#"portfolio management"
pampermama · 2 years
Investing for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Invest and Build Wealth
Photo by crazy motions on Pexels.com Investing is one of the most effective ways to build wealth over time, but it can also be intimidating for beginners. If you’re new to investing, you probably have many questions about how to get started and how to make informed decisions about your money. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the basics of investing, as well as more advanced topics, to…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 26 days
Sir Eric Neal summarised the year in his chairman's statement in the 1991 annual report. The statement, which had been furnished by management and written in a way that reflected what were known to be his views and attitudes, said:
As foreshadowed in my last report to you, the 1990-91 year has been one of the most difficult Westpac has faced in its 174 years of operations. Australia's current recession has been longer and deeper than was expected and has seriously impacted the bank's operations results . . . There are signs that the worst of the bad debt experience may now be behind us . . . Of particular significance to the Westpac Group has been the downturn in the commercial property market. Management of the group's property portfolio has been strengthened and the close involvement of the board property committee provides additional assistance to the proprietors that the group's property exposure is under constant review . . . Directors are satisfied that valuations of the group's major property exposures are appropriate and that provisions have been established where necessary to reflect any potential loss of value.
"Westpac: The Bank That Broke the Bank" - Edna Carew
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mythaura-blog · 1 month
We're Hiring!
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Hey everyone! We’re on the lookout for a Freelance Illustrator.
This is a freelance position to help create illustrated assets. Mythaura assets include creatures, markings & patterns on our bases, characters, and objects like items and apparel. This position is primarily focused around finding an artist to help us draw markings on our beast's various expressions, but may transition to other projects in the future.
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We are currently looking for an artist who can fulfill a workload of aproximately 40 hours per month.
Applicants must be 18 years or older.
Create and deliver PSD files that meet the creative brief.
Work with our senior artists and writers to ensure visual consistency.
Regularly demonstrate and update your work in progress.
Follow creative & technical briefs with regard to schedule.
Accurately quote and then produce work within the quoted timeframe.
Actively participate in an online team environment (currently Discord & Jira).
Required Skills and Experience
Must be able to match Mythaura’s 2D cel-shaded style.
Must be familiar with masks, layers, and templates. Photoshop expertise is a strong plus but not mandatory so long as your program of choice can open and save in PSD format.
Real-world understanding of proportion, depth, scale, and physical space. A strong understanding of coloring and shading, and an accurate understanding of animal anatomy.
Organizational and time-management skills.
Ability to maturely handle critiques and change requests.
To apply, please email [email protected] with “Freelance Illustrator” in the subject line. Include a link to an updated portfolio of your creative works. Please be sure to include your availability and rate. Previous applicants who have submitted an application in the past may either resubmit their portfolio or simply indicate that they are still interested in a position.
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
What do we know about Joris le Sans-Pouvoir (Joris the Powerless)?
Aka, addressing the "cancelled Nintendo DS game"-shaped elephant in the room.
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While this blog has gone deep into the show and character dissections, I think it would be remiss to proceed without addressing the elephant in the room — the game, the myth, the legend, the 2007-2009ish cancelled game Joris le Sans-Pouvoir.
There isn't a lot that is known about it, and all the data in this post comes from two developers.
The only videos of it we have available are uhhh......,
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...Please say "Thanks Ronik!" for this video in particular.
I spent hours trying to convert these two SWF animation video files, — which demonstrate how the game was supposed to look, — to something actually viewable. There were many issues, with at least seven different programs.
I suffered for crepinjurgenology studies, but I did it.
Instead of recounting the story in my own words and omitting anything on accident, I will simply present to you, what the portfolios of two different developers say (these two pages are the source of all the images, gifs, and gameplay):
Joris Le sans-Pouvoir is the main character from a feature film Ankama due in 2013. It’s a new character IP situated in the DOFUS universe. I had the chance to work on a platform game prototype that was all about delving into of the character’s backstory. We wrote a lot of background and had a lot of fun designing and developping a cute and quirky platformer with a hint of metroidvania elements and a dash of Grow gameplay elements in-between levels. It also was a great opportunity to work with Jono Takeshi-san of Radiata Stories fame who worked with me on the art direction. (SOURCE)
Joris was the first Nintendo DS project developed at Ankama (in partnership with Magic Pockets). I began working on the project as narrative game designer, then took on the role of Lead Designer and Project Manager. Game design on this project involved boss fight, level design, minigame design, UI… I also designed an original collecting system where collectible items were used in a minigame inspired by the “Grow” series. The developpement has been put on hold to match the release of the animated movie with the same character (scheduled in 2013). (SOURCE)
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Neither the movie nor the game, survived their development, due to circumstances. (shorthand for: I have no idea what happened, man. Maybe one day I'll write a post about the history of the movie, and truly open that can of worms, but god, not right now. I don't want to spend more time on this.)
Eventually, The Wakfu film turned into three OVAs instead, and the Dofus film changed its plot a bunch of times, and became Livre 1 : Julith.
...For some reason, in some version of it, Joris had a tail. Yeah, I don't know what that's about either. Cool clothes, though!
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We don't know anything about its plot, and unlike cancelled projects Dofus Donjons and Welsh et Shedar (which was cancelled for years, until its recent resurrection), the lore of this game carries no relevancy in modern canon.
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The name, Joris the Powerless, as well as the log-centric gameplay, both seem to reference the early concept that Joris had log-based powers, — and that without his "magic wand," he couldn't do much.
(Joris and his weird fucking "magic wand" were, in turn, borne out of the idea of a warrior who had a woman's voice. Which makes me chuckle.)
(The following quotes are machine-translated and may contain errors)
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This is, by the way, the reason why I personally headcanon Joris to be really bad at huppermagic. So bad that he dropped out of the Huppermage Academy, and almost never uses magic in combat. It's a homage to his original idea.
(Yes, there is an actual reason why I headcanon Joris to be godawful at magic, besides just projecting my neurodivergencies onto him.)
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I suppose that, even at this time, Joris was meant to be a store owner:
The gameplay loop involves going from boutique, to missions, and so on, while those two pieces of concept art involve the said boutique section, and show a female character saying «Pas mal, boss !».
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In my opinion, it might be this character. Proto-Simone, perhaps?
Since the store seems to be the centerpiece, and the Grow-style minigames involved collectibles, I would assume that the plot involved Joris going around and finding artifacts for the store. That would also explain the concept art gifs of him adventuring.
(Though, the adventuring would probably just be the inciting incident/a vehicle for plot development. Nintendo DS games loved using the jobs characters did for that purpose.)
This is the extent of what I can surmise about the plot.
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The developer portfolios also included these example documents, but the image quality is too bad for me to make sense of or upscale. I am including them here solely for some French people who are very good at reading blurry text. (If you learn anything, let me know, okay?)
Overall, my verdict is that this game's cancellation was both a blessing (Joris without Kerubim and Atcham is like tea without water and a cup. How am I meant to drink leaves? Are you stupid? Why are you giving me leaves with nothing?) and a curse (THEY CANCELLED A GAME ABOUT MY BLUE-COLORED YOINKY SPLOINKY (who has a THIN, GRABBABLE WAIST)????? FUCK!)
Hope this was a fun read!
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userparamore · 4 months
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to my probably three norwegian followers: the norwegian oil fund is investing in companies that contribute to violations of international law and human rights in the occupied palestinian territory. this is absolutely not ok, and i don't want our savings to be funded by genocide. fagforbundet and norsk folkehjelp have a campaign you can sign on this website, where you can send a personal message to four key stakeholders in norway, so they can do something about this state of affairs.
quote taken from fagforbundet's website:
"The Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees and Norwegian People's Aid, the Norwegian labour movement’s humanitarian solidarity organization, want to end Norwegian support for Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territory. The campaign aims to shed light on how investments made by the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), popularly known as the Norwegian oil fund, can contribute to the occupation and what you can do about it. A review of the oil fund's holdings shows that 65 companies in the fund’s portfolio have business activities on occupied Palestinian territory, profiting from and enabling the occupation. By participating in the campaign, you will send a personal message to four key stakeholders in Norway, asking them to do something about this state of affairs. These are the Norwegian central bank (who manage the fund); the minister of finance (who has overall responsibility for the fund); the Council on Ethics (whose job is to weed out companies that violate the fund’s ethical guidelines), and the Norwegian parliament’s standing committee on finance and economic affairs."
more info in the link and a list of which companies are involved.
photos are taken from fagforbundet's instagram and the pictures are taken by jannik abel.
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jess-moloney · 7 months
Addressing some *Terrible* Jess Defense
I'm very aware that I have my detractors when I tell the truth about who Jess is and what she really does. I expected that to happen because before I even started this blog I knew the general fandom mentality was either worship Jess like she's a Goddess or keep your mouth shut. The state of affairs on that is still very much the same, as people continue to be unable to post what they want about her and that's why this blog exists.
However, I was recently reading a post on a blog that seems to only exist to "debunk" mine, and some of the things they said were straight up ignorant. Talk about grasping at straws. I didn't ever want to have to address this but then it made me realize that maybe I'm not being clear enough about what my point is (even though everyone else seems to have no trouble grasping the concept of this blog) so here we go.
This post specifically from this one blog is using wildly out of date information to support Jess as a "business woman" now.
There was never a point where I said she didn't work for these places but her role in what she did is very unclear. Also, the fact that you can find her bouncing around from place to place at several organizations with high-profile titles for a few years is a huge red flag of incompetence. It seems like every single day I find another place she worked as a "senior officer" or "director" or some such title and then moved on to the next place.
I also found evidence of her attempting to poach clients (or outright lying about doing so). Do you know why? If you look at her website of people she's claimed to "currently" and "previously" manage, there's absolutely no proof anywhere that this is the case.
Is this other blog aware that you can look up not only who currently manages certain celebrities but who also managed them in the past? I've gone through history of management for MGK and there's not one mention of her name or her company managing him at any point. Currently, he's not managed by her at all. The same goes with Millie MacKintosh who is still handled by Donna Management. Jess never had her as a client directly, she just happened to be one of the clients at a place where Jess worked.
As for this wildly inaccurate statement (and I quote):
Jess role likely does not require her to always be on set. Have you ever met a CEO or president of a company? They are never in the office.
They aren't accounting for several factors here. Jess Moloney Management only has one employee, which is Jess Moloney. She's not overseeing a whole bunch of employees. Also her office isn't even in the US and she never fucking visits it. Not to mention the fact that Jess hasn't updated her website since 2019. Is she just too overrun with clients to do that?
Seems to me that if you're the only employee of the business you run that's successful you'd also want to update your website and keep it as accurate as possible for potential clients who may be reaching out to you. Jess also doesn't provide any examples of any work she's done nor does she have a portfolio, photographs, or verifiable means of discerning that she knows half of the people that she lists having as clients.
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Under past and present clients she lists Vivienne Westwood as someone *she represented*. No. That's not what happened. She worked for Vivienne Westwood, not the other way around. Something you even said in your own post and then contradicted. Vivienne was never a client of Jess, she happened to work for the woman, didn't even get close to her, and then was involved in a plagiarism scandal so badly that it cost her her job and she had to move on to Donna Management. Another thing you completely missed I suppose.
Go ahead and try to find any proof whatsoever that Jess ever managed most of these people, by herself, outside of when she worked with a team of people at a successful company. You won't find it.
Furthermore, your "proof" of her being thanked in the NYT article "on the front page" isn't true either. She's not mentioned in that article anywhere. She doesn't even say she is. She's just bragging about Renell being part of it.
Jess Moloney is a woman who has worked to build up her career in managing creative projects, and it is clear she has been successful in her own right.
Jess Moloney, in the past (and please note that every single one of their sources is years old, literally dating back to 2017 at some points) did do some things that she greatly exaggerated into job opportunities and roles she clearly couldn't handle causing her to bounce from place to place until she got to where she is now. Which is doing nothing.
I know you like to claim that Jess is the CEO of...some huge company (she's not) but she's working in a public-facing job (allegedly, according to you). This is not a job you can do sitting at home by yourself. Oh and by the way, Ice Studios has no physical location/office/studio or anything like that. Look it up. There is no place that it even exists. There's also no proof she's done anything for this business other than "promote" it (badly) by stealing photos she didn't take and crediting them to the people who did take them (who rarely thank her, tag her, comment, like, or acknowledge that she exists).
Then of course we have the fact that you refuse to address the recent issue of Ice Studios selling out a bunch of merchandise and immediately shutting down their website only days later which is a huge red flag and indicates a scam. They continue to advertise products that have never been for sale on their website (for some reason) and they do not address people who are asking how to buy the merchandise. They also falsely represent the products they sell in their advertisements, and the TOS on their website (before it shut down) was a nightmare of legal speak explaining how they can basically scam you and you can't do anything about it. They don't even have a return policy for their clothing. Their shop website, which would be a huge source of their income has been down for over a month without them even trying to fix it.
On top of that, you can't explain why Bella Hadid who once represented their brand DELETED ALL THE INSTAGRAM POSTS SHE EVER MADE PROMOTING ICE STUDIOS IN THE FIRST PLACE. That seems very odd to do, and coincidentally the deletion only came after Jess became part of this "business" not before. A business that was running just fine before Jess got involved.
In conclusion:
At no point did I say Jess didn't have high-profile jobs in the past. At no point did I say she didn't brush shoulders with some famous people. I said currently (as in for the past few years, particularly when she got with Jamie) she's done literally nothing other than sit in his house or follow him around everywhere. If she was this "successful CEO woman" who did all this work, which is a public job that has to do with marketing and being the face of a brand, then she also wouldn't have time to follow Jamie to every convention and on every snowboarding trip and do nothing but sit in his house and doom scroll on social media.
The exact profession she chose relies so extremely heavily on attending events, marketing yourself, public appearances, and networking, in person. Trust me, Jess is not doing any of this sitting in Jamie's house and looking at Instagram which seems to be 98% of her life these days. Instead of trying to explain any of this you just default back to "Well Jess did have this job at one point even though it's extremely dubious what extent she worked with any of these people and there's absolutely zero proof she had much contact with them if any contact at all". You pick and choose what narrative you want to have and you ignore what is being said in the first place. Then you make bullshit phony concern posts like this:
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Instead of just reading what I actually have to say. You are twisting things entirely out of context, not reading the writing on the wall, not reviewing all of the sources I've provided, not using logic, and being wilfully ignorant to the situation because for some reason you'd rather defend this woman and all the truth surrounding her behaviour than actually learning for yourself that she's a walking red flag.
Now that you've read all of this @jess-moloney-malarkey maybe you have some explanation to this, I'm guessing you don't since it seems you can't comprehend what your own sources say let alone the facts I'm laying out for you but go ahead, try to defend this instead of just trash talking me like you have all the facts. I won't hold my breath either.
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erisweekofficial · 1 year
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Here are some questions to help brainstorm how you can contribute to Eris week. You can use them for fic, art, quotes, head canons, theories, playlists, and more! Remember that we’re all here to support one another’s ideas, so don't be afraid to do something outside your comfort zone!
Read more under the cut.
How would Eris initially feel about being forced into an arranged marriage? Would he see it as an opportunity, a burden, or something else? 
How would Eris act when meeting his prospective bride or groom? How do they perceive each other, and how does that relationship evolve over time? 
If Eris was part of an arranged marriage, would internal struggles would Eris face? Does he wrestle with the conflict between duty and personal desires? How does he reconcile his own ambitions
What if Eris or his prospective partner was in love with someone else? Would he go through with the marriage? 
Would Eris ever arrange a marriage for his children? What would be his reasoning? What would he do if we were met with resistance? 
If Eris was in the modern world, what kind of job would he have? Would he have a role that naturally aligns with his personality and skills, or would you prefer to place him in a role that is at odds with his nature? 
Example Jobs: CEO, Mafia Boss, Doctor, Portfolio Manager, Attorney, Commercial Real Estate Agent, Actor, Fashion Designer, Detective, Musician, Academic, Dramaturgist, Ambassador, Politician 
What modern-day traditions or celebrations would Eris participate in? Does he celebrate with family? Friends? Alone? 
What mundane activities or rituals would Eris have in a modern au? What does he do when those are interrupted? 
Would Eris have different relationships with the actor characters in a modern setting, or would they essentially be the same? (it’s up to you!) 
What other tropes could you combine with modern au?
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renovations24 · 27 days
How to Find Expert Bathroom Renovators in Eltham
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Renovating a bathroom can be a transformative experience, enhancing both the functionality and aesthetic of one of the most important spaces in your home. In Eltham, a suburb known for its picturesque settings and charming homes, finding the right expert bathroom renovator is crucial to ensuring a successful renovation project. This guide will walk you through the steps to find top-notch bathroom renovators in Eltham, offering practical tips and insights to make your search as smooth as possible.
1. Define Your Renovation Goals
Before you start your search for a bathroom renovator, it’s essential to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your renovation. Are you looking to completely overhaul your bathroom, or are you interested in smaller updates? Consider factors like:
Design Preferences: Modern, traditional, or a mix of styles.
Functional Needs: Additional storage, upgraded fixtures, or better lighting.
Budget: Determine how much you’re willing to invest in the renovation.
Having a detailed vision will help you communicate your needs effectively to potential renovators and ensure they understand your expectations.
2. Research Local Bathroom Renovators
Start your search by looking for bathroom renovators in Eltham. You can use a variety of resources:
Online Directories and Listings: Websites like Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Google Maps offer lists of local renovators with customer reviews and ratings.
Social Media: Platforms like Facebook and Instagram often feature local businesses and can provide insights into their work.
Home Improvement Websites: Sites like Houzz and HomeAdvisor can connect you with professionals and showcase their portfolios.
3. Check Credentials and Experience
When evaluating potential renovators, consider the following:
Licensing and Certification: Ensure the renovator holds the necessary licenses and certifications required in Victoria. This indicates they meet industry standards and regulations.
Experience: Look for renovators with significant experience in bathroom renovations. A long track record often reflects expertise and reliability.
Specializations: Some renovators may specialize in certain styles or types of renovations. Choose one whose expertise aligns with your project goals.
4. Review Portfolios and References
Reviewing a renovator’s portfolio is crucial to assessing their workmanship and style. Ask for examples of previous bathroom renovations they’ve completed. Pay attention to:
Quality of Work: Check for clean finishes, attention to detail, and overall craftsmanship.
Variety of Projects: A diverse portfolio indicates flexibility and experience with different styles and requirements.
Client Feedback: Request references from past clients to gain insights into their experiences and satisfaction with the renovator’s work.
5. Request Quotes and Compare
Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential renovators, request detailed quotes from each. A thorough quote should include:
Scope of Work: A detailed description of the renovation tasks and materials.
Timeline: An estimated timeline for project completion.
Cost Breakdown: Clear pricing for labor, materials, and any additional expenses.
Comparing quotes will help you understand the market rate and ensure you’re getting a fair price for the work.
6. Ask the Right Questions
When meeting with renovators, asking the right questions can help you gauge their suitability for your project:
What is your approach to project management and communication?
How do you handle unexpected issues or changes during the renovation?
What warranties or guarantees do you offer on your work?
Can you provide a detailed contract outlining all aspects of the renovation?
Their responses will give you a sense of their professionalism and how they manage projects.
7. Verify Insurance and Safety Measures
Ensure the renovator has adequate insurance coverage, including public liability and workers’ compensation. This protects you in case of accidents or damage during the renovation. Additionally, inquire about their safety measures and protocols to ensure a safe working environment.
8. Trust Your Instincts
Finally, trust your instincts when choosing a bathroom renovator. The right professional should make you feel confident and comfortable throughout the renovation process. Consider their communication style, responsiveness, and overall demeanor.
Finding the right bathroom renovator in Eltham involves careful research and consideration. By defining your goals, researching local experts, reviewing their work, and asking the right questions, you’ll be well-equipped to choose a renovator who can bring your vision to life. A successful renovation not only enhances your bathroom but also adds value to your home, making the effort to find the right professional well worth it.
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chandandhillon21 · 3 months
Business Operations Plan
At Chandan House Painting, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality, personalized painting services to both residential and commercial clients in Timmins, Ontario. This operations plan outlines how we manage and grow our business, ensuring excellence at every step.
Business Location and Facilities
Primary Office: We chose Timmins, Ontario, as our base of operations because it offers a balanced mix of residential neighborhoods and commercial districts. The central accessibility and growing demand for renovation services make it an ideal location for our business.
Office Space: Our office is a small, well-equipped space where we handle administrative tasks, meet with clients, and plan projects.
Storage: We have a secure storage area for our painting materials, supplies, and equipment.
Vehicles: Our company vehicles are essential for transporting materials and equipment to job sites efficiently.
Products and Services
Residential Painting Services:
We offer interior painting (walls, ceilings, trim), exterior painting (siding, fences, decks), and custom finishes and murals.
Commercial Painting Services:
Our services include interior office painting, exterior commercial building painting, and specialized coatings (anti-graffiti, fire-resistant).
Operational Workflow
1. Client Engagement:
Initial Contact: Clients can reach us via phone, email, or our website to inquire about our services.
Consultation: We schedule on-site consultations to assess the project scope, provide recommendations, and offer a detailed estimate.
2. Project Planning:
Quote Preparation: We provide detailed quotes, including project timelines, costs, and materials.
Contract Signing: Once the quote is approved, we prepare and sign a contract outlining the project details and terms.
3. Project Execution:
Preparation: We prepare the site by covering furniture, taping off areas, and performing any necessary surface repairs.
Painting: Our team applies paint using appropriate techniques to ensure quality and consistency.
Inspection: We conduct a thorough inspection with the client to ensure satisfaction with the completed work.
4. Project Completion:
Clean-Up: We clean the job site, removing all equipment and debris.
Final Walkthrough: We perform a final walkthrough with the client to address any concerns and ensure complete satisfaction.
Feedback: We request feedback and reviews from the client to improve our services and build testimonials.
Staffing Plan
Roles and Responsibilities:
Owner/Manager: I oversee overall business operations, manage finances, and ensure customer satisfaction.
Lead Painter: Our lead painter manages painting projects, ensures quality control, and supervises the painting staff.
Painters: Our painters execute painting tasks, maintain equipment, and follow safety protocols.
Administrative Assistant: Handles scheduling, client communication, and office management.
Recruitment and Training:
Hiring: We recruit skilled and experienced painters through job postings, referrals, and local trade schools.
Training: We provide ongoing training on the latest painting techniques, safety procedures, and customer service standards.
Suppliers and Equipment
We establish relationships with local suppliers for high-quality paints, primers, and materials, such as Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore.
We source our equipment and tools from reputable suppliers to ensure reliability and efficiency.
Our equipment includes brushes, rollers, sprayers, drop cloths, ladders, scaffolding, and safety gear (masks, gloves, goggles).
Marketing and Sales Plan
Marketing Strategies:
Online Presence: We developed a professional website showcasing our services, project portfolio, and customer testimonials. We utilize social media platforms to engage with the community and share project updates.
Local Advertising: We distribute flyers, business cards, and brochures in the local area. We also advertise in local newspapers and community boards.
Referrals and Partnerships: We encourage satisfied clients to refer friends and family. We partner with real estate agents, interior designers, and home improvement stores for mutual referrals.
Sales Strategies:
Promotional Offers: We provide discounts for first-time clients and special offers for referrals.
Customer Loyalty: We implement a loyalty program offering discounts or perks for repeat customers.
Networking: We attend local events, trade shows, and community gatherings to network and promote our business.
Financial Management
We create a detailed budget outlining projected income and expenses.
We monitor cash flow to ensure sufficient funds for ongoing operations and unexpected costs.
Pricing Strategy:
We set competitive prices based on market research, cost of materials, labor, and desired profit margins.
We offer transparent pricing with detailed quotes to build trust and avoid misunderstandings.
We use accounting software to manage invoices, payments, and financial records.
We hire a professional accountant for tax preparation and financial advice.
Risk Management
We obtain comprehensive business insurance, including liability, property, and workers' compensation.
Regulatory Compliance:
We stay informed about local regulations and ensure all our business practices comply with legal requirements.
We maintain necessary licenses and permits for operating in Timmins, Ontario.
At Chandan House Painting, we are committed to delivering exceptional painting services through careful planning, quality execution, and a strong focus on customer satisfaction. This operations plan provides a roadmap for efficient management and growth, ensuring we meet our goals and exceed client expectations.
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robo-milky · 2 years
I TWST-ified my theatre highlight/incorrect quotes: (Extremely OOC)
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Lilia: It’s our last show and our final fight scene! Let’s make it the best one!
Rest of the Mic Crew: Yeah!
Lilia: I’ll cue you in on the sound, Cater.
Lilia: Cuing battle suspense music in 3… 2… 1…
Azul (on stage): Go get Epel’s brains!
Cater: *Accidentally plays Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley*
Cloche: What the hell- What the hell- Oh my god…
Lilia: *Stifling laughter in the back to not alarm audience*
Idia: My parents came to this production! I was supposed to use this for my portfolio!
Cater: I’m sorry! I really don’t know how that happened!
Idia: Fuck you, Cater.
Cloche: It’s okay- They won’t know. We’ll just pretend it’s a meme show.
Azul and Epel: *Duking it out on stage as the lyrics “We’re no strangers to love” come on*
*Context: The play we put on is about the internet. In a scene prior to the finale, we used a Rickroll- Somehow, our Sounds Manager screwed up and used that Rickroll instead of the battle BGM we were supposed to use. Because it was our last day of production (our school’s last day of productions were usually twisted into a “meme show”; but we weren’t having a meme show this production), no one in the audience questioned it. It was a full house and a lot of our teachers, friends and graduates from theatre came to see the show- the pressure was insane. This was also the only show to be recorded.
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sikariatech · 9 months
web design company in patna
web design company in patna
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In Patna, the capital city of Bihar, India, several website design companies cater to the growing demand for online presence and digital solutions. Choosing the right website design company in Patna involves considering various factors to ensure that your web presence reflects your brand effectively. Here’s an overview of what to look for when selecting a website design company in Patna, encompassed within a 500-word limit:
Local Presence and Reputation: Seek a company with a physical presence in Patna and a positive reputation in the local market. Check their experience working with businesses in the region and their familiarity with the local audience and market trends.
Portfolio and Expertise: Review their portfolio to assess the quality and diversity of their previous work. Look for designs that resonate with your vision and demonstrate creativity, functionality, and responsiveness across various industries.
Client Testimonials and Reviews: Check for client testimonials, reviews, and case studies to understand the experiences of their previous clients. Testimonials can provide insights into the company's reliability, communication, and the ability to deliver on promises.
Technical Expertise and Services: Ensure the company possesses technical expertise in website design, development, and other services you might require, such as SEO, e-commerce solutions, mobile responsiveness, and content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal.
Customization and Client-Centric Approach: Look for a company that values client input and offers customized solutions tailored to your business needs. A client-centric approach ensures that the website reflects your brand identity and goals effectively.
Communication and Support: Effective communication is crucial for a successful project. Assess their communication channels, responsiveness to queries, and the willingness to provide regular updates throughout the project lifecycle. Also, inquire about post-launch support and maintenance services.
Cost and Value Proposition: Consider the cost of services in relation to the value provided. While cost is important, prioritize value and quality over a low price. Ensure transparency in pricing and clarity on what services are included in the quoted price.
Timeline and Project Management: Discuss the estimated timeline for project completion and their approach to project management. A reliable company should have a structured project plan and a realistic timeline to meet deadlines effectively.
Local Market Understanding: Look for a company that understands the local market dynamics, cultural nuances, and preferences of the audience in Patna. This understanding can help in crafting a website that resonates well with the target audience.
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mythaura-blog · 2 years
Help Wanted: Freelance Illustrator
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Hey everyone! We’re on the lookout for a Freelance Illustrator.
This is a long-term freelance position to help create illustrated assets. Mythaura assets include creatures, markings & patterns on our bases, characters, and objects like items and apparel. Artists skilled with background illustrations will be looked at with priority but are not required.
Applicants must be 18 years or older.
Create and deliver PSD files that meet the creative brief.
Work with our senior artists and writers to ensure visual consistency.
Regularly demonstrate and update your work in progress.
Follow creative & technical briefs with regard to schedule.
Accurately quote and then produce work within the quoted timeframe.
Actively participate in an online team environment (currently Discord & Asana).
Required Skills and Experience
Must be able to match Mythaura’s 2D cel-shaded style.
Must be familiar with masks, layers, and templates. Photoshop expertise is a strong plus but not mandatory so long as your program of choice can open and save in PSD format.
Real-world understanding of proportion, depth, scale, and physical space. A strong understanding of coloring and shading, and an accurate understanding of animal anatomy.
Organizational and time-management skills.
Ability to maturely handle critiques and change requests.
To apply, please email [email protected] with “Freelance Illustrator” in the subject line. Include a link to an updated portfolio of your creative works. Please be sure to include your availability and rate.
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sikariatech005 · 9 months
website design company in patna
website design company in patna
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In Patna, the capital city of Bihar, India, several website design companies cater to the growing demand for online presence and digital solutions. Choosing the right website design company in Patna involves considering various factors to ensure that your web presence reflects your brand effectively. Here’s an overview of what to look for when selecting a website design company in Patna, encompassed within a 500-word limit:
Local Presence and Reputation: Seek a company with a physical presence in Patna and a positive reputation in the local market. Check their experience working with businesses in the region and their familiarity with the local audience and market trends.
Portfolio and Expertise: Review their portfolio to assess the quality and diversity of their previous work. Look for designs that resonate with your vision and demonstrate creativity, functionality, and responsiveness across various industries.
Client Testimonials and Reviews: Check for client testimonials, reviews, and case studies to understand the experiences of their previous clients. Testimonials can provide insights into the company's reliability, communication, and the ability to deliver on promises.
Technical Expertise and Services: Ensure the company possesses technical expertise in website design, development, and other services you might require, such as SEO, e-commerce solutions, mobile responsiveness, and content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal.
Customization and Client-Centric Approach: Look for a company that values client input and offers customized solutions tailored to your business needs. A client-centric approach ensures that the website reflects your brand identity and goals effectively.
Communication and Support: Effective communication is crucial for a successful project. Assess their communication channels, responsiveness to queries, and the willingness to provide regular updates throughout the project lifecycle. Also, inquire about post-launch support and maintenance services.
Cost and Value Proposition: Consider the cost of services in relation to the value provided. While cost is important, prioritize value and quality over a low price. Ensure transparency in pricing and clarity on what services are included in the quoted price.
Timeline and Project Management: Discuss the estimated timeline for project completion and their approach to project management. A reliable company should have a structured project plan and a realistic timeline to meet deadlines effectively.
Local Market Understanding: Look for a company that understands the local market dynamics, cultural nuances, and preferences of the audience in Patna. This understanding can help in crafting a website that resonates well with the target audience.
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whatwouldvalerydo · 2 years
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Summary: When a reporter gets too close to the Carnage Circus in order to be the first one to get a scoop on the latest female director, things get a little too complicated too fast. How can a pure soul win against centuries of disaster ?
Warning ⚠️: a lot of cursing, slight NSFW hints, blood, weapons
Phil Baker belongs to the fabulous and talented @flareshogwarts
Scarlett Tempest, the director of the most prestigious circus in history. On the anniversary of her tenth year as director, London is roaring as she is said to bring the circus to town then. She promises horror, magic, rides and entertainment like never before. And people would eat it up.
She had something for everyone, from the glamour lovers, to the horror-stricken souls, she adapted, relishing in the attention she received. She would arrive at a destination and take two days just to setup before opening the gates. She would travel by car inside, a private driver at her beck and call. Makeup artists and hairstylists would line up to present their portfolio and get a private audience with the golden eyed director.
A devilish woman inside her own little circus.
Not called Night, no longer Carnage, her changing the names whenever she felt like it. It added to the thrill, to the mystery, to the theme.
Each town would line up their reporters, them trying to convince her guards to let them in so they could take pictures and have an interview, but in the end Scarlett would always arrive, her minions setting a podium in front of them so she could look over the reporters, every time choosing just one.
Just like on every occasion she arrived via car, her private driver opening the door, Scarlett walking outside, cameras flashing even before she exited. High heels clicked on the small podium, lights on her, questions being addressed in a loud roar, words blending together. Her eyes checked the sea of reporters, finally landing on someone who managed to make his way to the front of the group. She could see his lips moving, however she could not make the words out, whispers filling her ears.
Smirking, she requested to be brought down, walking right next to the gate, her eyes locking with the journalist “Phil Baker miss Tempest from the London Pages. Is it true you cannot step outside the circus? Is it true that the police have ceased their investigations and passed their evidence to the FBI? Statistically speaking women are more calculated when it comes to committing murders, is it true that…”
Blinking, she extended her hand out between the bars, fingers grazing his chest, Phil stopping his onslaught of questions, breath suddenly leaving his lungs “You are coming with me. The rest of you can fuck off.”
Being led inside her car, he took out his phone, Scarlett placing a hand over it “I need to record.”
“It’s not how it works. I tell you what to do.” She saw him pulling away, Phil clearing his throat.
“Well then, I still need to write it down in order to quote you for the interview.”
She gave him a side look, Scarlett licking her top lip, then her bottom one “Quote this: I don’t give a fuck. Let’s play a game, make it fun. Tell me something about you.”
Adjusting himself in the seat, he looked at her “Well, I’m a reporter…”
“What?” he asked perplex.
“I said fucking skip, make it fun, don’t waste my time.”
Crinkling his nose, he nodded “I have a blog.”
Rolling her eyes, she felt the car stop, but neither left it “Hope you don’t have one of those fucking cutesy blogs where you reblog gifs and quotes from stars then call yourself worthy. Because that’s sad.”
“Actually it’s about the circus and conspiracy theories.”
A laugh exploded from her chest, Scarlett throwing her head back “That’s even worse. But do tell me, what do those conspiracies say?”
He saw her leaning closer to her, her body as if giving out too much heat. He could feel it lingering, spreading towards his own skin “That you’re cursed.” Her eyes locked with his, Scarlett leaning even closer “That you need” his words failed him as she touched his jaw making him look at her properly.
“Fucking say it.”
Again that cute nose scrunch, Phil running a hand through his hair, turning his face away when she went to kiss him “Scarlett…”
“It’s director for you. You crinkle your nose every time I say the word fuck, why?”
Clearing his throat, he once more avoided her lips, heartbeat picking up, the space inside the car suddenly far too small for the both of them “Maybe I don’t like swearing.”
“Maybe you don’t like fucking, who am I to judge? Oh wait, I’m the director.” She teased “So what do I need?”
She finally gave him some space, Phil feeling as if he could not form a proper thought in her presence when usually he would rant, ask questions, get answers “Someone to save you.”
Laughter left her mouth once more, dark just like the lights dimming around them “Do I look like I need saving? I’m having the time of my life. Now tell me, do you know what you are?” the darkness spread around them, Phil blinking thinking he was seeing things.
“No, what am I?” Frowning, she looked over at her driver, snapping her fingers. He signalled with the headlights, the door on Phil’s side being opened, her bodyguards grabbing him “What are you doing?”
“You’re denied entry until I say so. Take him out of here.”
By morning when Phil entered the office, his boss already got the memo on how he was selected but also thrown out of the Circus within the first hour. That meeting wasn’t pretty. It resulted in Phil storming off, determined to get that interview and prove his boss wrong, but also he wanted to know if what he witnessed the day prior was real. Because it felt otherworldly. As if she wasn’t real, not like he was or what he perceived the world to be. As if inside her circus, she was queen and there was nothing to hinder her.
But also he needed to find the answer to her question “what was he?”
And his guess was as good as any. On the first days, she toyed with him, appearing wherever he was or wanted to sneak in through “You’ll have to do better than that Baker, this is my domain and I can sense you. No matter where you go, I see you.”
And he did not believe her, it was a game, a stolen smile behind the circus bars, a fleeting touch lingering more than it should. It was him traveling to other cities to get a glimpse of her and his blog blew up as he recorded every interaction.
Yet he could not get close to her and her darkness.
He had been thrown out more times that he could count, scared to death and beyond, had a gun or several other weapons pointed at him, but for some reason he could not even fathom fully, he was still drawn to her and the circus.
But when he decided to infiltrate the circus in the middle of a main performance, Scarlett requested for him to be brought to her directly, a fake smile shaping her lips “You do know I can swallow you whole Baker.”
“Doubtful.” He retorted, trying to get away from her bodyguards.
“My show before director was sword swallowing, trust me, I got this.” Her smirking when his eyes widened at the sudden innuendo “What do you want? You can’t get to me unless I want to.”
“I feel you too. I can be in the city, in my cheap motel and I can still sense you. Why?”
A heavy sigh left her lips, Scarlett ordering her men to let him go “Don’t do this. Trust me, you’re too lovely for this world. How about this? I give you an insight, backstage, tomorrow, you and me. But tonight you are mine. Then we can consider it done.”
Pulling him closer to her face, her lips barely lingered against his as she whispered “Good.”
As the sun rose and started casting its rays through the thick fog, Phil Baker stepped onto the empty circus, silently making his way to the main gates, dressed in the same clothes as the previous day. Someone clearing his throat made him jump, Orion offering him a small smile “It was not my intention to startle you.”
Phil’s eyes travelled towards the sign above the man’s head, a small wave directed his way “Morning.”
“Would you be interested in a session?” Orion asked, his hand removing the curtain obscuring the entrance to his tent.
“Sorry, no. I need to go, running a bit behind as it is.”
Nodding his head, he offered to accompany him instead towards the exit “You will arrive just on time, we are never early or late, rather we are where and when we need to be.”
He found the idea silly as the question formed in his head, but Phil stopped in his tracks “I’m never going to see her after today am I?”
“That is up to you my friend. As opposed to you, the director does not have the necessary freedom, she goes where the wind takes her next. We are all but pawns and this is our board. You are on the outside, looking in.”
“Right.” He stated a bit confused by his words “What am I really to her? I don’t understand these feelings, this rush.”
“I can’t utter the words for you, but think of her as a doorway to another world, however the door needs something to get it opened.”
“I’m the key.” Orion nodding “But she said she doesn’t want to be saved, that she likes it here.”
Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, Orion surveyed the terrain “That was before you were truly in play. The fates have an odd sense of right and wrong and there cannot be light without darkness.”
“But there can be just darkness.” Phil retorted feeling like the conversation was going in circles. If it was the influence of much more or the fact that he did not sleep, he did not know.
Removing his hand, Orion stopped at the main gates “You are correct. You will know what to do when the time comes and she will as well. She may be darkness now, but she’s starting to see the light.” Orion gestured to the terrain, the fog having almost disappeared, the sun shinning bright “And once the light touches you, there’s no going back.”
Turning to see if his car was still where he had parked it and intact, Phil asked “What do you mean?��� turning back to the gates, Orion was no longer there, however he could feel as if he was being watched, a shiver running down his spine.
By nightfall the beautiful weather was no longer present, a dark cloud making its way above the city, heavy cold rain pouring down, but Phil managed to get the team and equipment intact on the circus grounds, a smug look on his face as he whispered against her ear “You didn’t say anything about a crew.” Scarlett smirking as she looked into his eyes, holding his gaze.
“Good job Baker, you got what you wanted. Hope you’ll be happy with the results.”
He found it odd when she actually stood in front of the camera and the lights, answering questions. He was allowed to film the entire performance, backstage and everything, a dream come true for any reporter. But when the performance was halfway through and he was checking the live footage, as the camera zoomed on the audience, he could see the straight faces in the crowd, their tense bodies and intense stares looking at the show, as if waiting.
And when Scarlett stepped back in the arena to announce the end of the show, he asked for the crew to focus on the audience, a few of them pulling out weapons, pointing them at her. He did not think, he did not even manage to form a proper thought as he moved from the monitors, running into the arena “Scarlett move!” she turned around confused, Phil pushing her out of the way, a single bullet hitting him, his body falling back, hitting the ground.
Scarlett’s bodyguards and crew circled them immediately, the crowd catching on as panic erupted.
Kneeling next to him, she closed her eyes, a sigh of relief leaving her lips seeing as he was just hit in the shoulder. As she opened her eyes, darkness erupted “Fine, let there be carnage.”
The tent shook as she got up, lights going out one by one as she spoke, anger lacing her voice.
“You simple minded people. I was here, I have always been here for a decade and you did what? Nothing. Until what you considered the last moment you did nothing.” She knew it was because the key presented itself, she knew it was the only reason for the attack, for them coming out of the shadows “Well, this isn’t the curtain closing. Oh no, I was never stupid like the others..” Another shot was heard, one of the performers falling to the ground, her laughing “Did you actually think I had only one second in command? No. And to make this even more fun for you fuckers, yes, I do love him and I will give you the best performance yet.”
Staring at the remaining people, she noticed Anthony King “You had a son, tell me, where is he now? Did you go after him?”
“His contribution to the cause is no longer needed.”
Scanning the faces, she looked at Angela, Scarlett rolling her eyes “Of course, you, the shinning light of the circus, spending all eternity to break the curse once and for all. Well here’s something. I don’t want eternity for him and me, I want passion, I want now, the present and then as many years as they come. I offer my eternity in exchange for something else.”
Helping Phil to his feet, she held his hand, looking in his eyes, him nodding once as if understanding, or agreeing with her, Scarlett did not know then and there.
Looking back at Angela she pointed a finger at her “I nominate you, I nominate you all who thought escape was possible one way or another. I bring you all back, with your rotten keys and your stupid destinies. You wanted to break the curse, well here’s your fucking chance. Keys and directors, all in one place.”
Dark smog filled up the tent, from within it screams being heard. Guiding him through the darkness, Scarlett stepped outside of the circus with Phil, both looking back as the main tent collapsed onto itself. In the distance, her eyes locked with Orions, him shaking his head as a heavy sigh left his lips.
What would come would be darker than everything any of them witnessed.
And this time he needed to be prepared.
The fates had a funny way of doing things, but this time, he needed to tip the scales.
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tradingmarketsblog · 11 months
Comparing the Top Online Trading Apps: Which One Is Right for You?
The online stock trading app industry has experienced a tremendous surge since the onset of the pandemic in 2020. Thanks to improved internet speeds and the growing interest in financial literacy, mobile-based stock trading has undergone a significant transformation. Each day, more Indians are experiencing the seamless shift towards incredibly smooth and flexible trading options, all available at the touch of a button.
As these apps continue to gain widespread adoption, even beginners can enter the world of trading with ease. These applications not only enable the buying and selling of financial assets but also offer a range of other valuable services. The only requirement is a reliable internet connection to ensure these trading apps operate smoothly.
This article has listed some of the best online trading apps so that you can choose any one of them.
Top Three Online Trading Apps
The list of the best online trading app is as follows.
1. Zerodha Kite
Zerodha boasts over 100 million active clients, contributing significantly to India's retail trading volumes, making up about 15% of the total. This app is highly recommended for both beginners and experienced traders and investors, thanks to its robust technological platform.
Zerodha's flagship mobile trading software, Kite, is developed in-house. The current Kite 3.0 web platform offers a wide array of features, including market watch, advanced charting with over 100 indicators, and advanced order types such as cover orders and good till triggered (GTT) orders, ensuring swift order placements.
Furthermore, users can also utilise Zerodha Kite as a Chrome extension, enabling features like order placement and stock tracking for added convenience.
2. Kotak Securities 
Opening a trading account at Kotak Securities comes with the advantage of zero account opening fees. Additionally, there are discounted rates for investors below 30 years of age, making it a cost-effective option. The account setup process is streamlined, with minimal steps involved.
Kotak Securities enables users to engage in a wide range of financial activities, including trading in stocks, IPOs, derivatives, mutual funds, currency, and commodities. Furthermore, it offers opportunities for global investments through its trading app. This app is thoughtfully designed, featuring a user-friendly interface accessible on iOS, Android, and Windows platforms. It also provides valuable extras like margin funding, real-time portfolio tracking, and live stock quotes with charting options.
3. Upstox
Upstox PRO, supported by Tiger Global and endorsed by prominent investors like Indian tycoon Ratan Tata and Tiger Global Management, is a well-known discount broker app. It offers a range of trading and investment opportunities, encompassing stocks, currencies, commodities, and mutual funds. For experienced and seasoned investors, it is an ideal choice, featuring advanced tools such as TradingView and ChartsIQ libraries.
Online trading apps offer a diverse array of financial products and services, consolidating your investment and financial management in one convenient platform. You can engage in activities such as trading equities, participating in IPOs, trading derivatives, investing in mutual funds, placing fixed deposits, dealing in commodities, and trading currency.
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qadirakhan07 · 11 months
indian stock market
Title: Navigating the Stock Market: A Beginner's Guide
The stock market is a dynamic and complex financial ecosystem where investors buy and sell shares of publicly-traded companies. It's a place where fortunes can be made and lost, but understanding the fundamentals can significantly reduce the risk associated with investing. In this beginner's guide to the stock market, we'll explore the basics, terminology, and strategies to help you embark on your investment journey with confidence.
Chapter 1: What is the Stock Market?
Definition: The stock market is a marketplace where buyers and sellers trade ownership in companies through stocks (equity).
Historical Perspective: Learn about the origins and evolution of stock markets.
Types of Stock Markets: Understand the differences between major stock exchanges (e.g., NYSE, NASDAQ).
Chapter 2: Stock Market Participants
Investors: Discover the various types of investors, from individual traders to institutional investors.
Public Companies: Explore why companies go public and what it means for investors.
Regulators: Learn about the regulatory bodies that oversee stock markets.
Chapter 3: Stock Market Basics
Stocks and Shares: Differentiate between stocks and shares and understand their value.
Market Indices: Discover how indices like the S&P 500 and Dow Jones work.
Market Orders: Learn about market orders, limit orders, and stop orders.
Trading Hours: Know the opening and closing times of stock markets.
Chapter 4: Investment Strategies
Long-Term Investing: Explore the benefits of buy-and-hold strategies.
Day Trading: Understand the fast-paced world of day trading.
Value Investing: Learn about the principles made famous by Warren Buffett.
Risk Management: Discover strategies to mitigate risk and protect your investments.
Chapter 5: Analyzing Stocks
Fundamental Analysis: Evaluate a company's financial health and performance.
Technical Analysis: Study price charts and indicators to make short-term predictions.
Sentiment Analysis: Understand how market sentiment can affect stock prices.
Chapter 6: Diversification and Portfolio Management
Diversification: Learn how to spread risk by investing in various asset classes.
Building a Portfolio: Explore the process of constructing a well-balanced investment portfolio.
Rebalancing: Understand the importance of periodically adjusting your portfolio.
Chapter 7: Tax Implications and Regulations
Capital Gains Tax: Discover how profits from stock trading are taxed.
IRA and 401(k): Learn about tax-advantaged retirement accounts for long-term savings.
Chapter 8: Common Pitfalls and Mistakes
Overtrading: Avoid the urge to make excessive, impulsive trades.
Ignoring Research: Stress the importance of thorough research before investing.
Emotional Decision-Making: Learn to manage emotions when making investment decisions.
Chapter 9: Staying Informed
Financial News: Keep abreast of financial news and its impact on the market.
Investment Resources: Explore useful websites, books, and forums for learning and advice.
The stock market can be an exciting and rewarding place for investors, but it's crucial to approach it with knowledge and a well-thought-out strategy. With a solid understanding of the basics, a clear investment plan, and the discipline to stick to it, you can navigate the stock market and work towards achieving your financial goals. Remember that, like any other endeavor, successful stock market investing takes time, patience, and continuous learning.
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