#&.  i'll  remember  you  all  in  therapy  —  crack.
wintersghst-a2 · 7 months
once again making bad decisions
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evilminji · 7 months
You know what's my JAM?
Extremes being treated as the Serious Dangers they ARE, even when they aren't "oooh its a spooky Grey morality and BADness!" Extreme.
Like? No, people. ALL of them are bad. They are ALL face melting dangerous. The void may crush your soul, but look upon the Face Of GOD? Not gonna be having a fun time! Doesn't MATTER if he's a cool dude! Face melting!
We are creatures of BALANCE. Tiny, fragile, little motes of dust. That can only exsist in the careful, blended, dances of territories and powers that be. We squishy.
Ghosts? Less squishy.
Poor impulse control, too. Especially ones with Fenton genetics. ABSOLUTELY ones with Fenton genetics and a trauma based aversion to therapy. That one? Pretty hardy. Made pretty tough, what with being Fates third favorite chew toy. But? Still gets the Sads, you know? The slightly longer then just seasonal depression.
Would medicine and some therapy help? Oh like a dream!
If medicine WORKED on his Ectoplasmicly contaminated ass. And he TRUSTED therapists.
But... surely, Danny thinks, as he sits grossly in his Depression sweatpants and eats suspect pizza on the floor of his moldering shoebox of an apartment, there must be SOME way to address his Depression? He should... he should DO something about it. Take a break maybe. Look up some ghost doctors or something.
Oooooooooor..... >.>
He could break out that OMENIOUS af, bound in suspect leather, Big Book Of Forbidden Knowledge(TM) that he got from Pariah's.... what, fourth? Fifth? Library? Fuck that Lair is huge. He's STILL cleaning it out and it's been over half a decade. He swears it spawns more floors just to mock him. Bastard. Don't know HOW a building can be a Bastard, but it sure found A WAY.
Book it is! *horrifying Eldritch light as he opens it* huh. Neat. Comes with its own visual effects. *another bite of suspect pizza* Funky.
And so! Danny, the depressed King Of The Zone... fucks of to go cheer himself up in the Fields Of Bliss(TM), an area of Absolute Bliss. Which! Sounds GREAT in theory, now don't it? Lovely even.
Remember that little comment about extremes?
You can ENTER those fields. But no one leaves. No one CAN. The deeper you go? The more doomed you become. Less will to do anything at all. Eat, talk, move. So much as think. Like ALL extreme "Goods", it sounds lovely, but the reality is no gentle little thing.
It's a glue trap.
But how could Danny have known? Honestly, who would have TAUGHT him? Textbooks can only go so far, after all. And placing blame will not rescue the young monarch.
I imagine it's one of his helpers that pieces together what's happened. Come for further clarification on WHERE exactly he wants certain statues moved. Only? Your Majesty? Your Majesty...? Where ever could he BE? Oh? He's left out some of his books. Well, I'll just assist by putting them away for-.....
But! What can the poor man DO? Ghosts are Beings of Will, Emotion, and Obsession. Were it some sort of Holy Blade or Sentient Tree, you know, something INDIVIDUAL with a will they could FIGHT? Oh no problem. But an area of effect? Especially an EMOTIONAL area of effect!? Ooooooh, this is bad. The Zone can't AFFORD to lose ANOTHER King!
Wait. He's heard that there's an organization for this! That loudly cursing fellow who got violently thrown back into the Zone. "Ruined his fun" and all that! Perfect! He'll just hire THEM!
Smashcut? To a nice, peaceful, everybody's screaming Justice League Meeting. John's cursing life, extremely hungover. Zatana still has three cracked ribs. Wonder Woman is enjoying the new sword she... liberated... mid battle. Truely stunning craftsmanship. When?
Knock Knock!
Heads swivel. There... is a glowing green... accountant? Dandy? Dandy accountant. With an equally radioactive day glow green Actual Pirate's Chest Of Treasures, floating next to him. In the void of space; Just beyond the glass. What, the, fuuuuuu-
He seems to be under the impression they are some sort of Heroic mercenaries. And has come to request the retrieve-
"NNNNNOPE! Pariah can SHOVE it!" Snarls a suddenly very awake John Constantine, sitting up straight for the first time in hours. The rest of Dark grimly nod in agreement. Let the fucker rot. It's a kinder fate then he deserves.
No, no, NO! King PHANTOM! Pariah's SUCCESSOR by right of combat! They are not, and were never, allied in any way!
Well, all right then. Road trip to save a young idiot then.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hypewinter @lolottes @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe
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freetowriteforme · 1 year
Price had known Simon Riley when he was still a sergeant. While they’d only met briefly, he recognized the fiercely determined young man who was willing to give up his life for their country. Simon possessed bone-deep strength and discipline, a force to be reckoned with. Yet, the years of fighting for survival in an unwelcoming household had chipped away at his soul. Price still remembers the bright shine in his eyes, a man who knew his purpose in life.
That all changed when Simon left on his mission to take down Manuel Roba. When he finally returned, there was no trace of the man he once was—only a Ghost.
Ghost's mangled face, adorned with scars and filled with hatred, was unbearable to look at. He masked it, figuratively and literally, never removing the protective shield. Price sat with him while he recovered from his injuries, weeks of physical therapy and sessions with the psychotherapist. He watched as the spark in his eyes diminished, leaving them dull and empty. Silently, Price mourned the loss of Simon.
He spent years trying anything to chip away at the hard exterior and get back to the man he once knew. He approached Ghost with gentleness, never pushing too hard or pulling too much. However, Ghost only stared back blankly, becoming more distant as time passed.  Slowly, Price saw him less and less as the lieutenant thrust himself to solo missions, one after another. The Ghost back a myth around their military, men only ever catching glimpses of him before he would vanish before their eyes.
Price made a task force, a group of the best men he knew. Ghost came along begrudgingly, unfamiliar, and uncomfortable with being in a team after so long. The age-old scars of betrayal made his skin crawl with mistrust for his new teammates.
But then, there was Johnny.
He stared at Ghost with none of the fear others did; he didn’t treat the lieutenant as fragile. He took the man’s aloof attitude and stand-off nature in stride. It was a breath of fresh air for Ghost. Before long, Price noticed small cracks in the man’s walls. He caught glimpses of the man he once knew for the first time in years. 
Now, as he stood by the man’s side as he removed his mask, he couldn’t contain the fond grin on his lips. Ghost didn’t move to look at him; his eyes looked with Johnny and the softest expression he’d ever seen. He knew he was going to be okay.
“Good to see you again, Simon.”
Small writing thing I did to help with writer's block and also laziness... It's not great, but I tried lol Hopefully, I'll get the energy to actually work on one of my drafts :)
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 4 months
"Eddie sucks for traumatizing Chris" seems to be a somewhat common fandom reaction and yeah. That really frustrates me.
Like no. Kim is the one who sucks here.
Eddie is certainly many types of fucked up but it should be damn OBVIOUS that psychotherapy is something that trained, licenced professionals provide, and only if it's a consensual relationship.
What is super fucked up is to learn about someone's trauma, grief and vulnerability and your role in it,
then show up uninvited at their doorstep,
and totally ignore them trying to say that they don't consent to this bizarre, unprofessional version of therapy you just randomly decided to cook together without having any educated idea if this gamble pays off,
and just pester them until they crack and have a meltdown in front of you!!
Kim learned of Eddie's vulnerability and trauma and used it. She trampled all over it, played with it, because apparently she is deranged enough to think that being an actor makes her qualified to provide psychotherapy?!
Also, let's maybe remember that she has been dating Eddie and even if she was a professional, having an intimate personal relationship with your patient is a major fucking no-no.
And hey, mind I remind you guys, to provide psychotherapy, in pretty much any developed country, you first receive an university level education - this means years of studies - because it is a demanding job, and messing around with people's brains can just fuck them up more if you don't know what you're doing.
So yeah. It pisses me off that people are blaming Eddie for this clusterfuck because holy fuck. He is the victim here.
Eddie exposed a major vulnerability to Kim, and Kim, the person learning of this vulnerability, had zero respect for his trauma, for his pain, and actually used the power she must have realized she had over Eddie... To crush him to bits.
Uninvited, without his consent, in his own home, fully knowing that she might end up even meeting Eddie's son.
Yes, he invited her in. That is my point - her presence makes him vulnerable, confused. He wasn't thinking clearly.
And Kim knew this. 'You remind me of my dead wife' is a very weird, charged setting for a personal relationship, it obviously can lead to all sorts of issues and power positions.
And she saw that and thought "You know what, I'll just make him confront his pain and spiral in front of me. That seems like a good, not at all fucked up idea.
I know what I'm doing, clearly I'll be his ideal therapist. After all, I am not at all trained to provide therapy, and he is dating me, and I remind him of his dead wife. Yes, this will be great for him. No way is it a totally unnecessary gamble that could end up who knows how!"
Kdjdbbrjjr. I hate her. At best this is super vapid, impulsive thinking. At worst this is a downright malicious abuse of a realised authority over someone who is clearly vulnerable, struggling, and unable to think clearly.
Either way, this idea sucks and if it turns out to help Eddie, it's only due to LUCK because damn, this "therapy session" was like flying a fighter jet drunk into a storm.
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diavolosbaby · 2 years
Can I ask for something with Jumin Han? Taking Jumin to therapy after his good ending and just how it ends up lmao. I feel like it can be a mixture of both a crack headcanon as well as possibly serious, up to you how you wanna write it! Thanks!
Sure :)
(Sorry this took so long, and sorry if it sucks it's my first fic after my hiatus from writing)
Taking Jumin to Therapy After His Good Ending
Characters: Jumin
Genre: Crack, slight angst but mostly crack and sillyness
Format: headcanons
Pronouns if used: they/them
- will be hesitant and will even straight up say no, but of course you convince him
- "hmmm no therapy? Guess that means no " physical " therapy either..."
- he changed his tune rather quickly
- he requested you be there with him, even talking to the therapist
- was very slow opening up and would often look at you to answer for him with his cat like wide eyes, even when you didn't know what the hell the answer was
"So...your mother...did she ever comfort you when you were sad? Did you ever show you were sad?" *he turns to you, expectantly* ???
- very very awkward, reaches your your hand or is always touching you. Is awkward, feels awkward. Doesn't like it, feels out of place.
- Always felt like therapy was for people who had problems, he never thought he had problems til you pointed them out to him
"Jumin, dont you think this overprotective nature comes from somewhere? Maybe you're insecure hon?" *confused wide eyed cat stare and hear tilt*
- just be patient with him, he'll get there
- the more sessions he has the more he'll open up and get it
- will eventually even stop needing you in there with him. When he tells you he wants to go alone, he's very proud. Be proud with him.
"No MC, I think I'll go myself this time. *smug smirk as he looks at you waiting for some sign of pride from you* (please be proud of him its a big accomplishment for him)
- when he does something sort of topic he'll rail it back and start monologuing about how his therapist talked to him about this. Will explain to you where it comes from and that he's working on it, apologizes
-toxic behavior reduces a lot less, mommy and daddy issues reduce a lot less, insecurities reduce a lot less
- ultimately, you won!
- remember, his toxic teauts are reduces but they are most definitely still there! Its him, after all
Again sorry this is so late!!!
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dazyskiie-luv · 1 year
★ Incorrect quotes (but by me and my friends)
— mentions of death, overbloting, therapy ((since some people like to avoid it as if it'd kill you)), sebek hate 😵‍💫, and male reader
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[Name]: if you got killed by a flying banana how would you feel
Idia: A WHAT
[Name]: a flying banana
Idia: well do i know its going to kill me
[Name]: so true
Idia: YES OR N
[Name]: i read thay wro.
[Name]: umm
[Name]: ur choice
Idia: well
Idia: if i know its goung to kill me id cry
Idia: however if i was caught by surprise id peobably question everyrhing in that moment
Idia: why did i get killed by a flying banana? how did i get killed by a flying banana? why was the banana flying? how did it have enough strength to kill me? was it destined for me to be killed by a flying banana??? who threw the banana????
Jade: Azul said he'd feel betrayed
Azul: Well.. I mean I got killed by a banana
Azul: Was it because I ate your family
Azul: My fault.
[Name]: LAWD
lilla: lol
Sliver: im sos eleph
[Name]: sleep
Sliver 5 hours later: are u a wizard.
Sliver: i fell asleep :(
[Name], not looking up from his paper: idk probably
[Name]: im doing therapeutic exercises 😠
Riddle: thera what
[Name]: therapeutic
[Name]: therapy exercises
[Name] who's slowly being covered in blot: (i dont have a therapist)
Overblot [Name]: ((i just remember this))
Azul: sounds like me tbh
[Name] grabbing a gun: we are too alike, one of us gotta die.
[Name]: wishing i was drowninf in a lake rn.
Ruggie: emo ahh
[Name]: YOU.
[Name]: this is my 19th reason
Cater to [Name]: My favorite pookie wookie pie with whipped cream and sprinkles and those wafer things i forgot what they were called but they're like sticks filled with chocolate idk <3
Yuu looking horrified: Are you tired
Yuu: Is this why you're saying this stuff
Cater: no
Cater: I am tired but this is just me being me!
Yuu: I should've known....
[Name]: My eyes are teary up.
[Name] with tears running down his face: I feel like I've been violated in the worst way possible.
Floyd: Bro said "its fine i can do it" and his jose grew
[Name]: I was about to say "bro lied too much"...
[Name]: bird beak.
Floyd: bro got that crane beak 💔
[Name]: traffic cone!
Floyd: ong!
Idia: fi udbprays tofay 🗣🔥⁉️
[Name]: did u pray today?!
Lilla: fi i ibuprofen fowhsay
[Name]: so true honestly
[Name] reading a sign saying "marry me": .
Austin: If you say yes I'll feel happy
Belphie: I can't say die to a child....
Neige: You say die to me
Belphie: Die.
Neige: See what I mean.
Neige: This is why I put a bomb in one of your drawers and hadn't set it off yet.
* Belphie and Austin are my rsa ocs ! Beauty and the beast & Sleeping Beauty :3
Ortho holding a sign to [Name]: I think your pretty
Ace: u used the wrong your
Ace: WHAT.
Idia: is this justin bebiber???
Idia: beiber
Idia: beiber
Idia: be]
Idia: yeah
[Name] talking about Sebek: Hope he trips and cracks open like an egg.
Yuu: same ong
[Name]: sunnyside up for breakfast guys!
Deuce trying not to laugh: SUNNYSIDE UP US CRAZY.
some screenshots for context 😵‍💫.... n word slur usage btw
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hongmingoo · 1 year
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x reader
Synopsis: Nothing could have ever prepared Wonwoo for this. Nothing. Those six months of preparation couldn't even help him stand on his feet now. His world has crumbled, shattered– destroyed beyond repair. 
Inspired by: I can't run away | SEVENTEEN HHU, In the stars | Benson Boone
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: MINORS DNI | Major character death, critical ilness, heavy angst, very slight mention of suicide, mental illness, self loathe, hurt. Let me know if i miss anything.
Today is another day of him walking through the day in mute, like a zombie. Wake up, cold shower, coffee, go to work, came home, ate dinner at Joshua's and went home to sleep. Before sleep, he washed up, and sat up at his desk to write a journal. To keep his sanity. His fingers caressed a photo of you, hidden in between the pages. 
Without warning, his tears fall yet again. He doesn't even remember when was the last time he could fully smile. His heart broke at the sight of you, his dearest, in a pale yellow summer dress, smiling so brightly while staring at the sun. Wonwoo wept, with all his heart until he fell asleep on the desk from exhaustion.
"Wonwoo-yah. I really appreciate you loving my sister this much. But you being like this broke my heart to pieces. Let her go, Wonwoo. It has been 5 years since she passed. I don't think Y/n would've wanted to see you in pain like this. Please, talk to us," Joshua, his brother-in-law said, his voice cracking a bit.They were in the middle of drinking. It was their weekly routine. 
Wonwoo raised his head to look up at him. He saw that tears were filling the waterline in his eyes. His lips turned up a bit in a sad smile. 
"I can't," the younger man croaked, his clenched fist raised in the air before punching at his chest weakly. Wonwoo choked on his own sobs before he broke down completely, for the nth time. 
His mind brought him back to the memory of 5 years ago.
He was still blissfully resting in your arms. But somehow, you looked restless. There was something on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it. Of course, he noticed this so he asked you what was wrong.
"Do you remember that I said that I was going for a check up at the hospital last week? Because I collapsed the day before," you asked.
"Yeah. What about it?" He replied, looking up at you with loving eyes. You took a deep shuddering breath, and that somehow alerted him that he's going to hear something that he won't like. 
"I was diagnosed with cancer. The same one that killed my mom. And they're already in my backbone…" you uttered and Wonwoo felt like his gut had been punched very strongly. His ears are ringing and his breath hitches. When he doesn't reply, you added,
"The doctors predicted that I'll only have 6-12 months at most due to how fast they're progressing. I- I'm sorry, Won" you broke down, pulling him into your embrace when you see the broken expression plastered across his beautiful face. 
"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault, it's just–" he choked on his tears too, holding onto you so tightly. 
What he said was true, it wasn't your fault. None of these are. But somehow it felt like it was. You never want to make him cry, never want to be the reason for his sadness and misery. But, not telling him about this news just to avoid seeing him sad would be unfair to him. Wonwoo is your husband, your lover. He deserves to know. After all, it takes two sides to make a relationship work. 
"Let's try everything we can okay? Every possible treatment available. Every therapy, and every remedy we can find. You'll be with me all along the way, right?" You assured, trying desperately to lighten up the heavy air between the two of you. 
Your small hands cups his beautiful face, gently wiping away the tears that cascading down his soft skin. 
"I love you, Wonwoo. So so much" 
"I love you too, Y/n. Please don't leave me"
As promised, you guys tried every possible treatment you can, and you stayed strong through it all, no matter how painful it is for you. Wonwoo could see how battered your small body got after every chemo, but you still smiled so sweetly at him. It made him feel guilty at some point to see you hurting like that. But he's a selfish man. He wants you to be with him forever. He doesn't want you to leave him. Even though he painfully knows that you dying would mean you won't be hurting anymore.
It's in the middle of the fourth month that you collapsed again, and this time it takes you 2 attempts at CPR and 24 hours to regain consciousness. The guilt is eating away at Wonwoo, seeing you so weak and fragile– very much in pain. He couldn't bring himself to see you like this. And yet, he didn't say anything but wished you would fight through it all for him. Because you love him. And you wouldn't leave someone you love. 
But fate seems to hate him for thinking so, for being so selfish. 
2 weeks after the 6th month, you breathed your last, in his arms, with tears staining your pale face. Wonwoo hated himself for making you cry even in your last moments, that your last words being you're sorry, instead of saying you love him. 
In that moment, he was sure that you hated him too, for forcing you to go through all those painful chemotherapies, for taking disgusting meds, for not being able to be strong and let you go. You were sick and in pain, but he still clings to you like a child. 
And for that, he refused to forgive himself. He let himself be in the deepest darkness possible, loathes himself so much that no one could save him. He would then go see you and apologize for being so stupid. He believed that he was the reason that you were in so much agony. 
But, so deep in his heart, he desperately wished that you would forgive him. That you'd tell him it's okay, it was normal to be afraid. So that he can be free from his misery. He wished that you'd pet his head and tell him you still love him despite his stupidity, so that he can breathe properly again. 
That night, after 5 long years, you appeared in his dream. Looking so ethereal like a literal goddess. You took him in your loving embrace, kissed his face and hair so gently like he's so fragile. You let him weep in your arms for who knows how long. 
"I love you so much, Wonwoo. Please don't be in pain anymore" 
His eyes shot open, seeing he's passed out at Joshua's couch as usual. The windows are open a bit to let the cool air in. And for the first time in a while, he can breathe properly. The heavy feelings confining his chest have dissipated and he believed that it's your doing. 
"I love you, Y/n. Thank you for staying with me"
And that night, Wonwoo realized that you might not be there with him physically, but you'll always be there in his heart and mind. 
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sarcophagid · 14 days
yidhra blog proof of concept
🐍 dream-journal Follow
vote me in as new baron oletus and i'll put the drugs directly into the water fountain.
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🐍 dream-journal Follow
i don't go to therapy i just traumadump to my children. it helps them learn emotional intelligence
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🐍 dream-journal Follow
i like my clonelet i really do. she knows all her times tables now, and the infection is progressing as swimmingly as the xenobiotics swim in her bloodstream. but i really really need a minxy thrall or succubus of some sort to lure fresh, supple-skinned young bucks to my lair.
🐍 dream-journal Follow
don't bring up those two. they have no presence in my diet. diruse is going down the sage path of hagship and norwell has the nutritional value of a wood chip.
🐍 dream-journal Follow
do you even know how hard it is to suck the life from a quivering juicy sacrifice in a place where people can't die? no. you don't. none of you understand.
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🐍 dream-journal Follow
it's not cannibalism when i do it
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🐍 dream-journal Follow
people crawl their way down to orpheus's bedroom door expecting a night of aphrodisiacs and debauchery when in reality they're going to get second hand opium smoke and 17 failed attempts to remove his long johns before he gives up and goes to the corner to pick up a revolver in two hands and stare longingly at it for a sweaty wordless half hour. i know this because of my clarity and visions. and because luchino told me
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🐍 dream-journal Follow
if you're struggling to confess to your crush don't worry. here's what you need to do:
punch a hole straight through their forehead and shove your claw into their pineal gland, mechanically stimulating the release of happy hormones.
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🐍 dream-journal Follow
this rat creature bitching and moaning about how "the incisions hurt" and how his "skin is sloughing off". i'm sorry divine power isn't all triscuits and pre-cut grapes you miserable lump.
🐍 dream-journal Follow
literally a waste of carbon giving him a split tongue all he does with it is complain with a lisp. be more like your forebearers
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🐍 dream-journal Follow
i had the first c-section in oletus manor. they pulled aside the jagged edges of my tough scaly skin, and underneath it was a corrosive filmlike membrane, and underneath it was a thick layer of fat, and underneath it was the endless porous creased tissue, and underneath it was the muscle taut like steel cables, and underneath it was a collection of small sac-like organs full of acrid sebum, and underneath it was the moist exterior of the stomach. they've yet to find the womb. the surgeons peer at each other from opposite sides of the operating table, but it doesn't comfort them. they see no reflection in the others eyes. one of them, either of them, breaks this last attempt at contact and directs focus on the pulsating mass inside of the stomach. the surgeon tightens their grip on the scalpel. it's a lengthy and delicate process of avoiding the undulations of the contents inside, and bile sloshes out continuously. it smells like excrement and sweat and drool and meat. the thing is singing faintly, or at least making some sort of noise. they don't quite remember what it sounded like. it sounded like the voice of their mother, the gurgling of a baby, the crack of the whip that tells them to keep going! acid burns through their sterile gloves and peels at their skin but they continue on, salt of their sweat stinging the raw wounds. they peel back the walls of the massive nauseating thing and when the mucus drains, i'm sitting there inside of my own ruined stomach, chin in my hands coquettishly batting my eyelashes. and i'm soooooo hungry
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🐍 dream-journal Follow
homunculi are such rudimentary inefficient examples of artificial life. give me the semen sample and the chickens egg. i will build you an army of thousands
🐍 dream-journal Follow
i ate it
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🐍 dream-journal Follow
my beautiful baby girl is pleading with me to not subsume her into my ever-hungry husk but i juuust got a new follower and its getting really hard to fit them all in the back of my suv whenever i wanna go anywhere
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voidandabyssal · 11 months
My Horrortale brothers HCs!
horror sans = axe
horror papyrus = crooks
much like the actual horrortale comic, Monsters resorted to eating human flesh in order to survive, in my HC, this includes Sans. Years of despreation and hunger eventually drive him to start eating the humans he hunts.
Axe used to feel guilt, at least in the beginning. Once Undyne cracked his poor skull, well, he was just too lazy to feel anything.
He's too far gone to care anymore, and fuck anyone who tries to make him feel guilty. He kept his brother alive, his community alive. That's all he cares about.
He's quiet, The skull injury makes it difficult for him to speak. He's not entirely mute but he his mind moves to fast for his mouth to move. So a lot of the times he'll say parts of a sentence, and it may be disjointed, or he may speak slowly.
he also struggles with memory loss. Remebering things that have happened recently is really tough on him. So hes taken to carrying around a notebook, when he wants to or needs to remember something he writes it down. Then he can just check whenever he needs to.
he stares. Seriously, when he likes something (or someone) he just looks at them. You can tell when he's looking at someone he likes because they'll have his full attention, and if he likes, likes them? His remaining eyelight will be all blown up.
It's cute, creepy, but cute
Once the barrier is broken he struggles to find something to do. Axe spent years just surviving, he never had to worry about what other people thought of him, or how to get a job, or how to get and maintain finances. His skull injury and processing issues make this even harder.
so he bounces jobs for a while, somedays he's a hotdog vendor, sometimes he's a retail clerk, sometimes he's a security guard. Sometimes he's unemployed. You can never guess what he's up to.
he, and every other Monster, receive government money. As restitution for their whole species being locked under ground to suffer. So him and Crooks aren't poor, they're doing pretty okay for themselves
Crooks feels horrible surviors guilt. In the first few years of being on the surface it's something that made him horribly depressed. Even if he hide said depression. He suffers from nightmares of the Underground and all the friends and neighbours he lost for years. It's something he never really gets over.
He wears braces! Crooks needs a lot of dental surgerys and treatments in order to correct the years of abuse Queen (horrortale Undyne) put his teeth through.
When all the identitys of the humans who fell underground and were killed are revealed, Papyrus writes letters to all their families. Apologising on behalf of everyone.
He gets a job as a nurse! After years of study (and therapy) he starts working in Ebott hospital.
He consitently wins employee of the month once he starts working
He and Axe still live together, they don't ever want to live apart from one another. Not after what they went through. So if you wanna smooch Crooks or Axe. You gotta accept the other brother. they're a package deal
he forgives Queen (ht undyne) and Doctor (ht Alphys) for what they did. He doesn't speak to either of them, however.
He largly still remains the same happy skeleton as before, just a lot of his naivite and innocence has been washed away. He's more of a hopful realist then an optimist now.
He and Axe have a cute three bedroom home in the suburbs. It's a quaint cottage. Perfect for the two of them. It's quiet to, which is important for when either of them are struggling with an episode.
did I mention that? Yeah both of them occasionally have flashbacks to the Underground. Sometimes they forget they're not starving, sometimes they're so stuck in a flashback that they end up physically lashing out.
Feel free to send me any askes! I'll answer anything!!
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Wip Wednesday
Tagged by lovely people 💙💙💙💙 @panbuckley @hippolotamus @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @thewolvesof1998 @jesuisici33
You would not believe what happened, but I finally did not bad beginning for Vegas drunk marriage
timeline: evening after bridge collapse in 6x18
“How do you feel? You hit your head pretty bad as you lost consciousness for a second,” Eddie could try to hide how worried he is, but he's tired and, honestly, he doesn't want that at all. Buck deserves to know that people care about him. That Eddie cares about him.
“My head is ok, just a little pain. I still don’t feel dizzy or nauseous,” Buck says quietly, after which he turns his full attention to Eddie. “I promise I’m ok, but if I feel even a little bit strange I'll let you know right that moment,” they both know what Buck is hiding behind those words. “I remember you told me what my death did to you. I promise that I will tell you if something is wrong without hiding it.” 
Buck looks from Eddie's eyes to his ribs.
“But now I’m more concerned about your ribs. You do understand that with a crack on the rib, you should rest no less than with a broken rib, right? Because you should understand I will not let you do more than just rest in your bed or on the couch and watch TV or read something. I will let you go only to the toilet, shower, or backyard where you're only allowed to sit on the porch or on the grass. Nothing else,” Buck says it all with a confidence that makes Eddie think that if he doesn't, Buck will tie him to the bed. Not that one day he would mind being tied to the bed if Buck tied him up. But now it's definitely not a conversation about sexual adventures. And Eddie just smiles, looking at the man he loves, who finishes his sandwich, not looking at him in return.
“Buck,” Eddie starts but is abruptly interrupted by Buck.
“No, Eddie, it's not even up for discussion. You're a medic and you should know that cracks in the ribs are insidious. If they don't heal properly they can lead to internal bleeding or,” Eddie is not even surprised that Buck already knows all the possible consequences of his injury. His incessant thirst for knowledge and a huge heart that cares so much about people, and somehow very much about Eddie, were and remain one of the main reasons why Eddie fell in love with him. But he stops Buck before he starts a real lecture about cracked ribs, fueled by Buck's anxiety.
“Buck, I was just going to say thank you,” and it’s not a lie. Eddie knows a year ago he would be trying to prove it’s ok, he can suck it up and move on, and he doesn’t need help. But he changed, his connection with Buck changed, so he accepts all the support and overprotectiveness from Buck with a smile, though small due to fatigue and pain, but real, because Eddie no longer knows if he will ever be able to fake smile at Buck in a way that is enough to be convincing.
“And yes I understand I should rest a lot. I promise I will do anything I can to make my rib heal faster and it heals quickly and properly,” Buck smiles back and Eddie is glad that he was able to calm Buck's nerves at least a little. He knows he's not the only one in this room who's scared at the prospect of losing his partner. 
After starting his therapy, Buck confessed to how scared he was during and after the shooting. It was a difficult conversation in which they both shared a lot of emotions, and after it, Eddie feels like an invisible glass barrier has disappeared between them. It was as if they had been together for a very long time, saw each other, but did not quite understand that they could not reach out, that they could not touch. Now there is no barrier and Eddie feels lighter, freer, closer. Closer to Buck than ever before. Perhaps he is not the only one in this room afraid of losing the love of his life who is also his best friend. He really hopes so.  
Tagging (no pressure): @911onabc @bekkachaos @ebdaydreamer @elvensorceress @heartbeatdiaz @honestlydarkprincess @littlebitofdiaz @lover-of-mine @wildlife4life @paranoidbean @buddierights @housewifebuck @buckitup @buck-coded @rogerzsteven @transbuck @transboybuckley @monsterrae1 @alyxmastershipper @the-likesofus @thebravebitch @spaceprincessem @shortsighted-owl @gayedmundodiaz @oliverstaark @barbiediaz @cowboy-buddie
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 11 months
You're forgetting that Eraser is an enabler. Yes, Bakugo should be held fully accountable for his own actions, I completely agree with you there. But Eraser is his homeroom teacher. It's his job to discipline Bakugo when he does something wrong and not allow him to continue that behavior. Instead he does nothing as Bakugo repeatedly attacks a fellow classmate. He assumes that Midoriya is just as responsible for them not being able to get along. He has CONSISTENTLY treated Midoriya unfairly, especially as opposed to Bakugo.
Who's the one always defending Bakugo? Eraser. Who's the one who paired them together for the final despite Bakugo repeatedly being violent toward Midoriya? Eraser. Who's the one who did nothing to correct Bakugo's behavior despite promising to? Eraser.
Either Eraser is an idiot who genuinely doesn't believe that there's a power imbalance between Midoriya and Bakugo, or he's aware of it and sees no problem with it and doesn't deign to do anything about it. You can understand how neither of these options do him any favors
I'm not saying he isn't an enabler.
I'll acknowledge that my preferred version of Aizawa is mostly fanon because I like him better when he's a good man and a good father figure to the kids. But I know that he enabled Bakugou.
It's why in every five I write the backstory is that Aizawa doesn't read teacher comments and he assumes based on Bakugou’s attitude that he was treated like a villain. Because it gives us a reason why Aizawa does defend Bakugou. As for Izuku: I think Nezu never included the activation date or even Izuku kept it quiet out of fear. He never tells ANYONE when he got his Quirk for a long time. So I can actually understand why Aizawa would think Izuku is lazy in that situation. I think Aizawa is a fucking idiot for not looking into it further, but that's me.
However I can't remember Aizawa ever blaming Izuku for the fights with Bakugou. I literally can't. He blames them BOTH for the after curfew fight which is highly unfair but it's not solely Izuku. I've rewritten enough of the series that I can see how unfair Aizawa is BUT with his personality I can't understand why. It feels incredibly out of character to me that a guy who hates when people coast on their Quirks and acts like a bunch of entitled dicks would give Bakugou a pass. Hence my headcanon.
Aizawa does enable Bakugou: and it's WILDLY out of character even early on. This is why I think Horikoshi either: a) wants Bakuhou around the most and will make everyone OOC to do it or b) is being forced to keep the guy in due to popularity.
But to say he ONLY blames Izuku is wrong. He's just never punishing Bakugou which isn't good. I won't deny Aizawa is a dick the first while before becoming more open. However: he's not the one at fault for Bakugou’s actions. Bakugou would have figured a way out to bully Izuku no matter what. He'd have gotten sneaker and meaner over time. That's what abusers do. He'd have hit Izuku in places people can't see and he'd have done things to mess with him.
Aizawa did enable Bakugou. But to have him receive a horrible punishment when Bakugou gets off Scott free is my issue. If Aizawa is fired for not doing anything, Bakugou should be expelled. If Bakugou just needs anger management, Aizawa just needs therapy.
To me, Aizawa honestly thought Bakugou just needed guidance. He never threatens Izuku with expelling him after the first day. He pulls logical ruses, does train Shinsou over them and isn't a great teacher but NO teacher at UA is a good one. Vlad King certainly the hell isn't given he hasn't cracked down on Kendo or Monoma for their shit. Power Loader isn't for not stopping Mei from her antics. Present Mic and Midnight could have done something to. All Might isn't a great teacher either.
Aizawa is an idiot who got blinded by his own beliefs. Bakugou is a child who was hurt by society and needs guidence while Izuku is the old version of Kirishima: a well meaning guy who pushes to much. That's what Aizawa thinks I believe. That's what he is to me. Someone who honestly has the best intentions but fucks up.
But again: the issue will always be the unequal punishment for Bakugou when he is the sole person at fault. He didn't need an enabler the very first day: he attacked Izuku no matter what. His actions are his own.
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longsightmyth · 6 months
Honestly one of the biggest problems here is that everyone has the same bland, stilted dialogue, and it's all designed to hit every beat of every tortured romance ever without giving us the tortured romance. There did not used to be anything getting in the way of Kelsey and Ren banging outside of my own deep conviction that he was gross, but the characters don't share that view.
So when all the characters speak exactly the same way, it makes them all blend together. When they all speak like wikipedia pages or like a ten year old wrote a conversation they think adults would have, it just adds to the bland and emotionless effect.
“Hmm, maybe you have PTSD.”
“What’s that?”
“Post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s a condition you get when you’ve been exposed to terrible trauma and high stress levels. Soldiers in combat usually have it. Remember when you told Kishan that when you heard my name, all you could picture was Lokesh torturing you, questioning you?”
“Right. There’s still some of that, I guess. But now that I know you better I don’t associate you with him as much anymore. I can distance that from you now. It wasn’t because of you that it happened.”
“Part of your symptoms with me might still be related to that. Maybe you need a therapist.”
Ren chuckled, “Kelsey, first of all, a therapist would put me in an asylum for claiming I was a tiger. Second, I’m no stranger to bloody battles or pain. It wasn’t the first time Lokesh has tortured me. It was definitely an experience I wouldn’t want to go through again, but I know that you are not to blame.”
This is by no means the Wikipediaest of sections, but bear with me.
(Also the Tiger question could be resolved by simply turning into a tiger, and even if the therapist did think you were hallucinating or having delusions and good therapist would still try to help you with your ptsd)
(How does Ren know about asylums but not shellshock/ptsd)
(Undergoing similar traumas does not mean you can't have ptsd from one or both)
"Maybe you have PTSD," I said, almost to myself.
"PTSD?" Ren asked, sounding out the letters clearly and individually rather than running them all together.
I winced. "Post-traumatic stress disorder. It's a thing a lot of soldiers get, from combat and all the other trauma."
Since I didn't have a whole lot of expert knowledge on the specifics of PTSD, I added quickly, "You told Kishan that when you heard my name, all you could think about was Lokesh torturing you. That's a thing, I think? A flashback."
"Oh, shellshock." Off my look he pointed out, "I was alive during the Great War, Kelsey."
"Anyway, that doesn't happen anymore," Ren assured me a little too quickly, and when I frowned at him clarified, "Not often. I know it wasn't your fault. I can tell myself that and it works sometimes."
"I think it's pretty clear you're going to deal with that for a long time," I said, trying not to sound as hurt as I was. "You probably need a therapist."
Ren cracked a laugh. "I'm sure a therapist would believe me about the curse. I'll recover. This isn't the first time I've fought for my life, or even the first time I've been tortured."
I didn't think how many times somebody was tortured mattered much in the grand scheme, but I also didn't think I was going to convince an ancient Indian prince who's been living as a tiger for more than a hundred years to go to therapy in one night.
Even in a linear conversation there's going to be give and take outside of specific circumstances. In a first person narration, you get to add an internal monologue to circle in and around for more fun hijinks. Since this specific conversation is a slow one happening without particular urgency, breaking up the dialogue can convey a thoughtful or slow discussion. Giving the characters specific knowledge or different knowledge or the same kind of knowledge under different terms because the characters have different backgrounds informs the characters and makes them distinguishable from the others.
Anyway. This isn't the only way to rework this bit, but it's A way.
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thebestcrew · 18 days
My partner had quite the system revelation last night, and I think it helped something with mine, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was. Maybe I'm confusing a dream I can no longer remember with system things. Guess I'll find out at some point.
But, I may as well speak more on that last post I made about reevaluating my daemons.
I've often (I think) have said that my daemons are the personification of "archetypes" of my personality. They could be traits I have or don't express. Like Rhea is my optimism, Tess is my drive, and Lynn is my anger. My daemons all help make up who I am. I am Kit because of my daemons and my daemons are who they are because of me. We are one.
Daemonism has been compared to median system plurality because of how intertwined they are while also being separate. And the more I look at my daemons the more I realize they are absolutely facets. They are facets that I've categorized as daemons because they have that certain feel to them. They got that "daemon" stuff that my brain easily recognizes from other headmates and even from myself. Our relationship is also best matching what I know as the daemon-human dynamic.
But there's also a couple other facets I think I have. The Fox and a much younger me. I've been looking at these as shifts, but I think there is a chance that these two parts are also facets which is why I am shifting to begin with. But unlike my daemons they are not notably separated from me and they both share my name. I have interacted with the younger me, thinking of her as my inner child, but not a Little.
I honestly would probably rock IFS therapy at this point. /jk
Compared to the others in our system I definitely have the most layers. Ashe (and I guess Holo now) has a single daemon and that's it. No mental shifts, no multiple parts to themselves, no age weirdness. This seems to be a very compartmentalized me thing.
This post feels really choppy, but that's because my thoughts are choppy. Thinking of my daemons as plural facets feels like it's cracking the foundation of my self understanding. It makes a ton of sense when I look at how they were multiplying during the Big Stress and how it transformed into OSDD.
But also, maybe all daemons are facets so its really not that mind blowing of a consideration. They are "parts" of ourselves after all. Take the daemon label away and you are left with a facet of yourself.
No matter what their label is, I've got layers to myself. Complexities from years spent self analyzing and personification of my different parts. I love my daemons, and I love my fox side, but I'm starting to think I've gone and made my psyche more complex than was needed. Back then it was fine, but now, mixed with mental health issues and system stuff, it's made things honestly more stressful than helpful.
I'm still focused more on our relationships and how we work together more than labels. But when considering new labels and perspectives makes you dissociate, you can't help but think there's more to it that needs attention.
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cutesharkstudios · 7 months
Mother's Here CH. 4
(This chapter takes place a few months after Watching and Dreaming) Camilla was sleeping after her last work day of the week. She covered for some sick co-workers who got better shortly afterwards, so her boss gave her a 3 day weekend. She then started to hear weird cracking noises, but she didn't think much of it. Until a bolt of lightning struck the tree right outside her house.
Camilla: DIOS MIO!
She then got up to check up on her kids. She didn't like the idea that they would be scared, so she wanted to check on them. When she got to the stairs, she saw her kids, Luz Vee and Hunter, had all gotten up to check on her.
They embraced each other, glad that the others were safe and sound.
Hunter: Hey, I'd take that over boiling rain any day.
Vee: I second that.
Camilla: Wait, boiling rain?
Luz: Yep, from the boiling ocean. Not sure why it boils, but it does.
Camilla: How did you survive there?
Luz: I'm your daughter. You'd be shocked what a Noceda can do with some hope and a little bit of light magic.
Camilla: Well, you don't have to worry about that here. I'm just glad my babies are safe.
Vee: And we're happy you are safe too.
Hunter: You know, the boiling isles isn't as scary when you've been there for a while. I only remember you going there to fight Belos with us. Maybe you could come by some time.
Camilla: Yeah, it's Thursday night, I already put in my 40 hours, I could totally go there. Tell you what, let's do a day trip tommorrow, just the 4 of us.
Hunter: Cool, I could introduce you to Darius. He'd be interested in your sewing machine, since he sews in his spare time.
Vee: I'll have to be home in time to prepare for my date with Masha, but sure.
They then heard knocking on the door. Camilla opened it to see Amity, absolutely drenched and looking worried beyond beleif.
Amity: I sensed Luz was scared. Is she okay.
Luz: Mi vida! I'm fine, but are you okay, you look like you booked it all the way from the isles.
Amity: Don't worry Luz, I'll be fine.
(The next day)
Amity: Aaaaachoo!
Vee: Bless you.
Amity spent the night at the Noceda household, as Camilla didn't like the idea of Amity going out in the rain again. She wound up catching the cold, and the Noceda family carried her to the isles to get her proper doctors. Luz explained that she got the Boiling Isles mold and she was fine afterwards, so maybe Amity would be fine after a day or two.
They opened the door to Blight manor, seeing Emira on her scroll calling people with worry in her voice. After hanging up, she looked at the door and saw Amity, whom she tackle hugged.
Emira: AMITY! Are you okay? We didn't see you this morning and saw your window was open, so we wondered what happened.
After Alador, Darius, and Edric met up with the group, Amity explained the situation.
Alador: Wow, on one hand, please don't do that again, but good on you for being there for Luz.
Darius: Have fun on your day together Noceda family.
Luz: Are you sure you don't need me to help with Amity?
Alador: We don't want to impose on your plans. Also, this is an opertunity for me to step up as a father for once.
Amity: I am so sorry for the inconvienience!
Camilla: Don't be, we're here to help.
Their first stop was the owl house. Camilla only got to be there a couple of times when she helped her kids out during the fight agains Belos, so she was glad to meet up and properly introduce herself to the Clawthornes. After the Day Of Unity events, Lilith and Gwen moved in with Eda. Raine and Eda had just gotten engaged the previous month.
Gwen: So you're Luz's mom. I'm Eda's mom, Gwen.
Camilla: Glad to meet you. I've heard of some of the crazy stuff that happened on the isles.
Lilith: Then I take it you've heard of my……shenanigans.
Camilla: Normally I'd break your spine for trying to impale my daughter, but given the circumstances you were in plus the genuine remorse you feel, I'll let it slide.
Raine: Your daughter is a delight. Seriously, she got Ms. "Who needs therapy when I have apple blood" to open up and heal.
Eda: Yeah, ever since I met her, I've been less of a drinker, I've been in a better mood, and I got back together with the love of my life.
Camilla: Well Luz does that to people. Say Gwen, what did you think I was like before we officially met?
Gwen: I figured you would be a lot like your daughter, and it appears I was right. Though I did owe Eda and Raine a bit of an apology after I was introduced to her.
Eda: I told Raine about that incident.
Raine: Yeah, that was so akward.
Luz: What did you ask Eda?
Gwen: I, may or may not, have thought before our introduction that you were Raine and Eda's kid.
Eda and Raine silightly blushed at that, as they mentioned wanting kids one day but had to think about it a bit more. Camilla and Luz went wide eyed at that revelation. And then Camilla just started laughing.
Camilla: I don't blame you! You two are so alike!
Lilith: Yeah, Luz is so much like Eda. Here's hoping she gets a better future though.
Eda: Eh, given where I am now, I would go through that again if I had to.
Camilla: So, where do you think is the best spot for a visit? My 3 day weekend only lasts so long.
Eda: I'd recommend the beastkeeping sanctuary.
Raine: I think the bard music building woudl be wonderful.
Lilith: Pop by the museam!
Camilla: Okay, why not?
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
This will be our third robbery. Getting to be routine at this point.
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Remember, everyone: We are here for the workshop tools. Do not break the workshop tools.
Feel free to smash anything else, though. This all Aephorul's shit. If something gets wrecked because it was in the way or you just felt like it, that's no skin off my back. I am entirely comfortable turning this place upside-down out of spite.
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Oh cool, we can jump him while we're at it. It will be refreshing. I don't know if you know but the area outside your dome is nothing but blue sand and derelict robots for miles; I am itching for a change of pace.
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It's already smashed. Did you break out of it?
I think I can see silhouettes of little wispy poofs like you at the bottom of the ones that are still active. Are those still... alive... or did they not make it?
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Friend of yours? Felt. Don't worry, we'll help you carry out some retributive violence. Sometimes that helps. Closure can come in many forms and, one way or another, is a vital part of healing.
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OH HEY, what a coincidence! You look just like an asshole we're going to kill. What are the odds? Man, small world.
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If it were dead, Zale, then B'st wouldn't have made a fuss about it. Obviously, it's taking a nap. But I'm about to start hitting it if it doesn't wake up because sleeping through its murder is extremely rude. I will not be disrespected like that.
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Credit where it's due, your jawline is amazing. And I'm digging the mechanical snakes for hair pulling double duty as hands. It's a solid aesthetic, capturing just enough humanity to breach the uncanny valley while providing avenues for your work. Gold star.
I'm going to break your nose now.
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...okay, when I said that, I wasn't expecting it to actually fracture so easily....
Can you, uh? Can you put your face back on? This is a lot grosser and...
You know what, never mind. I'll take care of it.
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And that is how therapy works. Do you feel better, B'st?
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Fortunately, we've been assured by prophecy that that's you so CHOP CHOP, let's get this mythical feat of alchemy going! I'm eager to see the results.
You know what, standing here in this place makes me feel very self-conscious about what I just said so I'm going to go away now. You guys... go... do what you need to do and ignore me.
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Oh my god, I know I said I was going to go away and leave you guys to it but you've been at it for so long. Zale is poking a stasis tube with a stick for lack of adequate stimulation. How long does it take to cram a soul into a jar?
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That sounds ominous. Resh'an, I am literally on the other side of a tattered curtain from you. You know I can hear everything you're saying, right?
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You look amazing.
I have concerns. Concern #1: How fragile are you? Can you take a hit without shattering your case and bleeding soul fog everywhere?
...come to think of it, addendum to concern #1: Would it hurt you to bleed soul fog? Because I can think of some tactical uses for that otherwise.
Concern #2: Are those things on the end of your arms maces or do they have digits on them? It'd be a dick move to not give you hands.
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THAT IS SO COOL. Do me next!
...I mean, not right now, obviously. Just. If I die, I want this to be my backup plan. Trust me, my will is strong. I've been told that I can be downright pigheaded. if necessary, I can probably get Moraine to write a letter of recommendation about how stubborn I am.
Oh, but make mine prettier. No offense, B'st; Your body is fine. For a prototype.
In any case, welcome aboard! Now that we've got you, next order of business is the speedballs.
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Cultists? Huh. Wonder if it's the Acolytes.
Probably not. Aephorul said he was going to merge them with Strife. Which. Gross. But I hope so anyway because I miss my favorite punching bags.
I wish I'd known before that their bones were a thicket. There are so many cracks about "pruning" or "weeding" them that I never got to make.
Whatever the case, it's time to pay a visit to Esa... Esoteric... Estrid. It's time to pay a visit to Estrid.
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brrambleberry · 7 months
Ghost has to attend mandatory therapy, and the receptionist is about as happy to be there as he is.
*In Ghost's opinion, this is an utter waste of time. Of all the horrors and monstrous things he had done in his enlistment, one disobedience was all it took for the higher ups to send him to talk about his feelings. As if they hadn't demanded that he terminate and bury them for nearly 20 years. The other option was prison, and they knew better than to stick him in a cement casket with abusers and scum. So the next best option was to shove him through double doors he had to turn slightly sideways to enter, and into a shitty little waiting room. He walks through the parallel rows of skeletal folding chairs and right up to the tall desk. He's not quite sure who he was expecting to greet him, but it sure wasn't her.*
*A young woman sits on a swivel chair. Her black hair is teased up into a 60's updo, bordering on a mess but it looks good on her. Long sharp nails, like gleaming red apples. A cheeky diamond is inlaid where a beauty mark might sit on her upper lip, and eyes with lashes like a fan neglect him for her computer screen. A name tag reads 'Nettie'.*
Ghost *is quiet, that partly how he got his bloody name, but he knows that she knows he is there. Women generally do, they have a sixth sense for when someone of his size and nature are prowling in the shadows nearby. He's not quite sure what to do in a situation where he needs to draw attention to his own presence.*
Ghost *clears his throat*
Nettie "Yeah I see you there mate, kinda fuckin' hard to miss. Just gimme a sec, I need to flick off this email..."
Ghost *says nothing. His jaw twitches and he shifts himself to keep the exit within sight. This was ridiculous, he couldn't remember the last time he experienced something as civilian as waiting for a pesty receptionist.*
Nettie *pops a bubble with the gum she's been idly chewing. Half-heartedly pushes herself away from the desk, and unfolds her legs to stand.* "Right, why are you here then?"
Ghost *knows that she's expecting details for the appointment, but today has been a drag. The only thing that could make it better was to make it another person's problem.* "I kill people for a living."
Nettie "This is a service for veterans love, you're not going to win any bingos here with that. Who are you here to see?"
Ghost *shrugs and hands her the referral, a strong desire to get this over with as soon as possible.*
Nettie *clips it from his hands quickly. Popping another bubble, she raises an immaculately groomed and arched brow.* "Dr Martin eh? You must have been a very naughty boy."
Ghost *had been idly watching her mouth as it worked the gum. It was driving him a bit mad, something about it was goading. Odd woman to pick for reception, someone as cheeky and infernal as her. His glare snaps back to her eyes at her last sentence. He narrowed them, who the fuck did she think she was talking too?*
Nettie *had already moved on. She moved back to the computer and tapped away. The printer in the corner whirled awake, and she returned with warm, crisp forms printed on the stark white paper clamped to a clipboard.* "Right, I need you to fill these out, shouldn't take more then two or five minutes. I'll find you pen, well, hopefully anyway. You lot always take 'em with you, and now it's a pain in the arse to find one that isn't drier than my nan's crack. Anyway, you can use this one. Please give it back once you're done love, cuz that's my favourite. If you don't, swear on my bleedin' Louboutin's I will hunt you down and pester you till I get it back."
Ghost *takes the clipboard shoved in his direction, remaining silent and quickly scratching through boxes with ticks and answers with monosyllables. This woman is fucking loony. He slides it onto the desk surface, and speaks up for the first time.* "Here, your preferred pen, safe and sound. No need to ransom the rest of my sanity for it."
Nettie *plucks her pen back up and twirls it with a sweet grin.* "Some girls' just wanna watch the world burn, Skelly." *She ends with a playful theatrical wink. It pulls an amused huff from his chest. A corny batman reference is more reassuring than anything he would have expected in this linoleum purgatory.*
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