#+ tic nee-san
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See Only Me Me Me Me Me… (Spin-off series of Plastic Neesan)
#see only me me me me me#see only me me me me me…#メメメメメメメメメメンヘラぁ…#mememememememememe menheraa...#mememememememememe menhera...#mememememememememe menhera#mememememememememe menheraa#memememememememememenheraa...#memememememememememenhera...#memememememememememenhera#memememememememememenheraa#plastic neesan#plastic nee-san#+tic elder sister#+ tic neesan#plastic elder sister#plus tic elder sister#+ tic nee-san#+tic neesan#plus tic neesan#mangacap#mangacaps#manga
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abl aci acr age aid aki ala all als alt ami ana ann ant ape arc are arm ato aun aur aut avi awa axi bab bac bai bak bal ban bar bas bat bea bec bee bel ben bes bet bia bik bil bin bir bit ble blo blu boa bod boi bol bom bon boo bor bos bot bou bow bra bre bro buc bul bum bur bus but buz caf cag cak cal cam can cap car cas cav cel cen cha che chi cho cit cla cli clu coa coc cod coi cok col com con coo cop cor cos cou cov cra cre cro cub cul cur cut dal dam dar das dat daw day dea deb dec dee del dem den des dia dic die dir dis div doc doe dol dom don doo dos dov dow dra dre dro dru dua duc duf duk dul dum dus dut eac ear eas eat ech edg edi els env epi eur eve evi exa exi exp eye fac fad fai fak fal fam far fas fat fea fee fel fil fin fir fis fiv fla fle fli flo flu foa foi fol fon foo for fou fre fro fuc fue ful fun fur fus gai gal gam gan gat gav gaz gea gen gif gil gir giv gla gle glo glu goa goe gol gon goo gor gow gra gre gri gro gul gur hai hal han har hat hau hav haw hea hee hei hel her hid hig hik hil hin hir hol hom hoo hop hor hos hou hug hul hun hur hyp ico ide idl ido inc inf int iri iro isl ite jac jai jak jan jav jaz jea jee jil joe joh joi jok jos jum jun jur jus kee kem ken kep kha kic kil kin kir kis kit kne kni kno koh kyl lac lad lai lak lam lan las lat lav law laz lea lef len les lev lie lif lik lil lim lin lio lis liv loa loc lof log lon loo lor los lou lov luc lum lun lur lus mad mai mak mal mam man mar mas mat may maz mea mee meg mel mem men mer mes mic mik mil min mis moc mod mol mon moo mor mos mov muc mus myt nai nam nav nea nec nee nes new nex nic nin nod non noo nor nos not nov nud nut oat obe odd odo oka onc onl ont ope ora ott our ova ove pac pag pai pal pap par pas pat pea pec pee pes pic pie pik pil pin pip pit pla ple plo plu poe pol pon poo pop por pos pou pra pre pro pul pum pun pur pus qui rac rag rai ram ran rap rar ras rat rav rea ree rel ren res ric rid rin rio rip ris rit roa roc rod rol roo rop ros rub rud rui rul rus rut sac saf sag sai sak sal sam san sav sca sco sea see sel sem sen sep sex sha she shi sho shu sic sid sig sil sin sit siz ski sla sli slo sna sno soa sod sof soi sol som son soo sor sou spa spi spo spu sta ste sti sto suc sui sun sur swa swi tac tai tak tal tan tap tas tax tea tec tee tel ten ter tes tex tha the thi tho thu tic tid tie til tim tin tir tob tol tom ton too top tor tos tou tow tra tre tri tro tru tub tuc tun tur twi typ ugl uni upo urg use vai var vas vei ver ves vet vic vie vin vis voi vot wad wag wai wak wal wan war was wat wav way wea wee wel wen wer wes wha whe whi who wid wif wil win wip wir wis wit wok wol woo wor wra yan yar yea you yua zer zin zon zoo
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Spring equinox arrives March 20th, 2023 at 5:24 PM
Despite what outside temperature registers (even absolute zero), the official arrival of spring occurs, when thee eel hip tic
of coe phish hunt holy Mackerel
becomes tangential to barenaked ladies barren ass hymn tote, hoochie mama hottie presenting strip the willow ova troop of foxy budding
barely legal nymphs
analogous to motley crew
despite crowded house,
where masterbaiting anglers
blindsiding naive prey
snagging hook, line and sinker
courtesy spanning global network
with marginal kinks
within human league
showcasing webbed wide
electric light orca straw.
No burlesque across the globe
upstages mother nature's emergent style
soundlessly donning and trumpeting peeping within nook and cranny
delicate plant and animal feelers probe
resplendent metaphorical pregnant Gaia,
whose all encompassing bulging robe
magnificently, albeit modestly evinces
matronly dame parading and sauntering,
she intimates readiness to give birth
regarding multitudinous flora and fauna,
whereby swath groundswell of color
and panoply of sound bursts forth.
A symphony with terrestrial
ecological community, which life forms abound
via natural laboratory qua nature,
especially at seasonal dawn of spring tide,
where multifarious existence can be found
carving out a figurative zoological niche
in a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds galore
idyllic melodic musical sound
artist palette of rainbow blended sights
assuage auditory and
visual sense pleasures respectively.
No gofundme donation required-
unless ye clamor to proffer expense
(toward fame and fortune
concerning one garden variety
long haired pencil necked geek
to regale sensational experience,
but before further lines get read
please be mindful
to take lock, stock, and barrel
of mine existential sponsor,
thus a brief plugged statement to:
ɢɛȶ ʟɨʄɛʟօƈӄ ɨɖɛռȶɨȶʏ ȶɦɛʄȶ քʀ0ȶɛƈȶɨ0ռ ʄ0ʀ ʟɛֆֆ.
Now back to regularly scheduled program
trying to entrance ye dear reader
incorporating titanic and tectonic processes,
(albeit all natural wonders)
constituting eight ways to build strong bodies
bred courtesy punctuated equilibrium
nudging advantages to outvie
one living thing
versus another organism.
Winter of our (collective) discontent (novel of the same name
by the storied John Steinbeck)
alleviated courtesy pagan earth goddesses
prestidigitation delivering cathartic holistic
and poetic botanical balms,
which salve (age long in the tooth)
psychological wounds.
Show stopping stunning performance
stills lovers embrace
long anticipating nonpareil experience,
nevertheless straining credulity
of visual and aural senses,
where collective awed pinterests
silences onlookers evoking
masterpiece rendered still life
among webbed plant and animal species.
Earthy, scantily clad, bombshell nubile babes, brazen lee, ineluctably, innocently
insouciantly, prominently, promotes pro pry eh tarry, plus risqué provocative proxy,
trigger numb matt trick functions, as nymphs doth seductively saunter to approach ever
so close, yet never crosses mine orbit,
but unknowingly teases (like a firecat,
when catch bull struck four), my test toss tee roan needle swings wildly in due sing this ordinary system of a down mellow male to feel doubly breasted, hair reed kinkily, tongue mortise tenon
facilitating flagellated fortuitous forays,
go win for inflected miniature escarpment, where groaning pinkish tulips anchored
right at the estuary (nee slippery sluice), sans self cleaning coven at the intersection of happy and healthy, heavens to Betsy
bursting provocative cadenzas whence, mine skipping heart beats long and fosters
fertilizing fecund fresh field, forthwith fallow paean seeds of life and White Lily deemed to dein nouns verb
hot ten fruit, no matter huck cull berry finis wrought twig and berries sounding off a snap, crackle and pop goes ma little weasel.
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1: 0 1 2 4 5 7 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 32/36 (26/26) (6/10)
2: 00 0k 0p 10 2b 45 50 52 ab ac ad af ag ah ai ak al am an ap ar as at au av ay az ba be bi bj bl bo br bs bu bv bw by ca cc cd ce ch ci cj ck cl co cr cs ct cu cv da dd de di do dr ds du dy ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei el em en ep er es et ev ew ex fa fe ff fi fo fr fu fy ga gb ge gh gi gl gm gn go gs gt gu gx ha he hi ho hr hs ht hu ia ic id ie if ig ik il im in io ip ir is it iz ja jc je jo js ka kd ke kg ki kn ks kt la lb ld le lg li ll lm lo ls lt lu lv ly lz ma mb mc me mh mi mm mn mo mp mu my na nb nc nd ne ng nh ni nk nl nm nn no nr ns nt nu ny oa ob oc od of og oh oi ok ol om on oo op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy pa pe ph pi pl po pp pr pu qu ra rb rc rd re rf rg ri rk rl rm rn ro rr rs rt ru ry sa sc se sh si sk sl sn so sp sr ss st su ta tc te th ti tl to tr ts tt tu ty ua ub uc ud ue ui ul um un uo ur us ut uw uy ve vi vy wa wh wi wo ws wu xa xr xu ya yd ye ym yo yr ys yt za ze zi zo zz 301/1296 (293/676) (8/360)
3: 000 00p 0pe 100 10k 452 50p 52b abl abr acc ach ack aco act ada adi afa afe age agh agx aha aho ail ain air ake aki ala alb ald alg ali all alm als alt alv aly alz ama ame amu ana anc and ane ang ani ann anr ant anu any app apr arb arc are arg ari ark arl arn arr ars art ary ase asi ask ass ast ate ath ats atu aur aus ave avy aya ayo azi azo bar bas bat bec bef bel ber big bin bis bjs ble bli blo blu bod box boy bra bre bri bum bus but bvi bwa bys cal can cap car cco cdo cel cen chi chu cia cip cit cje ckd ckg cki cla cof cog cor cot cou cre cro cto ctu cum cve day ddo def dei den dep der des dex dia dif dis dit doc dom don doo dor dot duc duo eab ead eah eal ear eas eat ebe ebl ecl ecr ede edi edo eed efi efo efr ego eho eif eig eim eis ela ele eli ell ely ema emb eme enb end ene eng enm ens ent eph epl epo epp epu era erc ere eri erm ers ert ery esl esp est ett eve evi ewa ews exa exu fab fan far fed fem fer few ffe ffi fic fin fir for fox fra fuc fun gan gar gba ged gem ger get ghe ght gim gle gma gni gon goo gth gua guy gxr hak hei hel hen her het hil hip his hol hom hon hoo hor hou hre htl hub hus hut ial ian ias ica ici ick ico icr ict icv ide ids ies ife iff ify igb igh ign ike iki ikt ild ili ill imh imm imo imp inc ind ine ing inh ini ino iou ipa ipe ipo irb ire irf iri isc ise isn isr ist ita ite ith iti ito its ity izz jac jcj jen joa kah kdu kea kep kes ket kgo kid kin kip kis kno kto lai lan las lbe lde lds lea lec led len ler les lev lgo lia lic lid lin lis lit lly lma log los lov lsa lso lti lue lun lvi lyo lyt lzi mah mai mal man mar mas may maz mbl mbo mca mcd med men mho mic mil min mis mmi mni mod mol moo mos mul nad nag nal nav nby nce nci nco nde ndi ndo nee nes net new nga nge ngl ngo ngt nhe nhu nic nig nis nit nly nma nni nny nob nof non nos not nou now nri nso nta ntl nud nus nuw oan obl obv ocs oct ode ody off ofi ogl ogn ogs oil old olo ome omi omn ona one onk onl ons oog oom oon ooo oot ope ora orc ord ore ori ork orn orr ort osc oss ost ota otc ote oth oti otl otr oun ous out ove owa pag pai pak pal pan pea ped pep per pho pic pir piz pla ple por pos pot ppe ppl pri pro pub que rad rag ral ran ras ray raz rbu rby rce rci rdd rea reb red ref reg reh rei rel ren rep res ret rev rfo rge ria ric rig rin rio ris rit rks rli rma rne rnh rom roo row rre rrs rse rta rth rto rue rul rus ryd sac saf sam san sat say sca sco sea sec sen sep ser set sex sha she sia sic sil sim sis ska ske sli sly son sov spa spe spi spo sro ssa ssi ssr sta ste sti str sts sub sun tac tal tan tar tat tau tcu ted tel tem ter tes tex the thi thr ths tia tic tif tik tim tin tla tle tly tok ton tor tot tra tre tru tti tts tua tub tur tyr ual uat ube ubl ubs ubw uck udi ueb uif uly umb una uni unn uno unt unu uot ura urn uru usa use usl uss ust utu uwu uys vea vel ven ver vic vil vin vio wal was wav way whe wik wil wit woo wor wui xas xre xua yah yam yda yea yes ymc yof yop yor you yra yth yti zea zie zil zon zza 740/46656 (732/17576) (8/12960)
4: 0000 00pe 0per 1000 100p 452b 50pe able abri acco achu actu adia afar afew agem aghe agxr ahoo airb aire airf akes akis alan alas albe alds algo alia alit ally alma alsa also alti alvi alzi amah amaz amul anad anag ance ando anet anga anic anni anri anta anus appl apri arby arci arge arli arne arrs arth asic asil aska aske assa assi assr aste atem ates athe atur auru aust avea azil azon bark barn basi bask bath befr bell bert bigb bing bise blic blog blue body bras braz brea bric bumb bvio bway call cana capr carr ccou cdon cele cent chil chip chus cial cipa citi cjen ckdu ckgo ckin clai clas cofi cogn cord corn cotl coun cret crow ctor ctua cver ddot defi deim denm depo dian diff disc dity docs doct domi dona doot dora dotc duck duot eabl eala ealg eali eall eals ealz eare eart ease eats ebec eblo ecla ecre edep edex edia edoc efin efox egon ehou eign eimo eist elan eles elev elia elin elyt emal embo emen enby engt enma enso entl epho eple epot eppe epub erag erce erei eren erep eris erma erse erta eryd esli espe esti etti etts even ever evil eway exas exua fabr fari fede femb fere fewa ffer ffic fici fini fire forc fore forr fran fuck funn gana garl gbas geme germ ghet ghtl gimm glec gled gles gmai gnit goog gths guat guys gxre hake heif heis heli hell here hett hill hipo hold home honk hooo hoot hora hort hous hrea htly huse iall ialt ialv ianc iant ical icia icof icor icro icto icve ides ifer iffe igba ight ikea ikip ikto ilde ilit imho immi imos inci inco inde indi inge ingl ingo inhe init inos inou ious ipal iped ipot irbu iref ireh irel ires irfo irit isco isex isro ista iste ital itar ited itel itic izza jack jcje jens joan kaho kduc kepl kesp kids king kipe kist know ktok lair land lane lang lask lass lber leas lecl ledo leng lesl lest leve lgoo lian lico lide ling list lita lity llyo llyt lmar logs loss love lsaf ltin luna lvin lyof lyop lyth lyti lzie maha mail mala mana many mark mars mart mass mayo mazo mble mboy mcdo mede ment mhor mick micr mili mino mise mmic mnis mode molo moon nada nage nald navy ncip ncog nder ndia ndor need news ngan nged ngle ngth nher nhub nica nigh nise nite nito nmar nnic nobl noff note notr nous nrio nson ntar ntly nudi nuwu oann oble obvi octo offi ofir ogle ogni olos omed omin omis omni onal only oogl oote oper orce ordd oreg orev oria orks ornh orre orto osca ossi osts otal otcu oter otes othe otif otla otle otre ount ouse ousl outu ovel over owav pagh pain paki pali pand pani pear pedi pepp pera perc phor picv piri pizz plan plea pler porn post poti potl pper pple pric prin prom publ queb radi ragx rali ranc rann ranu rasi raya razi rbus rbys rcen rcit rddo read real reat rebl refo rego reho reig rela reli rene rent repu reve rfor rget rias rico righ rinc ring rlic rman rnes rnhu romi room rowa rrea rton ruly russ rust ryda sach safa safe same sanr satu scar scor scot seal secr send seph sere sett sexu shak shel sica simp sist sket slid sove spag spai spea spir spot sroo ssac ssia ssis ssro stan star stat ster stia stra subs subw taco tall taly tant tarc targ tars tary tate taur tcum tela tely tema ters texa thei thel ther this thre tial tica tify tikt timh tind tlan tons tori tota tral tray trea true trul trus tual tube turn tyra uall uate ubef ubli ubwa uckd uckg ucki udit uebe uife umbl unit unny unof unuw uoth uran urus uset usly ussi ustr utub uwui veab vely vere vers very vict vine viou walm wast wave when wiki wild with work wuif xrea xual yaho yama yday yeah ymca yoff yope york yout yran ythe ytim zeal zies 705/1679616 (698/456976) (7/466560)
5: 00per 0perc 10000 100pe 50per abric accou achus actua adian afari afewa ageme aghet agxre ahooo ahoot airbu aires airfo akesp akist aland alask alber algoo ality allyo allyt almar alsaf altin alvin alzie amaha amazo anada anage andor angan annic anrio antar apple apric arbys arcit arget arlic arnes asica asket assac assis assro atema athei aturn aurus austr aveab barne basic baske berta bigba bingl bisex blico blogs brasi brazi bread bumbl bviou cally canad capri carrs ccoun cdona celes chill chipo chuse ciall cialt cialv cipal citic cjens ckduc cking clair class cofir cogni cordd cotla count crowa ctori ctual cvers ddotc defin deimo denma depot diant diffe disco docto domin donal dotcu duckd duckg duoth eable ealan ealgo ealit eally ealsa ealzi earth eblog eclas ecret edepo edocs efini ehous eimos eland elang elest eleve elian eling elyth emala emboy ement ength enmar enson ently ephor epler epper epubl eragx ercen ereig erene erent erepu erman eryda eslid espea estia every exual fabri fedex fembo feren feway ffere ffici ficia finit firef fireh firel force forev forre franc fucki funny garli gbask gemen germa ghett ghtly gimmi glecl gledo glesl gmail gnito googl guate gxrea hakes heist helin heren herep hetti hipot homed hoote horto house hreat huset ially ialti ialvi iance icall icial icofi icorn icrow ictor icver iffer igbas ightl ikipe iktok ilita imhor immic incip incog inder india inged ingle inher inite inous iousl ipali ipedi ipotl irbus irefo ireho irela irfor iscor isexu istan ister italy itary itely itica jcjen jenso joann kahoo kduck keple kespe kiped kista laire lanet langa laska lassr lbert lease lecla ledoc lengt lesli lesti leven lgoog lianc licof lides lingo litar llyof llyop llyti lmart lossi lovel lsafa ltind lvine lyoff lyope lythe lytim lzies manag massa mazon mcdon medep mhort micro milit minos minou mmick mnise molos nagem nalds ncipa ncogn ndora ngana ngths nhere nical night nisex nited nitel nmark nnica noble noffi notes notre ntarc nudit nuwui obvio octor offic ofire oglec ogled ogles ognit oloss omede omino omise omnis onald oogle ooter opera orddo orego oreve orias ornhu orrea orton oscar ossia otall otcum oters othel otify otlan otrea ously outub ovely overe owave paghe pakis palit pando panic peare pedia peppe perag perce phora picve pirit pizza plane pleas pornh posts potif potle prico princ promi publi quebe radia ragxr ralia rance ranni ranus rasil razil rcent rciti rddot realg reali reall reals realz reats reblo refox regon rehou reign relan relia rentl repub rever rforc ricor right rinci ringe rmany rnhub romis rowav rreal rtons russi ryday sachu safar safew sanri satur scord scotl seala secre sepho seren setts sexua shake shell sical sista siste slide sover spagh spain spear spiri spoti sroom ssach ssist ssroo stant stars state stial stral stray subwa tally tarci targe tates tauru telan telyt temal texas theif theis theli there threa tikto timho tinde tland toria total trali traya treal truly trust tuall tubef tyran ually uatem ubefr ublic ubway uckdu uckgo uckin udity uebec uifer umble unite unoff unuwu uothe uranu usett ussia ustra utube uwuif veabl verei verse veryd victo vious walma waste wavea wikip wilde works wuife xreal yahoo yamah yoffi yoper youtu yrann yther ytimh zeala 546/60466176 (541/11881376) (5/16796160)
6: 00perc 0perce 100per 50perc accoun achuse actual adiant afeway agemen aghett agxrea airbus airfor akespe akista alaska albert algoog allyof allyop allyti almart alsafa altind alvine alzies amazon anagem andora angana annica antarc aprico arciti asical assach assist assroo atemal atheis austra aveabl barnes basica basket bigbas bingle bisexu blicof brasil brazil bumble bvious canada capric ccount cdonal celest chipot chuset cially cialti cialvi cipali citica cjenso ckduck claire classr cofire cognit corddo cotlan crowav ctoria ctuall cverse ddotcu defini deimos denmar differ discor doctor domino donald dotcum duckdu duckgo duothe ealand ealgoo eality eallyt ealsaf ealzie eblogs eclass edepot efinit ehouse elanga elesti eleven elianc elingo elythe engths enmark ephora epubli eragxr ercent ereign erentl erepub ermany eryday eslide espear estial everyd fabric femboy ferent fferen fficia ficial finite firefo fireho firela foreve forrea france fuckin garlic gbaske gement german ghetti gimmic glecla gledoc glesli google guatem gxreal hakesp heling herent herepu hipotl homede hooter horton hreats husett ialtin ialvin ically iciall icialt icialv icofir icrowa ictori icvers iffere igbask ightly ikiped ilitar imhort immick incipa incogn inhere initel iously ipalit ipedia ipotle irefox irehou irelan irforc iscord isexua istant itelyt jcjens jenson kahoot kduckg kepler kespea kipedi kistan laires langan lassro lberta leclas ledocs length leslid lestia lgoogl liance licofi litary llyoff llyope llytim lossia lovely lsafar ltinde lyoffi lyoper lyther lytimh manage massac mcdona medepo mhorto microw milita minous mnisex moloss nageme ncipal ncogni nheren nightl nisexu nitely nnical noffic notrea ntarci nudity nuwuif obviou offici ofirel oglecl ogledo oglesl ognito olossi omedep ominos ominou omnise onalds ooglec oogled oogles ooters operag orddot oregon orever ornhub orreal ortons otally otheli otland otreal outube overei owavea paghet pakist pality pandor pepper peragx percen picver planet please pornhu potify pricor princi promis public quebec radian ragxre rannic rcitic rddotc realgo realit really realsa realzi reblog rehous reland relian rently republ rforce ricorn rincip ringed romise rowave russia sachus safari safewa sanrio saturn scordd scotla sealan secret sephor serene sexual shakes sicall sistan sister slides sovere spaghe speare spirit spotif ssachu ssista ssroom states strali straya subway tallyo tarcit target taurus telang telyth temala theist thelin therep threat tiktok timhor tinder torias totall tralia treall tually tubefr tyrann uatema ublico uckduc ucking united unoffi unuwui uothel uranus usetts ustral utubef uwuife veable vereig veryda victor viousl walmar waveab wikipe wuifer yahooo yamaha yoffic yopera youtub yranni ythere ytimho zealan 399/2176782336 (395/308915776) (4/604661760)
7: 00perce 0percen 100perc 50perce account achuset actuall agement aghetti agxreal airforc akespea akistan alberta algoogl allyoff allyope allytim alsafar altinde anageme annical antarci apricor arcitic asicall assachu assista assroom atemala atheist austral aveable basical bigbask bisexua blicofi bviousl caprico cdonald celesti chipotl chusett cialtin cialvin cipalit cjenson ckduckg claires classro cofirel cognito corddot cotland crowave ctorias ctually ddotcum definit denmark differe discord dominos donalds duckduc duothel ealgoog eallyti ealsafa ealzies eclassr efinite elangan elestia eliance elyther epublic eragxre erently erepubl eslides espeare everyda fferent fficial ficiall ficialt ficialv finitel firefox firehou firelan forever forreal fucking gbasket germany gimmick gleclas gledocs gleslid googlec googled googles guatema hakespe helingo herentl herepub hipotle homedep hooters hortons husetts ialtind ialvine icially icialti icialvi icofire icrowav ictoria icverse ifferen igbaske ikipedi ilitary imhorto incipal incogni inheren initely ipality irehous ireland irforce iscordd isexual itelyth jcjenso kduckgo kespear kipedia langana lassroo leclass lengths leslide lestial lgoogle licofir llyoffi llyoper llytimh lsafari ltinder lyoffic lyopera lythere lytimho managem massach mcdonal medepot mhorton microwa militar mnisexu molossi nagemen ncipali ncognit nherent nightly nisexua nitelyt noffici notreal ntarcit nuwuife obvious officia ofirela oglecla ogledoc oglesli olossia omedepo ominous omnisex ooglecl oogledo ooglesl operagx orddotc otallyo othelin otreall outubef overeig owaveab paghett pakista pandora peragxr percent picvers pornhub pricorn princip promise publico radiant ragxrea rannica rcitica rddotcu realgoo reality reallyt realsaf realzie reblogs rehouse relianc republi rincipa rowavea sachuse safeway scorddo scotlan sealand sephora shakesp sically sistant soverei spaghet spotify ssachus ssistan stralia tallyof tallyop tarciti telanga telythe theling therepu threats timhort totally treally tyranni uatemal ublicof uckduck unoffic unuwuif uotheli ustrali utubefr uwuifer vereign veryday victori viously walmart waveabl wikiped yoffici yoperag youtube yrannic ytherep ytimhor zealand 278/78364164096 (274/8031810176) (4/21767823360)
8: 00percen 0percent 100perce 50percen achusett actually airforce akespear algoogle allyoffi allyoper allytimh alsafari altinder anagemen antarcit apricorn arcitica asically assachus assistan australi basicall bigbaske bisexual blicofir bviously capricor cdonalds celestia chipotle chusetts cialtind cialvine cipality ckduckgo classroo cofirela corddotc crowavea definite differen discordd duckduck duotheli ealgoogl eallytim ealsafar eclassro efinitel elangana elestial elythere epublico eragxrea erepubli everyday fficiall fficialt fficialv ficially ficialti ficialvi finitely firehous fireland gleclass gleslide googlecl googledo googlesl guatemal hakespea herently herepubl homedepo ialtinde icialtin icialvin icofirel icrowave ictorias ifferent igbasket ikipedia imhorton incipali incognit inherent initelyt irehouse iscorddo itelythe jcjenson kespeare lassroom leclassr leslides lgooglec lgoogled lgoogles licofire llyoffic llyopera llytimho lyoffici lyoperag lytherep lytimhor manageme massachu mcdonald mhortons microwav military mnisexua molossia nagement ncipalit ncognito nherentl nisexual nitelyth nofficia notreall ntarciti nuwuifer obviousl official ofirelan ogleclas ogledocs ogleslid omedepot omnisexu ooglecla oogledoc ooglesli operagxr orddotcu otallyof otallyop otheling otreally outubefr overeign owaveabl paghetti pakistan peragxre picverse principa publicof ragxreal rannical rddotcum realgoog reallyti realsafa realzies reliance republic rincipal rowaveab sachuset scorddot scotland shakespe sovereig spaghett ssachuse ssistant tallyoff tallyope tarcitic telangan telyther thelingo therepub timhorto totallyo tyrannic uatemala ublicofi uckduckg unoffici unuwuife uothelin ustralia victoria waveable wikipedi yofficia yoperagx youtubef yrannica ytherepu ytimhort 198/2821109907456 (194/208827064576) (4/783641640960)
9: 00percent 100percen 50percent achusetts akespeare algooglec algoogled algoogles allyoffic allyopera allytimho anagement antarciti assachuse assistant australia basically bigbasket blicofire capricorn celestial cialtinde classroom cofirelan corddotcu crowaveab definitel different discorddo duckduckg duothelin ealgoogle eallytimh ealsafari eclassroo efinitely elytherep epublicof eragxreal erepublic fficially fficialti fficialvi ficialtin ficialvin finitelyt firehouse gleclassr gleslides googlecla googledoc googlesli guatemala hakespear herepubli homedepot ialtinder icialtind icialvine icofirela icrowavea imhortons incipalit incognito inherentl initelyth iscorddot itelyther leclassro lgooglecl lgoogledo lgooglesl licofirel llyoffici llyoperag llytimhor lyofficia lyoperagx lytherepu lytimhort managemen massachus mcdonalds microwave mnisexual ncipality nherently nitelythe nofficial notreally ntarcitic obviously officiall officialt officialv ofireland ogleclass ogleslide omnisexua oogleclas oogledocs oogleslid operagxre orddotcum otallyoff otallyope othelingo owaveable peragxrea principal publicofi realgoogl reallytim realsafar republico rincipali rowaveabl sachusett scorddotc shakespea sovereign spaghetti ssachuset tallyoffi tallyoper tarcitica telangana telythere therepubl timhorton totallyof totallyop tyrannica ublicofir uckduckgo unofficia unuwuifer uotheling victorias wikipedia yofficial youtubefr yrannical ytherepub ytimhorto 145/101559956668416 (142/5429503678976) (3/28211099074560)
10: 100percent algooglecl algoogledo algooglesl allyoffici allyoperag allytimhor antarcitic assachuset blicofirel cialtinder cofireland corddotcum crowaveabl definitely discorddot duckduckgo duotheling ealgooglec ealgoogled ealgoogles eallytimho eclassroom efinitelyt elytherepu epublicofi erepublico fficialtin fficialvin ficialtind ficialvine finitelyth gleclassro googleclas googledocs googleslid hakespeare herepublic icialtinde icofirelan icrowaveab incipality inherently initelythe iscorddotc itelythere leclassroo lgooglecla lgoogledoc lgooglesli licofirela llyofficia llyoperagx llytimhort lyofficial lytherepub lytimhorto management massachuse microwavea nitelyther nofficiall nofficialv ntarcitica officially officialti officialvi ogleclassr ogleslides omnisexual oogleclass oogleslide operagxrea otallyoffi otallyoper peragxreal principali publicofir realgoogle reallytimh realsafari republicof rincipalit rowaveable sachusetts scorddotcu shakespear ssachusett tallyoffic tallyopera telytherep therepubli timhortons totallyoff totallyope tyrannical ublicofire unofficial uothelingo ytherepubl ytimhorton 101/3656158440062976 (100/141167095653376) (1/1015599566684160)
11: algooglecla algoogledoc algooglesli allyofficia allyoperagx allytimhort antarcitica assachusett blicofirela crowaveable definitelyt discorddotc duothelingo ealgooglecl ealgoogledo ealgooglesl eallytimhor efinitelyth elytherepub epublicofir erepublicof fficialtind fficialvine ficialtinde finitelythe gleclassroo googleclass googleslide herepublico icialtinder icofireland icrowaveabl initelyther iscorddotcu itelytherep leclassroom lgoogleclas lgoogledocs lgoogleslid licofirelan llyofficial llytimhorto lytherepubl lytimhorton massachuset microwaveab nitelythere nofficially nofficialvi officialtin officialvin ogleclassro oogleclassr oogleslides operagxreal otallyoffic otallyopera principalit publicofire realgooglec realgoogled realgoogles reallytimho republicofi rincipality scorddotcum shakespeare ssachusetts tallyoffici tallyoperag telytherepu therepublic totallyoffi totallyoper ublicofirel unofficiall unofficialv ytherepubli ytimhortons 79/131621703842267136 (79/3670344486987776)
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13: algoogleclass algoogleslide allytimhorton blicofireland definitelythe discorddotcum ealgoogleclas ealgoogledocs ealgoogleslid eallytimhorto efinitelyther elytherepubli epublicofirel erepublicofir fficialtinder finitelythere googleclassro herepublicofi initelytherep itelytherepub lgoogleclassr lgoogleslides llytimhortons lytherepublic massachusetts microwaveable nitelytherepu nofficialvine officialtinde ogleclassroom oogleclassroo otallyofficia otallyoperagx publicofirela realgooglecla realgoogledoc realgooglesli reallytimhort republicofire tallyofficial telytherepubl therepublicof totallyoffici totallyoperag ublicofirelan unofficialvin ytherepublico 47/170581728179578208256 (47/2481152873203736576)
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15: algoogleclassro definitelythere ealgoogleclassr ealgoogleslides eallytimhortons efinitelytherep elytherepublico epublicofirelan erepublicofirel finitelytherepu googleclassroom herepublicofire initelytherepub itelytherepubli lgoogleclassroo lytherepublicof nitelytherepubl publicofireland realgoogleclass realgoogleslide reallytimhorton republicofirela telytherepublic therepublicofir totallyofficial ytherepublicofi 26/221073919720733357899776 (26/1677259342285725925376)
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21: definitelytherepublic efinitelytherepublico elytherepublicofirela finitelytherepublicof initelytherepublicofi itelytherepublicofire lytherepublicofirelan nitelytherepublicofir telytherepublicofirel ytherepublicofireland 10/481229803398374426442198455156736 (10/518131871275444637960845131776)
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26: definitelytherepublicofire efinitelytherepublicofirel finitelytherepublicofirela initelytherepublicofirelan nitelytherepublicofireland 5/29098125988731506183153025616435306561536 (5/6156119580207157310796674288400203776)
27: definitelytherepublicofirel efinitelytherepublicofirela finitelytherepublicofirelan initelytherepublicofireland 4/1047532535594334222593508922191671036215296 (4/160059109085386090080713531498405298176)
28: definitelytherepublicofirela efinitelytherepublicofirelan finitelytherepublicofireland 3/37711171281396032013366321198900157303750656 (3/4161536836220038342098551818958537752576)
29: definitelytherepublicofirelan efinitelytherepublicofireland 2/1357602166130257152481187563160405662935023616 (2/108199957741720996894562347292921981566976)
30: definitelytherepublicofireland 1/48873677980689257489322752273774603865660850176 (1/2813198901284745919258621029615971520741376)
nudity isn't inherently sexual but when the nudity is sexual BARK BARK BARK BARK you know?
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looks like i never uploaded these ones, old +tic neesan edit
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I just spent the last 30 minutes watching an anime called Plastic Nee-san and I regret both everything and nothing now that I’ve seen it.
Also every single one of you needs to go watch Episode 8 right now at this very instant, it’s barely three minutes long on YouTube and I am now dead from laughter because of it.
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EPISODIO 10 Senate: E' vero, per le ragazze adolescenti è pericoloso fare la dieta. Dovete fare davvero attenzione. Nee-san: Vogliamo parlare di questo! Di questa parte riguardante lo sviluppo del corpo. Dice dai 10 ai 15 anni, vero? Abbiamo più di 15 anni, ma i nostri corpi non sono ancora cambiati!!! Nee-san/Sano/Uno: Non abbiamo ancora le tette!!! Senate: Eh? Ma sono un problema, e poi avete un peso in meno di cui preoccuparvi. Sano: Non m'importa, voglio diventare subito adulta!!! Uno: Sarei felice di sopportarne il peso!!! ____ EPISODIO 11 Okappa: Eh?! Ero l'unica a divertirmi?! Nee-san: Perché credevo che fosse uno sport giovanile, ma non è come nei drama sportivi. Maki-Maki: Questo è perché stai giocando senza sapere le regole, senza avere una motivazione e senza un migliore amico che ti incoraggi. ____ EPISODIO 12 Nee-san: Ci sono vari tipi di danze dell'accoppiamento, ma... Nel vostro caso, dovrete solo agitare il vostro bel culetto davanti ai ragazzi. Maki-Maki: Continui a chiamarci brutte, ma non è che tu sia carina eh! Provo a ricordare quale sia il mio vero sogno. Cosa succederebbe, se provassi a dire quello che voglio?
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Name : Rosalicia Ana Silva Age : Nineteen Place of birth : Los Angeles, California, USA Current location : San Diego, California, USA Nationality : American Education : High School Diploma → History/Archaeology Occupation : None
Eye Colour : Brown Hair Style : Black, Medium length, Wavy Build : Slim Height: 5′2″ Distinguishing Features : N/A Preferred Outfit : Very girly, loves dresses but likes to be dressed up. Her wardrobe can be found here. Glasses? : Yes but only at night when tired Associated Accessories : Pearl Necklace (her mothers) Appearance : Hair usually down. Make up at all times but more dramatic for parties Mannerisms : Pacing when angry or nervous Health : Body health is fine, can sometimes feel a sense of survivors guilt Handwriting : look here Walking : Feminine Walk, usually in heels
Speech Speed : Casual speed unless angry then tends to get faster Speech Style : Passionate voice Accent : Californian Posture : Good posture but bad habit of resting on one hip Gesture : Expressive when proving a point Eye Contact : No problem looking someone in the eye Preferred Curse Word : Fuck Speech Impediments : None Distinguished Speech Tics : Nope Laugh : Girly laugh/giggle at times Smile : look here Emotive : Good at hiding what she feels but when she speaks about something she is passionate about, you can tell by her eyes and how she holds herself
Home Town : Los Angeles, California Childhood : Upper Class, Spoilt rotten, Happy Childhood but pressured at times Education: High Grades - usually A/A+ Organisations/Clubs : Dance Most Likely To : Travel the World Jobs : Tutoring, Charity work, Volunteer work - Animal Shelters Dream Job : Archaeologist Role models : Parents, Charles Darwin Greatest Regret : Her last words to her mum being ‘I hate you’ Hobbies : Travelling, History, Lore/Mythology, Dance (Latin) Favourite Childhood Place : Rio Carnival Earliest Memory : Sitting on her grandpa’s shoulders in the Rio streets watching the floats go by Saddest Memory : Her Mum’s Funeral Happiest Memory : Listening to her grandpa talk about Brazil Clearest Memory : The fight she had with her mum in the car Skeletons in the Closet : Her Guilt Change one thing in the past : Again, her last words to her mum Major Turning Points : Grandpa’s death, Mum’s death 3 Adjectives describing her as a kid : Strong-willed, Passionate, Opinionated Advice to Younger Self : Appreciate your loves ones more, they only want the best for you Criminal Record : Been arrested a couple of times at protests but her dad usually got her out of that situation before she could be charged
Father : Luiz Silva, 55 y/o , Diamond Company Owner, respects him, loves him Mother : Ana Silva nee Costa , died at 49 y/o , Housewife , loves her and feels guilty Brothers: Emilio Silva, 30 y/o. Vincent Silva, 26 y/o. Julian Silva, 23 y/o. Marcos Silva, 23 y/o. Family Economic Status : Very Upper Class Seeing Family: She tries to go home about every three weeks on a Sunday until Monday as she has no Monday morning classes
Closest Friends : see here Enemies : None Social Media Platforms : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat Group Dynamic Role : Leader Responds to Emails : As quick as possible or Ignores for three days, no inbetween Relationship Expectations : Mutual respect, Spoil her and she will spoil you Significant Other : None
Rainy Day Activities : Studying, Documentaries, Netflix Smart Type : Book Smart Outlook : Realistic Social Ability : Extroverted Favourite Sound : Latin Music or music with a good rhythm to dance to Favourite Place : Rio in Carnival Season Most Afraid Of People Finding Out : She inadvertently killed her mum (How she sees it) Wants : Woman’s rights to be acknowledged, To see the world and experience cultures Biggest Flaw : Guilt, Sometimes too vocal Biggest Strength : Passionate Mind Biggest Accomplishment : Performing a dance on stage Idea of Perfect Happiness : Travelling the world and experience cultures different to her own Want To Be Remembered? : Yes as a voice of revolution or for an archaeological discovery Power Approach : Be vocal and don’t stop until heard Ambition Approach : Hard work Love Approach : Find someone who respects her and she can respect Treasured Possessions : Mum’s Necklace, Photo Albums Find Boring : Celebrities famous for nothing Causes Anger : Sexists. Racists. Moral Compass : Always tries to be a good person Pet Peeves : K. If you K. her she might kill you
Future Job : Archaeologist Future House : Honestly, she doesn’t really want to settle. She wants to keep moving around. Future Relationship Status : Depends if it fits in to her lifestyle Want Kids : Depends again on her lifestyle at the time Death Age : Not thought about it
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* 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐫 / 𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾
all things ellis &&. interactions visage &&. musings graphic ©
NAME: ellis yamini thakur. NICKNAMES: el, maybe? FACE CLAIM: hannah simone. AGE RANGE: thirty two (32) to forty three (43). BIRTHDAY: 01 june. SPECIES: human. GENDER: cis woman. PRONOUNS: she/her. HOME FANDOM: desperate housewives oc. AVAILABILITY: open for plotting. more below, subject to change depending on verse.
MOTHER: yasmin thakur, nee johnstone. FATHER: manesh thakur. FAMILY: close with grandparents on both sides, and luckily for her both sets are still alive. SIBLINGS: none.
RACE/ETHNICITY: paternal indian, maternal british/german/greek. NATIONALITY: american. HEIGHT: 5 feet and seven inches (5′7) WEIGHT: irrelevant. BUILD: slender, toned. HAIR: long, usually with a fringe. HAIR COLOR: brown. EYE COLOR: brown. DOMINANT HAND: right. ANOMALIES: none. SCENT: vanilla from her hoards of vanilla scented candles in her house. her perfumes have notes of vanilla too. ACCENT: american. PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: none. LEARNING DISABILITIES: none. ALLERGIES: highly allergic to nuts. DISORDERS: none. FASHION: on trend, takes tips from her dresser at work. NERVOUS TICS: cracks her knuckles.
HOME ADDRESS: varies, verse dependent. RESIDES: varies, verse dependent. BORN: augusta, maine. RAISED: augusta, maine. VEHICLE: 2016 kia sportage. PHONE: whatever iphone is recommended to her in store. LAPTOP/COMPUTER: whatever laptop is recommended to her in store. PETS: none.
HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: graduated. COLLEGE EDUCATION: attended arizona state, arizona. CAREER: media; currently a news anchor. EMPLOYER: local television studios.
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: democrat. RELIGION: non-practicing hindu. BELIEFS: believes there is something bigger than just this life, but not sure what. MISDEMEANORS: none. FELONIES: none. TICKETS AND/OR VIOLATIONS: she’s always got a parking ticket to pay. DRUGS: will occasionally partake in an edible but not regularly. SMOKES: none. ALCOHOL: partial to an evening glass of rose. DIET: not amazing but not the worst? not overly strict with her food.
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromatic. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual. MARTIAL STATUS: varies, verse dependent. CHILDREN: none. AVAILABILITY: varies, verse dependent. LOOKING FOR: varies, verse dependent.
LANGUAGES: english, french.
PHOBIAS: snakes. HOBBIES: reading, enjoys scrapbooking. TRAITS: outgoing, confident, charming, dismissive, critical, spoiled. SOCIAL MEDIA: avid instagram user.
LOCATION: san paolo, brazil. SPORTS TEAM: pittsburgh pirates, her father’s baseball team. GAME: cluedo - she’s awful at monopoly and will refuse to play it. MUSIC: 80′s tunes on loud. SHOWS: the guilty pleasures - sex and the city, etc. MOVIES: a thriller, something to spook but not completely frighten. FOOD: fajitas, nachos, enchiladas, anything south american. BEVERAGE: if it’s not rosé, it’s cucumber water or vanilla lattes. COLOR: dusty pink.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful good. MBTI: ESFJ-T. ENNEAGRAM: Type 2. TEMPERAMENT: sanguine. WESTERN ZODIAC: geminni. SONG: love really hurts without you - billy ocean.
IDEOLOGIES: if time can’t fix it, rosé will.
#&&. ellis thakur.#&&. ellis thakur & threads.#&&. ellis thakur & musings.#&&. ellis thakur & visage.#&&. stats.
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Name : Mina Esmée Fournier Age : Twenty One Birthday : 1st January Place of birth : Toronto, Canada Current location : San Diego, California, USA Nationality : Canadian Education : High School Diploma → Editing & Post-Production Occupation : Social Media / Yoga Instructor at Solstice Gym
Eye Colour : Brown Hair Style : Brunette, Long, Naturally Curly Build : Athletic Height : 5′5″ Distinguishing Features : N/A Preferred Outfit : She prefers to be in casual clothes so jeans/shorts/skirts and a t-shirt and such. Her wardrobe can be found here. Glasses? : Yes but only for working with computer screens Associated Accessories : None Appearance : Pretty natural make up really. She doesn’t go too crazy with it unless it’s a party. Her hair is usually down unless she is teaching classes that day Mannerisms : Nail biting when nervous Health : Really Healthy to be honest, can have very bad nightmares Handwriting : look here Walking : Casual walk, Relaxed usually, Hands usually in a pocket (jacket, jeans etc)
Speech Speed : If she’s hyper focused, she tends to talk quite fast - sometimes too fast that her words don’t quite connect. Speech Style : Just normal really? Usually pretty chilled other than the above thing Accent : OH CANADA! Posture : Practices healthy posture so straighter back with a slight arch Gesture : Pretty expressive hand movements when explaining things Eye Contact : Good amount of eye contact but if feeling insecure, probably at the ground Preferred Curse Word : Shit or occasionally slips in a Merde if trying to be subtle Speech Impediments : None Distinguished Speech Tics : Nope Laugh : Friendly laugh, not too loud Smile : look here Emotive : Honestly, she’s pretty emotive. However, if she is so upset, she can go entirely numb and not emotive at all. Other than that instance, you can usually tell what emotions she’s feeling
Home Town : Toronto, Canada Childhood : Working Class, Happy Childhood Education: High Grades - usually A/A+ Organisations/Clubs : President of Sorority, Beach Volleyball, Cheerleading, (Yearbook committee in high school) Most Likely To : Go To Hollywood Jobs : Tutoring, Social Media (clickbait maker), Social Media/Yoga Instructor at Solstice Gym Dream Job : Film Editor Role models : Her Parents (the can do attitude), Alfred Hitchcock, Quentin Tarantino Greatest Regret : Spending years with Jordan Hobbies : Video editing, Photography, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Yoga, Hiking, Cooking, Baking Favourite Childhood Place : Toronto Film Festival or Scotiabank Arena (home of the Toronto Maple Leafs) Earliest Memory : Helping her dad bake in the kitchen Saddest Memory : Not hearing the heartbeat of her baby on the monitor Happiest Memory : Being able to escape to Monarch so the acceptance letter coming through Clearest Memory : The first game she saw the Maple Leafs win. They left, her on her dad’s shoulders and ended up falling asleep in the car after the excitement Skeletons in the Closet : Miscarriage Change one thing in the past : Not leaving Jordan sooner Major Turning Points : Miscarriage, Break Up, Being Cheated on 3 Adjectives describing her as a kid : Bright, Smart, Social Advice to Younger Self : Don’t trust someone just because you love them Criminal Record : None
Father : Charles Fournier, 52 y/o , Owns his own bakery, inspired by his work ethic Mother : Emiliya(Emily) Fournier nee Levkov , 46 y/o , Sous-Chef , inspired by her work ethic Family Economic Status : Middle Class nowadays but when the bakery first opened it was rough going for a little while Seeing Family: Tries to see her family as much as she can as long as she can afford the travel
Closest Friends : see here Enemies : Jordan Campbell Social Media Platforms : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Youtube Group Dynamic Role : Team Player, Offers Help to Everyone Responds to Emails : As quick as possible Relationship Expectations : Don’t cheat, Don’t hurt her, Love each other Significant Other : None
Rainy Day Activities : Working on Projects Smart Type : Book Smart Outlook : Realistic but slightly more on the Optimistic side Social Ability : Can be either Introverted or Extroverted Favourite Sound : Jazz Music, Rainforest sounds to sleep Favourite Place : Same as Childhood Places. At Monarch, one of the hiking trails with a nice view, The Beach at night Most Afraid Of People Finding Out : Miscarriage Wants : To Edit Films, To eventually find a happy healthy relationship but scared of this right now Biggest Flaw : Insecurity, Working too much Biggest Strength : Helps Anyone Biggest Accomplishment : Getting in to Monarch Idea of Perfect Happiness : Success Want To Be Remembered? : Yes for her work Power Approach : Be helpful and a team player Ambition Approach : Hard work Love Approach : Learn to Trust and Love again Treasured Possessions : Her laptop and phone. They have too many projects and video/photo memories on them. Find Boring : News Channels (mostly because it’s usually just all bad news) Causes Anger : Her Ex. Pro-lifers Moral Compass : Always tries to be a good person Pet Peeves : Open Mouth Chewers
Future Job : Film Editor Future House : She wants a humble house. Nothing too big but big enough for a small family. A back garden too. Future Relationship Status : Married Want Kids : Definitely wants kids. One or two. Preferably a boy and a girl Death Age : She sees herself dying old and peacefully in her sleep
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+ Tic Neesan.
Alternative : プラスチック姉さん ; 模型姊姊 ; +チック姉さん ; + Tic Neesan ; +Tic Elder Sister ; +Tic Neesan ; +tic模型姐妹 ; Plastic Elder Sister ; Plastic Nee-san ; Plus Tic Elder Sister ; Plus Tic Neesan ; + Tic Nee-san
+ Tic Neesan summary: Gag driven, short episodes built around a third-year high-school girl (Nee-san), who likes building plastic models in a model-making club along with fellow club members Makimaki and Okappa. #MangaFeeds.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline MangaFeeds.Com: Read manga online the latest manga comic book, updated daily: https://mangafeeds.com/post/tic-neesan_1587882973
Read more.
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A levidrome is a word that when spelled backwards makes another word. Well, at least not yet. It is not in the Oxford English Dictionary. Levi Budd is a six-year-old boy from British Columbia in Canada who has coined the term 'levidrome' after spotting that the word 'STOP' spells 'POTS' backwards. After realising that there is no such word in English for this phenomena, a social media campaign has started to get this word in popular usage (hence this post). I wrote a short Python script this morning that will pull all of the levidromes from a dictionary file. The full list is copied below.
aa ab aba abac abba abo abos abut acca ad ado ados ae aga agar agas agenes ah aha ahs aia aider air airts ajar aka al ala alan alif alma alula am ama amahs amas amen amene amir amis amla amman an ana anal anan anana anes anew anger animal animes anna annat anon ante apod araara arak arb arbas are ares arf aril arret arris arum arval aryl assam asses at ataata ate ates aua auks ava aval avel avid avo awa ay ayahs ba bac bacs bad bag bal bals ban bans bard barf bark bas bat bats bed beef ben bens bib bid big bin bins bird bis blub bo bob bobac bobak bod bog boh bok bon bonk boob boord bor bos bots bows boy bra braced brad brag braw bro brod bros bru bub bud bug bulb bun bunk buns bur burd burg bus but buts cab caba cabob cam camus cap card cares cep ceps cire cires cis cit cite cito civic clat cod cor cos cot cram cran crem cur da dab dace dad dag dah dahs dal dam dap daraf darb darg dart darts das daud daw daws day de deb debut decaf decal decarb dedal deed deem deen deens deep deeps deer dees deet deets def defer deffer deffo deg degami degged deid deified deifier deil deke deked del deled delf delis deliver delos dels deman demit demits den denier denies denim denis denned dennets dens depart deport depot depots derat derats dere dered deres deros derris dessert desserts deus devas devil devils devots dew dewans dewed dexes deys di dial dialer dials diaper dib did died dif dig dim din dinar diol diols diram dit div diva do dob doc dod dog doh dohs dol dom don dons doom door dop dopa dops dor dorb dormin dorp dorps dort dorter dos doser dot doy drab drac drail dram drap draps draw drawer draws dray drey drib drier droob drool drow drows drub duad dual dub dud duel duo dup dups ea ean eas eat ecad ecce ed edile edit ee eel eels een ef eh ehs eke eked elide elides elutes em eme emes emir emit emits emmets emong emos en ene enema enes enol enows er era ere ered eres ergo eric eros ervil eses esnes espial esse et eta etas etat etats eten etic etna euk eve even evil eviler evils ewe exul eye faced farad fe fed feeb feer fen fer fet fid fier fig fila fir fires fled flog flor flow fool fra frab fret fro gab gad gag gal gals gam gan gans gaps gar garb gas gat gateman gater gats gay ged gel gelder gem gen get gib gid gif gig gins gip girt girts git gnar gnat gnats gnaw gnaws gnome gnus gob god golf gon gons goog gorp gorps gos got grad gram grub gu gub gul gulp guls gum gums guns gup gups gur gut guv guy ha habus had hadedah hah hahs hajjah halalah hales hallah hallan halos han hap haram hay he heh henry hep her hey ho hob hod hoh hon hoo hoop hop hos huh hup id ikat imaged io iris iron is it itas iwi jar kabob kaiak kak kam kara kat kay kayak keek keel keels keep keet keets ken keps kier kips kirks kis kiths knaps knar knit knits knob knop knot knots know knub knuts kob kook kor korat kow krab krans kue la lab laced lacer lad laded laer lag lager laid laipse lair lam lamina lana langer lap lares larum las laud lava lavra leat leben led lee leek leep leeps leer lees leet leets leg leir lemel leper les let leud leva level lever levins levo lez liar liard liart lias lied lies lin lion lira lit live lived livre lobo lod loges loid lone loof looks loom loons loop loops loord loos loot looter loots lop los lotos lug luxe lyra ma mac macs mad madam maes mag mak mal malam mallam mals mam man map maps mar marah marc marcs mard marg marid marram marrum mart mas massa mat maws may me meed mees meet meets meg mem merc meter mets mew mho mid milks mils mim mined minim mips mir mis mm mo mod mom mon moo mood mool mools moops moor moos moot mop mor mos mot moy mu mug mum mura mural mures murram mus mut muton muts na naan nab nae nag nah nala nallah nam named namer nametag namma nan nana nap napas nappas naps naras narc narcs narks nas nat naw ne neb nebel ned nee need neep nef neg nek neks nelis nema nemas nep net nete nets neve neves new nib nid nil nimrod nip nips nis nit no nob nod nog noh noil nolos nom non nona nonet noo noon noop noops nori nos not notes notum now noy nu nub nun nur nus nut nuts nys oat ob oba obey obo obol od oda odas offed offer ogre oh ohm oho ohos oi oiks om on ono oo ooh oohs oom oon oop oor oot op oppo orb orf os otic otto oud ova ovel ow owt oxo oy pac pacer pad pah pal palp pals pam pan pans pap par pard part parts pas pat pats paw paws pay pec peed peek peel peels peen peep pees peh pelas pen peons pep per perp perts pets pig pin pins pip pir pis pit plap plug po pod poh pol pols pom ponk poo pooh pool pools poon poons poop poor poort poos poots pop port ports pos pot pots pow pows prat prep prod prog pud pug puh pullup pup pupils puris pus put puy radar rag raga rager rages raggas rail rait raj raja ram ramis rang ranid rank rap raps ras rast rat rats raw ray re real reaps rebus rebut recal recap recaps reccos redder redes redia redips redleg redraw redrawer reed reef reeks reel reels reens rees ref refed refer reffed reffo reflet reflow regal regar regna regnal regos reh reif reified reifier reik reiks reined reird reknit reknits reknot reknots relaid relit relive reliver reman remeet remit renies rennet rep repaid repaper repel repins repot repots res resat resod retag retem retool retrod retros revel reviled reviler reviver reward rewarder rewets rexes ria rial rias ribas riel rif rim rima rime rims rip rits rob roc rod rok rolf rom rones roo rood room rooms roop roops roots rosies rot rotator rotavator rotor rub ruc rucs rug rums run sab sabir sabra sad sadis sado sados sae sag saga sagas sagenes saggar sail sair sakis sal salep salles sallets sam sama samas samen san sanes sap sapan sappan saps sar saran saros sarus sat sate sati sav saved saw saz scab scam scares scot scram scran scur seals seam seat secret seder sedes sedile seed seeks seel seem seems seep seer sees segar segol seil seined seiner seis seisor seities sekos sel selah selahs seles sellas selles seme sememes semes semina sena senas sene senega senegas sennet senor sense ser sera serac seracs seral sere sered seres seric serif serons serres serum sese sesey sessa sesses set seta seton setule seven sexed sexer sexes sey seys sha shad shah shahs shakos shales shama shay shaya she shod shoo shtik si sib sic sidas sies sik sikas siled silen sim sima simar simis sin sined sinnet sip siri siris sirra sirred sirs sirup sis sit six skat skeer skees skeets sken skeps skier skio skips sklim skool skran skrans skrik skua slab slaes slag slaid slam slap sled slee sleek sleep sleeps sleer sleet sleets slim slipup slit slive slived sloid sloom sloop sloops sloot sloots slop slug smart smees smew smir smits smoor smoot smug smur smut smuts snab snag snap snaps snark snarks snaw snawed snaws sneb sned sneed sneer snib snig snip sniper snips snirt snit snivel snod snoep snog snool snoop snoops snoot snores snort snot snow snub snug so sob soba soc soccer sod soda sodas sog soger soh soho sokahs sokes sol solah soled solon solos som some son sonnet sool soom soop sop soras sorb sore sored sorter sos sotol sow soy spacer spaer spag spam span spank spans spar spard spart sparts spas spat spats spaw spaws spay spaz spec speed speel speels spek speks spets spider spik spiks spim spin spins spirt spirts spit spod spool spools spoom spoon spoons spoor spoots sports spot spots sprat sprits sprod sprog spud spug sris stab stag stang stap staps star stared start stat state stats staw staws steed steek steeks steel steels steem stellas stem stemme sten stenned step steps stet stets stew stewer stime stimed stims stink stinker stir stirps stob stonk stonker stool stools stoop stoops stoor stop stoped stoper stops stot stots stoved stow stows strad strap straps straw strep stressed stria strig strips strop strops strow struts stub stum stums stun stunk sturts sub subah suber succus sued sulu sulus sum sumac sun sung sup suras sus susus swad swam swang swans swap swaps sward swat swats sway swey swob swone swop sword swot swots syed syes syn ta tab tae tael taes tag tak taki taks talc tallat tam tan tang tanna tao tap taps tar tared tarok tarp tarps tart tas taser tat tate tats tav taw taws te teed teek teel teels teem teemer tef teg tel telfer ten tenet tenner tennes tennis tennos tenon terces terf terra terret tes tet tets tew ti tiar tic tid tide tig til tiler tils time timed timer tin tink tinker tins tip tips tirrit tis tit toc tocs tod tog tom ton tonk tonker tons too tool tools toom tooms toons toot top toped toper tops tor torot tort tot tots tow tows trad trail tram trams trap traped traps trat trats tressed trew trig trins trips trod trons troop trop troped trot trow tsar tub tuba tubed tuber tug tum tums tun tup tut two ug ulu ulus um umu un urb utu vas vat vav vid vug wad wan wang wans wap waps war warb ward warder warts was wat wats waw way wed wem wems wen wena wert wet wets wey wo wok wolf wolfer won wonk wons wop word wort worts wos wot wots wow xis ya yad yag yah yahs yak yam yap yaps yar yard yaw yaws yay yebo yeh yerd yes yeses yew yews yo yob yod yom yon yos yrneh yug yup zaps zas zel ziz zuz zzz
It is interesting to note that some levidromes are also palindromes. I wonder whether we need a new word to describe this phenomenon also? Furthermore, there is no word in English for "a word that you make up in order to make another word make sense". I suggest: "emordivel" ?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2nbSsPu http://ift.tt/eA8V8J
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