#&. kahlan amnell : general
starsspin · 2 years
anyways im fixing this plot hole and making it better: it is confessors to find love because of their power, and position. as respected as they are, people do fear confessors for their power. and so it’s hard for kahlan to become close to anyone because she has this role she has to fill, a part she has to play. people see her as the mother confessor, and rarely anything else. it is the world she has grown up in that she will never know what it is to be loved by someone. to see someone both worthy of her affections and someone equal to herself. she is hesitant if (or when) there is someone who might be worthy. it is unfamiliar territory for her, and she fears they will become scared by her power or jealous of her position. or will try to use her for their own gain. so to protect herself and her heart, she doesn’t let herself get super close to anyone. because that’s how she was raised and that’s how it’s always been for confessors.
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imaginejolls · 1 year
i love.... women
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sonxofxgondor · 14 days
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@kissofthemuses asked: you say that like it's a bad thing.
The Most Cliche Lines of Dialogue \\ Kahlan Amnell
Wielder of steel sword better than any man in the army, delicate features the replacement to typical facial hairs and grime-ridden brow, the eyes of blue that looked back onto him were surprising. Boromir rendered speechless - the drop of his mouth low and ugly - far beyond the expected appearance of an elder son trained best, the captain of many and the leader of hundreds. Shocked all the way down to the ivory of his bones, those unbroken or disturbed by the obligations of his birth, Boromir changed his startled expression for something more amicable. Good natured, familiar, receptive to the circumstances that had routed him, tipped the scale onto the opposing end of the confrontation. Grip on the handle loosened, whole blade returned to its sheath, the farming homestead restored to a place of comforts, crops planted all in their rows, sprouts surrounded by brown dirt and the evidence of stronger natures.
A shy smile graced onto his lips, Boromir brushed about his own hair, ducked his chin to his chest and tried, for a moment, to advert his gaze. Boots moving the small clumps of earth by the tip; until they turned to dust, floated into the breeze and moved beyond the farm, the home that it had known.
"Oh! Never, Miss! Please, do not take my words as so. I didn't intend to insult you nor your family home. You see, you merely surprised me."
Boromir explained, cheeks more colored than not. "In my time as Captain, I have not had the pleasure to meet a woman of the sword. It is not a bad thing, never! I have just... the men of our army, the army of Gondor, it is so full of, well, men. Women do not take the call as they do, not like that of our neighbors in Rohan. I meant no insult, truly I didn't. I would be honored to fight alongside you, Miss, if given the chance! Your handle on the weapon - not even my most trained of men could compare! My, however did you learn the art of the sword?"
"Though, I do suppose I deserve to be as shocked as I was, don't I? It was I who came onto your homestead in the first place, prancing around as if I owned and tended to it. My apologies, Miss. I forget myself sometimes. My father, Denethor, he has asked that I speak with all of those who live along our land's boarders. Being so distant from the City, he feared that you were within danger's path. There is no telling what the forces of Mordor would seek - and he, just as much as I, want to ensure that every one of our people is safe. I am Boromir, the steward's eldest, and Captain-General of the Guard."
"If I may, Miss, may I know of you? Besides my unannounced intrusion onto your farm, have you and yours been well? Are you safe? Do you need of anything or have you gone without? If not just to prove how sorry I am for my past behaviors, I do intend to provide for what you may have lost. Perhaps you are no official member to the army, but, Miss, I know you understand the losses our people, our lands, have been dealt. It has not been easy, and anything that our steward may do for you, what I could do for you, would be done without complaint, freely and with thanks. We'd have so little hope without the efforts of you and yours, truly."
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exlibrisfangirl · 2 years
Female character ask - 2 and 14 :)
Oooh, thank! 💛
2 - Villains
Morgana Pendragon/Morgan Le Fay (BBC Merlin/Arthuriana in general)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth by William Shakespeare)
Rowena MacLeod (Supernatural)
Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time)
Jennifer Blake/Julia Baccari (Teen Wolf)
(Are we sensing any patterns here? Lol)
14 - I wish had better love interest(s)
Caroline Forbes (The Vampire Diaries) - Tyler? Pfft. Klaus? NOPE. Stephan? Ughhh. Matt? Ehhh... maaaybe.
Kahlan Amnell (Legend of the Seeker) - She should have ended up with Cara. I said what I said.
Kara Danvers (Supergirl) - SuperCorp supremacy, sorry not sorry at all.
Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones/ASOIAF) - Khal Drogo? Problematic af. That other guy? Nahhh. Jon Snow? OH HELL NO. Ser Jorah or nobody.
Lola Fleming (Reign) - Again... shuffled around from one problematic love interest to another, dies alone. Sigh.
(This list is by no means exhaustive, and that makes me SAD.)
Send me a number and I'll write out my top 5 fictional women.
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ravenya003 · 8 months
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My annual Women of the Year post is up, in which I look back at some of the female characters that were fun, or controversial, or otherwise notable in 2023. I have to admit it was a bit of an unproductive year for this particular project of mine, though a lot of that had to do with the fact I simply didn’t have the time to watch or read as much as I usually do. So pickings felt a bit slim (with a few obvious standouts).  
January: Kahlan Amnell (Bridget Regan) from Legend of the Seeker
February: Camille Bordey (Sara Martins) from Death in Paradise
March: Zoe Reynolds (Keeley Hawes) from Spooks
April: Evelyn Quan Wang (Michelle Yeoh) from Everything Everywhere All At Once
May: General Nanisca (Viola Davis) from The Woman King
June: Bluey and Bingo from Bluey
July: Zuli from Wingbearer
August: Nimona (Chloë Grace Moretz) from Nimona
September: Claudia (Racquel Belmonte) from The Dragon Prince
October: Wednesday Addams (assorted actresses) from The Addams Family
November: Sam and Tara Carpenter (Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega) from Scream 5 and 6
December: Zita from Zita the Space Girl
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iceafterdeath · 4 years
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starsspin-a · 3 years
not to get emotional on main, but when they were younger, kahlan took confessions in place of dennee, because she knew dennee struggled with the burden of it. even tho kahlan was younger she took on the role of older sister and i cry
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List your top five comfort characters
@cordellwinchesterwalker tagged me! Thanks 💜
Okay, this is a tough one. I don't typically rank characters! Many, many people do, but I've been in about a gazillion fandoms over the years (everything from movies and anime to video games and books) so this is all but impossible. So many bring me joy... So this probably isn't entirely accurate; I could easily list thirty, but I tried.
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Sam & Dean from Supernatural
(Okay the first gif is technically J2 but... Close enough!) You can't separate them! None of us will ever find a love like theirs; it's so epic, albeit extremely complex in nature. Despite the frequent angst and drama, when I think of Sam & Dean I'm always in awe of how great they are, separately but even more so together.
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Kahlan Amnell from Legend of the Seeker Honestly, LOTS isn't the best TV show in existence, but when I think about it I am instantly comforted! Kahlan is perfect... Stunningly gorgeous, kickass, kind. I feel all fuzzy when I think of her. She is the ideal partner and a wonderful friend/protector. I like to think she and I are married in a parellel universe. 😂
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Steve Rogers from Marvel Comics/Marvel Cinematic Universe
Overall; I will ignore certain aspects of the MCU, and I'm behind on it anyway, but! The point stands: Steve Rogers is a wonderful character! I've read some of the comics and generally enjoyed the hell out of them too, but my favorite MCU film is easily The Winter Soldier and will probably always stay that way. Steve is goodness incarnate.
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Alistair Theirin from Dragon Age: Origins
One of my favorite video game characters/love interests! I could list at least 15 BioWare characters, but he definitely stands out; he'll always hold a special place in my heart for his humor, goofiness and sincerity. Alistair is my ultimate video game boyfriend/best friend; his conversations always lifted my spirits.
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Connor Rk800 from Detroit: Become Human
Idk what it is about Connor but he makes me feel feral. It's predictable af in this fandom to love him, but.... Hey. The heart wants what it wants. (The heart wants to pet his pretty hair!) I absolutely adore him and his character arc, especially if he goes deviant; his relationship with Hank made the game for me. He's such a fun character! To see him gradually change and accept himself is a delight.
Would like to point out I didn't have to type anything about the characters, just felt like it. So I'll tag @just-bros & @samuletentusiasta, just know you don't have to explain and can ignore this if you so desire! 💗 Anyone else who wants to do this: feel free!
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foibles-fables · 3 years
you have lots in your bio sooo (for the fandom ask thing)
I absolutely DO have Seeker in my bio! Let’s do this!
The first character I first fell in love with: Kahlan Amnell single-handedly turned me gay within the first forty-five seconds of the pilot, so The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Proooobably Verna! She truly makes an impression in her four episodes of appearance, and to be honest she’s even better in the books. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I’m not gonna say I don’t like Richard? Because I do like him. There’s no show without him. He’s a lovely himbo with abs I Would Like to Have. But also I am very meh on his general existence. The character I love that everyone else hates: Again...not sure how much everyone hates her at this point, but DAHLIA. Daaaahliiiaaaaaa. The wasted potential still wakes me in a cold sweat. OH AND ALSO FYREN, but only in a world where he’s either 1) not an asshole or 2) not an asshole after “Torn.” He’s utterly irredeemable in the books, though. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I don’t think I have an answer here...most unfortunately the show was too short-lived for my opinions to really change.  The character I would totally smooch: The answer here is clearly MOTHER CONFESSOR KAHLAN AMNELL The character I’d want to be like: Please make me more completely like Zedd, I’m already constantly hungry and use weird words The character I’d slap: I cannot even justify this one, but I wanna slap Leo Dane’s eyebrows right off of his face.  A pairing that I love: L I S T E N, Cara/Kahlan will legitimately forever be my OTP, no matter how far my fixations may wander. Always comes back to them. A pairing that I despise: I guess I’m not a fan of any Darken Rahl ships, but really nothing ruins my whole day in this fandom...probably because I am very much playing in the femslash sandbox
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scottstiles · 5 years
i feel as though i have to return the favour: kahlan amnell for the character thing ;)
yessssssssssssssssssss THANK YOU DIANA :Dsend me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!      general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she’s so loving though!!!!!! even tho she’s hard and Just as fuck, she is the softest and so maternal :’)worst quality: sometimes blinded by her morals or goalsship them with: richard, carabrotp them with: her relationship with zedd is acesneeds to stay away from: ummmmm i guess darken rahl? ljdslkhdfh the keeper? idk  misc. thoughts: kahlan is such a pedestal type character for me. she’s just fucken gorgeous and badass and righteous. she’s the queen of queens
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alishasboe · 5 years
Darken rahl, Jensen, and dennee amnell
Darken Rahl
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he’s preeetttyyy dedicated to getting shit done, and he’s very smartworst quality: um how do i put this... everything (jk, but he’s really violent and unpredictable... also murdered a kitten so um not great)ship them with: the gravebrotp them with: nicci probably, what a power friendshipneeds to stay away from: my son and the love of my life richard cypher (he’s gonna get hurt or killed)misc. thoughts: honestly love him as a villain and that his awfulness was retained in the show without the use of rape (also s3 would have been a great retribution season of grey morality but noooooo it got cancelled) 
Jennsen Rahl
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: her kindness and softness to others and her loveworst quality: reckless af, i think it runs in the bloodlineship them with: um me, lmao probably like cara if i had to choosebrotp them with: KAHLAN! also cara and niccineeds to stay away from: her brother lord rahlmisc. thoughts: i love and miss her, best adaption from the books (so much less annoying and pretentious)
Dennee Amnell
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: strong and dedicated to her causeworst quality: bish should NOT have gone through the boundary to find the seeker shoulda stayed home in her bedship them with: i don’t really have onebrotp them with: um richard and cara, that’d be cuteneeds to stay away from: low-key caramisc. thoughts: deserved more screen time (also her revival was the strangest plot line but i liked it anyway)
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starsspin · 2 years
im again thinking about a sw verse for kahlan and just the confessor power being akin to the light side of the force while the condor is the dark side or touching the dark side or whatever the terminology is for that 
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tillvclhalla · 5 years
Thor and Sif's DAUGHTERS go!
meme | if they had a kid ; @eldingaesir​
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name: lady yvla ‘ the iron wolf ’, daughter of sif
pronunciation : EEL - va
‘ the iron wolf ’ - given for her excellent blacksmith skills and honoring the meaning of her name. 
gender: cis-female
general appearance: wolf furs ; plate armor ; face often marked with smudges and dirt ; hair dutch-braided at top of her head and temples and pulled into a low ponytail to keep out of her face ; does NOT sit ladylike at all
personality: istp - the virtuoso 
special talents: blacksmith , heavy drinker ; her weapon of choice is the light mace and shield.
who they like better: sif
who they take after more: thor
personal headcanon: first of the triplets to be born ; close with her brother volstagg ; ylva trained under the dwarf king eitri as a blacksmith apprentice to create weapons of exceptional make ; handcrafts her siblings weapons. 
physical description: 5′11 ; hazel eyes ; dark brunette hair ; incredibly strong built to support her talents ; hands are rough and calloused / stained from work ; several burns that left scars on her forearms 
fc: evangeline lilly
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name: lady ingrid ‘ the knowing ’ , daughter of sif
‘ the knowing ’ - for her gifts of precognition and clairvoyance 
gender: cis-female
general appearance: hair wavy and loose, braided at the temples and pinned at the back of head, flowing dresses with armor being only breastplate and arm guards, wearing leather always ; wears expensive jewelry and stones ; clothes often blue or gold
personality: intj - the architect ; she’s also the diplomat in the family
special talents: the mage in the family  ;  precognition and clairvoyant abilities ; the one who usually disbands arguments if sif is gone
who they like better: sif.
who they take after more: neither. very much different from her parents.
personal headcanon: second of the triplets to be born ; close with her brother hogun ; she realized her special abilities when her brother hogun was trapped in the mountains while on a hunt one day ; learned magic through books and notes left behind by frigga and loki .
physical description: 5′11 ; electric blue eyes ; dirty blonde hair ; bodacious and curvy, very subtle lean muscle ; zero scars but a beauty mark beneath under her right eye. 
fc: evan rachel wood as dolores abernathy
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name: lady brenna ‘ serpentsbane ’, daughter of sif
‘ serpentsbane ’ - killed a serpent that slithered into her room at a young age. has had a minor distaste towards snakes and serpents since then.
gender: cis-female
general appearance: bear furs ; plate armor ; hair dutch-braided at temples and pulled at the back of head before continuing into one braid down the rest ; armed always ; mini sif
personality: enfj - the protagonist 
special talents: exceptional warrior, on par with her brother volstagg ; also a sailor and rider ; her weapon of choice is the short sword and shield.   
who they like better: thor
who they take after more: sif
personal headcanon: third of the triplets to be born; close to her brother fandral
physical description: 5′9 ; stormy gray eyes ; dark brunette hair ; strong yet lean build ; few battle scars ( mostly across her abdomen ) , one that runs from the top of her left shoulder and down her back to her hip , tattoo of ravens and raven feathers on her right forearm
fc: bridget regan as kahlan amnell
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OC Tag Game
Tagged by: @hklunethewriter who also tagged my writing blog @writer-s-a-tyler check out the OC post I made on that blog!
Rules: Share your inspiration for your character’s names and tag some other writers.
Since I posted about one WIP in the other post, I’ll post about my other WIP here!
Character Inspiration and Introductions for my WIP, The Panthera Prophecy Series ( @the-panthera-prophecy )
Aurelia: The names of my MC and her people had to be very deliberate. This is the first book I ever wrote and the characters have undergone several name changes. Aurelia has a latin origin meaning “Golden.” Rey is the Queen and Alpha of her people, the Felidaeni, who were hunted into extinction nearly two decades ago. She transforms into a jaguar. Panthera is also latin. Since this is a high fantasy world, I chose to pull my language roots from Latin because I was using Latin genus names from the get go for my cat-shifting people. She used to have a last name but I haven’t picked one yet. Aurelia has raven hair and blue eyes. I like to draw physical inspiration from Kahlan Amnell from Legend of the Seeker or even Kate Beckinsale from Van Helsing
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Panther: Rey’s brother, his name is exactly what you think. He transforms into a black panther. It’s on the nose and kinda cheesy but I have decided to keep it. His sister and friends sometimes call him Pan. The generic feel of his name will be explained as an inherited name like every male in his bloodline that was a black jaguar would go by Panther. Physically, he looks like Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark but in a high fantasy world. LOL He is also the King of the Felidaeni and an Alpha.
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Nixa: Formerly on the nose and named Uncia, Nixa is Rey’s best friend and the last remaining snow leopard Felidaeni. For the purpose of my story, the snow leopard is part of the big cat genus, Panthera, and is labelled as Panthera Uncia, rather than the most current classification of Uncia Uncia--where the snow leopard is no longer considered a big cat because it can’t roar. The origin of her name is derived from the latin word for snow: nix. She physically appears to be a asian, although I wouldn’t mind he also being Native American. Just really really pretty with high cheekbones and emerald eyes. Originally based off the actress from Bones who played Angela but I also like the girl who is playing Blink in The Gifted.
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Imogen: Rey’s other best friend is a cheetah and a twin. Her brother is named Chetan. She has a more human name, chosen by herself out of fear and necessity to blend in with the human population. But she is exquisite and stands out amongst the humans. She doesn’t like to be out of her comfort zone and is quite dependent on the safety of her people and specifically her brother due to their past when their people were eradicated by the bad guy: a wizard named Lord Carthyron. Physically, Imogen has golden skin and blonde hair. She looks like Kate Hudson maybe but would be taller.
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This is book series that will span several books! I have tons of characters including wizards, spirits, goddesses, and of course humans! Our Male love interest is actually a human prince who looks a bit like Ryan Kwanten or Chris Hemsworth or Charlie Hunnam but he’s getting a new name soon.
If you wanna know more about my characters or story, please feel free to send me asks! I love talking about my WIPs and you’re doing me a favor because it inspires me to keep writing them!
tagging other writers: @castihelloboys AND any other followers who have OCs to share! I’d love to read about them!
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victorianoir · 7 years
hi i need you to ramble about LotS in your very special karen way okay thanks :D
Right off the bat, they got the formula right with Legend of the Seeker. I remember seeing an advert for it when I was in college, telling me to watch the first episode on ABC. And I was like “What. Is. This. Corny. Freaking. Fantasy. Show? SO. MANY. HOT. PEOPLE. I CANNOT MISS THIS.” 
So I sat down all by myself, ready to have a blast and laugh, and maybe not ever watch it again. And an hour later, I was like .... shaking .... it was that perfect.
Because, listen. Not only are most of the characters hot (yeah I’m shallow, fuck off I’m allowed), the creators of the show understand that fantasy fans are male, female, gay, lesbian, bi, and all the colors of the damn rainbow, from all walks of life, and they give us SO. MUCH. TO. LOOK. AT. 
But there’s that age-old cheesy fantasy element to it, with the melodramatic dialogue here and there, and the cheesy special affects that are the perfect balance, because it’s just a smidgeon better than Syfy Original Movies, but not SO good that it’s not a real fantasy show. AND it’s filmed in New Zealand, so the setting is SO GORGEOUS and perfect, but also they actually hire a bunch of actors who aren’t just white New Zealanders but also Māori folks, and they all struggle so much with the American accent that it just ADDS TO THE PERFECTION AND ENJOYMENT. 
And the heroes of the show get EQUAL. TIME. Richard Cypher is your typical farmboy who is actually THE SEEKER--the one and only savior of the New World and the Old World--and nobody ever told him he was adopted and actually all powerful--he never asked for any of it, but he embraces it and stumbles through it all the same, making mistakes, letting his altruism take control and effing things up sometimes in a way that makes you go (rolls eyes) RICHARRRRRRRD. And he is fucking HOT. Like, hot DAMN that body. And the pilot OPENS with that man chopping wood shirtless. Like, WAY TO KNOW YOUR DEMOGRAPHIC, SHOW. YAS. 
And then Kahlan Amnell is just...the most AMAZINGLY radical female fantasy character. She is a Confessor and INCREDIBLY powerful--sworn by ancient laws to be the protector of the Seeker, just as generations of Confessors before her have been, and she has the power to make you do or say anything she wants you to...at a cost. And oh my God the ANGST of it is so beautiful, because they basically become her slave and it’s really upsetting and sad because death is the only way to break the spell, so she deals with guilt and responsibility ALL THE TIME. But also she is HOT and she fights with her long black hair all out and the show makes sure to make everything all slow motion so that EVERY EPISODE has at least two or three scenes of the PUREST HAIR PORN. ALSO she wears this stunning-ass white flowing dress with bitchin’ sleeves so you get a lot of white dress and sleeve porn too.
And then there’s Zeddicus Zu’l Zorander, an all powerful old man WEIRD-LOOKING wizard who’s been protecting Richard as he grew up in his foster home, safe from the powers of evil, pretending to be the crazy naked man who keeps chickens. SERIOUSLY. THAT’S WHAT HE DOES. HE’S THE CRAZY NAKED CHICKEN MAN. BUT ACTUALLY THE MOST POWERFUL WIZARD EVER AHAHAHA! And he’s absolutely hilarious and grumpy sometimes, but also such a sappy old man with a heart of gold, and he loves to eat food even though he’s super tall and skinny.
The three of them travel around and fight against Darken Rahl who is ALSO KINDA HOT BY HIS OWN RIGHT even if his hair is icky kinda ... The Seeker is supposed to defeat Darken Rahl and save the people from his evilness and his evil D’Haran army. 
And the romance with Richard and Kahlan will IMMEDIATELY drown you. YOU WILL DROWN. And if you aren’t into hetero-love, there are the Mord-Sith who are basically an army of tight leather wearing torturess women warriors who are part of Darken Rahl’s army. And because they’re a bad ass order of women warriors, a few of them are sexually fluid. And it isn’t even male-gaze-y. Like, one of the Mord-Sith who becomes a regular character in season 2, Cara--I’LL GET TO CARA--is unashamedly and unabashedly bisexual. She has relationships with women and men in the show. But Cara. is. so. amazing. Such depth and inner angst and viciousness but she’s soft putty deep down ... like if Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn-99 actually acted on the torturous threats she makes (and acted on her bisexuality AMIRIGHT???????) ... HER EYE ROLLS ARE THE STUFF DREAMS ARE MADE OF. SERIOUSLY.
But the plot is just GREAT. We see them saving lives and stopping to help people, making mistakes, having to deal with their own inner demons...everything is just so beautiful. And the angst is GREAT. And it’s legitimately FUNNY sometimes, and heartwarming other times. And it hurts sometimes and feels really good other times.
There are so many orders of women who are leaders, sorceresses, fighters ... they have so much depth, too. They aren’t just the stereotypical “damsel in distress”, nor are they the stereotypical “STRONG WOMAN” .... Even women who are generally just villagers have moments in which they rise to the occasion to do what’s right and there’s just so much awesome strength and depth in even side characters who are women.
The show was on network TV, but still dealt with sexuality in such an open, normative way ... not just by showing bisexual characters and same sex relationships, but also by unabashedly addressing sex and even playing with sex/pain/torture with the Mord-Sith. Like ..... holy shit.
I’ll forever be upset and bitter that Legend of the Seeker was only allowed 44 episodes. Fuck ABC and fuck folks who thought it was a stupid cheesy show and didn’t turn it on when it first aired. BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO CREATED THIS SHOW DESERVED BETTER. THE FANS DESERVED MORE.
But I’ll cherish every single one of those 44 episodes because they’re PERFECT, flaws and all. The flaws are part of its charm.
Seriously, y’all. Turn on Legend of the Seeker. 
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clexaao3feed · 7 years
Your Song
by Anoel
I don’t wanna hear sad songs anymore, I only wanna hear love songs.
Words: 61, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Carol (2015), Glee, The 100 (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Wynonna Earp (TV), Xena: Warrior Princess, Once Upon a Time (TV), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lost Girl, Person of Interest (TV), Avatar: Legend of Korra, Faking It (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), The Good Place (TV), The Bold Type, Pitch Perfect (Movies), Black Mirror, How to Get Away with Murder, Carmilla (Web Series), Steven Universe (Cartoon), Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017), Orange is the New Black, Orphan Black (TV), Imagine Me & You (2005), Game of Thrones (TV), Legend of the Seeker, Riverdale (TV 2017), Rizzoli & Isles, The Devil Wears Prada (2006), Jessica Jones (TV), Power Rangers (2017), The Good Wife (TV), UnREAL (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), Runaways (TV 2017), Gotham (TV), Saving Face (2004), Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, The Other Love Story, Gypsy (US TV), Sense8 (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Carol Aird/Therese Belivet, Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce, Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Cat Grant, Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers, Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg, Gabrielle/Xena, Bo/Lauren Lewis, Root | Samantha Groves/Sameen Shaw, Korra/Asami Sato, Karma Ashcroft/Amy Raudenfeld, Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance, Tahani Al-Jamil/Eleanor Shellstrop, Kat Edison/Adena El-Amin, Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell, Kelly/Yorkie (Black Mirror), Annalise Keating/Bonnie Winterbottom, Annalise Keating/Eve Rothlo, Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein, Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Ruby/Sapphire (Steven Universe), Olive Byrne/Elizabeth Marston, Brook Soso/Poussey Washington, Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez, Rachel Berry/Santana Lopez, Delphine Cormier/Cosima Niehaus, Luce/Rachel (Imagine Me & You), Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Kahlan Amnell/Cara Mason, Betty Cooper/Veronica Lodge, Maura Isles/Jane Rizzoli, Miranda Priestly/Andrea Sachs, Jessica Jones/Patricia Walker, Kimberly Hart/Trini, Alicia Florrick/Kalinda Sharma, Rachel Goldberg/Quinn King, Karolina Dean/Nico Minoru, Tabitha Galavan/Barbara Kean, Paris Geller/Rory Gilmore, Wilhelmina Pang/Vivian Shing, Meredith Grey/Cristina Yang, Aachal/Aadya, Amanita Caplan/Nomi Marks, Diane Hart | Jean Holloway/Sidney Pierce, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: vid, Fanvids, Video, multi-fandom vid, multi-femslash, Romance, Dancing, Happy Ending, TGIFemslash
Read Here: http://ift.tt/2oul0RE via IFTTT
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