#&. negan smith | dialogue.
justsomegdude · 10 months
Prisoner!Negan x Gn!Reader
Prompt: “Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you, or shove you off a bridge.” // “Can I pick?”
Warning: Negan.
A/N: I don’t know if you guys actually like these silly things I come up with, but i’m trying to get used to writing so i’m starting small so i can get comfy with writing actual one shots and stories! (my posting patterns will be all over the place as i haven’t gotten used to writing yet!)
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You had visited Negan, You were in charge of handing him his meals. Throughout the time of you doing so, you had gotten closer to him. He still annoyed you to the end though.
You and Negan were mostly comfortable with each other, you’ve told each other a lot about your life before the apocalypse. While you were there when he was against your community, it almost felt like you befriended him, understood him.
“Hi Negan!” You enter the room holding a tray with his meal, a wide smile spread across your face. You now stood in front of the bars of his cell.
“Hey, Doll.” He replied, standing up and walking towards the bars to stand in front of you. He looked down at the food, a slight smile tugging at his lips, he seems happy with the meal you brought him. “Can’t believe you still bother to feed me.”
You looked up at him and shifted your weight to your opposite foot. “It’s not a bother.. I actually enjoy it. sometimes.” You went over to unlock his cell, You’re meant to cuff him, but after so long you trust he won’t do anything dumb. You still don’t trust him as a person though. Handing him his food and locking it back up.
“Sometimes? Only sometimes?” He snickered as he took the food with pride and set the tray down on his cot, ignoring it as he walked back up to the bars. His right hand went to hold the bar in front of him, leaning over you the best he can.
“Yes sometimes, you’re only okay some days.” You look up at him, the smile on your face still present. “Somedays I can tolerate you, other days I wanna rip your vocal cords out, most days I want to murder you.” Your smile widened as you obviously joked.
He let out yet another laugh. “Damn doll, you’re kinky.” He looked down upon you, his tongue moving to lick over his lower lip, looking down at your own lips. His body weight shifted forward, closer to the bars. “What about right now?” He asked.
Your glance looked down to his lips for a split second before it heads back to his eyes. “Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you, or shove you off a bridge.” You spoke and set your hand on your hip, tilting your head a little.
“Can I pick?” He asked and bit his lip right after, you knew exactly what he wanted to pick. His behavior making it extremely clear. “Because if I were to pick, I’d want a kiss.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’d like that too much though.” You lick your lips and looked up at him with half-lidded eyes. Flirting was common between the both of you, most conversations included it.
He bit the inside of his cheek when you licked your lips. “I would.. but don’t you want to make ol’Negan happy?” His eyes fixated on your lips still as he spoke.
You leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, he didn’t specify where, and you just felt like teasing him. You smiled and put your hands in your pockets.
“You little shit.” He huffed a laughed and looked at his feet, he was touch-starved and you knew that. So teasing him was so much more fun. He looked up at you with one eye squinted, a scrunched up face showed to you. He liked it, and he didn’t, just as you’d hope.
“Hope you enjoy your weekly affection.” Teasing more. It was wrong to feel this way about him, especially from what’s he’s done, but it honestly felt nice.
“I’d enjoy more affection..” He looked down at his feet again, almost like he was embarrassed about yearning for love. You brought your hand up and rested it over his hand, that was still on the bars. He smiled as you had done this, moving his hand to hold yours, holding each others hands after no longer resting them on the bars.
You shared a smile and a knowing glance. He made you feel happy, and you made him feel happy too.
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gerathewise · 10 months
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they still need family therapy 🤲
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drewmorg4n · 1 year
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thanks for the lyrics whore
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godstrayed · 5 months
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 "You can come back with me." Negan offers with a sigh, "This isn't sustainable. The world is not meant to be lived like this. The living and the dead shouldn't be standing side by side. It's not natural." Of course, he couldn't make too many promises. His own position at Alexandria was rocky but Carol had given her word and he had a feeling that favor could and would be extended. "C'mon you gotta know that already." / @untilthcyrot
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vilentia · 2 years
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You: Negan, you've led the Saviors for a long time. What do you believe is the most important quality in a leader?
Negan: Well, I think it depends on the situation, but I've always believed that a good leader needs to be able to inspire loyalty in their followers. You've got to make people believe that they're a part of something bigger than themselves. That's how you get people to put their lives on the line for you.
You: But you've also been known for using fear and intimidation to control your people. Do you think that's a sustainable approach to leadership?
Negan: Look, in this world, you need to be tough to survive. You can't coddle people and expect them to follow you. Sometimes you have to show them that you mean business. But it's not just about fear. You also have to provide for your people, keep them safe, and make them feel like they're a part of something. It's a delicate balance.
You: It sounds like you've put a lot of thought into this. How did you develop your leadership style?
Negan: *pauses* It's not something I like to talk about, but let's just say I've had some experiences in my past that have shaped the way I see the world. I've seen how people can be, how they can turn on each other when things get tough. That's why I do what I do. It's not about being cruel, it's about survival.
You: I can understand that, but don't you ever worry that your actions will come back to haunt you? That people will turn on you if they get the chance?
Negan: Of course I worry about that. But it's a risk I have to take. If I don't do what needs to be done to keep my people safe, then what kind of leader am I? It's a tough world out there, and sometimes tough choices have to be made. I just hope that one day people will understand that I did what I had to do.
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loganlostitall · 1 year
Talking to the Moon
Rating: 13+
Word count: Just under 3.5k
Characters: Judith Grimes, Negan Smith (NOT A SHIP!!!!!!); mentions of Carl, Rick, Michonne, Carol, Enid, and R.J.
Setting: Alexandria, post 6 year jump
Content Warnings: sibling grief, talks of death, a little bit of suicidal ideation in here too I think, vulgarity, light talk of typical TWD violence, just lots of sad. Sorry. Fluffy ending tho!
Summary: Judith is getting older, and it’s not fair that Carl isn’t.
Author’s Note: Okaaayy so I really did not want the first piece I published on here to be an angsty vent but life kinda decided to bodyslam me (as usual) so anyways have this lol. I spent all day yesterday writing this in between crying fits and I’m only finishing it now.. oopsie whoopsies. A little context I guess, my older brother was shot and killed 5 years ago, and in 5 years I will be older than he got to be. That’s heavily implemented in here, as well as just the majority of Judith’s dialogue being my own thoughts/feelings. Sometimes it just hits you again, man. My therapist likes me to write it out 🤷🏻 I’m workin on other stuff that isn’t like this so pls bear w me y’all 😭🙏🏽
Beta’d by @murdadixon as alwayysss
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Midnight marked her 10th birthday. 
She liked to keep track of time in intervals of five. R.J. was currently an interval of 5. He died at an interval of five. She was reaching an interval of 5 herself, right now. In a demi-decade, she would encounter the age he’d never passed; and in a decade, she would be 5 years older than he’d ever be. Five felt significant, and she did not—she simply felt like her brother’s stand-in. 
Judith sat on the edge of the wooden boardwalk with her legs drawn up to her chest and both arms wrapped around her knees, chin rested atop them, and stared blankly at the water source before her. Tried to mimic its stillness. But she disrupted it, instead, because the tears swimming in her brown eyes splattered down and sent ripples coursing across the surface, growing larger the further they fanned out and expanded. 
That was, similarly, how missing Carl felt. At the start, it was a heavy impact, it obliterated the calmness, and as the years blazed past, it got further away and yet simultaneously… bigger. How could something shrink and grow? How could she grow, every day; and yet consistently feel as if she were being pushed back, made smaller? Small enough to be back in his arms again, like before, like that final night she knew him. 
She would appreciate his last words this time. She would wrangle her brain up into her juvenile hands and pin it down to carve them over the top of her damn hippocampus to keep them there; even if it did mean her blood got everywhere, even if it meant she lost all the rest of her cognitive function. Truthfully, she did not want to function this way. Being medically brain dead would be a graciousness. Or maybe just being bit.
Feeling the fever Carl did would unite them in a way. 
The panels beside her creaked recognizably, a familiar gait and stride, and Judith’s fingers twitched to move instinctively for a gun she knew she wouldn’t brandish. The scuffed tips of two large black boots entered her peripheral vision but she did not turn her gaze. 
“Hey there, Miss Grimes.” 
Negan sat in a loose mirror of Judith’s position—he struggled with holding his legs in exactly the same manner and had to improvise considerably. He got himself comfortable with his legs toward his chest but with a short gap between his thighs, toes pointing outward instead of inward as Judith’s were, and both forearms crossed above his knees to lie his head upon. 
“Don’t really like water, kid, but I’m diving in there after ya if you jump, so please don’t, alright? For me?” 
The preteen wiped her right cheek against her bicep and tilted her head to rest the left cheek against the adjacent knee and look at her guest. Her eyes weren’t really seeing him, but she was trying to acknowledge the fact that he’d joined her. “How’d you get out?” 
He ignored that she ignored his question and instead plastered on the usual grin, even if the edges were heavy and worn down, and lifted a finger to his smile. 
Shhhh, it’s a secret. It went without saying. 
“I should shoot you. I brought my gun,” she pestered, poking a bear with a stick. Only, this bear was a puppy. And the humor behind the words didn’t reach her tone. 
He decided not to address her monotony.
“Mmhmm. Right.” 
“I would.” 
“I know,” he grinned again, more genuinely, and his side administered a dull throb almost out of nostalgia. She had, in fact, shot him. He wouldn’t challenge that.
There were only a few moments that went without speech. Judith found herself gazing ahead again, tapping her right cowgirl boot without tempo because it was simply to alleviate the odd, incessant gnawing in her gut that screamed to bounce her leg, or else. 
“Why don’t I get to have a word?” she blurted out, albeit quietly, almost unaware that Negan could not read her mind and was clueless to what she really meant. The man hummed questioningly as if to say ‘continue,’ and Judith finished verbalizing the thought. “I mean… mom’s a widow, and you’re a widower. Enid is an orphan. Aunt Carol is a v- vi..lo..mah, she lost her daughter Sophia.” The young girl struggled on the pronunciation momentarily before returning to the point. “But what am I? Just… a kid who lost a brother? Don’t I deserve a word? Doesn’t Carl? I think he deserves more than one. I would give him them all.” 
In truth, Negan would not have heard the second half of her statement had they not been knee-to-knee. Even from only having a view of the profile of her face, he could tell that she was fighting back the need to cry. The intensity with which she swallowed, the twitch of the corners of her frown, her small nostrils flaring. She was probably also avoiding allowing her voice to crack. 
Kids don’t ever deserve to feel this way. Adults can hardly even cope with loss. He’d seen it sometimes before, the occasional teen with swollen eyes and dark circles wordlessly offering him a slip with a small, rectangular obituary card stapled to the top left corner to excuse a few days of absence after the passing of a parent, guardian, or otherwise crucial family member. And similar to now, he truly tried his best… when it came to situations like that. It was hard—shit, it still is hard, but after eventually grasping that what most of them wanted was to just be heard (and not to be told that a kick-ass exercise routine could distract a weak mind, or about how being a pussy didn’t get you pussy), he’d take his attendance and approach again with a juniors mitt and baseball to throw at the wall and catch while they cried, screamed, shook, even dissociated some of them. He’d never been a great man, or honestly even a kind teacher; Savior Negan essentially just carried on acting as he had before Lucille’s confrontation, diagnosis, and passing; but the kids who saw through him loved him. When the rest loathed to hear ‘Mr. Smith,’ though no one was to blame for that but himself. To the damaged kids, the whole façade of coolness he tried to upkeep around his classes was utter horseshit because they found him badass when he let them bitch about things without taking to the nearest phone as a mandatory reporter. 
Judith was, arguably, the most mature ten year old with significant trauma that he’d ever sat with. Children that young hadn’t been his area of work, really, but there were a handful of times one of his high school students had to drag along a little sibling because they’d emancipated after the death of the only responsible parent, were granted custody of the kid, and the younger had a day off. Other stories, heavily similar or drastically different, with the same outcome. Judith was more put together than half of the seniors that had dished their shit out on him. In a strictly militant world and with no empire turning to him for guidance, there was no excuse to be assertive around her age bracket. He would tell her she was strong, that she was an Amazon warrior who could brave anything and then have to explain Wonder Woman comics, but the probability was massive that she could only grasp some variation of control over herself in these heavy moments because life now held a sickening promise that anything could be marred with a streak of blood. That you have to always be ready to mourn. 
So fucked up. 
His prior internal assessment to remain silent and give her more time to process her feelings into words proved correct when Judith turned her head back in his direction again with more to express to him. 
“Dad isn’t here anymore to tell me what Carl was like at my age. Or tell me stories about before everything got bad. And mom wasn’t around for all that stuff. But even if she was, I- I hate always hearing about him from other people. About how they won’t ever get to see him grow up. Why does everyone else get to remember my brother? Why doesn’t anybody care that I gotta know he’s not watching me grow up anymore? I want to remember Carl on my own, but I was too little!” Her delicate voice shattered beneath the weight of her last sentence, and the way her eyebrows were flying into all different angles on her face betrayed that her developing mind didn’t know what to do with the guilt that ignited furiously behind her ribs for seemingly such a selfish notion. It was a vicious fact that Judith almost never understood what she was feeling, not acutely. 
But, she trusted Negan. He’d told her things that no one else had cared to let her know. About Abraham. About Glenn. About Sasha, Denise, uncle Daryl. Everyone she loved had been damaged by him in some way, but… they’d all together affected him, too. 
Maybe he changed. Or maybe he’d been keeping this Negan safe. Whatever the case, here he was, out of his cell, not even allowing his knee to bump her own. 
This man had killed people? He was the kindest one here to her. Especially when it came to stuff like this. Other Alexandrians always dismissed her; she didn’t have any “adult” problems worth sparing their time for. How could the big bad wolf be so tame? 
Judith wiped both of her eyes and straightened her left leg out halfway. “If… if Carl hadn’t got bit, what do you think things would be like now?”
And that question certainly beckoned an answer. He had been allowing her to talk as much as she felt necessary tonight, content to simply sit quietly and be an ear for the little girl as she often was for him. His skull would have been split open on one of those prison walls years ago had it not been for his little window and Judith’s spark of rebellious humanity. 
Negan responded honestly, as was always the case with her. “I woulda killed every last one of these dickwipes, and brought you and Carl back to the Sanctuary with me. I don’t kill kids. But I don’t think your brother would have been too crazy about that. Nah, with those titanium balls of his, he would have taken me down, torn all of my people apart limb from fuckin’ limb. Yeah…,” he peered down at Judith, who was just watching him with her elbow on her extended knee and her cheek rested on her palm. No signs of distress. He continued on. “Yeah, Prick thought he was a badass, but Carl? Well, he was the real badass. Anybody could’a killed me, my bet was on him. Catch me off guard, I wouldn’t have fought back. I think he would have stocked one of my big ass trucks with everything he needed and taken off with you knowing he won. But he also would have lost everything.” 
Now, Judith’s energy had shifted back into that murky cloud it had resembled before. Not entirely, but to a noticeable degree. Negan cursed under his breath. 
“Did I scare you talking abou-” 
“You think Carl would have raised me all on his own? You really think he would have done that?”
“Oh, I know it,” Negan nodded adamantly, without aggressive urgency, and chipped a piece of plastic from the aglet of his shoelace to chuck into the water. “Carl loved you more than anyone else, I think.” 
A brittle, cracked sob drew his attention immediately to the little girl beside him, left hand reaching out to comfort on instinct and then hovering uselessly between them. Judith gave her permission with action instead of words; turning her legs off to the side to be able to roll onto her right hip and notch herself against Negan’s side. She rested her head against his knee and old tears from her cheek seeped through the thin material of his jumper. The previously awkward arm dropped around her own and he settled for hanging his hand at an outward angle away from her body. He’d comfort the kid but any one of the adults here would send Michonne into a goddamned stroke by reporting that he’d made an attempt against her daughter's life by, say, scratching the back of her head. Some asinine bullshit. He wouldn’t risk it, and not because of himself. No, he’s a big boy and can handle his own conflicts. But Judith would get in so much unnecessary trouble. 
After taking a minute to gather herself, Judith whispered, “I think I would have liked that better.” 
“…What, Carl taking care of ya?” He queried. “Y’know that means you wouldn’t have your mom, or dad, or-”
“Mommies and daddies die before their kids do, or they’re supposed to. Siblings are- they’re supposed to be there the whole time you grow up, and after. You’re supposed to live your life together. And they’re not supposed to die before you mom and dad do.” 
“I want Carl. I’d give up anyone here to get him back.” 
It proved remarkably difficult given how much taller he was than her, but Negan managed to make do. He tilted his neck to a sideways angle and rested his head on top of hers whilst fishing through his right pocket. 
Judith peeked up at him. “What’re you doing? Are you gonna stab me for making you sad? I’ve still got my-”
“No. Don’t be nosey,” he goaded and even ventured so far as to stick his tongue out and wrinkle his nose. Her head dropped back down to his leg just as quickly as it rose, and Negan’s fingers closed around the surprise. 
“Sounds like a candy wrapper…,” she mumbled, still too lost in her own head and the darkness residing. 
Two bright blue pouches withdrew from his pocket, and his brown eyes traveled skyward. “Moon’s right above our heads now. Means it’s midnight. I got ya a gift.” 
A second, smaller pair of brown irises gazed upon the same sky, and her bottom lip began to give way into trembles again so Negan damn near shoved the quite literally sweet present directly in front of her face. 
Judith blinked, eyes focusing on the text in front of them that stood out violently against the package design. “What’s ‘Razzles?’” A small hand accepted the curious, but still exciting new treat, and read the yellow script surrounding the name at the top and bottom. “‘First it’s candy, then it’s gum’? What’s gum?” 
Negan had already ripped his open. “You’re about to give me one fat ass kiss, Miss Grimes,” he mused delicately, tossing three colorful disks into his mouth.
His much younger counterpart followed suit, unsure of how to react while the candy crunched before a scintillating smile broke out across her face and two more pieces joined the first. “Where’d you get these?”
“…Okay, don’t laugh,” he deadpanned, and couldn’t help but smirk when Judith narrowed her eyes at him and raised an accusatory eyebrow, still blissfully chewing away. ��I’ve gotta secret admirer.” He drew his shoulders up into a loose shrug, threw his hands out in a ‘surprise!’ gesture and dropped his mouth open to an overly enthused smile as the preteen choked on gum. 
“WHAT?!? What do you mean?! Tell me, tell me!” 
He wouldn’t comment on how much tension finally dissipated from his body and mind at the eager enthusiasm on Judith’s face. This had all been so… glum. “Don’t know, but they slip me goodies through the bars on the window. I asked Father Freaky for some paper to draw, keep my mind busy y’know, and left a note up there requesting a special birthday gift for my best friend. They got dropped in this morning.” 
“So, someone here in Alexandria?” she asked, munching her way through her bag of sweets. There was a twinkle in her eyes, finally, so he’d entertain it. 
He shrugged idly. “I’d assume so. I’ve got my fingers crossed there’s some freaky deaky coming my way!!” 
“Oh, ew. There it is, you ruined this whole thing.” Judith pushed on the side of his knee with both hands to amass enough force to actually shove his leg over. 
“Damn. This whole thing, huh?” 
“Mmhmm,” she hummed, her mouth now so full of chewed up gray gum that speaking proved difficult. 
Negan chomped down on a considerable number of candies all at once and reached for Judith’s own pack of Razzles. “Alright, I’ll just take this then, since I fucked up your birthday and all.” A deep, rumbling laugh burst forth from up out of his chest when the ten year old shouted ‘NO!!!’ and a huge wad of gum rolled out of her mouth to plink into the water and bob along to float elsewhere. The pout her bottom lip garnished was impressive and Negan glanced around to the houses in the distance behind them, all of the windows being dark with the quiet insinuation of sleep, to ensure the absence of scrutinizing eyes before taking one of Judith’s hands into his own to unload half the contents of his own candy until her palm was overflowing and a few stray pieces thumped down against the wood. Negan administered the 5 second rule with a quickness and claimed them for himself. 
“Thanks,” she chimed faintly, and set about organizing the surplus of thin, cylindrical candies into separate groups of yellow, purple, orange, pink, and blue. 
Negan tucked his hand back to his side and pointedly did not give any attention to the prominent droop Judith’s shoulders adopted afterward. He wondered fleetingly if anyone in town ever just… gave the kid a hug. “Ah, don’t worry about it. Really. It’s not like I went out and found these myself.” He pointed one of his own bits of candy at her and added, “Well, you can always just find my paramour and thank them yourself.”                
She tilted her head back against his arm to smile up at him. “You just want me to get you deets. You have a crush on this person already, uncle Negan?” 
“I’ll love anybody who gives me attention at this point,” he shrugged again, tone steady despite the admission. “Aren’t I hopelessly in love with you, Miss Grimes?” 
Her braid swung and the sheriff’s hat far too oversized for her head shifted slightly out of place when she nodded. She tucked the intertwined strands of hair behind her ear after they fell into her face and tickled her nose. “I never hear mom say that she loves me.” 
“Ah, she does.” He tapped a finger against his temple once he knew Judith was looking at him and would see it. “She’s got a lot going on up here. But I bet if you went up to Mich and told her first, she’d say it back.” 
The young girl nodded again, though this motion was a simple, stiff jerk and only once. Drastically unlike the one he’d earned for himself just moments prior. Judith didn’t believe that Michonne really loved her, but she could easily surmise that he did. “Love you, too,” she murmured and a hefty sigh followed closely behind. Judith tapped the toes of her boots against the boardwalk and followed Negan’s offered instruction to bravely attempt blowing her first bubble. It snapped into a sticky disaster on her lips. The pair fell into a comfortable, innocent, expectationless silence. Negan eventually polished off the last of his candy and crumpled the wrapper up to tuck away into the pocket he retrieved it from, along with Judith’s once she’d finished her own. She was, reasonably, exhausted, and it didn’t take long for him to realize that Judith had drifted off leaning against him. 
Next thing he knew, the clouds were graying and little hands were nudging his arm, accompanied by a sleep-slurred voice telling him to wake up. His legs were numb from having remained in the same seated position for what had to be at least a couple hours, but Negan still managed to get himself up into his feet and follow her along as she led the way to his cell. A sheepish smile and tired shrug was all he could muster when her eyes lingered on the lock and bobby-pin discarded haphazardly in the middle of the concrete. He took his place on his cot and watched the child close the bars behind him and slide the lock back into place. 
Judith turned from him to walk away, but threw a drowsy smile over her shoulder and waved. And pointless as it was, he spoke after she’d left and her shadow had already passed by his solitary window.
“Happy birthday, kid.” 
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I think I get attached to characters like Negan who are dangerous and have soft hearts because that’s exactly what my brother was like.
I miss my Carl ❤️‍🩹
This is my first time writing for TWD, and the first work I’m posting in over 2 years, so I hope it’s good for y’all 🥺
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MUTUALS comment for a ONE LINER DIALOGUE starter. only the following muses available, please select one (and fellow multis comment your muse too) or else no starter!
karen smith
regina george
charlie swan
cassandra pressman
gemma teller
nancy wheeler
will byers
any sweet magnolias muse
daryl dixon
maggie rhee
michonne hawthorne
negan smith
tess servopoulos
abigail blyg
bobbi dougherty
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chyckles · 1 year
Requests & Characters I write for
Requests are OPEN
Drop your request in my ask box, and I'll try to write it as soon as possible. Keep in mind that this is a hobby, I have a life outside Tumblr, respect my time and don't pressure me.
Please remember English is not my first language, and I'm still learning, so if you see an error (there will be plenty of them) don't be mean to me. If you don't like it, just ignore my posts, thank you.
Your request need to contain:
The character/s you want me to write about (I will leave the list at the end of the post). I don't write ships, only “x reader”. If what you want is a preference, then only specify the fandom.
Select one of this: one-shot (2k+ words), preference or drabble (500-1k words).
Give me a brief description of what you want. You can even send me a scene or dialogue that you already have in mind.
Let me know if you want a bad or good ending. If you don't say anything, I'll do whatever feels right for me.
I will not describe any physical feature (skin color, weight…) unless it's relevant for the plot, so if the reader needs a specific feature please include it in your request.
I DON'T WRITE SMUT BY REQUEST, only whenever I feel like it. Sorry.
I can write love triangles, but not polyamory because I don't know almost anything about it and don't want to mess it up. Maybe in the future. The only exceptions are Steven Grant and Marc Spector, they're the only ones that I can make the reader date at the same time.
I DON'T WRITE INCEST, PEDOPHILIA OR ANY SICK THING LIKE THAT. If the character is underage, the reader will also be underage, and they will behave like underage people. I can write age gaps if the characters are both adults.
I don't necessary write only romantic relationships. If you want any kind of platonic relationship, that's okay, just specify it on the request.
Characters I write for:
I will add new characters of other fandoms in the future. These are just temporary. My favorites are in bold.
Bucky Barnes
Carol Danvers
Kate Bishop
Marc Spector
Natasha Romanoff
Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew and Tom)
Sam Wilson
Steve Rogers
Steven Grant
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Harry Potter
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Cho Chang
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Nymphadora Tonks
Remus Lupin
Ron Weasley
Sirius Black
Game of Thrones
Arya Stark
Daenerys Targaryen
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Sandor Clegane
Sansa Stark
Tyrion Lannister
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
The walking dead
Carl Grimes
Carol Peletier
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Greene
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
Hazbin Hotel
Sir Pentious
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So ever since I received a comment a few days ago on one of my Jonsa posts, a certain portion of it has been sitting in my brain: "You mean besides how Dany’s story amounts to nothing? And says that anyone fighting against an unjust system should never be trusted, so it was better that she never had power or the ability to fight back? Or how about that she shouldn’t have been born to begin with since she was crooked and ugly from the start? That’s reassuring for a lot of people who’ve found a sense of inspiration in her at low points in their life."
And I just need to talk about it. Putting everything under the cut:
Warning: spoilers for endings of Dean Winchester/Supernatural, Villanelle/Killing Eve, Negan Smith/The Walking Dead/Dead City up ahead.
So this comment has been sitting in my brain because I think I'm having a hard time processing that there are still people out there who actually think this about Daenerys' story. And this goes back to what I've been saying the entire time how that throne room scene dialogue change Emilia wanted thrown in absolutely negated the impact of Dany's actual true arc and the tragedy/moral of her story.
As always, I'm only talking about the showverse, the adaptation of the books.
First, Dany's story didn't amount to nothing. It was actually a very well told story (minus the bungling of the execution of the end there). If we take a step back and look at the picture as a whole, she actually was integral to the story and played a very major part in it. Not only as the main villain or the main antagonist or the final boss or however you want to refer to her, but like the butterfly effect, her actions (and decisions) affected the other characters around her and the story as a whole. That's not nothing.
"And says that anyone fighting against an unjust system should never be trusted, so it was better that she never had power or the ability to fight back" - It is because of her that Westeros has now changed on a massive political scale and it's no accident that Tyrion Lannister was the one to nominate Bran Stark as the next King. She set out to break the wheel and whatever her reasons, however she went about it, she did it. She achieved it. She broke the wheel. That's what enables the new political system to be in place, that is taking a very tiny baby step towards democracy, not there just yet but there was change.
Aegon Targaryen conquered Westeros and Targareyens were in power for centuries, the de facto ruling family. Things were done their way during that time. Then Robert's Rebellion happened and the Targaryens were destroyed (to an extent) and their rules were thrust out. But the way the Targaryens ruled did not change overmuch because the Lannisters had come into power and they became the new Targaryens but in the new world so to speak. There are many reasons why Daenerys and Cersei are paralleled so much. The only difference between the Lannisters and the Targaryens was the allowable incestuous wedding and bedding, and the absence of dragons (aka power). Which is why Tywin uses other methods of instilling fear and utilizes gold to the nth degree. "Hear Me Roar" ( and the more ominous saying of "A Lannister Always Pays His Debts") isn't that far off from "Fire and Blood". The same threat is there (as well as the posturing of power and being in charge) but just worded differently.
A dragon is meant to rule over all, especially three dragons.
A lion (with the mane as pictured) is meant to rule over all in the animal kingdom, especially its own pride.
I mean:
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My whole long point being that the Targaryens were the old ruling dynasty. Silver-haired and used their dragons to wield power. Fire and Blood.
The Lannisters were the current ruling family (through Robert and then themselves once Robert had died), poised to become the new ruling dynasty. Golden-haired and used their gold and influence to wield power. Hear Me Roar.
Dany didn't just break the wheel, she also deposed/ousted/destroyed the current ruling family as well, making way for a new ruling dynasty to come along, a new world. And that makes sense that she would be the one to do it (and that her actions killed Jaime and Cersei together while Cersei was pregnant with their child/future) because the Lannisters were never meant to be endgame. Just like it also makes sense that Cersei was the first Queen to take the Iron Throne. And it also makes sense why Cersei told Jaime to hell with everyone else and she wanted to set up their own dynasty for 1000 years, not caring if Westeros knew Jaime fathered her children or not. They were becoming the new Targaryens and they wouldn't be good for the realm. Hence the splitting of the "Mad Queen" narrative between Cersei and Daenerys. This doesn't take away from Daenerys or any bad choices she made or who was the worse murderer, but it shows that there was a plan here in the story and Daenerys was very much a part of it and a big player in it.
It's no coincidence she was given three dragons. It's no coincidence that she named two of them after her brothers (like Aegon's two sisters helped him to conquer Westeros), the two sides of her and only in the end would we see that Drogon (named for Drogo) would represent who Daenerys really was the whole time. So it absolutely makes sense that she would be the one to come to Westeros to conquer it again, starting at King's Landing (as Aegon did), taking out the new Targaryens, breaking the wheel, and closing up the Targaryen circle so to speak. She was right, she did have a destiny, it just wasn't what she thought or dreamed for herself. Her decision dictated her end.
And it's also no coincidence that this happened with Aegon (aka Jon), the other side of the coin to Dany in character, and that he is the one who has to make the choice to either stop her from forging the world into her vision or join her. No coincidence that he then becomes The Last Targaryen and is going back to the Night's Watch again, a la Aemon. Aemon had to forswear the name Targaryen in order to serve the Citadel. When his older brother died, despite those who wanted to see him crowned King, he refused and the crown passed to his younger brother.
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And this prompted Aemon to join the Night's Watch so his access to the crown (and people trying to use him as a political rival to his brother) would be removed completely.
So it made absolute sense that both Dany and Jon had purposes to fulfill in the story in regards to Westeros and the Iron Throne. Not just because of their claims but also because they were the last remaining parts in the wheel of that house.
And it also makes sense that a new ruling family was set up (though not a dynasty in Bran's case since the next ruler will be chosen by the Council of Lords instead of it staying in the family) but also a new dynasty was set up (though it had been around before the Targaryens came to Westeros so not so new really but it was the dynasty meant to be restored) through their actions. The Targaryens and Lannisters had both been ripped out root and stem (with the exception of Tyrion though had Dany lived, Tyrion would not have) in preparation for a new world to grow.
And as we know House Stark's words are "Winter is coming" which is not a threat or a boast of their power/strength but a warning and call for preparation for a worse threat coming. Plus:
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While we see the wolf with its teeth bared, it is not in an attack position (like the lion above) or in an aggressive position at all (like we see with the dragons having fire coming out of their mouths above), even the banner with just the wolf's head like we see in the show, and there are no flashy colors like the Lannisters' or ominous coloring like the Targaryens'. There is no red for blood or power, and no yellow for gold. This (House Stark) was always going to be the dynasty that was restored, just not ruling over Westeros but their own land, as they had before the Targaryens threw a monkey wrench into everything. Chosen by their people and trusted/loved by them as well, independent from the other Six Kingdoms and everything involved with that.
But back to Daenerys, she served a much greater purpose in the story than I think most give her credit for. Regardless of what decisions she made in the end, the purpose the narrative had for her had been served. Same with Jon. So to say that the message here is "anyone fighting against an unjust system should never be trusted, so it was better that she never had power or the ability to fight back" is imho incorrect. Daenerys' own family was responsible for that unjust system that you speak of. I'm not saying she was, but her family was, and had Viserys gotten back on the IT it would have continued. Had Cersei and the Lannisters somehow defeated Dany, it would have continued. We saw plenty of times that Dany stood up against an unjust system and won, advancing her narrative. What you are meant to question in the end after seeing all of the decisions she's made is how she went about getting those victories and were they really this honorable selfless quest to free those from the wheel so there would be equality, peace, and prosperity for all? Or was that not the case when it comes to her? You're meant to question her actions and decisions. For example, a lot of people like to refer to her as the "Breaker of Chains" but if you go back and watch that scene again, you will see that when she gives the Unsullied a choice she still has the whip in her hand. And she doesn't get rid of it until they've all agreed to follow her, after seeing how much destruction one small dragon could inflict at her command. There's a reason they revisited the slavery and freedom issue in her Mereen arc and who wants to be free and who doesn't, etc. It's not just about her getting to know her people or their culture. "Mhysa is Master" is meant to make you think and take another look at just how free the Unsullied were, looking past Grey Worm and Missandei.
But before I go off on another tangent, it is absolutely always better that she had power to stand up against people who needed to be stood up to. This is why it absolutely floors me when I see people reducing this character's story to one thing or another, good or bad. One of GRRM's main points is to make his characters complex, to not make them one thing or another. Daemon Targaryen is a perfect example he gave. Daenerys is not just evil and not just good. She's a complex, flawed human being who made some wrong choices along the way and allowed her destiny to go to her head, that she then began using to justify the actions she took that were anything but right.
So making a statement like that is completely negating Daenerys' importance to the story and some of the good things she actually did in the narrative, all because you didn't like how her story ended.
Which leads into the third point I want to address. To each their own, feel how you feel, see what you see, interpret what you interpret. But it always boggles me when I hear someone saying that by Dany's ending, she can no longer be seen as a strong character, for women, for survivors, or any other group. And I guess I have to ask why that is. Dany is still one hell of a strong character and she was up until the end. She was given not only a major part in the story but also one hell of a powerful villain arc/turn. Not a lot of female characters get that. By her being the villain and having her ending, it's not negating anything she suffered and like most people in life, she was given a choice: continue to abuse/hurt/do the same as was done to you or don't continue that behavior and break free of that chain. While it appeared she had chosen the latter, in the end, she chose the former. Burning innocent children alive, going from street to street to set it on fire so none would survive so you can make your new world, that's not breaking the chain of behavior.
But she still got to make the choice. She wasn't pushed into it because of something a man had done, because she lost those she loved, or anything with her love for Jon, or because she lost her head. She made a sound and clear decision. That's strong as hell. She made decisions after decisions that led her to that final decision. How do you not see strength in that? Even when Jon confronted her in the throne room, she didn't back down from the decision she'd made (even though it was the wrong one). That's strength, especially considering the world she was surrounded by and the patriarchy. She wasn't punished for being a woman. She wasn't punished for being a survivor. She wasn't punished because she was a Targaryen or a Queen. She wasn't even being punished. She had fulfilled her purpose in the story and now it was Jon's decision (the other Targaryen) if he would allow her to continue reshaping the world or to stop her.
Another example that I can think of similar happening (though a lot of people won't agree with me on this) was Villanelle in Killing Eve (the showverse). The character had served her purpose, and she got to be the one that took out the big bad while having a redemption arc. She was very much the antihero in that moment. Her killing Bill, her killing people outside of assignments that weren't a threat to her but she just enjoyed killing them or they annoyed her -- all of that was going to come back to her at some point.
Once these characters who are not the heroes or sheroes serve their purpose in the story, that's it. It doesn't mean all of them die obviously but it doesn't mean they get a great big house with a white picket fence, a dog (or cat), and a happy ending. Especially if they performed some anatognistic or villain role in some way. Look at Negan from The Walking Dead for example. He had a redemption arc in the show and got to get married and have a baby on the way in the end, but he wasn't really able to stay with the group despite what Daryl and Maggie said to him. Then we have the new show which keeps Negan's story ongoing and the minute it starts we find out his wife and son are elsewhere because he has to stay away to keep them safe. And here he is, on the run again, still working for redemption and being the antihero, but no happy ending that we can see in the distance (and who knows how it will end, he may die, he may not).
Conversely, a lot of people were upset when Dean Winchester died in the end of Supernatural (me among them). He was one of the heroes in the story but his agency was taken from him in the manner they chose to have him die, it didn't make sense character or story wise with what the narrative was leading to, and because of the type of story they were telling (heavily leaning into the emotional trauma of these characters), it had bad messaging. That's a great example of railing at the writers and going "huh? what was the whole goddamn point?" But not Dany. (meaning her dark turn as a whole and her ending with Jon dealing with her)
So to say that Dany shouldn't have done what she did because it didn't end the way you wanted, I'm sorry, that's ludicrous and completely insulting to Dany's character. Feel how you feel, especially if she was someone who you looked up to and who got you through the rough times, but she absolutely was a strong character and I think in the emotion of what happened in the end (because some really still didn't see it coming even after all of the hints and foreshadowing for years on end), that tends to be forgotten. Dany is not a victim; she never was. She's a survivor and she was given full agency up until the very end. She went from not being able to choose to being able to choose. She went from being under men's control to having her own control. That's something to perhaps look at as a win, or a silver lining at the very least. Like I said, you're entitled to your opinions and valid feelings, I just feel like Dany deserves more credit as does her story as a whole, and her very important role doesn't deserve to be diminished because you didn't get the ending you wanted (i.e. a Targaryen restoration, Jon and Dany making tons of babies, Dany on the IT, etc.).
In my personal opinion, she's one of the best characters to ever exist and she's one of my favorites. I don't agree with a lot of the decisions she's made and I am not afraid to call her out on them or state where she went wrong or be critical, but I absolutely do it from a point of love for this character and one I view to be one of the strongest female characters I've ever seen on my screen to this day. How do you not find inspiration in that?
tldr; "You mean besides how Dany’s story amounts to nothing? And says that anyone fighting against an unjust system should never be trusted, so it was better that she never had power or the ability to fight back?" -> Dany's story doesn't amount to nothing and it doesn't say any of that if anything her story says the opposite.
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rickgrimeswifey · 3 years
Secrets - Negan Smith
A/n: This is set 8x12 when the saviors are on their way to the hilltop to give a message by infecting some people there. But Rick crashes into Negan’s car and chases him into a building. When the text is like this it means that it is a flashback from the past. Btw, I know I said this could come out the same day as the Carl fic but I hadn’t started writing this and it turned out much longer than what I originally thought so. Thanks again for 300 followers! <3
Summary: After Rick lures Negan into falling down one or two floors into a basement in a building they fight, at first with words. Which makes Negan spill some secrets about his first born babygirl Y/n.  
Category: Smut, image
Pairing: Negan Smith x fem!grimes!reader 
Season: 8
Warnings: Swearing (like a lot), lots of dialogue, smut, age-gap, forbidden lust, over-stimulation, mentions of sex, loss of virginity, violence
Word count: 5.1k
“Damn it!” Negan yelled angrily to himself when he noticed who was sitting in the car behind him, that had just pegged him.
Of course it was prick, he thought to himself. Negan struggled to keep his car steady when he stepped on the gas as much as he could. Rick was right behind him, ready to crash him into something.  
He kept chasing him until they both lost control and Negans car crashed into something with very much force due to the speed he was going in. He fainted and the car rolled around and became even more damaged, until it stopped completely. Rick had crashed into a thick and large wooden pole not that far behind him. Both of the men were unconscious, Ricks car was completely crushed in the front.   
After a couple of minutes Negan gained his conscious back, walker-blood and guts had spilled everywhere from the bucket Lucille was recently laying in. Just a couple of seconds passed before he heard Rick starting to fire bullets at his car that was laying on its side.   
Negan climbed out of the car that luckily had a window in the roof, which had bursted into a thousand pieces. He crouched as he walked to the side of the car and looked up to see Rick with his machine gun. Negan couldn't make a run for it since there were walkers surrounding him. The only choice he had was to make a run for it into the building in front of him when Rick was changing his gun’s magazine. It didn’t take long before the gun was spitting bullets Negan's way again. Rick stopped shooting when Negan got inside and ran after him.  
Negan was already standing beside the doorway swinging Lucille at Ricks head when he entered but Rick slid down onto the floor and ducked her. Negan swung Lucille at him again when he was on the floor but Rick rolled around and stood up. Negan saw him grab his gun and made a run for the other room. Rick shot at Negan's head as he ran. When Negan was out of sight for Rick he ran after him but started firing bullets as soon as he saw Negan running in the hallway in front of him. He put his gun down and started running after Negan, three walkers started entering the building meanwhile Rick chased Negan. 
Negan took some turns in the hallways as he ran from Rick until he came into a bigger room with a staircase. His only choice was to run up the stairs since there was a big hole in the floor that went down one or two floors into a basement. Rick came into the room shortly after. This was the easiest shot he had at Negan since he was running a straight line up the stairs. He was just about to shot his head from the back, but when he fired the gun only a click was heard. Unbelievable, this was the best shot he had at killing Negan and the fucking bullets ran out. Great. Rick thought to himself. Just fucking great!   
Negan had reached up the stairs and heard the click, his back still to Rick he started laughing mockingly. He turned around slowly with a big grin on his face.  
“Hey prick,” he said after a long laugh. 
“You,” Negan said and pointed to Rick while dragging out the ‘u’ a little. 
“Are out of bullets.” He informed like Rick didn’t already know. 
Negan stared down at him mockingly from where he was standing, like he’d won. Rick grabbed his hatchet behind his back and Negan had his pointer finger and his middle finger up pressed against each other as he signalized for Rick to come to him. 
“Come on up.” He said with a smirk.
Rick sprints forward and grabs the hatchet with both of his hands, he yells as he throws it, aiming at Negans head with all the power he has. Negan ducks the hatchet, but it was so close that it almost touched his hair. The hatchet slams into the wall and sticks there from how hard Rick threw it. Negan looses balance and rolls to the side of the second floor, breaks the handrail then drops Lucille but grips onto the second floor for dear life as he’s hanging there with the hole in the floor right underneath him.  
“Lucille!” he yells after his bat that is falling down one or two floors.
Negan looks at Rick as he walks up the stairs and grabs his hatchet from the wall. He had to pull very hard for it to come loose. Rick walks up to Negan who is hanging there helpless.
“You asshole.” Negan says in a low tone. 
Rick just stares at him for two seconds before gathering some strength and swinging his hatchet down aiming at Negans hand. Which in return makes Negan loose his grip and fall. All Rick can hear is a loud thud after a couple of seconds. You can’t see down the hole, it’s now smoking with dust and it’s very dark in the building as it already is. 
Rick gets down into the basement another way that’s safe and doesn’t hurt him. It’s nothing but darkness down there. Rick pulls out a lighter which used to belong to Glenn, he starts it to get some lightning. You could hear Negan whistling and walkers growling in the distance.  
“You still alive?” Rick asked into the darkness.
“I’m a goddamn cat!” Negan says clearly annoyed as he is in a crouched position.
Rick spins around hearing which way Negans voice came from. He turned the lighter off and started walking towards it. Rick is walking in some sort of a hallway. He tries to figure out where Negan is by listening to where his voice is coming from. It echoes a little down where they are. It’s a pretty big space and Rick won’t be go around looking. He’s not that stupid, Negan could have a weapon and be ready to attack him. The only thing Rick has to do is lure Negan out of wherever he is hiding. 
“Come on baby, where are you?” Negan whispers to himself as he’s touching around the place he landed in trying to get ahold of his bat.
Suddenly a walker falls down right beside him, he knows they’ve fell down the hole too. Negan understands that he has to get out of there as the walker starts to stand up. Quickly, he feels around the last few spaces he hasn’t felt and when he doesn’t feel Lucille he sprints quietly out of the room.
“So where’s your people?” Rick asks as he walks around a corner in a hallway.
Negan is standing in front wall in a dead-end room listening to Rick.
“They should be here by now.” Ricks voice rings loudly.
“Didn’t get that far.” Rick informs referring to that he first crashed into Negan when he was riding alone in his car at first behind Simon and Dwight.  
“Oh, they’re coming.” Negan says reassuringly.
“This is where you die,” Rick states. “In the dark, all alone.” 
“What the hell is your problem Rick?” Negan asks still annoyed. 
“Huh?” he continues.  
“I know you’re working through some shit,” he begins referring to Carls death which took place just a day or two ago. “The worst kind of shit, I know. But if you aren’t the most stubborn know-it-all prick I’ve ever crossed dicks with.” Negan said both irritated and tired.  
Rick was still following Negans voice, he needed him to talk a bit for him to figure out where he was.
“But at least you still got that fine piece of ass daughter of yours left.” Negan said then smiled to himself at the thought of Y/n.
“Keep Y/n out of this” Rick growled.
“Well she sure as shit couldn't keep me out of her" Negan chuckled.
Rick stopped in his tracks at an instant.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Rick asks.
“Oh prick, this is gonna be fun as shit.” Negan laughs. “You know that day when I killed that guy who wanted me to kill you so that he could take your spot? Well then that other hot girl with a pretty face shot at me but then the bullet made from fucking scratch landed right in Lucilles pretty surface. I was starting to cut up her face because she wouldn't tell me who made the bullets then eventually she did, and I personally am thankful as shit for that because otherwise I wouldn’t have my beloved Eugene. Well then I was going to kill her anyways but your daughter stepped in and said that I should kill her instead. I said no and then she said that she’d do anything for me to not kill that other woman, that’s when I got this brilliant idea. I told her to come back with me to the Sanctuary for a day and all would be forgotten. I wanted to give a grand tour because your boy gave me such an incredible one. Then I had Arat kill someone which sadly had to be Olivia, and we left for the Sanctuary.” Negan starts explaining. 
“Yeah, and? She told us what happened at the Sanctuary. How you burned a guys face and gave her a tour.” Rick says as he was still standing completely still.
Rick could hear in Negans laughter how much he was enjoying this.  
“Well, we got to the Sanctuary and I started off by showing her the workers and how the system worked. She tagged along when I showed her my wives and everything. We were in my room and I ordered her to sit down in one of my armchairs that was in front of my couch. I sat down in the couch, we played twenty-one questions actually, it was pretty fun. I got to know her and she got to know me. I knew she was your daughter and that you were going insane back in Alexandria.” Negan continued explaining with Rick listening closely to every word he had to say.
(Again, when the text is like this it means that it’s a flashback.) 
“Have you ever played twenty-one questions before?” Negan asked the young adult in front of him.
Y/n nodded. She remembered when she was fourteen before the outbreak, in her freshmen year playing it with this boy in her class. Who she might’ve had a crush on.
“Alrighty, I’ll start.” He rubbed his hands together in excitement. “How old are you?” Negan asked.
“I’m twenty.” She said.
Negan nodded amused at her.
“Is Negan actually your real name?” Y/n asked.
“Yeah it is, pretty fucking cool right?” Negan let out a chuckle and Y/n nodded to answer his question. 
“Hmmmm, what do you think about the Sanctuary?” 
“Honestly?” she asked.
Negan nodded.
“I hope you won’t get mad at me for saying this but it seems depressing.” Y/n stated. 
Negan just smiled after cocking an eyebrow at her and didn’t say anything more, he just waited for her question.   
“What do you...think about me?” Y/n asked him genuinely curious. 
“Well, I definitely think that you are hot as shit. I don’t think you got any of the pretty genes from your father.” Negan chuckled. “I mean if you were agreeable to it I would definitely screw your brains out.” He grinned even wider when he noticed how she shifted in her seat and started blushing.  
Truth to be told was that Y/n had never had sex, or had any attention from a man. She didn’t know what the tingling sensation that was going on in her lower stomach was but it was something Negan lighted up in her. His amused laughter forced its way into her eardrums. 
“Are you a virgin?” he asked but it wasn't really a question, Y/n could tell that he already knew the answer and that he was clearly enjoy this A LOT.
The question made Y/n blush even harder and she couldn’t even keep eye contact with Negan as she nodded slowly.  
“That is magnificent” Negan exclaimed happily amused.
“We were having such a good time, then she started arguing with me when I said something that she thought was wrong.” Negan informed Rick.
“What do you think this place will be in the future?” Y/n asked Negan still recovering from what he said before.
“Agh, that is sure as shit a great question.” He said as he rubbed his chin. “Carl will definitely be one of my top guys-” Negan started talking but was interrupted by Y/n. 
“No, he won’t, I won't allow that. He’ll be miserable here.”
“I’m sorry honey, but it will happen and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Just like the fact that you can’t stop me from killing your daddy.” Negan shrugged.
Y/n felt rage, hadn’t he killed enough people already? Glenn, Abraham, Olivia and Spencer. Before Y/n could think about the consequences, she had stood up and slapped Negan in the face. She gasped when she realized what she had done and immediately sat down again. Fear rose inside her as Negan stood up, it felt like she shrunk in size when he slowly walked over to her and gripped onto each armrest, he leant forward so that she could feel his breath on her face. His eyes shot daggers through her head as he tried to get her to look him in the eyes.    
“Look at me.” He said in a warning tone.  
Y/n bashfully looked Negan in the eyes, he was closer than what she thought he’d be. Her heart rose and she felt that tingling feeling in her stomach again. She could tell this was wrong but couldn’t help herself... 
“It was about her baby brother Carl, I told her that I was going to turn him into one of my top men. She said that I wouldn't and she wouldn’t allow it. I told her that there wasn't anything that she could do about it and that I was going to kill you too prick. She sure as shit did not like to hear me death threatening her daddy.” he explained. “Before I could react she had stood up and slapped me in the face!” Negan exclaimed. “I knew she regretted it since she sat down immediately again but I had to warn her so she would get that there would be consequences.” He explained to Rick. 
Rick gripped on tightly to his hatchet feeling rage outburst inside him. His veins popping out, even though Negan had barely started telling the story.
“Anything you want to say to me? Maybe something starting with ‘I’m’ and ending with ‘sorry’?” Negan asked and looked sternly Into her eyes. 
“Yeah...” she sighed deeply. “I’m really sorry for hitting you, I don't know what came over me.” Y/n apologized as she fiddled with her fingers. 
“Well, isn't this just fucking amazing!” he said happily. “You are much better at apologizes than your lame ass prick father.” Negan praised. 
Y/n looked down at her feet expecting Negan to back away, but he didn’t. He just kept staring at her. 
“You are really fucking hot, has anyone ever told you that?” Negan asked her.
Y/n looked him in the eyes again, flustered from his compliment. She shook her head and Negans eyes widened.  
“If that isn’t the most fucked up shit I’ve ever heard!” Negan exclaimed. “Well, then I’ll gladly be the first one to tell you that, you are as hot as all of my wives combined.” He stated.  
Y/n looked deeply into his eyes, his smile faltered. He studied her expression trying to understand her but it was quite difficult. Negan had no idea what Y/n was thinking until he felt her soft plump lips pressed against his. He smiled into the kiss, knowing if Rick ever knew about this it’d break him.   
“You’re lying! You’re just trying to get in my head. She’d never kiss you nor look your way!” Rick yelled angrily interrupting Negan in his story time. 
“Have I ever lied before? Why would I lie?” Negan questioned Rick. “You haven’t let me finish prick, there’s more to the story. Besides she did kiss me and not just once.” Negan chuckled.  
Y/n pulled away from Negan when she was out of breath, with her hand on his neck she still had her eyes closed. She can't remember ever kissing anyone before. Y/n knew this was bad, really really bad but still she couldn’t help herself. Her eyes fluttered before she looked up at Negan who was already looking down at her. He grinned as they made eye contact. Y/n felt his hands land on her waist. 
“If you are not just something different.” Negan smirked. 
Y/n knew deep down that she had to stop herself and whatever the hell had gotten into her but it wasn't even worth trying. She quickly leaned in and smashed her lips against Negans, one of her hands starting to tug at his leatherjacket. Negan pulled back and laughed at the sight of her. 
“Slow down there naughty girl. We have all the time in this shitty world.”
“I don’t believe you.” Rick spat.   
“Well, if you aren't just stubborn as shit Rick. She kissed me multiple times. Still not done with the story. And I can inform for you that it’ll only get worse for your ugly ass ears to listen.” Negan said starting to get annoyed by Rick.  
Negan softly grabbed her chin and leaned in to then place a long kiss on her lips. He licked Y/n’s bottom lip asking for entrance which she gave him almost immediately. Her hands were placed flat on his shoulder, she could feel her saliva mixing with Negans meanwhile he explored every corner of her mouth. 
His hands slid to her long sleeved shirt and took it off, after that he undid her bra and tossed it onto the floor. Y/n had never been exposed to someone like this before, out of reflex her hands went to her tits to immediately try to cover them up. 
“Hey, do not do that. I want to see all of you.” Negan said softly.  
Y/n’s hands slowly left her boobs and she saw Negan lick his lips at the sight. His hands immediately went to caress them, a soft moan pushed past Y/n’s lips as Negan began groping her tits and playing around with her nipples. 
“If these aren’t the prettiest goddamn tits I’ve seen in a good long time.” Negan chuckled before getting Y/n up from the armchair.  
He had his hands placed her waist and guided her until they were standing behind the armchair. Negan placed a hand on her upper back and pressed her forward until she was fully bent over the chair. 
“You know sweetheart.” He began meanwhile he reached to her front and undid her jeans. “Usually if it is anyones first time I’d do it in a missionary position to show a sign of love.” He continued explaining. “But, here is the thing.” He licked his lips. “You were being a very bad girl,” He let out a breathy chuckle. “And I want you to know, hitting me does as sure as shit not come without consequences.” Negan pulled off her jeans as he talked.  
“Can’t you just shut the hell up already? I know you’re lying, Y/n would never do that.” Rick shouted irritated into the dark.
“Why the actual fuck can’t you let me finish my story time?” Negan raised his voice irritated. “I’m not lying prick, okay? I fucked the shit out of your little girl!” He yelled back at Rick.   
“No! She would never do that!” Rick shouted angrier than ever. 
“But, she did! Now can you let me finish my goddamn story time?” Negan mumbled ‘Jesus’ irritated and he rolled his eyes.  
“Stay there” Negan told Y/n as she was still bent over the chair.
He went to his nightstand and grabbed a condom. Y/n’s panties were already gone, he had pulled them off and secretly put them in his back pocket. Negan undid his belts and leatherjacket. He laid his jacket down on the bed carefully, then as he walked back to Y/n he undid his jeans. He pulled out his erection from his boxers, letting it slap against his stomach. With ease, Negan rolled on the condom. Y/n looked back and gulped at the sight of it. How was all of that supposed to fit? She only had vague memories of what dicks looked like, but she knew one thing. Negan was absolutely huge.  
“Shut up!” Rick yelled.
Negan laughed when he heard the fury in Ricks voice.
“There is no need to get angry prick, I promise I was being gentle and took good care of her. Though she got it from behind, she had been a bad girl.” Negan informed teasingly knowing Rick would only grow angrier.
Negan let one of his large thick fingers slide into Y/ns entrance. She gasped at the feeling, she had never had this affection or done it herself. 
“Oh fuck.” He chuckled. “You’re so fucking wet.”  
Y/n felt this aching feeling in her pussy that she had never felt before when Negan pulled out his finger. Y/n felt both excitement and nervousness when Negan lined himself up at her entrance. He pushed himself inside her making Y/n grip onto the cushion of the chair she was bent over. She whimpered in pain as Negan stretched her walls a lot. He didn’t come further than two inches before he had to pull out again. 
“Damn it.” Negan cursed quietly to himself then he started pushing into her again. 
He came in two more inches before he pulled out again, Negan repeated this until she had his full length inside her. Y/ns whole body was shaking under Negans touch, this man sure knew how to fuck someone. He started moving his hips back to then ram with quite a lot of force back into her. Y/n moaned as she gripped harder onto the cushion, the pain she first felt was long gone. 
“Fuck honey,” Negan breathed heavily. “You feel so fucking good around me, so fucking tight.” He grunted as he began moving his hips back and forth, as slow as he could. “I’m having a hard time controlling myself darling, oh shit.” He cursed in a whisper at the feeling of her walls giving him a warm fat welcome. 
Negan threw his head back at the feeling of Y/ns warmth. He gripped her hips with both of his hand holding her tightly, he started going faster and harder, losing control.   
“Negan!” Y/n she cried out loudly. “S-Slow down!” She cried, her walls already hugging Negans dick tightly.  
The loud wet skin slapping sound was easily drained up by Y/ns moans that were like screams. She had never felt this type of pleasure before. Though she panics a little when she feels something in her stomach, it feels like a knot or something. Negan could tell she was startled and almost directly knew what was up, virgins didn’t last long. He had completely forgot about that. 
“Don’t worry baby,” he grunted. “It’s supposed to feel that way.” He let out a throaty moan when Y/n clenched tighter than before around him.
She relaxed again by Negans words and felt the knot starting to become undone. Her moans became screams when she came. How loud she was being almost startled Negan but also boosted his ego more than it already was boosted. She had to be enjoying this a whole damn lot.   
“Damn what I’d do for that pussy again prick,” Negan sighed happily at the memory. “She was so tight, I mean damn.” He chuckled. “I have plans for her in the near future, she’s going to be one of my wives. I will not go a day without fucking the holy shit out of her pretty pussy. The even better part is that, I know it’s me and me only how’s been screwing her. She’s all mine.” Negan smiled hearing how every breath Rick took even sounded aggressive.
All though he wasn’t lying. He really wanted Y/n again, almost desperately. 
“You can say what you want. But what you’re talking about never happened, you’re just trying to screw with my head because you know Carl is dead and you can’t use his name to talk to me about the future of the Sanctuary.” Rick said still not believing Negan.
“What is it that is so hard for you to understand Rick?” Negan asked and laughed slightly annoyed. “I undressed your first born babygirl then I fucked her, until she couldn’t take it anymore. Alright?”
Hearing Negan talk like that about Y/n made Rick reach a level of fury he’d only ever felt when that guy tried to sexually assault Carl.    
“Can’t you just shut up the hell up already?” Rick spat. “You’re never going to go near my daughter ever again!” He shouted aggressively. 
Negan still fucked Y/n as hard and fast as before, chasing his release. He started to angle his thrust making Y/n feel even more pleasure. 
“Holy shit!” she cried out.   
Negan had his head thrown back, a smile plastered on his face. 
“The whole Sanctuary can hear you dear.” He let out a breathy chuckle.
Y/n would normally get flustered as hell hearing those words but now she didn’t give a shit, she was feeling so fucking good. Negan for sure knew how to fuck her great. She couldn’t even form or think a single word. This was amazing. It didn’t take long before Y/n came hard around Negan again. She had a tight grip on the cushion of the chair and her eyes were closed, she cursed under her breath.   
Negan pushed her forward with every thrust, due to the force he was using. But his hands held her securely so that he had control of the situation. Having Y/n squeeze him like no other girl had before was amazing. He was in heaven.  
Negan made sure to give her ass a squeeze from time to time. He was convinced that Y/n Grimes was one of the most beautiful girls he’d ever seen. Negan was so caught up in euphoria so it went unnoticed that Y/n was starting to become over-stimulated. The feeling of Negan fucking her like an animal was now too much for her to handle. She was very sore and overwhelmed. All of this new kind of pleasure and feelings were not yet familiar nor natural to her. 
Y/n could feel Negans thrust starting to become sloppier. They were now slower but still rough. He kept slowing down until he stopped completely and buried himself inside Y/n. The condom filled up quickly with his substances. Negan then pulled out of Y/n. He noticed her juices that had been starting to run down her legs slowly. Negan was convinced she had squirted since some of the liquids had managed to hit the chair. 
“Look what a damn mess you made honey.” Negan chuckled teasingly.
Y/n was out of breath still bent over the couch, she couldn’t move still processing what the hell just happened. Holy shit, she thought to herself. That was amazing, but she had to keep it a secret from everyone or her dad would go apeshit crazy. He would definitely loose all of his focus on this fight that was coming up with Negan and probably get himself killed. Though she didn’t regret this thing with Negan at all, losing her virginity like this was better than she could ever imagine.   
“How does it feel prick? Knowing I ripped all the purity your little girl had left, right out of her hands?” Negan smiled like an idiot as he asked. 
“I still don’t believe you.” Rick said, he refused to believe it, that his sweet babygirl Y/n would do something like this. She was so innocent and smart. 
“Well prick, I have her panties right here in my back pocket to prove it to you.” Negan said and Rick could just sense the smirk he had on his face right now. 
“You’re lying sicko.” Rick spat. 
Negan came out of his hiding spot. Dangling the pair of underwear on his finger.  It wasn’t a thong but it still wasn’t full coverage either. It had lace trims on the edges and was some darker blue color.
“Those aren’t hers.” Rick said flatly refusing to believe anything that came out of Negans mouth. “You have her mixed up with all the other women you’ve slept with.” He spat as he looked Negan in the eyes who was leaning against a wall. 
Negan raised an eyebrow at him. He brought the underwear up to his nose and sniffed them quickly.  
“Smells like her.” He shrugged and smiled.  
That was it for Rick. 
“I’m gonna kill you.” he said in a low tone then sprinted forward and tackled Negan by his waist. 
The both men fell to the floor. Rick started punching Negan repeatedly in the face until Negan managed to turn them around, now starting to hit Rick repeatedly. His hands founds their way to Ricks throat, he squeezed tightly making Rick loose his breath. 
“Yeah, you keep saying all that bullshit. But I’d like to get a taste of Y/n before I go down.” Negan spat meanwhile he chocked Rick. “And I will since I go down,” he stared into Ricks angry eyes as he talked. “By my own choice!” Negan yelled loudly and punched Rick in the face. 
Rick managed to hit Negan in the head making him fall over. This time it was Rick on top of Negan, choking him.   
“Y/n probably didn’t know what she was doing.” Rick spat through gritted teeth. “And you took advantage of her!” he shouted and punched Negan again.
Negan hit Ricks groin with his knee, Rick fell over in pain giving Negan a chance to stand up. 
“I would never ever do that prick.” Negan said in an angry tone. “I’d have to cut off my fucking balls first!” he raised his voice and kicked Rick in the stomach harshly.  
Negan backed away and caught his breath before Rick was onto him just a couple of seconds later. The two men kept on fighting until a little more than a dozen walkers had found their way to them, forcing both men to run separate ways.  
I just want to clarify that Negan does not go into detail like I do. He basically just tells Rick that he took Y/n’s virginity from behind. 
Here’s the part 2!!!
Tag list: click here to be apart of it!
@hail-yourselves // @lacilulu77 // @666ting666 // @dwellingcaller // @ihrtmyak // @enternalxfanfic // @whenmypartysover 
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justsomegdude · 10 months
Prisoner!Negan x Gn!Reader
Prompt: “This can’t get any worse, can it?” // “Sure it can, just give me a minute.”
A/N: I am IN LOVE with prisoner Negan, I try to keep my best to keep gender out of my posts, in case there is males(like myself), or another gender identity wanting to read. Maybe when i get used to writing i’ll make actual one shots (maybe multi chapters) but until then i’m sticking to prompt quotes. Enjoy, send feedback, and ideas you might want me to write!
(stay tuned for the next few days because i may or may be trying to write a one shot!)
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You were the one responsible for checking in, and giving food, to Negan. You got it by being one of the calmest in stressful situations. Ever since you’ve known Negan, he’s always been a thorn on a rose stem. Annoying you any chance he can get. Although never knowing exactly why he loves doing it so much.
“Hey Negan, Got your food.” You say as you enter the room where his cell was. Bringing the food you always served, a sandwich. Although he never seems pleased with what food you give him.
“What’s in the menu today?” He didn’t look towards you, just laying in his cot with his stare at the ceiling. Sometime you feel like you should pity this man, but then you remember what he’s done and that thought quickly went away.
“Like usual, a sandwich.” You spoke, holding out the sandwich, but it seems he has no interest in taking it. It upset you when he got like this, like he was trying to starve himself to death. Rick gave you this position to make sure he stays alive, but if he doesn’t eat you failed Rick.
“One of the kids here would love that more than I would, sweetheart.” His grin back, as he sat up on his cot. Still, he isn’t fully getting up to take it. You can’t force him to eat it, but you have to try.
“Negan, just take the sandwich.” You glare at him, hoping your, now, position of power over him will make him listen. Still no sign he’s getting up.
“This can’t get any worse, can it?” He sighed, his gaze went from you to the floor. Again you wanted to pity him, but you just can’t.
“Sure it can, just give me a minute.” The corners of your mouth tugging into a smirk, as you grab your pocket knife. No, you weren’t actually going to do anything, but maybe it will give him a reason to eat.
“God, Darlin’.. Don’t be such a turn on.” It almost sounded like he groaned out the pet name. He finally stood up with that atrocious remark. Smirking the entire way when he grabbed the sandwich from you and returned back to his cot. “Might make me want to live.”
Your eyes closed partly, squinting at him. “You think you’d want to live.. because ‘i’m a turn on’?” You let out a short huff and put your pocket knife away. “You know how stupid that sounds?”
His eyes glanced back up to you, speaking in between slow bites of his food. “Not as stupid as my thoughts, Darlin’. Especially when you’re in them.” He bit his lip, looking you up and down. You almost felt exposed, even when you didn’t specifically do anything.
“Negan, watch your mouth.” You spoke with clear irritation, you almost have a feeling of endearment, if it weren’t for who you were talking to. “and your eyes.”
He let out a chuckle, leaning back in his cot. “My eyes wonder. What can I say, they’re attracted by beauty.” He either found you attractive, and was attempting at flirting, or he was just trying to annoy you.
“I wish I wasn’t messing around when I pulled my knife out.” Your hand found their way to your pockets.
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band--psycho · 3 years
Drabble Writing Challenge!!
Quite a few people have shown interest in me doing a drabble writing challenge!
So, I've decided to do one!
(A huge thank you to everyone who's requested a drabble already💛)
For this challenge, I want you to send me in an ask with a prompt, a character and the genre for the story.
The stories will be between 100-600 words!
  You can send in multiple asks!
Prompts you can send in:
Dialogue Prompts
A scenario
Word Prompts (can be between one and three words that you want me to involve in the story)
Characters I'll Write For:
Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Loki Laufeyson, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff
Harry Potter Era:
Neville Longbottom, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley
Marauders Era:
James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Lily Evans
Sons Of Anarchy:
Jax Teller, Happy Loman, Chibs Telford, Opie Winston
The Hobbit / The Lord Of The Rings:
Thorin Oakenshield, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Bard, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Thranduil
Other Characters:
Obi-wan Kenobi, Kylo Ren, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, (Tmr) Newt, (Tmr) Gally, Harvey Specter, Raymond Smith, Damon Salvatore, Klaus Mikaelson, Teddy Lupin, Negan , Daryl Dixon
Thank you all for the continued support!💛
Tagging people who have supported me/ might be interested in sending in some requests:
(There’s no pressure to take part but if you don’t want to take part, I’d really appreciate it if you’d reblog this)
@xacatalepsyx @little-diable @hotdamnhunnam @brown-eyed-babes @abadamn @heloisedaphnebrightmore @acahope311 @withmyteeth @rayslittlekitten @queen-asteria04 @darthwheezely @rosieposie0624 @flanagirl @xbreezymeadowsx @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @impala1967dwinchester @beeroses @gwen-ever @fizzyxcustard @dumbassunderthemountain @elvish-sky @meteora-fc @mrsnegan @beth-winchester21 @rebelwrites @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream @innerpaperexpertcloud @cupids-crystals @goddessofdawns @sweeterthanthis @earlgreydream @rawrlittlepanda-95 @redpoodlern
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theunemployedrogue · 7 years
get to know me
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to know better.
Tagged by: Tagged by @nameless-ice-goddess! ty, I enjoy doing these :3
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: Teal
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Last song I listened to: Tegan & Sara - Back in Your Head
Last movie watched: In theatres, Black Panther (A+, one of my top Marvel films now). At home, I watched The Lion in Winter with my grandma last night. If you haven’t seen Lion in Winter PLEASE do, it’s an older movie but it has some really great dialogue and snarky humor I think millennials & gen z folks will like.
Top three TV shows: As far as current cable/’real’ TV goes? Uhhh 1. Law & Order: SVU - I watch the marathons a lot and have seen most of the episodes through 2016 or so at least three times lmao 2. Walking Dead - I have a love-hate relationship with it...I like zombies & a lot of the characters, but I find the plot weak (I don’t read the comics but do they ever get back around to searching for a cure??). Right now Negan is one of the main reasons I’m watching the show loool), and 3. Game of Thrones - Stopped watching it for a while after season 4 bc I didn’t like how they handled some of the plot & characters (including Oberyn, one of my favorites), but at the urging of friends and family I picked it back up and enjoyed the newer seasons.
Some older shows I like are Star Trek TOS & TNG, Twilight Zone, Oz, Six Feet Under, & X-Files.
If we’re talking like, Netflix or bootlegged internet shit, Bojack Horseman, Boku no Hero Academia, Black Mirror, & Voltron are among my faves at the moment.
Top three bands/artists: I listen to almost everything (including the forbidden “rap and country” genres), but I guess my favorite artists/bands ever are David Bowie, Elliott Smith, and Nine Inch Nails.
I now tag: (feel free to ignore, but tag me if you do it!) @specterofthepast @fearking @crsinclair @deviousdevilx @psychogerbil @pyrebomb @bi-antagonist @orionthegay @intentandinvention + @phantomidealist bc u are never free of me lmao
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godstrayed · 3 months
the ability to speak does not make you intelligent. (from Carol to Negan. Because you know she would so say that to him!)
ღ memes. ╱ always accepting.
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 Negan's smile curves. It's one of those things he knows has been a factor into why his relationships with everyone around him is so tumultuous. He said exactly what was on his mind to his own detriment. No matter that most of the time he was fuckin' right about whatever he was spewing. There was time for tact and it just seemed Negan never really hit the mark.
"You don't gotta like what I am sayin' but know I am right. The sooner you people ease up and accept it it'll be considerably fuckin' more comfortable for everyone."
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vilentia · 2 years
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If Negan had a soft spot for you
Good leader
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pete-and-pete · 6 years
The Walking Dead Spoilers: Season 9 Premiere Recap & Review
Season 9 Episode 1 of The Walking Dead has premiered, and thanks to AMC Premiere, fans were able to watch the episode 24 hours early. Heavy took advantage of this and can report back that the premiere was absolutely phenomenal. Although the episode didn’t have any truly earth-shattering moments, it was deep in character development, had a few scenes that left you at the edge of your seat, and had some moments that really touched viewers’ hearts. Below is a recap and review of the Season 9 premiere of The Walking Dead. So of course, this article will have major spoilers from here on. 
The episode had a natural feel that the show has been missing for awhile. The dialogue feels greatly improved, and scenes flow much better. Although there were still some moments when I wondered why the characters were putting themselves in certain positions, the episode was overall a solid 4 out 5 stars. The plot moved along at a good pace, while also taking time to really flesh out the characters’ struggles. Even Daryl had more lines than he’s had in a long time.
The episode begins with an obvious time jump. The best clue we have regarding how much time has passed is Judith’s age. But we actually don’t have to guess, because the time jump was revealed in The Walking Dead Season 9 preview special. About 18 months have passed since Season 8 concluded. (Tom Payne, who plays Jesus, revealed the exact length of time for fans.)
One of the first people we see is Ronan from The 100, who is now Justin on The Walking Dead. This actor has actually had a number of significant roles (Agents of Shield, Black Sails), so don’t expect this to be a bit role. More is coming from him. There’s a montage of different scenes, and then we’re in Washington, D.C., where it appears a walker fell asleep against a car and suddenly woke up. (Do walkers sleep?)
And that’s when we see the beautiful new intro/opening credits. For the first time, the show has changed its opening credits dramatically. Rewatch the new opening credits below.
  At one point, the intro pans out more to show us that mysterious helicopter that Jadis was connected to. That’s likely from the Commonwealth, I’d guess.
And we pan away from the horses to crosses and a sword in the ground and Carl’s hat. :(
And now it’s time to continue with the show.
Our main characters are making a supply run to Washington, D.C., where they visit the Smithsonian in a pretty intense scene. Everyone is putting their lives at risk to drag a wagon over a glass floor while a bunch of walkers loom beneath, very hungry. I wondered from time to time if this was worth it. Couldn’t they make their own wagon, worst case scenario, rather than go through all this for one? The seeds are certainly worthwhile, but you wouldn’t have to risk breaking through a glass floor in the process.
YES, the woman you see talking to Gabriel during this scene is Jadis, now going by Anne. She looks completely different and acts completely different. Those bowlcut bangs are gone, and so is her weird accent. But she’s still hiding secrets.
Does anyone else think Jadis isn't the sole survivor of her group? I think she has a lot more going on than we know.. Just an example: maybe she has other groups in locations we don't yet know about. Thoughts #TWDFamily? #TheWalkingDead #TWD pic.twitter.com/c2PmjAjats
— Stephen Sweet (@sweetstephen55) September 11, 2018
For that matter, Gabriel is different now too, but he’s embraced his new self.
In the process of trying to rescue the wagon, Ezekiel falls through the floor and is just barely saved from the walkers beneath. That’s when we officially learn that he and Carol are a couple now. :) They are absolutely adorable. Their back-and-forth banter later when he proposes is adorable too. I’m definitely on team Carzekiel. After waht
A bridge is out for unknown reasons, and as a result, a guy in a blue shirt dies when he tries to help free a horse before the walkers attack. Despite knowing nothing about him, Maggie’s brokenhearted response to his death really hit me. And no, she wasn’t calling him “kid” over and over. His name is Ken.
We soon learn that Tammy and Earl are Ken’s parents, and they’re heartbroken. They feel this was all worthless because so much of what they worked for is just going to the Saviors anyway. :( And they’re mad at Maggie. Maggie understands their grief and isn’t offended.
Later, Alden sings at the funeral. Alden was the member of the Saviors who was held hostage by Hilltop, but ended up siding with Maggie. So he got to stick around. He was singing the lyrics to The Last Rose of Summer, a poem by Irish poet Thomas Moore. The end of the poem reads: “So soon may I follow, When friendships decay, And from Love’s shining circle The gems drop away. When true hearts lie withered, And fond ones are flown, Oh! who would inhabit This bleak world alone?”
The poem has been set to music numerous times, most recently in the movie Three Billboards, which begins with a version performed by Renee Fleming.
We also learn that somehow, Gregory is still alive, which is weird to me.
Meanwhile, we see that at the Sanctuary, a lot of people practically worship Rick (and Daryl has been leading the group here.) Neither of them are too comfortable with the hero worship, however. But there’s still a group of secret folks who want Negan back.
We soon learn that Daryl really just wants to be with his friends again and not lead the Sanctuary anymore. He wants to see Maggie and her baby Hershel, and he just wants to check out for awhile. He’s kind of lonely. Carol picks up on it and offers to lead the Sanctuary for him so he can take a break. He offers to stay with her, but she says that she doesn’t need him to. They talk about Ezekiel’s proposal, and he’s happy for her. I honestly think this may be the most Daryl’s talked since his scenes with Beth. They have a pretty sweet moment that might give #Caryl fans some hope still, but I think Carol just sees Daryl as her younger brother, but has a real love for him in that sense.
This episode was great at delving into character relationships. The interactions between Michonne and Rick were natural and authentic too. I love how she made fun of him for being the Great Rick Grimes.
Gregory, meanwhile, is up to his old tricks. He’s claiming that Maggie rigged the election with Jesus’ help. He convinces Maggie (in a very Dr. Smith from Lost in Space kind of way) that Glenn’s tomb was defaced. When she goes, she’s attacked by Earl. Then she confronts Gregory, who attacks her too. And Enid is knocked out in the melee.
Maggie goes to Rick and demands that the Sanctuary doesn’t take such a big cut. She’s ready to take the lead now, like Rick promised he would let her. When she returns to Hilltop, she’s ready to make the tough decisions.
Yes, she’s going to hang Gregory. (I’m surprised he lives this long.) Daryl is the one who carries out her orders, slapping a horse so it will run away and Gregory will hang. Michonne is there and tries to stop the whole thing when she sees two kids watching, but Rick holds her back. This is Maggie’s decision, and rightly so. Maggie tells the crowd: “This is not the beginning of something. I don’t want to go through this again.”
And then the episode ends.
The premiere for Season 9 was well done, authentic, and intense. It set off on a higher quality tone in many ways than Season 8, and pulled the viewers right back in. I care about the characters again. And yes, Maggie’s death sentence on Gregory might have reminded people a bit of Negan, but it was necessary. Maggie is ready to take the reins and do what has to be done. But unlike Negan (or Rick for that matter), she will know where the line should be drawn.
What did you think of the episode? Let us know in the comments below.
source https://heavy.com/entertainment/2018/10/the-walking-dead-season-9-premiere-recap-review-spoilers/
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