tuttle-did-it · 11 months
I feel like we need a reminder of how perfect Jerry O'Connell's parody of that Tom Cruise video was.
Just, you know. Because.
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ang3lspi-t · 2 years
i have this creepy old customer that likes to say “nice creamin” every time i put cream into his coffee and i hope he trips on a curb
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maddiviner · 1 year
Okay, this should go without saying, but unless you’re some sort of professional with training and support don’t try to infiltrate a cult. This may seem obvious when we’re talking about something like the Church of $cientology or Qanon, but realize that this also includes those creepy Discord servers and other online groups. I know some folks see friends (even online) going in a dangerous direction and think that following is a good way to draw the back out of it. Usually, though, it doesn’t work, and can make things a whole lot worse if you don’t know what you’re doing. So, yeah, please don’t do this.
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vroooom2 · 1 year
Remove Kebab: The Transnational Circulation of Far-Right Memes and The Memory of the Yugoslav Wars
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Cartésienne dans l'âme, Susan Sontag a passé à l'épreuve du doute ses propres conclusions sur la force fragile des images et la nécessité de les contrôler. Les longs mois qu'elle a passés, voilà une décennie, dans une ville de Sarajevo assiégée par les Serbes ont corrodé son pessimisme sur la photographie.
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Du pain béni pour l'Eglise de Scientologie qui traque les images de leurs photographes et les réutilise pour promouvoir les activités de la secte partout dans le monde.
*Castle Kyalami: purchased by the Church of $cientology in March 2008
Est-ce que ces photos et toutes les autres (en vol au-dessus de Paris, le pilote, ses gants, son portrait affiché en grand pendant les 40 ans de l'entreprise -- cf. Vidéo Youtube, le logo du SAMU) permettent d'accroître votre chiffre d'affaires ?
Légalement plusieurs possibilités :
• amiable : demander la suppression de toutes les photos relatives à votre entreprise et ses activités dans la base de données iStock/Getty à la photographe
• lettre du service juridique de l'entreprise pour la demande de suppression de toutes les photos relatives à votre entreprise et ses activités à la photographe et à iStock/Getty : le droit à l'oubli sur internet (cf. CNIL)
• recours à un avocat spécialisé en droit de la propriété intellectuelle sur internet
• supprimer toutes les photos prises par cette photographe : sur internet, les réseaux sociaux (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) et ne plus les utiliser pour quelconque communication privée et publique par votre entreprise et vos employés. L'album photo FB du pilote permet à l'église de scientologie de traquer de nouvelles cibles.
⚠️l'Eglise de Scientologie est déjà en possession de toutes les photos. Si vous les attaquez en justice, ils paieront des avocats très vicieux pour défendre l'utilisation à des fins commerciales de ce qu'ils croient être leur propriété intellectuelle. La limite de la notion juridique libre de droits se situe à qui perçoit l'argent de ces photos in fine. Il ne s'agit pas du prix des photos, la multiplication de quelques cents constitue une valeur financière en soi (discutez avec des traders vous verrez ce qu'ils vous diront sur la valeur d'un cent, un euro, un dollar). Le vrai problème juridique réside dans la question de qui perçoit le profit monétaire de la vente en ligne de ces photos de biens qui ne leur appartiennent pas.
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Very disappointed to see so many people fangirling Tom Cruise. The man is a cult shill.
No, literally. He's a shill for an actual cult.
He knows what $cientology does, how it hurts people, the scam of it, and he still stays with it. On purpose.
This man is not good nor trustworthy.
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back-to-louis · 7 years
Remember when larrie smugness about antis was like “oh, you antis are gonna be so sorry when all the good things start happening for us and we are recognized and called to the right hand of Daddy Tomlinson by name for interpreting all his signs correctly six to twelve months after the fact and after three passes, and you’re all gnashing your teeth in hell unable to enjoy the pureness of our gays!!!!!!”
And now it’s like “CHECK and MATE antis, you said this wasn’t possible but by eliminating whole swathes of reality we have determined our conspiracy theory is even worse than anything we’d said before and we have GOOD REASONS to believe it won’t get better for the indefinite future so how do you like THEM APPLES HUH????!!!!! Fucking jobless children!!!!!!! We win!!!!!!!”
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ostolero · 2 years
with shit like the lds church and church of $cientology demonstrate that you can't like counter entities purely on rhetoric or ideas because they have their own kinds of weapons and institutions that can enact force on people. in the same way you can point out all the contradictions among right wingers until you're blue in the face and it doesn't matter because they have power and weapons
the common liberal approach to counter with "the correct facts" cannot reconcile with this
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Pet Peeve
When you're talking about religious cults (i.e. S cientology) and some Big Brain(tm) individual has to go "aReNt aLl rEliGiOnS cULtS"
Like Becky pls we're having a discussion about cults that openly entrap, exploit, abuse, sometimes murder their members (ie. Jonestown Massacre) and attempt to ruin your life if you try to leave, not your religious mama judging you for your top or whatever.
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filmnoirsbian · 4 years
Hi! about ur post about celebs (not coming to fight just looking for a discussion) i agree about the invasion of privacy but isn't waiting 60 years to talk about a celeb how we get to bill cosby & ellen shit? Like without gossip i wouldnt know lupita nyongo supports jared leto or jim carrey is an asshole to crew members. I dont want to support and give attention to terrible people. Besides that tho, i agree pap stalking and buying info and following their every single move is obessive and gross
I get its not the same thing someone being a dick and assult and harassment but if a pap follows and actor into a $cientology center or a NRA rally, isnt it fair that i get to know that information about someone who gets attention because they portray one version of themselves to me but not the real one? (Again not trying to fight, just kinda explaining how i justify my gossip intake and again i could go without the pregnancy reveals and pics with their families etc.)
Hey honey idk if yall are the same person but im answering these together. So at the end of the day, these things are still symptomatic of a culture that places too much importance on celebrity. Why is fame a source of currency? This is the environment that created the kardashians. Basically what i mean is: why is a terrible thing inherently given more attention and importance when it's done by a celebrity? Or a good thing? Or a minor thing? We give celebrities power on the basis of their being a celebrity and then are surprised when some (most) abuse or misuse that power. Why does an actor going to a scientology church matter more than any other person with any other job? Because we give them a platform. Why do we give them a platform? Because they're an actor. What would happen if we were to deplatform them and treat them like we treat any other worker providing a service? Of course, some will still be bad people and so they will still do bad things, but arguably without the position of power which society's cult of celebrity gives them, this would be both more difficult for them to get away with and they would have less people so willing to defend them on the basis of their fame.
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
i just saw a different thread on eroda and honestly if it turns out that it’s not created by harry but maybe he joined it i’m unstanning cause that’s just another level on creepy and it does resemble like a cult or one of those things you can’t talk about and there are a lot of coincidences and dates that match so pls harry don’t be into that cause that’ll be too much for me cause i’m super scared of these things and who knows? maybe if he’s into that he’ll join Cientology next aka bizarreness
I think your looking waaaaaaay to into it lmao if its not actually for harry or his video then its just weird coincidences hes not in a fake soceity/cult yall 😭
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tuttle-did-it · 10 months
I have been in a youtube rabbit hole watching videos on the evils of Scientology. This is a 'religion' cult that makes you pay hundred of thousands-millions of dollars/pounds/whatever to discover the secret that an alien called Xenu took billions of lifeforms to Earth a prison planet and makes people sign billion-year contracts.
I fell down this rabbit hole with all the news about the NXIVM cult.
Aside from the list of crimes as long as I am tall (or taller, I'm 150cm), this is probably one of the weirder religions cults I've come across.
And then I randomly found out about Raelianism from this article.
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Can someone please pull me out of this rabbit hole of weird cults? I actually have a lot of work to do, and now my youtube algorithms probably think I am in a cult.
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continually amazed by how dead t/om cruise looks behind the eyes. like is there absolutely anything there or does he have any sort of soul or was that the price for joining the cult of s/cientology
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
honestly the only culture or demographic I’d say that I am genuinely bigoted against is mormons & catholics.
and… like… those are literally choices made to be a part of unless you’re brainwashed children who have been forcibly indoctrinated from birth because they’re cults. name one person who was born a faith that wasn’t either who as an adult willingly converted, and wouldn’t also be first in line for .cientology or jonestown. go on, I’ll wait.
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jackalgirl · 2 years
If you're interested in authoritarian control & pseudoscientific pablum, you might be interested in a video about "TeaMi" and its deep entanglement with $cientology.
TL Yarn Crafts nooooooooooo : (
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lost-carcosa · 7 years
A racist, islamophobic, fascist moron retweets another racist, islamophobic, fascist moron.
Let me know when something actually surprising happens.
Like trump finally releasing his tax returns, or at least the bill for his tanning service.
Or Tom Cruise comes out of the closet, denounces $cientology as badly written sci-fi bullshit, promises never to pretend to be an actor again and goes to live as a hermit somewhere no-one has ever heard of.
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back-to-louis · 7 years
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http://kindofsharethat.tumblr.com/post/165156562494/okay-so-youre-telling-me-jamie-foxx-and-katie Always happy to rehash prior arguments as though they have never been addressed, while claiming to know what anti arguments are, and being wrong (strawman fallacy), larries are again crowing about the alleged $cientology contract preventing Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx from revealing their relationship for five years as evidence that larrie is real. This stuff has been covered by antis everywhere, from No, Larry Cannot Be Legally Contractually Closeted, to Any Contract Would Have To Have Been Voluntarily Signed Without Coercion To Be Valid, to A Contract That Requires An Illegal Act (like birth certificate fraud, bribery of medical professionals to sign off on a fraudulent birth certificate, etc.) Is Automatically Invalid, to Larry Could Always Go To Court To Challenge Said Contract If They Wanted Out, to If They Fear Being Sued Or Blackmailed, Outing Them Would Only Ever Hurt Larry So Larries Are Wrong Even If They’re Right. But hey, I’m on a four hour flight right now so I have nothing better to do than dig in a little, so why not. A few notes on this, putting aside the fact that for a group that complains about how a gullible public believes everything they read, the larries were very quick to take this accusation at face value: * If true, this contract is with a a private entity ($cientology) and not a movie studio, management, PR, or a record label, so this is not a transferable accusation to Sony/Syco/modest/JGG/Epic/etc. * the relationship in question is a heterosexual one, so such a contract would not be a matter of LGBTQQIA+ discrimination or forced closeting since it would apply even if Larry were not gay, and therefore fighting or disputing it would not be a measure of queer activism. * Neither Jamie nor Katie claimed to be in relationships with OTHER PEOPLE for the duration of the ccontract, and were not nor would have been contractually obligated to claim relationships with other people who were similarly contracted to pretend to be in relationships with them, unlike the allegations about Eleanor, Danielle, Taylor, Kylie, Tess, Paige, Camille, etc. * neither Jamie nor Katie have claimed to have a child with anyone else let alone fabricated a birth certificate filed with the government of any of the 50 states in an effort to comply with this alleged contract; meanwhile, Suri Cruise is still a real girl and Tom Cruise is still her father. * neither Katie nor Jamie have purportedly sent signs or signals via clothing or stuffed animals to certain enlightened beings who were convinced they WANTED everyone to know about their relationship or their oppressive contracts that they were allegedly fighting to break or legally bring to an end before their term. In conclusion, larries have a yahtzee of a false premise, strawman, cherry picked examples, confirmation bias, and begging the question to result in a whole lot of “gay popstars STILL didn’t talk to you using teddy bears and primary colors for you to out them while you believe they were and are contractually forbidden from revealing their relationship, lying to everyone about their creative processes, and faking being the parents of a toddler who is learning to speak, but feel free to continue to tell one another about the rabbits until next time!”
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