#& its probably gonna be more later on ... eh. we'll see
4cyberdreamz · 2 years
hfjone rwally just kicked me right back into my object show phase. been thinking about revisiting my old os idea from 2019 for like ... 2 weeks i think
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Im just gonna allow myself to yap about supernatural and see where destiny takes me. SIDENOTE IF U WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS WITH ME LITERALLY PLEASE I WANT TO PLEASE INTERACT WITH ME.
Okay first of all im starting with the start (s1+2). BEST LIGHTING TO MOOD EVER EVER EVER. Like you want dark scary monsters??? ITS THERE. I remember there being a reason they changed the lighting (smugly: yes i listen to the podcast) but i CANT REMEMBER. The characterisation of the macho eldest son coded scared eldest daughter Dean is unreal and parallel in epicness to repressed queer allegory something is inherently wrong with him little brother. The brief moments of emotional vulnerability. Dont get me STARTED on Dean's monologue in the s2 finale i'll start crying. It's crazy how rude john is to Dean like excuse me he raised your kid and now ur bitching about him? Try saying thank you for once. I think the only reason john actually said im proud of you was because he realised when azazel said it dean was like "ur not my dad" and to john it was a little "oh shit" moment. Sam has every right to be angry but every time he gets angry at dean something in me shatters a little because deans trying so hard for himself and sam and sam doesnt know who or how to lash out (emotional dysregulation baybee) so aims for deans jugular like nooo honeyyyy noooooo. This era was the best sam in my opinion.
Rest of the show down here:
Onto S3-5. Cant remember jack about season 3. Season 4 CASTIEL MY BELOVED MY LIGHT MY LIFE MY REASON FOR LIVING. Absolutely loved everything about Weird Cas and i wanted more of him why did they have to domesticate him. His and Deans dynamic was impeccable and yk something??? I wanted to see Dean in hell torturing people i wanted to see it on his face how much he hated that he enjoyed it and i wanted to see Cas' face at watching the righteous man lose. Like the best we got was Yellow Fever GOD I LOVED THAT bit when he was hallucinating the book and it said "you gonna cry?" Like so many people think thats a funny episode but it makes me so sad because he is DYING and from such a young age hes been told to stow it away, lock it down to the point hes HALLUCINATING IT. Cas falling for dean. Im sorry i just. They are the best love story. LUCIFER. He was scarier back then, but i do love later seasons lucy too. Something about the peeling skin and the "we will always end up right here" just slapped. ENDVERSE EPSIODE god so good can we just take a moment to think about it. Okay cool thanks okay. Demon blood Sam arc was fun but had unfulfilled potential. Cant give you specifcs rn its late and my brain needs to get this all out so if you know you know. The whole meta stuff with Chuck was eh until he was confirmed as god and then i was like duuude the faint strings of marionettes are glistening in the sunrise like how do we know --- im getting ahead of myself.
S6-11. I know, its a big chunk. But basically the whole thing could be renamed "Crowley's unrequited love story". Cas and crowley were the best duo i almost forgot like they are genuinely so funny together and i bet it would be great to be tortured by them UMM THE BETRAYAL i honestly loved Cas' episode the only thing i didn't like was how the reveal itself was done like... Idk just a bit... Kryptonite???? Anywho i Loved the tension between Dean and Cas DEAN LOOKED BACK. Um leviathans were my favourite monster but they became so dumbbbb after washing up liquid killed them. BOBBYS EPISODE ALWAYS MAKES ME SOB MY EYES OUT "i raised two boys and they became heroes" allow me to DIE. Also damn impressed a shot to the head didnt take him down but it was lovely to see Deans first world, first solid rock properly crumble around him (forgetting john okay he wasnt a healthy rock) . PURGATORY DEAN JDJSJDJDJD kill me please his fight or flight mode was SO. So sad we didnt get more of purgatory like i would pay to see more i would kill probably but we'll overlook that. Benny my beloved. They definitely all got together Cas included like who wouldnt at that point. Smth i didnt like is how wheneer they went back to purgatory, unlike how dean described it "360 battle 24/7" or some shit like that it was EMPTY. Like please,, i know the plot needs convenience BUT PURGATORY ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE CONVENIENT. But dean recrafting his own memories to make himself believe that he failed to save Cas rather than what he perceived as Cas giving up on him- hang on i dropped my jaw somewhere, gimme a sec i need to go find it-- LIKE. HHHH. The whole mind control shit going on with Cas because his ties to Dean had been severed (saw a post about that and loved it but cant rmb it) and HIM BEING THE ONE TO BREAK IT. The crypt scene mmmm i love. Want more. Mark of Cain dean was literally my favourite. A violent, mentally unstable man who also has bad mental health and is often covered in blood? Yes pls. Cas being with him every step of the way. I havent mentioned Sam in a while. Hes just kind of been there. Hate that he slowly became 2D. Far away in the background hes got his worried expression and is rocking, saying "Dean? Dean? Cas? Jack? Dean?" Like writers why did u strip his personality except for worry. Do Not get me started on the whole Amelia thing ill stab someone. But yeah cas saying he'll watch dean murder the world is my universe :). If someone said that to me id say "omg really?" And develop a huge fat crush (somehow). CHARLIE DYING WAS AN ABOMINATION When they brought back Eileen why not charlie like. Dont bring characters back at this point because theres all sorts of issues grr. Amara was cool af but i didnt like the whole amara x dean stuff because it was just weird. Luciferrrrr hes so girlypop i love him DEAN DIDNT KNOW IT WASNT CAS but thats only because lucy purposefully wore less clothes around him to distract him.
S12-14. Im running out of steam. MARYYY. It hurt to see Sam get along with Mary becsuse he never knew her as anything else while all dean wanted was a mom and that wasnt who she really was anymore. He loved her so much but couldnt break through that barrier of "it wasnt the perfect marriage until after she died" vibes. God that scene in s5 where its suggested dean saw +/ smelled what happened to Mary and he was literally backing himself into a corner BROKE me. Havent mentioned the Wayward sisters but please know they are so important to me they are my everything. Jack is also. Loved Kelly, very sad she had to die. Wanted Jack to be a baby but thats not good for television is it. But i love Jack so much hes such a sweetie who can kill with a thought. Alternate universe michael and Michael!Dean was epic af but michael dying like that was so anticlimactic gonna be honest i think they were just reaching for ways to lose Jacks soul. Garth GARTH!!! Hes so cute. I loved all those "hand recorded" episodes btw like ghostfacers and that one teen wolf type stuff. Dean hiding in his room is so me. Free Will Theory is so fucked up at this point ur sat there saying gods been pulling the strings this whole time and i supposed to be okay with it?? I so get why deans angry but i definitely think thats something Chuck emphasised (crappy excuse for crappy writing) to an extreme level because WHAT. Like dude. I cant even describe how out of character he felt at some times.
S15. Currently rewatching and cant rmb much of it. 3 characters dead in the first 3 episodes. They either kill off all side characters or we dont hear from them at all to tie up or shove away loose ends. I cant even talk abiut the finale please i cant rn im way too tired. It straight up didnt need to exist, it could've only been 19 eps. Cas. Castiel. He did want you my darling.
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shitisaysometimes · 1 year
Can we PLEASE talk about how Crowley KNOWS heaven's plans during the confession scene?? Whatever. I'm gonna talk about it you dont have to listen.
I'm convinced Crowley is Lucifer so much of my interpretation is based on that sub theory which I'm not going to go in depth on here because its a whole post on its own (and I'm already getting bored writing this one lol). I'm also not convinced that Metatron is really going to let Aziraphale run heaven. I think he's going to lock Az up (either as prisoner or as commander-in- chief) (but probably a prisoner) to keep the Our Side™️ team up from interfering. I’m focusing on the subtext in the confession scene conversation and implications for season 3.
Crowley knows the plans for Apocalypse 2. Which means he knows how it STARTS.
We viewers only see the last bit (the amens) but its implied that Crowley sees much more while we're viewing Aziraphale in the cutaway. The line "Tell me you said no." is repeated twice and increasingly desperate. Yes, he wants Aziraphale to stay with him, but more importantly, I think Aziraphale returning to heaven is the first step to start the End again. This is supported by Crowley saying "You can't leave this bookshop." Because if Az DOES leave the bookshop (and goes to Heaven) then the End is started.
Also why he confesses - "I didn't get a chance to say what I was going to say, I think I better say it now." Why now? Because he won't get a chance to later, because they'll be on opposite sides. Likely fighting each other. (Assuming Metatron is being truthful) (which... eh).
It explains Crowley's agitation while Aziraphale is with Metatron. He already knows what Metatron is doing (tempting Az). Earlier in episode 4 or 5 (can't remember, not looking it up), Crowley is worrying about Aziraphale and says "it's always too late." This time is also too late because by the time he returns, Aziraphale is already convinced he should go to heaven/leave the bookshop.
I think the Job story is included because that's when God and Satan made a bet over the devotion of God's most faithful. A parallel to what is now happening with Aziraphale. (Don't get me started on the almond syrup implications rn omg). (Side note, most scholarship distinguishes Lucifer and Satan as two entities/concepts and knowing Gaiman keeps within the theologic cannon, I think we'll find that's true in the Good Omens universe too)(Either they're two separate entities or Satan is a mask of Crowley's)(but thats another post omg thats like the third time I've said that I need to stfu).
In the "I forgive you/Don't bother" exchange, I dont think Crowley is deflecting because he doesn't think his past is worthy of forgiveness. I think it's because he knows what will happen in the future. Namely that season 3 will show Crowley and Az on opposite sides rather than together as they have been. Aziraphale (might be) leading heaven's armies against Crowley (Lucifer). And Crowley doesnt think that is worth forgiving.
I'm especially convinced of this because of the sudden interest in the "or give me death" name that Crowley and Metatron take in the last episode(s). "Does anyone ever choose death?/How predictable" especially makes me think that Crowley is going to be the one to choose death - his own death - to save everyone else's, especially Aziraphale's (and surprising Metatron). A parallel between "The Second Coming" and the... idk first coming (? lol) since Jesus sacrificed himself and all that.
Like the ladies said, Aziraphale and Crowley don't say what's on their minds. Crowley isn't talking about them, he's talking about the plans he knows about. And he knows that he doesn't want to be opposed to Aziraphale.
I'm sure I have more, but this is enough to chew on. (And I'm tired of typing).
I'm foaming at the fkn mouth.
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shadow-operetta · 2 years
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<<Chapter 9 || Masterlist || Chapter 11>>
Chapter 10: a look into the past
10 years ago, Sunday, xx/xx/xxxx, Spring
A little boy slowly opens his eyes to the sound of his parents' voices. Green eyes blinked several times, gradually coming into focus as the boy got up. He looked out of the car window, seeing unfamiliar scenery pass by. He frowns before groaning. He had hoped that his family moving was just a dream. 
He grabbed the large teddy bear sitting beside him - a farewell gift from his friends - and buried his face in its soft fur. He hates everything. Who cares if his parents finally bought a house? Who cares if they're not gonna pay monthly rent anymore or work as… as… a corporate slave, or whatever that meant?
"Midori, it's all going to be okay. You'll make lots of new friends." His mother said once she saw him sulking from the rear view mirror.
"I don't want to make new ones." He replied, face still buried in the teddy bear. Stupid adults and their stupid adult plans. His parents looked at each other and sighed. 
"It's a difficult time, especially for someone his age. Just leave him be for now. We'll make it up to him later." His father said. In his mind, Midori promised to never forgive his parents.
10 years ago, Thursday, xx/xx/xxxx, Spring
Midori was a quiet and introverted child. Despite his parents' reassurances that he will find new friends; he didn't expect anything. Back in his hometown, he only had a total of three friends. He wouldn't replace them for anyone, so he didn't bother to play nice. 
"Gloomy Midori", his classmates called him. He was the weird kid in class that never talked to anyone and if he did, it would only be short conversations. And very tense ones at that. He would eat lunch by himself, play on his console during break times, didn't join any clubs, and went home by himself, uncaring of the cliques and friend groups that started to form as the new school year went on.
Midori thinks that he's always gonna be alone. And he's fine with it.
"...Um! Hello!" A kid says to him, one sunny afternoon in the school's playground. Midori barely glances at them before continuing his lunch. The kid blinks before making themself comfortable on the swing next to him.
"You're Midori, right?"
He takes a huge mouthful of rice, hoping that the kid would take a hint and leave him alone. No such luck.
"I'm [ name ]! I saw you move in with your parents a few weeks ago! Sorry, I probably should have talked to you sooner. I was feeling kinda shy. Ehe…"
Apparently, his silence wasn't a good deterrent since the annoying kid kept talking. He tries to tune them out as much as he can as he finishes his lunch. Once he is done, he packs up and walks away without a word.
"Eh? You're going already? Bye bye! Let's talk more later, Micchan!"
Midori stops in his tracks and looks back at [ name ] with a glare. "Don't call me that!" He runs off in a huff, not listening to [ name ]'s response.
10 years ago, Friday, xx/xx/xxxx, Spring
"Hi, Micchan!" Midori almost drops the cabbages he was arranging as a familiar voice greets him. He sees [ name ] walk in with a woman - their mother probably - and they run towards him, shopping bag in hand. Midori feels his own mother's excited gaze drilling into his back and he groans internally.
"Yeah. Hi." He tries to keep a straight face at least. His mother would scold him if he acted rude.
[ name ]'s mother starts chatting with his, so he was left to entertain the annoying kid in front of him.
"Micchan, you know that diner down the street, right? It's ours! Mom was really happy when your grocer opened up since the market is really far and she gets tired really easily. Now we can buy ingredients here instead!"
"... That's great?"
"Yeah! Hey, Micchan, since we live so close to each other, let's walk to school together from now on!"
Before he can reply, his mother replies from the other side of the store, "That's a wonderful idea!"
Midori internally groans. Once more, with feeling.
10 years ago, Tuesday, xx/xx/xxxx, Summer
Midori's quiet days disappeared once [ name ] intruded into his little bubble. At first, they really were just an annoyance. He only acted like he was okay with them since his mother was so happy that he found a "new friend". [ name ] would come knocking at his door first thing in the morning. They would talk his ear off as they walked to school. They wouldn't leave Midori alone during lunch time. They would tug on his sleeve if they needed a partner in group projects. They were always accompanying Midori.
But over time, the annoyance he felt faded. Before he knew it, he really did start to see [ name ] as a friend. He even showed them his plushie collection, his precious treasures. The thought of the friends he left behind still hurt, but spending his days with [ name ] made things a little brighter.
10 years ago, Monday, xx/xx/xxxx, Autumn
Midori sees [ name ] standing by the window and feels himself smile. He was about to call out their name when he saw two boys and one girl talking to them. He recognized them right away - his bullies. 
"How come you're friends with Gloomy Midori anyway? Is it out of pity? Are you weirdo too?" He feels a spike of anger before stomping towards the group.
"Hey. Leave them alone." Midori quickly stands in front of them, hiding [ name ] from view. He can put up with their teasing, but there was no way he was going to let them near his friend. The girl steps closer and jabs her finger on his chest. 
"What are you gonna do about it, Gloomy Midori? You gonna cry?" He glances at the end of the hallway before looking back at the girl's obnoxious face. "Actually, yeah."
He takes a deep breath and starts sobbing. Very loudly. Big crocodile tears drip down his youthful face, attracting the attention of everyone in the hallway. The girl gapes at him before backing away. Midori mentally cheers as he sees the principal approaching from the corner of his eye. [ name ] tugs on his sleeve, whispering if he was alright. He nods before urging them to play along.
The bullies didn't have time to run. Before they knew it, the principal was standing right in front of them. She was a very strict old woman, with her graying hair tied into a neat bun. The glasses she wore glinted maliciously as she took in the scene. She looks at Midori's distraught expression and [ name ] peeking out from behind him, scared and nervous. Then, her gaze moves to the three bullies and her eyes narrow. 
"What is going on here?"
"T-They…" Midori starts, "They were bullying me and my friend for a long time now… They said we were both weirdos and that no one would ever like us. Even our classmates started to bully us because of them!"
The principal's expression turns severe. This wasn't the first time this trio of troublemakers harassed other students. "I gave the three of you my final warning last time. Enough is enough. I'm calling your parents. Meet me at my office after class."
Midori tries not to laugh at the trio's horrified expression. He keeps his act together, looking meek as the principal turns to him and [ name ] with a softer gaze; in her eyes, they were just a couple of poor children that became targets.
"As for the two of you, you may go. Eat your lunches if you haven't already. The bell will ring soon."
"Yes, sensei. Thank you."
Midori grabs [ name ]'s hand and drags them off. As they ran outside, [ name ] starts to laugh, prompting Midori to laugh as well. They ran towards the school's playground, red-faced and out of breath, but there were smiles across their faces.
"We showed them!"
"Yeah! You were amazing, Micchan!"
"I'm glad I got there in time. Did they do anything to you?"
[ name ] shook their head before they took a seat on the swing.
"Good." He sits on the swing beside them and tries to catch his breath. He hasn't run that fast in a long time.
"Hey… Micchan."
"You're my friend. I'm not hanging out with you out of pity, okay? Back when I first saw you, you looked so sad, so I wanted to be your friend and cheer you up!"
He snorts before flicking them on the forehead. He grins at their shocked cry, watching them clutch their forehead while looking at him with a pout.
"I know that, dummy. You're too nice and honest for your own good. No one sticks around a bratty kid like me for long. …I was the one that didn't like you at first. I only put up with you because of my mom. But now, I like you. You're my friend. Sorry for treating you so badly at first…"
[ name ] shakes their head. "That's okay! You can make it up to me by making a pinky promise!"
"A pinky promise?"
[ name ] holds out their pinky expectantly.
"Promise me that we'll always be friends from now on!"
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That's right…
5 years ago, Spring
"Micchan, we're going to the same junior high, right? I hope we're classmates!"
We're always…
4 years ago, Autumn
"Uwaah, Micchan, you've gotten really tall? What's with your growth spurt?!"
3 years ago, Winter
"Hey, Micchan, I met a strange guy the other day."
...going to be friends.
2 years ago, Spring
"Micchan, I think I like Rei."
Present time, Saturday, xx/xx/xxxx, Winter
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TAGLIST: @eichikissed
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KUNG FU PANDA 4 director Mike Mitchell says, "This is definitely not the end of Po’s story. Please look forward to more."
Hey, do you remember... Back in December 2010, when the second movie was still on its way out, then-DreamWorks CEO (and founder) Jeffrey Katzenberg said there would a total of *six* films in this series? Looks like they're gonna slowly fulfill that statement, eh? I was under the impression that DreamWorks kinda moved on from KUNG FU PANDA as a film series after the third one came out, which was right before being acquired by Comcast later that year. Not that KUNG FU PANDA 3 underwhelmed or anything, $500m+ is nothing to scoff at, especially arriving nearly five years after the last movie. Re-routing after the merger probably put other, then-newer stuff at the forefront (like TROLLS and BOSS BABY), which was probably shook up by COVID-19. I remember a time when SHREK 5 was supposed to release in 2019, for example. They went through a few leadership changes between 2016 and 2019, too, so there's that. So it looks like they'll be making two trilogies after all? Plus, with a fifth movie... You gotta really involve the Furious **Five**! If they're barely in KUNG FU PANDA 4, then this could be their grand return.
The new movie also looks to take in $50m+ on its opening weekend, which places it above KUNG FU PANDA 2, which opened with $47m for its three-day back in 2011. KUNG FU PANDA 3 opened with $41m in 2016. The original still stands tall with a $60m opening weekend take, back in the summer of 2008. No 3D, no IMAX, lower ticket prices, etc. The sequels still did pretty good afterwards, but the original and its freshness really made a difference didn't it? KUNG FU PANDA 2 actually outgrossed the original worldwide, but it didn't come close domestically... I wonder if an 8-year wait between the last movie and this one really helps Numero Quattro... Let alone the first movie turning 14 in June... Where the hell is the time going?
On a side-note, the first movie - and the first movie only - was re-released theatrically a few weeks back. At my theater, we did about 2-3 screenings of it a day about a week ago. And it was always pretty packed! KUNG FU PANDA is a classic and remains a pretty big deal, and that makes me happy. It's a favorite of mine, as is the second movie.
DreamWorks hasn't had an opening that big since HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN WORLD all the way back in March 2019. The last movie of theirs to hit theaters before COVID hit was ABOMINABLE, which did fair business at best. Once theaters really started opening back up, and after Omicron hit... So, early 2022, we'll start there... they haven't had a true blockbuster in years, outside of the extremely leggy PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH, which made $480m+ worldwide. Luckily, THE BAD GUYS and TROLLS BAND TOGETHER didn't cost too much, so they were profitable. KUNG FU PANDA 4, I feel, will make $500m worldwide or somewhere near there. It'll be up there with THE LAST WISH and THE HIDDEN WORLD. Good for them!
Also, THE WILD ROBOT's first trailer was freakin' awesome. I'm super-game for that movie. I mean I already was, but seeing visuals, seeing it in motion... It looks like something special. I'm ready!
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listieshadows · 8 months
Listie babbles about her CD haul (2024/01/14)
Yesterday I walked into my local Sunrise Records with the intention of purchasing The Beatles' Yellow Submarine Songtrack to complete my collection of Beatles albums featured on a picture I've had of their discography that's been hanging on my wall for years. However, unfortunately, it wasn't there, and in a fit of "Well, since I'm here," I impulse purchased a bunch of other albums. And since I wanna talk about music more, hey, I'm gonna take a sec to talk about them! I hope nobody who sees this on their timeline minds the self-indulgence.
Green Day – Warning (2000)
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One of my top five favorite Green Day albums. Probably even top three. I really liked this brief folk punk turn for the band, and tunes like "Misery", "Macy's Day Parade", "Waiting", "Church On Sunday", "Minority"... Aw, it's just great stuff.
I've been meaning to get more Green Day stuff, anyway. For years the only albums of theirs I've had are American Idiot and Revolution Radio, and I'd like to have an unbroken line of their discography from Kerplunk to 21st Century Breakdown. After that, with stuff like the "Trilogy" and Father Of All... Eh, I'll pass. And we'll see about their new album when that comes out. For now, I'll say that I did also consider picking up Dookie while I was there, but all they had was the anniversary box, and I didn't wanna add an additional $92 onto my purchase. But speaking of anniversary editions being my only option...
Elton John – Honky Châtaeu (50th Anniversary Edition) (2023)
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This is currently my second favorite Elton John album, behind Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. I mean, come on, side one is a killer. Aside from having "Honky Cat" and "Rocket Man", it's got "Mellow" and "Susie (Dramas)"... Come on! Of course side two is great as well—"Amy", "Hercules", all that—but "Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters" has just never done it for me, honestly? Plus, sometimes I forget what "Slave" sounds like, so there's that, too.
Now, if I could've avoided it, I wouldn't have paid $32 to own the two disc anniversary edition. But that was the only version they had there, an', y'know, that just sucks a little sometimes, right? Like, you just want the darn album and not all of the extra demos and live recordings they're charging you more for, but that's your only option unless you wanna go trawling around Discogs or eBay for a more standard edition. And if I didn't love physically browsing so much...! Although that's probably what I'm gonna hafta put up with anyway if I wanna get Yellow Submarine Songtrack, so...
Iron Maiden – Powerslave (1984) and No Prayer For The Dying (1990)
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I'm pairing these two together for a specific reason, and I'll get to that in a second, but first lemme get my opinions out of the way. Powerslave might be my favorite Iron Maiden album—at the very least it's in solid competition with The Number Of The Beast. I find there's hardly a moment wasted on it, and of course the big hits are all fantastic: "Aces High", "2 Minutes To Midnight", "Powerslave" and the incredible "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner". In terms of Maiden's "epic songs," I like "Empire Of The Clouds" better, but "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" still holds a very high second place.
No Prayer, meanwhile, is an album I only first heard last year, and I can sort of tell why people don't like it so much. After the innovations of Somewhere In Time and Seventh Son, it's a big step back; and even for fans who preferred the earlier sound to the synths, the songs just aren't as tight as Killers or Number or any of them. Fear Of The Dark later on was an improvement, but only so much because of its bloated track list. Still, I've listened to the From Fear To Eternity compilation enough times that I have a spot for "Tailgunner" and "Holy Smoke", plus I think "Mother Russia" is kind of neat as well.
But why did I get both of them? You might not be wondering that up until I tell you that I've already owned a copy of Powerslave for years. In fact, it was the second or third Iron Maiden album I'd ever bought. So what's, uh, the deal, then? To put it in short, there was a box set released in 1998 called Eddie's Head which had their first twelve live and studio albums, from their eponymous debut all the way up to Live At Donington. At some point they were all released individually, and those were the copies I was collecting. After all, their spines formed a picture of Eddie. I had to have a full collection!
But I had one stipulation in mind: I knew that No Prayer was considered the worst Dickinson album, so I wanted to get that one last. That meant if I wanted to finish my collection, I had to find a copy of Live At Donington. Though no matter how many times I looked at HMV or Sunrise, I could never find it. It was only years later when I finally checked Discogs and saw how much a copy was going for these days that I realized, "Oh, they're not selling this at chain stores anymore." And in fact, they're not selling any album from this release anymore. They've all been replaced by the 2015 remaster, so I couldn't even get an Eddie's Head version of No Prayer even if I wanted to.
So I just gave up! I picked up the 2015 remaster of No Prayer so I could finally have an unbroken studio run from their debut to The X Factor, and I got Powerslave alongside so it wouldn't look stupid sitting all by itself. Will I ever get the rest of them? I mean, if that's the only option for the Iron Maiden albums I'm still missing, sure, I guess. I like their spines, too, so I'm getting that out of this whole ordeal at least.
(And in looking up a picture of the Eddie's Head spines to link to, it seems like I was also missing A Real Live Dead One as well? So... Oops! Guess that's two albums I would've had to get!)
Prince – Come (1994)
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The first time I heard this album, it was because of a podcast I'm making my way through: Jukebox Zeroes. The whole concept of the podcast is that it sees the two hosts plus guests reacting to and reviewing what's considered the worst albums from famous artists, like Metallica's St. Anger or Madonna's American Life, for example. Come was the album they'd selected to cover Prince, though by the end of the episode they admitted that they should've picked, like, Rave Un2 The Year 2000, 'cuz Come really isn't Prince's worst, or even a bad album. Frankly, it's rather something that Prince considered this "lesser material" that he threw at Warner Bros. just to get out of his contract with them.
I think they largely singled "Dark" as their favorite song on the album, but for me, it's "Letitgo". I absolutely love that synth melody that Prince sings along to for the chorus. The pre-chorus is really fun, too, I think. For, like, a month or two afterwards it was in my frequent rotation, usually played alongside Angela Aki's cover of "Still Fighting It" for some reason.
Ultimately, I prefer the album he put more attention into and wanted to have released at the same time, The Gold Experience (which I've had for months longer), but I don't think Come should be skipped. I mean, at the end of the day, it's still a Prince album. It's rare he makes bad music, and Come doesn't fall into that. Well, maybe "Solo", but your mileage will vary, of course.
And as a little divergence, can I just say that, before I got Come, it was really funny that I had the Love Symbol album and The Gold Experience sitting right next to each other on my shelf? Jus', one where Prince used the symbol as an album title, and then one where he used it as his name. It's great.
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mytastessuck · 3 years
Gorillaz: Plastic Beach
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mAh, nostalgia. This album was my high school years. I got a digital copy for my birthday from my mom and became obsessed with this album well into college. The dominance of electronica, the use of people with great voices, the expansion of the lore, Lou Reed...this album was all of music when I got it. It's my favorite Gorillaz album and it looks like it's gonna stay that way for a while. But how is it on a not even approaching semi-objective level? Let's find out.
1. Orchestral Intro
You can probably guess it by my awful taste but I'm not really into orchestra. This opening though, with the sound of waves and the mourning instruments, really tipped me off that I was in for something different. This album wasn't going to start off with something chill or even a zombie movie clip. No, at this point, Gorillaz were officially done fucking around.
2. Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach
Then we get the brass leading us into a good beat and then HOLY SHIT, SNOOP DOGG?! He leads us in like a bandleader while a chorus of women back him up Just Like That while he goes with his usual flow. He adds the needed touch of instant cool to an album that's practically frozen with the artists already on it and with this song, it feels like you're walking past the gate into Disneyland.
3. White Flag
Some nice Arabian sounding instruments on this one. Pretty cool for Gorillaz to keep engaging in world music. Anyway, this was a really cool instrumental but it's time to move on to the other son---
Suddenly, we get beeps and mixes backing up Bashy and Kano as they kick so much ass talking about pacifism for the sake of survival. This song kicks an undisputed amount of ass and it barely even tries.
4. Rhinestone Eyes
What I like about this song is that I keep finding new things to like about it as the years go back. First, I liked the weirdly-threatening nature of the song along with the woman moaning in time with the verses. Then I liked the video (even though it was insanely shady of EMI to release that without Damon's and Jamie's permission and it ended up being the thing that led to Phase 3's premature ending and Gorillaz going on hiatus). Then I liked the continuation of the moaning that I first noticed in live performances then finally heard in the song itself. This song is like Rolexes falling from the sky.
5. Stylo
Ah, the first single from the album. I remember telling my dad about this when I first saw the video for it. I was about to write off Gorillaz as a relic of my past before I saw Murdoc and 2D get run off the road by Bruce Willis. This song has an awesome bridge by Yasiin Bey, nice crooning by Damon Albarn and incredible back-up by Bobby Womack, who manages to lift the entire song over his head using just his voice. Damn, wish he had another song that put his voice on full display. Maybe later in the album...
6. Superfast Jellyfish
Yeah, De La Soul is back! And they're singing about TV dinners! Seriously, these guys can make guessing crossword actually fun instead of a dredging experience and have Shiny Toy Guns frontman Chad Petree singing about radioactive seas brings the whole thing home. It makes you want to really go out and eat a random jellyfish but don't do that. It'll hurt.
7. Empire Ants
Okay, before I give this song its totally fair score, it should be noted this is my third favorite song of all time. I love Damon's reassuring lyrics in the beginning but the switch in the middle to a more upbeat electronic pop tune pushes this song past perfect.
Then there's Little Dragon...
This song introduced to me to Yukimi Nagano's voice and wow...I didn't think humans could sound like that, let alone an Asian woman singing soul. If you think the instruments are carrying her here, obviously there are clearly no other songs on the album that showcase her talents so I have to recommend After The Rain, Twice and Constant Surprises by Little Dragon. Seriously, this woman's voice will water your fucking crops.
8. Glitter Freeze
Where is north from here? Don't ask me, I'm not a compass. Anyway, this song has Mark E. Smith from The Fall and they use him to his fullest extent...by which I mean letting him make an absolutely evil fucking laugh somewhere near the end. The instrumentation makes it feel like you're in a storm on a shaky ship and you're definitely going to feel like you need some pills after you're finished. This stuff will put hair on your chest.
9. Some Kind of Nature
This song introduced me to Lou Reed and I'm grateful to it for that. Lou was a shitty dude but damn his voice really made things better than they should have been. Fuck, I was one of the eight defenders of Lulu for this reason. But Damon doesn't sit with his thumbs up his ass on this song. He holds his own and makes the chorus sound legitimately dreamlike. All we are is stars, indeed.
10. On Melancholy Hill
This song is awesome to chill to...unless you're escaping a cruise ship while being gunned down by fighter jets. But other than that particular example, I recommend this song for anyone trying to relax while thinking of someone special. But be careful with the last note of this song. That gong can be a real eye opener.
11. Broken
Bummer of a song but if there's one song you absolutely NEED to learn on melodica, it's this one. Aren't we all broken? Well I am. And this song speaks to me.
12. Sweepstakes
Yasiin's back and there's gonna be trouble. He plays a carny in this track and you know that no matter how many times you listen to this song, you'll always gonna fall for his schemes. He's gone on to say that this is one of his finest achievements as a MC and I can see why.
13. Plastic Beach
Holy shit, they got the 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover guy on this track. Makes since because this, outside of Empire Ants, is my favorite song on the album. The harmony, the little imp they got for the bridge, the triangle...everything makes this song better than it has any right to be on an already awesome album. Damn, plastico indeed.
14. To Binge
Shock of all shocks, Yukimi's back! And it's a duet with Damon! And it's a song about a relationship torn apart by addiction! It's not my birthday so it must be Christmas. These two manage to drown the listen in waves of audio goodness that leaves them feeling like they spent 3 minutes and 56 seconds standing under a waterfall.
15. Cloud of Unknowing
Okay, I cried to this song. And now, with Bobby Womack's passing, I cry even harder. This song should be an anime ending with how solemn it is but you need to listen to the end to hear, "It may bring sunshine on its wings." Also, Damon covered this song live after Womack's passing. I suggest you look it up because it is tear-ripping.
16. Pirate Jet
Eh. Pretty average song compared to the others on the album but I appreciate the message. Sweet Lord, people. Turn off your shit when you're not using it. We only got one planet and I don't trust Elon Musk.
Album Score: 60.1/10
Whoo! No biases! Anyway, next week is The Fall, otherwise known as the album Albarn did on his Ipad. Otherotherwise known as the album a significant portion of the fandom has a hate-on for. Does it deserve the hate? We'll find out!
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 3, Thunder Rolls (2 of 2)
House Isekai ARR Masterlist Here
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Client: Marianne Von Edmund
With Marianne's help, the new House Isekai split off into teams to find this mysterious object and take it down before it becomes too dangerous...
[Tactics - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
Marianne handed Sitri a paper with all the findings her scouts have reported.
(Marianne) "I hope this will be of use to you all."
(Sitri) "It will, thank you, Marianne."
Marianne nodded and smiled.
(Marianne) "Please be careful, I would not like to see any of you come to harm."
(Kazuma) "Eh, don't worry, the kids'll be fine with us!"
Marianne raised an eyebrow, although her smile was still kept.
(Marianne) "With Rean and the others, I can believe that."
(Kazuma) "Hey, who was the group that saved your guys asses plenty of times back then? Mine, that's who!"
(Rean) "Aaaand, don't forget who bailed you out for a lot of those situations."
(Aigis) "It was us."
Kazuma continued to cause a commotion, letting the other groups spectate.
(Jean) "They all seem rather close."
(Lisa) "Reminds you a bit of home, doesn't it?"
Lisa smirked as she turned to Kaeya and Diluc.
Diluc rolled his eyes while Kaeya shrugged.
(Kurt) "I trust Instructor Rean and Towa's guidance, but I am unsure about the other two."
(Juna) "Well, that Aigis lady seems nice enough though, now that I think on it, what CAN those two do?"
(Ash) "Noticed Kazuma has a dagger and a short sword on his belt, but for Aigis...can't tell."
(Altina) "It appears she is like me."
(Juna) "Wait, as in not human?"
Musse turned to the Garreg Mach students.
(Musse) "What do you guys think?"
(Astrid) "Eh? Well, I dunno. I've only heard stories, never seen them in action."
(Helena) "Gets kinda hard to tell what's true."
(Stefan) "I guess today's our lucky day!"
(Elizabeth) "Hmph, if you call having to deal with otherworldy monstrosities lucky!"
(Helena) "Harsh. These people aren't that ugly."
(Elizabeth) "What in the-That is not what I meant and you know it!"
(Kairos) "..."
(Astrid) ? "Kairos? Somethin' up?"
(Kairos) "Huh? Oh, I am fine. It's nothing."
Kairos looked back down, a bit dejected.
(Stefan) "The things Lady Marianne and Sitri say getting you down?"
Kairos raised his voice to object but sighed instead.
(Kairos) "I just cannot believe I let my immaturity get the best of me there. These people are the reason we're here right now, but I cannot shake off how I feel that easily."
(Elizabeth) "I...would be lying if I said I did not feel the same."
Venti and Amber didn't mean to eavesdrop, but it was hard not to considering how loudly they were announcing their feelings to the entire group.
(Venti) "If that's the case, why not get to know us then?"
(Elizabeth and Kairos) "Huh?"
(Amber) "Yeah, this mission looks to be tough, so if we all work together, I'm sure we'll be friends in no time!"
(Kurt) "I would not be opposed to it. Well, considering that we also have no alternatives present as well.'
Meanwhile, the Instructors finally finished their conversation.
(Marianne) "I wish you luck, House Isekai."
(Rean) "Thanks, Marianne. We'll be back as soon as we can."
Marianne bowed and went inside back to her estate, leaving the Instructors to walk back to their groups.
(Towa) "So, what's the plan?"
(Sitri) "I...Hm."
She stopped walking to take a moment to think.
(Sitri) "I think it'd be best if we were to all search together. We have no idea what we'd be up against."
The tone of her voice made it sound like it was more of a suggestion than a command.
(Sothis) "Looks like the group has another one."
(Diluc) "Miss Sitri, was it? If we could speak our mind."
(Sitri) "Huh? O-Oh, Go ahead."
Kazuma leaned over to Rean.
(Kazuma) "She doesn't exactly sound confident for a headmaster."
(Rean) "Being fair, she was just a nun from what we were told by Jeralt."
(Aigis) "Affirmative, she also was very weak and could not leave Garreg Mach often."
(Towa) "...S-So, if that's the case, how is she walking around out here carrying her sword no problem?"
The four stared at her while Diluc was explaining the group's plan.
(Rean) "Lahabrea did mention she was chosen to be resurrected for a reason...Did we ever find out why?"
They were silent.
(Kazuma) "Tch, even dead Those Who Slither are a pain in our ass. We never get straight answers from them"
(Aigis) "Well, that wasn't Those Who Slither, that was Byle-...Er, Lahabrea who did the resurrection himself."
(Towa) "Regardless, I think we should ask this ourselves another time."
(Diluc) "...And so, we think splitting up is the best way to approach this threat."
(Sitri) "Well..."
(Jean) "You have our word that nothing will befall any of your students."
(Kurt) "And mine as well."
(Helena) "To be fair, this would be a good way to know how we all fight considering this is our first assignment together."
(Sitri) "Fair enough...Very well, we shall split into teams.
(Rean) "I think it'd be best to mix and match teams."
(Aigis) "Agreed. Based off initial data, I will configure the teams as follows:
First Team will consist of: Rean, Sitri, Helena, Stefan, Kaeya, Amber, Altina, and Ash.
Second team will consist of: Myself, Kazuma, Astrid, Diluc, Jean, Venti, Kurt, and Juna.
Third team will consist of: Towa, Kairos, Elizabeth, Lisa, and Musse."
(Jean) "No objections from me."
(Ash) "Sounds fine."
(Musse) "Aww, I wanted one with Rean-"
(Rean) "You'll be fine under Towa's command. Besides, she was your homeroom teacher anyway."
(Lisa) "Ouch, shot down."
(Musse) "Doesn't mean I'm giving up!~"
(Lisa) "Oh, I like your attitude, love is such a powerful thing..."
(Towa) "Uh...."
(Elizabeth) "I had some slight objections being put in a group with you, Kairos, but now? I think I am glad to have at least someone familiar..."
(Kairos) "Ugh, the feeling's mutual."
(Rean) "Right then. We'll split up and meet at this point in the map if we don't find anything."
(Kazuma) "How are we gonna keep in contact if shit goes down?"
(Aigis) "Rean and Towa have their Arcus Units, and I believe the students of Garreg Mach have something similar."
(Stefan) "Yes, we were all given a communication crystal upon our entry for Sitri's group."
All the students of Garreg Mach pulled out a small flat crystal that faintly glowed blue.
(Kaeya) "We have our methods then. It's probably best we stop wasting time and get moving."
(Sitri) "Agreed. Everyone, remember to be safe. This may be only our first assignment, but do not underestimate the danger. Your lives could be thrown away if you're careless enough."
Everyone nodded and split up.
(Towa) "Alright, looks like we'll head to the site where it was first spotted. This way everyone."
Towa's group walked down a path deeper into the forest and slowly disappeared from sight of everyone else...
Doomguy's Base, Present...
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Doomguy tapped his foot while listening to the Persona Users give their explanation of what was happening.
Apparently, Ryuji, Ann, Mitsuru, and Naoto fought off a group of hulking green creatures calling themselves "Orks" who came from Fodlan's Crystal Tower.
(Yu) "And that's about the gist of it."
(Yosuke) "Yeah, we weren't close enough to the scene and the news gets everything wrong anyway.."
(Futaba) "Even with my hacking I can't get a full picture, it happened so fast."
(Akihiko) "You still got any idea what's going on in Fodlan right now?"
Doomguy shook his head, and shrugged to the air, indicating for VEGA to speak for him.
(VEGA) "Unfortunately, no. There is too much interference for us to make contact with those currently in. That being the case, they are working to rectify this communication block, hopefully soon."
(Junpei) "So what, we're supposed to twiddle our thumbs and just wait?"
(Yukari) "And what exactly can we do, Stupei? If all of us just jump in guns blazing, who knows how long we'd be trapped, and how Fodlan would react!"
(Makoto) "Our entry and exit wasn't the most graceful after all..."
(Akira) "I have faith in everyone over there. It'll be up to us to keep our home safe."
(Chie) "Hey, who else has responded anyway? Seems not too many of us were able to make it in there."
(VEGA) "You are correct. The only ones to answer the call are yourselves, Rean, Elliot, Laura, Fie, Towa, and Kazuma."
(Morgana) "Anyone else?"
(VEGA) "The Denizens of Nazarick appear to be busy handling their world's politics, but they have acknowledged our call and plan to send whoever is available. The same goes for the remaining members of Class VII."
(Teddie) "Oh, how about Yuki-chan and the others?"
(Fuuka) "The School-Living Club?"
(VEGA) "I'm afraid nothing has been sent our way. Not even an acknowledgement."
(Rise) "I hope they're alright. Their world didn't exactly sound forgiving..."
(Kanji) "It's prolly' best they weren't here anyway. Not sure they'd be much help...Er, wait that sounds bad!"
(VEGA) "Negative. You are objectively correct, in terms of combat at least. Megumi and the School-Living Club were the least active members when it came to fights. Their efforts were focused on helping fleeing civilians and moral support. Neither of which we are sure is needed for Fodlan's current circumstances."
(Ken) "I'm sure everyone's fine. We should be worried less about how they are and more on how the Crystal Tower came to our world to begin with."
(VEGA) "We are currently looking into that as we speak. Please feel free to rest here until then."
The Persona users nodded and tried their best to relax, not knowing what the future would bring...
[Stilness of Night - Trails of Cold Steel 3 OST]
A few hours later...
Towa's group kept investigating the points of which the scouts had written on the reports, but they had found nothing.
No trace of any warning shots Marianne mentioned, its like they had completely erased the evidence.
The sun was starting to set, but thankfully it was still bright enough for them to keep looking untroubled.
Lisa was close by with Towa, looking with her and Musse while Kairos and Elizabeth investigated somewhere close by.
(Towa) "Hm...still nothing."
(Musse) "Instructor Towa?"
(Towa) "What is it, Musse?"
(Musse) "If I can ask, why is it that the people of this world hold such hostility against you?"
(Lisa) "I have been rather curious myself. It seems every opportunity those two in particular talk bad about your old group."
Towa looked up and made sure Kairos and Elizabeth was far away enough for her to continue.
(Towa) "Truth be told, our group was a mess. We kept coming in out of nowhere, and forming this massive superpower that threw a wrench into all the world leader's plans for...whatever they were going to do. World Domination? Separation? I have no idea."
Towa's eyes looked down as her expression darkened.
(Towa) "We lost a lot of friends during that war too, they gave their lives for a world they didn't know. But this place is home to us, just as much as it is to them..."
Musse and Lisa looked at each other but didn't say anything else.
Towa was doing her best to keep those memories out of her head. She had to keep a clear mind for this assignment.
Though, being told that their group was the reason a civil war was on the brink again, it didn't sit well in her stomach.
Towa's mind ached, thinking the possibility of losing even more friends to this world, which she was struggling to keep out.
Lisa walked towards Towa, kneeling down and rubbing her head.
(Lisa) "There there...I'm sure they'd understand if you told them. No need to fret."
Towa shot back up, a slight tinge of red as she put her hands on her hat.
(Towa) "ACK!"
(Lisa) "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle."
(Towa) "N-No you're fine, Miss Lisa! I'm just usually used to Rean doing that...Which, now that I say out loud, is kinda weird..."
(Musse) "Hmph, lucky."
(Lisa) "Is it weird? I was under the impression you were a couple with the way you acted."
(Musse) "I'm sure she'd like that!"
Lisa and Musse's smirks were flustering Towa.
(Towa) "T-That's not relevant, Musse! And Miss Lisa, we are NOT a couple!"
(Lisa) "So, you're available then?"
(Towa) "BWUH-WHAT?!"
Lisa failed to hold back a chuckle.
(Lisa) "Relax cutie, I'm just joking...Mostly."
(Towa) "Ugh, please just focus back on the task at hand!"
She began mumbling to herself.
(Towa) "You think I'd be used to this considering how much time I've spent with Angie and Crow..."
Lisa crossed her arms as she turned back to finding any signs of a fight.
(Musse) "...Thanks for doing that, Miss Lisa. I never liked seeing Instructor Towa get that down on herself."
(Lisa) "Figured no one does, from what I've gathered. By the way, have you found anything?"
(Musse) "Not particularly. Though that being said-"
Musse began speaking with Lisa who crouched down next to her, pointing at the trees in front of them.
(Kairos) "This question is only now appearing in my head, how exactly do they fight?"
(Elizabeth) "Now that you point it out, the only real weapon I see is on Musse's back. It appears to be some sort of...staff?"
They stared at the rifle that was strapped onto her, not sure what its function was.
(Kairos) "That makes sense, though it's shaped quite oddly. What's the point of that...lever, I think?"
Squinting at the triggerhair on Musse's rifle, he shook his head and turned to Lisa.
(Kairos) "And her. Everyone else from her group has a visible weapon, but she doesn't. All I see is a book."
(Elizabeth) "She could be a spellcaster, though what kind of magic user dresses like that?"
(Kairos) "Of course you judge them based on clothes."
(Elizabeth) "Oh stuff it! As if you're one to talk to ME about biases!"
Kairos and Elizabeth stood up, glaring daggers at each other.
(Kairos) "Hey, I was talking about their weapons!"
(Elizabeth) "And I'm talking about your little outburst earlier! Do you know how much you embarrassed all of us by-"
The went back and forth a little bit, Musse and Lisa pausing their conversation to listen.
(Musse) "How noisy."
(Lisa) "Well, we didn't find anything over here anyway, we might as well put a pause to it."
Towa watched them head towards Elizabeth and Kairos, and decided to watch what would happen instead of interfering. She knew Musse was a lot smarter than she looked, and Lisa seemed to be the same way.
(Towa) "So this is how Instructor Sara felt."
(Musse) "Is there a problem?"
(Elizabeth) "O-Oh, my apologies! No there isn't any problem."
(Kairos) "If you don't count her mouth as one."
(Elizabeth) "Silence yourself, or so goddess help me, I will silence yours!"
(Lisa) "My my, so feisty! You'll ruin those cute faces if you keep frowning so much."
That snapped Elizabeth and Kairos out of their spat and took them aback.
(Kairos) "C-Cute?"
(Elizabeth) "Feisty?!"
(Musse) "It seems no matter the world, people have the same reactions to these things..."
(Lisa) "It would appear so. It's nice having someone who understands, though."
Lisa and Musse smiled, making Kairos and Elizabeth feel slightly uncomfortable.
(Musse) "But back on topic, did you happen to find anything?"
(Kairos) "No, not really."
The two looked back down to the ground they were examining prior.
It was two trees that had snapped and fell to the ground, but there was no magical energy or weapon marks to indicate it had fell down by unnatural causes.
They were looking at the point where the tree snapped and fell over, hoping to find anything but-
(Elizabeth) "Kairos and I are well versed in magic, but we were unable to find anything that we could detect."
(Musse) "Hm...from what I see, there's nothing there either."
Lisa furrowed her brows as she gently pushed everyone to the side, taking a look herself.
(Kairos) "Miss Lisa?"
(Lisa) "...Instructor."
(Towa) "Huh? What is it?"
(Lisa) "I believe I found something."
(Elizabeth) "Truly?"
Towa walked over to the group and looked at the trees as well.
(Lisa) "I understand why no one has reported anything. This was caused by something from our group's world."
Everyone stood on edge.
(Lisa) "Our world has something we call 'Visions', powers granted to us by the Archons and allows us to attune ourselves to the elements and channel them into our will. Diluc and Amber have Pyro visions, letting them control fire. Kaeya has Cryo, Ice, Venti and Jean have Anemo, Wind. I, have Electro. Electricity."
Lisa rubbed her finger against the tree and looked at her finger.
(Lisa) "And on my hands is a very faint remnants of an Electro attack."
She stood up, grabbing her book.
(Lisa) "A very recent one."
Musse and Towa unsheathed their guns while Kairos and Elizabeth quickly looked around.
(Lisa) "I'm presuming you two cuties also wield magic?"
(Kairos) "Y-Yes. I'm proficient in dark magic skills."
(Elizabeth) "I am most skilled with white magic, but I am able to channel dark as well."
(Lisa) "Good. Because I think I know where our target is at."
Kairos and Elizabeth felt the hairs on their arms raise. The darkness of the forest started to glow with an eerie purple in the distance.
Towa got behind them and pulled out an ARCUS unit, calling Rean.
(Towa) "Rean, I think we found it! I'm sending our coordinates-"
A bolt of lightning shot down and almost hit her, making her scream and almost drop her unit.
(Towa) "AAH!"
(Rean's voice) "Towa?! Towa are you-"
(Musse) "Target straight ahead!"
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The cube slowly floated over to them, shooting out bolts of electricity in random directions.
(Musse) "I believe that first one was the warning shot the scouts were talking about."
(Kairos) "What the hell is that thing?!"
(Lisa) "Hmph. Nothing too dangerous, but still, don't let your guards down. We call it an Electro Hypostasis."
The shapes of the cubes floating around the core slowly shifted around, seemingly ready to change shapes at any time.
(Lisa) "It shapes itself into whatever it wants to attack, so be prepared for anything."
(Elizabeth) "You've fought these abominations before?!"
From Elizabeth's view, Lisa looked more annoyed than anything facing this...thing.
(Lisa) "A few times. They're normally docile until you approach, which makes Marianne's reports a lot more sense considering what's been harassing them."
The Cube seemingly stared at all of them, waiting to see if they would back off.
(Lisa) "I'm afraid my Electro vision isn't going to be as helpful as I'd like, but I won't let that stop me."
She flipped open her book, which began levitating in front of her.
The text in the book began to glow a dark purple as she turned to the group.
(Lisa) "But, I digress. The command is up to you, Instructor Towa."
(Towa) "If we let it go, it could be days before we can find it again, we don't let it slip away!"
Towa loaded her pistol and pointed at the Electro Hypostasis.
(Towa) "Engage the enemy!"
(Musse) "Understood, Instructor!"
(Elizabeth & Kairos) "Yes Ma'am!"
(Lisa) "Got it."
[Twice Stricken - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Musse backed up and pointed her rifle at the Hypostasis, taking the first shot.
The bullet predictably reflected off, and the four cubes flew into the air and into a rhombus shape, all aiming at the team.
Electric missiles shot out of the Hypostasis at speeds equivalent to Musse's and Towa's gun.
Lisa snapped her fingers and a electricity field formed around them, misdirecting the attacks and hitting in random directions.
Kairos and Elizabeth ran to the front, Kairos casting a fireball while Elizabeth had ice spikes form underneath it.
The first fireball caused a small explosion, blowing back some of the trees and scorching the grass while the ice spikes shot into the air and at the core of the Hypostasis, stopping the fire before it spread and piercing the core.
It made no noise of pain, though they could tell they were doing some damage to it.
The cubes quickly flew away from the spikes and towards them.
Towa fired her pistol, all aiming at a singular point the spike had pierced into.
Small bits of electricity chipped off, tho it began flying faster and dodged whatever was shot at it.
Lisa's spells were having no effect on the Hypostasis as it landed behind them.
(Lisa) "Get behind something!"
Musse and Towa dove for cover as more missiles shot out of it, Lisa standing behind a tree to hide from it.
Elizabeth did the same as well, but noticed Kairos wasn't moving.
Kairos stood out in the open still and tried to fire another fireball, but it quickly moved to the side, dodging the fireball as it hit the tree behind the Hypostasis instead.
The Hypostasis aimed at Kairos and shot a singular missile, too fast for him to dodge in time and hit him in the chest and sending him flying back into the tree.
He clenched his teeth in pain as the electricity rattled and sent a painful shock throughout his entire body.
(Elizabeth) "Kairos, you bloody idiot!"
She quickly grabbed his arm and dragged him behind cover before another barrage of missiles hit her.
(Elizabeth) "Why didn't you get into cover?!"
(Kairos) "Ach, thought I could hit it again!"
(Lisa) "It's not sentient enough to think creatively, but it's not stupid enough to fall for that again!"
Her brow furrowed further even more, knowing her spells would do nothing to it.
Musse poked her head out and pulled out her ARCUS unit, letting it analyze the Hypostasis.
(Musse) "Miss Lisa, your advice?"
(Lisa) "Keep hitting it with any elemental attack that isn't Electro-Er, thunder!"
(Musse) "Understood, taking the shot! Kairos, Elizabeth!"
Elizabeth stood out of the way of Musse's barrel as her rifle began glowing a hot red.
Pulling the trigger, a single shot hit the core, making it stagger back and form back into it's cube state.
As miniature cubes shot towards them from the excess electricity, Lisa stepped out to the open and shielded them from the bolts on the ground shooting out.
Towa rushed over to Kairos and loaded another round into her pistol, shooting it into the air.
Kairos suddenly felt the pain in his body slowly fade away and looked to Towa.
(Kairos) "Thank y-"
(Towa) "Do that later, right now they need your help!"
(Musse) "Instructor, get down!"
Towa and Kairos saw the three of them dive out the way.
Instinctually, Kairos grabbed Towa's shoulders and shoved her down to the floor as laser beams shot out and spun across the forest, it spinning rapidly as it vaporized the leaves into smoke.
The trees were getting burnt, but thankfully not chipped enough to topple over, Kairos saw.
Once it was done, Kairos rolled into the open and got on knee, adjusting his glasses as he raised his hand and clenched it.
From the skies above the Hypostasis, a burning rock crashed itself on the Hypostasis, knocking the cubes that formed the laser into pieces as the core stood out in the open.
(Lisa) "It's exposed, attack now!"
Elizabeth stood next to Kairos and swiped her hands downwards, the air forming a sword-like shape and slicing through the core, making it slightly shatter and pieces fall off.
Musse's rifle glowed white as it fired a straight line of ice, going through the core.
Towa did the same as her pistol began to glow several colors, red, then white, then red again.
Lisa made sure to keep an eye on any of the excess electricity in the air, flicking her wrist and deflecting a bolt of lightning without looking at it.
It quickly formed back into shape, and stood for a moment as the shots reflected off it.
(Elizabeth) "What is it doing now?!"
The cubes broke off into smaller ones, forming a giant arrow-shape and-
(Lisa) "To the sides, now!"
Lisa jumped back as the Hypostasis formed into a drill-like shape and began spinning towards them, tearing apart any trees that was in its way.
Towa and Musse ran to the sides while Kairos and Elizabeth ducked as it barreled past them.
The trees it knocked over were falling down left and right, Musse almost getting hit by one.
(Towa) "ABOVE YOU!"
Elizabeth looked up and realized a tree was falling on top of her.
Lisa raised her book and a concentrated spell shot out, the strength of it rushing it forward as it collided into more trees and away from everyone.
When Lisa turned her attention back to the Hypostasis, she realized it had formed two giant walls.
Lisa's eyes widened as she tried to brace herself for the shock, the walls closing on her and the force sending her into a tree.
Lisa's body tumbled onto the floor and out in the open, her vision going in and out from the attack.
(Kairos) "Lisa!"
The Hypostasis began to form it's drill shape again while Kairos and Elizabeth rushed to Lisa's defense, shooting whatever spell they could as it began flying to them.
Musse and Towa tried to help with their guns, but they were having no effect.
As it got closer, Kairos tried to pick up Lisa to move her, joined by Elizabeth as it got dangerously close to tearing through them.
Although there were no trees nearby for it to be a hazard, they still couldn't move fast enough with Lisa in hand to get out of the way safely.
(Familliar boy's voice) "COMING THROUGH KIDS!"
Kairos and Elizabeth were tackled by Kazuma while Aigis got in front of Lisa.
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(Aigis) "ATHENA!"
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Her Persona appeared in front of the drill, the shield failing to be pierced as Athena raised its hand, and knocked it to the side, toppling trees as it bounced through the ground.
Aigis spun around and gave Lisa a hand, which she grabbed it and was helped up.
Kazuma got up and dusted himself off.
(Elizabeth) "Instructor?"
(Kazuma) "Yeah yeah, you're welcome, now get your asses up, that cube thing will be doing the same!"
Kazuma unsheathed his sword, letting Elizabeth and Kairos get up on their own.
As the Hypostasis was getting up and about to change forms, before the core was shelled off, Jean and Venti jumped from the top of the trees and used their Anemo Visions.
Jean first blew it into the air while Venti summoned a mini tornado, picking up the core and shredding it with the speeds of the wind.
Diluc ignited his sword as he slammed it down into the tornado, setting the wind ablaze with the core still inside.
Kurt and Juna jumped in as the core hit the floor, Kurt's sword dicing it to pieces while Juna used the force of her tonfas to dent it, making electricity shoot out with each strike.
It quickly got itself up with the cubes forming once more, this time shifting into a giant fist.
It swung first into Kurt and Juna, sending them flying back into Towa and Musse.
Then it shapeshifted into a pair of scissors, making the Vision users duck under cover as it almost cut them into two.
It finally formed a giant rectangle, slamming down in front of them and sending them into the air.
As the core revealed itself while the three landed on their feet, Astrid and Kazuma swung their weapons into it, Astrid piercing through it while Kazuma slashed it in half with his sword.
Aigis, Musse, Towa, Elizabeth, and Kairos readied their guns and spells, all opening fire together while Astrid and Kazuma dodged out the way.
The final bullet went through it, the core now full of holes, it began to twitch violently as it split into pieces.
It split into three prisms as the core remained invisible in the center.
(Lisa) "Destroy those prisms!"
Juna switched her tonfas into a gunner mode and pulled the trigger, shooting one prism to tiny pieces.
Aigis's Persona smashed another prism into the floor, completely eradicating any trace of it.
Diluc's flaming sword shot out a bird-like shape, turning the prism into cinders as he made a wide swing.
With the last of the prisms gone, the core began to twitch violently as the group formed together.
Lisa got in front of everyone and held out her hands, casting another field to block out the electricity that exploded into a bright purple, the skies turning from white to a dark gray, then the clouds finally disappearing.
[Words to Believe In - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
Towa's team tried to catch their breath.
(Musse) "Whew, that was close..."
(Towa) "Now I'm reminded why Rean's the combat instructor..."
(Lisa) "Nonsense, you did just fine-...Ugh!"
Lisa fell to one knee, Diluc catching her in time.
(Diluc) "Hey, are you alright?"
(Jean) "You took a bad hit from the looks of it."
Jean looked at her back and saw a bleeding wound, as well from her head.
(Elizabeth) "Miss Lisa, I'm so sorry! If you didn't have to take your at-"
Lisa waved her hand in a dismissive manner, smiling through the pain now the adrenaline was wearing off.
(Lisa) "Don't apologize, cutie. Ol' Lisa will be just fine."
Jean and Diluc slowly helped her up while Venti turned to them.
(Venti) "Honestly, not bad for your first time fighting it!"
(Musse) "Thank you. Without Lisa, I'm not sure what would have happened."
(Kairos) "Yes, we owe much of our victory today to her-"
(Kazuma) "Yadda yadda, stop being so humble. Just accept the compliment and move on. Besides, far as Fodlan kids fighting the unknown go, you two ain't half bad."
(Aigis) "Indeed. We were only able to see snippets of the fight, but despite your differences you came to work together rather well."
(Elizabeth) "Why...T-Thank you Instructors."
(Astrid) "Wow, no love for you Instructor Towa."
(Towa) "Oh come on now, don't make this a competition!"
The group began to back and forth, Astrid moving to Elizabeth and Kairos.
(Astrid) "So, what's your impression of 'em? Kazuma and Venti just argued a lot the entire time. Was pretty funny though."
(Elizabeth) "They're not as uncivilized as I was expecting to be honest."
(Kairos) "Psh, who's judging on character now?"
(Elizabeth) "Shut. Up. Already."
(Astrid) "And now I get to hear you guys argue. Ugh, great."
(Musse) "...Huh, where's Instructor Rean and the others?"
(Everyone) "..."
Towa pulled out her ARCUS unit again.
(Towa) "Rean?"
Everyone stiffened when they didn't hear a response.
(Towa) "Rean?!"
Rean, Sitri, Helena, Stefan, Kaeya, Amber, Altina, and Ash.
Rean was looking for any signs of an attack before hearing his ARCUS unit go off.
(Towa's Voice) "Rean, I think we found it! I'm sending our coordinates-AAH!"
(Rean) "Towa?! Towa are you-"
(Sitri) "Did something happen?!"
(Rean) "Yeah, Towa's team found it! She sent us the coordinates so we need to-AAAGH!"
Rean fell to one knee, reaching for his head.
(Altina) "Instructor?!"
(Ash) "The hell's going-DAGH! SHIT!"
Ash stopped moving and reached for his head as well, followed by Altina, then the rest of the group one by one, their heads pounding as their vision suddenly faded to white.
[Out of Time - Final Fantasy XIV OST]
The inside of the room was glowing a faint blue-white, two green haired individuals walking through them, though one was significantly taller than the other.
(Flayn) "Father, are you sure this is the way?"
Seteth's face scrunched up as he stared at one of the crystals in his hand. The directions it was pointing to was hazy at best.
(Seteth) "No...No Flayn, I am not sure. But we have to try something at least."
Flayn looked behind her, worried.
(Flayn) "Of course..."
They stopped themselves to what appeared to be a massive doorway. Seteth held the stone up to it and the door slowly began to open, light pouring out from the other side.
The two were about to take a step through the door before a shot of electricity bolted over their heads.
Seteth quickly raised the crystal up, and it glowed a bright blue before whatever was shooting at them disappeared.
Inside the crystal was a dark purple fog before it quickly disappeared with a white flash.
(Flayn) "What was that?!"
(Seteth) "Something we weren't looking for. Perhaps the deeper we go into the tower, we'll be able to find it."
Saying nothing else, they looked around as moving platforms shifted around them.
Seteth and Flayn stepped onto them as everything turned into a static mess, slowly fading out of view...
[Spiderweb - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
(Towa's voice) "Rean?"
(Towa's voice) "Rean?!"
Rean hazily reached for his ARCUS unit, responding to a very concerned Towa.
(Rean) "Agh, we're here!...I think."
Everyone looked at each other, the headache slowly subsiding.
(Kaeya) "What in the world was that?"
(Amber) "Ugh, my head!"
(Altina) "Is...is that supposed to happen naturally?"
(Helena) "Unless we're in extreme stress situations where our physical bodies are pushed to the limit, no."
(Stefan) "And considering we just started our assignment."
Sitri began speaking in her head.
(Sitri) Sothis...?
(Sothis) "Agh, don't worry, I felt it too...Though, wasn't that?-"
(Sitri) Seteth and Flayn...
(Sothis) "Doubt anyone else would know what they saw besides you and Rean."
(Sitri) What were they doing in the Tower, I thought we cleared it by now!
(Sothis) "I have no idea, but we have to tell this to the other instructors."
(Rean) "...And that was the end of that...vision? Or something. I'm still not sure."
(Towa's Voice) "...Understood. Let's meet back up at Marianne's and tell her that we finished the job."
(Rean) "Roger that. And Towa? Good work."
(Towa's voice) "Heh, um...thank you."
Rean hung up the call and motioned for everyone to follow, everyone still out of it from whatever it was they saw.
(Aigis) "A vision?"
(Kazuma) "Holy shit, Seteth and Flayn are alive?!"
(Sitri) "Possibly? I'm not sure..."
(Rean) "It's still blurry in my head, and I'm sure the others agree."
Everyone nodded in agreement.
(Towa) "We should investigate once we get back, but..."
[Where the Heart is - Final Fantasy XIV OST]
(Towa) "I'm glad we were able to help out, Marianne!"
(Marianne) "Thank you so much for your assistance. As always, you're always rescuing us from dangers."
Marianne smiled and bowed.
(Rean) "Of course. If there's any other troubles, please call upon us to help if you need it."
(Sitri) "Thank you for your kindness."
(Marianne) "And as requested, we have the railroads to take you back to Garreg Mach. It should be a day's trip.
(Juna) "Man, it just feels like went to a different country instead of a world with how familiar it is..."
(Amber) "What's a railroad?"
(Musse) "Oh, you see it's-..."
Class VII and the Knights began engaging in a friendly banter, which gave Kazuma to groan.
(Kazuma) "A train?! Why the hell are we taking a train when we can teleport?!"
Sothis appeared for a brief moment when she made sure no one was looking in their direction.
(Sothis) "We'll explain it later, but for now just shut up and deal with it."
Rean and Towa laughed while Aigis had a smirk.
Kazuma was ready to cuss out Sothis before the students approached them.
(Kairos) "Instructors? I...would like to apologize for my earlier outburst-"
(Rean) "Don't sweat it."
(Kairos) "Huh?"
(Towa) "To be fair, it IS a little strange for a bunch of people to pop out of portals like this and boss you around. But that being said, we are your instructors for a reason!"
(Kazuma) "Some respect goes a long way, kid!"
(Astrid) "You look as old as we do..."
(Kazuma) "And YOU shutting up can go a long way!"
Aigis slapped the back of his head and nodded.
(Aigis) "Apologies for him. Although he is right to some degree. We are happy to be your instructors, no matter what we have done in the past."
(Stefan) "I look forward to your guidance, Instructors!"
(Elizabeth) "As do I. I will make the Blue Lions proud for having me as their chosen!"
(Helena) "Hear that Astrid? You shutting up means they'll like you more."
Astrid gently punched Helena in the shoulder, Helena's expression being deadpan from the delivery to the literal punchline.
(Astrid) "Same goes for you, smartass."
Marianne approached the Garreg Mach students and looked at Kairos.
(Marianne) "You've grown up so much despite the fact it's only been a few years. I hope in the future we can have a moment to talk, so we can catch up!"
(Kairos) "A-As do I Lady- Er, I mean...Marianne."
Marianne's smile made him unable to look at her in the eye and she turned to Sitri.
(Marianne) "It's right this way. Follow me everyone."
And in a few moments, the members of House Isekai stepped onto a train that took them to Garreg Mach, Marianne waving goodbye to everyone...
[Life at Garreg Mach Monastery - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
Today's instructions were done for the day, the doors being opened as students and guards went from position to position.
A good number of students went to their dorms while many others went into the mess hall.
Guards piloted massive Knight mechs out of the hangar and towards the Gates, practicing military drills and simply standing guard for any potential threats.
Kairos, Elizabeth, Astrid, Helena, and Stefan walked out their respective classrooms and towards the Hangar.
(Helena) "Last day of hanging with the Golden Deer...Can't say I'll miss them too much."
(Astrid) "I will a little, I was FINALLY getting used to the schedule!"
Kairos shrugged.
(Kairos) "It's not like we'll never see them again. We're still attending the same Academy."
(Stefan) "I'm a bit sad I can't hang out with my friends as much, but I guess that's the nature of an Officer's academy."
(Elizabeth) "Well think of it this way, we now have a new opportunity to go down in history!...Even though our instructors are those offworlders."
(Helena) "I still can't tell, do you like them or not?"
The banter went back and forth a few more times as they moved to the hangar.
The Imperial soldier in front nodded to them and let them pass.
(Stefan) "Oh, Kairos."
(Kairos) "Hm?"
(Stefan) "Your data from the fight with that...cube thing is recorded on your crystal right?"
(Kairos) "Yeah. What about it?"
(Stefan) "You should send that to the rest of us, so we can see everyone's fighting style."
(Helena) "Oh yeah, we didn't get to fight during that."
(Kairos) "Sure, one second."
Kairos took out his communication crystal and let it connect with Astrid, Stefan, and Helena's.
Stefan nodded and smiled.
(Stefan) "Thanks, I'm pretty excited to see what they can do!"
(Elizabeth) "Soon enough, we'll get to know how they are-"
(Recette's voice) "Yoohoo, over here!"
The five stopped once they saw Recette waving over to them excitedly.
(Tear) "Welcome. Your quarters are now finished."
(Astrid) "Dam-Er, Dang, it's only been like 3 days, and you're already finished?"
(Recette) "Yup! There's nothing that blood, sweat and heckuva lotta gold can't accomplish!"
(Tear) "The wonders of capitalism."
(Helena) "...Capi-what?"
(Tear) "Nevermind. This way, your instructors are currently in a meeting but everyone else is waiting for you in the room.
The five followed Recette and Tear into their barracks into an elevator, going below the hangar and storage floor...
Garreg Mach's Listening Chamber...
(Sitri) "The other team contacted me and let us know their task is done. They're currently on their way back on the railway and should be back within the hour."
(Towa) "It's crazy to know Slayer sent Elliot, Fie, and Laura to us!"
(Rean) "Duvalie being with them is sure going to make her a lot more irritable."
(Kazuma) "She seems like a bitch."
(Towa) "That's putting it lightly..."
(Aigis) "Regardless, it is good to have reinforcements backing us up."
(Rean) "...Valimar, can you confirm signatures of anyone else present in Fodlan?"
Valimar's voice echoed out of his ARCUS unit.
(Valimar) "...Affirmative. It would appear some of the Persona Users are present as well."
(Aigis) "Really?!"
(Valimar) "Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Mitsuru Kirijo, and Naoto Shirogane, according to my scans."
(Kazuma) "How come no one else has reported this?"
(Towa) "Yeah, that is pretty weird..."
(Valimar) "I am still scanning, so I am unable to tell where they are. Analysis would take a day or so."
(Rean) "Just keep us updated Valimar."
(Valimar) "Of course. Speaking of which, it seems Duvalie's group is about to arrive."
(Rean) "Let's go ahead and meet them then."
The instructors nodded and left before Sitri's Crystal began beeping.
(Sitri) "Hold on, I have to take this. I'll be with you soon."
The four left Sitri and Sothis alone as Sitri opened it up, revealing a small reflection of Edelgard.
(Sitri) "Edelgard?"
(Edelgard) "Hello, Sitri. With the official reformation of House Isekai, we would like to assign your tasks for this month, as it was done when we were enrolled."
(Sothis) "So...why are you calling just by yourself?"
(Edelgard) "And that is my next point..."
As the train approached the station, Stefan saw Rean and the other instructors meet up with the rest of the group.
(Stefan) "...Even more of the offworlders."
He looked to see no one was watching him, and slowly snuck away from the group.
Everyone was distracted meeting Rean's friends to notice Stefan had disappeared into a corner.
Stefan looked at his crystal and saw the recording of Kairos and Elizabeth fighting the...whatever the hell it was.
Though, he was honestly glad no one was hurt.
He tweaked his communication crystal by turning a dial to the left and pressing in a specific combination with the buttons on it.
And with that, a voice popped up on the other side.
(Distorted Voice) "There are you. Goddess, we thought something happened. Status?"
(Stefan) "I'm fine, don't worry. And something did. House Isekai has returned."
(Distorted Voice) "...Say that again, it sounded like you said House Isekai."
(Stefan) "I did say House Isekai. It's the White Cloud Contingency."
(Distorted Voice) "...Keep your eye on them. And be careful. We all saw what happened to the poor bastards who underestimated them seven years ago."
(Stefan) "Understood. And you all be careful as well."
(Distorted Voice) "Godspeed."
Stefan nodded and hung up. He slowly blended back into the crowd and saw Kairos looking in his direction.
(Kairos) "Hey, there you are!"
(Helena) "That armor slowing you down or something?"
(Astrid) "I told you guys to wait up, he was falling behind!"
(Stefan) "Hah, yeah I got lost. This place is huge!"
(Elizabeth) "Goodness gracious, just speak up Stefan! Anyways, what do you think of Instructor Rean's colleagues?"
(Helena) "...I like that grey-haired one."
(Kairos) "Of course you would."
(Astrid) "T-That orange haired guy, and...and that blue haired lady! So hot...!"
(Kairos) "...What?"
(Astrid) "I-I MEAN-"
The four exchanged jabs with each other, Stefan occasionally throwing in lines as well, but he was far more concerned that the old members alongside new people of House Isekai were coming.
[Lost in Paradise - ALI]
(Stefan) "...Hmph."
He breathed in and out to calm himself.
(Stefan) No matter what happens, even with them here, they can't interfere...Fodlan HAS to be free from this rule!
Gotta get it homie gotta move it If you gonna do it then, push everything to the side Everybody just talk nobody really do it You should keep a secret until you actually do it No need to double check with someone Use your judgement only, break the walls Let’s do flashy fake More Cool, keep it low, prove them wrong I won’t give up the fight in my life ‘Cause my life is living for love I won’t give up the fight in my life Stand off and groove on time Tokyo prison Going to relight your feelings When times get too rough Night and day are fading Going to relight your feelings There’s no time to explain Gimme your love Access to your love Oh yeah Lost in paradise Night and day are fading out When times getting rough Access to your love Lost in paradise Night and day are fading out Keep on dancing now Hеy hey hеy hey heyeah
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shawnpetermuffins · 6 years
Another Night In
A/n: this is my first smut, so keep that in mind. This is also unedited, but enjoy.
Summary: You and Shawn were just gonna have a night in with the boys. How did it turn into scary movies and... strip uno???
Warning: smut (oral, female receiving)
“You okay with the boys coming over tonight?”
“Of course! Why on earth would you ask me that?”
“Well, I know you’re here to see me, and-”
“Hey, just because I’m here for the week doesn’t mean you can’t still hang out with your friends. Hell, you could go out and I’d stay here if you wanted me to.”
“But that’s not fair to you. You don’t know your way around Toronto and-”
“I never said I was going to leave. I’d probably read or watch a movie or something. You don’t have to entertain me all the time.”
He nodded, “okay. Well, we’re probably just gonna watch a movie or something. But, are you sure? Because I feel bad. You leave in a couple days.”
I shook my head, “No sir. You are not going to think about that. Just think about the fact that I am here now, and I want you to spend some quality time with your friends.”
“Hey, y/n! You gonna join us?” Brian called from his seat on the couch. I was in the kitchen with Shawn, helping him with the drinks and popcorn. I told him that I was probably just gonna retreat to his room so they could have their space. He reluctantly said that was okay.
“She won’t watch it, Bri. I tried getting her to stay. She’s not about it.” 
“What are y’all watching?” I asked, setting the popcorn in Shawn’s lap and resting my hands on his shoulders. He looked up at me and puckered his lips, begging for a kiss. I leaned down and pecked his lips softly. 
“Thank you,” he mouthed.
“Conjuring,” Matt finally answered.
“Yeah,” I shook my head, “Absolutely not. I’m not about that life.”
And yet, here I am, stuffed between my boyfriend and his best friend "watching" the Conjuring. My hands are covering my face and they're both trying to pull them away. They succeed just in time for me to see quite possibly the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life and I screamed, jumping from my seat. "Nope. Not today, Satan." I said, shaking my head, my eyes shut tight.
Laughing, Shawn pulled me into his lap and kissed my forehead. "You're fine."
I clung to his shirt, my head buried in his neck. "I hate you so much. I'm breaking up with you. This is the worst thing in the world. We're done."
The boys were laughing, at my outburst or the fact that Shawn was now stammering like an idiot at the mere mention of breaking up, I don't know. "Let the girl go, Shawn. She looks like she's about to cry." Ian chuckled.
"I am crying!" I mumbled into his shirt, patting at my under eyes.
"Oh, lovie!" He reached for my face and wiped at my fallen tears with his thumb. I whimpered softly and fell into his touch, but a scream emitted from the screen and I flinched. "Nope. Nope. Nope. That's it. I'm out." This time he let me go.
I was alone for all of about twenty minutes before Shawn knocked on the bedroom door even though it was open, all the lights on as I sat on his bed, laptop in front of me. I paused the video and looked up at him. "Yes?"
"You okay?" He entered the room and sat in front of me on the corner of the bed.
I nodded. "I'm okay." I put my laptop on the nightstand.
"I'm sorry we made you watch that."
"It's okay, bubs."
He reached for my hand. "Are we okay? You weren't serious about breaking up, right? His voice was low, seeming scared of my answer. My free hand found the nape of his neck, and pulled him to my lips. "We are definitely okay. I'm not letting you get rid of me that easily."
"He relaxed against my lips and kissed me again. "Thank god." Minutes passed and we were still pressed against each other. He had me laid out before him, his knees separating my thighs. I hummed against his mouth and his tongue soon found mine, and I found salvation in the taste of him.
"Oh gross!"
We pulled away instantly and I tried to cover up my embarrassed laugh. "Go away, Ian." Shawn grumbled, running his hands over his face.
"You could t wait until we left to have at each other?" He laughed, leaning against the door frame.
"Did you need something?" Shawn asked, completely irritated.
"The boys and I just wanted to know if you were down to go eat. Unless you've got other plans for that." He smirked and I felt my cheeks grow hot; I laughed despite myself.
"It's up to you, hon." He took my hand that was resting my lap and played with my fingers.
I rolled my eyes at his answer. "Sure," I answered Ian. "We'll meet you?"
He nodded. "I'll text you where we're going."
When I heard the door close, I went over to my suitcase and rummaged through it to find a shirt. "Why don't you just wear what you have on?" Shawn asked, pushing his hair out of his face.
I looked down at my too big shirt and leggings. "I look frumpy." I found the sweater I was looking for and smiled. I still felt his eyes on me when I started to lift my shirt from my chest. "Turn around," I whined.
"Y/n! I have seen you naked plenty of times. You're just changing your clothes." He said, but turned around anyway while I slipped into a pair of black jeans and my sweater.
"You're good, bubba." He turned back to me, smiling. "What?" I ran my hands roughly through my hair to get rid of the tangles, and he walked over to me, resting his hands on my hips.
"Nothing, I just... really love when you call me that." I hummed in acknowledgement and my fingers found purchase in his hair. "I don't think I could fall for you anymore," he said softly. "My beautiful cherry blossom. With your cute little fake eyelashes and what not."
I furrowed my brows at him. "I'm not wearing fake lashes. It's just mascara."
"What?" He took my face in his hands, looking at me intensely. "My god, you really are just that beautiful." He shook his head. "Wow, I really hit the jackpot with you."
"So, what are the rules? I've never played strip uno before." We were all sat on the floor of Shawn's living room, the boys all with a beer in front of them, but I stuck with water, not really in the mood to drink. Shawn handed me the uno cards and I shook them out of the box, starting to shuffle them.
"0 and 5 are the only regular cards that you take clothes off with," Brian explained. "Skip means you miss your turn, but still have to get rid of an article of clothing. Color change means you get to pick which item everyone takes off. And I'm assuming we'll go clockwise, so if you get a draw two, Matt has to draw two cards and put two clothing items back on. Same goes for a draw four. Reverse, the person that went before you - Shawn, in your case - has to take something off. The rest of the game is just like normal. The one with the most clothes of wins."
"You sure about this, hon?" Shawn asked me , surely skeptical.
"What?" I kissed the underside of his jaw. "Nervous about them seeing me naked?" I started dealing out cards to everyone, not really looking for him to respond, but seeing his face turn red from the corner of my eye. "Brian, you want to go first?" I asked, it was his idea after all. I flipped over the top card from the deck and placed it in the middle of the coffee table where everyone could see it. I scooted farther away from my boyfriend so he couldn't see my cards and he frowned, bringing a large hand to my thigh and squeezing gently. "Such a baby," I muttered to myself. We went around the table twice before anyone lost an article of clothing, and much to Shawn's dismay, it was me.
"Matt, I swear to god, I'm gonna kill you." He scowled, looking his friend dead in the eye, seriously furious about Matt's decision to put down a reverse. I just shook my head and put my cards face down on the table before ridding myself of my shirt. I placed it behind me on the couch and looked up only to find the guys gaping at me. Shawn cleared his throat when he noticed and their eyes all quickly reverted back to the cards in their hands. I placed a five down and nudged Shawn's shoulder. He wasn't paying attention to the game though, his eyes, like his friends'eyes just seconds before were trained on my breasts, not that I was at all surprised. "Eyes are up here," I lifted his chin. "It's your turn."
He looked down at the deck, blinking a few times. "Sorry." He placed a card down, but I shook my head.
"You're forgetting something, rockstar."
"I am, eh?"
I lifted my card. "I put down a five. Off with the shirt, Mendes." When he didn't move, I let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, I'll help." I reached for the hem of his shirt, but he swatted my hands away.
"I got it." He handed the shirt to me and I squinted at him in confusion. He just shrugged, "You're gonna end up in it later anyway," he said in explanation.
I shrugged and nodded, knowing just how right he was, and the boys all stifled their laughter at the very slight innuendo. A few more times around and I'm in my bra and panties, Shawn is in his boxers and socks, Ian in just his boxers, and the other still have everything on but their shirts.
"I swear, Brian. She better not lose anymore clothes or I'm gonna kick your ass." Shawn threatened and I hit his chest.
"Stop it!" I turned my attention to Brian. "He's kidding."
"Like hell I am. This," he pulled me into his lap and I was a giggling mess. "Is mine." His lips connected with my bare shoulder. "Matt," he nodded in his direction. "Your turn." Matt put down another reverse and I felt Shawn tense up behind me. He breathed out his nose and Matt let out a rushed 'I'm sorry, it was literally my last card.' I watched Shawn chug the rest of his beer and I put my cards down, reaching for the clasp of my bra. "Please, baby, dont." He begged, eyes closed.
"Its just a game, Shawn."
He groaned and lifted me from his lap. "I need another beer. Anyone else?" He asked, pushing himself up from the floor. Everyone shook their heads. When he came back to see me braless, covering myself with my arms, he let out a low 'my God' and hurriedly sat me back in his lap, wrapping his arms around my chest, covering me a hell of a lit better than I was doing. "Did you already go?" He asked, pressing his lips covered the side of my neck and I nodded. He set his card down and was followed by Ian putting down a reverse. He laughed, "Thank god!" He pulled a sock off and slammed a draw two on the table. "Put some clothes back on, baby girl! Boys, close your eyes," he said and they did. He took the opportunity to hand me back my bra and I clasped it around myself. "I'm sorry," he said lowly, handing me his shirt. "I had to."
I was throwing out the left behind beer bottles when Shawn came behind me and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. "You're beautiful." He mumbled into my hair, kissing the side of my neck. I bit my lip and placed my hands over his. I was still in only his shirt and my underwear. "I didn't like the way the boys were looking at you all night." He said, slipping his hands under the top. "They were all over you." His teeth sunk into the shell of my ear and I let out a tiny moan. "Can't have that. You're my baby."
"Little jealous, are we?" I lifted my hand to play with the curls on the nape of his neck, pressing his face deeper into my skin. He only grunted his answer.
"I'm the only one that gets to look at you like that." He turned me around in his arms and lifted me up, placing me on the cold counter. I let out a soft squeal. He cupped my breasts over my bra, "the only one that gets to touch you like this. The only one that gets to see you uncontained and mumbling incoherent nothings into my ear as I ram steadily into you." His fingers slipped into the waistband of my panties, teasing my already sensitive area. "The only one that gets to watch you feel the most intense pleasure you've ever felt in your life." A single finger slipped inside me as he slid my panties to the side and I gasped, he took the opportunity to add another finger and connect our lips, his tongue soon battling with mine for dominance.
I soon became a moaning mess, not knowing what to pay attention to, the hand that was kneading my breast, or the hand between my legs that was doing way too good a job of teasing me. "Shawn," I let out a strangled moan as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of me. He added a third finger and I slumped against him. "Oh god," I bit into his bare shoulder, reveling in the sensation of his fingers painting me in feeling. His mouth soon swallowed my his name from my lips, as his pace became teasingly slow. I whimpered, "faster. Please." I begged. He sped back up only for a second and I came undone all over his fingers.
He let out a gentle hum and pulled out of me. I watched with lust filled eyes as he brought his fingers to his mouth and groaned, seeing him lick me from his skin. "So good," he grasped before getting on his knees and spreading my legs wider, his head burying itself between my thighs, licking and sucking me clean. The noises emitting from him were dirty and only made me want him even more. He pulled back a minute later, chin wet, and he pulled me from the counter. I held onto his shoulders to support myself on my wobbly legs. He rubbed his chin with his thumb and held it it against my mouth, begging me to taste myself. I moaned around his calloused skin and his eyes fluttered shut. I let out a loud 'pop'when I let go of his thumb. I looked down and frowned at how seriously hard he was for me.
"Let me take care of you now," I reached for his boxers, but he shook his head.
"No, honey. I'm not done with you yet." I bit the inside of my cheek and he continued to speak. "I want you to cum so many times tonight that the only way you're getting out of bed tomorrow is if I carry you."
"Shawn," I gasped.
He quickly picked me up, bridal style, and I laughed into his shoulder. "Bedroom," he growled into my neck. "Now."
A/n: well that was something. I hope you enjoyed reading it because I enjoyed writing it. Feedback is always encouraged! Thank you!
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purplerainsaladtea · 5 years
TMNT Leo x April [Fic Request]
Thank you to the Wonderful @narwals14 for the Request 💕
[Type of Fic: Fluff]
[Warnings: Minor swearing]
Fugitoid touched down the Ship on a Nearby Planet causing everyone to stumble a bit from the Impact "Okay everyone! We needed to make a quick pit stop. Now this time can we please not try to tick off an intergalactic Alien warlord please?" He asked then shook his head and walked towards the door and opened it. Raph rolled his eyes then walked into the Room with the others to get Geared up with Casey walking beside him "Ha! No promises Fuiga-dude" He nudged Fugitoids shoulder as he passed by.
Fugitoid groaned and hung his head "Oh dear..." He shook his head "What am I gonna do with you all..." He mumbled to himself. April gently placed her hand on Fugitoids shoulder "Don't worry professor. Casey is just Joking" She smiled reassuring but it soon faded "...Ehh... Well at least I hope..." She shook her head "We'll all make sure to keep him in check" She promised. Fugitoid nodded "Thank you April"
She smiled "No problem!" She went to go gear up with the Others. Casey nudged April's shoulder when she walked in, causing her to rub it and glare at him "So, You're Gonna keep me in Check eh red?" He grinned and got close to her face. April only rolled her eyes and shoved his face out of hers "You heard me right, Jones" She turned her back to him and started to attach her gear to her Yellow jumpsuit. Casey chuckled "Well I'll make sure to Really misbehave around you then Red~" He flirted.
"Ay, Casey. Leave her be." Raph told him then dragged him out by the back of his suit. "Ah! Hey! Cut it out Raph!" He groaned then looked at April "See you later Babe!" He yelled out to her. April only wrinkled her face in disgust at the Nickname and scoffed before continuing to gear up. As Casey was being dragged out, out of the corner of his eye he spotted a Pissed off Leonardo glaring daggers his way as Leo was also in the Room gearing up with everyone else.
Leo soon finished before hearing April sigh, causing him to look over at her then look back at his gear and clearing his throat nervously "..Just ignore him April. You know how Casey Can be sometimes" He grabbed his Swords and Lazer guns, equipping them to himself before walking over to her. She held her Helmet in her hands and nodded looking at him before looking at her Reflection in it "Yeah, I know. He's just so Annoying sometimes" She shook her head then put it on. Leo nodded "Yeah.. But that's Casey for you" He shrugged then left the Ship with her.
Her eyes widened "Woah... This place is gorgeous" She glanced around. Leo glanced around as well and nodded "Yeah.." Leo then glanced at her and smiled lightly before she glanced back at him with a confused look, wondering why he was staring at her. Leo blushed lightly and quickly looked away from her, tensing up. Fugitoid came over and stood by the Two of them "This is the Planet of Hanviea. A Beautiful Planet known for it's Crystal mining, Peaceful Population, Great Trade routes, and Beautiful waters and Gardens" His face lit up to show a happy smile "The Aarrealek People who inhabit this planet have Lived in Peace for Centuries and are known for their hospitality and Great Talent" He explained. April nodded "I bet"
Fugitoid nodded "Now shoo you two, go have your fun" He nudged them off.
~Timeskip because I'm lazyyyy~
Leo walked with April and had a Genuinely nice conversation with her. They stopped at a few booths from time to time to look at some of the items people were selling. Leo picked up a Really Pretty Crystal that looked like it had its own little waterfall within it "Wow.. Hey April, come look at-" He looked over to expect to see April standing by his side but he didn't see her. Panic shot through him as he set the Crystal down "April?" He called for her "April!" He called for her again but got no response. Leo quickly ran off from the booth to look for her. He search for at least an Hour before finally finding her in one of the Garden Area's "April! There you are! Why did you run off like that? I-I've been looking for you for ages!" He scolded. April was too fascinated by the flowers to pay attention to Leo's bickering.
"That's amazing.." Leo took the flower back from her and it changed back to the blue/green color again. April nodded then glanced at Leo, admiring his features and getting a bit lost. Leo looked at her and Smiled Smugly "April?"
"April are you even listening to me?" Leo asks and crouches down next to her, glancing at the flowers before glancing back at her. April snapped out of her little daze and looked at Leo "Huh? Oh y-yeah, totally" She shook her head and looked back at the Flowers. Leo sighed then looked at the flowers and his eyes widened slightly "Damn..." He picked a flower up and the flower went from a Glowing white color and changed to a Pretty Green/blue color. April looked at the flower in Leo's hand and gently took it from him and examined it. The flower then flickered again and changed to a pretty Yello/brown/brown color "Woah..."
April blinked "H-Hm?" She asked and looked at him. Leo motioned to the Flowers around them, they had all went from a pretty white to a Bright Red-ish pink color. April noticed them and blushed "Ah! What the hell!? Why are they doing that? I-Is Raph Nearby or something? H-He has to be.." She tried to play it off. Leo smiled and shook his head "Ooo~ ouch~ if he heard that you even associated him with anything related to the color pink he'd kill you" He teased. April blinked then rolled her eyes playfully and playfully hit Leo's shoulder "Oh quiet you~ if that's the case then he better not find out from a certain someone" She playfully warned. Leo raised an eyebrow "Oh yeah? And who might that certain someone be Miss O'Neill?" He asked.
"You're Smart, you'll figure it out" She held her head up high. Leo chuckled and shook his head before placing the flower back into in her hands "Hey.. April?" He asked. "Yeah Leo?" She looked at him
"There is something I've been meaning to tell you for Awhile now..." He leaned in close to her face. She nodded "okay?" She tilted her head. Leo gulped and seemed very nervous "I..." He sighed "...I... Like you... April, okay?... As like.. More than a Friend and before you say anything yeah I know it's dumb and so sudden and now is probably the worst time to tell you since we have more important things to focus on like saving Earth but it's just been driving me nuts and I needed to get this off my chest.. Not to mention I feel like a huge dick considering Donnie and Casey also Like you" He looked down "and I know you'd Probably Prefer someone like Casey over myself or Donnie but either way... I just thought I'd let you know so that I can at least sleep at night now" He scoffed. April's eyes widened and her Jaw Dropped as she fell silent
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Leo sighed "Sorry to Bother you..." He stood up and proceeded to walk off before being stopped when a hand grabbed his wrist, causing him to flinch and look at who grabbed him. April grinned mischievously "So I managed to Steal the Fearless Leaders Heart, eh?" She asked teasingly. Leo blushed lightly and rubbed his neck a bit "I guess.." He smiled lightly and glanced away from her. She smiled and squealed "Ahhh! I can't believe it!"
Leo was utterly confused and shocked by her reaction "I-.. Uhh-.. What? You aren't mad? O-Or disgusted?" He asked. She shook her head "Nope!"
Leo's eyes widened and he smiled but it soon faded "Wait... What about Donnie and Casey?" He asked. April shrugged and crossed her arms "I mean... Casey is well...-erm.. Casey. And Donnie is an Absolute Sweetheart but I don't really see him as anything more than like a Friend or Brother" She shrugged. Leo nodded "Oh..."
April returned the nod "Yeah.." She shook her head then Both her and Leo got a Buzz on their Arm gauntlets with a Voice message from fugitoid
"The ship is all fixed and Refueled! Please Report back to the Ship! Blee-bloop"
"well, I guess that's our cue" April shrugged and took Leo's hand and started walking back towards the ship "C'mon"
Leo followed her but was still in shock by what just happened, thinking this was some Dream. A God Damn wonderful dream for the Blue clad turtle. But either way for him whether it was or wasn't.. He was still one Damn happy turtle.
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obsessivestar · 5 years
Steamy Love (A Tom Hiddleston x Reader) Part 20: ~Together~
Summary: Now that you're sleeping in Tom's room, the guest room is open. Time to see a good friend, but not before Tom gets his fix.
Warnings: *Slight lemon thrown in at the beginning.
Read it on my Wattpad: @/HiddlesStar
Word count: 1'920
Tags: @theoneanna @midnightdragonzero @drakesfiance @kcd15 @ihthr @deviantsendbyreallife @bookgirlunicorn
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The first week of you and Tom publically being together was a rather amusing, yet positive one. Tumblr was still not over the public kiss, and your best friend certainly wasn't over the fact that you were in the same house as him, never mind sharing a bed.
"How long have you been sleeping in his room?" Your friend asked through your headphones, currently in a Discord call with them.
"Couple weeks now, really.." You smiled somewhat. "The other room is just kind of the guest room now.."
"Well, now I have a reason to visit for a week!" Your friend spoke in a happy tone. You'd really like for them to come down, actually. While you enjoyed the friends you were making here, you missed (BF/N).
"I can talk to Tom about it when he gets home, if you really want to come down." You gave a soft smile. Tom had gone out for Betrayal related business, so you were home alone.
"Does it feel weird referring to him?" Your friend asked curiously.
"Kind of, even after the last couple days.." You chuckled. "I don't even like using his last name. It feels to official and professional, like its a stage name.."
"It's his real last name, right?" They asked.
"Yes, of course it's his real last name. It's just, like...I call him Tom or Thomas or Big Dog, but if I use his full name, it's like I'm talking to a completely different person."
"It's like you're one of those female interviewers that just endlessly hit on him throughout the whole interview." Your friend joked, immedietly getting you to laugh.
"That's so accurate!" You laughed.
"Right?" Your friend laughed along with you.
After the long chat with your friend, Tom returned home with a couple pages of paper and some groceries he had decided to grab while he was out. You met him in the kitchen and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek before helping him put some stuff away.
"How was the meeting?" You asked him, seeing the little smile on his face.
"We've made quite a big decision, but I'm excited for it." Tom admitted, his smile growing. "We'll be performing at the Harold Pinter for a couple months."
"Ooh, starting when?" You asked, getting his help with some of the top shelf stuff in the cupboards.
"March." He replied. That was rather convenient. You and Tom are supposed to wrap up filming just before Feburary for this film, so that gives him a nice little break before going back to work. That'll also give you two a chance to spend some real, quality time together. It already sounded wonderful.
"The theatre is back at home.." Tom smiled. "Will be nice, being able to sleep in my own bed."
"Bet you miss your dog, eh?" You smiled, getting a soft smile returned from him.
"I do." Tom nodded. "He's a good boy."
It didn't really occur to you now what him going back home meant. While you've come together now, your real homes are in different countries. Different timezones. When the time comes for you both to return home, would the relationship really last?
"Speaking of missing, I was wondering if my friend could come down for a couple days next week?" You asked, sitting up on the counter once all of the groceries had been put away.
"That's...(BF/N), right?" Tom asked, leaning against the counter somewhat beside you.
"Yeah! It's just...I haven't seen them in a while. They're super chill. They're not gonna freak out when they see you." You smiled, making Tom chuckle slightly.
"I'm not against it. This is your home, as well as mine.." He replied, moving more to be in between your slight open legs. "Though, it may be hard to keep my hands off you while they're here.."
You smirked, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck. "That just sounds like something you'll have to deal with, big dog." You teased, getting a grin from Tom.
"Then you won't mind if I take you up against this very counter, right now?" He offered, your smirk turning into a rather surprised, and nervous gaze.
"Ah--" You chuckled nervously. "Th-That's s-so sudden."
"Mm. Maybe.." Tom hummed. "But if I won't get to ravish you for nearly a week, I should...feed my cravings while I still can.."
You liked the tone in his voice. He was rather friskier than you imagined.
*************Lemon lol****************
Next thing you knew, you were up against the kitchen counter, facing away from the much taller male with your trousers and your panties in between your legs, Tom's body pressed up against you from behind. His hips grinded up against yours with his length sliding in and out of you at the perfect pace, his low moans let out in your left ear. You never thought this position could be done well, but Tom definitely knew what he was doing. You could feel his pleasant heavy breathing on your neck, feeling him nip at your ear and cling onto your neck, his strong hands holding you up some.
In just a few moments, he finished deep inside you, a sudden loud moan escaping him as he tensed up against you. The warm feeling made you release a bit as well, a weak whimper leaving your lips. He carefully pulled out of you, somewhat relaxing against you. A little snicker escaped him. "F-Fuck, I can't get enough of you.." He panted, carefully helping him turn you so he could pull you into a deep kiss. You gave a warm little smile, cupping his cheeks and kissing him back. God, this relationship was both like a porn video and a genuine rom-com romance rolled in together.
************K ur good it's done************
You made sure to mention it to your friend the next day that they would be able to come visit, definitely not mentioning what had happened in the kitchen. In the next couple days, you helped them find the perfect driving route and entertained them as best as you could as they updated you on they're little road trip to you. Eventually, near the end of the weekend, your friend arrived at your front door. You greeted them with a big hug. You really missed them. You haven't seen them in months.
"Hey!" You smiled happily, pulling them into a big hug. "What's uuuuuuppp?"
"Heeeyyyyy!" Your friend chuckled, pulling back after a moment. "It's been too long, girl!"
You heard Tom come around the corner to see who had arrived, seeing you and your friend greet each other. When your friend pulled back from you, they noticed Tom, kind of taking a moment.
"Oh God, hi." They chuckled, placing a hand on their chest.
"You promised not to freak out." You pointed at your friend, giving them a disapproving, but playful look. That got a little chuckle from Tom.
"I'm not freaking out." Your friend gave a slight nervous smile. "You cannot get mad at me for needing a moment. Do you see who's in your living room?"
"Yes. My boyfriend." You chuckled, looking back at Tom. "My scruffy little man."
"He is getting a little scruffy, actually." Your friend pointed out, pointing at him with a friendly smile.
"Ah. Thank you for noticing." Tom smiled, stroking the facial hair that had begun to grown around his mouth and along his jaw. His hair was even starting to grow and curl up at the back of his head. It looked really nice.
Tom walked up to meet your friend as they got their shoes off, holding his hand out.
"Hello, I'm Tom.." He greeted them, though they already knew his name.
"I'm (BF/N)!" They chirped, politely shaking Tom's hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Tom smiled. "A good friend of (Y/N)'s is a good friend of mine.."
Your friend couldn't help but smile brightly. They were probably a bigger fan of Tom than you were, before you became close with him. I mean, you didn't even recognize him when you first met.
"Let me show you your room!" You spoke to your friend, helping them with their bags as you led them to the guest room. Once you were both inside, your friend closed the door
"Girl, you get to wake up to that?" Your friend spoke in a soft tone, wanting to stay quiet.
You chuckled. "I know. He's so hot.." You agreed. "I still can't believe it sometimes.."
"Holy shit.." Your friend fanned themselves comedically, making you laugh. "Is he growing all that hair out? For real?"
"He said he wanted to change up his style. I really like it." You nodded, helping your friend go through their luggage so they could take out anything they needed later without having to go digging for it.
One of your friend's favourite hobbies is photography. In fact, Another reason why they came down was to find some nice sight seeing areas. Maybe she'd even take some pictures of you. Or, better yet, of Tom.
"I really wonder how long it'll all grow." You spoke, still talking about his hair.
"He kinda likes to change it up every now and then, eh?" Your friend smiles, getting up to help you with their photography equipment. You gave a soft nod. "He's been getting a lot of compliments whenever he joins my streams. He really likes the chat."
"I watched a video that were, like, stream highlights of you two. Y'all are cute."
"We really are.." You nodded with a big smile. "He's great. I honestly feel like he makes me feel things that I've never really expected to feel in my whole life..."
In more ways than one.
"Oooh, think you're falling for him?" Your friend asked with a playful little push. You gave a soft, bashful laugh.
While you knew they were being playful, hearing the question aloud actually gave you a strange feeling in your stomach.
You haven't thought about it much, but you've been with Tom for nearly 2 months now. You spend plenty of time together on and off set, you make mad amounts of love nearly every day and you feel genuinely cared for. He's treated you like royalty lately, and you've truly never felt or seen this level of devotion and passion in a relationship before. Not Ever. Not until now.
"I'm..." You paused for a minute, giving a soft smile. "We haven't really gotten there yet, but...I really care about him."
Your friend returned the smile. "Well, y'all are cute. That's all that matters right now." Your friend replied, focusing all of the attention on their luggage for a little longer.
"Yo, (Y/N)?" Your friend suddenly spoke up again after a couple minutes.
"Yeah?" You looked at them, raising a brow.
"What the hell is 'Leg Day'?" They asked, looking rather confused.
Your cheeks immedietly got a little pink. You had remembered in the last live stream you did with Tom, he mentioned the infamous High-Rise 'Leg Day' inside joke you two had created in regards to the first love scene where Laing lifts Charlotte's legs up. He had referenced the joke while talking about how Zero Suit Samus fights in Smash Bros. Ultimate. He didn't explain it, though, keeping the inside joke as an inside joke.
"Umm.." You paused again. You really weren't sure how to explain it, or even if you should explain it. It was a bit...personal.
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I woke up at 4:30 and can't sleep Idk if I should post this or not but people might get the wrong context and idea you know..but since I'm already awake and for sure nobody's reading this let's just post it anyway and regret again later, I can't get confuse I told you from the last post but I told my friends about something and they were like "brah why you settle for less? Why you allow this? Why you want that?" TbH Idk..I have no solid answers Idk why I let him, actually idk why him in the 1st place, you know actually we all know that the love is there but why is it not enough? I'm at a point in my life where I just wanna be happy but my mind won't stop stressing about it, idk I'm not stress or I don't wanna be but still everytime/everyday I'm expecting maybe (a lil bit) I know he told me not to expect anything, but I'm overwhelmed with everything that is happening now I think im OA already,but look at our conversation on FB:
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I told him that the delivery guy earlier is cute and handsome then he said "you shuda grab the name and add him on FB maybe he's your the one" like bbooiii if you're jealous you could've just admitted you're jealous why say things like that..makes it complicated for everyone now no one knows if you're legit jealous or what.. then after this:
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I said " sorry I got excited, why you suddenly giving me away?" He said "why say sorry you're not mine in the 1st place" why do you have to say that? Like boiii stfu seriously you wanted to make this a big deal? Have I done anything wrong to you besides this? Do I deserve an "in you face " kind of statement..like I know I'm not yours.. and I dint say I am.. also I know that I'm such a loser for all this but still I'm choosing to be this all over again, I'm ranting here because I'm trying not to send him a message and fight with him, this is my only platform to release because I've learned my lesson the moment I've messaged him, he wouldn't understand and all he's gonna say to me is "that's not what I meant" then I'll be more pissed because now its gonna be my fault again, that I don't understand that's not what he meant when clearly he "in your face" me, then we'll fight, then he's not gonna message me, then I am left wondering what I did again. He's always saying people get the wrong message everytime he's trying to say something/ miscommunication and I know like 100% of the time we're always doing that so by all means I shud know that it's not what he meant. He dint intend to hurt me, he's probably just stating facts, but I hate the fact.
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Then he told me he's getting soar throat so I ended up worried again asking him to drink medicine and take good care of himself, I always end up being caring and concern about his welfare but he doesn't probably care, idk after all the efforts eh idk this Guy is so confusing, hes always saying things he dint mean like boiii don't say it if you don't mean it.. like seriously now I'm questioning the fact that you've told me you love me.. is it not what you meant too? Idk.. don't judge him okay, he's really a good guy it's just sometimes I'm losing shit and I can't handle him. I'm so normal and understanding that I had to adjust since I always understand, sometimes I'm even questioning if I even deserve this? Maybe not. But idk anymore..he's so honest and frank about things you shouldn't be frank about and keeps the good words to himself..like booiii choose your words..maybe it's just me.. I'm too sensitive for that.. sometimes hes always reminding me to not take things negative because for those who doesn't know I'm a negastar all I think is negative.. I can't control at some point I'll think of negativity, sadness, I'll be down so sudden, I'll be ranting randomly, you know drama. But after a while will regret, that's why I don't wanna message him cause I know I'll regret it in the end, I said so many hurtful words towards him last 2018 and I regret it, he doesnt even deserve to be treated that way that's why 2019 I said okay enough of fighting him, nagging him, forcing him to do things on my way will let him take over and he did take over 2020 it's just that you know at some point you can't resist to not rant and be pissed also if your trying to control yourself... like seriously the equation is easy why do you have to go hard? You know like you're seeing the word on word search but can't tell him that because its him taking over so let him be. I'm really sleepy right now by the way it's already 5:30 am I think I'll stop ranting and go back to sleep lol my eyes are kind of giving up already lol okay nough said goodnight :)
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Ali & Tess
Ali: Ro just left Ali: She said she was going Home so keep a watchful eye out please Tess: What about you? Ali: I've got obs every hour, I'm good Ali: Reckon we'll be fit for discharge tomorrow morning Tess: I don't like you being there on your own all night Ali: I'm fine, there's a wardful, party central like Ali: You gotta look after the others Ali: Might need to commandeer the big room until Singapore Ali: I'll think of a way to make bunking in with Tom worthwhile for Rock and him Tess: You know what I mean, kiddo Tess: The others are fine and your da's sorting out the rooms as we speak Tess: No worries Ali: Good Ali: Good stuff Ali: I'm sorry Mum Tess: I know you are Tess: He's the one that needs to be. More than you Ali: Wasn't exactly part of his master plan, I'm sure Ali: we know its all on me, you were right before Ali: I was being selfish and chicken shit and not only did it mess up Ro like you said Ali: but it really fucked me over too Ali: Boo hoo Tess: He doesn't have one, it's half his trouble Tess: I didn't wanna be right Tess: Rarely do in truth Tess: I've got Ro, you watch out for yourself and the little bab Tess: We can switch whenever Ali: I don't know about that, clearly I've fucked something up royally for him Ali: I should've known better, been better Ali: It wasn't meant to happen Ali: what kind of life is she going to have Ali: and the others too Tess: He did that himself. You didn't get pregnant on your own Tess: You did know better that's why you made him put something on the end of it Tess: And you will be better too, 'cause that girl needs you to be Tess: She's got a family that loves her, she could do worse Tess: They all could Ali: We used protection Ali: why has this happened, mum? its not fucking fair Ali: yeah but she has someone who resents her existence too and i can't stop it Ali: and what if rio and junie lose caleb and all that family for good Ali: because of me and this stupid mistake Tess: I know, baby but life ain't never been fair to none of us. All we can do is try and balance up it up so the shitty end of the stick isn't the heaviest Tess: You can do that Tess: As for the others, say what you want about Caleb, and I have, but he loves the bones of them kids Tess: He won't leave them even if he leaves you Ali: Yeah Ali: You're right Ali: Again Ali: Take it whilst you can 'cos I won't be saying it once I'm out this hormonal state Tess: I've got a while yet then Tess: But yeah Ali: I just feel like the worst person in the world Ali: not only for what I did and what I didn't say Ali: but because, as much as I love her with everything I have Ali: I still can't help but regret her...being her, being his Ali: Don't tell anyone but I thought you might understand because of Ronnie Tess: You ain't though, you're not even the first person to make this mistake Tess: I won't tell anyone because I do understand Tess: Love can be enough, more than, but when it isn't, fucking hell Tess: Not a regret I wanted for you. Or me. Like Ali: I know but Ali: it feels wrong to even call it a mistake, like I'm putting that on her when Drew's already throwing enough negative energy her way Ali: I don't want her to feel it, any of it, ever Ali: but it WAS a mistake...and IS, I can't change it Ali: even with love Ali: how am I ever going to sit there and act like she was planned and wanted and that I loved Drew when I didn't Ali: at least you loved Ronnie's Dad Tess: I was a kid Tess: I didn't know what love was Tess: Not until her Tess: Don't lie to her. You don't need to be as blunt as that about it 'course but don't give him credit he isn't due, she won't thank you for it Tess: You can't change things for yourself but you can change how it'll be for her, make plans about and for her Tess: Tell her you love her and she's wanted, 'cause when you look back on this later, whatever happens, as long as you keep her you won't wanna change it for the world, none of the good memories Tess: Give her them Ali: But I'm just a kid too Ali: and I really love him, Mum Ali: I know Ali: its going to be so hard Tess: I know, and I'm not trying to make you grow up faster than you already are but it was different for me Tess: I didn't use protection 'cause nobody told me about it Tess: I wanted a family 'cause I didn't have one, no love, not proper like Tess: I had my head in the clouds and up my own arse Tess: You have so much more about you, Ali Tess: Not only the IQ Tess: And he's different too, whatever brush I tried to tar him with, he ain't Ronnie's da Tess: It'll be hard and you'll do it anyway, both of you, whatever happens Ali: That makes sense Ali: It wasn't all your fault either Ali: you know that, right? Ali: Thanks Ali: Got to, I know that, of course Ali: I just feel like all I've been doing is apologising and rightly so but I'm dying here too Tess: Yeah it was Tess: I wasn't young enough to pull that shit of not owning none of it Tess: There's a lot of shit I could've done different, should've too Tess: Let yourself feel it. You're not gonna get nothing else done 'til you do and when Caleb shows his face, which he will, you need to be ready for it Ali: Yeah but not all of it Ali: You gave me the talk, like, can't put you on my shit list like your Dad Ali: I don't know how I'm going to tell him Ali: but I did manage to tell Ro so, I know I can Ali: but fuck Tess: Yeah and you heard me, that time, you used protection Tess: That'd be the least of what my da is on my shit list for but whatever Tess: It'll just happen, same as this Tess: You can handle it and he'll have to Ali: Well no but if we're keeping score..lol Ali: He shouldn't have to though Ali: She shouldn't have Ali: ugh its so fucked Tess: None of you should have to but you are Tess: If I could take it on instead I would Ali: Gotta get my big girl pants on Ali: not that I wanna have any material touching down there yet Ali: gonna nick a few of these fashionable backless numbers Tess: Take what you can get, my love Tess: How'd the little 'un find it, not too stressy, yeah? Ali: Yeah, she's sound, hilariously Ali: No drama of that variety, unlike the last time Tess: Have a few more and they'll be falling out Ali: Probably not, eh? Ali: Shame Ali: Fancied breaking your record Tess: Don't even joke Tess: I've only got so many hands, ta Tess: And a doting nan rep to keep up Ali: I'm not Ali: that's the real tragedy, never mind you stocking up on bribe sweeties Tess: There's still a load of time Tess: You're not 20 yet Ali: Not if I'm about to be dumped Ali: I don't want them with anyone else like Tess: You don't know what'll happen Tess: Look at me, didn't expect to meet your da and have you lot Tess: And you can't speak for Caleb 'til he's had a word himself Ali: Yeah but Ali: c'mon Ma Ali: think we both know what's gonna happen Ali: Can hardly blame him either Tess: We've both been wrong before Ali: Never! Tess: Whatever you say Tess: Ain't gonna kneecap you rn Ali: Much obliged Ali: but seriously Ali: I'll leave you to toddler wrangling Rio now Ali: hahahaha Tess: Your son's the one Tess: He misses ya Tess: Fussy bugger Ali: Bless him Ali: Be Home soon Ali: swear I'm not milking being waited on hand n foot like Tess: If you didn't you wouldn't have a home to come back to Tess: Casually disowned for being a tit Ali: Ha Ali: Odlly not in the mood, got things to do Ali: You can tell the others as much as you see fit Ali: I'll fill 'em all in when I see them Tess: Fair enough Tess: See you tomorrow like Tess: Look after yourself you pair Ali: Will do Ali: not gonna ditch your precious grandbaby and dash like Ali: TTFN
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