#+ hot water bottle
milkcioccolato · 10 months
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Big Brother Maul had no chance to escape, poor boy! Little Soka’s attack was way too powerful and efficient💪🏻😌
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savaralyn2 · 5 months
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Batfam but as my stupidest injuries pt 4. (Near death edition)
Dick: randomly passed out, was rushed to the hospital where they discovered his kidneys were going into failure, and he'd need a transplant. Everyone freaked out only for the next blood test to change completely, and nothing was wrong anymore (no one knows why or how this happened)
Jason: got caught in a riptide helping a tourist kid who didn't know the water. Got back to shore by pure stubbornness (and knowing how riptides work) and threw up from exhaustion
Tim: fell off a paddle board and hit his head on it as he fell and almost drowned from being dazed and winded by the fall
Damian: almost got tetanus from slamming his face into a rusty swing pole, then not getting a shot
Bonus Tim because in Pt 3 his injury was being scalded by boiling water: went into burn shock for most of the night
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logybearboy · 1 year
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Knitted Lambwool Hot Water Bottle Cover by LindaBinghamArtist
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
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a smile from Pangur!
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knightjpg · 22 days
fluffy comfort ghost/reader drabble 🌙
“Oh, honey. I thought you'd be asleep by now.”
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You close the door to the bedroom behind you with a small smile. Simon puts down his trashy horror paperback and pushes his reading glasses on top of his head. 
Kettlebell has jumped off the bed to rub against your legs, and you bend down to scratch him under his chin. Mim just sleepily lifts his head to chirp hello and then goes right back to sleep at Simon's side. 
“Wanted t’make sure y’got home safe,” Simon says. “How'd it go?” 
“Good, I think.” You start unbuttoning your work blouse. “The coordinators didn't make as much of a mess as last year, so check-in only lasted an hour.” 
Simon snorts. “Knobheads.” 
You hum in agreement. Your blouse and sweater are tossed onto the big clothes chair, and you bend down to roll off your pants. “But the turnout was good. More people than we thought there'd be... Which was great but also not, because, you know. More people I can disappoint.” 
When you straighten and look over your shoulder Simon's eyes are laser-focused on your ass. “Could never disappoint.” 
Kettlebell hops back on the bed and gives an impatient little “mrrp!”. You laugh and quickly pull one of Simon's shirts over your head, then crawl in bed. Kettlebell's purring motor starts up immediately and he tries to make biscuits on your legs while you're still moving bedding and pillows to get comfy. 
“Mm. Are you trying to sweet-talk me?” 
One corner of Simon's mouth lifts. “S’it workin'?” He turns on his side and holds his arms open for you, making grabby hands. “C’mere.” 
You make an apologetic face. “Oh, baby, I'm freezing. Like actually. I waited for the bus for twenty minutes in the cold—give me a minute to warm up first.” 
Simon frowns, taking one of your hands in his. “Bloody—why didn't you coll me? Hm? I woulda come picked you up.” 
You shiver. Simon is a furnace, and the warmth from his hand alone makes goosebumps prick along the skin of your arm. “No, it's okay. It would've taken the same amount of time for you to get there.” 
Simon leans in for a kiss. His lips are warm and soft, and you shiver again when you press your nose against his cheek.   
“Don't want my girl t’be cold,” he murmurs. “Now get in here ‘fore I drag you.” 
“Are you sure? I don't want to be—” 
Before you can finish your sentence Simon grabs you by the shoulders and hauls you closer. Kettlebell sniffs grumpily when his biscuit factory suddenly turns into a boat at sea during a storm, and he hops from the bedding to the pillows to make a nest in your hair. 
Simon tenses for a second when he puts your hands against his chest, but otherwise shows no signs of the discomfort you know he must be feeling. “See? Not so bad.” 
“Liar.” You put your toes against his shins, and Simon hisses. You chuckle, nuzzling closer into his neck. “I love you.” 
Simon reaches behind him to dim his nightstand light, and Kettlebell's purr slowly starts up again. Cuddled up this close you can feel the rumble of it buzz against your skull in that pleasant white noise way. Like listening to the ocean, or to a bonfire. Comforting. 
You feel a pair of lips press softly against your forehead. “Get your sleep, lovie. Tell me everythin’ about th’conference tomorrow, yeah?” 
“Mhm.” You snuggle a little closer, eyes slowly drooping shut. The cold and the tension are slowly melting away, and with Simon's smell enveloping you completely you finally get to turn off your brain and relax. Today is done. Tomorrow you can start thinking again. 
“Love you too,” a voice says softly in your ear while you fall asleep. 
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babyblueetbaemonster · 4 months
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Quest Failed
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subbanator · 2 months
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hockey world cup 2016
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juniper-clan · 3 months
thank goodness you're okay!! i remember when hurricane irma and hurricane ian hit my area in their respective years; the worst part was probably not having AC in the florida heat and humidity 😭 reminds me to not take such stuff for granted though. i hope your electricity comes back soon! stay safe <3
Thank you! We have been making do. I'm a born and bred Appalachian and have dealt with plenty of natural disasters, so Hurricane Beryl wasn't too dissimilar than what I'm used to up North. The biggest pain in the ass is truly the humidity though.
I hope all my fellow Gulf Coasters / Southerners and those in the Caribbean are safe and picking up the pieces.
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1111-sunset-circle · 9 months
imagine your f/o coming home and slipping into bed with you. mumbling about how warm you are and resting their hands on your sides under your shirt.. bonus if their fingers are freezing. or maybe it’s the other way around: sneaking your hands up their shirt to warm them and snuggling in even closer
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 9 months
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"We got to find a way to make him believe that protecting Zilgram is not worth his trouble."
Leverage S04E11 The Experimental Job.
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hitwiththetmnt · 2 months
The Wrong Side of the Portal Raph from cabin 10 was wondering if you have enough water before you do anything fun!
"Raph wanted to swim with his family and maybe some new friends if they want to, but it's important to have enough water first. I have some extra water bottles if you need them!"
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Can’t go wrong with some extra water
Cabin #7 (7Wonders of the Turtleverse)
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littlealienproducts · 5 months
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Guinea Pig Lambswool Hot Water Bottle Cover by saracarr
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tj-crochets · 7 days
Hey y'all, when you use hot water bottles (or heating pads I guess) do you sometimes get a bunch of little dot bruises where the heat was? Or is this another thing I thought happened to everyone but it turns out it does not? (if it is just me I am not super concerned, I have a few forms of dysautonomia that affect my circulation, I'm just curious)
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brightstrangeworld · 5 months
gotta settle something here
edit: this is NOT about the practices of the coca cola company, this is solely about the taste.
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