#& for harley keener to be put in his place
thena0315 · 24 days
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Revised Iron Man 3 AU
Going back to my other AU idea I came up with having Tony, Pepper, Hammer, Killian and Christine in a movie together, then learned that Stane had a son in the comics, and then I came up with my Harley AU; and decided why not put them all together.
Plot Summary below ↓
3 months after the events of Iron Man 2, Zeke Stane, the son of Obadiah Stane, breaks Justin Hammer out of prison after watching him for a while to have him work for him for his plan to take down Tony Stark & Pepper Potts, to take revenge for his father's death. That includes doing a deep dive into everyone they've interacted with in the past. That leads to a meeting with A.I.M.'s founder & CEO, Aldrich Killian, who as of lately has appeared more in the news for the company becoming a rise scientific research thanks to Maya Hansen's work and technology advancement that has landed them multiple military contracts with the US government. Also helps there's a contact with a certain blonde haired reporter from Vanity Fair willing to do articles for his company in exchange for a steamy night (and listen to her complain off the record of the increasing success Pepper Potts has done for Stark Industries and her status of being Iron Man's girlfriend). Still feeling bitter about how Tony treated him when they first met and in a relationship with his longtime crush, Killian joins forces with Stane's team on the condition to help assist with Extremis to help stabilize it for a bigger plan. With all the failed experiments in several parts of the country happening in the next two years, the group created the "Mandarin" and made the world think the Ten Rings were behind the attacks. Stane developing weapons for several terrorist to make things look more convincing. Few of these attacks includes Stark Industries related buildings.
One of the attacks takes place in a diner in Rose Hill, Tennessee, killing everyone in the building except for a young boy named, Harley Keener. Who claims that a man turned into flames and exploded.
Meanwhile, after the Battle of New York and the creation of Stark Tower now being turned into the Avengers Towers, Stark Industries has developed more innovated ways for clean power that they've become the the #1 company for clean energy in the world. Tony however has been dealing with PTSD from the Battle of New York and worries for the future where those aliens will return based on the size of that space ship he saw. He builds the Iron Legion to ease out his stress to cover all the bases for an all out attack. Building suits can only do so much, luckily for him, Pepper is there to help him deal with his PTSD that's more effective and helps with his mental health than building suits. Slowly helping him get over it.
Approaching the holiday season, the group begins their biggest attack yet. Taking down Tony Stark once and for all. Starting with taking down those close to him. And to eventually, take down the President of the United States of America in front of the whole world.
How This Story Ends:
Who Dies: Maya, Killian
Who Goes to Prison: Stane, Trevor, Vice President
Manages to Escape: Hammer
Christine leaves Vanity Fair to hide connections to Killian upon learning she's pregnant with his child and applies to WHiH Newsfront
Happy wakes up from his coma
Tony cures Pepper of Extremis
Harley is taken in by Tony to be his ward and moves to the Stark Mansion in Malibu
Tony finally has the operation to remove the shrapnel from his chest
Tony, Pepper and Harley lives together as a family
Mid Credit Scene:
Escapes from Prison: Stane (via HYDRA) & Trevor (via Ten Rings)
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themculibrary · 6 months
BAMF! Peter Parker Masterlist
a terribly real thing (ao3) - idyllic_dae T, 6k
Summary: What even happened? As he searches his memories, he discovers that there’s nothing there that relates to his current predicament. The last thing he can recall is coming home from school on a Wednesday. After that… Nothing. No reasons as to why he fell asleep in a puddle, which is disconcerting.
He exhales shakily, then tries to think about this logically. What does somebody do when they find themselves inexplicably in the middle of the forest?
Blood and Bone (ao3) - deadvinesandfanfics pepper/tony M, 40k
Summary: Peter… wasn’t exactly sure how he’d gotten here.
The room was dark, and silent, except for the repetitive thump-thump of a heartbeat from somewhere beside him. It sounded like Mr Stark’s arc reactor, with a soft tick accompanying every second beat: that, and the smell of motor oil and fancy cologne.
His head throbs, and his muscles ache. He feels like he’s just lost a fight with a brick wall, or several. There’s crusted blood on his upper lip as well as his temple. He can feel it matted in his hair, and he wants nothing more than to take a shower right now.
Looking around a little more, Peter realises that he doesn’t even know where they are. The room is nearly pitch black which makes it impossible to make anything out. He thinks he’s tied to some sort of cheap plastic chair; his hands are bound behind his back with a mess of rope and some thin metal handcuffs - so he assumes his identity is safe. No way whoever this was would leave him in just metal handcuffs if they knew he had his powers.
Then, a huff of noise off to his side.
“Mr Stark,” he blurts, panicked. “I think we might’ve been kidnapped.”
Desperate Measures (ao3) - blondsak, seekrest mj/peter T, 13k
Summary: Waking up in the medbay, groggy and weak but otherwise okay, Tony instantly realizes two things.
First, that he should almost certainly be dead—yet he isn’t.
And second, that Peter isn’t here—even though Tony knows there is nothing in the world that could have stopped him, not when Michelle had been hurt too.
At least, nothing short of his own death… or something far too close for comfort to it.
With growing dread Tony lifts his head to stare at Michelle who stares right back, her expression as grave as he’s ever seen it.
“What did he do?”
Fifty-Two Hours (ao3) - Eccentric_Grace T, 5k
Summary: "What did you do?" Tony asked blankly, staring at Ross with something incomprehensible, unholy, monstrous under his skin. "What the hell did you do to him?"
He looked over the kid again, feeling bile in his throat. Peter's knuckles were scraped and bruised and bloody red– he put up a fight, there wasn't a doubt about it.
'Please keep fighting,' he thought. 'C'mon, kiddo. We'll make it out of here. I'll fix it.'
or: tony and peter get kidnapped. tony tries his best to keep calm.
Five Times Tony Tries To Protect Peter (ao3) - Anonymous T, 12k
Summary: “I’m literally a superhero!”
Plus one time where Peter saves them all.
he gives his heart to strangers (ao3) - TheRoomWhereItHappened347 G, 10k
Summary: Peter loved New York, he really did, but there were many days when he doubted saving its citizens were worth it.
People needed saving but their pride stopped them from thanking him, or JJJ's scathing reports placed perceptions in their heads that weren't true. Thankfully, there were days when some people made all his suffering worth it.
Alternatively: 5 times Peter Parker saves New Yorkers and 1 time they save him.
it's always who is spider-man, never how is spider-man (ao3) - i_regret_thatpersonalityquiz harley/peter, wanda/vision, pepper/tony T, 176k
Summary: "Stay?"
Peter finally looked down to see Harley Fucking Keener, Iron Lad, the boy who had caused his shoulder to be throbbing in pain all night, looking away with a slight tint to his cheeks. Peter opened and closed his mouth, no sound coming out.
And he sat back down.
OR: Peter had been living on the streets, dealing with your average homeless vigilante stuff. Things got a bit more complicated when the Avengers started to chase him down.
i wake up to the cold reality (and not a thing has changed) (ao3) - im_your_mom_now T, 49k
Summary: Tony paused mid-sentence, eyes darting to the crowd. Everyone's heads were turning left and right with confusion, wondering who the hell would boo Iron Man. He continued, "To international concerns over unsanctioned actions and consequences by—"
"This guy sucks!"
"—enhanced individuals and members of the Avengers to create a system of accounta—"
"Show us your tits!"
"Okay, who the hell—" Tony gave up and lifted a hand above his eyes, blocking the light to see the crowd better. His eyes scanned each person's face, trying to locate the shit that kept interrupting his speech, and followed everyone's gazes to the ceiling. He froze as his eyes fell on a red and blue clad vigilante sitting in the beams.
Spider-Man looped his legs around the beam he was on and swung to hang upside down. Cupping his gloved hands around his mouth, he shouted, "Tell a joke!"
OR: The Accords dehumanize and discriminate against enhanced individuals. Spider-Man isn’t very happy about this. (Spider-Man happens to also be a foster kid who is in dire need of a mentor.)
let's see how far you've come (ao3) - Stackthedeck T, 6k
Summary: “Do I look like a kid to you?” Peter interrupts.
Tony scans over Peter’s eyebags and stress gray hairs and the work bag he still hasn’t shrugged off because he has to be somewhere in an hour. He flinches at the scars on his face, the bruise on his cheek instead, his gaze lingers on his hands, strong and calloused, with grime under the nails.
“No,” Tony says, “no, you don’t.”
“I’ve been doing this a long time,” Peter says, “longer than you, longer than the Avengers, long enough to stop counting the years.”
(The Veteran hero Peter Parker Civil War rewrite no one asked for!)
lies do not become us (ao3) - graye T, 13k
Summary: Following the trip to Europe Peter is having nightmares. Which is normal, except they're different. Instead of abstract versions of what happened things are suddenly lucid; he's been essentially re-living past traumas for months, and the dreams don't even touch on what happened in Europe. It isn't until Beck finally makes an appearance in one of these nightmares that Peter realizes maybe there's more unfinished business than he thought.
His breaths quickened, it was getting harder for air to get in. In and out. Breaths by the sixes—
Wet hands. He had fallen in a puddle. He looked into the water and his reflection was changed. He was Spider-man now. The original one, the one Tony made fun of. Underoos. It was covered in blood. Torn and battered. The blood wasn’t his.
No. No no no no no—
Thick green smoke rose from the ground. It masked everything and he could only see a few feet in front of him. The sky was gone. Only the graves and him were left. Alone. He whipped his head around. Left and right. Nothing. His breathing turned ragged. There was nothing behind him either. He turned his head back and—
He was there.
Peter Parker's Home for the Wayward Villain (ao3) - BeanieBaby peter/wade, steve/bucky, pepper/tony T, 90k
Summary: A really long redemption story.
The Imposter (ao3) - multiworlds111 tony/pepper N/R, 5k
Summary: Tony and Pepper had traveled into the city for a few emergency meetings, but they promised they’d be back for dinner and left Happy in charge. Peter can’t find him, though, and he was just sitting on the porch and frowning a few moments before. As the tingle grows stronger, Peter feels adrenaline flood his system, along with a fair amount of fear. There is something foreboding about the soft sway of the branches in the breeze.
OR: Peter and Morgan are playing in the front yard when something triggers Peter's Spidey sense.
The Devouring Storm (ao3) - blondsak, mysterycyclone mj/peter, ned/flash T, 98k
Summary: The city is unusually quiet tonight. Oh, sure, he’s had his usual crimes: muggings, drug deals, a few break ins. Nothing special. Nothing that could possibly explain the thread of tension winding through him, slowly tightening like a noose. Ever since last night, his spidey senses have set off at a low, maddening hum, distracting him, needling him, filling him with a restless energy that’s robbed him of restful sleep. He’s used to dealing with his super powered anxiety, but this feels different somehow. More ominous. And what’s weirder is that other people seem to be a little more wary, a little more on edge than usual, too. Cops, firefighters, even one of the guys Peter caught snatching a purse commented on it from his web cocoon on a street light.
“You feel that, Spidey? The city’s all weird tonight. Feels like the whole place is holding its breath, waiting on something.”
the most chaotic of kidnappings (ao3) - OnlyForward G, 5k
Summary: a group of kidnappers decide to kidnap peter parker stark, the heir to stark industries, because he’s only a child and can't do them any harm. they are, naturally, extremely wrong.
feat. nicknames, badass peter and a healthy dose of scaring the hell out of everyone who cares about him.
tldr: don’t kidnap peter parker stark. this is why.
those bambi eyes (ao3) - WhyShouldEye T, 12k
Summary: The struggle was real when it came to keeping a secret identity. Especially when the identity was kept from a group of superheroes made up of a retired agent, a retired assassin, a retired super-assassin, a super soldier, a couple military men, some geniuses and a literal god.
Peter thought he would be able to keep his name and face away from the spotlight until he was at least old enough to drink. He hoped that his Parker Luck would hold out until his twenty-first birthday, maybe even past that. But a villain crawling out of the woodwork and a couple of life-threatening injuries were quick to change his plans.
Hopefully, he could just flash those Bambi eyes and get it over with.
Under the Impression (ao3) - Assayist T, 26k
Summary: Fourteen years old looks a lot different in person than it does on paper.
When he actually meets the kid behind the Spider-Man mask, Tony Stark starts to doubt. Can he really drag a kid into the dangerous world of professional superheroes? Even if it might be their only chance to save Captain America & Co.?
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xesarchives · 2 years
girl advice - Harley keener x fem!reader
sweetestdolan asked: Hi I love your writing! I was wondering if you could do a Harley keener (the boy from iron man 3) x reader where their teens/college age and readers a new scientist working for stark and banner as an intern and Harley is super into her but is too shy and asks like tony as a father figure for advice? Or something like that
Posted June 25th, 2021
Word Count: 857
“Tony, where’d you put my-” I stopped once she walked into the office handing Tony his third coffee today. “Here you go, Mr. Stark, uh is there anything I could do around the lab maybe? Help you or Dr. Banner with your project maybe?” She stuffed her hands into her back pockets. I smiled slightly at her attempts to get Stark to let her handle the big guns. I mean don’t get me wrong she absolutely could, I’ve seen her work, but Tony is harder to convince. I tried to keep my eyes on my small section of the lab. “Uh yeah Harley could use some help with his robot-” “it’s not a robot it’s- wait what?” I stopped when I realized he was trying to get Y/n to help me. I’m a mess whenever she looks in my direction. How the hell would I be able to work with her help? 
“You needed help didn’t you?” Bruce asked as he played with some settings on his tablet. “It’s ok! If he doesn’t need my help I don’t want to get in Harley’s way” Y/n smiled at the three of us before walking out of the office with a little less pep in her step. I hated the idea that I was the one who made her a little less happy. 
“Oh sorry, Mr. Dr? Is it Dr or Mr. Keener?” Y/n asked after accidentally bumping into me while I was fixing myself a cup of coffee. “Oh uh it’s- it’s just uh Harley” great now she thinks you’re nervous. Maybe it’s because you are nervous. I need to stop talking to myself. “Oh, well, I’m sorry for bumping into you, Harley '' A smile was placed on her lips and I swear to god every time she said my name it felt like angels were singing. Dear god, I am in it bad for this girl. 
“Tony! Banner, I need your guys’ help with something” As much as I hated the idea of giving Tony the satisfaction of coming to help for girl advice I have no other choice. “Oh is this about the kid? It’s about time you asked me for help you’ve only been drooling over her for the past two weeks,” Tony didn’t even look up from his gadgets when he spoke. Bruce gave me a supportive smile as a way of telling me to continue. “Every time she looks at me I feel like I can’t breathe, I can barely talk to her, I just need advice on how to gain the confidence to ask her out and I figured with you being Tony Stark and all maybe you could give me some of that?” I rubbed my hands together as if it would get rid of the nerves. Tony finally looked at him with a small smile. “Listen, kid, you’ve come a long way, I’m shocked the only thing that can get you blushing and mumbling is a girl, but if it helps she asked me and Banner if you were single a few days after she began working here, and then after that, she always asked small questions about you” I gave him a nod to elaborate on that last bit. “Is he more of chocolate or vanilla kinda guy?” Bruce mimicked in a slightly higher voice than usual. “Does his hair naturally curl like that in the front or is it just the way he styles it?” Tony copied the tone Bruce had just used. “Do you know what shampoo he uses-” “Alright, Alright, I get it,” I cut them off with a short laugh. “Thank you guys, do either of you know where she is?” “Yeah, she should be in the kitchen getting something for her school project.” I thanked Bruce for telling me where Y/n was and headed out the door as fast as I could. This courage boost will only last so long I can’t risk a second. “Hey! Y/n!” The minute she turned to me all the confidence left my body. I kept repeating Tony’s words in my head and the sight of her smile helped slightly as if she was excited to see me. “Hey Harley-” “Are you free Friday night?” She laughed a little “ oh uh sorry I didn’t mean to cut you off” I looked at the wall behind her trying to avoid her gaze burning a hole in my face. “Yeah, I’m free, why?” I took a deep breath and smiled at the pretty girl. “Can I take you out? Like on a date?” “yeah, I’d love that actually.”
“So! Now that both of the lovebirds are in! How was the date last night?” Tony asked the minute Y/n walked into the lab.``How did you-” “F.R.I.D.A.Y. told me” Tony had this smug look on his face. “You know what? It was great!” Y/n smiled at me as she spoke, walking out the door after she finished. I could hear Bruce humming ‘Harley and y/n sittin in a tree" as Tony turned to me “I’m proud of you, kid,”
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
Marvel x monster high!
inspired by @multiverse-of-yn
word count:-1127
tw:- nothing that i can think of(maybe just that its not edited... :' 3)
pairing:-harley,peter,morgan x platonic!teen afab reader
with a cameo by clawdeen,draculaura and frankie stein
(will this become a series? who knows?)
clarification:- reader is from our world but can travel between universes to whichever she wants.also its like she's visited different fictional universes and is friends with a of of fictional characters!
ps. this is an old piece
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It was a standard morning at the avengers compound and peter parker was in his assigned room,scrolling away on  tumblr.
When suddenly,a bright pink,purple and blue portal opened up in his doorway.
Peter merely looked up and went back to scrolling and out of the portal came a (y/h/c) haired girl.
She stepped into peter’s room and closed the portal behind her.afterward she walked on over to peter’s bed,plopped down next to him and leaned on his shoulder.
“sup webs!” she said while watching him scroll.
“um nothing much y/n/n.just goun through the ‘ol hellsite,”he put his phone down and turned towards her, “what about you?how’s everything over on Earth-1218?”
“um still pretty non-super.basic as ever.”she said while yawning.
“so what brings you over?”peter asked.
“was bored,thought id visit my favourite web slinger!”she said over-enthusiasticaly.
At this peter got up off the bed and took her with him.
“well then lets go meet the guys!”the familiar spark in his eyes had returned and Y/n knew his social battery was finally at 100%
They walked out of his room and over to the common room where everyone was seated doing their regular stuff.
As soon as the duo walked in,the heroes visibly brightened.
“Hey kid! What brings you over to this side of the border?”asked tony from the kitchen island where he was making what Y/n could only guess was his Nth  mug of coffee for the day.
“nothing much tony,just thought id visit you guys.” She said with a smile.
“its good to see you y/n/n .” Said bucky barnes as he enveloped the teenager in a bear hug.
“Buckyyy,” she squealed out as her older-brother-figure gave her a head pat. “whoa! You got a hair cut?!” she said outloud.
“yeah,how’d I look?”he asked as turned around.
“you look so different.” She said, “but- its a good different! You look way younger”she concluded.
“thanks kid!”He said,clearly happy with her response.
Next, she made her way over to the couch where peter had seated himself down.
“TV?”she asked and he nodded.
She picked up the remote to turn the tv on when all of a sudden she heard a sarcastic little voice and launched herself out of the couch and tackled the owner of said voice.
Harley Keener had no idea what hit him and when he looked down at the cause for his fall,to see his interdemential-travelling friend. “well hey there.” He said
“HIIIII!,” she practically screamed back.She hadn’t seen Harley since 2019.
He never seemed to be around when she happened to visit.
And a second after their little exchange Y/n heard a little giggle and looked up to see tony’s daughter,Morgan Stark standing a few centimeters away from where Harley had been standing just a moment ago.
She immediately got up and scooped up the little stark and gave her a kiss on the cheek and she started laughing even more.
“how’ve  you been, bean?”Y/n said through her own laughter.
“Im oka-he-he”she said through little laughs.
Next she brought her over to the couch and Harley joined her.
Tony watched this whole ordeal and smiled his signature proud-dad smile.
“okay, shall we actually watch some TV now?”peter asked exasperatedly.
“yeah lets!”replied morgan.
At this the older avengers filed out of the room waving good bye as they went,it was going to get really loud really fast now that all four of Tony’s kids,both adopted and biological,were in one place.
The quartet just waved and didn’t think anything of it.The knew they were a little loud and they didn’t mind their older friends leaving.
This way they had more room to fool around and just have fun without having to worry about bothering anyone else!
Harley saw that both the web-slinger and his world-hopping buddy were busy and snatched up the remote from peter’s hand.
“HEY!” exclaimed both Y/n and peter in perfect unison.
To which he casually retorted,“well you guys weren’t gonna turn it on anytime soon.”
They mumbled out their protests but didn’t do anything to get the remote back.
Harley pressed the big red button and turned on the TV to a familiar and nostalgic little jingle.
Both peter and y/n’s eyes widened to the size of  saucers and they had huge grins on their faces.
Harley immediately face-palmed. He recognized it too.
The duo belted out the lyrics to the monster high fright song and morgan just stared at them in wonder while Harley covered his ears.
After the anthem ended,the duo went on a rant about the series from their childhood while commenting on the new wave of dolls and how absolutely sacrilegious  they were,and how maybe the new creeproductions could make up for it.
They even roped morgan into it and while the three of them were occupied,Harley changed the channel and started watching battle bots.
And five minutes later Y/n gasped out loud and everything went silent,apart from the robot match on the television.
“what??”asked peter in a small voice.
“I HAVE A GENIUS IDEA!”exclaimed Y/n.
Next she leaned in and told peter and morgan her idea.
“OKAY!!”came their reply and Harley knew they’d definitely rope him into it.
Next the three of them got up and dragged Harley along with them
“where are we goin?”asked already Harley knowing that he wasn’t going to like it.
“We,my little friend,”started Y/n, “are goin on over to monster high!”
“Wait what?!”said Harley, “how??”
To which Y/n wacked him on the head, “my little trick you wackus bonkus!” she said.
“that’s not the joke-, okay fine but wont they  be, oh I dunno weirded out by the sudden appearance of a  few normies’”he asked.
“well I already know them and-  wait how do you know we’d be considered normies??” she asked
“I…I watched a few episodes okay!” he admitted.
“I knew you were a man of culture,keener!” said peter,posin dramatically with his hands on his hips.
“okay whatever,lets get goin,or do you guys wanna stay and chat?”he asked,a smug look on his face.
“right!”said Y/n
“buckle in boys and girl,we’re goin to the most skull-tastic highschool ever!” and with that she opened another portal right in the common room.
They all stepped through and the next thing they knew,they were in a crowded hallway filled with different students from the student body of the most iconic monster school.
“Oh my fangs! Y/n is that you??”they heard a little voice and when they turned around,Y/n,peter,Harley and morgan were met with the iconic, trio of Clawdeen wolf,Draculaura and Frankie stein.
“No way…..” said peter in disbelief.
“yes way!” said Y/n.
“guys meet my ghoulfriends clawdeen,ula d and Frankie!”she added “and ghouls,meet Harley,peter and morgan!”
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dividers by @justlgbtthings
Please don’t repost my work here or on any other platforms, but tagging and reblogging is most welcome??
id love to hear your thoughts if u have any!
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rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Tagged by @goldheartedchaoticdisaster thank you, lovely!!
Unbearably Adorable - MCU Stevetony
“Steve, are you sure you don’t want me to remove him?” Natasha asks, looking doubtfully down at his legs.
Illicit Affairs - MCU Stevetony
This thing, Tony thinks wearily as he puts on a pair of running shoes that he’s just going to take off in another twenty minutes, this thing was never supposed to go like this.
Never Grow Up - MCU Samsharon
A week before school lets out for the summer, Sarah gets called away from her job to have a meeting with the principal at AOS High.
Fifteen - MCU Amerikate
“Michelle Jones started going out with Peter Parker and Harley Keener over winter break,” America announces, falling into step beside Kate.
Starry Eyes Sparking Up My Darkest Night - Geraskier
“Did you hear about Mousesack?” Eskel asks, falling into step alongside Geralt.
Sharp Enough to Kill a Man - DCEU Genfic
“You remind me of someone I know,” Alfred tells him.
Invisible - MCU Peterharleymj
If anyone asks MJ, she would tell them that she doesn’t have a heart.
Invisible String - MCU Stevetony
Ana is the person who notices it first, and she’s the person who alerts the Starks and then calls the doctors when Mrs. Stark faints and Mr. Stark storms off in a rage, raving about deficiencies, and she’s the only person around when the Stark’s personal doctor arrives thirty minutes later, which means she’s the only person to hear the doctor confirm what she already knows.
This is Our Place (We Make the Rules) - MCU Stevetony
Tony has been dancing for close to an hour when his feet start hurting him badly enough to drive him off the club dancefloor.
Epiphany - MCU Winterironfalcon
“Transferred,” Sam states flatly, only to realize how he sounds.
Tagging @justsomeoneunordinary @omg-just-peachy @crownofstardustandbone @furthermadness @earliebirb @areiton
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Same Wavelength 
Peter Parker Bingo 2023 | 🕠 @pparkerbingo | FREE
2023 masterlist :: (ao3 link)
A/N: I think it is important to mention that I have never actually played Wavelength but have watched lengthy videos on the game and do understand how the game works, if you don’t here is a helpful video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/leGB7JU13DY. I also thought that I had a game nights fill for Tony Stark Bingo but turns out it was for All Caps Bingo and so I used my Peter Parker free instead :)
RATING: General WARNING: Boardgame fights/disagreements
Peter and Harley like to host monthly game nights to fuel the competitive spirits between the couple, they also create many special moments on these nights.  | peter parker/harley keener
ptpkb 🕠 2023
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Peter Parker and Harley Kenner regularly hosted monthly game nights at their apartment, open to any of their friends or family who wished to come, sometimes it was only the two of them and other times there were 20 people wedging themselves into the apartment. While they invited their friends to bring games, Peter and Harley's board game collection was extensive courtesy of Stark Industries Christmas parties and birthdays. 
Within The Avengers sometimes game nights could be seen as unfair, with Natasha’s spy abilities, Steve’s natural creative ability (nobody has ever lost pictionary to Captain America) and Tony’s buffing ability as well as his business mind, monopoly was banned from being played. 
Their place is small, but so lively when it is games night. 
Peter’s advanced hearing assisted during play, but more importantly it helped when somebody was at the door, nudging Harley to open it, so he could continue his heated discussion, 
“Hey MJ, just place the pizza’s down on the island,” Harley welcomes, yelling over the chaos as the game of the night is chosen. There are 7 of them on this particular night, MJ, Tony, Steve, Ned, Natasha, Harley and Peter, people who are specifically close to the couple. That was important for Harley tonight. 
MJ does as suggested and then comes to join the group with a new board game in her hand, “we should play Wavelength because it is comical that nobody is on the same page,” the way that she looks between all the group members makes it clear not to cross her, it’s why Natasha and MJ get along so well. Nobody fights the decision and they begin setting up the game, Harley adds a specific card for himself.
Tony looks between Harley and Peter sitting next to each other and decides to move them apart, putting himself in between, “No way you two are being on the same team, you are way too in sync for you to be on the same team.” Harley is happy for the interference, kissing Peter’s cheek, “It’s on babe.”
There is a reason game night is hosted at Peter and Harley’s because they are fiercely competitive, especially against each other. 
“Iron Man suit? Are you serious Kenner?” “Would you call your suits particularly safe because I am fairly sure I’ve heard a story of them taking over the world?” “It was a comic book!” 
“So we are considering the Mona Lisa a masterpiece now?” “Just because you have a grudge against it Pete does not mean the dial shouldn’t be all the way at the masterpiece side, it is incredible.” Steve just shakes his head in the corner. 
“Tony is bluffing,” Natasha huffed connecting eye contact with the accused man who is very quickly trying to lose the spy's eyes, “which is ridiculous because this isn’t a game of bluffing, and yet,” she squints. MJ nudges her and laughs, “It’s because he doesn’t like the poor-to-wealthy card,” which releases laughter from all of them except a pouting Tony Stark. 
To finish the game, the two teams set at match point, Steve hosting the night commentating on every move, “Up to the playing field is Harley Kenner, now Harley how are you feeling about today's game,” Harley smiles at Steve’s interview style, “While I enjoy the company of the competition, I am aware only one team can win and that team will be us.”  Steve smiles, as well as Harley’s team, MJ and Tony, knowing what’s coming next. 
The card’s field that Harley picks is dating - marriage, he spins the dial, specifically landing the point wedge in the direct centre, this particular turn has been planned all night, 
Confidently Harley says his clue before spinning the wheel back around to his team, “Peter Parker.” The team discuss deciding more towards the dating end rather than the marriage side, which is theoretically correct if they didn’t know what was going to happen next. 
Steve takes his position, “Our clue is Peter Parker, our field dating to marriage, let’s reveal the wavelength,” and as the dial is revealed Harley bends down on one knee in front of Peter, friends watching as he pulls out a ring bow shaped as an uno card box which has sat on the pile of games all evening. 
Peter is shocked, realising what is happening, tears in his eyes and he is glad that he knows KAREN is recording everything. 
“Peter Parker, it has felt that we have always been on the same wavelength, it has seemed that even when we were fighting we could still compromise and find another way, spending our time in college in a small dorm room and large labs really made me realise just how important you are to me, just how much I love you.  From your competitive spirit to the way you ramble about Star Wars I am so glad that you are my partner in crime and I am hoping that will be for life as of tonight. You always make us explain our reasoning, so here I go,” Harley takes a deep breath looking Peter in the eyes, tears coming down multitudes between them, “I choose Peter Parker for the direct middle because I am hoping you say when I ask, Peter Parker will you marry me, so we become finances.” 
Peter between the crying and the holding himself so he doesn’t fall onto the floor with Harley, he cries out his answer “YES YES YES!” Finally letting his moment come falling down to hug Harlye, before pulling him into a kiss. 
There are cheers from around them of all the people who knew this would be happening as Harley whispers in Peter’s ear, “So does this mean I win?” And Peter punches him in the side while wanting to keep him as close as possible. 
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Bingo Cards: (🕠 3/25)
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causatum · 4 years
watch this space, by the end of the year we'll have disney announcing young avengers stuff. everything seems to be pointing in that direction.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Origins —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: UGH I couldn’t help using this gif, such a boyfriend look honestly -Danny
Words: 1,159
Phase Three Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘Something In The Air’ -by Winnetka Bowling League
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ix: The Unknow
When she visited Tony's place, the nice cabin in a private area where he had the peace and quiet he'd longed for years, Pietro decided to join her.
Kurt stayed at the compound cause he'd never celebrated Christmas and he had no interest in doing so. He was, however, captivated by the religious aspect of it. Steve and Nat had given him all kinds of books that he'd devoured, his training consisted of the one thing he'd missed out during his years at the lab: Humanity. Copycat enjoyed helping him with the lessons.
She wondered if attending the Christmas dinner was the right thing, with all the memories of the people they'd lost, but now they were at the Starks' doorstep and she could not walk away.
"Stray," He smiled, opening the door fully so they could walk in. "Did ya miss me?"
"Yes!" She jumped into his arms, Pietro watched the scene in shock, she'd never done that with anyone except her closest friends. "If I'd known you'd be here I would've brought you a present!"
"With what money?" Pietro raised a brow.
"Hush!" She glared at him. "I could've cooked him something!"
"You can cook now? That's a relief," Tony was looking at them with a warm smile. "How was the ride? Your carsickness isn't as bad as it used to?"
"I took something," She said cheerily. "Happy gave it to me."
"There you are!" Pepper walked down the stairs to join them, Tony helped her with the last steps, he would fuss about everything now that she was pregnant. "Come, C.C! Let me see you!"
The girl realized she'd grown quite a lot in the last year, she was almost reaching Pepper's nose.
"You're Harley," Pietro approached the younger boy. "Copy's newest friend?"
"You must be Pietro," He smiled, though it looked taunting. "Her fake brother."
"I prefer the term adoptive," He corrected. "Why did you call her Stray?"
"He says I'm a stray cat."
Pietro's eyes went from calculating to scary. "Sorry?"
"It's a joke, don't get testy," Harley glanced at him with disinterest. "She likes it."
"Don't take it the wrong way, Pi. He's an idiot, but he's good."
"I trust your judgment," When she turned around he leaned closer to Harley. "You better watch your mouth."
Harley's smirk didn't vanish after Pietro walked away.
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It wasn't that much different from the dinners she used to have with May and Peter. Harley and Pietro seemed to have started on the wrong foot, but eventually, they warmed up to each other's presence, and by the end of the night they were rather friendly.
She wondered why it was so hard to tell these people she'd be leaving Earth soon, she'd had no problem announcing it to Nat during breakfast a few days back.
Cat had some kind of attachment to this group, they'd showered her with affection and kindness. Unlike Nat and Steve, who hadn't been around long enough for her to worry about their opinions. This felt like telling her parents she was moving out...
One more thing I can scratch off the list, Ned. The girl thought.
She was on Tony's porch watching everything with absent eyes, freezing, but too lost in her reflections to notice. Harley walked out of the house and dropped a blanket on her shoulders, Cat wrapped herself in it without paying attention.
"I have something for you."
"A present?"
"Sorta," He glanced at her sideways. "Didn't bring it, though. I didn't know if you'd come."
"What is it?"
"I needed time to organize it..."
"Keener, just tell me already."
"Come to visit and you'll find out."
The girl stared at him. "I'll leave the planet in a week."
Harley gasped shortly, then coughed by the force of it. He had no idea of what to say. Cat explained further.
"Rocket says he can take me to meet the Skrulls. He'll be leaving around New Year's, Kurt said he'll join us."
The girl put one hand over his mouth, her blanket slipped off one shoulder. "No one here knows!"
Harley grasped her wrist and moved it away.
"You're going to space?"
"And I won't come back."
"That's crazy!"
"Maybe I'll like it better than here," She moved again to face the trees instead of the boy. "Who knows? Maybe that's where I should be..."
"If that's where you belong, you wouldn't fit here," he stated, "and you do."
Copycat smiled with a bit of pity. "This planet has much to offer... But I can do and be anything I want! I have to try this, at least to see if I can find out more things about my parents."
Harley was determined to convince her she could be happy with him, but the only thing that came out was:
"You're not angry?"
"You deserve to know more about your family," He cleared his throat, averting his gaze to the nearest tree, "but you should still come to my house. On Friday."
"Definitely," She nodded. "I'll be there."
"You'll tell the others that you're leaving?"
Cat sighed. "Don't have a choice."
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The adults didn't want her to go, but just like Nat, they had no right to decide. Happy had protected her since the start, Cat promised she would call often to let him know she was okay. Tony gave her the lullaby protocol so she could upload it wherever she needed to.
The girl decided to visit the city as C.C. one last time.
Her old dream team seemed to be always lurking around the corner. She walked past the cat cafe waiting to see Peter seated at their usual table, beckoning her to join him for dessert. In MJ's street, she stumbled upon the bakery they used to love, now closed because the owners had vanished. Ned's house had a light on, but she didn't dare to approach.
Her feet took her to the Parkers' old neighborhood. In a moment of weakness, she climbed up the fire escape to the apartment. She snapped the window lock and entered, the empty flats throughout the city were being taken by new residents, but the Parker household was still intact.
Cat stood in the middle of Peter's bedroom, she could almost feel him seated on the bed, watching her. If she focused, she could pretend May was in the kitchen preparing snacks while they were quietly solving their math homework.
In the closet, the girl found several hoodies and sweaters, but there was no sight of the spider suits, they'd evaporated with the owner. There was a picture of them on his nightstand: Peter's seventeenth birthday.
C.C. was hugging him from behind, the boy was laughing. She was talking to the cameraman —Ned— probably asking him to wait until they stopped moving to take the picture.
Cat took the photograph and put it in her pocket. She had many, but most of hers also had Ned and MJ, she wanted one where it was just the two of them. The young mutant had no interest in creeping around the rest of the home, it would be too painful.
She would not forget, but she had to grow up. The unknown was a big, scary place, and she wanted to be ready.
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Next Chapter —>
@ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​���​​​​​​​ @23victoria​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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theconstantsidekick · 3 years
The Whole World Is Watching (3) | b.b
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Past Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, OC x Stark!Reader (brief)
Genre: Fluff with a touch of angst.
Summary: Sam and Bucky call on the only Stark left in the Superhero business—codename Static—to help take down the Flag Smashers. Only problem is, she’s pretty damn reluctant.
(These scenes incorporate y/n into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced)
Warnings: Swearing, Panic Attack.
a/n: Aight, aight. Here’s the skinny; I function purely on attention and praise, so please leave a comment. I’m a narcissist; I make no apologies. Let me know what you guys think, I love reading your hot takes. Entertain me in exchange for all the entertainment I’m providing you. No, but seriously, let me know what you guys think, always love to hear from y’all. Also oh, the tag list is open.
sidenote: would y'all be interested in flashbacks to previous MCU films explaining the reader’s origin?
The Whole World Is Watching (2) | The Whole World Is Watching (4) | Series Masterlist
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“Karli's in there,” Zemo says, turning back to the crowd as the little girl opens the door in front of them and walks away.
“All right,” Sam says, following her through that door as the rest of them pile into the old wastewater treatment plant.
There’s giant circular metal protrusions on a small bricked wall to their left onto which Walker pushes Zemo upon. Zemo just groans exhaustedly in response, almost expecting it, which he mostly definitely was.
“Hey,” Walker calls out to Sam, who looks back from the edge of the doorstep, “You got ten minutes,” Walker warns him as he handcuffs Zemo to one of the pipes.
“Really?” Zemo asks, unbothered.
“Then we're doing things my way,” Walker continues, completely ignoring him.
“Aggressive” Zemo notes, “But I get it.”
Bucky walks over and guards the door into the facility while Y/n guards the exit, sitting down on the stairs. Lemar leans back on the wall opposite to Zemo, while Walker begins fidgeting around.
Now, Bucky kinda likes fidgety Walker, makes him feel all victorious inside watching the man, who is (unjustly) holding his best friend’s legacy on his arm, lose his shit but it also puts him on edge. It makes him think something is about to blow… something being the fuse in Walker’s head.
So, only to distract himself from Walker’s pacing and no other reason at all, he asks, “Who’s Harley Keener?” He wants to look at her but the most he can do is gather up the courage to stare at her white leather boots… is that— is there a blood splatter on one of 'em?
“Oh, we’re talking now?” She throws back, pretending to be shocked.
Bucky, then does look up to see the challenge radiate from every part of her body. Now, he knows he should back down but he already tried extending the damn olive branch. If she won't take it, then screw it. And screw Bucky for missing her kindness, it's not like he deserved it. He got a taste of it and it was so damn addictive. So screw her for getting him hooked and screw him for screwing it up. Besides, she might have been a little right when she said he runs into fights head first, cause he grumbles and says, “Guess not. Forget I even asked.”
A few seconds of heavy and almost chafing silence and then, “He's a stray Tony picked up a couple years ago… You saw him at the funeral.” Her voice is calm.
He sees it exactly for what it is; her own reluctant olive branch, a declaration of, ��I’d really rather not fight with you in front of them’.
So he asks, “Tall, lanky kid? With blond hair?”
She nods simply. And he mimics the gesture.
Walker however, will not stop fucking pacing around like the whole fucking floor is on fire. He keeps at it for the next another minute, pressing onto the bridge of his noes and sighing audibly now and again. And then suddenly, “Uh-uh. No, no, no. This is a bad idea.” He’s still pacing.
“It hasn't been ten minutes, John. Just sit tight,” Bucky answers easily.
“Don't do that. Don't patronize me,” he chastises, walking back and forth.
“He knows what he's doing,” Bucky assures him.
“I'm goin' in,” Walker walks towards the door trying to pass Bucky. He stops him easily with an arm to his chest.
Walker takes a few steps back as Lemar rushes in to flank him. He fixes Bucky with a look filled with nothing but pure contempt, “This is all really easy for you, isn't it? All that serum runnin' through your veins. Barnes, your partner needs backup in there. Do you really want his blood on your hands?” He asks with severity that Bucky has to admit does almost make him fold.
But then, “I’d rather you didn’t underestimate the Boss,” Y/n calls out having gotten up off the stairs.
Walker looks back at her then. “What I don’t understand is why aren’t you the one going in?” John asks. “You can be in and out, no hassle, no casualties.”
“Getting her out here isn’t the issue, keeping her is. She’s got backup, who might I add, are all super soldiers. And on top of that she's got the support of every civilian in there. We’re on her turf. There’s no point of me barging in, guns blazing if Sam can talk her down,” Y/n reasons.
“And if he can’t?” Lemar asks.
“Then we’ll handle it,” Bucky replies.
“But we give her a fair shot,” Y/n adds.
“Why? The people she’s hurting didn’t get one,” Walker spits back at her.
“That’s exactly why. Her cause isn’t ill-founded; her methods are,” Y/n tires, “She’s just a kid. She’s lost her way, we can help her…" She levels him with a look of pure indignation, "That’s kinda the job profile for carrying that shield, Walker." She nods at him.
“That’s just some self-righteous bullshit and you know it!” John shouts. “Look, just use your powers, glitch in there, and pull her out, alright? We’ll take care of the rest.”
“No,” Y/n stands steady.
“Oh for fuck’s sake!” He exclaims, “You know, it’s because of shit like this, your so-called brother is dead, right?"
Bucky's been in awe of her so far. She's been infallible. She's been terrifyingly strong, considering everything that's happened. But with the words that slip out of Walker's mouth he realizes, she's been armored. And the bullshit he's spouting is causing a chink in it. He's found her damn Achilles heel and he's milking it for all it's worth.
"That’s right. I’ve read your files," Walker barrels on, "And if I could do what you can, Tony Stark would be fucking alive right now. But no… you just let him burn himself out, sacrifice his life f—”
Bucky’s heard enough. He rams the Soldier boy into the wall, choking him. “I’d shut up if I were you.” He warns.
“I’d check on your little girlfriend, if I were you.” He chokes out in response.
Bucky finally turns around to look at her and sees her walking out the door. He let’s go of Walker’s neck, shoving him back. “Stay,” he commands, pointing at him; it's both a warning and an order.
He is about to run out behind her when the ground begins shaking. He’d think it was an earthquake if he hadn’t been on the receiving end of this quaking before. Back in Siberia. When he and Steve had beaten Tony down to a pulp, managing to piss her off enough for her to destroy a whole damn Hydra base... So he picks up his pace, calling out, “Y/n!”
She’s not in front of him, the courtyard looks empty. The ground is still shaking slowly. It’s nowhere near as bad as the last time but it’s present and that’s concerning enough. “Y/n!” He shouts. “Y/n! Where are you?” He calls out again.
“Get away,” is all he hears. The voice is meek and broken, he wouldn’t have heard it if he didn’t have the serum. When he turns to look at the direction it came from, he finds her, sitting on the floor in the corner. She’s folded into herself; her hands are almost clawing at her throat.
He rushes over immediately. He crouches down, settling on his knees.
And the sight of her fucking hurts like a bullet piercing his chest. “Y/n?” he urges, “What’s wrong?”
“Get a—way,” she chokes out, barely audible.
“Y/n,” his hand rushes to pull her face up and cup it into his palms gently, only to realize she’s crying. “Sweetheart, you gotta tell me what’s wrong, please? Okay? You gotta tell me, so I can fix it.”
“Don—don’t wan—na hurt you,” she wheezes painfully. Bucky’s eyes begin watering. “Don’t wann—a hurt an—yone.”
“You won’t. You won’t, I swear. I won’t let you,” he promises, his flesh arm wiping up tears that fall on her face as he holds onto her gashed cheek as softly as he can. His other arm is holding her hands away from her throat to stop her from clawing herself, “Just please, tell me what’s wrong, sweetheart? Please.”
“Pa—panic att—ack.”
Fuck, how did he not see that before?
“Okay, okay. Look, do me a favor, just focus on one thing. Can you do that for me, sweetheart? Pick one thing, anything and focus,” Bucky coos at her.
She nods the best she can, her eyes searching and then finally settles on… him?
“What’d you pick, sweetheart?” He asks.
She twists her hand out of Bucky’s metal one, only to hold his left wrist.
“My arm?” He asks.
She nods again.
“Alright, okay. Yeah. Good,” He fumbles, “Now, just breathe with me and pick 5 words to describe it, okay? Can you do that?”
She makes a noise that feels close enough to an assent. So, he begins breathing in, she copies him, and then he breathes out, she follows.
“You think you can tell me one thing?” Bucky asks in a gentle voice. He’s rubbing soft circles on cheek with his thumb, hoping to sooth her.
“Yeah, it’s black alright,” he chuckles and takes another breath. Watching intently as she copies the motion.
“Got that too, yeah. You’re doing great, sweetheart. Keep going,” he urges, breathing again.
“Yep. Much better than the one Hydra made,” he comments.
“Glad you think so,” he smiles, “just, one more. Come on.”
“Safe.” She whispers.
“S—Safe?” He asks, wondering if he misheard.
She nods, finally breathing a lot better than before, and begins sitting up.
He doesn’t really have time to deal with the connotations of that declaration. He’s still worried about her, “You okay?”
She breathes in heavily (good sign, Bucky thinks to himself), “Yeah, sor—”
“Are you really about to apologize for a panic attack?” He cocks her brow, mimicking her words back to her.
“…considering the timing,” she tries.
“Oh fuck off!”
“Fine, fine. No apologies. Better?” She asks as she begins to shift around, trying to get up.
Bucky throws his arms around her waist, helping her up. She leans into him, putting her arms on his shoulder for support.
“What happened?” He asked.
She’s silent for a second, staring at the ground, and then, “My brother died.” And that’s answer enough. “We should get back in there,” she adds.
Both of them walk back in to find a fucking empty room except for Zemo who standing there with a smile on his face, he points to the door and says, “They went that way.”
Bucky wants to curb stomp that fucker.
“Fuck.” They both curse at once, instantly running in. Bucky follows the noise of Walker’s footsteps, leading her along. Whatever exhaustion she must be feeling due to the panic attack is shoved back under her calm usual calm exterior.
Both of them are enhanced and much quicker than the two they’re following so they catch up easily enough but too late.
“Walker,” Bucky tries.
“Karli Morgenthau, you're under arrest,” Walker shouts out, walking into the room.
“So, this is what that was?” Karli takes a couple steps back, obviously spooked.
“No, Karli wait…” Sam tries to explain, while Lemar tries to block Bucky and Y/n from stepping in.
“Tricking me until your backup arrived?” She continues, looking genuinely hurt.
“No, I think we had enough time to talk.” Walker walks over to her.
And Karli just punches him in response, throwing him off balance onto Sam.
Bucky pushes Lemar aside, as Y/n begins to help Sam up.
Karli takes off, running out the room through the other exit, jumping up a flight of stairs and Bucky follows suit. They run into another room, jumping off the small balcony down onto the floor. Karli makes it through while the people in the room block his way, slowing him down.
He makes it out the door and climbs another flight of stairs only to realize he’s lost her trail. He turns around to find Sam and Y/n walking from another entry.
“I lost her,” he informs them.
“This place is a maze,” Sam notes.
“Come on,” Y/n says, pulling them both by their sleeves, guiding them back the way she came.
As they’re running she pulls out her phone, dials a number and puts it on speaker the moment the call connects, “Junior, track my location. Find me Karli,” she orders.
“It’s an abandoned treatment plant. No cameras,” Harley informs them.
“Heat signatures,” she suggests.
They’re running around aimlessly, checking every room, “Too many,” he replies.
“She’s a super soldier, they run a little hotter than the rest, not by much. But in a small area—”
“Got two,” he informs her. “The one next to you, I’m guessing, is Sergeant Murderbot. The other is two lefts, one steep jump and three rights to your west.”
“Good job, kid.” She pockets her phone and they take off.
But when they get there all they find is Walker, standing over Zemo’s unconscious body.
Sam asks from where they’re all standing above the staircase. “What did we miss?”
Read part 4 here. Find series masterlist here.
tag list: @thisisparadisemylove@justab-eautifulmess​@intothesoul​ @buckyisperfect @aryksworld @ceo-of-daichi @ireadthensuetheauthors @fckdeusername​ @hotleaf-juice@itspetitfantomestuff @jn-wolf
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I drive your truck, I roll every window down
Written By Me.
Also available on ao3 under sammiespider
Harley Keener/Peter Parker
Summary: Peter knows death.He knows what to do when someone dies, you go to the funeral. So when Harley dies, he knows to go to the funeral, but he doesn't know how to cope afterward. How do you even cope with your fiance dying?
The thing about Peter Parker is that he has different ways of coping with death.
Peter has dealt with death a lot. First, when his parents died. Peter cried almost every night at the early age of six. Then, when his uncle was shot right in front of him, Peter then vowed to never let a life slip through his fingers ever again. Most recently, it was Tony. The man who told him to be better, to do better. Which Peter really tried to be. But in the end, Tony Stark's life was ended trying to save the entire world. Peter promised himself that day to let Tony’s legacy live on.
In honor of that legacy, he attended Stark's funeral, and alongside him was May. He turned to look behind him at the log cabin and noticed a blonde teenager standing in the back near Wanda, Bucky, and Sam. Peter made a mental note to talk to him later.
The funeral ended after Pepper dropped the reef into the lake and the attendees made their way inside the Stark cabin. Peter decided it was time to start his search for the mystery blonde boy. He looked around and found him sitting on the couch looking at something on his phone, Peter made his way over to him and sat down next to him.
"Hi, Im P-"
"Peter, I know." The blonde finished. "I know who you are, Tony talked about you"
Peter blushed and tucked his curls behind his ear, "Mr. Stark talked about me?"
"Mhm," The blonde smiled and nodded. "I'm Harley," He said, putting down his phone to shake the brown boy's hand. Peter shook his calloused hand, then retracted his arm.
"Your name is vaguely familiar" Peter tilted his head and told Harley. Harley nodded and began to bite his fingernails
"He liked to keep me a secret" He teased. Peter noticed the joking tone and let out a small, light giggle.
"Yeah..." he said to fill the silence. "How did you know him though?" Peter eventually asked Harley.
"Oh," He smiled brightly, "That's a long story for another time sweetheart." Peter's heart skipped a beat at the nickname. Was this mysterious blonde really flirting with him at Tony Stark's funeral? And how bad was it that he wanted Harley to continue?
Harley did continue, occasionally placing his hand on Peter’s thigh or laughing a bit too much at the younger boy’s jokes. The worst part is that Peter liked it. He liked all of it. Well, all of it except for the fact his mentor and father figure just died. The whole funeral part felt wrong, but talking to Harley felt right.
Peter didn’t know how long he’d been talking to the blonde until May came over and tapped him on his head. Peter looked up “Oh hey, Aunt May” He smiled at her and stood up.
“Hey, ready to get outta here?” She spoke softly, head tilting towards the door at the word ‘outta’. He shrugged and looked at Harley.
“Can I get your number?” Peter asked Harley cautiously. He didn’t want to scare off the blonde, but much to Peter’s surprise Harley nodded and began to stand up. That was when Peter noticed the height difference. Now don’t get me wrong, Peter wasn’t short. He was an average-sized male, 5’8’’. But Harley was tall, He was at least six feet if not more. The shorter boy’s eyes widened at the height but tried not to make it extremely obvious. But Harley noticed… He definitely noticed.
“Well, are you gonna hand me your phone or are you just gonna stand there and look pretty?” Harley teased Peter and snapped him back into reality.
“Oh uh- Yeah” He quickly opened the phone and handed it to Harley. Harley opened up the messages app and texted himself.
“There you are, sweetheart. Talk to you soon” He smiled, handing the cracked phone back to the shorter man.
They did talk soon.
They spoke a lot actually. They talked for hours at a time. Oh, and they started dating but I thought with Harley’s flirting that would be obvious. It only took three weeks of constant phone calls and constant texting for Harley to ask Peter to be his boyfriend. Peter smiled on the facetime call and nodded.
“I would love to, but only if you promise to come up to Queens next week and stay with us” He begged. Peter would ask this all the time, even before Harley asked him out. Harley blushed
“As your new boyfriend-” He stopped for a moment to admire the word. “- I promise to make the trip up to be with you as soon as I can”
“When’s that!” Peter whined. Harley chuckled and smiled impossibly more, he was so happy right now.
“Spring break”
“Harls.” Peter frowned.
“Petey?” Harley teased, knowing he’d get a reaction. Peter rolled his eyes and covered the camera.
“Aww c’mon now sweetheart, let me see your pretty face,” He said softly. Peter gave in and uncovered the camera. “Happy?
“Says you.” Harley retaliated.
The night before spring break finally rolled around and Harley was packing to see his boyfriend when his mom knocked “Come in” Harley answered, too focused on the green suitcase in front of him to turn around.
“Harls…” She spoke softly, coming to touch her son on the middle part of his back. Harley leaned his head onto hers and hummed. “I’m losin’ my mind ma.”
“No, you ain’t. Your jus’ findin’ your way to your heart.” She smiled and looked up at the ceiling above Harley’s bed. There was a gay pride flag above where he slept that she had bought for him when Harley came out to her. He hugged his mom and sighed
“I think once I graduate I’m gonna stay in New York for a bit. If that’s alright?” He asked her but kinda also told her. She nodded and let go of her son, she remembered when he was much shorter and she didn’t have to look up to him
“You’re the exact copy of your father.” She smiled. Harley looked down at his feet. “Ma…”
“When he was good and he loved us.” She added. “You look so much like the good side of him. You are so much like the good side of him Harley.” She quickly kissed her son’s cheek and started to head out of the room
“You’re the good side of James with the best part of me,” She said before shutting the door. Harley blushed. James was a good father before booze got ahold of him. The blonde still has a printed photo of him on the corkboard above his desk. He looked at it and unpinned it from the board and put it into the suitcase at the very bottom.
When he finally finished packing, he loaded the suitcase into the passenger seat of his red 2008 Ford F-150 that somehow still ran. He closed the door gently before heading back inside to go to his room. And somehow, it’s like Peter knew exactly what Harley was doing and called him.
“Hi, Harls!” He said cheerfully when Harley answered
“Hey, sweetheart, whatcha up to?”
“Calling you, idiot,” Peter said, flopping down onto his bed.
“Really? I had no clue” Harley chuckled and placed his phone up against a bottle in his room so Peter could see.
“I can’t wait to see you, Harley” Peter hummed.
“Neither can I” Harley smiled and packed his small backpack with his electronics. “Hey, Pete?”
“When summer comes, I’m gonna come ‘n stay in New York for a bit,” He told him. Harley watched Peter’s smile grow and heard a gasp from the younger boy.
“No way!” He laughed excitedly.
“Yes, way.”
The drive took him over 12 hours and yet he did the ride in one day. He was exhausted when he finally parked in the parking garage for Peter and May’s apartment. The blonde grabbed his bags and made his way toward the apartment building.
Peter was walking around the apartment frantically. “Life 360 says his phone died two hours ago!” He worried “Why doesn’t he have a charger in the car!” He looked at May. May shrugged. Peter sighed and slumped into the couch.
There was a knock on the door. “Well?” May motions towards the door. “Are you gonna get it?” Peter jumped up from the couch and opened the door to see his blonde.
“Harls!” He smiled and jumped onto him. Harley dropped his bags and held the younger man.
“Baby.” Harley hummed and kissed the side of his neck gently.
They’ve never kissed.
They’ve never touched each other like this. This is like a supernova exploding. The emotion the two boys felt in this moment will never be felt by most people. Peter jumped down and looked up at Harley.
“Hi” Peter smiled brightly. Harley leaned down a bit to finally kiss the shorter man for the first time.
May smiled and leaned against the counter. She thought about when Peter told her that he was bisexual and didn’t want her to make a big deal about it. She didn’t, as per his wishes but she did buy him a bi-flag pin for his backpack.
“That was overdue,” Peter stated after the kiss ended. Harley smiled and blushed in agreement.
“Peter, let the poor man inside, he’s been driving all day,” May chuckled and motioned for Harley to come inside. Peter closed the door behind him. Peter couldn’t stop looking at Harley. Fuck he was in deep.
Peter took Harley to the bedroom. “Well, this is my room…” Peter shrugged.
“Hey uh, Pete…” Harley sighed putting his back things down and shutting the door behind him. Peter looked up at the taller man “What?”
“It’s a twin bed…”
“Fuck.” Peter groaned loudly before flopping down onto the floor, inevitably giving up on life. “Why didn’t I even think about that? God damn it Peter” He cursed himself. Harley leaned down next to him even though Peter had his head in his arms.
“What, ” Peter whined.
“We can both fit, and if not we can sleep on the pull-out couch you talk about having.” Harley tried to calm Peter down. He looked up at Harley and nodded “Okay” He smiled and reached out to touch his boyfriend’s cheek. Harley leaned into the touch and then kissed Peter softly.
“Thank you Harls.”
“For?” Harley asks, now sitting down on the floor instead of kneeling.
“Loving me.”
Harley stayed for a week before he returned to Tennessee. The next time Harley would come to New York, he would never leave. He moved into Stark Tower and soon he and Peter bought their own apartment.
Harley loved Peter for almost four years before disaster struck the couple.
The blonde ended up proposing to Peter on their fourth anniversary. They were in the process of planning their wedding when Harley went out for a late-night ride on his motorcycle with a few of his friends. Peter had a night in by himself which he didn’t mind, He enjoyed the quiet every now and then.
Harley told him “It’ll just be a few hours. If you want me to stay, I’ll stay.”
“I’ll be okay Harls. Go, have fun with your friends” The shorter man got up off their bed to give him a quick peck “You look hot in leather.” Peter said before tugging on the collar of Harley’s leather jacket.
“Do I?” Harley licked his lips quickly before leaning down a bit to kiss the other man. Peter nodded with a soft chuckle before kissing him back
“Yes sir.” He smirked and backed up. “Go, have fun. I love you.”
“I love you too, Peter Parker,” He said before walking out of the bedroom.
It wasn’t even two hours until Peter got a call from one of Harley’s friends, Madison. “Peter… I’m-”
“Maddie, w-what's wrong?” Peter said, getting out of bed. Peter was panicked, He never really talked to Harley’s friends often so he knew something was up.
“We were riding- and I’m so sorry Peter” She sobbed into the phone. Peter started to hyperventilate
“Maddie, please just speak to me” He begged “Is Harley all right?”
“No Peter- That's why I'm so sorry.” She cried until her boyfriend took the phone from her. Peter really wasn’t familiar with him either. “Peter, It’s Sterling. Harley was taken to the hospital like three minutes ago. In an ambulance.” He took a breath “He-” Peter heard Sterling choke up a bit before proceeding.
“He was hit by a car while we were riding down 14th Ave” he stated, rushing more like it. Sterling couldn’t believe he was saying those words to his friend’s fiance.
Peter didn’t say anything. How could he?
“Um- which… uh- fuck. Where is he?” Peter asks, frantically getting dressed.
“Mainstreet hospital. Maddie, Jacob, and I will meet you there.” Sterling said.
“Don’t.” He said a bit harshly by accident. “I want to be with him myself if you don’t mind.” Peter said “Please.” He added softly “I’ll call you if anything changes.”
“Of course…” Sterling said before Peter hung up. He called a taxi to the hospital. Peter ran inside and stopped at the reception desk.
“I’m Peter Parker. I’m Harley Keener’s fiance. I need to know if he is okay. Please ma’am” He begged the woman at the desk.
“Give me a moment.” She nodded softly before looking back down at her desktop. Peter watched her scroll through the spreadsheet until she looked back at him.
“He went into surgery almost 6 minutes ago. Seconds after getting here, Mr. Parker”
“No, I-i-i need to see him. P-please ma’am” He grabs onto the counter while he begs. And in the very back of his mind, he is reminding himself that he can in fact crush the counter with his bare hands and he should probably let go. So he does let go and digs his fingernails into his palms “Please.” He adds.
“I’m sorry. You can wait out here until he gets out of surgery,” she says softly while motioning to the chairs against the wall. Peter reluctantly gave in and sat down. He picked at his fingernails, scratched at the inside of his wrist, and twisted his engagement ring until what felt like years later when the woman motioned him up to the desk.
“He’s in room 432,” she said handing him a visitor pass.
“Thanks- Thank you so much.” He said before clipping the badge to his jacket. He ran to the elevators and punched level four repeatedly until the doors closed. He nibbled aggressively on his fingernails until he reached the fourth floor of the hospital. He ran down the hall counting the numbers down in his head until he found 432.
“Hey princess,” Peter whispered when he saw his other half.
“Hey, sweetheart” Harley mumbled, “I missed you.” He reached out to him. Peter smiled softly and took the chair from the edge of the bed and sat beside Harley’s bed.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” Peter said, trying his hardest to not let tears slip out of his eyes “How are you?”
“I’m in a little pain,” he moans slightly “But the doctors stitched me all up and said I could go home on Monday”
“You’re perfect,” Harley grinned. Peter chuckled and shook his head.
“Yup, the doctor brought you right back to your old self.” He smiled and kissed Harley's hand.
“I told you baby” Harley smiled “Give me a kiss please.” Peter nodded and bent down to kiss his lips, moving his free hand to Harley’s cheek.
Peter had stayed laying with him all night. He didn’t go home when the nurses said “he should probably get some rest” Peter stayed, he stayed petting the blonde's hair until he spoke again around four am.
“I love you…” Harley mumbled softly. Harley's eyes began darting back and forth between Peter and the heart monitor.
“I love you more... “ Peter whimpered “What's wrong?” He asks, noticing Harley panic. Harley's eyes started to close.
“Let me go…” he loosely pulls his arm back from Peter “I want to go," Harley whined, griping his chest now in pain, eyes now back open, wider than before.
“Want to go where sweetheart? Talk to me,” he begs, a few tears now pouring softly out of his eyes. Harley rolled back over to look at him and pointed upwards. His breath was shortening.
“They messed it up, I can feel it.” He coughs aggressively before closing his eyes and reaching out for Peter’s hand.
“Harls you’re okay. Just open your eyes. You’re alive, you are breathing. You’re with me Harley… just look.” He begged. “You’re okay.”
“Peter… when the,” he stopped for a minute due to shortness of breath but was able to continue. “When the crash happened, the medics told me I most likely wouldn’t make it and to tell them if I needed to call someone. But I couldn’t speak-”
“Yeah, but you’re okay now Harley… you are. You’re here with me, with your fiance.” He says rushed. He was confused. He didn't understand why Harley was talking all of this nonsense. He was okay. Harley was alive
“Baby, please… Let me go.” He looked at him, visibly in pain “They didn’t give me a choice about the surgery, they said a 15% survival rate. I heard them talking while they were moving me to surgery. I can’t- it really hurts. Please, let me go… please” He begs, closing his eyes for the last time
“I love you, Peter Parker.” he breathes out softly.
“Harls. Harley. Please wake up. Please” He cried out, leaning against the no longer beating chest, and then, the next few minutes were a blur of emotions, visuals, and sounds. Peter was being rushed out of Harley’s room, followed by Harley’s limp body. Peter stood there in shock watching his now-dead lover being carried down the hall. He was suddenly hit with tears and fell down onto the floor of the hospital crying and screaming and blaming God for everything bad that's ever happened to him.
Peter wouldn’t know it but a few nurses had to pull him off the ground and into a small room for him to calm down. A familiar woman was there when he calmed down some “M-May? May what- why-” He sobbed before she pulled him into a hug. Peter sobbed into her shirt that she’d been wearing all day from her job at the nurse’s station downstairs. “May he’s gone” He sobbed.
“I know baby… I know…” She whispered softly, tears dripping from her eyes as she held onto her nephew.
“How am I supposed to live without him May?” He feels so selfish for asking this question, after all, she’s lost her only love as well. “You’ll learn,” May responds.
“I love him so much,” He cries.
“I know you do,” She holds onto him until he breaks the hug to wipe his eyes “Now what?” he says softly.
“They'll be a funeral and I’m gonna teach you some coping mechanisms. I’m going to stick by you Peter.” She promises. Peter nods with a cry and hugs her again.
Harley James Keener
Beloved son, brother, and fiance
Peter, along with Harley’s mother and sister planned the funeral and it took place six days after Harley Keener had passed away. Peter spent each night of those six nights sitting down and trying to write his eulogy. He knew what he wanted to say, well at least the structure of it. But he couldn't write it. Every time he opened the document he just sat and stared at it and then cried for hours on end.
He moved back in with his aunt after Harley passed away because he didn't want to be in that apartment without Harley and he was having extremely bad nightmares. He would start screaming and May would wake up and have to comfort him. It was terrible for both of them. But before they knew it, they were getting dressed for Harley Keener’s funeral. Peter felt his chest pounding. He felt like he was going to throw up. He looked at his aunt.
“I can’t do this,” He told her.
“You loved him, right?” May asked him gently, she put her hand on his cheek, gently wiping his tears.
“So you have to go, Peter,” May said.
“I know…” He sniffed and walked away from her to grab his coat. “I’m ready,”.
“Okay, let’s go,” She said, grabbing her keys off the counter.
The drive was silent. Peter stared out of the passenger door of May’s car. Here he goes, to another funeral. Life won’t give him a break. He sniffs and wipes his eyes as the car pulls up to the cemetery.
He gets out of the car and tries to keep his legs stable. He looks around the tent covering the already dug-out hole.
They decided to do a closed casket because when Peter was planning the funeral with Mary and Abbie he mentioned that they did close caskets in the Jewish religion, which Peter was part of and Harley was planning to convert to before their wedding, so the boys could have a Jewish wedding. Mary agreed and let Peter incorporate as many Jewish traditions into Harley’s funeral as he wanted. Mary wanted Peter to feel loved by her because she did love him for how much love Peter gave her son.
Peter sighed deeply and reached out to May so she’ll hold his hand. “Thank you” He whispered.
He wasn’t supposed to walk up to his fiance this way. Peter wasn’t supposed to mourn his fiance, he was supposed to marry his fiance. It hurt so fucking much. Peter’s eyes started to water once again when they reached the tent. “May…”
“You got this” She reminded him. He breathed deeply and let go of her hand to greet Harley’s friends.
Peter wasn’t mad at them, he was just angry at the situation and he blamed them.
“Hey…” He said to them.
“Peter, Hi. How are you feeling?” Maddie reached out to touch his shoulder. Peter backed up and she immediately put her hand back down. “Sorry.” Peter nodded and look at the three of them before walking away. Madison looked at her boyfriend and Jacob.
Jacob whispered “He’s coping and he blames us, it’s normal. He won’t hate us forever.”
And they were right, Peter wouldn’t hate them, he’d just slowly stop talking to them.
“Mrs. Keener,” Peter greeted Mary. Mary pulled him into a hug and cried softly. “Thank you for loving my son.” Peter nodded but was at a loss for words. His tears started to fall again as Mary broke the hug.
The Rabbi started to talk and everyone started to sit down. Peter couldn’t hear a word the Rabbi was saying, he was angry because why is this stranger talking about the man he loved when he knew nothing about Harley? Harley was beautiful. Harley was Peter’s life. And this man is talking about him like he knew him, and he didn’t.
Soon it was Peter’s turn to talk. He grabbed his speech from under his chair and made his way up to the podium. He looked down at the hole, Harley wasn’t down there yet, but he would be shortly. Peter couldn’t stand the thought.
He started to speak.
He read the words on the paper but he had no idea what he was saying. He knows people are listening. He sees Ned and MJ wiping their eyes. He sees Abbie comforting her mother as she sobs into tissues. But he just reads and occasionally wipes his eyes.
He finishes his speech by looking at the sky. “God, please protect my husband”
The funeral ended and everyone made their way to Peter and Harley’s apartment. Peter hadn’t been there since Harley died but Abbie and Mary have been staying in it. He looked around. Mary had prepared lunch for the funeral attendees. Peter smiled slightly as he saw the picture of his fiance, framed on the counter. He sighed and looked behind it at the sandwiches. He decided he wasn’t hungry and walked past the other guests to his bedroom. He gently opened the door and looked at the bed. It was made, Mary must have made it. Peter closed the door and sat down at the edge of the bed and just started to sob.
“Fuck Harley, Why did you leave me?” He looked up, “Harley I needed you. We were almost married, we wanted a daughter. Harley… I can’t go on without you.” He cried. Peter pulled on his tie and tugged it off. He proceeds to throw it on the ground.
“I miss you.”
Months later and Peter purchased a new apartment for himself. He just could not stand staying in the old apartment. It was too heart-wrenching for him. This new apartment stayed bland, Peter didn’t have the energy to decorate his new home. God, he hated that word. This wasn’t his home. This is just where he stayed. His home was a red Ford that stayed in the garage. That's where he felt closest to Harley. He sighed and grabbed Harley’s keys from the dresser where Peter kept them and made his way to the apartment’s shared car garage.
When he got there, he climbed into the too-tall truck and started it. The AC was blaring and the radio station was playing the same country station Harley left it on before he died. Peter looks around, he sees Harley’s favorite pair of work boots in the back, he sees unfinished bottles of Coke and sweet tea rolling around on the floorboards. He sighs and puts the truck in reverse and begins to pull out of the garage. He hums as the music fills the car.
He drives through Queens and into the more rural areas of NYC. Once he’s out of view of the city, he cranks the music up and listens to Harley’s favorite songs. Peter can’t stand country music but he’ll do anything to feel close to Harley again. His Harley. The Harley who drove the same truck since he was 16, the Harley who left his drinks in his truck no matter how often Peter begged him to clean it up, the Harley who loved his southern side but hid it while he lived in New York. Peter’s Harley.
Peter continues to drive until he notices how low the gas is on the truck. He huffs and turns around towards the city. He stops at a station to fill up the truck before heading back to the garage.
“I love you, Harley,” He says as he puts the truck into the park. He says it again as he turns off the engine and he says it one more time as he climbs out of the truck. Peter shuts the door and locks it.
“I love you, Harley.”
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marvelsbetch · 3 years
Peter Parker’s parent teacher conference
Warnings: IronStrange, Supremefamily, bullied Peter, dick head teachers, anxious Peter and homophobia.
-Peter POV-
"Hey Bambi, why didn't you tell us about your parent-teacher conference tomorrow night?" Pops asked sitting next to me on the living room couch.
"I didn't think you would've wanted to go? Dads not the one for school or teachers and you're -well- you." I explained tentatively.
"I'll take that as a compliment. Just so you know, we'll be there for around 5 so just after your decathlon meeting. It'll just be me and your dad so no need to be embarrassed." Pops told me.
"Thanks. This'll be the first parent-teacher conference I would've ever been to." I told him.
"Same kid. It's a first time experience for us all." Pops smiled at me.
"Not many times that happens." I commented resting my head on his shoulder.
"No it's not Bambi, no it's not." He smiled putting his head on mine.
-Next day at 5 o'clock-
"Hey Penis, what're you still doing here? This is a thing for kids with parents." Flash taunted walked passed me in the gymnasium as I waited for my dads.
"Shut up Flash, you know nothing about my family." I told him.
"You better watch your tone Parker or you'll have another black eye." Flash threatened getting really close to me.
"If you would be so kind as to step away from my kid, it would he greatly appreciated." Pops' voice spoke from next to me. They must've just arrived.
"Oh my God! It's Stephen Strange! And Tony Stark!" Flash all but yelled making the whole room fall silent.
"It's Stephen Stark actually. I didn't spend thousands on a wedding for people to not recognise my changed last name." Pops corrected.
"I'm so sorry. I'm such a fan of both of your works." Flash blabbered composing himself.
"Eugene! We've been looking everywhere for you!" A man, who I presume is Flash's father, scolded walking up to us with a woman trailing behind.
"Sorry father but look who I found. The Starks." Flash excitedly announced.
At this point I slowly slipped away from him and walked up to my Dad who gladly greeted me with a hug. I could feel the warmth of the arc reactor on my chest and it gave a strange comfort. After a few moments we let go but I didn't move very far, being so close to Flash made me really anxious.
"Underoos you okay?" Dad asked me worriedly trying to look into my eyes.
"Yeah I'm fine, just tired. I was up late finishing a piece of homework last night." I lied hoping Pops wouldn't say anything as I fell asleep on him last night.
"Wow Mister Stark. I must say I'm a big fan of your work. If you haven't noticed I try to style myself off of you." Flash's father said showing off his black tailored suit and aviator sunglasses and reached out for a handshake.
"I'm flattered but I don't do handshakes. I'm not the biggest fan of touching." Dad told him trying to give a convincing smile.
"Then why've you got an arm around Pen-Peter?" Flash asked making both my Dads give him the 'Bitch WTF' look. I hate that look. Dad was about to say something but I decided to cut in.
"So, why don't we do what you came here to do and speak to my teachers? Sounds great, let's go." I spoke grabbing Pops' hand and dragging him and Dad to one of my teachers.
"Who was he?" Dad asked in a demanding tone.
"Nobody important. Look Mr. Harrington's free. Let's go and talk to him." I rushed and pulled my dads towards Mr. Harrington's table.
"Ah, Peter and Mr. and Mr. Stark. Lovely to meet you, I love all you've done for the world." Mr Harrington spoke as we took our seats.
"Thank you Mr. Harrington." Pops said.
"No problem. So, I teach Peter Physics and I've got no problems. The only thing I would say is that he is often on his phone during lesson and doesn't listen that much. However with that being said, he's never got below an A+ on his tests. You should be proud of him." Mr. Harrington smiled.
"We are. Is that all?" Dad said ruffling my hair slightly.
"That's all thanks." Mr. Harrington announced and shook Pops' hand before we walked away.
"That was a really good report but who're you texting during class? It better not be one of the others or your dad." Pops asked and gave Dad a pointed look.
"No it's this guy I met online. His names Harley Keener and he seems really nice." I explained as I lead them to my history teacher.
"Harley Keener?" Dad asked shocked.
"Yeah. Why? Do you know him?" I questioned.
"Sorta. I'll explain when we get home." Dad dismisses before turning around to face my history teacher Mrs. Keens.
"Wow, this is a shock. It's not everyday the Starks turn up to a parent-teacher conference. How are you both?" She rushed out slightly flustered.
"We're doing fine thank you. How is Peter in this subject?" Pops asked, straight to the point as always.
"Peter is amazing, always hands his homework in on time, always listens in lesson and has never received less than an A on a test. You should be proud of him." She informed smiling at me.
"Wow, our little goody-two-shoes." Dad teased ruffling my hair slightly.
"One thing that you may or may not be aware of is a boy called Eugene Thomson. He seems to be bullying Peter for whatever reason, I've caught him a few times throwing paper balls at Peter or sliding him malicious notes. I'm not sure if it's friendly or not but I felt you should know. Thank you." Mrs. Keens informed, may the ground swallow me up now.
"We will also discuss this later on." Pops told me sternly, oh no.
We left Mrs. Keens with a slight wave and headed back to the main area to find another teacher. My eyes landed on my English teacher who didn't seem very happy, this is not going to end well.
"Oh look, it's your English teacher." Dad commented and pointed to Mr. Malory. Fuuuuuuuuck.
"How do you know my English teacher?" I asked worriedly.
"Research department, making sure my son has the best education he can. Let's go to him now while he's free." Dad brushed off and started to walk towards him. God save me.
My English teacher hates me for no reason, always turns a blind eye to Flash, always nitpicks my assignments and finds any reason to not give me a good grade. He's also quite homophobic and has expressed on many occasions his hatred for my Dads and anything to do with them. He even leads a group called the 'Freedom from Starks'. This is so not ending well.
"Peter, didn't expect to see you here." Mr. Malory commented not looking up from his clip board.
"Well, this is a parent-teacher conference and I, as his parent, would like to speak to my sons teacher about his school work. If you'd be so kind." Dad said, his words oozing sarcasm and sass. He really did his research.
Mr. Malory picked his head up and stared Dad dead in the face. The distaste clearly shown on both faces as the three of us took our seats, Pops took Dad's hand, probably as a way to calm him down. This is worse than I thought.
"Well, if I'm being honest, Peter is the worse student I've ever taught. He's disruptive in lessons, throws paper at a wonderful student called Flash Thompson, slides Flash malicious notes and seems to find any excuse to blame Flash. His work is simply upgradable and I couldn't thing on a bigger lost cause than your son. Any questions?" Mr. Malory spoke and Dads face got redder and redder with anger.
"Really, then why did the last teacher we speak to say it was the other way around, that 'Flash' was the one throwing paper and passing notes?" Dad questioned leaning forward in his seat.
"Look, I don't know what happens in other lessons and quite frankly, I don't care. All I know is Peter is a major distraction and it's bordering bulling with Flash." Mr. Malory told us.
"What about his work is so upgradable? Is it his handwriting or the content of what he's writing?" Pops asked placing his other hand on top of Dads. This is getting serious.
"The content. The ludicrous stories of the Norse Gods and his 'adventures' with them are beyond reason. His stories are beyond the realm of possibility and are just ludicrous." Mr. Malory told them.
"His stories about the Norse Gods, does this involve Thor putting his hammer in inconvient places or Loki and black widow being kind and caring to others?" Das asked.
"Yes." Was Mr. Malory's short response.
"Well, it is within the realm of possibility as it happens. Every single day at the compound or sanctum." Pops spit out trying to keep calm.
"Oh well, maybe he should learn to be more creative with his stories." Mr. Malory spoke silently challenging Pops.
"Thanks sir." I hastily said before dragging both my dads out of their seats and walking off.
"No Pete, I would like to hear more about how much of a bad student you are." Dad argued challenging Mr Mallory.
"And I will be glad to provide. Mr Park-"
"Stark." Dad deadpans.
"Mr Stark is highly disruptive not only to Mr Thomson but is also always on his phone, sleeping in class or just straight up not listening. Honestly, his behaviour is a reflection as to why you people shouldn't be allowed to have kids, you simply don't know how to raise them." Mr Mallory continued to explain. Dad went red.
"What do you mean by you people?" Pops asked scarily calm as be placed a hand on Dad's knee to soothe him slightly.
"Gays. You shouldn't be allowed children because there's not a mother to properly raise them, I never had these issues when Peter lived with May. I honestly think it would be in his best interest to place him back in her care."
Oh my god. He knows May is dead. He knows that I can't be 'placed back in her care' and It was the same when I did live with her, nothing changed.
We were all stunned into silence, including some of the surrounding parents and teachers who were stunned. Well, we were silent until Dad blew up at him.
"How dare you," he began, "I take as good care of my son as any other parent here does, I give him as much as I can and do everything I can to be a good parent to him. If he's sleeping in your classes or being distracted then maybe you should make your lessons more interesting and not be blind sighted by your homophobic, bigoted and downright dickish beliefs. Your head may be crammed so far up your ass you can smell your lungs but maybe once join us in the real world and see that just because people are different doesn't mean they're not as capable. I will be putting in a formal complaint and if I were you, I'd start looking for new places of employment seeing as I am one of the biggest donators to this school. Come on Pete, we're going home."
Dad then grabbed Pops' hand and my arm before storming out of the building towards the car. You could see the steam coming out of his ears as Pops tried in a desperate attempt to calm him down.
I think I can safely say that this night was a disaster.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Marvel X Hunger Games Masterlist
A Man Like No Other (ao3) - Marcus_S_Lazarus implied katniss/peeta, implied bruce/natasha T, 59k
Summary: As the Rebellion begins, Katniss is contacted by a mysterious old man who tells her of an age when heroes walked Earth, and requests her aid in reassembling the heroes of the past to face a nightmare that only he acknowledges the existence of...
A New World Waits For My Reply (ao3) - Daelin darcy/gale G, 1k
Summary: After overturning the government, what is there for the people to do?
Finally become themselves.
President Paylor thinks that it's probably a good idea to gather some bright minds to work on this new world.
do you want to join a rebellion? (ao3) - beyondmyreach steve/tony T, 5k
Summary: Steve Rogers, hero during the post-apocalyptic world, is found and unfrozen by the Captiol. Capitol citizen Tony Stark saunters in like a diva and pays him a visit.
ever in your favor (ao3) - iron_spider T, 153k
Summary: Peter startles awake when someone shakes him.
“Sorry, honey,” May says. Peter blinks a couple times and she comes into focus, her hair pulled back from her face. She’s trying not to look a certain way, but he can see it in her eyes anyway. She clears her throat, keeps talking. “But it’s…” She glances away, wets her lips. “You gotta get ready.”
He remembers what day it is, and his heart beats like a drum at someone’s execution. But he tries to put on a mask, make it all seem normal. It’s everything but, despite the fact that he’s been dealing with reaping day since he was born, between himself, Ben and May. That fear that one of them could be taken away. Sent to surefire slaughter. But now Ben is gone, taken despite never having his name drawn from a bowl, and May’s finally safe. Now Peter’s name is in there alone. The last Parker sitting on the chopping block. He doesn’t know how to be. He doesn’t know what normal is, when the Hunger Games are looming on the horizon.
"I'll Protect You" - Peter Parker x Harley Keener - Hunger Games (ao3) - ceo_of_lonely harley/peter T, 5k
Summary: What happens when Peter Parker and Harley Keener are chosen to attend the 80th Hunger Games?
* * *
In this AU, the revolution never happened, so Katniss and every other character did exist but they either died or won the games and fell off the map.
I Volunteer!!!! (ao3) - Aquatigermice steve/bucky M, 20k
Summary: "Steven Grant Rogers." Nat said in a clear voice after a short glance at the slip of paper she pulled.
Here is the Hunger Games story that no one asked for but is getting anyways.
lights out (ao3) - eyesopen katniss/steve, clint/natasha T, 95k
Summary: "We lost Barton. We don't have Romanoff. That's two of the Avengers Initiative, down. If we need that response team—"
"I think you will, however, be interested to know what SHIELD has been keeping its eyes on."
Desperate times call for desperate measures, so of course, the logical solution to being down two agents is to have their child take their place.
Not This One (fanfiction.net) - T.J. Elise T, 51k
Summary: SHIELD has used the Tesseract to begin exploring other universes that could potentially threaten Earth. After discovering the Capitol of Panem, SHIELD and the Avengers learn of the Hunger Games. But they're not going to sit back and let them go on. No, if the Avengers have it their way, the 74th Hunger Games will be the last.
Peace for you (ao3) - Rabentochter loki/tony M, 4k
Summary: The Hunger Games didn't stop when you left them as the victor. The Game only changed. While Loki had been lucky to get away easily, it was Anthony who was regularly invited back to the Capitol to make the people happy.
quartered shades of sun and moon (ao3) - glitteratiglue steve/bucky E, 12k
Summary: Steve is reaped for the 74th Hunger Games; Bucky volunteers in his place.
(Hunger Games fusion.)
Real or Not Real (ao3) - kuroi_atropos pepper/tony T, 16k
Summary: It's not really Loki's fault that Clint Barton got thrown through time, but he's definitely at fault for the world finding out about it.
The Avenger Games (ao3) - lorata 174k
Summary: Nick Fury brings together some of Panem's best and brightest for a Hunger Game that will, hopefully, kick off the Rebellion and end President Snow's reign of tyranny. But how optimistic is he being? Can people really change? And how much sacrifice is too much?
The Real Enemy (ao3) - Achromos loki/tony M, 2k
Summary: (Loki once told him that it had been Tony who made him smile for the first time after he won the Hunger Games.)
The War Outside Our Door (ao3) - Vcxahlia clint/phil T, 3k
Summary: All of his hopes were shattered by the cannon blast.
Phil is a mentor who falls in love with his Tribute. Clint and Natasha aren't the star-crossed lovers of District 12. Nobody gets a happy ending in Panem.
what a wicked game to play (to make me feel this way) (ao3) - taylorswift clint/natasha M, 60k
Summary: After you win the Games, you lose.
the hunger games au.
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tinieparker · 4 years
listen. thinking about harley keener and peter parker height differences.
harley often places peter's things on top of the shelf so peter couldn't reach them.
"you can't keep doing that!"
"doing what, darlin?"
"places my things in a places i can't reach!"
"really? i dont remember doing any."
harley takes their coffee order, when he hands it to peter, he places the coffee above his head so peter couldn't reach his coffe.
harley likes when peter tiptoeing.
"give me my coffee!"
"kiss me."
peter agressively pull harley's collar and gives him quick kiss. and harley loves it.
"give me back my phone!"
"kiss your boyfriend first."
harley loves the way peter's head places in his chest when they're hugging.
harley loves peter's curls tickling his chin when they're hugging and cuddling.
peter sometimes jumps and harley catches him.
peter tells harley to bend down every single time he wants to put on the hairclips in his boyfriend hair or simply messing with it.
"you should bend down a little, i can't reach you!"
harley also likes to be a little shit and teases peter.
"harleeey, bend down. you're so tall!"
"i'm not tall, love. you're short."
harley loves to whispers how small peter is when they're cuddling or hugging.
"oh sweetheart, you're so small."
"i'm not small, you giant!"
harley calls peter tiny.
"here's your book, tiny."
"does my tiny boyfriend needs a hug?"
peter sometimes hides behind harley's body.
peter doesn't wear any pants when he's in harley's hoodie.
peter drowns in harley's hug.
harley often lost peter in a crowd.
"hold my hand, princess. i don't want to lost my tiny boyfriend in a crowd."
peter loves when harley hugs him tigthly because it feels warm.
harley carries peter when they're kissing.
peter loves being carried.
"oh no, love, stay away from the ballons. you're so small, you could fly away!"
harley likes it when peter admits he is short. and harley loves to forces peter to says it.
"what was that, love?"
"you hear me!"
"i said help me put this book in its shelf!"
"no, the other one after that."
".. help me because i'm too short to do it."
peter sometimes insecure about his height.
"what are you talking about, darlin? you are perfect like this. you are cute, and adorable, and cute, and perfect, and cute! haven't i mention you're adorable?"
harley sometimes being a brat and decides to just watch peter trying reaches his things.
"oh my god, you're so cute when you're trying so hard."
"ow princess, you're adorable and now let your knight in shining armor helps you."
harley buys random small things because it reminds him of peter.
harley collects spider-man's small figure and plushies.
"harley, you're already bought that spider-man figure."
"but this is the small one, just like you!"
harley stays near to peter when they're in swimming pool.
"i'm not gonna drown, harls."
"we don't know that! and you're small, it'll hard to find you."
peter places his hands around harley's neck and tiptoeing while they're kissing.
sometimes it's harley who bend down to kiss peter.
"would you bend down to kiss me?"
"anything for my small adorable boyfriend."
237 notes · View notes
littlemissagrafina · 3 years
You Look Happier, You Do
A sequel to my fic Cause If I Don't Leave This Town, I Might Never Make It Out (Tumblr) (AO3)
Read on AO3
"When are they getting here?" Peter poked Harley's ribs, repeating his question for what felt like the millionth time.
"In half an hour."
"But you said they were getting her in half an hour, half an hour ago!" Peter whined, shifting on the couch and laying himself dramatically across Harley's lap.
Harley couldn't stop his eyes from rolling if he tried. "No, half an hour ago, I said they were gonna be here in an hour. You, babe, are an ADHD ridden gremlin with no concept of time."
Peter frowned at his boyfriend. "You know," Peter poked him once again, "lf you're going to insult me, I can go and dismantle the potato gun you have set up to shoot Tony."
"Hey, no, no don't. I'm sorry, I take it back. Please don't take my potato gun." Harley tilted his head down and pouted, blond hair flopping over his head. 
Peter hummed in response, smiling up at him, and Harley knew immediately what he was going to say.
"When are they gonna be here?"
"Peter!" Morgan cheered, racing towards him with Tony, Pepper, May, and Happy following at a much more calm pace.
"Hey, Goony!" Peter lifted her up and squeezed her. Using one hand to tickle and poke at her side, her laughter bubbled making everyone smile in turn. 
"Can we go down to the beach?" She questioned her brother.
Peter gave her a grin. "Of course we can."
She was set down a few moments later and she moved on to hug Harley as well. Once everyone had bustled around and managed to get their own hugs from them, Peter and Harley led them inside and showed them to the rooms they would be staying in.
Neither of them could contain their laughter at the loud whooshing pop of Harley's potato gun going off followed by Tony's shout.
"I had to keep up the tradition, Old Man!" Harley called back right before Pepper interrupted them.
"Behave, children." She chided, amusement clear in her voice. "Now, show us your home, Peter. I'm dying to see the view from the living room that you've been telling us about."
Tony stepped out of the house a few hours, house tours, beach time, and dinner later. 
He made his way down the grassy path to the ocean's edge, coming to a stop next to a quiet figure. 
It was quiet between them, only the sounds of the waves and various bugs and birds filling the evening air with their music.
Tony's head turned and he carefully studied the boy who was no longer a child in front of him. Oh, how he'd grown. But even then, no matter how grown he became, he would always be Tony's kid.
He took in the way a gentle smile pulled at Peter's cheeks, the way the setting sun lit his face and made his peaceful expression that much more youthful.
"You're happy." Tony said, a smile quickly spreading across his own face. "I mean, I know you have been, your calls to all of us have shown that, but you're truly happy now, aren't you?" It was phrased as a question but both of them knew that it was a statement.
Peter answered anyway, a breathless laugh escaping him at the realisation that, yes, he really was happy. Deeply happy. "Yeah," He beamed at his dad, "I'm really happy."
He was yanked forward into Tony's arms faster than he could blink and both of them felt their eyes stinging. 
"I found my peace, Tony. I found my home and my heart and my happiness again."
Tony's arms tightened around him before loosening as he drew back, his hands resting on Peter's shoulders as he looked at him. "Do you think you'll ever come back?"
Peter shrugged, and Tony could see the honesty in the movement. "I don't know. I'd like to, but I don't know if I could. Maybe I will one day but for now I'm happy where I am. I'm content."
Tony nodded, eyes crinkling as he smiled again. "Good. If what you need is to stay here, then stay. Happiness looks good on you, Roo. You know we'll always visit you guys here."
Peter smiled back at him and it was quiet again for a moment before he spoke again. "You know, I don't think I ever thank you."
Tony's expression creased into one of confusion. "What for?"
"For listening to me in the first place. For letting and wanting me to go and just for putting me first. For being my dad even though we don't share blood." He shrugged. "Just for everything you've done for me."
"You're always welcome, kid."
Peter hummed. "And in additional thanks, I should probably warn you about the second potato gun the Harley set up in the bathroom to go off after scanning your biometrics."
"Oh that little shit–"
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 1/8
Mobius, a watchmaker, and Loki, a teacher, realize that they are separated by two years of time when they exchange letters from different years in the mailbox of the house on the cliff where Mobius lives. As the two lonely hearts feel they have found their soulmate, will they ever meet?
or the Lakehouse AU that nobody asked for.
This is my very first multi-chapter AU. I hope you'll enjoy it. Chapters will be released on a weekly basis.
3772 words - rating G
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
Tumblr media
When two people "connect" the bond between them can be so pure and simple as to stir hearts in heaven.
When they connect in all the right places at all the wrong times, heaven weeps for broken hearts. To heal these broken hearts, heaven breaks time.
—Blithe Spiritus
Loki took one last look through the rearview mirror at the cottage on the edge of the cliff, which was getting smaller and smaller as he drove away.
Shifting his gaze forward, his face slid to the crate on the passenger seat, where Croki, his pet alligator, was sitting.
"I hope you will like your new home..." Loki sighed.
Then suddenly, he braked abruptly, holding back the cage with one hand as it slid forward. Then he backed the car up.
"Shit. I'm sorry Croc'"
He walked over to the mailbox. He put his hand through the window, opened the mailbox and put an envelope inside. Then his long fingers pulled the red flag in a vertical position, to indicate that there was mail. All this under the eyes of Croki who followed with attention all his gestures.
He tapped the top of the cage, "Come on, this time we're off for good."
He rolled, speeding up, refusing to look at the sign for the tiny village his home was in, New Asgard.  Loki rolled east, the cliff behind him, then passed a sign: New York, 35 miles.
The traffic became heavier as he approached the city.
After maneuvering through the various streets and making his way through the New York traffic, he stopped in front of an apartment building on a busy street. It was a very recent building, cold and sterile. The contrast with the tranquility of New-Asgard was striking.
He parked, got out of the car and took a moment to absorb the change in his surroundings. Then with a sigh, he began to unload his things.
Loki stopped at the steps in front of the entrance to the imposing establishment - September High-School. He inhaled deeply to give himself courage before moving forward, climbing the few steps and pushing open the heavy door. He entered and walked to what appeared to be the front desk where a busy looking secretary was standing.
Loki asked softly, "Excuse me?"
"Just a minute, okay?"
Loki waited a minute, politely, then tried to get the secretary's attention again.
"Ahem... Excuse me, I need to..."
She handed him a stack of paper, while saying, without looking at him, "Just fill this out and wait for me there, okay?"
Loki handed it back to her.
"No, I'm Loki Laufeyson. I'm a new teacher. I was told to report here."
The secretary looked sheepish, "Oh, I'm sorry, Professor. You need to find Principal Romanov. She should be around here. A woman with red hair, dressed in black, you can't miss her."
He did indeed find the Principal in the hallway that the secretary had pointed out.
Natasha Romanov may have looked young to be a high school principal, but everything about her demeanor, her head carriage, her attitude exuded confidence and authority. She walked quickly down the hallway and Loki, though tall, had a hard time keeping up with her.
The principal handed him a large stack of files as soon as they arrived in her office.
"You will be in charge of the sophomores, this morning you will have three classes to teach and three this afternoon."
Loki repeated to be sure, "Three?"
"That's a quiet day, for a first day."
Loki looked a little dazed, he didn't think he was going to jump into the deep end and thought he would have some time to adjust.
The principal turned around, as if she sensed his hesitation, "The teacher you replaced let us down without notice, and it took us a while to find the right replacement, the students lost a lot of time for their final exams. We have to do our best to make sure they pass."
They walked past a student who was sitting alone on a bench, looking sulky. Romanov motioned to a supervisor.
"What's he doing here?"
The supervisor replied, "He was grounded because he took apart a computer to prove Professor Banner wrong and has to do an hour of gym under Professor Odinson's supervision. However, I can't leave the place unattended, and I was waiting for my backup to take him there.
"Peter get up," said principal Romanov in a sharp tone.
The young man stood up, a sulky look on his face.
"Professor Laufeyson, take him to Professor Odinson in the gym and then you can begin your lessons in this class."
The principal pointed to the door of the classroom in question, then turned and walked back to her office, not waiting for an answer.
"Well come with me, Mister...?"
The young boy followed his lead and replied with a pouty tone, "Parker, Peter Parker. »
"Then let's go Mr. Parker, the computer dismantler." replied Loki with a wink.  He knew he couldn't condone what the young man had done, but he couldn't help but find it amusing.
Seeing that the professor didn't look reproachful as he said these words, Peter lost his pout and got a small smile.
"Although I'm curious as to what could have caused you to disassemble a computer."
Peter seemed to come back to life, explained to an amused Loki, that Professor Banner, who taught biology, had said that nothing could compare to the complex construction that was a living being and Peter had wanted to show him the opposite by dismantling the Professor's laptop.
"But I was about to put it back together though, I don't understand why he got so upset."
Loki couldn't help but laugh.
Peter's face frowned because they had arrived at the gym.
They walked through the door and there a giant blonde man came striding in, "Peter Parker, it's been so long! Tell me what you've been up to again." he ruffled Peter's hair who tried to shy away from it, then he held out his hand to Loki who had to hold back a wince at the strength of the professor's grip.
"Professor Odinson, but call me Thor. Nice to meet you. New professor?"
"Yes, I am the new literature professor, Loki Laufeyson, but call me Loki. I'll leave this promising young man to you," He winked at Peter before continuing, "as for me I'll be teaching my first class."
"Welcome here, and good luck!" threw Thor at him before turning back to Peter, "Go change, we'll start with 10 laps running around the basketball court."
Hearing Peter's grumbles, Loki smiled as he walked away.
A few minutes later, he stopped outside his classroom door and took a deep breath.
"It takes a little time to adjust, but most of the students here are exceptional and the teaching staff is really, really nice."
Loki turned to see who had just spoken.
He found himself facing a black man, taller than him, and very impressive. But despite his imposing nature, his smile and eyes were very warm as he held out his hand. "Heimdall, art professor, welcome."
Loki grasped it and replied, "Loki, literature professor."
Heimdall gave a small nod in the direction of the door, "Good luck." then walked away.
Loki, surprisingly relaxed following this little interlude, walked through the classroom door with a confident air, placed his belongings on the desk and with an engaging smile on his lips addressed his first students, "Hello, I am your new literature teacher and I hope we will work well together."
He paused, letting his gaze roam over the entire class before continuing,"O Captain! My Captain! Who knows where that came from? No one? No idea? It's-"
A young boy raised his hand at the back of the classroom.
"Yes Mister...?"
"Keener, Harley Keener."
"All right Mister Keener, I'm listening."
"It's a Walt Whitman poem about Abraham Lincoln. And it's plagiarism of Professor Keating's introduction played by Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society."
Loki didn't lose his confidence at all and replied, "Thank you Mr. Keener. I'm not going to apologize for the plagiarism. I didn't expect anyone to contradict me since this film was released long before you were all born. Thank you, Mr. Keener, for setting me straight. I won't ask you to call me Captain, Sir, or Professor, but simply Loki. Yes, Mr. Keener, Loki, as in the Norse god of mischief... "
The whole class, including Harley, laughed and Loki thought that it wasn't such a bad start.
But he still felt exhausted at the end of the day, and he slumped into the chair at his assigned desk in the teacher's lounge. He leaned in and put his head back, closing his eyes.
"So they've worn you out already?" it was the deep voice, which he recognized as Heimdall's. He opened his eyes to see that the art professor had sat just at the desk next to him.
"Yet the Famous Five keep talking about Loki, the new professor who is super cool. It's been a long time since I've heard a literature professor on such good terms." It was Thor who came to join them and pulled a chair to sit in the space between Heimdall and Loki.
"The Famous Five?"
Thor chuckled before answering, "They're called that because they're always stuffed together, probably five of the smartest minds in this elite school, and as a result always going out on the town to..."
"…the benefit of science." finished Heimdall.
"That's their argument every time they get busted," Thor clarified.
"Who are they?" asked Loki, curious.
"There's Peter who you met this morning, he's in the same class as his two childhood friends Ned and MJ. There's Harley who talked about how you put him in his place, when he thought he had fooled you. Captain my Captain huh?"
Thor chuckled before continuing, "and finally Kamala Khan, the newest one, a little brunette, a ball of energy who always wears a big red scarf, summer and winter and who the other four have taken under their wing."
"Interesting..." replied Loki, thoughtfully.
"Wait until you're the target of their prank and we'll see if you find these kids interesting." said an unknown voice behind him.
"Bruce my friend! Were you able to fix your laptop?" exclaimed Thor with a laugh.
Loki turned around, only to find himself standing in front of a man who was a little older than him. He stood up and held out his hand, "Professor Banner, I presume."
"Am I that famous?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow as he shook the outstretched hand in a firm grip.
"It's mostly that I had the pleasure of taking Peter Parker for his grounding to Thor." replied Loki
"That brat..." harrumphed Bruce. "He's smart... but his habit of proving he's always right..."
The other men laughed in unison.
"So boys? Are we having fun?" a young woman with short blond hair stepped forward and held out her hand, "Carol Danvers, homeroom teacher at this crazy school."
"Nice to meet you," Loki replied, shaking the outstretched hand.
Unaccustomed to being around so many people and especially such friendly people, Loki felt a little overwhelmed and suddenly the fatigue of this first day seemed to fall on his shoulders to the point that he had to stifle a yawn.
Thor patted him on the back and said, "I have an excellent remedy for that."
"What is it?"
Heimdall and Thor high-fived each other and said in unison, "The Bifrost."
At Loki's look of complete incomprehension, Carol explained, "It's a bar two blocks away, good burgers, good beer and for good company, that's us." she finished with a wink.
Loki realized they were inviting him to come with them but he hesitated and finally replied, "Thanks. I better not drink tonight. I'm dead."
Bruce retorted, "We're all dead."
"Yes, but I still have a lot to unpack."
They nodded, and did not seem disappointed by his refusal, even rather understanding. Loki really wasn't used to this kind of company.
Heimdall put his hand on his arm and then said softly, "Next time, then."
Loki, not understanding why his throat was tight, simply nodded.
A little later, they separated in front of the school gates. Loki on one side and the group on the other.
" Bye Loki!"
"See you tomorrow Captain!"
Loki lived only three blocks from the school and soon arrived home. When he entered he realized how sterile and cold his large apartment seemed.
He had not yet had time to unpack all his things and the boxes were scattered everywhere. The first thing he had unpacked was Croki's terrarium, which took up a whole room.
As he closed the door, he heard Croki's typical little paws coming and rubbing against him as usual. He patted his head and headed for the kitchen. Croki was a Cuvier's Dwarf caiman. Loki had once wanted to get a dog, but in the animal shelter he had immediately felt a connection with the animal, perhaps because he was different, like himself.
Loki opened the refrigerator which was desperately empty except for Croki's fish ration. He put it on a plate and put it on the floor while commenting, "Need alligator food. And human too."
He was going to have to do some shopping tomorrow.
After snacking on a bag of chips, exhausted, he took a quick shower before going to his room.
"Good night Croki."
His room was as functional and depressing as the rest of the place. He went to stand in front of the window. Outside it was all stone buildings. It was very difficult to even see the sky. He sighed, "What a view..."
He pulled the blinds and went to bed. Once his head was on the pillow, he fell asleep very quickly, which prevented him from thinking too much about everything he missed.
A red pickup truck passed the New Asgard sign before parking at the side of the path that leads to the house. Its back end was filled with furniture and moving boxes. A mustachioed man with gray hair got out. He walked toward the cottage on the edge of the cliff and stopped, hands on hips, contemplating the view.
He opened the door, looked for the electric power meter. He turned it on and went to turn on the light in the entrance and then in what seemed to be the living room.
Mobius examined the place, satisfied. There wasn't much. A stereo, some books, an armchair. But the bare and cosy furniture matched perfectly with the austere beauty of the small cottage. He looked out the window at the cliff. He was going to like it here.
It took him a good four hours to unload his pickup truck by himself and install just about everything he had brought. Once finished, he grabbed a cold beer that he had put in the cooler and while drinking it quietly walked around the house before getting in the car to go shopping at the local grocery store that he had spotted on his way in.
Once he had gone around the store, with his groceries in his arms, he went to put them on the counter.
The young owner and his wife were behind.
"Hi, are you new around here?" the owner asked him.
Mobius smiled and replied, "More or less. My name is Mobius."
The owner replied, "My name is Clint and this is my wife, Laura."
Laura smiled and added, "You're going to like it. Especially now that the weather is getting warmer." Then pointing to the groceries, she added, "We'll get you some boxes for all that."
"Oh thanks." replied Mobius.
Laura fetched an empty box from a high shelf. Now that she was no longer hidden by the counter, it was obvious that she was pregnant. Clint rushed to her. "No, honey, let me."
Mobius looked at them, feeling moved and at the same time fully aware of his own loneliness. He paid, took his box and left, but not without promising the young couple to return.
He parked in front of the small road with his groceries in the back of the truck and noticed the mailbox with its flag up. He stopped and opened it. There was an envelope.
For the new tenant.
He took in the groceries, put them away, made himself a sandwich tray and taking the letter, he went to sit on the armchair in front of the bay window. He put his tray on a small table next to it, opened the letter and started to read.
Dear new tenant.
Hello and welcome to your new home and congratulations, blah blah blah. You have made an excellent choice, New Asgard is a wonderful place and this house is a gem, as you may have already noticed.
I'm sure you'll love living here as much as I do.
By the way, I'm the former tenant, Loki.
Mobius looked perplexed but also pleasantly surprised.
The post office forwards my mail normally, but if something should happen here, because the post service is what it is and we are never safe, my new address is below. Thank you.
Mobius turned over the letter.
P.S.: Sorry for the pawprints leading to the front door. They were already there when I moved in, as well as the box in the attic. I think it belongs to the owner.
Mobius stared at the letter in amusement and could not help but check the end of the letter.
He went to the front door. The floor was clean. Inside and out.
"What did he talk about?" he scratched the back of his head before heading for the ladder that led to the attic. He opened the hatch, poked his head through and looked around. It was empty. No box.
Mobius went back down, shrugged, crumpled the letter and threw it away.
He finished his meal and went to bed.
The next day, in his clock store, while repairing an antique watch with an extremely complicated mechanism, he couldn't help thinking about the letter and its more or less strange ending when he was interrupted by the doorbell indicating that someone had entered the store.
He put down his tools, wiped his hands, and headed for the store.
"Hey Mobius! I made lunch, shall we share?"
It was the bubbly and somewhat invasive, Sylvie. The owner of the antique gun store right across from him.
He replied, annoyed, because she had interrupted his work that he loved, "I can't, I have urgent work to finish."
"Oh come on Mobius, there's nothing urgent about an old watch."
"It is to its owner."
She made a disappointed pout, "Well, okay..." she sighed and headed for the door, then turned abruptly. "Is it true you bought a house? Where is it? How is it?"
Mobius rolled his eyes, used to Sylvie's chatter.
"It's an isolated cottage, in a small village called New Asgard."
"You're sick to isolate yourself like that!"
"It's what I want and I already feel at home there. And now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get back to my work, which is not urgent." He walked briskly toward his studio, annoyed by the criticism of his choice, and didn't even hear the door close.
In the late afternoon, after his day's work, he decided to repaint the faded fences that lined the small path. The manual work, like his work on watches, helped him to clear his head.
A few hours later, as the day was getting darker, Mobius was kneeling on the steps and applying a new layer of paint to the weathered planks. He finished, satisfied with the result, and began to put his equipment away.
Behind him, a small dwarf alligator trotted along the path. Mobius didn't notice it at first. The alligator sped up and before Mobius could react, he stepped into the paint and left footprints behind him. "Hey!"
Mobius tried to catch the alligator but it ran back inside the house whose door Mobius had left ajar. Mobius was about to follow him, wondering what an alligator was doing here and if he was dangerous, when he suddenly stopped.
On the ground in front of the house, there was a trail of paw prints.
Mobius rushed to the garbage can and searched with determination through his trash when he finally found what he was looking for: Loki's letter.
He stared at it.
Sorry about the footprints leading to the front door. They were already there when I moved in, as was the box in the attic. I think it belongs to the owner.
He remained for a long moment staring at the crumpled note.
Loki went out to have lunch at a place he had spotted not far from the school.
Finding the weather warm, he opened his coat and continued walking.
When he arrived at the place, he sat down on a bench and started to unwrap his sandwich, a book in his hand. He enjoyed this moment of calm, even if the place was crowded on this beautiful day.
Once finished eating, Loki closed his eyes for a moment, letting the sunlight warm him up. Just aware of the surrounding sounds, the water of the fountain, the splashes and laughter of the children playing there, an old man grumbling about global warming, the pigeons landing not far away, hoping to get some crumbs from those who like Loki had decided to have lunch here.
Suddenly, a horrible noise, a high-pitched squeal and a horn made Loki sit up. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.
A few meters away, in front of Loki, a double-decker city bus was trying to stop. It was going pretty fast, although you could tell the driver was trying to brake.
Loki registered it all, the noise, the bus, before noticing the gray-haired man standing directly in the path of the bus. There was nothing to be done, it was inevitable and almost immediate, the man was hit by the bus, and Loki, horrified, saw his distant figure fly ten or fifteen feet into the air before crashing to the sidewalk. The faint sound of the impact reached Loki half a second later, due to the distance.
Loki automatically took out his cell phone and dialed 911. As he walked towards the impact point, he gave all the information to the rescue workers, trying to remain calm.
Once he hung up the phone, he started to run towards the lifeless body.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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potterheadedgeek · 3 years
Fluorescent Adolescent || Draco Malfoy x Reader || Marvel / HP Crossover || Chapter Five: Sorting
Song I based the title off of:
Description: Y/n Stark was sent to Hogwarts as well as Michelle Jones, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Harley Keener, Shuri Udaku, Harry Osborn, and Miles Morales. She knew that she was a witch both her parents, Pepper Potts and Tony Stark, are and they both went to Hogwarts. She was excited, she'd finally get to see her cousins, Ron, Percy, Fred, and George Weasley, again. She met Draco Malfoy and fell for him.
Other: Y/f/i = Your first initial, Y/n = Your name, N/n = Your nickname
Masterlist of all one-shots and stories by me so far
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Professor McGonagall leads all of the first years into the dining hall. You look up at the ceiling, it looks like night sky.
"That's so cool!" Kate exclaims.
"Right a long here please," Professor McGonagall says and gestures to the bottom of the steps and the first years gather around it. Infront you is a hat that looks very worn out. "Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."
Dumbledore stands up, "I have a few start-of-terms notices I wish to announce. The first years, pleas note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also out caretaker, Mr Filch, has ask me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you," He sits back down.
"When I call you name you will com forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head," McGonagall say and pick up the hat and you will be sorted into your houses. She starts listing names alphabetically. The second name to be called is... "Bishop, Kate."
Kate walks to the chair and sits down almost as soon the hat is placed on her head it yells, "GRYFFINDOR!"
The whole Gryffindor table cheers. Kate stands up and walks to the Gryffindor table and sits down.
A few names later, "Granger, Hermione."
You look over at her and she takes a deep breath before walking forward, "Oh, No. Relax." She tells her self and starts walking forward.
"Mental, that one I'm telling you," Ron comments to Harry.
"Aah, right then. Hmm. Right. Ok... GRYFFINDOR!"
The Gryffindor table cheers and Hermione stands up and walks to the table.
"Jones, Michelle," McGonagall calls.
MJ walks to the chair when the hat gets placed on her head it thinks for a minute then "SLYTHERIN!"
The Slytherins cheer as MJ walks towards the Slytherin table.
"Keener, Harley," Professor McGonagall says.
A boy with shaggy hair walk forward. McGonagall places the hat on his head. "Very smart, very creative must be... RAVENCLAW!"
"Leeds, Ned."
Ned walks forward when the hat is placed on his head it take barely three seconds to yell, "HUFFLEPUFF!"
"Malfoy, Draco."
Draco walks towards the chair and sits down, before the hat even touches his head it yells "SLYTHERIN!"
"Morales, Miles."
Miles steps forward, when the hat is placed on his head, "Hmm, I know... GRYFFINDOR!"
Of all the Gryffindors in the room, you hear Kate yell "yes" the loudest.
"Osborn, Harrison," McGonagall calls. (I know his name is not actually Harrison but it is in this fic)
Harry steps up to the chair the hat thinks for a good minute and a half then, "SLYTHERIN!"
"Parker, Peter."
Peter walk to the chair, when the hat gets placed on his head it seems to have a difficult time choosing between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor but at last, "GRYFFINDOR!"
"Potter, Harry," McGonagall says. The whole room goes silent.
Harry walks to the chair and sits down, McGonagall places hat on his head. "Hmm. Difficult, very difficult," it says. "Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent-- Oh, yes-- and a thrist to prove yourself. But where to put you? Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It all in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No? Well, if you're sure... better be... GRYFFINDOR!"
"Stark, Y/n."
You walk up to the chair when you turn around you see Fred and George waving at you. You wave back as you sit down. The hat is placed on your head, "Very ambitious and resourceful. Must be... SLYTHERIN!"
You walk over to the Slytherin table and sit between MJ and Harry.
"Weasley, Ronald."
Ron nervously walks to the chair. The hat is placed in his head. "Ha! Another Weasley, I know just what to do with you... GRYFFINDOR!"
A few more names are listed and they are sorted. Once everyone is sorted Professor McGonagall taps on her goblet with a spoon, "You're attention please."
Dumbledore stands up, "Let the feast begin."
Food appears in the table, including turkey, mashed potatoes, fruit, rolls and some other things that made it look like a Thanksgiving dinner.
"Is it just me or does it look like we're about to celebrate Thanksgiving?" You joke to MJ
"It does," She agrees, while picking up a chicken leg and placing it on her plate.
You pick up what looks like a french fry, "Are these french fries."
"They're chips," Draco responds with a mouth full of french fries.
"No chips are the potato flake things," You respond.
"Those are crisps, these are chips."
"You're wrong but okay," You sneer.
Draco rolls his eyes then takes a bite of a chicken leg.
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