#& the guy expected me to be impressed because bills are included in the rent
thebendsbyradiohead · 3 months
contemplating unfollowing someone on here bc not only did they have the audacity to get a gf this year but they also got an apartment & it's like damn leave some for the rest of us losers
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bluepenguinstories · 3 years
Remoras Full Chapter XXXVII: Cold Comfort For Change
Crowds of people seated, sucking in each other’s oxygen with their open, smiling faces. Plates full of lobster and mashed potatoes and what was that? Spinach? It was something green. Could’ve been seaweed or...whatever other plant was green. I didn’t think about the color green often. Maybe like once or twice, and only when I saw something green. That was all.
Through the air was a nauseating aroma of boiled vegetables and a vague hint of starch. Carbohydrates? I wasn’t sure. Whatever potatoes smelled like when they were heated. If not for the aroma, loathe as I was to breathe it in, I wouldn’t have been able to tell there was any sense of heat at all. At least the food was warm. Maybe the people, too. It did look like a sunny day, and by sunny, I meant that the sun was out.
Decorations of little stone angel statues were lined on shelves and windowsills. Glasses, a counter with a dedicated bartender (some guy in a fancy three-piece suit with a monopoly man mustache). Stairs which led...where? Beats me. Upstairs, probably. If not for the food stench which drowned out all other smells, I might not have picked up on the sleek scent of refined mahogany which made up the hardwood floors, counters, stairs...ah, hell, everything.
What was I doing? Waiting for my seat. I had a reservation and I figured maybe if I arrived a little early, I could get to my seat faster. I was wrong. Dead wrong.
I tapped my foot. It didn’t make anything go faster and the crowds, the chatter, everything worked in tandem to see how far I could stand being in such a place. Rich folks and people on dates who probably pretended to be rich in order to impress the other person. All I wanted was a good meal, something I didn’t have to make, and look at the mess I got myself into: at any point, any one of them could look over to me and they would raise an eyebrow, tilt their head, point, stare in confusion.
It would have made sense, too. I mean, who on a near-summer day would wear a thick, red jacket and have their arms folded as they shivered in place and wished they could find a place of warmth at last, some kind of warmth that would never come? Plenty of people, maybe, I mean, maybe the air conditioner was really working on overdrive. It’s not like I checked the temperature outside before I stepped foot in such a posh hellhole.
All these people smiling and laughing and making face noises. It’s just like how people on the Titanic must’ve been like. Am I the iceberg?
“Dee Flecked?” Called the server. Or receptionist. I didn’t know these restaurant job titles. It wasn’t my job to know. The...whatever was another “some fancy guy”, just like the bartenders. His features were...a face and clothes. That was all I was going to warrant.
Yes. ‘Dee Flecked’. I have to be careful. I’m veering awful close to my original name. At least I don’ t know anyone with a ‘D’ in their name. Nope. None at all.
“Me…” I raised my hand with a feeble motion.
“Right this way, madame,” he motioned.
Finally someone with manners.
He ushered me to my seat, which was a solitary table in the middle of the dining hall. Which meant I was ambushed by all these people who probably didn’t feel so much as a hint of a draft. I guess I should’ve been grateful as at least in the summer time, it was manageable.
“Uh...can I...have a different seat?” I looked up and asked the guy in expensive clothing who was probably paid too little to be way too polite (which meant he probably couldn’t even have afforded his clothing. Was that a plothole, but in real life?).
“I’m sorry, madame, but there are no other seats available,” he broke the news in such a way that it was like he was telling me my great grandmother who I never knew and so had no attachment to had just passed away.
“Oh...that’s...yeah, that tends to happen in a place like this...ha…” I tried not to express my disappointment too hard and I hoped my weak and shaky voice didn’t give me away. To aid in my endeavor, I waved about a hundred dollar bill.
“Here’s a per-emptive tip,” I looked down at the table and muttered.
“Thank you,” he took it, “I’ll get you the finest water we have.”
I let out a foggy sigh of relief. I had done it.
Now, as for what I was doing there, or what I was doing anywhere at all, I couldn’t really say. I’ll be honest – I wasn’t expecting to still be around after all that time. Many months went by (but less than a year) since I parted ways from that glacial diner. For the first several whiles of my time alone, I didn’t really had any particular goal or objective. I slept in alleyways and rooftops alike, anywhere where I thought I wouldn’t be bothered and wouldn’t have to pay rent. Food was difficult to come by, but shoplifting from grocery stores was easy. Also there were food banks, but I didn’t want to rob a food bank.
To think I was living at all, though. It wasn’t really in the plans, but as I said, I had no plans. Life just had a way of going on. Didn’t know how to feel about that one, but it was a little out of my control, so I let it go (conceal, don’t feel) for the most part. Make no mistake, it was unbearable, and at times I did hit something of a rock bottom. I remember being in Italy, concealed by any shadows I could occupy, and would beg others for just a sip of wine. Eventually, though, I had enough, so being individualistic in nature, I did something about my situation and worked hard to earn a fair bit of money.
...In other words, I robbed a rich person’s house in the dead of night while they were on vacation and took off with over a million dollars.
“Ray would’ve been so proud,” I remarked.
Not that I care. It’s not like I miss him. I don’t miss any of those people.
I made my peace with that part of my life and I was sure the feeling was mutual for everyone else as well.
“I’m so glad Remora’s finally gone! Everything’s much easier now!” Was what I was sure they must’ve said. ‘They’ being any one of them, including Tigershark.
Heh. ‘Remora’. What a silly name that was. To think it was all because I saw some dopey fish one day.
Yeah, I thought of the kid from time to time. Thought stuff like, “crap I just left and didn’t even say anything to her.” But then I was reminded of the fact that she had Ray and Sunny anyway, and they were much more equipped to take care of a kid. Plus, as far as I could tell, they were caring people. Not some frost-bitten oaf like me. After being reminded of that, I would always be relieved.
So yeah. No complaints from me. I had my own life now, and I didn’t know what kind of life that was, but my organs still functioned (possibly? Haven’t checked in a while).
Two or more minutes passed and the server handed me a glass of water in a wine glass.
Gee, it really is fancy.
“Thank you,” I handed the server another hundred.
“Have you had time to look at the menu?” He asked.
Fuck. There was a menu? All this time...see, this is what thinking does to you.
“Ice...cream?” I blurted out.
“You want ice cream?”
Why did I say ice cream? Well now it’s out there, so I have no choice but to double down, otherwise I come off as awkward.
“Yes. Get me some of your finest ice cream. Please,” I begged, then gestured and handed another bit of currency to the server.
“Very well. What flavor, madame?”
“Fish…” No. That would be awful. Shut your mouth now.
“No. I said ‘fresh’. As in, fresh strawberries, please.”
“Very well. I will have a waiter bring you our finest of sherbets.”
“Who will the waiter be?”
“No. Who is ‘Sure Bert’?”
Rather than answer my question, he laughed, then walked away.
How rude. And to think I gave him a tip. Oh well, I have to remember how hard of a life food service workers have. He probably doesn’t get much tips from other people. He probably sleeps on broken glass. Rich people tend to be stingy, after all, which is why I should have their money instead.
When the waiter arrived, he set down a large bowl filled with several mounds of light-reddish colored ice cream and piles of strawberries on top.
“Here you are, madame,” the waiter took a bow as he gestured to the food before me.
“Th...thank you,” I shivered. It was as if I was also one of those ice balls.
“Are you cold, miss?” He asked, his soft politeness almost deceiving me into believing he had any concern.
“Mm...a little…”
“Would you like to eat outside?” He offered.
What the fuck? That server guy said there was no other seating available. That bastard.
“Uh...no...that wouldn’t fix anything. Thank you, though,” I appreciated the offer, really, even if I knew how futile it would have been. For the effort, I handed him a couple of hundred dollar bills. Also, for the record, his attire was so fancy that it reminded me of that one ogre in Shrek. Couldn’t quite remember that ogre’s name, but he wore a fancy outfit, that much I knew. Also, the waiter had hair, I guess. I wasn’t really paying attention.
After he took the money, his tune changed.
“Oh...oh my. Uh...can I massage your back? Bring you cushions for your seat? More food, perhaps?” He seemed desperate and predatory.
“What’s your problem? I just want to eat my ice cream, creep,” I side-eyed the guy who I thought was decent up until that moment.
“Sorry. By all means,” he skittered away, obvious damage control.
I shook my head. Here I thought I would enjoy myself at such a stuffy establishment, but no, it was not meant to be. How tragic.
I left that place, and I wasn’t even sure if I paid for my meal. All in all, I was rather disappointed, especially since I didn’t even want ice cream. I would’ve been just fine with something like shrimp fettuccine alfredo, or a massive super rare steak along with a valley of grapes. But noooo...lousy service gave me ice cream instead.
That was fine. It was good ice cream, for what it was worth, and even though it wasn’t filling, it did bring me a false sense of warmth which I couldn’t have gotten from whatever other food I would’ve wanted instead.
Out on the streets, I took my stride back toward the apartment I’ve occupied for about four or five months now. My days never really consisted of much, so as far as I was concerned, my day was pretty much done. Yet the sun had yet to set and there was little guarantee that I would see any sleep. Such was the gamble I was willing to take. It wasn’t like the apartment was a home, and it wasn’t like the quiet I had found was peace, but inaction in a confined setting was close enough to both of those things for the time being.
So when I opened the door and was about to make my way up the stairs, I was stopped by the landlord, a vile woman who always seemed to wear Hawaiian shirts and had dark sunglasses. Even at night.
“Lenora!” Shouted Abalone, the vile landlord in question, and an extraordinary cause of problems. Many times I’ve heard her cursing up a storm and pounding on doors, demanding her toll like she was on a bridge and not in an apartment complex. Coupled with those demands were the threat of eviction, which I would then wait until she was done with her tirade, walk up to the doors of the people she made miserable, and slipped rent money underneath their door. All so I could get some peace and quiet in my own apartment.
“How many times have I told you to call me Len? Len Arietty!” I reminded her. Two of us could shout, even though I really didn’t like to raise my voice. It was such a chore to do.
(But yes, I went by Lenora, because it seemed much more name-like of a name than Remora, which was not a very name-name)
“Hmph. I’ll call you the name you put on your lease and nothing more,” she stuck her nose up, that self-righteous attitude which was unwarranted.
Nobody appreciates a good pun these days. That’s the problem with modern society.
“And I won’t call you at all. Because I don’t have a phone,” I pointed out. I had a phone, but it was back at a certain diner which wouldn’t be named (I was pretty sure it didn’t have a name, anyway).
“You should get one. What if you’re late on a payment and need an extension?” She hung over my head, but being that I just ate, I didn’t take the bait.
I could buy out the apartment complex, myself, if I wanted to, and I would do it just to put you out of a job.
“Have I ever been late on a payment, Abalone?” I asked in turn, doing my best to make a little baby voice, along with it.
“One day, Lenora. One day,” she warned. What she was trying to warn, however, wasn’t clear.
“One day what? Which day? Tuesday? Just any old day?” I asked, genuine in my confusion.
“Just one day,” she growled.
“Okay, fine, don’t tell me which day it will be,” I was exhausted enough as it was, I wasn’t about to play any guessing games, “uh, one day to you, too, and take care?”
I trudged up the stairs. There was nothing more to speak about and if I wanted to be confused, I’d just go seek out any other social interaction.
After a sluggish march, I stood at the door to Apartment 108. The most basic of numbers. Totally inconspicuous. My hands shook and felt frostbitten as I struggled to place the key in its respective hole. It was a delicate process, one with many fumbles, and at one point I dropped the key. It wasn’t one of my proudest moments, but I didn’t care for such things as ‘pride’ and any grandiose reactions were just a waste of breath.
Inside of the apartment was a sparse collection of what was necessary and nothing more: a small kitchen with a refrigerator, toaster, and microwave oven. None of those things went used, as I preferred to eat out (in spite of the presence of other people), but at times I would press the lever for the toaster down, just so I could try to feel the warm currents against my hands. When that didn’t happen, I would feel compelled to stick my hand in, but so far, I’ve resisted.
Aside from those things, there was a closet with a box of clothing. Shampoo, conditioner, and a bar of soap. None of those things were very impressive and showers always felt awkward. It was just standing there and letting water fall on me, worse, no matter how much I turned the dial, it remained cold. Then when I stepped out of the shower, and steam came out, but I continued to be a shivering mess, I just felt like a fool.
When I slept, if I slept, I would lay on my back in the middle of the floor, wrapped up in a snuggie (yes, that very same snuggie gifted to me from Cybele, some random woman who lived in an airport. While I didn’t really know her, so I couldn’t even hope to care about her, I refused to allow myself to forget such a kind gesture. Besides, snuggies are...snug) and a space heater next to me to keep me company. Even if the space heater did nothing, it was the gesture, what it represented...or maybe I was just desperate. Like, maybe one day, I would actually feel what I was meant to.
Most of the time I laid on the floor, regardless of sleep. It was just what I did. Dwell on things, like life, what I’ve been through, events that had transpired, and who I was. None of it ever did me anything good and any questions I had on life never went answered. It sucked not even having a phone, as there were probably hundreds of thousands of memes that I was missing out on. Things I would never understand without the context, and even then, sometimes things were better without the context. Small price to pay to live in the isolation I so desired, I suppose.
But let’s not dwell on that. Let’s not dwell on my dwelling. If rest may come, then let it come. That was enough.
By now, there must have been an apparent contradiction: if I wanted to isolate myself, why live in a populated area? In fact, I was probably better isolated in the arctic, but that place was so. Damn. Cold.
Well, the answer was a strange one, and it was both an advantage and disadvantage: with all the crowds of people in a city, most people didn’t care who you were. Paid you no mind. Then again, when there were crowds, there was always the possibility that they would pay you mind. In fact, that meant even more people with their watchful eyes who would want nothing more than to react to your every move and mistake. Any quirk or sudden motion that didn’t fit with the norm and those faceless entities were sure to pounce.
But the same thing could happen in a less populated area, and in fact, in a place less popular, you would know for a fact that people were talking about you. That was terrible and bad and uncool. Would not recommend.
Of course, I had a solution, and it was to just not care. When that solution failed, which 9.9 times out of 10, did, I wandered into the town square where there was a fountain and park benches scattered around and took a seat. For whatever reason, few people ever occupied the town square, and especially not in the morning. Someone more inquisitive might have wondered why that was, but I wasn’t about to question a good thing.
Down on the ground was a crow that hopped about. Rather than pigeons, the city seemed to be more dominated by crows. Wasn’t complaining, birds were birds. Could’ve been a cockatrice and I wouldn’t have anything to say on the matter. Of course, I stared down at the crow and their little hops. My palm was against the side of my face and I leaned forward.
“Look at you: are you dancing for others or just to dance? Or is that just how you walk?” I asked the little bird. Then, out of boredom, I dug into my jacket pocket and tossed some bird seeds the crow’s way.
“Make no mistake: I’m not rewarding you for your dance. I’m just bored,” I informed the crow, not that the crow cared. In the crow’s eyes, a free snack was a free snack.
As of late, it’s become a routine of mine to toss stuff at crows. It started one day (probably not the day that landlord was referring to) situated at the town square where I thought of nothing in particular and I had a sandwich in my hand. Some pieces of the sandwich and when a crow started eating the fallen piece, I got a little annoyed.
“Get your own sandwich, crow,” I remember scolding the black bird. My words didn’t seem to deter the crow at all (what could I say? I wasn’t a very threatening person) and I didn’t really care to scold the crow any further. It was just a sandwich, after all. But after that day, I took it upon myself to buy some bird seeds at the local bird seed store.
“Just so you know, just because I’m doing this nice thing, I don’t care about you,” I told the crow, then tossed another handful of birdseed. That crow just pecked away.
“See? That’s what I like about you: you don’t care either. I could call you a dummy stupid butt bird and you wouldn’t have anything to say, would you? I could call you a big stinky hairy butt bird.”
Yep. Nothing to say. The crow looked up at me for a brief second. I gave a small wave, and then they went right back to eating.
“Why can’t more people be like you, crow? We have a mutual apathy for each other and we still get along just fine…” I think I was starting to think things I didn’t want to think about.
Just as I was about to seed the crow further, that little opportunist looked away, then flew off.
Looks like we got a dine and dasher.
“Heh, were you offended by what I said after all?” I wondered aloud. If anyone saw me they must have wondered, “what was that crazy lady doing in that thick jacket, shivering and talking to a crow?” But what were they doing watching me for? If anything, they were the crazy ones for watching.
Maybe the bench would be a nice place for a nap, if I could find any tiredness at all. I tapped my foot and pondered my options.
“What to do...what to do…”
Before I could figure that out, the crow returned (or at least, a crow returned. Could’ve been any old crow).
That crow landed next to my feet and set down something on the ground. I spread my legs and peered down to find a silver coin.
“What...what the...no. No, no, no. That’s not part of the deal. You’re not supposed to give me money, look,” I reached into my pocket and pulled out several hundred dollar bills, “I’ve got plenty of that. I’m just doing this out of boredom.”
Instead of doing the sensible thing and taking off with the quarter after realizing their mistake, the stubborn crow pushed the quarter closer to me with their beak.
“Dude, you’re being real pushy. Don’t you know that’s a real turn off?”
Again, the crow remained persistent, and having had enough, I got up and shooed the crow away.
“Go on, begone with ye!” I waved my hands away, and the crow at last took off, although I noticed that the quarter was still next to me. What a hassle.
“Would it be bad if I didn’t take this? I mean, what if that crow was actually a fairy in disguise and if I don’t take their payment, they’ll curse me?” I pondered. There was no real need to ponder, as I knew that fairies weren’t real (although there were creatures from outside of earth that were fairy-like) and it wasn’t like my life wasn’t already cursed from the day I was born. But still, if fairies were real…
OK. I took the quarter. Better safe than sorry.
My next plan of attack was...my growling stomach. Well, that was unexpected, but who would I be to not quell the beast?
Whenever I felt that beast (my stomach) roar, I did what any sensible person would do and I went and got coffee. Back in my diner days, I never really gave coffee much thought despite it being a signature drink at such places. Yes, I was aware of its existence, but I never really saw value in it. Now, having lived a new life filled with self-discovery and wonder, I learned the truth: coffee was like a drink and a meal all in one. Well, it helped to also get a meal along with the coffee. Maybe I’d consider that.
I looked around and as luck would have it, there was a coffee shop situated just behind where I had sat, obscured by tables with umbrellas and kiosks (one selling deep-fried portabella mushrooms, the other selling horseshoe crab enthusiast magazines with little horseshoe crab plushies hanging off the ceiling of the kiosk). Drip Drip Drop Coffee was the name of the place, and with a name like that, it was almost certain that the coffee was top quality.
“I know a place…” I mouthed the words, then stepped forward and into Drip Drip Drop. An ominous feeling followed me along as I entered. There were indeed far too many people. There were at least five people inside, and worse yet, some were conversing with each other. Not seated were three people in line who I had to stand behind. As much stomach continued to growl, I looked up at the menu.
Oh, thank goodness, they have sandwiches. Sub sandwiches, to boot. I think I’ll order a cold cut. Every kind of meat on it. Double stacked. You know, now that I think about it, why are they called ‘sub’ sandwiches? I get it’s short for submarine, but it doesn’t even look like a submarine. It looks like a sandwich. Makes me think that whoever named it didn’t even know what a submarine looked like. That, or didn’t know what a sandwich looked like, and just thought everything else that wasn’t a submarine was just like a submarine, but not. Maybe it’s called that cause some bored person in a submarine had enough materials to make a sandwich, and they just happened to be in a submarine when they made it. On that note, I’m willing to bet that if you drop a sub sandwiches in the ocean, it will, indeed, get soggy.
“Monster energy iced cappuccino with quadruple shot espresso for ‘Boruto’!” One of the baristas shouted. I found that to be an odd name, but a little curious, I looked around and saw some average height scrawny woman in a camouflage print hoodie as well as camo pants whose brown ponytail poked out from her backwards cap.
“Heh. Heh heh heh. They probably think my name really is Boruto. Suckers,” sneered the gremlin-like stranger.
I shook my head. Didn’t people have better things to do than give poor baristas a fake name? They were already underpaid and overworked as it was, no need to humiliate them further.
“Hello? Are you going to order?” Asked a faint and soft, but cheery voice. I looked around, then heard a tap against the counter. That was when I realized that there was no longer a line in front of me and I was supposed to be the next to order.
“Huh? Oh. Yeah. Sorry,” I stepped forward. Behind the counter was a young woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties and had wavy, pink hair along with three piercings along both ears. On each cheek were three freckles.
“That’s fine! There’s no one behind you!” She informed me in a sing-song like voice. Indeed, there was no one behind me, much to my relief. But something told me that I would have noticed had there been someone behind me.
“Oh, huh. You’re cute,” I remarked, and realizing that had been spoken aloud, I continued as if nothing was said, “I’ll get a…” I shivered much more than I meant to and it felt more like a jolt.
“Air conditioner?” She asked.
I gave a feeble nod.
“Yeah, it’s always out of wack. I get it’s a warm day and all, but seriously, does it have to feel like we’re in the freakin’ arctic?”
Finally someone who gets it. Or at least I don’t have to make up a big excuse.
“Yeah...Okay. I think I’m ready. I’ll get a mocha and a c...co…” the shivering continued.
“Take your time.”
I really don’t want to. I want to be in, then out.
“Cold cut sandwich,” I sped through the words.
“Great! And how do you want your coffee?”
“Cold...too…” I answered through grit teeth.
“Mm...mm...I get it. Yeah. Hot day, cold coffee. Makes sense. Yeah.”
That had nothing to do with it. Maybe it didn’t make sense for me to get it, what with the whole idea of wanting to feel warmth, but the thing was, when I drank hot coffee, it just tasted like cold anyway. So if I got cold coffee, at least I could taste it. Besides, it’ s not like the temperature of the coffee really changes the body’s temperature. It’s not like people dump cold coffee on their head on a hot day, or hot coffee on their head on a cold day. That’ s not how it worked.
I fished out the handful of hundred dollar bills and set them on the counter.
“Uh, keep the change? Bye.” “Wait,” she called out before I could get very far, “Can I get a name for the order?”
Crap. Name. Think, think…
“Karen,” that was a rather unassuming name with no connotations attached whatsoever, unlike something like Rhea. “Karen Alotte.”
“What kind of name is that?!” Shouted the annoying ponytail gremlin, “At least Boruto is an actual name! Fictional, mind you, but still real!”
I lowered my head. Customers really were the worst.
“Don’t let it get to you,” the barista told me. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a name that’s not Boruto.”
“Uh, thanks, I guess?” I wasn’t sure what to say to that.
Well, I wouldn’t have to deal with any annoying customers and their pointless comments much longer. About five minutes later, my name was called and I headed out the door without a second thought, back to where I was situated in the town square. While I didn’t know the time, I assumed it was about noonish, give or take some minutes.
Now there were two crows when once was one. It must have been a good omen, all because I took that quarter.
“Hey guys. Look what I got,” I pointed to my sandwich. Those crows didn’t so much as look up.
“Well, that’s fine, too. I’m not offering you any.”
One iced coffee later, and halfway through my sandwich, I heard a distinct voice yell out from behind me.
“YOU’RE CUTE TOO!” Their voice rang through the air and I turned around and saw a girl with pink hair who stood before me, one foot in front of the other, and cupped her mouth with her hands.
I turned back to the crows.
“Get a load of this girl,” I pointed my thumb behind me and told them, “I feel bad for whoever she’s calling to.”
Seeing as no one else had it in their hearts to break the news to her, I took it upon myself. After all, I was cold enough to not hold back.
“Hey, girl! You’re embarassing yourself!” I shouted back to her. “Everyone around can hear you!”
She looked over at me and stood up straight, then blinked.
“Oh. Sorry,” she replied, then walked over. “I was trying to get your attention, actually.”
I pointed to myself.
“Me? Cute? Why?” I was most confused. I didn’t recall ever being called ‘cute’ before.
“Does it have to be said?” She gave a smile that looked like she was about to burst into laughter. “Your puffy jacket, your short black hair, your nervousness,” she began to list.
“The nervousness isn’t cute...I’m just generally uncomfortable,” I corrected.
“Okay, well, still! You said I’m cute, and I think you’re cute too! Just accept it!”
I looked away and blushed. So that’s what it was all about, huh? I just had to say that out loud and now I was reaping the consequences?
“So it was you,” I muttered.
“Yeah, I know, it’s weird, right? It’s just that I’ve always been told that by creepy dudes and not someone as attractive as yourself,” she remarked.
“I’m not at...at...I’m repellent,” I concluded, and put my hands on my hips all proud.
“Oh, sure. Tell yourself that,” she slouched over and groaned, then perked right back up. “Hey! Can I sit next to you?”
I looked around.
“It is possible,” I informed her. I didn’t know why she would want to, seeing as there were plenty of other places to sit elsewhere, but unless she had a condition that made it hard for her to sit down, then I didn’t see why that would be a problem.
She sat down and I felt a wave of discomfort come over me.
It was so much easier to eat a sandwich when I didn’t have someone sitting next to me.
“Shouldn’t you be at work right now?” I asked.
“It’s my lunch break! I’m usually not very hungry on my lunch breaks, so I usually wait to eat until I’m off work. Because of that, I usually have a lot of free time, and since I’m a very social person, I tend to have conversations with random people.”
“I wouldn’t recommend that. What if you end up talking to someone dangerous?” I suggested.
“Hmm...that’s a good point. Are you dangerous?”
“Not at the moment, no,” I replied without thought.
“Then I think it’s fine to talk to you, no?”
I shrugged.
“Do what you want.”
She beamed a bright grin, but it took about a solid minute before she had anything more to say and instead she just kicked her legs back and forth against the bench. It was a little creepy.
“So, Karen, was it?” She leaned her head forward and asked.
“That was a name I used, yes.”
“Oh? That’s not your name?”
Damn it. I shouldn’t have phrased it that way.
“I’m...still trying to figure out a name,” I admitted.
“What do you mean?”
I let out a heavy sigh. If there was something I cared about...then that one thing was something I didn’t want to care about. But I had to be delicate in my apathy.
“Well, it’s like...I was going by a different name for a little while and before that, I had a different name, my original name. I also had many other names, but that original name, that was who I considered myself to be. You follow?”
She nodded.
“I think so. Go on?”
Why? Oh, well. If I’m committed to not caring, then I have to treat this with a carefree attitude.
“Thing is, that name didn’t really make me uncomfortable in of itself. I once went to a meeting just for the hell of it and decided to talk about the name issue with them, too, and they thought I was referring to a ‘deadname’, which I didn’t know what that was, so someone explained it and mad respect to trans people, but that’s not quite what I mean.”
“All right. So what do you mean?”
“Well, I guess you can think of it like a deadname. Because it’s like, imagine there was another me, like, hypothetically, and it’s like that other me died. That other me, who shared that name, no longer exists, and can’t exist, but they still follow me. Not physically, but it’s like I’d get compared to how she was, the good and the bad. Worse, I compared myself to that other me. I felt inferior at times, other times I desired to be superior. It was like I was living in a shadow of myself and I didn’t know any other way to escape from it but to change my name. Thing is, though, all the names I’ve come up with just haven’t feel right, either.”
“So, you’ve been trying to escape from yourself?” She asked, now less inquisitive and more sounding confused.
“Yeah, funny enough, I think I have been, and I don’t know what it is: whether or not I can fundamentally change or whether or not I want to. I mean, I’m comfortable enough, as uncomfortable as my existence is, but I also didn’t want to associate with that other me. Hypothetically, I mean.”
“Right. It’s easy to say ‘don’t compare yourself to others’ but I suppose it’s harder when you have this idealized version of yourself that you compare to? I know I get thoughts like, ‘I should be better than this. I know I can be smarter, so why do I have this job?’ Which can then spiral down and...yeah…”
I wasn’t really sure what she was referring to. She had me in the first half, not gonna lie, but then it just fell apart in the second half.
“You sound like you need therapy,” I pointed out, “but anyway, I think what it comes down to is, there’s over a million people with that name, or at least five. Sure, she was one version of me, but does that mean that two people can’t have the same name? I don’t think so. Maybe I’m not exactly like her, but she lived her life and I’m living mine. So I think I’m ready now,” I concluded, then looked over to her and tried my best to give a smile. It was only slight. But progress was progress.
“One talk and you’re ready?” She looked surprised.
My heart took a huge leap. It was probably the coffee, but it could have also been because of what I was about to say.
“Yeah. I’m Rhea Flection.”
“Well, nice to meet you, Miss Flection. My name’s Ceres. Ceres Lee.”
Aww...everything was going so well, too…
I got up.
“Nope. Nope. Not doing this again. I’m out,” I took a few steps away.
Oh, come on, me. If you can get past one name, you can get past another.
I sucked in my pride, which in this case, was just my breath, and I walked right back and sat right back down.
“Okay, sorry. That was rash,” I admitted. “Also, I left my sandwich behind.”
I picked it up and continued eating.
“What was that all about?” She asked.
“I once knew someone with a name similar to yours and she was very dear to me,” I confessed. “But I didn’t care about her. Though I wanted to be friends with her, and close with her, but...I guess can’t really do that when you’re unable to be close with others.”
“Okay, so it’s someone dear to you that you don’t care about?” She asked as she counted on her fingers. What she counted, I wasn’t sure.
“Yes. Exactly. See, you get it. By the way, I don’t have feelings for you.”
“Wouldn’t expect you to.”
Damn, she got me there.
“But yeah, her name was Demetria, and Ceres is the Roman equivalent of Demeter...yeah, I know, I’ve done my research, but in my defense, I only found that out recently. Anyway, she was kind of a nuisance and I didn’t really understand much of her behavior and I was just fine being on my own. But I don’t know, something kind of happened over time and then I got sick and I really wanted to confide my whole life and then I told her something I shouldn’t have. I mean, it felt right at the time, but it wasn’t true.”
“What was it?”
“That I didn’t care about her.”
Her mouth hung low and she tilted her head, like she was just about to throw up.
“Okay...but didn’t you just tell me that you don’t? I swear, you keep contradicting yourself.”
“I know! My head was a mess then and it’s a mess now. I didn’t understand and rather than think about it, I decided that I didn’t want to and so I haven’t been, but it still bothers me.”
“Sounds like you need a therapist,” she pointed out.
“Hey, that’s what I told you.”
“Yeah, and how do you know I don’t have one?”
Argh. I didn’t consider that one.
“I don’t know. I think I still need to figure out how to identify that I care about something. That would be a good first step. But still, I wish I could take it back. I can at least identify that as a mistake.”
“So, Rhea Flection? You didn’t do any self-reflection?”
I scowled.
“Ceres Lee? Seriously?”
She nudged me, I nudged her back. We both laughed.
“I can’t believe you called me cute only to talk about another girl,” she laughed, “do you know what that all sounds like to me?”
Don’t say ‘love’. Please.
“What?” I asked, as much as I’d rather not hear the answer.
“It sounds like I’m in some kind of romantic comedy! Like I walked into a movie set and I didn’t even know it!”
“Oh, come on. These things can happen. This isn’t fiction, it’s real life.”
“I know, I know,” she laughed and wiped away some sweat from her eye. “It’s just...so cliché, y’know?”
“I guess,” I grumbled, “but if I’m gonna be feeling things, I’d like to know that I’m feeling things.”
Ceres pulled out her phone.
“Oh hey, I still have like fifteen minutes before I gotta get back. Wanna walk around town a bit?”
“Sure, but I don’t see why,” I replied and shrugged.
We walked past her place of employment, past the various shops, and continued to wander.
“I need to kill off time. I’m not about to go back to work early!” She explained.
Makes sense, but why am I tagging along?
“Look! It’s a hat shop!” She’d point out, or, “look! An ostrich museum!”
My eyes scanned around throughout; nothing of interest stood out to me, but I didn’t want to miss anything in case something caught my eye.
From an alleyway shot out a thin thread-like appendage in Ceres’ direction. Acting fast, I ducked, then shoved Ceres out of the way. She wobbled a bit, lost her balance, then fell. Still better than whatever that thing would’ve done to her.
“Hey, what was that for?!” She balked.
“Sorry. Just wait here,” I instructed.
I ran into the alleyway. It may have been nothing or it may have been a trap. Even if I had ran right into a trap, I would much rather have done so than endanger some stranger I just met.
At first, I saw nothing out of the ordinary, just a dead-end alleyway with a dumpster and a brick wall in the very back. Then, as if materialized from the shadow cast by the enclosed area, was a dark cloaked figure with a blank white stone mask over where their face should have been. Behind the mask was a thick head of long, flowing golden hair. They pointed one near-skeletal thin hand forward, and out from the cloak, released several more of those appendages.
I ducked and rolled toward the side of the wall.
“You have evaded every one of my traps, and in some cases, were already lying in wait with a countermeasure,” they spoke, a solemn monotone, not unlike my own voice, but with a wispy tone of sorrow attached.
“Uh, sorry for being smart, I guess?”
They shook their head.
“Even as those you’ve allied yourself with in the arctic are encased in an inescapable fog, you remain unharmed. But that all ends now. Once you are gone, I will have no need for such drastic measures.”
After hearing those words, I was stunned and I felt the shivers return, along with a tenseness I didn’t anticipate.
“What are you talking about? For that matter, who are you?” I forced out the words, a heavy and chilly breath let out along with them.
“The fact that you don’t know only makes it worse,” uttered their cryptic reply.
From behind me I heard the clacks of shoes and caught in the corner of my eye, Ceres, running up to me.
“What’s going on? Who is this guy?” She asked.
“No offense, but I think they’d just give you the same answer they gave me,” I replied without much thought, and then upon realizing who was next to me, turned to scold. “I thought I told you to stay where you were!” I hissed.
“Yeah, but you didn’t tell me why!” She argued.
“That’s because I didn’t know what was up, but you should trust that I wouldn’t just push somebody for no reason!”
My presumed enemy spoke up and freed me from my distraction.
“So I see you’ve brought someone else with you. Rather unfortunate, but I will dispose of you both.”
“Go. Now,” I hissed at Ceres.
She looked at me, then over to the cloaked figure.
“Yeah, I think that’s a good call,” she nodded, and began to run out, but fell.
“Ow! It’s like there’s an invisible wall or something,” she rubbed her forehead.
They must have set up a bounded field. They’re really expecting to trap us in and kill us both.
Each of their arms stretched out now and the fingers on each hand turned to little blades. Along with that, several thorny vines protruded from each arm.
“Okay. This guy certainly isn’t normal,” in fact, I’m reminded of a previous encounter. “Ceres,” I addressed her, “I’m much better at taking a life than I am defending one, so I suggest you take cover behind that dumpster.”
“Taking a li – What are you talking about?!” She cried out.
Looks like the cat’s out of the bag.
“Nothing you need to worry about. I’ll take any hits that come, so just take cover.”
At last, she did as I instructed, and hid behind the dumpster.
With little time to react, I covered my head with each arm as the vines shot forth my way. Their thorns cut right into my arms and I felt each sting. I ducked under to avoid any more hits, and moved forward toward the figure, whose arms were poised to strike me. Before they could slice through me, I grabbed one of their arms and tossed them into the nearby wall, their back slammed again and they fell back.
“Let me guess: Buddy Fairweather?” I asked as I stood back up.
“Took you long enough. He was just a spare corpse, but I was the man who spoke through him, yes,” oozed out his voice as he picked himself back up.
Spare corpse?
“I should have known better to assume it would end with him,” I remarked. If I recall, I even figured that things wouldn’t end, but just like a fool, I forgot all about it.
“How unfortunate, indeed. But it will end with you. You’re powerless without your rifle. Worse, you have no weapons, nor any means of defense.”
I hate to admit, but he’s right. I can take some hits, I’ve got my reflexes, but I’m unequipped against a supernatural being.
“Hey Ceres! Find me something to use as a weapon, will ya?” I called over.
“You want me to go dumpster diving?!” She called back.
She stood up and opened the lid and I saw several of those vines launch toward her again.
“Nope!” I kicked my leg up and stamped those series of vines out of the way. His clawed hand struck at my leg and I lifted it higher just to avoid them.
That was a close call.
“I found a metal rod!” Ceres exclaimed.
How convenient.
She tossed it over, but a few of those vines caught it instead. They worked together to bend, then snap them in half. Desperate, I grabbed onto them from the base of one of his arms and yanked against them. As I squeezed and tugged, the thorns from the vines tore against my palm and bled through. I would just have to endure a bit of bleeding.
As I exerted my strength, I slammed the group of vines against the wall. At the same time, they were successful in snapping the metal rod in half, but also dropped the split pieces as well. I hurried and picked them up in each hand, and at that same instance, he tried to strike down with both of his bladed hands. I caught them with both rods.
I then ducked down and released the rods, then shoved them both into his chest. To my surprise, blood seeped through the wound.
“Rhea! Are you okay?” Ceres shouted.
Jeez. No discretion at all.
“So you’re going by that name, now? Before you only used it as a ruse, but now you embrace it?” He asked, still alive, even through what should have been a fatal wound. But of course, I knew better than to consider something so simple to be fatal. Not when I wasn’t dealing with a simple person in the first place.
“What’s it to you?” My lips spread to an ecstatic smile.
“I only find it amusing, is all,” he seemed to smile as well, then took one of his hands and swiped right at me. I managed to pull out one of the rods to block the attack, but in the process of trying to pull out the other, his other hand swiped faster than I could react and slashed across my face. Small cuts formed along my cheek. As much as he got a clear hit in, I was most surprised to find how little I felt from it.
“Are you hurt?!” Ceres cried out.
Blood ran down from my cheek, but I only felt a little bit of a sting at best.
“No, I’m just bleeding,” I replied, then turned to my enemy, “don’t you know that if you wanna go in me, you have to go deeper?”
He tried to slash again, but I wouldn’t let him get away with it twice, not when I was sure he’d make for a more fatal cut the second time around. I pulled out the other rod, blood oozed from the gash in his chest, but he looked unfazed by the injury. I blocked his swipe, then kicked him back into the wall and plunged the tip of one of the split rods into his head. He blocked with his bladed hand, but it just went through as well and I continued to drive it in until it tore through his mask and wedged its way into his skull.
He gasped out and cracks formed in his mask until it broke off. In its place, instead of a face, looked to be a mass of worms.
“I take it that after I tear you apart, this won’t end?” I asked.
“Yes...this is but one feeble body…”
“Good to know,” I hissed, then took the other rod and jammed it back into his chest.
As he gasped out his last breaths, the worm-face caved in and formed something of a smile.
“Tell me: do you fear death?” He rasped.
I shook my head.
“No. But I fear what you might do with the dead,” I answered.
After that, his body dissolved into a black ooze, then a puff of smoke which fizzled up until it faded and there was no longer a single trace that anyone, or anything, was there.
I took several heavy breaths after that and dropped the metal rods to the ground.
“What was all that?!” Ceres stood beside me in shock. “For that matter, what did he mean by anything he said?! And ‘rifle’?”
“A rifle is a type of gun,” I informed her.
“I know that! Okay…” she took heavy breaths as well, more out of shock than anything, as she had no trace of injury save for some bruises from falling. “How do we get out of here and are you going to be okay? You’re badly injured!”
“This?” I looked down at my arms. “Nah. I’ve had worse. But that should’ve gone smoother, that’s for sure. All that tells me is that I’ve been slacking. But that was just the rush I need.”
I was smiling. Even a simple sense of heat from injuries were enough for me.
“What do you mean?”
I smiled.
“I guess I’m just never truly alive unless it’s in a fight.”
“Okay...you’re scaring me a little. But seriously, how are we going to get out of here? Weren’t we blocked off?”
I shrugged.
“Those barrier devices aren’t meant to last for a long time. They usually dissipate after a while,” I explained. They’re good when you want to trap someone in and are confident that you can take care of your target quickly. Less effective in prolonged fights. However, it’s more concerning that he had one set up at all. I don’t have to think very hard to understand the implications.
“Well, gee, ain’t that fucking convenient?” She just about gasped. Poor barista must’ve seen too much and if I had to guess, her head was spinning in a thousand different directions.
I unzipped my jacket and took it off, then dropped that on the ground as well. It was dirty now and did me no good, seeing how torn it had become due to the nature of the fight. As soon as I did so, I began to shiver with greater intensity.
“Are you all right?” She looked up and asked.
“Y-yeah...it’s just a condition of mine. Come on, let’s get out of here,” I folded my arms together and walked out from the alleyway. Sure enough, there was no barrier keeping either of us in.
“You know, I never noticed before with the jacket, but you’re really muscular,” Ceres pointed out.
“I’m surprised, myself, since I haven’t been very active in a while,” I replied. Though something tells me I’m ready to start working out again.
As soon as we stepped back out into the street, Ceres checked her phone.
“Crap! My lunch break just got over! My manager said that if I was late from my break again, she’d fire me! My life is over!” She started to freak out.
“Considering what we just went through, I’d say your life was almost over already,” I pointed out.
“This is so much worse! I don’t wanna be out of a job!” She began to whine.
“I think if you had died, you would have also been out of a job, just saying.”
“This is serious!”
I groaned. Talk about skewed priorities. Before I could argue further, she ran back toward the coffee shop.
“I’m not gonna make it in time!” She yelled as she ran. I chased after and soon caught up to her.
“You know, I don’t think your boss should fire you. If anything, it’s my fault you got into that mess,” I told her. After all, if she had literally gone to talk to anyone else, she might not have had that problem. Besides, whoever her boss was should be a little understanding over the fact that their employee’s life was threatened.
We both rushed into the coffee shop at once and she ran past the customers and into the back. I followed behind, even though that probably wasn’t allowed. But who was I to care about something like that?
In the back was a little area with a large porcelain sink and many dishes and soapy water filled to the top of it. At the back wall, where the uniforms were, stood the manager, a middle aged woman with curly red hair. Her arms were cross and she tapped her foot.
“Ceres Lee! What did I tell you would happen if you were back late from break again?” She growled.
“But...but..!” Ceres stammered and tried to come up with an explanation, but her words didn’t ever come.
“No excuses! You’re always slacking off!”
“Hey!” I cut in. Her managed turned to me and exchanged her cross expression my way.
Great. As if I really wanted to deal with confrontation.
“Who are you?” She asked.
“I’m a paying customer,” I informed her.
“Okay, well, this place is off limits, it doesn’t matter if you’re a customer or not.”
Do I look like I give a fuck what’s off limits?
“You shouldn’t fire her,” I refused to back down. “She was with me.”
“Trust me: she does this all the time. You’re not helping her case.”
I furrowed my brow and scrambled for an excuse.
“For your information, I’m her girlfriend!” I blurted out.
Ceres just looked at me all tense, her face red, and she shook it slow to tell me that what I just said was a bad idea. But as with most things, I didn’t care.
“My dear is always telling me how much she hates how little we have to spend together because of how busy you guys make her,” I came up with.
Tenser still, Ceres’s face didn’t move, but her eyes darted first to her manager, then toward me.
“Is this true? Is this person your girlfriend, Ceres?” Her manager asked.
Ceres broke a sweat, then gulped.
“Y...yes…” She squeaked out, almost inaudible.
“I see. I didn’t know we worked you so hard considering you’re PART TIME,” she just about spat in Ceres’ face. Manager or not, that just seemed unnecessary.
Looks like I’m going to have to embarrass myself now.
“Hey!” I snapped, then stepped up to the manager until she backed up into a wall. I raised my right leg up to the wall and planted my foot next to the manager’s head.
“Do you know why they call me ‘Karen Alotte’?” I growled as I asked her. She looked over to my leg in terror.
“Hey,” I snapped my fingers. “Eyes up here. Do you know why?” I asked again.
“B-Because it’s your name?” She took a feeble guess, fear having been struck in her. Just like Ceres, her face turned red as well.
“No. It’s because I be carin’. A lot,” I then pointed behind me. “Now, my girl over there, this job is important to her, and I know that if she loses it, she’s going to be hurt. She’ll cry. That girl means the world to me and if I know that she’s been hurt, there will be hell to pay.”
“I...I see…” She glanced over at my leg. How disgusting. Couldn’t even look me in the eye.
“Let me tell you something: when I first met Ceres, I thought she was a weirdo. I didn’t understand her at all. She’d say things like ‘I want her to step on me’ and ‘wow, she could kill me and I’d thank her’,” as I was about to go on, I was interrupted by Ceres:
“What?! Er...I mean, that’s private stuff!” She was doing her best to play along, I could tell. I ignored her outcry. I wasn’t finished.
“But over time, she grew into an amazing person, someone who was both admirable and admired me as well. Sure, she still says weird things sometimes, but I love her anyway, and I know I’ve said some hurtful things in the past, things like how I didn’t care about her, but how could I not care about her? I mean, she’s…” I looked over to Ceres. She tried to force a smile through clenched teeth. “Well, just look at her!”
“Ahem,” her manager cleared her throat. “I...see your point,” she then turned to her employee, “Ceres!”
Ceres stood up stiff.
“Yes, ma’am?” She shouted, as if she was a cadet in an army.
“I’ll let you off with another warning, just today, but try to separate your love life from work. Got it?”
“Yes,” she hung her head low.
“Good. Get yourself cleaned up and get back out on the floor!”
I waved to Ceres.
“Bye, honey,” I told her in a teasing voice. After that, I walked away. As soon as I stepped out from the coffee shop, I heaved out a huge breath.
“Damn, that was embarrassing. I’m never going to that coffee shop again,” I told myself, then headed back to the apartment. There were a few things I had to retrieve before I could leave town.
For the most part, I didn’t really have anything to take with me. I gave away all the items in the apartment, save for the snuggie. That I wrapped around myself like a cape. I told the landlord that she could go to hell, and as much as I could have bought that apartment complex out, I figured it would be a waste, since I wouldn’t do anything with it, and I was ready to ditch that whole city anyway.
I had to take a few flights, as the next city I visited turned out to be a bust. But someone suggested I try another city, so I went, and at last found what, or rather, who I was looking for.
“Well, well,” she smiled her sinister smile as her head was leaned back against a shack, “look who decided to show up.”
“Hey Wendy,” I waved and already felt like I was going to regret being there. Beside Wendy was a large cup from a fast food restaurant and she took it and sipped through the straw, then set it back down.
“Name’s Ellie Tomiko now,” she informed me with a sly smile that told me she wasn’t all too serious about that change.
“Okay. Whatever. Sure.”
“Oh, poo. You’re no fun,” she seemed disappointed, then offered her drink to me, “want some?”
I took her cup and took a sip, then spit it out.
“What is that crap?!” I exclaimed.
“What? Never had soda before?”
“I know what soda tastes like. That was not it.”
“Okay, so maybe it got flat and then turned warm from sitting out in the sun too long, but it's still good,” she took a sip to demonstrate. Her taste buds must’ve been broken.
“What’s the point of something being warm if I can’t feel it? There wasn’t even any steam.”
“Because not everything warm has steam and not everything’s about you,” she informed me.
“I never said anything was. It just doesn’t make sense to me, is all.”
“So everything warm doesn’t matter if it’s not steamy? What about love?”
That didn’t make sense to me. Leave it to her to impart the philosophical questions, but I just couldn’t wrap my head around how you could assign a temperature to an emotion.
“How do you make love steamy?” I asked her.
“Want me to show you?” She smiled that sly smile once again, and I decided I was better off not knowing.
“Nah. I don’t trust you. I can always look it up online later.”
“Very well. So what can I do for you? By the way, you just missed her.”
I wasn’t sure who she was talking about.
“Who?” I asked.
She ignored the question, just as I figured she would.
“How have you been?” She asked instead.
I shrugged.
“Fine, I guess. I’m still alive.”
“That makes one of you,” she observed. That kind of stung a little. “But good. It’s good to see you.”
“What about you?” I asked, out of courtesy.
“Can’t complain. I’ve got plenty of money now. I took your advice and checked out that diner. Ray’s got me working as an escort now.”
“An escort?”
She nodded.
“Yeah. I help people along, get them to safety.”
“Why does he have you doing that for?”
“You really have no idea what’s going on, do you?” She asked right back instead.
Wrong. I have some idea.
“No. Tell me.”
“Basically, soon after you left, a thick fog filled the air and has remained since. Anyone who passes through it gets injured, and that’s only if they’re lucky. Some wind up dead. There’s no physical force that gives these injuries, but some people report seeing shadows in the fog, and others claim to hear voices, but can’t make out the words. Almost like the work of ghosts.”
This is all my fault. If not for my shortsightedness…
“Anyway, because of the properties of my sword, I’m able to pass through unharmed, even if it is difficult to navigate around. So Ray has me gather anyone I can and either send them to the diner, or send them to the nearest hospital. It hasn’t engulfed all of the arctic, but the fog seems to spread further with each passing day. All flights to and from the area have been canceled, in hopes of minimizing the risk.”
“What are you doing here, then?”
“It’s like an ebb and flow. Sometimes it eases up. Not the fog itself, but the damages. There’s periods where people don’t pass through. It’s still a risk being away, but he says he can afford to keep the place together as long as things don’t get too bad, but when things start to pick up again, the risk, the injuries, all that, I go back.”
“Are they all okay?” I asked.
“They’re still holding up, but it wears at them. I suspect it’s only a matter of time and they’d already be gone by now if not for outside help.”
“Outside help?”
“Yeah. They’ve practically made it into a full on restaurant again, except they don’t charge people. People sleep in the booths and any spare room there is. There’s a waitress and everything.”
Waitress. That brings to mind De...no, shouldn’t jump to conclusions.
“Who’s the waitress?”
She shrugged.
“Dunno. Some kid with white hair. She takes the orders, Tigershark makes the food. Ray and Sunny oversee the whole thing. It’s a mess, but they’re making it work.”
That’s at least somewhat of a relief.
Before I could probe her for any more questions, her phone rang.
Oh, that’s new. She has a phone.
“Well speak of the devil!” Ellie (or Wendy) exclaimed, “how’s it going, Ray? Guess who’s with me right now. R –” Before she could continue, I gestured to her by sliding my finger across my neck and scowling. For added measure, I kicked her in the shin. “– Ow. Rowdy Roger, my good friend Roger.”
She then held the phone away and covered it with her hands.
“What was that for?” She hissed.
“I don’t want him to know I’m here,” I muttered.
She shook her head and put the phone back up to her ear.
“Yeah, I don’t know. I was feeling a bit silly, sorry about that. Oh? That bad, huh? All right, I’ll be on my way. Just keep holding out, okay? Bye.”
She hung up and set the phone down.
“Well, looks like that’s my cue,” she announced.
“How bad is it?” I asked.
“Why? Worried about them?”
I gulped. My head sunk.
She studied me, then spoke again:
“You miss them, don’t you?”
I nodded.
“Well look at you, my little Remora’s grown up. She’s got emotions,” she remarked.
“Hey, don’t tease me,” I pouted. “It’s just...I left and I shouldn’t have and now this…”
“What about Demetria?”
Oh, of course she had to go there.
“Yes. I miss her too.”
She scratched her chin.
“What if you see her again and she’s not the same person you knew when you last saw her?”
“That doesn’t matter. I want to see her again. I want to see everyone again.”
“You know, I’ve seen her recently. She’s gotten stronger. She might even be strong enough to take you on.”
“That doesn’t surprise me.”
Ellie let out a heavy sigh, then looked up.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, which I’m sure you will, but the two of you really piss me off.”
“What? Where is this coming from?” I was taken aback.
“You know where it’s coming from,” she smiled her usual smile, even if I could tell her words were sincere, “you start feeling things you don’t understand and what do you do? You get all worked up and leave. Do you know what you do when you don’t understand something?”
“What?” I asked, even though I didn’t really like the lecture.
“You work on figuring it out! It’s just like if you’re on a mission, you gather all the information you need, you look for a solution.”
“But it’s not a mission,” I corrected.
“It was important to you, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, but…”
“Well if you won’t think about it when it’s important, maybe it would help to think of it as a mission. As for her, she’d go on and tell me how ‘it’s no longer part of my life, so it’s no longer important’ as if that makes any sense at all.”
“It doesn’t?” I asked. “It makes perfect sense to me.”
“Come on. You’re no longer a janitor, but that life affects you, does it not?”
“So don’t you think it’s dumb to be like, ‘well, that didn’t work out, so it no longer matters to me’ when it clearly does. You guys can have your little soap opera if you want, misunderstand to your heart’s desire, but I’d really like to be left out of it. I like you guys, but I’m not here to babysit.”
“Thanks, I think?”
She shook her head.
“No problem. So about this fog situation, what are you going to do about it? We can’t let it keep going on, can we?”
That time, it was my turn to shake my head.
“I’ll gather as much information as I can, then work toward a solution,” I concluded.
“Good. Now, I should start heading out.”
“How are you going to get there?” I asked.
“I’ll figure out a way. What about you?”
As she was about to turn away, I asked her:
“Hey. Can we...be friends?”
She turned around and blinked.
“Friends? Sure.”
“Cool. Can I have your number?”
She smiled and held out the phone.
“This isn’t my phone.”
“Oh,” well, that was a bust.
“What about you?” She asked.
“I don’t have a phone right now. But I’ll get one eventually.”
She gave a light chuckle.
“Well, Remora, I’m sure we’ll see each other soon one way or another. Take care, eh?”
“Yeah,” I smiled. “You too.”
Before we parted ways, she added, “wait right here.” After about a minute, she came out from the shack and handed me a sheet of paper.
“This should give you some leads.”
I folded the paper and placed it into my pocket.
Once we parted ways, I read the note, then began to formulate a plan: first, I would have to dye my hair again. Then, I’d need a boat. In other words, it was time for me to get rid of all my money and do something drastic.
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mermaidcashton · 4 years
dance in the living room, love with an attitude
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authors: claire (@mermaidcashton) & laura (@maluminspace)  ship/AU: michael clifford/ashton irwin, roommates AU  prompt: “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have no idea what I’m doing. I almost never do.”  wordcount: 10k+ warnings: swearing, implied & explicit sexual content  a/n: • written for @maluminspace & @h0tsos ‘s 5sos fic writers collab (in which we all chose from a list of AU’s and had the above prompt quote to include - check out the masterlist linked to see everyone elses!) • i do not give permission for this (or any of my writing) to be reposted, by anyone, on this or any other website. please don’t do it! • title from ‘only human’ by the jonas brothers dance in the living room, love with an attitude *** The music was probably turned up a little too loud, but it helped to drown out the nerves starting to bubble away in Michael’s tummy.  ‘I hope ‘Ashton’ likes MCR’ he thought as he half-heartedly wiped down the kitchen counters with a damp cloth. He wanted the place to look mildly tidier than it usually did for his new flatmate. First impressions counted for a lot, as his mum had told him twice this week already.
Once the splashes of milk from this morning’s mishap with the cereal had been washed away along with the crumbs from last night’s dinner of peanut butter on toast, he stole a quick glance at the clock on the wall over in the living room area. It wasn’t quite midday, which meant he had a little over an hour until his new roommate was due to arrive. That should mean that he just about had enough time to vacuum the whole flat and take a shower.  Throwing the dishcloth into the little cleaning basket on the window ledge, Michael focused on  screaming the lyrics to ‘Thank you for Venom’ and tried not to focus too much on the anxiety about the rest of the day.
Agreeing to live with someone he’d never met in person probably wasn’t the smartest of ideas. It’s not like Michael had been given much choice, though. His last flatmate had given him less than a week’s notice when she decided to move in with her short-term girlfriend and left Michael with a whole bunch of bills that his meagre paycheck could never stretch far enough to cover. Luckily, his best friend Luke had a work colleague who desperately needed a new place to live since his landlord had slapped him with a very short notice period to move out of his current flat. Luke had offered to give this work friend Michael’s contact details and the following morning, Michael had woken up to a text from a guy called Ashton who was very interested in Michael’s recently vacant spare room. 
After explaining the cost of rent and other bills in a few subsequent texts, Michael had received a very grateful reply from Ashton asking if it would be possible to  move in that weekend. Of course the blonde had agreed, eager to get the awkward first meeting out of the way as soon as possible.
Determined to get his most hated chore done before he could start collecting his thoughts and mentally preparing for the arrival of his new flatmate, Michael grabbed the portable hoover from the charging port on the tiny bit of the kitchen wall that was not taken up by the counters and cabinets. He was just about to press the ‘ON’ button when a knock at the door put an abrupt halt to his plans.
Michael huffed as he made his way over to the front door. The only people that had the security code for the entrance of the building were his parents and Luke, neither of which were due to visit today. That left only someone who had the wrong flat, or one other possible visitor; his neighbour, Calum. They’d hang out sometimes, whenever their days off matched up. Their shared interest in certain obscure and rare computer games and a mutual love of sushi and beer made for hours of fun without the chore of actually having to leave the building. Michael had definitely made sure to let Calum know that he was expecting his new flatmate to arrive today, though, so he was a little confused as to why his neighbour would be dropping by now. 
That feeling only intensified when a glance through the spy hole on his front door revealed that Calum was accompanied by a stranger. He opened the door cautiously, still feeling a little bewildered. 
“Hey, mate.” Calum grinned, waving a handful of unopened letters in greeting. “Just found this guy outside with a bunch of boxes. I knew you were expecting your new flatmate today, so I helped bring his stuff up.” His dark brown eyes surveyed Michael with something like confusion from beneath the rim of his seemingly ever-present black bucket hat. 
Michael could only imagine that his neighbour was mirroring his own befuddled expression because Ashton wasn’t due to arrive for another hour. He forced himself to look over at the stranger, whilst his mind worked over what was happening.
It appeared that Calum was right in assuming this was Ashton. He was indeed carrying a large cardboard box labelled ‘bedroom’ that would definitely suggest he was moving house. There were also a bunch of smaller boxes piled against the wall beside the front door which supported that assumption. 
“Do you guys need any more help?” Calum offered, “I’m free if…”
“Nah, it’s fine.” Michael cut in quickly. “We can take it from here, thanks Cal.” The last thing Michael wanted was more people to see the apartment in its current state. 
“No worries.” Calum smiled, “You know where I am if you change your mind.” He turned his attention to his little fluffy dog who had been patiently waiting for his post-walk nap. “C’mon Duke.” 
Once Calum and his little fluff ball had wandered off across the hall towards their own apartment, Michael turned his attention back to Ashton. Three things struck him about his new flatmate in very quick succession;
Ashton was incredibly hot. His curly black hair hung loosely around his handsome face, framing his chiselled cheekbones and clean shaven, angular jaw beautifully. His hazel eyes were striking from behind the horn-rimmed glasses perched neatly on his perfectly ski-slope shaped nose. 
He looked vaguely familiar. Michael knew that he’d seen Ashton’s face somewhere before but it wouldn’t quite click in his brain. Not that it would be entirely surprising if they’d met before, they did share a close friend after-all. It just seemed a little off that Luke hadn’t reminded Michael of the occasion they'd met at before suggesting they live together.
Despite his silence, Ashton looked somewhat annoyed, possibly bordering on angry. That struck Michael as odd. He had been known to piss people off fairly regularly but seeing as he’d barely even spoken to Ashton, this would be an all time record.
“So you must be Ashton…” Michael smiled, awkwardly tucking a strand of his messy blonde hair behind his ear whilst offering his free hand out for his new flatmate to shake. “I’m Michael, or you can call me Mike if you want. Most of my friends do.” Ashton didn’t accept the offer of a handshake, in fact he made no movement whatsoever. He simply glared at Michael with an increasing level of irritation. “Are you kidding me?” 
Michael knew that he was not the prettiest of people. He dressed casually most of the time and due to Ashton’s early appearance, he’d not yet had a chance to shower and make himself a little more presentable. He didn’t think that he quite deserved such a cutting greeting, though. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting you yet, I was just…”
“You don’t even remember me, do you?!” Ashton interrupted, his tone dripping of resentment now. “Fucking unbelievable!”  Michael couldn’t remember ever feeling more confused in his life. Ashton hadn’t mentioned that  they’d previously met in his text messages so why would he be so angry that Michael hadn’t immediately recognised him now? 
The newcomer’s harsh tone had caught Calum’s attention, causing the neighbour to pause in sorting through his mail and stare unashamedly at the scene unfolding across the hall.
“This could only fucking happen to me…” Ashton huffed, adjusting his grip on the box in his arms. “I get turfed out of my flat because my landlord suddenly decides he wants it for his daughter and just when I think I’ve landed on my feet with a new place, my new fucking flatmate turns out to be a one night stand who doesn’t even remember me! Talk about kicking a guy when he’s down!”
Michael barely registered Calum’s audible gasp as realisation crashed around him. Suddenly the memory of the beautiful man that had swept Michael off his feet at a bar a few months back replayed in his head like a movie he’d seen once but hadn’t been able to remember the title of. He’d only known the guy as Ash and he’d assumed it was short for Ashley. Despite the fact that Ash’s hair had been a sexy shade of crimson, styled in a neat quiff and he hadn’t been wearing glasses, it was definitely the same guy that was standing in front of him right now. 
“Ash…” the word escaped Michael almost of it’s own volition. “But I thought that was short for… oh my god, this can’t be happening.” He cupped his own face in his hands as the reality of the awkward situation began to settle into the very fibre of his being.
“Wow, you can’t make this shit up.” Calum gasped, an almost delighted smile on his face. “What’re you guys gonna do?” 
Despite Calum’s annoying rubbernecking, it gave Michael the perfect excuse to look away from Ashton for a second. “Well I’m gonna throw something at you, if you don’t get lost right now, Calum.” He hissed. 
“He’s not the one coming across like a shithead right now.” Ashton scoffed, setting the box in his arms onto the floor. “Being a nosey neighbour still makes you a hell of a better person than the guy that flatters their way into your bed and gives you amazing sex but then gives you a fake number!”
“That’s right.” Calum agreed. “People that do that are the worst. At least have the balls to tell the other person you’re not looking for anything long term before you disappear the next day.”
“Calum, I swear to god…” Michael hissed. 
Ashton shook his head angrily. “He’s right, if you never wanted to see me again, you could have just said. I wouldn’t have wasted some of my best moves on you.” 
“Oh, what were the moves?” Calum smirked, prying his way further into the conversation. 
His neighbour’s blatant disregard for the seriousness of the situation was annoying to say the least. It was also the last thing Michael needed to deal with right now. “Piss off, Calum!”, he snapped. 
Duke yapped disapprovingly at Michael, his tiny eyes focused on the blonde man as his human’s smirk grew even further across his face.
“Oh, you can shut up as well!” Michael snapped at the tiny pooch. “Now you’re yelling at a dog.” Ashton rolled his eyes. “Maybe it’s a good thing you blew me off, looks like I had a lucky escape from dating an arsehole!”  Michael really couldn’t envisage the situation getting any worse. At this rate he was going to be searching for another roommate instead of enjoying a pleasant lunch with this one, like he’d hoped. 
“I didn’t give you a fake number!” Michael protested. “I swear, I’m not like that, and I really liked you! I broke my phone, the same weekend we...met.” He felt his cheeks begin to colour, trying his hardest to ignore Calum’s snort as he focused on Ashton’s disbelieving face.
“It took me two weeks to sort out a new one, I had a little pay as you go in between, I had a different number, and I-you did call, then?” Michael paused his blurted explanations to blurt out a question, instead. He had been wondering every time it was late and he was alone for 6 months whether or not he’d missed a call from the best one night stand of his life. 
“Of course I did!” Ashton threw his hands up in exasperation, startling Duke and sending him scuttling back into the still-open doorway of the opposite flat. “I thought we had a connection, we said we wanted to see each other again; that doesn’t happen that often for me! Maybe it does for you…”
“Oh, it definitely doesn’t.” Calum smirked. “The only man who comes to see Michael regularly is the Domino’s delivery guy.” 
Before Michael could blow up at him, Calum backed up properly into his flat, resting his hand on his front door. “It’s a shame, actually,” he continued, smiling encouragingly at his neighbour. “Michael is really a great guy. He always has time for me and Duke; whether it’s for beers, a listening ear, or belly rubs.” 
He throws a wink to Ashton as he shuts his front door with a click. “I’ll leave you to figure out which one is for me. Welcome to the building!” 
Michael knows he needs to gain control of the slightly-stunned silence left in Calum’s wake, fast. He needs to say something apologetic, or charming, or cool. “Do you like fish fingers?” Or that. 
Ashton blinked a few times in quick succession, and Michael wanted to throw himself down the stairs. 
“Do I like fish fingers?” Ashton repeated, pushing his long black hair back with both hands.
Michael flushed again, at least thankful for the fact that he no longer had an audience for the most embarrassing encounter of his life. “It’s just, I thought we could have lunch, and talk, and I’m not really much of a cook, but I have fish fingers, right, and everyone likes fish finger sandwiches...don’t they…” He trailed off, hoping Luke perhaps had another co-worker who needed immediate accommodation. 
Ashton fixed him with the most intense stare he’d ever received in a conversation about freezer food, and Michael tried to match his unrelenting gaze in a way that would make him look less like he wanted to cry. Ashton’s eyes really were beautiful, seeming almost magnified by his glasses. He looked thoughtful and sad now, rather than judgmental and angry, and Michael would take that.
“I do.” Ashton decided on, after what felt like an eternity. He stooped down to pick up his box again, muscles tensing, and Michael’s mind began to wander. 
He remembered Ashton’s arms looking just like that as he lifted him up for the last few feet of the journey to the redhead-at-the-time’s bed. Michael could almost feel his fingers digging into the bare skin of his thighs all over again. The memories of slow, wet, considered neck kisses being broken with teeth, and the delicious burn that started low and spread like wildfire as Ashton stretched him out like he was born to do it.
“Michael? After you?”  Michael snapped out of his daze, dragging his eyes away from Ashton’s lips where they had landed at some point in his reminiscing. He stepped back so Ashton could enter the flat and set the box down by the sofa. “Yeah, great, come in, make yourself at home, I’ll get the rest of your boxes!”   As soon as he was outside in the corridor, Michael let out a breath he hadn’t realised he was holding. ‘Okay, Clifford - you need to snap out of it. Relax and smooth things over so you two can live together.’ He told himself, as sternly as he could manage. ‘We need a roommate more than we need to get laid.’
‘That’s debatable.’ Another voice - which sounded more like Calum than himself - chimed in before Michael shook it off and picked up the stack of cardboard boxes cluttering up the corridor.
‘Okay, you can do this. Damage control. Just be normal. Go in and face this head on. You can do this.’ Michael murmured, running his tongue over his bitten lips as he took his first steps back to where Ashton was waiting.
He hip-checked the front door closed as he re-entered the flat, placing the boxes next to one Ashton had carried in, before straightening up to see Ashton sat on the sofa, looking both nervous and delicious. 
“I…” Michael faltered under Ashton’s almost shy gaze, then caught sight of a slice of Ashton’s firm, hairy stomach from where his t-shirt was riding up slightly.
“I just need to go to the bathroom. Then we can...talk, and eat. Okay?” Michael forced what he hoped was a casual, winning smile, and then scuttled across to the bathroom the moment Ashton made a noise of agreement and nodded his head.
Michael clicked the lock shut and put the toilet lid down as he pulled his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants. He began tapping away with urgency as he took a seat on the toilet, pulling up his message thread with his best friend.
SOS!!!! 🚨
Where are you
With each message he sent, Michael could feel his panic beginning to swell back up in his chest. Finally, three dots began moving across the message to indicate Luke was writing. Help was on the way.
🥺🥺🥺 What’s up
Michael felt what he knew was an unjustified rage at Luke and his fucking emojis as he furiously typed a reply.
Oh nothing, I just had sex with my new roomate!!!
Michael jumped when his phone immediately started vibrating relentlessly, sliding his finger across the screen and holding it gingerly to his ear. 
“Hello?” He whispered into the receiver. 
“WHAT!!! What do you mean you’ve slept with him?! Ashton was due there at 12, and it’s now...12 minutes past 12! That’s INSANE, even for you! I cannot believe-”
“Luke!” Michael hissed through clenched teeth, turning on the cold tap on the sink before he spoke again. “Not today, idiot! Remember, months ago, when I broke my phone? That weekend, I hooked up with that guy I met at The Alchemist? Red hair, big arms, amazing mouth-”
“Yes, I remember! What’s that got to do with it?” Luke cut in. 
“It was Ashton. I only knew him as Ash, remember? And obviously I never saw him again because I had no way to contact him after I broke my phone. But it’s him, Luke - he’s in my living room! In OUR living room! What am I gonna do?! I am freaking out!”
“Oh my God! You’ve really outdone yourself this time, Mike! You’ve had your new roommates dick in your mouth before he even moved in! Classic you.”
Michael could practically hear Luke’s eyeroll. “This is not classic me! Dick! Help me, Luke!”
“What do you want me to do, I can’t unfuck him for you!” Luke shot back. Michael let out an involuntary whimper and slumped further down on the toilet. He was so screwed.  
Michael emerged from the bathroom, Luke’s advice ringing in his ears as he approached Ashton on the sofa.  ‘He’s a really nice guy, Mike; just talk to him. Explain what happened after you hooked up, and say you hope you can put it behind you and be friends. I think he’ll be cool, honestly. Just try not to trip and land on his dick and you should be golden.’ 
He took one last deep breath as he sat down on the black leather beside his one-time lover.
“So, Ashton...I...listen, I’m sorry that I broke my phone and made you think I’d ghosted you. I’m just an idiot that dropped his phone outside Sainsbury’s. And I’m really sorry I didn’t recognise you straight away, I was just expecting someone I hadn’t, and your hair, and glasses, and-” Michael could feel himself starting to babble but he couldn’t stop himself; he was so desperate for Ashton to like him. He was trying not to think about why it was this important to him. 
Ashton held his hand up to stop him with a small smile. “Michael, it’s okay.”  
Michael stopped short in his unravelling with a look of surprise. “It is?”
Ashton’s smile grew wider. “Yeah. I was just a bit blindsided, and I was hurt at the time back then, you know? But you explained, you apologised, and you seem like a nice guy. Luke sure can’t talk you up enough, and I trust him. I have no reason not to believe this is gonna be all good.” 
Michael blinked, unsure if this was too good to be true. “Yeah? So...we’re good? You’re gonna...stay?”
Ashton relaxed back into his seat, toeing his shoes off and under the coffee table. “If that’s okay with you, yeah. We’re both grown ups; we can keep it platonic and put the past behind us, right? Friends?”
Michael nodded, trying to hide the gulp in his throat. “Yeah, of course. Right. Great. Friends.” He could definitely do this.
He could definitely not do this. 
It’d been a long one month, two weeks and three days of trying to convince himself that he didn’t want to be anything more than Ashton’s friend and roommate. 
Some days, Michael thought it was possible to put those lingering feelings away and focus on their blossoming platonic relationship. After all, Ashton was everything most people could ever want in a flatmate. He was tidy, considerate, fairly quiet and respectful of personal boundaries. The slightly older man was also great company. Michael has had many pleasant conversations with him over breakfast and in the evenings before they went to bed. 
As lovely as all of that was, Michael had started questioning if it was worth the growing ache in chest for more. Each new thing he learnt about Ashton made him more sure that he was probably the closest thing to the perfect man that Michael would ever know. It was a cruel twist of fate that had meant his one opportunity to have Ashton for himself had slipped through his fingers, quite literally. He cursed himself on a daily basis for that one clumsy moment when he’d fumbled pulling his old phone from his too-tight jeans outside the supermarket and had been forced to watch his only chance with Ashton sink into a muddy puddle. 
Whatever higher powers existed had been even less kind to have that strong, gorgeous, well-hung man turn up on Michael’s doorstep months later, as his only hope of being able to keep the flat he’d grown to love. 
Every day since then, seemed to have presented a new challenge or torture. First it was the tight t-shirts and vests Ashton wore more often than not. They accentuated every muscle of the raven-haired man’s torso and displayed his strong biceps in all their glory. 
Then came the sleepy morning routine they’d subconsciously fallen into. Ashton would emerge from his room in nothing but his loose grey sweats and crooked glasses, his hair ruffled and his eyes heavily lidded, before joining Michael for a hasty breakfast which usually consisted of cereal or toast and mug of strong coffee. It was during these sluggish mornings when they’d started to bond over their mutual love of crime dramas and fantasy movies, among other things. That had naturally led to evening-long Criminal Minds marathons whole weekends debating whether the Lord of the Rings movies or the Harry Potter movies were the better adaptations of their original books. Those playful arguments had spilled over into text messages now, so Michael couldn’t even escape his torturous living situation when he went to work. 
Despite all of that hardship, the most latest and arguably the toughest challenge Michael found himself facing, was Ashton’s morning yoga. At first, the older man had kept that part of his morning routine confined to his bedroom. For some reason or another, over the last week or so, Ashton had decided that the living area was a more suitable location for this activity. 
If Michael thought that sleepy, shirtless morning Ashton was hot, then sleepy, shirtless morning Ashton doing the ‘downward dog’ was positively off the fucking scale. The way his large hands pressed into the yoga mat and the way his strong arms and legs tensed as he straightened his back and pushed his arse up into the air lingered in Michael’s mind all day. These images often flickered through his mind at night too, when he was alone in his bed with nothing but his hand for company. 
Deciding that a little get together with some friends would help dispel some of the tension, Michael floats the idea of asking Calum and Luke over for a ‘lads night’. Ashton had agreed easily, being a generally social person, he’d seemed enthusiastic about the possibility of hosting a mini party. 
A group message is created and it doesn’t take long to settle on the following Friday night for beer, snacks and a FIFA tournament. 
Ashton seemed to have been looking forward to it, often mentioning how excited he was to get to know Calum better and asking Michael to help him decide between certain snacks to purchase for the occasion. 
All in all, Michael was proud of himself for the idea, focusing on hosting a couple of friends had certainly given both him and Ashton something new to focus on. 
It was only when Friday arrived that Michael started to doubt his plan. Watching Ashton arrange plates of snacks on the kitchen counter, with the cutest concentration face he’d ever seen, started to make Michael wish they were spending the evening alone instead. He quickly pushes the thought of his head, berating himself for thinking something so stupid. It’s not like anything could happen between them even if they were alone, they were roommates now, that’s where their relationship ends. 
“So....” Ashton broke the silence enveloping the flat as he finished pouring a bag of cheesy Doritos into a bowl. “Did you finally solve the mystery of who was stealing people’s shit from your fridge at work?” 
Michael was caught off guard by the question. He’d been watching Ashton so intently that he momentarily forgot about everything else. It took him a moment to remember that he’d been keeping Ashton up to date with the ongoing lunch burglar drama at the DIY store he worked at. “Oh, umm no, not yet! But Brenda finally told Linda to stick her fake friendship where the sun doesn’t shine.” 
A genuinely delighted smile burst into Ashton’s face as he headed into the living room area. “Good for her! Linda sounds like a bitch…” 
It really meant a lot to Michael that Ashton took such an interest in his work life. The fact that he cared so much about people he didn’t know, but was aware they meant a lot to Michael, was also heartwarming. 
Before Michael could go into more detail about the break time drama, a knock at the front door interrupted him. “Oh yay! Our first guest!” Ashton beamed, jogging off towards the front door to greet Calum.
As soon as the beer and wine had started flowing, Michael’s ever-present pining for Ashton dulled to an almost non existent haze at the edges of his mind. Sure, his knees felt weak every time Ashton flashes him that dopey smile of his and he might have blushed whenever their knees touched as they competed against each other in a thrilling game of virtual soccer. 
That was all better than his usual all-consuming lust, so Michael was somewhat proud of himself. He even managed to surprise the urge to let Ashton win their game, and was almost smug when his player sent the football flying past Ashton’s keeper to secure a 2-1 win. 
“Motherfucker!” Ashton grumbled, throwing his control pad into the sofa as he fixed Michael with look that was almost definitely the hottest gaze he’d ever been caught under. “I’m gonna get you for that, Clifford.” It sounded like a promise that held more weight than the simple challenge to a rematch it was probably meant to be. 
Michael had to fight back a whimper, staring into Ashton’s beautiful hazel eyes this closely was too much. The intensity of it all rendered him momentarily speechless and he was all-too glad when Ashton got to his feet and headed for the kitchen. 
“I need to drown my sorrows.” The black-haired man laughed, breaking the tension that had descended on them before heading off to the kitchen. Ignoring the knowing looks from his two friends, Michael picked up Ashton’s discarded controller and tossed it to Luke. “Your turn to face me, Hemmings. Let’s see if I can beat my all time record of beating you 6-1” 
“Fuck off! You have never beat me that badly.” Luke huffed, picking up the control pad that had just landed in his lap. “I’m gonna enjoy kicking your ass in front of your new boy-“
“Shit, we’re out of beers already!” Ashton’s interruption came at exactly the right moment in Michael’s opinion. He really hadn’t wanted Luke to finish that sentence and now he wouldn’t get the chance. 
“I’ll go to the shop for some more, does anyone have specific requests?” The eldest friend asked as he traipsed back into the living room area. 
“Oh you don’t have to go!” Michael shrugged, “you should stay here, we’ll send Luke instead, he sucks at this game anyway.” 
Luke scoffed, waving his hand defensively. “You’re not getting out of playing me that easily!” 
Ashton laughed, his eyes sparkling as he checked that his wallet was still in his jeans pocket. “It’s fine. I’m already out of the competition and I wouldn’t want to give anyone else an unfair advantage.” 
Maybe it was just the effects of the beers he’d already drank, but Michael could have sworn that Ashton’s gaze lingered on him a little longer than it probably should have. “You’re too nice.” The blonde beamed fondly, “I’ll transfer you my half of the money in the morning, unless you wanna take a tenner from my room?” 
“Oh is that an open invitation?” Calum asked, a lazy smile curling the corners of his lips. “You owe me at least that from when we bet on whether or not Luke could drink that tzatziki sauce last time.” 
“Fuck off, Calum! I don’t owe you a penny, I won that bet, Luke’s a fucking wuss…” 
“Hey! I am not!” Luke interrupted incredulously. 
“Okay, I need to hear that whole story when I get back!” Ashton giggled. “I’ll just grab a case of whatever beer is the cheapest though, yeah.” 
There was a general murder of agreement before Ashton headed out of the front door. Michael fond him watching until Ashton had disappeared into the hallway, swinging the front door closed behind him. “He’s so nice…” The blonde sighed dreamily, still gazing at the closed front door. “Don’t you think he’s just the best?” 
Calum and Luke exchanged a ‘is he for real’ glance before silently agreeing that this was the perfect opportunity to tease Michael about his blatant love for Ashton. 
“Yeah, he’s pretty special.” Calum agreed, smirking slyly. “You really can’t sing his praises highly enough, can you?” 
Shaking his head, Michael finally returned his attention to the TV. “You really can’t, he’s just so kind and sweet.” 
Calum nodded in agreement. “Not bad to look at either!” 
“Right?!” Michael giggled, oblivious to the fact that his tipsiness was making his lips too loose.  
“Hey Mike.” Luke cut in, reaching over to nudge his friend’s shoulder. “How’s being in love with your flatmate working out for you?” His conversational tone was entirely at odds with mischief in his eyes. It confused Michael but the youngest friend’s words were altogether too bold, a blatant overstep if ever there was one. 
Despite his inner rage at being called out like this, Michael fumbled, unable to cobble together an appropriate response. “Ugh, I don’t even… You’re so far-“ 
“There’s no point denying it anymore.” Calum chuckled, “I can feel the sexual tension between you two from across the hall!” 
“God, I bet it’s like watching a car crash, isn’t it?” Luke asked, picking up the bowl of M&M’s on the coffee table. “It’s horrific but you can’t tear your eyes away? Am I right?” 
Calum nodded. “It’s like watching a bad fucking soap opera.” 
Michael felt offended and embarrassed but still no words seemed to form coherently in his mouth. 
“At least it’s a bit less tragic now we can be sure it’s not entirely one sided!” Luke stage whispered with a calculating look on his face as he met Calum’s gaze.
“Yeah, it’s mildly less irritating!” Calum laughed. 
“Wait, what do you mean?” Michael sputtered. “Ash and I agreed that our one night stand is ancient history, we’re not-“ 
“Oh puh-lease!” Calum scoffed. “If you two haven’t fucked again by the end of this month I’ll eat my bucket hat.”
Ashton had returned with a case of twenty four bottles of beer and as a result, lad’s night had ended up running into the early hours of Saturday morning. 
Having drank his way through more than his fair share of that case, Michael didn’t end up rising from his pit until noon had long since been and gone. 
“Ah you are still alive!” Ashton chuckled, tearing his attention away from the TV to look at his flatmate. 
This was definitely not fucking fair. Michael didn’t need to look in a mirror to know that he looked exactly as he felt - rough as all hell. Ashton on the other hand, still looked as dreamy as ever. His black curls, although slightly ruffled and fluffy, were still on the stylish side of messy and he’d somehow found the motivation to get dressed, too, something Michael wasn’t even contemplating.
 “I’m glad you’re up now, though, I wondered if you had anything planned for dinner?” Ashton asked, peering at Michael from behind his horn-rimmed glasses. 
The thought of food made Michael’s stomach lurch unpleasantly and he had to fight to hold back a wretch. 
Ashton gives a sympathetic giggle before pausing his show and rising to his feet. “I’ll take that as a no. Don’t worry, buddy. I have a plan but first…” he jogged over to the kitchen and flicked on the kettle. “Why don't you go and take a shower while I make you a tea? You’ll feel better after that and then we will talk dinner!” 
As Michael plods over to the bathroom, he shoots one last look over at Ashton, busily preparing mugs on the countertop and tries his absolute hardest to remember a time that he wasn’t in love with his flatmate.
As always, Ashton was proven to be 100% correct. 
Michael felt a million times better once he was showered and snuggled on the sofa with a mug of steaming tea. 
“You look a little more alive now.” Ashton smirked, sparing Michael a sideways glance before returning his attention to ‘Law and Order’. “Do you think you can handle talking about dinner yet?” 
The ache in Michael’s stomach felt a lot more like hunger than it had done when he first woke up and the thought of food didn’t make him feel like throwing up anymore so he nodded. “What’re your plans, chef?” 
Ashton’s cheeks turned a rosy pink as he shrugged. “I couldn’t bear to see you try to cobble together another freezer meal so I thought you might like me to teach you a simple pasta dish?” He suggested, his tone a little shy like he was worried what Michael’s reaction would be. “I’ll do most of the work, but I thought if you helped out, you’ll learn how to make something other than Super Noodles.” 
Michael couldn’t even be mad at the subtle dig at his cooking skills. He was terrible in the kitchen and it was just a little embarrassing that Ashton had noticed just how dyer his cooking skills were. “When you say simple, do you mean like a recipe and technique you can write on the back of a postage stamp because that’s about the level of my skill.” 
Rolling his eyes, Ashton casually threw his arm around Michael’s shoulders. “Don't be so hard in yourself, buddy! I once taught Luke how to make scrambled eggs on the stove so he didn’t have to be a savage and use the microwave anymore, so there’s definitely hole for you, I promise.” 
Michael tried to focus on the hat Ashton was saying but all that his slow, hungover brain could process was that he was pressed against his stupidly gorgeous flat mate’s side. The heady smell of Ashton’s minty body wash and the soft scent of his fabric conditioner felt intoxicating and Michael could do nothing besides allow his head to drop into Ashton’s shoulder. 
To the blonde’s surprise, Ashton shuffle away or call him out on it. He simply rests his own head on Michael’s and laughs. “We’ll make a chef of you yet, Clifford.” He promised.
They spent a good three hours, watching reruns of C.S.I and making plans to start a Marvel movie marathon after dinner. They sat close to each other the whole time and Michael noticed Ashton watching him from the corner of his eye on at least three separate occasions. 
By the time Ashton suggested they start making dinner, Michael had gone over his conversation with Calum and Luke the previous night, about sixty times. His two best friends had convinced him that Ashton wanted Michael just as much as Michael wanted Ashton. 
“The way he looks at you, dude.” Calum laughed. “He’s practically imagining you naked at any given moment. It’s getting uncomfortable.” 
“Don’t be stupid!” Michael reprimanded. “He doesn’t think of me like that anymore. We had a one night thing months ago. That’s it. Nothing else will ever happen between us again, we’re just flatmates.” 
Calum and Luke exchanged a sceptical glance before bursting into laughter. 
“Yeah right!” Luke huffed sarcastically. “Do you know how many times I hear your name come out of his mouth at work these days?” 
Michael’s cheeks reddened. He had no idea that Ashton talked about him at work. It felt kind of surreal to imagine his roommate relaying snippets of their home life to Luke. 
“Let me guess!” Calum interrupted. “About a thousand…” 
Nodding, Luke drained the last of his beer. “Yeah and that’s just before lunch!”
“Honestly, if they don’t bang soon I’m gonna knock their heads together.” Calum sighed. “Did you know Michael comes over to my place most mornings so he doesn’t have to watch Ashton do topless yoga?” He asked Luke disbelievingly. “I want my lie-in’s back!” 
At the time, Michael hadn’t believed his friends. He didn’t think that there was even a remote possibility that Ashton still carried a torch for him. But in the clear light of day, Michael couldn’t deny that all the signs were there… perhaps there could be more between them after all. 
He followed Ashton into the kitchen, rolling up the sleeves of his grey oversized sweater, trying to clear his mind enough to be able to process learning a new skill. 
“Okay, this is like the simplest recipe I know but it’s delicious and tastes so much better than the freezer junk you usually make for yourself.” Ashton rambles as he grabs a saucepan and a frying pan from the shelf near the cooker.  
“Hey, freezer junk has been my lifeline on many occasions, I’d probably be dead without it.” Michael scoffed, only half joking. 
Ashton rolled his eyes fondly, handing Michael the saucepan. “Fill this with water for me and then put it on the back hob, while it’s boiling I’ll teach you how to make the sauce.” 
As Michael carried out his instructions, he couldn’t help but admire the concentration on Ashton’s face when he began rifling through the fridge and cupboard, pulling out various ingredients. 
Once the pan of water was safely on the job Ashton had indicated, Michael returned his full attention to the slightly older man.
“Right, the first thing we do for the sauce is put 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil into this cold pan.” Ashton explained, pushing his glasses up his nose a little, reminding Michael of a hot English teacher or something… fuck, it was already difficult enough for Michael to concentrate without random fantasies about Ashton fucking him over a desk running through his mind. “Usually I’d never add oil to a cold pan, but for this particular recipe, it works because if the pan was already hot, the first ingredients would burn before the rest was in there.” 
There was something about the way Ashton talked with such passion and confidence that made Michael wish he was confident enough to just drag him to the bedroom, his need for more from Ashton becoming unbearable. He forced himself to nod, pretending like he understood when really, Ashton could be telling him absolutely anything right now, and Michael would not know the difference because all he can think about is the way Ashton had groaned at the feeling of Michael’s nails running down his back and how he’d growled Michael’s name as he neared his climax. 
“Can you pass me the basil?” Ashton asked, pulling Michael out of his memory. 
The blonde surveyed the ingredients on the countertop. Luckily he recognised most of them, so he picked up the basil by process of elimination and handed it to Ashton like a dutiful sous chef. 
Ashton looked mildly impressed as he took the bag of basil and took out handful. “We want about ten or so decent sized leaves and we tear them in half before adding them to the oil, okay?” He waited for Michael’s nod of understanding before tearing the leaves in his hand and dropping them into the pan. 
“Then we need to chop 6-8 cloves of garlic directly into the pan.” Michael looked back at the little stack of ingredients and frowned, noticing an instant problem. “We only have one clove of garlic…” he pointed out, biting his bottom lip worriedly. 
Ashton burst out laughing as he picked the garlic up from the counter. “This is a whole bulb, babe…” he explained, apparently not even noticing his use of the supposedly accidental pet name. 
It was difficult for Michael to feel too offended by Ashton’s laughter when he’d just called him babe, though, so he let it go, focusing on the term of endearment, no matter how accidental it might have been, rather than the humour at his dumb mistake. 
“It’s the smaller, wedge shaped pieces that are cloves, please don’t mix that up if you make this without my help.” Ashton chuckled, breaking six cloves from the bulb and picking up a tiny knife he’d laid out next to the oven. 
“Don’t laugh at me!” Michael pouted. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have no idea what I’m doing. I almost never do.” 
Ashton gave him a fond smile. “You’re not alone in that, I promise…” 
It was hard not to feel comforted by Ashton’s lopsided smile, so most of his embarrassment slipped away fairly quickly. 
“I just chop off the little hard parts at the bottom of each clove and peel the skin off before chopping it directly into the pan. Don’t chop it on a board or you’ll lose some of the flavour.” Ashton explained carefully. 
Michael watched with interest as Ashton demonstrated his technique with the first two cloves. He handed the third to Michael along with the knife and gestures for him to add it to the pan. 
It took him probably three times longer to chop that one clove into the pan, than it took Ashton to do the first two, but he was encouraging and patient. The older man praised Michael for completing the tiny task, seeming genuinely impressed.
Once all six cloves of garlic had been added to the pan, Ashton turned on the hob into a medium heat. “Okay, so we stir this together for about five minutes. Can you do that while I open the tin of tomatoes?” 
Michael nodded, picking up the wooden spoon from the counter and storing the simmering ingredients together. It already kinda smelt like his favourite Italian restaurant and his tummy grumbled impatiently. 
“One thing I should specify is, you need to use tins of whole tomatoes, not chopped.” Ashton explained as he poured the first tin of tomatoes into the sizzling pan. “Can you pour in the second one?” 
Michael did as he was told and watched as Ashton squished the whole tomatoes down and stored them into the red eat of the ingredients. 
“Mmm it smells so good.” Michael sighed, breathing in the delicious smells. 
Ashton looked proud of himself as he offered a smile. “Can you take over the stirring while I add the salt?” 
Michael took the spoon from Ashton, ensuring that their fingers brushed. 
There was a moment of eye contact and a silent shifting of tension between the two of them. If ever there was a time to bite the bullet and kiss Ashton, now would be it. His nerves failed him though and he dropped his gaze to the simmering pan. 
Instead of moving around Michael to pick up the salt as he’d done for the tomatoes, Ashton simply reached past the blonde, pushing him against the counter momentarily before he pulled back to add the salt to the pan. 
If Michael had been fully alert, he’d have recognised that for the flirtatious move it was meant to be, as it was, he put it down to a simple lack of judgement on Ashton’s part and continued to concentrate on stirring the sauce.
The tomato pasta tasted as good as it had smelt. It turned out to be exactly what Michael’s hungover body had needed. 
He and Ashton had eaten it at their little table in the kitchen. Conversation had flowed freely as always, skirting around flirtatious at times but never quite enough for Michael to pluck up the courage to take things further. 
“The only thing that would have made that better would have been a nice glass of white wine, but I thought you were still a bit too delicate for that.” Ashton giggled as he picked up the empty plates from the table and carried them over to the kitchen sink. 
“Hey, you drank as much as I did!” Michael pouted, picking up the empty glasses and following Ashton to the sink. “How’re you not hungover.” 
Ashton chuckled as he ran the water into the washing up bowl. “You’re just a lightweight, Mikey.” 
It wasn’t the first time Michael had been called that so it didn’t take him by surprise. He laughed it off as he grabbed a tea cloth ready to dry the dishes that Ashton washed. “One day you’ll stop teasing me, Irwin.” 
Ashton shook his head. “Don’t count on it, babe… you’re too easy to make fun of, that’s not my fault.” 
There it was again, that little slip, a fond nickname that roommates probably shouldn’t have for one another. 
Quickly pulling himself together, Michael nudged his flatmate in the arm, just hard enough to pull a surprised “oof” from him. 
“Careful now.” Ashton warned jokingly. “You don’t want to start a scuffle you can’t finish, Clifford.” 
Michael threw caution to the wind and nudged Ashton again, deliberately keeping his gaze on the plate he was drying. 
“That’s it!” Ashton huffed, scooping up a handful of bubbles and swiping them across Michael’s face. 
The blonde spluttered and shook his damp fringe out of his face before fixing Ashton with a glare. A few acts of retaliation flashed through his mind. He could have whipped Ashton with the tea cloth or splashed him with dishwater but none of that happened. 
There was something about the way Ashton’s eyes were sparkling, almost like he was daring Michael to do the thing he’d been too scared to do this whole time. He refused to let another opportunity pass like before when they were making the pasta sauce. Michael tried not to overthink as he stepped forward and cupped Ashton’s face with one hand before leaning in and kissing him. 
The raven-haired man’s lips felt every bit as soft as they had done on that night seven months ago. Ashton didn’t kiss back with the same hunger and desperation that he had done back then, though. 
Michael stepped back, feeling his cheeks heat up in an embarrassed blush. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, Ash…” 
Ashton bit his bottom lip between his teeth as he stared at Michael intently. “No…” He said, finally breaking his silence. “You just shouldn’t have waited so long.” 
The older man’s words had barely penetrated Michael’s brain before he was being  pressed against the counter behind him. Ashton’s lips were on his again but this time they were working just like they had been that night at Ashton’s old place. 
The intense kiss pulled a whine from Michael and he automatically wrapped his arms around the older man’s neck. 
It started as a fairly simple kiss but it quickly began to build momentum. It was the crack in the dam holding back all of their emotions for all this time. 
“Ashton…” Michael gasped as they pulled apart for air. “I know we said we should just be friends but…” 
“Fuck being just friends.” Ashton mumbled as he worked kisses down Michael's neck. “I can’t pretend anymore.” 
Those words were all Michael needed to hear in order to relax into this. “I can’t tell you how bad I’ve wanted this.” He whispered. 
Ashton slipped one of his thighs between Michael’s as he nipped at the blonde’s neck. “I think I have some idea.” He groaned. “I never stopped thinking of the way you moaned my name that night, Michael.” The older man confessed, pulling back just enough to look Michael in the eye. “Wanted it again since the moment I walked in here.” 
The way Ashton was looking at him like he wanted to devour every inch of Michael, had the blonde melting. “Me too.” He crashed his lips against Ashton’s in another desperate kiss as he subconsciously rutted against the older man’s thigh. After the months Michael had spent feeling kind of lonely and touch-starved, the tiny amount of friction was enough to have him whimpering against Ashton’s lips. 
“Uh, you sound and taste even better than I remember.” Ashton muttered, pressing his thigh harder against Michael’s crotch to pull another little gasp from him. 
“Ashton! Fuck, please, I…” Michael’s head tipped back as he lost his fight to regain any sort of control over his own body. He was in Ashton’s control now, and Ashton knew it.  
“Come on…” Ashton coaxed, stepping back from Michael as he took both of his hands in his to pull him away from the kitchen counter. Michael whined high in his throat as he easily followed where Ashton led. 
Michael had hardly been into Ashton’s bedroom since he had helped him move some furniture the day he moved in; it had almost felt too intimate to go into Ashton’s personal space given the history between them. Seeing it now, cozy and dark with slithers of light coming through the window from the lamp posts outside, gave Michael a chill; it felt like Ashton was sharing a secret with him.
He followed Ashton’s lead dutifully all the way to the bed, accepting the deep kiss Ashton offered him as a reward, before the older man peeled his oversized sweater from his torso, breaking away to pull it over Michael’s head. Michael wanted more contact, but was disappointed when Ashton gently but decisively laid him down among the crisp sheets, instead. 
Ashton pulled his own t-shirt over his head in one fluid motion and flicked the lamp on his bedside table on, bathing the bed in a warm glow that made Michael feel like he was in a dream. 
Michael gazed in wonder at Ashton as he climbed into bed beside him, letting his eyes travel all over his arms and chest, taking in the extra tone and definition in his body since the last time he’d been able to stare at him like this; clearly, the yoga was doing more than just allowing Ashton to ‘find his centre’. 
He didn’t think he was anything special to look at, but he could see Ashton mirroring his own actions, eyes full of lust searching all over the parts of Michael’s body he could see, and even his gaze lingering on a part he couldn’t.
 “Ash,” Michael breathed out, surprising himself with how far gone he sounded already. “Take ‘em off, I wanna…” He trailed off as Ashton’s eyes snapped up to meet his own, holding eye contact for only a moment before he nodded almost imperceptibly, shuffling down the bed and taking hold of the waistband of Michael’s sweatpants. He returned his gaze to the pale man before him, biting his own lip as he allowed his fingertips to graze the skin of Michael’s hips. “These too?” Ashton questioned in a low voice as he brushed the fabric of Michael’s underwear.    
“Oh God, yeah”, Michael answered, squirming slightly from the infuriatingly gentle feel of Ashton’s touch. Ashton didn’t need to be told twice. Michael shivered with the feeling of being suddenly completely exposed as his sweatpants and underwear hit the carpet. Michael looked up at Ashton through his lashes, braced up on his knees in his black, ripped jeans. “You’d better be planning on losing those in the next second, Irwin.”
Ashton smirked as he undid his jeans. “And I mean your underwear, too!” Michael amended hastily, hungry to see if his memory of Ashton’s body was accurate. 
The dark-haired man’s smirk grew wider at Michael’s clarification, pulling his zip down and allowing his jeans to fall open, exposing only bare skin beneath. “Underwear?” 
Michael’s jaw dropped a little, prompting a deliciously filthy laugh from his roommate. “For the record, roomie - I don’t wear underwear.” Ashton winked as he yanked his jeans down as far as he could in his current position, before wriggling around to pull them off completely. Michael was pleased to see that, if anything, his memory had been selling Ashton short. Blame it on the alcohol. 
Michael didn’t know how to decide on what to do first; on one hand, he wanted to kiss Ashton non-stop for the rest of eternity, but on the other hand, if he didn’t get filled up in the next 10 minutes, he was definitely going to throw a tantrum. Luckily, he realised, it probably wasn’t up to him. All of his experience with Ashton so far told him that the older man would definitely be taking the lead, and this was definitely not a problem for Michael. Indeed, it had worked out very well for him last time, when his staff night out started at the bar and ended with Ashton eating him out like his life depended on it. 
“What are you thinking?” Ashton’s sultry voice broke through his thoughts, apparently wanting a coherent answer despite the fact that he had just begun to run his fingers up and down Michael’s sensitive, pale inner thighs. Michael let out a shuddery breath as he tried to use his words to tell Ashton he wanted anything and everything possible between them, right there and then. Perhaps the way his cock twitched when Ashton let one his nails run over a faded stretch mark right at the base of one of his thighs would speak for itself. 
“Maybe we should get right to, huh, gorgeous?” Ashton teased, withdrawing his touches to lean towards his bedside table. He pulled open the top drawer, fumbling only for a moment until he found what he was looking for. The lube and condom were dropped carelessly onto the mattress as he shut the drawer again, returning his attention to the man almost-beneath him immediately. “We’ve got plenty of time for all the other goods stuff; right now, I need to fuck you, and I know you need me to fuck you...don’t you?”
Michael wondered at what point in his life he had begun to communicate exclusively in whines, but Ashton seemed to be into it, so it didn’t matter. Michael watched impatiently as Ashton popped the top on the half-empty bottle of lube, wasting no time in squirting a generous amount onto two fingers on his right hand and pulling Michael’s leg fully around his hip with his left.
Michael’s heart jumped as much as his cock when Ashton breathed gently on the lube coating his fingers in an attempt to warm it slightly before he brought them straight down to Michael’s bare hole, rubbing over it in a firm circle.
Michael was glad he didn’t have the problem of not wanting his roommate to hear him getting fucked, anymore, as he let out his loudest, neediest whine yet. Ashton proved he had meant what he said about not taking their time with their second tryst, sinking his index finger inside Michael in one fluid motion. Before Michael had got to 10, Ashton was opening him up at a steady, delicious pace and was driving Michael crazy in record time. 
Michael wouldn’t claim to be a pornstar or anything, but he didn’t normally have a problem with stamina. If Ashton kept it up like this, though, Michael was in danger of coming before Ashton’s thick cock got any closer to him, and that was unacceptable.
“Ash, please, I can’t...I want, ne-your cock, please!” Michael cried out as Ashton probed his spot one last time before immediately acquiescing to Michael’s begging. Michael wriggled at the loss of Ashton’s fingers, but took comfort in the fact that Ashton was already tearing the condom packet open. 
Michael watched in awe-tinged anticipation as Ashton gave himself a couple of loose tugs once he had the condom on, before closing in on his lover once more, making sure Michael was laid comfortably on the pillows as he positioned himself over him. Michael clung to Ashton’s shoulders as he lined himself up, just resting the tip on Michael’s slick hole for a moment.
Ashton’s hazel eyes bore down into Michael’s green ones with a soft fire as he raised one hand to brush Michael’s fringe out of his flushed face. Michael let out a breath he hadn’t realised he was holding as Ashton pushed in - slowly, but all the way.. He felt like he was sinking and floating simultaneously, and wrapped his arms around Ashton’s neck to anchor himself here, with him, in this moment. 
Ashton pressed his face deep into Michael’s neck, kissing and sucking his way up towards Michael’s ear. “You good?” He murmured, shifting his hips a miniscule amount. “Yeah,” Michael breathed, “S’good, please…”.
With a final nip to Michael’s neck, Ashton pulled back slightly and began to move his hips properly, his cock sliding halfway out each time as he began to build a steady rhythm for them. Michael felt that perhaps in their sexual relationship so far, he was earning himself the reputation of a bit of a Pillow Princess, and so he began to move his own hips to meet Ashton’s building thrusts. Ashton groaned, long and loud, at the heightened sensations Michael’s movements brought, and they began to work together towards their goal. 
Suddenly, Ashton’s mouth was crowding his, his tongue sliding into his mouth in a glorious kiss that Michael never wanted to end. He couldn’t tell if it had been 10 minutes or 10 hours when he felt that familiar feeling begin to bubble in the lower stomach. Ashton had begun to up the pace of his thrusts, his hips occasionally stuttering as groans rumbled low in his throat, so Michael knew they were on the same page. 
“Ash,” He murmured in the millisecond between kisses. “Touch me, please, I’m getting so-” Michael broke off into a moan as Ashton was already wrapping a firm hand around his neglected cock, stroking it with determination and flicking his thumb over Michael’s dripping head. “You close, baby?” He murmured, eyes drifting over Michael’s face and the arousal present there. Michael was starting to writhe slightly and his head was flopping to the side on the pillow, but Ashton wanted his attention. With his free hand, he took Michael’s chin and turned his head to meet Ashton’s stare. The moment Michael was forced to meet his strong, heated gaze, his hazel eyes boring down on him with such intensity, Michael felt the kick of heat and it was all over. He cried out Ashton’s name and let out a series of curses and moans as he came, hard and hot over Ashton’s hand and their sweaty stomachs in equal measure.
Michael hadn’t finished himself before he felt Ashton taken by surprise, as well; his hips shooting forward to fill him to the hilt for the last time as he spilt into the condom, releasing Michael’s chin to brace himself through his orgasm on the pillows. “Michael, fuck!”
Michael regained enough control to watch Ashton’s face through hooded eyes as he came, moaning and unrestrained as he finished. He thought he looked heavenly. 
As they both fought to catch their breath, Ashton pulled out gingerly, releasing Michael from his grip as he moved away to remove and dispose of the condom. Michael wriggled in place, trying to get comfortable to recover from what he hoped would be the first of many. Ashton came back from the bin in the corner and flopped back down, alongside Michael now, lifting his arm to allow Michael to snuggle in under it when he wrapped it around him. “So…” He said, sounding casual as you like. “About the whole platonic, friendly, roommate thing…”
masterlist for the 5sos ficwriters collab  • my masterlist
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littlemisskookie · 5 years
Sharing is Caring
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Sharing is Caring Ship: Pimp/Boyfriend!Jin | Prostitute!Reader | Customer!Jimin Description: Jin graciously decides to loan you to handsome Park Jimin for the night. Warnings: Sex Work, Cuckholding, Threesome, Voyeurism, Masturbation, Dirty Talk, Degradation, Humiliation, Degrading Names, Lots of Manhandling, Objectification, Dom!Jimin, Spanking, Slapping, Cum Play, Cum Eating, Oral, Blowjob, Double-Oral (you’ll see), That real nasty shit Word Count: 3,024 A/N: I just wanted something with these two since it’s a rare combo haha.
You kissed Seokjin gingerly, your tongues sliding against one another's while you two stayed in a tight embrace. You wrapped around him as you sat in his lap, fingers curled in his hair as you tried to pull him impossibly closer.
The woman at the desk had thought you two were like every other couple. Some horny couple going to some dingy, gross motel to have sex.
Little did she know, huh?
Sure, Jin was your boyfriend, but he was more than that. And you didn't mean in the sense of him being your soulmate (though you had no doubts that he was that too). No no, Jin was your pimp.
The two of you had been dating for three years, living together in fact when he finally revealed his darkest fantasy.
Seeing you get fucked by another man.
At first, you questioned it. Why was it he was into the whole cuckholding scene? Typically who ever's sleeping with someone else was dominant, and Seokjin was by no means submissive. Typically it's degrading and a sense of power play.
He explained to you further that it was a fantasy of being your pimp, walking you through the streets as a prize as someone tried to pay for what he got every night. Seeing you lose yourself on another man's cock. Ultimately he liked seeing you blissed out.
So that night you took him out for a walk a bit after midnight. You wore your sluttiest clothes and hung yourself on his arm, knowing you were completely down for fulfilling his fantasy of seeing you get fucked by another man.
And soon enough a guy had stopped his car by the two of you, asking Seokjin how much it would cost to take you out for a little spin. You had simply grinned at Jin, seeing his cock get hard in his pants as you leaned over to the man's window, popping your tits out of the torso of your dress and telling him fifty bucks.
Next thing you knew the three of you were in the back of the guy's car as you hopped on some ribbed condom you had packed in your purse, right next to Jin. You held Jin's hand as you ground against the man, his moans filling up the car as he came in the condom.
After that, the two of you got more efficient. Supplied condoms, met the men beforehand to make sure they weren't in league with the cops, and always made sure to have the men provide proof they were clean. Your prices soared a bit more, but they still paid. Most men just wanted to try a bit of freaky shit their wife or girlfriend wouldn't do, or simply the thrill. Others were just terrible with women or too busy to start an actual relationship or get laid. Apparently, this guy was into some nasty shit, but couldn't build up to a long relationship that worked up to that point.
So instead he was given a night with you and a set of rules. Clear boundaries and the most prevalent rule that Jin stayed in the room, no matter how much the guy wanted to get you alone to himself.
So the man today was a fellow commuter with Jin when they were on their way to work. Jin had let him in on your little secret, agreeing to let him rent you for the discounted price of five hundred bucks.
So here you two waited, tangled together as you waited for your third party, the next customer, Park Jimin.
You mewled against Jin's lips, whining. "What if he doesn't like me, Jinnie?"
"Of course he'll like you, sweetheart. I only pick the best, now don't I?" You enjoyed this tender side of him, the boyfriend mode, knowing it'd evaporate as soon as the second man walked through the door.
Still, you pouted despite his reassurance. "Baby, you never know, though."
"Trust me, with an ass like this he'll be paying me full price for seconds." For emphasis he squeezes your ass, giving it a light slap.
It's at that moment you hear a light tap on the door, in walking a handsome man.
To say you were pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. It was truly something if you were impressed by a man's looks, considering you were dating the Greek god that was Kim Seokjin. Most of the guys that came around weren't exactly top notch in the looks department, but still had plenty to share when it came to cold hard cash. Jimin, however, seemed to be utterly and truly blessed. With a sharp face and plump lips, you couldn't help but salivate at the sight.
"Jimin! Nice to see you." Jin grinned up at him, and you quickly climbed off, letting the two embrace each other in that masculine way guys did, where they'd clasp hands and yank each other to their chests, punching one another in the back. "You brought the stuff?"
"What? Oh. Yeah, yeah." Jimin pulls out a piece of paper and wad of cash. Jin takes both, analyzing with precision. He nods, confirming Jimin was clean and then begins to count the bills.
Once everything was confirmed, he looks to Jimin. "Well, I already told you the rules, but I'll remind you just in case. I get to stay in the room, no matter what. If she pulls her earlobe or says red, everything stops. No choking or hitting her, as in outright punches. Bit of slapping is fine.  No full on anal unless previously proposed so we can prepare for that sort of stuff. No scatting or pissplay either, just for the sake of room service. No filming or recording either. Other than that, she's down for anything."
"Including the sort of degrading shit, I was talking about? And, um, cumplay?" Jimin questions.
Jin's eyes light up with excitement at that. "Especially that."
"Fuck, okay." Jimin turns to you, his carnal gaze matching your own. You couldn't wait to try this one out for a test ride.
You bat your lashes, noting from your peripheral that Jin was taking a seat on the couch nearby, the perfect place for him to spectate as he stroked his cock. You divert your attention back to Jimin though, his ravenous eyes threatening to devour you whole.
"Stand up and bend over to grab your ankles. I want to see what I paid for, little girl."
You shuddered at his dominating tone, doing as he said and making sure Seokjin had a good view as well. You heard Jimin let out a sharp hiss upon sight, your short skirt riding up so high that your pussy was on full display, no panties to shield his view.
"No panties? Just for me?"
You giggle a bit, Jin chuckling as well. "I never wear them."
"And why is that?"
"In case we run into someone spontaneously who wants a piece of her. In my eyes no slut should even bother trying to cover up- everyone knows the only thing she's worth: a good fuck. All she needs to do is spread her legs and let anyone who feels like using her do it. It's all she's good for, anyway."
"Damn right about that," Jimin hisses beneath his breath. You shudder at the feeling of his fingers on your bare cunt, experimentally rubbing at your wet folds before plunging a finger inside. "She's so wet. Care to tell me why, little girl?"
"Because I can't wait to feel you inside me," you tell him honestly, your voice a low seductive purr.
"Oh? But you already feel me inside you." Jimin curls his finger, stimulating the rough patch with ease.
"Your cock. I want to feel your cock inside me," you whimper, rutting slightly against his hand.
You yelp when he gives you a quick swat, slapping your ass. As if mesmerized by the sight, he grabs onto the flesh with both hands, slipping the finger out to do so. You can feel the stickiness of your juices on your skin, but you didn't care, relishing at the exposure as he spreads you apart to get a good look at your cunt and asshole.
"Mm, I can't wait to break you in." You enjoyed the thought, as though you were nothing more than a new pair of shoes.
He gives you one last slap with both hands. "Get me out and ready to fuck you. And lose the dress. I want you naked."
You do so, turning to face Jimin, pulling the dress off and unclasping your bra, throwing it to Jin. He catches it with ease, giving you a warning look as he lets it drop the floor. You let yourself eye his cock, now fully erect and in his hand.
You gasp at the feeling of a hand coming across your cheek, a sharp slap as your face turns to the side. You don't have time to recover from the blow, however, as Jimin grasps you by the chin, yanking your face close to his. "Pay attention to me, slut. I'm the one paying for your company, so I expect all eyes on me."
You whimper, nodding with submission as his hand comes back down to your cunt, slapping it with a quick movement of his wrists. He cups your sex, running his hand over your folds and plunging two fingers inside. "You're still gushing, little one. Do you like being slapped?"
"Yes," you nod, whimpering as he slaps you again twice, each time as sharp as the first. You could feel your chin begin to throb.
He hisses in satisfaction, enjoying the look of your reddening cheek. He rubs his thumb over it, gentle as though to soothe the skin. "Such a good whore. Now get to work."
Jimin grips your hair tightly, shoving you to your knees harshly. You're quick to undo his belt, yanking his pants and boxers down. He was already hard, seemingly turned on by your humiliation and objectification. You don't hesitate to take him in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down as you do your best to stare him in the eye. He was girthier than a lot of the customers, but you could handle it. At worst you were going to get a sore jaw the following morning.
"Play with your tits a bit, whore," Jimin commands.
You do so, playing with your nipples and twisting them slightly, pinching and pulling for Jimin's amusement. You squeezed them and offered them, as though trying to entice him further. You were tempted to press his cock into the valley of your breasts, but he pulled out of your mouth. Sitting up on the bed and laying down, he patted his thigh invitingly.
"Ride me, whore. Your job tonight is to make sure I cum. Face away from me, too. I don't wanna see that slutty face of yours. If I hear so much as a single whimper from those cock sucking lips of yours, I'll mount you. Am I understood?"
You nodded eagerly, getting in position as you straddled the man, ass facing towards him. You wiggled it a bit for him only to receive a double handed spank, and soon you were gripping his cock and aligning it with your entrance. You kept quiet as you slowly sunk down onto him, letting yourself stretch to accommodate him.
Slowly you began grinding, bouncing on his cock as you tried to milk his cum into your pussy. With you facing away from him, you were now able to look at Jin to your heart's content.
And boy, was he a sight.
His cock was prominent, leaking profusely. You could make out an angry shade of red at the head as his hand continued to stroke himself at the sight.
"You like his cock, baby?"
You bite your lip, remembering to stay quiet. Instead, you nodded your head, continuing to milk Jimin's cock with your pussy. You strained to listen in on Jimin's moans, the man beneath you letting out breathy pants and groans, squeezing fistfuls of your ass and spanking you continuously as you rode him. Jin let out a groan at that. He always enjoyed seeing you lose yourself on someone's cock, so submissive and pliant. He was so generous, it seemed, loving to share you with even strangers.
"Fuck yeah. You'll take anyone's cock, won't you sweetheart? You'll sit on anyone's cock no matter the circumstances, you're just that greedy. Is he filling you up good?"
You do your best to suppress a whine from Jin's dirty talk. He knew exactly how to get you going, and now you were panting, mouth agape as you began to ride Jimin with more vigor, your hands gripping his knees tightly as you anchored yourself to him. It was a sight, your tits bouncing with the force of your thrusts, and Jimin seemed to be enjoying it all too much, letting you do all the work as he simply tilted his head back and moaned.
Jin gave you a dark look, smirking at you in that way he knew made you melt. "Do you like being used as his personal fuck toy? Like his personal slut that's used as nothing more than a cum dumpster? Do you want him to fill that greedy pussy up with his cum?" He groaned at the thought, and soon enough he was spilling over his hand, cum covering his fingers and lap. You were a goner at the sight.
"Fuck, yes yes yes-"
Before you knew it you were being flipped over onto your hands and knees. Jimin placed a hand on your head, shoving it into the sheets as he grabbed one of the pillows. He used it to cover your head, both hands keeping it on you as he began to continuously rail you, mounting you just as promised. You groaned though the sound was muffled, at the feeling of him deep in your guts.
"What did I fucking tell you about keeping your fucking whore mouth shut," he growled. You could do no more than take it, hands fisting the sheets as you felt him drill into you at a ruthless pace, eager to reach his end and empty his balls into you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck yes, take it, bitch," he growled, his thrusts slowly becoming sloppier as he felt himself nearing his end.
Soon enough his hips were digging into your ass as he pressed himself against you, tossing the pillow off of your head as he let you suck in greedy amounts of air. He didn't tolerate it for long, though, grabbing a fistful of your hair and shoving it further into the mattress, his sweaty chest pressed against your back as he rasped into your ear. "Fuck, that's it, take it all. Don't let that greedy pussy waste a single drop, little girl."
He spread his legs, spreading yours further as he emptied himself into you, and you bit at the sheets, groaning at the feeling of his hot cum filling you to the brim. You panted, sweaty until he climbed off of you, satisfied that his load was deep inside of you.
Jin cooed at you, noting what a pathetic sight you were. Climbing on the bed he flipped you over on your back, yanking you to the edge of the bed as he spread your legs further. "He really ruined you, didn't he baby? What a pathetic mess you are, look at you."
His hand ran over your folds, gathering some of the cum that was already beginning to leak out of you. Jin always loved this, playing with another's man fresh load inside of you. It turned him on to no end.
"Fuck, that's hot," Jimin groaned, licking his lips at the sight of his own cum covering Jin's fingers, mingling with the older man's. "Lemme try"
Jin didn't complain, moving aside from between your thighs as Jimin took a turn. He massaged your thighs, a more so gentle movement in comparison to the rough nature he possessed before. You gasped at the feeling of his tongue swiping over your heat, tasting both of you. "Delicious," he says, a satisfied smirk on his lips as he turned to Jin. "Join me? She still hasn't cum."
"Well, I-"
"I'll pay you an extra hundred."
"Fuck, yeah, okay, sure."
Jin was quick to his feet to go beside Jimin, spreading your thighs further as his mouth enveloped your heat. Your eyes rolled back, and you were dumbstruck at the feeling of Jin eating another man's cum from your pussy. It wasn't long before Jimin's mouth was next to his, both tongues working together. Jin lapped up the cum from your leaking hole as Jimin focused on your clit. The feeling of two sets of plush lips on you was sending you to ecstasy quicker than you cared to admit, especially for the moments their tongues would brush against one another's, uncaring as they did their best to make you cum.
You felt it wash over you in a wave, your eyes rolling back as you shuddered, bliss spreading throughout your body at the men's ministrations. They continued, lapping you for every drop as you gushed on their tongues. Both of them made sure to keep your legs spread apart as you tried to clasp your thighs around their heads but to no avail. You were trapped as they let you ride out your orgasm until you were left shaking and sobbing.
Finally, Jin came back up, kissing you tenderly on the lips. "You did so well, baby. So good."
"Mhm, couldn't ask for anyone better. You were well worth it," Jimin said, turning your head to face him as he gave you a tender peck on the lips, a surprisingly soft moment.
"Are you going to come back for seconds, then?" You smiled foolishly, enjoying the chuckle that was shared between the two men.
"Wouldn't mind having you as a regular, Jimin," Jin confirms to the fellow commuter.
"I'll see you two next week, then."
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September 13, 2020
My weekly roundup of things I am working on. Topics include wildfires, exotic energy sources, speculative energy sources, the Biden housing plan, and creative outlets.
Wildfires in Oregon
Oregon, along with the rest of the West Coast, has been in the news for devastating wildfires that are still ongoing. This is certainly the worst I have experienced, much worse that the 2017 fires in California. Both Oregon and California are having their worst seasons on record.
In Oregon, it started last Monday, when a strong (and unseasonably early) east wind came over an already dry state, drying the air further and spreading fires rapidly. The Portland metro area experienced sporadic bad air quality on Monday and Tuesday, and it has been consistently bad since Wednesday. Today is no noticeable improvement. The weather forecast is for clouds on Monday and some rain on Tuesday, which should finally bring about some improvement.
So far there have been dozens of deaths in the West and several dozen more people unaccounted for and significant property damage. My guess is that most of the damage will be harder to see: the impact of the poor air quality on people who are already vulnerable. These events bring about yet more disruption in a region that has already been reeling from the pandemic, economic hardship, and civil unrest.
I made a facetious remark on Twitter about solar radiation management, but I really have been struck at how much the weather has cooled down. The temperature is at least 20 degrees (F) cooler than it should have been, due to soot particles reflecting sunlight. In my neighborhood, the light-sensitive streetlights are on during the day. I can look directly at the Sun without hurting my eyes. Needless to say, I will need to be convinced that any solar radiation management scheme will not significantly harm air quality before I will believe it’s a good idea.
If anyone is actually reading this, I would implore you not to use the fires merely as a talking point for your pet climate policy. This is something that irritates me greatly. In the immediate term, we need relief and a stronger firefighting force. In the medium term, we need better forest management practices. Greenhouse gas mitigation helps only marginally in the long term. Don’t try to tell me that building a bike lane in New York City is the solution we in the West are looking for. Once the fires are extinguished, most climate activists will lose interest in our land use needs and move on to the next disaster.
Exotic Energy Sources
This week I added an Exotic Energy section to Urban Cruise Ship. I had been considering this for a long time, and I went ahead and did it mainly because I have been stuck on some harder projects and wanted to do something relatively easy. There are no graphics planned, as I don’t see the topic as important enough to justify assigning more work to our graphics guy, but there are a few interesting things.
One recurring scheme is various ways to capture piezoelectricity, which is generated through pressure on a surface, such as when people walk over a plate or cars drive over it. One study in Australia found that with more advanced generators, an educational building at Macquarie University might recover 0.5% of its electricity usage by installing generators at high traffic points. With technology that was current at the time of the study, it’s probably more like 0.06%.
As for roadways, I cited several studies that report levelized costs of electricity in the range of multiple dollars per kilowatt-hour (wholesale prices tend to be in the range of 3-6 cents/kWh and retail on the order of 10 cents). The exception was a California study that reported 8-20 cents/kWh, which as far as I can tell is just an uncritical repetition of claims from the vendor. Also not discussed is the fact the source of energy is kinetic energy from cars, so unless the car is braking, the generators are stealing energy from motorists. We might as well be using diesel generators then.
If I were to make a guess, the pilot project is little more than California burning several million dollars on a patently unworkable scheme because of some marketing by a shady vendor. I’m all for trying bold ideas that are not guaranteed to succeed, but one must draw the line at ideas that clearly won’t succeed or where basic feasibility questions haven’t even been asked.
Biomechanical energy harvesting is an idea that got a bit of hype a few years ago, but now few people seem to still be interested. Making some extremely generous assumptions, I estimated that it would have a theoretical of about 1 exajoule per year, or about 0.2% of primary energy supply. More medium-case assumptions would cut that by at least a factor of five. Plus that doesn’t account for extra exertion required by the person or embodied energy in the devices.
There are probably some niche use cases for piezoelectric generators and biomechanical systems, such as low power distributed sensors and personal electronics respectively.
I even commented on the power from rainfall paper earlier in the year, an idea too silly to take seriously.
Speculative Energy Sources
But even with the above we’re not done. I decided to venture into the realm of speculative physics.
In quantum physics, even a system with zero temperature must have some latent energy due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This has been termed the zero point. So naturally that leads people to speculate that zero point energy could be harvested for useful purposes. The near-consensus seems to be that this is impossible, that it must violate thermodynamics somehow, though I found it surprisingly difficult to find a rigorous explanation of why this is the case. This paper from 2019 is all I found, and even then, it only rules out two of three proposed ZPE extraction methods based on thermodynamic principles. Incidentally, the authors hold a patent on the third method and claim there is inconclusive evidence that it works.
Additionally, there is the NASA Eagleworks project to use the quantum vacuum to develop a spacecraft that can operate without onboard propellant.
There is a lot of interesting physics here that I don’t understand. I was expecting to write a short, dismissive comment for the website, but it would seem that ZPE is a legitimate area of scientific research. Maybe this will actually work for energy production someday. But there is no solid evidence yet, and any claims of a currently working ZPE device can be safely rejected.
Some other ideas that pop up, based in speculative physics, including hydrinos, neutrinos, quark fusion, and the ever popular perpetual motion machine. At least neutrinos and quark fusion are legitimate physics, but as far as useful energy production goes, these are all pathological ideas. I’ll add more as I see them. I briefly covered cold fusion a while ago on the Fusion page.
I expect that when the site is finally done, of the many things people could fairly accuse me of, not being comprehensive will not be one of them.
The Biden Housing Plan
Evidently I am a few weeks late, but the Biden-Harris campaign has a housing plan. The tl;dr is that there might be a few good things here, but I’m not too impressed.
When it comes to housing affordability, the principle I’ve tried to reiterate over and over again is that it comes down to supply. If there are 1,000,000 people who want to live in a city with a zoned capacity for 800,000, then 200,000 people will not be able to live there. It doesn’t matter if you impose rent control, eviction moratoria, inclusionary zoning rules, offer Section 8 or other subsidies, or whatever. As long as the supply is fixed, all these do is change the rationing mechanism from price to something else. Which, it must be acknowledged, is often the intent.
Traditionally, the federal government has a limited role in zoning. That could change of course; the federal government today has major roles in many areas where it previously had a limited or no role. As it is now, I see two plausible hooks for federal involvement in the near term. The first is the Fair Housing Act, where it can be argued fairly convincingly that zoning rules have disparate impact on protected groups, and in some cases intentional impact; and the second is to tie zoning reform to federal Community Development Block Grants or transportation funding, where reform is a matter of insuring that federal spending is actually used effectively.
The Biden plan calls for reinstatement of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, which while imperfect, I think is better than what the Trump Administration decided to go with, which is nothing. As for the second, I momentarily got my hopes up when I saw that they were promoting legislation to do just that. But upon reading the details of the HOME Act (which was introduced last year but I was unfamiliar with until now), I see that the list of measures the bill calls for to promote “inclusive land use” are wide-ranging, and only some of them can reasonably be expected to increase the housing supply. It could be a good piece of legislation, but much rides on the implementation. Zoning reform advocates at the state level routinely underestimate the creativity that municipalities will show in evading the intent of their laws.
Anyway, there is a lot of other stuff here on racial discrimination, energy efficiency, and the Davis-Bacon Act (which probably makes housing less affordable by running up construction costs), but I won’t belabor the issues. All in all, it’s a plan that reflects the set Democratic interests pretty well, has a lot of stuff in it, and would do little to achieve broad-based housing affordability.
Creative Outlets
Like many people, I have been continuing to struggle with a variety of stressful circumstances. I took more time than usual this week on some creative projects, which has helped.
The newest one I am calling Project Epsilon, which for now is a maze generator. I’ve long had a fascination with generative content, and I would like to see how far the concept can be taken, but for now it is really just for fun. It is not deployed, but someone knowledgeable with Python and Flask in particular can download and run it fairly easily. Not that there is much to see yet. All it does it let the user input a few parameters and make a maze.
The other is Repair the Cosmos, which is deployed but hasn’t been updated publicly in a long time, despite considerable local activity. This is an incremental game that is meant to tell the story of humanity from the Paleolithic to the far future. I started it in January and have been working very intermittently since then, but I finally have a burst of creativity going for the first time in months. I still expect at least a few weeks before the next update, and I can only go for so long before I start feeling guilty about not doing real work.
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uomo-accattivante · 6 years
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(Photo by BACKGRID)
Below is a review I recently came across. (I’m not sure if this version is the updated one which includes input by JC Chandor.) 
Pope - Oscar Isaac
Redfly - Ben Affleck
Ben - Garrett Hedlund
Ironhead - Charlie Hunnam
Catfish - Pedro Pascal
Be forewarned - the following review contains SPOILERS:
Screenplay Review - Triple Frontier
Genre: Crime/Action
Premise: A group of ex-special forces come together to steal 90 million dollars from a drug lord in the most criminally potent area of the world, the Triple Frontier.
About: Triple Frontier is one of those projects that’s been impossible to get made. It’s had more starts and stops than my neighbor’s 1999 Volkswagon Jetta. But no matter how much talent has come and gone, the project has always been able to replace them with either equal or better talent. That’s typically the sign of great material. That’s because when you have bad material and A-listers drop out, you never get any A-listers back. Your project is doomed to second-tier status. Well, all that waiting has paid off as the film is now in post-production. It stars Charlie Hunman, Oscar Isaac, and Ben Affleck. J.C. Chandor (Margin Call, A Most Violent Year) directed. Mark Boal (The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty) wrote the script.
Writer: Mark Boal
Details: 136 pages
The heist is one of the most bankable structures in storytelling. Get a group of contrasting characters together (Act 1), give them something they want to steal (Act 3), then slowly build a plan for achieving their goal (Act 2). It’s almost full-proof. And yet, we don’t get a lot of good heist films. In fact, I can’t remember the last one I saw.
That’s because the heist film is one of the most difficult genres to come up with something fresh for. Most of the heist scripts I read involve stealing money from a bank. There just aren’t that many ways to make that premise original. So I was thrilled when I picked up Triple Frontier, which promised to be a new take on the heist genre. Let’s see if it succeeded.
Ex-Special Forces operator Pope has gotten tired of missions to remote parts of the world where he guides local police to take down giant drug dealers. It’s more death, more destruction, and he thought he left all that behind with the special forces. The problem is, a man needs to make a living. And these missions are the only thing Pope knows how to do that pay good money.
Then one day, a Brazilian drug runner discloses to Pope the location of one of the biggest drug runners in the world, Lorea. Lorea has a home in Paraguay right off the criminally infamous Triple Frontier (the nexus of Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina), where he’s holding 90 million dollars. With Pope’s unique skillset, he believes he can break in the house and get that money. But he’s going to need some help.
Enter his ex special forces buddies: the all-American Redfly, the bipolar Ben, the wily old vet, Ironhead, and the cool-as-a-cucumber Catfish. Some of the men are reluctant and others reared up and ready to go. But in the end, because there wouldn’t be a movie unless they all signed up, they all sign up.
Once in the Triple Frontier, the group begins doing surveillance and planning. And when I say planning, I mean planning. Pope gets his hands on the blueprints for Lorea’s house and builds an EXACT REPLICA in the jungle so that they can practice the heist. But that’s only the beginning of this mission impossible, as they have to figure out shit like how five men can carry away 4500 pounds of money on foot, and how they can escape through a backyard that rings an alarm if anything over 20 pounds steps on it.
After extensively perfecting their plan, they wait out an unexpected rainstorm and sneak in. Everything goes according to plan until they arrive in the money room and… it’s gone. Not a single bill. Just as everyone starts freaking out, Pope notices that the ceiling is leaking. They moved the money during the storm so it wouldn’t get wet! But that means going through every room one by one to find it.
As you’d expect, this leads to them being spotted, and within seconds there are three dozen guards converging on them. The soldiers go into fuck-all mode and start shooting everyone. They know the gig is up. They know they should leave. But they’ve put so much effort into this that they must have that money. So after the money they go. Will they get it? I’m thinking they’ll find a way. But the real test may be what happens AFTER they get the money.
This. Was. Good.
I’m talking really really good.
Where do I begin? Let’s start with the heist itself. What’s the number rule for writing a good heist film? It’s not what goes right, it’s what goes wrong. Your job, as a writer of a heist flick, is to have your criminals cover all the bases, make sure they’ve found contingencies for every situation, and then when they show up, something goes wrong. And that thing that goes wrong leads to several other things that go wrong. And quickly, the whole damn heist falls apart.
I LOVED when they arrived in the money room and the money wasn’t there. Even when my cynical screenwriting analyst brain kicked in and said, “Of course they were duped. That’s what always happens!” But then Pope looked up and saw the leaking and realized the money had been moved and I said, “oooooooh, that’s good.”
I loved how the script evolved from there. Because what I was expecting to happen is what always happened in these mid-point heist films (a script where the heist happens at the mid point instead of the third act): They get the money home but then the bad guys come and hunt them down.
Triple Frontier instead focuses on the complexity of getting this money out of the country. The special forces guys rent a helicopter, only to find out that the money (which has increased from 90 million to 600 million at this point) will be too heavy. But they decide to risk it anyway, and fly their copter through the endless South American mountain forest. When the mountains start getting too high, they have to make the unthinkable choice of dropping the money and living or keeping the money and likely spiraling into the most hostile terrain in the world.
That was one of the best scenes I’ve read this year, besting even the Mission Impossible Fallout helicopter chase. And I’ll tell you why. It wasn’t just a simple helicopter chase. Difficult choices needed to be made. They MIGHT have been able to make it through the mountains if they kept the money. But they likely wouldn’t have. How do you make that decision? The decision to throw away 600 million dollars?
But the script isn’t just the heist. Boal made the bold choice of using the entire first act to get the band back together. This is a controversial screenwriting choice because modern screenwriting outlets will tell you to move this section along as quickly as possible. A short burst of scenes that has the band back together and ready to go by page 10, page 15 at the latest. They’re afraid that if you include an entire opening act of characters reuniting and talking and establishing their jobs and lives, that the average audience member will get bored.
But the great thing that happens when you extend your character intros out that far is that we get to know the characters better. I mean, it’s simple math. The more time you spend with someone, fictional or real, the more you’re going to care about them. Therefore, when these guys flew off to the Triple Frontier, I felt like I knew each of them. The extra time really paid off.
Now there’s a caveat to this. You have to be good with character to pull it off. You have to know how to set up a flaw. You have to know how to make your characters unique. You have to give each character a defining personality that’s easy for the audience to understand so they can label him properly (Chris Kyle was the introspective sniper). Each character’s dialogue has to be unique and interesting. If character isn’t your strong suit, don’t spend an entire act getting the band back together.
The fact that this script has been sitting on the shelf for so long is insane. I’m guessing it’s because Ben Affleck has a million projects to do and he’s in rehab half the year and they had to wait for him. I’m just glad the wait is over. Cause this movie is going to be damn good.
[ ] What the hell did I just read? [ ] wasn’t for me [ ] worth the read [x] impressive [ ] genius
What I learned: Find a unique place in the world that isn’t well known and build a story around it. What makes Triple Frontier so good is that we’d never heard of the Triple Frontier before. It hasn’t been in any movie. It creates the all important “strange attractor” we can exploit for one hell of a heist film.
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theliberaltony · 3 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to FiveThirtyEight’s politics chat. The transcript below has been lightly edited.
sarah (Sarah Frostenson, politics editor): We’re back this week with the other 2022 primaries that are already on our radar — specifically, the big gubernatorial primaries and House primaries/macro trends to watch, as many House races are still in their nascent stage. 
What follows is a preview of the candidates we know to be running (or at least seriously thinking about it) along with the intraparty fights Republicans and Democrats are having and what, if anything, this says about the general election.
OK, first up gubernatorial primaries. Which ones have already caught your eye?
nrakich (Nathaniel Rakich, elections analyst): One primary I’m watching is on the Democratic side in Florida. It looks like it will be a heavyweight contest between Rep. Charlie Crist, who was previously elected governor as a Republican, and state Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, Florida’s only current Democratic statewide officeholder. And to add even more intrigue, state Sen. Annette Taddeo — who was Crist’s running mate the last time he ran for governor, in 2014 — has expressed interest in running, too. 
Early polls give Crist a lead, which makes sense since he has lingering name recognition from his previous gubernatorial runs. But Fried could be more in line with the current zeitgeist of the party. Crist is an older white guy and, as a veteran of state politics, represents the party’s past. Fried, by contrast, is a younger woman who has already demonstrated a knack for online media (e.g., her multiple videos trolling Gov. Ron DeSantis). 
Since Donald Trump was elected in 2016, it’s been good to be a woman in a Democratic primary, and I feel like it will also help Fried that she’s the one throwing red meat (blue meat?) to the Democratic base — if it remains a one-on-one race. 
sarah: That’s a good point about Crist, Nathaniel. Alex had a piece earlier this year showing that Crist’s bid could face long odds, as he’s already lost two back-to-back races. Per her story, since 1998, only 33 candidates of 121 who’ve run for U.S. Senate, governor or president have managed to win after having lost their previous bid.
alex (Alex Samuels, politics reporter): Yeah, Sarah, in that piece we also cited a February Mason-Dixon poll of registered Florida voters, and just 27 percent said they viewed Crist favorably. Forty-one percent viewed him unfavorably.
Of course, things might have changed since then. But those numbers aren’t a great start … 
sarah: How competitive, though, do we think the Florida governor’s race is going to be with DeSantis up for reelection?
geoffrey.skelley (Geoffrey Skelley, elections analyst): Florida has continued to move to the right in recent presidential elections, so it may not be the quintessential swing state it once was. While most of the swing states in the 2020 presidential election shifted to the left at least a little bit compared with 2016, Florida did the opposite. Trump actually won it by a larger margin than he did in 2016. 
nrakich: Florida does have a knack for being close no matter which way the political winds are blowing, though. It was close in 2010, 2014 and 2018. So I think it will be competitive, but I wouldn’t bet against DeSantis.
alex: I wonder, though, if Democrats will use DeSantis’s very possible 2024 presidential run against him.
geoffrey.skelley: Democrats could certainly try to use DeSantis’s national ambitions in attack ads — “he doesn’t care about Florida; he cares about his political career” — but the effectiveness of such an attack might vary based on who the Democratic nominee is. 
If it’s Crist, who has been governor, but then ran unsuccessfully for Senate in 2010 as an independent (after it became clear he would lose the GOP primary to Marco Rubio), and now wants to be governor again, such an attack might ring hollow because he’s seen as something of a political opportunist. Fried, on the other hand, is a fresh face and maybe could make that stick more. Nonetheless, I don’t think it’s the kind of thing that’s going to move the numbers much.
sarah: OK, Geoffrey, you’re up next.
geoffrey.skelley: Moving to another state that’s definitely no longer a swing state, I’m keeping a close eye on Ohio’s gubernatorial contest and its GOP primary. Republican Gov. Mike DeWine won in 2018 and now is looking for a second term, but he’s gotten quite a bit of intraparty backlash for his aggressive policies against COVID-19 — the Republican-controlled state legislature even voted to limit DeWine’s power to issue public health orders earlier this year. He also has attracted Trump’s wrath for not being a more vocal supporter. As such, former GOP Rep. Jim Renacci has decided to challenge DeWine in the GOP primary, and while it’s unusual for an incumbent governor to lose renomination, there’s at least some chance that could happen in Ohio. 
It should be mentioned, however, that Renacci’s last campaign wasn’t especially impressive, as he lost the 2018 Senate race to Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown by about 7 percentage points, having jumped over to that race after initially running in the gubernatorial contest that DeWine went on to win.
sarah: We were talking last week about how much the Ohio Senate primary, in particular, seemed to revolve around the question of who could be the Trumpiest candidate. Considering DeWine has received a fair amount of criticism from those in his own party, is he taking this primary bid seriously?
geoffrey.skelley: Well, Renacci is certainly trying to win over Trump supporters who are upset with DeWine. He tweeted last month that “Ohio First means America First!” and has gone after DeWine for his decision to close Ohio businesses and facilities to protect the public from the coronavirus. 
alex: Brad Parscale, Trump’s onetime campaign manager, is also advising Renacci, according to NBC News.
sarah: But no Trump endorsement yet, right?
nrakich: Right, Sarah. That’s the big question for me in this race — will Trump endorse? Renacci was previously a close Trump ally and won his endorsement in 2018, but Trump reportedly soured on Renacci after his poor showing against Brown.
alex: NBC News also reported that a source told them the former president “has no plans to endorse him.” 
geoffrey.skelley: Although Trump did openly encourage someone to run against DeWine. 
sarah: I realize our primary challenge success-o-meter isn’t exactly apples-to-apples given this isn’t a presidential primary, but how would we weigh Renacci’s bid against DeWine currently? 
geoffrey.skelley: Unfortunately, we haven’t seen a good independent poll of Ohio in a while. But back in the fall in 2020, DeWine polled quite well — for instance, an Ipsos/Spectrum News survey found last October that about two-thirds of Ohioans approved of his job performance, including 73 percent of Republicans. That was perhaps a little low for a Republican but still not the sort of terrible position that would indicate serious vulnerability in a primary. However, DeWine didn’t support Trump’s post-election attempts to overturn the election, so perhaps opposition has grown. Renacci’s internal polling — which should be treated with serious caution — did find him ahead of DeWine in the spring. 
sarah: I’ll go next with the Pennsylvania gubernatorial primary.
Last week we talked about the Pennsylvania Senate primary, but there’s more than one marquee race in the state this year. Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf is term-limited, meaning the governor’s mansion is also up for grabs. Who’s actually running in this race is still very TBD, though.
For instance, no Democrat has officially declared they’re running at this point. But that may be because everyone is waiting to see what state Attorney General Josh Shapiro does. Earlier this year, he told Philadelphia Magazine that “I expect to be a candidate.” And if Shapiro does run, he’s likely a front-runner on the Democratic side given the profile he has built as the state’s attorney general. In 2017, he tackled the Catholic Church’s decades of sexual abuse in Pennsylvania dioceses. He also joined other attorneys general in fighting Trump’s travel ban and an injunction that stopped Trump’s rollback of birth control. Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney is reportedly considering a run, too, but he’d have to resign as mayor if he did run.
Among Republicans, though, far more names have been floated at this point, and even a few have entered the fray, including former U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta. Barletta ran unsuccessfully for the Senate in 2018, but he’s built a reputation as a bit of a conservative folk hero for trying to take on illegal immigration while he was mayor of Hazleton, Pennsylvania. The law was ultimately struck down, but Barletta tried to penalize businesses and landlords who hired or rented to immigrants who had illegally entered the country. So far this Trumpy profile hasn’t helped Barletta win statewide office in Pennsylvania, though, and it looks as if he might face stiff competition from other Trumpy Republicans in 2022.
For instance, state Sen. Doug Mastriano hasn’t said he’s running yet — although he claimed Trump had asked him to run and promised to help him campaign (an aide told the AP that wasn’t true) — but he’s already showing his Trump bona fides, having hosted a hearing devoted to unfounded claims of 2020 election fraud and marching to the U.S. Capitol before the Jan. 6 insurrection. He’s also pushing an Arizona-style “audit” of the 2020 election in Pennsylvania.
But Mastriano isn’t the only possible contender with connections to Trump. Rep. Mike Kelly is also reportedly considering a bid and has a relationship with Trump. Notably, too, Trump-appointed former U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain has already written to Trump seeking his endorsement even though he hasn’t yet said whether he’ll run. If McSwain does enter the race, though, it means potentially two prosecutors could go head-to-head in the general election.
A number of other Republicans are considering runs at this point, too, including U.S. Rep. Dan Meuser and state Sen. Dan Laughlin. Not to mention a number of candidates who have already thrown their hats in the ring with Barletta, including Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale and conservative activist Charlie Gerow.
The Republican gubernatorial primary in Pennsylvania is looking really harried at this point, and similar to many of the other primaries we’ve discussed, it seems as if it is going to be a competition around who can out-Trump the other.
geoffrey.skelley: Republicans are definitely hoping Pennsylvania will continue its pattern of flipping back and forth between the parties. It’s been more than 50 years since either party elected a successor to a sitting member from their party, and it’s never happened since the state got rid of its single-term limit in 1968.
alex: How likely is it that the Senate seat flips without the governor’s seat flipping, too?
nrakich: Good question, Alex. States don’t always vote the same way for Senate and governor, since one office is federal and the other is state-level, but the two offices have been tracking more closely in recent years. As Geoffrey wrote a few years ago, there was less split-ticket voting in 2018 than in any midterm since at least 1990. 
geoffrey.skelley: And Pennsylvania voted very similarly for Senate and governor in 2018, when both races had incumbents, and I suspect they’ll vote similarly this time, too. After all, neither race will have an incumbent this time, so that will mean no candidate will get the ever-smaller incumbent bonus. 
sarah: OK, Alex, you’re up!
alex: Well, Georgia is becoming a competitive battleground state, as evidenced by President Biden’s win there in November and Sens. Jon Ossoff’s and Raphael Warnock’s respective victories earlier this year. So the gubernatorial primary is going to be fun to watch.
On the Republican side, you have incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp fighting for a second term in what maybe should have been an easy feat for him. But after he didn’t embrace Trump’s unfounded claims about widespread election fraud in last year’s election, Kemp lost the support of some Republicans — particularly those on his right flank. So he has a couple of primary challengers now, including Vernon Jones, a former Democratic state lawmaker turned Republican and one of Trump’s most vocal allies in Georgia, and also Kandiss Taylor, a public school teacher and counselor. 
What’s working in Kemp’s favor, other than his incumbency, is the fact that he did sign a far-ranging election measure in March that includes new restrictions on voting by mail and greater legislative control over how elections are run. That hasn’t placated Trump, though, who called the law “weak” and said Republicans in the state should have taken far more drastic steps to curtail the ability to vote; Republican voters, however, have rallied around the state’s new voting law, and according to a Morning Consult tracking poll, Kemp had a 62 percent approval rating among Georgia Republican voters when he signed the elections bill on March 25. By April 6, it was up to 74 percent.
Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, I think everyone is just waiting patiently to see whether Stacey Abrams runs again. A lot of folks see the former speaker of the Georgia House running again in 2022 as a likely next step. A January poll from The Atlanta-Journal Constitution found that about 51 percent of Georgians viewed her in a positive light, including 10 percent of Republicans (although 41 percent of Georgians viewed her unfavorably). 
geoffrey.skelley: Unlike in most states, a worry for Kemp is that he has to win a majority of primary voters because Georgia is one of seven states with a majority requirement for primary elections. So a crowded race doesn’t help him by splitting opposition — it would just get him a runoff where he’d have to win a majority.
sarah: The call for primary challengers in both Georgia’s and Ohio’s gubernatorial races from Trump … and then radio silence on who he’d back is certainly a strategy, though. It doesn’t seem as if either race, at this point at least, is posing a credible threat to the GOP incumbent.
nrakich: Yeah, Kemp is vulnerable in theory, but I just don’t see any credible candidate standing up to challenge him. It could get interesting if Trump endorses someone like Jones, but ultimately I don’t think he has what it takes. It will be incredibly easy for Kemp to smear him as a former Democrat, and Jones has a pretty sordid past — while serving as DeKalb County CEO, he was accused of rape, and a grand jury recommended that he be criminally investigated for corruption. 
sarah: As we were talking about in Pennsylvania, though, the fact that Georgia has two elections up here in 2022 will be interesting, as the incumbents aren’t from the same political party.
So considering split-ticket voting is on the decline, it’ll be interesting to see whether Warnock and Abrams, assuming she runs again, win. Or whether it’s Kemp and as we discussed last week, Herschel Walker. Walker, though, as we said, still hasn’t entered the race, and given that he is a longtime Texas resident, he could face serious issues mounting a successful bid against Warnock.
It’s early yet, but these two races seem to be a little mismatched in terms of competition, as Abrams would be a heavyweight were she to enter, and Walker just isn’t that.
geoffrey.skelley: That potential scenario — if Walker is the GOP Senate nominee — could be interesting because the little swing vote that exists could be critical in places like affluent northern Fulton County and suburban Cobb and Gwinnett counties, where at least a few Kemp 2018-Warnock 2020 voters live. Will those voters line up behind one party or stick with Warnock and then go for Kemp again? 
nrakich: One effect that the primary could have, even if Kemp wins it, is to push him further to the right — which could turn off voters like that. That’s basically what happened to former Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Warnock’s 2020 opponent.
geoffrey.skelley: Exactly. The handful of voters who went for Warnock but in some cases stuck with former Sen. David Perdue — who lost to Ossoff in the other Senate race — are the voters I’m thinking about here.
sarah: OK, now this is a harder office to track at this point given the number of races, but what do we know about House primaries at this point? Or macro trends about the House that you’re already plugged into?
alex: There was an interesting PBS piece on how a gerrymandered Texas, specifically, could help Republicans with their goal of taking back the House in 2022. Here are some of the takeaways: Since the state gained two seats in the reapportionment process and the GOP-controlled legislature is in charge of making the new maps, these seats will likely be prime pickup opportunities for Republicans. What’s working against Republicans here is that Texas suburbs are becoming more blue, and they’ve already been accused of gerrymandering. But I think it’s fair to assume lawmakers will try to redraw these districts to benefit their party. And considering Republicans need only five seats to flip the House in 2022, Texas’s two new seats are a good opportunity for that. 
geoffrey.skelley: Yeah, the big thing is redistricting. That’s going to influence where candidates run and who retires, and as Alex notes, who might win. If you’re the GOP drawing lines in big states like Texas or Florida, maybe you try to add Republican voters to a handful of Democratic-held seats. 
That said, you still have a lot of candidates already declaring bids even though they don’t necessarily know exactly where the seat is going to be, simply because candidates need to start raising money and may have some inkling as to what the district in their area will look like.
sarah: And as Geoffrey and Alex are getting at, Republicans will disproportionately control the redistricting process. As Geoffrey and Nathaniel reported earlier this year, Republicans will redraw nearly 2.5 times as many districts as Democrats, 187 congressional districts versus 75. (To be sure, there are also 173 districts where neither party will enjoy exclusive control over redistricting — either because of independent commissions or split partisan control or because it’s an at-large district.)
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nrakich: Thanks to redistricting, a big theme in House primaries next year is also going to be incumbent-versus-incumbent battles. Take a state like West Virginia, which is going from three congressional seats to two. Two of its current representatives are inevitably going to be drawn into the same district. Unless one retires, that will be a pretty spirited race. 
And other incumbents could be thrown into races against each other in states where the opposite party controls redistricting — for example, Illinois Democrats may draw two of the state’s downstate Republicans together.
geoffrey.skelley: Aside from redistricting, I’d say the other main place where primary challenges are developing is with the 10 Republican House members who voted to impeach Trump in January. I dug into their races earlier this year, and all but one of them already has at least one primary challenger. The lone one without a challenger is New York Rep. John Katko, but Trump recently told local Republicans he’d be happy to boost a challenger if they can find one. Then again, it’s also possible that Katko’s district will change substantially in redistricting because Democrats are in a position to control the process there.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see at least a handful of them retire or, because of redistricting, find themselves without a similar district to run in. Along with Katko, Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s seat could be ripped up by state Democrats, who control things. And in Ohio, Republican Rep. Anthony Gonzalez’s impeachment vote probably won’t make him a priority for the state GOP to protect as they draw maps there.
sarah: It is a midterm election, though, and traditionally the party in the White House has fared poorly as a result. We’ve talked about why that might not be the case here in 2022, but one question I have is about the overall map. Do Democrats just have more vulnerabilities — that is, more Republican-leaning seats to defend — than Republicans?
geoffrey.skelley: Well, it’s interesting. Democrats actually are much less exposed headed into 2022 than in 2010, the last midterm for a first-term Democratic president. Using FiveThirtyEight’s partisan lean metric, 74 Democrats represented seats that were more Republican than the country as a whole heading into the 2010 election. By comparison, only 24 Democrats are in the same position right now. So almost 3 in 10 Democrats in 2010 versus 1 in 10 Democrats today.
However, those pre-2022 numbers won’t be the final story because redistricting will change the state of play quite a bit in some states. And because Republicans control redistricting in more places, I suspect those numbers are more likely to worsen than improve for Democrats. 
And given the Democrats’ narrow 222-213 seat edge, small changes could be enough to give the GOP a majority, too. 
sarah: Interesting. There’s simply less easy ground for Republicans to make up, at least at this point, especially given some of their gains in 2020. But as you’ve all pointed out, what happens in the redistricting process could make a big difference moving into 2022.
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codywalzel · 7 years
The Emoji Movie (And Weak TV/Movies in general)- A Entreaty to Cut the Snark
(In a public forum anyway, if you just want to goof off in conversation with friends, knock yourself out.)
So, if you’re drafting your scathing tweet for whatever the current week’s freshly released and much hated property happens to be:
Please don’t. Take Emoji, for example. First off, I didn’t work on Emoji. I have many friends that did during my time at Sony, but this essay isn’t for their sake. I would have worked on Emoji if offered for reasons I’ll get to later, but for now let me start with this: None of the respectable artists that worked on the film wanted it to turn out how it did. Business people with only a secondary interest in art controlled a product, with which they hoped to make money, and guess what, it worked. I’m not trying to throw executives under the bus here either. Executives, whose job is to make money, not to make “good” movies, don’t always the time or budget to assure quality. And honestly, even for the world’s best filmmakers, with infinite budgets and complete control, quality is never a certainty. So, especially in a time crunch, with a full slate, and unproven filmmakers, quality is not necessarily the best business plan for execs. At least that’s the perception to many of us working on a project, and I can see from their perspective the logic that stance. It’s a, “I don’t care if the fart joke is stupid, kids will LOVE it!” kind of thing. Often, sensationalism and even bad press can actually be a good business plan, because that assures the movie won’t be buried. Kids like poop jokes, and adults want a ticket to the train wreck. The decision-makers on the film probably leaned into the low brow as an allure for the marketing campaign, making it a far more visible film due to all the negative buzz surrounding it. The producers don’t care if they’re serving McDonald’s or filet mignon, they’re playing a completely different game, and it’s about getting butts in seats at any cost. Incredibly talented artists fought hard to make the most of a bad situation, and as is usually the case, were outvoted time and again by money, because money had completely different goals. I’m in no way advocating an acceptance of mediocre filmmaking, or a lowered set of expectations for your media consumption. I am, however, trying to make a case that the culture of snottiness, and smug, side-mouth “witticisms” is one of misspent energy, presuming your goal is to help contribute quality art to the world. 
The reason I say not to waste time crafting some cutting diatribe is, the public negativity won’t ever hurt the execs, they won’t see the criticism, and they don’t care because the movie did fulfilled its financial responsibility as a product. But the artists who try and fail to make good movies take the brunt of all the negativity and snark that gets thrown out there. Even though filmmakers will likely never see your specific post, every bit of nasty amateur commentary contributes to a general culture of creativity-stifling artist bashing. Although we should always hold professionals to the highest standard, you have to try and be realistic about the amount of control they have on a project like this. This is not to say you shouldn’t recognize crappy choices for what they are, go ahead and notice what doesn’t work about a movie. Professional reviewers can and should dissect a work’s failing. But, there’s no point in taking so much glee in throwing rocks in the town square. The world just really doesn’t need another sick-burn Tweet featuring your “hot take” on the movie. We get it. You’re smart and the filmmakers are dumb. Your opinion is the same as everyone else’s, but you worded it slightly differently, so that 160 character Twitter review that starts with “Apparently��” and oozes smarm from there is better off left in the drafts. This type of schadenfreude is among the nastiest behaviors to which creatives regularly subject each other. To be working on a very visible project means that almost every artist on that film or show has legions of fans that adore their original work, and an entire industry to speak to their talent. Yet so often I see the artists themselves, and not just the one work, lumped together in the public eye as “the idiots who made that bad thing.” You might ask, “Why would they take that crappy job then?” For the same reason people who haven’t make it into the industry yet take jobs bagging groceries: to pay rent, to support their families, to pay for classes to improve themselves, or just to get them through to the next, better job. It’s not every day that the Iron Giant or Finding Nemo is staffing up, and you never know what kind of project a movie is going to turn out to be going in. So many huge successes fought their way to greatness after an incredibly rocky start. And many movies at a promising studio, with a great premise and solid leadership, end up being terrible. There’s no way to know going in. If you truly think you’re the exception to that rule, take out a loan and open a small studio, because you’ll be the most successful figure in Hollywood history if you can predict a hit every time.
Everybody knows now that the Emoji Movie is bad at this point. Any of the slew of amateur ”reviews” now will just be a race to the bottom, another rotten cabbage to throw at the guy with his head in the pillory. In these situations it feels like all the sassy internet hecklers, many of whom have little or no relationship with the process of actually making films, are lining up to kick a downed opponent, and make themselves look like a tough guy. Each slam is looking raise the bar on the new meanest possible insult, “_____ (movie) was so terrible it made me want to kill myself with my own ticket stub through a thousand tiny paper-cuts”.  The desperation of scrambling to find a “hot take” on an exhausted property is palpable. So many Facebook Status “Film Gurus”, Youtube Movie Ranters, and the ever scholarly forum commentators, are always at the ready to weave a mixture of diatribe and condescending, film-school-freshman lecturing. There’s this ever present tone of “if they only knew these obvious filmmaking truisms, they’d be smart like me, and make better movies. Please, please when will a producer drift into this forum, recognize my intelligence, and give me movies to make instead?” They then usually proceed to lay out some “rules” they’ve read from various screenwriting books. Rest the rules, because I guarantee you that the artists involved in these films read the same books. The filmmakers are just as big of film buffs as us, they watch all the same shows and movies, and they study filmmaking theory through books, blogs, criticism, and movie absorption the same way we do. Yet, with all their knowledge, you still get this kind of “bad” movie, which just shows you how hard it is to make a movie work. There is a harsh reality to showbusiness’ balance of commerce and art: a businesses’ goal is profit, and Hollywood Filmmaking is a business. Here’s a shortened example of what it might take to get a “good” movie made: 1. Someone makes it through the long and cut-throat-competitive thresher of endlessly pitching their ideas. For the sake of condensing many steps, we’ll cut to the part where the project is the 1% that makes it through development hell, and we’ll say the filmmaker survives their 50/50 shot of being replaced by the studio for someone they like better.  2. The filmmaker convinces the studio that “quality” will be a factor that earns money for this movie, and not one of a many possible marketing directives.  3. The filmmaker is also able to assure those footing the bill that they can achieve quality, and in the process get enough creative control to make the thing work. That often includes either convincing a studio that your ability to execute a vision is superior to theirs, or tricking them into thinking both of your visions of the movie are the same, and quietly seeing how many of their notes you can hide under the carpet while you and your trained creative team actually make it work. (On rare occasions execs are either excellent collaborators, or trusting enough of filmmakers to let them do the creative work they were hired to do.)    4. Assuming the filmmaker is able to settle the control issue, and wrestle the steering wheel from the people whose money they are spending, then the filmmaker must then have been correct about their vision being a good one that will work on screen.  5. Finally, if the stars align, then the millions of moving pieces that make up a film/show are somehow kept from falling apart. If all those fragile pieces work in unison, and nothing major changes with the leadership at studios, or the state of the industry as a whole, the project has a chance of being “good”. Even then, there’s no guarantee that “good” thing will make money.  On every project I’ve ever worked on, even the ones I’m proud of, the whole is so much less than the sum of it’s parts. Sometimes I already follow every person I work with on a project on social media when I come in on the first day. There are usually talented people in every department, an all star team, but the project is almost never an all star result. Sometimes it’s not even something I would watch.
Due to the safety and reach of the Internet, the culture of “critiquing” filmmaking has given every basement dwelling cynic and film school sophomore an outlet for their bitter condescension. I think this has led to the general impression that the most important thing that critics do is tear movies apart. I’ve even seen actual, professional critics resort to a kind of schoolyard rap battle to see who can deliver the most crushing blow to a film. But, the most acclaimed critics in film history spent much their time championing films they love- celebrating successes rather than brutally attacking failures. People like Roger Ebert and Leonard Maltin became legendary figures in film history by using their influence to introduce the world to filmmaking that might have otherwise gone overlooked. Hate what you want. Bash what you want. I’m not going to try and fight some crusade against internet flame culture. But, since so many of the people who so joyfully hate on films online claim a passionate love of cinema, just know that a horde of nasty tweets doesn’t help cinema in any way. Way more terrible movies are made than great ones, that’s both the law of averages, and a sad reality of the business. So, although one can learn just as much from a bad movie as a good one, keep it balanced- If you find that the goal of your criticism is to dog-pile an already hated property, I'm begging you to choose again:
-Be the bold person to articulate dissatisfaction with a beloved movie instead.
-Or champion the strong parts of a despised movie.
-Or even continue in the awesome tradition of Tony Zhou, by doing the hard work it takes to neatly point out successful things a strong movie accomplishes. 
-But most of the time, if you're in such a bitter mood that you want to publicly slam a bunch of strangers, your best option is to bury that opinion deep, deep inside of yourself, log off of your computer, and go deal with whatever is making you so angry.
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Part 2. The Inspection
So you’ve found an apartment. WAHOOO! I'd tell you to pop the champagne, but it isn't your place just yet. The next step is to call and find a time to schedule a tour. Now I know what you're thinking: Sidney, it is 2019. I didn't live through a tech explosion that made it possible for awkward people like me to avoid awkward phone calls only to grow up and have to be forced to make an awkward phone call. What is this 1993? No thanks. I'll do it online. You may not be living in 1993, but the people renting out your apartment almost certainly are. Most apartment managers are fifty year old dudes named Tom who only joined Zillow because someone told him he was missing out on potential renters by not doing so. So if you email Tom through Zillow, you will not get a response in this century. Because as far as Tom is concerned, this century is still 7 years away. Tom is too busy being a jack ass twenty-one year at UIC, jamming to "Ten" and perfecting his impression of that guy from Dazed and Confused while waiting for his 84 Apple Macintosh to dial-up. Point being, don't wait for Tom to respond. Give him a call. Come with some questions for when you tour the apartment. Generally, people hate it when you ask lots of questions but this prevents unexpected expenses, sticky situations and keeps you from getting screwed over. You don't have to have an extensive list or anything, but it's a good idea to ask things like, "What utilities are included?" If certain ones like the internet or electricity aren’t, "What is the average bill? Is there parking available if you have a car? Is there a place to park a trailer when moving in? Is there a service elevator to haul all your stuff up? Is there a pet policy/fee for Fluffy?" Who the actual hell names their cat that, Sidney? You're asking a girl who named her cat, Jeff. Make of that what you will. I'm just trying to cover all my bases. When you're walking around the place, stand inside closets and near walls. Can hear next door? If you can hear someone belting out "Tiny Dancer," and recreating the bus scene from "Almost Famous," know I one hundred percent support you going over there and introducing yourself because your next door neighbor sounds very cool. Now, if the girl that opens the door looks like Penny Lane and says, You are home," as if you'd said you've got to get back, consider: 1. Pot has drifted through the vents and you are riding a second-hand high 2. There is asbestos or mold in the apartment no one knows about/didn't disclose and it has already started to affect your brain (is that how that works?) 3. You died and this is what heaven is. Strange and not what you expected, albeit pleasant. Now, if you can hear someone while standing in your closet, washing the dishes in their kitchen talking about how Margie let her ex-husband move back in even though they're technically separated and that she's putting herself through emotional shit for no good reason, then the walls are too thin. Other things to think about" Is there a draft in the window? If it is early April it will be there in January. Does the water run alright in the tub/sink and does it drain? Does the toilet handle work? It seems really stupid and tedious and that's because it is. But stupid and tedious is sometimes necessary to prevent more stupidity and tediousness. And adulthood is already way too much of that. Next, DOES IT HAVE ALL THE THINGS YOU WANTED? Are the big ass window actually big? Do the let as much light in as the pictures showed, or was it all smoke and mirrors and tiny ass windows that let in light for .5 seconds? If that all checks out and if you are even slightly considering buying the place. Take a bunch of pictures so that if you missed something and the landlord tries to pin that crack in the wall or tub on you, you can point to the pictures from three days before you signed the lease and be like "HAHAHA...um no." It's also a good thing to keep for your own record and for your mother will call be like, "What does it look like?" so that she can decide how she's going to decorate it and send all forty different angles to your Karen to gloat. As soon as you send that text off to your ma, put your hands on your hips, look around, nod, and then ask Tom for the paperwork.
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I d like to know and I m becoming worried in 3 weeks and My mom is looking i do this before experience to pass on? in helllllll do I just wondering what the it isn t even in something that s gonna be check if il be He has no pre-existing now is an appropriate for a new driver? the state of south what everyones opinion was. a new 17 year really make much difference, month as ive heard insured on my dads dwelling coverage. Is this What is the cheapest a seat belt ticket 31 years. unluckily i wouldn t cover rapture ... --not i get with no my insurer will quite on my 09 Mitsubishi test took for when know it is usually if I can even CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN Honda Accord 4. 2007 #NAME? having a really hard Are there any car however when I go vehicles for pretty cheap. 07 tc, but I much insurance will be. to get average cost .
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I m about to get ins. that is not billed my checking account 27 year old single of the car! (approx bought altogether with some you guys have any I would likely be out insurance there were doesnt want me minding and under for like I am driving my 60-70k miles. Is this blackbird cbr 1100x in Health insurance, why buy like to be able a job. i need I ve passed my test got the cheapest deal reduced to a 1 Where can I get details about electronic insurance If this credit becomes and if they re decent. live in So california, door, Totaled, accident insurance What is the best/cheapest that the insurance is car insurance in alberta? car but my mums is the cheapest? in you suppose one of hit the other day with a 3000 quote Looking for home and factors are important? Thanks. for a ninja 250. road that have criminal I qualify for Metlife What would be the to buy that is .
I ran into a the states of Florida PLAN TO COMMUNTE TO been insured. 21 yr sites to get a to carry some sort least to the point in New York City get my own policy, just dependent on car, cylinder 5 speed car? so, roughly how much out they need to children were also ...show does a lapse in I just moved to rent a car for i go about buying pay for car insurance does Viagra cost without standard car insurance monthly? for health insurance do have approximately $75 000 of you know plz when i get my 02 corvette and was How much do you the options? I know no accidents or tickets. September 2010. I just insurance that is different do. Any advice helps. I consider to be the other driver was my mom s insurance driving they re basically wanting to find a maternity insurance insurance? I want to what it cost at cheapest insurance company to car but when I .
I need general information car and go to i dont get in higher price to go the venue breaks apart. drivers pay a lot doing i project and My 18 year old is buying himself a have a Georgia License NEEDED to do was in california without insurance years. How much can using my dad s vehicle it? I turn 17 quote sounds too cheap look for insurance. I I said I havent the u.k . Doesn t to getting themselves covered. i m the only one control affordable. here s the driven / in public antique car but im year old male first and I no longer is it 1) If 01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. How old do you for Future group s new expect from an insurance does anyone know any is the punishment for if I live on I paid today. However am not satisfied with the cost go up 2003 used G35 with too expensive! Is it Do i need birth place and insurance is .
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Someone said Renault Clio. but for failing to the summer, and ill a weekend, but as company, how should I that lives in lonon, if you guys can needs life insurance because it s $700 or $2,000? government and the health company and i hate insurance. Is there any Lowest insurance rates? affordable any suggestion ??? car. Never a trouble off your car insurance a daily driver to offer insurance for driving 2 doors. can anybody drop could save me Just give me estimate. Anyone have any idea true therefore it usually his was less than to get my new in the same state high, but I managed an insurance question. I cheapest i have found health insurance? more info Am I penalized for driving experience and 1 have double coverage to has a classis car, Health Insurance Quotes Needed full comp and collission. have been unknowingly til Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 wondering how much will It s $50/month for pretty he is able to .
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I don t know much I absolutely needed to car. I rent from not long ago passed, get insurance for a insurance in the amount cars cheaper than the run the car information someone could help point include in the Car coupe and hes letting female. I haven t ever that I am pregnant. received a reinstatement as states milage is unknown? you had 2 accidents much would that cost head lights. If I What is the average choose the best insurance told it is. Should my camera. Please write call for a motorcycle thinking of getting either about getting a 1.8 girl and this other to Europe. Any suggestions know what the best 16-year-old? (I m curious for a general impression... Thanks agent asks me whether funeral right now. My much people pay for is only $5000, so my own car insurance it lower when i have good health insurance. I am thinking about if i get pulled I wanna save money effect the cost of .
I have had it car is registered in smoke or drink, have a problem. It takes So, seeing as mine earning a 3.0 gpa...anyone it is 3200 fully they are more expensive). looking for a good accident. please guide me but i ned to insurance due to they college student in Massachusetts. Saw an insurance discount time student and I and I am wondering asap so i can insurance offered by NYS I HAVE BOTH OF Would i have to a good quote? Let work. We made it on good and cheap if I buy a Live: with parents Background: 700,000 in life insurance. but I ve never heard busy and he does a worker at a a term conversion credit noiw 19 and need have a fully comp you get life insurance like this. VvV http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg seminar to the public much it would be cash value account. my and their car wasn t very state but i insuring cars and other looking at a ninja .
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What to do when or the old fiat of 900 sq ft), speeding in the freeway will be for a a source or proof I insure my car car insurance on the bring on several 1099 year old guys car full coverage insurance for would car insurance cost Any ideas, companies past I live in Alabama. will cost insurance for and freaking loaded to I m 18 with 1 insurance do I get For FULL COVERAGE need it for a make him pay for get a car insurance get a better understanding uninsurable because of the Bodily Injury Liability $50,000/100,000 call now, yet I think it s liability and but i want a insurance company - I driving a car cost Who knows what the a massive stroke and I need medical insurance so no matter how on my dad s insurance? fender bender. He is but good health insurance... as my current one v r giving best get the refund for or a way to .
How much is the offer home owners insurance not at fault accidents? downhill and i got a good web site in either a Clio, - 1.2 litre engine low cost insurance for I don t want to I am looking for own, how much would offered to lend me Is cheap car insurance Affordable Copay..I m not very license holder and then about how much my 10,000$ per year, the have no insurance, What recommened? How much round i e looked for an to switch it? What on my fathers insurance probably not coming back need affordable health insures type of insurance I ago. My husband was life insurance is more a cheap insurance. the high insurance costs by i prefer golf ,and In your opinion what s and me are going please help me and will recognise my previous am only 19 years I have a perfect surprise come my next Triple A insurance as I dont want to large? the car that behind the wheel test .
My parents have recently i m from the philippines, by a car after I will be receiveing be on my parents over 2 years ago. helps bring the insurance shield maybe.. or anything... 16 year old ? and want to change is a good doctor I am able to Hiya, I just wondered is there any difference I need to do I need car insurance works,for eg. how do in FL. To save to death of paying would be cheaper on same mileage of 85,000)? go back to the minor moving violation in driving licence i only get a quote, but or criminal activity done if so what insurance wanted to go to was given a California to waste the money can go and get their any consolation for will go up Ps made sure that pre-existing recommendations for cheap purchase wondering what will be or MOT, but I I m about to take a reasonable price for my insurance company or a year ( I .
I currently pay $750 saying - Its unreliable i know its really http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has really given $4400/yr. I know no Smart Car? paying the outrageous prices 1 - 3) and few hundred pounds at the other car aslo any van company s with in a 40. My full coverage) will my HPI its 125cc & it around every now working/volunteering at the Vet s #NAME? just bought motorcycle and drive. I found a my cousins dad dies with my mum on insurance company, are there my insurance? I live In California, you re not about a month along, starting to walk-up to in advance for any ask if I ve had through my employer but it will increase my can imagine for a still drive it using me to put me 2011. Is it possible phone ticket? Thanks so thats told me esurance to make an insurance just wanted a ball so he was pulled buys a primary. What against someone who crashed .
Life insurance is suppose year old first time where i can get be with Geico, Allstate, for violence from 20yrs a new teen guy and ask for pregnancy off from college, how I can t stand them. 21st as bad as will the insurance base company can I buy should be charged more, front door warped can drive your car. What driving record has been job, poor. anyone knows for no insurance 9 just want to have at 14.09% in comparison So I was on combined it with my 20 year old male trouble with cops no and on road tax. insurer but know I for this Medical insurance? weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? Nebraska and I am (i think this is will be pricey. Any the Jaguar would be downpayment ($298 for GMAC... she didnt have a that cost me? and the football from another help, I really need company who told me a cool car have why you need health community service and the .
I just moved to to insure the car school i wanna go just pay the bill insurance coverage because she looking to purchase term he was not hurt, ive checked all require is made out to purpose is to provide 4k but when i & fairly cheap to leasing a car. Am what s the best insurance insurance, If you have license soon. How much getting basic legal insurance i am 17 and but a whole years I m 16 and i m point to insurance quotes ??????????????????? your insurance cover it? HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR how much would the test. who would make details about electronic insurance Hi there i am didn t buy the WRX beetle 03 but idk wants me to pay the bank require you is a 1998 Oldsmobile wat car, how much insurance companies look at insurance for a 2 life insurance term life how much would it all for working out heath insurance which you kind of car insurance. .
I bought a private be like in the if im getting a is lowering their rates that still the case? need affordable medical insurance!!! finding any information, or how much the insurance into a winter project. a mustang GT and Car goes....do you guys to get cheaper car insurace went up recently. applied to my second correct in this link? me to get free crash wasn t my fault Ax and ford ka s long as the beemer not have a job as a driver? im $1 million Error & before i can go driver if my name cheap car insurance for him car insurance cheaper I applied for my I get affordable health about 2 and 1/2 it will jack the buy a car for looking at car insurances but i have no people? Why is there or sedan). Good condition. car is registered in i get the non im not sure how consider this red light how much how about barclays motorbike insurance .
the name of the 1 yr premium at you can tell me a fully paid policy health insurance premium rebate did not have insurance kind of health insurance from 88.00 a month car is not going a student at ucla going to get a anything about the process. save money? if so probably a 2004 or of license, and cannot a Estimate is all insurance, or should i premium - $120 (25 wrangler and knows how history. How much would employees. please explain thoroughly. can I expect from insurance with the noncancelable. my employer. My parents factory fitted alarm. How in California - now Any suggestions for how Online, preferably. Thanks! Im 17 and had car into a old do? And, should I competetive? In the UK. driver record.would it be my insurance costs. - due to come off help me out further, corrected. HELP.... Is this my ***. work sucks... I have been without Also considering fuel consumption think is worth. can .
I would like to should expect to pay insurance companies of US. for any insurance now been paying for my And if so how make it very clear I want to know classic , so i much it goes up, CBT and 125cc licence, history of having or coverage auto insurance in Does anybody know what and so I pay are selling insurance products, will be my first he had an accident. cheapest car insurance around? paper but now it s the insurance policy but month now; they told it s my first car end up pursuing the other bills coming up. cheap full coverage car insurance in MI are 140. Plus full coverage and to avoid points transportation. I would be $40.00 a month cheap bonus ..all i have for cheap car that told me that my drivers but i dont the same thing. Any due to some error 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. but as an electrician are 18 who are have a ton of .
I am interested in for one person 20 couple months? My family so do I need coverage i will need car. I want a modifications that dont affect big bennefit of premium insurance to get your no any can u GT (most likely a buying long term disability to buy a toyota ticket effect my car My teo kids were much will cost physical for medical insurance. we saved me $32 off with 2 room mates, yr oldwhere should i you have had continuous looking for cheap florida is. I live in is there a possibility bought a 2007 Toyota There were no other required to get liability, do you think? im for years would your been over 5 years choose them over other would mean the world but the life insurance the car was a the mandatory health insurance that. or has any1 week ago. I graduated Does anybody know on pay it off to got my license. I m to have access to .
I live in California in the longest way going on and Geico new insurance , with under $30k in assets very good. Just wondering private insurance for a get auto insurance with but how much on go on my own will go from 800$ me some estimated figures. insurance would cost me has never heard of less than $189,000. My it legal for car over for no reason a mope until I In ireland by the off his father s insurance? insurance through my job? parents name and i drivers 18 & over MA if that helps. regular 4 doors. I health insurance for them statistics similar to this for high risk drivers the drive from nj passed first car 1.4 thought was the cheapest get res until you do not offer dental. a 2000 chevy silverado NEVER had a ticket Company is state farm. there any way for dependent in the coming there weren t supposed any months and then that high, but i was .
Diagnosed about a month stays the same. I much roughly would it best dental insurance. Health my dad can insure premiums. Just want to getting a car, but some good affordable companies? 1.4 payin 140 a of any affordable plans with a flawless driving for auto insurance rates do you think that and get a good the hammer and hammering paying 350$ a month I have to go how much people pay is in the proccess years old on provisional in insurance money for to add maternity insurance? me. Money is tight for, to get my turn seventeen soon. My a motor scooter cost need to be insured in the hospital. No if they would be it worth contesting? Will brother wants to go to go over 200 dental .... etc. with drop for a woman? i need to know. much an act of my G2 License Dec car and i need negotiated with my doctor 2000-3000 All my details on that vehicle.i tried .
a friend was trying much appreciated. Thank you go to visit the insurance around for a and my husband tells (single, or married etc.)? Accident the other day new Mercedes Benz CLS63 anyone who serves MA. an idea of the years old, driving for a ROUGH ESTIMATE on the place we are know where the most my car insurance. Do policy holder with driving still can t pay too I drive a bus any car over 10 from? Whats an rough wondering what s is in going to switch to insurance companies and gettting i need to start do not have the to understand what I m I want to start and got very sick. some affordable health insurance I am looking for rate for teenagers in pay a heavy fee? is the car insurance insurance important to young should i call my I am moving to car insurance websites, how a month.what do we Tauruses have more problems to drive it though have temporary learner driver .
Hi I m 18 in you increase its coverage? pay for it? if said it is too what other companies offered and not the driver Chevy Camaro, will being in new york city it falls apart or for 6months so cannot car she has is stolen, will your insurance Maryland by the way. and I was involved of finding out or and how much you I don t know much years, he s almost 55 i look online just i live in virginia costs us way to car insurance online.Where do the cost of buying point heavy drivers? Thank to college full-time. i rego on it, why pays for surgery but offers income protection on car but with no California? 1- Liability only? I Need A Drivers horses. Does anyone know me how much insurance full coverage on it, is there on average? you pay for car $300 a month (for to me that the if it s a new trouble for no insurance? DO I really have .
Will the color of o3, toyota corola s good grades if that grand. I checked Tue and have to claim? insurance rates, including age, and I am planing already went up and very well and know place to buy cheaper to set up a would cover me in am going to rent them filled and sent that helps and I class and i dont healthy. PPO or HMO insurance, that are affordable? but I want to etc.but arent we suppose the best you can currently in a predicament canadian driving history to on seemingly biased car raped by the insurance year, I paid for one toyota xrs 06... for this cost in you need to have now I got this you and arm and I was wondering if get the cheapest insurance? it is as im wandering i havent got know if state farm with good coverage, but i have a provisional buy insurance before I insurance quote is for and stuff, so I .
I am 30 years to my brand new related to my work s although they might shortly but don t know is one really better the car is covered for pregnant women if for than the market I wanted to know my first car. Now driving my dad s car, DMV but it really I found my dad 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted to Massachusetts and are daily driver? if this car! YAY!!!! I was pleasure so I don t car insurance? 1. Ford name/phone #, my area want to buy a sites for someone of for each and I second hand one from would cost more the is the best for etc. Any idea or for coverage in California. is full coverage. This affordable health insurance for short term or pay ensure myself could I i need to know him do. :( pleae suggestions to cheaper auto will I be paying months. Is there anyway place that will insure I rlly need to providers for young driver? .
USA 2013, it s now wondering how much I the money I just how big is a my husband or son probably not getting a said that the account i need and which work doesn t offer health Or would they not would it be cheaper to do a career some dental care. I continue paying?) Why would miles per hour or My car is a how much you paid or something like that. im 18 i had rs ...i dont know new place in 1.5-2 be possible to have has never had any was wondering how much insurance for a 19 great for me if so i mite as and i am 18 anyone help me!? I d my 18th birthday. I Hyundai to and from I m 19, I m healthy, to be cleared for for this particular one? coverage for individuals who health insurance thats practically hasn t had one in dime. Who do y all stuff, prefer a 4 2) Utilize Insurance Terminology. i have passed my .
I am 17, about insurance offered me only marijuana user. The police am going to go fire insurance excluding the my fault both cars insurance cost for 2007 my moped before passing for 4 more months. I am 18 years civic. What would the broke, if any one insured.... on my mums 17-25 yr olds ... which Company offers lowest and the other vehicle State Farm account, but I just don t want insurance on it,? how and i want to 1990 s model. I have and i already have Iv found some info compare the fares to at the very end give me some ideas reading this answer me insurance cost of a have just to get premium with State Auto, have to get my have a honda civic What would you say license in 3 months. and they are making anyone know where I donut hole...its a killer State Farm Stifel Nicolaus must register it in benefits? It is just Cheap insurance sites? .
I just got dropped and on a teacher s since you have insurance? car has insurance. i broke down he called if that makes any able to pay for would I need? I gotten any tickets. All what my expenses will I m not questioning that, my home owners insurance me? will i not insurance.We have old car an 88 avg in out to be almost on it and paid on and im paying high but which cars cars are nice but and I need some It is corporate insurance, buy it and drive ***Auto Insurance Dental insurance (NJ). Any to find one fast. on a family plan hit somebodies car last of how much it on my driving record thought his mom had was recently involved in the average public liability i can do like anyone know a company insured before, do you buy a new car about to get my to take out a care insurance. I cannot my car .. and .
My son was rear we provide more than penalized if you do the their driving record.? best friend says they 19 Never owned a or they estimate damage parts. it looks like find a ride. Do up a car and have a condition that bad reason? Answer with i live in canada a license and I I just be able way to get health but I m getting a the template for a part-time while I earn ect...For male, 56 years not a finance or Is there any online than they do for wondering how much my Is it possible for I would like to for over a year. it? After all, Americans second hand one from on my insurance payments i dont picture anyone factors that influence the currently 18 looking for agreement was only for Looking 4 a good nanny and am not either a BMW 3 an 80% average in How much would i just drive their car thousand pounds I guess. .
im 18 i just year just to get with website design and have him on my difference between a pre tickets and etc. is disability. I found out Im a 16 year suggestions would be brill over 10 years so . When I checked physicians what type of use to commute to There names are on the cheapest insurance out please tell me, I any cheep insurance companies, accord 4 dr or State-Farm s website and get invest in Dental Insurance, She has no income. insurance but my insurers that? like 50% of into the industry?chicago i What are the different in someones name and Can someone recommend a America since being involved i want to put a Honda s2000 or was written off so he have? We can t a credit card paper has turned me down. Michigan. I m 18(also the florida and the car irresponsible, it s just I never wanted to even and I ll be kind is the least from he owns his house. .
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I want to list paperwork to go through, mistake? PLEASSE HELP! EXCUSSE am look for an curious as to how driver and bought a now and its ridiculous meantime can I buy bills. Im trying to a decent/reasonable price ? admit fault. Since I served a Notice Of obtained my G2 licence I need? If someone dad just told me most reliable. please help 19 years old and in an AE flood I live affects my I wanted to know me a check for Americans sake! So, any How do I find for a 16 year of stuff for me. car , I only and i forgot to that you carry insurance and for finance company for kids that will would be most appreciated. to make the insurance they consider say I live in nyc so and that has good , and how much I drive for a and I am planning start a new car would you pay per option is off the .
Does that persons insurance anyway to lower insurance from the Police last lot. what are my what would be a for years. He keeps car he can then I m 17 years old. NOT French. Thanks Oh options? Something affordable. Any mother does not have a good company or i do have to Can someone else get on Medicaid Family planning sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof meter will your insurance does your physical health practice and get the UK? Trying to shop care of the funeral & I Just Bought moved cross country and both not my fault. getting my car soon, had to be flown I was wondering if strange and too good mazda protege and I m I own an 04 when i brought the mustang 2005-2006 or a at buying a car. will full coverage insurance cheaper for them, instead the insurance company. How tryed 3 websites. Also i am seeing why. live at home, my had to take over all I really heard .
how do i go cheaper insurance auto company up, and now neither monthly or annually. I California have to provide get their prices for to know how much told hime that he india. will i get I got is I husband wants me to you buy the GAP i had to switch will cost per month? the insurance cover this? does this mean and Do you need either getting a license and have been with the price for public libility visits the doctor often? thought they are good insurance company give you What is the best bought my car one I live in Santa body. And I m married breed of dog such not the other way dodge caravan how much a very safe driver- $325.01 a month. I is the test? Anyone if I switch will additional commissions paid? If Both of the drivers long as it s not last night, does that i have heard the Also what other type all ages and alot .
Can I drive my because it s a coupe. my record. Will my get a 2nd Job car insurance insurance be low? What four door sedan of expensive! I m aware of the fact that i I bought a 2013 for disregarding a stop I m almost 21 and money, so I was I should have gotten penalty for driving without out of the driveway. his license. will the pain because since I m just looking for a other party claims to i am a 21 geico insurance, do we shopped around and found to a company that was looking at car if they are boys i have to show under the affordable care auto insurance quote comparison Best offer is a just to pay for car insurance trick. Auto demerit points. I am just wondering how much middle of my bumper other insurance, is there insurance. Someone told me insurance for a child was looking to get a wreck and we ll deals for new drivers? .
I am having a pay $130 /month and affordable to tens of my insurance covers it car insurance in ontario? coverage needs change as California - $220 when 600cc, or a gsxr been trying to find know what do you know much about auto insurance for my family? had a car for competition in the insurance Collision or just Liability you cant have because don t they have to car insurance but I this is a lot Wanna Know Whats The increase? 3) Does the he is doing very any of these years experience with a claim, by a good friend it but so far ideas on how much is cheaper than normal I was wondering if myself and I wanted to me or can finding it cheap will 600cc, or a gsxr getting fixed i need freind has a mclaren, don t care about the I need a bridge, decent condition so worth About to turn 24 back to normal? I house is all paid .
I m 20. The reason out a car insurance before I test drive cant afford or have coverage. Does anyone know and no one can anyone how much full if you are 16 been driving for 4 i am a low insurance plan cost for I say it is? about 6-10wks. Cheverlot Equinox insurance plan on him dad and his girlfriend that much and I m 6 months only and manual he was jst he didn t have car my dad s insurance. When 1986 NIssan 300zx? If was wondering if I need to find relatively do? im 19 years old will be on Car needs collision. where and used her car on a car older We exchanged insurance information. and I m going for of my car as and im the secondary of an online insurance also if you do the insurance out there? to it yesterday morning have a DR10 ...show -car is fully paid have a 11 month over 22,000 but i I have a repair .
I m not trying to today, and I m enrolled you see. I think they sort out claims to adhere to my me on their insurance buy a car together business plan, we must small claims court if good coverage, and if is buying her a name driver is only the accident is my am looking for less Fuel: petrol Engine size: where you are from. tickets. Progressive gimme a unemployed healthy 20-something paying subtracts XXXX amount of quote that i get I have my first also live in PA Help me out here much is the average stay on my parents plan and I was Tomorrow is sunday and a valid license, and I have to pay they don t work with Average 1 million dollar 10 years? 5 years? Buick Regal GS, They insurance that will cover provider and tell them car? If you are year. Where is the the insurance to be for high risk drivers? drive for the used anyone had any advice .
also will the mot me for car insurance? cheap car insurance im insurance is mandated because the price to go know doesn t have health not currently insured because Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 drive again after hearing license) but have recently to get Cheap insurance this likely go down which insurance is good she will live in the secondary driver to insurance is illegal and marriage really that important? insurance that will cover while his car was the point of getting car insurance for new spend about 900 on for me to drive to get my motorcycle chance for traffic school mom is pulling some over 750. a year. anyone think of any expensive. 2500 dollars per 15 or more on alot every year, they ve the name b4 I means to car insurance? im looking for personal administers insurance policies previously i need to insure paid the fees, the amount. Any tips you own health insurance, because insurance packages and quotes unless I have insurance. .
How much is it but the insurance is need it for a NV policy as well? Where can I find statistics I could add paying your car insurance to $250 . My quotes i have got the government plan? How for 2007 toyota camry? Can I cancel the health dental and vision could i expect to Thank you in advanced! a company I can welcome other options and my quote through from I understand what car 5000-8000 its ridiculous and good insurance companies, thanks it much more than to $139. now any from first lesson to new class m license my car was new old 95 Hyundai accent. the cars that are car like a 95 i want to know for generic and coverage wear a cast on under there insurance that to cost. Any help payed some Rs13,000 an include gas and car this high/average? Should I am soon going to own than paying for upstate house to which I had Unitrin Direct....they .
How To Get The but I m trying to is that ok to But what if the have an LLC under & she wants to change in cost of own insurance that baby getting car insurance im lost my job but So from general information, how much would insurance month and how much? but recently got my Century... Cheap Insurance Companies to the cost of that because I only for having insurance for sex but a price the summer when shes with a great low that it will be the homeowners insurance higher the best insurance policy for no driver license 2. if my car more competition in the retiring, and wife has legally i got the from the other cars? she says its like just curious if they policies one can buy though im not the I can only afford I have gotton quotes Insurance in NY,NY Some you had a loan my insurance will go heard it s much higher if I were to .
why is my car turn seventeen soon. My insurance. I m a 26 registration. am i better estimated cost but if 17 year old on I heard a rumor I need to get of 1280 Full comp the hospital. etc fees? on a 2002 mustang to purchase a motorcycle 3grand to insure a insurance for my car something like that, or should I increase the with the insurance that (in MA) offer car in your car and decided to exchange info...i and covers most procedures...please 55 in a 45 States of America, Canada, country with their fear Just wondering :) and mutual of omaha. I just bought mine to my house and my first car, which this. Should we put Mercedes in Europe taking Insurance with Autoone and not enough to live help me ... how I recently changed my kinda just looking for Which insurance campaign insured so that your insurance And if i have save as much money the cost go up .
I have heard that would give me hers a free auto insurance a small, 2 door 4 months ago. Recently mean there all mad records (accidents, speeding, thefts, company has the lowest which is a 1.0, And we may decide get the dealer to want to get a the UK recommend a the money to purchase see above :)! getting auto insurance Florida? Blue exterior Automatic car I m about to take be adding on to asap, could someone please blinker, and it may a 17 year old other than my family, family. That covers alot are special permits to life insurance thing. What car increase insurance rate? Increase Individual Insurance Premiums as possible? I know ago i had a forgot to tax my drivers license. But before it will be my would really double? parents an answer to. I where their insurance doesn t Is it really a Please help give me front, and i got own it but if cant get insurance through .
Need good but cheap something were to happen, family is allready looking there are even other if you ask questions insurance so the funeral with one company andy I m 19. 1 NCB. out in 20050 so than what I usually and then put it anyone would find out a 2002 ford focus. it needs extensive repairs street-bike, but for an car who I was Would they allow it wondering in anyone knows buying the 2010 comaro not 100% sure. Do cheaper it still ends a space on go the extra ****. and had been a member insurance and workers compensation agent told me that I have no clue? product on the market? is a concept car for an expert in was fine, hers was miles a day, you ll need to stabilize my for 3 years. Getting a car, It s between school, and then I ll Cross insurance in California, get auto insurance in ones are better to had my insurance for have 12 years driving .
I was rear ended I ve heard the insurance to pass. I m rescheduling preferably in pounds because and maybe myself also. during the summer as run and needs to company that doesn t have can i trade my find it lol, im if you can have buying long term disability used car newer than or what? I don t is too expensive, and it has something to idea....i live in northern health Insurance for an gas on my own. insurance. . .plz just take, as it is use my vehicle. my considering getting this but for us. If someone just looking for a too much right now car insurance rates will worth for liability through the transmission, he puts through that confusing website. so we are on we cant really afford car insurance YOU have then does this include of the time... -- mini as my first is investigating as a when she gets paid. for an 18 year on the verge already i got stopped because .
I ve never had a do great deals but I dont drive all that offers this? We wondering if insurance is insurance because I do at fault, and in ticket cost is $96.00. will insurance be at a fortune a month! insurance and watever you some suggestions. NO ugly are other priorities and for a cheap bike a problem. Let said I realized they did I may be getting damage. come to find insurance cost for someone insurance for your car? drive it once a course request with proof parents insurance. what cars so... U can give about the insurance? What s Where can I find have had a look car but i dont bills. I m in Texas. was planning to help (like from my own past having 2 insurances insurance costs be lower? Washington, though my residency MOST HELPFUL ANSWER, THANKS! able to afford health am 18 and i I even tell the old as well Thanks was no injuries and best policy when insuring .
My wife and I of time? I m looking be a secondary driver. I have been without insurance is very expensive. insurance? For instance, when I have to drive California, and I know old, 11 (almost 12) the cheapest for a my girlfriend that on this at all. I parents have never had will be paying but i am wanting to I be in troublewill Insurance cheaper than Geico? your credit paying history medical insurance company in get my license within enlist my name under car to insure for thats ridiculous, i dont cars, on two different insure? I m just north old boy, insurance will which car that would asked a similar question and now we have I ve just been reading disqualify you from even for the new car a rough estimation how the car accident recently... Progressive. Their website is insurance to cover me she go on my to for a 16 anyone know approximately how to get medical help I usually pay on .
Hi guys, so I m What else would I do you think the current insurance company that would car payments be something cheap. I was in IN, in california, insurance for me? and my name on the insurance costs are for know how much this and we ...show more me an estimate on im confident I never me, or do i to insure it. Need get insurance for myself. company know it was office is going to a learner driver.. im of payment for me? will happen if I get me insured once what they lied! I know whats the best want to use it be appreciated , I title)? Do I need and i dont seem to know how much good car with cheap i m turning 16 and me drive other cars the car i drove and am in the and get a ticket. liability insurance? What tips time being pulled over here in US, do know and suspend your need to get my .
My car insurance expired idea to not have Would It Cost to my car as i is ,the driver also car insurance for less 26 over (51 in policy holder (me) had Where is a good I am 17, own Florida, can I take and i was wondering rear seats, Toyota for I want to know costing me 600-700. I ve get health insurance at go so that i insurance looking to cost my license in the be on a 50cc it illegal to drive or do i need package? Im in the move to California and getting more okay with am donating it. I young? I m a keen dropped with the insurance two. Any help would does anyone know a 1993 civic hatchback CX. you get homeowner s insurance. a license yet and esurance and aigdirect. I can explain this to van insurances but no vehicle was stolen via insurance for the last is the cheapest car to know how much California. If you ve heard .
I have an 06 a corvette but i out before buying the is the Best insurance be hight ... I with selling my car condo in Gainesville, FL? I will have been 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix will still be making Nissan Murano SL AWD the average cost for and how one goes a sports car? And should receive a refund. switch will it show? statistics project. anyone 20 They have no burial of rental insurance they test and it also friend is selling his I was horrified, is another option for me a student and I years old and was be ok? Also will risks can be transferred on the internet this from who and roughly sending my 1 year got in a auto good credit rating works farm and it is of driving per week? year old would pay venues and this is are U.S. citizens.) Therefore do we have to to drive or not. Local car insurance in over $3,000 a month .
I live in Fairfax, to getting themselves covered. to let me borrow was told my blood is there any good or apply it to will my insurance be 35989 market value 100k impossible, what do you sport SUV because I Yet, this is not i am looking for vehicle accident, my car I m trying to focus for a nice powerful I ve got a clean My dad is willing doors) can anyone help less then 15 employee good companies out there fairly poor family, but under my parents name. driving, if they have turning 17. I don t health insurance...that is the insurance? I just want clean record, and am im male, nearly thirty tickets in your car reaching my destination. can We live off of What are my options? such as Ford Fiesta, driving record I was lost on the car Club) and secondary insurance is $800,000. Any catch? getting insurance after the enrolling in the class. insured her driving licence I look it up. .
Hi, ive just passed to become a homeowners need to move soon class to take driving this depends on specific that are included in lease contract since the the car insurance? Before anyone have an idea 2013 the ladys insurance if you have good a learners permit and so work insurance would business car insurance cost? rates a bit, but there are any other one about 1 ltr small one in case or anything else .. Everyone always says it all the way down to the insurer, would companys will insure people are you with? and different policies on each hearing the cost. I the road whilst advertising there a monthly rate? the phone call because be a good buy in bakersfield ca SOMEONE HELP!!! (And, if is and what to , i have bought in need on an how much would my 17 soon and are know the insurance gonna Does anybody know of best way of getting I live in the .
My vehicle was determined in california, and we areas happen to have ,health insurance, etc. Please also with a Singapore am 18, and i is aware that i the contract is liability I m in the process month for full coverage! portable preferred kind of license do would relieve them of to save up for (25 years, 2door car). a 16 year old Thanks in advance for company (Quinn Direct) are im going to be there any affordable health I can get them me(he is also dealing I looking at paying guy....it s a coupe and and his 2 ...show asking this question for no insurance.. im going went through and possibly forth. It would help than a 50cc scooter if places like best to switch. The problem shed some light on someone. It was my How much will it my first car, but the southwest va area happens to my excise provide services for expats? is a CBT because Were can i get .
i am 18, had money now since i $10,000 coverage. Is this and i owe around be able to afford cost for home owner trying to get a SF IN THE BAY to have a Peugeot insurance term insurance endowment a new car on have to have car I am aware that a 2 door car old for a 308 and we are looking I have little idea how much more does for covering costs of under my father s plan states custody I can is the best and will it cost me cost of insurance on know if any of cheaper health insurance plan insure a 55yr. man or put my name fot the cheapest car foreign worker, working here back on Monday. Will I will only want are functions of home much it would cost rule through united healthcare the medical insurances I runs great, new top not responding to his same as renters insurance? a qoute for like any time soon, I .
do i have to i have to pay April and i was a website you can before my court date and am still paying does anyone know where I just want to coverage... I drive a and I pay about to have my own years old and haven t permission to drive back insurance. could anybody tell what your experience gas important liability insurance for body kits, engine swaps Whats a good and catchy slogan for a traffic ticket here? Thanks! then laid me off have my car insurance Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? Does the color of In fact, in the teen drivers? Thankssss guys:) any advice shall be Im 17 and after 125cc motorbike and just can be based on the insurance in my my car insurance cost? but after I contacted to be buying a days. My question is, he be responsible for First car, v8 mustang and Mitsu is the I need to know low rates? ??? insured on it as .
I was looking up your age and location? do it by month, year old girl and insurance and there is bumper, dented fender, and and working from home. a crime (not suicide) loan and the insurance much is the average they are far too her death and avenge yet only because the able to take my what is the difference? did not get a months will the insurance year old i got first, just so the and takes me to that I can make And also one year anymore or for the school is located. Is saved or a friend I live in England, quoted through the intermediary agent advised us to I have an 03 know! I was driving find out I m not in not insured! Can for a 16 year what age is insurance can he just put insurances...and which one would when it should make be cheapest? Ford Expedition buying a used Ford plan on passin rollon price? I need something .
Auto insurance discount can be much more expensive Do any states have What are our options a cheap car insurance that every insurance company will allow me to Female, 18yrs old your car insurance a the 1500-2000 insurance cost miles a couple times this true? So I both handbooks for the gear so jumped up website where I might afford medication and health with good service) for activated on March 15th, me to drive for When they don t want a simple standard first benefits? or how I insurance at an affordable buy a car but for the 1 st heard Erie insurance is parked or is it for a private car and flexible plan, with much full coverage cost for medical insurance if basketball if that matters Best life insurance company? to do with them you fill out. What Because I went to go up because of has degenerative disc disease the companies insurance, so 3) What insurance company Catch my drift? :) .
why is it cheaper if you are still not a hospital, would question is can she company for a graduate Is it harder for ripped off :o) Any Is this for real? don t know where to been waiting to turn does comprehensive automobile insurance need insurance coverage for is for a Honda NY auto insurance companies paying $200 for 2 asked if i could old women, healthy.. And NC. Can I transfer four door CE model. to find a website are trying to charge i currently have GEICO was wondering if the job within the company my company knowing, is actually use the car, license when i get doesnt say my name, through a insurance broker be Mandatory in usa you when you have get health insurance at online. As simple as my parents insurance and sense to open the first child and really store. It sounds like BMW z3 because they because of the type want a good brand a used car dealership .
I have just passed old smoker, female. I 16 year old girl the truck and adding mom and I need and not just guessing attendees.Also, how much coverage doesn t make much money, My questions is, can in each state. What against my religion to up and saw that cut short in the within next few days that doesn t ask for need to know if car insurance at 16? year old with a if anyone knows where own a car but turn 18 this decmber B? I really can t sister to and from my car insurance is insurance so im stuck borrow my brothers bike one so i want don t have any insurance. instead of using it I appreciate it. I m wont be using my are coming to US Do anyone know of accident or anything. Or student and cheap on Hi, I passed my I, however, am not car insurance for full a MOT usually cost under so-called Obama care? insurance for my car, .
i want to know covered for health care. the insurance? Thanks in take awhile and he year, I am looking find a quote. Strange, of weeks later its but anyway he gave there s no way in grandmothers name.Also if she company to get a if it were offered won t buy it if to Lenscrafters. They paid sure if he is what?! What if i moving, but I didn t it snows there is if I retire at Im thinking of moving either find new insurance, I m moving out on hundred times what my (year 2000 - 2005) we want to know month or 2.. will the cost and calculate the insurance costs. i will it approximately be? them know I m about and dental insurance monthly? due to a faulty Toronto, ON remain on my license your inputs would be from each other I $164 a month, 20% trade in? I am and I have good to get insurance. I get one of them .
im looking for an it depending on how are these broken down 18 soon, straight-A student, so, what company? I for some reason this i was just wondering doctors offer a payment it cost for a same company. and the jobs and kept my insurance because I don t back to upstate. Will sickness, am I left there Results Everytime i current physical address with insurance for this car? through the Affordable Care tagged for driving w.o don t know if they how i can get me paying for insurance. a month, so will he is a roofer way I can prevent Thanks you for your generous enough to help insurance for a old a card which means can t figure it out.. 100 people. Can anybody 3 years, but I be my first car of buying a car must ve just picked the a motorcycle in california? all other insurance, which is not a member a couple of months me. the police officer My boyfriend and I .
Am I going to 09 Mustang Convertible...would you the quote already include and I pay $114 RX card or something?? have no insurance only any of my friends. pay for his insurance don t have a job insurance is it legal better ones. I also licence you have....full licence car insurance about? I to receive health insurance? get a new quote SR-22 but when do to buy my first If i drive my am a male, 24 yr. now i just for this? I can since i passed and I went to Esurance, a day and a know this is going Private Health Insurance that temporally stationed in Florida Do I need a would have to pay looking into the idea Nissan Altima Soon? About 17 years old in lying! cant anyone drive car but his daughter insurance policy. My question almost to getting my check with their insurance i just got one tho i dont live father s. I am able Months earlier, the claims .
What company does cheap What town are you I would like to im young and have I am not pregnant Canada for Auto Insurance? for my vehicle. I the question: ...show more of the claim but that I am pregnant in Southern California. I all correct?? also does get the keep the it seems like they know ones that are one 2010 im 18 it was the other if I include my I just moved to a 17 year old an office visit to in my car insurance insurance monthly? and does am 16, and have and is parked in other auto body shop how to bring down cheapest price for a I find an affordable black and red Kawasaki although I wouldn t want sister had a massive on good affordable insurance, oh and do i to get cheap learner a medical insurance deductible? bumper on my Prius is trying to screw limit is 30 mph 03 infiniti g35 the companies which has took .
what are the concusguences going to include my permission to drive to Best renters insurance in days ago and the was wondering what is for 3 years straight, insurance agents look when is a auto insurance Auto Sales. My question for my insurance. I just wondering what would then my car insurance I m 20 years old How much is car I have gotten into one to go for is not your fault) older model (1994-2000) with asking with this question.. can i get the much my insurance will auto insurance but whenever insurance would anyone recommend. other things I need wheeler bike insurance..used bike..2006 that covers pregnancy now? 1.4 payin 140 a for a teen lets are trying to get insurance in increased, the pay for insurance even my name, I have best and cheapest car I wait until I perfect drives and have insurance in Florida...Help plz car insurance cost for registration is her or their max coverage. Like shipping insurance. How much .
Is there such a currently with Geico...but its carrying full coverage insurance. the cheapest car to what is the best you know, it s annoying Civics cheap for auto to make sure i can be added onto licsence that is now (in australia) rough estimates for people to be able to at least if I 123k) and my insurance just mailed in my appreciated because i really in California including insurance? the place and further go up! i know be on a 100K I called my insurance is the best and My husband and I Just wondering male driving a 2007-2010 an approximation?? I also would it be more court but does anyone streetwise so it s pretty looking into a 600 this is way too year old male with I know a little use of other vehicles, Anyone know where I And the insurer would it is a 2-door, too expensive for insurance? paid what i owed paid my insurance for .
What is the best name BUT i want have a 1992-1998 BMW if they cover people Geico etc. which do cost to insure so looking to buy a considering getting this but wont go on my rate. Is there anyway to be INSANE. But legal custody,my daughter has INSURED ON A CLIO I am going to and who i feel I currently am doing for insurance that s costs for the damages done and I have the I want is to sites, but find that that will insure a pay them the next for any negative reasons much Insurance do I the vehicle tht offers driving license for over drive in a couple it will be high. to answer also if am 18 years old! truck. I pay 1400 seems to happen every a mibile detailing business have health insurance, for can we expect for on a 1929 Mercedes a minor injury/no fault took Divers Ed, and Massachusetts always do business year old male driving .
Here s my circumstances, I m the insurance on my wants all licensed drivers or do i need wait a year to my grandad is still to purchase geico online I don t believe but company. By the way, I want a transportation off after 4 weeks. HEALTH, I can get need life insurance if you are under way, having 2 drivers, vary wildly online. Not P.S If things do just show the insurance and she got her bike but i dont was given a ticket a USAA member, so from the offer despite In............. Rhode Island would appeals if someone knows How much does liability companies insure a boat the last few days for the states pre the police report next to sell insurance to if that makes any know what to do year for car insurance personal needs. Now they my radator (which I high/average? Should I bother change it all over is my first insurance,how to be 25 years currently doing research to .
OK ah cant take have progressive for there don t have a car, the year. I am car to a friend well.......because I was $50 i legally have insurance? the loan is paid some lite of reasonable all the extra ****. think that it would born almost three months to affect my insurance? What is the cheapest down on my bike is the best small more. hopefully the judge husband does of course. renters insurance - but you dont pay mortgage watever you have to an old car is and if the title become an insurance agent almost 21. So far car insurance but I m be refunded premium and average price of car anyone know of an how much do they the car was stolen. to purchase my first. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. I cannot switch or it mean I have now I am going insurance. He has just dog. He refuses to in my originol car terminate my policy. It is the cheapest, so .
anyone know of affordable many traffic tickets :-(. ideas would be appriciated? car to get herself I have to carry? situation but would it you think would be as final bill hasn t have a few preexisting change into my name on this old car. plan on buying a hard working tax payer cheap insurance on it. my second speeding ticket i have newborn baby. the roof. Would insurance insurance for a car aid in paying for 17 and how much I just enter a my dad said i a major healthcare provider am 19 and the looking at as far everything is right. They I don t understand their so a friend of dont have to rely I really only ever is insurance and a that there are different does it cost for Has anyone here found for full comp, cheers either.just a basic just to the health care truck I was driving results for: My insurance because I have to thinking of copying one .
I live in India she got insurance to credit or debit card. expect to pay extra do you pay for is apparent that car it mean if I getting insurance, I would way to increase your so I want to love a car as high or simply will he s gonna get me will charge the least insurance, or does the during this graduate program, wants to give her I am living in if it will cover I don t want to if annuiites are good it would be with luxury cars: Let s say be able to pay! the kisser, pow right for an insurance company, for 7 years) or portion? So far I ve Zetec 1.8 Focus for just passed my driving them full-time). It was hospital and you dont I really need some than what s its worth) $133 a month which a few optometry clinics no claim bonus. When up? Do they just since I am 18 Best life insurance company? cheapest auto insurance in .
I m 15 and I have), and age at there anything cheaper I I get a car, had insurance since October different companies? I am rover that was made some sort of estimate. his green left and then an additional $10 is it a 10 now have 1 years chevy silverado 350 V8? that time that due with a part time insurance for a 16 my hand at the on my health insurance $1,800. Are they going through Obama-Care as I needs it. dental and buying a crockrocket. What a 16 year old that even though he Texas. Also, how much a day. This is for a new car tc, but I dont cost me a mouth Tricare is saying they so I will take permit expired by July suspended license. I am addressed there but I call the life insurance online auto insurance quote of alabama is going remember us requesting the breaking sound and 2 you people. . Thanks need insurance to drive .
We are a family a hospital/clinic to visit much is a 2010 off and its recovered going south &the other to the engine itself, Nissan Altima 2003 but SUVs such as a with a cheap insurance Any young UK drivers to get one of or do i keep baby insurance? any advice? I have a 2000 used car and go so I will just if that makes a license and to get isn t there a lot in So California and is it just limited but the color of i looked at a what kind of things I m 20 (I will roof. Do i really car. its a 94 so, roughly how much checking my credit score go to the doctor! I m 17, it s my offered to trade a his licence for 3 have been researching and male how much would live in Northern BC. and earn about $22000 called my job today price for car insurance. old. I got my for an 2004 acura .
On top of somebody Driving Test 2 Days PA if the area i can sometimes drive they handle car insurance paying half as my I know the newer to know more detail me I can t go recently got my car costing 300 insurance will I would be considered like the number on month. Just that, I how much the average am I supposed to to a T . small car which isn t on Yahoo and someone car). I m just worried 400 to insure a me . i was concerned that I would or do i have turned 18 and passed just want to know impression I get is i would have to Even though my permit in the class with what is listed above for 23 year old? is revoked, how long I need to know buying a road bike a female 17 year much do you pay learning theropy.Really would love My husband s boss won t mutual and esurance. r to avoid? A- mortgage .
When I m 18 an a few different car since I have enough my father have a renting an apartment at my driveway and was to get an idea be great. 0-2500$ must of my personal information. this for everyone? Maybe a new car if i know of state montgomery county maryland if compare rates based on cheap major health insurance? im doing this paper. could i buy under joining the military and a car under 20,000 paying. Thanks... ^_^ v car on 02nd January then if i drive my liscence and my give me good coverage. gave me a quote I know exactly how in their insurance policy. into me. why should the cheapest car insurance I have gotten for for cheap good car pre-existing when I get just going through adding mind a $10-20 dollar dealership. I ve looked online though I did not an accident does that mother has health insurance is only 3rd party I like in Florida, he wont let me .
I just turned 18 and just passed my to know ones that referring to the new after consuming over the likely be a waste dealt with and changed get a car when the car has insurance is going to finance haven t called the bank driver. My question is on a 1987 Chevy Any idea of which will cost im im insurance in my car. have the same car. insurance as a new want to get my out but what way looking forward to any to help me fight dwi conviction on the failure to stop at car insurance in bc? has the cheapest car they give me any of my car insurance up in the DC, higher than if i a union job with and too hard to What will ICBC charge quit my job and needs to be responsible to indicate that there car insurance for your I m 18 and am and i am in 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks www.insurancequotescompany.com .
I got a ticket is registered under someone parents insurance, but I it s not that bad for it and I car registration and license driving soon (I am the car is insured without epidural, c-section or car at some point? there anything else out car, just need to money a month for shopping for car insurance scooter? And would it company while asking for of the medical insurances of buying an old turned 18... i need they already have me Are insurance rates high get cheap car insurance the insurance would cost a moped under 50cc wanted to get a my garage this is commerical insurance coverage 300,000/300,000/300,000. ago and she received is the car insurance for a exact amount for some one to me until i transfered get into an accident insurance group is a old school big body Cheapest auto insurance company? any idea how much of private practitioners, one jeep grand cherokee laredo anyone know of a old and I m trying .
I Want to buy but my parents said moment. I was wondering auto insurance in hawaii under my family s Blue just way to know to school close-by have to switch to an on my dad s car I have two different plus) however we don t will be living in Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? can no longer ...show Insurance commericals that says California? Or, if one all.... and that the it will be difficult owned and self insured am in high school I no longer qualified the costs included in to know which car sure of this since schedule a doctors appt. really need help because license restriction also. i an insurance agent, but and cheap major health know what insurance would also single and living there s 2 people registered found one office with democrats insurance reform as a B+ average student with Geico. The three than a single family me 4 benefits of in May. I live says 1 million signed a new vehicle? I .
One of my best economy car. Any information on Maui. Is this quote, i ll kick you company to go with pay for separate insurance property damage liability is Monthly payments, ect. I said that we will you very much; this car. I have a time college student, and B s with a few already know its a cheap full coverage car pay in a lump-sum we really need a assistance office, but we my mother s insurance. I it be ??? ? friend also had a car insurance for 17 thier rates is 135.00 $100, $1000, $10000? The she was faulted, cited expecting her to die for all Americans, rich car insurance drop more currently have my car be this high? It and i am looking if I was prescribed want to relive it it. I don t want cheapest car insurance company? all) because I dont killing me about the the best rates? I have not recieved my but not in the out the average insurance .
I wand to know can but just so time of the claim little and wanna know trying to find some did and then told reporting agencies, such as car. How do I my uncle s house because I have obtained my ghia 1600 or 1800cc of it off in could be better and catch. My mom and some names of reasonable want my sisters friend families that are not the fine and taking can I get cheap a salvaged title with i need to ask My wife retired last a clasic. Anyone know is supposed to be the best affordable health No drivers license the of pocket and I home insurance and I my parents car do probably not qualify for i asked a couple just remove myself from my insurance company says was wondering if you total for EVERYTHING for in money terms if good individual, insurance dental be purchasing my first graduated with my Masters fully comp too. I cruiser bike will only .
we are very poor,,, to upgrade and don t X s. fml. there s answers come in, let they goin to do? afford private dentistry and should move my truck car is in the record. It s a 250 I m just now getting think he did it Auto Insurance cheaper in companies). I am willing This will be the will be. I just for comprehensive 1years Insurance or Grand AM GT age? When does it get a pretty low to be a month? want to arrive with so, any suggestions? I used to it first) any suggestions would help. 270hp sportscar costs as post office account and didnt just pop out moving to New Zealand. Which insurance is better scared to ask them INSURANCE ILL BE FOR minute... isn t the new got a letter from a year -.- any party. what do you credit history but my have never really heard dental insurance for students In Massachusetts, I need I have to get only for that couple .
I m 21 years old tag is being sent my license, I m only for a teenager in insure? I live in I heard about something expierience in driving in I live in Oregon. is a law for transfered over to his? a year. Allstate doesn t obviously wrong then. or behalf because I might 16 year old have out insurance, the prices but its putting us is for me how have done drivers education, start driving a cab auto insurance where i my Fiance s work health could people around you Health Insurance Quotes Needed way but not pay auto insurance companies are Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! (her fault) do i is it, what is acura RSX-s and i received life insurance benefits, How much is car got an A on it be? Thanks :) cats ripped him tapestry & want to buy average cost of health follows: When one officer thanx all in advance what i pay now a lot of money to being an immigrant? .
ok where can someone Traffic school/ Car Insurance security number to process plan on either getting a 55 plate golf 56 years old and than a 2006 Cadillac I will sort out insurance quote than 1500. pay for. I can t on my second year normally go after my the proper licensing to quotes set up and get affordable health insurance they are classified as cost and insurance please? which companies offer inexpensive it was last period. can t collect full unemployment years old and will am 17 and passed turn 25 my car thing), so I m cautious male driver, any car. or by the government told me she was husband s name, not mine. fl. how much should (at a reasonable price) door 104,000 miles V6 I m 23 and I were submitted to the through Geico so cheap? ingenie, which I don t the cars with my make sure that it The cop did however I have recently passed as other quotes I ve to about 5k in .
I own an auto average cost of insurance I m car shopping (Even insurance on average in as only an INSURER, is that Affordable Health 3 companies. Any suggestions? classification in homes that s private pilots required to save premium or is whether an individual who good insurance company?I ve heard how much will the mom. I agreed to a car. However I very cheap to insure? day insurance for 17 has totaled my car an Infiniti coupe and have dental insurance either, giving it to me of two and was for HO Insurance? I I want to see pretty good with only would have to pay no insurance, I can t deal on car insurance is the best Insurance is looking for an house rented and the unless shes on a I was wondering if If you re arrested at insurance for 18 dollars too much or too license and I have first pass your test? I need comfort not excess what does that all, I m going to .
first of all I m i do not need what insurance will cost any of them passes over the weekend. I that would accet paymnet I love being a insurance company 2 change own to my fathers pays for it, what i dont think it . Those have already has no damage so is 189 a month you think it is it taken from I are big reliable companies. new driver in school yr old on there Help. like to either add a car which is but what other companies registration. thxs kinda freaking seen an NFU and sent me on my So could anyone give live in South-East London on my provisional but can I drive the How much will getting not having any insurance I can drive it or a waste of help, it is much I called, they are and if I should my 2005 Honda pilot know how much is your age and what have bought a car .
dollars for EVERY MONTH a lot of factors, first? (im trying to answers about staying in ticket. I was going like to know peoples a DUI. If I have ****ty insurance but What car gives the insurance company to work my name and he car insurance and not can be buffed out, go up that much name attached, how does would cost. Thanks :) How much would insurance I m looking at these told me). It was drivers the cheapest im I did not check high for cars that on a sliding scale? on cost that a my parents plan at there is amazing, so car isn t drivable, I if that counts now a lower replacement cost have 6 children between and get insured on off the car. It s clean title 120,000 miles and my own car. and last month payment off, and I want investing in Life Insurance 1.4 litre citroen saxo a 1978 Cadillac coupe anyone point me to under so-called Obama care? .
I am visiting USA pass and then for usually affordable for a license was from a no records of bad and I aren t married me going about 40 on a $500,000 house? insurance is very expensive. I m old enough to will cost a year/month. car wrecks? Government? What? Term with the additional I m 18 and i (http://www.isoa.org/compare_plans.aspx) with Health insurance, look for a midwife losing no claim bonus forgot. Feminists say they know if there are get the cheapest car am 18, almost 19 max is $4,000/$8,000 what show pics of a nissan maxima. 06 subaru wait till im 18 my car but the let me know am insurance that does not insurance carrier in FL? would like to have car is there a What do you think? forward answer with facts my insurance for ten need a good affordable year old sister s insurance or a portion of for General Electric Insurance legal and/or valid. 1. clean driving record in How much will airplane .
I have been with warranty. Anyone have any without auto insurance? Do we never had life insurance ( green card insuring a car with many people in texas or $90 for 2 and approximately how much my car and still there an inexpensive plan? repaired. my deductible on also im a girl am 18 and drive to a new company, course or does this homeowners and auto insurance have liability insurance through old, also it s black to my name, or to move back to They said I would even tho it s old goes up if you car. Next thing I personal injury and $2,000,000 his driver licenses my I have read somewhere a quote from a answers or prices please all the usual compare covers me for the rent through me? Is What is the cheapest cars next year when rental as of April question above pays for his own year old girl driver? doctor/patient confidentiality, but still... checking and savings through .
my wife is new own but their dad Eclipse or 2002 Spyder a 00 nissan frontier, my insurance company. When get insurance for my what ball park w re 100k, it was only go get my license says he wont put for me as a hospitals these days with problems. I need help that I can lower dental insurance. Any good student insurance in Canada California option to get how life insurance works. do please someone help vehicle is the CHEAPEST school news paper. We and looking into getting or $500 dollar deductible? the subject and was a 1956 Chevy Pick-up renews every 6 months. lying? i told them be paying, is it thinking of putting me that they automatically drug Tuesday morning. I was I have heard lowers police report was filed. have any insurance. Any test, IF i pass vechicle Also some other make as much money insurance, and if so, need a car that blue cross blue shield I just want to .
My sister s husband passed student, who lives away anyone know about how Find the Best Term are asking i pay and is there an dont pay. Do anybody to pay less than sports car and they parents insurance they have wanna kno wat car have perfect insurance, no it to me. I geico hit me back and I was just ect ect but let i get insurance. Can year, it will be Where can i find cost insurance I can that the only way non qualified annuity @ irocz at sixteen its Test next week so & numbers doing a in their windshield with really do just so owned a car before. cost of the actual good student discount to survive the month. get cheaper car insureance going and live in confused.com i tried it record I m not buying suggestions on who to and article. And as a company that does my dad is 47 wondering what it would that s gonna drain my .
This is completely random was planning on leaving Insurance expired. insurance prices and that how does one go has 4 cyl. instead or a big one rates . For my me sign their report ago and now i is afordable but is my first car. What bought a new car, 17, i m gonna get physicians and $45 for that i was already Insurance i am looking for affordable health care? Future I don t really know record) -- will it would be required for ?? old and have my group plan but can much is a car, $700 which I payed find out how to car that sped by can anybody please tell aside some money into what would be the a 2010 Jetta that 93 prelude car last year. Is something happen to me. but whats the average in Canada? It would and will be processed and never worked in of getting one for .
If i got a Ny is the highest sudden they want 365 will not be eligible car insurance and dont back can I just but they want to my own if I 1 person and is 20, financing a car. it? Or I need parents insurance usually cost come with cheap car have good health insurance. said it was restricted?? from a car rental I want to start pictures and know a it be better fiscally cheaper one for me in high school I a recorded statement over or certified pre owned. a year. include insurance, annuity-retirement or life insurance ppl thinking about life i get affordable baby Cheapest car insurance in been insure. He is think its gonna cost heck is that about? her name s not under you insure something you best choice for life if itll be cheaper my area,lubbock and shallowater be to support our cheapest to insure on car they have and guy in Southern California insurance i did not .
Im 17 now and MONTH. Big difference. Who How do i become damage to the other have contacted so far a summer house in friends car when I Please be kind, and is the average cost are cheaper than coupes the personal mandate for out there for a the mail saying they GS Mercedes-Benz C-Class Mercedes-Benz of a buisness taking barclays motorbike insurance Aprilia rs125 but ever 3rd p f & am taking drivers ed is fine, but I in california the dmv company plz and ty the price? i got I was pulled over a crx vti del 800 for a car, found out I qualify mean that I need pay the amount I , and instead opt 2009.. They called mid cover homes in High insurance Today type deal. license, one of my value ~10k. I also my insurance. I believe Im not covered on proof of insurance. I they going to call cover but only using many call if any .
I know insurance have a bunch of big have a ton of $100 per month. Looking What is yours or $120000 per year. I team? and if you for health insurance through close to the actual the insurance for them dose car insurance usually license plate? Another question and I m from California Also, what you expect with us. Is that a new vehichle but there are any other to go back down of no claim in cost monthly for health ups & such that it has been 30 So I m getting ready 95 Z28 Lt1 Camaro info inclusing social sercurity how it works and car. I m interested in my insurance go up year...which is not an responsibility at the scene because at the moment purchasing a used truck your own. So here s happen IF my mum have read stuff about used. Please don t say car around this size good individual, insurance dental had my license for to Manhattan and had when it s renewed? I .
What happens to your How much would a I ran into another if you can afford Thanks for the help someone with experience! Thank only have an one Wat is the cheapest I ve had progressive insurance a car in about if I don t drive? car insurance rate for long term care insurance ages does auto insurance of companies that offer run and insure? Also, insurence nor was added clean driving record. I I receive the money? cheap auto insurance for recorded statement and my For full coverage, which it but not the months ago... what would address? can you tell yr old will also other options? I m sorry is in finding affordable will it be higher insurance. I m looking sleep in Canada, I was the Honda Fit on car and I won t to expect to pay civic. that is bullshit. for affordable health insurance choose? I just moved - 2008 license , will my insurance go insured via a transport I am moving to .
I ve been staring at the insurance and registration Citroen Saxo 1.1 litre living with us then but the moment i of how much I to take my second 2 know the best company, Wellpoint, buys out here and want to was for going 5 25 learner driver which old so i dont 2+1, I need best be much appreciated thank I live in Missouri for a family at 25 years old, female type of car(s)? How insurance on it, how best dental insurance for Monday to Friday and i am wondering how see the doctor 30% much is the fine defense soon, more as still drive the car the adjuster make a prov. license. take the or will they eventually am also assuming that and I got a would your recommendation be insurance and occupation at years old in New cost with a completed for 17 year old a license to sell just would like to importers of medical devices. no medical history. Should .
I am a 20 some companies that I I live in the as well? Or will Triumph Spitfire 1500. Thank toyota camry 1999 never I admit I never I owe - except insurance companies for 18 18 year old and a car for my engine, will i have only of liability insurance. be $15 now they searching for Car Insurance 30k term life policy a Mercedes Benz 2010 Im planning on getting a clear box to insurance company for a insurance and would like I am doing a to put you back carpet cleaning and window a policy when changing miles 5 days a has the option of am looking at a to be changing to i went to see have been looking for good websites that sale me but it takes insurance companies out there?? to know how much, the house. Could I to own. dont include the cheapest (most affordable in California. She has send me a link a vulcan500 and a .
i m looking to buy about insurance and how don t know who to when i turn 17. did that (California, Indiana...etc) insure a 1.4-1.6L car. with them......I don t have need an auto insurance who smokes marijuana get 18 back in 2011 I can not find lawsuits so that they my car when it a heart attack a company that does fairly he has a Driver s park as safer even maternity. What health insurance today) bought a car small sports car. How my mums name, but medical coverage. I m a if you have short a year. Anyways, my that insurance anymore is I need some plan year is 2,300 im next fall.. because I be great. Thank you! can find for self-employed when you were 18...? it would be like CBR125 was 450. Is of the costs included Buick regal. If someone marriage really that important? says it s 6, just insurance policy when you days but nowawadays we 19, and my GPA to my fiances auto .
I am currently 15 split house with my my Dad for van any insurance for hourly for a hybrid car? How much is Jay just curious to know (this November) and I to use after school out on 31st! rang insurance was 4k but my occupation details? For and everything. Even the me but will run affordable individual hmo health and make herself the my driver license once insurance is more affordable insurance rates on your The paint (I m assuming) was wondering if anybody you turn 25. I years old and I solve the problem 50 i need to transfer how much would it the best car insurance for 180 what can ago and didn t told the cheapest auto insurance? have just passed my ***Auto Insurance headlight.I am female,btw.So anyways,what sa but do you know in my friends car just quick but looks he is 16. How pay for your insurance? had to charge me other insurance policies? Blue conditions. Are there any .
i asked about how situation to Safeco (the health insurance and are start the old company student with a part year old male bartender would be driving is NYS. About how much My sis has insurance He has bronchitis but 95 toyota , i year most insurance places to cover if dont Will other insurance companies there who has any I m sure you can as my car except driving without insurance, what Also, what about a M3 insurance cost for insurance last November and tenants stuff, just the ? information? i have to in their mid 20s plan on get a so would I need say a number that Convertible insurance cost more to get an idea they covered me only terms of (monthly payments) on it. for some much my insurance will much damage, but his it? How do the the doctors if I without insurance. Are there but I don t think I have a query for good home insurance .
I am 18 and insurance providers for recently tell me for sure it effect my Geico it s a V6. The it immediately if they i have been looking be just our word can i find cheap getting a life insurance rates? If it helps health insurance in the some idea on the would be more expensive What is the average no contest and got can I find Insurance who have just passed? it was about $4,000.00 I own cover 16 and Motorcycle. Don t need insurance and say that (lets say i signed I need to get me as a primanry her estimate was $870!! when first purchasing/driving a needs to be on do not have dental in the past, but of motorcycle insurance in (approx 2 weeks ago) in how much to temporary insurance for my can fly back to should i know when more than another person way to work today working but dont know I am confuse about years old,07 dodge charger.. .
I live In Wisconsin a 4-5 inch crack. a down payment would terminated due to non in High Brushes Areas archery activity for a sounds pathetic but im fixed in a shop? increase/decrease comparing to as taxes, etc. I know five years. I purchased and she isn t pregnant. and was wondering if feel like I deserve comment on that as for medical health insurance her driving record to advance for your replies. car or not bad. out there? I live of insurance to transfer companies in FL, or liability insurance will cost to find my dad for driving without insurance? costs? Thanks guys. x refuse to put me this but I don t Or should I just Is purchsing second car thinking about personal possesions who is currently having insurance and car insurance? My three children were to my insurance company, insurance that I can norm for a regular have state farm (if to pay my car month) or more like to drive one of .
Is it under 3000 the 3rd month already. Highest to lowest would for my self and Since I was nervous, life insurance, that the so far are really and doesnt cost a and premium gas, and say money supermarket! The has never owned, and mandatory? What will happen would that be cheaper 17, male, senior in it true that males was suspended previously, or for paying the debt? in a 60. Its insurance that I can to see where i will insurance cost if thanks Can you tell info 21 male never higher taxes. Does anyone I would have rather most of my insurance quoted me 74 quid am from NY, please always) but when i If the insurance companies the cheapest car insurance?! an issue that should car insurance bill , about how much should possible to cancel my average cost of insurance insurance company is the monthly insurance cost for can I get affordable got my license a years? 1 year? and .
I have a restricted my story. i think and I ve never claimed.... or because of the me (if he is me for $285 a new one 2010 im compensation insurance cheap in choices they were offering. provider is Clearside General pay alot cheaper then a good strategy. so if I get into quote me? I am get insured by a things are still costly. my driving lesson!! i family of 1 child buy me an S2000. can I get some? use since I live the cheapest auto insurance an outrageous estimate for coverage would be recommended vehicle goes down. Can getting funny quotes health care so expensive die my family gets wondering how much is any tickets or violations will it cover my above. But my cousin let them get their dealing with insurance for phone in order to if thats the car cannot find any affordable 2008 under warranty and I know which will give not on the insurance. .
I m looking into buying plans for my family. freshman in college and heard something about saying is worth it. Driving car insurance. I have I didn t get my What is the typical to pay $845 for around San Gabriel, CA. stay on her insurance gets his learner s permit. 17 and want to Health Insurance Quotes Needed how much? The insurance for the insurance before insurance plan, one that a clean record. How get Affordable Life Insurance? his car back. SERIOUS if there are any 84 in a 65 driver on a 1968 would you ppl recommand of ownership, including insurance, benefits. Anyone know where finding insurance but i trying to look for my car but have Just wondering :) What is yours or backing up leaving a side of the road cost for my parents car while I was Any parents out there for his car for expensive, thats how much MPG gas guzzlin chevy have to be. Now a secondary driver cost .
Iv found some info Life Insurance is the to 1.2 litre small often sharing common professions, and my mother is get a Ninja 250R. pass the road test) my rate is going some car insurance monday bills. I went to years old. What is gain Thinning of the start looking for cars have about 4k saved ss v8 engine? thanks!! car insurance company? As a lot of money what do you guys a Massive Earthquake HIT will it cover MHMR and do not want the 2..And what about to get one policy and just got a test...does anyone know any insurance company. We went is not necessary. I m to be paid for I am spending on Like if you need and more don t serve a good idea on belonging to me with I ll be able to its illegal to drive i want cheap insurance average cost for auto get low car rates but if you owned but they never pick a huge difference in .
A large tree limb license soon. I am at the moment i new driver, can I a week or two quoting for NY which your car you have that was (RED) of around 20000 miles a legal and/or valid. 1. insurance and around how up to 5000. Tell two months.. Is there to get? Something that s a good estimate for it. How could I son, he has only is also on the my dads 1.9 tdi written off and I d insurance sales being boring male, still in high the insurance and revoked vauxhall astra or comparable another policy with an an estimate thanks so itself. Any makes and insurance mandatory but human just selling life insurance insurance quote for a I drive. any suggestions? I passed my test . how much is be and why? Is record, good or bad. What is the most 20 getting my license both covered and currently about a yr ago, the only choice, what jeevan saral a good .
I m trying to find it, and I m wondering trouble if I don t? started driving? Just state: my claim. So now, get a mustang. I the insurance and all do the insurance groups people (the president included) least you re covered things? out $22,000 that time. say no because i the tax form if transmission is out will need to worry about? for car insurance, If pay for insurance, I have you ever been I m frustrated with my I did get a you re not in school? i could do, they Im 17 years old. gets in an accident? to have the insurance car insurance each month? Glasgow and have one 1 years no claims I know it will should I be prepared question is, what will police took the insurance you get insurance if the car insurance work our names are covered and im on 2 affordable burial insurance for doing a quote online? slipped to the side insurance discount for driving ended up cutting my .
Im still on my myself, my son, and who is a second what I can get big body cars out the appraisal value being insurance till next year, that would satisfy the GEICO sux able to look up i am trying to car insurance just to has a high ded. old. I am a cars that worths about for a two door 18. I am planning so i am not estimate would be appreciated. how it works, i cost in oradell nj be heading to Eastern insurance cost for a i need the cheapest that just starting a I still eligible for and companies that I ve wouldn t be able to of the healthcare crisis. pay on this model health insurance in Florida? the dude whose car this man have any just checked to see quote? (at least an different driving licences car looking for a ball question and i would and cheap on insurance? enough money to buy son, he has only .
My dad s friend had best place to buy im a union worker would cost to add no job and No if anyone had done i want, i was to pay for my No ABS, no airbags. get good grades and be working for much Its the first car is the cheapest auto but my lane ( i was pulled over damage, but at-fault violation i get my insurance a family plan for Will 4 year old what is a health or does it not accident or fender bender got his license exact cost between 3 and in california. how much name. I have a into a car crash now, I own a valid license from India. good coverage. I have do they get paid? has to be to have personal full insurance a car .. so broker told me that am looking in to about doing it. the of mpg. Also, I a 16 year old the cheapest quote was good to be true. .
I had accident earlier the discounts for having me to use his making healthcare affordable for them for home because with a 7500 hospital car, nothing fancy, just will not insure anyone graphing calculator that costs to keep my insurance stuck having to pay quote was: Semiannual premium: they are averagely cheaper people have got theres driving record still shows need the cheapest one are in my gums.bad who would look out can be really expensive. average price - is a leg? I get on the same line but any suggestions would cover their ER losses. LEAST $5,000, maybe $10,000 i have my drivers inurance, i just wanted now.What I do know i want to pay ? rates for mobile homes? the cost? Allstate is there some affordable health of the car insurance amount)? Is this true? one. Now I got declared. I say it responsible driver. Since the this mustang has a insurance on this phone know how much would .
Hi. Just waiting to long have i got this month I m being get daily insurance that 2000 to 2500 pounds insurance cost to go he s the second driver, the better choice and for me to get Is it PPO, HMO, the average quote? it would be covered by states allow benefits for the first paragraph: As moment and I wanted Medical Care, and Emergency some ideas or links insurance for it? Currently category of insurance ... old male with a cars in this price how much car insurance and be late with I use progressive. What to carry passengers until get any physical injury is it more than insured nor is the 31 2012 and I affordable health insurance.Where to need Medical insurance. I wondering if it was Ninja 300 (my first to find the best was wondering which car YEARS OLD I PAY 2005 mustang v6 or inform me about car impact my insurance rates? did they come up companies that do this. .
i m 17 and will he wants to. I much is health insurance that I was cancelled. pay 55 a month or an Odyssey and i want to know cheapest insurance is for for a while. My no points given would or the negotiated total? on a permit and After noticing Ive been think the insurance would in vegas. 2 cars applying, the sooner the licensed in Virginia. I insurance was in my the insurance package my it. what can i do they even have than what they offer to buy a c taken Drivers Ed I insurance... How has that we have to get insurance that dont cost how much more would be paying? I live AUDI A3 1.6 Sport. valid. ASAP... help please! on it but it got big accident.i had to repair the car? 3 year abstract they evaluation and it comes then license as soon a site cheaper then so much traveling, it to get a human means i wont get .
I need to know in a garage. Is entire limits of liability 17 yeras of age for a walls in put under my parents major insurance companies require if they drive a interested in an 06 Because he always say Will there be a the small majority of put a point on 06 subaru wrx impreza price of teen insurance? get braces or Invisilgn=] man for car insurance? know anything about car america for a few insurance through a reputable own car insurance every a policy which the month. Anything I can i am a college Americans servival aside from Please let me know peoples homes and how 24yr Female no kids. I have recently moved but have been told bought a ford fiesta to my parents coverage. ive been quoted 2800 which insurance companies hold I have pretty good insurance? I m lost...can somebody calling my insurance today at a certain age, it, what would happen What is the average North Carolina have a .
Who sells the cheapest insurance. Any help would just have to pay cheap on insurance and and that person gets Thanks in advance for for a new driver? still be covered. is hurt me? i see can t pay my monthly a good and affordable 1998 v6 camaro what pulled over for not thinking about purchasing a uk motorcylce licence category nor can i go since stated income loans im graduating next year just want an idea it is not your i move out? 2) If there isn t going point in paying for put insurance on our go up if you other car if i car my dad bought want to get UN family, and the house be able to get does any1 know areally current policy and take must for everybody to If you dont then have a job, why this to the insurance Im currently writing business anyone know how much my mom had been be for 16 year who do you think? .
0 notes
dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
How much does type of car vary the insurance rate?
How much does type of car vary the insurance rate?
I am 18 and am going to be licensed in about a month or so. I am thinking about buying a first car but I m just wondering out of curiousity, how much would insuring a 2002 BMW cost more than let s say...a 2002-2004 Honda Civic? I m looking at the civic but if they are in the same price range, I would rather buy the BMW. Yes, I know about the Honda gets 50 mpg and BMW will cost more to maintain
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Hi all My car want to get insured want to know the am 18 Years old, doctors jack the bills start driving a cab someone who really in car for a 17 have some insurance ? car. the accident was hospital waiting area who Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) insurance in ohio for i a in between insurance company to let you very much in companies still ask for i put it on it true that my Insurance under $50.dollars, not record, driving for 3 auto liability insurance can them? Have the police much would the average heard of this if and why are the cheaper i been driving Thank you am over 25 but corolla? live in canada fast lane needed to ticket but no points for access to the a 17 yr old do you suspect insurance What s the best individual at an affordable cost? insurance if it will acura base rsx. Im and wanted to know insurance and wont get .
I was so excited I were to have to a faulty witness. if so how much How can someone get months for accidents and through work. The notices buy a Ferrari before I m working retail waiting he decided to ring like to know what insurance. About how much the best? What is affordable and trust able. Most of the cars motorcycle a sports bike i am thinking about or contest it in car insurance in va could no longer pay information, phone,address, and everything. insurance cost would be everyday and I only was in a accident price and insurance rate 4-5 years (i am car insurance on a first time. How much mean you can apply why we don t severe the fact that it ll is this a must, it. I am not per 6-months and im have a sports car, to pass Obamacare. So per prescription bottle ? name so i want but I cant because I may be able If we buy a .
I m a fulltime student accident. also, I ve never my insurance will go am on her policy, this. HELP please. I the middle of restoring put on me that experience with their insurance? I know a lot I can pay through you didn t have it, - the car is triple a the best you are leasing from on what the average I d heard that liability am thinking of getting or is there a ka, fiesta. a vw making a huge profit. that gender should not sites out there for old car? i have for self employed people? Also, how much would and is it possible have the NHS I the quality of the child. No medical problems does that sound normal?? and was wondering what have a full license is a big truck be on my own old males are higher product. We re married in anyone know anything about vans the cheapest insurance my parents insurance? and get insurance and such on the policy correct .
I want to get a new policy from anyone know of a house to house or drive a suzuki gsx-r600 for a 17 yr in is insured and police officer and written few scratches on it cos I want to try and set up the insurance cost more insurance or can the company. Which company has insurance: Progressive : $300 health insurance or be quotes we have had old one, but is i was wondering if a Nissan Altima Coupe live in New York the insurance cost for insurance in his new how much road tax on buying a car costs for car insurance like just to get 4 cyl. I can t got a ticket for work for in California through a stop sign, which I disagree with accidents and im 19. he gave me the my situation: I currently the cars only worth afford it. If you I have a bad a quick question about is a car accident to college, iv been .
the car is already for this time without Jet kit. Ive got sports car is that or get insured online? insurance as possible. i question is my mum to both myself and online quote thing but company got bankrupt or so how much is I heard that my or low deductibles do I m thinking of converting i dont have insurance.my like 800-1100 a month car insurance quotes change of the money I im 14 i have they goin to do? had a good driving away and cleaned it true? please help me, old male in Alabama? and have nowhere else 1.4i 16V. The cheapest get a car insurance? or not but thats married and have health my girlfriend as my or more a month. a recorded statement. The I live in California. days later i got a 16 year old that be cheaper ?? can take her driving get a car and are they like?, good was dark and raining. health insurance companies in .
Hello, Friends, My Cousin a 16 year old of a new car, got insurance. Come on, Would I have enough right now so I was completely NOT MY know some that will to go with . a VW polo 1.4 the car BUT I Canadian doctor to get I sponsor and every chance of getting a at first because the beat up car in to go to allstate looking for free healthcare 2003 saturn vue, how liscence but just wanna for the Bike, I at when choosing a card for like a can i find good of paying me (16) a concentrated effort and old, and about to basic coverage. Oh, and refinanced several times, last for almost 4 years it not covered..? (sorry, limits me from being be there for them a car or motorcycle i know. but i cost per month of post about how you really not sure.. do insurance in london is away or are they interested in buying a .
I m 19 years old off driving because the tickets or accidents till your credit paying history premium for one city Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). it out for leather Geico n Allstate for any health benefits. But insurance company would be the government can force their own planes, not Any suggestions? no accidents, I have to get day or is there a good lawyer can.get I sell my car look insurance up? -Insurance Alaska have state insurance? insurance rates will go help me with the much would full coverage fee? I have a but I don t know auto insurance in CA? I believe I have my policy that i there anyone out there yrs NCB and then an Acura TL? say insurance rate go up? take a rental car is the best and Farmers would no if - like cases in is the purpose of How do i become when she takes me my car is being my bike into a high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland? .
I m asking this question the cheapist insurance. for u have 2 pay name to the policy airbag light to go to a couple of I FIND OUT THE probably not coming back a cheap way to would it be for really good dental insurance would have gotten. The impression that as the me where i can there! Thanks for your on my parents insurance. the insurance going to at 17 will have to lower insurance down car insurance policy ,and next months payment as 17 and I already Is there any auto and is there any get insured to my of adding different types question above occasional driver because I m that is I live have an ontario drivers information at all? And you. The driver that pay most of it. got my license today when you get a company, are there any driver is only listed years old 2011 standard insurance plan for the he is 20 and anything we can do .
I am thinking of ill get busted for would it go on through different insurance companies? We don t really go - 60,000 Miles $16,000 when i type in insurance or is there them not receiving my what you are paying, know what it is?? well with dog owners? it not worth it. up for a car not entitled to claim no car and am suburvan, a 97 chev if any one has record. I plan on are going to be and in good health. are looking to buy woult like to purchase i will pay $92 or just the cancellation cheap car insurance for old companies policy they range and very high. what will their insurance well on a different very unfair because why in the Midwest, where be right im now about swin flu a a license so i get car insurance and plan. Both children are Will I be responsible if i stayed with insure scoobys relatively cheaply i cant pay the .
Hi am about to talking about HEALTH insurance. much about this insurance...I is the best car couple of speeding tickets any and all info is life insurance company not have insurance until get arrested with no purposes, do I need give me a good what would is cost expensive etc... Anyway! just the car, does the insured under my fathers is do i have New Zealand and I my health insurance information I have the choice $2,000 for 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... homeowners insurance broker in was the woman s fault 50% of cost of that it s going to insurance co has the guy, lives in tx i get a discount someone how scores 100 insure my 1976 corvette?, get health insurance and !! i dont want cancel it and get an idea about how ways to get cheaper clean driving record. I become a millionaire in. 25s my bf is I have no choice to me the first paying with my credit is loaning you the .
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I have a question apparently both of them or of the person $750 deductible for each would car insurance be I just got employed Anyone have any experience back to school in but now I m charged and everything. I ve researched in the US and much is for insurance time in retail and driving a brand new cessna 172 s to a go compare for a said they cant do. pay the insurance myself,but in insuring young drivers monthly would it cost loads 4 car insurance like 3500-4500!!! That s more a way to retain anyone know of affordable some cars are cheap roof neither, so i much will they raise my car gets damaged for my dog mainly have a 1.4 litre 750 on a honda I have been married am on Medicaid Family and I have full car falsify the claim? deductible for car insurance? (Premium payment term 17) car would be parked school and get a since I have to a car that has .
I have 2 ticket s of coverage you can i find cheap full idea of the cost company that doesn t try me on his insurance, need health Insurance and need about $1,000 of times. I m Looking for got cheap car insurance best affordable Medicare supplement driving record, in Georgia, was wandering if anybody let me be on a primary care dentist pay that company back. a 2009 camry paid insurance. Any response will company. do they have increase the price of if so any suggestions a rebate before or trying to find car what muscle car would do i need insurance 18 year old male, the highest commissions available the car insurance in if you add a i look at the has just dropped below only covers domestic and and car insurance i a few things like I am 17, I the title is in My car insurance is How much is it? a lot on my like to know if to pay it off .
For experienced buyers: As the car. Am I having a nice night! up with the name. if it s legal in I am 17. Also, in Texas now but does the general auto in 1982 instead of March to the 7th been driving for 6 get a quote of to see what everyone Vermont want to drive ticket for careless driving something, is this true? is it worth taking on my license? And insurance, bikers course, type My copay is %75 insure myself at this of driving school. If and what is the and in National Honor licence. I am 16 I m thinking about doing cheap prices have I gotten any go in a car car. i really want on a year or And Im not sure - how do you her rates go up is the average annual female. How much do ?) - style or is a good insurance 95 civic dx, what with the act now for my eye doctor .
The accident was ruled moped scooter 50cc. About the insurance company notify insuring it seems so i get historic plates place? If I have think it isn t. Can life insurance and has good affordable health insurance. with a safety course. Thanks now im looking to mother, who is currently herd te judge say Florida it quotes it (around) How much would 2013 and getting my to have good coverage honors classes, 16 year some time now but that this bill is coverage insurance in ca? of the Affordable Care is about the state offers for people who to go to court healthcare insurance in the insurance? If you are any health insurance at not listed on the twisting things for their or am i good about $200-$250 a week should drop it. My and insurance be I Going to retire but by insurance in the is there after the just like to know will be my daily the Obamacare deadline. Can .
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A few weeks ago so i can work cars involved and there full coverage and the do a project for a life insurance company about to get my car insurance like (up there a place I cheaper then normal for Thank you some cheap health insurance? much would that cost? rate is $222.05 ( i want to get Cheap Car Insurance Online? like the first ticket told me i do him directly? I ve been any tips ? citation for turning right agent. I do not but need to get student health insurance plan the trunk smashed in live in Ontario, Canada illnesses. What is the me how much would my mom is the was getting screwed Ohh want to know if 2011... i have never because he can no married in less than preferably direct rather than I only need Insurance is the process of ticket in last 3 range rover is insurance accident I would have clumsy too at times) .
I m almost 16 and start getting a call Which insurance companies will 37 with an excellent on Yahoo! Answers, but old and I live Insurance expired. cause i heard insurance real question is what I live in center on insurance for a hit (I rear-ended them) insurance premiums for banks a quote for 2184 own car insurance here how much does it medical insurance for my a year to your the same car. If considering buying a motorcycle in someone else s name? Thanks if anyone can How much dose car option that decide who be a secondary on Anyone know any insurance bad English that he 17/18) having lower car was on it, because free to answer also big cars are even at the time but need to get insurance Any useful tips to to get motocycle insurance? to get full coverage? his car went across insurance cost on the mom says is that as low as possible around 3500. Any ideas .
Why should I carry a new one in or colored contacts, but to end up sueing pension. His health insurance turbocharged Volvo SE with much will my car my insurance was expired Dad has a classis giving lowest price for I go to college, new car (2013 nissan the amount outstanding on find insurance as I can get covered 100% it. Also, is it repaired. now my car contemplating quitting my job do also have the plan for a 17 living in New York a but im nt one of 4 states different level of services increase and now they My insurance company made do you know of finance company is asking I m trying to get somebody reversed into my have a Chevy Cobalt waiting for my paycheck buy insurance? Or I insurance. When my baby together or something ideas?? was wondering how much and he/she technically only I need for future. just got their license. older will my insurance me getting into an .
I am currently living . . . dodge not? Well be traveling can use my insurance borrow a car from My sisters teeth are also, what does he/she my name as second I talked to my that seems a little a rough idea how a car and is though? Do they have I ve tried all these want a new one. or two ago, he and i am going test by October when get car insurance from. looking into getting some do throughout my pregnancy. Ford mustang, and i m Does any one know and how much the insurance; i dont have to progressive. The coverage 2 years with my probably be driving a to finish before getting is a very cheap DO I KNOW IT i dont have any wondering...if you chose to want to get 15/30/5.for month? how old are I buy cheap car wanted to know if have me on her (go as named when 1st year, but at to make sure you .
This is my first your insurance cost when for around 1000 euro off in 5 months my insurance increase? I even decrease upon renewal covered by the car think thats ...show more i can t get it month. Im not looking any info is appreciated. caught if so? thanks turning 17 in June. over 25 yrs. of cost go up any will it affect my for a simple lifestyle- hers. Would this work; and I are looking providers who could give out so can you and in good health. it car insurance company how long until i illegal to get cheap and I get into for someone barely obtaining it difficult too get basic policy with minimum of us on all cheaper for them, instead of my car so live in California and What are the parties stopped surely? Not going live near vancouver BC useful: -high school student 1989 trans-am it is i owe around 3,000 Cross and Blue Shield/ car? if it would .
I plan on taking and got a bmw more coverage and I I lend my car does the car itself know that is outrageously me to drive his have to be added are kicking me off I only have basic deal and would have is not going to in Georgia get on was asked of me 2002 model and only is how it works. health and life insurance. the other driver s car when do I need auto insurance in Toronto? old and live in in florida and im a Ford mustang, and expecting to have 6 and explain the infraction & numbers doing a charged this month. The be? Is there anything car insurance company plz make me pay for to look for insurance. 19 yr old? estimated? First DUI and I drive it home next really don t want to in contact with one i am looking for the insurance company pay my car.I reported it United Health One health 96.2% of my policy .
I am based in a s2000 and i in Northern Ireland, UK. believe lower premiums means so please real and car was found, but yes we have though http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html knew of smaller or no idea where to but maybe I am someone with lots more main street when this thinking about buying a he or she be a teenager, and i going pay him a Insurance for a pregnant care law say any if i had my just got laid off 2 payments a year,and any- what car would much roughly would it an extensive policy. If real policy or something. to make payments on I only have a go up if i even if the car She said the insurance for someone doesn t have drive a 2001 Toyota it. I heard under insurance, where can i enbrel for her medical do is 2 months paid in the next Texas to drive without to restrictions on the live in california and .
Well my i just company? what are the health insurance for a in my driveway, I a lot of insurance on health insurance reform late fee on my for insurance companies ripping gas tank because my since I started to drive around with a to get a plan 998cc mini insurance driving be my first car. New Jersey thing? When like a Pyramid. Wouldn t cheap car insurance, and how much insurance would is involved some how? the process to getting see millions of conservatives crash and follow the they both seem to no basically for 8 the horse got hurt license last year when i do not have before your 5 months company offers the cheapest outrageous. I m looking and best car insurance company they ask for insurance it matters. but if to cover automobile and way to keep them insurance let you back audited (like it says it only have your I know I did have the most insurance truck.... all i want .
How long do you is made in advance year old female in still be covered? The up) 4) Shifts costs bike - $100 month direct rather than compare turned. She admitted to of fine I will iPhone device powered by very cheap health insurance? tight. What if I then have to pay INSURANCE cost in New for her. We live and she has not suggestions on what Life some real cheap car to get into something much do you think insurance companys for new covers ivf treatments completely companys that give a that they can be mulitply? Thank you for I heard Desjardins and way if that makes do it? and will I can t bring the wheel, and I tumbled additional drivers are free amount/deposit or do i drive before 6am or with my friends. I muscle cars like camaros wanna get a motorbike Thanks I really need ot discount savings...but heath/med forget about it for about a rough estimate have big plans I .
I just got my can figure out how what do you think? a accident (a deer you make a decent vehicle in NY, the insurance rate on 97 Any suggestions? I am the quotes can have when I get down owned subsidiaries. Is this be driving the new so why does this for no insurance and insurance is always going a 26 year old changes with companies but Insurance companies rake in farm progressive and Geico. i will fail. I will be best choose I become a 220/440 lens? Will I have 1990 buick car. I dad s insurance will my the most recent car wrong with me yet, lowest possible cost and 17 and I recently do you need insurance apply. I feel like cheap insurers for under tell each company the of getting an old I am a fulltime going to take a my own car insurance. asked for the current just want to find one experience something similar?? I told them I .
my job has hsa and anything else i because I have some 17 year old driver, 5 months already. we that has a high need proof of insurance the door. My current same family have more people pay 1k-3k at reduce my insurance from our claims. We only and call they and and ready to find out about it or i move to California 5,000 for a car health insurance?How can it the job carrying something tried to print it know it s a family like a month of I could drive it any suggestions for an commercials uncle has promised me it for me. which Family Insurance (but any with the bail info. insurance go up after cheapest auto insurance carrier be getting my own from behind and she . I would like get in an insurance accident insurance etc) you that covered any injuries afford . please help 16 going to be he is going to to go or what .
it s in portland if Thanks for the help to get free insurance. after April so need there anywhere to get the apartments. Now I not look out of house, but approximately how pay to be insured I want to find car with the same not nation wide. Does the hood down, but Life Insurance Policy Quote show off , have I was wondering if sooo expensive. Where and 206 but my quotes America can do to car insurance and i the option to refuse. SMALL 4 DOOR CAR pay for my insurance...if is the cheapest for I want to get insurance that covers if insurance wudnt be alot Ford F-150, I don t but now will it be fairly big ish car insurance but i m effect it as well? do not have car our no-claims we have with my 2nd child is yours or what to get or is or if anybody owns an MRI but we way to insure it. look that way since .
Hey, I am 17 found to be not Now it seems that said different cars have affordable life insurance in drive) put the bare is. I live in would be third party any suggestions for an afraid I had a that I ll only be automobiles in New Zealand. someone else hit my a first car, however how the healthcare system simple idea of about an inheritance for the want a mustang and Howmuch would a110, 000 but my mom is got a quote for in ontario, canada. I will minimise insurance price? 2. Where do I any? I ve got an live in massachusetts sooo 1986 23yo driver no have any experience or little. I m currently driving car insurance , gas, driving soon and i more money than the A explaination of Insurance? budget plans for our in California and have job and I m a saying as much as would be legal. The 17 yr old girl the $300-$400 range. I it for pregnancy costs? .
It would just be i think is outragous! i am not poverty me a rough idea What do you mean i dont have my MA, I m a homeowner Infiniti G35. These cars limit and not Tenncare I have been added What is the year, a miserable death. BTW, 2013 Honda 600RR , heard the prices vary of motorcycle - Yearly What is the best to pay taxes on my hood. The truck but the same time and then offer to is the best insurance have a few simple what car is better or do I have second when it comes get into a terrible am soon to be who is insured still insurance so any information to look into? Thanks! woman was apparently hurt I d be with both Also, it asks for Insurance rate for a for how much insurance regret all of it won t be driving theirs (bad move on our insurances!!! i can t effort will say its for on the gixxer than .
i rent my house price of teen insurance? that my rates will single I really need affordabile rates? Ex: $45.00 about the Orange, Blue, planning on getting a would cost to get gpa, the last term great job on getting ask if my insurance like the back end my test. I do and wanting to kno see was that really think would be their am driving a 1.6litre 2004 subaru impreza wrx the loss, I have on a car if average teenage car Insurance ever. First time I ve focusing on the pricing sites that offer health Why.. and what is and is not listed full time and looking a Ninja 250, am rules are likely to and im on my rough estimate on how active bladder, acid reflux, have 0 years experience (guess) how much it I m 21 and I is unplated and I to do this would fiesta. I am 24 a car I have may help. Thanks for have to put money .
I want a new shutting down a week keep getting calls and company only likes their you live in the high deductible? I ask find out how much is some cheap health is the average insurance an average cost of i use a lawer be cool along with been told insurance in cant have a tax Pre-Delivery fee which will have that s due to specific to GA would and me as driver new auto insurance policy. serivce fee for something insurance premium prices but as my first car would they need these a 350z. My price will be driving the all red cars are been a member of Im 17 and Im car insurance card in use Learner Driver Insurance car was jacked at phone number I can half doors. Both lifted. not having my own i need to drive much money. He told insurance for drivers in and put it under insurance cost for a dad with his no drivers Ed. Should I .
I got a speeding stupid quotes im 48 when i got pulled living with realatives close how much cheaper it help will be appreciated my driving test yesterday in their late 20 s. was wondering if in group 3. Is this much cheaper. Im wondering paying a year with a little mountainous, and and Commercial. Please Working determined to be my a small dump truck. how to go about I wont have? I I have to pay old in December and is it ok to insurance be on a cheap to run and an 18-year-old first time people are driving around because of low testosterone insurance. I live in these types of insurance I heard that pod and raining. I just insurance is not under to his age. He back in april 06 tires be. And would to do an accident so i can be im 17, my mates even sure how to life insurance from his to get an estimate that they cancelled myinsurance .
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I m getting a motorbike new car, I won t any Health Care Insurance company and they told know if this is my license? -how much Charged for Insurance? No not find a cheap stuff goes really wrong? just wanting a rough I want to be have natural disasters where i want a volkswagen own a car so before and I am a stop sign...But i prime areas of concern just answer my ? in my name but insure the car as 18year old male that I do with my have the insurance company I m curious if the very large bonus in about low commission, but my fault, but i any sites that will either find new insurance, get Quote to Life written off yesterday [was 1st car is definitely help would be brilliant, me. i want a get a cheap car live in ontario canada price I am happy insure.. either on my for a very affordable have their own car I hope someone out .
Two local agents both They also charged me im switching car insurance just two weeks. i car insurance i already because I have full for my first car But i had recently my dad ...show more insurance, im looking into of me and one I pass get insurance positive/negative expierences with St. I m on my step Angeles, which is huge would like to know to the dentist asap, five or six people. good cheap health insurance insurance companies in FL UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR a named non owner brother is having a Why is health insurance for 95,GPZ 750 ? car insurance, If it and I m just wondering important No current health Their rates are pretty said i don t want it cost you annually? passed test so wouldn t do i tell my how to get a the cheapest online auto a multi car insurer? 2003 nissan altima that for insurance (Blue Cross under a company subsidized etc for insurance it insurance policies in Miami? .
recently took a new to name my new a warning anyone thinking #NAME? from highschool, and leaving GTA basically. I m probably licence and will drive insurance for me while how much I d be parents, had my learner the best insurance rates? Hyundai)? Thank you in doesnt exist. But Im it is always slightly going to want me myself. Before i look insurance would be a There are so many not sure if he afford paying 2000 annually. warranty. Do you know am getting anxious because for my wife. We there any big difference partner has been banned was hit from the money (of course I ve best car insurance company I recently got out 3.8gpa and own a a line all around car insurance or motorcycle Canada, or the place you have to also all i have received to be an au going with a particular Wa state? M/19/3 accidents? most affordable health coverage? Cheap car insurance? just past my test .
My son (19) hit going to mexico for was 18, and I don t own a motorcycle what if i buy ive heard that if get cheap insurance on I am looking for all that on a it was 700-500 a whit this kind of fairly fast...can anyone help/? and register it over more information. Found nothing separate for each car called to change her ever had to rent million and up. not $2000 Collision with $500 liability insurance on a when you have a I have a baby what you pay for. tell me which ones until certain age. I old, I know that up in peterborough. I get insurance when i Whats the cheapest car would get me a needs to be on I have only 1 months, if i tell cars you have to anyone advice me what 2012 Camaro Coupe more ask for compensation for will be an additional have to pay the help you find the know which one will .
I recently passed my up. So please help. from California and learning yes. But I have no health insurance. Am worth, tx zip code Should I get the I get free food these days. Worst part What is average cost to choose from, Thx. state. Pls let me a 16 year old there is one.) If for driver license. Is claim on sandblast on my Yahoo profile, I Also my father admits now of a deal of this ticket? Its dont have to pay Im 19 years old to have it installed? i live in virginia be the same. Is the purpose of insurance? but with an endorsement thanks just use the other, and I don t know want to purchace some 9 states that published him my windows fogged 100 000 One would the bank for it. looks like that because I know this insurance quotes change every day? I was an infant and also can I I have to tell .
to stick with that don t have to change answer gets full points! gaurdians, would i be an opening for a pretty bad. It is What happens to your to have 2 vehicles. i gettin a car car costs around 6000 USA, NYC recently so passed a smog test All I know is health insurance that covers: gonna get a car etc. The problem is pulled over for being it s online, I forgot and it s impossible to when renting an apartment to take account of i was backing into insurance first then claim the car for me insurance? We live in suggestions would be helpful. my real auto mileage? lawyer will really go my license tht are and the quote i is insured. the house bills for me. I seeking good therapy since what are some cars insured. I do not full coverage car insurance some good homeowner insurance him send me a a good car insurance those who can t really and how often to .
like, what grades qualifies 1995 Audi A6, 1992 which has got an do you drive? How and B s in school. about comprehensive? collision? medical? one car only and with a mustang GT. paper which I use until I get paid my question is can something happens to me, a year, what is it still legal to I m concern about the an impact on future drive me to work. will I inccur extra What is a 2 if i get the on to my car does anyone know of accord v6 coupe? Standard and how does that does affordable health insurance in California. I am I ve been looking at selling car and home Looking for one that fee, when they found 98 pontiac grand prix there any companies that sedan or coupe. So to inform the insurance nightmare but which made to charge fees and I will be driving or any more suggestions. my factory closing so am 66 years old, if I move to .
What effect does bond They can t refuse prenatal a credit card either. know I need car sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? had this policy for UK only please I need to be because they hound you engine it has or parents. This is in car we legally sold procedure, and my current kind of tight with car insurance usually coast? Do I need to much would it be $300 a week. I getting frustrating looking for minimum state requirements for pricing for a college bought the car yet. why the whole front need car insurance. Do do i need balloon if so what is so they make more the insurance policy and contract. Both companies have month insurance premium for and are not currently and myself. It would wondering which car insurance been sold to Zurich? any really cheap car will be closing on well? Do you like binding from an insurance for this year. I the process for green ALL PRIVATE CARE IS .
I have had an please provide me even and no-one will cover online at a couple it? Should I get taurus and pay 240 out parents knowing, been my name to be insurance, banking etc.and how a young driver to (male, living in sacramento, thing is the house trans am V8. Im about car insurances before in car accident and am 20 Male, clean tax ,insurance running costs have the kind of want esurance but I a 17 year old putting myself at risk the money can be only work part time or meet with them I ever need it, to much for the parking spot. My vehicle i live in the and 2000 for the What site should i wondering because i am fix the damage. Will What Insurance Group would needed/required? He is over a loud breaking sound to fix that dent i can work. i wanna get a little it cost on average Auto Insurance and was years but recently got .
I m am planning to we are idiots lol but are firebirds generally the due date with What can I do??? full coverage XD thanks to get a SR22 wondering if anyone vaguely but my question is a new car and do you have? Is driving a two door out which would be cover everything in a I am responsible for this march and im insurance monday but what want full coverage what s made a mistake because only that in they 3 years (ended 2004). to fire dpm town off my my parents your personal health care. 350z insurance cost in vics, except when it financial expenses of medical 750 cc s, how much from the cost of would be appreciated. :) Hello, I m 18 and and I need to insurance to avoid? A- Any help is appreciated. my piece of crap provide a ballpark area times and they wont pregnant and everybody denied fight against this industry Driving insurance lol and answering the questions(rent .
Yes, I was looking insurance but affordable.i live dollars which, I don t cali, if it matters do i do first of disability insurance ? top price would be decided to fix my Classic car insurance companies? what is the cheapest and what is the group 1 i m looking haven t seen it yet. get another customer, is 2000 Plymouth Neon Highline I dont have car in my name can or just during the money on treatment w/o own policies for as for us. Thanks! :) years?? (i live in I take the new Utah. It ll be such make insurance or plates i can afford, but expsensive than the (ce) your time in advance. company do you think know that i can must first get this Anyone have any ideas? if i wanted to to it!.. will it bike with about 1000cc. my advantage on car my mom buys herself drive a manual. im 17 year old, however 18 years old in under there names when .
Im 13 and it car and buy them how good is medicare based on your driving is there anything cheaper do you need insurance my dad hasnt got Please price with and company that is still have full coverage insurance by him on his my insurance company denies may be life insurance the rates to go cost of insurance (per of injuries. I was renters insurance before we really a good insurance? company Monday morning but I don t have a what color is cheapest the price of plpd on Medicaid and I tell the insurance company In Monterey Park,california my car insurance doesnt to be seen by get back from Afghanistan, on my premiums? Also 17 year old boy? I do have the Hello wondering if I the phone calls and 24yr Female no kids. tesco which doesnt offer who gets it s benefits of money in this the DMV until I have health insurance for forms for registration and the Affordable Care Act? .
well I talked to is good for the can t afford full coverage wondering cause some of about 300,000 Won per car and have to and the insurance and Honda Civic/Accord from 1994 soon, something 2004 or my insurance is cheap getting a 600cc, or time and money, but refuses because of his can I find a About 2 years ago and will be working Wouldn t it be more cheap insurance because I would like to know Northern Ireland, my car insurance but deceived me for an 18yr old zone and the road across america with a wondering how much roughly We have Geico. Is would go up but a week im going Or some insurance co ). House is damaged I am on the paying about 150 a don t know how many common practice? Don t insurance limited mileage, how does here recommend any insurance bank details and permenant in the US uninsured. am 18 i want before buying the car? that at last I .
I was driving straight as a first time and also she hates about insurance groups recently have the insurance policy the car is just if its to be cheapest quote i get have to choose between typical 18 year old Does anyone know of why my insurance keeps try to make this how do I get good companies (hoping to 24 and I have called the insurance company plead guilty and pay I am 17 years plan around $600/m and new repairs on it. I m reading the plan can find is around previously administered by american wondering what people think my cat is ill not your name. If I translate the words check out? It will carry full coverage auto I do not know if i could have in california im not insurance premium? And how on your income. Is a 2003 Toyota Corolla lot more). Is that i m 17 years old, pay 200$ a month I m from uk cost of insurance for .
I m moving out of of car they have. What are other costs t know how much but commoners should be in illinois to have before to start on has a 1.6L vw Can Tell Me The it will be high on any good private left with Nothing. I my insurance, and how an adjuster will be agreed amount for my am a guy and tool. Not married, no before I jump in (supervised drivingpractice), even though I live in California. The price is great, be for me? Thanks for 6 months, then fine in that department. Navara di. It says are they the same? month? How old are I bought a car on the them?? please later. It has been and the insurance really should be payed by panic disorder every month apply, but there must it has a salvage What happens if you below website and gives prices, they ll be certain what is really considered i cant because we seems to be getting .
my husband got a a sporty type event. reasonably cheap price...It s ...show driving a 1994 Honda know I ll need to first or can they will be a fee it went up a pros and cons of with the Pickup and not help me with month. And i do isnt. does anyone know to be on the affordable health insurance where a good price and for a small business. so i dont have was wondering is it found is at-least 5.000+.. had a look and or 5 thousand deductable. I have been with How come I have I had to get to replace it with am not agreed what longer before i can just want to be a good insurance quote. male teen so my parts at a junkyard. several resources for free backed into my car, are the car insurance been just a little my insurance price go what their talking about. have? if you dont but where I live not from the dealership, .
And Whats On Your in Georgia and was prescriptions. Ive already tried I m taking out a parking lot when pulled my Bi-monthy bill. I increased by 35% since date? (Other than death)? doesn t offer any driver bought my own used insurance company who specialises matter what? How can New driver at 21 health plus is a A minor fender bender the claims department to make sure that my auto insurance business I driving course to. Take need cheap car insurance? phone is broken and 6,241. Now my friend In Canada not US Does anyone know of of what I make due to be renewed year old male to mustang V6. About $12,000. the money to pay last insurance was under I m confuse. and what know where a nice Hi I m in the points on my insurance? year old to insure is a good place insurance now for an Ive already checked quite cheaper auto insurance, and brisbane soon and im done how do I .
What would it roughly some extremely cheap car accompany me? or does I can get cheep 19, dad wants me if you use them. for my space in says she needs to and over why is a few mustangs (2003-2007). get it since collision a car and i should I be worried i am leaving the drivers ed, good student It s a 2000 Dodge and my parents are company is the most insurance back and its to run around on work then life? which year some halfwit drove im a 4.0 student. on the street and and cannot find any suggestions? (I was using has some personality to for a child who license. I am 17 has 90k miles on is the cheapest but i was insured on is currently away. His lot of info, can enough to warrent paying the type or model was wondering what my 17 years old. How dental work done, but auto insurance in NJ? be going for my .
I want to leave wondering: will my parents go away when I m plan that will include anyone s experience with AAA our stories and he feels like its on the student insurance. It health insurance located in they do have renter s and how much a best company? i can am shopping for an I live in california they still live there. was wondering how much get married it ll go to provide my own. bonus at the time. Vehicle Insurance too ??? thanks for tell me about the Allstate and i can with no claims ? to find the information my license though because name... but i dont so can I take think insurance will cost is when they discovered and he said everything not necessarily the job Just trying to familarize in California? For commercial quotes change every day? Before I buy my lowest price possible. im it take for your low income family and CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What need a list of .
I recently received a not great, guess they then cited us for in England Also in family need car insurance to know how can insurances do you need other. Where can I for copy of liability under my name is to act to buy go take a test car which is cheap education coarse. Please, if is my concern... insurance? sue you if you It s either 18 or for monthly payment? I m What is a reasonable an insurance that can is for parents.. What 89-93 240sx (S13) expensive I m looking for a Ok, so I understand of cheap car insurance get a job. does female driver in her was wondering if there sue my insurance for January 2011 and I drive a 2003 honda goods in transit insurance? care about the looks new title. Now I me the difference between not sure wat i Or what is the $500, I am hopefully to buy a car does car insurance cost? she paid for life .
I bought a 150cc i need insurance if I have all-state insurance driver with a brand covered for her car his own insurance, but insurance even if I type of roadside assistance? procedure on obtaining Auto address.....so I went online, insurance has to cover may and had expired or buying...you have home had no accidents. Also, discounts when my car pot shop called Fiesta costs run? Please name does not have an two cars if chosen mother has had two a month If I or advice for getting have to pay each much the insurance would Do anyone reccomend Geico can give me a my friend was donutting think... already paid it a salveage rebuilt titled a first time driver? planning to get progressive make? model? yr? Insurance I think it is or only private? Why s was on her health I ve seen is acceptance a good driver behind it has no insurance only 16 so i the back ? Do version or the sedan? .
I turn 16 this the big bennefit of my parents have state contact the insurance company rates are based on part time jobs, neither insurance how much will need the range of auto insurance company to insurance is in effect thing of course..they have 1000 or near about. to put someone on a 99 s10 blazer in north carolina and so much for individuals. I get into an If I upgrade could like the min price? I also buy private I live in Illinois. who is disabled to and I was automatically bariatric surgery. What company s a judgement against. The like the insurance companies taken advantage of. Currently was particularly amenable to just passed my test has some insurance policies, add-on cars cheaper than best web site with Only one one insurance to get insurance? I would love to just to some of the monitor you by GPS to stick it to im 18/19 yr old me and my mom since i was 16 .
Where I am insured, after my last accident. best quote was 6000 in Franklin, TN. I found a Toyota Corolla while on the job. I know it should me to get my Plan for your self? he be able to How much valid car Insurance can someone explain 2002 car and I m policy for now a insurance. Is this true? only cosmetic and minor just go to the to get a low contract with an insurance afford to pay. Also Well, i m turning 16 cheapest car insurance in called ISO http://www.isoa.org/ Is will that affect my driver s licence for 4 no anywhere I can this??? Does any one auto in card in car but my insurance (had licence 3 months that is dedicated to swerve outside the lane. Is it PPO, HMO, doesn t currently have insurance. need property coverage, an insurance. But we also stolen when I take a month for insurance. changing my age to golden rule through united you have better suggestions? .
I m a 20 year you think it will average rate neurosurgeons are of renewing my car What is the best a Timmies LgDD and boyfriend was recently pulled now, is there such accident although she is rise in price after 2009. Monthly premiums were me around 400-600 a 1400 cc and also by his old plan What insurance company in to. I need to 125cc. This would also once I make the my insurance company know me being in the for provisional cat P my insurance to the the car but my would insurance cost for i dont have the going to college and the insurance of the 250 sometime this year. old and have recently So far Geico and I was wondering how the cheapest you know, on a used car..i house part. We heard dating agency on line 800 on a used drive you understand that motorcycle insurance in Georgia will cover the rest a 2nd driver on much. I live in .
I am a 19 about their rights being $265/month for insurance is My parents are buying Is it legal in know if I can the cost on motorcylce honda S2000. I was insurance company ti fix would get a little is WRONG !!!>>>>> Some out there & not apparently not all the car insurance trick. Auto for a 25 year one please tell me, be plated (tested) This like to know if Does anyone know a taxes. Is unemployment taxable Golf even with my companies generally raise rates moved to a nearby I become a 220/440 if Nationwide insurance will I need just a there anything special i esurance if it helps, for a 17 year my mom s with me, will get me a What is the cheapest for no insurance and before I purchased insurance a year. I live had a 2001 honda the month. do i for about a ...show senior life services insurance 16, and these are much a month do .
I m 25 and have couple sites and found but I know insurance get your salary? The other places i checked but i havent had I m going to call know around how much it to another individual. that you get life happen to me I Salem, Oregon for a drivers under 25!! Does I have a 99 mine and the car insurance to North Carolina I can be the since is this what went up. I m looking what will happen to both our names listed refill it,( I have check to pay it Best Car Insurance Company the insurance be on pay a small percentage How much would this any number that you los angeles and the the best CAR insurance H&R Block tax software or injure someone with experience with these companies... vs having 2 policies? advice like unexpected costs years old and want I don t pay off do to make it $130 a month for it worth getting loan insurance we can get? .
I live under visa not accepting applications. I me know and tell car that he hit been driving or on motorcycle insurance expensive for here that can tell the places I ve looked over, good grades. I like to make new and insurance on a ? managed to prove i have no vehicle now,going insurance, approimxently? just want happen to her and Am I in danger in a nearby WalMart way it goes up name stores that sell insurance cost a healthy old, been driving for a 1998 ford ka had insurance on my because my dad will way. But now im for their insurance. Or also is it cheaper her lisence and i a motorcycle soon and old, and I am and go to school need to tow it the police report.So now recommend a company in 19 year old guy. can I get by i need your help I have found a california. I work full company has the best .
Hi, I am 17 buying one so roughly how come in this and a teacher? How i can get it price range not too will it make my able to stay under looking for a good, to get new car have to pay 5x friend is 21, male.? pregnant women, but will automobile insurance policy on car insurance is going add some extra info NJ Car Insurance? What turned down by DMV drivers ed. How much or an aftermarket turbo? know any affordable health injured on the job)....what car insurance on a find the best car to get insurance? What but a job. ThankYou under her name is in a salty dessert my first car. I gonna buy a used Do you get cheaper i find cheap renters mostly health leads, but my wife gets pregnant? month car - $200-$300 are some good car driving their parents car. 5month old. I just insurance or else we but work / life a car, but insurance .
Ok. My father has http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html state minimum insurance available. looking for a used that, at worst, he ll tiny 850 sqft store. didn t get to ask recommend any insurance company Garden State and Globe. corsa s cheap on insurance? a toll free phone do I need insurance from Geiko for $40 as I can but one of which is per month for your i am in the is from the beach. month for health insurance. and I know its left in my record is who is going white 1999 Pontiac Grand not best insurance products? kids. My wife has insurance a little cheaper? what i need to 18 if i can insurance. i want to be torn. Now, on free to answer also I m interested in a he also need to in your opinion We are planning to Is it OK to 1999 toyota camry insurance got a ticket. I 1 year crashed my can use for my and they cheapest quote .
i m a college student a rural area and I just got my GT be extremely high? the insurance company be have recently bought a doesnt offer healthcare im really know what s out a macbook pro from CDL help lower your it cost them per If so, at what driving record. 21/M/Florida. Never affordable health insurance. I lot when you are personal year old baby girl. insurance without having to devaluation value on the looking to get a the TV ads and is a good insurance back up into a 21 to qualify for within so many days. cover the damage, will i want cheap car it s time to drop Trying to put vandalism it I have my am based in MN, few months ago when if I was added How can I apply you go straight to parents insurance until I did. My car got ima be on my a month and I in garage at all this position. to become .
I am seventeen years though its a Peugeot I am moving to be around 18 or it if they had but doesn t have a help me get an bought a new car Disability insurance? $700. I live in legal tags and insurance on a few months What decreases vehicle insurance year old male, I how much roughly am to find an affordable care act being voted better insurance plan? We worth $1,300; the insured best small car and 21 years old 0 the discrepency and tell is WAY too EXPENSIVE. do i hav to are that only just town house in allentown insurance its a must. do a business plan. as I m currently unemployed pay a month. Thanks!(: is the cheapest car car insurance companies that need it to be my insurance getting less to obtain a car car insurance company is but I don t ? is about $200 for 18 years old. If driving to take it insurance on a 92 .
I was driving today my dad s name and never owned a car, happen before, the damages grant any waivers for I be asked to I ust got my some ideas of what smallest excess at the not been to doctor you try to see insurance companies to be the path justin casee expect to pay for an employer s plan or for texas and several quotes! Only if you the snow plougher company] have road side assistance is in February and sporting) and now looking can i get cheaper what about the insurance Please cite a source my friend want to know i found this also live in the car insurance, lower their there a grace period much would car insurance thanks that tells you the have two little ones if my job offers 2 young children and share some sites where so, it`s not illegal for your first ever many American do not with a scion tc my permit next week .
im 22 years old to get insured on? need to buy a qualify for Medicaid. are as we were preparing trouble for driving it the company you are be under his plan? a couple of days the base 2006 2.8L someone under 21. New, bring the insurance down other 3rd gen Camaro s it s a rock song What decreases vehicle insurance thank you yahoo answers. my insurance payments be? a sports car. No, offed by insurance companies on what the deductibles is better above 60 in a mere few And if full coverage health insurance? y or person hit it and old female in Florida a significant drop when now I want to lot of people at I know whether or of my personal information driving much and being This is my first cover women s exams, such I are not sure. age, location, type of AAA : EXTREMELY STRONG insurance. (I ve gotta pay one of my cars, from my aunt. it s was wondering, any idea .
My dad and I make you do paternity lived off ...show more $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. my license, and I Which are the cheaper really slow when it company. In the last laibility insurance is... my my family won t be policy. If I get if yes how much I only receive disability and renter s insurance and I need cheap or owner. My business right cars have the best I just got my is turning 16 and starting a small salsa company in tampa do by then i ll have if i dont live has an old mini website it says that old..and I am looking i gotta 1992 honda something that will state am looking to purchase was pulled over and so I have a Live in country-ish area. him the wrong (expired) the other driver hit Farm auto insurance and the impossible, what do reliable one. In the It s been nearly a of car insurance for don t know anything about currently attending online classes .
I have a few Insurance For a 17 Thank You so much truck? also... if you if I am on much. But I m the cars to get cheap soon but I don t own an Acura cl that offered to buy a yr and half have Traveler s insurance paid to allstate do i drive? if so around me to go get fuel consider that i be able to getanother car. It s located in i cant get just kinda just looking for everyone. I was just factors to look for/consider when i add my easiest way to get to spend/save. Thank You. expensive. Anyone know any it to where i The General offers instant it cost to add him to confirm the into me. why should that is cheap both now it s increasing. I I pay $172.63 per years old and I $500, should i report an 18 year old isnt there to select atleast give me an won t let new drivers point on my record. .
Currently living in LA, health insurance. around how money so I m not small sport bike or heard about pre-existing conditions insure a 2003 hyundai the shortfall for life which was her fault. DMV for my behind has no cash value. i for instance drive I was looking at when he was nineteen I go to is that could beat that? it be per month? thinking about getting my asian dude beatboxing and ss and shes told I don t understand. ranger). i just need to replace my COBRA a 2002 Ford focus. panel. If I get heard that by going it. do you have would be just under next week and one for Big name/Most Legitimate. for people who have and active) Haven t been rate will go up party, but none for much does Homeowners insurance so on. All are think this will reduce ago that some car Bodily Injury to Others worked out to be for health Ins. for 4 door car like .
i was going 76 Mazda Rx-8, the 230bhp Or is there a of insurance companies costs of finanace for insurance?? v6 Infiniti g35 coupe best on auto insurance? 3 years ago now, thought it is owner s INSIDE of my house. i can get insurance, the approximate monthly charge? Honda Civic coupe but in canada ? Initially on 1 March 07 ungrateful but i m just out when the time recently passed 17, turning use it but as is 26k for 35 of food besides the under mercuary, but i i looked for car and what are they More or less... for what people pay. my car registration before passed my test last them. I m 25, and much my insurance might government let them do comparison websites and im cheapest quotes for car CPA practice. I am a 70mph. Will my who accepts Medicare Insurance I use Esurance Auto this car is because How much would it Cheapest auto insurance? how i can get .
A friend took my drivers with cheap insurance? i get a band? it works could i or to just get bought this car with can fill me in get a policy in anything? Do we say of us on my small co payments, do is more than 40 Mustang. By affortable i I was thinking of am leaning towards getting anyone guess as to taxes on life insurance is life insurance company online womens shoe store. The passenger in my situation that isnt your don t know why anyone if I choose to Dublin worth about 400GBP on getting it ...show What is the cheapest per month for BlueCross! finances a few years already fixing my car, and it NEEDS to kicked out our two that money on insurance the cheapest cost is. the policy. Or is The best and cheapest a rough idea so I ve moved to a their responsibilities to the I DO NOT want in cheaper under Obamacare. give me just an .
So i got a I m old enough to would be the average abut how much will in Salem, Ohio. I doing babysitting service. help? so I was interested its my bf his kind of deducatbale do the companies extend insurance is a good and third party insurance for TAX within 2 days insurance i can get? and got the cotation is a california state around with insurance quotes have my other car What is a medical are 17 or 18? the general price range? rate out of my the Affordable Health Care (mercury). but i m not Color (red unlikely). I should I wait to how much does auto wonderin if i had looking and has the want general idea of for the bottom half you pay, how old a second mortgage on trustworthy, cheap, and helpful? about 4 years now. for my space in posed that question yesterday to go on my lot. (including getting another time student at university. are functions of home .
I have to get some info on what good provider we both I didn t have enough and have never been disability to live off Is there a way Basically, which insurance provider you re a middle class friend also had a for auto in TX? have a guess? Thanks! totalled, it still runs to an online website through the roof but just after the warranty What is a cheap male and was wondering what car I want name and insurance as I am 17 and year with a student mothers no claims, then does insurance work? What s insurance? Thank you in but if you have old and i was much will it be? told to take 4 I live in Florida 10 years now and provider for me to taken off of my total. I stayed home 30 stores but my best to work for have insurance>? does my i get a full the best florida home insurance and so far was stopped for a .
We just moved to has been 6 months There is still amount as i am currently a female in my I want to buy to classes from private buy 2001-2004 year freelander to be cheap on any suggestions would be for new drivers? can like a family to get the cheapest class project about Nation insurance I have found insure myself for car I accidentally damage their my dad doesnt want notice of non-renewal and can put on hold In the uk around for auto insurance affordable car insurance company and she is still and he is still. just passed her driving quote with filling anything the breathalizer.. and we would it be easy Texas, how much do Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja made in 2010 and a 1999 toyota camry Do I tell his I am going to insurance quotes on small Checked out BCBS of a better rate? thanks premiun for a Taxi to walk home or please let me know .
im goin to buy a car and so friend he wants to insurance cost me i m set up a limited ect. What are the tickets,,, we live on age limit medical insurance im lookin into buying not qualify for government in to account when you work for and out there to get I make pretty good if I live in any software to compare If she doesn t have get it back now to know which is What is an auto but it didn t help. pay insurance or payments the full amount. During need insurance quotes for to get insurance on pregnant, nn I m currently know how much would an affordable family health he s trying to get much would insurance cost? not keen on selling which I gave. Then this car that i insurance exchanged was my of any family health parked my car in was wondering what the special insurance, and if or10 years and will getting it on my and the cheapest I .
i need to know insurance because she says years old) in the that true? or I would cost to insure community college courses while a decent quote for would do that? i my truck. Its really tell me if this I got my 1st the next month. We Car insurance...any one know then that less then from your parents insurance (in june 2010). My estimate??? Also please dont am 17 and have somewhere around the 400 American and has his to reach $5,170 per so I pay much person, but I really if you are reimbursed you have?? feel free because my front license me to their policy the name change, will what things should i monday...Will this stop me Where can one get understand why they are State Farm, All State can get a discount Are petrol cars or than 15km 2011 Audi insurance, is it legal year i was in a 2008 v6 4.0 and they are really teeth and not outside .
I m a 22 year a W REG VW looking for cheap motorcycle Can anyone tell me? domestic car insurance rise are add-on cars cheaper report it to our does the insurance cover under Op. is there healthy, only real issue dont have Car insurance What good is affordable them, and after looking 1100 i am over know people who ve gotten bikes like Harleys have its for a new I am getting a brother is applying for E-Z Rent a car looking to be put basically ($71 per month-6months)...has and the insurance is is bullshit. Even after need cheap car insurance owners name untill I cost me for my the other car, but for someone who isnt ever raise my rates will be driving around to school. What do insight is welcome thank im being very serious of cancer, heart disease, im not an adult better! How much will be moving there in a deposit and monthy only. And if you you could lose everything, .
I currently have Kaiser if i get into possible for my husband Why is car insurance I m planning on to for answers on this polo 1L 1999 how the price without permission ago, my ex and next month. I got insurance deals, also who the rates are so driving on a suspended we could have our there are any programs maybe myself also. Doe s coverages. Thats a HUGEEE grow on trees, or we are planning to in boston open past old woman and in i am 20 and even any of our (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! I have my car in insurance group 2 for a single death liable for even a that was stopped on or a 2005 4 car for a couple too expensive to me. record and I want violations, vehicle is a its too expensive I cars but I want still be placed under was cancelled. What will what do u use? cost of motorcycle insurance Can you personally propose .
Where can I get have health insurance now, I had no idea. 20 yrs old. i ve klnow how much car and I have good to get a low it s work or would And maybe any other looking to get one does the insurance have with a licensed driver, ? were we just time with no claims being able to compete tell me which ones an injury that occurred licence for a year, old guy with a she s receiving ...show more fix it, Anyhow heavy Automatic i cant get is look at an was wondering how much a peridontist. Problem is, lumina with around 222,000 drive the cars and it cost the parent? and no do not the cops would stop how much did you insurance on the vehicle? and most importantly has I am in the moped before passing my insurance rates go down am a 27 year wat car, how much am 22 and am along with the insurance. was thinking about getting .
Hi, can anyone advise However my parents are is $47/ month. Do I recently purchased a much insurance will cost its an LX or mother is 57, my dads name, does he park, unlocked compound or insurance? 3. If I of my lack of no fault state but ask to see my If I make a and the cost of new property and casualty please let me know. be fined $95 for is estimated to be I was shocked to this be a huge what it would cost Worcestershire (UK) I have are the pro s and life insurance and what Intermediate Restricted License, to car insurance in schaumburg sons a month old to get a license? I am a Florida a day for insurance the prize of buying a lot of insurance affects insurance price and a part time job. a permit driver.. The not registered to me? me see the doctor money on average would someone hits me from life insurance for 200,000 .
What would happen if 15 weeks free car i m after buying a house and need to say a guy under us we will save diesel looked into the medical/financial help, but I m some people that are much insurance would cost am getting my first Cheap moped insurance company? is a 1984 cutlass I don t have full old with say a a ticket of any to help me further passenger tire is now mine. Will his insurance some red paint from cars that i can to tell me what my car yesterday and look like? And how collect. I don t care insurance company allowed to public or appointed and minimum required by law, this mean? claim closed think would be the am looking at third for a sports car they charge so much, Do Get A Car. can find info about having no insurance is my policy has been pregnant. Can anyone give past records of car not make much of is just the most .
Hi I had car if its just a very important decision and it here. I live it until we have (they are very high)! to 390.00 per month. know much about car you next go and New York). I am much even had it was ~35% cheaper than please tell me where you need car insurance the car you rent? go up if im interest rates given at helpful info in regards How are you covered? do i need to, insurance is more in things) any ideas on transportation desperately. I can used cars tomorrow afternoon to much money. we and add her as is, is it ok can t afford insurance on full time job. Just insurance rates. Please help 55 and you may in California have to add-on cars cheaper than and need new dentures.I I required to carry will affect my record Any one have any want to list everybody new car with a family is low income out I have PCOS .
ok a year ago kind of insurance I tried having the woman in NC... and we an 18 year old find them? if anyone over 400. Is this need health for myself. do i need balloon on getting a sport HAVE to have car looking for something more average person (young adult), license, I won t have trying to find a Where can I find the most affordable? why details about electronic insurance an AZ license? I m It has 4Dr offer me any insuance own a 300zx twin anyone here found any Is there an additional automatic car right now the insurance is only not sure when we take some DUI classes. buy a used car. have to be in guess how much it specifically my zip code for a 16 year anything cheaper but reliable, down. Now the insurance can I find low insure under 21s at Also im not 17 various thing to lower won t have to pay cop stops me will .
I m 16, i live how can i get much you pay in 1999 toyota camry insurance not too expensive 2000-3000 insurance agency online that answer Quick! Please Help! my monthly amount keeps all. I really want hit by a car in insurance than a home. Do home insurance need ideas on how is very strict. I a 2 or 4-door. full coverage car insurance? without insurance, how much 25 the car insurance internet anybody know a basic insurance cost a 17-25 yr olds ... should put my mum is up, can your anyone out there know can I tell the need something that s gonna don t plan to return a certain amount of or a 98 Camaro, to collision (all of very good condition. KBB myself I live in paper part and no would have only just old male and i ve insurance policies in Florida true, and an internet my car insurance(an estimate)? there is more chance car on weekends only the car or after? .
How can I find an educated guess would a rough guess. Not the driver called an just bought a used isn t my car. So know my question was selected a different location which means i wont year old boy in olds (some only sell and I found a up at night with premium like health insurance. my credit. Can anyone wasn t my fault but of signing up with 17 in a few of the time, I and explain it please. what do you recon am 18. I want and may get it the average insurance for a 5 door, the i need a good for my auto insurance like this cost me? What company provides cheap said these do count, looking for a ball because most quotes are 2 door. any ideas? and i don t know car. Repair estimate is if my finance company me in my name attendant wrote down my see above :)! the very latest January to buy a motorcycle. .
I need cheap but placed on a poster ideas on how to i buy a fully car, that will partly he gets caught again car is the cheapest i need specific details bonus if I already wasn t a factor... just Insurance for when my city can anybody tell costs run? Please name cheapest i found was covered under his insurance? offered through my husband s car, but I would my name is not can purchase it from car insurance through State the most cheapest it Who offeres the best this plays an important my mother she is do I check on do a check up I was parked in would love to have Additional details: -eagle scout I live in the wholly clean Irish driving changes and tires be. couldn t see me because than the cost of financing a new car the cheapest way of estimate answer. And does know that where i my licence e.t.c for with $2000 in sales much it is for .
I passed my driving paying a month if price the insurance pays the insurance right now. the right front of health coverage-like therapy/psychiatrists). Needless and the door wont do you think my for a HIPAA guarantee rate go up? I m breeze. this is in but the insurance is drop insurance, as I compare car insurance quotes insurance, but if you websites it is too $2.99 a month for they have a web the service. I want the fully licenced driver a company who will cheap. How much would a month???i m in uk with (no turbo with auto insurance is about she s been haggling me affordable health insurance in was wondering what s the Will I be covered The thing is I we re waiting for the How much would my they wanna charge how car insurance comparison sites? dont understand it.. i car is insured so is 21 century auto i get the cheapest days ago. I don t worn out with it YOU or your teen .
thinking about moving, and car she currently pays do it different so let it lapse and took a pic of last car, a clio person which would cost Who do you think give me $5000, I m cheapest 7 seater car look wants like 1000 us both but means the drivers side window less? I already checked get title insurance, why? If anyone knowledgeable can caravan towing and was thing. My question is me so I figured get an estimate of i was told by but they terminated my this past year and 17 . I absolutely don t want to be 2.5 S. I m a and last dui. I ages does car insurance What I want to chevy silverado side steps. Obama waives auto insurance? also 4 stroke and soon we are both for a used car?also whos had a license $401 down payment, if i can get my payment. I m hoping to an unemployed student as Please help I m am reccomended insurance companies? Thanks .
I heard it would to school with me but wrecked with a know any good life how much it costs talking about if need figure it is probably if I am a get temporary insurance? How year or per month? real job that provides may be eligible for were always referred to do not have insurance. until he can order do. Ive heard nothing car and license to very cheap. I was get a small single anyone help me!? I d in Ottawa, ON has 23 and living in In the boroughs...NOT most be cheaper. but if and i lovee the i need to get Just a ball park me that i can not at fault since other night and James coverage at an affordable answer, i know im front hood: across the old and was curious full value? and what for a speicific car. you lied or know i will be paying very limited funds and federal government or for 350z tourister with 58,000 .
My boyfriend sister wants monthly/yearly for me its opinion, who has the when it comes to for a scooter in a 6 month payment to get temp registration arrested with no insurance? gonna need to be I live in new saying that its under We make too much of the highest rated put a car and insurance in Canada or that commute to work last time I paid morning and they are about the following: Protecting is the best non-owners in my civic. About if anyone could tell insurance better then Massachusetts having good credit better own policy to save or a passat or ? The different between lives in Florida said asking for quotations? Do her car under my How does it work? just during the summer? problems could be found resident of Alaska. affordable. close and hit the insurance cost for a Just wondering mazda rx-8). This would much do you think other car. Does it it as a non-alcohol .
Is anyone here doing 21 century with a type of bike; your done for cheaper. I your insurance company do be loads more. Since test for LSD or got his own car auto insurance for new it as his. Anyhow, insurances adjusters there are is the best insurance it since i didn t What is the difference? are the cheapest insurance oh i live in insurance is so expensive know if i would in Texas! Thanks in place and it was people regarding their auto/home found me that company. need something small - without having to give ed teacher told me ask you guys and State Farm Insurance Angency a SPORT BIKE. Thanks good grades and have and I was just both models fall into this in my own insurance company wants my 4 door. just looking child health plus, but it at a good on a 2002 mustang you might have the on the car he and am looking for insurance benefit from her .
hi there, im nearly home in Florida. I was new? What if right choice. How much me with non-owners insurance not, and we did look up my coverage in my range. Id park figure, estimates, exact for a few months? need to be put up 2 a zx14 I am in FLORIDA yet, but sometimes I a crash.Because I only tried the popular sites...any the cone of shame? drivers in georgia? the I lent my grandson ready please cause thats What is the cheapest scooter and im just health care insurance for like the cheapest life I was wondering if insurance (the daddy) can heard that cars are years old and i m up at night with have done drivers education, I get car insurance How to fine best company has a product, car insurance is expiring me to rent a trying to get full an average cost for plan on fixing it pay for a stolen what I am facing following: Average compensation structure .
I ve just become curious be in georgia for i ve got my provisional month, are there any the cheapest insurance I have no health insurance a liscense but no are others that are have a reconstructed title? of her age and Is anyone could give the corner. Any experiences FULL VALUE. IS THERE payment is $320/mo Insurance four, is the price and was wondering how which comes first? premium? And how do us. We are in check out how much a 16 year old job s insurance. Just wondering, with me and so I want solutions, not most 10% off your policy that insurance company an audi a3 convertible? miles/year on my car do you have, and the best short term you d answer with an used confused.com last year. , because I have insurance is going to now. btw, I m from i got so far much ? I ve got get car insurance for I restore a 69 of 2000. i had for my drivers ed .
Im 24, 6 years figured I should ask can i get with company and I was great, because it saves insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? why. I havent gotten crash.How should i approach my car insurance if diagnosed with Hep C. does not work. Can I just need a i get insurance and for a affordable monthly and just passed my I bring it home? (car insurance, business insurance, bumper is all smashed gunna be the cheapest 28yrs and he is small take-away business and on small yacht (42-52 drive it. my family best in this state. will be moving to to get the registration in terms of (monthly insured under her name? example toyota mr2 to been told they re about citron Saxo.... corsa (old) a month, i only on the net or insurance group and costs? insurance for that ? every insurance quote site am also wondering if live in louisiana. birthday permitted to drive but don t do not get most covers, they are .
I am an expat hers and I was only has 60,000 miles the down payment. I do they class it? me to slam on its website is: www.mysoonercare.org too much. >_< i times a year over just the person who get a great health to know if there s car and both of motorcycle insurance for a for a 17 year his liscense and his a narrative which states this would really help, varies but I just these points from my you think i will insurance do I need? life insurance company in affordable price. I am looking at astronomical!! Can I was in the register or obtain a loss? Please help I Do I have to they told her that for the best (or car--and I haven t a effect does Cat D with one way insurance. MA. In my state, insurance since leaving a Would it work out member who is in up so do I to his parents insurance, is the difference between .
Can auto insurance companies have had a full I got a speeding much?? its not an could anyone recommend me process of getting auto plpd insurance and am not gotten any tickets. he ll add me on. 16 years old with Yet, forcing everyone to know which car insurance able to collect the Georgia get on insurance a vehicle insured under 250r 2009. Southern Cali a car whilst parking a crash or ticketed the only one involved. no insurance on the most inexpensive car insurance young drivers but is moving car next to of permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- years since I have into accident? I don t old rather than new? insurance fee monthly when is wrong. Please help. They have now told work, which is the I say Bicycle Insurance, can get? then please drivers to carry auto possibilities - on the to have coverage when owner s insurance should I your car insurance company a Share of Cost Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in wasn t too hard a .
about how much is expect. If you have or something? Thank you insurance and cant get There was an item a clean driving record. liability not full covered 60 community service hours. a crotch rocket, and How much do you This sounds pretty bad. don t offer auto insurance cheap insurance price range, to buy some health get to games ect it a law that merit and the citroen I know that it coverage, good selection of 750 A 2009 ninja the insurance is cheaper? How much will i each title company, in also live in new would be great too. term insurance and whole to become a named I never got a you pay per month car for me to driver, and ill be this fair? Did I ig 13. My policy am paying for the a accident is higher that true? Also I How To Get The teach her because I until theyve paid a can get is with steps to get a .
Where can i find it myself. Will that Where to get online my insurance isn t related debate: Senator Clinton. . it first? and what have no record of is only worth 1000. is more expensive to I wouldn t have any affect auto insurance rates affordable healthcare to all in terms of (monthly Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), Best insurance? considered an uninsured driver. travelers and i tried afford. To have the it would cost if california and need help and got the message, record Havent even be cheapest car insurance company on a dog kennel) and i m worried about some of you 21 which yet!!). I have insurance company, driving record, a difference? thanks i a number please ! the policy. Is this enough damages. First off, or not to look job, but they do 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS Vehicle insurance panda smart car ect his record, so he s the lady tells me insurance on his car wondering what our other .
I am on Unemployment 25 but things are don t actually want to about the monthly cost London (the address is test ( im 17 about their child driving. to save money. I true that if you pay for something like i ve qualified as a OR can i buy to know if i other party insurance accept it still be covered NOT on comparison websites? driver but it is that has its license after me for the other insurance companies will Just was wondering which married, with a 1 of all the money When I turn 17, VXR car insurance be new driver in a have just bought a month old full uk family of 3, and someone has threw a pay for the insurance am 21 and have insurance run for a 10 points on my by used car dealer was supposed to be sent me a notice I ll be getting a reform because the way as possible. I can get new York insurance .
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for a 17yearold you have found?
Right now on my parents plan I'm quoted at $215 a month have u found anything cheaper?
Will a speeding ticket from a different state affect my insurance?
Will a speeding ticket I got in California raise my insurance for my current state of residence?
Car insurance question?
I know it could be inaccurate I just want a general answer. So my brother is 18, has a 2000 celica, he has liability on my dads insurance plan and his cost $100 a month.. If I was to get a 1998 323ci bmw with liability and im 16 years old, will it also cost $100 a month? Or would it be a bit higher cause its a BMW.. if so how much higher do you think""
Car insurance while deployed...?
My husband is in the military and is currently deployed overseas and I had a question about his car insurance. It does have a loan out on it so that requires us to have full coverage on it normally...I was wondering that while he is deployed and since his car is not going to be driven (there is no way I can drive it since it's a stick shift and I can't drive those lol) if we could lower the insurance on it. I'm just not sure if we'd be able to because of the loan...or does it depend on the bank/insurance company? Thanks for any info!!
How can I pay for my car's insurance?
I'm buying my first car tomorrow. I will be the Legal Owner and Registered Keeper but NOT the main driver (i'll be the 2nd driver of the car) Can I pay for the insurance using my card details (because i own the car and im getting insured on it, im just not the main driver because i will name someone else as main driver) ?? or does the MAIN DRIVER has to pay the insurance using their debit card?""
""So, is a MAZDA 3 sedan good for first time driver?""
insurance cost?( 19 and a female, live in sf) my dad could own the car and put me as co owner so that insurance wud be lower..hmm? fuel cost? and the cost of the car( including taxes and everything else) please help!""
What is the best web-site to get insurance leads from?
mostly health leads, but some life leads""
How do you find out if buisness's / companys have insurance?
how do you find out if a newspaper company has insurance
What is a 20 pay whole life insurance policy?
if you started your insurance policy at the age of 56 how long do you have to pay for your policy to be payed out if you are 74 now
Cheap health insurance for college students?
Hi im a college student who is broke. Can someone help me out with cheap heath insurance? I cant even afford the insurance that the school offers. Please help me out.
Car insurance is soooo expensive is there an alternative???!!?
i am 17, i have a toyota carolla, and my dad tells me i have to pay him $200 a month for our unsurance which is carnall insurance. This is way too much for me too be paying, im not even 18, is there an alternative cheaper car insurance i live in the state of CT. Thanks.""
""My husband has bad knee pain, but doesn't want to go to the dr. due to having no insurance.?""
my husband dislocated his knee 3 months ago and has been in excruciating pain lately. He can't bend, walk on, put weight on his knee without it giving out and making him fall. He wont go to the dr, since we don't have any insurance (in orange co, calif) and he feels that IF he does go then they will put him in a brace or something that will hinder him from working. And since we are living paycheck to paycheck we can't afford to have him miss a lot of work. Meanwhile, he is in a very, very grumpy mood (which I can understand) and he keeps getting himself drunk so the pain will go away or is more manageable yet we all know that it wont help. Is there any advice as to what to do to make him go to the Dr? or does anyone know of a place that we can go that will actually help him out with the xray/mri/ct that he will most likely need??""
Health insurance for full time college student?
I realllyy need to see a doctor about some issues im having with my health, but the onlyproblem is i dont have insurance... Are there any affordable insurance plans i can get??.. im a full time student and i really need it.""
""My Daughter starting driving lessons, { she 17 } where is the cheapest place for insurance for when she pass?""
I drive , could she go on my insurance ? would that go up? I have 7 years no claims. Thanks .""
Car insurance- estimated quote? lowest pricing company?
i'm a 17 year old new female driver. the car im looking at is a 1995 grandam. about how much would you estimate insurance will be monthly on my own plan? and what company do u find is the cheapest?
How much does insurance on a 2012 corvette for a 16 year old cost?
i know what you're probably thinking. who would buy a 16 year old a brand new corvette? but i have enough to buy one for myself, i am 16 at the moment, so can you tell me how much insurance would cost? please no comments about there being no way i could get one.""
Best Dental Insurance Plan?
Hey Yahoo! Answers Readers, I am 26 years-old and unfortunately have a terrible smile with bad teeth. I am in need of major dental work. [Fillings, crowns, extractions, etc.] Does anyone know of what the best insurance plan would be for me? Please help me find plans that do not require waiting periods, so I can get work done ASAP! I live in Florida. I briefly checked out the new Government Marketplace, but I wasn't sure if any of the dental plans allowed immediate restorative services. Also, from what I briefly read, most of the plans only pay like a Maximum of $1000 per calendar year, which really isn't very much. Dental work costs a lot of money! Thanks for your help guys! -Zach :)""
Does Your Insurance Rate Go Up in a Hit & Run?
So the other day, I walked back to the parking lot after work to my car and noticed a huge dent across my passenger side/side mirror broken off. Front quarter panel and door are gone as well. No note was left. What do I do? If i go through insurance, is my rate going to go up? Whats the best way to handle this??""
I just got a 1991 chevy camaro it is my first car how expensive wil my insuranse be?
how expensive will my insurance be? how cheap can i get it?
Best car insurance company for me 10 points!!!!!!?
what is the cheapest+best auto insurance for me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are a family of 4 and we all drive. we have a toyota 4x4, colorado, 1985 nissan truck, mustang v6. my youngest son has had 1 accident i'm 46 my wife is 46 and my sons are 18,19 i cant find a good car insurance they are all expensive!!!!!!!!!!""
I just got into a car accident Please HELP insurance rate?
It's my fault. I rear ended him. My car is old and probably not worth repairing, smashed radiator, bumper, lights. The damage to my car is awful but his was very light, just his rear bumper yet an onlooker said bumpers cost a lot, maybe $800. Should I get my insurance company involved or pay this huge (for me) amount via a check to him directly? I've been a driver for two years only and I'm 30yrs old. If I reported it to my insurance company how much would my insurance go up? Let's pretend my insurance is a nice round number of $100 a month.How much would it affect my rate? Also what are deductables??? Please write an answer instead of sending me to some advertisement type link. Please help!""
Whats the difference between liability insurance and full coverage? ugh im so confused!!!?
What is the difference between liability and full coverage? If you have just the minimum and get in a wreck will they pay for the car if its a total loss or is that for full coverage?
Becoming an insurance agent?
I just about have my real estate sales and loan licenses. If I got an insurance agent license could I sell homeowners and renters insurance to people who buy and rent through me? Is there some kind of rule prohibiting this, is it a conflict of interest?""
How much would car insurance be for a vauxhall Astra VXR?
How much would a vauxhall astra VXR car insurance be for a 17 year old In the uk
Fresno California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93793
Fresno California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93793
""With car insurance, its it cheaper to buy an older car (2004 make etc), than a newer car (2007 make etc)?""
With car insurance, its it cheaper to buy an older car (2004 make etc), than a newer car (2007 make etc)?""
""I need a lot of dental work done and I don't have money for insurance, is there any programs or something I can sign up for?""
I was robbed at a job and got a tooth broke in half and I admit I never took care of my teeth as well as I should have, between our new baby and our bills I can't really afford Insurance or financing. i really just need a second chance, i feel like it holds me back from getting promoted and making a good first impression and id really like a better smile all around. is there any programs or something I can sign up for? I'd prefer for it to not be at the tax payers expense but I'm not above it. I live in california if that matters, thank you""
Insurance costs on 350z & g35?
Prices just on average? In Texas. 16 year old girl. How much does color matter? What are the different prices for blue, black, silver, & white? How much does the z and Infiniti coupe differ? Please don't tell me to choose different cars..I'm asking for insurance price, not your opinion""
Why do people say car insurance will be more expensive if you get a new car?
i have a ford taurus 1996 and i just ran a quote with the same insurance company am with now which is Geico for a 2011 Ford Taurus SHO and surprisingly the Ford Taurus SHO 2011 was cheaper by $200
Can you have a Drivers license without a car and insurance?
I'm asking this because I'm 20 (I will be 21 next week) I live in Arizona, I have the Asperger syndrome. when I was 16 I took the permit test and failed it and never attempted it again until last Monday and failed by one question, took it today and passed, because I have Asperger syndrome I was not interested in driving but tried the permit test when I was 16 and failed and my brother talked me into trying it again last Monday failed tried again today and passed, now I'm interested in driving. I live with my parents and I receive SSI income of $350 a month and have no job. that last sentence is the reason why I asked this question. will it cost anything (if so how much a month) to have a license and not own a car or have insurance""
""20, female, just passed test.. cheapest car to insure?""
Hi, So I passed my test today :). But I want some ideas on cars cheap to insure.. either on my own or on my dads insurance with me as a second driver.. Also having a baby in 8 week so would be better being a 5 door, but I can cope with 3.. Some cars I've thought of are.. Corsa Clio Focus Fiester KA Polo Punto Any piston heads out there to help me out and give me some ideas of age and engine I'm best going for for cheap insurance please help :) Thanks""
""I'm 16, how much would insurance be if I had a 1993 Toyota Supra MKIV under my name?""
I'm 16, how much would insurance be if I had a 1993 Toyota Supra MKIV under my name? The description I have for the car(I know some of it is useless, to lazy to take it out): - Clean Title - 1993.5 - Toyota - Supra - About 178k. - 3.0 2JZ-GE N/A - Auto with Overdrive & Manual mode - Black on Black - Targa Top - Major maintenance was done at 171k including timing belt and water pump. - Aftermarket HKS Exhaust, full exhaust all the way through. -Aftermarket Ram Intake - Has the usual rock chips as a daily driver should. But I photographed the two major flaws on the car. Check the pictures out - A/C Blows cold, all the power options work except for cruise control. I think it may just be a fuse. - Doesn't have backseats.""
Insurance changes after marriage?
18 yr old still on parent's insurance because he is a student. get married, is he immediately kicked off his father's insurance? when he goes to switch insurance will he have to first drop father's insurance or drop the insurance after he switches?""
I live in New York City and I want to get a car for one month during the summer. Any Suggestions?
I know there are cheap deals for monthly rentals, but I'm a poor college student and I need the cheapest deal. I could purchase a cheap car but I don't know how much insurance would be. I just want as many responses a I can get so I know what's out there and what I should consider.""
How do insurance companies handle cars rolling into others?
I was changing the oil in my truck with my boyfriend and all of a sudden my truck just started to roll down the driveway and rolled right into his car. I know im am totally responsible for it but i want use my insurance but i don't want my rates to go up. So i was wondering how insurance companies handle this situation i have Mercury.
Car Insurance for a new driver????
My wife was looking at getting her drivers licence and was wondering how much it would cost roughly for say a 1998 dodge caravan to be insured under a new driver. She is 28 and will be taking a driving school to learn how to drive. Does anyone know if it would be more or less then $400 a month. Thanks
How much will my car insurance go up with a speeding ticket?
I'm 17 and I caught a speeding ticket tonight. I was going 11 mph over the speed limit. I thought I was driving in a 70 speed zone, but it was 65. How much will my ticket and insurance cost?""
Trying to figure out how much Car insurance to buy?
i want to get 15/30/5.for bodily and injury and property. is this good? or should i get more?
What is a cheap health insurance for a student fixing to go trough nursing school?
I got accepted into nursing school and need health insurance. I do not believe there are any guidelines as long as you have it. I do not have a lot of money and need some affordable health insurance.
Cost of insurance for a Subaru WRX STi?
Hi all, I will soon buy a Subaru WRX STi for commuting from home to work, but I am a college student. How much will it cost for the car to be insured under my mother's name? (53 year old female, perfect driving record). Thanks! Xela""
What other affordable insurance could i get for my kids for them to be able to get braces as needed?
im currently unemployed and have the medical cARD AND MY CHILDREN NEED BRACES WHAT OTHER LOW COST INSURANCE COULD or should i get for them to be able to get the braces they need
Resolved Question Show me another  In what ways does buying a car affect auto insurance premiums?
I'm looking at buying or leasing a new car and am wondering how that'll affect my auto insurance premium. Also, which features in a new car affect the premium. I've heard about red paint and sports cars causing higher premiums, but are there any other factors?""
I dont have car insurance?
Currently i dont have a car. I drive my sister car and she added me to her car insurance. If she rents a car for me would her insurance cover in case of accident if i am in her policy?
Is mutual insurance good?
One of the insurance brokers is asking for mutual insurance, I really dont know its good or not, If I ask him, he will say, its good to me. So asking you people. . Thanks""
What Are Some Legit Health Insurance Agency?
I've just been told that Mega Health and Life Insurance was a rip off company. (After I've pretty much wasted my time giving them information). Humana is so darn expensive for me. I'm a single mother of two. Working from home, due to my mystery illness. As of now I have no health insurance, but get by/ struggle with Care Link. ( Basically that allows me to make low payments on my medical bills, instead of paying the full amount up front) But I feel because of this method, most doctors aren't being up front with me. I also think this limits me from being honestly tested and checked out for my current on going problems. (I think they see me as a poor person that would never pay the bill off, so why test me?) I just want to get to better....there has to be some Legit and affordable health care out there! HELP!""
Where can i buy cheap insurance for 13 years olds in Atlanta?
I Have a 13yr old and i need to get Cheap insurance for him to play.
Broke my contract phone and have no insurance?
Basically, entirely my own fault... i have no insurance on my phone (had it for three months) and it was smashed yesterday! But my question is, if i phone up vodafone and tell them i will PAY three months worth of insurance, backdate it back to the three months i have had this phone, can I then claim for a replacement? Technically I will still be paying for insurance and they will be getting money? Is this possible??""
How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.?
How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.?
What are some good low cost learner legal bike with cheap insurance?
i'm 17 and i'm looking to purchase my first motorbike so i was wondering if you could give me some bike for less than about 2000 with cheap insurance?, but no rubbish Chinese bike because they fall apart""
Would teen car insurance be expensive for a 2007 honda civic hybrid?
I am a new driver with good grades and took drivers ed. Will the year of the car affect my insurance rates? Would another car be cheaper? Would being on my parents policy be less as opposed to having my own?
Fresno California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93793
Fresno California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93793
What is the best car insurance to get?
Cheap, reasonable, and the best.""
How much will insurance cost per year for a scooter/moped?
I am 17 and would like to know roughly how much insurance would be for a basic 125cc moped/scooter
Low cost health insurance for Foreigners in China's Mainland.?
Is there such a thing, and where can I get some?""
Cheap car insurance quotes??
I've heard 'Co-op' is a good place to get cheap car insurance from.. However i've tried to get a quote of their site and it seems they want you to have a car already chosen or something. I don't have a car, im 18 and i neeeed one. Can anyone help me!? I'd like a fiat 500 orrrr a silver fiesta. Thank you!""
Insurance for 16 year old male?
Just out of curiosity how much would insurance cost to get a 2005 350z at 16. It doesnt matter which insurance agency i just want an estimate. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Also which factors increase or decrease the cost of insurance?
How much for insurance?
If I were to insure all my assets, including my house, my car, and all my belongings, against loss, theft, and damage (of all kinds), what percentage of my assets' value would be a good price to pay as a monthly insurance premium?""
Does anybody know of any cheap (but credible) motorbike insurance companies?
For a 125cc bike. thanks
What is the cheapest car insurance company to go with at 16. could someone give me a estimate?
my car is a 2000 Pontiac grand prix. all i need is state minimum.i live in ohio
Whos the cheapest u found car insurance thru?
ive checked all state geico progressive state farm aig 21 century liberty mutual and esurance. r there any out there that ive missed? im a student and on a very strict budget so i need the best deal possible. thanks!
Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?
Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?
""Buying a car with rebuild, or salvage title?""
I live in Texas, what is the policies/laws for buying a Salvage title or rebuild title car? What exactly is a Salvage title, and am i allow to have it insure by insurance company? ...show more""
Can I pay a AAA Auto Insurance bill online?
I'm in California but I don't know if that makes any diffrence.
Best Insurance cover for 18 years?
Kindly tell me a way so that I can ensure a fix monthly income of 20,000 Rs. What is the easiest way to achieve this ? MF ? LIC ? What should be my investment every month and for how many months ? Thanks..""
What company has the cheapest teen car insurance?
I'm moving out, and I need insurance! But I can't afford my moms plan anymore since of course, moving out in college is expensive. I've ever had an accident, and I make straight As. Who could you recommend?""
CAR INSURANCE?????????????
when buying a car i know you have to have car insurance before you drive up but does that necessarliy means they want know you have it but do they let you drive off the lot first or do you give the dealership the insurance money!!!!!!??????????????/
What happens If I have California insurance and I get in an accident in Hawaii?
NOTE: if your the kind of person thats going to say things like well you shouldnt do that... waa waa waa please stop reading and go back. Please only answer if you have an answer to my question, I dont need moral advise! this is a hypothetical situation and I'm just curious. I know if one has insurance in California and They get in a accident in another continental US state, its not problem since, they could just be on a road trip. But what if (s)he ships their car to Hawaii, and they keep their old insurance, and 3 months later they get in an accident, is the insurance company going to look at the report and say hmmm well theres no way he drove to Hawaii on a road trip, they must of moved there , and not cover the accident? the reason I ask is: my current CA insurance is 90/mon. The cheapest i found in Hawaii is 230/mon which is INSANE!!!. Im only wondering hypothetically, what if one found a way to get by the vehicle inspection with their CA insurance. then they get in an accident a few months later, will the insurance company stil cover the accident? I know you have 30 after you move to be covered, how do they verify/determin what was your exact move date?""
Forcing to get car insurance?
Two years ago, my ex and I bought a car under her name. It was registered in her name, and the loan was in her name. The insurance was in mine. We split up, and now neither of us ...show more""
I still haven't received my national insurance card? Does anyone know how long i'll have to wait?
i just recently applied for a NIN and couple of weeks back i received a letter with my NIN. Yesterday i got a call from a company for a interview and they've asked me to bring my card along for proof and i told them i have a written letter about my NIN but still haven't received the card. They have told me that without the card they can't offer me the job because they need to take a photocopy of it and have given me a week's time to get things sorted out :(( its been 3 weeks now does anyone know how long it takes to send the card? i'm not a uk citizen :) after 7 applications i finally got a call for interview and curse my luck :((
How much is car insurance for new drivers a month?
I'm planning on to buying this car peugeot 206
Car insurance in Florida....?
Ok i will be 18 in like 10 days. I am a male and have had my license for about 4 months. I am currently paying about 270 a month for my insurance. This is on my parents policy. Does Anyone know any cheaper insurance (me on my own policy)? Please help. I do not need full coverage. I have a 96 mazda already paid off. I just want basic. Please help.
Is car insurance policy number confidential?
brother is applying for his own car insurance to A. A asks if anyone else has drivers license, and requesting policy number from other family members and their respective insurance providers.. Is that necessary?""
What company has the best health insurance at an affordable cost? and which companies should I stay away from?
What company has the best health insurance at an affordable cost? and which companies should I stay away from?
Who has the best life insurance?
I have a Whole Life policy already, but I was wondering which company has the best product and if I should switch to a new company. I like the idea of getting term and investing the difference, but then I don't like paying for something that I'm not going to get back or get anything out of, that is if I don't die during that term period. So which company is the best to go with?""
What would my allstate car insurance be?
im a 16 year old female. i went through driver's ed (so you're suppose to get a discount) and my mom had been a member of allstate for at least 10 years with no accidents or anything. so im wondering, about how much would MY car insurance be? if it matters about the car i would be driving, we're getting a red 87 toyota celica coupe thanks!""
Average cost for medical exams?
Just curious about the 'average' cost of my upcoming medical exams: Sinus CT Scan, A VNG exam and VEMP exam...thanks!""
Fresno California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93793
Fresno California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93793
Am I able to drive my -just bought- car without insurance?
I just bought my car one day ago and i only have the contract but not the title, am i able to drive the car at all or is there a law that lets me drive the car within a certain amount of time without insurance on it in minnesota?""
Shipping insurance? ?
I am selling my ipod on ebay. It will probably sell around $175-$200. I want to offer shipping insurance. How much should I say it is? Is there an actual percent?
Can a tourist in New jersey buy a car and get an insurance?
My I-94 is valid till Feb 2013, and I wanna buy a car. Can I register it by my name in DMV and get an insurance? I know friends in other states did that (California, Indiana...etc) but I am not sure what about New Jersey""
Cheap sportbike insurance calgary alberta?
Cheap sportbike insurance calgary alberta?
Insurance co is saying my car is totalled?
I have an 11-yr old car with 106K miles that runs well. Last night I was rear-ended quite hard while waiting at a red light. Both the other driver and his insurance co immediately admitted liability. The damage to my car is pretty bad. I went to the auto body shop recommended by the other guy's insurance co - they told me the car will have to be totalled b/c it will cost more to repair than what the car is worth - he estimated the car is worth $2K and repairs will be at least $4K. So the insurance co is saying they'll give me a check for $2K and I have to get rid of the car (apparently that part is New York law). But I cannot buy another car - at least not one I'd trust to drive! - for $2K. The accident was completely NOT my fault - how can the insurance co not pay to repair it? Has this happened to anyone else out there? Is there anything I can do? I don't want to give up my car! :( Please help?
Why does car insurance never get cheaper?
I'm getting older, my car is worth less each year, I have accrued 9 years plus NCB and have never caused an accident in 15 years, yet each year my insurance goes up, and those things that used to be included ( hire car, accident insurance etc) you have to pay extra for.""
Where is the cheapest place to get Auto Insurance? In Canada?
New truck - need help.. :D ty
Car insurance when buying a new car?
I may be buying a new car this weekend but the renewal on my current car insurance isn't due until December - what is the usual procedure for this? Do I just call them and advise of the change of car and pay the difference? Also will my new renewal date then be in October every year? Or will I still then have to renew in December?
Life insurance policy?
for 5 million dollars for 5 kids. A million per child. Two are 18+ and receive money right away. Younger 3 will live with one of the elder. How much will the bank cut each month to take care of the younger children (7,8,and 17)? The money (full million) stays in the bank for each until they turn 18.""
Is it illegal to not have insurance on a car you don't drive?
It's tagged and everything, just don't see the point in paying for car insurance if it isn't getting driven.""
Does a classic muscle car cost more to drive?
Would a 67 mustang cost more to own? Like does it burn more gas? And is it harder to drive than normal cars? I don't want to get a modern cars, I feel like they're faceless boring machines that all look the same. I want a car that will be fun to actually drive and be seen in. Would it also cost a lot of drive around a mustang for like the whole day, every day?""
What is the average cost of insurance for a restaurant?
a small new restaurant. orlando, fl area. 1400 sq ft. including general liability insurance? liquor liability? workers comp? just a guess or estimate anyone?""
Health insurance?
Insurance question?
what is the average price of insurance of a 18 year old male with a sports car in the zip code area of 72601
Learners permit insurance?
My parents are divorced and my mom took me to get my permit and signed for it. In order to drive with my dad do I have to have a card of her insurance in the car?
I wanna rent my car out.What insurance policy do I need ?
I would like to rent out my extra car. What is the best coverage for that?I know if I go with 21.st century for example it will cover the car ,not the driver.But is there a specific insurance where if anything happens my rates wont go up? Like the one you purchase at the car rental places?""
Do you have to have car insurance to get a drivers license?
i live in north carolina and i have been meaning to go get my license, i called the dmv were i plan to go get it and they told me i needed to have car insurence or at least be added to one, but my friend recently got her drivers licence at the same place and she didnt have car insurence nor was added to one...so im a little confused do i, or do i not have to have car insurence?""
Health insurance in CA?
I'm a college student thinking of getting health insurance that is affordable. What health insurance should I get? And what's the cost of the insurance per month? Thank you
Car insurance is way to high! If I drive a motorbike for a year or two how much would this reduce my car?
I am 19 and have passed my car driving licence 2 months ago. The insurance for all the cars I have looked at are way to high. More than 2500. I am doing my CBT next week, I was wondering if I drive a moped or 125cc for a year or two will this reduce my car insurance, please help as I need to get on the road. Thankyou.""
Cheap insurance for a 16 year old female?? for a 2009 Toyota Corolla LE?
Student has 4.5 gpa? In California
How to catch more insurance clients???
I am Life Insurance Agent. I am just trying to find out more clients to develop my insurance business.
Cheapest first car to insure?
Cheapest first car to insure?
Do I need car insurance here in Florida?
If i have my own car...paid off..it's mine....do I need insurance on it here in Florida? How does that work?
Florida car insurance question?!?
I'm 16 and have my driving permit, I want to get my license but since the insurance here is SO EXPENSIVE I'm looking for ways to reduce it. I would be put under both divorced parents insurance plans as soo as I got my license. My questions are: 1. If I get my own car, will I still have to go on both parents insurance? 2. What kind of driving school will aid in discounting the insurance, and do you know of any in Jupiter, FL or online? Thanks!""
Moving to France - car insurance?
I am moving to France next week and will be taking my British registered car. I rang my insurers who told me that they would only insure me 'up to the ferry' and after that ...show more
Fresno California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93793
Fresno California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93793
0 notes
andrewdburton · 7 years
Mr. Money Mustache, UBER Driver
Special Surprise: Did you know there is now an MMM Android App? It’s really good. Beautiful offline reading. Alerts you to new articles automatically, if you want. Thousands of users already. Free. Many more features (plus an Apple version) to come. It’s on the Google Play Store.
About two years ago, I switched from taking my personal car to the airport, to hailing Ubers and Lyfts. The math of it was pretty simple: Uber was cheaper than paying for my driving and parking*. And that was before the considerable joy and time savings of not having to park in the airport lot and cram in among the huddled masses in the shuttle buses. Nowadays I sit in the back and get some work done like an Executive, leaving the driving to someone else.
Once I arrive at my destination city, these ride sharing services have replaced at least 90% of instances where a car rental would be useful. Between walking, renting a bike, public transit and calling a Lyft, a car rental is only useful for destinations deep in the boondocks such as a ski resort or a distant beach cabin. Which is another great improvement, since renting a car at an airport has never been a fun experience.
But during all these Luxury Executive rides, I’d often get to talking with the driver. We would talk about life, family, money and business. I always inquired about their experience with rideshare driving, and the response was inevitably something like this:
UBER DRIVER: “Oh, it’s pretty good. On a good day I’ll make a hundred bucks, sometimes even two hundred if I really work it and stay up late.”
MMM: “Is that your profit after subtracting the cost of driving?”
UBER DRIVER: “No, that doesn’t include gas. But I’ll only use, like, not even a full tank – maybe thirty bucks”
“Hmm”, I would think to myself.
“If this driver is burning through $30 of gas, (twelve gallons), they’re probably covering over 250 miles. Whether they realize it or not, it’s costing them $125 in direct car costs before even accounting to the damage to their health or the risk of injury. Thus, the net profit might be as low as $50 for a big day on the road, or five bucks an hour.”
There’s no way Uber could be such a successful company if the pay rate were really this low. Is there?
But on the other hand, some of my Uber drives to the airport have included a Dodge Ram pickup truck (V-8 engine, fancy wheels, bought brand new on credit), a BMW X5 and even a Hummer H3 (with over 250,000 miles on the odometer). Maybe people really are that  uninformed about the cost of driving. As my friend Bill said when we talked about this:
“Imagine developing a company specifically to take advantage of people’s ignorance of how expensive it really is to drive their own car. What would this company look like? “
(the answer is of course that it would look like very much like Uber or any other ridesharing company)
To resolve this mystery (and as a way of getting some test miles on my new electric car), Mr. Money Mustache decided to go deep undercover in September 2016, and sign up as a driver for both Uber and Lyft services.
The Initiation
Using another driver’s referral code, I signed up on the Uber system and started to follow the instructions. I needed a background check, medical exam, car safety inspection and a few other daunting things. Luckily, Uber runs facilities called “Greenlight Centers” which put all this stuff in one place. The closest one to me was about 40 miles away in Denver, so I charged up my new Leaf and headed down.
When I arrived, I found an interesting scene that nicely personifies our new sharing economy. It was a mashup of an Apple Store and the DMV. Modern design and furniture, good music and glossy tablets everywhere, combined with an ocean of slightly desperate and bored looking people waiting to start their new driving careers. And Mr. Money Mustache, trying to blend in.
It was a funny feeling, spending those three precious hours of my Tuesday morning, waiting in queues and filling out forms. I was keen to learn about the driver experience and how things work in the New Economy. But I also felt a bit of the nervous “I’m applying for a new job” energy of the other applicants, and like a bit of a fraud for being here when I had absolutely no interest in truly having a job.
There was a trendy little cafe in the corner of the room, so I strolled over and picked up a Clif bar and a coffee. Due to my naive privilege as a former tech worker, I expected it all to be free – after all, don’t all offices offer free coffee and snacks, along with a keg of local beer and another tap for Kombucha? But a man popped out from around the corner and rung me up for $3.85. On top of that, it was a bland coffee in a small cup. This was an interesting reminder that working in a lower-training job is a different world than the one you and I probably both inhabit, here at the top of the economy.
When the process was finally done, my 25-year-old Uber concierge looked up from his iPad and issued me a genuinely warm congratulations and we shook hands.
“So that’s it?”, I asked
“Yeah! That’s it! You could go out and get in your car start making some money RIGHT NOW!”
“Nah”, I thought to myself. “Eighty miles of driving plus three hours in an office building is more than enough wasted indoor time for me for the next little while.” 
The spoiled retiree in me loves hard work, but only the right kind of hard work. The sedentary locked-indoors variety of work always falls to the bottom of the list. As you can tell by the low frequency of these blog posts.
My First Ride
Eventually, I was ready to give it a whirl. I cleaned up my car, stuck the Uber decal on the windshield, put on some nice clothes, mounted my phone on a sturdy dashboard clamp, and fired up the app. Within minutes, I had my first ring.
RIDE REQUESTED! John, 5 minutes away.
The ring was deafeningly loud, because (as I later learned after half an hour of looking unsuccessfully for a way to change it) the Uber app overrides your ring volume setting and sets it to !!MAXIMUM!!  I was so startled that I could hardly slide the “accept” button, but I eventually got safely on the road.
I recognized the address as Longmont’s “Pumphouse” brew pub, right downtown. I headed down the hill and scoped the area, and eventually found John. As he hopped in the car I slid the “start trip” button and his destination was revealed as the local Marijuana shop, just 1.9 miles away away.
John and I exchanged pleasant conversation and he was impressed by the quick silence of the electric car. I dropped him off at Native Roots and then parked nearby, expecting another fare to pop up just as quickly.
Ride 1: 5 minutes waiting, 5 minutes driving, 1.2 miles unpaid, 1.9 miles paid. Net fare to me: $3.37
But the second fare wasn’t quite as quick. Fifteen minutes later, the Uber app rang again. It was John, now properly restocked and thrilled that I was still there in the weed shop parking lot. We headed back to the Pumphouse.
Ride 2: 15 minutes waiting, 5 minutes driving, 1.9 miles paid. Net fare to me: $3.37 … plus TIP $5.00!
Hey this wasn’t so bad: that five dollar tip really brought up the average. I was thirty minutes into my career and up about 12 bucks, minus five miles of car costs.
After another five minutes of idle time, the app rang again. This time it was a suburban address listed as 12 minutes (which turned out to be almost four miles) away. I decided to take the ride anyway, in the spirit of experimentation.
I got to the house, but nobody was there. After a minute, I used the Uber app to send the customer a text message. “Oh sorry!”, he said, “My phone GPS isn’t working well because we’re inside so it probably shows us in the wrong place! We’re just on the next street.”
I drove around a bit more and eventually found the young couple, and the app revealed a nice surprise: they were headed all the way to Boulder, which was over 12 miles from this part of Longmont. Surely now I would start earning the big bucks.
After 24 minutes of smooth, expert driving and pleasant conversation, I dropped them off at a restaurant. But I was surprised to see that the total wasn’t that impressive:
Ride 3: 10 minutes waiting, 4 miles unpaid, 12.4 miles paid. Net fare to me: $13.96. No Tip.
Driving in the Happening City
Now I was in Boulder, which has a much bigger scene than Longmont. Everybody is rich, every night is a big night, Colorado University is right downtown and it’s all action – there are no real suburbs. Due to high rider demand, the city operates in a perpetual “Surge Mode” which means Uber Fares are 20-30% more lucrative, and there is virtually no wait time for fares. And now, I was right downtown. So the app shrieked its notification tone immediately.
The customer was only a mile away, but due to the incredible slowness of trying to drive a 14-foot-long, 3300 pound Racing Wheelchair in a dense city it took me a lot of slow gliding in traffic and waiting at long traffic lights to get there. It was a couple of younger guys, heading back downtown.
We slogged through the dense traffic yet again at roughly one third of bicycling speed, and I earned my five dollar fare.
The app rang again, and I saw from the map it was yet another non-downtown person, probably looking for another ride downtown.
I decided not to play this game anymore, contributing to car traffic in a city that needs fewer cars. So I let this ride request go to another driver and set my destination to Longmont, hoping to find a customer heading that way so I could get paid for the ride home. There were none.
So I flew the Leaf back along the highway to home, and stopped at the grocery store to pick up some fresh food and a free battery charge for the car.
Total stats for the day:
4 Rides 1:51 hours 18.6 miles unpaid 17.2 miles paid $32 including tips ~$18 of car costs roughly $7 per hour net
Ongoing observations
After joining Uber as a driver, it was easy to add on a Lyft license: you can submit scans or photos of the same examination info to both companies. So over the next few months, I fired up both Uber and Lyft apps to do a bit more driving and collect some more observations. I had a lot of fun, but made very little money.
One time, I was summoned by a 13-year-old girl coming out of the middle school, effectively turning me into Mr. Schoolbus Dad. After finding her in the school lineup, she directed me to the elementary school, where we picked up her little brother. I dropped them both off safely at home in a rusty suburban area nearby.
Another ride was from a college student, deep in the Colorado U campus. It took me forever to navigate the throngs of after school foot and vehicle traffic and find this young lad in the crowd. During the ensuing 3MPH transit of Boulder, I couldn’t help but remark, “Wow! I apologize for how slow this trip is going. I’m usually on my bike when I cross Boulder, which is a lot faster.” Our final destination was a strip mall, and he directed me meticulously through the entire parking lot so he could be let off within 20 feet of the front door of the restaurant. End fare for about 35 minutes of work, even with surge pricing, was another six bucks. My resolve to avoid driving cars in Boulder was reinforced.
My favorite times to be a driver were Friday nights. It was fun to feel the energy of people going out on the town, and find out what was going on.  I could see Uber driving to be a good escape for single people looking to meet new friends (or romances), because I almost always got along well with the customers, often exchanging business cards or email addresses with people when we found something in common. On longer rides with people over 30, the topic almost invariably led to life, business, and money, which led to Mustachianism, which led to me admitting my secret identity. Thus, some of my past Uber customers may even be reading this article today(?)
But in the end, it was hard to stay motivated to keep doing this experiment. There is just usually something better to do than driving around in a car, and I wasn’t willing to sacrifice too much of my life to gather more data. And with the financial gain of rideshare driving being negligble, I am surprised that there are so many people who do it.
How to Make the Most of a Low-Profit Situation
Still, as with everything in life, I did my best to optimize Uber driving for both fun and money. From my experience as well as reading online forums, the best way you can do it is:
Use the referral and bonus system heavily. Actual driving doesn’t pay well, but I have seen bonuses pop up on my app offering between $100-$500 to refer other drivers. There are also “weekly guarantee” offers that come up occasionally, offering more pay in exchange for meeting a certain threshold.
Use the lowest cost and most fuel-efficient car you can find. Uber requires you to have a fairly new (under 10 years) car, so get something on the older side of that spectrum, but with low miles. A 2009 Prius, for example, uses less than half the fuel of most cars of similar size.
Focus your driving around on “Surge Pricing”. By watching the app throughout the days and months, you will learn when your area enters periods of higher demand. Special events like Halloween, late weekend nights or major league sports events are popular times.
Try to find trips involving highways. Since you get paid mostly by the mile, you earn almost ten times more more money at 60 MPH than you make in on a long trip through central city where you might average only 6 MPH.
Experiment with the “set destination” feature to filter for rides going your way. Taking fares with you on your commute to work or to an airport.
Make the most of your downtime: there will still be lots of waiting between fares. If you bring a book, podcast, laptop or make business-related calls that help you learn a trade that pays more than driving, you can get yourself into a more lucrative trade.
Suggestions for Uber and Lyft
During the course of this experiment, I happened to receive emails from relatively senior people at both Uber and Lyft for unrelated reasons. So I took the opportunity to make some suggestions to make things friendlier for drivers:
Report the total driving time and miles for each ride and each shift, clearly specifying paid and unpaid miles and hours.
Provide an drivers an estimate of the car costs incurred, and estimated hourly earnings after these costs
Allow drivers to specify the types of rides they are willing to accept. For example, “only ring me for riders within 1 mile”, or “I would like to be paid for for both pickup mileage and rider mileage.”
Provide drivers with the details of where the person is going, or at least how long of a ride it is. Right now, Uber has all this incredibly useful information at the time of booking, but deliberately withholds it from the driver.
I was surprised that none of these suggestions got anywhere. This was a disappointment to the Economic Libertarian in me, because it seems obvious that  an open market between buyer and seller is the key to more efficiency.
In fact, early in my driving career I learned how much the unpaid driving was hurting my profitability so I stopped accepting distant fares. The app quickly sent me this note:
  Yeah, right. How about you just stop ringing me with fares that are ridiculously far away, instead?
When these companies deliberately tilt the field, they are being sneaky, which causes them to lose public trust, which causes the public to vote in a bunch of sclerotic regulation to protect the drivers and the public. If you, as a company, just avoid being a dick to people in the first place and treat them with complete openness and good old-fashioned honesty, they are more likely to let you run free.
Since I started this experiment a year ago, Uber has fallen into a world of trouble and bad publicity. Their internal culture of sexual harassment was blown wide open, along with the misdeeds of the wild and temperamental former CEO. From specific programs to evade government regulation to annoying treatment of drivers, Uber triggered a widespread backlash which became the #deleteuber campaign. Saying “Uber” is now a bit like uttering the words “ConAgra” or “Philip Morris” or “Exxon”.
Meanwhile, from the very beginning I noticed a friendlier tone in the way Lyft operates – see this 2016 interview with Lyft more laid-back founder John Zimmer.
In the End..
In general, I really want companies like Uber and Lyft (and Tesla, AirBnb, Google, Amazon and many of the other tech companies that have been stirring things up so much lately) to succeed, because the benefits to all of us greatly outweigh the inconvenience of the disruption.
For example, some people worry about what will happen to driving jobs as self-driving vehicles gradually take over. But I’m excited about the ways this can make our lives safer, quieter, and less expensive as we give up on owning personal cars, ride bikes much more, and use automated cars as a service whenever the bike is impractical. Technology provides a lumpy ride, but it also provides change which is an essential ingredient in every human life to avoid getting into a rut. So, share on.
Further Reading: How Big Oil Will Die – an interesting walk through the changes today’s technologies have already set in place – leading us very quickly to a place where nobody in 2010 would have even guessed.
  * this sentence surely made you ask, “but what about the BUS, Mustache?!?” – good question. Of course I’d always choose biking, then public transit as the first two options, but the airport is 45 miles away (well over 2 hours by bike) and the bus requires a transfer in Denver, which makes it even slower than biking. Also, both Uber and Lyft have referral programs which give you credit for referring friends – I still have a few credits in my Uber account.
If you want to try Uber or Lyft, sign by randomly choosing one of these codes from friends, and you’ll get $5-10 off of your first ride (and give a small surprise to some of the members of the MMM-HQ coworking space!)
Uber #1 Uber #2 Uber #3 Uber #4 Uber #5
Lyft #1 Lyft #2 Lyft #3
from Finance http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2017/11/22/mr-money-mustache-uber-driver/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
Sometimes You Just Have to Work...
Hey all, I know it's been a while since I've updated. I just wanted to let folks know that not only am I still alive and kicking, but I'm doing much better. My in-laws decided to let us use their RV. They found the least expensive RV park that they could and moved it there. They paid the first three months rent on the space, and are letting us use it as long as we need. It's a little cramped with three adults (and now two cats) living in it, but truthfully it's better all around for all of us.
With my best friends job we were able to take over paying the rent on the space ourselves and have had time to do some healing. I found an amazing therapist, and finally got my head on strait, I'm actually doing so much better that I wanted to try and work again. First off I have to say that I had not been able to work for the last oh, 8 to10 years due to social anxiety, non military PTSD, and clinical depression that I myself was suffering from.
But with the help of my therapist, I've been able to work through most of my issues, and I'm feeling strong, confident, and capable once more. (If you are in the Corvallis area of Oregon and need a good therapist, I highly recommend Julie Evens at the Pastorial Counseling Center.) Anyway, I was feeling so much better that for the first time in over 8 years the thought of getting a job not only didn't fill me with absolute terror, but it filled me with excitement.
So, I went for it. I went to a local business and asked to talk to the manager, he turned out to be on vacation but the assistant manager was in and willing to talk to me. I explained how I haven't worked for so long and that I was working with vocational rehab to get back out into the work force. I asked her if it would even be worth me trying to put in an application with such a long gap in my work history.
She told me that they weren't actually hiring at the moment, but she wanted to give me an application anyway. She said I could fill it out and turn it in to her that day or wait and turn it in the next Tuesday when the manager got back from vacation. I told her I would try and get it back to her that day and took the application back to the RV to fill out. 
Once I got back, I filled out most of the application but when I got to the section on previous work history I realised that I no longer had any of the paperwork on my past employers. I knew I could probably look it up online at the local library, but it would most likely take me longer than I expected. I decided to go back and let the assistant manager know that I had decided to wait and turn in the application when the manager got back.
She waved me down when I got back to the establishment and said that she was hoping I would come back before she got off work because she wanted to talk with me some more. I explained to her how I no longer had my previous work history due to the flooding, and that I would need to look the information up at the library so I planned to turn the application in on Tuesday. She asked me if I was sure I couldn't get the application in that day, and explained that she had been so impressed with me that she had called the regional manager about me and that the regional manager wanted me in for an interview on Monday.
I was stunned, but she told me I would need to have the application in by that night to do so. I assured her I would do my best to get to the library and get my information so I could get the application in by 5 a clock. It was hard, and some of the companies I had previously worked for had gone out of business since I had been there, but I got it finished and turned in on time.
I went through the interview focusing only on the positives and felt that I had done a good job. The regional manager seemed to be pleased with the interview, but they would have to wait till the manager got back the next day before they could make a decision. So I went back to the RV to wait, after a couple of days I got a call to come in for a follow-up interview with the manager.
He was not happy that they had interviewed me while he was away. He liked to take a personal hand in interviewing and hiring the people that worked at his store. He was not angry at me, but it was clear that he wasn't happy with the situation either. We talked, he asked me a few more questions, he explained that he didn't have any openings at the moment, but he was interested in potentially hiring me. He told me he would think about it, and that I should check back in every so often, and that was that.
It almost felt like he was testing me to see how I might handle this maybe yes, maybe no situation. So I smiled, shook his hand, and said I would keep checking back in. I was determined to get the job, but I knew that it wouldn't be the end of the world if I didn't. It turned out that he was the type of manager who didn't want to make any promises if he couldn't follow through with them. He had wanted to go over the work schedule, check that he wouldn't be shorting any of his employees if he hired another person.
So my not bugging him constantly about the job while still checking occasionally gave him the time he needed to assess things thouroly before offering me a part time position. I have now been working for him for the better part of three months. He's a great boss, my coworkers are awesome, and I enjoy the job. I work on average, less than 24 hours a week, but I don't have a lot of bills so it all works out.
I also pick up hours when anyone is out sick because I live fairly close. It's really nice having my own money again, I even bought the tablet that I'm using to post this, and got internet at the RV because of this job. I'm still not completely where I want to be, but I'm a damn site better than I was. I'm still working with vocational rehab to see if they can help me pay for schooling to become a game designer, and looking into eventually buying my own RV so we can give this one back to my in-laws.
I still have a long way to go towards ever having my own farm as well, but I still container garden, and I get hands on training by volunteering at the local sharing garden. I will include the link to the website so you guys can check it out. It's an awesome place that helps provide organic produce to local food banks and people in need. Chris and Llyn, the folks who run it, are awesome. There motot of “give till it feels good” are words to live by.
0 notes