#+50 year olds to make a tiktok to your favourite song...
yellowistheraddest · 20 days
me when i find the way to the attic of the venue the wedding im attending is happening in order to avoid doing cringe challenges with people at my table (my parents (drunk) and old people I've never met before)
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
Thank you @jamneuromain 😘
name: I use Vera on tumblr, which is very similar to my name Veronica (it’s written differently but I prefer it this way)
pronouns: I use She/Her, but I don’t mind if someone accidentally uses the wrong pronouns by mistake or smth:)
where do you call home?: where my family is? I moved a lot when I was a kid so home isn’t really a place, it’s rather the people
favorite animal: i loved wolves when I was a kid, but I’m not sure if they’re still my favourite animals. I love all animals:)
cereal of choice: def chocolate or cinnamon cereal
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: I have no idea tbh, maybe visual? I never had to learn a lot
first pet: We always had chickens, ducks, gooses and other birds and cats and dogs, but my own first pet was a cat^^ it was a stray that I brought home:) we treated her and she lived with us for many years
favorite scent: mint. I love the fresh smell of mint. My grandma bought a mint shampoo and I’m in love😩😍
do you believe in astrology: I like reading about it, but I don’t know a lot about astrology. I’m a Scorpio tho and I know nobody likes Scorpios 😐😂
how many playlists do you have on your music service of choice: oh….lemme check… 💀 it’s 50. I have 50 playlists💀
sharpies or highlighters: sharpies, always loved colouring and writing with them.
song that makes you cry: dancing with your ghost (I don’t remember who’s song it is, but I cry Every damn time.).
song that makes you happy: I have many songs that “boost” my mood, but I don’t know which song makes me happy,
and finally, do you write/draw/create: i love to draw! Here are some of my sketches (I don’t take many pictures of my drawings), the guy is an old sketch from I think 2020?:) it was supposed to be Zayn Malik 😅😂
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I also Like Making Edits!:) for example this one:) I have a few more on my tiktok account (the name is in the edit If someone would be interested in seeing more) ^^
Idk, I also like doing make up? Does it count as creating something? That’s my favourite Halloween look I made
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Otherwise I write (which most people know considering my blog is made for that🤪). Sometimes I like to bake too:)
Well, I hope you enjoyed getting to know me haha! I had fun doing this:)
Npt: @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @justalonelyslytherin @nana1000night
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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milkywvy · 3 years
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⇒ superNOVA! is the debut mini album from fictional idol NOVA. Released on 1st June 2021, the album marks the first solo debut from any MILKYWAY member. It is available both digitally and physically and consists of 5 tracks, with ‘Cynicism’ acting as the title track. Each song had a track video, all of which broke 12 million views within the first 24 hours of their release. The music video for Cynicism broke 20 million views within 16 hours of its release, making it the fastest music video by an artist under Nostos to do so. Cynicism was promoted for the entire month of June and received 3 music show wins, peaking at number 5 on the music charts. The album itself peaked at number 10 on the music charts. It was deemed a commercial success and left fans anticipating what NOVA would do next in her solo career.
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Intro: Addict | 1:52 | insp.
Cynicism | TITLE | 3:30 | insp. | choreography
the perfect crime | promotional b-side | 2:56 | insp.
Cool Girl | 3:19 | insp.
Reason | 2:54 | insp.
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1 sleeve, 1 disc, 1 photobook (72 pages), 1 lyric sheet, 1 ‘The Making of superNOVA!’ booklet (45 pages), 1 of 4 photocards (random), 1 lenticular card, set of 5 postcards (Behind The Scenes photos taken by NOVA), 1 of 5 mini track posters (random)
First press limited inclusions (only 50 available): 
1 of 2 polaroids (Behind the Scenes photos of NOVA taken by ?)
Handwritten message card from NOVA
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Blonde NOVA! She was blonde for the first week of promotions, after which she dyed her hair back to black except for front pieces that framed her face to match the look she sported in her track videos.
Everything was custom made for her, she worked really closely with the designers to make sure that everything fit her vision.
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The album was released on NOVA’s 10 year anniversary of first becoming a trainee. The debut showcase was emotional.
Her being the first member to get a solo debut was both surprising and not at the same time; she made no secret that she’d always wanted to be a solo artist but Starbursts thought that the fact she hadn’t already had her solo meant it was never coming.
A total labour of love - her favourite people worked on the album with her, most notably Yujin, Dal from Headcount, and Minhyuk and Cheol from nycterine.
NOVA pretty much had full creative control over the whole project. She had to push really hard to make sure each song got a video.
She spoiled basically the entire thing on one of Dal’s Instagram lives like 2 weeks before it was announced but the two of them were so excited no one could even be mad at her for it. They talked about how they had worked on so many songs together that it was hard to cut it down to just the ones that were on the album.
The ‘Making of superNOVA!’ inclusion was really important for her - she wanted to make sure that everyone could have access to the full thought process behind the songs and the videos and all the work that went into them. All the creatives who worked on the album had sections where they talked about their process - Yujin, Dal and Minhyuk and the production, Yujin and Cheol and the songwriting, the directors and the track videos, the designers and the costuming etc. And of course NOVA talked about her side of those things too.
NOVA’s pre-debut dance crew worked as her backup dancers, she was featured in a lot of their TikToks and you could tell that some of her old friends really missed working with her.
NOVA doesn’t cry on camera but she got pretty teary eyed, especially for the first win. Her labelmates, Min, Cheol and even Jaesuk stayed on stage with her during her second encore it was sweet like that’s their girl. Byeol got to hand her the trophy for her third win and she stayed for the encore stage too - she was actually crying more than NOVA.
She also gave Dal one of the trophies because the song was his too - this wasn’t publicised but some fans clocked it on the shelves in his studio and Twitter kinda blew up a lil bit about it.
Basically she’d never been had more fun or been happier to clock into work.
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glove23 · 4 years
i WANNA KNOW 12, 18, 19, 21, 32, 43, 50, 53, 54, 57, 60, 72, 73, 74, 75, 81, 82, 85, 91, 105, 107, 120, 135, 148, 150
otay here ya go
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
VICES by Mothica
Delight by Avenue Beat (leave me and my tiktok music alone)
Bored by Tessa Violet (ft. misterwives) specifically this version
Danny Dont You Know by ninjasexparty
Ironic from Jagged Little Pill
i haven’t been listening to music really recently so i had to think
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
pffft uh no i do not i haven’t spoken to him since i was 8 years old and i moved away
19. Do you like bubble baths?
god yes
21. What are you bad habits?
i bite my nails i pick my skin i sleep too much i slouch
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
none of them v(’~’)v but i’ll tell u some names anyways uhh actually no i take it back i won’t sljsjdhsjdjsj i just do not vibe with this
43. Do you smile at strangers?
skfhsjdhs I DO I DO THE WHITE PERSON SMILE i really am a stereotype and i’m okay with it
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
green 💕🌿🌿
53. Favourite makeup brand?
umm elf probably? or drew barymores makeup brand i can’t remember the name but their highlighters are good
54. Favourite store?
michaels. i could spend three days in michaels except i can’t bc there’s Too Many Thing i would be overwhelmed and have to go home i can spend Two Hours in michaels
57. Favourite food?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
yeah when i was? how old was i in 2002 3? 4? anyways i won a fishing competition, i caught 22 fish in an hour so i got a plaque
72. What colour are your towels?
pink and yellow respectively
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
i do his name is Teddy Lupin bc im hp trash and i’ve had him since i was 3
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
unfortunately i lost a lot of them when i moved like 10 years ago labdhshs so i definitely think it’s maxed at 10 :/
75. Favourite animal?
penguin 💕🐧
81. Favourite tv show?
gilmore girls
82. Favourite movie?
pride and prejudice 2005
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
uh yeah if u Don’t want to punch him in the face we legally can’t be friends
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
yeah well. i mean. little fire not a big big bonfire but we weren’t camping so it’s not a campfire but anyways. yes
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
i have! a few times actually!
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
yes. i don’t like the dark :(
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
how can i possibly choose omg. i lie a lot when i first meet ppl bc i want them to like me and i have social anxiety skdhsjdh uh so it’s probably something like someone asked if i knew what something was and i just said “oh yeah of course i do” even tho i don’t 😬
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“you have bewitched me body and soul and i love, i love, i love you and never wish to be parted from you from this day on” MAKES ME GO APESHIT EVERY TIME
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
it’s percy jackson: the lightning thief and it’s “with the next thunderclap my mom woke. she sat up, eyes wide and said “hurricane”.
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piilokarsastus · 4 years
Question time!
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? because life is hard and i just don’t understand what i’m doing wrong but everyone else seems to know
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? nope. and to be fair, i would be sleeping anyway
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? if it’s like an actual thing for them that they do regularly, i’d probably be a bit concerned, but i don’t see anything wrong with trying things out for fun. if you’re just a straight up pothead, we wouldn’t be dating in the first place
4: Do you find it easy to trust others? i guess
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? filling in another pointless question post on tumblr, funny that you should ask
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? unlikely scenario, but i’m gonna say my friends from uni
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? probably spend the next few years thinking about it, unable to trust anyone again
8: Are you close with your dad? not as close as with my mum but still reasonably close
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? i’m curious as to what kind of life you think i’m living because this is not it
10: What are you listening to? the soothing hum of my laptop fan
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? woter:)
12: Do you like hickeys? i don’t exactly understand the point
13: What time do you go to bed? going to bed and falling asleep are two very different things but usually around 2-4
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? me. it’s me.
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? definitely not
16: Do you always answer your texts? sooner or later, yes
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? no
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? not that long ago
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? all of my friends
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? aight imma head out
21: Is anyone else in the room with you? no
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? in a sense i do
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? i feel like i was, yeah
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? well there’s nothing to “fix” per se, i just wish things went differently
25: In the past week, have you cried? yes
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? red
27: Do people ever call you by your last name? my aunt often does, weirdly enough
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? only every single one of the 4 people i’ve messaged on tinder recently. which makes me feel really great
29: Do you have a best friend? there’s someone i could perhaps call my best friend but i don’t think i have a “true” best friend at the moment like those i’ve had before
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? no i’m completely neutral towards her
31: Who was your last call from? my friend tried to call me yesterday but i couldn’t answer
32: Are you mad at anyone? no
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? marginally, yes
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? honestly i don’t know?? i don’t remember when she was born exactly but i feel like we were born in the same year at least, so i’m guessing either 21 or 22
35: How many more days until your birthday? 329
36: Do you have any summer plans yet? summer literally just ended so no
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? not exactly a fan of the word opposite in this context but i get what you mean. so yeah, most of my friends are of the “opposite” sex
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? nothing that would be their business to know
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? i guess i do.
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? i haven’t kissed nearly enough people for there to be any regrets. soo... would you like to be my first regret? haha just kidding... unless...
41: Do you think age matters in relationships? not going to write the essay that the wording of this question warrants but basically yes but only to some extent; what’s more important is that you’re in a similar phase in life and have similar expectations about the relationship. age can be a large factor in those things as well as your “maturity” but it isn’t the only factor.
42: Are you available? yeah bitch hmu
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? two
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? well i guess it’d have to be a septum, then
45: Do you believe exes can be friends? yes, in fact that’s my life philosophy
46: Do you regret anything? :)) i don’t think about it as much as i used to but i’ve never fully forgiven myself for confessing my feelings to someone who wasn’t interested in me. this is known as the february 2019 incident
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? tiddies
48: Did you ever lose a best friend? yeah, not to death but to life
49: Was your last kiss a mistake? no
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? i don’t quite like anyone at the moment and it’s gonna take a long time until i’m ever going to have the courage to make a move on anyone i’m interested in because of the aforementioned incident
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? no
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? no, like there’s nothing negative between us and we’d say hello if we met on the street but we just don’t talk 
53: What was the last thing you ate? pancake:)
54: Did you get any compliments today? haven’t really interacted with anyone today so no
55: Where are you going on your next vacation? bich this is my vacation, i’m going nowhere except to bed
56: Do you own anything from other countries? yes. like i’m a bit amused by this question like where on this planet can you even live where at least some of your stuff hasn’t been made in China etc. (well, i guess that would be China). but even if you’re referring to souvenirs from trips etc, still yes
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? girls
58: Where have you lived most of your life? in Oulu, Finland
59: When was the last time you took a long drive? a few months ago, but i wasn’t the one driving
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? yes, also known as the game where my friends try to find out who i have a crush on
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? i had to google what TPing means and i’m more and more scared of americans every day
62: Who do you text the most? honestly my social life is at a point where my most common recurring interaction is exchanging cat videos with my mum (apart from group chats)
63: What was the last movie you saw? the matrix
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? yeah as if i have one
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2010? 2010?? damn i was literally 10
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? we were around the same age
67: Do you curse around your parents? for comedic effect
68: Are you happy with where you live? not my dream apartment but it’s okay
69: Do you collect anything? my tiktok seems to have become a collection of about 250 cute lgbt folks, but other than that, no
70: What’s your favourite colour? a kind of deep, ultramarine blue
71: Does the last song you listened to remind you of anyone? not in particular
72: Has anyone ever cheated on you? no
73: What are your plans for tomorrow? make some music
74: Do you have siblings over the age of twenty-one? i don’t have any
75: Does your last ex have a job? not that i know of
76: What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? she is and i’m happy for her, or as happy as i can be while being painfully aware of the fact that my love life hasn’t gone anywhere in the past two years
77: Where is your cellphone? on the floor, charging
78: What colour is your cellphone? black and bronze
79: What did you dream of last night? it was something fairly nsfw and extremely hot and i lterally had to pause for a second when i woke up because damn it’s been so fucking long since i’ve experienced that irl and it left me with a bad case of yearning
80: Are you atheist? yes
81: Will you change your name when you get married? no
82: Are you ready for autumn weather? would be a bit too late if i wasn’t
83: Have you had any big storms recently? there was one that was rumoured to be really big but tbh i barely noticed it 
84: What kind of bottoms are you wearing? just my comfy pajamas
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tiredbiostudent · 5 years
Hi! Could you maybe recommend some music, I keep listening to the same three songs and would love to find something new, doesn't have to be a specific genre. Also, you're blog is wonderful!
omg this is so sweet my heart is 🥺 rn but also, idk how much I can help because I also genuinely will listen to one song for an entire week straight and haven’t had a ton of time to find new music lately! but here’s some genre breakdowns of artists I love and some songs by them, or just individual tunes:
[edit: sorry this got insanely long!! I can maybe link spotify playlists if I ever get around to making some ‘:) but tl;dr my fave artists are frank ocean, sigrid, hozier, ben howard, cezinando, khalid, childish gambino, nas, lorde, the lumineers, rhcp, girl in red and travis scott]
1. guitar/rock indie-arcade fire: neighbourhood #3, the well and the lighthouse, we exist, afterlife, the suburbs, ready to start, SUBURBAN WAR!! (listen to the entire suburbs album if you want to feel rlly nostalgic about ur childhood)-ben howard (my favourite artist ever, I saw him live and it was phenomenal): rivers in your mouth, time is dancing, I forget where we were, only love, black flies, oats in the water, she treats me well, towing the line, follaton wood-rhcp (long time fave): under the bridge, by the way, californiacation, scar tissue, otherside, goodbye angels, dani California, snow (hey oh), tell me baby-city and colour (another old fave who I’ve also seen live and is amazing!! if you like hozier and the lumineers you’d like him, a bit of a less intense sound though): sleeping sickness, what makes a man, waiting…, constant knot, the golden state, killing time, wasted love, runaway, map of the world, blood, the grand optimist :’), northern wind, hello I’m in delaware-the scientist by coldplay.. if u haven’t been emo about this song since 2003 wyd-haven’t listened to her in forever but cosmic love by florence + the machine >>-girl in red (her music is great but her LYRICS r literally my soul): i wanna be your girlfriend, summer depression, i need to be alone, 4am, girls, say anything, bad idea, i’ll die anyway, we fell in love in october-harry styles: adore you, fine line, golden, sunflower vol. 6, sweet creature, lights up, to be so lonely, sign of the times, HIS COVER OF ULTRALIGHT BEAM-hozier (ANOTHER fave, fucking insane live too. sir ily): work song, in the woods somewhere, sedated, cherry wine, almost (sweet music) [song equivalent to a warm summer evening], movement !! holy f-, as it was, be, wasteland baby!-broken by lovelytheband-the lumineers (my guys!!!!): cleopatra, sleep on the floor, angela, long way from home, sick in the head, my eyes, white lie, donna, salt and the sea, slow it down, stubborn love-where’s my love by syml-mitski: washing machine heart, old friend, nobody, lonesome love-sam roberts band: bridge to nowhere, brother down, if you want it-saturn by sleeping at last-sufjan stevens: mystery of love, visions of Gideon (I don’t stan cmbyn but literally these two songs are the only thing I listened to from dec 2017 to feb 2018), the hidden river of my life, futile devices, Vesuvius-love will tear us apart cover by susanna and the magical orchestra-vance joy: mess is mine, Georgia, my kind of man, Saturday sun, we’re going home, lay it on me, take your time, I’m with you !!, like gold, crashing into you-remember when by wallows !!!
2. chill indie/pop-billie eilish: idontwannabeyouanymore, ilomilo, my strange addiction, bury a friend-cezinando (also my fave artist, and noen ganger is probs my fave album of all time): ingenting blir det samme men samme for meg, selv du, haper du har plass (if u can make it thru this song w/o crying on public transportation you are much stronger than I), tommolen pa vekta, er dette alt, usynlig-sigrid (the LOML and my other fave artist- seeing her live was the best day of my life no cap): dynamite, plot twist, fake friends, strangers,  don’t feel like crying, raw, focus, I don’t want to know, her cover of sex by the 1975 changed my life fr, mine right now, BASIC !!!!!, in vain, never mine [this is highkey bc I’m a bonafide sigrid stan but I cannot recommend her ENOUGH she has one of the most incredible voices ever, is an insanely talented songwriter, and her music is so hype and beautiful and yeah :’)]-khalid (I love his voice sm, also the ceo of vibes): bad luck, cold blooded, 8teen, my bad, better, hundred, Saturday nights, suncity-run by elsa and emilie-lorde (my bby): bravado, buzzcut season, the love club, the louvre, supercut, 400 lux, ribs, white teeth teens, a world alone-fy faen by hkeem & temur (have been listening to this song for 3 yrs straight no cap)-btstu by jai paul-8896 by lapsley-joji: slow dancing in the dark, will he-moon by kid francesoli-aloha by mome (another all time fave)-karpe diem: hvite menn som pusher 50, lett a vaere rebell i kjellerleiligheten din, gunerius, spis din syvende sans-astrid s: 2AM matoma remix (one of my fave songs ever tbh), hurts so good !!!, such a boy-myth by beachhouse -mgmt: kids, electric feel-nostalgi 3millioner by tomine harket & unge Ferrari -lykke li: sex money feelings die (did I listen to this song for 5 months straight last year? hm), I follow rivers-one direction (ofc): story of my life, 18, night changes, drag me down, literally all of Take Me Home which is unequivocally their best album I will take no criticism on that-berlin by ry x-dancing with a stranger by sam smith and normani-taylor swift (not rlly a fan but wowww some of her songs): call it what you want !!!!, false god, begin again, all you had to do was stay, clean-kamikaze by Susanne sundfor-tame impala: let it happen (the og and the soulwax remix), the less I know the better, gossip-head over heels by tears for fears-somebody else by the 1975 (apparently I was the only one who only discovered this song in 2019 but it’s like all I listened to from October-December)
3. rap & rnb-brockhampton: rental !!!, face, bleach, sweet-childish gambino: ii. zealots of stockholm, heartbeat, les, the “hardbone with a hard r” remix of bonfire and redbone drooooool-drake (yikes dude but ngl. chill bops): feel no ways, u with me?, hold on we’re going home, passionfruit, you and the 6-vince staples: bagbak, lift me up, norf norf-frank ocean (LOML frank I’d die for you. also my fave artist *proceeds to list his entire discography*): SEIGFRIED!!!!, songs 4 women, nights, chanel, ivy, thinkin bout you, sweet life, pyramids, lost, bad religion, pink matter, forrest gump, in my room, swim good, dust, american wedding, provider-jorja smith: blue lights, february 3rd, on your own-ransom by lil tecca-nas (fave to end all faves): take it in blood, represent, the message, halftime, affirmative action, street dreams, one love, hate me now, cherry wine, new world-mobb deep: hell on earth, survival of the fittest, party over, shook ones pt ii-travis scott: (astroworld is the only thing I listened to summer-fall 2018 no cap) astrothunder, coffee bean, Yosemite, butterfly effect, houstonfornication, skeletons, stop trying to be god, stargazing, highest in the room-kanye (don’t roast me for this): can’t tell me nothing, ultralight beam, fade, hold my liquor-drip too hard by lil baby-(all a product of tiktok) bop, toes, suge, panini remix by da baby-migos (lmao): notice me, slippery, pure water-walk man by tmg sfdjhfkdjfsdfs-go loko by YG-the weeknd: reminder, as you are, hurt you, privilege, tell your friends, starboy, sidewalks, high for this
(I also love old school rock music but haven’t listened to it much since highschool- my fave bands are led zeppelin, CCR, boston, fleetwood mac, pink floyd, blue oyster cult, styx, the who)
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lasercruz · 4 years
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@quarterdollar​ fuck you and im sorry that i took so long to answer and i hope that im mostly coherent because i am. very tired as im typing this
1: Full name Nicky Jackie Marie Cruz !!
2: Age 21
3: 3 Fears Mold, tall heights if I’m not secured (like, I’m not scared of rollercoaster heights but I’m scared of like, cliffs), and balloons esp balloon animals
4: 3 things I love I love so many things uhh hh h. Jjba, adventure zone, and my friendssss 💞
I know turn ons/offs aren’t inherently sexual but i never know what to say for them so im skipping them :0
7: My best friend you 🥺🥺
8: Sexual orientation bi
9: My best first date ive never really been on a actual date :0
10: How tall am I 5′3
11: What do I miss being with my friends physically and just watching stuff or goofing around on the floor 😭
12: What time were I born 11:02pm
13: Favourite color Dark blues
14: Do I have a crush yes shh
15: Favourite quote there so much sappy quotes that are on uquizzes a lot that i like a lot the first that comes to mind is “ You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won’t tell you that he loves you, but he loves you.” and so on and also “if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more”
16: Favourite place As far as just physically and not like people or other stuff that comes with with a place, I miss VT campus a lot tbh more than I thought I would. To pick a more specific place, the gazebo at the duck pond cause its where I’d go if I wanted to be alone or like if my roommate was sleeping or working and i didnt want to worry about being quite and it was always super peaceful
17: Favourite food I dont really have One favorite food it just depends what I’m in the mood for but my go to answer for favorite food category wise is either chinese or seafood
18: Do I use sarcasm Depends who I’m with ?? Generally no not often but if im close with someone and just goofin yeah
19: What am I listening to right now My love song playlist. its my go to thing to listen to cause my playlist with all my music has so much on it that i end up skipping half the songs until i find something im in the mood for and this one has a lot less that i end up skipping. the current song its on is day without you by keep for cheap
20: First thing I notice in new person It depends on the person like if they have something that stands out about them, thats what I tend to notice but like. How they carry themself i guess ? cause i feel like thats a easy way to get a read on somebody before talking to them
21: Shoe size 5 mens / 7 womans
22: Eye color Brown
23: Hair color Naturally dark brown but currently dyed black with rainbow bangs
24: Favourite style of clothing this question is on so many ask games and quizzes and I never know how to answer it cause i feel like i dont really have one specific style,, I like colorful and fun stuff i guess ?
25: Ever done a prank call?  No and if you prank call a place of business youre annoying. i used to answer phones at work and we didn’t get them super often but GOD i hate prank callers
27: Meaning behind my URL emu is an old nickname and what i mainly went by until i settled on Nicky and this. is my blog.
28: Favourite movie Baby driver !!
29: Favourite song my go to answer for this is community gardens by the scary jokes
30: Favourite band THE SCARY JOKES
31: How I feel right now sleeby,,,,
32: Someone I love i love , my friendz ,, 🥺🥰
33: My current relationship status single ✌️
34: My relationship with my parents im close to my mom but i dont really get along with my dad ,
35: Favourite holiday Christmas !
36: Tattoos and piercing i have no tattoos, 3 piercings in each ear (2 on each earlobe and 1 on the top on each side)
37: Tattoos and piercing i want I want a interrobang on my wrist and an Aquarius symbol on my ankle and MAYBE the joestar birthmark, i wouldn’t mind more ear piercings and i want a septum piercing but ive seen videos of them getting done and they make me squirm i dont know if id go through with it
38: The reason I joined Tumblr sdklgkjgh i had a my little pony roleplay blog before i made my personal account
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? no we’re good friends !!
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? no not regularly at least
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? no
42: When did I last hold hands? my mom tried to hold my hand when i was half asleep on the couch the other day but like i was so out of it so like it was more our fingers together and the rest of my hand just loosely dangling so if that doesnt count, you
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? i give myself about 2 hours if im doing full makeup but thats purposefully longer than i need so i dont have to worry about rushing and i can relax and take my time
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no i only shave them if they’re gonna be showing or if the Urge to be Smooth comes over me
45: Where am I right now? my room at home on my bed
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? probably Kaylie cause she doesn’t drink and i assume if im drunk with other friends there she’d be the only sober one
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable, if i have it too loud i cant think so the only time i  have my music loud is if im doing nothing and want to Not Think
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Ye
49: Am I excited for anything? short term im excited for the ai crushes all banks stream tonight and long term im excited to move into our apartment 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? no im not a tell everything to someone type of person .
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? i smile most of the time like, at work (before we wore masks) id always be smiling to look nice and like. just in general if i want to Not Look Unhappy or whatever
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? my mom probably like, yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? ive never kissed any1     .
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?  nope i don’t think i really trust easily so like this doesnt rlly happen,
55: What is something I disliked about today? i woke up late cause i was up late last night so ive been tired all day I dont like the feeling
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? language barriers aside itd be super cool to meet hirohiko araki
57: What do I think about most? Whatever media im currently most into so right now adventure zone and magnus archives
58: What’s my strangest talent? umm i dunno im kinda flexable i guess ? not like ~contortionist~ level but like enough that i can freak people out sometimes
59: Do I have any strange phobias? i mentioned balloons as a fear in an eariler question so yeah that but im a lot better about it than i used to be
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? in front tbh
61: What was the last lie I told? i was on phones for the last hour and a half of my shift on friday and like. when people call and ask if an item is in stock and i can’t confirm it i, just tell them its not. like, someone asked if we had a specific kayak and i usually just search the walmart app or run over to where itd be to check but the kayaks are to far for me to run to and the app said limited stock which usually means little to none so , i just put it on hold for a bit then tell him we’re out.
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? i like video chatting in theory cause its nice to see people visibly react to stuff but i tend to get too self conscious about how i look so i  just do audio only
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes to both !! i am both
64: Do I believe in magic? yes in some ways i suppose
65: Do I believe in luck? yes im v superstitious
66: What’s the weather like right now? its a pretty good day its sunny but not too hot :oo
67: What was the last book I’ve read? its been ages since i last read a book in full 😔  i honestly dont knwo what the last one would of been 😔 😔
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? yes !!! love it
69: Do I have any nicknames? not anything i get consistently called no
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? ive never gotten super hurt that i can think of ??
71: Do I spend money or save it? save it
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? doppio bean plush ,,,,
74: Favourite animal? hedgehogs!!!!
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? on my phone probably on tiktok or something waiting for jojo to come on toonami
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? I? dont think he has one i guess ??
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? butterflies by samsa but it makes me happy in the “im crying now” kinda way itss cute
78: How can you win my heart? just by being nice and respectful tbh ,
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? idk i dont really want anything fancy just my name (chosen name please god im so scared of dying and geting my birth name on my tombstone if that happens i WILL come back as a vengeful ghost) and my birth and death dates
80: What is my favorite word? saccharine
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr by my tumblr crushes (which its been YEARS since i looked at) ; frostios, 27names4tears, smollpurrito, happynaru, and warpedlamp
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? if we being real id just get so scared dsjkfsldjglg  theres so much i could say i dont know :((
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? not ? that i know of 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? why are all the questions worded super basic except this one skdlskdjfj. Shape shifting
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? i can really think of anything really as long as a friend is asking i tend to answer truthfully ?
86: What is my current desktop picture? Sobble BUT this reminded me that i wanted to change it to a xenoblade pic so its this now :
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90: Failed a class? no
91: Kissed a boy? no
92: Kissed a girl? no
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no but oh god just thinking about that im 🥺🥺🥺🥺 id die id melt 🥺🥺
94: Had job? ye i was a cashier for a year in highschool and then i work in wamlart apparel in the summers
95: Left the house without my wallet? not when I know ill need it no, but ive left it home if im just going to a friend or family member’s house or i have my mom’s card or some cash in my pocket
96: Bullied someone on the internet? no !!
98: Played on a sports team? no lmao i dont do sports
99: Smoked weed? no
100: Did drugs? i had a weed brownie like once but it was such a small piece i didnt really feel anything
101: Smoked cigarettes? no
102: Drank alcohol? Ye
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? not currently i was vegan for a little bit to encourage a friend that was doing it though
104: Been overweight? no
105: Been underweight? no
106: Been to a wedding?  yes three, my grandma’s when she got remarried, and both my brothers
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? probably yes lmao often
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? not TV TV but if netflix and the like count then yes
109: Been outside my home country? no :(
110: Gotten my heart broken? not ? really no
111: Been to a professional sports game? ive been to a handful of Yankee games
112: Broken a bone? no
114: Been to prom? yes i went to my highschool’s and a friend’s highschool’s my senior year
115: Been in airplane? no
116: Fly by helicopter? no
117: What concerts have I been to? none :((((
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? ye
119: Learned another language? i took 3 years of Spanish in high school but i wasn’t any good at it and dont really remember much of what i did learn
120: Wore make up? yes i do often :0
123: Dyed my hair? ye a lot
124: Voted in a presidential election? yes ever since iv been old enough to i vote
125: Rode in an ambulance? no
126: Had a surgery?  dental surgery yes
127: Met someone famous? Not anyone i’d count no
128: Stalked someone on a social network? depends on what you count as stalking i guess but like not ever in a creepy way like ive been on people’s social media to find out stuff about them like. if theyre in a relationship or especially after highschool ill wonder about someone i havent talked to in awhile and ill see what theyve been up to and what theyre doing with their life and stuff
129: Peed outside? no
130: Been fishing? yes like once
131: Helped with charity? donation wise yes
132: Been rejected by a crush? ive never confessed to anyone and been rejected but once a friend told my crush i liked them and they confronted me about it and rejected me but it made me more mad at the friend that told them than it made me sad about being rejected because i knew it’d probably go like that  and it justmade thing awkward between us for awhile  😔
133: Broken a mirror? ive broken the little mirrors inside eyeshadow pallets but i havent broken full ones
134: What do I want for birthday? usually just money lol or something thoughtful and cute
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? i aggresivly do NOT want kids BUT hypohetically Elliot or Xander for a boy and idk what i’d nam a girl
136: Was I named after anyone? no
137: Do I like my handwriting?  its messy so no not really but if im writing something for myself like a not or whatever i dont mind as long as i can read it
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? even as a little kid i always played computer games but other than that, this guy :
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139: Favourite Tv Show? Jojo
140: Where do I want to live when older? New york or japan
141: Play any musical instrument? i can kind of play harmonica
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? i burnt my thumb kinda bad on the oven a while ago its still kinda healing but right now it looks like its gonna stay a scar
143: Favourite pizza toping? i like everything/suprieme pizza but if i have to pick one single topping pepperoni
144: Am I afraid of the dark? yes :((
145: Am I afraid of heights? mentioned it earlier but yes if im not strapped in or secured etc
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? no im so scared of being caught doing something bad that i just. dont
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? i mean yes but thats life babey
149: What my greatest achievments are ive gotten awards for grades and stuff but that boring BUT i got the english department award or whatever that was called im very proud of that
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery i donate some and save the rest tbh
152: What do I like about myself i can be pretty  sometimes 👉👈 im cute or whateva ,,,
153: My closest Tumblr friend i dont really havent “tumblr friends” aside from friends i know irl and also tey have tumblrs ,,
154: Something I fantasise about just. growing up and having my own place maybe with someone and. being comfortable and  okay and not having to worry ,,
155: Any question you’d like? dkfjhdskhf japan :000
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sawyersick · 5 years
all the questions for that ask game!!! (or as many as you want lol)
holy fuck bee............................. ok get red E its a Lot
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
Idk what I would say but I probably wouldn’t be that freaked out... the last person I texted is a good friend/coworker and I trust him
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
I uhhh can’t remember who the last person I kissed was because it was years ago but let’s assume it was my ex..... he was a toxic pos who tore me down because he had low self esteem so yeah I don’t really like him
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
I would be upset if it was anything more than weed or the ocassional drink or if it was a full blown addiction and I would be mad if they didn’t tell me on principle...
 Also I would not be very comfortable if they did it around me because I’m a weenie despite hanging out in hardcore punk groups...... also I can’t stomach the smell of cigarettes im sorry
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
sober, I don’t drink
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
like..... as a significant other? I guess. I’m pretty bad at telling my feelings to people and I’m kinda clingy when I like someone. idk if I’ve ever *explicitly* messed it up tho
7. What does your last received text say?
“sick” and then the sparkly heart emoji five times 
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
lots and lots and lots.... unfortunately. we were together for a year and a half
9. Where was your last kiss at?
fuck bitch I don’t remember.............. school? my house? his house? the pool??? man the last five months of that relationship were affection-less
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
I don’t have one!
11. What do you drink in the morning?
water and sometimes tea
12. Where did you sleep last night?
the car and then my bed when I got home
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
I mean everything takes effort... I don’t find it hard to do things for people in my relationships but I get frustrated when it isn’t reciprocated and I burn out
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
yes....................... many..........................
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
I TRIED to be a good emo and like the rain but tbh I get really reasonally depressive so I prefer the sun 100%
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
hopefully!! I met this real cute punk boy last night
20. Does anyone like you?
HA I doubt it......... I usually come off as the little sister type to most people
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
I suspected that he had internalized homophobia but also he was weirdly transphobic to me so I dropped it and pretended to be a cis girl around him which is weird because I think he liked boys??????????????????
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
YES this girl from high school who talked about tentacle porn to school admins for no reason and did lots of other weird shit 
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
yes! I have a whale on my hip and I want to get tiny scissors on my arm soon
25. In the past week have you cried?
yes I watched queer eye and a disney movie lol
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
I follow like 12 samoyeds on instagram but the last dog I saw irl was this ADORABLE black lab who was a service dog and he rested his head on his human’s lap when she sat down in the library and I wanted to cry
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
I have a towel hanging right out side the shower so I grab it, then step out of the shower
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
hm idk I think so? I definitely kissed a guy who played tennis but he forced it on me so I don’t count it
29. Do you think you’re old?
yes because I hate tiktok
30. Do you like text messaging?
I don’t mind it!! The service at my house sucks tho so I prefer cloud based texting like instagram or facebook messenger
31. What type of day are you having?
A good but slow one! I had a really good night last night so I’m just resting now
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
I’d honestly rather get snake bites if I were to get a piercing but in general I’m afraid of facial piercings
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
warm! then I can head down to the lake :)
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
yes! he’s one of my best friends and I talk to him every day and he lives in scotland and I’d like to meet him one day
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
relationship! Flings personally make me feel icky and I’m over that
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
I’d like to think I’m complicated but I’m a simple man..................... you show me whale, I like
37. What song are you listening to?
any song by Liily, all day every day
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
yes! I perpetually feel bad about everything!!!!!!39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
there was! but not anymore because she ghosted me for no reason40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
This person is so cute and kind and creative and nice and sweet and fashionable!!!! and fun to mosh with!!!!!41. When did you last receive a text message?
half an hour ago ish???42. What is wrong with you right now?
I am constantly depressed and there’s nothing I can do about it exceot keep myself insanely busy but that means there’s no breather for me and also I probably have adhd but can’t afford a therapist43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
FeMaLe dude just say chick
pretty well! I like her favourite band and we talk like once a week at the very least44. Does anyone disgust you?
yes my ex was very nasty and tore people down to his level and also this one person from high school who fucked over my friends 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
depends on who.... eye emoji............. but probably yes I have low standards46. Are you in a good mood right now?
yes!47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my parents? but other than that it was thanking Nick from the band Unpopular Opinion for the lovely tabling opportunity last night48. What color shirt are you wearing?
white T shirt with a cat pink sweater with a cat49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
yes one of my parents says nasty things when in a bad mood50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
yes my former best friend who ghosted me and this girl who keeps flaking on plans with me and also a boy who got mixed up in weird drama with me and his ex that I never wanted to be a part of51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
I’ve never really falen hard for anyone, just periods of obsession. I guess I’m waiting for that one sPeCiAl sOmEoNe
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
yes, but I’ll settle for waiting53. Do you like rain?
a little of it!54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
I’d rather they not be a alcholoic because I had a raging drunk coworker who scared the shit out of me once but I guess I’d be okay with the ocasional drink/drunk night as long as they’re safe55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
So many times... I keep my mouth shut because it would never work for one reason or another...... also I’m so SICK of having to make the move all the time I just want to be fawned over I’ve never had anyone do ANYTHING romantic for me 56. Do you like to cuddle?
.......................yes57. Are you shy?
not normally! I LOVE being social but in relationships yeah because I’m insecure58. Do you get along with girls?
yes? girls who don’t get along with girls are lame...... lift each other up don’t tear yaselves down59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
nope! But I’ll admit I thought about it haha60. What do you carry with you at all times?
chapstick, money, and pepper spray
ya boy don’t mess around61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
depends on the haunted levels, as long as the “ghost” would only watch/appear and not scream or whatever or try to make contact I guess that would be fine? but if It tries to disturb me I’m yeeting mysef the fuck outta here because ya boy needs uninterrupted beauty rest62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
yep! I dragged one out for a year and a half when I really should have ended things much sooner than that63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
nope! Been single for around two years now64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
YES HOLY SHIT65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
I fired some pieces in my pottery class! my mugs and bowls came out so well
and I met the cutest punk boy last night!!!!!! he’s so cute and very my type and I got to dance with him in the mosh pit!!!!!!!!!! tell me that’s not the cutest punk thing ever
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
19, 18(17???), and 21
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    
I’ve only gotten them done once! It was very enjoyable but I’m a cheapskate so I’d probably rather do them myself68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
leopard print I guess69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
one! A turtle from the Maui Ocean Center. I’d like to add a few more sea-related ones and maybe a totoro I bought at a con a few years back70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
literally who the fuck even are these people71. Blackberry, Android, or iPhone?   
android 4 lyfe72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
never? my DnD group would get round table or little caesars73. Do you like diet soda?    
I guess? I like it the same as diet soda74. What color are the walls in your room?    
one purple wall and the other three are pastel mint75. Are you 16 or older?    
yeah baybee76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?  
nope  77. Do you have a job?   
yep! I’m a windsurfing instructor   78. What are your initials?    
but usually I go by SS79. Did you ever have braces?    
nope! I’ve got near-perfect teeth :D80. Are you from the south?    
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    
I talked about meeting my favourite band again!82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?
no because he forced himself on me when we were young and I think he remembers and is ashamed and also doesn’t live near me anymore    83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    
idk, I’m close but not in different ways with both of them84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    
I was really good at the tumbling unit in 6th grade85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?   
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? I don’t go to the movies much 86. Do you smoke?    
no the smell of cigarettes makes me want to vomit87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    
I love heels but I LIVE in flip flops bc california88. Is your phone touch screen?    
yes???? damn when was this ask game made89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?  
straight.......... I’m too lazy to curl it  90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?  
nope! I’m a weenie  91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
the ocean!!!!!!!! But I guess a pool bc I’m afraid of the flesh eating bacteria in freshwater lakes92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
no but I HAVE made out on some random person’s lawn lmao93. …Had sex in a car?  
no I’m a virgin  94. Are you single or in a relationship?   
single pringle who loves to mingle 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    
selling my art and listening to cool bands and dancing with cute punk people!!!96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? 
the day after the fourth of July   97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
yes! I just got a new phone and the camera is way better than my old one
the low lighting setting is  c r i s p 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?  
I made out with this one friend of mine like twice and then I never did it again bc I felt icky  99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
no I don’t drink100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    
NAH BRO YOU GOTTA UNFRIEND THE FUCK OUTTA THEM NO RAGRETS 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    
nope I’m a virgin102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
Liily? did you mean Liily???? my favourite Liily song is Wash, Toro, or The Weather103. Do you have any tan lines right now?  
yeah one from the ring I wear every day  and like a shorts tan from summer104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
hell yeah but ONLY if the cowboy boots are bright red or hot pink no exceptions
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piilokarsastus · 5 years
End of the year ask game - 2019
1. Favorite book you discovered this year? Not sure if I’ve started any new books this year
2. Favorite movie that was released this year? It seems I also didn’t go to the movies this year apart from one time but the movie wasn’t that good
3. Favorite TV show you discovered this year? Fargo
4. Favorite artist you discovered this year? I don’t really do “artists”
5. Favorite music album that was released this year? The kind of music I listen to doesn’t come in albums but Veli Kujala’s Violin Concerto “Auseil” has got to be one of the greatest modern pieces of music I’ve heard.
6. If you are using a music streaming platform that provides you with stats about this year, post them! I’m not
7. Favorite memory of this year? Maybe the time I went biking with a good friend in July
8. Favorite song this year? It’s so hard to pick favourites, but Grieg’s Jeg elsker dig always has a special place in my heart
9. Post a selfie from January of this year and one from today. I literally haven’t changed at all so no
10. Favorite travel destination of this year? I didn’t really travel much but our short excursion to Lappeenranta was fun
11. Did you make new friends this year? How? Yeah, I’ve made a lot of new friends in university, and also one of the students I hung out with during my work period at OUAS in 2018-2019 has since become a close friend. I got many other friends of varying levels there but she’s the only one I still see and talk to regularly.
12. Did you lose a friend? Why? Well not really, but kind of. We’re still officially friends and we recently even texted each other for the first time in months but I just can’t bring myself to connect with her more since I have this feeling that she isn’t really interested in seeing me because I had a crush on her a year ago. The fact that she never texts first doesn’t help either.
13. Any deaths in your social environment this year? My grandpa passed away in September at 83
14. Any newborns in your social environment this year? no, although my cousin and his wife have a baby under way
15. Favorite concert you´ve been to this year? This one concert of new music in Oulu, in October
16. Favorite festival (music or other) you attended this year? Uuden musiikin lokakuu (see previous question)
17. Did you quit a job/an education this year? I didn’t exactly quit, my work period just ended as scheduled
18. Did you start a new job/education this year? Yeah, I started university
19. Did your relationship status change during the year? If it stayed the same, did your perception of this status change? nope, still single
20. Any new piercings this year? no
21. Any new tattoos this year? no
22. Any other body modifications this year? no
23. Favorite clothing item of this year? I just got a really cute shirt for Christmas, so I’m choosing that even though it’s only been in my life for a few days :D
24. Favorite person this year? that would be a certain HK. Funnily enough those initials can refer to two people, both of whom played an important part in my life at different parts of the year: one in December-February and the other especially from May onwards. 
25. Favorite place to be this year? (can be a city or just a place like a library, home, a certain forest and so on…) Ever since I moved out, my old home (at my mum’s) has been my favourite place since I come there on holidays to do nothing except relax and enjoy life.
26. Any dreams you fulfilled this year? Started studying in the university I wanted to study in and now I finally have a genuine friend squad who actually do fun stuff together outside of school and we just have a really great group spirit. It’s something I’ve always wanted to have but never had. I’ve mostly just had singular close friends and all the friend groups I’ve been in before rarely did anything outside of school or just weren’t very close friends to begin with. I did have a small group completely separate from school in 2014-2016 but we hung out quite rarely and have since lost touch completely even though I really enjoyed my time with them.
27. Which was your happiest month? Why? I can’t decide on one favourite but the happiest times for me were January (when I had recently met someone special and was heavily crushing on her and life seemed great for a while), July (when I spent a lot of time with an aforementioned friend) and then October (or any month in autumn because I’ve had a great time in uni)
28. Which was this years worst month? Why? On Feb 27 the preceding period of happiness ended and my dreams were crushed, and that sadness was present for the entirety of March and for some time after that as well.
29. Anything you started this year? (sports, drawing, tarot…) university, as I’ve already mentioned more than once.
30. Did you move this year? If not, did you change anything about your place of residence? Yes
31. Did you change anything about your look or your style during this year? Not exactly, but I can feel that change is in progress in a way I can’t yet describe. And last winter (starting already in late 2018) I did start preferring sweaters to button-ups
32. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the best: how would you rate this year? a solid 8,5
33. Any political scandal in your country this year? yeah our government fell after barely six months in office, but as a result we got an even better one with the worlds youngest (and female!) prime minister. 
34. Any global event that happened this year that had a strong impact on you or your way of thinking? I can’t remember whether it was this year or the year before but the IPCC reports have certainly made me more aware of how doomed capitalism is
35. Anything you did for the first time this year? (Bungee jumping, drinking alcohol, traveling by plane ….) nothing I can think of
36. Any big mistake you made this year? yyyeah about that Feb 27th thing... I confessed my feelings to someone I was really really interested in but nothing good ever came out of that decision and my self-esteem hasn’t been the same since
37. Favorite Youtuber this year? muyskerm probably
38. Favorite music artist this year? didn’t we go over this already?
39. Favorite hobby this year? making music, same as always
40. Relfect on the year: what are the strongest memories? In the first half of the year, I had a great time at OUAS and there were many memorable moments in that job. My favourites were maybe when I was teaching aural skills classes and when I worked as an accompanist for the opera ensemble class. In May, a large-scale piece of mine was finally performed after I worked on it for the entirety of 2018, which was a big milestone for me as a composer. And finally, in August, we had a super fun orientation day at uni and it was the first time I spent some true quality time with my new squad, sitting in a dark corner talking about music :D
41. Which goals that you had for this year did you reach? Come to think of it, I’m not really a goal-setter.
42. Which goals that you had for this year did you not reach? it would’ve been nice to get into a relationship or even just have sex at least once
43. Any injuries or major diseases you had this year? no
44. Did you have to go to the hospital this year? yeah, but just for a root canal treatment
45. How much/how often did you travel this year? not very often, mostly just between Oulu and Helsinki
46. Did you spend most of your time alone or with others? If with others, who was/were this persons(s)? Well I lived at home until August so my parents, I guess
47. Any new blogs you made on tumblr? yeah, just a private place for a new kind of aesthetic
48. Any blogs you deleted on tumblr? no
49. Any social media that you started with that year? Well I finally got into tiktok but I don’t make content there
50. Favorite food this year? pizza, as always
51. Favorite sweets this year? chocolate, as always
52. Favorite drink/beverage this year? water, as always
53. Any celebrity you really looked up to this year? nah
54. Tell us a quote that inspired you during this year. I’m not a quote person
55. Any new device you bought this year? no
56. If you are wearing makeup: Did your makeup style change during this year? makeup isn’t part of my current style
57. Are you looking forward to next year? I kind of am actually, not really for anything specific but I just have a good feeling about things
58. What are your goals for next year? to learn a lot of new things, discover a lot of good art and basically just continue rebuilding my identity and self-esteem and make myself into the best person I can be. And yeah that girlfriend would be nice too :(
59. What would your biggest dream for next year be? To have a private lesson with my favourite musicologist who will be a visiting professor at my university next year
60. What do you hope will change on this world withing the next year? can we like finally eat the rich, please?
61. Any changes within your own life you have planned for next year? I’ve considered starting working out again since I haven’t done much since school started
62. What are your fears about the next year? that school’s going to be even more stressful since I have more classes
63. How and with whom are you going to spend new years eve? alone and with my mum, currently am
64. Any song that is connected for you to new years eve? no
65. Any new years eve traditions you practise? no
66. Any travels planned for next year? no
67. What do you want to focus on more during the next year? I’d like to make more art but we’ll see how much time I have
68. Any release you are looking forward to next year? a number of tv shows are set to release a new season
69. Any behaviour you want to get rid of during next year? I wish I could stop dwelling on the past
70. Do you think this year changed you? Why? Definitely, I can’t really put it to words but I’m on my way to feeling a lot happier being who I am
71. Do you think next year will change you? Why? hopefully for the better
72. Any changes planned for next year already? (moving, job change etc.) no
73. What major changes happened for you during this decade? In the beginning of 2010 I was year 4 in primary school and now I’m first year in university, so there were a lot :D Biggest ones were maybe starting puberty and my parents splitting up in 2013, starting to compose music seriously in 2014, getting my first girlfriend in 2015 and my second, longest-to-date relationship in 2017, as well as said relationship ending in 2018. And yeah, in 2019 I moved away from home.
74. Post a picture of you from 2009 and one from 2019. lol not going to happen
75. New people that came in this decade into your life? pretty much all of my friends except for like 3
76. People you lost during this decade? Grandpa I lost literally although we weren’t that close, and there are several friends who are still friends but who I’ve lost in a way since we just don’t stay in touch anymore and we just aren’t as close as we used to.
77. Dreams you fulfilled during this decade? When I downloaded musescore in late 2013 and typed in my first, cringey attempts at composition, I could only dream of being able to write music like Mozart. And here I am now, pursuing a career as a composer. 
78. Favorite music artist of the decade? I still don’t do artists
79. Favorite movie of the decade? there are so many
80. Favorite TV series of the decade? you could just ask me my favourite tv series altogether, it’s equally impossible to decide 
81. Favorite book of the decade? Does this mean books published in or books I just read this decade? I’m picking the latter: while they’re perhaps not the best books of all time (although still really good), nothing has impacted my adolescent years more than the Harry Potter series.
82. Favorite music album of the decade? I’m just going to say Mozart, okay?
83. Favorite celebrity of the decade? The idolisation of celebrities is a phenomenon I don’t really endorse but the Justimusfilms guys are a precious bunch of idiots I’m always happy to see whatever they do
84. Favorite author of the decade? I haven’t read nearly enough and diversely to consider this a valid assessment but of the few authors I have read, Herman Koch seems like a really interesting one
85. Celebrities you admired that died this decade? Christopher Lee, Einojuhani Rautavaara, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Alan Rickman
86. Favorite actor/actress of the decade? I find it hard to name a favourite, I don’t really enjoy a particular actor but rather the roles they play if they’re written well and played convincingly
87. Favorite travel desitnation of the decade? Italy (2011) and St. Petersburg (2017)
88. Any changes in believe this decade? no
89. Did your main occupation (student, working fulltime etc.) change during this decade? it did for one year but now I’m a student again
90. Favorite memory of this decade? I’m happy my life has been meaningful enough that this question is entirely impossible to answer. Besides, there are two very distinct periods in this decade, late childhood and teenage years, which are hard to compare
91. Hobbies you gave up upon during this decade? violin and badminton
92. Hobbies you started during this decade? piano, writing, composing... and violin and badminton
93. What new did you learn during this decade? (Languages, arts, crafts…) basically anything I’ve ever learned after 4th grade, including, but not limited to, the Swedish language, music theory and composition, and how to boil potatoes 
94. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the best, how would you rate this decade? Since I’ve only lived through two, I don’t really have much to compare it with but I’d say 9. Overall I’ve had a really nice and happy youth but there are things I wish went differently especially in middle school.
95. Favorite quote during this decade? “yolo swag” -Albert Einstein
96. Which body modifications did you get during this decade? none
97. New dreams you gained during this decade? all of them
98. Dreams you gave upon during this decade? I once thought of becoming an author but music took me in the end
99. Worst year of this decade? Why? 2012. the end of sixth grade was pretty okay but seventh grade sucked tbh + atmosphere at home wasn’t the best. Meanwhile I was still a kid so everything was hard and I didn’t control anything that happened in my life. I did start writing that year, which was nice.
100. Best year of this decade? Why? I’ve thought about this a lot. I remember 2010-2011 being nice with many lovely memories of playing with my best friend of the time. Many of those adventures are the basis of my eternal WIP novel and I have a special nostalgia for those years but they were so long ago and I was so young that I can’t really tell them apart as distinct years and I still think I can’t compare them with the other years since I’m a very different person now.
2012 sucked ass as I’ve already discussed. 2013 wasn’t as bad but not great either. Some of the shit from the previous year carried over, along with my parents separating, but on the other hand, I had my first date ever with my crush (even though she rejected me) and it was the beginning of my teenage years with many nice moments.
2014 is a strong contender: I met some new friends at confirmation camp, started gradually enjoying middle school and started hanging out with the girl I would eventually start dating. There’s not much bad to say about 2014 but overall nothing very big happened.
2015 was both the end of 9th grade (where I had a lot of fun at school since our group spirit was amazing) and the beginning of high school. I was doing well in life, got new friends and I also got into my first-ever relationship and that, along with the events leading to that, was a time of great happiness for me. Although our breakup in November kind of ruined the end of the year for me, 2015 has got to be one of the best years of the decade.
For some reason, my mental image of 2016 isn’t very distinct. I spent the better half of the year feeling a bit depressed because of the breakup, but there were happy times especially from May onward when I started growing closer with a good friend. That summer we texted literally every day, we basically just became best friends and I also eventually fell in love with her. From August to the end of the year I have nothing but good memories and I’m very nostalgic for that time.
Which leads us to 2017. I went to prom with my crush (which itself was really fun) and we started dating in March. I was so so happy, especially in the summer. I also had some early break-throughs as a composer and made some of the best pieces I’ve conceived to date. School was fun too, and generally I just enjoyed high school a lot.
2018 is a year I’m very divided about. I was still in a relationship and had some of the happiest times with that person in April-June. Then again, we had some communication issues and I had a recurring paranoia that she just doesn’t want to be with me anymore, which was a constant source of anxiety in January-March and July. The breakup did come in August and of course for the rest of the year it weighed me down quite a bit. However, generally speaking I was somewhat more fine than with my first breakup since I had new exciting things going on in my life such as my work at OUAS which helped keep my thoughts away from the loneliness and also introduced new friends into my life. And in December, I had what was probably the best date of my life with a new, interesting person, which ended 2018 on a positive remark.
2019 was a year of change, even more so than the previous one. A lot of things changed for the positive, although there is also a certain sadness to leaving old things behind. I was happy at work and now I’m happy at school, but I’ve also felt lonely and unattractive, especially after getting rejected in February by someone I had such high hopes for. Suddenly I was back to the preceding sadness and my self-esteem dropped drastically while I was left wondering why I wasn’t enough. Still, I’ve had so much fun with friends and so much personal and professional growth that 2019 is still up there in the top 5.
As you’ve probably noticed already, I suck at picking favourites. Every year had its moments, some of them more than the others. Overall, I’ve been very happy especially in 2014-2019, but of all those years, 2017 was maybe the coolest and had some of the best memes as well.
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