#&&. quality over quantity!!
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christianstepmoms · 7 months ago
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this is so fucking funny
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honestlydarkprincess · 11 months ago
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wanologic · 1 month ago
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Hey guys!! Get ready for a silly little pop-up shop!!
👻 Site will be live Feb 8 - March 1 for preorders 👻
I expect production to last anywhere from 4-6 weeks and plan on shipping everything out in late april or very early may! There won’t be second sales, but I will have leftover stock at any conventions you see me at : )
[store link]
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jasonsthighholsters · 8 months ago
all comic fans know how to do is: develop superiority complexes based on their personal perceptions of a character, eat hot chip, and lie
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andallshallbewell · 4 months ago
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saintadeline · 1 month ago
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If you keep on planting them, one is bound to grow the way you want it to eventually, right?
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thenationofzaun · 4 months ago
Arcane's Music Videos and Storytelling
Many have complained about Arcane Season 2 overusing "music videos" compared to Season 1 and I agree. Two in particular - "Sucker" in episode 2 and "Hellfire" in episode 3 - are particularly bothersome because instead of being supplementary to the storytelling, they replace the storytelling. Entire plotlines are told through these music videos and barely expanded upon further through writing. Despite both depicting very major events that are incredibly impactful for both Zaun and the characters involved.
First, the Chembarons' gang war. Shown entirely through the "Sucker" sequence, dialogueless. Later, there are only a few brief written scenes related to it (Smeech heading to Margot and the meeting table discussion, neither of which actually depict the war). Smeech is later killed and the gang war story is abandoned by episode 3. This would have been such a major event for Zaunites. Not just for major characters, but for everyone who has the misfortune to live in that city. If they had actually written this subplot out, the worldbuilding could have been expanded upon and given much more depth, these Chembarons with excellent designs could have been fleshed out and not felt like a waste of characters, and we would have gotten more insight into the lives of the average joes in Zaun. It would have been a natural continuation of the Chembarons' introduction in Season 1 too. This subplot could have easily taken up the entirety of Act 1, but because of too many competing subplots, it had to be cut short and summarized by the song.
Next, Caitlyn's squad releasing The Grey into Zaun. Shown entirely through the "Hellfire" sequence, also dialogueless. The impact of this action is only briefly mentioned later through dialogue, when really this would have had a huge effect on many people living in Zaun. If they had written this entire sequence out regularly, we could have had character building for the three new enforcers as they interact with Vi and Cait while moving through Zaun. We need this, as two of them don't even have names yet. One doesn't have any dialogue yet. We could have seen in detail the impact of their actions on Zaun, rather than only being told. We could have had much needed characterization for Vi. What was her reaction to this plan when it was first conceived? Did she oppose it initially and have to be convinced?
Edit: The "Hellfire" sequence also covered all the Chembarons getting wiped out and Shimmer being dismantled.
I want to experience these events as a story, not as an AMV. It's admirable how artistic and beautifully made these sequences are, but they are the epitome of "style over substance." In my opinion, rather than being at the beginning of the episodes, these sequences could have worked as end credits. They are summaries of subplots after all. The episodes themselves could have these storylines written out regularly, and then the end credits have beautiful imagery summarizing what happened.
They could have taken a page out of Chainsaw Man's book. Each episode of Chainsaw Man had a highly stylized end credits sequence, all with different animation styles, with imagery of that particular episode's plot. The episodes themselves have normal written storytelling. This way you can flex your artistry as much as you want, without sacrificing the writing. Arcane's end credits are just a black screen with text. If anything could have been replaced with stylized visuals and have nothing of value lost, it was that.
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housecow · 5 months ago
Where on the spectrum does your breeding kink fall for you, personally? Is it purely a matter of size, as in do you want to be filled with dozens of babies just to grow even bigger, or is it separate from the feedism and is more realistic?
not necessarily separate, but definitely more realistic 🫣 being totally honest, i’m not really into non-realistic stuff at all. for feedism, i don’t enjoy the concept of rapid/instant/magic wg like you see around a lot.
for breeding, the same thing sorta applies… dozens of babies seems silly to me and not at all hot, though fantasizing abt twins is nice.. even if it doesn’t run in my family �� with the weight gain aspect, i like the idea of steadily getting bigger. if i want 3 kids—i’d want to be that mom that just can’t ever seem to lose the baby weight. i want whispers about why my husband even bothers knocking me up when i’m 400lbs, is he into that? do i somehow get bigger between pregnancies, too??
anyways. i like the intricacies!! it also just seems more intimate that way??
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ninewheels · 5 months ago
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Black Sails Screen Time Breakdown
(Episode-by-episode listing at the link above)
Captain James Flint / Lt. James McGraw – 469:09 "Long" John Silver – 335:46 Eleanor Guthrie – 269:53 Captain Jack Rackham – 214:51 Max – 181:19 William "Billy Bones" Manderly – 163:57 Captain Charles Vane – 139:21 Governor Woodes Rogers – 130:52 Anne Bonny – 126:42 Madi – 84:29
Miranda Barlow / Miranda Hamilton – 83:15 Mr. Scott – 56:43 Hal Gates – 56:20 Dufresne – 48:44 Augustus Featherstone – 46:59 Captain Edward "Blackbeard" Teach – 46:03 Captain Benjamin Hornigold – 34:44 Mrs. Hudson – 34:16 Dooley – 32:43 De Groot – 29:56 Israel Hands – 29:38 Richard Guthrie – 28:07 Idelle – 22:53 Captain Berringer – 21:46 Joji – 21:36 The Maroon Queen – 20:51 Lord Peter Ashe – 20:17 Abigail Ashe – 20:14 Lord Thomas Hamilton – 17:59 Marion Guthrie – 17:50 Randall – 16:47 Ben Gunn – 15:58 Mrs. Mapleton – 15:34 Kofi – 14:57 Captain Ned Low – 14:55 Frasier – 14:26 Muldoon – 14:20 Jacob Garrett – 13:58 Pastor Lambrick – 12:52 Logan – 12:38 Eme – 11:42 Dr. Howell – 9:42 Vincent – 9:23 Jenks – 9:01 Lt. Utley – 8:50 Hamund – 8:02 Captain Bryson – 8:00 Morley – 7:51 Ellers – 7:14 Captain Chamberlain – 6:58 Soames – 6:55 Joshua – 6:48 Obi – 6:47 Singleton – 6:34 Ruth – 6:26 Lt. Kendrick – 6:22 Zaki – 6:18 Meeks – 5:37 Julius – 5:33 Wayne – 5:23 Captain Naft – 5:20
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fidgetspringer · 3 days ago
Quick tip to anyone who is going through the horrors of learning to draw human bodies.
Don't look at the thousands of overly complicated anatomy tutorials, at least not to begin with.
Look instead to urban sketchers. Trust me on this. Urban sketchers have to get those shapes and proportions down on paper quickly and correctly.
Build shape memory before you start to look at where that one muscle goes when the arm is in that one specific position. Come back to that later.
Oh and I hate to say it but keep those urban sketcher tricks in the back of your mind and then draw figure studies every single day. It sucks at first but three of those every day for a week or two and you'll be able to draw human bodies. Pinky promise.
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 years ago
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onesnoopyaday · 3 months ago
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It's Charles M. Schulz's 102nd Birthday Today!
Snoopy #56
Reference image under the cut :)
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Also here is an interview snippet which I thought was interesting. I've never thought much about what his creative process might have been like. Also, I didn't realise that the panels he drew on were so much larger than what ended up in print. I mean, it makes sense, but I guess I always just assumed he drew up the squares exactly the way they looked in the end.
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texasbama · 11 months ago
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Another one thank you!!
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qksxzo · 4 months ago
Levi with a female reader :)
Reader is feeling depressed and Levi tries to cheer her up in his own Levi way. You may choose what that is.
sorry for the delay in this ! trying to schedule out my posts while i’m on vacay 😋 i had to think hard about how i wanted to write this so i hope it does not disappoint 🙏💕 i would find a place to end it and think no… this won’t do… anyways, thank you for requesting!!
as the seasons come and go
wc: 0.9k
wrapped up in your comforter, you sigh as you look out your window, rain falling heavily against your window with a vengeance. gloomy winter days like this always got you down, your seasonal depression grabbing you and shaking you vigorously to remind you the sun wouldn’t be present as often as you needed. you sigh, continuing to stare out the window glumly as you squeeze your comforter tighter around yourself.
suddenly, a teacup is placed onto your nightstand with a soft thunk, and you shift your gaze to the male blocking your view before focusing on the steaming ivory cup.
“staying in bed all day won’t help you feel better.” levi says, his tone soft to offset the harsh reality.
the bed dips underneath his weight, and he rests a hand on your hip gently, rubbing his thumb against the thick fabric of your comforter.
“i just feel so down.” you say, the tightness in your throat trying to catch your words. of course, at the admission of your feelings, you feel tears forming at the corners of your eyes before you quickly unravel from your coziness to wipe them away.
“sit up.” he orders, though his voice is so gentle not even a mouse would be frightened.
you do as he says, shifting yourself so you have one leg bent while the other sprawls beneath your blanket. resting your arm on your knee and futilely attempting to bat your tears away with your other hand, you let out a shaky breath to try to contain the cries you want to let out.
lacking the words to comfort you, levi opts to reach out to grasp your occipital, gently pulling your head to rest on his chest, “you don’t have to hold back around me.”
with a short sob, what feels like a tsunami’s worth of tears floods from your eyes and you wrap your arms around his waist, squeezing him impossibly closer to you. he smells of woody bergamot and musk, and you take a labored inhale before returning to ugly crying all over his light gray shirt.
“i’m so sorry,” you cry, and his brows contort in confusion before you continue, “i’m going to ruin your shirt with my snot.”
he scoffs, “as if i give a shit about my shirt right now.”
you let out what sounds like a mix of a sob and a laugh before you return to both crying and snotting uncontrollably into his chest. he rubs your back soothingly as you catch your breath a few minutes later, your body heaving with exhaustion. truthfully, levi has never been good with dealing with emotions, but for you he gives it his best effort. he’s seen you depressed before, especially when the sun doesn’t shine for longer than ten hours, and though lack of cleanliness bothers him immensely, he doesn’t mind when it’s you.
even when your dirty clothes pile up in the corner of your shared closet with him, he picks them up without a word of malice. even when you leave your dirty dishes by your bedside, he cares so deeply that he repeats the process.
if it meant he got to be with you forever he would gladly clean up after you when you could barely get out of bed- a small price to pay for an eternity with you.
“do you want to talk about it?”
god, you thought, “i’m so embarrassing.”
“when you say stupid shit like that, yeah.”
“i just feel like such a loser, levi. i can’t even shower without feeling exhausted and drained after, then i just rot in bed again.”
he hits a wall here, how does he tell you you’re way too self-critical of yourself without coming off as harsh or uncompassionate, “you’re not a loser. far from it.”
“you’re not very convincing.” you say hoarsely.
“well, you’ll just have to trust me then.” he says matter-of-factly, dropping his hand to rub your thigh with his thumb. “listen, i’m not the best with words, but i won’t lie to you. i would never lie to you, especially about how i see you.”
“i don’t even know what you see in me.” you choke on your words, letting out a small and swift shit escape your lips before you turn to reach for the tea that you had neglected in the midst of your breakdown.
“i see alot of things, most- if not all- of them good.”
you sigh into the cup with a sense of relief, he’d made you a london fog- your favorite. your eyes widen, you had run out of earl grey a few days ago, and you had coffee this morning due to that fact. this meant that levi must have gone to your favorite tea trader almost an hour away just to make this for you.
just to make you feel better.
suddenly you feel like crying all over again, but this time out of adoration for the stoic man in front of you, “did you go out of your way just to make me some tea?”
he turns his head to look to the floor, “it wasn’t out of my way.”
was he… shy?
your heart swells so much you think it might burst behind your rib cage as you take another sip of the tea, “i don’t deserve you.”
“you’re right, you deserve more.”
“stop it!” you swat his chest, “you’re perfect for me. i love you.”
he looks back to you, a trace of a smile on his face as he places a hand on top of your head to ruffle your hair gently, “i love you, yn. now are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”
you take a deep breath taking a savory sip of your tea fusion before placing it on the coaster sitting on your nightstand. “promise you won’t judge me?”
“i would never judge the person i intend on marrying.”
with a blush and your trillionth sigh of the day, you open your mouth to relay your shortcomings to him, suddenly feeling as if you could breathe freely so long as he was around.
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tweetsofyj · 1 year ago
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spoiledskullz · 8 months ago
First 4 art fight attacks (2024)
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for @ivelte
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for @aphantimes
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for @zhampip
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for @zeezu-ix
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