#&   —   isola ref   .
nobully · 2 years
'Took them long enough.'
Wang Yi looks at the glorious, beautiful creature that is the Internet unlocking on his phone before committing the most common form of thievery known to mankind in the digital age:
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Pirating movies.
Rank Up: Dwarf
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viladlind · 1 month
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asked in the discord so i have very happy news: dog acquired. fiyero will now have scratch with him in most places
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spongebcy · 7 days
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♪K-R-A-B-B-Y P-A-T-T-Y says I♪
like for small short sponge starter. uncapped
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archaictold · 19 days
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— dressed for the occasion.
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galgenwerk · 7 months
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why does she feel horrible all of a sudden?
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punisheye · 1 year
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blasphemir · 1 year
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— il dottore , 'THE DOCTOR' ; genshin impact .
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a member of the fatui harbingers , an elite military force basically distrusted by the majority of the nation. for good reason.
400+ year old scholar who commits many, MANY atrocities in the name of research. for somebody who doesn't value human life at all, he sure is adamant that they can become equal to gods.
piranha teeth >:)
need a doctor? go see baizhu. this man is UNLICENSED!!!
used to be more deranged. like, laughing & giggling while walking alone in the middle of the night type of unhinged. he got better ( at hiding it. )
cloned himself at different ages throughout his life & set them out into the world like rabid dogs. it's okay they're all gone now sideeyes nahida
man in STEM ( supervillainy, treachery, evilness, malevolence )
he was expelled from the akademiya for being a little too silly* ———— *first degree murder, abuse of power, mass murder, illegal experimentation, conspiracy, HERESY.
“hubris will be your downfall” what the fuck ever. RIP to everyone killed by the gods for their hubris but im different. and better.
"you really think i care about those shitty archons? no i do not. i am worth 4.5 trillion mora and i have not one, not two, but three big booty harbingers waiting for me when i get home."
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#BLASPHEMIR.             non indie friendly ,   affiliated with ISOLA RADIALE ,   headcanon driven blog for  𝐈𝐋 𝐃𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 of genshin impact .      segmented by maffa.     triggering topics may be present ,   please read rules before interacting.
      ———       APP.           STATS.           RULES.
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ringlorn · 1 year
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LI NEZHA ༺🪷༻ 李哪吒 (OC)
app | stats | navi
a pearl
a prince
a...lotus flower (body)
a bracelet? (formerly)
...and the accidental son of a mafia boss
(heir to the syndicate oops)
patron god of teenagers (no really)
in a pinch, can have up to 3 heads and 8 arms
has way more weapons than he needs
will own you on his hot wheels*
same universe as this monkey and that monk
the pink hair is natural
one tall (6ft), pretty, short-tempered misanthrope
with manners. most of the time.
no he does not like you. go away.
*for 30min/day.
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amoirsetpacis · 2 years
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im psyched as hell for this event and i have a bunch of ideas rattling around in my head, so here's my starter call! for now just so that I dont overwhelm myself (esp. since i've already liked some other starter calls) i'm capping at 5. HOWEVER, I would also like to add 1 slot for a group rp! i'm really hoping to make a sort of light party! if anyone else is interested in this please let me know by replying to this post! i'll be happy to make a group dm or something.
I'll most likely also be popping into your dms for quick and dirty plotting! mostly though i just fly by the seat of my pants
as a side note, please read the text under the read more for more of an understanding of Vash's powers! since everything is unlocked for the event and I definitely have One Self Sacrificing Boy on my hands, there's a lot of stuff I wanna play around with! Plus, ideas for each area of the event. :)
when the announcement hits, I think that Vash is genuinely worried about Ofiuco because of how rattled she seemed- and, by extension, the rest of the island. In his mind, it's really important to go down there and figure out what exactly is wrong, and if he can stop it before it potentially harms anyone. the money is a perk too-- bullets arent cheap.
I really wanna approach it like levels in a video game! so i'd really like to go in order of the event post- therefore fantasy > sea > space > jungle. That being said, the main reason i'll probably pop into your dms is to see which setting you would be most comfortable with :) considering the rpg nature of the event, vash would do best as a ranged character, but he will most definitely try to tank so no one else gets hurt :')
fantasy - honestly this is the one that I have the least amount of ideas for, so if you have any let me know! if this is the setting you prefer, I can still definitely come up with something.
space - OOOOOHHHHH BUDDY. oh man. first of all, vash hasn't been back in space since he was a child, so that'll be. fun. :) second, because his powers are back and he uh. doesn't exactly take good care of his wellbeing, he would most definitely use his abilities to defend others, even though there is a high likelihood of this killing him and sending him back to the start. this is also the area i would be the most interested in doing a group rp! be not afraid :)
sea - mom holy fuck we're a merman now. vash coming from a desert planet and suddenly being thrust into the depths of the ocean??? what could go wrong????
jungle - oh absolute shenanigans. tomfoolery. loony toons bullshit.
i'm not gonna go into full detail here, as you can find a much more in-depth description on my blog, but here's a quick rundown!
First off, weaponry, all of which he is extremely proficient at using;
.45 colt
machine gun in his left arm
knives in the soles of his boots
now, his abilities as a Plant;
defensive angel feathers
flight capable wings
space time distortion - both en mass in the form of a gigantic canon capable of leveling entire cities and blowing a hole in the moon, as well as infusing his bullets with the ability to create much smaller, more manageable distortions
shielding - he's shown in the series to send out a giant beam of power as well as cast an enormous shield, though this was only one time, so it's not something i think he would be skilled with using.
this being said my vash is post series. the reason that he has black hair instead of blond is that using these abilities drains his life force. his hair acts as a sort of battery symbol. since it is entirely black, extensive use of any of these abilities can easily kill him. :) so have fun with that!
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gethghosted · 2 years
       GHOST // mass effect (fandom oc)
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there is love in you - in lines of code that you wrote on your own.
they are trying to figure out how to Person
no, really - they used to be an avatar for trillions of programs, and now they’re starting to only become One
it’s lonely : (
they have made exactly 1 (one) Friend! and they nearly died!
maybe used to be a killer terminator-esque robot that didn’t care for organic people. don’t worry about it ;)
they feel bad about it now, and want to make it up to humans in particular
they love learning in general and cataloging things for the geth consensus when they get back home someday - especially plants !
they really find video games & fiction movies/stories fascinating
probably spying on you, but they don’t mean it maliciously - they’re just trying to figure out how to interact with organic people
still trying to get used to clothes :/
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haistulf · 3 months
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time to stab oliver.
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nobully · 2 years
mistified timeline
(will update as threads progress)
(pre-threads) wang yi wanders into the mist, spots a few zombies, nopes out and gets a pistol along the way
he gets cornered by bentley and his goons and brainwashes the lot away before interrogating bentley about sun's past. he doesn't get to shoot the guy more than once before both of them run at the sound of qin xian's voice
meanwhile, world 1 qin xian runs into eiden. maybe world 2 qin xian later? maybe wang yi makes a cameo? anyways gluck eiden don't die
wang yi gets a cool military jeep and picks up xerxes break for a joyride! which turns out less joyful when they have to run over zombies, avoid a rabid Chain (actually a dog), and crash into a fountain. but wang yi gets his mansion back! and meets oz vessalius while both of them recover. he sprains his left leg and gets his throat choked/scratched up by break while trying to (ineffectively) brainwash the guy, but manages to take down more notes about his condition anyways. through the process, he also discovers that break is blind.
memory reel: wang yi gets a glimpse into his future in canon and finds out he didn't cause the bus accident that killed his classmates after all. this is a positive. (canon updated to c80)
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erdensalz · 7 months
general tag drop.
&   —   ooc   . &   —   ic   . &   —   headcanon   . &   —   prompts   . &   —   psa   . &   —   aesthetic   . &   —   isms   . &   —   crack   . &   —   wishlist   . &   —   self reblog   . &   —   isola ref   .
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schleckermaul · 7 months
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one hug and tell doll, more like a buddy for emily 😌
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streunerhund · 8 months
general tag drop.
&   —   ooc   . &   —   ic   . &   —   headcanon   . &   —   prompts   . &   —   psa   . &   —   aesthetic   . &   —   isms   . &   —   crack   . &   —   wishlist   . &   —   self reblog   . &   —   isola ref   .
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galgenwerk · 7 months
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guess for who!
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