boringkate · 4 months
Somehow still continually trippy to remember that the United States isn't just a fascist country in a "truly none of us are free under capitalism" type of way (just like us fr) or a "the horrors inflicted upon the world by western imperialism are unending" type of way (just like us fr), but ALSO in a "their incarceration rate is higher than North Korea's" type of way (I knew it was bad, but wtf lol).
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gidle · 1 year
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local shape-shifting alien girl has one of her personalities struggling
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Detective Comics Vol 1 #483
If you ever feel self conscious while writing Brucie because it seems too ridiculous, please know this man sponsored an actual kangaroo race for a case
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dippinpippin · 23 days
why am i making calculations on how much a tour jacket would cost in my currency when they're not even coming here any time soon
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sorribu · 4 months
thinking of turning my pfp into a keychain
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currently how long are bdor and its prequel when combined wordcount wise
you brought up 200k and i am both terrified and intrigued. like thats impressive. i am in awe. i can barely put a sentence together much less that many
Okay let me give you a lay of the land. And before we begin, I just have to say that I am so, so sorry. I gave you such a wrong number.
BDOR Arc 1, as of its official word count right now, is 152,892 words. It’s completely written and ready to be published save chapters 15, 18, 20, 24 (12,000 word chapter that has to go 😱) ch 27-29, and then it’s pretty much smooth sailing (with a few minor edits in there and a few scenes to add) until ch 75-76, which need some tweaking, and then the final ch 78 needs a bit of an adjustment as well, and I may delete it completely. All of these chapters specifically mentioned above are in various stages of editing, but generally the story at this point is solid. The final chapter count will probably be 80-82, because there are a few beats that need to be hit that haven’t been, some characters to flesh out more, and lovely beta reader @needfantasticstories revealed some logic errors that I need to spin up some bullcrap to cover💀. I have 9,000 words of notes for things to change in pages, and about that amount of changes in google docs as well. So I’m estimating 160,000 words for the final product there, if not more.
Arc 2 is where it gets SO dicey. My word count in my final doc right now is 44,424. I have another 6,000 ish words of notes in pages to change/tweak scenes/general scene layouts. I have another 15,884 words that have been digitized but haven’t made it into the final document because they need editing. Add onto that about 30?? Pages handwritten that haven’t even made it that far. I usually get about 600-750 words per page, so let’s tally that up to a generous 45,000 since I write front and back. There is leeway of about 20,000 words in there too, because there’s a big chunk of time (heh) I am considering only hinting at happening, but I have written out in their near entirety.
The thing is, I’ve probably written about half of arc 2 with all of that.
So assuming I keep that 20,000 chunk, and assuming I double my word count as I think I will, the final tally here is nearly 110,000 already, which will probably grow to an estimated 200,000 if not more. I am working on cutting this down XD, so stay tuned. The main plot is generally solid, but there’s a LOT of little subplots I need to wrap up lol.
Prologue: this is a little side thing I meant to just be cute little scenes from Twi and Wild’s past and it got away from me. An official 28,424 words of this are written. I’d say I have another 15 handwritten pages (front and back counted, i should clarify) in various stages of editing, so let’s say a generous 11,250. The thing is, I have a LOT of ideas, and once I finalize arc 1 and arc 2, I’m going to have a lot of free time to dig into this while the other story comes out (I probably need to start updating multiple times a week if I want to get this story out before I turn 90 XD). So this number will most definitely grow, but for now it is an estimated 39,674.
Final estimated word count (if I did the math right and also didn’t underestimate my ability to purple prose), everypony?
396,174 words!!
Oh Lord I don’t think I’d realized before I tallied everything up that it was actually this long. I think this project has run away from me. I just wanted to play with my blorbos not write the next Ancient Greek Epic. What the heck. I need to go lie down.
Also just took 3,500 from the final count because I realized I had double counted a chapter sorry ignore that.
But yeah I am hoping to cut down arc 2, so maybe 350,000? That’s being optimistic in my ability to not be longwinded though.
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marleysfinest · 2 months
sat at my desk with matchsticks holding my eyelids up a la tom and jerry wondering what hell I am in not to have a freezer at work meaning that if I want an iced coffee I have to a) go and buy one or b) have a hot coffee instead
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lover-of-many-things · 8 months
Fast approaching 3 years since I started writing my WIP. It’s still sitting at 120,000 words, haven’t touched it in 8 months, and there’s still so much more story to go 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 part of me wants to start posting it, but I know my track record with not finishing chaptered fics. I’m really gonna try to start working on it again. I want to finish it this year.
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ssruis · 7 days
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I really wanna pull once or twice on the LSH gacha but I hate figuring out pull schedules wxs WLE my BELOATHED
> currently at ~54600 & considering that I was at 30800 after ohe (and I spent 3000 on emu’s birthday gacha) that’s nearly 30000 in one month. But idk how replicable that is.
> I want around 60000 minimum for wxs WLE so I can spark at least 1 card but higher would be ideal
> assuming worst case scenario event wise I think I can get ~1600 per event (400 from story + ~400 from shop + 500 from tier + 300 after live) so 15 events -> 24000. I think I can probably t5000 on the L/N events + MMJ events + best film + tsk4 + rui4 + maybe a vbs event so that’s an extra 5000.
> I forgot that it’s 230 to FC a song on hard+expert not 240 but after neo there’s 49 more songs before wxs WLE -> 11,270 so that’s ~40000 taken care of.
> maybe 1400 from doable master FCs
> another 1000 because I know I can get to lvl290 before then
> this isn’t counting:
> Challenge show rewards
> CR up rewards (shop cards or free pulls/event stamps/achievements/etc)
> card stories
> log in rewards/log in campaigns/social media campaigns
> area convos
> mission rewards
> etc etc
Conclusion: idk I’m pulling anyways. Maybe max 8 total between LSH and HGD. Surely this will go well.
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Finished reading through the most recent draft of The Novel omg that was PAINFUL
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thank god I can now get stuck into the next draft and actually, you know, make it less bad
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tetsuskei · 3 months
“stay still, tsuki.” you grumble to the lanky blond as he shuffles ever so slightly again underneath you. you swear he does it on purpose, a sliver of a smirk adorning pale pink lips as his eyes trace the way your face scrunches up in concentration - after all it’s a very daunting job to be assigned.
long fingers massage at the flesh of your thighs, the very ones straddling his lap before they slide further up, resting on your hips. he’s more than amused, watching the way you almost jut your lower lip out into a pout.
“i’m not doing anything,” he comments slyly, clicking his tongue as he obeys your commands, given in non-verbal gestures so that you can carefully place a contact on his eye, “what’s that look for, princess?”
“you know what it’s for—“ you start to retort but your words are cut short when tsukishima pushes your hips flush against his, halting the way you’re reaching the second contact. you scowl but there’s a soft noise that comes from you in surprise that tsukishima unfortunately doesn’t miss.
“do i know?” tsukishima hums, the dangerous glint in his eyes warning your next words. you sit with bated breath, heat pooling in your lower abdomen the longer your hips sit against him, the urge to rock growing stronger than the urge to slap him.
“you’re thinking too hard,” he suddenly sighs, clicking his tongue again in response to your silence, “i need the other contact to be able to see, dumbass.”
this motherfucker.
hi there sweetheart, happy saturday !! 🌷
YOU !!
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not-lock · 11 months
but um.. maybe because… you an barrel cant cook and… c4l usually doesnt wanna…..?
Barrel can't cook because somehow everything he makes explodes. Whether C4L wants to cook or not, I don't care. I don't need them cooking for me.
And I don't know what you're talking about. The food I make is perfectly fine. I cook efficiently and waste no time in the kitchen. You should know that!
- ⚡️
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jorvikwildhorse · 1 year
halfway through completing Soul Riding, blissfully musing about what i'll name my Rune Runner: Maybe I'll name them Runestone, Wayfinder or Sequoia. That would be cute.
staggering towards completing Soul Riding, on the edge burn out and so tired of catching the corrupted horse that can run through walls and trees 100 times: I'm going to name them Blockhead if i live through this. or Ballbreath. or Everclear, because i need drink.
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catwouthats · 7 months
My feelings about Superman/batman when I only saw some DC movies:
Batman: lowkey didn’t like him.
Superman: didn’t care, but nothing against him
My opinions now that I have read some dc comics (not their comics. Their kid’s comics.):
Batman: like him... Most of the time. He fucked up a lot, but honestly he’s not as bad as I thought. Still… hate some shit his done tho.
Superman: hate.
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skeleton-bat · 1 year
Kinda hate how people are riffing on Enchanted Portals so hard.
It was made by 2 people with zero funds who just loved cuphead so much that they wanted to make their own game inspired by it. It's the literal definition of a passion project and people are shitting and spiting on it.
The fact they even finished it and released it at all is much more than any of us ever could. And the hypocrisy of people saying they want more games or people making games who actually care and are passionate and than there's these 2 people trying their best with literal dirt and people trip them, kick them while they're down, and go haha.
Make your own game with no money and than well talk.
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paranoidgemsbok · 11 months
god i need a rental place to make soap and candles in
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