tilted your head curiously, laughing a little at the odd question. “Yeah, I guess? I mean, I’m his only daughter, so…”
It wasn’t often that the men you brought home were interested in your family, of all things. But it had to be a good sign, and your heart skipped a beat as you thought about where the evening would end up. It had started off so sullen, and now Loki was here, fresh from your dreams and right inside your home - exactly where you needed him to be.
And while you had no idea what tomorrow morning was going to bring, your confidence that he wouldn’t be able to just disappear again grew with every moment. He’d come back to you once already - now all you needed was to make sure that he’d always come back.
Just as you were about to step into your bedroom, Loki abruptly stopped in the hallway, and you almost pulled your arm out of its socket when you tried to keep going. You let out a noise of surprise - he was heavy, so much heavier than a man given his lithe frame had any right to be. Shocked, you turned to see him looking at the collage of photographs you’d hung on the wall when you first moved in.
No, not just looking - Loki was studying each photograph of your past like they were the evidence of some unspeakable crime that hadn’t happened yet. It was unsettling, and a chill rushed down your spine as you remembered that Brad Wolfe was still missing. That he had disappeared the same night you’d first met Loki…
“Are these your family and friends?” Loki asked, interrupting your thoughts. You cleared your throat and tried to focus on the fact that he was here, and that he was clearly interested in you.
“Uh, yeah - look, I know it’s not hip for a girl in her twenties to have photos of her family on her wall…” You laughed nervously, letting go of Loki’s hand to wrap your arms around yourself. He didn’t seem to notice, too busy focusing on something he either couldn’t, or didn’t want, to say out loud.
“But, yeah, that’s my mum and dad, my siblings…” you answered, pointing to a black and white photo, old and frayed and worn from time. It was from a vacation you’d taken to Osborne when you were nine; the last vacation you’d taken together as a family.
Loki smiled thoughtfully. “Beautiful. Are you…close with them? Your mother and siblings, I mean?”
Your brow furrowed as he stared at you expectantly. That was a question you didn’t really know how to answer without ruining the whole evening. You were standing there, in a sheer catsuit and clearly eager to get him in your bed…was that not why he was here?
“I mean, I’m as close as I can be. I travel a lot for work, and some of them are…really far away, so I don’t always get to see them as much as I’d like…”
You noticed his attention drifting down towards the narrow bookshelf beneath the collection of photographs, his eyes narrowed as he stared at the candelabrum placed on top. Two thin candlesticks were held aloft via asymmetrical and curved pieces of polished brass, and between them stood a slice of exotic green and gold onyx.
Deciphering whether he hated the piece or loved it was almost impossible, but the look in his eyes told you that he recognized it from someplace very far away. You didn’t know what to say or do, baffled by how little sense all this made.
Loki stayed quiet for a moment longer, processing and contemplating some unknown information that only he held. When he spoke again, his voice was so solemn and serious that it took your breath away. “You should hold on to them, as hard as you can…in case something happens…”
The air in your flat instantly changed, freezing into shards of painful memories - not all of them yours. “In case something happens? Why would something be happening to me?”
When Loki caught the dismay on your face, he shook his head and raked a hand through his hair. “I apologize, I didn’t mean for that to sound weird, it’s just - ”
He sighed heavily, as if eons of anguish were weighing him down again, and you suspected that there was no end to the depth of his pain.
“I never had a close relationship with my family…” he continued, despondent and mournful. “And there were times when I needed them. Times when I would have been so much better off if I did have them…”
Your heart shattered as he spoke, but you realized he was finally sharing a part of his life with you. It wasn’t much, but it was enough - and so you stepped closer to him, slipping your fingers between his and murmuring softly. “I’m so sorry about your family, Loki. I don’t know if it helps…but I’m here now…”
A storm erupted in his eyes, and you weren’t sure if it was relief, desire, anguish, or a combination of everything, all at once. But as he curled his free hand around the back of your neck and pulled you closer, you knew that storm was just for you.
Your lips met in a slow, languid kiss that quickly turned feverish, arms snaking around each other and moans that threatened to set the entire flat ablaze. His hands were desperate as they moved to cradle your head, and you pulled on his hips to finally lead him into the bedroom.
Once across the threshold, you eagerly pulled his suit jacket down his shoulders as you walked backwards towards your bed. Loki let go of you just long enough to free his arms from the sleeves, and the jacket fell limp to the floor. But before he could wrap himself around you again, you were already working to undo the buttons on his crisp white shirt.
“Darling, darling…” Loki breathed as he stopped you, guiding your hands around his neck and pressing his forehead against yours. “We’ve got all night…so let’s take it slow, hmm?”
His jaw clenched as he spoke, as if he were struggling to restrain himself from taking you the way he had that night in the alleyway. Instead, this time it seemed as though he wanted to cherish, savior, worship every single moment with you. It made your heart somersault in your chest and an ache of desire shimmer down to your core.
You nodded, and Loki grinned as he gently lowered you down onto the bed. “Do you remember slow…and comfortable?” he whispered as his weight settled on top of you. The pressure and warmth of his body was divine, and the scent of leather and cedar wood entwined with the lust hanging in the air.
“Slow…and comfortable…and against the wall…” you inhaled sharply, endorphins and hormones pouring into your bloodstream and creating a deep sense of longing and solace, a fierce need mixed with an intense glimmer of want.
You’d only met him twice, including tonight, and yet you didn’t think you’d be able to breathe if he ever left again. How did he manage that so fast?
As you shifted your legs to bring him between them, he nuzzled his face against your neck and his hips began to roll teasingly against yours. “I think a bed is far more comfortable than the wall, don’t you?”
“Mhmm, they should invent a new drink. Slow and comfortable…with Loki in my bed…” you murmured breathlessly, arching your back and rolling your hips with his.
Loki groaned, and you could tell it was getting harder for him to continue practicing restraint. You let out a shuddering moan as he started to nip at your jaw, and you brought your hands up to his hair, fingers tangling within his soft and dark curls, to hold on as your bodies moved sensually together.
It was exhilarating, really, being with him like this: bodies still fully clothed, hips rolling and grinding together like teenagers left alone for the very first time. Heavy breath passed back and forth, hands desperately roaming over the other. One of your legs curled around his hip to allow you to roll harder against his thigh.
Dizzying heat shot down your spine. You could feel his desperate want with every shift and twitch against your aching need. Every second felt like a lifetime of bliss as the pressure mounted, and the anticipation was beginning to drive you mad.
You pulled on his shirt, desperate to untuck it from his trousers and be able to feel his hot skin directly against yours. Loki let out a moan, grinding harder as his lips latched onto your throat, sucking and nibbling on your delicate flesh. His reaction encouraged you further, but then he suddenly grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head.
“I thought we were going to do this slow, hmm?” he murmured coyly, slowing the roll of his hips but not stopping completely. Slivers of gold blazed within his eyes as he gazed down at you, looking up at him with a mixture of bewilderment and idolization.
How he could be so tender and dominating at the same time was beyond you, but you’d happily spend the rest of your life trying to figure it out.
“Loki…Loki, please…I need it…” you whimpered without shame, lifting the other leg to wrap around his waist. Your thighs squeezed tight against his hips as you rolled harder, desperate to feel any friction you could find.
He grinned wickedly before kissing you again, his tongue lapping at your lower lip to gain entry. You happily let it in, moaning into his mouth as you tasted him, fists clenching as his thumbs rubbed gently along your inner wrists. Everything was overwhelming, you felt like you were drowning in his presence, and in just a few more seconds, you’d certainly be coming.
But Loki tore his lips away from yours again, apparently not willing to let you have it just yet, and you whined pathetically in protest.
“Hush, little one. I just want to take things slowly…” he whispered delicately, slowing his hips again. “…to make sure you’re thoroughly taken care of…”
Your breath hitched, and if you hadn’t already been lying down, you might have fainted. “But - why?”
“Because I just…” Loki sighed, nudging his nose against yours as his hands trailed down your arms, exploring every curve and dip of your muscles. His fingertips shifted upwards along your neck to gently venture into your hairline, and his voice was so quiet, so full of turmoil. “I just want to make sure…”
You bit your lower lip as you watched him struggle to finish the thought. His forehead pressed against yours, his exhales heavy against your skin, his pupils dilating more and more with every flutter of eyelashes. You wanted to say something, to either encourage him to keep going if it was going to be beautiful, or to stop him if it was going to kill you.
At first, all you could manage was to reach for him, to delicately cradle his jaw and brush your thumbs along the angles of his cheekbones. The frown on his face was inexplicable, and he seemed so lost with his eyebrows arched towards Heaven and his eyes, hungry and wistful, roaming up and down your form.
But as it became clearer that he couldn’t get the words out, regardless of what they were, you realized how badly he needed the encouragement. “Loki, it’s okay…” you whispered softly against his lips. “You can tell me anything…”
Loki’s breath faltered, and for a moment, it seemed like he was going to argue with you. Why did it always seem as though he knew something you didn’t, and why was it so intriguing to you? How was he composed of so many riddles and complications, and why did you feel the urge to find his answers?
If any other man had behaved like this, swinging like a devastating pendulum from immeasurable generosity to cruel obscurity, you would have walked away already. You would have told him off ages ago. You would have forgotten about him.
But something kept pulling you back in, something deep and unnerving kept asking to be felt, to be known, to be observed and held and needed. Something about him desperately wanted love and he didn’t know how to get it - or maybe he just didn’t know how to recognize it, because he’d never had it before. It broke your heart and stitched it back together, and you couldn’t let him continue going through that alone.
So before he could argue, with whatever his point was going to be, you captured his mouth in a fiercely passionate kiss that took both of your breaths away. He groaned deeply, his face smashed against yours as his lips moved faster against yours.
Loki caressed your tongue with his, and his hands slid around to the back of your neck, fingertips gently grasping the zipper of your catsuit. The sound of the zipper unlatching echoed loudly against your eardrums, and your lungs heaved as he began to free your arms from the fabric.
You shifted as best you could, while feeling giddy and delirious with need, to assist his endeavor, your hips still grinding against his thigh. Loki followed the catsuit as it peeled away from your skin, his hands and lips roaming over your neck and down to your exposed breasts and raised nipples.
As he moved lower, your back arched to press against him, and your fingers tangled in his hair. Every touch ignited something primal that had always lingered beneath your skin. And in that moment, everything else in the world seemed to melt away, until it was just Loki that remained.
“Oh, my God…” you gasped, eyelids fluttering wildly and your cunt throbbed in anticipation. “Please, please, please don’t stop, Loki…”
He glanced up with a wicked grin, humming against your belly as his hands slipped the fabric past your hips and down to your thighs. “Nothing can stop me now, my dear…”
Loki’s hands pressed into your skin as he pulled, finally reaching your knees and curling around your ankles. His breath was heavy as worked, his eyes blown wide with lust and burning hot with need.
You wriggled and squirmed underneath him, trying to free your legs. Your heart pounded in your chest as he finally tossed the catsuit to the floor and gripped your thighs, spreading them to settle back in-between. And as if he couldn’t help himself, like he desperately needed to taste you in order to be sure that this was real, Loki eagerly buried his face between your legs.
Suddenly, everything made sense. His flattened tongue lapped at your clit, and the soft bedding underneath you turned into fluffy clouds that had been warmed by sunlight. He pulled your legs around his neck, and the fear of ever being hurt again disintegrated like a love letter set on fire.
Loki kissed and sucked on your soaked cunt, moaning and groaning just as loud as you were. Your fingers curled in his hair, and your thighs tensed against his broad shoulders as you writhed against his tongue. His name spilled from your lips in whimpers and whines and heavy gasps and heady shudders.
There was no way he could disappear after this. There was no way he could bring you to mind-shattering orgasm if he didn’t intend to stay with you forever. There was no way that this didn’t end with you growing old and so happy together.
And whatever he was going to say earlier, whatever was so important that he couldn’t even get out, drifted further and further away as stars exploded behind your eyelids.
⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ──  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
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cozy-the-overlord · 9 months
Free Fall
Summary: Tony Stark arranges for an Avengers Teambuilding Day at a local amusement park. Loki had been hoping to avoid it -- he's had enough thrills to last a lifetime, he has no desire to seek out more -- but you and your endearing enthusiasm for roller coasters convince him to come along. However, the free fall drop tower you start out with turns out to be a bit more thrilling than he bargained for.
Word Count: 3,482
Pairing: Loki x Gender Neutral Reader
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A/N: Drags self out of the grave and awkwardly waves
So it's been a minute since I posted lol. Those of you who follow may be aware that I recently graduated from college with the Final Semester From Hell that involved my computer hard drive dying on me in class and causing me to lose not only forty pages of my honors thesis two weeks before it was due, but also almost every WIP I had been working on in the past four years because I am an idiot who chronically forgets to back things up :D I did make it through college, but between stress, burnout, depression, and the death of any motivation to work on anything because of having to restart from the beginning for all of my projects, I went a while without writing anything. But I'm slowly getting back into it -- I have several projects in the works and I'm hoping to get back to posting more regularly. This fic was a short piece that I had started prior to the computer death that I had a lot of physical notes on so they weren't lost when my hard drive decided to yeet itself into the sun. I'm not entirely happy with it, but honestly it feels so good to finally finish something that I don't care.
Anyways, sorry for the obnoxious A/N. Thank you so much for reading!
Warnings: PTSD, flashbacks, panic attack, a bit of motion sickness?
Tags: @lucywrites02 @gaitwae @whatafuckingdumbass @the-emo-asgardian @imnotrevealingmyname @electroma89 @lokislittlesigyn @moumouton4 @theredrenard @justdontmindmetm @lostgreekgod @naterson
If you want to be tagged, feel free to send an ask/message :) (I also realize that this taglist is Old so if I need to update it please let me know)
Read it on Ao3!
Standing in the shadow of the great tower, heart thudding in his throat, Loki is suddenly aware that he’s made an enormous mistake.
Next to him, Stark whistles. “This is what you usually start with?”
You grin up at the spire, a massive construction of electric green cutting through the cloudless sky. Two elevators, one on either side, are creeping slowly up the length of the tower. They linger at the top for just a moment before plunging back down to Earth, their occupants screaming. Loki feels ill just watching, but you’re practically vibrating in place. “It’s good to get the blood pumping.”
He can’t bring himself to look at you.
It’s your fault that he’s here. Loki hadn’t planned to come today at all. A day spent outside in the sweltering summer sun, following Stark’s gaggle of misfits onto various machines designed to fling mortals from side to side to simulate the feeling of a near death experience? Loki couldn’t imagine anything more torturous. Thor’s begging and cajoling received nothing in response. No, he hadn’t the slightest intention of coming today, not until last night, when he came across you restocking the main refrigerator.
“Are you excited for tomorrow?” you had asked as you arranged rows of Red Bull on the top shelf. “I can’t wait to take you guys around Rapid Rails—I’ve been begging Mr. Stark to do a teambuilding day there ever since he hired me.”
Your eagerness caught him off guard— as Stark’s personal assistant, you had been present at all of his godforsaken teambuilding events, but Loki had never known you to be particularly excited about any of them. “I … I wasn’t aware you had such an attachment to it.”
“Oh yeah—I grew up just down the street from there!” You beamed at him, breaking down the cardboard box you had used to carry the cans. “We used to have season passes – they were way cheaper when I was a kid – and we’d just go there to hang out all the time. Gosh it was so fun. And now I get to go for work!” You let out a merry laugh. “I guess some things never change, right?”
Loki huffed a soft chuckle. He had never seen you like this before, practically bubbling over in excitement. It was … rather endearing. “I suppose not.”
“You are coming, right? Thor said you hadn’t made up your mind yet.”
Were the circumstances different, Loki might have scoffed. Hadn’t made up your mind yet—Norns, his brother lived in denial. Instead though, he hesitated. “I … I’m afraid I hadn’t planned on it.”
“Really?” The way your face fell actually hurt his chest. “Why not?”
“I—” He glanced away, pressing his lips together. “I’m not sure I’m one for your roller coasters,” he said, finally. “You’d likely have a better time without me there.” It was an attempt at lightheartedness, but you only seemed more disappointed.
“Oh, that’s not true at all! I was really looking forward to—” you stopped suddenly, and when Loki looked up again, you were biting your lip with a nervous laugh. “I mean, it would be really fun if you came with us. But it’s okay if you don’t want to.”
“I suppose I could come, if you so desire.” He hoped he sounded nonchalantly cool, and that you couldn’t see the way his heart fluttered at the idea that you might want him there. “I wouldn’t wish to let you down.”
“Oh, I mean—” You looked away, the light from the refrigerator silhouetting your frame. “I don’t want to force you, if you don’t want to. You shouldn’t do it just for me.”
“No, I …” He inhaled, then smiled. “I think I would like to join you.”
And so here he is, at the base of this great metal monstrosity, intently studying the sign outside of the line entrance to avoid Thor’s knowing smirk. His brother has never worn self-satisfaction well.
 The description is illustrated with a photograph of two people strapped to their seats, mouths wide in mid-scream as their hair flies every which way. Loki lets out a shaky exhale as he reads. The tower, it claims, is 400 feet tall. It reaches top speeds of 85 miles per hour. The ride itself lasts about 90 seconds in total. The measuring stand besides the entrance indicates that participants must be at least 48 inches tall.
400 feet. That doesn’t sound too terrible, he tells himself. The concept of a foot as a unit of measurement is still something he struggles to wrap his head around, but he knows that Stark Tower stands at over a thousand. So that’s not too bad. 400 feet would be a drop in the bucket, really, compared to …
No. He pushes the thought down, back into the dark recesses of his memory. None of that. Not today.
Stark smirks at him. “You’re looking green, Tommy Wiseau.”
Loki swallows, straining to maintain his stiff mask of composure. It’s bad enough to have Stark reveling in his discomfort, but now you’re looking over at him too, brow furrowed in concern, and he wishes he could melt away on the spot. “I’m quite fine.”
“Of course he is!” Thor booms, slapping his shoulder with a hearty thwack that does nothing for Loki’s stomach. “We’ve fallen from much higher heights, haven’t we, brother?”
Weightless. Breathless. Engulfed by inky nothingness, the air so thin he can’t even scream —
Loki’s smile hurts. “Yes, very true.”
“You don’t have to go, Loki,” you interject. “It’s totally okay— I have friends who love roller coasters and refuse to touch this ride. It’s a lot.”
He knows you mean it as reassurance, but he can’t stand the way you’re looking at him, as if he were a frightened child, too fragile to be brought along. Are you regretting having convinced him to change his mind? Do you feel that he’s only holding you back? Somehow, the idea that you no longer want him here is almost as sickening as the thought of the fall.
Loki huffs a breath. No. He will prove himself worthy of your coaster. “I assure you, I am fine.” His voice is more strained than he’d prefer it to be. “Let’s get on with it, shall we?”
The attendant seems rather starstruck as he ushers the group onto the ride—he stumbles and stammers through the explanation of the seating arrangements and the harness. Loki’s not really listening as he follows you to the left side of the cart, trying not to ignore the buzzing that seems to be settling behind his ears.
You smile up at him. “Would you rather sit on the side or in the middle?”
He frowns. “Does it make a difference?”
“Well, personally I don’t think so, but I know some people who get scared of heights think it’s easier to sit in the middle.”
“I’m not scared of heights.” The words come out far too quickly to sound believable, and he curses inwardly at himself. “I can sit on the side.”
“Are you sure?”  You eye him uncertainly. “It’s okay if you—"
“I’m quite capable of managing such a seat.” He sits before you have the chance to question him again.
The seat is rather tight—Loki wonders if that’s intentional, or if it’s simply built with a smaller frame in mind. In the cart off to the right, he can hear Thor fumbling about with the attendant, and he chuckles despite himself. If he’s finding it to be a bit of a squeeze, he can’t imagine the troubles his bulky brother must be having.
It’s a momentary reprieve from his darker thoughts, and Loki is actually smiling when you warn him to sit back against the seat.
“The harness is going to be coming down soon.”
You motion to the contraption above the cart, two plastic green masses shaped like upside down u’s that hover above your heads like the top of a clam shell. “It sits over you and keeps you from flying out of the cart.” You let out a small laugh. “It’s like the harnesses on the Quinjets, but way less cool. They also have little handles that you can hold on to if you want.”
Loki is eyeing the harnesses uncertainly. “What do you mean they’ll be coming down soon?”
“You used to have to pull it down yourself, but they have it all programmed now.” A great mechanical creak cracks through the air, and you press yourself against the back of the seat. “Oh, here it comes now!”
He frowns, mimicking your movement to sit as far back as he can. The green restraint descends slowly over his head, with a metallic groan that does not give him much faith in the construction of this monstrosity. He expects it to stop once it was hovering over his torso, but it continues until it’s pressed snuggly against his chest, pinning him to the seat. The attendant is saying something over the intercom, but Loki barely registers it over the feeling of the restraint. It’s … it’s not a painful sensation, but the firmness with which it holds … he’s been restrained before. Little flames of memory spark in the corners of his mind, flames he can’t seem to douse no matter how hard he tries.
Get it off. Get it off. Get it off.
He gives an apprehensive tug on the metal handles that now rest on either shoulder, a tug which quickly turns into a hard yank. The harness does not move. His mouth has gone dry.
“Loki?” you’re frowning at him, your head only barely visible through your own harness. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
You’re not bothered by the restraint. Of course you aren’t—how many times did you say you’ve ridden this ride? It’s fine. It’s fine. Goodness, what must you think of him, seeing him panic over the safety harness that you’ve worn hundreds of times before for fun? He nods his head, shaking away the feelings and memories and emotions and all the other thoughts that he wishes he could just wash down the drain …
“Are you sure—?”
“Perfectly,” he spits, but it comes out more snappishly than he intended, and you recoil with a look on your face that makes him despise himself.
I shouldn’t be allowed to speak.
“And enjoy your ride!” the attendant finishes with a flourish, and the thick metal cranking is all the warning you get before the cart begins to lift off from the ground. Loki’s heart jumps to his throat, pounding so fast he can’t make out the separate beats.
“This part is the scariest bit,” you yell at him over the grinding of machinery. “The anticipation kills me!”
Loki inhales. The elevator continues to rise, inching up slowly along the spire, the ground beneath their feet melting into miniature. This is alright, he tells himself. If this is the worst part of the experience, then he’ll be just fine. There’s nothing particularly frightening about it—he spoke the truth when he told you that he had never been bothered by heights. It’s all perfectly fine.
Perfectly. Fine.
Norns, they’re still going up. He risks a glance at the track above him—surely they must be close now? The movement makes him queasy, and he quickly turns back to face straight ahead. His knuckles are white from clutching the handles. The harness is digging into his chest and it takes all of his self-control not to rip it off. The elevator stutters—is this it? His breath catches, but no, they’re still going up. They seem to be slowing down though, don��t they? Or is that only his imagination?
I’m going to be ill.
They’ve stopped. That’s not in his head. Everything seems frozen in place. Why did he agree to do this? Loki presses his eyes closed. Any moment now. Any moment …
Still nothing.
His chest aches. He may have forgotten to breathe. Why have they stopped? Is something wrong? Loki turns to you—you look ecstatic, eyes crinkled with elation, mouth wide in an open grin.
“When is it going to—”
You drop.
The world goes silent. He feels it, that awful sensation in his stomach as the line goes slack and colors rush before his eyes in a blur until it all fades to darkness, airlessness, weightlessness, his lungs burning and drowning on the empty void of space—he’s falling, he’s falling again, he’s falling again oh please Norns not again—
There’s ground beneath his feet. He’s not sure where it came from. His knuckles ache. You’re talking – to him? He’s not sure, he only barely can make out your voice …
“Loki? The harness is coming up. Can you let go?”
He’s still clinging to the handles. Can he let go? He’s not sure. His body feels like lead. He pries his fingers from the metal tube and the pressure against his chest vanishes with a woosh over his head.
“There you go.” Your voice is soft, encouraging, closer than he remembered. He looks up to find you kneeling on the ground before him. You flash a nervous smile. “You alright?”
He’s not sure what to say. His instinct is to apologize, insist that yes, of course, he’s quite alright, he didn’t mean to give any impression to the contrary, everything is fine, but the words catch in his throat.
stars melting together smothering his last breath
Loki lets out a shuddering breath, settles for a nod.
“What’s the hold-up?” Stark calls out. “Barton and Romanov are waiting with the kids on the other side of the park.”
“We’re just taking a break for a minute!” Your reply is hurried. “You guys can go on, we’ll meet you there.”
“Is something wrong?” Thor sounds concerned, and—oh great—now both him and Stark are walking over to their cart. “Loki? What happened?”
“I—” But words, so often his steadfast ally, seem to be failing him right now. What happened? He has no answer; at least, none that his brother would accept. For nothing had happened, not really, and yet that was enough to send him spiraling through the fabric of reality.
He hates this. He hates feeling so weak.
Stark is chuckling. “If I knew that this was all it took to shut him up, I would have rented this place out sooner—”
Loki forces himself to stand – far too quickly, his stomach churns at the movement, but he swallows the bile in his throat. He needs to get away. It doesn’t matter how, but he needs to not be with them. Besides him, you scramble to your feet too.
“I’m well.” His voice doesn’t sound right—it feels foreign, and thick like syrup, nothing like his own. “You may go on without me.”
“Are you certain?” Thor is frowning. “We can wait—”
Please don’t.
“I’m certain. I just need to sit for a moment.”
“There’s a bench nearby!” You’ve taken on the same cheery inflection typical of your working voice, and it adds a sense of normalcy to a distinctly abnormal situation. He’s grateful for it. “I can show you where!”
Both Stark and his brother seem reluctant to leave, but you insist that it’s fine. “I’ll call you if anything changes.”
He feels slightly steadier as he follows you to the bench—it’s just a wooden thing on the side of the concrete path, across from what appears to be a diner of some sort. You mumble something about going to get water. It’s a relief when you turn away, so you don’t see how he collapses against the seat.
There’s ground beneath his feet. Loki closes his eyes, focuses on that. There’s ground beneath my feet. The asphalt is firm, hot with the summer sun, anchoring him to reality. He lets out a breath. It feels safe.
Unless, of course, it crumbles beneath your step and flings you back into the abyss –
“Hey.” He jerks up at the sound of your voice, and the suddenness causes you to jump as well. You shift apologetically, standing in front of him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Loki swallows. How did he not hear you come up? “You didn’t.” Although it must be obvious that you did. At least you’re kind enough to allow him the lie.
You offer him a plastic cup. It’s a flimsy thing, but quite cold, relieving against his feverish skin. He takes it with a mumbled thanks, pretending he doesn’t notice how you’re studying him with a quiet sort of concern.
“Are you feeling better?” you ask after a moment.
Loki bites down on the inside of his cheek, relishing the way it stings. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“It’s just – I mean – ” you glance down, tugging at your shirt sleeve. “I get panic attacks too.”
“I don’t—” But he stops himself, stops the urge to argue. Gives a gentle nod instead. “I’m well, thank you. I just … I need a moment to catch my breath.”
“I’m sorry …” You look away guiltily. “Death Drop is kind of a lot – we shouldn’t have done that first.”
“It’s not that. I –” He wants to explain to you. He wants you to know that he’s not usually like this—he never used to be like this, he’s strong and steady and perfectly capable of anything you could ask of him, but his voice is failing once again. Loki huffs a sigh. “You ought to go on with the others. I don’t wish to ruin your day.”
“Oh, you haven’t ruined anything. I’ve been on every ride in this park about a million times. It’s fine!” Your voice is bubbly and light as you sit down next to him on the bench. There’s something oddly comforting about the sound. “Besides, it’s bad etiquette to leave a friend by themselves at an amusement park. Buddy system and all that.”
A friend. He can only stare at you.
You falter. “Unless … unless you’d rather I left?”
“No—” Loki surprises himself with how quickly he answers. “No, I’d rather you didn’t.”
Several minutes pass in silence, the frantic beating of his heart slowly tapering off into something softer as he drinks in your presence. He’s grateful for it, grateful for how you let him soak in the quiet. Thor would never have allowed him such a moment’s peace.
 He’s considering asking if you’re sure you don’t want to go on any other coasters (he feels guilty for keeping you here—perhaps he can accompany you through the queue and wait on the ground?) when you suddenly sit up stock-straight. “Oh!”
Loki frowns. “Is something wrong?”
You turn to him with a wide grin. “I just remembered they have Dole Whip here!”
“They—what kind of whip?” What sort of ride would a whip be, he wonders? A human sized slingshot, perhaps? His stomach lurches at the thought.
Luckily though, he’s proved wrong. “Dole Whip!” you giggle. “It’s like ice cream, but fruit flavored. Like there’s pineapple and strawberry and whatnot—it’s like soft serve.” You look at him with a kind of hopeful excitement. “Do you want to try some?”
Loki hums. He has yet to try soft serve ice cream, but he knows his brother practically swears by the stuff. “Is it good?”
“Supposedly. I’ve actually never tried it— we never wanted to spend money on park food when we would come as kids. It’s stupid expensive.” You smirk. “But today’s all on Mr. Stark’s dime, so…”
He chuckles. “And you would take advantage of your employer in such a fashion? I didn’t realize I had such a Machiavellian on my hands.”
“Hey, I’m just taking advantage of the opportunities presented to me!” You stand with a grin, holding your hands up in a mock surrender pose. “You can’t blame me for that, can you?”
“Oh, I’d never,” he teases as he stands, and he’s relieved to find that his legs have regained their steadiness. “I’d be honored to experience this Dole Whip with you on Stark’s expense.”
“Fantastic,” you beam. “It’s not too far from here. And it’s right next to a bunch of these little shops—they have this ridiculous giant sea monster toy that costs like $300, I can show you—”
You continue on as the both of you walk down the path, telling him all about the park’s various hidden gems and the inside jokes you and your friends have concocted around them, and Loki finds himself laughing more than not—he can’t help it, your giggles are just too infectious.
Huh. Perhaps joining you today wasn’t a mistake after all.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 5 months
... Who's the fairest of them all?
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PAIRING | FWB!Loki Laufeyson x FWB!Avenger!Fem!Reader
WORD COUNT | ~ 800 words
SUMMARY | After your last experience in front of your life-size mirror, you switch roles, and Loki happily lets you take the lead. From telling him how to touch himself to showing him how perfect he is as he reaches his highs, he will never get enough of it, and he might just be convinced to switch roles more often.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established relationship (Friends with benefits), use of nickname (Gorgeous, Handsome)
SMUT | Porn without plot, D/S undertones, mirror sex, handjob, male and female masturbation, voyeurism, oral (M receiving), facial/cumshot on face, cum swallowing
A/N | I want to thank everyone for their amazing support on part 1 of this story! I planned part 2 quite a few months ago, but life got in the way so I had to postpone the writing and posting. Regardless, I hope you will all enjoy this, and I want to give my endless love to @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading this! 💜
EVENTS Masterlist | @fluffbruary | Kneel Masterlist | @fandom-free-bingo | Voyeur
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Source
Main Masterlist | Loki Laufeyson Masterlist | AU Masterlist | Part 1
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Loki is back on earth for a few weeks, and you are making the most of your time together. Not only do you spend a lot of time in the bedroom, but you also do other fun things together, like going out for lunch or the movies and taking walks through New York as the leaves finally turn green again.
But now? Now you're sitting in front of your mirror again; Loki's legs are spread wide as your feet are hooked over them, your head resting on his shoulder as you sit behind him. Your eyes are focused on his in the mirror, a red blush adorning the pale skin of Loki's body as he's looking back at you.
''Look at you, standing proud like that,'' you whisper in his ear as your line of sight trails down to his cock, standing at attention against his abdomen. It's long and slender, but it manages to hit your g-spot every time, and its veins make it a pleasurable experience each time, whether you're using your hands, mouth, or one of your other two holes.
''You can touch yourself, Handsome, just the way I know you want to,'' you say as your hands move from his sides to his inner thighs, squeezing the flesh there softly as his hand moves to his cock, giving it a few loose strokes as his head falls back.
''Eyes on the mirror,'' you order him, and he instantly does, not wanting to disobey you. You praise him for listening to you so well, and you can feel yourself getting wetter in your panties. You're still in the lingerie you wore for him while he's completely bare, making it all the more exciting for both of you.
''Can't get enough of watching you pleasure yourself, Handsome; it makes me so fucking wet for you,'' you tell him as you watch him for a few minutes before pulling back your legs and getting off the bed, walking in front of him until you're standing between his legs, making room for you to kneel between them just the way he likes.
His hands glide into your hair as you look up at him, giving him a mischievous smile he knows all too well. You lean forward and capture his tip with your mouth, suckling on it with hollowed cheeks while looking up at him the entire time. Your hand wraps around the base as you let go with your mouth, ready to give him his next instruction.
''I want you to keep watching yourself in the mirror, Handsome; I want you to see how amazing you look as I make you cum in my mouth,'' you tell him, and he swallows thickly before looking back at the mirror. He can see how your legs are slightly spread, your fingers finding their home between them to give you some relief, too.
Your soft lips wrap around him again, this time slowly working more of him into your mouth as you revel in the moans spilling from Loki's lips, smiling around his cock. It doesn't take long for you to have worked every last inch of him into your mouth and throat, setting a pace that has him groaning uncontrollably, and it only wants to make you rub your clit faster, your high nearing too.
''G-Gorgeous, please, can I cum? Need- need to cum!'' Loki begs, and you decide to focus more on his tip, your hand working him in a rapid motion as you're nearing your high as well. It doesn't take long for you to fall over the edge as you moan around his cock, and that's exactly what turns out to be Loki's downfall as well.
''Oh, fuck! 'm cumming Gorgeous, gonna cum for you, fucking swallow it!'' he says as he looks at himself in the mirror, his chest rising up and down quickly as his orgasm washes over him, and as soon as the first spurts of cum coat your tongue you let go with a pop. His cum lands on your stuck-out tongue, cheeks, and even in your hair and your forehead from the force behind it.
When he's done, you lick every last drop from your lips and scoop some off with your fingers, too, as Loki lets himself fall backward onto your bed. You get up and present your fingers to him, and he gladly opens his mouth to lick your fingers clean.
''Good boy, but this was only the beginning because I have many more plans for us tonight,'' you tell him as you crawl onto his lap, the soaked fabric of your lingerie feeling like it's too much on his sensitive cock, but he enjoys it too much to stop you, regardless. You keep praising him endlessly, and it's in that moment he decides he will let you take control more often, as long as you keep telling him how good he's doing for you.
He always wants to be your good boy.
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beabeemu · 1 year
All This Time Pt.4
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Itoshi Rin x Reader
SERIES!!! Pt. 1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt. 5 Pt. 6
Uncle Osamu!! (From Haikyuu) Summary: After getting pregnant by Rin at the age of 16, deciding that not telling him about is the best thing you could do for him. Considering his soccer career, you would only get in the way. I always imagined their red hair, the same shade as taylor swift from the all-too-well short film. It's such a beautiful shade!!! Rei's hair is also like that.
join my Tag list so that you can be updated when the next part comes out!!
I was walking towards Rei’s room, going past a milliard of certificates, ribbons, and medals with her name. Even though she’s only been playing for only two years, the coaches and other instructors never failed to recognize her skill, Which I am happy about. All her hard work had paid off, all those late-night practices, she deserved everything that was coming for her. 
I knocked first then entered, she was watching an old taping of a soccer match of a team I didn’t know. She paused the video and looked over at me. She’s a really big fan of PXG along with other teams, she mostly kept tabs on Julien Loki, Michael Kaiser, and well, Rin itoshi. 
“What is it, Mom?” 
I sat down on her bed while hiding something behind my back. 
“So you remember when I told you that my boss’ son played for manshine city?” 
“Yeah!!??! Reo Mikage is so cool!! And!! They’re playing league soon too!! I’m excited to watch their match!! They're playing against PXG right?!?!?!” 
She always gets lost in her own head whenever we talk about anything related to soccer. I chuckled and just patted her head. 
“Yeah, they’re playing against PXG on Friday. So back to my boss, he decided to give everyone a week's vacation to get us a chance to watch the game, and they even planned a trip to England to watch the match in person, And I was chosen as one of the higher-ups who gets to go and I talked to my boss if I could have you with me and they said yes” 
Then I pulled out the plane tickets along with the tickets for the match, which were VIP as paid by my boss, he’s just so proud of his son you know?
She was sitting up now, so starstruck at the news I just gave her. Then she suddenly hugged me. 
“Thank you….” 
I smiled and hugged her back, after a few minutes of quiet, she suddenly got out of my arms and started jumping. 
“I can’t believe that I’m gonna watch the La Liga match!!” 
She was jumping and screaming all over her room, then she started rambling about what she was gonna wear, she even asked me if she could a PXG or a Manshine Jersey. 
Right now I’m not even worried if I was gonna be in the same place as Rin, I was just glad that she’s happy
In the end, she got a PXG shirt, My boss seemed to be unbothered by it, I think. We weren’t sitting with them though, Somehow the organizers got our tickets mixed up because instead of us watching from the VIP upper box, we were now seated at the front row, so very near the PXG players. Faith maybe? I don’t know, but Rei was really happy with the mixed up. I was wearing some jeans with a fitted turtle neck sweater with sneakers. I wore a hat that covered my red hair, and I wore sunglasses and a face mask. Good thing it was cold enough here. I am still very nervous about seeing Rin, only because I wouldn’t know what to say to him, or how I should react. 
I’ve made scenarios at night about meeting him before, but now that the possibility of meeting him was close to 100 was nerve-wracking. Meanwhile, Rei was buzzing with excitement, I mean who wouldn’t? She was gonna see her favorite football players play right in front of her.
I watched as people filled in the seats, then after a few minutes the opening ceremony started. They said some stuff, then the players started coming out, Rei was squealing happily beside me while standing on her seat, while I was holding her so she wouldn’t fall. 
The more players that were coming out the more my anxiety was getting worse. Then he came into the light, I had to remove my sunglasses so that I could see him more clearly. Seeing him in person was different from seeing him on a screen. 
He hasn’t changed much, apart from his physique, he was still the same rin I fell in and out of love with. His hair was a little longer, his face looked more mature, and his under-lashes reminded me of Rei’s. As they lined up to sing the national anthem of their respective countries I put my sunglasses back on. We stood up to pay respects, and after the ceremony, the game immediately started. 
Since we were near the bench of PXG, they were walking towards us, I kept my head low but Rei on the other hand was standing up on her seat to get a good look at the players. 
“Mama! Can you carry me for a bit?? I just wanna see the players please” 
At first, I wanted to refuse, but I can’t. So I stood up, took her in my arms and we stood near the railings. I kept my head lowered, my face still covered by my mask and my hair covered with the scarf. Meanwhile, rei’s red hair was standing out, while I looked like someone who was allergic to the sun. 
People around us started cheering and calling out the names of the players, which meant they were in front of us, Rei started calling out for Loki, Rin along with the other players. I took a peak and saw the players standing in front of us, they were waiting for the ref to give them the signal to go into the playing field. 
My heart was beating hard, he was right there in front of me. 
“Itoshi!! Loki!!!” Rei screamed their names, at first I didn’t think that they would look, but they did. Much to my luck. I met eyes with Rin. Rei was waving at them, and Loki waved back. Meanwhile, rin on the other hand was just staring at us, he looked like he was trying to remember something. I looked away, turning my head to the side not wanting to lock eyes with him anymore. Who knew a simple action would have the biggest impact on him? 
At that moment you turned your head, and his eyes were met with your red hair, his world stopped spinning. Then he looked at the kid you were holding, She had the same color of hair, but has eyes just like his, she even had the same under-lashes as his. Then everything from the last time you two met up came flooding in, He didn’t know what to think, his mind was blank as he just stared at the kid you were holding. Then he thought, ‘Is she mine? Did she get pregnant? Is that why I haven’t heard from her after all these years?’  Like a miracle, you turned your head back to him, his eyes were wide, he didn’t want to make assumptions but a part of him was hoping that it would be you. 
He didn’t have enough time to think about you two anymore because Loki tapped his shoulder saying that it was game time. He shook his head after looking at you two one last time. Then ran off to the field following his teammates, he tried his best to clear his head, but you were just plaguing his head again.
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smolvenger · 6 months
A Court of Mischief and Purpose, Chapter Seventeen (Loki x fem! Reader Hiddlesverse Crossover Miniseries)
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Series Summary: Based on Sarah J Mass's A Court of Thorns and Roses series with the Tom Hiddleston characters. You are a woman of 1880's in Aldwinter in Essex, England, dying of tuberculosis. Never to be married to the local Lusty Vicar. When Loki appears to you and offers to heal you...if you spend a week of every month with him
Chapter Summary: You have returned to Aldwinter. And begin to set plans for your revenge on Will.
Word Count: 6K
Warnings: Some spicy stuff but no actual smut (please forgive me, the chapters in this fic are long enough), mentions of cheating and portraying Will's cheating as bad I am very blatantly against the Will/Cora pairing in The Essex Serpent and it shows so if you like either character or the pairing, you have been warned. Mentions of sex and religion and violence and abandonment. Supporting Women's Wrongs.
A/N: Thanks to @muddyorbsblr for the brilliant ideas about how Reader could get her long due revenge and the great suggestions!
Happy New Years Eve! Instead of going to clubs and drinking and partying or being invited to a party, I'm spending it editing fanfiction. So this is to all of you out there who too feel a little lonely like me and like you should be out there doing partying and "normal" things...you aren't the only one, and I'm sending you a hug.
I hope you enjoy the start of the "next" season of Court after that cliffhanger! Leave a comment or reblog or send me an ask or dm if you especially liked it! Happy 2024!
Series Masterlist
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
You could still recall your wedding with Loki.
It was night. The moons shone above. Stars sprinkled across the sky as people laughed and went out to restaurants and taverns. They weren’t the ones about to find a cauldron. They could go on in ignorance and always in safety.
But your own pulse was picking up as you held Loki’s hand. Excitement and nervousness.
You both walked into a temple, a building with a garland of roses over the door. For even gods still needed worshippers. Inside, there were two priests going about. An old man and a younger man in fine golden robes swept the floors. The younger one turned and gasped, tugging the sleeve of his sage.
They recognized Loki and both bowed.
“Ah, great prince and god of mischief, what brings you here?” the older one asked.
“I want you to marry us!” Loki announced.
Their jaws dropped, and the brown eyes of the old man grew large.
“Without the…the consent of the AllFather?” the older priest asked.
“No- I do not need it. I am not a child anymore. I am a man grown and this is the woman I want to marry.” Loki said, gesturing to you.
You walked over and placed a hand on his chest as he wrapped an arm around you.
“This is one order I give you, both as god and prince- Perform a marriage between me and Y/N. The Jotun Prophet says she is my True Love- always shall be. Don’t break the True Love Bond. Perform a marriage ceremony. I’ll reward you handsomely if you do.”
They relented. The Older Priest led you both to the large altar in the next room. It had a tall statue of Frigga smiling with outstretched hands from her gown’s sleeves. Firewood was brought to make a nice kindling blaze in the fireplace from the younger priest to the fireplace in the room.
The older priest gestured you both to You walked around it to the wooden table placed right before the statue. It was covered in runes in its tan wood. There was a small dagger, a cornucopia, and a tall, white candle that the elder priest lit with fire from the fireplace. The younger priest stood to bear witness, as well as holding a spare marriage contract for you both.
“The AllMother might feel a slight twinge in the air tomorrow, for marriage is part of her realm. But yet…if you are certain, then you are certain. Any last things you would like before we begin?” asked the older priest.
“It feels a little more like a lamb is about to be sacrificed than a wedding,” you shyly commented, for the Christian weddings of home were more what you were used to.
“The AllMother doesn’t like offerings of lamb!!” laughed the older priest.
“Here- let me make it more decorated, then,” Loki offered.
With a flick of his hand, there were flowers everywhere. Soft roses in bloom, their perfume a gentle caress in the air. They decorated the statue and the altar. Flower crowns were placed on the two priests, much to their amusement.
“Should I go back home and get that lacy bustle dress then? I know it’s your favorite” you teased Loki.
He gave you a small laugh, then lifted his hand and flicked it in the air.
Golden light came down from over your heads, he gave himself rich green robes with gold armor plates over his shoulders Both a prince and a groom.
You looked as the magic went over you and your clothes transformed on your body. You were given a long dress that was a soft blush pink to compliment his green. It shimmered when light touched it. It showed your shoulders but the sleeves were so long they draped to the floor, the way that a few of the queen’s dresses did. For that was what a woman of royalty wore. The bodice made a heart shape over your chest. On your head was a long veil that went down your back and onto the floor of sheer material, forming a beautiful train melting into a lacelike pattern. It made you look like you floated.
You smiled up at him.
“It’s beautiful, thank you!” you gasped.
Loki smiled, then nodded at the priest for him to begin.
You clasped hands. There was a prayer and some milk poured into a bowl and placed at the feet of the statue as an offering to Frigga..Loki conjured daggers for you both to trade, symbolizing how you would protect each other.
“Now, make your vows to each other,” signaled the Priest.
Loki held your hands. Though the priest whispered the words in his ear, he repeated it with sincerity.
"I, Loki, do swear before the AllFather and AllMother, take you to be my wife, my friend, my lover, and my companion. From this day until only death do us part. I pledge you my fidelity, refusing all others as long as we live. My softest words and tenderest embraces. I shall choose to respect you and choose to love you. In my bed and on my table. In battle and in peace. In sickness and in health. In joy and in sorrow. Day and night. From this hour, as long as we both live."
You took his hands and repeated what the priest whispered into your ear.
“I, Y/N, do swear before the AllFather and AllMother, to take you to be my husband, My friend, my lover, and my companion. From this day until death do us part. I pledge you my fidelity, refusing all others as long as we live. My softest words and tenderest embraces. I shall choose to respect you and choose to love you. In my bed and on my table. In battle and in peace. In sickness and in health. In joy and in sorrow. Day and night. From this hour, as long as we both live."
Then Loki’s magic brought up the ring- the very one you won from the Weaver’s cottage.
“That was why the Weaver thought I earned it…even she knew…” you wondered.
“She’s a matchmaker then, who knew,” Loki teased.
Loki placed it gently around your finger. He conjured a ring that you slipped through his finger.
There was a final prayer and chant. The younger priest brought forth the document which you both signed.
“Now seal it with a kiss- and all the nine realms shall consider you husband and wife,” announced The Older Priest.
You did, happily. Embracing each other and locking lips. They both smiled and applauded. Loki paid them generously with a conjured bag of coin.
You both were still holding hands as you hurried home. Your wedding gown and his shoulder plates glowing in the moonlight.
With the crowds around Asgard, you could slip by unnoticed. But you were smiling. He was red-cheeked, almost running and pulling you with him until you picked up your skirt and met his pace. You ran together back home at an equal speed. The thrill of being married at last soaring in your hearts.
You got home in your finery, clutching hands happily. At the entrance, no one came to meet you. The guards simply allowed you through, never asking questions.
“Husband…” you teased, tasting the word. Placing a hand on his warm chest. His eyes went big.
“In the older times, a marriage isn’t considered legal until it is consummated. Is Asgard…like that?” you asked with a slight giggle in your voice.
Loki took his hands around your waist.
“Better safe than sorry, then,” he agreed.
He scooped you easily into his arms and carried you right into his chambers. Taking you onto his green bed and laying you down.
He crawled on top of you and kissed you. Desire burned between your legs as he let in some of his tongue and touched your face, pulling you close. Hands greedily running down your body. Giggling you rolled over so he laid down and you were on top. The veil shimmered as it fell from your head into a melted, sparkly puddle on the floor. He let out a small gasp of surprise but laughed it off, his ivory face below you, his beautiful black curls splayed across the bed.
‘Now that we are wed, I’m going to make my wife scream with pleasure on our wedding night. And every night after that.”
His hands went to your hips, gripping the flesh beneath the cloth. You set yours on his broad shoulders.
“First I’ll have to spare your stallion and ride you instead!” you whispered.
“I love you, my wife… and princess,” he voiced.
“I love you too- prince and husband,” you said.
You began to grind him as he undid his own leather trousers. Then you pulled up your long skirts and began to sink onto his-
“O God, whose blessed Son was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil and make us the children of God and heirs of eternal life:...”
The vicar’s voice broke you out of your memories.
That was just the past. And here you were in a familiar scene. The memory is still warm in your body though you were back in that sterile church.
“Grant us, we beseech thee, that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves even as he is pure…’ Will continued to intone, signaling the beginning of the service.
You were sitting dutifully on the front row next to your parents. Just as you did for a long time. You were back home in Aldwinter, but you did not feel like the same lovesick girl counting down the days to her wedding and smiling up at the vicar with love and even restrained lust.
No, you kept your eyes down to the checkered floor, hands positioned to pray. You wore a dark-colored dress, but you were not in mourning. You would paint the picture of piety and repentance here. Still aware of the eyes still on you. Of the gossip.
“She left our respectable rector for that god. Yet she’s back here and - bless him, he loves her! He’s going to marry Y/N anyway despite all of that! Despite her being ruined. Despite her betrayal,” was what they were whispering in their pews and parlors.
‘They got it wrong as to who ultimately betrayed who. Twice.’ you thought. But you held back that part of you in your head. It was rather talkative lately, but you knew better than to utter a word of your true thoughts.
You looked about. There was the old chandelier that hung up with unlit candles. You wondered how they stayed on. What would happen if one were to fall? Would it hit someone?
To your amusement, you realized one hung over where Will was standing. You wished you could make a candle fall to hit him on the curly auburn head. It would have been funny, even the congregation would laugh. But you didn’t.
It deserved to be a knife aimed at his skull instead.
Everyone kept their heads down, though sometimes a pair of eyes would meet yours.
You were back. You told them- your family, old friends, and neighbors- little of what happened. As far as they knew, you were enchanted. But the spell was broken. Yhat you were returned safely- to pray, repent, and process all that happened with Loki…
And sometimes you did. The things you never imagined you would see or do when you went to Asgard. You thought you would live a plain little life in a plain little town and that you were content to do so. Did they know that you learned how to wield swords and daggers? That you were blessed with magic? Of the people you met from other worlds and timelines and planets? Stole belongings or helped in their stealing? Escaped death multiple times? Fought? Even killed? That you found new friendships with queens, princes, and warrior women? Seen aliens? Been to a ball? Met gods and learned to love one and was even married to him?
Now- here you were. In your old clothes and old church. Did those grand adventures even happen at all?
You knew they did.
There were a few extra faces in the pews. For some in town were surprised by an influx of men who built small houses and stayed nearby. Some women were thrilled for a bunch of new bachelors and hoped for marriage with one of them. They all said they were part of a construction company and factory that was nearby…when really they were of Grendel’s army. Bullies and monsters, all of them. And it was none other than Will who agreed with Grendel to let them stay in the town…if Grendel got you back here to him.
Will’s sermon continued as normal. He seemed happy as he began to discuss Paul’s book of Romans. Once you would have sat up in rapt attention. But you could hardly pay attention to it anymore. He seemed like a ghost in his long white robes. He wore a long blue sash draping down his shoulders trimmed with gold with symbols on the ends. He smiled brightly as he stood before the congregation, folding his hands so they disappeared from his robe’s sleeves.
You heard the voice of your husband through the bond.
'I’m going to kill him,' Loki said clearly in your head.
'Not yet,' you replied.
'I’m going to get out my dagger, and stab him right where he is.'
'Loki, please, don't'
'Then I’m ripping a portal to this church, slinging you over my shoulder, and carrying my wife out of this place. Right. Now.'
'Loki, I wish you could- but consider: they're watching. The whole town is watching and not just now! Everyone is obsessed and looking for you. My parents keep the doors to the house locked except for when I go on my daily walk. Everyone has purchased a weapon. They’re searching like madmen for you in Aldwinter. It’s not safe for you to just barge in.'
Now people discussed the Trickster god who kidnapped and ravished women more than the Serpent that was just a dead whale. They searched everywhere. Children played games and whispered about him. One thought they saw him in the woods. Another thought they saw him in the marshes. People kept close eyes on their daughters- he took first you, then Stella twice, and who knew which lady would be next?
One day, there was a rowboat on the river in town. It nearly ran into another rowboat. And no fishing nets were inside.
“What are you out here for?” one rowman asked.
“Lookin’ for the Trickster god! He was sighted here, wasn’t he?” answered the other boat’s first rowman.
“Blast it, not if I find and shoot him first!” said another rowman from the other boat.
‘But, my dear pet-’ Loki continued to sigh.
‘No- I don’t want you to. Besides, even if you could quickly get me out, I don’t want to leave yet…not without seeing to it that Will is punished’ you sent to him.
'You do deserve revenge, Loki agreed “So I should turn into a cat again, trot up to him purring, and then jump out and stab him.'
'Loki, it is a habit of men to avenge women they love who were wronged. It is in many stories- it is always the woman who suffers and dies horribly because of a villain’s sins and it is not her, but the man who is allowed to live to avenge her. Those writers don’t understand we ladies are perfectly capable of exacting our own revenges. I would like to do it. I am the person Reverend Ransome has wronged most of all. If anyone should do the stabbing, it should be me.'
'Then get a knife and throw it towards him in church!' Loki suggested.
'No! He will duck and it shall be me who goes into jail and shall be killed, not him. I can’t just murder him willy-nilly and with no certain escape or sanctuary. I must be careful with this if I am to get away with it.'
Part of you was impressed by him. Making a deal for your safe return at least, done by a man whose heart couldn’t be settled on one woman. You were keeping your simmering rage at bay. You took a look at the church, you noticed the walls that seemed blue-green in the overcast sky when they were really white. The light brown pews and the table with a tall wooden cross on it with two candles between. The three chandeliers. The two windows that overlooked everyone were like eyes.
When you burned Aldwinter to the ground, the church would be first.
No, no you couldn’t. Why should so many innocent people suffer because of one man’s decisions? You had to figure out how to exact revenge on the reverend Will Ransome, in a way that would affect him and only him. And in a way that no one would suspect it was you.
The service continued on as normal. Though you were always in a half-sleepy, silent daze now instead of at attention, doing every repetition of prayers and singing each hymn and crossing yourself soberly.
Sunday evening, as always, a nice dinner was made for Will, your fiancee and guest. It was as if the letter you wrote to him ending things was never sent.
It was the same picture. Everyone sitting down in your house. Napkins draped across laps as forks and knives clinked with plates. The smell of the meal wafting- your mother’s roast with salad and bread and potatoes. Laughter and chatter.
You would make a smile appear on your face, eating politely and quietly.
Then your father made one clap and rubbed his hands, looking at you and Will.
“Now- let us discuss the wedding! Do you have a date selected, my dears?” he asked.
“We have discussed about the wedding a little more…” Will began.
‘But I’m already married,’ you thought, glancing down at the emerald ring always on your finger.
Then again, Will wasn’t known for respecting the boundaries of marriage.
The Lusty Vicar placed a hand over yours and held it.
“We will reschedule the wedding for next month,” Will suggested. His blue eyes shined to you. “Then, my angel, I shall finally call you my wife.”
‘I would rather the Serpent become real and devour me,’ you thought.
“It shall be lovely,” you replied with a small smile.
“We shall have a wedding- free of interruptions and no sickness and no spells. It shall be simpler, mind you- we all know how much the first one cost,” your mother added.
“A big wedding doesn’t matter as long as it’s with a good man who truly loves you,” you commented.
Will again looked at you softly. He spoke with a smoothness, almost a seductive tone, like when he proposed to you. Not caring the others were there. In fact, they enjoyed it.
“It was God who told me you were to be my bride, Y/N.”
‘But God didn’t tell me.’ you thought. You only looked up at him and smiled.
“And we shall spend our lives fulfilling His word together,” he continued.
‘Did God also tell you to stick your fingers up Cora’s-’
“Oh, how beautiful! To see you finally married off to this godly, lovely man!” your mother sighed out loud.
“I am the happiest woman in Essex, ” you replied.
He kissed your hands and left back home.
“Y/N, now that you are a parsonage bride, be sure to attend to your duties at the church tomorrow. You must become used to them,” your mother reminded you.
One idea hit you. A small step.
Revenge you realized, was similar to cooking or baking. When one has a recipe, there are all sorts of small ingredients to gather, steps to take, and things to measure and mix. Small steps. They don’t seem like much at first, but bit by bit, they became something bigger, grander.
“Yes, mother. I shall,” you replied dutifully.
The next afternoon, the church was empty. Only Will and a few others planning out events in the meeting room. You had to help keep it tidy and check plans for Sunday School, for you were now going to join as another volunteer teacher for the children. As you looked over the lesson plans with the other teachers, you reached out your powers through your gifts. Searching. Would they be where they were last…
They reached his office. To what was under his desk.
No box. And no personal mail.
The letters from Cora were not in his office, you realized. That would take some searching.
But another thing was near his office- the church treasury kept in a safe in the next room.
Another step to your revenge.
One of the benefits of being a vicar was that while a clergyman received some of the tithes, a vicar got all of them.
Of course, some of it went to support his own church and ministry as well as put bread on the table. Will was probably discussing the budget with them from the Sunday tithes.
Finishing the Sunday School lesson planning was done.
Your senses told you the room with the safe was empty.
The old woman who taught the children’s Sunday school chattered on. Usually, women could teach children and other women. It was rare for a woman to teach a Sunday School class that included men. You got up. Saying you were going to get a glass of water and to wait for the Reverend, excuse me.
No one was in the hall. You quickly hurried in, your steps soft. To not click on the floors. Your powers unlocked the door and you stepped in. The plain brown room with a plain grey safe.
Quickly, your senses managed to unlock it. Opening up to numerous checks and huge wads of cash and coins in baskets.
You got out a few things of cash. Taking off your shoe, you slipped it beneath your foot and then retied it on. You then locked it back. Quickly walking away. You went over to the church kitchens to get your glass of water and sip on it in one of the parlors, your eyes down in innocence.
When you got home, you sat down in your chair, claiming you were tired and needed to rest. You looked at the blue gloves you had been knitting recently. Your eyes focused, your powers embracing it. You let it rip open and then reattach, sewn back together easily.
You removed your shoes and got out the cash.
You took the money and placed it in a blank envelope. Oh, how you wished you could recreate handwriting! Then you would forge Will signing it! But you could not, as much as you practiced. That would have given you away.
So at night, when no one was around, no one walking the streets, you briefly slipped the letter under your door. Then you went back to continue to knit more gloves as your parents read.
'Move' you commanded the letter silently.
And it did- it began to drift through the dirt road. You sensed where Mrs. Seaborne resided and directed the letter there as it floated through the ground as if a breeze moved it.
'Go to her house, slip it under the door,' you commanded it.
Quietly as a firefly. It located the house of a certain widow and slipped it under the door.
Your parents then said you would have to read the Bible more, to prepare for your marriage, and gave you a new copy they had bought. You turned to the Old Testament book of Judges and silently read some as they continued their own post-dinner activities by candlelight.
You poured over one story in that book. There was once a tyrant named Sisera who had long oppressed the Hebrew people. After his army lost a decisive battle with the Hebrew forces, he fled like a coward. He discovered a tent where who should be there, but only an ordinary housewife named Jael. She knew what he had done. She let Sisera have her food and sleep there as a guest, promising him that he was safe. Then as he slept, she got out a tent peg and killed him by hammering it through his skull.
You wondered why there weren’t more sermons discussing Jael. Why many never even spoke of her. Or perhaps even knew of her.
So every day you sat, sewed, obeyed your parents and fiancee, and prayed and bided your time. You had to seem like Jael- an innocent, dutiful, pleasant woman who would only do what was asked of her. Then, when the time was right, you would drive the peg through the skull of your Sisera.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Will loved to take long walks in the mornings. Especially through the fields, the forests, and by the sea. You realized each day you sensed him. They were like clockwork-mid morning after breakfast. Then he would go out for at least an hour. If not two.
That would be the perfect time to find the letters.
The next morning, you said you were out to walk and take care of some errands. Your parents thought nothing of it but wished you well. You walked out.
You walked into the town and through. Careful that none were watching you. You knew where it was. You had been there one night before.
There it was- the tall white house, the vicarage. There was a large, plain backyard save for the little house made of sticks for the dog to sometimes rest in.
The dog was already outside, leased to the house for safety as his keeper was out. The sweet, brown terrier. He went up to you, wagging his tail, for he knew you. You got him little treats of bread from your pocket that you fed to him, so he would be happy and not bark up a storm. No more than what would alert any passerbyes. After petting him for some time, you got back up to go to the vicarage.
Your powers unlocked the door and you went inside. Now you weren’t as clouded with emotion, you could look about the place.
It was light tan wood on the inside. There was a kitchen with an empty table and vase. A little fireplace. A parlor by the windows with cushions where one could watch the outside.
It was a large house. The right size for a man who was expected to start a family.
You turned past one door, peeking inside, and you saw a bedroom. A large blue bed, neatly made.
To think, that was where the wedding night that never happened would have taken place…
Then you continued, you felt odd. Nostalgic for something you never experienced…a life you never lived, had wanted to live, and in a way, still wanted to live.
There was his study. The wallpaper on it was green, full of vines, leaves, flowers, and even birds all over. Beautiful and elaborate. There was a window where sunlight poured through the window over his desk sat. Looking out to the countryside outside. There was an oil lamp where one just turned and there it was. So many papers and journals on his desk, yet in neat piles. But most impressive in his room were the bookshelves. His study was almost a library in itself- tall bookshelves. Full of books, more than you could name. It was likely they all were books of theology or even history or anything having to do with his ministry and studies.
You looked about, pausing and smelling the musk of the place. The beautiful wallpaper. The impressive collection of books.
You could almost feel it like wearing an old shirt- the life you once had. A life that was also within your grasp again. A life where you would live in this house as Mrs. Ransome.
To sit in that bed knitting next to him as he read. To sleep beside him and with him. To fulfill your marital duties at night with quiet passion. A life where you planned the activities the children would do in Sunday school on your kitchen table. Sew up white angel costumes for the Christmas pageant every year. To go and stand by his side helping to bring out alms on a day of charity.
Sweeping and scrubbing all day instead of intense physical training. No worries about Grendel, but of making sure the dinner would be warm when he got home.
One where you would gather flowers from your garden to plop into that vase, making them look nice. A life where you would fix tea and lemon biscuits, and deliver them on a tray to him in his study as he wrote his next sermon. To give it to him and he would smile up from his papers. A life where you would sit by the fire sewing, discussing whatever sermon was coming up next with him as he made notes. Plan recipes for the newest church dinner or picnic coming up and talk to him about who was making what. Picking pastel wallpaper for a certain special room in the future for both of you. Holding hands in the middle of services.
No quests, adventures, or fighting. A quiet life, a domestic, peaceful life. A life you could no longer have. A life no longer accessible -and a life you knew you could no longer let yourself want.
Your powers reached and you found you were correct in your suspicions.
The second desk drawer on the left side. The locked one.
Your powers unlocked it and it jiggled open. There inside were letters. The love letters from Cora to the Lusty Vicar.
Because he wasn’t known as the Faithful Vicar.
Though it made your heart race and your stomach turn, you picked up the letters and began to skim through some of them. You couldn’t take all of them or he would be immediately suspicious. You had to select only a limited number of them- so they had to be the most damning ones.
You turned past one discussing the Serpent to a piece of paper with Will’s handwriting on it. A draft of a letter to respond to her.
“I apologize for not writing, there was too much to say. I cannot think straight around you. I love you, Cora.”
Love- Love! He was sure it was love! You noticed the rest of it was full of scribbled-out words.
Then you found the next one from Cora. Two words in it stood out to you and nearly made you drop the paper.
“Come quickly.”
She was asking Will to leave you for her! The shock made the letter tremble in your hands and your vision went dizzy at the edges.
“Come quickly.”
Your mind then raced, imagined, as minds do… spiraling further in its self-destructive cycle of imagination. Will told you he wouldn’t leave you…he also said he loved you. Said that he still loved you…
“Come quickly.”
What if you already married Will…and he ran off with Cora?
You imagined the scene.
You could see it already in this house. You would be doing your daily duties humming a cheerful song. Refreshing the vase in the kitchen with flowers. Planning ingredients for dinner.
The day turned to evening…and realizing he was taking longer with his church duties than normal. Wondering if something happened. Already missing him as you dusted off the countertops. Full of happy memories of him in your earlier days of marriage. The light brown kitchen where he’d lay a gentle hand on your shoulder in fondness as you stirred the soup. The doorways you teased that he was too tall for. Looking through the dinner you were going to make that night.
Panic bubbled lightly as the sun dipped down and the day became night.
You would finally wander into his study. The light shining orange from his lamp…. There, on the table was a letter addressed to you from him. You would reach for it and read it.
“My dear wife, I am in love with Cora Seaborne. I cannot think straight around her…with her, there is too much to say. I am going with her. I ask for your blessing. I will make sure you are taken care of. Thank you, for your dear blessing on us and for our love.” Will.”
And enclosed were several bills of cash money.
For he knew a married woman could not submit a check at the bank, then the money would go to her husband.
And now, your husband was gone.
The utter shock. Rereading it to make sure it was real, that this nightmare was real. The rage. The tears. The brokenness washing over you. How you would shake. Holding onto his desk for support. Until your legs gave out- how you would collapse, sobbing. Those three little words that would feel like a kick over and over: “for our love.”
Then, you would wander into another room—the pastel one. For by now, there would likely be an occupant.
A little baby in a cradle.
A nursery decorated with the theme of Noah’s Ark. A painting of the wooden boat and of doves with twigs in their beaks on the wall. Full of little animal toys going two by two. Specially decorated for this child’s arrival.
To look down at the little infant in its cradle. So lovingly swaddled safe and warm. A child who was half you and half Will.
On one hand, perhaps it would be worse if he took the child with him. A child you would never know if you would see again, for a husband could deny his wife access to their children. The law saw the child as Will’s, not yours.
And he already found a new replacement, a new wife for him, and a new mother to this child.
It was as if you never mattered in the first place.
But now, the child would be babbling and looking around. Then it would burst into tears, for it missed the cradling arms of its father. You would shush it and try to rock it. Call their name, sing a lullaby in a broken, crying voice, and kiss their forehead- the last reminder of Will you’d always have by you.
To think, once this child was old enough, you would have to look them in the eye and explain why Papa wasn’t around like the other Papas were with their children, even if Papa was a priest. That Papa loved Mama…but he wasn’t in love with Mama.
How you would cradle that child to your chest, walking through the rain, the letter in your pocket. Trudging to your parents home in the middle of a rainstorm in the night. Knocking on the door. They’d open. Seeing a sobbing baby and a sobbing mother.
To tell them what happened. You couldn’t imagine what they would say, would do. They wouldn’t have the heart to even turn you down. But perhaps people would talk.
Maybe you didn’t cook as well. Maybe you were mad and had to be sent to an asylum. Maybe you weren’t as pretty as Cora. Or as interesting or clever. Maybe you didn’t pleasure Will enough in his bed and the Lusty Vicar had to be satiated somehow.
You would not be able to file a divorce. A husband who had an affair and now abandoned you was not the legal grounds for a wife to divorce a husband.
In the eyes of both God and the Law, you were still William Ransome’s wife.
Now…you had to stay married to him until only Death did you part or he decided to initiate a divorce. Even though you were the upright, godly, proper vicar’s wife…the law would not be on your side. Not as a woman.
To wait. For envelopes that had letters- and especially money. To live at the mercy of those envelopes. Hoping the cash would be enough. For food, for warm clothes for your child- no his child, for by the law, the child belonged to the father, not the mother. The humiliation, the pain, the loneliness.
All because Will and Cora were in love.
And all because a stupid whale carcass was what brought them together in the first place!
You wanted to take that lamp that sat at his desk and throw it at the wall until it shattered into a million pieces. You wanted to tear at that letter. Topple the bookshelves and rip apart every last book that belonged to Father William Ransome. Do every violent thing to destroy that room in a rage. To run to Cora’s house armed with a cane like what men and old people used to walk with. For it was she who wrote that letter in the first place. Ready to beat the tar out of her until she-
But no…that wasn’t real. That didn’t happen. This was real, you reminded yourself. You were just sitting in his office with shaking hands.
‘I am not the Unwanted Wife of Aldwinter…I am the Princess of Asgard. Loki loves me, he says I’m beautiful, that I am enough for him- that I am great and awe-inspiring…he is who matters now. I am. Beautiful, powerful, and dangerous. I have the Aesir people, the servants of the palace, the warriors, and the army and legion of Asgard at my disposal- and I shall strike into Will and Cora until they plead for the mercy I will never give them,’ you reminded yourself.
Your senses reached out again and you found old documents from when Will was granted the vicarage and position. You memorized the names of those who appointed him. You searched thoroughly until you found papers with the address of the seminary that appointed him. Taking a scrap piece of paper on the desk and his pen, you wrote their names, as well name of their building and its address. You wrote it down and then hid it in your stocking.
And you had to hurry- what if he decided to return soon? Your senses told you he was still walking outside…but you would not tempt fate.
Taking in a shaky breath, you returned the draft of his letter- you could take it. But if it was missing, he would suspect something was afoot. You set the draft down.
You planned to take two to damn Will. Instead, you took three love letters- including the “come quickly” letter. For she was going to be punished already as harshly as he.
You stuffed them into the pockets of your skirt.
You promptly left the vicarage back to town, taking a path that made it less suspicious you came directly from there.
You did a little grocery shopping, and returned, saying you had to walk to clear your head- you had a nightmare last night. About Loki. You poured a few tears and they fixed you some tea in consolation, telling you that your enchantment and the dreadful act of warming his bed was all over.
Then, once you were alone in your room, You took out the letters from your clothes and hid them your copy of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, which you kept firmly in your personal bookshelf.
They were ingredients left to simmer until boiling. You had the evidence and the first address to send one to. You now had to figure out where to send the other two to bring them down.
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vbecker10 · 22 days
The Night Nurse (Part 1)
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (in progress)
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Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You are the newly appointed night nurse for SHIELD and you couldn't be less excited about it. You have been given the side task of finding out who is stealing supplies from the infirmary. Soon after you start, you learn Loki is the one who has been slipping in at night to patch up his wounds and you confront him about why he can't heal as quickly as Thor. He reveals a dangerous secret he is keeping from the team and you worry increasingly for his safety as the two of you become closer over the next few weeks.
Warning: You asked for angst so I shall give you angst lol but also... some mentions of blood, minor injuries needing stitches, Loki generally feeling alone and isolated, arguing between you and Loki, very brief mentions of Loki's torture, Loki being an ass in the beginning, swearing, a pretty major injury towards the end but no one dies... a romantic ending was requested so of course there will be fluff and cuteness and whatnot it just won't be in part 1 (sorry)
A/N: I really really hope you like this @glitterylokislut! It accidentally got super long and I just went with it so I hope that's okay. Thank you so so so much for sending this request! I love it 💚
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You have been given your new assignment by Director Fury and Dr. Palmer and to say you are less than thrilled about it is as understatement. You are officially the first and only night nurse for SHIELD, stationed in the Avenger's Tower. Unfortunately for you, Fury and Dr. Palmer thought you were perfect for the job and it was made clear that there was no room for you to turn down the transfer.
You were doing inventory a few days ago and noticed several discrepancies which you immediately brought to your supervisors attention. The decision had been made to staff the infirmary at all hours and since you discovered the issue, you were tasked with finding out who was stealing the supplies.
So here you are for the sixth night in a row and nothing... not a single patient, thief or otherwise to keep you occupied. Not that you are honestly sure what Fury expected you to do if you caught someone stealing. You aren't an agent and whoever it is has to work for SHIELD since no one else could even access this floor. Very few agents lived full time at the Tower and the ones who are here at night are working. This really only left the members of the Avengers but you can't understand why any of them steal bandages and gauze, it just doesn't make sense.
What is more concerning for you than the specific items being stolen is that whoever it is has been able to avoid the security system. While the infirmary itself has no internal cameras, the cameras in the hall leading to the elevators are all in perfect working order. Fury had the tech support team check and recheck the security system but they couldn't find any glitches or issues. No one had been seen entering or exiting the infirmary on the nights when the inventory went missing.
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Maybe the Tower has a ghost, you think to yourself as you finish the inventory checklist yet again. You double check your count and note that nothing is missing. Tossing the clipboard onto your desk, you pull your book out of the top drawer and settle in for what you assume will be another long, uneventful night.
About five minutes later, you hear something coming from the main section of the infirmary and get up from your seat. Holy crap! There's actually a thief, you think as you leave your office quickly.
You stop short when you see Loki rummaging through one of the metal cabinets, one that you know you had locked only minutes ago. "What are you doing?" you ask him. How the hell did he get in here? you wonder. You hadn't heard the door open.
The tall prince looks up a bit startled by your sudden appearance but he doesn't respond.
"I'm not allowed to let you take supplies," you tell him, trying to keep your voice from shaking. You hadn't been prepared to confront a god, you had hoped it was some young agent who didn't know the rules or an older one who was too cheap to buy band-aids.
He curses under his breath in what you assume is Asgardian and slams the cabinet closed. He glares at you and turns to leave.
"Wait, do you need help?" you ask noticing the items in his hand are for stitching a wound and there is a hastily wrapped bandage on his left forearm.
"No," he answers in a harsh tone.
You put your hand on your hips and say, "You can let me help you or you can leave. If you leave, you can't take the supplies. I'll have to report this as theft of SHIELD property to Director Fury."
"Fine," he grumbles and walks towards you slowly. You point him towards an exam table and roll over a stool then you take the items he gathered, setting them out on a tray next to you. He watches you intently while you work, you aren't sure if he is trying to make you uncomfortable but it is clear he doesn't trust you.
How the hell did he cut himself like this? you ask yourself as you open all the tools you will need. And what is he doing here anyways? He has accelerated healing, the same as his brother. He shouldn't be bleeding this-
"Thor is not my brother," he corrects you. "And the manner in which I was injured is none of your concern, mortal."
You sit back and look at him angrily, "Get out of my mind. You know you aren't allowed to use your telepathy on SHIELD employees." He shrugs at your outburst but sits quietly while you finish closing his wound.
"Done," you say when you add a bandage over the closure. You snap off your gloves and push your stool away from him. You can't imagine he will thank you for your assistance so you add, "You're welcome, now get out. I have to clean up."
You turn away to pick something up and suddenly feel as if you are alone. When you look back towards the exam table, he is gone. You shake your head in confusion and walk over to open the infirmary door, the hinges creak loudly as it swings open and closed.
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A few days later you are completing the last of your paperwork just as someone knocks on your office door. You gasp in surprise and nearly drop your coffee, looking up to see Loki standing in your doorway. He is holding his right bicep and lowers his gaze to the ground in front of him to avoid eye contact with you. His demeanor is completely different then the last time he was here.
"Would you help me?" he asks almost as if he expects you to say no.
You sigh and nod, "Of course, it's literally my job... even if the person who needs my help is an ungrateful ass."
He flinches at your harsh tone and says, "I am sorry I was unkind to you last time I was here."
"You were a jerk," you tell him flatly, crossing your arms over your chest as you lean back in your chair.
"I was," he says to your surprise. "I apologize for my behavior, it was uncalled for."
"Accepted," you say, not wanting to waste anymore time since you could now see blood begin to seep through his fingers.
He sits on the exam table you motion towards and begins to unbutton his dress shirt. You turn towards the cabinet to grab the things you need and when you look back you are struck by how annoyingly hot he is. You quickly remember that he can and will read your mind so you try to push the thoughts away but you are not fast enough. Loki looks down as he folds his shirt and places it next to him, the corner of his lip curling into a smile.
"Okay," you clear your throat. "Let's see what you did this time." He moves his hand and you see the long gash on his bicep. "Wow, you did a pretty good job on this."
"Yes, I thought the bleeding had stopped but it began again so I thought I should come here" he says.
"Good thing you did. It's going to need a lot of stiches, more than last time," you inform him. "Do you want anything for the pain?" you ask when to get up to grab a few more things from the cabinet.
"It doesn't hurt," he shakes his head.
"Really?" you ask, not sure if you believe him but you don't press the issue.
You sit close to him on your stool and begin to work on his arm quietly. Loki doesn't make a single sound or move an inch while you clean and stitch his wound. You reach for the tray to grab something and realize he is watching you again but this time he's studying you and not your work.
"So what happened?" you ask him. You are fairly certain he wasn't sent on a mission this week.
"Training with Thor," he says simply.
You nod, sensing that he won't give any more details even if you continue to ask him questions. You glance over at his right forearm and pause mid-stitch when you don't see the injury you treated last time.
"It healed," he answers before you can ask what happened.
"Stop reading my mind," you tell him and go back to what you were doing. He doesn't respond and you assume that means he doesn't intend to listen to you. You decide to search your mind for a song that can easily get stuck in a person's head, hoping that if he does go sifting through your thoughts he will at least be annoyed. It might be childish, but it's the best solution you can think of at the moment.
You look up at him when you are finished, sitting back on your stool you say, "I know the other day wasn't the first time you snuck in here." He tightens his jaw and gets up from the table, buttoning his shirt without saying a word.
"Are you the one who's been stealing supplies?" you ask him even though you know he is. He ignores your question but you don't think it is because he is being rude like last time. He almost seems distressed that you know his secret so you add, "I didn't tell anyone it was you."
"I know you didn't," he finally responds. "I assumed Fury would have spoken to me if you had." He is silent for a moment than he says, "Thank you," before turning to leave the exam room.
"Wait," you follow after him. "I can't keep hiding this from Dr. Palmer and Director Fury. They are going to want to know who was taking the supplies."
He turns to face you, "Why didn't you tell them it was me?" His curiosity seems genuine, as if he fully expected you to turn him in the first time you saw him here.
"I'm not sure," you shrug. "I guess I wanted to talk to you about why first you were doing it but then you pissed me off and I just wanted you out of here as soon as possible."
He nods, "Again, I apologize for how I spoke to you. I was not expecting anyone to be here but that is not an excuse."
You are stunned by the second apology and the abrupt change in his attitude since last time. Maybe I'll have a better chance of finding out why he is clearly not healing well now.
"I would rather not discuss that tonight," he says as he walks away from you and you know he read your mind again.
"Loki, I can't pretend I don't know it's you for much longer. Fury is going to want to know why the supplies are missing. It's the whole reason I'm here this late," you tell him.
He puts his hand on the door to leave and looks back at you, "I know you do not owe me this but please, do not tell anyone... at least not yet."
You sigh, "Fine, but this is the last time."
He nods and you watch in awe as he simply vanishes from sight. So that's how he gets passed all the cameras, he can just disappear?
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It's been a week since you've seen Loki and after the fourth day you had decided he wasn't going to come back. You hope you will be able to finish out the next few weeks without any additional discrepancies in the inventory and things would go back to normal. Just as you are about to open your book, you hear him call your name and you roll your eyes. Of course he's back, nothing ever works out simply for me.
You walk out of your office to meet him, expecting to find the God of Being Annoying and Evasive needing a handful stitches like he has the last two times he visited but he appears fine. "Hi again," you greet him with the least excited tone you can manage.
He grimaces and takes a few steps towards you but falls, grabbing his side tightly as he collapses onto one knee. You move quickly to grab him but don't see anything wrong until he moves his hand and his illusion flickers. There's blood on his hand but it vanishes then appears again when his magic gives out. His shirt is covered in blood and you hold onto him, helping ease him to the floor.
"What the hell happened?" you ask trying not to panic. You remember your training and move his shirt to the side so you can see the injury clearer. He flinches when you press his hand on the open wound and tell him to keep it there. "Shit," you mumble a curse then get up to grab everything you need.
You kneel next to him and take care of his wound as quickly and cleanly as possible, stitching the long, deep cut closed. Thankfully it wasn't any deeper or you might have needed to call for help, the wound was too close to his lung to not be taken seriously. When you finish you help him sit up slowly and he uses his magic to clean the blood off his clothing.
"You need to stay here and rest," you urge but he shakes his head no.
"It will heal," he says and he tries to get up. You help him so he doesn't hurt himself further but you keep your hands on his arm. "Thank you," he tells you then takes a step away from you but you don't let go.
"Stop," you get his attention. "You can't leave, this wasn't just some little cut. You were stabbed really close to your lung. This isn't okay Loki, you're not fine."
He takes a deep breath as if to prove his lungs are clear and says, "I appreciate your concern, Y/N, I truly do but I need to deal with this on my own."
"No you don't," you argue. "Just tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help."
He shakes his head, "You are an excellent healer but this is beyond you."
"I don't get it, why are you getting so badly hurt. I thought you had accelerated healing abilities like you bro- like Thor," you correct yourself before he has the chance.
He gently rests his hand over the wound on his side and tries to reassure you. "I will heal, it just takes a bit longer than it used to. Thank you once again for your help Y/N," he says before he vanishes.
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Three nights later, you are sitting at your desk looking down at your tablet while you drink your second cup of coffee. You've clicked on Loki's file but haven't opened it yet, your fingers drumming on the desk rhythmically as you think. You have treated him several times now so it isn't a violation of his privacy to view his chart but for some reason it feels like it is. You sigh and open his file, maybe whatever he is hiding from me is in here.
You intend to skim his chart then log his recent visits like you should have been doing but you pause completely confused. His file is almost blank, his name and general information has been filled out but there is not a single visit to the infirmary listed. How is that possible? He must have been able to heal at one point but he doesn't seem to be able to anymore.
You exit his file without adding anything, determined to talk to him the next time you see him. You only need to wait fifteen minutes before he knocks softly on your office door.
"Loki, are you okay?" you ask, your voice has more concern than you meant.
He nods and holds out his hand when you walk towards him, "It is only a small wound tonight."
You look closely at the back of his hand and agree, he will only need a butterfly bandage or two and some gauze. You hold his wrist gently and lead him into one of the exam rooms. Loki sits on the table and you roll your stool close to him with your tray of supplies next to you.
"What happened?" you ask, reaching for the tape and he hands it to you, "Thanks."
"A training accident," he says and you nod, unsurprised.
"I need to log this into your file," you say as you throw out the garbage. "The other injuries too," you add.
"I would rather you didn't," he says.
"I know but I need to, it's proper procedure. I could get in trouble if I don't," you explain. "I could lose my job."
He sighs and remains seated on the table. You sit on the stool again and move closer to him. "I'm sorry, I never meant to cause you trouble," he says.
"Well... maybe if you tell me what's going on, I can keep it out of the record," you suggest. He looks up at you as you can tell he is thinking about your suggestion. "I can't tell anyone what we talk about, if that's what you're worried about, doctor - patient privilege and all," you explain with a smile.
"You're a nurse," he says, but his tone isn't condescending like it is when some people call you a nurse, it is as if he is simply clarifying a fact.
"Yeah... it's the same concept," you sigh. "Loki, you can trust me. I don't want to see you keep getting hurt like this," you tell him honestly, touching his hand lightly and he looks into your eyes.
You aren't sure if he is reading your mind or not but finally he says, "You must promise me, no one will know what I am going to tell you."
"I swear," you agree.
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Loki shifts uncomfortably on the lightly padded table and looks down at your hand over his. He sighs deeply then says, "I cannot heal the same way Thor does, I have never been able to."
"What!?" you ask unable to hide your shock. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that but... I don't understand."
He says, "Accelerated healing is an Asgardian trait and I am not a full Asgardian, I am half frost giant. When I was a child, I thought I healed slowly simply because I was smaller and weaker than Thor but now my lack of abilities makes sense."
"But how did you hide it all this time?" you ask. "Someone must have noticed you were always getting hurt."
"My mother helped me," he explains. "She taught me to use my magic to create illusions to hide my injuries and dull my pain. When I was alone, I would use my spells and potions to heal myself."
"And no one knows, not even your brother?" you ask in disbelief.
"Not even Thor," he shakes his head.
"But wait... so this was obviously working fine for the last thousand or so years, why isn't it working now?" you ask confused.
"There is something wrong with my magic," he tells you and your heart sinks. "It has been fading since I was taken by the Mind Stone."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-asgard @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv @glitterylokislut @biodegradable-glitter-fest
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 9 months
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I am sorry that it took me forever to do this Request I hope you like it 🥺
Darling, do you want to be with me for all Eternity ?
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It's been Weeks since you saw your Boyfriend.
Sometimes he sends sweet Love Letters or you get a quick Phone Call but he doesn't tell you what he is up to and when he comes back .
Worried and nervous you weren't able to sleep much lately and at work you can't concentrate .
You miss Loki.
In an attempt to distract yourself, you get lost in your new Hobby, writing.
Satisfied with how your Storyline turns out, you made yourself a Coffee.
Suddenly the Apartment Door opened and Loki came in .
As you saw him you ran to him and hugged him.
A moment later you bombarded him with Questions " Where were you? What were you doing soo long ?" and you also told him that you missed him very much.
Loki took a moment to answer, looking nervous " I... well.... Darling, how much do you love me?
At first you thought he is acting weird today but seeing him look so uncertain you decided to answer him sincerely " I love you, I love you soo much, I missed you terrible, a few weeks without you felt like Torture, I want to be with you always and forever "
"My Love, I am glad that you feel the same, I love you and can't imagine my Life without you.
I have to confess I was depressed a while ago thinking about you and your Mortality.
This Day ,the next ,in a hundred years,I will never be ready to lose you."
In an attempt to comfort him you hugged him and kissed his Cheek.
"That's the Reason I was away, I was in Asgard visiting the Goddess Idunn to get an Apple of Immortality for you. " Loki explained.
Looking at you antsy he proposed with the Apple - Darling, do you want to be with me for all Eternity?
Happily and excited you said Yes ,Yes a thousand Time Yes - biting in the Apple,you told Loki that's the sweetest Apple you ever had the pleasure to eat .
Overjoyed Loki kissed you Passionate , tearing your Shirt off , kissing your Collarbone .
My Love ,I missed kissing and touching your Perfect Body ,teasing you mercilessly, Loki whispered
My Masterlist
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Eff Being Friends
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Steve Rogers x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”
? x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”
Ex!Thor x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
Ex!Loki x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
Wordcount: 4191
To say the relationship between Steve and I was complicated would be an understatement. But I’m not the one to blame. That honor goes to Captain Indecision, himself. So why would he ever think I would make things easy for him?
18+ Only MDNI, Angsty with some mild smut and surprise feels.
Heavily inspired by “Fuck Being Friends” by Jessie Reyes. I have this need to fuck with Steve. Also there be a twist abound. Who could the mystery person be?
Banner by @cafekitsune Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Your off and on relationship with one Steven Grant Rogers, is once again off. This hot and cold shit is for the birds. If it weren’t for his dick game being almost magical you would have written him off a long time ago. Well that and you might possibly be in love with the fucker too.
When he’s not self-conscious and feeding into his own paranoia, things are great. It’s when he lets his intrusive thoughts and the opinions of others guide him that things take a turn.
Like when he starts acting a fool now that Thor is on the compound for a visit with Loki. Both of whom are technically your exes but as you’re gods you don’t hold the same morality standards when it comes to multiple partners. You were actively hooking up with both of them at the same time, ages ago.
It may have even become a bit of a competition between the brothers at one point.
So why should you shy away from all the wonderful flirty banter and not so innocent exchanges being thrown your way. Steve needs a reminder that you’re not from this realm and he can’t toy with you as such. Just because you’ve put up with his bullshit thus far, does not mean you will continue too.
Being green with envy serves him right.
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Tony has gotten into the habit of throwing a game night once a month for ‘morale’ or whatever. Honestly, you think it’s just an excuse to get everyone shit faced enough to reveal or do embarrassing things so that Jarvis can hoard it all to be used later. Whatever the reason, you are more than excited this months is happening while the Asgardians are here.
You’ve been having the best week with them. Reminiscing the good ol days and creating some hot and heavy new memories to add to the list.
“Watching you surrender to my magic. Wrapped tight in my shadows. Is a sight that will never cease to amaze me. Offering up your body, the perfect altar, for me to worship. To show my own devotion through your surrender. A gift I have never taken for granted my dear. Steven really is quite the fool.” Loki professed before rendering you brainless and cock drunk for hours.
Steve’s eyes have been attached to your frame all night. Begging for you to give him some attention. But you pay him no mind. You’re preoccupied being very flirty and touchy feely with everyone.
Tony has decided that tonight’s game is Truth or Dare. It seems the man of iron is also enjoying watching the gods get under Steve’s skin.
You take every dare, and they get raunchier by the ask. You give Nat, who is sat next to Captain Cranky, a sultry little lap dance that ends in a heated kiss. Only to be broken up by Steve’s quiet growl.
On your next turn your dared to make Thor get a boner without touching him. You saunter behind the loveseat he is perched on. Leaning in so that you can whisper in his ear. You regale him with all the dirty things you love that he does to you. The way his lightning makes you sing like no other. All stated low enough for only the gods and the super soldiers to hear. Your mission is a success of course. Thor’s unable to hide the ‘hammer’ tenting his slacks as he pulls you over the back of couch onto his lap and bites down on your throat making you giggle.  
The game continues with Clint having to admit that he most certainly has seen his teammates getting it on when he has been up in the vents. “Some things you can’t unsee unfortunately.” He shivers.
Sam, having confessed who he thinks has the best ass, turns to you. “Truth or Dare Ci?”
“Dare of course. Why change it up now.”
“I dare you to get Loki to genuinely smile.”
You look at him quizzically. “You think you’re so smart. Prepare to be knocked down a peg or three bird boy.”
Standing you walk over to Loki, who has been leaning against the wall, observing all night. With a cheeky smile you wave your fingers and cloak yourselves in darkness that's not only soundproof but is also time spelled as well.
You lower to your knees and snap Loki’s pants out of existence. The visual of you before him is enough to turn his cock hard as steel in front of your very eyes. You waste no time attaching your lips to the foreskin covered tip. Teasing the sensitive flesh with your tongue before sinking down to the hilt. You pull out all the stops. Sucking his cock until he comes down your throat with a roar. Savoring every drop as he fills your belly.
Removing the spell, it seems to the room as if only 1 minute has passed. It does not go unnoticed that Loki is relaxed while he continues to lean against the wall. Grinning like a loon.
This is when Steve notices your slightly swollen lips and quiet panting. Having been on the receiving end of that look many a time, he seethes. Cracking the glass of whiskey in his hand.
You give your turn to Loki so that you may catch your breath. It’s no surprise to anyone that he chooses Steve. “Truth or Dare Captain?”
“Truth. I have nothing to hide.” He challenges the God of Mischief.
“Alright.” He glances at you quickly. Catching you subtly lick your lips, most likely still tasting of him, grinning to yourself. “When was the last time you got your cock properly serviced and with who?”
Everyone assumes the answer will be you when you were still together a couple weeks ago.
With a cocky grin and sip of his drink he answers as he stares you down. “Yesterday after training with Sharon. She caught me on my way to change in my room and said I looked tense and needed a release. I took her up on her offer. Plus she gives decent head.”
He must have thought that you were going to be upset that he let poor lovesick Sharon suck his dick instead of getting the best head of his life from you. You couldn’t care less actually.
Not when you were getting dicked down in your own post training bath with Thor. It really is a great way to help stretch out and relax your muscles.
“Good for you Steven. You always are so tense after a rough training session. I know I was. Thor helped sort me out though.” You sweetly state.
“Are you serious right now? You two were practically on the verge of killing each other in the training room.”
“Great foreplay. Don’t tell me you never partook in post battle coitus with her. She is ravenous after any kind of rough play.” Thor, the sweet himbo that he is, adds in.
“Fuck this. I’m going to bed.”
“Should I call Sharon to come lick your wounds?”
“Fuck you Ci”
“Sorry not tonight, Cap.”
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In the state-of-the-art training room only Stark money could provide. Left to your own devices. You and Bucky are engaged in an intense sparring session.
Each move is calculated, precise, and born from years of relentless training. Bucky, a seasoned veteran, exudes an aura of quiet confidence and strength. While you, a woman of equal skill and determination, possess an uncanny ability to anticipate his every move.
As you grappled along the training matts, your bodies intertwined in a dance of submission and evasion. Knives glinted in the dim light, their edges a constant threat that kept you both on high alert.
On an instinct, you feigned a strike. Your body language, a masterpiece of your deception. In that split second, you seized the opportunity to swiftly maneuver behind the super soldier and lock him in a chokehold.
Triumph flashed in your eyes as you tightened your grip around his throat. Victory soon at hand.
But Bucky was not a man to be outdone. With a lightning-fast reversal, he spun on his heel, catching you off guard. His powerful muscles and Vibranium arm strained as he flipped you over, pinning you to the ground. A wry smile played on his lips as he secured his victory.
Though the training session had ended, the unspoken tension between the two of you lingered in the air.
“Still too cocky for your own good, Doll.”
“Are you ever going to get tired of saying that?”
“You ever gonna stop letting me best you?”
“And miss gazing into those icy blues of yours. I don’t think so. I’ve been a goner for them since the first time you laid eyes on me.”
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The first time you met James Barnes was not in Germany like every likes to think. In fact, you had a prior and very intimate relationship with the Winter Soldier. You nursed him back to health long ago when he was still under Hydras thumb. He had wound up collapsed at your doorstep in the middle of nowhere when a mission went wrong and his handler died.
That was the first time he was able to begin remembering. You spent countless nights in front of the fire. Keeping each other warm as you explored these new feelings together. Keeping your skills sharp by engaging in sparring sessions that always ended up pressed flesh to flesh and covered in sweat. Helping him hold on to whatever memories would pop up. It was both sweet and dangerous.
When Hydra tripped your alarms, he begged you to just let him be retrieved. He couldn’t bare knowing any harm came to you because of him. So you let him go with a sweet kiss. But not before placing mark on his ribs that only other gods and those spelled to do so can see.
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“You never told him did you?” You inquire.
“Neither did you.”
“I did it for your protection. You were on the run and I didn’t want anything to happen to you. It’s not my fault he went on the run for you. Who do you think helped him break everyone out and gave Shuri the extra juice to reverse those nasty words in your head.”
“I can’t keep watching him do this to you Ci. I’ve tried talking to him but he cant get it through his stubborn skull how good he has had it. I would give up my humanity to have you back again. I would never take you for granted. Hell, I’d happily let you keep him as a lover in our life if that’s what you so choose. I wouldn’t care who I had to share you with. Just as long as I had you.”
“James.” You whisper. “Take your shirt off.”
“What? Why?”
“Just do it please.”
As he does, the rest of the team file in along with Thor and Loki to run some training exercises of their own.
“Buck why do ya got your shirt off already pal?” Steve questions.
“I asked him to.” You deadpan.
“Why the hell would you do that for Ci? Don’t you have Thor and Loki to play with. Bucky is off limits.”
“I’m afraid that’s where you wrong Steven.”
Bucky looks at you with pleading eyes. Unfortunately you just don’t care to keep this secret anymore.
“James, lift your left arm and turn your side towards our team please.”
“Oh! Your finally going to do it. I was wondering how long, if ever, you were going to let them in on it.” Loki teases.
“On what?” Steve grits out.
“On this.” With a wave of your hand a symbol appears on Bucky's ribs. Glowing a soft golden light that matches your eyes. A chalice overflowing with wine.
“He already is mine. He has been for a quite some time. And will remain that way until he draws his last breath. Which wont be for a very long time as his soul is tied to mine.”
Bucky looks at you with confusion in his eyes. “You gave me your soul bond? Even though I was under Hydras control.”
“I did. It was what gave you the extra strength to endure and survive. I knew you would make it back to me one day. As an immortal I have all the time in the world to wait.”
“But you were with me when I brought him back here.” Steve blurts out.
“Well aren’t you the observant one Stevie. It changes nothing. If he had come to me that day and declared he wanted his place by side, he’d of had it in heartbeat. After a discussion between all of us of course. I’m not actually heartless. I just come off that way.”
“What the fuck Ci?! My best friend! You couldn’t tell me you had been with my best friend when he was brainwashed.”
“Watch your tongue, Rogers. You have no room to speak upon what I did or did not disclose to you. I wasn’t the one playing games with the others heart and emotions now was I.” You seethe.
“I asked her not to.” Bucky imparts. “I was free of Hydra, and we were rebuilding our friendship and I didn’t want to mess it up by intruding on what you had. I was just happy to be near her again and that she had someone I trusted by her side. But man was I wrong. What the hell happened to you Steve? Little Stevie from Brooklyn would have never treated a dame, let alone a goddess, the way you have Ci.”
“Don’t try and turn the blame on me Buck. You could have told me you’d been with her. We shared girls before back when I couldn’t get any on my own. What was so different with her?”
The team looks at each other after that comment with curious brows.
“Because she means more to me than just sex and that is what you would have reduced it to. I told myself, I would either get to have her fully, out in the open or not at all. Keeping my love tucked in the shadows.”
“So you’re the only one who can love her?” Steve shouts.
You clear my throat. “Ahem. You gave up that right when you kicked me to the curb yet again two weeks ago.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I just get all lost in my head thinking about starting a family and how would that even be possible with a goddess if I couldn’t even get my dance with Peggy. Then I get angry and need space so I just end it so I can really think things through. I always come back though, Doll. Always.”
“Wooow.” Tony says with a clap. “Capsicle really stuck his foot in it this time.”
“So, your telling me, that instead of just having a conversation about what’s prattling around in that stubborn ass head of yours you thought it prudent to just break up with me then turn around and ask for me to take you back time and time again?” Your eyes alight with golden fire as your temperature raises.
“Avengers, I’d advise you to get behind me and Thor for your safety. I’ve only ever seen her this angry a handful of times and it usually does not end well.” Loki nonchalantly states.
“Yes. No. I-I don’t know. I was confused okay!” He shouts back. “Needed to work some shit out.”
“And that required you to be between Sharon's thighs and any attractive woman who gave you the time of day?”
“Well no, not exactly. That just helped me shut my brain off. But it never felt as good as being inside you.”
“Well, congrats to me for having such good pussy. Why is that though? Does my pussy beat better than my heart does? Boy, please, you aren’t blind. Your too smart for that lie.”
“I’m an idiot when it comes to women and love in general okay. Give me a fight and I know exactly what to do. But love? I’m clueless.”
“Don’t expect pity from me for you playing with my heart. I gave you more than enough room to grow and explore and figure things out as they came. It’s not my fault you chose to throw those things in my face. It is my fault for taking you back so many times though. Especially after Bucky arrived. But he wanted to stay loyal to you. His oldest pal. So I catered to his wishes. Even if it ended up to my detriment.”
“Seemed to be doing just fine to me while you were hooking up with Loki and Thor.”
“My Godly exes. Who I was in a relationship with a millennia ago in another realm. Men who I trust enough with my body to understand that carnal pleasure is all I am able to afford them at this time?”
“Makes no difference to me. Not when you were parading it around. I now can only imagine how it made Buck feel.”
“Didn’t bother me. I know all about how their relationships worked. Gods are different. She’s not in love with them like that. Not anymore at least. They were no threat to me. Plus I was still staying in the shadows.”
“Also.” Thor interrupts. “That lovely little soul bound symbol along Barnes’ ribs can only be seen by other Gods and anyone the bond holder deems fit to see it. So we already knew where at least half of her heart was held. Plus she is such a great lover. I never pass up the chance for such pleasure when I am afforded it.”
“Aye Aye” Loki agrees.
Steve throws his hands up and storms off. Most likely to go ruin a punching bag or five.
Bucky takes the opportunity to embrace you in front of everyone. At his acceptance of your claim, gold and black lines appear on your left shoulder. Matching the pattern of his Vibranium arm.
“Seems the bond has formerly been reciprocated. Welcome to Immortality White Wolf.”
“What are we going to do about Steve?”
“Let him go pout or fuck or whatever he needs to do. When he’s calmed down, we’ll have a conversation and figure out if he deserves a place by our side. You do have a very very long life ahead of you now.”
“Oh he has a looong way to go before I’m okay with letting him get close to you like that again. I think you gave him far too many chances.”
“I gave you a chance from the start didn’t I. Wasn’t planning to fall so quickly or for you to have such an impact on me but sometimes the fates like to play games.”
“Doesn’t help when you spell their lovers for making a pass at you.” Loki discloses.
“Excuse me, but I was spelled for my protection. If they had tried to keep their hands to themselves nothing would have happened to them.” You defend. “And If I remember correctly, you benefitted that night from the spell as well. Bedding down 3 fates at once is quite a feat. You’re welcome.”
Loki grins that devilish smile. “I’d be happy to show you my gratitude once more.”
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After family dinner later that night…
“Are you serious Steve? You can’t possibly be serious right now. Who the fuck gave you the right to even speak with such vitriol on your tongue about him? He may care about maintaining his salvaged reputation but honey I am a whole mess of I don’t give a fuck. There is nothing you can do or say to me that I haven’t already done to myself. So come on. Try me. I love stupid games. I always come up with the best prizes.”
“Doll, you don’t need to do this. I’m okay. Steve's just hurting.”
“Like hell you are James. I know that look in your eyes and I’m not okay with it. Everything inside of me wants to make a scene right now. To bring America’s Golden Boy to his knees. But I know you don’t want that. So, this is the best solution.”
“Oh, wow. You need the goddess to fight your battles for you now Buck. Just look at you pussy whipped already. I must say I much preferred when I didn’t know you had had my woman before me.” The angry blonde spouts off.
That was it. That what the last nail in his soon to be coffin. Your shoulders relaxed, as a calmness took over. You turned to smile sweetly at the group of hero’s lounging around you in the common room. “If you’ll excuse me.”
You rise to your feet. Bucky reaches out with his metal arm, giving your hand a squeeze and looking into your almost vacant eyes. “Doll?”
You just squeeze his hand back before releasing it and starting to walk away. You could hear Steve’s teeth clenching as he bites down on his jaw. A quiet had settled within the room.
“Sure can dish it out. Too bad you can’t ta-“
That was all he was able to make out before your hand tightened around his windpipe. No one moved to help the hero.
“What was that? We’re you going to imply that I couldn’t take it. Tsk tsk tsk.” You make sure to dig your nails in, allowing little rivulets of crimson to take the course of gravity and stain is alabaster skin.
His eyes begin frantically searching the faces of his friends around him. Surely someone would come to his aid. He was the leader of the team wasn’t he.
“Oh, they won’t help you my dear. As you know I’m not exactly mortal. And therefore, even with all their nifty enhancements. They are no match for me. Expect Wanda. Although I really don’t want to know the truth to that. I very much like the Scarlet Witch.”
You allow him to take a quick breath and he squeaks out. “Thor. Loki.”
“My demi god exes?” You start to laugh. “You think the can or will save you?”
He nods.
“Oh you poor unfortunate soul. That’s not going to happen. You see, I can control the elements and well all that lovely Thunder can be rendered useless with a snap of my fingers. I’m also the mother of magic. Only one close to me is Freya. Loki’s magic technically stems from me.”
You turn to the blonde Adonis and dark prince with a smile. “I wouldn’t do anything to you without just cause. You know that.” You send them a wink and they beam a smile your way.
“Doll, he’s starting to turn red.” Bucky states.
“Oops.” You loosen the pressure on his windpipe but keep your hand firmly in place around his thick and bleeding neck.
“I think it’s due time for you to retire to your wing for the night Captain. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to you that can’t be reversed.”
You take a step back, releasing him. Watching as he clutches his neck. Eyes brimming with hurt and anger.
You lean forward and run your tongue along an errant trail of his life force. Making sure he watches as you trace it along your lips, before pulling it into your mouth and swallowing. With the snap of your crimson covered fingers all traces of blood disappear.
“Now run along. And remember,” You step forward so that you may whisper in his ear. “This was but a warning. It would more than please me for you to fuck around and find out what I would do if you slight what is mine again.” You place a kiss to his cheek and return to your White Wolf.
Everyone watches on as he huffs and puffs. Stomping towards the elevators.
Everyone except for Bucky. He only has eyes for you.
He pulls you down to straddle his lap. You can feel exactly what that little display of your power used against his best friend did to him pushing against his zipper. His flesh hand grips your hip tightly as his metal thumb runs along your bottom lip. “Say goodnight to our friends, Doll.”
“Why? Steve’s gone. We can enjoy the rest of our evening in peace now.”
“Say goodnight, георгин. Unless you want our friends to see you get fucked stupid.”
You bite your lip and maintain eye contact with his steel greys. “Goodnight, Earth’s mightiest.”
He grips your thighs tight and rises from his seat. Heading for the elevators. “Tony, up the sound proofing for our floor. Oh and can you funnel the audio to my Asshole best friends room as well.”
“Damn that’s pouring lemon and salt into the wound.” Clint quips.
Tony messes with a screen on his watch for a moment. “Done and done terminator. Try not to break too much furniture this time please. I’m gonna have to start a tab soon with you two.”
Before the elevator doors can fully close you shout out. “What’s the fun in that!”
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
Missing My Baby
Marcus Pike x Reader
Summary: You’re missing your fiance Marcus while he away. Having time alone isn’t good for everyone.
Word Count: 543
Warnings: loneliness, depression, obsession, angst (did Nerdie manage this?!)
Notes: Written for the Selena Drabble Challenge put together by the wonderful @fhatbhabie 💕
Main Masterlist / Writing Challenges / Marcus Pike Masterlist
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He’s gone. Not permanently of course. Marcus, your sweet fiance is in France, one of the most romantic places on earth. Why are you not with him? It’s for work, he’s part of a team dispatched to the Louvre Museum to study different arts and methods of identifying pieces from different time periods.
His excitement was written all over his face when he came home and told you. Of course you were proud of him, you always are. Outside of him being an FBI agent in the art crimes division (sounds like he could have his own TV from that alone), he’s so patient, kind and understanding. He’s also one of the most handsome men you’ve had the pleasure of knowing, both with facial hair and without.
It’s been a full month and you swear you’re fine. It’s what you keep telling yourself, family, friends and Marcus. You ensure your best self is shown to him. If there’s one thing that worries you about Marcus is that he can be rather selfless when it comes to marking out time for himself in his own schedule. You had encouraged him to go, do something for himself and that you’d hold down the fort of your two bedroom apartment.
After another FaceTime call with your dear special agent, you drag yourself to his side of the bed, laying on your side so you can breathe in his scent. It’s a light musk that’s mixed with pine based off of the body wash he uses. Unfortunately tonight, you’ve been sleeping on his side of the bed one too many times and it smells more like you than him. Sitting up on the side of the bed, you take hold of his pillow and laugh at how silly you’re being. You’re an adult, so is he. He’s only gone for work, it’s an excellent opportunity for him.
Your chest still hurts though. It doesn’t stop your face from contorting with tears. This is making you wonder if you should just tell him to come home. You could, and you know with all certainty that Marcus would be on the next plane home.
He would never leave again unless he took you with him. That makes you smile, but your head is buried deep into the pillow. You need to believe he’s coming home safe. Things will go fine and he’ll be back in two more weeks. Just because you miss him doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be allowed his own advancement and interests.
But the same part of you that misses him want to have him tethered to you so you can hold him tight, never let him out of your sight. You’d be able to feel his heartbeat next to yours and tell him over and over that you love him. Don’t go anywhere again Marcus.
“Time keeps passing by. I’m missing my baby…Missing my baby, weighs on my mind…”
Your tears continue to wet his pillow as you stand and begin to pace the room, keeping your eyes trained on a photo the two of you took on your six-month anniversary at the Smithsonian.
“Missing my baby, missing my baby. I’ve gotta have you here by my side and hold you tight. I miss you Marcus…”
Pike pool swimmers (safety first!) 🛟: @secretelephanttattoo @trulybetty @magpiepillsjunior @i-own-loki @morallyinept @pedritapascal @yorksgirl @goodwithcheese @marcus-is-my-muse @megamindsecretlair @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @pamasaur @pedroshotwifey @missladym1981 @harriedandharassed @maggiemayhemnj
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karriethemechtech · 1 month
My WHM-6R’s left arm actuator is on the fritz AGAIN! The damn thing keeps wanting to do a 20th century disco impression versus being a straight shooter and it keeps costing me.
Last Batchall my ass nearly found itself as a bondsman to a hyper lethal yet admittedly gorgeous Ghost Bear Star Captain driving a Loki Prime. Like, ok, I admit she did have a rather cute radio voice and it might not have been the worst fate ever but it was exceedingly difficult for either of us to take combat bidding seriously when my mech looks more like Elvis doing his signature “wind up” move versus a mighty machine of war.
We ended up just settling for a pizza eating contest (which I barely won) if you’re wondering how it all went. We did agree I would pay the tab in exchange for me being her +1 at a football game next week. I admit I am rather excited for the prospect. Bargained and done as they say.
I somehow doubt that ex-Jade Falcon turned solo bandit that I have a contract on will be as generous.
Anyhow, Warhammer arm actuator glitches, kindly and thank you!
Hey, thanks for calling in!
First of all, nice to see some old hardware like that still floating around. I bet you and I would get along nicely—you’re ever near Terra or wherever I’m deployed hit me up and we’ll get a drink, talk ‘Mechs. It’ll be fun!
Second of all I think there’s your problem—your Warhammer is ancient. Unless you can prove it otherwise I’m willing to put some money that ‘Mech’s hundreds of years old. You can’t just treat an old thing like that like another piece of military hardware! You’re basically driving around a museum piece. No shame in that, so do I! You just gotta know how to treat them.
Anyway, here’s what you should do. What you’re probably looking at is either in the command wiring or in the drivers running on the ‘Mech’s central computer. I had the same issue when I pulled my Awesome from the junkyard—getting stuck in odd positions. Dunno why it happens, it’s different for each case—could be the drives degrading over time or could be someone else’s repair putting two “incompatible” parts together. Either way, I’ll send you a file with the patch I wrote in and a new wiring layout for your ‘Techs to try, should bypass whatever block you have. You should also check the myomers, see if they’re knotted or fried, and swap those out if you need to.
Should about cover it! Hope that helps ya.
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missvelvetsstuff · 4 months
With Friends Like You, Who Needs Enemies
Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Natasha, Reader x ????
Reader is a mutant with the ability to turn sound into light who was 'adopted' aka stolen as a child by Baron Von Strucker to use for experimentation. She was given a form of the Super soldier serum so in addition to her mutant abilities she also has super strength, enhanced senses and healing. When he starts experimenting on his volunteers, the Maximoff twins, she tries to convince them to escape with her but they tell the Baron that she's planning to escape so he doubles her cell security. Steve and reader met when the team recovered Loki's scepter from Strucker.
She falls in love with Steve and becomes good friends with Nat but they aren't the friends she thinks they are.
Chapter 6
The next morning the team left New Asgard to return to the compound. Y/N and Bucky stayed behind at the Queens invitation. Steve went back with the team and Tony begrudgingly agreed to take Nat since she still couldn't see. He locked her up in one of their holding cells and made sure she was well cared for.
Unfortunately Natasha was a vindictive woman and spent her convalescence plotting how to get back at Y/N. First on the list, contact Yelena to come help. Nat wrote a long sad letter about how the new mutant girl made the team think Nat was horrible and stole Steve from her, with strategically placed 'teardrops' on the paper, sent to a p.o. box in Ohio.
Over the next few weeks Y/N worked with Loki to learn how to control her powers. The days took on a comfortable rhythm. Bucky moved into the room Nat had been using and they spent quiet mornings together before she met with Loki for a few hours then a ride with Bucky and sometimes Loki, after lunch.
Dinner was in the great Hall which the Asgardians finished in record time. Evenings were often spent sitting around a campfire listening to stories of heroic adventures. Some nights Bucky and Y/N watched movies or had lengthy discussions alone. Most nights Bucky ended up sleeping next to her.
Every day Y/N grew better at controlling her powers and learning new ways to use them. She learned how to store sound in her body, for later use. How to manipulate different types of light to make a shield, to affect others moods and how to fly. She was amazed at the number of ways she could use her power, she was even slowly learning how to make realistic holograms.
She was also excited about the possibilities to help people, working with the Avengers. As her confidence in her abilities, and in herself, grew she became less afraid of working with Steve.
Y/N also grew closer to Bucky and could feel herself falling for him but Steve and Nats betrayal left a deep scar and she was wary of trusting anyone. She tried to explain but discovered she didn't need to, Bucky understood and was willing to go as slow, or wait as long as she needed.
Bucky just wanted to be with her and show her how a man is supposed to take care of the woman he loves. He was always bringing her wildflowers or a carving he had made from pieces of wood he found on their walks.
They held hands on their walks and often cuddled at the campfires or when they watched movies but nothing more. Until the night before they were scheduled to return home.
After 3 months, Loki had decreed that Y/N had come as far as she could with her abilities, for now, and that returning to avenging would help her discover new applications, real world situations that practice just couldn't duplicate.
The Queen insisted on a farewell feast that was worthy of Asgard. They ate, drank, toasted and danced until the wee hours.
Y/N and Bucky left the bonfire to head back to their quarters so they could try to get a bit of sleep before morning.
As they cuddled on the couch, she hummed contently and a soft rainbow mist surrounded them.
Bucky turned to face her "Before we go back I want you to know how truly amazing you are. I fell for you during the time we spent together in Wakanda, your kindness and intelligence are more inspiring than your beauty." He paused "Now, during our time here I have watched you grow in ability and confidence to become the breathtaking woman in front of me and I'm lost in your rainbow. Please don't feel like you need to say it back or anything but I, I uh, I love you doll."
Y/N's face lit up "You do? You're not embarrassed of my powers or when I act silly? I know I shouldn't-"
Bucky pressed a finger to her lips "Yes you should. You should be you, always. Your powers are as spectacular as you are. I mean, look at what you can do, you've come so far and I'm so proud of you."
She smiled shyly "You are? Of me?"
Buckys smile was dazzling "Yes of you. My beautiful Rainbow." He looked at her lips, then back up to her eyes with a question in them.
She answered by leaning into him and barely pressing her lips against his. Bucky gently caressed her face with his right hand before moving to the back of her neck and gently pulling her closer so she was almost in his lap. He teased at her bottom lip until she opened and let his tongue in to dance slowly with hers. A soft moan rumbled in his chest at the taste of her, cocoa and mint and something that was all her. The little sighs and mewls that came from her went straight to his groin and he felt his pants tighten.
He pulled back to catch his breath, his forehead against hers, her bright eyes wide looking into his, right to his soul.
He kissed the top of her head and pulled her against his chest, trying to calm himself. He took deep breaths to cool off until the scent of her arousal wafted up to him and he growled, making her jump.
Y/N looked down "I'm sorry, did I-"
He stopped her "No Rainbow. You didn't do anything except be the sweetest, sexiest, most amazing woman I've ever met."
He adjusted in his seat "You just, you do things to me but it's ok. There's no rush, we have all the time in the world. Let's get some sleep, busy day tomorrow."
The next morning they went for breakfast to a hall full of hungover Asgardians quietly discussing news or chores that needed to be done. After a full meal Rainbow and Bucky said their goodbyes to Val, Loki and Thor with promises to visit regularly. Loki warned he would be coming to visit and see how she was doing. He also told her to contact him if she needed any help or advice. When she asked for his phone number he gave her a small smirk and placed an Asgardian coin in her hand. "Just toss this coin, I'll be by soon after."
Rainbow clutched the coin and gave Loki a hug that he wasn't expecting but held her tight for a moment before releasing her and brushing himself off like she might have mussed his clothes. She didn't miss the slight pink on his cheeks and winked at him.
Loki looked to Thor "Why couldn't we have had a sister like her?"
Thor laughed and shrugged. Val chuckled.
As they boarded the quinjet. Sam pulled Rainbow in for a hug "You look good, girl. Vacation must have done you some good."
She smiled widely at Sam. "Yeah, it's been good. Learned a lot about myself. Wait till you see what I can do now." And winked at him.
Bucky laughed at Sam's confused face and they all settled in for the ride back to New York.
When they arrived Wanda, Vision, Scott, Tony, Pepper, Clint, Nicky Fury and Maria Hill were all there to greet them. A large welcome home banner was hanging by the pool and the smell of bbq lingered in the air.
Bucky and Rainbow chatted and ate while never letting go of each others hands. Tony and Clint both noticed and argued over whether they should tease the new couple until Wanda showed both of them the potential consequences and they decided to back off. For now.
A few hours after they arrived, Rainbow was starting to run out of energy and trying to figure out how to leave without being rude. Bucky noticed and moved towards the hall where her room was located but before they could go a blonde woman came storming down the hall.
Bucky greeted her "Hey Yelena-"
She walked right up to Y/N "You're Y/N right? The mutant bitch that made the Avengers push my sister away."
She shoved Y/N, who stood her ground.
Rainbow shook her head "That's my name but I don't think you have the whole story. I never-"
Yelena sucker punched her and Bucky caught her before she fell "What the fuck, Yelena?"
Clint grabbed Yelena and held her back as she spat at Y/N "Natalia told me what you did so you better watch your back."
And stormed off.
Chapter 7
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