mtg-cards-hourly · 14 days
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Artist: Rob Alexander TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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beverage: ginger ale, fresh oj, ango, and literally the cheapest vodka i could find
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of course i can't even apply to the fpu scholarship cause my average is lower than the minimum required. lol.
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astrometrych · 9 months
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Astronomy #Space #Espace #Astrometry
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iwan1979 · 2 years
https://www.straitstimes.com/business/banking/stanchart-ups-maximum-interest-rate-on-bonusaver-to-788-now-the-highest-of-savings-accounts-here This is now the highest among players here, but customers will need to fulfil a number of criteria. Read more at straitstimes.com.
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If you blended all 7.88 billion people on Earth into a fine goo (density of a human = 985 kg/m3, average human body mass = 62 kg), you would end up with a sphere of human goo just under 1 km wide. This is the what it would look like in the middle of Central Park in NYC.
By Kiwi, a Redditor
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rouge-heichou · 7 months
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Hello Tumblr people!
As I've said on my new blog, I'm retiring from Tumblr. However, I still have a bunch of prints and charms in storage that probably won't see the light of day again. As my Etsy Store has been pretty MIA ever since Crunchyroll struck me. And I'm also not feeling like putting it all back up again.
I don't want neither the prints nor the charms to just rot away and collect dust or just throw them away, there's too much effort that went into them.
so I thought I'd just hand them out.
the idea I had was, packing up some prints, like a random 5-6 of all I have, pack them up and send them to anyone who wants some.
Same goes for Charms, although, it'll be a little less random here, as my evelopes only hold max 2 of them, as well as the Dabi ones being nearly sold out. So heads up for that, it's probably gonna be either Toga or Hawks.
All I ask is for you to cover the shipping. (If you wanna add a little tip or whatever, go for it, but it's not required.)
Shipping Internationally is USD 7.88 (with tracking) Shipping within Germany is EUR 2.70 or EUR 3.95 with tracking added. Edit: Shipping Internationally is USD 4.03 (with tracking) Shipping within Germany is EUR 1.60 with basic tracking or 2.70 with basic tracking + prio.
Payment is either via Ko-Fi or Paypal https://ko-fi.com/rougeheichou Paypal: [email protected]
Obviously I'd need your names and addresses, so if you decide to go via Ko-Fi please make sure to tick the "private message" box when you enter your Info in the message box. An Email Address would be good too so I can notify you when I send the stuff out.
Here's some pictures under the cut:
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ps; yes the manifacturer put Toga on the wrong backing card, but I have plenty to put her into the right ones lol.
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g5mlp · 7 months
New Claire's My Little Pony merch found at Walmart!
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These were found at the Claire's section at Walmart. They are not listed anywhere yet on either the Claire's or Walmart websites. 
Included in this set are earrings, a bow, and bracelets (which are not shown in this post but can be seen here.) They are St. Patrick's Day themed and are $7.88 USD each. 
Only Hitch versions of these exist. 
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Wort, Boggart Auntie
Auntie always knows which berries to lick, which kithkin to trick, and what to do when either goes wrong.
Artist: Larry MacDougall TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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hotclippers · 1 year
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Growing out 7.88
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oncanvas · 2 years
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Fisherman at Saint Ives, Anders Zorn, 1891
Etching 10.94 x 7.88 in. (27.8 x 20 cm) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, NY, USA
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shadow13dickpistons · 7 months
Asimov in 1953: "The world will be too crowded at 8 billion people, everyone will have to live in giant towers! No single family homes!"
Meanwhile, it's 2024, the world is at 7.88 billion, and not only are robots not taking police jobs, but I bought a house last year.
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Libro 7. Diasomnia
Capitulo 7.88
Mapa de celdas
Campamento 01
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-Este lugar…-dijo Silver con Lilia cargado a su espalda- tiene la bandera de la Guardia Imperial del Valle de las Espinas, pero está desierto.
-Ah,-dice Grim- pero parece que hay comida y un botiquín de primeros auxilios.
-Parece -dice Silver- que esto era un punto de parada de la Guardia Imperial que custodiaba esta zona. Haremos un breve descanso y nos pondremos en marcha de inmediato. Si nos lo tomamos con calma, Sebek podría adelantarnos.
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Un hombre con capa de repente les sale al encuentro.
-¡Ahí está!-dice el hombre-¡El General en Jefe y el Huevo del Dragón! Ah…-usa magia de repente- ¡Hielo perforador!
-¡No te lo permitiré!-Silver desvía la magia.-¡Aaah!
-¿Cómo?-grita sorprendido el hombre-¿Has burlado a mi magia?
-¡Ese tipo-comprende Grim-es uno de los magos que convocaron de otros países!
-Eso parece.-confirma Silver- Las clases de Magia Defensiva fueron útiles. Yo os protegeré de su magia. Grim, ¿puedes atacar tú?
-Oh, si.-sonríe Grim- ¡Déjamelo a mí!
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Llueve mucho. El grupo sigue andando bajo la lluvia.
-Oye, Silver-dice Grim-¿seguro que es por aquí? Puedo ver el mar, creo que nos hemos perdido.
-¡Ah!-grita de repente un niño hada-¡Humanos!
-¡…!-Silver se sorprende-¿Será un niño de ese pueblo pesquero? Oye, niño, está lloviendo mucho, es peligroso. Deberías volver a casa.
-Ese que llevas a la espalda…-dice el niño hada ignorándole- ¿no es el General en Jefe?¿Es que…ha perdido contra ti?
-¿Eh…?-Silver se queda sin saber qué decir.- No, eso no es…
-¡Malditos humanos!¡Vosotros…!¡Mi querido General en Jefe!-el niño se enfada y usa su magia.
-¡Ay!-chilla Grim-¡ Ese crío ha usado magia para tirarme piedras!
-¡Es un malentendido!-interviene Silver-¡Vamos en camino de llevar a esta persona al Castillo de lad Escamas Negras!
-¿Eeeh?-el niño no sabe si creerle.
-Ay…-dice de repente Lilia- duele…
-¡Señor Van Rouge!-se sorprende Silver-¿Estaba despierto?
-…rápido…-murmura Lilia- Castillo…Escamad…Negras…
-Ya se ha desmayado otra vez.-dice Grim.- Parecía enojado.
-Eso parece-asiente Silver-¡Necesitamos un médico enseguida! Lo siento, muchacho, no tenemos tiempo para explicaciones, pero no podemos dejar que nos atrapen.-Silver lo mira- Juramos que nunca hemos dañado a esta persona ni a ningún hada.
-…-el niño se queda pensativo.
-Tsk-dice Grim- Sigue mirando hacia aqui, pero ya no ataca.
-Si, parece que nos cree. -asiente Silver- Vamos.
El grupo continúa su camino, pero entonces el niño hada va tras ellos.
-¡Esperad!-grita.-Tengo esta hierba…repele los monstruos. Tomad. Por favor, llevad al General en Jefe al Castillo de las Alas Negras. Prometedlo.
-Gracias.-dice Silver- Te lo prometo. Ahora deberías volver a casa, seguro que tu familia te espera.
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-Oye, -se queja Grim- esta pendiente es cada vez más pronunciada. Yuu, no dejes caer el huevo de Tsunotaro.
Yuu: ¡Pesa mucho!/¡Podrías ayudar tú también!
-¿Estás bien, Yuu?-pregunta Silver- No puedo ver a los enemigos aún, pero hasta entonces, llevaré el huevo durante un tiempo.
-¿Vas a llevar el huevo mientras llevas a Lilia?-se sorprende Grim-¿Es que tu fuerza no tiene límite?
-No es que no me canse.-replica Silver- Pero siento como una extraña fuerza. Quizá sea porque me acuerdo de “aquel día”.
-¿Aquel día?-se extraña Grim.
- El día en que me di cuenta de que Padre y yo no teníamos la misma sangre. Me escapé impulsivamente de casa. Caía una lluvia torrencial, justo como ahora. Aunque había pensado que escaparme era una buena idea, no me esperaba que el clima se pusiera tan áspero y frío. No podía avanzar ni retroceder, así que solo lloré al sentirme perdido… mi padre me salió a buscar y me llevó a sus espaldas de vuelta a casa.-Silver mira a Grim- Así que, aunque suene raro, ahora siento un poco de alegría. Porque -Silver sonríe- he podido cargar con esa misma persona el día de hoy. Esta vez seré yo el que lleve a Padre de vuelta a casa.
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Grim sonríe, pero Silver entonces se para en el camino.
-Grim, Yuu, el agua sale a borbotones, echemos un vistazo. Aunque esté lloviendo, ese agua no está turbia. Podría provenir de un manantial bendecido por las hadas del agua.
-Bueno,-asiente Grim-¡tal vez nos sintamos mejor si bebemos de ese agua!
-Sí.-asiente Silver- Aún nos queda un largo camino, hay que mantenerse hidratados.
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-Oye,-pregunta Grim- ¿de verdad… está Malleus dentro de este huevo? Más que un huevo, esto parece una piedra gigante y brillante.
Algo se agita dentro del huevo.
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Yuu: ¡Algo se ha movido dentro del huevo!/¡Para!¿Y si se rompe?
-Por lo que yo recuerdo, el Señor Malleus siempre se ha visto igual que ahora. ¿Qué tipo de apariencia tendría de niño?
Yuu: yo creo que parecerá un dragón/tal vez tenga apariencia de niño humano
-¡Ah!-dice Silver como dándose cuenta de algo- ¡Quizá es difícil interferir en los sueños de mi padre porque son recuerdos de antes de que Malleus naciese! - empieza a murmurar para sí- La raíz de la magia es la imaginación. Por eso es difícil de controlar para el Señor Malleus cosas que no sabe o no puede imaginar.
-Silver- Grim se cruza de brazos- ¿qué estás murmurando desde hace un rato?
-No…no es nada.-replica Silver.- Ahora no tiene sentido pensar en ello, hay que continuar.
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-Mirad,-dice Grim- allí hay una cabaña.
Entran en la cabaña.
-Parece una cabaña abandonada.-dice Silver- … hay mantas y sábanas. Perfecto, lo usaremos para combatir el frío. Si seguimos congelados, agotaremos nuestra energía. Tomad.-ignora la cara de espanto de Grim- No es momento de preocuparse por la apariencia que tengamos. Poneos esto.
-¡Kyaaa!-grita Grim- ¡Cuánto polvo en mi pelaje!
Yuu: me recuerda al comienzo de vivir en el Dormitorio Destartalado./Grim se ha hecho uno con el polvo.
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tokyogirl07 · 2 years
Watson’s Army Pension and Baker Street Rent
In A Study in Scarlet (Which I think is supposed to take place in 1881?), Watson’s Army pension is 11 shillings and 6 pence a day. 1 Shilling is 12 Pence, thus Watson’s daily pay is 11.5 shillings. 1 Pound is 20 Shillings. 11.5 x 30 days (Average days in a month) is 345 Shillings a month. Divided by 20 is 17.25 Pounds a month. Times that by 12 months means that Watson met Holmes, his annual salary was about 207 Pounds. In today’s money, that’d be about 32,202 Pounds a year, about 619 Pounds a week, or 2,683.5 Pounds a month. Or about $38,470 a year, about $740 a week, and about $3,206 a month. Bonus: Both Holmes and Watson were in their twenties when they met. Hell, Holmes was still taking college classes. According to Murray's Handbook to London As It is, 1879, "’Elegantly furnished rooms’ in [the] West End” (Which is where Baker Street was) were between 4 to 15 Guineas a week. 207 Pounds a year is a little over 4 Pounds a week. 1 Guinea is 1 Pound and 1 Shilling. 11.5 Shillings x 7 days is 80.5 Shillings a week (Or 4 Pounds and a Sixpence a week), which is 3 Guineas, 19 Shillings,  and a Sixpence a week. At minimum, Watson would probably spend about 2 Guineas on rent a week (If we go with the modern 33% of pay on rent rule of thumb). Going halves with Holmes would bring them right at the low end of the average West End weekly rent. Other factors would include how much Watson was actually willing to pay for rent vs his weekly salary, his increase in salary with the books sales and medical consultations, and if he and Holmes shared the money they got for solving cases. (We haven’t gotten there yet, but if the Granada series is to be believed, at one point Holmes is paid the Victorian equivalent of a little over a million dollars before it got doubled to about 2.5 million.) In later books, it sort of seems like Holmes takes over paying the whole rent (he was able to live in Baker Street alone when Watson got married, Watson sold his medical practice when he moved back in and he never had one when he lived at Baker Street). *Shrugs* If you ever wanted to know how much Holmes and Watson payed for rent it’d be about 2 - 7.5 Guineas or 1.05 - 7.88 Pounds a week a piece, which would be 163.34 - 1,225.85 Pounds or $195.13 - $1,464.46 a week a piece today.  Most likely, their rent would be closer to the lower range. So, at minimum in today’s money, 163.34 Pounds a piece ($195.13 a week, $845.56 a month, and $10,146.76 a year) and 326.68 Pounds together per week. ($390.27 a week, $1,691.17 a month, $20,294.04 a year) In other words, at the least, in total they pay more than I do. Historically, the West End is not cheap. Go, Mrs. Hudson.
EDIT: Upon rechecking my figures, I was off on Doctor Watson’s annual income by about 2-3 pounds. Doesn’t really change much though. Also, in today’s money, Watson was making a little over $106 daily. Or almost 88 Pounds.
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theothin · 11 months
Okay yeah I don't think my completionist instincts are strong enough for me to finish these last three seasons anytime soon. That in mind, here's my full rankings for the time being:
Hugtto Precure (2018)
Star Twinkle Precure (2019)
Dokidoki Precure (2013)
Futari wa Precure: Splash Star (2006)
Fresh Precure (2009)
Maho Girls Precure (2016)
Smile Precure (2012)
Kirakira Precure A La Mode (2017)
Tropical-Rouge Precure (2021)
Soaring Sky Precure (2023) [tentative - ongoing]
Heartcatch Precure (2010)
Delicious Party Precure (2022)
Healin' Good Precure (2020)
Suite Precure (2011)
Yes! Precure 5 (2007)
Futari wa Precure: Max Heart (2005)
Futari wa Precure (2004)
Go Princess Precure (2015) [tentative - unfinished]
Yes! Precure 5 Gogo (2008) [tentative - unfinished]
Happiness Charge Precure (2014) [tentative - unfinished]
It seems the MAL average ratings have somewhat different opinions:
#1-2: Heartcatch and Hugtto (7.88)
#3: Go Princess (7.81)
#4: Soaring Sky (7.67)
#5: Star Twinkle (7.56)
#6: Tropical-Rouge (7.44)
#7: Fresh (7.40)
#8: Suite (7.33)
#9: Maho Girls (7.28)
#10: Splash Star (7.23)
#11-12: Yes 5 and Yes 5 Gogo (7.21)
#13: Kirakira (7.16)
#14: Futari wa Precure (7.09)
#15: Max Heart (7.01)
#16: Delicious Party (6.97)
#17: Healin' Good (6.94)
#18: Happiness Charge (6.87)
#19: Smile (6.81)
#20: Dokidoki (6.67)
Okay, I knew Dokidoki got a lot of flack, but the fact that Smile is joining it below Happiness Charge makes me think those two are getting thrown off by their Netflix versions. Still, it's interesting to compare.
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entheognosis · 2 years
If you blended all 7.88 billion people on Earth into a fine goo (density of a human = 985 kg/m3, average human body mass = 62 kg), you would end up with a sphere of human goo just under 1 km wide. This is a visualization of how that would look like in the middle of Central Park in NYC.
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